Incumbentsruletheday inFenwickelection
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
InaFenwickIslandmunicipalelection markedbyhard-foughtcampaignsbetween incumbentsandchallengers,theincumbent towncouncilmemberswhoseseatswereup forgrabsruledonceagainattheballotboxon Saturday,Aug.5.
Topvote-gettersintheelectionwereKurt Zanelotti,372;JaniceBortner,365;Natalie Magdeburger,362;andJacquelineNapolitano, 358.Zanelottiisanewcomertothecouncil. This willbethesecondtwo-yeartermforthe otherthreewinners.
Theothercandidates’totalswereGary Burch,316;BernieMerritt,315;Kristina Clark,312;andJamesC.SimpsonIII,296.
Turnoutwashighforthetownwideelection,at77percent,with719ofthetown’s933 registeredvoterscastingballotsinSaturday’s election.Thetotalincluded311absenteeballots.
Whentheresultswerepostedonthedoor ofthetownhalljustbefore6p.m.onSaturday,thefourwinnersandasmallgroupof their supporterswhoopedandshoutedand beganhuggingeachother.
Selbyvilleconsiders creatingvotingdistricts
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
SelbyvilleTownCouncilmemberswill continuetoexplorecreatingvotingdistricts, eventhoughthematterwastabledduring thisyear’sDelawareGeneralAssembly.
AttheMonday,Aug.7,councilmeeting, MayorRickDuncansaidit“didn’tget throughlegislationthisyearbecausethere arealotofquestions,soitwastabled.But wereachedouttomultipletownsandthe UniversityofDelawaresetsupdistrictsfor alotoftowns,sowewillcontinuetolook intolettingUDdothatforuswhenthe timeisright.”
“Weknowgrowthiscoming,andwe wanttobefairtoallofourresidents,”Dun-
AUGUST 11, 2023 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 20, Issue 32 FREE Sports Central wins World Series Page 71 Fun CIB talks horseshoe crabs Page 32 SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling AnegrettakesalookatthesceneryatJamesFarmlastweek.It’s...well,it’sgoodscenery.Getoutthereandsee.
TheDelawareDepartmentof Transportationwillholdapublic workshopfrom4to7p.m.onTuesday,Aug.15,attheRoxanaVolunteer FireCompany,regardingthereplacementofthebridgeover“theditch”on Route54westofFenwickIsland.
Theprimarypurposeofthemeetingistogainfeedbackfromthepublic on“architecturalenhancements”being consideredforthebridgereplacement project.
Theworkshopwillalsoincludea briefpresentationprovidingupdates ontheplannedconstructionmethod forthebridgereplacementproject. Presentationswillbeginat4:15p.m. and5:45p.m.andwillbefollowedby
Later,hetoldtheCoastalPoint thattheACLUhadraisedquestions aboutfairnesstothemunicipalityif districtswerecreatedthisyear.
“Theywerelookingoutforus,for themunicipalityside,andSen.Gerald Hockeragreed.Wemayhavetoadd onacouplecouncilseats,asfastas we’regrowing.Sowewantedtomake sureeverybodyisrepresented,andwe wantedtomakesurethatiswhatwe wantedandthatwehadthewording right.
“Itwaspushedtooquick.And then,withanewcouncilcomingon, theydidn’tunderstandwhatitwas about,sowewanttobefairtoeverybody.Plus,wehaveseveralnewsubdivisionscomingon,soitneededmore thought,”Duncansaid.
LastNovember,thecouncildiscussedvotingdistrictsandagreedto writearesolutiontoamendthecharterandcreatethem,changingfrom thelongtimepolicyofallcouncil membersbeingelectedat-large.
Thisweek,TownAdministrator StaceyLongtoldtheCoastalPoint thatthecharterchangewasforwarded toHockerandstateReps.Rich CollinsandRonGraytointroduce
anopenforum,allowingthepublicto askquestionsandprovidefeedbackon theproject.
Theworkshoplocationisaccessible tothosewithdisabilities.DelDOT askedthatanyonewhorequiresauxiliaryaidsandservices,suchasqualified interpreters,contacttheagencyby phoneormailoneweekinadvance. Forfurtherinformationcontact DelDOTCommunityRelationsat1800-652-5600(inDelaware)or(302) 760-2080,orwritetoDelDOTCommunityRelationsP.O. Box778, Dover,DE19903.
TheRoxanaVolunteerFireCompanyislocatedat35943ZionChurch Road,Frankford.
“Buttherewereadditionalquestionsthataroseregardingdistrictvotingorat-largevoting,anditwas placedonholduntilthenewmayor andcouncildiscusseditfurther,”she said.
TheresolutionamendsChapter2 oftheTown’scharterconcerningthe structureofgovernment“tocreate electiondistrictsfromwhichTown Councilmembersshallbeelected”and to“identifytheannualelectionprocedureforthetwoelectioncyclesimmediatelyfollowingestablishmentofthe newelectiondistricts.”
“Itseemstobeafairwayofrepresentationforeveryone,”formermayor CliftonMurraysaidduringtheMonday,Nov.7,2022,councilmeeting, whenthechangehadbeendiscussed. FormercouncilmanClarence“Bud” Tinglehadexplainedthattheplan wasforthetowntobedividedinto fourdistricts,basedonthe2020Census.Stateofficialswilldrawamap showingtheboundariesofeachdistrict,hesaid,replyingtoaquestion abouttheprocess.
Alsoatthetime,Councilwoman CarolCarytoldtheCoastalPointthat Hocker“thoughtitwasagoodidea” andsaidhavingvotingdistrictsisnecessary,especiallysincemoreresidents nowliveontheeasternsideoftown.
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CoastalPoint•KerinMagill WinnersoftheFenwickIslandTown CouncilelectionheldonSaturday,Aug. 5,gatheredfollowingthepostingofthe unofficialresultatTownHall.Fromleft, thewinningcandidateswereJacqueline Napolitano,KurtZanelotti,Natalie MagdeburgerandJaniceBortner. Napolitano,MagdeburgerandBortner areincumbents;Zanelottiisanewcomer tothecouncil.
town’scurrentmayor.“Fenwickcame outagainandvotedtoprotectourwonderfullittleplace.”
Zanelottisaid,“I’mveryexcitedto continuethehardworktheseguysput inoverthelasttwoyears.Themain thingwe’relookingforwardtoisgetting thiscommunitybacktogetherasthecohesivelittlesmalltownthatwealllove.”
cameout.We’rehappytohavewon, gratefultothechallengersforcoming out. Ithinkthatweallneedtoworktogether,andIlookforwardtodoing that.”
ClarkandMerrittwereseenreachingouttheirhandstowardseveralofthe winningcandidatestocongratulate them.MagdeburgertoldClarkasthey stoodinfrontoftownhallthatshe wouldfindawayforhertobeinvolved intheTown.
“Iwanttothankthecommunityfor supportingus,”Bortnersaid,“andI’m proudofwhatwe’veaccomplished.I
hopeeveryonewillcometogetherand keepupthegoodworkthatwe’vedone in thelasttwoyears.”
Theelectionresultswerecertifiedby thetown’sBoardofElectionsonMonday,Aug.7.
Thecouncilwillmeetat9a.m.on Wednesday,Aug.16,toreorganize.At thattime,newlyelectedmemberswill besworninandthecouncilwillelect officers,includingmayor/councilpresident,secretaryandtreasurer.ThatmeetingcanalsobeviewedonZoom throughthelinkpostedontheTown website.
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BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
SelbyvillePoliceChiefBrianWilson, duringtheMonday,Aug.7,towncouncil meeting,announcedthattheSussexSafe KidsCoalition—inconjunctionwith thetown’spolicedepartment,theSelbyvilleVolunteerFireCompanyandthe IndianRiverSchoolDistrict—willcollectback-to-schoolitemsforchildren.
Donationscanbetakentothepolice departmentduringregularbusiness hoursonweekdaysandalsotothethird annualLauraMadaraBack-to-School Health Fairfrom10a.m.to1p.m.on Saturday,Aug.19,atthefirehall.
Attheevent,officersgivestudents backpacks,pencils,crayons,waterbottlesandnotebooks.Boothswillbeset upwithinformationaboutstaying healthyandwherehelpisavailable.
TheeventwasnamedforMadara, whowaspresidentoftheSVFCAuxiliaryandamemberofthefirepolice. ShediedinApril2021afterbeinghit byafirepolicetruckwhileshewasat thesceneofavehicleaccident.
EconomicDevelopment Committeediscussed
MayorRickDuncanreportedthat he,TownAdministratorStaceyLong
andCouncilwomanCarolCaryhadmet withBethany-FenwickAreaChamber ofCommerceofficialstodiscussforminganEconomicDevelopmentCommittee.
“Wearemovingforwardwiththat, andwewillappointacommittee,”Duncansaid.
Selbyvilletogetmixed-use district
Planstocreateamixed-usezoning districtinthegrowingtownofSelbyvillewereapprovedbythetown council thisweek,withaunanimous votetohireAECOM,amultinational infrastructureconsultingfirm,and spendupto$12,200forthatcompany tocreatethenewdistrict.
Mixed-usezoningmeansresidential, commercialandindustrialspacesareintegrated.
Longsaidtherewillbemeetings concerninglanduseandregulations, withthecouncilandwiththeplanning commission,andthatitwilltakeabout threemonthstocompleteallthenecessarywork.
“ Thisissomethingnewforus,” DuncanlatertoldtheCoastalPoint.
“Itrequiresalotofthought,coming upwithanewdistrictthathasbusiness, retail,alittlebitofeverything—resi-
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dences,apartmentsaboveorwithinit. AECOMwillcomeupwiththerecommendationandparameters.Wehaveto putitsomewherewherewecanallow changesasweseefit,wherewecan modifyasneeded.
“Ithinkit’sagoodthing,withour neweconomicdevelopmentcommittee. Theyaregung-hoaboutgoingoutand gettingbusinesses,researchingwith somebusinessesonRoute113becomingavailableforpurchase,”Duncan said.
AtitsMarchmeeting,thetown councilhaddiscussedcreatingamixedusedistrict,andatthetime,Duncan hadsaidthatoutsidediningcouldcome toSelbyville,and“asthedowntownis revitalized,thiscouldbethefutureof downtown.”
Finalapprovalforresidential development
Thecouncilunanimouslyapproved finalplansforPhaseIIofCoastalVillages,ownedbyBuntingMacksandlocatedonLighthouseandHudsonroads. ArepresentativefromDavis,Bowen& FriedelInc.ofSalisbury,Md.,wasatthe meetingandtoldthecouncilthatPhase Iwasapprovedtwoyearsagofor702 homesandPhaseIIwillhave254single-familyhomeson125acres.
LongannouncedthatOntheWay Caféhasopenedat38555Dupont Boulevard,atthelocationoftheformer FlamingPizza,whichclosed.
Longsaidanewrestaurantwillalso open andreplacetheformerCactus Caféat38188DupontBoulevard,but detailsonthatweren’tyetavailable.
DuncansaidtheTownwillforma committeetodiscussthesaleof cannabis“andwhichdirectiontheTown shouldmove.”CouncilmanMonroe Hudsonwillbechairmanofthecommittee.Anumberoflocalmunicipalities havemovedrecentlytorestrictmarijuana-relatedbusinesseswithintheir municipallimits,afterpassageoflaws legalizing adultrecreationaluseofmarijuanainbothDelawareandMaryland.
Duncanalsoaskedthecouncilthis weektocontinuesupportinghiringadditionalstafftoworkfortheTown.
“Aswereviewthedepartments,this isagoodopportunitytostartlooking. Therehasbeenalotofconversation aboutaddingstaff,”Duncansaid.
Healsoaskedcouncilmembersto conservewaterandpromoteconservationamongresidents,especiallyifthey noticewastefulpractices,suchasrunning irrigationsystemsduringarainstorm.Theyshouldalsoremind residentsnottoletgrassclippingsfall intodrains,hesaid.
DatechangeforSeptember councilmeeting
BecauseoftheLaborDayholidayon Monday,Sept.4,thenexttowncouncil meetingwillbeat6p.m.onMonday, Sept.11.
SoilConservationDistrict meetingasuccess
DuncanpronouncedtheJuly19 publicinformationsessionwiththe SussexSoilConservationDistrictasuccessandsaiditwaswell-attendedby
4 CoastalPoint August11,2023
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BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
DNRECthisweekconfirmedplans todredgetheIndianRivernearMillsborowithinthenextyear.Butinthe meantime,boatsaregettingstuckinthe mud,withoneboaterwhowasstranded withhisfamilyformorethantwohours lastweeksoaggravated,hesaid,thathe consideredsellinghissummerhome.
thoserepresentinglocalhomeowners’ associations.
“Itwasagoodmeeting.Alotof progresswasmade,andwewillcontinue tolookatthat,”hesaid.
Duringthesession,attheSVFCfire hall,JessicaWatsonfromSoilConservationtoldthoseintheaudiencethat theorganizationistheirresource“to makesurestormwatermanagementfacilitiesareworkingasplanned.”
TheTownofSelbyvillemonitorsresidentialdevelopmentsfromcurbto curb.Then,fromthere,itistheresponsibilityofhomeowners’associations, Longhadtoldawomanintheaudience whoaskedabouttheTown’srole.SidewalksareownedbytheHOA,shesaid. Foroneyearafteradevelopmentisfinished,theresponsibilityisthedeveloper’s,thentheHOA’s,Longexplained.
SoilConservationalsomonitorserosion,Watsonsaid,warningagainst mowinggrasstooshort,ahabitthat causeserosion.Instead,sherecommendedleavingagrassybuffernear waterbodies.
“Wearepro-bufferforwaterquality. If youmowtothewater’sedge,youwill haveerosion.Youcanhaveaquaticvege-
becauseweboughtonthecanalsowe couldgoboating,andnowthishappened. Wehavetocomebackhomebeforethe lowtide.Lastweek,wehadtocutitshort withourdaughterandourgrandchildren,”saidJimMolloy,aLongIslandresidentwithasecondhomeinDelaware.
Later,hesaid,hechangedhismind aboutmoving,buthestillwantstosee thewaterwaycleared.
MichaelGlobetti,mediarelations managerforDNREC,thisweekcon-
tationandlesschemicalsinponds,and youwillseemorewildlife.An18-inch bufferisOK,butthewider,thebetter. Andbufferscanbequitebeautiful.They canbeenhanced.Whenwehavea healthysystem,you’regoingtosee wildlife.Iencourageyoutohaveanomowareaorabuffertoreduceerosion,” shesaid,addingthatbirdboxes,fountainsandfloweringvegetationcanbe added.
Wilson,whilepresentingthe monthlypolicereport,saidofficersrespondedto290callsduringJulyand made16criminalarrests.
Officerswillhelpdistributeschool suppliesattheannualMadaraBack-toSchoolHealthFaironAug.19atthe SVFCfirehall.
CouncilmanMonroeHudsonasked Wilson“tocontinuetokeepaneyeon” theinstallationofspeedcamerasin town,whowillinstallthemandhow theywillbeused,andWilsonagreed.
CouncilmanChrisSnader,while presentingthemonthlyHazardousInspectionCommitteereport,saidadilapidatedpropertyat11DukesStreet
firmedupcomingdredginginane-mail replytotheCoastalPoint.
“Thereiswidespreadsedimentation overasectionoftheIndianRivernear Millsboro,”heacknowledged,saying thatDNREC’sshorelineandwaterway managementsection“isworkingtowardplansforasmall-scaledredging projecttherewithinthenextyearand foralarger-scaledredgingprojectat thatsectionoftherivermorethana yearfromnow.”
hasbeensold,andthenewownerhas beguncleaningtheproperty.Snader saidheandLongwillmeetwiththe newowner.
Duncansaidthepropertyalready looksbetter.
CouncilmanGarySteffen,whilepresentingthemonthlywaterreport,said 11.8milliongallonsofwaterwereused inJuly,andthattheTown’ssupplycontinues tobesupplementedbypurchasingwater.
InpresentingthemonthlyPublic Worksreport,SteffensaidPublic Worksemployeesarekeepingcatch
“But,meantime,itkindofputsa damperonyourday,”saidMolloy, whoseneighborsnearCupolaParkin Millsboroalsocomplainaboutgetting stuck.Itwasthoseneighborswhocalled CompassMarineServicestogethis pontoonboattowed.
CompassMarinesupervisorBeth BattenthisweektoldtheCoastalPoint thatvendorsuseherSarasota,Fla.-
basinsclean,sprayingweedsandcutting grass.
Snader,whilepresentingthemonthly sewerreport,saidthedailyflowpeaked at1.2milliongallonsandthatallequipmentisoperational.
Pumpreplacementisnecessaryatthe ChurchStreetPumpStation,hesaid, making amotiontoapprovespending $31,798.50tobuyanewpump.The councilunanimouslyagreed.
TownEngineerJasonLoarsaidthat isthelargestpumpstationandthat therehavebeencontinuingproblems withthepumpforreasonsincluding facemasksallegedlybeingputintothe sewagesystembyMountaireFarmsemployees.
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basedcompany,whichcalledanairboat tohelpMolloyafteraregulartowboat alsogotstuck.
“Theseairboatshaveenormousfans ontheback,sothereisnomotorhangingovertheedge—noin-board.It pushessomuchairitpropelstheboat. Ourcompanydispatchesthem.WedispatchfortheentireUnitedStatesfor insurancecompanies.Iftheyhavea towingendorsement,theycallus.We facilitateitandgetthemwhatthey need,”sheexplained.
“Whenyouhitsand,themotorstarts slowingdown,”Molloynoted.“Itstarts kickingupmudinsteadofwater,soyou pullthemotoruprightaway.Wehada goodideawhatwashappening.Then wejuststopped,”hesaid,addingthathe waswithhiswife,daughterandtwo grandchildrenonasix-hourboatingexcursionandendedupstuckformore thantwohours.Theboatwasn’tdamaged,duetothemudbeingsoft,hesaid.
“Foryearsnow,thoseofusthatboat fromornearCupolaParkinMillsboro havehadtodealwithasituationthat couldquitepossiblyleadtoadisaster foranunknowingboater,”Philiptold theCoastalPoint.
“Thereisasmallbodyofwaterthat isjusteastofMillsborothathastobe
navigatedtogetinandout.Mostofus thatliveherehavelearnedtheunmarkedpassageforcomingandgoing. Westillseefolksthatdon’tknowthe pathgetstuck.Thesafesttimetodepart orreturnisat,ornear,hightide.So, withthatsaid,boatersthatarenotfamiliar withtheroutewillcomefrom downriverortheIndianRiverBay withoutrealizingthattheyareaboutto enteratrap.
“‘Trap’isthewordIusetodescribe whatishappening.Therearechannel markersmeanttoassistboaters,meant toshowasafepassage.However,ifyou don’tknowbetterandgothroughthe markers,youhaveaveryhighriskof gettingstuck.Thesaferoute,onthefar eastendofwhatwecalltheMudFlats, isoutsideofthemarkers.Boatersget stuckalmostonadailybasisonthe weekends,”Philipsaid.
HesaidDNREChaspromised dredgingyearafteryear,“andithasn’t happenedtheentirefive-plusyearsI havelivedinMillsboro.”
“Ifaboaterwastogetstuckwhenthe tideisebbing,theycouldbestuckforup to10hoursorlonger,waitingforthe tidetoriseagain,givingthemachance tofreethemselvesfromthemud.We havehadneighborstrytobringwaterto stuckboatersusingkayaks,andthey werenotabletoreach theboat,”said Philip,whomovedtotheMillsboroarea in2017andboughtaboatthenextyear.
“Theysaidtheyweregoingto dredge.Thenthedredgebroke.Itsat
infrontofmyhouse,broken.…The nextyear,theyhadotherprojectsin thequeueandtheyhadtogothrough themThenextyearwasCOVID,so nothingwashappeningduring COVID.Thentheyweregoingtorebuildtheswamplandbythesewage treatmentplant.Theyneverdidit.I talkedtosomeoneatDNREC,and thatpersonsaidtheU.S.ArmyCorps ofEngineersdidnotapprovetheplan torebuildtheswamplands,”Philip said,addingthattheexperiencehas been“awheelofexcuses.”
Althoughhehasn’tgivenuponthe areabeingdredgedandsaidheunderstandsthereisaprocess,hewantstosee action.
“If theycan’tdredgeanytimesoon, putupwarningsignsso,wherethey markedthechannel,youcanuseit.Because,rightnow,youcan’t—because thechannelhasshifted,”hesaid.
Molloysaidthisisthefirstyearhe has boatedintheriverandthathe,too, followedthechannelmarkersbutstill wentaground.
“Themarkersarenotright.Everybodywholivesheretellsmeaboutit. Thatriverwassupposedtobedredged twoyearsago,”hesaid,addingthathe sentane-mailtoDNRECandreceived areplyconfirmingitwillbedonebythe endoftheyear.
“Everybodytoldusitwaslow,butwe figuredifwestayedbetweenthemarkerswe’dbeOK.Wewerecertainlysurprised,”Molloysaid.
Winding Peace
One of two paintings on Ellen’s easels, this luminescent oil is waiting for a heron to make its appearance.
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ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
TheFrankfordPoliceDepartment willgetaboostfromAmericanRescue PlanAct(ARPA)followingthetown council’svotetoallocatenearlyhalfof theTown’sfederalCOVID-19relief fundstothepolicedepartment.
Thecouncilvotedunanimouslyon Monday,Aug.7,toallocate$240,000 tothepolicedepartment,whichcurrentlyconsistsofChiefKevinSmith andoneotherfull-timeofficer,Cpl. BethBruette,aswellastwopart-time officers,MeganLoulouandKevin Dorney.
Frankford receivedatotalof $448,089inARPAfunds,intwoinstallments.ThefundsmustbeallocatedbyDecember2024andexpended
byDecember2026,accordingtorules oftheprogram,whichwasdesignedto helpmunicipalitiesrecoverfromimpactsoftheyears-longCOVID-19 pandemic,whichbeganinMarch 2020.
Thecouncilhadpreviouslydiscussedtheuseofthefundstohelpbolsteritspolicedepartment —particularlyinthewakeoftwoannexationsintothetown,withthedevelopmentofthosepropertiesexpected tosubstantiallyincreasethetown’s populationinthecomingyears.The councilhadconsultedwithastate-appointedconsultanttobesurethatits plantoallocatethe$240,000tothe policedepartmentfellwithinguidelinesfortheuseofthefunds.
ThehiringofBruetteearlierthis summerwasenabledbytheadditionof
thefunds,whichwereincludedin Frankford’sbudgetforitsupcoming year.AfterthatallocationoftheARPA funds,about$110,000remainsforthe Towntospend.
FrankfordPublicLibraryDirector BonnieElliotttoldthecouncilthis weekthatshefeelstheadditionof Bruettehasbeen“ablessing”tothelibraryandthetownalready,citingher assistancewitharecentincidentinthe library.
InotherbusinessatMonday’smeeting,thecouncilcontinuedtodiscuss theneedforsidewalkimprovements, withthemainissuesstillbeinghowto fundtheimprovementsandhowto prioritizethem.
TownCouncilPresidentGreg Welchsaidtheprioritizationofwhich streetstofocusattentiononisdifficult
because“whenyoupickonestreet, you’reexcludingalltheothers,”andhe acknowledgedthattheneedforsidewalkimprovementisatownwideissue. “That’saprettygrandproject,” Welchsaid.
Thecouncilalsodiscussedthepossibilityofchangingitssignageordinancetoreflectthedifferentneedsof businessesalongRoute113,suchasthe newDollarGeneralstore,whichhas requestedalargersignthanthe4-by8-footsizethatisthecurrentmaximumpermitted.
BoardofAdjustmentChairman KyleQuillensaidthat,inadditionto thesizedifference,theDollarGeneral storeisseekingaheightvariancefor thesign,whichhesaidisunderstandable,sincetrafficonthehighwayis travelingfasterthanitisinotherareas oftownandneedsmorevisiblesignage.
TheBoardofAdjustmentapproved avariancefortheDollarGeneralsign, allowingasignthatis50.63square feet.
Millvilleapproves pediatricdentristyoffice
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
TheMillvilleTownCouncilon Tuesday,Aug.8,approvedfinalplansfor apediatricdentistryofficeonRoute26. Thecouncilvoted4-0infavorofthe plans,submittedbyDr.Jennifer Dicerbo,ownerofCoastalKidsPediatricDentistry.Theirapprovalfollows therecommendationfromMillville’s Planning&ZoningCommissionon Oct.13,2022,toapprovetheplans. Thesitehadpreviouslybeenapprovedforacarwash,butthoseplans werelaterabandoned.Whenthatprojectwasgoingthroughtheapproval process,thestateDepartmentofTransportationhadawrittenagreementwith theDollarGeneral,whichisadjacentto theproposeddentalofficesite,toshare itsentrancewiththeotherproject.
JeffreyClarkofLandTechLand Planning,representingDicerbo,toldthe planningcommissionatthattimethat DelDOThadrequiredsomeadditional improvementstotheentrance,including anewcurvedright-turnlaneanda newsidewalkalongtheentireRoute26 frontageoftheproperty.
A“visualbuffer”isalsoplannedbetweentheofficebuildingandDenton Millsresidentialdevelopment.
DelDOTplanstoeventuallyconstructastoplightattheintersectionof Route26andWhitesNeckRoad, acrossfromthenewoffice.
8 CoastalPoint August11,2023
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
OnJuly15,DelawareInterfaith Power&LighthosteditsReNew scholarshipawardsceremonyinDover tohonorhighschoolstudentsfrom aroundthestatefortheirsmart,impassionedessaysontheuniqueroleof youthonclimateaction,theirgrowing concernsoverenvironmentalinjustice andtheirpersonalsenseofconnectednesswiththenaturalworld.Atotalof 10studentsreceivedspecialrecognitions,aswellas$8,000incashawards, fortheirwinningsubmissions,including threetopprizesandsevenhonorable mentions.
“CharanjeetSinghMinhasandLisa Lockewerethetwopeoplewhofigured outweshouldbetryingtoreachyoung people,andsotheReNewscholarship wasborn,”saidJohnSykes,amemberof theUnitarianChurchinRehoboth BeachwhofoundedtheDel-IPL.
“TheReNewScholarshipisnowin itssecondyear,”saidLocke,aretiredexecutivedirectorofDel-IPL,whoserved sevenyearsandnowmanagesthescholarship program.“Wehad44students whosubmittedtheiressaysandmore participationfromschoolsaroundthe statethisyearthanbefore.Ihadexperiencedoingthesetypesofwritingcontestsandwantedourorganizationto hosttheessaywiththeschoolsandour faithcommunities.”
Wednesday,Aug.9,thatheis“excited” toseethedentalofficebuilt,bothfrom bothaestheticandcommunity-service perspectives.
Constructiononthenewone-story officeisexpectedtobecompletedin aboutayear,Belinkosaid.Plansarefor additionalofficestobeavailableforrent withinthebuilding,henoted.
“It’sreallygoingtofitinwell,”with neighboringbusinessesandbeanasset tothecommunity,headded.
Belinkosaidhefeltthatneighborsin DentonMillswerehappiertoseethe dental officethantheywereaboutthe prospectofacarwashnexttotheirdevelopment.Hesaidtheadditionofthe specializedpediatricdentistryofficewill helpmeetaneedforsuchservices.
“We’reagrowingcommunity,”he said,addingthatwiththatgrowth comestheneedformoreservices.
Hesaidtheprojecthadbeen“held up”withdelayscausedbytheneedfor DelDOTtore-evaluatethenewproject and,“Wedidn’twanttoholdthemup anylonger,”sothecouncilheldthevote Tuesdayasitsonlyagendaitemforthat meeting.
becomespoken-wordpresentationson video,andstudentsinterestedinenteringtheReNewScholarshipfornext yearshouldchecktheDel-IPLwebsite or withtheirschoolcollegecounselor.
DelawareSecretaryofEducation MarkHolodicksaidattheJulyceremony,“Wemustcontinuetoacttogetherandunderstandthatclimate sciencedoesn’tjusthappeninscience class.Itshouldalsobepartofsocial studies,mathematics,English,thearts andmore.Youarehelpingtomake senseofourcommunitiesandchanges thataretakingplaceonourplanet,”he toldthestudents.“Thankyouforyour hardwork,andcongratulationsagainon youraccomplishments.”
“Itwasnotalwaysattheforefront foryouth,”saidSinghMinhas,whoisa technologyconsultantwhohelpedfund thescholarship.“Thereareotheryouth takingthelead,andwebelievetheycan begreatatlobbyingwiththelegislators. Wewantedtogivethemanopportunity tospeakout.”
Heagreedthattheparticipationof theschoolsandtheteacherinvolvement in teachingclimatesciencehasbeen muchhigherthisyear.
Infirstplace,wasJonDongofTower HillHighSchool;insecondplacewas ZahraAli,NewarkCharterHigh School;inthirdplacewasSarahMcMann,St.Mark’sHighSchool.
OtherReNewhonorees,withalarge representationfromNewarkCharter—
whosestudentswonhalfofthescholarshipcashawards—included:Aaliyah Sheikh,NewarkCharterHighSchool; ChelseaWetherill,NewarkCharter HighSchool;JuliaLogue,CapeHenlopen HighSchool;EllaZhao,Newark CharterHighSchool;LexiCebula,Cab CallowaySchooloftheArts;Sahithi Immadi,MOTCharterSchool;Isabella Anderson,CaesarRodneyHighSchool; AlyssaMolock,SussexTechnicalHigh School;DanielleWaters,Homeschooled;HasyaSagiraju,Newark CharterHighSchool;XiwenYang, ConradSchoolsofScience;William Dorsch,CapeHenlopenHighSchool; FrankHanson,ConradSchoolsofScience;KourtneyWarren,NewarkChar-
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 9 We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds Free Game Night Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Del-IPLhonorsscholarshiprecipients SeeSCHOLARSHIPSpage10
TheDelawareCenterfortheInland Bays(CIB)isinvitingthepublicto learnabouthowtheCIBanditspartnersareworkingtobuildthetoolsfor coastalresilienceattheupcomingScientific&TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee(STAC)meetingonAug.11from9 a.m.tonoon.Themeetingwillbe hostedvirtually,viaZoom.
STACmeetingsareanopportunity forresidentstolearnaboutlocalenvironmentalissuesandparticipateindiscussionsaboutthelatestresearchinthe Inland Baysandbeyond.Thecommitteeprovidesobjective,science-driven adviceandguidancetotheCenter’s BoardofDirectorsandothercooperatingagencieswithinterestsintheInland Bays.
Severalscienceprofessionalswillgive presentationsattheAugustmeeting.
Kickingthingsoff,MeghanNoeFellows,directorofEstuaryScienceand RestorationfortheCIB;Bryanna Lisiewski,watershedcoordinator;and MarkNardiwiththeU.S.Geological Surveywillprovideupdatesonthe CIB’sEnvironmentalMonitoringPlan, aswellasSTACsubcommitteeupdates.
Newmemberpresentationsanda presentationontheDelawareTargeting &PlanningToolbyBrittanySturgisof DNRECwillbefollowedbyaCoastal ResiliencePanelwithpanelists ChristopheTulou(CIB),AshleyNorton(DNRECCoastalProgramsSection),DanielleSwallow(Universityof DelawareSeaGrant),RahmMohan (Anchor)andWillHelt(TheNature Conservancy).
Thepanelistswillsharetheirinsights andperspectivesregardingcollectively
managingresilienceunderchanging conditionsandhowtheCIBshould considerprioritizinglivingresourceand shorelinerestorationprojectsin Delaware’sInlandBays.
“Asthelowest-lyingportionofthe lowest-lyingstateintheUnitedStates, ourDelawareInlandBaysfaceamultitudeofchallengesposedbyrisingseas, sinkingland,stormsurgesfromincreasinglypowerfulhurricanesandnor’easters,andrapidlyerodingshorelines,”said Tulou,executivedirectoroftheCIB. “TheCIBiscommittedtoworking throughitsScienceandTechnicalAdvisoryCouncil(STAC)tofindanduse thebestscienceavailabletorespondand adapttoourchangingenvironment. Thisisanall-handseffort,andweencourageinterestedwatershedresidents tojoinusonAug.11forthisveryim-
portantandinformativediscussionon beefingupourreadinessforthesereal andpresentchallenges.”
Thepublicisbeingencouragedto attendthevirtualmeetingat; (passcode“science”).Tojoinbyphone, dial1-646-876-9923andenterthe meetingID“94861776056”.
Adraftagenda,aswellasadditional informationaboutthecommitteeand pastmeetings,canbefoundontheCIB
TheDelawareCenterfortheInland Baysisanonprofitorganizationestablished in1994andisoneof28National EstuaryPrograms.Withitspartners, theCIBworkstopreserve,protectand restoreDelaware’sInlandBaysandtheir watershed.Learnmoreat
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
TheGreaterMillsboroChamberof Commercewillopeninitsnew,larger andmorevisiblelocation,at203Main Street—theformerGreaterMillsboroArtLeaguebuilding—onMon-
TheformerChamberoffice,at102 WashingtonStreet,hasbeenrentedto TheGateofBeautifulsalon.
“Oh,mygosh—wearesoexcited aboutthemove.Thisgivesusabetter presencedowntown,”ChamberExecutiveDirectorAnneAngelsaidthis
“Wearedoingaback-to-school supplydriveforMillsboroMiddle School.Thedrop-offlocationisour office.Iwantpeopletocomeinand seeit.ThesupplydrivewillbeAug. 14to28.Comeover.Seeit.We paintedandcleanedthecarpets.We
arenotgoingtodoanyrenovations rightaway.Wewillliveinitforalittle bitandthendosomethingslater,” Angelsaid,addingthatsheisresearchingavailablegrantstopayfor renovations.
See CHAMBERpage12
terHighSchool;JunhaoXiao,Newark CharterHighSchool;KaitlynMayer, CabCallowaySchooloftheArts;Raina Lakhani,CaesarRodneyHighSchool; HaasiniPotluri,TowerHillHigh School;GaryGuo,DoverHighSchool; DanielleKeenan,ArchmereAcademy; MelinaLeeds,AppoquiniminkHigh School;ShreyaDeepak,NewarkCharterHighSchool;CathyHaoquiLi, TowerHillHighSchool;AuroraFennemore,Home-schooled;KieraKyeiMensah,St.Mary’sHighSchool; SidrishaSarbajna,NewarkCharter High School;LukeHadley,Newark CharterHighSchool;AutumnCulp, CaesarRodneyHighSchool;Raymond Chen,AppoquiniminkHighSchool; SienaFarka,SussexAcademy;Stacey Harrison,NewarkHighSchool;Ava Smoak,NewarkHighSchool;Roshik Patibandla,MOTCharterHigh School;AlexanderOkenzcyc,Tower HillHighSchool;AnaumAllimulla, NewarkCharterHighSchool;Wendy SantanaMedina,NewarkHighSchool; WendySantanaMedina,NewarkHigh School;AanyaGupta,NewarkCharter High School;SubikshaSrinivasan Vidya,CharterSchoolofWilmington; RhysHumphreys,SussexAcademy; AyomipoAdeojo,NewarkCharter HighSchool;andSudipaChowdhury, NewarkCharterHighSchool.
10 CoastalPoint August11,2023 302-539-7676 116 Garfield Pkwy.Bethany Beach (Next to Rhodes 5 & 10) Everything Is Better With Old Bay On It! Rhodes 5 &10 Over 40 Chair Styles Including Telescope 54 Years 1969-2023 Lowest Prices including Online on Old-fashioned, Rental Type, Wooden Pole Umbrellas Up to 7.5ft Wide in 20 colors Huge Selection of In atables $50 Purchase of Any Chair or Umbrella One Coupon per person. Thru August 31st $5OFF NO SALES TAX! Sandals & Flip Flops • T-Shirts Life is Good • Salt Life • Reef Old Guys Rule • Vineyard Vines • Lulu B YETI, Swig • Unique Gifts Puzzles & More We’ve Got It All! Tees, Sweats, Hats and so much more Visit Us Online | 118 Garfield Pkwy. • Bethany Beach • 302-539-9191 ALL CLOTHING 50% OFF Excludes Hats, Socks & Shoes
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sues,andisaconstantpresenceat meetingsandworkshopswithinhis city.”
“Thisknowledgeofhowtheserelationshipsworkisgoingtobenefit usgoingforward”inworkingwith theTownsofMillvilleandOcean View,Johnsonsaid,“e nsuringwe continuetoprovidethebestEMS caretoourcitizensandourvisitors toourcommunity.”
WilsonhasalsoservedasafireinstructorfortheDelawareStateFire Schoolsince1988andatrainingadministratorsince2015.
JohnsonalsolaudedHickman’s leadershipintheinterimbetween Watson’sdepartureandWilson’sarrival.
“Withouthesitation,hestepped upwhenasked,andwecan’tthank himenoughforthejobhe’sdonefor us,”Johnsonsaid.
“WelcometoMillville.I’msuperexcitedforyou,”MillvilleVolunteer FireCompanyPresidentGregory Hockersaid.“Iknowthatyou’re goingtodoafantasticjobforus. There’snodoubtinmymind.I’ve seenyourleadershipthroughoutthe countyandatthestatelevelaswell, andI’mveryexcitedforyoutobea partofthisgroup, thisteam.”
Wilsonsaidheis“trulyhumbled” bytheopportunityhe’sbeengivenin theMillvillefirecompany.
JackWilson,left,thenewEmergencyMedicalServiceschieffortheMillvilleVolunteerFireCompany,startedhisnewposition onMonday,Aug.7.ShownwithWilsonatthefirehouseareFireChiefWaltJohnson,center,andTylerHickman,amemberofthe station’scareerEMSstaffwhoservedasactingEMSchiefafterthedepartureofformerEMSChiefJohnWatson.
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
ThenewEmergencyMedical ServiceschiefattheMillvilleVolunteerFireCompanyarrivedathispost onMonday,Aug.7,andimmediately begantogettoknowhisnewcommunity.
JohnC.“Jack”WilsonIIIcomesto MillvillefromSeaford,wherehelives andiscurrentlychiefofthefirecompany.His40-yearcareerinemergencyservicesincludestimeatthe WilmingtonFireDepartment,and 25yearswithDoverMotorsports— wherehewastheinfieldsafetycoordinatorandsafetytrainingcoordinator,havingstartedatthespeedwayas apit-roadfirefighterandadvancedto
InJune,aftertheMillsboroTown CouncilapprovedtheChamberrentingthebuildingfromtheTown, AngeltoldtheCoastalPointthatthe newbuildinghasmorespacetohost
extricationspecialistandthento crewchiefforNASCA Revents.
Wilson,whobecameacertified NASCARinstructorin2007,will leadthe15-personstaffofcareer EMTsatMillville.OnMonday,he attendedapublicreceptionatwhich hewasintroducedtocommunity leaders,includingMillvilleMayor RonaldBelinkoandTownManager DeborahBotchieandOceanView MayorJohnReddingtonandTown ManagerCarolHouck,leadersofthe twoincorporatedtownsservedbythe Millvillefirecompany,aswellasfire companyleadershipfromtheMillvilleandBethanyBeachfirecompanies.
“It’sabrick,standalonebuilding, andyouhavetopassitonMain Street.Thereisalittleparkinginthe back.Wecanhaveeventsthere,like CoffeeConnects,LunchandLearns, BusinessAfterHours,becauseitholds maybe50people.
firechief,said,“Wearelookingforwardtohavinghimhere.…Weare veryfortunatetobeabletogethim here.”
RickardsalsothankedTylerHickman,whohasservedasactingEMS chiefsincethedepartureofJohn Watsonearlierthisyear.Hickmanis alsofirechiefoftheBethanyBeach VolunteerFireCompany.
MVFCFireChiefWaltJohnson saidWilson’sexperience“willbenefit usforyearstocome,”andthatheis confidentthatJohnson’sleadership experience—particularlyaschiefof theSeafordfiredepartment—will behelpfulas“heworkshand-in-hand withstateandlocalofficialsonall aspectsofEMSandfire-relatedis-
“Wearegrowing,”sheadded.“We arebecomingalotmoreinvolved and rootedinthecommunity.Andasthe townofMillsborochanges,wedefinitelywanttohavemorevisibilityand beaplacewherememberscangather,” saidAngel,whotookoverasexecutive directoronMarch17.
“Ireally,trulyappreciateTyler’s patiencewithme.He’sbeenagreat mentorandagreatteacherinthelast fewdays.”
“Onethingaboutme,”Wilson said,“isI’mverycommittedtocommunity,verycommittedtomaking surethefireservicethrives.Iunderstandthere’schangesgoingoninthe future”inthetwogrowingcommunitiestheMillvillefirecompanyserves. “Icomefromfourgenerationsinthe volunteersystem,”aswellaspartof threegenerationsofcareerfireservice,withhissonnowonstaffinthe Wilmingtonfiredepartment.
