Coastal Point — October 6, 2023

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SVFCcelebrating 100yearsofservice

Amongitemsondisplayinthelittle museumattheSelbyvilleVolunteerFire Companyisanoldpairofpruning shears.

“Yearsago,inthe‘30sor‘40s,there wasafirealarmsystemwithwiresrunningthroughtown.Theyhadtobuy limbshearstocutthebranchessothey didn’tsetoffthefirealarms,”Howard “Pep”Pepper,pastpresidentofthefire company,explained.

HisdistantcousinPaulPepperkept theshearsandpresentedthemtothefire departmentattheSVFC’s75thanniversary.

OnSaturday,firefighters,dignitaries andguestswill celebratethefirecompany’s100thyearduringanevent,free andopentothepublic,atthefirehall thatwillfeatureguestsspeakers,music playedbyadiscjockey,abouncehouse forchildren,obstaclecourse,simulation ofahousefire,equipmentondisplay, andfreehotdogs,barbecuedchickenand beef,sodaandpotatochips.

DelawarestateReps.RonGrayand RichCollinsareexpectedtobethere. SelbyvilleMayorRickDuncanwill presentaproclamationfromtheTown. RonMarvel,incomingpresidentofthe DelawareVolunteerFireFighters’Association,willbetheguestspeaker.




TheU.S.DepartmentofEnergy (DOE)andtheBureauofOceanEnergyManagement(BOEM)—recognizingthattheelectricalgridand inter-regionaltransmissionisnotupgradedtoreceiveoffshorewindtransmissionwithhighvoltagecablingand interconnections—issuedadraftreporton“OffshoreWindTransmission DevelopmentintheU.S.Mid-Atlantic”inlateSeptember.

TheU.S.DepartmentofInterior contributedtotheland-basedor “landfall”portionsofthedraftreport, whichwillincludeDelawareonshoringofwindpowerfortheStateof Maryland.

Thereportdoesnotpullany punches,andbothU.S.Windand Ørstedhaveweighed-inonthecontentsofthedraftguidanceonoffshore operationsandpowertransmission.A localfaith-basedorganizationsupportiveofcleanoffshorewindpoweralso hascommentedonoffshorewind.

“AstheUnitedStatestransitionsto acleanenergyeconomy,asignificant expansionoftransmissioninfrastructurewillbeneeded,”citesDOEand BOEM.“Thisisespeciallytrueforthe integrationofoffshorewindbecause nooffshoretransmissiongridexists. Manyoffshorewindfarmsareplanned tobelocated10-milesormorefrom shoreandmayhavetodeliverpower significantlyfurtherinlandtoconnect torobust,high-voltagetransmission facilitiescapableofintegratinglarge volumesofoffshorewindenergy.”

“Developersofoffshoretransmissioninfrastructuremustalsocontend withharshoceanenvironments;laying cableatdepth;shortagesofavailable components,portfacilities,andinstallationvessels;andpermittingrequirements,”saidthefederaldraftreport.


“TheDepartmentofEnergyand BureauofOceanEnergyManagement

OCTOBER 6, 2023 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 20, Issue 40 FREE Sports Indiand suffer first loss of season
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continues to share art with youth Page
Fun Donato
32 Prost!
CoastalPoint•KerinMagill TheOktoberfestcelebrationatMillville’sEvansParkfeaturedmusicfromthePennsylvania-basedoompahbandShutzengiggles,aswellasDecade80,whoplayedhitsfromthe1980s,artisansshowcasingtheirwaresintheCommunityCenterand foodtrucks,abeergardenandfoodtrucks.
2 CoastalPoint October6,2023

willalsofeaturetheWicomico SquadronoftheCivilAirPatrol.Two membersofthepatrolbelongtothe SVFC,andoneisaprospectivemember, butnotquitenotoldenoughtojoin.

“Wewillhavetributesandpresentationsfromdignitaries—onefromthe governorandfromourstateSenateand theHouseofRepresentatives.We plannedthisdayforfunforthewhole family,andwe’dliketothankeverybody fortheirsupportandshowourappreciation,”saidPepper,whoischairmanof theSVFC100thanniversarycommittee.

Duncan,alifetimememberofthe firecompany,calledtheanniversarya “historicmoment.”

“Iwillbethere,”hesaid.“Iwasfire chieffor13years,andI’mreallyexcited aboutit.”

Theactualanniversarydatewasin January,butPeppersaiditwasdecided thatOctoberwasabettertimeofyear foracelebration.

Fireapparatuswillbeondisplayat theevent,includingtheSlaughterBeach MemorialFireCompany’stowertruck. TheSVFC’santiqueBuffalotruck,restoredandrunning,will bevisiblefrom itslocationbehindglass,insidethefire hall.

Initsday,thattruckcost$8,000,but thelastnewtruckpurchasedforthe SVFCcost$800,000,andthepriceis

increasingto$1million,plusanother $100,000toequipthem,Peppersaid.

Inthe1930s,thefirecompany bought10setsoffiregear,consistingof raincoatsandhats,forlessthan$150. Now,itcostsabout$8,000tooutfitone firefighter.

Pepper, whowasinvolvedinthe75th anniversaryandremembersthe50thanniversary,whenhewaswhathecalled“a newbie,”saidtheLewesFireDepartmentistheoldestinthestate,atcloseto 200yearsold,buthavingalocal100yearcelebrationis“abigdealhere.”

“In1923,thereweren’tallthefire companieswehavenow—inBethany, Roxana,Dagsboro,Gumboro—sowe wereoneofthefirstonesontheLower Shore,”Peppersaid,offeringdetailsfrom thehistoryofthefiredepartment,includingthisexcerpt:

“Whentheinsuranceadjustercame afterthebigfireofFeb.13,1916,herecommendedtheTownpurchaseachemicalcartwhichwouldputout75percent oftheaveragefires.”

Therecommendationwasnotacted uponuntilMay6,1919,threeyearsafter thebusinessdistrictatthecornerof MainandChurchstreetswasdestroyed byfire.In1919,theypurchasedthefirst pieceoffirefightingequipmentforthe TownofSelbyville,atwo-wheelcart withtwo45-gallonchemicaltanks,hose, nozzlesandafirebell,thatwaspulledor towedtofires.Theunitcostapproximately$300,andwasownedandoper-


CharlesBakeroversawoperations untilFeb.28,1920,whenDavid Hollingsworthwaselectedfirechiefby thetown.Theequipmentwasuseduntil 1923,theyeartheTowninstalledacentralwatersystem.

“Therewasstillaproblemcarrying ladders,bucketsandotherequipment. TheTownagreedtopurchaseaModel TFordtruckfromTownsendandW.G. Williamsfor$427.90.Theyalsoagreed topayfortenraincoatsandhats,tobe purchasedfromthelocalmerchantsas follows:F.W.Holloway&Co.,$98.57, G.A.Stevens,$25.58,andSelbyville ProducersAss.,$9.70.Thecompany thenhadahomemadebodyandracks builtontheModelT.

“TheendofMr.RobertsHill’spigeonhousewasrentedandconverted intoatemporaryfirehouse.Afterthat wascompleted,the10originalmembers sawtheneedandexpandedtheirmembership.”

Today,thereare60lifetime,active andassociatemembers,andmoreare needed.Anyoneinterestedinjoiningcan call(302)436-8802.

Mostfirecompaniesneedmorevolunteers,Peppersaid,addingthatthe Selbyvillefirecompanyisfortunatethat theStephenTurnerfamily—with11 children—isinterested.Fourofthe childrenhavejoined,andmoreplanto,

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 3 6 North Pennsylvania Avenue • Bethany Beach, DE • 302.537.1500 SUNDAY Brunch & Football BRUNCH IS BACK 10AM-2PM Best Brunch at the beach! *NFL Specials Starting @ Kickoff SUNDAY CARRYOUT SPECIAL 20% Off Wings | 15% Off Family Meals Off-Season 2023-2024 SPECIALS Bethany Beach, DE MONDAY Burger Night $8 BYO Burger • Over 60 Choices $5 Craft Drafts TUESDAY Taco Tuesday $3 Chips & Salsa $4 Blues BBQ Tacos (Brisket + $1.5) $8 BBQ Quesadilla (Brisket + $1.5) $8 Nachos (Choose your BBQ, Brisket + $1.5) $7 House Margaritas $3 Modelo Pints • $4 Corona Bottles Carryout Special $45 Nacho Kit + Taco Kit + 4 Pack Margaritas WEDNESDAY Wing Night Half Priced Wings $6 Half LB. Boneless Wings $8 Pig & Frizzles Bingo | Triple B Entertainment 5:30 - 7:30PM THURSDAY Meat & Potatoes $18 Chef Inspired Entrees Half Priced Bottles of Wine FRIDAY Rye-Day Sagamore Spirit Specials SATURDAY College Game Day 11 HD Flat Screen TV’s! HAPPY HOUR 11:30AM - 6PM Available at the Bar and Bar Rail HAPPY HOUR Monday - Saturday Open - 6 PM Available at the Bar and Bar Rail Open 7 Days: Mon-Thurs 4-Close • Fri - Sat 11:30-Close • Sun 10-Close Open Thursday-Monday: Lunch & Dinner (Closed Tuesday & Wednesday) Opens at 11am • Happy Hour 1pm-6pm Daily at the Bar Only On the Bethany Beach Boardwalk • 302.537.6621 • Home of the Famous Mangorita! OCEANFRONT DINING Fresh Fish • Jerk Chicken • Tacos • Kids’ Menu Open Fri - Mon 10-5 • Sun 11-4 302-537-1414 Coastal Hwy. & Dagsboro St., Fenwick Island OUR BIG SALE Good Buy Summer! Up To 30% Off Select Fall ESCAPE • JAMS • SANTIKI • CHARLIE B. TRIBAL • LILLY WHITE • RUBY RD. • SKECHERS FRENCH DRESSING • HABITAT • TEEZ HER ZAC & RACHEL • JOSEPH A PARSLEY & SAGE • KAREN HART MULTIPLES • DEMOCRACY Many More *yr. rd. styles & Lulu B as marked 50-65% Off *ALL Summer Clothing SVFC Continuedfrompage1 SeeSVFCpage4

shouldbecommendedfortheirwork onthisoffshorewindtransmission planfortheAtlanticcoast,”saidMike Dunmyer,U.S.Wind’sDelawaredevelopmentmanager,whoresidesin DeweyBeach.“Thereportrecognizes theneedforastrategicapproachfor ensuringcleanenergyisdeliveredto thepowergridforyearstocome,while allowingmatureprojectstomoveforwardwithestablishedplans.National andstateoffshorewindgoalsrequirea planforgettingtheenergytohomes andbusinesses.Thisreportisastepin therightdirection.”


“Ørstedagreesthatproactiveand coordinatedinterregionaltransmission planningisurgentlyneededtosupport offshorewinddevelopment,and wecommendtheBidenAdministrationforencouragingcoordination amongthestatestoacceleratethedeploymentofoffshorewindtransmissionsolutions,”saidChrisBason, DelawareStakeholderRelationsLead whoresidesinOceanView.

“Acoordinatedapproachisa keydrivertoidentifyingsolutionsfor efficientlydeliveringoffshorewindenergytothegrid,promotingamorereliableandresilientelectricgrid,

helpingstatesachievetheircleanenergygoals,andcreatinggood-paying greeninfrastructurejobsforDelaware workers.Giventheimportanceofoffshorewind,existingoffshorewinddevelopmentshouldnotbedelayed pendingdevelopmentoftransmission solutionsforfutureprojects.”

“Ørstedlooksforwardtoworking withlocal,state,andfederalstakeholderstofacilitatetimely,responsible,and successfuloffshorewinddevelopment thatbenefitsbothpeopleandnature,” saidBason.