“Myvolunteerbloodgoesway back,likealotofyouhere,andI’m verypassionateabouthowthe Delawarefireserviceworks.I’m super-psychedaboutworkingwith thisstaff,”Wilsonsaid.“I’mhoping thatwecanprovideapassionate,caring,lovingsystemtotheMillville community.”
AnewsignwiththeChamberlogo, phonenumberandwebsiteaddress willbelocatedatthenewbuilding. openfrom9a.m.to2p.m.weekdays. Aribboncuttingwillbeplannedinthe fall.
12 CoastalPoint August11,2023
CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Editorial Thestaff
Selbyvilleappearstobeatowninabitofatransition,andwith thatcomessomeinherentplusesandminuses.
Onthenegativeside,tomany,isawordthatiscertainlyinthetop fiveintermsofpromotingareactionaroundhere:“growth.”And,yes, therearesomenewdevelopmentscomingtoSelbyville,including PhaseIIofCoastalVillages,whichreceivedunanimousapproval fromtheSelbyvilleTownCouncilearlierthisweek.Thiswilladd254 single-familyhomestothe702thatwereapprovedforPhaseItwo yearsago.
Buttherearesomepositivesto“growth”aswell,andSelbyvilleofficialsappeartobeembracingthoseforthebettermentofthetownas awhole.Forinstance,alsoattheAug.7meetingthisweek,Mayor RickDuncanreportedthathe,TownAdministratorStaceyLong andCouncilwomanCarolCaryhadmetwithofficialsfromthe
Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceregardingtheformationofanEconomicDevelopmentCommittee.Duncansaidat themeetingthattheywillbegoingforwardwiththatplan,and“We willappointacommittee.”
It’simportanttopointoutthatofficialsalsoapprovedamixed-use zoningdistrictintowntoblendtogetherresidential,commercialandindustrialspacesinanintegratedmanner.TheyhavehiredAECOM,an infrastructureconsultingfirm,tohelpwiththecreationofthedistrict.
“Ithinkit’sagoodthing,withourneweconomicdevelopment committee,”saidDuncan.“Theyaregung-hoaboutgoingoutand gettingbusinesses,researchingwithsomebusinessesonRoute113 becomingavailableforpurchase.”
Selbyvillehasaplanforgrowth,andit’sastart.Nowwehaveto seethatmarriagebetweengrowthandinfrastructurework.
Perhapsit’sthesymbioticrelationshipbetweenmanandnaturethatbringsalevelofcalmtomysoul,orthe“thrillofthe chase”thatcausesmetofocusinalittlebitmorethanmyscatteredlittlemindtypicallyallows,but there’s,well,something—andit’scertainlynotthesenseofsatisfactionIreceivefrom“bringinginthebigone.”
Castorandherpartyreportedlymovedthepackageaboard theirvessel,shemarkedthegeographiclocationonhersmartwatch,andtheyheadedbacktotheirrentalpropertyasthey calledtheMonroeCountySheriff’sOffice,pertheUPIstory.
Thepackageendedupbeingabout70 poundsofcocaine,valuedatapproximately$1.1million,accordingtoBorder Patrolauthorities.
ButIstillloveit.Ienjoythepairingof baitandprey,thesoundsofwaterand squawkingbirds,andtheanticipationthat takesholdasyouwatchyourlinesubmergeintothewater,hopingagainsthopethatyou’reabouttofeelthattug,watchthe bowingofyourrodandtakeontheexerciseoftryingtobringin whateverfounditswaytoyourhookbeforeitgetsaway,swimmingawaytoitsswankyfishcommunityandbraggingaboutthe fatbaldguywhojustlosthisbaitandcomposureinaninstant.
Darin J. McCann
“Myfamilywasalittleworried,like whatiftherewasatracker[onit]or somethinglikethat?Isaid,‘Well,thebatteriesaredeadifthathappened,’”Castor said,accordingtoFOX13.
Iswear.Thosefishgetsocockyandhighandmightywhen theystealmy...
So,yeah,I’mnotagreatfisherman—youknow,inthesame waythatNewCokemarketersandJebBush’sadvisorsweren’t particularlygoodatwhattheydid.I’vebroughtupmoreseaweed,branchesandde-riggedlinesthanfishoverthecourseof myanglingadventures,andcan’treallyeventellagoodstory about“theonethatgotaway”becauseI’veneverevenbeena goodenoughfishermantohaveateaseatagood-sizedfish.
AndIhaveneveroncecaughtmorethanamilliondollars’ worthofdrugs.
WhichbringsmetoTampaBayMayorJaneCastor.The62year-oldformerTampapolicechief-turned-mayorhashadaninterestingprofessionalcareer.AformerRepublicanwhobecamea Democratin2015,Castorhasbeenmayorsince2019andannouncedatthetimethatshewouldbepaidinBitcoin.And whenoutfishingformahi-mahifromaboatonJuly23,Castor andherpartysawsomethingthatgrabbedtheirattention,accordingtoUPI.
“Whileotherfamilymemberswereperplexedbythepackage bobbingintheocean,Castor—whospent31yearsinthe TampaPoliceDepartment,includingasitsfirstwomanchief— saidsheknewwhatitwas,”perthestory.
“Weappreciatetheongoingsupportfromourboatingcommunity,”saidAssistantChiefPatrolAgentAdamHoffner. “Thankstotheeffortsofthisgoodsamaritan,70poundsofcocaineareinfederalcustodyandoffourstreets.Weencouragethe communitytoimmediatelyreportsuspiciousactivitytolocalauthorities.”
Nobodyeverthanksmeforgettingridofsomeofthatpesky seaweedwhenI’mfishing.Justsaying.
Regardless,that’snotnecessarilythestrangestthingtobe broughtupfromthedepthsofthesea(orthewading-leveldepth ofacreekorlagoon,orwhatevertheheckbodyofwateryou happentobeanglingin).
TakeMustaphaAbdulwahab,forexample.No,thisisn’ta HennyYoungman“take-my-wife”bit.Imean,let’sconsiderthe factthatMustaphaAbdulwahabcaughtacoffeemakerwhile fishinginAustralia,
OrMooseMunozfromOregon,whocaughtapairofglasses helosttheyearbefore, fromTexascaughtanunopenedcanofViennasausages,accordingtothatsamearticle.Andperhapstheoddestcatchofallgoes toafellowbythenameofBarryHunter.,HunterwasfishingintheNorth Seain2007whenhepulledaskullfragmentoutofhisnet.Understandablyperplexed,Hunteralertedauthorities,andforensic testsconfirmedthattheskullbelongedtoBrianAllison,who hadgonemissingwhilefishingin2004.
Readyforthis?HunterandAllisonwerebestfriendsbefore Allison’sboathadgonedownthreeyearsearlier,provingonce andforallthatyoujustneverknowwhatwillcomeupwhenyou dropaline.
Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970. Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission. Point of No
August11,2023 Page13
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
Imean,Iwasgoingtobuyoneanyway.Theshirtinquestionwasinthe “merchtent”atsingerBrandiCarlile’s sold-outshowattheFreemanArts PavilionlastFridaynight.HowcouldI not?
Seriously:Howoftendoyougetto buyaconcertteeatashowbyaper-
formerwhois“havingamoment”right now?
(ForthosenotfamiliarwiththistalentedWashington-statenative,Carlile iscurrentlytouringwithP!nk,fouryears af terwinningherfirstGrammysanda yearaftershewonBestRockSongand BestRockPerformancefor“Broken Horses.”Shealsoperformed“Home”in thepenultimateepisodeoftheTVseries“TedLasso.”Sheis,inaword, “hot.”)
HowoftendoyougettobuyaconcertteeforanartistlikethatinSelbyville,Del.—youknow,thekindof shirtthathastheconcertlocations listedontheback?
Iwasgoingtobuyadifferentshirt.It wasanicelong-sleevedblackteewitha cool rainbow-ishgraphic.
ThenIsawit.Rightthereinthe middleofthelefthandcolumnofthe listofconcertcitiesonthebackofthe shirt.BetweenNewYorkandPitts-
“SELBYVILLE,DE.”(Note:Itdoes notsayWestFenwick.Thereisnosuch place.IsaidwhatIsaid.)
DavidR.Legates SpecialtotheCoastalPoint
MarkTwainwasoncequotedassaying,“Reportsofmydeathhavebeen greatlyexaggerated.”Unfortunately,the samecanbesaidoftheelectricvehicle (EV)mandateinDelawareasIhave
heardseveralRepublicanscomment thatwewonthefight.
AftertheGOPheldfivetownhall meetingstofosteradiscussionofthe EVmandatewithSecretaryGarvinof theDepartmentofNaturalResources andEnvironmentalControl(DNREC), DaveStevensonoftheCaesarRodney
Marvel’s Moon Girl Book Launch Party
Institute,andme,theRepublicansinitiatedtwobillstoattempttostopthe DNRECSecretaryfromunilaterally adoptingtheCaliforniastandardsregardingrestrictionofthesaleoffossilfuel-poweredcarsandtrucks.
Thefirst,SenateBill96(SB96), wouldhaveprohibitedtheDNREC SecretaryfromadoptingCalifornia’s rulestodecreaseslowlytheproportion ofgas-poweredvehiclesdeliveredtoautomobiledealerstozeroby2035.SB96 was proposedbySenatorBrianPettyjohnandco-sponsoredbyeveryRepublicanintheHouseandtheSenate. ThebillwasintroducedonApril19but wastabledbytheEnvironment,Energy &TransportationCommitteeinthe Senateand,thus,wasnevervotedupon.
AsecondbillwasproposedbyHouse MinorityLeaderMichaelRamoneand
wouldrequireDNRECtopauseapplicationoftheCaliforniaAirQuality RegulationsinDelawareuntilareport oftheirfiscalimpactsonDelaware could beobtained.Thus,thisbillwould requireanyEVmandatebeapprovedby theGeneralAssembly.AswithSB96, HouseResolution17(HR17)hadcosponsorshipfromeveryRepublican memberoftheHouse.HR17wasintroducedintotheHouseonJune22and enjoyedbi-partisansupportwithallRepublicansandtwoDemocratsvotingfor thebill.Nevertheless,HR17wasdefeatedbyavoteof22-to-17thatsame day.
SomesawtheEVmandateashaving nothingtodowiththeState’sgoalof reducingcarbondioxideemissionsby50
Thisshirt,well,itwasn’toneof“my” colors—kindofagoldish-browncolor, withdarkbrownwriting.(Itreminded meofthecolorofwoodpanelingmy dad,whousedtosellthestuffback SeeMAGILLpage15 SeeLEGATESpage18
14 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Book Reading & Signing Event with Author Michelle Meadows Saturday, August 19 • 4 p.m. Rehoboth Elem. School 500 Stockley St. Rehoboth Beach, DE Celebrating the launch of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: One Girl Can Make a Difference, a children’s book based on the animated Disney TV show! All ages are welcome! Book sales at the event by Kids’ Ketch and Tidepool Toys & Games
Summer Hours Thursday-Monday 10-5 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online @piecesonmain Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Come Experience Autentíco, the Charm of Chalk Tuesday and Wednesday Closed/Open by Chance StaffColumn Reportergratefulforcatchingastarathome GuestColumns LegatesweighsinonEVmandate,process
whenadornedeveryAmericanhome, called“baby-poopbrown.”Excepthe didn’tsay“poop.”)
ThegraphicwithBrandiCarlile’s namedoeshaveakindofcool’70svibe, though.
However,Ireallyboughttheshirt becauseitsaid“SELBYVILLE,DE.” Again,howcouldInot?
Adaylater,asIwritethis,Istillcan’t believethatCarlilegracedtheFreeman ArtsPavilionstage.Atthestartofthe acousticshow,inwhichshewasaccompaniedonlybyherguitarsandapiano (andonafewsongs,byherwife, Catherine),Carlilecameoutinoneof hertrademarkpantsuits,grinnedatthe poncho-cladcrowdandsaid,“Youpeoplearef-ingamazing.”
PattiGrimes,Freeman’sexecutivedirector,saidthisweekthattheyhadbeen pursuingCarlileforfouryears,hoping tobringhertotheSelbyvillevenue.
“Forlargerartists,itmaytakeseveral yearstohaveroutinganddatesthat cometogether,”Grimessaid.
“Wewerebeyondthrilledtolearn thisyearBrandihadan‘offnight’and wouldconsidera‘one-off’concert,”she said.
“Whatmadeitevenmorespecialfor uswasthatitwasacoustic,whichgave patronstheopportunitytoseeBrandi performandtellherstoriesinanintimateatmosphere.Despitetheweather, itwasatrulymagicalevening,”Grimes said.“Onewehopeourpatronsand Brandiwillrememberforalifetime.”
Althoughshewasunderthestage canopy,whichkepther(relatively)dry, theaudiencewas(very)wet,asithad beenrainingprettysteadilyforcloseto twohoursbythetimehershowstarted. Severaltimesduringtheshow,Carlile expressedhergratitudetotheaudience astherainseemedtosettleinforalong summersoaker.
Beforetheshowevenstarted,Idecidedthatifithadtobeshortenedor canceledduetofoulweather,Iwasstill happy.I’darrivedaboutthreehoursbeforetheshowstartedand,alongwith thestaffandvolunteerswho’dbeen tricklingin,about20ofussittinginline at theentranceweretreatedtoasoundcheckinwhichCarlileplayedthrough severalofthesongsonhersetlist.
Whenshestartedtosing“Closerto Fine”—theIndigoGirlsanthemthat’s havingitsownmomentasoneofthe signaturesongsinthe“Barbie”movie— thestrengthandclarityofhervoice cameoverthespeakersasitsownforce ofnature.Peoplestoodintheparking lotandapplauded.Imayhaveactually tearedupalittle—thatsonghasalways beenoneofmyfavorites,andCarlile’s versionisjustbeautiful.
IfirstsawCarlileon“SaturdayNight Live”almostayearago.Iguessyou couldsayI’malatebloomer,sinceshe hadherfirsthitin2007.(Ihada3year-oldanda13-year-oldthatyear.I’m
thinkingCarlile,amotheroftwonow herself,wouldforgivemeformissing herentrance.)ButIbecameafanthat night,andeversinceIhavesoughtout hermusiconeveryplatformIcanfind.
OntheDecember2022“SNL” episode,sheswitchesfromacousticto electricguitarmid-songas“TheStory” changestempoandintensifies—kind ofliketheweatherlastFridaynightin Selbyville.
AtonepointduringtheFreeman stageconcert,Carliletoldthecrowd theywerewitnessingsomethingspecial.
“Ithinkthisisoneofthetopfive wettestshowsI’veeverdone,”shesaid. Thenshecorrectedherself:“No.Top threewettestshows.”Which,ofcourse, gotwildapplausefromthenowdrenchedbuthappyaudience.
Sherecalledashowthatherfriend JoniMitchell—withwhomshehas nowperformedseveraltimes,including Mitchell’smuch-heraldedreturntothe stageinNewport,R.I.,following
Mitchell’slengthyrecoveryfromabrain aneurysm—toldherabout,during whichthesoundofrain,capturedona 1970staperecorderduringoneofher shows,becamealmostanotherinstrumentduringtheperformance.
Asthewindpickedupandblewabit ofrainontothestage,Carlilesaidshe kindofwishedsomeonecouldcapture the soundoftherainandwindaround hersoitcouldbepartofhermusicfor alltime.The“older”folksinthecrowd knewexactlywhatshemeantwhenshe describedthe“clunk”theoldcassette recordersmadewhenyouturnedthem on.
Alittlelater,though,sheworriedshe mightfallonherkeesteronthewet stagefloorandaskedhercrewtobring out“atowelorsomething”—they broughtmops—tosaveherfromapotentially“embarrassing”mishap.
Duringthenearlytwo-hourshow, Car lileswitchedeffortlesslyfromangelicballadstorockinganthems,and
thecrowdsangalong,sometimes coachedbyher,sectionbysection,but moreoftenwithoutanypromptingat all.
Shesaidatonepointthat,while arenashows—suchastheonessheis currentlyperforminginwithP!ink— are“wild,”sheneedsthemoreintimate experiencesofshowsliketheoneatthe Freemanstage“toreconnectwiththe words”ofhermusic.Thewordsin Carlile’ssongspaintpicturesofemotions—fromthejoyfulgratefulness withwhichshepondersmotherhoodin “TheMother”totherawearthinessof “TheJoke,”inwhichshebringsmarginalizedvoicestothestagewithherand givesthemthepowertoovercometheir oppressors.
Asonefinalgifttotherain-soaked crowd,Carliledispensedwithwhatshe calledthe“B.S.”ofencores—wherethe encoreisbuiltintotheshow,asisthe
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 15
Summermaybecomingtoaclose,but theRehobothArtLeague’sexhibition scheduleisstillheatingup.Visitorstothe RALcanenjoythreeshowsthroughout AugustandSeptemberthatcouldjust sparktheirowncreativity.
RebeccaRaubacherbringsnewworks totheleague,andJimRehakhasasolo showtitled“EasternShorePleinAir.”The RAL’spotterystudioiscelebratedin“Form andFunction.”AllexhibitionsareondisplayfromAug.25toSept.24.
OntheeveningofAug.25,from5to7 p.m.,theleaguewillbehostingreceptions forallthenewexhibitions,invitinganyone interestedtovisittheCorkran,Tubbs,VenturesandHomesteadgalleriestoseethe displays.
RaubacherreturnstotheRehobothArt Leaguewithanew,expansivebodyofwork, fillingboththeCorkranandTubbsGalleries.Raubacher’slarge-scaleworkranges fromdrawingsofthenaturalworldandanimalkingdomtofigurepaintingsofpsychologicalintrospection.
“Theartist’srelationshiptopaperand canvasisever-evolving,asistheexecution ofmarkmaking,”RALrepresentativessaid. “Raubacherwillincorporateavarietyof mediumswithinasinglecompositionfor largepaintings,whileimagesofthenatural worldmayuseonlyablacklineonawhite surface.”
Theexhibitconsistsofnewwork Raubacherhascreatedinthelastfewyears.
OnSaturday,Aug.26at10a.m.,she willgiveafreeGalleryTalktothepublic. Shewilldiscusshercareerasanartist,as wellastheevolutionofhercreativeprocess, surroundedbythepiecesinhersoloexhibition.
Aspartofits85thAnniversarycelebration,theartleagueishostingavarietyof exhibitionsanddisplaysthatshowcasesits history.Thismonth,theVenturesgallery willbehousinganexhibitionthatcele-
bratestheleague’spotterystudio,called “FormandFunction:RehobothArt LeaguePotteryStudio.”
Sincetheleague’sfirstceramicclassin 1946,thepotterystudiohasbeenanintegralpartofRAL’seducationprogramand continuestobeanindependentworkspace formemberartists.Theshowcasewillfeatureselectedworksforsalefromcurrent members.AllworkwascreatedintheRAL potterystudio,withafocusonfunctional ceramics.Inaddition,itemsfromthepotterystudioandothermemorabiliathatare nowpartofRAL’scollectionswillalsobe
ThehistoricHomesteadbuildingwill hostRehak’ssoloexhibition“EasternShore PleinAir,”anexhibitofoilsthatoffers Rehak’sindividualinterpretationofthe Delmarvalandscape.FollowinginthetraditionoftheImpressionists,thepaintings are“allaprima”(wetonwet),directly paintedfromlife.
“Anartist’sresponsetonature,lightand everythingarounduscanbeexpressedin paint…andeachartist’sresponseisunique. Pleinairpaintinginparticularallowsforan intuitiveandpersonalinterpretationas
demonstratedinJim’sshow,”representatives said.
TheRALisinvitingthepublictoan openingreceptionforallfourshowsonFriday,Aug.25,from5to7p.m.Theexhibitionsarefreeandopentoeveryoneduring theregulargalleryhoursofMonday throughSaturday,10a.m.to4p.m.,and Sunday,noonto4p.m.
Foradditionalinformationaboutthis exhibit,theartleague,itsclasses,memberships,eventsandexhibitions,visitthewebsiteatRehobothArtLeague.orgorcall (302)227-8408.
16 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Featuring Bassett’s Hand-Dipped Ice Cream Open Thursday - Sunday • 5-9pm 38430 Resort RV Circle, Ocean View, just off Cedar Neck Rd. Try our Cookie Sandwich Floats • Sorbets Sundaes • Milkshakes Frozen Doggie Treats The SweetShoppe OPEN WED–SUN 10–7PM •Steamed Crabs •Shrimp & Lobsters •Key Lime Pie •Crab Cakes •Maryland Crab Soup •Fresh Fish Market 539-4311 Crab Orders 539-4403 30447 Cedar Neck Road Ocean View 1/2 Mile From Coastal Hwy. & Rt. 26 RALwelcomesbackRaubacherandRehak
CoastalPoint•Submitted AphotoofAmelieSloanandRichardGafffney,fromtheRALcollections,workingintheRAL’spotterystudioin1980.
Explore our Monterey model today and learn why homebuyers love Cardinal Grove.
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August11,2023 CoastalPoint 17
percentinlessthansix-and-a-halfyears (i.e.,by2030)andbecoming“net-zero” (i.e.,nonetgreenhousegasemissions fromtheState)by2050inavainattempttominimizeglobalclimate change;rather,thissimplywasanissue whererulesaffectingpeople’sliveswere beingmadebyanunelectedgovernmentalofficial(i.e.,theSecretaryof DNREC)ratherthantheStatelegislature.Thosewhoheldthisviewmustbe pleasantlysurprised,eventhoughSB96 andHR17wentunenacted.Why?
Becauseanotherbillpassedwithbipartisansupport.HouseBill99,better knownasTheDelawareClimate ChangeSolutionsActof2023,“estab-
theateroftheartist’sdeparturefrom andreturntothestage.“I’mjustgonna keepplaying,”shesaid.
Ifshehadplayedanotherhouror two,I’mthinkingthefolksinaudience atFreemanthatnightwouldhavehung withher.Heck,itstoppedrainingfor thefinal20minutesorsoofhershow, andtheywerealreadywet.Whynot?
LastFridaynightatFreemanfelt likeanewbeginningforSussexCounty asanentertainmentvenue.Yearsago, famousperformersincludingRay
lishesastatutorytargetofgreenhouse gasemissionsreductionsoverthe mediumandlongtermtomitigatethe adverseeffectsofclimatechangedueto anthropogenicgreenhousegasemissions ontheState.”Moreover,HB99“creates climatechangeofficersincertainkey cabinet-leveldepartmentswhowillassistDNRECintheongoingimplementationoftheClimateActionPlan[and] requiresStateagenciestoconsiderclimatechangeindecision-making,rulemaking,andprocurement.”HB99 passedtheHouse27-to-13andinthe Senateby15-to-5.IntheHouse,bipartisansupportforHB99wasafforded byGOPRepresentativesHensleyand Smithwhobothvotedinfavorofthe ClimateChangeSolutionsAct.An amendmentspecificallytorequirethat
Charles,ArethaFranklin,EllaFitzgerald, JamesBrownandThomas“Fats” WallercametoDelawaretoperformat theRosedaleBeachHotel&Resorton theIndianRiverBaynearMillsboro (whereGullPointislocatednow).At thetime,RosedaleBeachwasoneofthe fewresortsthatwasopentoBlackand indigenouspeoples,whowouldcome fromalloverthecountry.
Rosedaledeclinedinpopularitywith desegregation,butovertheyearssince, SussexCountyhashostedtheoccasionalcelebrity,musicalorotherwise.Of course,manyescapetoSussexCounty tovacationonitsbeaches,evenifthey
“thischapterdoesnotconferauthority to Stateagenciestopromulgateor amendregulations”wasrejectedinthe Houseonapurepartyvoteof15-to-25. WhatdoesthismeanforDelaware anditsEVmandate?Delaware’sClimateActionPlannotesthatthelargest in-statesourceofgreenhousegasemissionscomesfromthetransportation sectorat61percent.Thus,iftheStateis toreducegreenhousegasemissionsby 50percentinjust6-and-a-halfyears, theremustbeanEVmandate.Butthe ClimateChangeSolutionsActof2023 authorizesDNRECtoimplementthe State’sClimateActionPlananditrequiresStateagenciestotaketheinitiativetoconsiderclimatechangeinall
don’tperformhere.(Justoneexample: Foryears,rockerDaveGrohlvacationed withhisfamilyinDeweyBeacharound thistimeeveryyear.FunlandGrohl sightingswereamuch-anticipatedsummereventforpatronsandemployees— mydaughtermighthaveafewstories.)
ButwithCarlile’ssold-outappearanceontheFreemanArtsPavilion stage,itseemslikewe’vehitanew phase.Itfeelsnice—abitodd,butnice —toseeSelbyvillelistedonaconcert T-shirt.KudostothefolksatFreeman forworkingwhatevermagictheyhadto worktobringherhere.We’rereadyfor ourclose-up,Mr.DeMille.
18 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant
Sun •
Indoor & Outdoor Dining
Wed -
Continuedfrompage14 SeeLEGATESpage20
33697 Halford Circle, Lewes, DE 19958
BEDS: 5 | BATH: 4 Full, 1 Half | HEATED SQ. FEET: 3,998
This home features:
•Extended professional kitchen
•Cafe appliances with pot
•Luxury primary bathroom with deck
•2nd primary suite
•Tech nook
•Car charging station
•Screen porch next to an open deck with outdoor kitchen
•Extended rec room with bar and patio area
•Located in a completed section of the community
•Only a short walk to amenities
33718 Halford Circle, Lewes, DE 19958
BEDS: 4 | BATH: 3 Full, 1 Half |
This home features:
•Chef's kitchen with quartz countertops, farmhouse sink, and oversized pantry
•State-of-the-art appliances, including Wolf gas range and sub-zero refrigerator
•Primary bath with freestanding tub
•Fireplace flanked by deluxe built-ins
•Home o ce with built-ins
•Mudroom with built-ins
•Upgraded laundry with quartz countertops and front load GE washer/ dryer
•Courtyard with a grill and wood-burning fireplace
•Open space behind the homesite
| 302.226.1994
©2023 Schell Brothers
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 19
ByMichelleHarris SBADelawareDistrictDirector
TheAtlantichurricaneseasonruns fromJune1toNov.30eachyear.In August,warmoceantemperatures throughouttheregionarethenorm, whichcantriggerandintensifytropical stormsandhurricanes.Basedon DelawareEmergencyManagement Agency(DEMA)reporting,weknow
thattheydo.Moreover,itexpandsthe bureaucracybycreatingacadreof‘climatechangeofficers’acrosstheExecutiveBranchtoassistDNRECinits implementationoftheClimateAction Plan.Andallthistransferofpowerto thevariousstateagencieswasafforded byavoteoftheStatelegislaturewhich hasgrantedDNRECthepowerthat theoppositiontotheEVmandate soughttosquelch.
Stillnotconvinced?ConsiderHouse Bills10and12(HB10andHB12). HB10establishestargetsforconverting allschoolbusesintheStatetoelectric vehicles.HB12createsanElectricVehicleRebateProgramtoencourage Delawareresidentstopurchaseand
thatDelawarecanbeespeciallyvulnerabletocoastalstormsbecauseoflocation andbecause,at60feetabovesealevel, Delawaresitsatthelowestaverageelevationofanystate.
Inshort,thebestadvicefor Delawareansduringhurricaneseason is,”Beprepared.”
Thatadviceappliestoeveryone,includingsmallbusinessowners.Working withtheU.S.SmallBusinessAdminis-
leasenewandusedelectricvehicles, withstandardsandprocedurestobedevelopedbyDNREC.AndSenateSubstitute1forSenateBill103(SS1) requiresthatallnewconstructionof single-familyandmulti-familyresidencesmustincludeelectricvehicle charginginfrastructurebyproviding countyandmunicipalgovernmentenforcement.SS1expiresonlywhenthe SecretaryofDNRECadvisesthelegislaturethattheDelawareAdministrative Codehasbeenupdatedtomatchorexceedthesestandards.
Moreover,ifthesingle-family dwellingdoesnothaveagarage,attachedordetached,“anelectricvehicle capableparkingspacemustbeprovided inthedriveway,assignedparkingspace forthedwelling,oratanunassigned non-streetresidentialparkingspace constructedaspartoftheproject.”
tration(SBA)tosupportDelaware’sentrepreneurs,Iknowthatsomuchofthe FirstState’sfinestsmall-businesssuccessescomesfrommeticulouspreparation.Businessownerspoureverything theyhaveintoworkingandre-working thebusinessplansthatbecometheir roadmaptosuccess.
ThesethreebillspassedwithonlysupportfromDemocraticlegislators(althoughSenatorBucksonvotedfor HB12)althoughvariousDemocratsdid jointheRepublicansintheiropposition. Andallthreebillscitedmitigatingthe State’scarbonfootprintanditsconcomitantclimatechangeasthereason fortheseactions.
TheDelawarelegislatureisfoolishif itthinksthattheEVmandatewillcause anythingmorethaneconomichardship forourcitizens.WhilewemakeitincreasinglyexpensiveforDelawareansto heatandcoolourhomes,cookfood,and getaround,Chinaisbuildingtheequivalentoftwonewcoal-firedpowerplants perweek.Delaware’selectricvehicle mandatewillhavenoeffectontheatmosphericconcentrationofcarbon dioxide,inlightoftheincreaseincarbondioxidebeingemittedbyChina’s
businessownersoftenoverlookdevelopingadisasterplanfortheirbusiness. Butmakingadisasterplanforyour businessnowcanhelpyourbusiness stayopenorreopenquicklywhendisasterstrikes.That’swhytheSBAsupports planningwithavarietyofresources,inc ludingdetailsonhowtobuildapreparednesskit,checklists,safetytips,
coal-basedpowerplants.Thus, Delaware’slegislatorsmakeourenergy unaffordablewhileChinaenjoysinexpensiveenergyfromcoal.
So,tomodifyalinefromFrancis PharcellusChurch’seditorial,“Yes, Delaware,thereISanElectricVehicle Mandate.”
Andexpectnaturalgasappliances andfireplaces,aswellasfertilizer,tobe underattackinsubsequentlegislative sessionsbecause,despiteobjectionsto thecontrary,thelegislatureisattemptingtosaveourStatefromclimate change.ItisashamethatsomeRepublicansthinkwearewinning.
DavidR.Legates,Ph.D.,isaretired ProfessorofClimatologyand Geography/SpatialAnalysisattheUniversityofDelaware,andisDirectorofResearchandEducationforTheCornwall AlliancefortheStewardshipofCreation.
20 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Thinking of Retiring BUSINESS FOR SALE Serious Inquiries Only • Call Ken for Appointment 302-245-1639 If Not Sold, Business as Usual Ocean View: Open Mon-Sat 9:30–6 - Sun 10–5 • 30244 Cedar Neck Road Downtown Bethany: Daily 9:30am–9:30pm • 98 Garfield Parkway 302-539-6597
onlinecourses,videos,webinars,etc. (
AndDelawareanscanrestassured thatwhendisasterslikehurricanesand tropicalstormsdostrike,theSBAcan help.Oncedisasterstrikes,theSBAhas staffonthegroundworking,oftenas partofFEMA’sIncidentCommand System.Afteradeclareddisaster,you canexpecttheSBAandFEMAtoconductaPreliminaryDamageAssessment andSurvey,coordinateandcollaborate onresponsesandassistancecenterlocations,andestablishaJointFieldOperationsCenterforcoordination.
ThroughFEMADisasterResponse CentersandtheSBA’sDisasterLoan Offices,financialhelpisavailabletoimpactednon-farmbusinessesofallsizes, homeownersandrentersthroughlowinterest,long-termloansforlossesnot coveredbyinsuranceorothermeans (includingFEMAassistance).
TheSBA’sdisasterprogramisthe agency’sonlydirectloanprogram. Underit,weoffertwotypesofloans— physicalandeconomicinjury—toassistthoseaffectedre-establishwithaccesstolow-interestandfixedrate capitalduringadifficulttime.Toqualify forSBAdisasterloans,theremustbe physicaldamagetopropertyinadeclareddisasterarea.Thosewhoarein needmustfirstapplytoFEMAand theirinsurancecompanytoseewhatassistancetheyqualifyfor,andthenapply withSBA.
DelawareansarewellawarethathurricaneseasonhasbatteredtheFirst State inrecentyears.Thismonth,we closeinonthesecondanniversaryof theremnantsofHurricaneIda,includingflooddamageinNewCastle County.Damagefromthatstorm— northernNewCastleCounty’sBrandywineCreekbrokeitspreviousflood recordbynearly3feetandhundredsof buildingssustainedflooddamage—resultedinPresidentBidendeclaringa majordisasterinNewCastleCounty.
And,justoneyearprior,Tropical StormIsaiascauseddamageinPennsylvania andDelaware,touchingoffthree tornadoesinDelawareandresultingin anSBAdisasterdeclarationforaffected areasthatqualified.
Inthewakeofbothstorms,SBA helpedwithrecovery,offeringlow-interestloanstoqualifyingbusinesses, non-profitorganizations,homeowners andrentersaffectedbythestorms.This hurricaneseason,andyear-round,the SBAstandsatthereadytosupportrecoverywhendisasterstrikes.
Now,andinthefuture,ifyouarein need ofSBAdisasterassistance,goto linkatthetopofthepage,visitaDisasterRecoveryCenternearyou,callusat 1-800-659-2955,oremailusatdisastercustomerservice@sba.govformore information.
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 21 Ocean View: Open Daily Mon-Sat 9:30am-6pm • Sun 10am-5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed Summer Sale! Under the Awning 30-50% OFF All Mens’, Ladies’, Petite & Women’s Summer Fashions! 70% OFF Sportswear (XS-XL) Fall Fashions Arriving Daily! 302-539-6597 Ladies’ Swim $39 (Values over $100) Downtown Bethany: Open Daily 9:30am–9:30pm 98 Garfield Parkway ALL NEW! 200 pair Ladies Sandals & Shoes 1/2 OFF $79.98 - NOW $39.99 Sketchers, Clarks, Rykas & Others (Size 5-12, assorted Med & Wide) 1/2 OFF 150 Name Brand Handbags (Tkd. $68, Now $34) Rolling Travel Bags Valued to $198 - Now $75 20-50% OFF 60 Racks of Spring Fashions U XT T US TE 302-754-56697 OC CON CA NVENIENT attracare e atraca www SSION E & PROFE OCEAN VIEW NAL W V • C • S • C • X • omiting COVID/Flu STD/STI Cough & Col -rays ld W & MODERN NE C RGENT T U .atr RSONABLE N | PE CARE IN O D • Diarrhea T
SBA Continuedfrompage20
22 CoastalPoint August11,2023 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Summer Hours Monday-Wednesday - Open at 12:30 Thursday-Sunday - Open at 11 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Wines, Beer, Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE Must present this coupon for discount. One coupon per purchase (excluding collectibles and sales items). Expires 12/31/23 Expert Lamp Repair Tax Free Shopping 302-581-0118 900 Coastal Hwy, Fenwick Island Largest Selection of Beach Chairs on the Beach at the Best Rates! Tommy Bahama & Telescope Large Assortment of Heavy Duty Wind Screens G.I. Joe & Trading Cards HOLLY’S Treasure Chest Everything for the Beach Unique Gifts We Will Not Be Under Sold SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MaryfrancesBerger Ablueherongetsalittlereflectiveatthe BethanyBeachNatureCenter.
WestNilevirus(WNV)hasbeen detectedinDelawarethefirsttimefor 2023inasentinelchicken,DNREC announcedonTuesday.Theinitialfindingwasfromasentinelchickenstation nearWilmingtonsampledonJuly31 bytheDNRECMosquitoControl Section,andthentestedandreported viruspositivebytheDelawarePublic HealthLaboratoryonAug.4.
Whiletherehavebeennoreported WNVcasesinhumansthisyearinthe state,officialsremindedthepublicthat thepossibilityofcontractingmosquitotransmitteddiseases,includingWNV andeasternequineencephalitis(EEE), willcontinueuntilcolderautumntemperaturesarriveinmid-Octoberor later.
Bloodsamplesarecollectedbythe DNRECMosquitoControlSection eachweekfromearlyJulyintoOctober fromthestate’soutdoor-cagedsentinel chickensthatarehumanelyhousedand handledat20monitoringstations statewide.Thebloodsamplesaretested forWNVandEEEantibodiesbythe DelawarePublicHealthLaboratory.
Sentinelchickensbittenbymosquitoes carryingWNVorEEEdevelopantibodiestothesediseasesbutareotherwiseunaffected.Mosquitoescan transmitbothWNVandEEEtohumansandhorses.
MostpeopleinfectedwithWNVdo notdevelopsymptoms,butabout20 percentcandevelopamildillness,includingfever,bodyandmuscleaches, headache,nausea,vomiting,andrash symptoms.Asmallnumberofpeople candevelopseriousillnessinvolving neurologicalproblems,paralysisand possiblydeath.TheDivisionofPublic HealthDiseasePrevention&Control SectionreportsthatDelawarehadone confirmedcaseofinvasiveWNVin 2022,andnonesofarthisyear.EEEis notasprevalentasWNVbutcanpresentmoreseveresymptomsinhumans andhorses.
Thepublicwasalsoremindedto takecommon-senseprecautionsto avoidmosquitobites,includingwearing light-coloredclothingoflong-sleeved shirtsandlongpantswhenoutdoorsin mosquito-proneareas;applyinginsect repellentcontaining10to30percent diethyltoluamide(DEET)inaccordancewithlabelinstructions;and avoidingmosquito-infestedareasandat timesofpeakmosquitoactivityaround dusk,dawnandatnight.
AccordingtotheDelawareDepartmentofAgriculture(DDA),there werenoequinecasesofWNVorEEE in2022.TheStateVeterinarianurged horseownerstocontacttheirveterinarianstovaccinatehorsesandother equinesagainstWNVandEEE.Both vaccinesarehighlyeffectiveinminimizingdiseaseandmaybethereason whyDelawarehadnoequinecasesin
2022.Horsesthathavebeenvaccinatedinthepastwillneedanannual boostershot.Neitherdiseasehasa specificdrugtreatment,andinfections inhorsesarefatalin70to90percent ofEEEcasesand30percentofWNV cases.
SprayingtoreducemosquitopopulationsinareaswhereWNVorEEEis detectedmaybeinitiatedbythe DNRECMosquitoControlSectionas warranted,basedonfactorstoinclude mosquitopopulationlevelsandmosquitospeciespresentinaffectedareas. Toreducemosquito-breedinghabitat andchancesofdiseasetransmission, residentsshoulddrainorremoveoutdooritemsthatcollectwater,suchas discardedbucketsorcontainers,uncoveredtrashcans,stagnantbirdbaths,un-
protectedrainbarrelsorcisterns,old tires,uprightwheelbarrows,flowerpot liners,depressionsinboattarps, cloggedraingutters,corrugateddownspoutextendersandunusedswimming pools.
Horseownerscantakeseveraladditionalstepsinthebarnandaroundthe farmtohelpprotecthorsesfrommosquitobites.Horsesshouldbekeptinsideatdawnanddusk,peakhoursfor mosquitoactivity.Topicalinsectrepellentslabeledforuseonhorsesmaybe applied.Windgeneratedbyfansinstalledinhorsestallscanalsohelpdeter mosquitoes.Watertroughsorbuckets shouldbeemptied,cleaned,andrefilled everytwotothreedaystoremovemosquitoeggsorlarvae.
andmosquito-bornediseasesisavailable.Formosquitobiology/ecologyand control,contacttheDNRECMosquito ControlsectionofficeinDoverat(302) 739-9917.Forrequestsformosquito reliefindownstateareassouthof Dover,contactMosquitoControl’s Milfordfieldofficeat(302)422-1512. Foranimalhealthquestions,contact theDelawareDepartmentofAgriculture’sPoultryandAnimalHealthSectionat(302)698-4500.Toreport suspectedcasesofhumanWNV,call theDelawareDivisionofPublicHealth OfficeofInfectiousDiseaseEpidemiologytoll-freeat1-888-295-5156.For moreinformationonWestNilevirusor easternequineencephalitis,visit dex.htm.
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 23 enw e i th ESCAP wi e ept itabl i PE… te t s n e concept s e ab ys a h a mu c n s d ga d m b n shop more vd uoy Bl 35034 B ponl ck ick e, DE - www.fenw ill - Selbyv o&m
South Coastal Library will resume accepting donations on Tuesday, August 1 from 2—4 pm. Donations will be accepted in the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm.
Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!
Thursday, June 1—Thursday, August 31
Pokémon Scavenger Hunt Pokémon are loose at the library! Find them all & win a prize!
Monday, August 14
Gentle Yoga Flow 10—11:00 am
Join RYT-500 certified yoga instructor, Sarah Schaber for a free gentle yoga class. Registration is required.
Tuesday, August 15
iPad & Apple Users Group 11:00 am—12:00 pm Apple Users of all skill levels are welcome to discuss new features, tips, & ask questions! Learn from each other & meet new people.