“TheAtlanticCoasthaskickstartedtheindustrywith42 megawatts(MW)ofoffshorewindalreadyinstalledandtwocommercialscaleprojectsindevelopment,”said theDOEandBOEMreportabout theU.S.Wind“Marwin”projectand theOrsted“Skipjack”proposedsiting. “State-levelcleanenergypoliciesare drivingatotalprojectpipelineexceeding40gigawatts(GW)fortheAtlanticCoastregion.”Delawaredoes notyethaveanoffshorewindpolicy butisinvestigatingoptionsforoffshorewindinthefuturethankstoa newpieceoflegislation.

In2021,theBiden-HarrisAdministrationannouncedaninter-agency goalofdeploying30GWofoffshore windenergyby2030—whichwould

unlockapathwayto110GWby2050 —tostrengthenthedomesticsupply chain,createjobsandreducecarbon emissionswhilebuildingtowarda cleanenergyfuture,saidtheauthors.

“Torealizetheenormouspotential oftheUnitedStates’offshorewind,it isimperativetoaddresscurrentand anticipatedtransmissionchallengesaffectingdeliveryofthispowertothe grid.”

Thefederalagenciesseemtobe seekinganswerstofuturetransmission capacityquestionsnow.

Offshorewindstatement fromDeIPL

Afaith-basedcommunityorganizationthatoffersEnergizeDelawareenergyaudits,theDelawareInterfaith Power&Lightorganization,alsoprovidedcommentsontheoffshorewind plans.

“DelawareInterfaithPower& Lightsupportsoffshorewindpower generationoffthecoastofDelaware,” saidRandiJohnson,thepresidentof thelocalorganizationthatisbasedin WilmingtonbutalsohasaSussex Countyoffice.“Greenhousegasesare theprimarycauseofclimatechange, andinDelaware,electricpowergenerationconstitutes23percentof Delaware’sgreenhousegasemissions, accordingtoDNREC.”




Volunteersarerequiredtoattendfire school,completecourses,learnsupervisionskillsandtakeresponsibility,hesaid.

Selbyvillealsohasthreeambulances andninepaidpersonneltooperate them.Therearecloseto650EMScalls fortheSVFCeachyear.

matecrisisthatcanonlybeabatedby transitiontoacleanenergyeconomy andoffshorewindisacompetitivesolution.Offshorepowergeneration costsareestimatedtobewithinthe rangeofcurrentwholesalepricesand itssocialcostishalfthatofconventionalelectricgeneration,”saidJohnson,DelawareIPL’spresident,who residesinOceanView.“Adecisionto establishoffshorewindpowerwould helpDelawarehititstargetofachieving100percentrenewableenergyby 2050andprovidegreenjobstothe economy.”

“Thereareconcernsaboutoffshore windregardingthebeacheconomy andpotentialharmtomarinewildlife. Currentproposalshavethepotential windfarmslocatedwelloffshoresuch thattheywillhaveaminimalimpact ontheviewscapeofDelaware beaches.”U.S.Wind—thecompany withthecurrentoffshorewindlease fromBOEM —“hasanextensive plantominimizetheimpactofconstructiononmarinemammals. NOAAstudiesalsosuggestthatno harmwilloccurtomarinemammals whenappropriateproceduresarefollowed.”

“DeIPLthereforesupportsthedevelopmentofoffshorewindelectricity whendoneinsuchawaythatminimizestheenvironmentalimpactofthe projects,”saidthecongregationalorganization.

“WhenIgotin50yearsago,itwas 75percentfiresand25percentEMS calls.Nowitis75percentEMSand25 percentfire—probablybecauseoffire safetyregulations,improvements,smoke detector,sprinklers…”Peppersaid.

“Thetown’sfiredepartmentstarted outbeingthecenterofthecommunity. Itwastheretoprotectandservethe communityinanytypeofdisasteror emergency.Itwasimportant—veryimportant.”

4 CoastalPoint October6,2023 (302) 251-8252 Serving Millville & the surrounding area We look forward to meeting you! Schedule an appointment today! Choose an independent hearing aid dispenser for maximum value and objective recommendations for your hearing healthcare.
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Wind Continuedfrompage1


DelawareDeafFest’23—the area’sfirsteventdedicatedtothedeaf andhard-of-hearing—hasbeen rescheduledfor10a.m.to3p.m.on Saturday,Nov.11,afterbeingcanceled onSept.23duetoastorm.

Freeandopentothepublic,the festival,attheHopeCenterat Mariner’sBethelGlobalMethodist ChurchinOceanView,isdesignedto celebrateDeafcultureandAmerican SignLanguage.Proceedsfromthe eventwillsupportdeafandhard-ofhearingstudentsinDelawareschools. Therewillbefoodvendors,deafthemedcraftactivitiesforchildren,a deafmimeperformer,AmericanSign Languagemini-classes,asilentauctionwithitemsdonatedbyareabusinesses,abakesale,andpresentations andvideosonDeafculture.Vendor tableswillincludecommunityresources,anddeafartistsandbusinesses.

Cancelingwasadisappointment, organizerBarbaraWhitesaid.

“Wewantedtorescheduleitsoon tokeeptheexcitementandmomentumgoing.Wearesothankfulthat Mariner’sBethelchurchisableto makethebeautifulHopeCenter availabletousagainonthisnewdate sowecanshowcasetherichnessof AmericanSignLanguageandDeaf culturetoawideaudience,”White said,addingthatitwillbearain-orshineevent.

Thefestivalisdesignedtoembrace theconceptualizationofdeafgain,so thatinsteadofseeingdeafnessasa lossitisviewedasapositiveaspectof humandiversity.


profitDelawareDeafSeniorCitizens, willbeinteractive,tohighlightthe growingpopulationofthedeafinthe areaandhelpattendees“becomecomfortableinteractingwithdeafpeople anywhere,”Whitesaid.

Volunteersaredeafandwillbe usingAmericanSignLanguage.

AllenTalbert,presidentof DelawareDeafSeniorCitizens,and BarbaraSimpson,chairwomanof DeafFest,willgiveopeningremarks.

J.J.Jones,aninternationallyknown deafmime,willperform,aswellas otherdeafartists.

Artisanswillsellpaintings,quilts, fabricartandceramics.Kristina’s KitchenandRita’sIcefoodtruckswill bethereandtherewillbeabakesale.

Inthechildren’scraftroom,the SouthCoastalLibrarywillprovide materialstomakebuttonswithaDeaf culturethemeandhandoutgrab-andgocraftkits.About30vendorsareexpected.

Therewillbefour,half-hourintroductoryAmericanSignLanguage classesthroughoutthedayandshort videosonDeafculture.

BeebeHealthcarewillhaveitsmobileclinicthere,andtheMillvilleVolunteerFireCompanywillhavea firetruckondisplay.Details,anda scheduleofevents,willbepostedonlineat

TheOceanViewPoliceDepartmentwilldirecttraffic,providepublic safetyandfirst-aidinformation,offer demonstrationsandintroduceLeo,a goldenretrieverandoneoftwonew OVPDpoliceK-9s.

Therewillbearaffleforbaskets filledwithgiftcardsanditemsfrom areabusinesses.

ASLinterpreterswillfacilitate communicationwiththosewhodo


Proceedswillsupportdeafand deaf-and-blindchildreninDelaware schools,manywhoneedbasicschool suppliesandscholarshipfunds,accordingtoWhite.

White’shusband,formerOcean ViewtowncouncilmanBruceWhite, previouslytalkedtotheCoastalPoint aboutobservingDeafAwareness Week,alsoinSeptemberanddesigned to“f ocusonpromotingthepositive aspectsofdeafness,encouragingsocial inclusionandraisingawarenessofthe organizationsthatsupportthosewho aredeaf.”Whitewasinstrumentalin gettingclosedcaptioningonthe town’sGovernmentAccessChannel. Hepraisedtheinterpreterswhowere ateverytowncouncilmeetingwhile hewasonthecouncilandsaidhe wouldn’thavebeenabletoservewithoutthem.

DelawareDeafSeniorCitizenswas establishedin2015toenhancethe well-beingofdeafandhard-of-hearingseniorcitizens,improvecommunicationaccess,andincreaseawareness abouttheDeafcommunityand AmericanSignLanguage.See www.delawaredeafsc.orgformoreinformation,oremail

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October6,2023 CoastalPoint 5 Fall Hours Thursday-Sunday 10-4 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online @piecesonmain A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Monday-Wednesday Closed/Open by Chance Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds One Team The Whole Project The Stars of FlooringSM LocallyOwned&Operated 302.591.3566 Call for Your Free In-Home Consultation Area’sBestSelectionof WaterproofFlooring The Best Flooring Store On The Shore is The Flooring Store At Your Door! 30124 Territory Trail Ocean View, Delaware 302-539-3405 Visit the
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Assheplannedtoprayforschool students,teachers,administrationand staffonWednesday,Sept.27,theRev.

Dr.RebeccaCollison,aformerteacher, asked thecommunitytoalsoaskfor God’sprotectionthroughouttheschool year.

Wednesdaymorningat8a.m.,she stoodbytheflagpoleonthecampus ofMariner’sBethelGlobalMethodist ChurchinOceanView,wheresheis thepastor,andprayed,shesaid,“for safetyintheschools,forthestudents’ safety,health,mentalwellness,the


“Thesestudentsaregoingtobeour leaders.Theyaregoingtobeourgovernorsandmayorsandnewspaperreporters.Theyaresittingintheir classroomsnow,andweshouldbeprayingoverthemnow.Somanyhorrific thingshappeninschools,butthereare alsosomanymorethingswedon’tknow about,”Collisonsaid.

Ateacherfor12yearsbeginningin theearly1990s,includingataschool inDelmar,Del.,thepastorrecalledthe SeeYouatthePoleprayerrally,held onthefourthWednesdayinSeptember,whenhersonswereinhighschool


“It’sgoneglobalsincethen.Itwas led andinitiatedbythestudents.Adults donotneedtheprayers.Thestudents do.Theadultscanbethere,butourrole isstandingalongsideouryoungpeople. Theyliftuptheirfriends,theirfamilies, teachers,theircommunity.

“Thekidsinourschoolscarryso muchintotheclassroomeveryday.Irememberhowmuchtheystruggledwhen Iwasateacher,andIcan’tevenimagine whattheyarefacingnow,”shesaid, addingthatthestudentsmayworry aboutfoodscarcity,domesticabuse“and fearstheyhavethatIneverconsidered whenIwasakid.”

Thepublicwillbewelcometojoin herasshepraysforstudentsatother eventsduringtheschoolyear,shesaid.

“Iknowprayerworks.Asateacher,I prayedovereverydeskofeverystudent Ihad.Iwouldwalkthroughthehalls andpray,too.Idependedonthepower ofprayerwhenmyownchildrenwere students.

“Ihavebelievedinthepowerof prayerwithmygrandchildren,andthey nowaresaying,‘Willyouprayformy teacher?’or‘Iprayedformyteacher today.’Whatwedomatters.Ithasarippleeffect,andprayerisoneofthose thingsthatcreatesthatrippleeffect,” shesaid.


IfyouboughtaPowerballticketon MondayattheGiantsupermarketin Millville,gotothestate’slotterywebsiteandcheckyournumbersright now.Wemeanit.Now.

No,youdidn’twinagajilliondollars —orwhateverthePowerballisworth rightnow.Butyoumighthavewon— youmightwanttositdownforthis— acoolmilliondollars.

DelawareLotteryCommissioner HeleneKeeleyconfirmedWednesday thataticketworth$1millionwassold MondayattheMillvilleGiantstore. AsofCoastalPointpresstime,Keeley said,“Thewinnerorwinnershavenot comeforward.”

The$1millionwinnerpickedall thecorrectnumbers,exceptthe Powerballnumber.Accordingto Powerballestimates,theoddsofwinningthe$1millionprizeare1in 11,688,053.52.

Themostrecent$1millionwinners inDelaware,Keeleysaid,wereonFeb. 23inNewarkandonJuly30,2022,in Wilmington.Thatis,untilthisweek.

Keeleysaidthewinnerwillreceive theirwinningsinalumpsum.

“Preferably,wewouldlikethewinnertocallourofficeandmakeanappointmenttocomeandclaimtheir prizeatourofficeinDover,”shesaid. “Otherthanthat,theycouldshowat ourofficeinDoverwhenevertheyare ready.”

NooneattheGiantstorewould commentonMonday’seventswhen contactedWednesdaybytheCoastal Point.Keeleysaidthestorewillreceive a$10,000bonusasthesellerofthe$1 millionticket.

ThewinningnumbersforMonday’s drawingwere12,26,27,43and47. ThePowerballwas5.

AsofWednesdayafternoon,theestimatedjackpotforWednesdaynight’s drawingwas$1.2billion,withacash valueof$551.7million.

6 CoastalPoint October6,2023


WhenceramicartistDeborah Bryantcreatescups,bowls,servingplatters—andevenlittlecupstofillwith vinegarandattractpeskyfruitflies—it iswiththesoothingcolorsoftheocean inmind.

TheBishopville,Md.,resident— wholightheartedlyclaims,“Clayispart ofmyDNA”—willbethefeatured artistthisweekendatthe15thAnnual Artisans’FairattheBethanyBeachVolunteerFireCompany.

Planned for9a.m.to3p.m.atthe firehallonHollywoodStreet,thefair —freeandopentothepublic—will featuremorethan40artisans.

Beingaceramicartist,Bryantsaid, “wasacreativewaytomakethings,to beabletodobeautifulthings,butthey arealsofunctional—somethingpeople coulduse.”

“Paintingsarebeautifultohangon thewalls,butIlovethatwhatIcreateis abletobeused,tobeabletodrinkacup ofcoffeeoutofabeautifulcuporenjoy amealfromabeautifulplate,”the Georgia nativesaid.

Hercreations—manyinearthtones andwheel-thrownorformedwithslabs —areeachone-of-a-kind,andBryant saidsheenjoysexperimentingwith glazes“andhowtheybreakandpool overtexture.”

“Havinggrownuponthecoastof Georgia,thebeautyandtranquilityof theoceanhasalwaysbeenaninspiration,”shesaid.“NotonlyhaveIsought inspirationfromtheever-changingdisplayofwaves,Iamalsoinspiredbythe colorsofthechangingseasonsandthe richanddiverselandscapeoftheEasternShorethathasbeenhomesince 1986.

“Istartedasapainter,thentooka potteryclassandwasdrawntothecreativepossibilitiesofclayanditspracticalandfunctionaluse,”shenoted.“It wasablessingtohavestudiedatthe UniversityofGeorgiaundersomeexceptionalpotters.Aftermovingto Delaware,Iwasonlyabletomakepotteryoffandon,untilImarriedmyhusband,Boone.Hehadtheplace,space andskillstohelpmebuildmydreamof having myownstudio.Heisacontractor.Whateverroadlifehastakenme,it hasalwaysledmebacktomyloveof theartofclay,”shesaid.

Bryanttookapotteryclassduring hersenioryearatcollege,whereshe earnedabachelor’sdegreeinfinearts, andlearnedfromotherexceptionalpotters.In2013,shetookclassesatthe OceanCityCenterfortheArts,bought herfirstkiln“andstarteddoingwhatI lovefull-time.”

“WhenpeopleaskhowlongI’ve been makingpottery,Isay,‘Offandon for47years,butmostlyoff,becauseof lifeandnothavingmyownstudio space,’”shesaid.

Forawhile,sheworkedfromcommunityartcentersandotherpotters’ studios.

“WhenImarriedmyhusband,he hadanenclosedfrontporchheletme takeover.Heboughtmeawheelfor Christmas.Hebuiltmethisadorable littleshedoutintheyard.WhenImake things,Istorethemoutthere.Ihavea littledisplayoutthere,”shesaid.

AChristianwhoattendsTheRiver churchnearFrankford,Bryanthaspresentedpotterydemonstrationsatthree churches,usingthethemeof“beingin thecenterofGod’swill.”

“Ifapieceofclayisn’tcenteredon thewheel,itwillwobbleandbeoutof shapeandofnouse.Theclayhastobe

reworkedandmoldedintoausefulvessel,whichGoddoestoussometimesto getusontherighttrack—sometimes againandagain,”shesaid.

Amongherfavoritequotesisthis onebyCorrieTenBoom,whohelped the JewishpeoplefromhercountryescapefromtheGestapoduringWorld WarII:“Thesafestplacetobeisinthe centerofGod’swill.”

Shealsolikesapassagefrom“The Potter’sClay”byChristianLarsen, whichstates,inpart,“Weareallgifted indifferentways,andGodistheone

whogiftsuswithsuchabilities.Hethen stampsuswithhissignaturesothatall wouldknowtowhomwebelong.The potteristheonlyonewhotrulyknows theintendedpurposeforthepot.We arenotthatdifferentfromthepot whichwascreatedbythepotter.”

Herartworkwillbeondisplayand forsaleattheshowonSaturday,includingthelittlefruitflytrapsthatwereso popularaftershemadeoneforher daughterthatshereceivedordersfor50 ofthem.Pricesrangefrom$25to$125.

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 7 SUNDAY 3 Course Dinner & a Glass of Wine $27 MONDAY Pasta Night & $10 Special Martinis & 1/2 Off Bottles of Wine TUESDAY $15 Burgers & $2 Off Beer Night WEDNESDAY Buck-a-Shuck Oysters with Bubbles & Spritz Specials & 1/2 Off Desserts THURSDAY $19.99 Filet Night & 1/2 Off Bottles of Wine 98 Garfield Parkway, Second Floor, Bethany Beach, DE 302-581-0448 Happy Hour - Open 4-6pm at the bar Dining Room - Open 5-9pm
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted DeborahBryantwilljoinmanyotherartistsindisplayingherworkatthe15thAnnualArtisans’FairattheBethanyBeachfirehallthisweekend.

SelbyvilleTownCouncilwoman CarolCary,chairwomanofthenewly formedSelbyvilleEconomicDevelopmentCommittee,reportedthisweek thatthecommitteehadasuccessful meetingonSept.18.

Cary,attheMonday,Oct.2,SelbyvilleTownCouncilmeeting,said EmilyGaitheroftheBethany-Fenwick AreaChamberofCommerceattended andsuggestedhelpfulideas.

“Wetalkedaboutthehistoricfactor andwhatthefuturelookslike,abouta five-yearplanandlong-termplans.We discussed atagline,like‘Selbyvilleis…’ andwetalkedaboutwhatkindofbusinesseswewant—ifwewantboutiques orwhatkindofshops.Wewanttokeep


thehometownfeelingandwelcome newcomersasthesenewhomesarebuilt intown,whilekeepingthehistoricnatureofthetown,”Carysaid.

Memberstalkedaboutstrengthsand weaknessesofthetownandopportunitiesforthefuture,aswellasplansfor theRoute113corridor.

“Weputalotofthingsonthetable that willgetnarroweddown,”Carysaid.

MayorRickDuncanpraisedthe committeeandsaidmembershavegood ideas.

Thenextmeetingwillbeat4:15 p.m.onMonday,Oct.16,attownhall. Itisopentothepublic.


TheannualThanksgivingforThousands—sponsoredbyMountaire Farmstopackboxesofdonatedfresh chickenandsidedishesforthosein needtoprepareforThanksgivingdinner—isplannedfor8a.m.onSaturday, Nov.18,intheparkinglotofthecompany’sSelbyvilleprocessingfacility.

ZachEvans,whohandlespublicity forMountaire,invitedcouncilmembers

toattendandsaidtherewillbeafestive atmosphere,withchickenalsobeing cookedon-siteforvolunteersthatday andchildren’sactivitiesplanned.This year,14,000boxeswillbepacked.Volunteerscanregistertohelppackboxes


“It’sunbelievable,suchagreatevent,” TownAdministratorStaceyLong added.


DuncanannouncedthattheTown hadreceivedagranttopurchaseequipmentforSelbyvillePark,andthatbids werereceivedforplaygroundequipment.

Longreviewedthebids,andthe councilunanimouslyagreedtospend $102,511topurchaseequipment,four benches,asignandrubbersurfacing fromGameTime,tradingasCunninghamRecreation,inBishopville,Md.

Longsaidasurfaceofmulchwas considered,butrubbersurfacingwas chosen.

Thecompanyhascompletedworkat ShowellParkandatparksinDagsboro andMillville,andLongsaidshehas workedwiththecompanyformore than20yearsandfoundtheownertobe reliable.

TheTownwillpay25percentofthe cost,andthegrantwillcovertheremainder.


PoliceChiefBrianWilson,while presentinghismonthlyreport,introducedthedepartment’snewcaptain, BrianParsons,formerlyanofficerwith the FenwickIslandPoliceDepartment. Parsonsgreetedcouncilmembers withawaveofhishandandasmile, saying,“Thankyoufortheopportunity,” thenreturnedtohisseatnexttoWilson fortheremainderofthemeeting.

WilsonsaidduringSeptember,officersrespondedto270calls,issued60 trafficviolationsandmade11criminal arrests.


8 CoastalPoint October6,2023 98 Garfield Pkwy. First Floor, Bethany Beach 302-616-2120 Open 12-8PM Everyday! Happy Hour 3-6PM at the Bar & Bar Hightops
Season Specials MONDAY $15.99 Quesadillas $2 Off All Beer TUESDAY $2.99 Tacos $8 Zoca Margaritas WEDNESDAY $17.99 Fajita Fest 1/2 Off Wine Bottles THURSDAY $16.99 Rojo & Verde Mole Enchiladas Dine In & Carry Out 34478 Roxana Rd., P.O Box 549 Frankford, DE 19945 Wednesday October 11th • 7pm Pastor Paris Sexton w/ e Veasey Family ursday October 12th • 7pm Pastor Dave Kiser w/ Sons of under Friday October 13th • 7 pm Pastor Joe Lecates w/ Bay City Saturday October 14th • 7 pm Pastor Dean Perdue w/ e Timmons Family Sunday October 15th • 4 pm Pastor Danny Travers w/ Homeland Singers Dinner to Follow the Service on Sunday Blackwater Fellowship Church FALLREVIVAL2023 JOINUS & C ELEBRATE For Info Call: 410-430-7104 All are Welcome! 302-667-0810 • H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Fall Lawn Overseeding Special Free Starter Fertilizer & Irrigation Adjustment to Water New Seed Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations! EconomicDevelopmentCommitteemeets SeeSELBYVILLEpage10


The5thAnnualDagsboroNight OutwilltakeplaceonTuesday,Oct.10, from5to7p.m.attheDagsborofire hall,locatedat28331ClaytonStreet. Thisyear’spresentingsponsorsare:Jim’s Bait&Tackle,MorseRoofing&Siding,Marvel’sPortableWelding, DelawareBotanicGardenatPepper CreekandAmericanLegionPost24of Dagsboro.Theassociatesponsoris BethelMethodistChurch.

Highlightsofthisyear’sNightOut includespecialguestthenewMiss

Delaware2023(andDagsboro’sown) EmilyBeale,whowillbeonhandfor photosandautographs.

Thiswillbeherfirstappearancein DagsborosinceherMissDelaware crowninginJuly.Therewillalsobefree hotdogsandsodas,freebikesrafflesfor bothkidsandadults,otherfreeraffle prizes,andseverallocalbusinessesand civicgroupswithfreegiveawaysandfun games.


cationalthingsthatevening,including their FireSafetyHouse,“targetshooting”withafirehose,afireextinguisher simulatorandfreefiretruckrides.Inaddition,SussexCountyParamedicswill beteachinghands-onlyCPRskills.