Movie Marathon: Jumanji 2—5:45 pm
Cool off from the summer heat with a movie marathon at the library! Popcorn will be provided.
Wednesday, August 16
Feelings Rock! 10—11:00 am
Feelings Rock is a music, movement, & more program designed to help children under 5 & their families work through everyday emotions.
The Roaring 1920’s: a 3-Part Lecture 6—7:15 pm
Join Dr. Bill Gudelunas for the final part in his 3-part lecture series on the 1920’s in the US.
Friday, August 18
Grab & Go Craft for Teens & Tweens
Youth ages 10—17 can pick up a free craft kit to complete at home! Kits available while supplies last.
Tai Chi & Qigong for Health 10—11:00 am
Join Marianne Walch, Master Trainer with the Tai Chi for Health Institute, for a free Tai Chi & Qigong class. Ideal for beginners but all skill levels are welcome to participate. Registration is required.
43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach
ByMalloryPanuska OceanCityToday
Assmokinglawsbecomemorestrict acrossOceanCity,Md.,withthelegalizationofrecreationalcannabisusefor adults,itmaysoonbeillegaltolightup inanyOceanCitypark.
AtaworksessionTuesday,Aug.1, councilmembersvoted6-1,withCouncilmanPeterBuasopposed,toadvance anordinancetooutlawsmokingareasin allpublicparks.
Rec&ParksDirectorSusanPetito saidtherequestderivedfrompeoplenot
followingtherulesofdesignatedsmokingareasatNorthsidePark.Shesaid twosmokingareas,whichallowsmokingwithin15feetoferectedsigns,were addedin2015toaccommodatesmokers whoparticipateinweekendtournamentsatthepark.Buttheruleshave beendifficulttoenforce,shesaid.
“It’stimeforustomakeaclean, across-the-boardstatement…that there’snosmokinginparksinOcean City,”Petitosaid.
CouncilmanTonyDeLucaasked whethermembersoftheRecreation& ParksCommitteesignedoffonthepro-
posedchange.Healsoinquiredabout wherepeopleintheparkwillgoto smokeiftheordinancepasses.
CouncilmanJohnGehrig,who chairsthecommittee,saidmembersinformallydiscussedthematterandcame toaconsensustorecommendtothe councilafullbanonsmokinginthe parks.
Petitoclarifiedthatifthemeasure passes,anyonewhowantstosmokeina parkmustcompletelyleavethepremises.
Councilmembers’votemovestherequest fortheban,whichwouldchange theoriginalordinance,toafirstreading.
DNREConAug.2declaredan emergencyclosureforrecreational clammingandmusselharvestinIndian RiverBayuntilAug.24.DNREC’s mandatoryclosureprotectiveofpublic healthcameafterapumpstationconnectedtotheTownofMillsboro’ssanitarysewersystemfailedonWednesday, dischargingrawsewageintotheIron Branch,atributaryoftheIndianRiver, whichflowsintothebay.
Theharvestofcrabs,conchandfinfisharenotaffectedbytheclosure.Oystersgrowncommerciallyunder aquacultureleasesinRehobothBayare notimpactedoraffectedbytheIndian
RiverBayclosure.Recreationalharvest ofoystersisalreadyprohibitedin Delaware.
Thewastewaterspill,officialssaid, potentiallycausedfecalcontamination ofshellfishinIndianRiverBay,which accordingtoNationalShellfishSanitationProgramrequirements,mustbe closedtobivalveshellfishharvestfor21 daystoprotectpublichealth.The21dayclosureofshellfishharvestisafederalguidelinethatalsogivesbivalves timefornaturalcleansing.
DNRECalsoadvisedrecreational wateruserstolimitwatercontactinthe upperIndianRiverBayforthenextfew
ThespillwasstoppedWednesdayafternoon.DNRECDivisionofWater staff weremonitoringrepairsatthe Millsboropumpstation.NaturalResourcesPoliceworkingwiththe DNRECDelawareShellfishProgram werepatrollingandmonitoringIndian RiverBaytoenforcetheclosureofthe baytorecreationalbivalveharvestand toensurerecreationalclammersare awareofit.Moreinformationaboutthe closureandtheDelawareShellfishProgramunderDNRECauthoritycanbe
South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate.
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
Automatedexternaldefibrillator (AED)machinesdonatedbytheDave Ashbyfamily,havealreadysavedthree livesattheStarboardentertainment complexinDewey,justthisyear,accordingtoLauraAshby,whoisthe latelocalresident’smom.
TheThirdAnnualDave’sDewey Dash5Krunandwalkwillbeheldin DeweyBeachonSept.30,startingat theRustyRudderrestaurantat113 DickinsonAvenue.
DaveAshbywasaDeweyBeach homeownerandresidentwholivedon BellevueStreetandpassedawaysuddenlyofanundiagnosedcardiacarrhythmiajustbeforehis29thbirthday, inOctoberof2019.
“Hiscompassionforothersandhis desiretolivelifetothefullestmadea lastingimpressiononeveryonehe met,”accordingtohisnamesakefoundation.
TheDave’sDeweyDashisnow teamingupwithnon-profitSimon’s HeartontheAEDmachinepurchases sothatalldonationsaretax-deductible,includingsponsorships.New defibrillatorscostbetween$1,200and $3,000perunit,accordingto AED. com.
“Hisfamilyandfriendswouldlike tocreateameanstospreadawareness abouttherisksofirregularheartbeat, supporttheDelawarebeachcommunitybydonatingdefibrillatormachinesandassociatedtraining,and offerhands-onlyCPReducationto communityorganizationsandsmall businesses,”statedrepresentativesof thefoundations.
BronnyJames,thesonofLeBron JamesoftheNBA,wastreatedwith anAEDimmediatelyaftersuffering suddencardiacarrestatabasketball trainingfacilitysponsoredbyhiscollegecommitmentteam,theUniversity ofSouthernCalifornia.Hecollapsed andhadanelectricalmalfunctionin hisheartonMonday,July24.Today, heappearstohaverecovered.
AccordingtotheAmericanHeart Association,approximately95percent ofsuddencardiacarrestvictimsdonot survivebeforereachingthehospital. However,inBronnyJames’scase, promptinterventionsignificantlyimprovedhischancesofsurvival.
DamarHamlinoftheBuffaloBills alsosufferedaheartattackonthe footballfieldandsuddencardiacarrestinAprilfromahittothechest, knownascommotiocordis.Hehas beenclearedtoplayintheNFLthis season.
Dave’sDeweyDash(andSimon’s Heart)isplacingAEDsinkeycoastal communities.Sofar,theDeweyBeach PolicehavefiveAEDs,aswellas thoseattheStarboard,makingfor
ninetotalinDeweyandLewesfor emergencylifesupport.DBPDrepresentativessaidtheybelievetheycan handleasmanyas35,000people,includingsummervisitors,inayearwith theAEDsnowon-hand.
Ashby’sfamilyandfoundation continuetoadvocateforthedevices.
“Actually,Iamintheprocessof reachingouttoLebronJames!”Laura AshbytoldtheCoastalPoint.“Ifigureditwouldn’thurttosharemystory aboutDaveAshbyandhistripto Oaklandforthechampionshipgame whentheClevelandCavaliersbeatthe
GoldenStateWarriorsbackin2016,” shesaidofherson’sfantriptoCaliforniatowatchLeBronJamesplay.
“IgrewupinCleveland,andmy boysarebigfansofthesportsteams. Davewassosurethey’dwin,he boughthisairlineticketsthreeweeks aheadoftimefortheOaklandgame andthenwouldjointheCleveland fansfortheparade,”recalledLaura Ashby.“Heevenbroughthis‘Believeland’signwithhimwhileatthestadiuminOakland.”
“Isuredolovethatboy!”shesaid ofherson.
“Bronny’ssuddencardiacarrestis anotherexample,”likethatofDamar Hamlin,shesaid,“thathighlightsthe risksofundiagnosedirregularheartbeatandthevalueofhavingAED machineseasilyaccessibletothepublicandespeciallyyouthathletics.”
“ThankGodhe’sOK,”shesaidof BronnyJames.“AsI’vesaidmany times,it’sonethingtoknowyouora lovedonehasanirregularheartbeat, butit’sveryimportanttounderstand thereisadirectlinktosuddencardiac death.Wedidn’tknowthat”inthe past,sheemphasized.
“I’mhopefulthatLebronand Bronnybothbecomeadvocatesforthe causeandraiseawareness.Ihaven’t askedhimformoneybutjustwantto requesta10-secondvideoorvoicemessagepublicserviceannouncement thatcouldbeplayedatmyDave’s DeweyDasheventandusedforadvertising.Theyhavesuchareach”to supportthecharity“g ivenhisnotoriety.”
Foradditionalinformation,goto 727/3rd-annual-daves-dewey-dash5k-runwalk.Formoreinformationon Simon’sHeart,includingthestoryof SimonSudman,see
18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Open Thursday through Monday 11- 5 Closed Tuesday & Wednesday Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Daily • 11–5pm Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! Fall Habitat Charlie B Prairie Cotton Whimsey Rose Jag 302-539-2311 16 Pennsylvania Ave | Bethany Beach SALE All Summer Items Sushi Sets • Windchimes Hello Kitty • Pottery Gifts & More! August11,2023 CoastalPoint 25 DaveAshby’sFoundationhassavedthreelivesinDewey
DelmarvaChristianSchools,a ChristianschoolsystemwithcampusesinMiltonandGeorgetown,this weekannouncedadvancementsdesignedtoensuringthesafetyandsecurityofstudents,facultyandstaff.
“Throughacomprehensiveapproach,theschoolsystemhasimplementedvariousmeasurestoenhance schoolsafetyandprotection,”representativessaid.“DCShasundertaken athoroughevaluationoftheirsecurity protocolsandhasmadevitalchanges tofortifythesafetyoftheschool community.”
Safetyinitiativesrecentlylaunched byDelmarvaChristianSchoolsinclude:
•Hiringofschoolconstables—To ensurearobustsecuritypresenceon
bothcampuses,DelmarvaChristian Schoolshasappointedschoolconstableswithmorethan30yearsofsecurityandlawenforcementexperience whowillbestationedon-site.The highly-trainedprofessionalswillplay aninstrumentalroleinmaintaininga safeenvironmentandresponding swiftlytoanypotentialsecurityconcerns,representativesaid.
“WearethrilledtoaddOfficers HastingsandWalterstoourteamas constableswhowillprovideexpert trainingforfacultyandstaffaswellas consistentsecuritythroughoutthe schooldayandoncampusevents,” DCSHeadofSchoolMatt Kwiatkowski.“Theirsuccessesinlaw enforcement,combinedwiththeir maturefaithandBiblicalworldviews,
makethemaperfectfitforourschool cultureandtheaccomplishmentof thesespecificresponsibilities.”
•Installationofsafetyandsecurity windowfilmbyShoreTint—The schoolsystemhaspartneredwith ShoreTint,aproviderofsafetyand securitywindowfilmsolutions,to fortifytheirfacilities’windows.The cutting-edgewindowfilmtechnology willserveasanadditionallayerof protection,reinforcingthestructural integrityofwindowsandmitigating potentialhazards,representativessaid.
•Strengtheningstafftraining— Recognizingthateverymemberof theschoolcommunityplaysacrucial roleinmaintainingasecureenvironment,DelmarvaChristianSchools hasintensifiedsafetytrainingforall
staffmembers.Thisincludespreparingthemtorespondefficientlyto emergenciesandadoptbestpractices insafeguardingtheirstudentsand colleagues.
Kwiatkowskiexpressedhisunwaveringcommitmenttothesafetyand well-beingoftheentireschoolcommunity:“Wehavetakentimetoanalyzeourstepsandfindwaysto protecteachother.Ourchildren,facultyandstaffareprecioustreasures Jesushaspulledtogether.Weremain ferventinprayerandwillcontinueto worktogetherwithconcretestrategies toprotectourschoolcommunity.”
FormoreinformationaboutDCS, gotodelmarvachristian.orgorcall (302)856-4040.
Almosttwiceasmanypeopleas lastyearhavestartedsavingfor highereducationwithDE529EducationSavingsAccounts,according toStateTreasurerColleenDavis. Morethan1,400newDE529accountsopenedthroughJuneof2023, anumber41percenthigherthan duringthesametimelastyear.
“Asthecostofcollegeandtrade schoolcontinuestorise,ithasbecomemorecrucialthaneverforfamiliestoplanfortheirchildren’s future,”saidDavis.“Ourofficeis proudtosponsortheDE529EducationSavingsPlan,whichprovides tax-advantagedaccountsdesignedto helpparents,grandparentsandothers
ManagedbyFidelityInvestments, moneyinaDE529accountgrowson atax-deferredbasis,andwithdrawals forqualifiedexpenses,suchastuition, feesandbooks,arefederaland Delawareincometax-free.
Inadditiontomakingtheplan available,theOfficeoftheState Treasurer(OST)andthePlansManagementBoard—thegroupthatdirectsandservesastrusteesofthe moneyinvestedintheplans—credit theFirstState,FirstStepsincentive programwithboostingenrollment.
“Throughthefirsthalfoftheyear, 361newDE529accountsqualified fortheFirstState,FirstStepsincentive,whichmakesa$100contributiontoeligibleaccounts,”Davissaid. “Ifthebeneficiaryis5yearsofageor youngerandaDelawareresidentat
thetimeofaccountopening,the DE529planwilladdthecontributiontoeverynewaccountopened withaninitialdepositofatleast $100.”
Tohelpspreadthewordabout DE529andthebenefitsofsavingfor highereducation,Fidelityrecently sponsoredKids’DayattheDelaware StateFair.DE529isalsothesponsor of“KidsRuntheBases”afterevery Sundayafternoonhomegameofthe WilmingtonBlueRocks,andserves astheexclusivesponsoroftheRoute 1RivalrybetweentheUniversityof DelawareandDelawareStateUniversity.
Formoreinformationonthe DE529EducationSavingsPlanand theFirstState,FirstStepsprogram,
26 CoastalPoint August11,2023 98 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach JJ Stones
Tocelebratetheoceanandthe benefitsitprovides,DNRECisseekingentriesforaDelawareOcean PhotoContest.JuneisNational OceanMonth,andJune8isWorld OceanDay.Gov.JohnCarneyand Lt.Gov.BethanyHall-Longhave proclaimedJuneasOceanMonthin Delaware.
DNREC’sDelawareOceanPhoto ContestrunsfromJune8through Aug.31,andthewinnerwillbefeaturedinanOutdoorDelawarearticle.
Asacoastalstate,Delawaredependsontheoceanandmarineresourcesforitseconomicprosperity, particularlyintermsoftourism,commercialfishing,recreationandshippingindustries,officialssaid.
AccordingtotheNationalOceanic andAtmosphericAdministration’s Economics:NationalOceanWatch data,thetotaleconomicvalueof Delaware’socean-relatedactivitiesis
Incelebratingallthebenefitsthe oceancontributestoourlivesand livelihood,theDNRECcontestseeks photosthatshowapersonalconnectiontotheocean,officialsnoted.
“Thestate’srichhistoryhasdirect tiestotheocean,culturally,economicallyandasadestinationformillions ofvisitorseachyear,”saidDNREC SecretaryShawnM.Garvin.“Protectingandpreservingtheseresources throughactivestewardshipisessentialtoensuringtheirviabilityfor generations,andthisphotocontestis onewaythatwecanhelpincrease awarenessoftheimportanceofthe oceantoDelaware.”
Potentialphotocontestsubjects mayinclude,butarenotlimitedto, marinewildlifeandhabitat,recreation,fishingandmarinetransportation.Completerulesandaphoto releaseformareavailableonlineat
https://documents.dnrec.delaware.go v/coastal/ocean-photo-contestrules.pdf.
Allimagesmustincludethephotographer’sname,ashortdescription ofwhatisshowninthephoto,and whereandwhenthephotowastaken. Submittedentriesmustincludea completedphotoreleaseform.A legalparentorguardianmustcompletethereleaseformforcontestants youngerthan18.Thedeadlinefor submissionsis4:30p.m.onAug.31.
Photographsmusthavebeentaken withinthestateofDelaware,oroffshoreofDelaware,andtheymustbe original,previouslyunpublishedand createdsolelybythesubmittingentrant(s).Onlyphotosthatmeetthe criteria,alongwithacompletedreleaseform,willbeeligible.
Entrieswillbejudgedforcompositionandtheme.Preferencewillbe giventoclear,good-qualityphotographs.
mustmaintaina3.5gradepointaverageorhigherforthesemester.The universitycongratulateditsstudents fortheirexemplaryacademic achievement.
AndersonUniversityisacomprehensiveChristianuniversityoffering bachelor’s,master’sanddoctoraldegreesoncampusandonline.
AshlynStonebrakerofOcean ViewwasnamedtotheDean’sList atAndersonUniversityforthe springsemesterof2023.Tobe namedtotheDean’sList,astudent
StonebrakernamedtoDean’sListatAndersonUniversity August11,2023 CoastalPoint 27 Open Weds-Mon at 4pm Dine In & Carry Out Order Online at Artisan, hand rolled, grilled pizzas, awesome wine & local craft beer
InlandBaysGardenCenterofferingprivatetourofDBG Speakeroffersaction stepstohelpimpede
TheInlandBaysGardenCenter isofferingitscustomersaprivate touroftheDelawareBotanicGardens(DBG)withtourguidesCarol McCloud,VPoftheDBGBoardof DirectorsandHRdirector, andStephenPryceLea,directorof horticultureandeducationalprogramming.Thetourisbeingoffered onTuesday,Sept.19, 1p.m.DBGisclosedtothepublic onTuesdays,sotheIBGCgroupwill theonlyguestsatthegardensatthat time.
Tourgoerswilllearnaboutthe historyoftheDelawareBotanic Gardens,aswellasallitscompleted featuresonthe37-acreproperty.Itis awalkingtour.Thepathwaysareall
ADA-compliant.Visitorswillsee theworld-renownedPietOudolf2acremeadow,whichbloomsfrom Junethroughfallwith70,000perennialplantsandgrasses.Theother areastheywillseeinclude:
•TheFollyGarden,with37,500 floweringbulbs,shrubsandtreesand anewreflectingpool;
•TheLearningGarden,withits non-tidalfreshwaterwetland;
•TheEast&WestWoodland EdgeGardens(floweringthroughoutspring,summerandfall);
•12.5acresoftheWoodland Gardensandpaths;
•LivingShorelinerestorationand viewingplatform;
•TheRhyneGarden,with12,000 nativeplants,300floweringshrubs and34seedlessredmapletrees, bloomingfromMaythroughAugust;
•TheCharlesAndersonFamily HollyTreeCollection;and
Tourgoerswillalsobeprovided withacomplimentary“FallEquinox” lunchinthegardenpreparedby HollyFlutyDempsey,founderof ReWildDelmarva.
Apresentationaboutwaystopotentiallydelaythegrowthof Alzheimer’sdiseaseinSussex County’sincreasingseniorpopulationwillbeheldatLewesPublicLibraryonTuesday,Aug.15,from 10:30a.m.tonoon.
“It’simportanttoknowthatthere arestepsthatwecantaketoreduce ourchancesofgettingAlzheimer’s,” saidSteuartMartensofRehoboth,a nationalboard-certifiedhealthand wellnesscoach,whowillspeakand respondtoquestions.“Thereisalot offearamongmanyseniors,especiallyifthediseasehasalreadybeen experiencedwithinafamily,orfor thosewhohavebeencaregivers,or whoarenowcaringforalovedone whohasAlzheimer’s.
“Onecanhaveeitherfearor hope,”hesaid.“We’dliketooffer hope.Idon’twantmychildrenor grandchildrenorwifetohavetogo throughwhatIwentthroughwith myfather,takingthekeystohiscar, removinghimfromhisofficeandfinallyremovinghimfromhishome.”
Alzheimer’sdiseaseisthemost commoncauseofdementia,agradualdeclineinmemory,thinking,behaviorandsocialskills.
“Thereareactionsthatwecan taketohelpreduceourchancesof gettingAlzheimer’s,includingdiet, exercise,socialinteractionandbrain stimulation,”Martenssaid.
TheeventissponsoredbyVillage Volunteers,anorganizationdevoted toassistingseniorsinLewes,Milton andRehobothwhoseektomaintain anindependentlifeforaslongas possible.
Becauserefreshmentswillbeoffered,thoseplanningtoattendare requestedtoregisterattheVillage officeat(302)703-2568byAug.7.
Millsboro’sSmith participatesinsummer scienceresearch
PennSmithofMillsboroisoneof nearly30LebanonValleyCollege studentswhoparticipatedinsummer scienceresearchwithfaculty.
Smith,agraduateofSussexCentralHighSchool,ispursuingabachelor’sdegreeincomputerscienceand mathematicsandphysicsatLVC.
28 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Beach Goods • Bait • Tackle • Ice Chairs • Towels • Umbrellas • Beach Toys Hunting Supplies • Ammunition 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookemout • Open Daily 34444 Coastal Hwy. • York Beach Mall • Bethany, DE Judy V. 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina Rehoboth, DE 302-226-2214 www. Capt. Bob II Beginning May 27th / Daily 1/2 Day Advance Reservations Recommended Through mid-October Limited Space | Full Day Advance Reservations Recommended Now Running Daily Come by Car or Boat! Seafood Market OPEN DAILY BEACH GOODSNOW AVAILABLE! AND Supplies for Inshore, Offshore & Jetty Fishing Rods • Reels • Tackle • Bait Fresh Local Seafood • Fish Cleaning Service 302-226-8220 • Open Daily • Call For Hours 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE
AtSouthernDelawareTourism’s (SDT’s)July27boardmeeting,a Governor’sTributewaspresentedto BonnieHallasshecompletedher two-yeartermasSDTBoardchairperson.UnderHall’sLeadership, SDThascontinuedtogrowandhas setrevenuerecordsoverthelastseveralyears,officialsnoted.
Steppingupfromhisboardcochairpersonrole,MatthewParkerof LincolnFinancialAdvisorstakes overaschairperson,andScottAnthonyofMoneyMailerofDEtakes overasco-chairperson.
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 29 Lois
d.d.s. GENERAL DENTISTRY Routine Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Sleep Appliances 302-537-4500 • 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials.
PastandpresentSDTBoardchairpersonsandstaffinclude,fromleft:BoardChairpersonMatthewParker,PastBoardChairpersonBonnieHall,BoardCo-ChairpersonScottAnthony,ExecutiveDirectorScottThomasandPastBoardChairpersonBenjamin Gray.
30 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change
Buffet Sunday, August 13 10 & 12pm Join us for a relaxing live Jazz Brunch Buffet with 5th Avenue in the Dickens Parlour Dining room! Mouth-watering food prepared by the Good Earth Chef will make for a perfect Sunday while enjoying the sounds of live jazz.
August 12 Randy Forster has been performing Magic since he was rst mesmerized as a young man, mainly in the middle Atlantic states, for corporate events, private organizations, and parties, as well as local restaurants, clubs, and charities. Randy’s style has made him a favorite performer of young and old alike.
8-14 Mark has delighted audiences in 37 countries as well as headlining on the highest rated cruise lines, he is one of only 12 magicians in the last century to be given the National Theatre’s “Star of Magic” award. This is sure to be a fun lled evening for the entire family! Comedy Shows! Thur-Sat All Summer at 9pm! Rainy Day Matinees @ 2pm! Jazz Club Wednesday Nights at 8:30pm ant ou w e y verywher T e AR o D y t s eas ’ t, it nigh om early morning t vice, fr t daily bus ser equen With fr ts an estauran s, r o the shop T t AR Then D O THE T DART BE t this summer te o la orning tlife. nd nigh ransit ! EACH DAR yment e pa far ontactles Quick & c Downlo T T DAR ass T P R ss mobile oday s t T app AR e D oad th t, Da 1-800-652-DART Sturgeon supermoon SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys AfullSturgeonSupermoonrisesover RoxanaonWednesday,Aug.2.
Scanfor tickets Tolearnmoreandgetyourtickets, TICKETSON SALENOW! FreemanArtsPavilionisaprogramoftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation,whichisa501(c)3nonprofit fundraisingorganization.Thisprogramissupported,inpart,byagrantfromtheDelawareDivisionof theArts,astateagency,inpartnershipwiththeNationalEndowmentfortheArts.TheDivision FREEMANARTSPAVILION Augustishere,andthearts inyourbackyardcontinue atFreemanArtsPavilion CreatingWhimsical MasterpieceswithJohnDonato 10a.m.August12 ABBATheConcert:A TributetoABBA August12 DianaKrall August11 ShakeyGravesandLucius August17 TheLegendary Ingramettes August16 FloydNation: ExperiencePinkFloyd August15 August11,2023 CoastalPoint 31
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
Horseshoecrabsarenotcrabsatall, butratherarachnidsmorecloselyrelatedtospiders,accordingtoscientists. Theirbluebloodisvaluableformedical research,andtheyarenearlyprehistoric intheirlineage.
TheDelawareCenterfortheInland BaysmadefairlycomplexmarinebiologysimpleenoughforchildrentounderstandattheJamesFarmEcological PreservelastThursday,Aug.3,andanothersimilarspecialeventonhorseshoe crabswillbeofferedonMonday,Aug. 14.Familiesinterestedinchaperoning theirchildrentotheinlandbaysshould contactthecenter.
JackieKnollisthemanagerofenvironmentaleducationforthecenterand hasadegreeinenvironmentalstudies fromSkidmoreCollegeinPhiladelphia. Shehasarealgiftformakingenvironmentalsciencemoreaccessible,noted someofparents.Morethan75people cametotheJamesFarmPreserveon CedarNeckRoadinOceanViewlast Thursdaytohearhertalk.
Thetourbegannearwherethe EcoBayskayakguideslaunchtheir sportscraftfortouringontheinland bays.TheDelawareBayandinlandbays areconsideredthemostsignificant ecosystemforhorseshoecrabsbecause theireggsareaprimaryfoodsourcefor thefederallyprotectedbirdthered knot,whichusesthebayasarefueling stopduringtheirlongmigratoryflights, feastingonthehorseshoecrabeggs foundthere.
“Horseshoecrabbloodiscopperbased, givingthisspeciesislighter bluishcolor,”saidKnoll,“whereasour humanbloodisiron-based,andthatis whyit’sredinstead.”
“Thehorseshoecrablivesonourestuaryhereandhasashelltoprotect them,”saidKnoll“Theyalsohaveclaws andasetofpinchers,buttheydon’thurt andareverygentle,”shereassuredthe childrenlookingatthecenter’slife-like model.“Theyarelivingfossilsandhave beenonearthveryearly—sincebefore thedinosaurs.”
The mostimportantpartoftheprogramwastoteachthekidshowtopickupahorseshoecrabforinspection—by theshell,“andneverbythetail,”said Knoll.Shealsosaid,“Theycanfold theirbodyoveratthehinge,sodon’t placeyourfingersinthere.”
Horseshoecrabsareespecially valuablebecausetheirbloodcanbe manufacturedintolimulusamebocytelysate,orLAL,whichisusedto detectpathogensinindispensable medicines,suchasinjectableantibiotics.
“Thebluebloodisharvestedfor medicalpurposes,”saidKnollduring herprogram.
Thetrick,shesaid,isto“bleed” thehorseshoecrab,butnotmake thembleedout.And,recently,new ruleshavebeenputinplaceformedicalresearcherswhowantthisimportantresourcetotesthuman therapies.
Thecrabsarecollectedbyfishermenbyhandorviatrawlers,foruse bybiomedicalcompanies.Thentheir bloodisseparated,andproteins withintheirwhitebloodcellsare processed.Ittakesbleedingdozens ofthecrabstoproduceenoughtofill asingleglasstubewiththeblood,
ThereareonlyfivefederallylicensedmanufacturersontheEast Coastthatprocesshorseshoecrab blood.OneofthemisCharlesRiver LaboratoriesinRockville,Md.
Accordingtoastorythisweekby theAssociatedPress,thequestionof harvestinghorseshoecrabforblue bloodcellsisbecomingquiteheated.
“Theywereherebeforethedinosaurs,”GlennGauvry,presidentof EcologicalResearch&Development Group,toldtheAP.ERDGisaLittleCreek,Del.-basednonprofitthat advocatesforhorseshoecrabconservation.“Andthey’rehavingproblems becausethenewkidsontheblock, us,haven’tlearnedtoappreciatethe elders.”(MoreaboutERDGcanbe foundonitsFacebookpageat
Thebluebloodisoftendescribed byactivistgroupsasworth$15,000 perliter,thoughsomemembersof
theindustryarenotcertainofthat valuation.Regulatorsestimateabout 15percentofthecrabsdieinthe bleedingprocess.
“In2021,thatmeantabout 112,000crabsdied,”saidCaitlin Starks,aseniorfisherymanagement plancoordinatorwiththeAtlantic StatesMarineFisheriesCommission.“Thebaitfisheryforhorseshoe crabs,whichareusedasbaitforeels andseasnails,killedmorethansix timesthat,”shesaid.
Thedebateoverextendinga moratoriumonthefemalehorseshoe crabasbaitfishhasended,fornow, withthebancontinuingforthe2024 commercialfishingseason.
Still,thefisheriescommissionin Mayapprovednewbestmanagement practices(BMP)forthebiomedical industry’sharvestingandhandlingof thecrabs.Thosemeasuresinclude minimizingexposuretosunlightand keepingthecrabscoolandmoist,
Page32 August11,2023
StarkstoldtheAP,sotheycanlive throughtheintrusiveprocess.
AccordingtotheStateofMaryland’sDepartmentofNaturalResources(DNR),thebluehorseshoe crabbloodisvitaltotestdevices: “Medicaldevicemanufacturersuseit totesttheirproductsforthepresenceofendotoxins,bacterialsub-
stancesthatcancausefeversand evenbefataltohumans.”
Alearning experienceforthekids
Thosewhowanttolearnmore abouthorseshoecrabs,andwhythey maketheirwayontothebeachesof theInlandBayscanregisterinadvancefortheAug.14Kid’sDay event.Familieswillalsoparticipate inademonstrationsurvey.
“Thisprogramdivesintotheecology,anatomyandbenefitsofhorseshoecrabsusingalifelikemodeland, hopefully,alivingorganism!Participantswillhavetheopportunityto explorethebeachandtheJames FarmPreserveand,hopefully,finda fewlivinghorseshoecrabs,”noted theCIB.“Kid’sDaysallowchildren ofallagestoconnectwithnature andexplorebyutilizinghands-on learning.”
f Trusted Advisor e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists trust and de profe to xactly hey told m xpert essional adviso epend on their e e looki ly wha me everything the DC .ors tise. ally ing for and CF would handle, y d ho maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar A community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F omas so Scholarship pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their A. ship md vice pr o le T 302.335.69 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or 933 t , a e war org/daf August11,2023 CoastalPoint 33 Todd Vickers • Branch Manager Bethany Beach O ce 302-539-9040 800-228-8833 Your Success,
WE’RE HERE TO HELP YOU SUCCEED Start Now by Attending our In-Person Classes! LIVE is the best way to learn through interaction and personal attention Pre-Licensing Class Starts Sept. 18, 2023 Register: https://thel This course is given by Long & Foster Institute of Real Estate CoastalPoint•Submitted Ayoungboyholds ayounghorseshoe crabattheJames FarmEcological Preserve.
Is Our Success
By Matthew Stock
‘BringingtheBeach Home’thismonth
TheLittleGardenGalleryatthe InlandBaysGardenCenterwillbe hostingthreeartisansthismonth,in anofferingtitled“Bringingthe BeachHome,runningthroughAug. 31.
“Allthreeartiststhismonthtease yoursensesandmakeitpossiblefor youtobringalittlebitofthebeach inside,”galleryrepresentativessaid.
DeborahBryant’sceramicsand GeorgeTodd’sresin-pourcutting boards,pictureframesandcoatracks, alongwithAmyMuller’sSaltTown TradingCompanycandlesandair freshenersallreflectthebeautyof thecoastalshoresandlendthemselvesasaccentsforthehome.
SaltTownTradingisacandleand homefragrancecompanybasedin BethanyBeach.Theirclean-ingredientandethically-sourcedcoconut soycandlesaresustainable,non-toxic andcruelty–free.AlloftheirproductsarecuratedalongtheDelaware coastwiththeintentiontocapture thebeautyoftheregion’slandscape andevokefondmemoriesofafavoriteseasidehaven.
DeborahBryantstartedasa painterbeforetakingapotteryclass. Shewasdrawntothecreativepossibilitiesofclayanditspracticaland functionaluse.
“Thereissomethingspecialabout eatinganddrinkingfromahandmadepieceofartandshelovesthat potterycanbringjoytothesimple thingsoflife,”shesaid.
Thethemeofherworkismostly coastal,withsoothingcolors,some itemsthatarewheel-thrownand somehand-builtwithslabs.Having livednearthecoastmostofherlife, shesaidsheiscomfortedbythe peace,coolnessandtranquilityofthe oceanandbays.
“Whateverroadlifehastakenme, ithasalwaysledmebacktomylove oftheartofclay,”sheadded.
GeorgeToddwasborninBaltimore,andwhilehewasgrowingup, hisfamilyvacationedinOceanCity, Md.,everyyear.Whenhemovedto thearea20yearsago,hebegantouse theoceanforinspirationasheexperimentedwithdifferentmediumsin hisart.Thepopularityofresin evolvedasanaturalnextchoicefor hisdepictionoftheocean.Mostof thewoodusedinhisartcomesfrom localfelledtreesinvariousspecies, includingblackwalnut,mapleand oak,alongwithrenewablebamboo.
AlongwiththeAugustexhibit, Toddwillbeofferingan“Artin Resin”classatInlandBaysGarden
34 CoastalPoint August11,2023 S
ACROSS 1 Uses a treadmill 5 Many a personal website 9 Apple player 13 Deceives 19 “Am __ loud?” 20 Spanish tender 21 Purple pet in old cartoons 22 Turn over 23 Excuse for a shortcomings? (A+) 26 Antenna 27 Fencing move 28 Distribute 29 Sales agt. 30 Music producer Brian 31 Geopolitical alliance 33 Where Parisians get their newspapers? (A-) 37 Bagel feature 39 Cover story piece? 41 Jet stream heading 42 Bit of sunlight 43 __ au lait 44 Tight end Rob with four Super Bowl rings, familiarly 45 Siddhartha __: the Buddha 47 Wisecracking extraterrestrial of 1980s TV 48 Riot 49 Oscar the instrumentalists? (B+) 53 Angry tennis player, perhaps? (B-) 57 Top __ 58 Milne character who likes to swing 59 Cook quickly, as vegetables 60 Fraud 61 Parting exchanges 63 Subway Series side 64 “I guess that works” 65 Menial worker 66 “Family __” 67 “Tut-tut” evokers 69 Brink 70 __ chic 71 Oscar-nominated film about a South Korean family in rural Arkansas 72 34-Down opposite 73 Space-saving bed 74 Barista-inspired dessert? (O+) 76 Warmup stretches at a company retreat? (O-) 80 Button on some scales 81 Above, in odes 82 “Agreed” 83 Moved furtively 85 Short lunch orders? 86 Knee part, for short 88 “Keep this private” docs 89 Handsome, in Honduras 90 Keep afloat 91 Excited cry when the shellfish course finally arrives? (AB+) 94 Give voice to 96 Confer knighthood on 97 Mess up 98 Nonspecific category 100 Window-switching shortcut 104 Used a loom 106 Reason so many classic songs are earworms? (AB-) 109 Put forth 110 Small sled 111 Ardent gospel/soul-singing sister 113 Some Ethiopian Christmas celebrants, for short 114 __ so slightly 115 Honor roll stats 116 Overly curious DOWN 1 Fault 2 Capitol Reef National Park setting 3 Spider-Man __: monochromatic comic book character 4 Like sugar in water 5 Square meal? 6 Schlep 7 Large part of a pod 8 Hold nothing back 10 Old Ford named for a horse 11 Solid yellow ball 12 On the __ 13 Infancy, adolescence, etc. 14 Hardly handy 15 Night before 16 One-named Tejano singer 17 Hot now 18 Others, in Oaxaca 24 Key in the sea 25 Not optimistic 29 Said again 32 Legume used in vegan chocolate 34 72-Across opposite 35 Apply messily 36 Many an Emirati 37 Lamb eaten on Eid, e.g. 38 Heard but not seen, maybe 40 Some sacred flowers 43 Those with a driving passion? 44 Post-punk subculture 45 Long-nosed fish 46 Gents 48 “Consarn it!” 49 Special find 50 Sport that encourages horsing around? 51 Infamy 52 Spycraft files 54 Massage target 55 Selling point? 56 Sun-kissed 61 Taproom offering 62 Crack some jokes 63 Stereo alternative 65 Sedate 66 Extra charge 67 Striped yellow ball 69 Portico pillars 70 Buicks, e.g. 71 Indicator 73 Banned refrigerant, for short 74 __ Lingus 75 Riverside rental 77 “__ in the blanks” 78 ESPNU focus 83 Dinner rolls? move 85 “Plot twist ... ” 87 Plot-makers 89 Assemble 90 Acrimony 91 Pitching duel? 92 NASA-approved watch brand 95 “Downton Abbey” figures 99 Accept an invite, perhaps 101 Poi base 102 Upper limbs 103 Annual milestone, briefly 105 Pet doc 106 __ Henriksen: skin care brand 107 Hon 108 Noche preceder L
S LittleGardenGallery
Crossword SeeCrosswordAnswerspage39
Volunteersthroughoutthestateare beingencouragedtojointhe2023 DelawareCoastalCleanup,theannual one-daycoordinatedstatewidetrash cleanupeventonSaturday,Sept.23, from9a.m.tonoon,withonlinevolunteerregistrationnowopen.
HostedbyDNRECandnowinits 36thyear,theeventwillbeheldat45 sitestohelpkeepDelaware’sbeaches andwaterwaysfreeoftrash.
Inaddition,Delawareansandvisitors arebeinginvitedtojointhemonth-long campaignstartingSept.1tocleanup neighborhoods,greenspacesandwaterwaysstatewideondays,timesandatlocationsoftheirchoice.Thecoordinated eventandmonth-longcampaignsupportGov.JohnCarney’sKeepDELitterFreeinitiative.
“Fouryearsafterthelaunchofour KeepDELitterFreeinitiative,weare seeingDelawareansofallagesandcommunitiescomingtogethertokeepour neighborhoods,coastlinesandoutdoor spacesclearoflitter,”Carney said.“Over1,200volunteerscameout to lastyear’sDelawareCoastalCleanup tohelpinourstatewidecleanupefforts. Thankyoutoallvolunteerswhoparticipateinoureffortstokeepourstate beautiful.”
“Lastyear,thenumberofvolunteers whojoinedustopickuptrashfromour beaches,waterwaysandwetlandsdoubled.Thisyear,wehopethatevenmore Delawareansandvisitorsofallageswill givetheirtimeforonedaytomakea difference,”saidDNRECSecretary ShawnM.Garvin.“Wealsocontinueto encouragevolunteerstomakeeveryday acleanupdayinDelawareduringthe monthofSeptember—andthroughout theyear.”
FortheSept.23coordinatedcleanup, volunteersshouldsignupbyFriday, Sept.1,fortheirchoiceofsites,through theCoastalCleanuppageat encouraged,duetovolunteersite-capacitylimitations.
Sitecaptainswithsupplieswillbeon sitetosigninvolunteersandprovide supplies,trashbagsanddirections.Althoughgloves,paperdatacardsandpens willbeavailableuponrequest,volunteers arebeingencouragedtobringtheirown glovesandtousetheonlineCoastal Cleanupreportingtool,whenitgoeslive Sept.1,tosharetheirfindings.Volunteersarealsobeingencouragedtobring theirown5-gallonbucketstocollect trash,emptyingthebucketsintoconsolidatedtrashbagstoreducethenumber ofplasticbagsgoingtolandfills.
Findideasabouthowtogetinvolved in the2023DelawareCoastalCleanup onFacebookandTwitter.Volunteersin boththecoordinatedeventonSept.23 andthemonth-longcampaigncanpost
bag.Volunteerscanpostphotosasoften astheylikethroughoutthemonth,with eachphotocountingasaoneentry.All volunteersshouldalsoreporttheirfindingsandarebeinginvitedtosharephotosthroughtheCoastalCleanuppage. Results willbeupdatedduringall monthlongandwillappearonaninteractivemap.
Lastyear,1,180volunteerscleaned up6,248poundsoftrashfromwaterways,wetlandsandothernaturalareas. Thetopfivetrashitemscollectedwere: 12,280cigarettebutts;4,986plasticand glassbeveragebottlesandcans;4,852 foodwrappersandcontainers;300balloons;and459plasticbags—halfthe
Cleaninguplocallymakesabigdifferencestatewideandkeepstrashfrom enteringwaterwaysandmakingitsway tobeachesandbeyond,officialsemphasized.DNRECsuggestedseveralways tohelpmakeadifferenceallyearlong:
•Beproactivebypickinguptrash nearyourhometokeepyourneighborhoodclean.