Additionaleventsincludethe DelawareStatePoliceCommunityEngagementUnitwiththeir“Trooper” VWBug,DelawareStatePolicehelicopter(subjecttoavailability),theOfficeofAlcohol&Tobacco Enforcement,DepartmentofCorrec-


A newadditiontothisyear’sNight Outeventwillbeadunkingbooth, wherethepublicwillbeableto“dunk” DagsboroPoliceChiefStevenFloodor FireChiefJohnMarvel,whohaveboth volunteeredtostepupandgetwet.The dunkingboothisfreetotry,butdonationswillbeacceptedtobenefitthenew DagsboroPoliceDepartmentK-9program,forfoodandvetcareforthe forthcomingpoliceK-9,whoiscurrentlyintraining.


Thisyear’sIndianSummerTrain& ToyShow,setforSaturday,Oct.7,at theRoxanaVolunteerFireCompany firehall,willfeatureabrand-newmobiledisplay,accordingtoshoworganizers.

TheDelawareSeasideRailroad Club’sshow,nowinits11thyear,has addedamulti-levelmobiledisplayin a40-foottrailertotheevent,courtesy oftheShoreBoyzRailroadClub,ac-


“It’ssomethingwe’veneverhadbefore,”Zieglersaid.Theshow,which againbringsabout70trainandhobby dealerstothearea,willalsofeature severallayoutsforvisitorstoenjoy.

Insidethefirehouse,visitorsyoung andoldwillfindlayoutstowatch, and,bypushingsomebuttonsthemselves,canimmersethemselvesinthe magicofmodeltrains,includinga24footlayout,aroundwhichthreetrains willberunning.Otherlayoutswillbe forsaleattheevent.

Doorprizeswillbeawardedduring theshowandrefreshmentswillbe availableforsale,Zieglersaid.

TheDelawareSeasideRailroad Clubhasabout63members,someof whomstaffopen-housesattheclub’s headquartersinSelbyville,each Wednesdayfrom5to8p.m.andeach Saturdayfrom10a.m.to3p.m.There arealwayssomeproductsavailablefor saleattheopen-houses,“whichhelps paytherent,”Hodgessaid.

TheIndianSummerToy&Train Showwillbeheldfrom9a.m.to2

p.m.onSaturday,Oct.7,attheRoxanaVolunteerFireCompanyfirehall, 35943ZionChurchRoad,Frankford. Admissioncosts$6foradults.Children10oryoungerareadmittedfree.

TheDelawareSeasideRailroad Club’sopenhousesareheldatthe group’sheadquartersat36668DuPont Highway(Route113),Selbyville.For moreinformationontheclub,callBill Zieglerat(302)537-0964or

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 9 Follow Us On Facebook! Happy Hunting! October 6th - 8th | 10am–4pm Our Magical Store is Filled with Fresh Finds 30688 Armory Road • Frankford, DE near Dagsboro (717) 818-6054 October Sales Event Open Only the first Friday-Sunday of Each Month

TheSelbyvilleCommunityClubrecentlyparticipatedintheGeneralFederationofWomen’sClubs’NationalDay ofServicetorelievefoodinsecurityby donatingtotheCommunityLutheran


OnethemorningofSept.30,foods purchasedbymembersweredeliveredto thechurch,onOmarRoadnearFrankford.

Localbusinessesdonated,andeach memberwhoattendedtheSeptember meetingoftheCommunityClubwas


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given$10andaskedtomatchitwith their own$10tobuy$20worthof itemsforthefoodpantry.

Thereareabout36membersinthe Selbyvilleclub,whichisamemberclub ofthenationalorganization.

ClubPresidentDebbyHiobsaidthis isthefirstyeartheclubhasbeeninvolvedwiththefoodpantry.Members formerlydonatedtoSalemUnited MethodistChurch’spantry,butthat pantryclosed.

Tacklingfoodinsecurityisthenationalthemefortheorganizationthis year,Hiobsaid,addingthatthefood willgotolocalfamilies.

MonaBurnsofthechurch’sfood pantrysaidmostfundstobuywhatis neededtostockthepantrycomefrom thecongregation,andthechurchalso partnerswithMountaireFarmsand storesincludingHocker’s,Wawa,Weis grocerystoreandtheFamilyButcher.

Anyoneinneedcanobtainpantry items,andnooneisaskedforproofof income,because“Jesusdidn’taskand neitherwillwe,”Burnssaid.

“Ireallylikebeinginvolvedwithour nationalorganization,”Hiobsaid.

“Ifeellike,asatinyclub,wedowhat wecan,butwhenwejointogether,we makeahugedifference.It’saninternationalgroup,andit’saroundtheworld. Itmakesmefeellikeourlittleclubis bigger.Wehavealwaystriedtohelpout withfoodinsecurity,andwearegladto beabletohelpthischurch.Alotof timestheyrunoutoffoodandthey havetodigintotheirpocketstobuyit, soit’snicetohelp,”Hiobsaid. Thefoodpantryhelps62families twiceeachmonth.

“O urclubalsocleanedupHolts LandingParklastyear.Wepickedup trash.Theyhaveafirepit,andthere weresomanycansandbottlesandtrash inthefirepit.Somebodyhadtakena woodenfenceapart,asplit-railfence, andusedthewoodinthefirepit.We cleanedupallthatwood,”Hiobsaid.

“Noteverybodydoesthesamething, anddifferentmembersgetinvolvedin whattheywanttodo.Westaypretty busy,”sheadded.

MembershipintheSelbyvilleCommunityClubisopentoeveryone.See www.selbyvillecommunityclub.orgfor moreinformation.



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Heremindedcouncilmembersthe 100thanniversaryoftheSelbyvilleVolunteerFireCompanywillbecelebrated fromnoonto4p.m.atthefirehallon Saturday,Oct.7,andthethirdannual TrunkorTreatwillbeheldat10a.m. onSaturday,Oct.21.

Councilmanrecovering fromCOVID

CouncilmanChrisSnaderwasabsentfromthecouncilmeetingbecause he andhisfamilyarerecoveringfrom COVID,Duncanannounced.

“Wecertainlywishthemwell,”he said.


CouncilmanGarySteffen,whilepresentingthemonthlywaterreport,said newwatermetersarebeinginstalledin townandoperationsatthewaterplant arerunningsmoothly.Hydrantflushing isscheduledtobeginonMonday,Oct. 9.


Steffen,whilepresentingthe monthlyPublicWorksreporttocouncil, saidstaffhasbeenbusycuttinggrass, sprayingforweedsandkeepingthe catchbasinsclearofdebris,aswellas fillinginpotholes.Oneemployeewas slightlyinjuredwhileonthejobbutis

PresentingtheSewerDepartment report,Steffansaidallequipmentisoperational.Theaveragedailyflowis1.2 million.

TownEngineerJasonLoartold councilmembersthatownersoftwo lotsareinterestedindevelopingthem. Oneparcel,onRoute54,isslatedtobe divided intoeightlotsandiswithin townlimits.TheotherisonLynch Road,withaplanfor16lots.

Loarsaidthereisnoavailablesewer capacityfortheproposedlots.

“Thereisnotcapacitythere.Itisin theComprehensivePlantoberesidential,butit’suptothepropertyownersto installsewer—butthatwouldkillthe projects,”hesaid.

“Andwewouldhavetodomaintenanceonthem,”Duncansaid,andLoar agreed,sayingtheTowncouldinstalla smallpumpstation,butitistruethe Townwouldhavetomaintainit.He saidagravitysystemcouldbeinstalled, butthereisstillnocapacityatthe Town’ssewerplant.

LoarrecommendedtellingthepropertyownerstheTowndoesnothavecapacitytoservethoselots.Thecouncil agreed,andDuncanaskedLoartoinformthepropertyowners.


Thecouncil,byunanimousvote, agreedtopurchasea2024FordRanger truckfortheTown’ssewerdepartment. Thecostis$37,805.

10 CoastalPoint October6,2023
Educational Workshops for Pre-retirees and Retirees
Selbyville Continuedfrompage8 CommunityClubchipsintohelpwithfoodinsecurity
Open Seven Days a Week, 10:30am–5pm ◆ 302.436.1848 37244 Lighthouse Rd., W. Fenwick Island ◆ BEAUTIFUL! October6,2023 CoastalPoint 11


Significantchunksofasphalt,rebar steelandotherroadwaydebriswasuncoveredasTropicalStormOpheliaunleashedpowerfulwavesandwindsat CoinBeach,thesurfer’sbeachnorthof theIndianRiverInletBridge,earlierin September.

“Iamanamateursurfer,andItend tofalloffmyboard,”saidStephenCopleyofDagsboro.“IhopeIdon’tgetimpaledbysomeofthatrebaronthe beach.”

Hespenttimelastweekendsurveying thelandscapeatCoinBeachand supportingcrewswhocreatedsmall pilesofdebris.

OpheliahittheDelawarecoastline onSaturday,Sept.23,andcausedsignificantcoastalfloodingandbeacherosion. Thedunelineswerewhippedby50 mphwinds,andthebeachshorelineto dunecutawaysreached8feethighat theinletfromerosion,byCopley’sestimate.Thisonslaughtrevealedbroken asphalt,somewithhighwaymarking linesvisible,andstone-chunkstructures fromtheinletbridgewhenitwaslast rebuilt.

ThecurrentIndianRiverInlet BridgewasbuiltbySkanskainsix months,beginninginJanuary2012.At thetime,DelDOTandDNRECchose toburytheexistingconstructiondebris, roadremainsandbrokenhighway piecesfromthepriorprojectunderground,beneaththesand.Astormthis summeralsocausederosionthatunveiledtonsofhighwaydebris.

TheU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineers wasengagedinbeachreplenishment throughoutthetouristseason,and muchofthatworkisnowwipedaway. Attheinlet,theCorpsusedthehardscapeasafoundationforthenewbeach replenishment.However,MotherNa-

turehadotherideasanderodedthe sand.Whilesomeofthesandisexpectedtoagainaccumulateonlocal beaches,thelastingimpactsonthereplenishmentprojectshasyettobede-


AsreportedintheCoastalPointin July (

surfriders-cleaning-highway-debris-atir-inlet-dunes/article_4d25f480-2cab11ee-b084-3fe664caa0a2.html),the SurfriderFoundationofDelawarehas beencleaningthebeachandhopesto againassembleclean-upcrewstoaddressthenewlyrevealedroaddebris.

“Thechunksarefromtheoriginal CoastalHighwayroadcollapseatthe IndianRiverInletBridge,”explained Surfriders’JanaJohnston,wholivesin BethanyBeach,backinJuly.“After HurricaneSandyhit,theentireroadway fellontothebeach.Theystartedcleaningitupbypilingthedebrisnearthe beach.”

DNREC’sdivisionsofwatershed stewardshipandparksandrecreation lastsummerhadprovidedadumpster, skidsteerwithbucketsifterandlarge tractortofacilitatetheremovalofthe heavydebris.SurfriderFoundation’s Delawarechapterbroadcastthe cleanups,contactinglocalmediarepresentatives,andshowinguptosupport the numeroussurferstakingactionto removedebris.

Surfriderestimatedthatmorethan 30tonsofmaterialhadbeenremoved, butvolunteersexpecttofindmoreas thebeacherodes.

“Partofthereasonthisbeachisnarrowingistheinoperabilityofthe decades-oldGouldsandpump,”said SurfriderFoundationrepresentatives, “whichissupposedtopumpsandfrom thesouthsideoftheinlettothenorth. Thepumphasbeenbrokensince2017. Thenarrowbeachleadstoashortwindowforthesecleanups,withthedebris onlybeingaccessibleforremovalduring thetwo-hourlowtide.”