•Followacarry-in/carryoutplan andtakealltrashwithyouwhenvisitingoutdoorspaces,suchasDelaware StateParks,DNRECwildlifeareas, DelawareNationalEstuarineResearch Reser velocations,andcountyorlocal parks.
•Packabagandrubbergloveswhen youtakeawalk,goforahike,gohuntingorfishing,etc.,tocollectandcarry outtrashyoufindalongtheway.
DNRECofficialsremindedeveryone toweargloveswhenpickinguptrash andtowashhandsthoroughlyafter cleanupactivities.Moreinformation andvolunteerregistrationcanbefound at alsocanemailquestionsto
DNREC_Coastal_Cleanup@delaware.g ov.
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 35 FREE EOLD WORKSHOP ADVANCED HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES FEATURING DAN CONWAY,PARTNER SCOTT & SHUMAN , P.A. F I R S T 10 P E O P L E TO R. S. V. P. R E C E I V E D IS C O U N T E D A D VA N C E D H E A LT H C A R E D IR E C T I V E ($100 S I N G L E / $ 2 0 0 C O U P L E) W H E R E B E T H A N Y / F E N W I C K C H A M B E R 36913 C O A S TA L H W Y F E N W I C K I S L A N D , DE W H E N T H U R S D AY A U G U S T 17 , 2023 3 : 30 5 : 00 P . M . R . S . V . P . S H E I L A B R E N N A N 302 - 278 - 3993 C A L L O R T E X T P R E S E N T E D B Y S H E I L A B R E N N A N E N D O F L I F E D O U L A W W W . B E A C H D O U L A C O M 302-667-0810 • H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Irrigation Service Visit $60.00 Includes First 20 Minutes Labor Repairs Done On Time and Material Basis Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations! RegistrationopenforCoastalCleanupvols
The LewesPublicLibraryisnow welcomingparticipantsforthe16th AnnualLewesCreativeWriters’Conference,tobeheldAug.18-19inthe LewesPublicLibraryat111Adams Avenue,Lewes.Thisisthefirsttimethe conferencehasbeenin-personsince
TheeventkicksoffFriday,Aug.18, at5p.m.,withaneveningoforiginal readingsbyworkshoppresenters.Saturday’sfull-dayconferencebeginsat8 a.m.andoffersavarietyofworkshops, roundtablesandpresentationsonwrit-
Thisyear’ssessionsincludetopicson writingcollaboratively,experimentation withpoetry,usinghumorinwriting, outliningasawritingtool,andreading andwritingflashfiction.Selective roundtablesalsowillprovideworkshoppingopportunitiesforauthorsofpoetry, shortstoriesandallgenresofwriting. Presentersandroundtablehostsinclude JamieJ.Brunson,AnneColwell,Caleb Curtis,MaribethFischer,AllysonRice andBillieTravalini.
DuringtheSaturdaylunchsession, RoxanneStanulisfromtheDelaware DivisionofArts(DDOA)willprovide informationaboutgrantsandopportunities,followedbyreadingsbythecurrentDDOAFellowsinLiterature.
“For16years,theLewesCreative conferencehashadonegoal:togather inoneplaceaward-winningpoets,prose
MichelleMeadows,anaward-winninglocalauthorofchildren’sbooks,will launchhernewbook,“Marvel’sMoon GirlandDevilDinosaur:OneGirlCan MakeaDifference,”atRehobothElementarySchoolat4p.m.onSaturday, Aug.19.Thefreeevent,“Marvel’sMoon GirlBookLaunchParty,”willincludea
writersandplaywrightswillingtodeliverawide-rangeoffunandinformativewriting-basedopportunitiesthat appealtoallwriters,regardlessofexperience,”saidBillieTravalini,conference co-founderandcoordinator.
Theeveningofreadingsandthe conferencearefreeandopentothe public.Registrationisrequired.Visit andviewdetailedinformationabout thesessionsandpresenters.Thedeadlinetosubmitmaterialsforconsiderationforacceptanceintoanyroundtable workshopendsatnoon onSaturday, July15.
TheLewesCreativeWriters’ConferenceissponsoredbytheLewesPublicLibrary,DelawareDivisionof Libraries,John&SallyFreemanFoundationandNationalLeagueofAmericanPenWomen,DiamondBranch.
Aimedatkidsages8to12,Meadows’ middle-gradenovelispublishedbyMarvelPress/DisneyBooksandbasedonan animatedDisneyTVshow.MoonGirlis makinghistoryasthefirstBlack female leadcharacterinaMarveltelevision show.
“Ilovedworkingonthisbookbecause MoonGirlissuchanempoweringgirl,” Meadowssaid.“Sheshowskidsit’scool tobesmartandsolveproblems.”
“MoonGirlandDevilDinosaur:One GirlCanMakeaDifference”features LunellaLafayette,abrilliant13-year-old girlwhoisascientist,engineerandinventor.ThebookhelpsreadersunderstandhowLunellatransformsinto MoonGirl.Sheisajunior-highschool studentbydayandacrime-fighting superherobynight—andtheguardian ofa10-tonreddinosaurwholivesinher secretlab.
“Bookloversofallagesareinvited,” saidLoriSmyth,ownerofKids’Ketch andTidepoolToys&Games.“Asigned bookmakesawonderfulgiftforkids.”
SeveralofMeadows’otherbooksfor youngchildrenwillalsobeavailable,including“BraveBallerina:TheStoryof JanetCollins,”“FlyingHigh:TheStory ofGymnasticsChampionSimoneBiles,” “MaxieWizandHerDragon,”andher Dr.Seussbeginningreaders,“Howto LoveaPony”and“WhatHummingFishWish:HowYouCanHelpProtect SeaCreatures.”
Meadowsistheauthorof15books, withmoreontheway.Connection,compassionandfamilyarecommonthemes inherwork.Meadows’publishersincludeRandomHouse,Simon&Schuster,ScholasticandMacmillan.Anative ofWashington,D.C.,Meadowsmoved totheDelawarebeachareain formoreinformation.
36 CoastalPoint August11,2023 TU U Frida Fr TISTS STS URIN 8 eptember y S a ay, ALLE S 2023 5:00 to 7 ER :00 PM P - B VP R RSSVPery O ll t Ga A At B BETH E NYBTHHAANY EA n NYBE YB o ee Admissi Fr antic nti tl e: 32 A Atl On 8, y, CHA FCHARTTSSFESTI e CHAR ACHARHARRTS equir quir VP R - RS ie e, Ocean V v ve, c A AvM . L. ed LCO IVAL.CO y VAL.CO E, 19970 w, D a eaway aw v vea ting Gi inntinga d y Bode Byr ar Art by M a tnering A n r P A 15 Pa 5 y O F ng ller m Ga ro Fro ring rtn tn e t ne & t Win i By ti e i On B ted V lSa Artists W Fa y Pa re t F & Ligh ery d Win ineyar es V in Seafood Market Come by Car or Boat! Open Daily 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE 302-226-8220 • FRESH! Yummy! 15 FRESH LOCAL FISH & MORE! Flounder • Sea Bass • Tautog • Rock Fish • Tuna Mahi • Sword sh • Scallops • Clams • Crabmeat Soft Shell Crabs • Snow Crab Legs • Crab Cakes Shrimp Salad • Tuna Salad and Steamed Items To Go Writers’conferencereturninginperson Meadowslaunchingnewchildren’sbook
e Gull C y
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ecreational Activities • Group Outings R mmunity Car Service & Hair Salon
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 37
Gov.JohnCarneyjoinedmembersof theGeneralAssembly,membersofhis Cabinet,andadvocateslastweektosign multiplepiecesoflegislationaimedat tacklingclimatechangeinDelaware.
Thisworkbuildsoffofthedecades ofeffortbyvariousstateagencieswho havebeenprioritizingDelaware’sclimate.In2021,CarneydevelopedaClimateActionPlan,aimingtoreduce emissionsandincreaseresilience.With thehelpofmultiplestateagencies,Carney’sadministrationisimplementing these recommendationsandbuildinga moresustainablefutureforDelaware, officialssaid.
“Climatechangethreatensour tourismindustry,ouragriculturalindustry,thehealthofourcitizens,andthefinancialwell-beingofourlocal,county andstategovernments,”saidCarney.
“There’snotimetowaittotakeaction. Iwanttothanktheadvocatesand membersoftheGeneralAssemblyfor theirdedicatedworktopreservingour naturalheritageandbuildingonthe greatworkofstateagenciesastheyfollowDelaware’sClimateActionPlan.”
“Achievinga50percentreductionin greenhousegasemissionsby2030and net-zeroemissionsby2050areambitiousbutattainablegoals,”said DNRECSecretaryShawnM.Garvin. “Wehavebeenworkingforyearstransitioningtocleanerenergysourcesinour homes,businessesandtransportation systems,andwehaveseenpositive progress.Delaware’sClimateAction Plan,releasedinNovember2021,pro-
videdadditionalstrategiesandactions, anditservesasourplaybookforboth reducingemissionsandforincreasing ourresiliencytotheimpacts ofclimatechangethatwearealready witnessing.”
Thepiecesoflegislationsignedlast Thursdayare:
•HouseBill10,whichsetstargets forpurchasingelectricschoolbuses.
•HouseBill11,whichensureslarge commercialbuildingsareequippedfor solarinstallation.
•HouseBill12,whichexpandsthe ElectricVehicleRebateProgram.
•SS1forSenateBill103,which amendsDelawarecodetomakeiteasier tobringEVchargersintoresidential
•SenateBill170,whichisacommitmenttostudyoffshorewindwith neighboringstatesandPJM.
“Todayisabouttakingnecessaryactiontoprotectourchildren’sfutures,” saidLt.Gov.BethanyHall-Long.“The climatecrisisishere,anditisalready impactingourhealth,ourlivelihoods, andourwayoflife.Iamgratefulto Gov.CarneyandleadersintheGeneral Assemblyforrisingtothismomentso thatwecanpreserveourshorelinesand ourcoastalcommunitiesandlimitthe healthimpactsofclimatechange,which disproportionatelyaffectourmostvulnerableresidents.Weknowthework continues,buttodayDelawareismakingmeaningfulprogresstoprotectour environmentandourqualityoflifefor futuregenerations.”
“Asalow-lyingcoastalstate, Delawareisespeciallyvulnerabletothe devastatingandlife-alteringimpactsof climatechange.Becauseofthis,wehave anurgentresponsibilitytoconfrontthis challengehead-onandpavethewayfor agreenerandmoresustainablefuture,” said HouseSpeakerValerieLonghurst. “WiththebillsthatGov.Carneysigned intolawtoday,we’retakingacritical steptowardsthisgoalandpositioning Delawareasaleaderingreenenergyinnovationandsustainability.Icommend mycolleaguesfortheirhardworkon theseimportantmeasuresandI’mlookingforwardtoourcontinuedworkin theongoingfightagainstclimate change.”
“Delawarehasmadeincredible progressinsettingrealisticandattainablegoalstoreduceourrelianceonfossil fuels,minimizeourgreenhousegas emissions,andmoveourstatetoclean andsustainableenergysources,” saidstateSen.StephanieHansen.“In justthelastfewyears,wehavesetnew renewableportfoliostandardsforour utilitiestofollow,adoptedastatewide climateactionplan,promotedtheadoptionofelectricvehicles,andcreatednew avenuesforhistoricallydisadvantaged communitiestoreapthebenefitsof solarpower.
“Justasgreenhousegasesposea threattoourentirestatebycontributing torisingsealevelsandworseningair quality,it’sgoingtotakeawhole-ofgovernmentapproachtoreversethe long-termharmcausedbydecadesof relianceonfossilfuels.Thebillssigned intolawtodaymarkasignificantstep forwardinthateffort,andIamgrateful tothemanylegislatorsandadvocates whoworkedsohardtogetustothis point.”
38 CoastalPoint August11,2023 “Wonderful things for gardens, homes and best friends” 40118 E. South Carolina St., Fenwick Island One o the Highway next to Nantucket’s Restaurant 302-539-2405 • DEE DEE PHILLIPS & Husband, Props. • OPEN DAILY 10am–5pm Closed Tuesday & Wednesday roughout the Summer CAROLINA STREET Lee Industries Furniture • Original Artwork Handmade Rugs • Carvings • Accessories Celebrating 31 Years in Business! Carneysignsenvironmentallegislationpieces SeeBILLSpage40
TheMaj.NathanielMitchellChapter (MNM)NSDAR,alongwiththetownof Millsboro,willberevealingtheHometown HeroBannersinMillsboroonAug.19.A dedicationceremonyisplannedatthe CupolaParkBandstandinMillsboroat10 a.m.,andthepubliciswelcometoattend thebriefdedication,whichwillincludea readingofallthebannernames.
The34bannersaredisplayedonlight polesliningthedowntownstreetsinMillsboro.
“TheTownofMillsborovaluesthe serviceandsacrificeoflocalveteransand
TheHometownHeroesBannerProgramisalivingtributecreatedinorderfor thecommunitytorecognizeandhonorindividualsthatserveorhaveservedthe countryintheU.S.ArmedForces. NSDARisanon-profitnonpolitical women’sserviceorganizationdedicatedto promotinghistoricpreservation,education, patriotismandhonoringthepatriotsofthe RevolutionaryWar.Formoreinformation,
Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre! OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Evenings at 7:00 PM Fri., Sat., Sun., & Mon. Matinee at 3:00 PM Advance Tickets for all shows available at: Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Box Office: (302) 732-3744 33246 Main St. Dagsboro, DE 19939 THRUTHURS.,08/24 RATEDR OPENSFRI.,08/11 OPENSFRI.,08/25 RATEDPG13 COMINGSOON August11,2023 CoastalPoint 39 Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro • (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Stop in on your way to or from the beach! Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! Open 7 Days! 7am-7pm The Kisa Cafe Home of Unique Toys & Games You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! The Season for Big Savings Is Now! Schedule Soon & Save Up to $2000! Cooling or Heating System Tune Up $49 Price valid for one working unit. Excludes oil fired systems. Valid at participating ARS Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 8/30/2023 License numbers available at on a New Cooling and Heating System with our Buy Back Program! SAVE UP TO $2000 Savings requires purchase and installation of select complete heating and cooling system. Removal and disposal by Company of existing heating and cooling system required. Valid at participating ARS® Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 8/30/2023 License numbers available at Call today! (855) 428-5908 Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]
forwardthatwillenhanceDelaware’s infrastructureandreducecostsfor workingfamiliesastheU.S.automarket continuestransitioningtoelectricvehicles,”saidstateSen.SarahMcBride.“By requiringelectricvehiclechargingconduitstobeincludedinnewhomeconstructionandelsewhere,wearehelping toprepareourneighborsforthisimpendingmarketshift,encouragingour communitiestoadoptcleanermodesof transportation,andfurtherreducing Delaware’srelianceonfossilfuels.This isgoodpublicpolicyforfamilies,our environmentandourstate,andIwant tothankGov.JohnCarneyforsigning itintolawtoday.”
“Wecannolongersitpassivelyand pretendthatno-actionisthebestway toprotecttheplanet’sfuture.Humankindhascontributeddetrimen-
tallytotheenvironmentandit’stime weownourresponsibilitytoaddress theissue,”saidstateRep.DebraHeffernan.“Weworkedcollaboratively withenvironmentalleaders,various stakeholdersandofficialstocraftan ambitiousgroupofbillsthatwillfight climatechangeandprotectourportion ofthisfragileplanet.Throughhard work,we’reherenowtocelebratethe passageofseveralofthesebills,and I’mcommittedtointroducingand passingmorelegislationintheupcomingsession.Thankyoutoallwhoinvestedtheirtime,expertiseand supporttothiseffort—wecouldn’t havedoneitwithoutyou.”
“Combatingthecatastrophiceffects ofclimatechangeandreducinggreenhousegasemissionscan’tbeaccomplishedwithonebilloronesolution.It requiresseveralideascomingtogether foronepurpose.Todaywecelebratea seriesofbillsthattogetherhelp
Delawarereducecarbonemissions,”said stateRep.SophiePhillips.“MyHB12 willhelpmakeelectricvehiclesmoreaffordabletomiddle-classfamilieswho wantacleanerenvironmentandtosave moneyatthepump.I’mlookingforwardtocontinuingourworknextyear withmorelegislationtoprotectourenvironment,reducegreenhousegasemissionsandfightclimatechange.”
“Iwanttothankallthelegislators andtheGovernor’sofficeforatremendousamountofworkandsupportfor thislegislativepackage,includingthe ClimateChangeSolutionActof2023,” saidDustynThompson,chapterdirectoroftheSierraClubDelawareChapter.“Ithinktheamountofsupportwe saw thisyearisindicativeofthemomentweareinrightnow.Theseelected officialsunderstandthatourstateis reachingthebrinkwhereifwedonot takedecisiveandmeaningfulactionwe willbeforfeitingthefutureofsomany
generationsyettocome.Whilethisis justthebeginning,Ithinkwewilllook backatthismomentandrecognizethat thisiswhenwegaveourselvesthetools weneedtofightbackagainstarapidly changingclimateandreadyourstatefor theimpactswearenolongerableto avoid.”
“Climatechangeandrisingseasare anexistentialthreattoDelaware.With thesigningofHouseBill99andtheaccompanyingbillpackage,wetakeastep forwardinenvisioningamoresustainablefutureforDelaware’shumanand naturalcommunities,”saidLoriBrennan,executivedirectoroftheNature ConservancyDelawareandPennsylvania.“Thankyou,Gov.Carney,Sen. Hansen,Reps.Longhurst,Heffernan andPhillips,DNRECstaff,thebill sponsorsandtheenvironmentalcommunityforthecontinuedworkonbehalfoftheenvironmentandthenatural spaceswecherish.”
40 CoastalPoint August11,2023 eetballriinball•P P•Skkeetball•Pameses •G z 10 tsloa es • F ilk Shak M eam e CrIc d Hand Dipped Har $ FOR CARD GAME $20 Noon 10pm Sun Noon 9pm tariSF , 3-9pm hursT ri: Mon--T F OPEN INQUIRETOY OURPART $25 game card and use of our party area $20 per person includes gift bag, bowl of ice cream AYPKGS.ABOUTOURBIRTHDAY AREELECTRIC TIES Sundaes wls otingBLigh Slushies d udes gift bag, bowl of ice cream cade rter-AuarQ-tric om/Elecebook.c .facwwttps://wh (410) 250-4442 , MD 21842 ean Cityy, MD 21842 Oc ,y y, oastal High 13713 C Noon-10pm • Sun Noon – 9pm Minimum of 8 people -250120098439781 e D 21842 imum seniors help ices so givers,caregi al leting tin dep thout de. help. can We so not maybe Now, in hire - fro fr care, home livin emain ain r can they cha to has elationship tio r much. v servi aw Law Elder fessionprofes or family m wit safely, fely home at g ai to partner from fr nge tioninistra ust Adm e & Tr tat aw · Es L er · Eld lanning e P tatEs moc.walwwp.www 0414.826.203
Bills Continuedfrompage38
Followinganunexpectedprostatecancerdiagnosis,59-year-old retiredWashingtonD.C.policeo cerandcurrentBethanyarea residentRobertArringtonknewthatheneededasurgicalteam capableofprovidingthebestcare,closetohome.Roberttrusted boardcerti edandfellowshiptrainedurologistDr.GregorySpana toperformroboticassistedsurgerytoremovehiscancerandgethim homeandonapathtospeedyrecovery thesameday.
is Our Specialty SUSSEX COUNTY Scantolearn moreabout Robert'sstory
Thatstoodout... thatIcouldhavea majorsurgeryand behomelessthan RoboticAssistedSurgeryPatient Robert Arrington rt r ob b Robotic Assisted Surgery Patient tic Assisted SuurgeryPatie Robot b August11,2023 CoastalPoint 41
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Studentsintheupcomingclassof FinancialPeaceUniversitybyDave Ramseywilllearnthevalueofpaying offthesmallestbillsfirst,thenusing availablefundstostartchippingaway atotherdebts.
Theweeklyclass,about90minutes long,onWednesdayeveningsat6:30 p.m.,willbeinRoom5oftheHope CenteratMariner’sBethelMethodist ChurchinOceanViewfromSept.6 untilNov.1,saidfacilitatorCarol Lewis,whowilluseDVDsofRamsey teachingthecourse.
LewishascoordinatedFinancial PeaceUniversityclassesforaboutfive yearsatMariner’sand,beforethat,at herchurchinLaurel,Md.,andsaidit hashelpedstudents“payoffdebtand growtheirwealth.”
“Rightnow,therearealotofpeople inneedoffinancialhelpandhave nowheretogo,”shesaid,addingthat morethan40graduatesfrompast classespaidoffmore than$55,000of debtandsavedmorethan$25,000by followingRamsey’sguidelines.
“Ipersonallypaidoffover$58,000 ofdebtandretiredtwoyearsearlyby followinghisplan.Ithinktherearea
lotofpeopleinneedrightnow.It’sa greatcourse.Myministeratourchurch inMarylandaskedmetofindaplan thatwouldhelpallourparishionersget backintotheswingofthingswith money.Debtnowisworsethanit’s everbeen,andpeopleintheUnited Stateshavecreditcarddebtthatisway, wayup,”Lewissaid.
RamseywasaRealtorwhobought andrenovatedhomes.
“Hehadallkindsofmortgages.All ofasudden,thebankspulledthenotes andhehadnothingtousetopayfor them.Hebecamebankrupt.Thebanks wantedtheirmoneyandhewasbroke, sohecameupwiththisplan,”shesaid.
ofdebtsandassets,anddoesn’thaveto sharepersonalinformationwithclassmates.Homeworkisdoneprivately.
Thepremiseisusingazero-based budget.
“Allthemoneythatcomesingoes outtosomewhere,sothereisaplanfor everypennyyoubringin.It’sdonein babysteps—sevenbabysteps.The firstissaving$1,000foranemergency fund.Ifyouhave$1,000insavings, skipthatstep.Thesecondstepis,you payoffallyourdebtusingwhathe callsa‘debtsnowball,’topayoffdebt andstaymotivated.Youstartwiththe smallestdebt,nomattertheinterest rates.Alotofpeopledoitbythehighestinterestratesfirst,butthenyou aren’tmotivated.Youpayonedebtoff, thenyoutakewhatyouwerepayingon thatandpaythenextone.Youcansee itgrowing,”shesaid.
Resultsareusuallyseeninfiveyears. “Peoplecomeuptomeandtheysay, ‘Thankyou.Yousavedourmarriage.’I say,‘No,Ididn’t.Yousavedit.’”
Spiritofthe summercontinuesat FreemanArtsPavilion
TheFreemanArtsPavilionmay bemorethanhalfwaythroughits 16thseason,butthespiritofthe summercontinuesattheoutdoor performingartsvenuenearSelbyville.
Upcomingperformancesincludea varietyoffreeshows,suchasThe LegendaryIngramettesonAug.16 andFirstStateBalletonAug.31,as wellasaward-winningartists—includingMarcusKingonAug.10; DianaKrallonAug.11;Shakey GravesandLuciusonAug.17;The RighteousBrothersonAug.18; SouthsideJohnnyonAug.19;and GaryClarkJr.onAug.30.
Thisseasonalsofeaturesanumberoftributeacts,suchasFloydNation:ExperiencePinkFloydonAug. 15andVoyage—TheUltimate JourneyTributeBandonSept.9.The YoungAudienceSeries,thefreechildren’seventprogram,willcontinue everySaturdaymorningat10a.m. throughSept.2aswell.
“ItmaybeAugust,butwestill havesomethingforeveryonetoexperienceatFreemanArtsPavilion,” saidPattiGrimes,executivedirector, notingthattheworkdoesn’tstop oncetheFreemanArtsseasonhas concluded.“OurArtsAccessInitiativeprovidesfree,high-qualityarts experiencestoareafamiliesandstudentsyear-roundthroughourArts EducationandCommunityAccess programs.”
America’s #1 Best-Selling Awnings Call Today for Your FREE In-Home Consultation! 302-537-3679 • 877-673-7971 Call Today & Save! Owners Dave & Kelly Goodman Celebrating 20 Years in Business A+ Mariner’sBetheltoholdclassesofFinancialPeaceUniversityinSeptember
Losingalovedoneisan emotionallyfraughttime,and thereisoftenalotthatmust bedoneintheimmediateaftermath.Ifthepersonwhohas passedownedaninterestin realestateinDelaware,then oneofthetasksisgettingthat realestateintothenameofthe beneficiariesofthewilland/ortrust,orintothe nameoftheheirsatlawifthedecedenthadnoestateplanningdocuments.
Themostimportantstepismakingsuretofile theproperpaperworkwiththeRegisterofWills intheappropriatecountywheretheDelawarereal estatewasowned.Thenecessaryfilingdepends uponhowtherealestatewastitled,ifowned jointly.FilingtheproperpaperworkwiththeRegisterofWillsensuresthattherealestateinterest goesintothename(s)oftheproperpeople.Ifthis isaccomplished,thenpreparinganewdeedtobe recordedisagoodideabutnotrequired.
ThisfactdistinguishesDelawarefromthelaw inotherstates.Adeedpreparedintothename(s) ofthepartiesthatinheritedisnottrulyvalidunlesstheproperpaperworkisfiledwiththeRegisterofWills.
Theanswertothisquestion dependsonhowtheproperty wastitledatthetimeofthe deathofthepropertyowner. Forillustrationpurposes,if Iownpropertyatthetimeof mydeathandmywillstates thatthepropertyistogotomy wife,thepropertywillpassto mywifeaspartoftheprobateprocess,withoutthe needforanewdeedtotheproperty.Thefilingof mywill,estateinventory,andotherdocuments withtheRegisterofWillswillactlikeadeedand transfertitletothepropertytoher.
However,ifIownpropertyinthenameofmy revocabletrustandmytruststatesthatthepropertyistopasstomywife,shewillnotneedto openaprobateestatewiththeRegisterofWillsto transfertheproperty.Shecansimplycontactan attorney,andtheattorneycanprepareadeedfrom thetrusteetoher.
Intheeventthepropertyisownedinthename ofanLLCorotherentity,anattorneyshouldbe consulted,astheprocessbecomesalittlemore complicated.Astheanswertothisquestionvaries, Iwouldrecommendthatanyoneinheritingpropertyconsultwithanattorneytoensurethatthe properstepsaretaken.
RobbieRobinson Parsons&Robinson,P.A.
Undoubtedly,thelastthing thatyouwanttodowhile grievingthelossofMomor Dadistotakethetimetohandlepaperworkintransferring assetstoyouandyourfamily. However,ensuringthateverythingisdocumentedaccordinglyisthekeytoensuring simplicityforthenextgeneration.
Uponsomeone’sdeath,dependingontheirdeed titling,theirestateisprobatedwiththeRegisterof Wills’office.AdocumentcalledtheInventoryis filedthatlistsrealestateownedbythedecedent, andthenewpropertyownerpursuanttothewill, whichtriggersthecountytaxassessmentofficeto updatetheirrecords.
Whilethereisnoofficialrequirementforanew deedtobecompleted,itstillcanbethecleanest waytoprepareforafuturesaleandforlaterheirs ofthepropertytoensureyourfamilyisfullytaken careofwhenyoudepartthislife.
WINDSOR TEAK FURNITURE TAXFREE DELAWARE WeShip Nationwide Teak Lasts a Lifetime! We Have In-Stock Inventory! Premium Grade A Teak...World’s Best Outdoor Furniture Rockers & Recliners SUMMER SALE! August11,2023 CoastalPoint 43
Thisfall,manyDelawareschools willlaunchanewschoolsafetyand wellnesssuitethatisdesignedtoincorporateacomprehensiveapproach toalertadministratorsofserioussituationswhileprovidingstudents withthenecessarytoolsandresourcestopreventordeterasituationfromescalating.
“Inanemergency,thetimeliness ofhelpiscritical.I’mexcitedthis platformwillmakeiteasierand fastertoaccesswellnessresources andreachimmediatesupportina crisis,”SecretaryofEducationMark Holodicksaid.
Thefirstpartoftheprogramis SAFEDE,ananonymousreporting appthatincludescrisistexting,mentalhealtheducationandotherresources.Availabletoallpublicand charterschools,SAFEDEenables studentstocommunicatedirectly withahelpcenterandschoolofficialsintimesofneed,includingdirectaccesstoa“CrisisTextLine.” Thegoalistoimproveschoolsafety byhelpingidentifyandintervene withthoseatriskofharmingthemselvesorothers.Studentscancome forwardtovoiceaconcernoraskfor helpforthemselvesorafriendin
needwithoutthestressofhavingto self-identify.
Thesecondcomponentofthe suiteencompassesthreatassessment andsuicideriskassessmentmodels combinedwithstafftraining. Delaware’sComprehensiveSchool SafetyProgram(CSSP)haschosen evidence-basedmodelstoprovide studentsandstaffwiththesame standardizedprocessthroughoutthe entirestate.
Thethirdpieceisacasemanagementsystemthatstoresandtracks criticalinformationasastudentproceedsintheirK-12education.The
goalistoensurethatnostudentslips throughthecracksandfailstoget thecareandservicestheymayneed.
“Thesafetyandwell-beingof Delawareresidents,especiallyour students,isourNo.1priority.This technology,whichislinkedtosubject matterexperts,ensuresourstudents havethebestresourcesavailable whenitisneededmost.Weencourageourstudents,parents,andeducatorstoutilizetheseresources,”said SecretaryofSafetyandHomeland SecurityNathanielMcQueenJr.
Currently,manyofDelaware’s19 schooldistrictsandcharterschools —morethan83,000studentsor morethanhalfofthestate’s140,000 totalenrollment—haveonboarded andareimplementingthenewprogram.EffortstoonboardtheremainderofDelawareschoolscouldmean Delawarewouldbeamongthefirst stateswiththehighestadoptionrate forthisnewsafetyandwellnessplatformbythestartoftheschoolyear.
Get the Facts and Get Involved
“SAFEDEandthesecomprehensivesafetyandwellnesstoolsareone ofanumberofinitiativestheDEMA ComprehensiveSchoolSafetyProgramhasbroughttothecommunity tohelplowerrisk,”saidA.J.Schall, directoroftheDelawareEmergency ManagementAgency(DEMA).“I appreciatethepartnershipsbuiltto makesurethisisavailabletoallpublicandcharterschoolsinDelaware.”
Researchindicatesmanyschool safetyissuesmightbepreventedifissuesandconcernsarebroughtforward.AccordingtotheCentersfor DiseaseControl,suicideisthesecondleadingcauseofdeathforages 10to24,andthisrateincreased52 percentfrom2000to2021.AccordingtotheU.S.SecretService,“Targetedschoolviolenceispreventable whencommunitiesreportconcerning behaviorsandintervene,”and“in two-thirdsofattackstherewasat leastonecommunication(orother observedconcerningbehavior)… thatwasnotreportedbythebystanderwhoobservedit.”Bynormalizingtheprocessofaskingforhelp, SAFEDEaimstoimproveaschool’s abilitytoassessandmanagethreats ofviolenceandsuicide.
CSSPselectedSTOPitSolutions anditsHELPmeplatformtobuild theSAFEDEapp.CSSPalsopartneredwithPublicConsultingGroup (PCG )tooverseethetrainingforthe BehavioralThreatAssessment(BTA) andSuicideRiskAssessment(SRA) solutionsofthesuite,aswellasthe implementationofthecasemanagementsystemtohousethisinformation.
44 CoastalPoint August11,2023
The Hold On To Your Butt campaign is a collaborative effort by The Surfrider Foundation Delaware Chapter, Plastic Free Delaware and DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation.
Butts are made of plastic and do not biodegrade. They leach chemicals, pollute waterways & kill wildlife.
TheBethanyBeachJazzFuneralhas chosentheAmericanRedCrossofDelmarvaasthebeneficiaryoffundstobe raisedontheBethanyboardwalkon LaborDay,Sept.4,andonSept.1at theBethanyBeachJazzFuneralSilent AuctionatBethanyBluesrestaurant.
“TheAmericanRedCrossprevents andalleviateshumansufferinginthe faceofemergenciesbymobilizingthe powerofvolunteersandthegenerosity ofdonors,”organizersnoted.
The2023BethanyBeachJazzFuneralwillbecelebratedonLaborDay, Monday,Sept.4,withactivitiesbeginningaround5:30p.m.atthenorthend oftheBethanyBeachboardwalk.The eventisacelebrationattheendofthe summerto“bidafondfarewell”tothe traditionalsummerseason.Anoverview
AttheJazzFuneral,spectatorscan jointhemockfuneralprocessionof mournersaccompaniedbyDixieland bands.“Mourners”willcarryacasket withadecoratedmannequinrepresenting“Summerof2023”fromthenorth endoftheboardwalktoitsfinalresting placeatthebandstand.
AccordingtoCarolynBaconand MarieWright,theassistantchairpersons ofthisyear’sJazzFuneralevents,this family-friendlyeventisfreetothepublic.
Forthepast17years,theBethany BeachJazzFuneralhasalsohostedthe JazzFuneralSilentAuctiontobenefita localcharity.Thisyear,theJazzFuneral SilentAuctionwillbeheldonFriday, Sept.1,from3to4:30p.m.atBethany BluestosupporttheDelmarvaChapter oftheAmericanRedCross.Bethany Bluesislocatedat6NorthPennsylvania AvenueinBethanyBeach
RedCrossofDelmarvasotheymay continuetoassisttheresidentsofthe localcommunitieswithemergencyand preventiveservices,accordingtoWright.
“TheRedCrossresponds24hoursa daytohelplocalfamiliesaffectedbya disaster,militaryfamilieswhohavean emergencyandneedtocommunicate withtheirlovedone,andmanyotherinstances,”Wrightsaid.“Theyalsoteach theirneighborslifesavingskills,suchas FirstAid,CPR,andwatersafety,inadditiontoprovidingdisasterpreparedness tipsandtraining.Allthiswouldnotbe possiblewithoutvaluablecontributions oftalent,time,anddonationsfromthe
Wrightknowsofwhatshespeaks. SheisacertifiedRedCrossvolunteer.
“Formorethan100years,theRed Crosshaspartneredwiththelocalcommunityandnowservesmorethan1.6 millionpeoplethroughoutDelaware, Maryland’sEasternShore,andtwo countiesonVirginia’sEasternShore,” Wrightsaid.“TheRedCrossencourages residentstoutilizeRedCrosstoolsand trainingtomakethecommunityoneof thesafestplacestolive,workandraisea family.”
ExecutiveDirectorTheresaYoungof theAmericanRedCrossofDelmarva
“TheRedCrosslaunchedanationwidepreparednessendeavorcalledthe HomeFireCampaign,”saidYoung. “Thecampaign’sgoalwastoreduce homefiredeathsandinjuriesby25percentnationwideoverfiveyears.Herelocally,wehaveheldeventswherewe installedfreesmokealarmsinhigh-fireriskcommunitiesandalsoeducatedon homefiresafety.”
“Therearetimeswhenpeopleforget thescopeoftheRedCrossanditscom-
WINDSOR TEAK FURNITURE TAXFREE DELAWARE WeShip Nationwide Teak Lasts a Lifetime! We Have In-Stock Inventory! Premium Grade A Teak...World’s Best Outdoor Furniture Teak Sunloungers w/ Sunbrella Cushions SUMMER SALE! August11,2023 CoastalPoint 45
mitmenttoprovidingemergencyservices365daysayear,sevendaysaweek, 24hoursaday,”Youngsaid.
“RedCrosshasbeenandcontinuesto beverybusywithitshumanitarian work,”saidYoung.“Wehavehelped manypeoplethisyear,whetherdownthe street,nationwideorworldwide.Allthe moneyraisedatthiseventwillhelp thosewhoexperiencedlocaldisasters, suchashomefires,flooding,etc.”
Thesheersizeoftheserviceareathat theDelmarvaRedCrosscoverspresents severalchallengers,Youngsaid.
“YourDelmarvaChapteroftheRed Crosscoversthewholepeninsula,which isquitelarge;however,wenevermissa callforhelp.Wecouldnotdothiswithoutourvolunteersandfinancialsupport fromneighborsallover Delmarva.Thankyou.”
TheAmericanRedCrossofDelmarvacanbereachedat(302)656-6620 and1-800-777-6620oronline
Inaddition,theAmericanRedCross organizationhasaffiliatesintheGulfregion,includingNewOrleans,thehome oftheoriginaljazzfunerals.
Forthepast18years,theBethany BeachJazzFuneralwasdedicatedto thoseimpactedbythelingeringaftermathofHurricaneKatrina,especially theresidentsofNewOrleans,according toBacon.
“SinceNewOrleansexperiencedso muchdevastationfromHurricaneKatrinaandsincetherecoveryprocessin NewOrleanscontinuestothisday,our lightheartedBethanyBeachJazzFuneral celebrationismeanttoshowrespectand admirationforthejazzfuneraltradition bornintheBigEasy,”Baconsaid.
RaisingfundsfortheRedCrossis notnewfortheBethanyBeachJazzFuneral.The2005BethanyBeachJazzFu-
neralwasdedicatedtotheworkperformedbymembersoftheAmerican RedCross.OnLaborDay2005,amemorialserviceontheBethanyBeach boardwalkwasheldtohonorNewOrleansandthosewhoperishedinHurricaneKatrina.Representativesofthe AmericanRedCrosswereonhandto collectfundsforhurricanerelief.The AmericanRedCrosswasalsothebeneficiaryoffundsin2011,2015,2017, 2019andlastyear.
Youngsaidshelooksforwardtoonce againworkingwiththeJazzFuneral.
“TheJazzFuneralreceivesstrong supportfromthecommunityeveryyear,” Youngsaid.”Weareproudtopartner withthemtonotonlyraisefundsbut alsotohelpraiseawarenessforRed Crossservices,classes,andvolunteeropportunities.”
MusicfortheBethanyBeachJazz FuneralisprovidedbythecombinedeffortsofthreeDixielandjazzbands, notedBacon.ThebandsaretheJazzFu-
neralIrregulars,theDixieCats,andthe DowntownDixielandBand. AllthefundsraisedatthesilentauctionontheFridayafternoonbefore LaborDaywillgototheDelmarva chapteroftheAmericanRedCrossof Delmarva.Admissionisfree,andallare beinginvitedtoattend.
TheBethanyBeachJazzFuneral SilentAuctionbenefitsfivecharities: SussexCountyHabitatforHumanity, theAmericanCancerSocietywiththeir RelayForLifeprogram,andthe AudubonSociety,representedbythe DelawareAudubonSocietyandthe ChesapeakeAudubonSociety,aswellas theAmericanRedCross.
Anyonewhowishestovolunteerto helpoutwiththeBethanyBeachJazz FuneralortheSilentAuctionat BethanyBluescan,callto leaveamessageat(302)537-1585,or dropalinetoP.O.Box505,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
Nativeplantsoffermanybenefits,to peopleandthewildlifearoundthem,and thoseinterestedinfurtheringtheirknowledgeofnativeplantscanjoinGreggTepper,horticulturistandnativeplantexpert, foratwo-hourworkshopatInlandBays GardenCenter,wherehewilldelveinto themanyfeaturesandbenefitsofthese
“NativePlantsforYouandWildlife, Too!”issetforSaturday,Sept.9,from10 a.m.tonoon,andcosts$10.
Theinformation-packedtalkwillbe focusedon12nativeplants,including theircultivation,howtousetheminthe landscape,andtheirimportantbenefitsto
insectpollinatorsandnativebirds.Additionally,Tepperwilladdresstheissuesof heavydeerpressureandofferadviceona strategyusingdeer-resistantplantsandeffectiverepellantproducts.Participantscan learntocreateagarden,aplantcommunityandwildlifehabitatallinone.
lecturer,consultantandlife-longnative plantenthusiast.Hehasbeeninthepublic horticultureindustryformorethan30 yearsandhashelpedsteward,guideand promotevariouspublicgardens,including theMt.CubaCenterandDelaware BotanicGardensatPepperCreek. Heistheseniorhorticulturistatthe ArboretumatLaurelHillinPhiladelphia, comprisingtwohistoriccemeterypropertiestotaling265acres,whereheco-managesthehorticultureinternsandstaff.His primaryfocusisoncreatingandstewardingmultipleecologically-sounddisplay gardenareasatbothproperties,including theRockGarden,thehistoricMedallion Garden,theaward-winningChapelGardensandNature’sSanctuary,amultipleaward-winningSITESGoldcertified greenburiallandscape.
Teppersaidhisworkbringshimmuch joythroughthemanyopportunitiestoeducatethepublic,collaboratewithfellow publicgardensandworkcloselywithspecialtynurseriestocustomgrowvastcollectionsofuniqueandgarden-worthyplants that,throughthebuildingofdiverseplant communities,createwhathecalls“gardens tofeelgoodabout.”
Hehaslecturedextensivelyinthe UnitedStates,aswellasattheRoyal BotanicGardensKewandWisleyin GreatBritain.Heisco-authorofthe book“Deer-ResistantNativePlantsfor theNortheast,”aboutwhichhelectures regularly.Heiscurrentlyworkingontwo newbooks,“MirabellevisitsaGarden:A NativePlantGardenAdventure,”aco-authoredbookforchildrenaboutnative plantsandtheirmanywildlifebenefits, and“TheSensoryAppealofNative Plants:AWildflowerCelebration.”His happiestpastimes,hesaid,arediscovering newplants,scouringon-lineplant,shrub andtreecatalogs,andstewardinghisown. Formoreinformationortoregister,go
46 CoastalPoint August11,2023
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 47
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Andtheinterruptionwaslikeaslapinthe facetoapairofrenownedveteranmusicians.
“WhenCOVID-19hitandweweren’t abletoperform,werealizedtheimportance ofbeingonthestage,”saidBuckyHeard,a memberofTheRighteousBrothers,whowill maketheirfirstappearanceatFreemanArts PaviliononFriday,Aug.18,beginningat7 p.m.“Whenwewereunabletoperform,we realizedthiswasourlifeblood.Ifyouhave anylongevityasaperformer,it’snotachoice …it’slikeoxygenthatyouneedtosurvive. Andwecouldn’tdowithoutit.”
“Yeah,it’sjustinourDNA,”saidbandcocreatorBillMedley.“Peopleaskmeallthe time‘Whenareyougoingtoretire?’Ianswer bysaying,‘I’vegottogetajobfirst.’Thisisn’t work.Thisisa15-year-oldboy’sdream,and sowe’rejustblessedtobeabletoplay.”
TheRighteousBrothersareanAmerican musicalduothatsings“blue-eyedsoul,”a termcoinedinthemid-1960stodescribe whiteartistswhosesoundissimilartothatof thepredominantlyAfricanAmericanartists ontheMotownandStaxrecordlabels.
TheRighteousBrotherswereoriginally createdbyMedleyandthelateBobbyHatfieldin1963.Theyinitiallyperformedtogetherin1962intheLosAngelesarea,as partofafive-membergroupcalledTheParamours,andadoptedTheRighteousBrothers monikerwhentheybecameaduo.
MedleyisrecognizedasoneofAmerican musichistory’smosticonicfigures.Hisinstantlyrecognizablebaritonevoicehashighlightedseveralofthebestrecordingsofall time.He’swonaGrammy,anOscar,a GoldenGlobeandanAmericanMusic Award,whilealsosingingonthesoundtracks andperformingthemesongsfor33movies andTVshows.In2014,hereleasedhis memoir“TheTimeofMyLife.”
Theduo’smostactiverecordingperiod wasinthe1960sand1970s.Afterseveralinactiveyears,HatfieldandMedleyreunitedin 1981andcontinuedtoperformuntilHatfield’sdeathin2003.
Medleycontinuedtoperformasasolo artistforsometimeafterHatfield’sdeath,occasionallysingingwithascreenprojectionof oldfilmfootagedisplayingHatfield.
InJanuary2016,Medleyannouncedthat hewouldreviveTheRighteousBrothersfor thefirsttimesince2003,withsingerBucky Heard.ThepairingofMedleyandHeard wassomethingofahappyaccident,according toMedley.
“HefitsTheRighteousBrothers’liveperformanceshowperfectly,”saidMedley.“And we’veevenrecordedsomenewmaterialtogetherthatI’mreallyexcitedabout!”
HeardisoneofthemostpopularandversatileperformersinAmerica.Hehasheadlinedcountlessshowsinmajorvenues,and continuestobehighlyregardedasamultitalentedrocksingerwithanincrediblevocal range.
TheduowasinductedintotheRock& RollHallofFamein2003andintotheVocal GroupHallofFamein2005.RollingStone magazinerankedtheband16thonitslistof the20GreatestDuosofAllTime.
Intheearly1960’s,AfricanAmerican marinesstationedatElToroMarineBasetraveledtoOrangeCounty,Calif.,towatchandlistentoaduothatwassinging rhythm-and-blues.
“Inthosedays,ifyoureallylikedsomething, suchasanattractiveshirt,awhiteguywould say,‘Boy,that’scool,’whileanAfricanAmericanwouldsay,‘That’srighteous’or‘That’sa righteouslookin’shirt,’”recalledMedley.“Andif
Bethany Beach
Just steps to the beautiful Atlantic Ocean and 3 short blocks from the center of town. The “Purple House” on Atlantic Ave is architecturally sophisticated and the attention to detail throughout is impressive. This wonderful retreat offers 7 bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, den, open floorplan, gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, dining area, living room with gas fireplace, multiple decks, outside shower and plenty of parking. Excellent rental history. Gross for 2022 over $253,000.
MLS DESU2029172 $3,200,000
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Savannahs Landing, Ocean View
This new 4BR/3BA, plus loft, home is a statement of elegance and comfort. With features like Anderson windows, instant hot water, and an oversized, insulated, and finished garage, every detail has been meticulously designed. Step into a world of convenience with an outdoor shower, propane hookup for grilling, and closets galore. Embrace uniqueness with the added trim package, wainscoting, and wood ceilings. Indulge in the gourmet kitchen with quartz countertops and enjoy outdoor living on the screen porch, side deck, and front porch. MLS DESU2037658 JUST $599,900
Call Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630
Villas Of Bethany West, Bethany
Enjoy magnificent views of the salt pond. Well-maintained (original condition) furnished 2 bedrooms, 2 bath home offers stunning views of the salt pond from your private rear deck, living/dining area, and guest bedroom. This is an exceptional setting throughout the seasonal changes. Walk into town and enjoy all the wonderful attractions that Bethany Beach has to offer.
MLS DESU2045146 $469,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Bayside, West Fenwick
The ultimate designer furnished coastal beach house with over 4,400 sq ft of luxurious living space, elevator, and every upgrade imaginable. Beautiful turnkey home with 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, living area with gas fireplace, gourmet chef’s kitchen, small office, 3-season room, deck, screened porch, 2 car garage and more! Located in the best location at bayside with views of the pool, pond, and golf course. Wonderful amenity rich community.
MLS DESU2037622 $1,499,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Bethany Lakes, Bethany
Pond front! A pristine, designer furnished showcase that offers an open floorplan, a living/dining room area, a family room with a gas fireplace, a gourmet kitchen with a large island/breakfast bar, and eat-in breakfast nook, a fabulous sunroom and luxurious primary suite. Upstairs, is a large loft, 4 guest bedrooms (one with a full-size armoire) and 2 full bathrooms. Plus, a large deck with a hot tub, and a 2-car garage. Located in a gated community with a pool, tennis/pickleball courts and more. A short drive to Bethany, James Farm, and John West Park. MLS DESU2037258 $1,099,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Preserve @ Jefferson Creek, Near Bethany
Like new home offers a stunning 2-story living room with a gas fireplace, a gourmet kitchen, a breakfast area or a study, a library, office, or formal dining room, your decision on how to use this flex room, and 1st floor primary bedroom and bathroom with a walk-in shower. Upstairs, is a loft area, 3 guest bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Plus, a private backyard, a patio, screened porch and 2 car garage. Small community with pool. Close to Bethany Beach and all its attractions.
MLS DESU2042788 $714,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Sandy Landing Rd., Dagsboro
This original early 19th century farmhouse is ready for your special touch! Situated on 1+ acre corner lot a short walk to the Indian River Bay. Original house has 3 bedrooms/2 baths boasting iconic elements worth savoring. Screened porch connects 2 bedroom/2 bath in-law suite, with W/D, kitchenette, central air and 2 car garage. Plus, dedicated gardens, white picket fence and above ground pool. Reimagine the beauty of a bygone era! Close to Bethany Beach and Indian River Bay. Don’t delay – the promise of this parcel makes it a scarcity! MLS DESU2041086 $574,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Bethany Bay, Ocean View
Located in a premier waterfront community, this fabulous furnished luxurious condo is amazing with numerous upgrades and custom finishes. Offering first-floor, end unit living in a private location with an abundance of sunlight, a remodeled kitchen with breakfast bar, living/dining room combo with wood burning fireplace, and access to a screened porch, a large primary suite with a remodeled bathroom, guest bedroom and remodeled guest bath. Community with top-notch amenities.
MLS DESU2041920 $329,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Atlantic Avenue, Millville
Commercial property. High visibility parcel on Rt.26 located in the town of Millville. This single-family home (2 bedroom/2 bath) is located on an approx. 1 acre. The property is zoned commercial, and the site plan is subject to approval by the town of Millville. Currently is a residential rental. Combine it with the property west of the subject property (35332 Atlantic) for almost another 1-acre parcel for $979,000 for almost 2 acres. Public sewer and well water. The seller is a licensed realtor in Delaware.
MLS DESU2041468 $519,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
South Shore Marina, Bethany Beach
A rare opportunity to own a boat slip in one of our area's most soon-to-be updated marinas along with easy access to the Atlantic Ocean. The boat slip is 35x15 and is currently rented until 10/31. Enjoy electricity and water on your dock after a long day of successful ocean fishing for flounder or just relax on your boat and enjoy all the fabulous activities around you. Prices are escalating for docks so now would be a good time to buy one.
MLS DESU2044988 $74,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Bay, Ocean View
Fantastic views of the wetlands, water, and wonderful wildlife from every room in this top-floor furnished luxury condo. This spacious condo offers a 2-story living /dining room area with an electric fireplace, a large eat-in kitchen, screened porch, large primary bedroom, and a guest bedroom. Upstairs are 2 spacious ensuites with excellent views. Discover Bethany Bay and its 1st class amenities while being located near many of the state parks, beaches, quaint shopping, and quality restaurants.
MLS DESU2034422 $477,900
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Summer Place TS, Bethany Beach
Own week 36 at this Oceanside condo, the only timeshare vacation retreat in Bethany Beach. This furnished vacation getaway offers 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, loft area, fireplace, coastal decorating throughout, kitchen with stainless steel appliances, dining area, decks and 2 designated covered parking spaces. The community offers a pool. Walk to great restaurants, public lifeguarded beaches, state parks, miniature golf and so much more. Exchange thru worldwide RCI if you want to change the venue.
MLS DESU2037900 $4,499
Call Vickie York 302.542.4457
Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs!
Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253
Julia Hudson 301-641-6267
Nicole Frank 610-842-4521
Sondra Connor 302-245-1435
Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900
Linda Mueller 302-245-0741
Martha Smith 302-249-0464
SALEPENDING SALEPENDING August11,2023 CoastalPoint 49
thosesoldierslikedyouasafriend,they’dcall you‘brother,’asin‘Hey,brother,howyou doin’?”
MedleyandHatfieldwouldoccasionally meetoneoftheMarines,whofrequentlyenthused,“Hey,righteousbrother,howyoudoin’?
“Ilovedthat,andsodidBobby,”saidMedley.“Sometimesattheendofourperformances, they’dyellout,‘That’srighteous,brother’!”
Hatfieldeventuallybroachedthesubjectof usingthesalutationastheirgroup’smoniker.
“Isaid,‘Oh,man—Iwouldlovethat,’” Medleyrecalled.“Weputthenameonourfirst record.That’sthetruestory.TheMarinesfrom ElToroMarineBasenamedourgroup.”
Thefirstrecordingwiththenewband namewas“LittleLatinLupeLu,”whichMedleywrotewhenhewas19.Theyrecordeditin November1962forRayMaxwellatMoonglowRecords.Thesong,whichpeakedonthe BillboardHot100atNo.49onJune8,1963, launchedTheRighteousBrotherstostardom. Shortlythereafter,producerPhilSpectorapproachedthemusicians,whorecordedthehit “You’veLostThatLovin’Feelin’.”
Inspirationthroughalove forsingingandentertaining
thatwerecorded,becausetheyfedourloveof musicandtheaudiences,”saidMedley.“Infact, theaudienceisextremely,extremelyimportant. Idon’tthinkaudiencesreallyunderstandhow importanttheyaretoourshows.Iwouldsay themusicandtheaudiencesarewhatkeepus alive.”
AtFreemanArtsPavilion,theduo—supportedbya12-personcrew—planstoperform“UnchainedMelody,”“You’veLostThat Lovin’Feelin’”and“SoulandInspiration.”
Thebandiscomposedoftourmanager TimLeeonkeyboards,DianeSpann,Joseph JohnsonandMcKennaMaplesonvocals,Jeff Gopenondrums,RussLetiziaonguitar,Aja Wilsononbass,MarkTragesserontenorsax, SteveMeyerontrombone,RussBurtonbaritonesaxophone,AndyRayontrumpet,and productionmanagerandfront-of-houseman BillFamini.
“Ourbandiskindoflikeaperfectstorm,” saidHeard.“Wehavesomeofthemostincrediblytalentedsingersandmusiciansintheshow. Eachoneofthembringstheirindividualtalents,andwhentheyallcometogetheronstage, it’sincredibletostandinfrontofthem.
“BillMedleyandTimLee,ourmusicaldirectors,tookgreatpainsinputtingtogetherthis group,”addedHeard.“It’sjustwhenthecrowd appears—you’llseeexactlywhatI’mtalking about.Theenergycomingoffthestageisjust unbelievable.”
Onceeachoftheirshowshasended,the duomingleswiththecrowdtosignautographs andmeetsomeoftheattendees.
“TheonethingthatIhearconstantly,thatI love,iswhentheysay,‘Boy,wedidn’texpect
that!’and‘Wedidn’texpecttolaughlikewe did,’and‘Wedidn’texpecttheemotionalrollercoaster,’”saidMedley.“Forus,that’sjustsoencouraging.Obviously,wedoallthesongsina seriousmanner.Wedothemtothebestofour ability,andwehavealotoffundoingthe show.”
“Yes,Iagree—it’salmostathread,”said Heard.“It’slikeamusical,inthatthestories aboutthesongstiethemalltogetherlikea thread.Wehavethesegreathits,andthenwe throwinsomesurprises.Butthestory,thehistoryofTheRighteousBrothers,istheneedlein thethreadthatholdsallofthesongstogether. Theshowisverymovingattimes,andit’salot offun,becausepeoplearelaughing.AndI thinktheaudienceappreciatesthat.
“Whentheshowisover,”addedHeard,“the audiencealwaystellsus,‘Wejustweren’tready forittobeover.Wewantedyoutokeepgoing.’ AndIthinkthat’soneofthebestcompliments youcanreceiveasaperformer.”
OneofthoseaudiencememberswasNew YorkPostsportswriterMikeVaccaro,whoenjoyedtheirMay17showthisyear.Vaccarowas movedtowriteabrieftributetoMedleyforthe May20editionofthepopulartabloiddaily.
“HadthegreatgoodfortunetoseeThe RighteousBrothersthisweekatBergenPerformingArtsCenterinEnglewood,”began Vaccaro’sblurbabouttheNewJerseyshow. “Andlet’sjustsaythatIwishforyou,dear reader,tobeabletodoanythingaswellatage 82asBillMedleydoesinbeltingoutYou’ve LostthatLovin’Feelin’inthatforeverbassbaritoneofhisnightafternight.”
50 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Lunch Specials 11:30–3 DINE-IN ONLY 302.537.7373 • • 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville DRINKSPECIALS Sun-Fri11:30–6pm|Sat3–6pm FOODSPECIALS Everyday3–6pm SpecialsInHouseOnly,NoDoggieBags Happy Hour MUSIC Fri 8/11 • Hot Sauce Band 8-11 Sat 8/12 • Darren O'Neill 8-11 Sun 8/13 • Steve Kuhn & Glenn Stern 3-6 Mon – Cheesesteak or Chicken Cheesesteak - $10 Wed – Build-a-Burger - $9 and up Thur – Fried Grouper Sammy - $9 Fri – 2 Shrimp Tacos - $10 Sand Area with Corn Hole, Ring Game, Trash Can Pong, Giant Jenga, Connect 4 + Firepits... Bring the Family and Have Some Fun! Check Out Our Outside Bar & Patio Taco Tuesday - All Day Until 9pm 2 Tacos - beef or chicken - $11 2 Tacos - shrimp or sh - $13 Drinks House Lime Margaritas - $7 Crushes (orange, grapefruit, lemon) - $7 Mexican Draft Beers - $5 Mexican Can Beers - $5 • • • • • • • • GAME NIGHTS! Bingo Monday 6pm - Resumes 8/21 Trivia Wednesday 7pm - Resumes 8/23 Mingo Thursday 7pm - Resumes 8/24 Sunday Funday Jam Session 3-6 Steve Kuhn & Glenn Stern Happy Hour Food & Drink Specials-Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497 Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE HoursComingThisSummer AppointmentsOnlyNow
Brothers Continuedfrompage48
CeltictoClassical— St.Martha’sEpiscopal ChurchishostingCeltictoClassicalat7:30 p.m.ViolinistandpianistSheridanSeyfried willleadashowfeaturingcomposer,pianist andflutistYa-JhuYangandothermusicians. Inlieuofticketedadmission,CeltictoClassicalacceptsafree-willoffering,witha suggestedofferingof$15.
BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit
PassporttoFun— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingauniquestorytimeat1p.m. thatgoesalongwiththeirsummerreading program,“AllTogetherNow.”Eachweek theywilllearnaboutanewcountryand culture.Thisisforages5-10.
ButterfliesandBlooms —Butterfliesand Blooms:AnIntroductiontoButterfliesand SummerBloomsoftheDelawareBotanicGardenswillbeattheGardensfrom9to10:30 a.m.VolunteereducatorMargaretKimmeland volunteerswilllearnaboutsummerbutterflies, idenitfyingthemandtheroleofnectar,host plantsandbloomsinthelifecycleofbutterflies.TheclassconcludesbyexploringthePiet OudolfMeadowwithvolunteers.Thecostof theclassis$10foradultsandchildrenare free.Children16andunderareadmittedfree totheGardens whenaccompaniedbyanadult, andmembersarealsoadmittedforfree.Nonmemberspaya$15admissionfee.Reservationsaremandatory,andmustbemadeat
CraftKits— Youthages10-17canstopby SouthCoastalLibrarytopickupafreekitto paintaninspiringwatercolorposter.Thisis free,andavailablethroughAug.17assupplieslast.Youthmustpickupthekitsthemselves.
TaiChiandQigong —MarianneWalch,Master Trainerwith theTaiChiforHealthInstituteand Co-DirectoroftheSilverLotusTrainingInstitute isleadingabeginner’slevelTaiChiandQigong bycalling(302)858-5518.
TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeenSummerReadingChallengebyreading for10hoursbetweenJune1andAug.6are eligibletomakeafreet-shirtwiththelibrary’s Cricutmachine.Youmustreserveatimeslot fortheeventbycalling(302)858-5518.
VacationBibleSchool— BeaconBaptist ChurchishostingVacationBibleSchool from6to8p.m.eachnight.Therewillbe gamesandprizes,anobstaclecourse, treasurechestprizes,singingandlessons. Therewillalsobeanopportunitytowina newbike.Formoreinformation,call(302) 539-1216.
BigTentEvent— TheBigTentEvent,dubbed byorganizersasa“GoodOleAmerican
FriendsandFamilyPicnic,”willbeheldfrom 2to5p.m.attheAmericanLegionPost28 facilityonRoute24inMillsboro.Thisis hostedbyRepublicansforSussex,andwill bemovedtoinsidethebuildingincaseof rain.Therewillbechicken,hotdogs,sides, chips,icecreamandcolddrinks,aswellas doorprizes,asilentauctionandaliveauction.Thecostis$25peradult,andchildren under12areadmittedforfree.Sponsorships arealsoavailable.ToRSVP,ortoa skabout sponsorships,call(215)280-2763oremail rfsdelaware@gmail.combyAug.8
StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.Formore information, (302)732-9351.
HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingfor alllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.
PickleballColorWars— DelawareWomenadewillhostaPickleballColorWarsevent andHappyHourattheSeaColonyWestactivitiesarea.Picturesbeginat3p.m.,and playstartsat3:30p.m.HappyHourwillstart between5and5:30p.m.afterplayiscomplete.Therewillberaffles,asilentauction and50/50.Schoolsuppliesanduniformgift cardswillbecollectedthatdayaswell GentleYogaFlow— SarahSchaber,RYT-500 certifiedyogainstructor,ishostingafree one-hourgentleyogaflowclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.Thisisidealfor beginners,seniorsandanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Participantsshould bringayogamatortowelfromhome,and theinstructoralsorecommends4-inch-deep foamyogablocks.Registrationisrequired, calling(302)858-5518.
Dungeons&DragonsClub— Frankford PublicLibraryishostingaDungeons& DragonsClubeveryTuesdaythroughAug. 15at5:30p.m.Thisprogramisforages 13andolder.Registrationisrequired,and youcansignuponlineat
iPadandAppleUsers— iPad,iPhoneand otherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevelsare welcometoattendasupportgroupatSouth CoastalLibraryat11a.m.Usersmeetto discussnewfeatures,sharetipsandask qu estions.AttendinpersonorviaZoom. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 51 Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 steamers
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MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)
SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCafé,agroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinforma-
CommunityClub— TheSelbyville Community Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe Read ingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat
VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisually-
impairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newm embersarewelcome.Thegroup doesnotmeetduringJulyandAugust,and willwelcomeeveryoneonSept6,2023, whentheyresumetheirmeetings.Formore information,call(240)315-4361.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarew elcome.
AdultTime— SouthCoastalLibraryholds
Puzzles,Checkers,Crosswords&Coloringfor AdultsMondaythroughSaturday,whenever thelibraryisopen.Thereisanadultcoloring station,jigsawpuzzles,crosswords,Sudoku
andwordfinds,alongwithagiantchecker board.
PokemonScavengerHunt— SouthCoastal LibraryishostingaPokemonScavengerHunt throughoutAugust,whereparticipantscan dropbyandpickupaPokedexatthecirculationdesktogetstarted.
B eachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom4 to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.
DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callDonnaSpicklerat(302)927-0050. ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1: 30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,
RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrarythefourthMondayofthemonth.Social hoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeetingstarts promptlyat6:30p.m.Informationonthecl ub,
DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictCommitteemeetsthefirstWednesday ofeverymonthat7p.m.Formoreinformation,updatesonspeakersandmeetinglocations,call(302)364-5830orvisitthemonline atdeldems38.orgorfindthemonFacebook.
TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor moredetails.
YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnite d MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For moreinformation,contact
MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat
LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSenior Center ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays. Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10a.m.,and Improversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.
52 CoastalPoint August11,2023
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 53 858-5518.
FreeMovieMarathon— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingafreemoviemarathonstartingat1:45p.m.Thisisfreeandforallages. Thefirstmovieisa1995classicadventure film,whilethe2017remakestartsat3:45 (302)858-5518.
KingRupert— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingKingRuperttheStorytellerGreetsthe Worldat2p.m.KingRupertgoestothe RoyalLibrarytoseewhathecanfindtobring theworldclosertogether.Jointhelibraryfor thisstorytellingadventure.
STEMWednesday— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingaHelpHarrychallengeSTEMprojectat5:30p.m.Eachmonth,thelibrarywill hostadifferentSTEMproject.Registrationis required,andcanbemadebyvisitingthem
NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome.
Fe elingsRock!— FeelingsRockisamusic, movementandmoreprogramdesignedto helpchildrenunderage5andtheirfamilies workthrougheverydayemotions.South CoastalLibrarywillbehostingthisat10 a.m.,anditisfree,withnoregistrationnecessary.
TheRoaring20s— Dr.BillGudelunaswill leadthethirdofathree-partseriesonthe politics,scandals,sociallife,etc.ofthe U.S.inthe1920s.Part3willfocusonthe startoftheGreatDepression.Registration isappreciatedandavailablebyvisiting so 858-5518.
FenwickFlicks— Moanawillbeshownon EastBayardStreetatthebeachinFenwick Island.GameswiththeFenwickIsland BeachPatrolstartat8p.m.,andthemovie willbeginatdusk(approximately8:20 p.m.).Allarewelcometobringthefamily, abeachchairandacoolertoenjoythe show.
BabyBees— EveryWednesday,Frankford PublicLibraryhostsBabyBeesstorytime
CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchandtheGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe churcht hesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinformation,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.
forchildrenfrombirthto24monthsoldat 10:30a.m.Comelistentostories,songs andengagewithotherbabies.Registration isrequired.Formoreinformation,visit
PassporttoFun— FrankfordPublicLibrary ishostingauniquestorytimeat1p.m. thatgoesalongwiththeirsummerreading program,“AllTogetherNow.”Eachweek theywilllearnaboutanewcountryand culture.Thisisforages5-10.
TeenKaraoke— FrankfordPublicLibraryis hostingTeenKaraokeat5:30p.m.Re gistrationisrequired,andifyouhavefavorite songrequests,includethemintheNotes sectionoftheregistrationform.Thisisfor ages12-18.Toregister,call(302)
ButterfliesandBlooms —Butterfliesand Blooms:AnIntroductiontoButterfliesand SummerBloomsoftheDelawareBotanicGardenswillbeattheGardensfrom9to10:30 a.m.VolunteereducatorMargaretKimmeland volunteerswilllearnaboutsummerbutterflies, idenitfyingthemandtheroleofnectar,host plantsandbloomsinthelifecycleofbutterflies.TheclassconcludesbyexploringthePiet OudolfMeadowwithvolunteers.Thecostof theclassis$10foradultsandchildrenare
VFWChickenShack— VFWChickenShack operationwillbeginSaturday,May20,runningthroughSaturday,Sep.2,from7:30 a.m.untilsoldout,rainorshine.Thecost is$10forhalfabarbecuedchickenanda bagofchips.Colddrinksareavailablefor $1each.TheChickenShackislocatedadjacenttotheNationalGuardTrainingFacilityonRoute1southbound,justnorthof BethanyBeach.
free.Children16andunderareadmittedfree totheGardenswhenaccompaniedbyanadult, andmembersarealsoadmittedforfree.Nonmemberspaya$15admissionfee.Reservationsaremandatory,andmustbemadeat
CraftKits— Youthages10-17canstopby SouthCoastalLibrarytopickupafreekitto makeasuncatcher.Thisisfree,andavailablethroughAug.24assupplieslast.Youth mustpickupthekitsthemselves.
TaiChiandQigong —MarianneWalch,Master TrainerwiththeTaiChiforHealthInstituteand Co-DirectoroftheSilverLotusTrainingInstitute isleadingabeginner’slevelTaiChiandQigong bycalling(302)858-5518.
TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeenSummerReadingChallengebyreading for10hoursbetweenJune1andAug.6are eligibletomakeafreet-shirtwiththelibrary’s Cricutmachine.Youmustreserveatimeslot
VFWBreakfast— VeteransofForeignWars Post7234inOceanViewishostingan “all-you-can-eat”breakfasteverySunday throughLaborDayfrom8a.m.tonoon. Breakfastincludeseggs,sausage,ham, scrapple,potatoes,Frenchtoast,toast, freshfruit,juice,tea,coffeeandpastries. Allproceedsbenefitlocalveterancauses. Theseareopentothepublic.
MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.
RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeasideRailroadClubhouseisaninteractive museumofmodelrailroading,andislocatedat36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville.Theyareopentothepublicevery Wednesdayfrom5to8p.m.,andevery Saturday,from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree.Formoreinformation,visi t
SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuseumislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,
Women’sSummerBibleStudy— ANo HomeworkWomen’sSummerBibleStudyIII meetsonthebeachat2ndStreetin BethanyBeacheveryWednesday,from June7toJuly26,from8:30to9:45a.m. Participantsshouldbringachair,andcan registerbycalling539-9510oronlineat iflocationchangesduetobeachreplenishment.
54 CoastalPoint August11,2023
Calendar Continuedfrompage51
SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuseumislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,
LateSumm erMeadowTour— Stephen PryceLea,DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsattheDelawareBotanic Gardens,willleadaleisurelytourthoughthe two-acrePietOudolfMeadowsoparticipants canobserveplantsastheyshareseeds,and learnhowtocollectandpreserveseedsfor yourowngardenplants.Thecosttoattend thetourisfreeformembers,asisadmission. Non-memberspaya$10tourfee,plusa$15 admissiontotheGardens.Reservationsmust bemadeatdela
BacktoSchoolHealthFa ir— TheSussex SafeKidsCoalition,SelbyvilleVolunteerFire Co.,SelbyvillePoliceDepartmentandIndian RiverSchoolDistrictareinvitingthepublicto the3rdAnnualLauraMadaraBacktoSchool HealthFairatthefirecompanyfrom10a.m. to1p.m.Formoreinformation,contact MichaelLoweoftheDelawareStateFire Schoolat(302)739-4773oremailhimat
StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.Formore information, (302)732-9351.
HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.
Cha-ChaDanceClass— Dan ceinstructor JohnBrillantesisleadingafunandfreeinstructionaldanceseriesontheCubandance, theCha-Cha,atSouthCoastalLibraryat10 a.m.Instructionwillprogresswitheachclass. Bringadancepartner,ortheywilldotheir besttopairyouwithanothersinglepatron. Leathersoleshoesareencouraged.Registrationisappreciated,andavailableonlineat 858-5518.
TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeenSummerReadingChallengebyreading for10hoursbetweenJune1andAug.6are eligibletomakeafreet-shirtwiththelibrary’s Cricutmachine.Youmustreserveatimeslot fortheeventbycalling(302)858-5518.
Canning101 —KathleenSpane,withtheUniversityofDelawareCooperativeExtension,is leadingafreetwo-hourclassoncanningbasicsatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Registrationisappreciated,andavailableonlineat
PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogsandownerswillprovideasupportive andfunwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.Childrenreadfor15minutes,andmay bringtheirownbooksiftheywish.Toregister,call(302)858-5518.
BabyBookworms— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingBabyBookwormsStoryTime—for agesbirthto2—at10a.m.Thishelpschildrenlearnlanguage,social,motorandlisteningskillsthroughavarietyofactivities. Registrationisnotrequired.
LittleLearners— SouthCoastalLibraryis hostingLittleLearnersStoryTime—for ages3to5—at11a.m.Thishelpschildren
withlanguageacquisitionandimprovepreliteracyskills.Activitiesmayincludestories, music,songsandsimplecrafts.Registration isnotrequired.
DIYStainedGlassArt— Rachelwillleada DIYclassonstainedgla ssartusingglueand foodcoloringatSouthCoastalLibraryat2 p.m.Thisisfree,andallmaterialsareprovided.Registrationbeginsat2p.m.onAug. orbycalling(302)858-5518.
CrimeSolvers— SouthCoastalLibrarywill hosta105-minutetabletopgamewhere playersuseevidence,statements, solvefictionalmurders.Thisisforages14adultandstartsat5p.m.,andisfree.Registrationisrequiredandisavaila bleat
Saturday, August 19 - 11:30 AM
Join Stephen Pryce Lea, Director of Horticulture and Educational Programs for a tour. Meander through 2-acre Piet Oudolf
To reserve tickets, go to
Dagsboro, DE 19939
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 55 Keep eeep Coo oo O %51 Ca ce Ser A .reffeOmidTetimiL sl a te r d o s f e c v re y S gren h E ti f f r t G ca tno C l ol This hiis Sum um ! mermmme F F O 0 10$ G IN CNA IN F TSENYM w OR o s L A s A 5 $6 n ah o tno A M m ste y S AC weN anlP ce Ser Go en m gree A N or F OR ne S y g r er NSTOA E 3 822m v o c s e c i er r 335 CI CE O/NILR BE 152241 6-0 41
30220 Piney Neck Road
Meadow observe plants as they share seeds, and learn how to collect and preserve seeds from your own garden plants. Members Free Tour & Admission Non-Members $10 Tour + Admission Children 16 & Under Free Open Thursday - Sunday • 9am - 4pm Adults $15 • Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available. Additional $10. Make Reservations Online Delaware Botanic Gardens Best Attraction 2022 from Southern Delaware Tourism Every Thursday through August 31 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Join volunteer educators Margaret Kimmel and volunteers at the Delaware Botanic Gardens to learn about the Summer butterflies that visit the Piet Oudolf Meadow including Monarchs, Swallowtails, Fritillaries, Sulphur, Skippers, Hairstreaks, & more. Pre-registration is required $10 Per Person + Admission Butterflies and Blooms 2023 Late Summer Meadow Tour
INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets New Construction Hot Tub Wiring EV Chargers Calendar Continuedfrompage54 SeeCALENDARpage56
Photo by Ray Bojarski
Compare rates to see how we stack up.
eligibleto makeafreet-shirtwiththelibrary’s Cricutmachine.Youmustreserveatimeslot fortheeventbycalling(302)858-5518.
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You could lose money by investing in the Schwab Money Funds. SWVXX seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, but cannot guarantee it will do so. SWVXX may impose a fee upon the sale of your shares or may temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund’s liquidity falls below required minimums because of market conditions or other factors. An investment in the Schwab Money Funds is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For the most recent 7-day yields, see The 7-Day Yield is the average income paid out over the previous seven days assuming interest income 858-5518.
Cha-ChaDanceClass— Danceinstructor JohnBrillantesisleadingafunandfreeinstructionaldanceseriesontheCubandance, theCha-Cha,atSouthCoastalLibraryat10 a.m.Instructionwillprogresswitheachclass. Bringadancepartner,ortheywilldotheir besttopairyouwithanothersinglepatron. Leathersoleshoesareencouraged.Registrationisappreciated,andavailableonlineat southcoast 858-5518.
ButterfliesandBlooms —Butterfliesand Blooms:AnIntroductiontoButterfliesand SummerBloomsoftheDelawareBotanicGardenswillbeattheGardensfrom9to10:30
a.m.VolunteereducatorMargaretKimmeland volunteerswilllearnaboutsummerbutterflies, idenitfyingthemandtheroleofnectar,host plantsandbloomsinthelifecycleofbutterflies.TheclassconcludesbyexploringthePiet OudolfMeadowwithvolunteers.Thecostof theclassis$10foradultsandchildrenare free.Children16andunderareadmittedfree totheGardenswhenaccompaniedbyanadult, andmembersarealsoadmittedforfree.Nonmemberspaya$15admissionfee.Reservationsaremandatory,andmustbemadeat
CraftKits— Youthages10-17canstopby SouthCoastalLibrarytopickupafreekitto makeasuncatcher.Thisisfree,andavailablethroughAug.31assupplieslast. Youth mustpickupthekitsthemselves.
Story&ArtforKids— ArtistJacquelineBoyd willteachages6-10howtodrawillustrationsfromabookatSouthCoastalLibraryat 10a.m.Thisisafreeevent,andregistration isrequired.Toregister,call(302)858-5518
TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeenSummerReadingChallengebyreading for10hoursbetweenJune1andAug.6are
DEGhostTowers —LocalauthorWilliam Graysonwillleada3:30p.m.talkatSouth CoastalLibraryontheWordWarIIfirecontrol towersalongRoute1.Thisisfree,andregistrationisappreciatedandavailableonlineat
FamilyFreedomFestival —VeteransofForeignWars(VFW)Post7234inOceanViewis hostingaFamilyFreedomFestivalfrom11 a.m.to2p.m.Thefreeeventwillfeaturethe OceanViewPolicedepartment,MillvilleVolunteerFireCo.,aCivilWardemonstration,WWII vehicles,fancycars,anobstaclecourse,anda patrotic-themedscavengerhunt,selfiebooth andgiftbag.Theeventisfree,buttheyareacceptingcannedgoodsdonationsfortheircommunityfoodpantry.
StorytimeattheFarm— FrankfordPublicLibraryisholdingstorytimeatParsons’Farm at11a.m.Thisisopenforallages,andis weatherpermitting.Watchthelibrary’sFacebookpageforanyweatherupdates.Formore information, (302)732-9351.
HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingatimeofknittingandcrochetingforalllevelsat1p.m.Formore information, (302)732-9351.
Cha-ChaDanceClass— Danceinstructor JohnBrillantesisleadi ngafunandfreeinstructionaldanceseriesontheCubandance, theCha-Cha,atSouthCoastalLibraryat10 a.m.Instructionwillprogresswitheachclass. Bringadancepartner,ortheywilldotheir besttopairyouwithanothersinglepatron. Leathersoleshoesareencouraged.Registrationisappreciated,andavailableonlineat 858-5518.
Coloring&Crosswords— SouthCoastalLibraryishostingaColoring&Crosswords Clu bforalladultsonthefourthMondayof
56 CoastalPoint August11,2023
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GaryN.Taylor,80,ofSelbyville, Del.,diedpeacefullyathomeonMay 11,2023,surroundedbyhisfamily.He wasbornOct.19,1942,inPlainfield, N.J.,toMarjorieandRalphWhitehouseTaylor.
Akind,humble,generous-spirited man,hetouchedmanylivesinpositive ways.Hewillbemissed,remembered, andlongadmiredbymany,nearand far.Hewasgratefulforhisfamily, friends,colleagues,andneighborswho broughthimsomuchjoyduringhis longlifeofeightyyears.Hetouched manypeople’sliveswithhiskeenskill forlistening, supportive,caringand fun-lovingnature,dad-jokehumor, andpassionforscienceandnature.
HeattendedWardlawCountry DaySchoolinPlainfield,N.J.With inspirationfromateacherwhonoticedhewasparticularlytalentedin chemistry,Taylorwentontocomplete hisbachelor’sdegreeinchemistryat PrincetonUniversity(PhiBetaKappa andmagnacumlaude),hismaster’s degreeanddoctorateinchemistry fromYaleUniversity,andpost-doctoralworkattheCaliforniaInstitute ofTechnology.
Aftercompletinghisgraduate work,TaylorreturnedhometoNew
Jerseyandwentontoenjoyalongand accomplishedcareerasanorganic chemistandmaterialsscientist.For anyonewhohasusedacomputer,cell phoneorasolar-poweredcalculator, Taylor’scontributionstosciencehave touchedtheirlives.
For25yearsatAT&TBellLabs, hisresearchwasfocusedonmicrolithography,thesurfacechemistryof computerchips.Hewasaleadauthor andcontributortonumerousjournal articlesandpatents,manyofwhich definedprocessesandmaterialstoen-
ablecomputerchipstorunsmaller andfaster,anddevelopmentof“eyeto eye”videophone.Afterretiringfrom BellLabs,hecontinuedtocontribute toscientificinnovation,spendingnine
Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000 August11,2023 CoastalPoint 57
yearswithShipley/RohmandHassin Marlborough,Mass.,andthreeyears atPennsylvaniaStateUniversityasa seniornanoscalescientist.
UponretirementtoSelbyville,Taylorturnedhistechnicalexpertiseto helpingpreserveandprotectthelocal environment.Heservedonthetech-
nicaladvisoryboardforDelaware CenterfortheInlandBays.Acommittedscientist,hegotupbeforesunrisemany,manymorningstotake watersamplesfromcollectionpoints alongtheDelawareshoreline.The datapointsforoxygen,bacteriaand algaehegatheredhelpedtoinform importantdecisionmakersandmembersofthecommunitywholive aroundandenjoythesecriticalwater systems.
AlthoughTaylorhadmanycontributionstoscience,themostimportant thingtohimwashislovingfamilyand hissweetcatRefuge.
Taylormettheloveofhislife, Linda,duringcollege.Theymarriedin August1964.justbeforemovingto NewHaven,Conn.,forGaryTaylor tostartgraduateschool.Theywere blessedwiththreewonderfulchildren, Stefanie,KimberlyandCraig,whom theyfeltfortunatetoraiseinNewJer-
seynearlovingrelatives.Asafamily, theyespeciallycherishedmany,many summersatLindaTaylor’sparents’ beachhouseinSeasidePark,N.J.,and duringretirementatAssateagueNationalParkandOceanCity,Md., beaches.
Afterretirement,GaryandLinda TaylormovedtoSelbyvilletobenear theAtlanticOceanbeachesandto theirdaughterKim’sfamily,whohave asummerhomenearbyinNorth OceanCity,Md.Duringthattime, GaryTaylorwasamemberofthe SaintMatthewsby-the-SeaUnited MethodistChurchinFenwickIsland, Del.,wherehealwaysenjoyedagood sermonandfellowship,andparticipatedinthemen’sgroup,missionsand Biblestudy.
Taylorwasprecededindeathbyhis parents,RalphandMarjorieTaylor; andhisfatherin-law,RobertWeiss. Hismotherin-law,LorraineWeiss, alsopassedaway,onMay11,2023.He issurvivedbyhislovingwifeof58 years,Linda;hisdaughterStefanie Strandandherhusband,Jeffrey,and hisgrandsonGavinofAnnandale, N.J.;hisdaughterKimberlyTaylor, herhusband,MarkMather,andhis grandsonsBenjaminandSamuelof Bethesda,Md.,andOceanCity,Md.; hissonCraigTaylorofSelbyville;a brother,MichaelTaylorofChesterfield,Ind.;andasister-in-law,Janice Olmsted,andherhusband,Richard,of Chatham,N.J.