“Asthedunecontinuestoerode, moredebrisisexpectedtosurface.If youareinterestedtogetinvolvedand help,pleasecontactSurfriderDelaware Chapter.”


LocalcharitySanta’sLettersis preparingforitsfifthannualSpaghetti Dinnerfundraiser,slatedforSaturday, Oct.29atSaltedVinesVineyardand Winery.

Ticketsaresellingfastfortheevent accordingtoKristinaandSeanMalone, whofoundedSanta’sLettersasawayto helplocalfamiliesduringtheholiday seasonandthroughouttheyear.“There are160ticketsavailable;we’vealready sold125,”SeanMalonesaidearlierthis week.“Everyyearitsellsout.”

TheMalonesencouragedinersatthe eventtocomeintheirbestChristmasattire,sinceitistheunofficialkickofffora busyseasonforthecouple.OnNov.18, theywillhostaChristmaspartyat

Kristina’sCakeryonRebaRoadinMillville,thehighlightofwhichisthedeliveryoftheirSanta’sLettersmailbox–the symboloftheirorganization.Itwasthe mailboxthatstartedtheirinitialefforts togivelocalchildrenawaytoreach Santa,andwhichgrewintoacharitythat helpshundredsinthecommunityeach year.

NowthatSanta’sLettershasitsown office,inthesamecomplexasKristina’s Cakery,thecouplehopesthattheycan serveevenmorefamilies.Lastyear,they said,theyhelped210childrenfrom65 localfamilieshaveabetterholidayseason throughdistributionoftoysandgiftsas wellasmuch-neededitemssuchascoats andwintergear.

Thecouplehasworkedwiththefood pantryatHighTideChurchtomeetthe needsoflocalfamilies,Kristinasaid,and

nowthattheyhavetheirownspacefor Santa’sLetters,“thegoalistohavea store,”wherelocalfamiliescan“shop”for food.Thisyear,thankstothenewspace, familieswillhavetheoptiontowrapthe giftsthatSanta’sLettersprovides,she said.

ThespaghettidinnerfortheupcomingfundraiserwillbepreparedbyMac’s CateringinMillvile,Kristinasaid.Her business,Kristina’sCakery,willprovide desserts.Asilentauctionisanotherhighlightofthenight,andSeansaidthecouplewelcomescontributionsforthatfrom businessesorindividualswhowouldlike todonatesomethingfortheauction.

Santa’sLettersraised$14,000 throughlastyear’sdinner,nearlydoublingtheproceedsfromtheprevious year,Seansaid.Thisyear,thereisanoptionconnectedtoticketsalestomakea

donationtotheorganization,andSean saidthathasalreadyresultedin$3,000in donations,notcountingticketsales. Supportfromthecommunityfor Santa’sLettershasbeenphenomenal,the couplesaid.“Alotofbusinessessay‘how canwehelp?’”Kristinasaid.Toseesome oftheitemsthathavebeendonatedfor theauction,checkouttheSanta’sLetters Facebookpage.Sofar,donationsinclude originalartwork,golfpackages,home décorandbasketsfilledwitheverything fromgiftcertificatesforspadaysand photoshootstowineandothergoodies. Ticketsforthespaghettidinnerare available(tilltheysellout) donatingitemstothesilentauction shouldcallSeanMaloneat(302)7402119.Generaladmissionis$30;a gluten-freeoptionisavailablefor$35.

12 CoastalPoint October6,2023
CoastalPoint•MikeSmith TropicalStormOpheliarecentlyunearthedsomedangerousremnantsoftheoldInlet bridgelastweek.

CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.

Editorial Thestaff


Localfirst-responderswereatthesceneyesterdayinNorth Bethanyforanaccidentthatreportedlyinvolvedabicyclist.ThisfollowsanaccidentSaturdaymorninginDeweyBeachthatsawa pedestrianstruckbyavehicleonRoute1.


Therehavebeencountlessmeetings,studiesandreportsregarding safetyalongRoute1,andtherehascontinuedtobeaccidentafteraccident,manyinvolvingultra-vulnerablebicyclistsandpedestrians.For alltheblinkinglights,signageandevenfencingputupalongthemedianinOceanCity,Md.,thestretchofthehighwaythatrunsfrom LewesthroughOceanCitycontinuestobedecidedlydangerous.

Look—weunderstandthatsimplytheexistenceofahighway thatrunsthrougharecreationalarealikethebeachtownshasthepotentialtobedangerous.Peopleareoutridingbikesorwalkingorjog-

ging,orsimplycarrying700poundsofstuffwiththemtogohitthe beach.Manypeopleare“livinginthemoment,”andmaybenotpayingattentionasmuchastheyshould.Anditisajugglingactforofficialstomaintainahighwaythathandlessomuchtrafficanda demographicthatisoutcrossingthehighwayorridingalongitat anygiventime.

It’salot.Andwe’renotsuretherewilleverbea“magiccode”to solvingalltheproblemsthatinherentlyexistwiththissituation. Buttheeffortsmustcontinue.IfPlanAdoesn’twork,turnto PlanB.IfPlanCdoesn’twork...well,findaPlanD. Forallthetalkaboutrenewableenergyandelectionsandpopulationdensity,noneofitmattersmuchifwecan’tkeeppeoplealiveand safe.Thathastobepriorityone,anditshouldprobablybepriority two,threeandfour,aswell.


Ifyou’renotabaseballfan,youmightnotcareaboutwhat’s cominginthisweek’scolumn.Ifyou’renotspecificallyafanof theBaltimoreOrioles,well...Idon’tknowwhattotellyou.









TheBaltimoreOriolesjustwrapped uparegularseasonwheretheywonan astonishing101games,theAmerican LeagueEastandsecuredthetopseedin theAmericanLeagueforthisyear’s playoffs.Formanyofyououttherewho followcompetentfranchises,thismight seemlikeacutelittlestory.ForOrioles fanswhoconsistentlyputtheirheartsandsoulsintoanorganizationthatisconstantlygivenacollectivewedgiebyanabsurdandunseriousownershipgroup,thisfeelsabitlike paradise.

callitaragingdumpsterfire. Theythenhadafairlysatisfyingfive-yearstretchwhere they madetheplayoffsthreeoutoffiveyears.But,alas,itcame timetopaysomeplayersandlockupanothergoodmanagerin BuckShowalter,andOriolesmanagementpunted.Sure,it’shardforsmallermarketteamstocompetewiththedeep pocketsinNewYork,BostonandLos Angeles,butwhathappenedinsteadwas borderingontheTitanic.

WhenPeterAngelosfirstboughtthefranchisein1993, therewasalottobeexcitedaboutfortheOriolesfaithful. CamdenYardswasthepearloftheMajorLeagues,spawning awaveofnewstadiumsacrossthesefruitedplains,andthey werecomingoffasolid-to-good89-winseasonundermanagerJohnnyOates.Therosterhadsomeyoungplayerswith potential,andboastedestablishedstarsincludingCalRipken Jr.,BradyAndersonandMikeMussina.

By1997,theteamwasabsolutelystacked,cruisedtoadivisiontitlewith98winsunderaneven-bettermanagerinDavey Johnsonandlookingtomakenoiseintheplayoffsaftertheir 1996campaignwaseffectivelydestroyedwhena12-year-old YankeesfanreachedoverthewalltostealaballfromanOriolesoutfielder’sgloveduringtheAmericanLeagueChampionshipseries.Infact,myeyeballsstilldotheMacarenawhenI hearthename“JeffreyMaier”tothisdayand...


Afterthat1997teamcameupshortintheplayoffs,that versionofthesquadbegantofallapart,asownershipdecided tonotreplenishthefallentalentandtoinstead(myopinion) takethefansforgrantedandmilkeverycenttheycouldoutof theteamwithoutevenattemptingtocompete.Outof162 games,thesearetheOrioles’wintotalsfrom1998through 2012:79,78,74,63,67,71,78,74,70,69,68,64,66and69.

That’s15seasons—each ofwhichcontainedalosing record.Theclosesttheyfinishedtofirstplaceduringthat stretchwas13.5games.Itwouldbeentirelyfairtocallthata darktimeinfranchisehistory.Infact,itwouldn’tbeunfairto

TheOrioleswentonafive-year stretchwheretheywent253-455,includingabanner2018seasonwheretheywent47-115—or, roughlymypercentagesofgettingdatesinhighschool.

Now,thegoodthingabout2018wastheOriolesdecidedto embracetheirpositionasasmaller-marketteamafterthat trainwreckseason,activelytakepartinthe“Moneyball” processofgettingthemostoutofyourbuck,andstartedcompilingdraftcapitalandprospects.Todoso,theyluredMike EliasawayfromthesuccessfulHoustonAstrosfranchiseto changethedirectionoftheorganizationastheteam’snew generalmanager.


Ofcourse,itwasn’tjustaboutgettingdraftpicks.Itwas aboutmakingthosedraftpickscount,andEliashasdonethat. Hehaspickedyoungstars,suchasAdleyRutschman,Gunnar Henderson,JordanWestburg,GraysonRodriguezandothers, whohavecontributedtothisturn-around.Healsoacquired standoutpitcherKyleBradishonthecheap,andhasbuilta minor-leaguesystemthatistheenvyofmanyintheMajors, evenwithsomanyofhisyoungprospectsnowintheBig Leagues.JustwaituntilyougetaloadofJacksonHolliday whenhegetscalleduptothebigteaminthenextyearorso, ashemightbethebestprospectofthebunch.

So,thisisfun.It’sexcitingtohaveateamthatmostbaseballfansaroundtheworldactuallyrespect,andIfeellikeakid againwaitingfortheOriolestothrowoutthefirstpitchof their2023playoffrunonSaturday.DoIexpectthemtowin thewholethingandstartplanningaWorldSeriesvictoryparade?Notreally,ifwe’rebeingcompletelyhonest.It’shardto do,andthisisayoungteamgettingitsfirsttasteofpostseason baseball.ButdoIthinktheycoulddoit?YoubetIdo.

AndI’mgoingtoenjoythisteamuntilownershipscrewsit upagain.








TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.


Editorial Columns
P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777. Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.
Point of No
September29,2023 Page13

LastThursday,theSussexCounty CouncilanditsPlanning&Zoning Commissionmetinworkshopsession todiscusschangesthatmightbeconsideredforitszoningcodeandregulations.Theymetintheirbrand-new EmergencyOperationsCenteratSussexCountyAirport.Whatafacility! AndI’msurethatitgotplentyofworkoutthispastweekend.

Theworkshopwasclosedtopublic comment,butthepublicwastherein largenumbersanyway.Wewereallthere tohearwhatchangesmaybeproposed toourcodesandregulations.Topicsthat werediscussedincludedperimeter buffers,forestpreservation,openspace, somespecificcountycodeupdates,interconnectivity,andanumberofhousingpossibilities,includingaccessory dwellingunits,theuseofsingle-and doublewidestofillthegapinworkforce andaffordablehousing,andmanaged meadows.

Therewerenohardsuggestions madeandnofinaldecisionsmade.All

ofthisdiscussionwassimplytogetthe discussionstarted.Most,ifnotall,of thetopicswillhavetogothrougha numberofpublicworkshopsandmeetingsinwhichtheentirepopulationwill havetheopportunitytohaveitssay.

TheSussexEconomicDevelopment ActionCommitteecongratulatesthe Countyforgettingstartedwithwhat shouldbealongprocess.

ManyofourmemberswereinattendanceortunedinviaZoom.SEDAC’s monthlymeetingwasheldonSept.22, so wewereabletodiscusstheissues thatwerebroughupintheCounty hearing.

Itisclearfromthesuggestionbeing madeattheCountymeetingthatany developmentthatwillcomeisgoingto costmore.Idislikequotingstatistics, butIhaveseennumbersthatplacethe costofregulationonbuildingconstructionatanywherefrom$100,000to $175,000perlot.Guesswhoisgoingto paythatandguesswhatitdoestothe possibilityofworkforcehousing?But that doesn’tseemtochangetheminds oftheno-growthcrowd.Notonesuggestionthatwasdiscussedatthe Countymeetingfocusedoncostexplo-

sionscausedbyadditionalCountyand Stateregulations.

Nowletmesaythattherewillstillbe governmentandnon-profitgroupsin thehousingbusiness,buttheirbudgets willbelimited,andtherequirementof ownershipwilldisqualifythousandsof ourpeoplefromtheseprograms.We shouldsupporttheseprograms,butwe must createnewprogramssothatour youngpeoplewillhavethesameopportunitiesthatweoldpeoplehadwhenwe lookedforourfirsthome.

Wehavetalkedtocompaniesthat wanttocomehere,butthereareno homesforthosethatwouldcomewith them.Manyofthesefolkswhonow provideserviceseastofU.S.113can’t affordtolivewheretheywork.Ifthese regulationsbecomelaw,anyhopeof havingskilledorprofessionalworkers callSussextheirhomeisover.Andour youngpeoplewillbeleavingatgreater ratesthantheyarenow.

Iheardagreatdealoftalkaboutadditionalbuffers.Thefirstthingthatone learnsaboutbuffersisthattheycause “sprawl.”Themorelandweusefor buffers,thelesslandremainsforhousing,whichmakesthecostofnewhomes rise.

Afewyearsago,IattendedaprogramsponsoredbytheStateDepartmentofNaturalResources& EnvironmentalControlthatwasall aboutbuffers.Thepaidexpertspeaker providedinformationaboutbuffers, fromsizetowhatoneshoulddowithin thebufferstoprotectourstreamsand bays.Atthattime,theStateanditsbureaucratswerepushingmajorincreases inthesizeofbuffers.Theexpertbegan hispresentationandimmediately

turnedhisattentiontobuffersizes.His pointwassimplythatitdidnotmatter whatsizeabufferwas(10feet,100feet, 1,000feet),itmatterswhatyoudidin thebuffer.

Thebureaucratswentintoacompletestateofpanic,draggedtheir speaker outandhadaveryheateddiscussioninthebackoftheroom.After about15minutesofextremeargument, theconferencestartedagainwiththe speaker,notadmittingtoanyerrorin hispresentation,makingsomepoint aboutfurtherdiscussionandmoving quicklytohismajorpoint—whatone mustdoinabuffertomakeitwork.

Shortlyafterhefinishedhispresentation,Ilefttheconference.Thebureaucratsintendedto,obviously,censor everythingthatwouldfollow.Thepoint fromthisfiascothatIwillneverforget andwhatcontinuestoshapemyopinionofbufferregulationsisthatbest managementpracticesalwayswinover sizeinprotectingtheenvironment.

Therearechangesthatweneedto makeinordertomakeSussexCounty anevengreaterplacetolive.Butit’snot allontheCounty.Theroadsystemhere hasneverstayedevenwithourneeds. Thefirstland-useplanforSussex CountycamefromtheStateunderGov. Peterson.Backthen,inthelate’60s,the StatecalledforRoute1fromFive PointstoRehobothtoallbezoned commercial,yettheStatedidnotmake anyimprovementstothatstretchof roaduntilthe1980sandthendidthem withoutanyinputfromeitherthe CountyorRehoboth.TheGeorgetown bypassunderconstructionnowwas

14 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Bethany Massage & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE $20 OFF 60 Minute Massage Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Only Call to schedule 302-537-0510 Evening Hours –Thursdays until 8 PM (Last Appointment at 7 PM) Now Open 7 Days/Week Oc tober Early Week Special!
Governmentoverreachorgovernmentexcellence? SeeCONAWAYpage15


AstheseasonchangesonDelmarva, wewanttoreflectonanotherimpactful seasonattheFreemanArtsPavilionon theheelsofasuccessfulyearofgrowth fortheArtsAccessInitiative.

Theyear2023markedthe16thseasonofpresentingtheartsfortheoutdoorperformingartsvenue,aprogram oftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundation, nearSelbyville.Thisseasonbrought freshbeginningstothenon-profitasit debutedthenewboxofficeandmain entrance.Thesearethefirstoftwopermanentstructuresinthevenueandthe firstpartofthemulti-phasedplanfor theexpandedvenue.Thesenewstructureshavetransformedtheentryexperienceforpatrons.

Thecoveredwoodenstructureofthe mainentranceisnotonlyafocalpoint uponenteringFreemanArtsPavilion, butthelandscapingfeaturedaspatrons walktowardandthroughtheentrance



plannedtobegininthe1970s.Iguess 50yearsisn’tbadtowait.


hascreatedawarmandvibrantgreeting. Thenewboxofficeincludesthreeexternalwindowsforgueststohaveanonsiteticketpurchaseoption,aswellasan internallocationforvisitorstopurchase merchandise,inquireaboutfutureshows, andservesasaninformationhubfor guests.

Thesenewamenitieshaveexpedited guestentryintothevenueandexpanded safetyforvisitors,whileenhancingthe overallexperiencefromentrytoexit.We arethrilledtohavesuccessfullyachieved thisfirstphaseoftheFreemanArts Pavilionthroughthecontinuedsupport ofcommunitymembersandlocalbusinesseswhohavecontributedtoourcapitalcampaign,andwelookforwardto connectingwithmoreindividualsaswe setoursightson“TheNextStage”in seekingcommunityfunding.

Theyear2023hasproventobeanothermilestoneyearfortheJoshuaM. FreemanFoundation,havingprovided artsexperiencestonearly130,000students,residentsandvisitorsthusfar,in-

provided$4,144,387,287totheDepartmentofTransportationfrom2011to 2021,yetonly$782,910,850ofthat money(18.89percent)cametoSussex, yetSussexCountyis48percentofthe landmassofDelaware—KentandNew Castle,therestofthestate,is52per-

cludingmorethan105,000attendeesat theFreemanArtsPavilion.Fansof artistssuchasDariusRucker,LadyA, JasonMraz,DionneWarwickand BrandiCarlilejoinedusthisseason— manyforthefirsttime.Thegenre-diverselineupalsofeaturedimmenselytalentedperformersrepresentingawide varietyofartists,fromtributebandsand dancecompaniestochildren’stheatre andacappellagroups—therewas somethingforeveryoneatFreemanArts Pavilionthissummer,includingmore than25freeperformancesforallto enjoy.

Weareexcitedtosharethemusic doesn’tstopwiththeconclusionofthe summerseason.Inadrivenefforttoexpandourmission,wecontinuetopartnerwithschoolsinWorcester, WicomicoandSussexcountiestopresentartseducationprogrammingforstudentsinpre-Kto12thgrade.During the2022-2023schoolyear,morethan 13,500studentsexperiencedthearts throughthisinitiative,atnocostto


Toaddressthissituation,let’stry somethingthatworkedfortheCounty inthepast.Let’sappointacommittee of themajorgroupsinvolvedinthis issueandseeifwecancomeupwithsolutionsthatenableustomakework-

schools,studentsorthecommunity. Thisyear,welookforwardtoexpandingartsaccessopportunitiesby partneringwithcommunitygroups,such aslocallibrariesandafter-schoolprograms,toprovidefreeliveartsperformancesforthecommunityat-large.The firstpublicperformancefortheoff-seasonwasheldonTuesday,Sept.26,atthe SelbyvillePublicLibrary,featuringthe DelawarePoetsLaureate.

Theworkofourorganizationisnot possiblewithoutthesupportanddedicationofourvolunteers,sponsors,donors andpatrons.Morethan270individuals contributedvolunteerhoursandsupport thisyear,totalingmorethan18,000 hoursserved.Weareeternallygrateful forthosewhoallowourmissiontocontinue—theyseethemissioninaction andleadwithourvisioninmindtocreateavibrantartscommunity.Wethank everyonewhohascontributedtocreatingopportunitiesthatelevatethehuman spiritandcontinuetosupportproviding artsaccesstoall.

forceandaffordablehousingavailable throughoutSussex.Justmaybeitwill enableustokeepouryoungpeoplehere andprovideskilledandprofessional workerstofindahomehere.

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 15 Order Online @ OFF SEASON SPECIALS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Philly or Chicken Cheesesteak with Fries $12 AYCE Riblets & Peel ‘n Eat Shrimp with Fries $30 (no sharing) Chef’s Choice Burger with Fries $12 Fish Fryday 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets - 5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 Daily Lunch & Dinner/New NFL Carry Out Specials - Check Out Our Facebook Page Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-5 PM Food Menu - 2-5 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Dine in with Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability/NO SUBSTITUTIONS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Carly Twigg - Wednesday, 10/11 - 5-8 PM Endless Amber - Friday, 10/6 - 5-8 PM BREAKFAST Monday-Friday 9am-11am Sat & Sun 9am-Noon NFL Ticket w/ Specials! Sun. 1-7pm Full Service Bar and Restaurant on the West Fenwick Waterfront World Famous Crabcakes and Bloody Marys Take-out, Dine-in, Outdoor Seating on the Beautiful Bay HOURS Sunday-Thursday 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday 9am-10pm CONDO Sho HOME & VEMBER 1 NO • TEA ATED VE THE OC C • 3 2 12, CNTR .ONV ONV. omotions alkGreatGiftsandFurr tothePros anpreco. nline at www o O InftsequeR 0-213-8090 or o: 41 xhibitor Inf or EF IN ONE! SWOSHOTW T andTalktotheProsHomeDécor,more!Improvements,HandmadeCrafts,riendsy F LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE AppointmentsOnlyNow

Readerbackseffort tobuildpool


AfterreadingthearticleonthediscussionofaRoxanareccenter,I wantedtosupporttheindividuals workinghardtogetapoolbuiltfor thecommunity.

Allthreeofmychildrenswim— oneswimsforIndianRiverHigh School.Thehighschoolswimprogramhastopayforpracticetime,and swimmersaretravelingtodifferent poolsduringtheweekinorderto practice.Thepoolslackstartingblocks andoftenenoughlanesforcoachesto holdthepracticesnecessary.Inaddition,withthedistrictsaleofHoward T.Ennis,theteamwasforcedtopay forpracticetimelateintheeveningsat Bayside.

Asacommunity,weneedtonot onlybeworkingtowardprovidinga poolfortheswimprogramsatthe high-schoollevel,butforouryounger swimmersaswell.Weliveinabeach town—swimmingisalifeskillfor thechildreninthearea.Weneedto provideanaffordableopportunityfor themtohaveaplacetolearn,increase theirwatersafetyandprovidetherapeuticopportunities.Thepoolwould

notonlybenefittheschools,itwould makeadifferenceinthecommunity.

Seniorcitizens stillcontributing


Wesometimeshearsomelocals (borninSussexCounty)contrastthemselvesfromthosewho“camehere”from somewhereelse.

Butwhetheryouarefromhereor camehere,thethingweallhavein commonisbeinginvariousage-based groups;thatis,youth,youngpeople, midd le-agedpeopleandseniorcitizens.

Theseniorcitizengroupisfast growinginSussexCountybecauseitis agreatplacetoliveandenjoyretirement.“Seniorcitizen”usedtomean peopleaged65-plus,andusuallyalso markedthemsoontoretirestatus.

ButAmericansnowlivelonger (PresidentJimmyCarterjustturned 99).Manyseniorcitizenseitherhaveto continuetoworktomakeitfinancially, orchoosetoworkasawaytokeepbusy orhavesocialcontactswaypast65.

Now,asaretiredpersonwhoisa seniorcitizen,letmeinformthe youngergenerationsabouttherealityof

livingintheso-called“GoldenYears.” Thegoodthingsfirst.


•Weseniorswhoaremilitaryveteranshaveauniqueviewofthepersonal sacrificesrequiredtokeepourcountry’s freedoms.