AcelebrationofTaylor’slifewillbe heldat11a.m.onThursday,Aug. 17, 2023,atSt.MathewsBy-the-Sea UnitedMethodistChurch,1000 CoastalHighway,FenwickIsland, Del.Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestedcontributionstoDelaware CenterfortheInlandBays(
PamelaG.Toomey,68,passed awaySaturday,July29,2023,followingashortillness.Sheresidedin Dagsboro,Del.,formostofthose68 years.
Sheenjoyedspendingtimeatthe beach,workinginheryardandtakingcareofherhome.Shehadawonderfulcareer,helpingmanypeople withhersincere,straightforwardand caringpersonalityasadrugandalcoholcounseloruntilsheretiredin 2020.
Shehadthebest“tellitlikeitis” personalitythatalwaysservedher wellandwillbemissedbymany.
Toomeywasprecededindeathby herparents,GranvilleToomeyand MableJonesToomey.Sheissurvived byhersisterAmyThomasandher brother-in-lawBrianThomas,of Millville,Del.
58 CoastalPoint August11,2023
Condolencescansentonlineat Obits Continuedfrompage57 $1,445.
Right Now is the Best Time to Get that ToDo List Done! The Coastal Point Service Directory has the talented, professional help you need to get all your tree, lawn and landscaping projects done this Spring. Our Service Directory includes tree specialists, excavating and site work experts, plus landscaping and lawn care professionals. If you’re a professional service provider, consider advertising your business. Call Jane Johnson today ~ 302.539.1788.
themonthat2p.m.Thisisanopportunityto relax,colorandsocializewithothercommunitymembers.Therewillalsobeamovie streaminginthemeetingroom,andlightrefreshmentsmaybeprovidedatsomemeetings.Thisisfree,andregistrationis calling(302)858-5518.
GentleYogaFlow— SarahSchaber,RYT-500 certifiedyogainstructor,ishostingafree one-hourgentleyogaflowclassatSouth CoastalLibrary at10a.m.Thisisidealfor beginners,seniorsandanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Participantsshould bringayogamatortowelfromhome,and theinstructoralsorecommends4-inch-deep foamyogablocks.Registrationisrequired, calling(302)858-5518.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hostingGriefShareeveryTuesdaythrough Nov.21,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.This isaweeklyseminarandsupportgrou pdesignedtohelppeoplerebuildtheirlivesafter losingalovedone.
StoryTimeatJamesFarm— SouthCoastal Library’sStoryTimewillbeheldatJames Farm.Thegroupwillmeetintheparkinglot ofJamesFarmat10a.m.andwalktothe baytogether.Thiswillbegearedtoward preschoolersandtheirsiblings.Parentsmust accompanytheirchildren.Noregistrationis required.JamesFarmEcologicalPreserveis locatedat30048CedarNeckRd.,Ocean View,DE19970.
TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeenSummerReadingChallengebyreading for10hoursbetweenJune1andAug.6are eligibletomakeafreet-shirtwiththelibrary’s Cricutmachine.Youmustreserveatimeslot fortheeventbycalling(302)858-5518.
ButterfliesandBlooms —Butterfliesand Blooms:AnIntroductiontoButterfliesand SummerBloomsoftheDelawareBotanicGardenswillbeattheGardensfrom9to10:30 a.m.VolunteereducatorMargaretKimmeland volunteerswilllearnaboutsummerbutterflies, idenitfyingthemandtheroleofnectar,host plantsandbloomsinthelifecycleofbutterflies.TheclassconcludesbyexploringthePiet OudolfMeadowwithvolunteers.Thecostof theclassis$10foradultsandchildrenare free.Children16andunderareadmittedfree
totheGardenswhenaccompaniedbyanadult, andmembersarealsoadmittedforfree.Nonmemberspaya$15admissionfee.Reservationsaremandatory,andmustbemadeat
CraftKits— Youthages10-17canstopby SouthCoastalLibrarytopickupafreekitto makeasuncatcher.Thisisfree,andavailablethroughSept.30assupplieslast.Youth mustpickupthekitsthemselves.
TeenCricutT-Shirts —Teensages12-17who havecompletedtheSouthCoastalLibrary’s TeenSummerReadingChallengebyreading for10hoursbetweenJune1andAug.6are eligibletomakeafreet-shirtwiththelibrary’s Cricutmachine.Youmustreserveatimeslot fortheeventbycalling(302)858-5518.
MUMCBakeSale— TheMillvilleUnited WomeninFaithwillhosttheirsummerBake SaleintheWesleyHallnexttoMillvilleUMC at36405ClubhouseRoadonSaturday,May
27,8:00to10:30-isha.m.,featuringhomemadecakes,pies,cookiesandsweettreats. Allproceedsgotosupportlocalmissionprojects.
GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hostingGriefShareeveryTuesdaythrough Nov.21,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.This isaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelppeoplerebuildtheirlivesafter losingalovedone.
DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictCommitteemeetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat7p.m.Formoreinformation,updatesonspeakersandmeeting locations,call(302)364-5830orvisitthem onlineatdeldems38.orgorfind themon Facebook.
NanticokePowwow— The45thAnnualNan-
ticokeIndianPowwowwilltakeplaceatHudsonFieldsinMilton.OnSaturday,Sept.9, therewillbetwodancesessions,withgrand entryatnoon.OnSunday,Sept.10,therewill beachurchservicefrom8:30to9:30a.m., twodancesessionsandgrandentryatnoon. Organizersremindvisitorstobringtheirlawn chairs.Thecostis$10foradults,$5for ages11-17andfreefor10andyounger.
WomenadeGames— TheDelawareWomenade7thAnnualGamesDaywilltakeplace atOceanViewVFWPost7234inOcean Viewfrom9a.m.to3:30p.m.Therewillbe gametablesforfourtoplayanygamethey choose,aswellasacontinentalbreakfast, lunchwithbubbly,dessert,acashbar,basketraffle,50/50andasilentauction.The costis$75perperson,withallproceeds benefitingthePeoplesPlacedomesticviolencevictimsandsurvivorsinSussexand KentCounties.Tolearnmoreab outWomenade,visittheirsiteat registrationformormakeadonation.
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 59 Steve Morgan, REALTOR® “Life is better at the beach” (c)443-226-5297 | (o)302-360-0300 39682 Sunrise Court | Bethany Beach, DE COMING
this truly exceptional home! $895,000 (DESU2045220)
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4 BR, 3 BA new construction nestled on half acre lot with stunning views of golf course and pond. Located on the fairway of Cripple Creek Golf & Country Club. Features include accent shiplap in MBR and living room, craftsman accents in bedrooms, custom closets, doggie nook and beautiful landscaping with lighting and irrigation. Encapsulated crawlspace and dehumidifier. Bay Colony Marina, Holts Landing State Park and beaches are just a short ride away. Don’t miss out
605 Saint Andrews Court,
Coastal Farm Home with Golf Course Living!
Shirley Price Cell: 302-236-7046 33298
Adam Ksebe Cell: 302-864-8643
TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerce,incollaboration withtheBigChillBeachClub,will hostthe2023LifeguardAwardCelebrationonTuesday,Aug.15,from6to 8:30p.m.
Theannualeventhonorstheoutstandingmenandwomenofthelocal lifeguardpatrolsincludingBethany Beach,DelawareSeashoreStatePark, FenwickIsland,MiddlesexBeach, NorthBethany,SeaColony,South BethanyandSussexShores.EachpatrolnominatesaLifeguardoftheYear tobehonoredduringtheevent.
Thiscommunitycelebrationwill kickoffintheeventtentattheBig ChillBeachClubwithatacobar, viewsandDJBump.Theawardsportionoftheeveningwillrecognizea “LifeguardoftheYear”fromeachpatrol.Duringtheevent,theguardswho competeintheUSLANationalsrepresentingSussexCountywillberecognizedfortheirachievements.The Chamberwillbeassistinginsponsoringqualifyingguardsforthe2023 USLANationalsinVirginiaBeach, Virginia.
1 Sumter Ct, Ocean View
Impeccably maintained 5 BR, 3 BA home on a corner lot boasting an open floor plan with huge kitchen, generous primary suite, sun porch and more. Offered furnished, a tasteful design aesthetic and a strong rental history with proximity to Bethany’s beaches make this gem a must-see property. $619,000
Withthisbeachblock3BD/2BAraisedrancheryoudon’thaveto crossthehighwaytogotothebeach.Comesmostlyfurnished.Enjoy drinksonthedeckafteryourdayonthebeach!Milesofcoastlineat yourdoorstep.
Motivatedseller- NewPrice $1,290,000
Eachguardwillattendtheevent forfree.Theeventtakesplaceeach yearduetothegenerosityofsponsor support.The2023PatrolSponsorsare AnnePowell–ColdwellBankerRealty;BanksWines&Spirits;Custom Mechanical;LoganBurkewithKeller William;TheLawOfficesofScott& Shuman;PNCBankofBethany Beach;PiperbyMarni;andSea Colony.The2023BuoySponsorsare BankofOceanCity,SchererFinancial AdvisorsandTaylorBank;andthe 2023WhistleSponsorsareHughH. Hickman&SonsandSeaShellCity. Familiesoftheguardsandcommunitymembersarebeinginvitedtoattendtheeventfor$10.Anew additiontothisyear’sLifeguardCelebrationisacustomeventT-shirt, sponsoredbyFellsPointSurf.All guardswhoregisterbyAug.10will receiveafreeT-shirt.Shirtswillbe availableforpre-sale($10)forguests andattheeventwhilesupplieslast. Onlineregistrationisavailable deadlinetoregisterisAug.10.
Complimentaryparkingwillbe providedforallregisteredguests.For moreinformation,call(302)
56 Central Ave, Ocean View
History meets Modern in this charming Victorian with original wood floors just a couple of blocks from Rt. 26. This adorable home, outbuildings and large yard with English Garden offer so many possibilities. The main level rooms are generous in size and the second level features 3 bedrooms, a full bathroom and office/bonus
Quillens Point VFW.
If you are considering making a move in 2023, now is a good time to get started. We can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call us and we can discuss your options. –Shirley & Adam
60 CoastalPoint August11,2023
South Coastal Highway
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1 Blackwater Rd, Frankford
to the beach and plenty of room on this 1.5 acre +/- to build the home of your dreams. No town taxes, lightly wooded. A real deal at $189,000
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the buyer looking to build on a larger lot but still wanting to be a short drive to the Beaches at Bethany or Rehoboth,this .48 acre 100x210 cleared lot could offer the space you have been looking for. Located on Dagsboro Road. Price Reduced: $125,000 29214 Marshy Hope Way, W Glyn Newton A
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5 bedroom &
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A large kitchen with lots of counter space. Near groceries, hardware store, tennis, restaurants, walking trails, and
34667 Bethany Dr, Frankford About 3.5 miles from Bethany Beach, this home features 5 BR, 3 BA, a large eat-in kitchen and living room and 3 levels of a neutral palette in which to imagine your next chapter. The detached 2-car garage has heating/air conditioning, loft storage & abundant windows; would make a great office/studio/lounge. $499,000
37154 Mississippi Dr, Frankford
Beach! Plantation Park is a community of adorable homes just off Double Bridges Rd, which provides access to downtown Bethany, Ocean View’s shops & restaurants & a straight shot to Bayside golf/Freeman Arts Pavilion. $220,000 CLOSE TO BETHANY BEACH BEACH BLOCK CHARMER 29216
Gorgeous 1
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Chamber,business communitytohonor 2023lifeguards
EvergreeneHomeshasImmediateMove-InInventoryand IncredibleIncentives!They’resellingquickly!CallTodayandScheduleaTour! PONDFRONT! 10 PlantationCourt,OceanView,DE19970 5 Bedrooms | 3.5 Baths|3,600SF Upgraded FinishesThroughout! IMMEDIATEMOVE-IN!Listedat$819,900! 1.855.54.BEACH MYEVERGREENEHOME.COM WATERACCESS! 4 Bedrooms | 3.5 Baths | 3,070 SF SOLD BAYVIEWS! 4 Bedrooms | 3.5 Baths | 3,016 SFSOLD BAYVIEWS! 4 Bedrooms | 3.5 Baths|3,046SF Open ConceptDesign,LuxuriousOwners August11,2023 CoastalPoint 61
TheBethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommercewillpresentthe 45thAnnualBethanyBeachBoardwalk ArtsFestivalonSaturday,Sept.9,from 10a.m.to5p.m.Celebratingits
45thyear,theannualevent,locatedin downtownBethanyBeach,hostsmore than100juriedartiststoshowcaseand selltheirwork.Thefeaturedartists bringuniquecreationsrepresentinga varietyofdifferentmediums,including paintings,photography,woodwork,metalwork,clay,basketsandjewelry.
The festivalweekendwillbeginon Friday,Sept.8,attheMeettheArtists ReceptionhostedbyGalleryOne.In theeventsponsoredbyComcast,attendeescanenjoyaneveningoflightfare withthe15partnerartistsofGallery One,locatedat32AtlanticAvenue, OceanView,from5to7p.m.Wine
tastingswillbeofferedbySaltedVines Vineyard&Winery.
ThereceptionisanRSVP-only event.AllregisteredattendeeswillqualifytowinanoriginalMaryBodeByrd painting.
SupportedbyTaylorBank,thecommemorativeArtsFestivaleventonSaturday,Sept.9,willfeaturefunforthe wholefamily.Thedaywillincludea Children’sAreafromtheFreemanArts Pavilion’sArtAccessInitiative.Patrons arebeinginvitedtostopbythechildren’scraftareabythebasketballcourts attheChristianConferenceCenterand TownofBethanyBeach’splaygroundto beapartoftheart.Shopperscanalso enjoyaliveradiobroadcastwithDana McDonaldfrom9a.m.tonoonon HollywoodStreet.
event,therewillbeasilentauction,featuringworksofartdonatedbythefestival’sartists.Localbusinessesarealso welcometodonatetothesilentauction andshouldcontactevents@thequietresorts.comformoreinformation.All proceedsfromthesilentauctionwill supporttheartsprogramsoflocalelementaryschoolsintheQuietResorts Region.
From1to4p.m.onSaturday,Sept. 9,BeachLiquorsissponsoringaticketed Wine&CheeseTastingevent hostedattheHarvestTideSteakhouse eventspace,locatedintheheartofthe festivalat98GarfieldParkway,onthe secondfloor,inBethanyBeach.More than60differentwinesin12tastings willbefeatured.Ticketsareavailablefor $ oftheproceedswillbenefitlocalelementaryschoolartprograms.
EventsponsorsincludeSouthern DelawareTourism;SupportingSponsor Taylor Bank;TransportationSponsor
RenewalbyAndersen;MediaSponsors theCoastalPoint,ForeverMedia—The WaveandTodayMediaGroup;Volunteer&ArtistsSponsorHeather’sHome Works;SignatureSponsorsBeach Liquors,Comcast,FreemanArtsPavilion,SaltedVinesVineyard&Winery; ParkwoodEntranceSponsorMcKee Builders;FestivalSponsorCreative Concepts;SilentAuctionSponsor Jayne’sReliable;ShoppingBagSponsorsBerkshireHathaway,TheEvergreeneCompaniesandVacasaDE;and CommunicationSponsorDelmarva Two-WayRadio.
Attendeesarebeingencouragedto shopnotonlythefestivalbutlocalbusinesses,aswellastoexplorethearea’s manylocalartgalleries.Abusinessdirectorycanberequestedorfound onthequietresorts.comtoplanafunfilledweekend.Formoreinformation ontheBethanyBeachBoardwalkArts Festival,visitBethanyBeachArtsFestival.comorcall(302)539-2100.
62 CoastalPoint August11,2023 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro pean Sp ecialty Sh op — Bethany Beach, Delaware — Our highly trained technicians specialize in repair & maintenance of European branded vehicles including: COMING SOON: Tesla! Mercedes BMW Volkswagen Audi Volvo Fiat Mini Porsche BoardwalkArtsFestivalsetforSept.8-9 got legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments ~ 302.539.1788
VFWPost7234Auxiliary tohostFamilyFreedom
VeteransofForeignWars(VFW) Auxiliary7234willhostaFamilyFreedomFestivalonAug.26,from11a.m. until2p.m.atVFWPost7234,located at29265MarshyHopeWay,Ocean View.
Thefreefamily-friendlyeventwill featuretheOceanViewPoliceDepartmentandMillvilleVolunteerFire Company;aCivilWardemonstration, WorldWarIIvehicles,fancycarsand anobstaclecourse;patriotic-themed presentationsandactivities,includinga patrioticscavengerhunt,patrioticselfie boothandpatrioticgiftbag;food,fun andmore.
“It’safestivaltocelebratethefreedomsweenjoy,andwillincludeactivitiesandentertainmentforallages,” organizerssaid.“Attendthiseventand learnaboutwhattheVFWPost/Auxiliarydoesandwhatwecanofferyou.”
Attendeeswillbeabletodiscover educationalscholarshipstheyofferand learnhowtoapply;meetmembersof thegroupandspeakwiththemabout someofthevolunteerworkthey’ve done;learnhowtheyortheirchildcan jointhispatrioticgroup;signuptobecomeamember,andjointheVFWor VFWAuxiliary;learnaboutthearrayof volunteeropportunitiesthatsupport veterans,theirfamiliesandthecommunityatlarge;learnaboutoursocial amenitiesthatincludesuchthingsas food,entertainment,travelandsports outingswithmembersofthePostand Auxiliary.
Whiletheeventisfree,theyareacceptingcanned-goodsdonationsforthe communityfoodpantry.
lot. $475,000 Call Ramona Zoccola 302-584-1944 (Cell) #4512TL
This luxurious 4 BR, 3.5 BA Shearwater Model features extended garage, stone FP, chef's kitchen, Bose surround sound, & world-class amenities. Close to Indian River Bay and Delaware's resort towns, this coastal beauty is a must-see! $1,295,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4532VL
This custom-built home, inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright, harmonizes indoor living with nature, & boasts 4,400+ SF, 6 BR, 3.5 BA, a half-acre yard, & direct access to the Junction and Breakwater Trail. Don't miss the amenities of this great community! $1,375,000 Call Merritt of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-562-7954 (Cell) #4575AL
Beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA former model home with over $50,000 in upgrades, HW oors, kitchen w/granite counters, FF primary BR, FR w/vaulted ceiling, security & irrigation systems, professional landscaping, outdoor replace, & located in an amenity rich community. $749,900 Call Shirley Kalvinsky 302-236-4254 (Cell) #4623V
4 BR, 4 BA home situated on a corner lot offering
Premium condo situated in a gated community with world class amenities and a signature Jack Nicklaus course. This Sanibel model offers 2 bedrooms, a well-thought-out oorplan, and a screened-in porch to enjoy the breezes off the bay! $329,800 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4536T
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 63 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 SANDY COVE THE PENINSULA #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM HARBESON Spacious country escape! 4 BR, 3.5 BA home on 5 acres with 3,556 SF, pool, garages, outbuildings, and more! Ideal for business or residential use. $1,425,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4610TL Water view condo in Ocean View! Features include 4 BR, 2.5 BA, HW oors, FP, three porches, & a deeded boat slip providing access to the Indian River Bay & Atlantic Ocean. Amenities include a marina, pool, private beach, and shing pier. $635,000 Call Larry Sprigg 443-253-0694 (Cell) #4624MM Charming 2 + BR, 2 BA, bonus room, in 55+ Community of Independence. Wood oors upgraded kitchen with granite counters, 2 walkin closets in Primary Bedroom, screened porch and larger
granite counters, FF primary BR, rear deck, hot tub, outdoor kitchen, replace, partially nished walkout basement, and situated in an amenity rich community with an 18-hole Arthur Hills golf course. $529,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4607QM PLANTATION LAKES INDEPENDENCE HARBESON Saturday, August 12 | Noon – 2 PM 28588 Dupont Blvd Millsboro, DE $474,900 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) OPEN HOUSE BAY COLONY SHOWS LIKE A MODEL! This nearly new Ellicott model townhouse features 3 BR, 2 full and 2 half BA, open oor plan, kitchen w/granite countertops, deck overlooking the golf course, LVP ooring, and 2 car garage. Community pools, club houses, restaurants, tennis courts, and golf course! Minutes to the Delaware beaches! $379,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-7455605 (Cell) #4652QM Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment
got legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments ~ 302.539.1788
BeebeHealthcareisgrowingits clinicalproviderteaminlinewithpatientandcommunityhealthcare needs.Thehealthcaresystemannouncedthisweekthatitwaswelcomingthreenewteammembersto itshospitalandcommunity-based practices.
DarraMarkland,PA-C,isacertifiedphysicianassistantwhohasjoined BeebeGeneralSurgery.Sheassists withsurgicalcasesandperformsproceduresatthebedside,alongwithpreoperativeandpost-operativepatient assessments.Marklandcollaborates withsurgeonstoprovidecareforpatientsundergoingbothelectiveand urgent/emergentprocedures.
Pr iortojoiningBeebeHealthcare, MarklandworkedforDelawareCardiovascularAssociatesasacardiology physicianassistant.Earlierinhercareer,sheworkedforBeebe—firstasa primarycarephysicianassistantinthe InternalMedicinedepartmentandas partoftheWalk-InCareprovider team,andlaterintheIntensiveCare Unitasacriticalcarephysicianassistant.
“Iamexcitedtoonceagainbepart ofBeebeHealthcare,whereIhavethe opportunitytoservethecommunityI
considerhome,”saidMarkland,who earnedamaster’sdegreeinphysician assistantstudiesfromthePhiladelphia CollegeofOsteopathicMedicine.She isalsoagraduateoftheUniversityof Delaware,whereshemajoredinexercisephysiology.
SarahMurphy,FNP-BC,isafamilynursepractitionerwhoworksat Beebe’swalk-incarelocationsacross SussexCounty,butprimarilypractices atBeebeWalk-InCareRehoboth.
“Myjobistoassess,diagnose,and treatawiderangeofacuteillnesses andinjuriesthatrequirepromptmedicalattention,andIseepatientsofall ages,”saidMurphy.
Pr iortojoiningBeebeHealthcare, MurphyworkedforAtracareasa walk-incareprovider.Earlierinher career,sheworkedatBeebeasaclinicalnurseinthePostAnesthesiaCare Unit(PACU),andatMedStarWashingtonHospitalCenter,whereshe servedasaclinicalnurseonmultiple units,includingtheadultburnunit, traumaintensivecareunit,andthe pulmonary-focusedmedicalandsurgicalunit.
Murphyearnedamaster’sdegreein nursingfromWilmingtonUniversity andabachelor’sdegreeinnursing
fromThomasJeffersonUniversity. Additionally,sheisagraduateofthe UniversityofMarylandBaltimore County,whereshecompletedabachelor’sdegreeinhealthadministration andpolicy.
StaceyKemp,RNC,MSN, WHCNP,isanursepractitionerwho specializesinthedeliveryofcomprehensivehealthcareforwomen.She treatsadolescents11andabove,as wellaswomenofallages,atBeebe Women’sHealthGeorgetown.
Kemphasmorethan30yearsof experienceasaregisterednurse,with herearliestclinicalexperiencestaking placeatBeebeHealthcareasalabor anddeliverynurse.Mostrecently,she workedfortheDelawareCenterof ExcellenceinOB/GYNandLaRed HealthCenter.Duringthespanofher career,Kemphasalsoworkedfor DedicatedtoWomen,Bayhealth MedicalCenter,PlannedParenthood andBaysideHealthAssociation.She hasalsoservedasapreceptorfor nursepractitionerstudentsfromthe UniversityofDelaware,theFrontier SchoolofMidwifery,AldersonBroaddusUniversityandWilmingtonUniversity.
ticapproachestocare,educationand advocacy,andtransparentcommunication—withagoaltobuildastrong rapportwithmypatientsandtheir families,”saidKemp.
KempisagraduateoftheBeebe SchoolofNursing.Shelaterearned herWomen’sHealthNursePr actitionerdegreeatEmoryUniversityin Atlanta,alongwithamaster’sdegree innursingfromWesleyCollegein Dover.
Theseprovidersareemployedby BeebeMedicalGroup,whichincludes morethan20specialtyofficesinmore than40officelocationsthroughout SussexCounty.Pr acticesincludethe specialtiesofCardiothoracicSurgery, Dermatology,Endocrinology,Family Medicine,Gastroenterology,General andBariatricSurgery,HospitalMedicine,InfectiousDiseasesandTravel Medicine,InternalMedicine,PalliativeCare,PediatricNeurology,Pulmonary&SleepDisorders,Surgical Oncology,Urology,andWomen’s Healthcare.FourWalk-inCareCentersservethecommunityinRehoboth Beach,Georgetown,Millsboro,and Millvillefrom9a.m.to7p.m.daily. FormoreinformationaboutBeebe Healthcare,
64 CoastalPoint August11,2023
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 65 4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms $499,900 Active Due to Buyer STUNNING BAY VIEWS! Anita Roughton Cell|410-430-3378 Of ce|302-541-8787 Lesko to the Beach Team 19330 Lighthouse Plaza Blvd., Rehoboth Beach 29614 Carnoustie Ct. Fairway Villas, Dagsboro Beautifully updated end unit overlooking the scenic Indian River Bay & 10th tee at the prestigious Cripple Creek private golf course. New Pool & Clubhouse! MLS#DESU2032810 AT THE BEACH Coldwell Banker Realty | 89 Atlantic Ave | Ocean View, DE Welcome to Sea Colony! Nicole Peterdozzi REALTOR® (cell) 302-542-8344 • (office) 302.539.1777 • Serving Sea Colony & The Surrounding Coastal Resort Area • 807 Annapolis House Welcome to Sea Colony! The Premier Family Beach and Resort Tennis Community. Sea Colony offers 1/2 mile of private guarded beach, 12 pools (2 indoor), 2 fitness centers, beach shuttle, community center and activities for all ages. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath OCEANFRONT RETREAT offers endless views of the Atlantic Ocean. An easy stroll to Bethany's downtown attractions where you can enjoy dining, shopping, mini golf and entertainment. This home is being sold in fee (no ground rent) and offers upgraded kitchen & baths and beach storage locker. Convenience of tennis, pickle ball, basketball courts, pool and BBQ grills just outside elevator. Come see what Sea Colony has to offer. You won't be disappointed! SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys
Ocean View
WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens
Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216
32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967
St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church
Fr. Herman Acker,
36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors
SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m.
66 CoastalPoint August11,2023
Presbyterian Church
WORSHIP 9:30 AM 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455
Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455
WORSHIP 9:30 am live on Facebook & YouTube
Home! 29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship
United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall
Pastor Terry Dougherty
Pastor Terry Dougherty SUNDAY
Salem Church
Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info)
Like us on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville Sunday Worship 10 am KidsPort Kids Church 10 am on Facebook at groups/PCChurch
SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship
BEACON Baptist Church
Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information: 35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells Co the th vi reS e MdetinU G .St e S ay Sunday e civres ya ay dnuSr ef fef ffo eW We i ojotemoclewerau oY Yo 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht ’s e’s or e secivr deen y r ryev ve er of fo s !yadnuSnosun MU GtS erooMJArotsaP 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 0471.952.203 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.
Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture
Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791 Saturday Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy Visitors Always Welcome! 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am Ocean View Church of Christ Sunday 10 am Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study 302.732.3303 2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co. CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10 am 7 pm For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 ST.MARTHA’S EPISCOPALCHURCH Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weekly newsandSaturdayInspirationemails.Weoffer BibleStudy,adulteducationcourses,andmore! SUNDAYHOLYEUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00am withmusic and onYouTube GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove,livein God,andGodlivesinthem. 1John4:16 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet BethanyBeach
A Reform Jewish Congregation
Welcome Back! We’ve Missed You! Please join us for live, in-person services Fridays at 7:30 p.m. For more information, you can reach us at the Temple from 9 AM – 2 PM Tuesday - Friday 410.641.4311 or
Frankford Presbyterian Church
Traditional Services
Traditional Values
Traditional Church
Sunday Services
Facebook Live, YouTube or
Celebrating 25 Years
Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse
Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach
of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school
(302) 226 8977
An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach
10 am: Joy - Adults 10:15 am
Young Adults Bible Study
All Are Welcome!
Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104
4 pm CRASH Youth (for grades 6-12)
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Collison
Rt. 26 & Central Ave. Ocean View
GodknownforUnconditionalLoveandAcceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer MainStreet,atthefootofThatcherStreetinFrankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri.,9-5&Sat.,9-1 10 am Sunday Worship in-person
others help themselves
beautiful church with a small congregation and a
Welcoming Heart!
Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 •
every Sunday,
“Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011
Sound Church Road,
19975 Established in 1779
& Live-Streamed
8:30 a.m.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Social Distancing Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach
Only 20 minutes from Bethany Beach
Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation
Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan
17 & Daisey Rd., Roxana 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945
Bible Study 6:30 pm
Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am
13, 6 pm
Join us in person on SUNDAYS
am: Praise & Worship 11 am: Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL
8 am Open Door Adults
am ARMOR Kids’ Church
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 67 Wherever you go ~ there we are... ~ stay informed.
68 CoastalPoint August11,2023
OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir
an Open House? ors
GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit today!
Best Bets
Secret Celebrity Renovation
(6) WBOC 8 p.m.
Season 3 continues with a new episode, following as big-name celebrities in sports, music and entertainment give over-the-top, surprise home renovations to the meaningful people who helped guide them to success, gifting some truly tangible thank yous.
My Lottery Dream Home (41) HGTV 9 p.m.
It’s a “Dream Home” marathon, as the luckiest of the lucky – lottery winners – go out to search for their big, new dream home. Episodes include massive houses, blended families, a Miami millionaire, new builds in cow country, big emotions and more.
Premier League Soccer
(11) WBAL 12:30 p.m.
Newcastle United takes on Aston Villa in action from the English Premier League from St. James’ Park in Newcastle upon Tyne in Tyne and Wear, England. Newcastle United holds a large lead in the head-to-head series though they tied in their last matchup.
Ms. Marvel (7) WMDT 10 p.m.
The final three episodes of this miniseries air back-to-back, following as the super Ms. Marvel – aka Kamala (Iman Vellani) – travels the world to solve a mystery tied to her family history. In the final episode, Kamala must fight to save her friends.
The $100,000 Pyramid (7) WMDT 9 p.m.
Two episodes of this beloved game show air, following as celebrities– paired with everyday contestants – compete in a word-association game that could lead to big bucks. This episode: Nico Santos, Lauren Ash, Nicole Byer and Jermaine Fowler all compete.
Black Snow (60) AMC 10:05 p.m.
As rumors continue to spread around the small town of Ashford, suspicion lands on Joe (Jimi Bani), Isabel’s (Talijah Blackman-Corowa) father. And when Cormack (Travis Fimmel) begins to interview the time capsule kids, secrets emerge in this new episode.
the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
(N) State (N) Artworks Midsomer (:50) Midsomer Murders "A Dying Art" '70s Soul Superstars (My Music)
(19) TNT (5:15) < Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous E <++ Suicide Squad ('16)Jared Leto,Margot Robbie,Will Smith. All Elite Wrestling (N) <+++ Shazam! ('19)
(21) FX (5:30) <+++ Baby Driver ('17) Kevin Spacey, Ansel Elgort. <++ The Fate of the Furious ('17)Dwayne Johnson,Charlize Theron,Vin Diesel. < The Fate of the Furious
Their First Assignment ('85)
BRAV <+++ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ('05) Rupert Grint, Emma Watson,Daniel Radcliffe. <+++ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ('07)Daniel Radcliffe.
WTXF The Six (N) Special TMZ (N) You Bet WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) News (N) Special (N) News (N) ClassH
9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3) CW Burgers NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Baltimore RavensFrom M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore.(N)(Live) Good Dr "Mutations" Great Choc
(5) FOX Last Man Last Man MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at New York MetsFrom Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y.(N)(Live) WBOC NewsFriends Special "Interrogation"
(6) WBOC Inside Ed. (N) CBS News News (N) Outdoors NCIS "Sudden Death" Blue Bloods "Family Matters" 48 Hours News (N) Outdoors
(7) WMDT News (N) World News Wise Money Family Feud Ms. Marvel "Seeing Red"(N) Ms. Marvel (N) Ms. Marvel (N)(SF) News (N) (:35) Outdoors
(11) WBAL News (N) Pregame NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Baltimore RavensFrom M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore.(N)(Live) Ravens News (N) SNL
(12) WCPB (4:00) Great Scenic '60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music Presents) Luther Vandross --Always and ForeverJoanne Shaw Taylor Live
(19) TNT (5:15) <+++ The Suicide Squad ('21) Margot Robbie. All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) <+++ The Suicide Squad ('21) Idris Elba,Margot Robbie.
(21) FX (5:30) <+++ Bumblebee ('18) John Cena, Hailee Steinfeld. <+++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ('17)Dwayne Johnson. <++ Night School ('18)Kevin Hart.
(22) LIFE < The Girl Who Escaped: The Kara Robinson Story ('23) < Abducted by My Teacher: The Elizabeth Thomas Story (:05) Eliz. Thomas (N) < Abducted by My Teacher:
(23) A&E Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor.Neighbor.Kings of BBQ (N)(P) Hip Hop Treasures (N) (P) (:05) Neighbor. (:35) Neighbor.
(24) TRUTV Tacoma FD American American American AmericanAmericanAmericanAmericanJokesJokesTacoma FDJokes
(28) ESPN (4:00) UFC Prelims (N) (Live) UFC Fight Night: Luque vs. dos Anjos (N)(Live) Boxing Top Rank Boxing: Navarrete vs. Valdez(N)(Live)
(29) ESPN2 (5:00) LLS World Series Premier Lacrosse Atlas LC vs. Waterdogs LC(N)(Live) 30 for 30 Jeanette Lee Vs. GameDayGameDay SportsCenter (N)(Live)
(33) GOLF PGA Champions Boeing Classic, Second Round (N) (Live) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf FedEx St. Jude Championship, Third Round
(41) HGTV Christina on the Coast Hunters Hunters HuntersHuntersVacation House Rules (N) House Hunters (N) HuntersHunters
(43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive
(44) DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition UnknownExpedition UnknownExpedition Unknown Expedition Unknown
(45) HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained
(46) ANPL Crikey! It's the Irwins Crikey! It's the Irwins Crikey! It's the IrwinsCrikey! It's the IrwinsCrikey! It's the Irwins Crikey! It's the Irwins
(48) DISN Big City Big City Big City Summer (N) <+++ Finding Dory ('16)Ellen DeGeneres. (:40) Hailey (:05) Big CitySummer Molly McGeeLadybug
(50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing
(60) AMC (5:30) <++ Weekend at Bernie's ('89) (:45) <++ National Lampoon's European Vacation ('85) (:45) <++ National Lampoon's Vacation ('83) Movie
(61) BRAV (4:30) <+++ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ('09) <+++ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 ('10)Rupert Grint,Daniel Radcliffe. < Harry Potter & the Deathly
(69) WTXF Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at New York MetsFrom Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y.(N)(Live) The 10 O'Clock News (N) Special "Interrogation" Bethany SUNDAYEVENING AUGUST 13, 2023
6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3) CW Family Guy Family Guy Good Dr "Sex and Death" The Chosen "The Wedding Gift"(N) Animals47ABC NEWSRecipe for Recipe forWOW
(5) FOX Raw Travel Outdoors Gordon Ramsay-Food SimpsonsFamily GuyBurgersFamily GuyWBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends
(6) WBOC News (N) CBS News 60 Minutes (N) Big Brother (N) The Challenge: USA (N) NCIS: LA "Dead Stick" News at 11The Rookie
(7) WMDT News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos Celebrity Family Feud (N) The $100,000 PyramidThe $100,000 Pyramid News (N) (:35) Marquee
(11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Ninja Warrior Qualifiers 5 Ninja Warrior Semifinals 2 America's Got Talent "Auditions 9" News (N) 11 News (N)
(12) WCPB I Go to the Rock: The Gospel Music Broadway's Brightest Lights Sanditon on Masterpiece (:15) Sanditon on Masterpiece Suze
(19) TNT (5:15) <++ Justice League ('17) Ben Affleck. <++ Aquaman ('18)Amber Heard,Willem Dafoe,Jason Momoa. <+++ Joker ('19) Joaquin Phoenix.
(21) FX (5:30) <+++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ('17) <++ Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ('18)Bryce Dallas Howard,Chris Pratt. < Jurassic World: Fallen Kin (22) LIFE < Trapped in the Farmhouse ('23) Jenna Michno. < Trapped in the Cabin ('23)David Lewis,Tiffany Smith.(P) (:05) < A Lifeguard's Obsession ('23)Amanda Jones. (23)
The First 48 The First 48 First 48 "In a Lonely Place" The First 48 The First 48 (:05) The First 48
(24) TRUTV Tacoma FD Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokers JokersJokers
(28) ESPN Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at New York MetsFrom Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y.(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)
(29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Sunday Night Baseball with Kay-Rod: Atlanta Braves at New York Mets(N)(Live) X Games California 2023 Trending Moments
(33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Champions Women's Golf U.S. Women's Amateur, Championship Match(N)(Live) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf
(41) HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Barbie DreamhouseRenovation Resort Sh (N) Hunters "A View to Thrill" HuntersHunters
(43) FOOD Grocery "Pizza Masters" Guy's Grocery Games Cooks "Love at First Bite: That's Amore"(N) Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby
(44) DISC Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid (N) Survive the Raft (N) Afraid "Rain of Terror" Afraid "Texan Torture"
(45) HIST Mega-Brands Mega-Brands Mega-Brands Brands "Dirty Work"(N)(SF) (:05) Built America (:05) America "Pop Stars"
(46) ANPL Lone Star Law "In Too Deep" Lone Star Law Yellowstone WardensYellowstone Wardens (N) Lone Star "Reptile Outlaws" Lone Star "Shoreline Crimes"
(48) DISN (:10) <+++ The Jungle Book ('16) Bill Murray, Neel Sethi. Raven (N) Bunk'd (N) The VillainsThe VillainsPretty Frk Pretty Frk RavenBunk'd
(50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men Two MenTwo Men
(60) AMC <++ White House Down ('13) Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Channing Tatum. Dark Winds "Antigonish"(N) (:05) Black Snow (N) (:15) < White House Down
(61) BRAV Housewives-Atlanta Housewives-Atlanta Housewives-Atlanta (N) Housewives/NYC (N) Luann (N) Watch What Housewives/NYC
(69) WTXF Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Gordon Ramsay-Food SimpsonsFamily GuyBurgersFamily GuyThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) The Pulse Bethany
PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM
AUGUST 14, 2023
(3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Son of a (N) Run (N) Children (N) Bump (N) 47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. Family Guy
(5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Stars on Mars (N) Kitchen (N)(SF) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends
(6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) NeighborBob HeartNCIS "Black Sky" NCIS "Vanishing Act" News (N) (:35) Colbert
(7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud The Bachelorette "The Men Tell All"(N) Claim to Fame (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood American Ninja Warrior Semifinals 3 & 4(N) Weakest Link News (N) (:35) J. Fallon
(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collectibles Water's Edge: Black < Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts -- MPT by Request
(19) TNT (5:30) <++ Aquaman ('18) Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Jason Momoa. <++ Man of Steel ('13)Amy Adams,M chael Shannon,Henry Cavill. (:15) < Braven ('18)
(21) FX <+++ Blockers ('18) Ike Barinholtz, Leslie Mann. <++ Daddy's Home 2 ('17)Mark Wahlberg,Will Ferrell. Breeders (N) Breeders Breeders Movie
(22) LIFE #TextMeWhen (N) #TextMeWhen (N) #TextMe "JaRay Wilson"(N) #TextMeWhen (N) (:05) Meet, Marry, Murder (N) (:05) #TextMeWhen
(23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Secrets of Playboy (N) Secrets of Playboy (N) (SF) The First 48
(24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokers <+++ Meet the Parents Ben Stiller,Robert De Niro.
(28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Fantasy Football Now Season Preview (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)
(29) ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 NFL Live
(33) GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURPGA TOUR PGA Tour Golf FedEx St. Jude Championship, Final RoundFrom TPC Southwind in Memphis, Tenn.