•Weseniorswhoareretiredenjoy havingmoretimeandopportunitiesto devotetoservingourcommunitiesas “volunteers.”Infact,SussexCounty non-profitsandreligiousorganizations couldnotrunsuccessfuloutreachprogramswithoutretiredsenior-citizen volunteers.

•Weseniorcitizenshavealotof uniquereal-worldexperiencetoshare. Manyseniorschoosetobecomementorstoyoungerpeople,passingontheir experience.

•Seniorshavewonderfulmemories. Whilesomeseniorsdohavesome memorylossor“seniormoments,”we havemanygoodmemories,especially aboutgoodfriendsorfamily,and proudlywatchingthenextgeneration andtheirfamilies(grandchildrenor great-grandchildren)taketheirplacesin society.


16 CoastalPoint October6,2023 & Package Cocktail Accessories, Mixers, Garnish & Cups 302-616-2657 Open Sun & Mon 1-6 Thurs, Fri & Sat 12-8 (Closed Tues & Wed) 98 Garfield Pkwy., Unit 108 Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk Wines, Beer,
Spirits, Cocktails & Seltzers


Locals who live and work in Rehoboth Beach sure know a good thing when they see it, which is why Michelle Long, owner of Salvaged, Willow Marie & Mood Design Studio, chose Arbor-Lyn. This community checked all the boxes for its' sought-after zip code, proximity to downtown Rehoboth, ample amenities, energy-e cient Schell homes and close-knit community feel.

Dreams do come true and that’s my feeling of living in Arbor-Lyn. My neighbors quickly became my best friends and family. Arbor-Lyn is such a diverse, accepting, and loving community! I built my dream home and feel happiest and most at peace here. In addition to having the best neighbors and a beautiful home, the location is AMAZING! I love being within miles of the beach, the best restaurants, shopping, and my small businesses. My son has made great friends in the neighborhood and loves that his school is close to home. If you can live here, do it! This is truly the place.

Scan the QR code to learn more about Arbor-Lyn

© 2023 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information is subject to change without notice. October6,2023 CoastalPoint 17

Home Decor & Gifts

•Mostofthedifficultiesinsenior lifearerelatedtohealthchallenges.

•Weputupwithsomemobility challengesandmayrequiresomepatiencefromyoungerpeople.

•Gettinginoroutofavehicle,we areslowermoving,butbepatientwith us.

Shopping with a Purpose

•Walking.Well,let’ssaythewalking orjoggingpaceofmanyseniorssometimesbecomesmorelikeaslowdance shuffle.


•Stairsorelevator.Inthemulti-story buildings,seniorslearnquicklywhere theelevatorsare.Stairscanbeachallenge.


•Balance.Manyseniorsexperience dizzinessorbalanceproblems.Thishas createdaneedformore“balancetraining ”atphysicaltherapyfacilities.

skillsandexperiences,andcontinueto contributetoourcommunityinmany importantways.

Weshouldbeproudofoursenior citizens’roleinmakingSussexCountya wonderfulandcaringcommunity.

Open Fri & Sat 10-5 Sun, Mon & Thurs 10-3


•Hearing.“Whatdidyousay?”We seniorsdohavereducedcapacitytohear aswegrowolder.Digitalhearingaids, whilegreatlyimproved,stilltendtofall out ofears,especiallywhengardening ortakingpartinstrenuousactivity.Also, whiletalkingoncellphones,hearing aidscanbeadjustedtoamplifyyourcell phoneaudio,buttheysometimesfailto workproperly.Inanoisyvenue,likeata busyrestaurantwithasinger,youwill seemanyseniorsremoveorturnoff theirhearingaidsasallloudsounds mergeintoafrustratingaudiofog.

•Readingbyseniorsusuallyrequires glasses,whichseemtobemisplaced moreoften.Eveneyecontactscanget lost.

•Tiringmorequickly(orrunning outofsteam).Seniorsmaygoshopping orgotoseethegrandchildrenplay sports,butwedon’thavethestaminawe

•Falling.Routinethingsliketaking offone’sshoes,whilestanding,canend inabadfall.Manyseniorslivewitha constantfearoffallingandbeingembarrassed.Awalkingcaneorsometype ofmobilityassistanceisimportantto manyseniors.

•Gettingtimelymedicalappointmentsisachallenge.WhileSussex Countyhasalotoffirst-classmedical doctors/nursesinlargefacilities,getting anoutpatientappointmentcan turn intoarealchallenge,havingtowaitfor weeksormonthsforanappointment withaspecialist.

•Physicaltherapyfacilities.It seemsliketherearealmostasmany physicaltherapyclinicsasthereare banksinSussexCounty.Itcannotbe relatedtojustsportsinjuries.Itis morelikelyrelatedtomoreseniorcitizenswithphysicaltherapyneedsin SussexCounty.

So,whenyounextcomeacrossaseniorcitizen,pleasedounderstandthat theymayhaveuniquehealth-related challenges,buttheyalsohaveunique

Readerdemandsend towindfarmplans


Icannotbelievethatcoastalresidents ofDelawarearenotprotestingtheadvanceoftheØrstedwindfarmplans. Gotothecoast.Lookatthepristine viewofoceanandskygoingtothehorizon.Theinstallationofthesegiant windmillswilldestroythisbeautiful view.Anditwilldestroythesealifethat livesinandoverthisseascapeweare takingforgranted.

TheDanishwindmillsarenotworth thisloss.Idonotbelieveforamoment theclaimofthousandsofjobsand powerbenefitsofthesemonstermachines.Ihaveseenthemoutwestandin Europe.UnlessyouareOKwith washed-updeadsealifeandbirdlife,debrisfromdamagedmachineryandthe loss ofbeautifulviewsoftheocean,contactyourofficialsnow.Thesealienmachinesarenotworththecost!Demand anendtothisprojectnow.

HauntedHistoryevent atRALthisOctober

After280years,thereareboundto besomeghostshauntingthehallsofthe oldHomesteadbuilding!AndthisOctober,theRehobothArtLeagueisofferingauniqueopportunitytohear fromthespiritsthathauntthehistoric campusinHenlopenAcres.AreLouise CorkranandPeterMarshstillresiding intheHomestead?Istheresomething buriedinthebackgarden?Cananunsolvedcasefromthe1800sfinallybe closed?

OnThursday,Oct.26,at6p.m.,the RALwillofferitsHaunted Historyevent,featuringtheleague’s Homestead,GardensandPaynter’sStudio.CarolPollio,directorandleadinvestigatoratIntuitiveInvestigations, willpresentaformaltalksharingher paranormalresearchandfindingsfrom RAL’sproperty.Attendeeswilllearn aboutlocallegendsandunnervingtales thathaveunfoldedontheleague’scampusoverthecourseofhundredsofyears. Theycanreviewtheevidenceforthemselves,includingaudioandphotographs, andseewhattheymakeofghoststhat mightstillmakeRALtheirhome.

Theeventcosts$10perperson,and lightrefreshmentswillbeavailable.Interestedpartiescanpurchaseticketson theartleague’

18 CoastalPoint October6,2023 THEQUIETRESORTS.COM
100 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach (In the Bethany Town Center)
month, help
support Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition
Letters Continuedfrompage16
subject to changewithout notice.
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FOR MORE INFORMATION October6,2023 CoastalPoint 19
2023 Schell BrothersLLC.AllRightsReserved. Allinformationis

Mostpeopleareunawarethatpelvic floortherapycanhelpinthemanagementofboweldisorders.

Physicaltherapistscanevaluateand treatthemusculoskeletalandneuromuscularcomponentsofboweldysfunctioninordertoimproveapatient’s qualityoflife.



•Bowelfrequency,urgency,retention, and/orincompleteemptying;

• Flatulence;







Musculoskeletaldysfunctionscanbe treatedusingtechniquessuchasreleasingmyofascialtriggerpointsintheabdomen,back,glutealandpelvicfloor; neuromuscularre-education;and strengtheningofthemusclegroups.

Causesandtreatment forconstipation

Constipationisacommondisorder thatprimarycarephysiciansandgastroenterologistsdiagnoseonaregular basis.

Therearemanycausesofconstipation.Itcanbeamotilityandguttransit issue,oritmaybepelvicfloordyssynergia,meaningthepelvicfloormuscles failtorelaxandcontractproperly.The pelvicfloorisagroupofmusclesatthe baseofthepelvisthathelpcontrolsex-


Thesemusclesmustrelaxandcontractproperlytomaintainurinaryand fecalcontinence,sexualfunction,and propervoidinghabits.

Theinabilitytorelaxandcontract thepelvicfloormusclescorrectlycan leadtosymptomsofconstipation, strainingwithbowelmovements,and feelingsofincompleteevacuation.

Causesandtreatment ofdiarrhea

Diarrheaisdefinedasaconditionin whichfecesaredischargedfromthe bowelsfrequentlyandinaliquidform. Leakagefromdiarrheacanoccurdueto weakpelvicfloormuscles.

Physicaltherapiststrainedinthe dysfunctionsofpelvicfloorandbowels canhelpyouregaincontroloverthese


Causesandtreatmentof IrritableBowelSyndrome(IBS)

SignsandsymptomsofIBSmayincludeabdominalpainordiscomfort, bloating,gas,frequentbowelmovements,diarrhea,orconstipation.Asone ofthemostcommondisordersofthe gastrointestinalsystem,IBSmaycause tightening,weakening,orincoordinationofthepelvicfloorandabdominal musculature.

With apersonalizedphysicaltherapy andpelvicfloortreatmentplan,your musclestrengthwillimprove,andmany IBSsymptomscanberesolved.

Causesandtreatment offecalincontinence

Fecalincontinenceistheinabilityto controlbowelmovements,causingstool toleakunexpectedly.Precursorsymptomsincludesoiling,fecalurgency,and flatulence.Theamountofstoolwillvary assometimesonlyasmallquantitywill belostorthecompletebowelmovementmaybelost.

FecalIncontinencecanoccurdueto thefollowing:

•Muscledamage.Injurytotherings ofmuscleattheendoftherectum(anal sphincter)maymakeitdifficulttohold stoolbackproperly.Thiskindofdamagecanoccurduringchildbirth,especiallyifyouhaveanepisiotomyor forcepsareusedduringdelivery.

•Nervedamage.Injurytothenerves thatsensestoolintherectumorthose thatcontroltheanalsphinctercanlead tofecalincontinence.Thenervedamage can becausedbychildbirth,constant strainingduringbowelmovements, spinalcordinjuryorstroke.Somediseases,suchasdiabetesandmultiple sclerosis,canalsoaffectthesenerves andcausedamagethatleadstofecalincontinence.

•Lossofstoragecapacityintherectum.Normally,therectumstretchesto accommodatestool.Ifyourrectumis scarredoryourrectalwallshavestiffenedfromsurgery,radiationtreatment, orinflammatoryboweldisease,therectum can’tstretchasmuchasitneedsto, andexcessstoolcanleakout.

Causesandtreatment ofhemorrhoidpain

Hemorrhoidsarepainful,swollen, andinflamedveinsaroundtheanusand rectum.Theyoccurusuallydueto strainingwithbowelmovementswith pregnancyorchronicconstipation.