(41) HGTV Wrecked "A Family Affair" Help! I Wrecked My House UgliestUgliestDream HomeDream HomeHouse Hunters (N) HuntersHunters
(43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby BBQ Brawl BBQ Brawl (N) BBQ USA (N) Beat BobbyBeat Bobby
(44) DISC Street "Say It Ain't Smoke" Street "Make the Call" (N) Street Outlaws: Mega Cash Days "Going for Broke"(N) Street Outlaws (N) Metal Monsters: The
(45) HIST History's-Mysteries History's-Mysteries Mysteries "The Black Dahlia" History's-Mysteries (N)(SF) (:05) Dark Marvels (N) (:05) History's-Mysteries
Bethany FRIDAYEVENING AUGUST 11, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Family Law (N) Moonshine (N) 47ABC NEWSChicago "Little Bit of Light" Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Celebrity Renovation (N) Fire Country "Bad Guy" Blue Bloods News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World NewsFamily Feud Family Feud Will Trent "Manhunt" 20/20 Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Hot Wheels-ChallengeDateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour
Carr"(N) (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokers JokersJokers (28) ESPN (5:00) Little League Baseball Baseball Metro Regional, Championship: Teams TBA(N) Baseball West Regional, Championship: Teams TBA (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) LLS World Series Game 18: Teams TBA(N)(Live) MexicoUFC Live30 for 30 The American Gladiators Documentary, Part 2 (33) GOLF Women's Golf U.S. Women's Amateur, Quarterfinals (N) (Live) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Champions Golf Boeing Classic, First Round(N) (41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home DreamHomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush-Res. Gold Rush "Golden Boy" (N) Gold Rush-Res. (N) (:05) Hoffman (N) (:10) Outback (N) (:10) Gold Rush-Res. (45) HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) (:05) Proof-There (N) (:05) The Proof Is Out There (46) ANPL Insane Pools Insane "What's Up Dock?" Insane Pools Insane "Dream Mulligan" Insane Pools "Pool-a-Vida" Insane "Rocks of Love" (48) DISN (:15) <+++ Big Hero 6 ('14) Ryan Potter. Villains (N) Pretty Frk (N) Pretty Frk (N) Hailey's on It!Hailey's onIt!Hailey's on It! The VillainsPretty Frk (50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:15) <++ San Andreas ('15) Dwayne Johnson. <++ Police Academy ('84)Kim Cattrall,Steve Guttenberg. (:15) <++ Police Academy 2:
Bethany SATURDAYEVENING AUGUST 12, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30
(22) LIFE Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles < What Happened to My Sister? ('22)Lauryn Speights.(P) (:05) < Maid for Revenge ('23) Matt Wells,Kathryn Kohut.
A&E The First 48 The First 48 "Deadly Bluff" The First 48 "Jackpot"(N) Witness "Dark Mode"(N)
11 PM 11:30
(46) ANPL Afraid "Nicaragua Nightmare" Naked and Afraid Afraid "Fire on the Mountain" Afraid "Dunes of Despair" Afraid "Mayan Sacrifice" Afraid "Alligator Alley" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff <++ Cars 3 ('17)Owen Wilson. (:50) Marvel's (:15) Marvel's (:40) Summer (:05) VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <++ Outbreak ('95) Rene Russo, Dustin Hoffman. <+++ Twister ('96)Bill Paxton,Cary Elwes,Helen Hunt. <+++ Contagion ('11)Marion Cotillard. (61) BRAV Below Deck Mediterranean Below Deck Mediterranean Below Deck Down (N) Below Deck Down (N) Couch Talk Below Deck Down UnderBelow Deck (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) TMZ (N) You Bet Stars on Mars (N) Kitchen (N)(SF) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) ClassH August11,2023 CoastalPoint 69
Best Bets
the Lyrics! (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld
(6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI "Heroes" FBI: Int "Yesterday's Miracle" FBI: Most Wanted "Appeal" News
(7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Celebrity Wheel of FortuneJeopardy! "Games 9 & 10" The Chase
(11) WBAL News (N) NBC NewsInside Ed.
The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) ClassH Bethany
AUGUST 16, 2023
(3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce Nancy Drew (N) Riverdale (N) 47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. "Fagin" Family Guy
(5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef (N) Food Stars (N)(SF) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends
WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Big Brother (N) Superfan "Shania Twain"(N) So Help Me Todd News (N)
WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Judge Steve Harvey (N) Wonder (N) Wonder (SF) Funniest Home Videos News (N)
J. Kimmel
WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood LA Fire "The Real Baywatch" Chicago Fire "Hold on Tight" Chicago P.D. "New Life" News (N) (:35) J. Fallon
(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Steven MotorWeek Elvis Presley: '68 Comeback SpecialRoy Orbison MPT by Request
(19) TNT Lucifer Lucifer "God Johnson" <+++ Thor: Ragnarok ('17)Tom Hiddleston,Chris Hemsworth. (:45) <++ The Meg ('18)Jason Statham.
(21) FX (5:30) <++ Pacific Rim Uprising ('18) John Boyega. <+++ Thor ('11)Natalie Portman,Anthony Hopkins,Chris Hemsworth. <++ Thor: The Dark World ('13)
(22) LIFE Castle "Law & Boarder" Castle "Veritas" Castle "For Better or Worse" Castle "Driven" (:05) Castle "Montreal" (:05) Castle
(23) A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court CamCourt CamCourt CamCourt CamArrest (N) Arrest (N) Court CamCourt Cam
(24) TRUTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers JokersJokersJokersJokers <+ Little Fockers ('10) Ben Stiller,Robert De Niro.
(28) ESPN (5:00) LLB World Series LLB World Series Game 4: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Coll. Football Live (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)
(29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) NFL Live ESPN FC USL Soccer Rio Grande Valley FC Toros at San Antonio FC NFL Live
(33) GOLF 2023 U.S. Amateur Round of 64 (N) (Live) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA TOURPGA TOUR 2023 U.S. Amateur Round of 64
(41) HGTV Holmes Family Rescue Holmes Family Rescue Renovation Episode 1"(N) Holmes Family Rescue (N) Hunters (N) Hunters (N) HuntersHunters
(43) FOOD Grocery "Battle of the Bacon" Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "Family Teams" Guy's Grocery Games (N) Battle-Decades (N)(P) Guy's Grocery Games
(44) DISC Extraterr. "Ancient Visitors" Extraterrestrial Expedition UnknownExpedition X (N) Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures
(45) HIST American Pickers American Pickers Pickers "Beware of Deere" American Pickers "King of Salvage; Picking 101"(N) (:05) American Pickers
(46) ANPL Gator Boys Gator Boys Gator Boys Gator Boys Gator Boys Gator Boys "Gatorzilla"
(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybugMarvel'sMarvel's RavenRaven
(50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing
(60) AMC (5:00) <++++ Jaws ('75) Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider. <++ White House Down ('13)Jamie Foxx,Maggie Gyllenhaal,Channing Tatum. <+++ Speed ('94)
(61) BRAV Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives (N) Real Housewives (N) Housewives-AtlantaHousewives/NYC
(69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH TMZ (N) You Bet MasterChef (N) Food Stars (N)(SF) The 10 O'Clock
(N) HuntersHunters Int'l
(43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyOutchef'd (N) BBQ Brawl Beat BobbyBeat Bobby
(44) DISC Homestead Rescue Homestead "Do or Die" Homestead RescueHomestead Rescue (N) Homestead RescueHomestead "By a Landslide"
(45) HIST Alone "Infestation" Alone "Splintered" Alone "Rats" Alone "By Any Means; Alone Australia: Day 2"(N)(SF) (:35) Alone
(46) ANPL Bigfoot "Search for the Yeti" Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot "Abominable Snowman" Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot
(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybugMarvel'sMarvel's Bunk'dBunk'd
(50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing
(60) AMC (5:00) <++ White House Down ('13) Channing Tatum. <+++ Hacksaw Ridge ('16)Sam Worthington,Luke Bracey,Andrew Garfield. <+ Rambo: Last Blood ('19)
(61) BRAV Project Runway "Below Decked Out" Project Runway "Freedom" Project Runway "Double Bind"(N) The Gentle Art (N) Charm
(69) WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) ClassH
MONDAY Below Deck Down Under (61) BRAV 8 p.m.
As the crew navigates the natural beauty of the tropical islands near Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, they face the reality of long hours, high stress and the everyday challenges of working on a superyacht. Another new episode immediately follows.
Crime Scene Kitchen (5) FOX (69) WTXF 9 p.m.
What happens when you combine Gil Grissom from “CSI” with Martha Stewart? Bakers must decode a dessert using only the leftover crumbs, flour trails and a few elusive clues, then re-create the recipe for celebrity judges Curtis Stone and Yolanda Gampp.
Secrets of Playboy (23) A&E 10 p.m.
The final two episodes of this tell-all documentary air back-to-back, unraveling the glamorous mythology behind the Playboy brand through archival footage and exclusive interviews with insiders from all facets of the infamously complicated Playboy world.
TUESDAY Beat Shazam (5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.
Teams prepare for a sing-off in a new episode of this game show. Racing against the clock (and each other), the teams will have to try their best to identify the biggest hit songs of all time. The winning team will then have to beat Shazam
The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip (61) BRAV 9 p.m.
In search of some much-needed healing, the housewives head for the sanctuary of a Buddhist temple. And while Heather and Whitney find peace during Whitney’s multi-course tantric dinner, things between Porsha and Leah reach their boiling point.
That’s My Jam (11) WBAL 10 p.m.
Tonight’s celebrity guests are Simu Liu, Halle Bailey, Chloe Bailey and Adam Lambert. They’ll compete in a series of music, dance and trivia-based games and performances, including Launch the Mic, Vinyl Countdown and Don’t Fear the Speaker.
2023 Little League Baseball World Series (28) ESPN 1 p.m.
It’s the dream of so many children across the globe — playing in the Little League Baseball World Series. Coverage begins with numerous regional championships and will include all five teenage World Series Championships.
Nancy Drew (3) CW 8 p.m.
The fourth and final season of this mystery continues with a new installment, following as Nancy Drew (Kennedy McMann) heads out to the Horseshoe Bay graveyard with the Drew Crew after receiving a mysterious call, in pursuit of clues.
The Wonder Years (7) WMDT 9:30 p.m.
Season 2 concludes with two new episodes. In the first, the Williams gather to celebrate a birthday and big news is shared. Afterwards, the Williams family decides to head on a vacation and heads on a road trip that takes them towards Disneyland.
Project Runway
(61) BRAV 9 p.m.
This historic, 20th season continues with a new episode, spotlighting talented designers from around the world, each competing in the industry’s premiere fashion design competition. Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell and Elaine Welteroth act as judges.
Auto Racing
(28) ESPN 9 p.m.
Lucas Oil Speedway hosts the SRX all-star championship dirt races. Denny Hamlin looked good early in the season, but things are still tight in point totals. Marco Andretti was the 2022 champion in a season that saw several drivers take checkers flags.
What We Do in the Shadows
(21) FX 10 p.m.
3 x 3” ad
Despite being roommates for hundreds of years, the fun still hasn’t stopped for these curious vampires. Season 5 continues with an all-new episode in which Nadja gives back to her community and Laszlo’s experiments have some unexpected results.
70 CoastalPoint August11,2023
Bethany TUESDAYEVENING AUGUST 15, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce Divorce
Whose LineWhose Line47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big
Beat Shazam (N) Don't Forget
Penn "Full Frontal Magic"
(N) (:35)
News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(N) Hollywood America's Got Talent "Road to Lives"(N) That's My Jam News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors I Go to the Rock: The Gospel MusicLuther Vandross --Always and Forever MPT by Request (19) TNT (5:00) <++ Man of Steel ('13) Amy Adams, Henry Cavill. <+++ Doctor Strange ('16)Chiwetel Ejiofor,Benedict Cumberbatch. <++ Tomb Raider ('18)Alicia Vikander. (21) FX (5:00) <++ X-Men: The Last Stand ('06) <++ Iron Man 2 ('10)Gwyneth Paltrow,Don Cheadle,Robert Downey Jr.. Justified: City "Adios" (N) Justified: City "Adios" (22) LIFE Property Property Property Property PropertyPropertyEverythingPropertyProperty (:35) Property (:05) Property (:35) Property (23) A&E Customer Customer Customer Customer CustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer (24) TRUTV Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes JokesJokesJokesJokes <++ Meet the Fockers ('04) Ben Stiller,Robert De Niro. (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Fantasy Football Draft Fantasy Football DraftFrom Bristol, Conn.(N)(Live) The Ultimate FighterSportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) UFC UFC UFC 292 CountdownThe Ultimate FighterNFL Live SlamBall Playoffs, Game 1 (33) GOLF Golf Central Golf Golf U.S. Open Epics U.S. Open Epics U.S. Open Epics Golf Central (41) HGTV Good Bones "Old Biker Bar" Good Bones Good Bones Good Bones (N) What's Wro "Episode 1" (N) Good Bones (43) FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Supermarket StakeoutChopped Chopped "Taco Throwdown" (44) DISC Catch "Uncharted Grounds" Catch "Legend of the Wizard" Catch "Pain Level Ten"(N) Bering Sea Gold (N) Naked and Afraid Survive the Raft (45) HIST Pawn Stars Do America "Revolutionary Deals" Pawn Stars "The Big Dig" Pawn Stars (N) (:05) Pawn Stars (:05) Pawn Stars (46) ANPL North Woods Law North Woods Law North-Law "Lost and Found" North-Law "Uncuffed 2" Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Kiff Kiff Big CityBig CityLadybugLadybugMarvel's "Moon Girl Landing" Pretty Frk Pretty Frk (50) TVLND Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:30) <+++ Twister ('96) Bill Paxton, Helen Hunt. <++++ Jaws ('75)Robert Shaw,Richard Dreyfuss,Roy Scheider. <++ Jaws 2 ('78) (61) BRAV (5:00) Below Deck Down Below Deck Down Under Below Deck Down UnderThe Real Housewives (N) (:15) Housewives/NYC (:15) Housewives-Atlanta (69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) TMZ (N) You Bet Beat Shazam (N) Don't Forget the Lyrics! (N)
6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
News (N) News (N) ClassH Bethany THURSDAYEVENING AUGUST 17, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Judge Lake Judge Lake Divorce NFL Football Cleveland Browns at Philadelphia Eagles(N)(Live) Chicago P.D. "Army of One" Family Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man MLB Baseball (N) (Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) SheldonGhostsBig Brother (N)(Live) The Challenge: USA (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Generation Gap (N) The Prank Panel (N) Shark Tank News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Password Law-SVU "Mirror Effect" Law & Order "The System" News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Context Moveable Chesapeake BeaconsDoc Martin Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (19) TNT (5:15) <+++ Thor: Ragnarok ('17) Chris Hemsworth. <+++ Ant-Man ('15)Michael Douglas,Evangeline Lilly,Paul Rudd. <+++ Ant-Man and The Wasp ('18) (21) FX (4:00) <++ The Wolverine <+++ The Avengers ('12) Chris Evans,Mark Ruffalo,Robert Downey Jr.. What We DoWhat We Do What We Do Movie (22) LIFE Castle "Meme Is Murder" Castle Castle Castle "Kill Switch" (:05) Castle (:05) Castle "Bad Santa" (23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 After the First 48 (N) 60 Days In (N) Booked: First Day In (N) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes JokesJokesJokesJokes (N) Tacoma FDJokesJokesJokes (28) ESPN (5:00) LLB World Series LLB World Series Game 8: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Auto Racing Superstar
Experience(N)(Live) SlamBall Final(N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) 30 for 30 The U 30 for 30 The U: Part 2 SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) 2023 U.S.
(N)(Live) PGA
(41) HGTV Christina on the Coast Christina "Home Run
Amateur Round of 16
Tour Golf BMW Championship, First Round
Reno" Christina on the CoastChristina on the Coast (N) Hunters (N) Hunt Intl
ByJasonFeather StaffReporter
Theywereeasilythetwobestteams allweekwhentheymetintheLittle LeagueSeniorSoftballWorldSeries ChampionshiplastSunday,Aug.6,in Roxana.Thetwoteamsbattlingforthe titlewereCentral(District17inBeardstown,Ill.)andSouthwest(District9 fromLittleRiver-Academy,Texas).
Bothteamswereunbeaten,at6-0, butoneofthemwasgoingtohavetofinallygetthatblemishinthelosscolumn,becauseonlyonecouldgohome as thechampion.
Centralwasabletogetontheboard firstinthetopofthethirdinning,when CaitlinBuntedoubledtoleftfieldand scoredAvaWombles,whohadreached onaone-outsingle.
Southwestwouldrespondwitha two-spotintheirhalfofthethird,when KyLiAlonzostartedthingsoffwitha doubletoright.Shewassacrificedto thirdonabuntbyJourneeWhite.
ChristiMcGuirewalkedtoputrunners onthecorners.AstrikeoutsawSouthwestrunnerssittingatsecondandthird with twoouts.
ThegirlsfromCentralcouldhave gottenoutoftroubleandtheinning whenJaydenSadlergroundedaballto AspenKitowski,butshecouldn’tmake theplay,allowingAlonzoandYasmine Traore—whocameinasaspecial pinch-runner—toscore.
Centralwouldanswerbacktotiethe scoreinthetopofthefourth,whenKitowskismackedanRBI-singletocenter, scoringCoraEllison,whohadreached onafielder’schoice.
Withthescorestilltiedinthetopof the sixth,Centralretooktheleadona homeruntocenterbyMiaVolpert.
Southwestcamerightbackinthe bottomoftheinningtotieitonce again.Ka’SaraBrooksscoredonasacrificeflybyAllysonSchauer.
Sevenfullinningsstillcouldn’tdecideawinner,andneithercouldan eighthinning.
Soplaywentontotheninth,when Centralbrokethedeadlockwithapair ofruns.Byinternationaltiebreakerrules usedbyLittleLeague,VanessaNunez
wasplacedonsecondbaseasapinch runnerforVolpert,whowasthepitcher ofrecord.AudreyGilmanbuntedthe ballbacktoSchauer,butshecouldn’t maketheplay,andNunezscoredthe go-aheadrun.Withoneout,Kitowski steppedtotheplateanddeliveredagain witharun-scoringsingletocenterthat
platedMyleeTracywithwhatwould becomethegame-winningrun.
Southwesthadtheirchanceinthe bottomoftheninthbutcouldonly musteranRBI-singleoffthebatof MiahCoronathatscoredWhiteas Volpertclosedthedoor,allowingCentraltoclaimthe2023WorldSeries
Volpertpickedupthewin—her fourthoftheweek—goingallnineinningswhileallowingthethreeruns(all unearned)withsixstrikeoutsandthree walks.Theyweretheonlyrunssheal-
August11,2023 Page71
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys Centralplayerscelebratetheir5-4victoryoverSouthwestonSunday,Aug.6,duringthechampionshipgameofthe2023Senior League SoftballWorldSeriesinRoxana.
72 CoastalPoint August11,2023
BySamSandler PointIntern
TravelingtotheSeniorLeague SoftballWorldSeriesinRoxanathis summerwasjustonepartofamemorablejourneyfortheteamsthatcame fromforeigncountriestocompetein theSeries.WhileseveralteamstraveledlongdistancesfromEuropeand Africa,theAsia-Pacificteamtraveled morethan20hourstobepartofthe softballaction.
Theteam’scoach,Antonio OquindoJr.,talkedtotheCoastal Pointabouttheirinternationaljourney,aswellasreflectingonhismore than30yearsofcoachingthe13-to 16-year-oldgirlsfromthePhilippines.
Theteam’sjourneyconsistedofa 15-hourflightfromManilatoNew YorkCity,andthenafive-hourbus ridetoDelaware.
“Ourteamisverytiredand sleepy,”Oquindosaid.“Wearehaving problemswitheatingbecauseofthe timedifference.”
ButhesaidtheFilipinocommunityinbothDelawareandMaryland hadreachedouttohelp,providing foodandassistanceduringtheirstay inthearea.
“Wearesogratefultohavemet themandfortheirhelp.Theyare suchgreatpeople.”
AskedabouthowtheteaminitiallybecameinvolvedintheSeries, Oquindosaid,“Iwantedtohelpthe playerstocompeteintheinternationalSeriesthatcanbefoundhere. …Wehaveourtrainersandother coaches,alongwithmyself,thathelp withtheireducationsandtheirdevelopmentassoftballplayers.Ourteam isalsosponsoredbyourprovincial governmentfromthePhilippines.”
TheteamhastraveledtoRoxana onthreeoccasions,withthefirsttime beingin2017.
“Wegotsecondplacethatyear, andwelosttotheDelawareteamin thechampionship,”Oquindonoted. “Wealwayswanttoplayherein Delaware.Itisourhighestachievementtobeabletoplayhereagainst theseothertalentedteams.”He
Oppositepage:CentralbeatSouthwest inthechampionshipgameonSunday, Aug.6.Teams,familymembersandfans cheeredonthegirlsduringaclose game.Middlerow,right,Southwest shortstopKyliAlonzobats.Bottomrow, left,CentralpitcherMiaVolportisfocusedandcontrolled.
addedthattheyhopetocontinueto growandbondasateam.
Theirhometown,hesaid,supports theteamby“g ivingusourplayers, andtheyhelpuswithcheeringonthe girlsingames.”Hesaidheappreciatestheassistancethatheandthe teamreceivefromtheirschooland thelocalcommunityinthePhilippines,whichhesaidbecomesextremelyexcitedfortheirjourneyto theUnitedStates.
“Ourlocaltowndoesdonations andfindsotherwaystohelpus gathertheneededequipmenttoplay softball.”
Whentheteamwasn’tplaying softballduringtheSeriesweek,they traveledtoRehobothBeachandto BethanyBeachtospendsometimein theAtlanticOceanandexplorethe localrestaurantscene.Theystayedat theAtlanticInninMillsboro.The teamdoesnotplanonvisitinganywhereelseintheU.S.duringtheir
lowedallweek,tallying23.1innings pitchedand300pitches.Shehadjust 20strikeoutsagainstfivewalks.Teams battedacollective.179againsther.She alsohadthehighestteambattingaveragefortheweek,at.526(10-for-19), withatripleandthreehomeruns.Her 10RBIswereateam-best,whileher homerunswerethemostofanyplayer aswell.ItwasanimpressiveweekallaroundforVolpert.
timehere,hesaid,butthesoftballorganization’spresident,Anthony Augistine,plannedtotraveltoNorth CarolinawiththeJuniorLeague teamfortheircompetitionlaterthis month.
Coachingsoftball,Oquindosaid, wassomethingherealizedwasa “tickettofinishmyeducationandto helpgirlsinthePhilippinestocontinuetheireducationaswell.”He saidhe“lovestoteachchildren”and thatheespeciallyenjoysbeingableto assisttheirfamiliesbyproviding themwithschoolingandwithsoftballcoachingaswell.
Askedaboutthemostmeaningful aspectofcompetinginthisSeries, Oquindosaid,“ProvingthattheFilipinoplayerscanplayagainsttheU.S. teamsismeaningfultome,becauseit meansthatwearenotwastingour timebytravelingallthisdistance.
defendingSouthwestchampsfrom Texas,whohaddefeatedhostsDelaware District3inlastyear’schampionship game.
Inthethird-placegameonSunday afternoon,theWestteamfromHawai’i defeatedCanada,9-4.T.Taufahemahad thebiggesthitofthegame—along homerunovertheleftfieldfencethat hadtiedthegameat1-1inthetopof thesecondinning.Shewouldfinishthe game2-for-4,withtworunsscoredand twoRBIs.Haylie-SeanReinyandNikki
thetimetheyareyoungeronthe team,tothetimewhentheyaretoo oldtocontinueplayinginthisSeries. Itisnicetowatchthemenjoyspendingtimetogetherplayingasportthey love.AndIenjoywatchingthembecomelifelongfriendsbackatthe hotel.Itistrulyagreatexperiencefor myselfandforthegirlsonourteam.” WhiletheAsiaPacificteamfell shortagainsttheCanadianteamlast Saturday,thegrouphadastrong showingduringtheweek-longSeries. Oquindosaidhehopestoreturnto theSerieswithhisteamonceagain nextyear.
“IfGodgivesusthechanceto comeagain,wewill.…Ihaveseen ourgirlsenjoyingtravelingto Delaware.Weareveryhappytomeet thelocalcommunityhere,andwe lookforwardtoreturningonceagain nextyear.”
Chongalsohadtwohitsapieceforthe Westsquad.
Therestofthetournamentteams wrappeduptheirrespectiverunsinconsolationgamesonSaturday.Hereare thefinalrecordsfortheweekforthose otherteams:
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 73
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Onvigilantwatch.On guard.Onthestand.Ontheir toes.
ThatisthejobforaSea ColonyBeachPatrollifeguard from10a.m.to5:30p.m. throughJune16andfromSept. 5throughOct.9,and10a.m. to6p.m.fromJune17through Sept.4.
Whilevirtuallyeveryoneelse aroundthemonthebeachiscavorting,reading,sleeping,talkingorjusttakinginthe magicalsaltair,theGuardians bytheSeaarereadytospring intoaction.
Evenwhilebeingcordialto thosewhoapproachthelifeguardstand,theyarealwayson alert.Theireyesremainonthe swimmersinthesurfeven whiletheyaresippingand chewingforsustenanceduring thelongbeachday.
Andtheyaretheoneswho havetheabilitytorescueswimmersinneed.
TheCoastalPointisspotlightingoneoftheseGuardians bytheSeawithabeachlifeguardfeaturestoryeachweek duringtheseason.
Hispartnerwasonalunch break,whichmeantthatSea ColonyBeachPatrollifeguard GarrettKarreswasaloneon thestandatthatmoment duringhisrookiesummerof 2021.
“Inoticedsomeriptides startingtoopendownbythe BethanyBeachborder,”re-
SeaColonyBeachPatrollifeguardGarrettKarresisthis week’sfeaturelifeguardin ourweeklylifeguardfeature, GuardiansbytheSea.
calledKarres.“Ikeptacloseeyeonthe situation.Shortlythereafter,Isawa youngboygettingpulledoutbytherip likehewasonaconveyorbelt.Iinstantlysawhisdadgrabhim,andhe was alsostrugglingagainsttherip.” Karresleapedfromhisstandand racedintothesurf.
“WhenIreachedthem,Iimmediatelynoticedthatthedadwaspretty tired,”Karresrecalled.“SoIensured thattheyoungstergrabbedontomyrescuecanwhilehisdadswamtherestof thewayin.Ibroughttheboytoshore, andbothheandhisdadwerevery thankful.”
Beingentrustedwithmany importantresponsibilities
ForKarres,beingalifeguardmeans that heisbeingentrustedwithimportantresponsibilities.
“Manyofthoseresponsibilitiesmay representthelinebetweenlifeand death,”saidthe22-year-oldnativeof Monterey,Calif.“Youhavetoknowand
74 CoastalPoint August11,2023 302-537-8304 Email: Dagsboro, DE AcceptingNewPatients! KieranPy,M.D. ©2023AtlanticGeneralHospital.Allrightsreserved. Atlantic GeneralPrimaryand SpecialtyCare 96AtlanticAve.,Ste101•OceanView,DE 302-541-4460 Dr.KieranPyjoinedAtlanticGeneral HealthSystemin2017toprovide primarycaretotheOceanView Community. Hecompletedhisfamilymedicine residencyatNorthwellHealth’s SouthsideHospitalinBayShore, NY,a erheearnedhismedical degreeatRossUniversitySchool ofMedicineinDominica,West Indies,performinghisclinical rotationsatteachinghospitalsin LongIsland,BrooklynandQueens, NY.Dr.Pyisamemberofthe AmericanAcademyofFamily PhysiciansandtheAmerican MedicalAssociation. Toscheduleanewpatient appointment,call 302-541-4460.
trustinyourtraining,andbeabletoput thatintoactionassoonasit’sneeded.”
The6-footresidentofNewSmyrna Beach,Fla.,saidhecaresdeeplyabout theswimmersandbeachpatrons,whom hefeelsagreatresponsibilitytoprotect.
“Ibecamealifeguardtosavelives andtobeapartofacommunityin whichthereismutualtrust,”hesaid. “Onapersonallevel,it’spartoflivinga healthylifestylethatincludesworking outregularly,beingoutsideandcatching somerays.Thereisnothingbettertodo duringthesummer.”
Karressaidheconsidersthesigning ofsemaphorewithfellowlifeguardsas themostdifficultpartofhisjob.Semaphoreisasystemofsendingmessages byholdingone’sarms,flagsorpolesin certainpositionstoconveymessagesin analphabeticcode.
“Youneverrealizehowharditisto spellsomewordsuntilyou’reatopyour standandwithalleyesonyouasyouattempttospelloutsimplewordsthatare usuallyautocorrectedandautomatically fixedforyou,”Karressaid.
“Myeasiestresponsibilityistostay physicallyfit,”headded.“Oneofthe reasonsIloveourpatrolisbecauseof thevariousworkoutswedoduringour workdaytokeepusfitandalertonthe beach.Thisenablesustobeinthebest
shapepossibleforourbeachpatrons whoputtheirtrustinus.”
Karressaidheappreciatesthathis SCBPpatrolleadersandcolleaguesensurethateachguardisinthebestshape possible
“Thisenablesustoimproveourselveseverydayasweattempttooutdo andpushoneanother,”hesaid.“And afterourgruelingworkouts,whenwe setupourstandsandarereadyfora busybeachday,wehaveeachothers’ backs,bothonandoffthebeach.We neverquestiononeanother,andwe’re alwayshelpingoneanotherwhenever theopportunityarises.”
KarrescitedformerSCBPlieutenant BaileyNoelassomeonewhohashada majorimpactonhimasalifeguard.
“Iwouldnevertellthistohisface,” Karresbegan,“butduringmyrookie yearin2021,Lt.Noeldideverything fromshowingmetheropestopushing throughthecompetitivenesswithinme thatIneverknewIhad.Heshowedme theloveforcomps.”
Karressaidhehopesto“getmy wings”toservetheU.S.Armybyattendingflightschoolnextspring.His long-termbenchmarkistosettledown inFlorida,wherehehopestobecomea pilotfortheFloridaNationalGuard. HealsowantstobecomeanEmergency MedicalServicehelicopterpilot.
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ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Andoncetheyouthbaseballand softballumpire,andresidentofVictoria, BritishColumbiainwesternCanada, reachedhiscoastalDelawaredestination—morethan3,000milesornearly 4,900kilometerstotheeast—David Walmsleymadeadonation,ofhisofficiatingservices.Victoriaisthecapitalof CanadianprovinceBritishColumbia, andislocatedonthesoutherntipof VancouverIsland.
“Victoria,BritishColumbiaisabout asfarawayfromDelawareasyoucan get,”Walmsleyobserved,chuckling,betweenumpiringassignmentsatlast week’s2023SeniorLeagueSoftball WorldSeriesattheLowerSussexLittle LeagueComplexinRoxana.“Toreturn homewhenthetournamentconcludes,I gofromhereasfarwestasIcan,then getonaboatinVancouverandsailto
UmpireDavidWhamsleyhailsfromVictoria,BritishColumbia,Canada,andwas selectedtoumpireatthe2023Senior LeagueSoftballWorldSeriesinRoxana. Theumpiresdonatetheirtimeandpay theirownwaytotheevent.
Amazingly,Walmsley’swanderings weren’tthelongestitineraryamongthe 13arbiterswhocombinedtocall31 softballgamesatthetournament,which waswonbytheteamfromCentralIllinois.ThatparticularhonorwenttoumpireA.J.MensfromAmsterdaminthe Netherlands,whotraveledmorethan 3,700miles,ornearly6,100kilometers. Inaddition,JoseColon-SantiagotraveledfromSanJuan,PuertoRico,tocall gamesgratis.
“Theseumpirescomefromallover theworld,”saidTournamentDirector MartinDonovan.“Toqualifytowork our tourney,theymustumpireregularseasongames.Then,theirlocalleague presidentrecommendsthemtotheir district.Thedistrictrecommendsthem totheregion,andtheregionrecommendsthemtotheLittleLeagueBaseballandSoftballofficeinWilliamsport, Pa.It’snotjust,‘Hereyago.’It’saconsiderableprocess.”
Theumpires’spiritinvolunteering theirtalentsandtimereflectsLittle League’scommitmenttoproviding ser vicetothecommunityandtoits youth.Eachumppaystheirownwayto Roxanaforthismid-summerclassic. AccordingtoDonovan,theumpires’ meals,lodging,uniformsandrelatedex-
76 CoastalPoint August11,2023 SCAN ME Check out our Exclusive Products Page! Videos & Image Gallery $100 OFF any order of $1000 or more BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 8/31/23 Go to for more coupons. $250 OFF any order of $2500 or more BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 8/31/23 Go to for more coupons. Shutters • Roller Shades • Draperies • Verticals • Shades 1-800-447-1400 Family Owned & Operated for over 40 years! Professional In-home Consultation, Measurement & Installation Available 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd. Fenwick Island Selbyville 302-436-4400 Apollo Shopping Center 3613 B Kirkwood Hwy. Wilmington 302-999-8800 NEW LOCATION! Our exclusive patent pending NEW WAVE Black Out or Light Filtering Draperies are affordable, stain & re resistant and seamless. Large window, any width and 108” long. Special purchase fabric. Check out our own Vert-A-Sheer Exclusive Hybrid vertical blind with built in sheer. Only at Blind Factory! (Restricted to Product Only) (Restricted to Product Only)
pensesareprovidedoncetheyreach lowerSussexCounty.
“Mymotivationtovolunteerasan umpireistoprovideservicetothecommunity,andtoservetheyoungpeople whoarecompeting,”saidthe76-yearoldWalmsley.“Asumpires,welookforwardtothis.Weumpireandcompeteat ourdistrict,provincialandnationallevelsinCanada.Wecompetetogettocall aWorldSeriestournament.”
Walmsleybeganvolunteeringasan umpireinBermuda,“wheretheyhavea fairlysubstantialandverystrongLittle L eaguesystem.Mywife,JoAnne,said, ‘Youthinkyouknoweverythingabout baseball?Thengovolunteertobean umpire.’SoIdid,”Walmsleynotedwith alaugh.
Afterheretiredfromalengthycareer inthehotelbusinessandmovedwith hiswifetoVictoriain2009,Walmsley approachedlocaldistrictrepresentatives tovolunteerhistimeandservices.
“Ithinkthegreatestjoyforme,personally,asanumpireistheabilitytoexhibit skillsandgetthingsright,”said Walmsley.“Makinggreatcallsthatare difficulttomakeon‘bang-bang’playsis ajolt—it’sahigh.Ialsoderivejoy fromseeingsmilesonthekids’faces,as wellasforumpiresandcoachesduring
pregameintroductions,whentheplayers approachtobumpfists,andtheysayto us,‘Thankyou.’That’sajoy.”
Alaboroflovefor umpiringandthegame
Theumpireswhocalledballsand strikesattheplateanddeterminedwho wasoutorsafeonthebasepathsjoyouslydidsooutofalaboroflovefor theircraft,andforthegame.The10teamtourneybeganwithfourpool-play contestsbetweensomeofthebestgirls’ softballplayersintheworldlastMonday,July31.Thefollowingdaysawthe umpirescallatotalofsixgames.
Astheteamsbattledtoreachthe championshipgamelastSundaynight, Aug.6,thelight-blue-shirtedofficials werealsocompetingforoneofsixassignmentsinthewinner-take-allshowdowncontest.Theevaluationsthey earnedthroughoutthetourneydeterminedwhichsixumpscalledthetitle tilt.
“Ireallyenjoyit—thetournaments, thecamaraderie,theteachingofyoung folksaswetrytogetthemtobecome umpires—whichisdifficult,because thekidsallwanttobecomehockey players,orsoccerplayers,orbaseball players,”hesaid.“Butthey’renotquite suretheywanttobecomeumpires.”
“TheLittleLeagueorganizationis renownedforitsvolunteerism,butother athletic organizationsarepayingum-
pires,whichcouldbeonereasonwhy theyarebecomingscarceforus,”said Donovan.
Handlingpotentially heatedsituations
ThroughouttheWorldSeries, coachesandumpirescomfortablyhuddledwitheachotherwheneveraruleor acallneededtobediscussed.
“Asumpires,werealizethattensesituationsoccurincompetitivesoftball games,”saidWalmsley.“It’spartofthe gameuptoacertainpoint.Asanumpireonthefield,forthemostpart,Iignoreit.TheonlytimeIwillrecognizeit andthinkaboutdoingsomethingis whenit’seitherprofane,it’sabusive,or it’sdirectedatthekids.
“I’mabigboy,andI’vebeencalled everything,”Walmsleycontinuedinreferencetodisplaysofquestionable sportsmanship.“Butwhenyou’redirectingteenageathletes,itbecomesunfair. It’snotpartofthegame,andtheplayers cangettothepointwheretheystopenjoyingit.That’stheworstthingthatcan happen. IfIhearanythinglikethat,I tendtogotosomebody.Asumpires, we’renotallowedtodealwithpeople outsidetheplayingfield.Butifwedo hearsomething,wecangotothegame administratorortheumpire-in-chief. Someoneisalwaysincharge.Wecan requestthemtopleasedealwiththat, becauseit’ssounfair.”
AccordingtoDonovan,Umpire-inChiefBobMcVeyhadrequestedthat coachesdisplayprofessionalismandrefrainfromexplosivelychargingtoward the umpireifandwhenclarificationwas needed.Coacheswerepermittedtorequestaconferencewithanumpireto discussacall,aswellasrequestinstantreplayverification.
Instantreplay— getthecallright
Thiswasthesecondseasonduring whichcoachesinthistourneycouldrequestinstant-replayverification throughtheumpire,therebyensuring thattherightcallwasbeingmade.
“Eachteamreceivedtworeplayreviews,andathirdiftheywentinto extrainnings,”saidDonovan.“Whena callwaschangedintheirfavor,that teamwaspermittedtocontinueusing thatrequest.Ifnot,theylostthatopportunity.”
Walmsleyadmittedhehadhis doubtsabouthisfirstexperiencewith instantreplay.
“Iinitiallywasskeptical,partially becauseoftheamountoftimethatit takestointerruptthegame,andpartiallybecause,asanumpire,youare taughtthatyouaresupremeandyour decisionholds,”hesaid.“Butwhenyou gotoreplay,someone’slookingatthe
MakingMem ies! 23rd St “Temple Of Dragons” 28th St “Medieval Faire” OC’s Only 27 Hole Mini Golf! 68th St Dinosaurs! And Indoor UnderSea Adventure 136th St Caribbean Pirates And Indoor Safari Village 68th St. Outdoor Dinosaur Course 23rd St. Outdoor Temple Of Dragons 136th St. Outdoor Caribbean Pirate 68th St. Indoor UnderSea 28th St. Outdoor Renaissance 27 Hole 136th St. Indoor Safari Course ALL 4 LOCATIONS OPEN! OPEN DAILY 10AM- 10PM August11,2023 CoastalPoint 77
TheOldeTymersSoftballLeague completedWeek15ofits2023seasononThursday,Aug.3,andTuesday,Aug.8,ontheChurchofGod fieldneartheintersectionofRoutes 113and26inDagsboro.
OutfielderRussBufflapmade severaltoughcatchesandshort fielderScottTorbeckturnedseveral nicedoubleplays,whilesubstitute DaveBoyajianledtheoffensewith threehitsforGiant.LarryRedding, MikeKrieg,JoelKleimanandsubstituteSteveCareyeachrippedtwo hitsfortheBank.
•TouchofItaly8,TheOriginal GreeneTurtle7
KenMillerandJerryFoleyeach smackedmultiplehits.Defensively, third-basemanBarryMederrick madeseveralniceplays.TheTurtle’s RickCornacchiniandJimFogarty eachdrilledtwohits.
•AmericanLegionPost2813, LogoMotive3
Thedefenseturnedseveraldouble playstosupportthepitchingofBob MillerforPost28.
•DiamondbladeTileworks5, OceanViewFamilyRestaurant3
DennisAyresdroveinthegoaheadrunforDiamondblade.Rod Murphywent3-for-3forOVFR.
•MillsboroBowlingLanes12, AmericanLegionPost2411
SubstituteJoeHerrhitathreerunhomerinthebottomofthe7th inningtotiethescore,andPhil Pickeringdroveinthewinningrun withan8th-inningsingle.Russ BowenandJohnnyAlleneachripped threehitstoleadPost24.
•PhoenixPhysicalTherapy17, EdwardJonesInvestments7
ButchGroverleda25-hitPPT attackwithfoursafetiesandfive RBIs.SteveColendrilledthreehits, andRickDuncanaddedtwohitsfor EJ.
•B&ETire&AlignmentandAtlanticOrthopaedicseachhadbyes anddidnotplay.
HerearetheresultsfromTuesday, Aug.8.
•AtlanticOrthopaedics16,Ocean ViewFamilyRestaurant12.
AtlanticOrthopaedicsclinched the2023regular-seasonchampionshipundertheleadershipofmanagerJoeOswaldandassistantJack
Kowalski.OswaldandKowalskieach went4-for-4,whileChuckGriffin, BobDavis,DaveGosleeandCharlie Wasilewskieachrippedthreesafeties forthewinners.TomWallacewas3for-3,whileSteveColenandAndy DiGiammoeachwent3-for-4for OVFR.
•LogoMotive4,TheOriginal GreenTurtle0
FrankMuinosnailedanRBItripleandMikeMcClatcheyscored tworunstobackthefour-hitshutout pitchingof“Jersey”JoeSidlowski.
•DiamondbladeTileworks14, PhoenixPhysicalTherapy0
BillMacuchhurledathree-hit shutoutastheDTdefensewasflawless.MarkPotterwent3-for-3for PPT.
•B&ETire&Alignment11, AmericanLegionPost288
JohnSmartpitchedwell,andLou SchifanorippedadoubleforB&E.
•MillsboroBowlingLanes10, CommunityBankDelaware6
TheKeglersmovedintosecond placewithsolidteamdefenseanda three-runhomerbysubstituteJoe Herr.BrianReichleyhadaclutch two-outsingletodriveinapairof runstokeeptheBankclose.
•EdwardJonesInvestments11, GiantofMillville10
WallySiegfried,DaveCesaniand substitutesJoeHerrandTom Faulknereachhadmultiplehitsfor EJ.GregWard,ScottTorbeckand ChuckPlittkeptGiantclose.
•TouchofItalyandAmerican LegionPost24eachhadbyesand didnotplay.
television,orfilm,andthey’reableto overruleyou.
“Thatdoesn’tbothermeormyego,” Walmsleyadded.“Ourjobistogetthe callright.Ifwedon’tgetitright,and it’sprovenbyreplaythatwewere wrong,thenI’mhappy,becausethey helpedusgetthecallright.Thereare nohardfeelings.”
Theveteranarbitersaidhewasimpressedwithhowthecoachesandumpireshandledtheirinterpersonal communicationsthroughoutthetourney.
“Thecoachesandumpireshavedifferentjobsinsupportofthekidswho areplayingthegame,”saidWalmsley. “Thecoachesareteachingmechanical skills,game-handlingskillsandskillsto buildteamwork.Weareessentiallythe rulesenforcers.Weassistthecoaches andplayersinkeepingeverything withintherulesofthegame.Wehelp thecoachesbyapplyingtherulesfairly.
“Essentially,”heconcluded,“it’sall aboutthekids.”
Theumpiringteamforthisyear’s competitionalsoincludedHoward Cake,WillFedewa,PaulKeffer,Todd Kenney,ScottMasloroff,ScottMcLernan,CourtneyNunn,VinniePiscitello, JamesSpadeandDennisWilliams.
78 CoastalPoint August11,2023 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! Umpires Continuedfrompage77
OldTymersSoftball Leaguestandings afterweek15: Team W L W% AtlanticOrthopaedics 17 5 .773 MillsboroLanes 16 8 .652 OceanViewFamilyRestaurant 14 8 .636 DiamondbladeTileworks 14 9 .609 B&ETires 1310 .565 TouchofItaly 1111 .500 LogoMotive 1112 .478 GreeneTurtleRestaurant 1112 .478 GiantofMillville 1112 .478 AmericanLegionPost28 1013 .435 PhoenixPhysicalTherapy 1013 .435 AmericanLegionPost24 9 14 .391 CommunityBankDelaware 7 16 .304 EdwardJonesInvestments 7 17 .292
The Board of Adjustment of the Town of Bethany Beach will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, September 26th at 10:00 am in the Bethany Beach Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway in Bethany Beach, Delaware.
The purpose of the hearing is to consider the following:
An application for a variance, Charles T. Armbruster, III of Tomasetti Law, LLC for property owner Pelican III, LLC, for the property identified as Block 3, Lot 2 at 35 N. Pennsylvania Avenue. The applicant is seeking variances from Chapter 425, Attachment 3, Appendix 3, Table of Dimensional Requirements to permit the property to be considered a “corner lot” and permit the setbacks to be oriented so that the front yard setback would be opposite the existing alley and would front on the Lands of the Town of Bethany Beach.
The application may be inspected in the office of the Building Inspector, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except scheduled Holidays. All interested persons are hereby notified to be present and to attend this hearing where said Board may make a determination on the application, Said Board without further notice may adjourn such hearing from time to time.
The Board may recess for good reason on the announced day and reconvene on another day to continue the hearing; in such a case, the announcement of the date and time of reconvening will constitute sufficient public notice.
CP 20230811 1T
The Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner
The Commissioner will hold a virtual hearing on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. on the protested application of Yellowfin’s OV, LLC, t/a Yellowfin’s Bar & Grill located at 695 Bethany Loop, Unit 1, Bethany Beach, DE 19930. This applicant applied for a restaurant, patio, and Sunday license. Additionally, the applicant is requesting patio variances to permit external speakers, live entertainment, and a wet bar on the patio. Persons who are residents or property owners within a mile of the proposed premises, or residents or property owners of any incorporated areas within a mile of the proposed premises, and who submitted a valid, written protest to the application, are permitted to testify during the hearing pursuant to 4 Del. C. § 541. Persons who qualify may testify at the hearing and may be represented by counsel.
Persons who intend to offer testimony during the public hearing must pre-register no later than noon the day before the hearing, using the following link:
Persons who register to testify will receive additional log in instructions by email.
Persons interested in observing the hearing can do so by accessing the state’s public calendar:
All documents to be used at the hearing must be received by the Commissioner’s Office at least ten business days before the hearing. Documents received after this deadline may not be considered. Documents can be submitted: by email to; by mail (Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner, 820 N. French St., Third Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801); or by dropping off at the Commissioner’s Office Monday – Friday during the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Persons who would like to review the documents may make an appointment by contacting the Commissioner’s office at 302-577-5222.
CP 20230804 2T August11,2023 CoastalPoint 79 BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases of $1,000 or more with approved credit. Minimum consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. APR FOR 24 MONTHS** SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE* 15010++%% % OFF OFF CONNECTS FREE INTERNET Qualify today for the Government Free Internet Program CALL TODAY (888) 592-5957 YOU QUALIFY for Free Internet if you receive Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, Veterans Pension,
The Annual Meeting of the Bear Hole Tax Ditch will be held on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Roxana Fire Hall, 35943 Zion Church Rd, Frankford, DE. Agenda: Election of Officers, Discuss Finances & Condition of Ditch.
CP 20230811 2T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:135-14.20-268.00
Property Address: ROSA ST. LOT 2 P/O LOT 4, 208 ROSA STREET, Georgetown, DE 19947
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of HEIRS OF JOAN ANN DONOVAN & REBECCA MCKENZIE (12) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230804 2T
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to advise that Byron Kent Carpenter of 38871 Bayview West, Selbyville, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.
CP 20230811 1T
NOTICE OF BOARD VACANCY Indian River Board of Education
The Indian River Board of Education is seeking interested candidates to fill a vacant seat in District 5 through June 30, 2024. Interested candidates should contact Superintendent Jay Owens at (302) 436-1000 or Interested candidates should submit a candidate filing form and letter of interest prior to 4:00 p.m. on August 17, 2023. Forms and additional information are available at
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:134-2.00-3.00-B-2
Property Address: SOUTH SHORE MARINA UNIT B2, 19 MARINA VIEW COURT, Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of GLORIA B. HERNDON (14) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
80 CoastalPoint August11,2023
20230804 2T
CP 20230804 2T
Notice is hereby given to all qualified voters of the Town of Bethany Beach, Delaware that the Annual Municipal Election will be held in said Town on Saturday, September 9, 2023, from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 p.m. eastern
daylight savings time, in the Town Meeting Room, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware.
Three (3) Town Council Members shall be elected. There are six (6) candidates. The candidates are:
At least four (4) of the seven (7) members of the Town Council must be residents of the Town, but all may be residents of the Town. Town Council terms are for a period of two years.
At said Annual Municipal Election, every person, male or female, who has attained eighteen (18) years of age, is registered under the Town’s Voter Registration ordinances, and is either: (a) a freeholder in the Town, as defined herein, for a period of 90 (ninety) days prior to the date of the election, or (b) has been a permanent, full-time resident of the Town for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the election in which he or she seeks to vote. For purposes of this Charter: (i) a “freeholder” shall be deemed to include any natural person who holds title of record to a fee simple, estate or a life estate, in and to real property located within the Town boundaries: (ii) a “resident” shall mean any person who has been a permanent, full-time resident of the Town for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the election.
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:233-6.00-73.00
Property Address: 30911 FIRE TOWER ROAD, Dagsboro, DE 19939
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DON S. HALL A/K/A DON HALL & LISA L. SHEPHERD-HALL A/K/A LISA SHEPARD-HALL (31) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee,
Bethany Beach property owners who are listed on the Town’s property tax list are not required to register to vote in Town elections.
Residents of Bethany Beach (who do not own property) must register to vote at least thirty days prior to the election. Residents may register at Town Hall or request a mailed registration form by telephone, mail or by email. All votes shall be offered in person, or by absentee ballot. If an elector cannot appear at the regular polling place the day of the election, he/she may appear at Town Hall or contact Town Hall and request an Affidavit. Affidavits are also available on the Town’s website at www.townofbethany The written Affidavit must be filed no later than 12:00 Noon on Friday, September 8, 2023. After approval of the Affidavit, an absentee ballot will be provided to you either in person or mailed. Absentee ballots must be received before the polls close on the day of the election. No voter shall vote for more candidates than there are offices to be filled at the election. Voting machines will be used on the day of the election.
CP 20230804 6T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:134-11.00-742.00
Property Address: 34224 WHISPERING LANE, Frankford, DE 19945
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CONNOR LARSEN, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF JORGEN K. LARSEN; CONNOR LARSEN & USDA (19) and will be sold by Robert
T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230804 2T
CP 20230804 2T
Keith A. Brothers (resident) Russell Evans (non-resident)
Theresa Keil (resident) Jerry Morris (resident)
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 81
Patrick Sheplee (non-resident) Marc Tanowitz (non-resident)
Estate of Jeffrey D. Steele, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Jeffrey D. Steele who departed this life on July 13, 2023, late of Dagsboro, DE were duly granted unto Brandon Steele on August 2, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before March 13, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Brandon Steele
31410 Wingate road
Dagsboro, DE 19939
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20230811 3T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:234-6.00-13.00
Property Address: 19347 BEAVER DAM ROAD, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of TANYA A. HALL & KIMWAUN L. GIBBS A/K/A KIMWUAN L. GIBBS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (22) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230804 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
TTax Parcel:533-20.09-104.00
Property Address: 38275 BAYBERRY LANE, Selbyville, DE 19975
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of ANTHONY JUDE PINI (24) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:333-11.00-102.00
Property Address: S SD RD 416 1.48 ACRES
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of THOMAS EDWARD PHILLIPS (17) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
82 CoastalPoint August11,2023
CP 20230804 2T
CP 20230804 2T
PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875
Estate of Jere J. Gibson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Jere J. Gibson who departed this life on May 18, 2023, late of Lancaster, PA were duly granted unto Sandra L. Gibson on July 20, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before January 18, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Sandra L. Gibson
1327 Fremont St.
Lancaster, PA 17603
Gregory Fuller, Sr.,
of Wills
ATTORNEY: Parsons & Robinson, P.A.
118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20230728 3T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:533-17.00-26.00
Property Address: BETHANY ROAD, Selbyville, DE 19975
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of HARRY ROBINSON; JULIUS L. ROBINSON; WALTER D. ROBINSON; LAURA LORETTA ROBINSON; HARRY H. ROBINSON & MARY ANN ROBINSON (5) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff CP 20230804 2T
Watson Funeral Home is in possession of several sets of unclaimed or abandoned cremated remains that have been in our care for an extended period of time.
On August 19, 2023, at 12:00 noon, an Ecumenical Committal Service will be held on the Chapel of the Mausoleum of Woodlawn Cemetery and these remains will be placed in a Crypt for dignified repose at our expense. Anyone with the right to disposition of any of these remains may claim them prior to the committal. After commital, anyone wishing to retrieve remains will incur charges as per Cemetery policy regarding opening a crypt for retrieval of specified remains.
Anyone wishing to attend the Committal Service is welcome.
CP 20230804
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:333-10.00-35.00
Property Address: E/RD GUMBORO TO WHITESVILLE, 20894 SHELL STATION ROAD, Frankford, DE 19945
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of THOMAS E. PHILLIPS & MINDY J. PHILLIPS (16) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
20230804 2T
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 83
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:133-16.00-278.00
Property Address: 8 COUNTRY LANE, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DAVID SAUERS (20) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20230804 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-18.00-450.00
Property Address: 11 WAUWINET COURT, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of GEORGE F. JOHNSON (26) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-6.00-508.00
Property Address: 30931 SANDY RIDGE DRIVE, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CARLA S. ROUSAK (27) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 15th day of August, 2023
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-15.00-4.03
Property Address: 24343 GRAVEL HILL ROAD, Georgetown, DE 19947
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 9/18/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 9/22/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of LYNDA M. WATSON (21) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
84 CoastalPoint August11,2023
CP 20230804 2T
CP 20230804 2T
CP 20230804 2T
AARPseeks2023AndrusAward forCommunityServicenominees
AARPDelawareisnowaccepting nominationsforits2023AndrusAward forCommunityService,whichhonors Delawareans50orolderwhoaresharing theirexperience,talentandskillstoenrichthelivesoftheircommunitymembers.
“AARPDelawareisexcitedtoshinea lightonDelawareanswhoareusingwhat they’velearnedinlifetomakeadifferenceinthelivesaroundthem,”said GeorgeMeldrum,AARPDelawarestate president.“Ourawardeestrulybringto lifethespiritofservicethatexemplifies theworkofAARP.”
Nominationswillbeevaluatedby AARPDelawarebasedonhowthevolunteer’sworkhasimprovedthecommunity,reflectedAARP’svisionand mission,andinspiredothervolunteers. Theawardrecipientwillbeannounced inearlyfall.
AARPDelawareAndrusAwardfor CommunityServicenomineesmust meettheseeligibilityrequirements:
•Theachievements,accomplishments orserviceonwhichthenominationis basedmusthavebeenperformedona volunteerbasis,withoutpay.Volunteers receivingsmallstipendstocoverthe costsassociatedwiththevolunteeractivityareeligible.
•Theachievements,accomplishments,orserviceonwhichthenominationisbasedmustreflectAARP’svision andpurpose.
•Theachievements,accomplishments orserviceonwhichthenominationis basedmustbereplicableandprovideinspirationforotherstovolunteer.
•Partisanpoliticalachievements,accomplishmentsorservicemaynotbe considered.
•Couplesorpartnerswhoperform servicetogetherarealsoeligible;however, teamsarenoteligible.
•PreviousAndrusAwardrecipients arenoteligible.
•VolunteersservingontheAndrus Awardselectioncommitteearenoteligible.
•Thisisnotaposthumousaward. ContactCarlosdelosRamosatcdelosramos@aarp.orgforfurtherinformationandanominationform.The applicationdeadlineisSept.30.
TheAARPAndrusAwardforCommunityServiceisanannualawardsprogramdevelopedtohonorindividuals whoseserviceisauniqueandvaluable contributiontosociety.Lastyear,AARP recognized49individualsandcouples fromaroundthecountry.
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Stations Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? August11,2023 CoastalPoint 85 Never been manufactured N O TIME LIMIT FOR DELIVERY Comes with complete building blueprints and Construction Manual NEW HOMES: Serious Inquiries only Call: 704 368-4528 Before Calling View House Plans at JUST RELEASED:AMERICAN LOG HOMES is assisting estate and account settlement on houses LOG HOME KITS selling for BALANCE OWED with FREE DELIVERY LOG HOMES PAY ONLY THE BALANCE OWED! * Windows, Doors and Roofing not included Model #101, Carolina, $40,840 BALANCE OWED $17,000 Model #203, Georgia, $49,500 BALANCE OWED $19,950 Model #305, Biloxi, $36,825 BALANCE OWED $14,500 Model #403, Augusta, $42,450 BALANCE OWED $16,500 Physicians Mutual Insurance Company For complete details, including costs and limitations, please contact us. Product not available in all states. 6294 1-888-928-1656 Affordable pet INSURANCE
86 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Services J.G Hauling & Disposal Service 302.526.7141 • 7’x14’ Dump Trailer for 2-day rental • Light Demolition • Clean-out Services • Appliance, Furniture, & Junk Removal Cleaning Services HOUSE CLEANING GUTTER SERVICE SOFT WASH ROOF CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING TEXT OR CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 302.519.9020 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Cleaning Services F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning • Carpet • Tile & Grout • Upholstery • General Cleaning • Rental Cleaning Residential & Commercial Cleaning 302.259.1469 Carpet & Tile Steam Cleaning Services Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 302-581-2541 CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS • SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Driveway Maintenance 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services “Let 35 years of experience go to work for you.” Master Electrician, licensed in DE & MD “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel 302.436.5008 | Selbyville, DE Residential | Commercial Electric Electrical Work Panel Upgrades • Fans Spot Lights • Switches Outlets • Small Jobs Custom Lighting & More Call Dmitriy: 856.631.7519 Electric Cleaning Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring Specializing in all Home Repairs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate • Doors • Windows • Plumbing • Carpentry • Drywall • Painting • Tile • Electrical • and More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman Trash Bin & Dumpster Cleaning Powerwashing & Window Cleaning Fixture Replacement Hauling & Other Odd Jobs! Furniture Assembly/Repair Residential & Commercial ConstructionClean-up Light Plumbing Drywall & Screen Repair Call Ben 616.676.6712 HANDYMAN Licensed Insured Handyman SYNERGY Home Services 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 39 Years’ Exp. Affordable, Sensible Remodeling Home Repair Construction From Painting to Decks & Additions and Everything in Between! Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman ZIM ZAM THE HANDYMAN 302-436-9116 Painting/Caulking/Powerwashing Fencing/Decks/Screening Flooring Repairs/Tile/Grouting Carpentry/Cabinetry/Shelving Garages/Closets/Sheds Property Cleanouts/Sharpening Concrete Coastings/Epoxies NOT SURE? Just Ask! Property Repairs And Maintenance PO BOX 745 SELBYVILLE, DE 19975 Handyman RELIABLE Happy to be HANDY CONSTRUCTION 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Composite & Treated Decks | Attic Bonus Rooms Deck & Siding Replacement| Additions Window & Door Replacement| Screen Porch Sunroom| Kitchens| Baths| Luxury Vinyl Flooring Home Improvement BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements G.T. CLIFT INC. Home Improvements Roofing Siding Decks Windows Doors Chimneys Built Relined Swept MHIC 65416 410-360-8460 Home Improvements August11,2023 CoastalPoint 87
88 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping Seasonal Clean-up • Junk Hauling • Shrubs Pruned Mulch & Pine Needles Delivered Chipper Services • Grass Cutting • Trees Removed Small Trees Trimmed or Removed Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered & Installed EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL DEPENDABLE SERVICES 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Landscaping Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Full Landscape SERVICE CONTRACTS Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping • Spring Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil Landscaping • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services KEVIN COVIELLO 302-745-3912 QualityWorkmanship Licensed Insured INTERIOR • EXTERIOR POWERWASHING Painting McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting Offer SUPER service? Advertise it in our Service Directory! Our Service Directory is where our readers look for the help they need, and it’s not affected by kryptonite.* *Actually we’re not sure how much protection a single sheet of newsprint offers against a fictional substance but we’re just running with this whole “super” thing. Your Ad Here
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym! Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Personal Trainer Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, focus, core and over all strength and endurance 302.249.2535 302.249.2535 DarkHorseFitness65 Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, exibility, coordination, mental focus, core and over-all strength and endurance Master Trainer • Personal Trainer Senior Fitness Trainer Nutrition Certi ed CPR & AED Certi ed In Your Home or Community Facility Personal Trainer 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Doggie Daycare, LLC Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Pet Services Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & HOUSE STAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES & EPOXY GARAGE FLOORS AND do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience • Free Estimates Call for END OF SUMMER SPECIALS! Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured Painting fresh. PHILIPSPAINTING.COM 302.344.0535 Painting Call Jeff for estimate: 302.745.2100 • 302.436.2588 Licensed & Insured Sunshine Painting & Power Washing, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior/Exterior Painting Cleaning Deck Staining • Drywall Repair All Jobs Welcome! Painting Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD • MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing w Exp ’Years Ye 20 PAINTI PA CU ROSE Po M All Inter g erience NG STOM Washin Wa er xteriorE etal xterior xtior/E L e F f J ll C ShipSpe A n ! t ti E atioallatInstal ap cksDe Pricing! Summer cial about sk 302.396.1311 Painting POWERWASHING allservicesw/thisad! Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Yearround services w/yearly& seasonal rates Hot Water, Powerwashing & Soft Wash Systems • Houses • Restaurants • Decks • Docks • Shopping Centers • Roofs • etc. MHIC 97081 Ocean City 34629 Delaware 2004 222 381 Licensed & Insured 410-603-3400 Joe Beran/Owner Operator Commercial & Residential • Complete Exterior Cleaning Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Powerwashing/Soft Wash inking about a SWIMMING POOL? Contact Fran: 302.217.4265 Your Pool Expert is just a call away! • Free backyard surveys still available • Learn about all of the options to make your HOME your FAVORITE destination! Pools Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? August11,2023 CoastalPoint 89
90 CoastalPoint August11,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call Kathy 302.542.2527 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management Tree Trimming Tree Removals Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency • Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE eitnarraW Wa emitefiL de itreC FAG eciv reS ytilauQ ,tpmorP ,tsenoH 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d re m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing Roofing Do you offer a service? Do you need help getting your name out there? We can help! Give us a call and ask for Jane Johnson to list your business in the Service Directory. 302.539.1788
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92 CoastalPoint August11,2023 EMPLOYMENT SEASONAL PO • Mainten • Night W DelawareStat Apply onl com E e is seeking an desHVAC er EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT E ver y with o mission surance OSITIONS nance Watch line at: eneBevititepmoC& ay Ptne ll Ex tion tr Co es ates te t tat Sl Al C • TE WORECONC • ECHAN M IFS E & O STUCC • I RDYREVILEDESUOHER WA Experi Positions Full-Time 3 02.344.0169 ekiMll Ca yesiaMssiMgniv riD mocl we re re ;eludehcselbixe Fl .dorecivingrdr with clean car & T DRIVERS P 3 aYe MPLOYMENT EM a m D mol E Exp DE 302.344.0169 :ekiMll Ca ytounxCusseS VING HELP MO emi T-T traP,dnuoR-r PLOYMENT EMP @yahoo.combizar Resume: Email ViewOcean Preferred perience S’T. AST AL N Chairside LOYMENT DEd, rankfor n F Fr paid holidays and trucks. gines, REQUIRED FOR ANIC xperience Blad ears ex 20 ye off We ears’ e experience years’ e AC company HVVAC Sales Comm Health Ins noVacati fffe ab va Ava Av age kcaPst ng irihwonsi R CAR REROB LA • ICS N SRETNI PA • REV ferredPrefe ence or a f for a pr W Repair MIN operty maintenance company in F a pr competitive pay Great WE OFFER: r & maintenance for 2 & 4 cycle engines, NIMUM 3 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TIME MECHA-TIME MECHANIC FULL 40hours/weekwithhealthbe full-timeMaintenanceem Frankfordisacce FRA OF TOWN TE AIN M FT .com A G T enefits&paidvacation mployee.$16/hour, ptingapplicationsafor ANKFORD E 41 fo:nfo nf ieromr fo llacasue Giv r evirDdil Va ,noitatr po sna Tr ,sl oo Too 0089.253. 0 sulPaeraesneciLs’ Sen partial health and Simple IRA. and vacation, , Great, P gherker@co to: resume d 610.459.585 all: lease c EN I imple -or- 7 test. Q Frankford,DE19945 Hall;9MainStreet Town candropume:resoff applicants ualifiedts e andpassabackgroundanddrug musthaveavaliddriver’slicense, Applicant Janitndrvices.Seorial Maintenance,a ProvidGroundeskeeping, Job eek,benefitson. N CHE NO App p i l r y r M AN email: orl: RECEPTIONIST ARY/ RY/SECRETTAR
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46” HITACHI TV WITH stand. $75 OBO
3 02.856.6756
ALL-IN-1 HP PRINTER Office Jet. $50 OBO
Bethany Beach Christian Church: 302.500.1000; ask for Guy. We can also pick up unwanted medical equipment.
LIGHTED CHERRY CURIO cabinet with glass shelves. 17” x 10” x 76”. $200
CONVENTIONAL & microwave combo. $95 Leave message. Ocean City. 301.802.0431
AIR FRYER - WORKS GREAT $40; toaster oven - works great: $35 302.743.1903
Some new with tags, some gently used. Shorts, size 50; jeans: 46x30 - brand new; 3XL t-shirts. 302.541.0475
BEAUTIFUL BATH updates in as little as one day. Superior quality bath and shower systems at affordable prices. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Call now. 877.738.0991
KITTENS/CATS Beautiful kitties looking for loving homes. Many colors available. 302.236.5184
E-BIKE LECTRIC BRAND Model XP Step-Thru 2.0. Brand new, never used due to health issues. Paid $999; selling for $875. Leave message. 443.605.9996
WHITE BUNK BED TOP twin with mattress. Open on bottom for twin, full, or queen bed on rolling frame. Frame included. $150 443.687.6126
OAK CURIO HUTCH WITH lighting and 5 glass shelves. 54”w x 17”d x 77”h. $400 410.935.8193
Made in Hickory, NC. Hard wood with black, silk-like seats and backs. Hardly used. $750 OBO Please call for pics. 302.470.2564
LIGHT GRAY WICKER table and four chairs. Good condition. $325. Light gray etagere with 2 glass shelves and lower cabinet: $125
WHITE TRUNDLE BED, LIKE new. $300 302.732.9684
SAFARI-THEMED DECOR wall-hangings, giraffes, elephants, furniture, etc. Call for more info: 302.519.3657
(2) DARK BROWN, SWIVEL chairs. $15 each. Leave message. Ocean City. 301.802.0431
5 ECLECTIC PINE CHAIRS for kitchen/dining. $15 each. South Bethany
(2) END TABLES & COFFEE table with marble-looking tops: $150; large glass-top dining table, pedestal base, 60” round: $150 717.575.8314
SPIRE MEDITATION & focus machine. $20 302.743.1903
FIJI 2021 WATERPROOF camera with straps, carry case, and extra battery. $200 302.743.1903
SMALL ICE MAKER 20#/ day. REDUCED! $75 OBO 302.229.7898
SUNCAST OUTDOOR storage unit. 38”h x 55”w x 36”d. $50 443.763.1378
9-PIECE QUALITY SEATING sectional, woven porch furniture. Clean, in excellent condition. You transport. Ocean View area. REDUCED! $150 Leave message. 703.303.3505
RIDING MOWER FAIR condition - needs oil change. $150 410.570.8092
REDSKINS CARRYING BELT for small items. Large zipped pouch, and 2 small zipped pouches. REDUCED! $30 443.373.1550
EXTERIOR DOOR WITH fulllength glass. 31.75”w x 79”h. No hardware. $75 410.688.5483
CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY Signed artist’s proof print. “Past, Present, Future”. $50 Call 610.468.4004
SMART PHONE WATERtight case. Orange, hard plastic: $25. Universal surge protector/adaptor: $20 302.743.1903
8’ x 11’ BROWN/TAN RUG
Perfect for anywhere in the house. Can send pics. Make offer. Ocean View. Text only to 202.744.3038
Needs adjusting. $30 Leave message. Ocean City. 301.802.0431
PHOTO ALBUM purchased from ACTS containing family/kids’ pics. Would like to return photos to owner. Please call to identify. 302.344.0169
(2) ORIENTAL AREA RUGS Room size, good condition. $50 each. Leave message. Ocean City. 301.802.0431
15+ KIDS’ VHS TAPES $10 3 02.229.7898
CULLIGAN WATER conditioner. $45 South Bethany. 302.828.8959
KRACHER K3 ELECTRIC power washer. 1800 psi; new, in box. $175 302.278.1441
(2) 8’ x 10’ LIGHT COLORED rugs. $50 each. 717.575.8314
5’H WOODEN, TRI-POD for a camera. Adjustable. $40 443.373.1550
FIRM, STURDY STRAW hat. $20 443.373.1550
LOOKING FOR PUZZLES? Have plenty - all good quality. 500-1,500 pieces. .50¢$3. 717.319.7552
LARGE SUITCASE ON wheels. Hard case, American Tourister with combo lock. 21”h x 27”w. $60 443.373.1550
BRASS CHANDELIER Design House Millbridge with (5) bell-shaped clear, glass shades. Lowes #1345522. Originally $112; Reduced to $20 302.542.9500
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855.337.5228 d MDDC#6258
ARE YOU A PET OWNER? Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has Pet Coverage that can help. Call 888.928.1656 to get a free quote or visit
FREE HIGH-SPEED internet for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs include Medicaid, SNAP housing assistance, WIC, Veterans pension, survivor benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet free with one-time $20 co-pay. Free shipping and handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today. 888.592.5957
PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855.993.0969
1980 SOHMER PIANO with bench. $600 OBO Call 301.346.6015
Denon receiver with Axiom speakers, Epson 292A projector. $5,000 worth of equipment for MAKEOFFER! 302.668.8752
(2) PET BUCKET CAR SEAT covers. $20 302.379.4284
FANCY GUPPIES BABIES to adults. Very unique, bright colors. $2 each. Texts preferred. 302.841.4562
LOW COST SPAY AND neutering of cats. Want to save 100s of cats’ lives? Spay or neuter ONE. Call Cats Around Town Society to schedule an operation. 302.355.9979
MEN’S PREMIUM FI’ZIK Wing Flex bicycle seat. $20 302.278.1441
Trail Speed She bicycle seat. $10 302.278.1441
WEIDER PRO 6900 MULTI Gym. $150 OBO 3 01.704.9147
WESLO TREADMILL great. $50 Leave message: 302.539.1726
SUN STREAMWAY LOW profile bike. White with silver fenders; 3-speed. Brand new, used once. Paid $695. Sell for $600 757.810.8782
ADULT TRICYCLE Schwinn 24/26” with large basket and bell. Cruise bicycle perfect for shopping, beach, exercise, etc. Only used 3 times. $145 Call 703.209.1787
LIGHT SPEED/DOUGLAS road bicycle. 54 cm, 6/4 3AL. Elite titanium Dura Ace Ultegra Neuvation custom wheels. 35% lighter, stronger. Excellent condition. $999 302.278.1441
BIC 293 WINDSURFER SUP 292cm L x 79cm W x 205 v. Comes with boom, mast, and four sails. Excellent condition. $400 302.278.1441
SUP PADDLE AND ONYX waist life vest with CO2 cartridge and Trident T669C carbon fiber paddle. Paid $450; asking $125. 202.999.0517
BIC SPORT PADDLE SURF SUP. 10’l x 33”w; very stable for all abilities. Life preserver, paddles, tie-down straps included. New: $1,200; asking $750. 304.881.3859
NORDICTRAK QUAD FLEX C900 Pro. $150 302.299.3454
(2) BICYCLE HELMETS Fits up to XL. Black. REDUCED! $15 each/ 443.373.1550
TREK 20” MEN’S BIKE Vintage 1990s. Single Track Eleven81. New tires, recent tune-up. PIcs available. $150 Leave message: 302.353.8128
36 GOLF BALLS & TEES REDUCED! $35 443.373.1550
RALEIGH LADIES’ 26” BIKE Great condition. Refurbished with new tires and handlebar grips. $150 Call 302.537.1062, please leave message.
LADIES’/GIRLS’ 26’ BIKE New tires, handlebar grips, 3 gears. $75 Call 302.537.1062, please leave message.
VARIOUS CLASSIC putters. Hogan, Cook, Zebra. $10 each. 757.810.8782
YAKIMA 2-BIKE CAR rack plus ladies’ crossbar: $125. 302.362.2141
32’ EXTENSION LADDER, 3 sets Alum-a-Pole jump jacks, (2) 20” x 24’ and (1) 20” x 12’ walk plank. Call Bob for pricing: 302.462.1884
LADDER JACKS, BIL JAX scaffolding, 10.5’ Tapco aluminum brake with accessories. Call Bob for pricing: 302.462.1884
WERNER 22’ LADDER 300 lb. capacity, 24 possible configurations, rubber feet, aircraft-grade aluminum. $100 302.339.7691 & EXERCISE MISCELLANEOUS
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View: Ocean Manor, r, Creek Whites luded. month; utilities inc rep005,1$.42‘,03enuJhguorhttnemtra ap
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Owners: For
$2,900 per month + utilities. family home. single 4BR/3BA Frankford: EstuarThe + utilities + rental tax. thmonper 0 $2,80e. g garaar 2-cwith home y milfale ing s BA :ellivlliM,ediskr Pa utilities. +month per $2,600basement. unfinished full, $2,400 per month + utilities. .1st floor onroom bonus and wnhometo 3BR/2.2BA Millsboro: Lakes, Plantation $2,500 per month + util. screened porch. andge withgarahome single-family nished, - fur3BR/2BAFrankford: Reach, Forest $2,450 per month + utilities. 15. Sept. ard. $2,500/month. Commercial: $2,000/month. Residential: commercial 2BR/1BA Bridgeville: $1,700/month. 2 1/with ted varenoNewly building almerci m-co40’’x16 nkford: kfor Fra., Ave rdkfoanFr COMMERCIAL $3,450 per month + util. Available in September family home. single furnished 4BR/3BA 1.Rt.East Rehoboth: Estates, Midway AL WINTER RENTTAL $2,700/month + utilities + 2% rental tax. 15. prilAthru 15 AvailableSept. singlefurnished 5BR/4BA Sea:the y p p g, , Wilgus Associates Property Management Div Ca 800.441.8118 or 302.539.7511 x 3030 tion: all Kim for more informa C DE 19930 Bethany Beach, ., 32904 Coastal Hwy For a complete list of rentals, visit: WilgusAsso or li F p vision ist
list your properties with us!
By Jan Buckner Walker
The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults
1. It's the part of a tree that grows out from its trunk
3. Anagram fun: If you unscramble the letters in LEAF, you'll have this small bug that bugs a dog
7. A person who you see lea ng through the pages of a ____ isn't really reading it (She might be just looking at the pictures)
8. Lettuce, spinach and kale are leafy ones
9. Fun fall art: If you put a leaf under a sheet of _____ and rub the side of an unwrapped crayon over it, a picture of a leaf will soon appear
11. A prickly problem: What a person might shout if she steps on a fallen holly leaf without any shoes on
14. Towering toward the sky, like the beanstalk that Jack climbed
15. Fresh from the garden: It's the type of leaf you might see on a glass of iced tea, lemonade or water
16. Which direction did Jack climb?
17. It's the part of a rose that a leaf
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!
grows on
19. The appearance of this scary creature is often why a person suddenly leaves a haunted house
22. Water from above: It's what God uses to water His plants
23. Privacy please!: Why did the dad quickly close the refrigerator door? So he wouldn't see the ______ dressing
4. This oozy substance which comes out of plump aloe vera leaves can soothe your skin after a burn
25. It's a home-grown beauty: An elephant ____ plant has giant leaves growing from its 14A, thick stem Parents Down
2. Night, night: It's what an only child is in her bedroom after the goodnight kiss
3. Breaking up is hard to do: A person who leaves his cell phone carrier for another should plan to pay a termination ____
4. Years ago, actual gold leaf was
used for gilding the ____ of the pages of a treasured 7A
5. Stone with a leaf imprint from millions of years ago
6. He who leaves is seen in this airport area
10. Tropical tree known for its swaying leaves (or seer's focus on someone's hand)
11. A person who redacts a document deliberately leaves certain parts ____
12. An emigrant is a person who leaves her home _______
13. Famous quote that might spring to mind when leaving the one you love: "______ is such sweet sorrow"
18. The _____ Leafs were the rst hockey team to win the Stanley Cup three times in a row
20. Here's a metaphor of biblical proportions: A g leaf is something that is used to ____ a shameful problem
21. When plants strike back: It's a Venus ytrap's favorite food, obviously
Lots of Leavees
August11,2023 CoastalPoint 95
This Week’s Solution © 2021 KAPD, LLC KAPD ebooks now available on 8/13/23 ™ ™
Kids Across ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: put king harm good Hangout Print the answer here: THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble PTU MAHR OGDO ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Finding Your Dream Home has Never Been is Easy
Scan Me!
& Frank Serio, CRS
Custom home- one story living- in Sawgrass in Rehoboth Beach. Offers a custom kitchen with a center work island, an adjoining eating area and a great room. For the entertainer there is also a formal dining and living room plus an of ce. The primary suite boasts a large sitting area, nook, walk-in closets and a primary bath everyone dreams of. Plus- 2 separate guests rooms with a bath at the other side of the home. Community pool, tennis and basketball.
$800,000 (DESU2037288)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
37166 GULL WATCH WAY #1314
Coastal Farmette. Just 10 minutes from either Bethany Beach or Fenwick Island, this unique 4 acre property features a recently remodeled 3 BR, 2 bath home w/stainless steel appliances, quartz surfaces, new custom tile shower in primary bath, LVP oors in living areas and kitchen. Extensive perennial landscaping, and detached garage. Owned solar panel arrays allow for minimal power bills. Includes a fully fenced pasture with 2 stall barn with tack/feed room.
$575,000 (DESU2043958)
Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382
Lg Covered Patio, 2 Primary Suites. Dual Zoned HVAC, Hardwood, Tile, Fireplace, Balcony, Pool, Tennis, Paddling Pool, Exercise Rm, Boat Ramp, Playground, Volley Ball, Walking Path.
Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450
Danny Taglienti (c) 410-430-2721
3.5 bath home with open oor plan, screened porch, numerous sun decks and balconies, outdoor shower, large storage area, canal view. Just .6 miles to downtown bethany, steps to Bethany Trolley stop, Bethany Beach parking permits. Asking $1,050,000 (DESU2045258) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 35392 ATLANTIC AVENUE, MILLVILLE Rare availability of prime commercial property within Town of Millville! Perfect location to build your own office,
retail space, or multiple other commercial ventures at a heavily traveled intersection with high traffic counts. The Seller will finance up to 70% of the purchase price. Year house was built is estimate. Structure has no value and is sold as is.
$799,900 (DESU2045106)
Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND
Well-maintained rancher in Keenwick Sound. Perfect home for entertaining family and friends. The living/dining room opens to a large sunroom and the primary suite offers a bath, walkin closet and private sunroom. The additional 2 BRs each have their own bath. Plus 2 ex rooms which can be a den or of ce. Deck and fenced yard for your outside living. Community pool, clubhouse, shuf eboard and boat ramp. Convenient to shopping and restaurants and just a short drive to the beach!
$459,000 (DESU2039006)
Call Frank & Audrey (c) 302-541-4000
PENDING UNDERCONTRACT IN1DAY! 29181 IRONS LANE, DAGSBORO RARE to nd a home for sale in this waterfront community. Not only can you sit on the front porch and see the Indian River Bay, you can relax on the huge deck and see nothing but the golf course. Plenty of room on this lot for a pool, a garden or a bocce court. The graceful large front porch is the rst thing to catch your eye. Alsoan outdoor shower and a shed that is attached to the side of the house for storing yard equipment. THERE IS A BEACH AREA FOR ALL RESIDENTS TO USE!! THIS HOUSE HAS IT ALL! (DESU2040534) Call Tammy Mushrush (c) 302-381-8868 if you’d like to see this home! NEWPRICE UNDERCONTRACT! PRICEREDUCED! COMMERCIAL
Rarely available 5 BR, 3.5 BA , Golf Course and Bay views. This Exquisitely detailed, professionally decorated, fully furnished, custom home will exceed your expectations in every way. Gourmet custom kitchen, professionally landscaped, custom patio, 2 screened porches, custom built-ins throughout, luxurious and impeccably maintained, this home is being sold furnished. (DESU2042958) Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472 SOLD!
condo offering breathtaking bay views from its top oor location. Just two blocks to the ocean. Spacious, fully furnished property boasts 3 BRs and 2BA. Newly updated interior featuring an updated kitchen & bathrooms. A recently replaced HVAC system comes with full warranty. Enjoy the privacy and tranquility of the bayside balcony with its new heavyduty storm/privacy sliders. Large separate storage room available for your beach supplies right next to the unit.
$544,900 (MDWO2015484)
Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004
Worked with buyer to purchase this 5 BR, 4.5 BA Impressive waterfront home offering a level of privacy that is hard to match and expansive views of the bay from nearly every room. This property is located just a few miles to the beach in Fenwick Island. Situated on one of the largest waterfront parcels in the community, this property is more than 1 acre in size and has a private path to launch kayaks or SUP boards and the potential to add a private pool.
Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217
Each of ce is independently owned & operated.
96 CoastalPoint August11,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: | Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 35238
#28 Live The Vacation in the Wonderful Community of The Refuge @ Dirickson Creek! This beautiful 4BR/3BA End Unit Townhouse just sold for $5k above asking price! (DESU2035870) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137
110 81ST ST., #403, OCEAN CITY
Worth the Wait-located in the sought after Tingle’s Addition community. Coastal 4 bed (2 primary)
3 BD 3.5 BA. 1.5 Garage Overlooking the Lake & Fountains. Immaculately Kept & MOVE IN READY. Beautifully Furnished. Sunroom,
$550,000 (DESU2044700)