Hemorrhoidscanbeexternal(skin aroundtheanus)orinternal(insidethe

20 CoastalPoint October6,2023
Arndt Valuation Bed & Biscuit Kennels Bethany Beach Books C&B Complete Cleaning & Constr. CK Capital Management Coltman Family Foundation Inc. DiFebo’s Restaurant Esham Painting Gail Phelan, Realtor Liz Kapp, Realtor L&F Long & Foster Sales & Rentals Lords Landscaping & Mercantile Marnie Custom Homes Parsons & Robinson, P.A. Prosperity Mortgage, JR Burns Ridgway Law Scarlet Green & Family Scott & Shuman, P.A. Seaside Home Staging & Design Shore United Bank, Pete Green Tickled Pink of Bethany Beach Todd Vickers, Realtor Wayne Lyons, Realtor Yuppy Puppy
You to Our Sponsors
Hosted by: The Leslie Kopp Group

BeebeHealthcarePerinatalLoss SupportServiceswillhostthe19thAnnual“WalktoRemember”at2p.m.on Sunday,Oct.8,attheGeorgeH.P. SmithPark,BlockHousePond,in Lewes.


tohonorthememoryofbabieswho havediedthroughtubalpregnancy,miscarriage,stillbirth,neonatalorinfant death.Beebe’seventistheonlyWalkto RememberheldintheStateof Delawaretospecificallycommemorate pregnancyandinfantloss.Similarwalks takeplacenationwideeachfallinhonor

ofOctober’sdesignationasPregnancy &InfantLossAwarenessMonth.

Participantsmaypre-registerorregisteronsitethedayofthewalk.AttendeeswillgatheratBlockhousePond pavilionbeforethehalf-milewalk,and thenwillproceedasagroupalongthe pavedwalkwayaroundthepond.Atthe

endofthewalk,ashortmemorialservicewilltakeplacetohonorthememory of thebabies.

Formoreinformationaboutthe walk,toregister,ortoprovidecontributions,contactBarbaraRogersatMargaretH.RollinsSchoolofNursingby calling(302)645-3251.

analcanal).Ifthemusclesortissuesin therectumandanalcanalarerestricted orinspasm,bloodflowtothehemorrhoidisrestricted.Thisdecreasedcirculationcanmakehealingmoredifficult.

Physicaltherapycanhelpincrease tissuemobilityandreducemuscle spasmsintheaffectedarea.

Causesandtreatmentofrectocele (protrusion)

Arectoceleistheprotrusionofrectal tissueintheposteriorvaginalwall.It mayoccurwithchildbirth,chronicconstipation,chroniccoughing,heavylifting,estrogendeficiency,abdominal weakness,andobesity.

Symptomsmayincludeconstipation orpelvicpain,andfecalorurinaryincontinence.

Arectocelemaybeprevented throughcorrectbodymechanicswith lifting,avoidanceofstraining,controlling,andtreatingconstipation,weight control,core-stabilizationexercises,and Kegels.


Physicaltherapy forboweldisorders

Someofthephysicaltherapytreatmentsforboweldisordersincludeexternalandinternalrectalmyofascial releasetechniques,triggerpointrelease techniques,biofeedbacktherapytohelp down-traintightmusclesorup-train weakmuscles,instructiontocorrect boweltechniquestopreventstraining, instructionin-homeexerciseprogram tostretchandstrengthenthepelvic floor,hip,andglutealmuscles.

Manualtherapyisneededtoreduce thetension,adhesions,andknotsin musclesthatcausethemtobecome dysfunctional.

Biofeedbacktherapyhelpsre-train thepelvicfloormuscles’abilitytocontractandrelaxwithintheirfullrangeof motion.Itisatreatmentthatrequires eithertheinsertionofarectalsensor (sensoristhesizeandlengthofa pinky)orexternalsensorstomeasure pelvicfloormuscletensionthrough electromyography(EMG).


doingandlearntobettercontrolthese muscleswithverbalandtactilecueing fromthephysicaltherapist.Identifying theinternalsensationsassociatedwith relaxationandhowtomaintainthe abilityofthepelvicfloormusclestobe inarelaxedstatethroughoutthedayis taughtaswell.

Specificstretchingandstrengtheningexercisesaretaughtforthepelvic floor,theabdomen,andthepelvicgirdle(thegluteal,hamstring,andadductormusculature).

Manualtherapy,suchassofttissue mobilizationandtriggerpointrelease, areadministeredtotightandrestricted tissuebothtothelowerabdominalregionandpelvicfloormusculatureto helpincreasebloodflow,decreaserestrictionsandpromotehealing.Educationregardingnormalbowelfunction andidentificationofproblematictoiletinghabitsisalsoanimportantstepto recovery.Bycomplyingwithapelvic floorphysicaltherapist’srecommendation,patientscanbewellontheirway


Tomakeanappointment,callthe nearestAquacarelocationorschedule anappointmentorevaluationonlineat

CaraKonlian,MSPT,isCEOof AquacarePhysicalTherapy.Shespecializes inaquaticandpelvicfloorphysicaltherapy.Aquacareofferspelvicfloorphysical therapyformenandwomenandseveralof its11locationsinDelawareandMaryland.

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 21 Ocean View: Open Daily Mon-Sat 9:30am-6pm • Sun 10am-5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed Misses • 2–18 Women’s • 1–3x Petites • 4P–18P Men • SMALL-3X Under the Awning 70% OFF Sportswear (XS-XL) New Fashions Arriving Daily! 302-539-6597 Ladies’ Swim $29 (Values over $78) Downtown Bethany: Open Daily 9:30am–6pm 98 Garfield Parkway 5 Racks Ladies Tops, Dresses 70% Off Inside & Outside 50-70% OFF 35 Racks Ladies Fashions 50% OFF 8 Racks of Mens Therapy
Continuedfrompage20 Beebehosting19thAnnualWalktoRememberonOct.8


JennBarrows,presidentofSussex Strong,theSussexCountyAssociationofRealtors’communityservice foundation,recentlyintroducedthe newestmembersoftheSussexStrong BoardofDirectors,“eachbringinga wealthofexperienceandenthusiasm totheorganization.”Theboardmembers,includingBarrows,JosetteCastiglioneandBrigitTaylor—whohave servedinvariousrolessince2019— saidtheyarethrilledtowelcomea groupofaccomplishedprofessionals whoarededicatedtomakingapositiveimpactinSussexCounty.


•JamieColemanhasbeenaresidentoftheLewes/RehobothBeach areasince2008.Inadditiontoher roleasaresidentialrealestateagent withPatterson-Schwartzsince2014, Colemanlooksforwaystogiveback tohercommunity.

•TomCarneyisaDelawarereal estateattorney,focusingonadministrativeandgovernmentlaw,landuse, realestate,andbusinessandbanking transactionsthroughhispractice,T. CarneySussexLaw.Hisexpertise spansarangeofcommercialandresidentialrealestatetransactionsand land-usematters.

•JoeGensoli,originallyfromEaston,Pa.,hasbeenaresidentofthe RehobothBeachareasince2017.A proudPennStatealumni,hepreviouslyservedasachairmanforPenn StateTHONandiscurrentlyalender withCapitalBank.

•JessicaWhiteHarrison,aMilton native,realestateinvestorandlicensed Realtor,joinedRE/MAX’sTheDebbieReedTeamin2019.Beforeobtainingherrealestatelicense,she workedasaresidentialpropertymanager,discoveringherpassionforall thingsrealestate.

•MichaelKennedy,agraduateof PennsylvaniaStateUniversitywitha degreeinfinance,beganhisrealestate

careerwithnationalbuildersandhas beenalicensedrealestateagentsince 2017,currentlywithCompassRE.

•KacieSharadin,aSussexCounty residentsince1995,graduatedasvaledictorianfromWoodbridgeHigh Schoolin2006andearnedherbachelor’sdegreefromYorkCollegeof Pennsylvaniain2010.Shebecamea licensedmortgageloanofficerin2018 andco-foundedthe#LendingLadies ofFairwayIndependentMortgage Corporation.

•SterlingTownsend,originally fromNorthCarolina,movedto Delawarein2001,whereheservedas theseniormanagerofclinicalengineeringforBayhealthMedicalCenter until2020.In2019,heembarkedon hissecondcareerasaRealtor,serving SussexandKentcountieswithColdwellBankerRealty.

•CeciliaWaple,borntoJamieand AngelaWaple,whomovedtoRehobothin1991andopenedSirGuy’s Restaurant&Pub,hasadiversecareer background,includingtheeventindustryinChicagoandthemortgage industry.Sheandherfiancé,Nick,cofoundedTheSilverLakeGroupof UnivestMortgageandworkasloan officers.

•RitaGasparini,whoraisedher familyinPennsylvania,iscurrently servingastreasurerfortheboard. Withanaccountingdegreefromthe UniversityofMarylandandacareer spanningIBMandmultiplesmaller firms,shecurrentlyworksasanaccountantforBonnieBensonEsq.real estatelawfirm.

TheentireBoardofDirectorsat SussexStrongisenthusiasticabout activelyplanningtheSussexStrong Gala,scheduledforThursday,Nov.2, attheRehobothBeachConvention Center.Thisyear’sgalatheme,“SomewhereOvertheRainbow:A‘Wizard

See BOARDpage23

22 CoastalPoint October6,2023 ARK EVENTS ANS P PARK EV EVANS Star
d S ol G & 11:00AM AL Dedication Ceremony
October 14 Satur MEM t Ev a th ORI ark ans P Join us as we honor Blue Star and Gold Star families by dedicating permanent memorial stones at Evans Park. Gold Star families have a loved one that gave all for . Blue Star families have a loved one that . has served or is currently serving in our military their country day October 28 Satur th 3PM-5PM G ON THE TRAI TIN K OR TREA TREATIN TRIC AMES & PRIZES DS G GAMES KI H ATC AT PUMPKIN P PA FREE Event - Open to the Public Families & Businesses are invited to set up a table or tent on the trail at Evans Park to hand out tr L reats by Oct 20th! eats to local children in a safe and fun environment! Best decorated space wins a prize! Reserve Space to Hand Out T Download form at ARK 32517 Dukes Drive, Millville, DE ANS P ANS PARK EV EVANS 302-858-3638 • email: 302-537-2433 | 121 Campbell Place Bethany Beach | Key West & Creative Coastal Cuisine • Everything Freshly Made In House Open Thursday - Tuesday at 5:30pm Closed Wednesday ❖ Whole Flash-Fried Snapper ❖ ❖ 14oz. Bone-In Pork Chop ❖ All Natural NY Strip Steaks ❖ ❖ Cioppino ❖ Shrimp & Grits ❖ Gluten-Free & Vegetarian Available SussexStrongwelcomes


OnSaturday,Oct.7,theFallHistoricLewesFarmersMarketopensat theLewesElementarySchoolparking lotat820SavannahRoad.Market hoursarenow9a.m.tonoon.Atotalof 31vendorswillfilltheFallMarketwith produce,veggies,bakedgoods,meat, anddairy—one-stopshoppingfor freshlocalfood.

At10a.m.,chefTomWiswellof DriftSeafood&RawBarinRehoboth Beachwillpreparecharcoal-grilledlocal oystersandotherdisheswithproduce fromthemarket.TomSietsema,restaurantcriticoftheWashingtonPost,gave WiswellandDriftaravereviewinAugust.

Customerswillfindredandwhite Hakureiturnips,butternutsquash,turbansquash,kabochasquash,sweet dumplingsquash,carnivalsquash,buttercupsquash,Italianpolebeans,red andwhitecabbages,avarietyofdecorativegourds,pumpkins,appleciders,apples,freshginger,figs,pears,sweet carrots,kales,Swisschard,newlettuces,



ofOz’Experience,”promisesanenchantingevening.Whileattendeesare alwaysencouragedtodressincostume,itiscertainlynotmandatoryto enjoythefestivitiesandcontributeto

arugula,broccoli,cauliflower,lima beans,beets,sweetcorn,fallpotatoes, greenbeans,garlic,tomatoes,eggplant,porksausages,chopsandribs, hamburgerandallcutsofbeef,freerangechicken—bothwholeandparts —oysters,hand-pickedcrabmeat,crab soups,honeyvarietiesincludingbutter beanandcomb(perfectforafallcheese tray),mushrooms,eggs,yogurt,milk, butter,kombucha,jams,fresh-baked breads,apple-ciderdoughnuts,pastries madewithfruitfromthevendorsatthe market,cut-flowerbouquets,locally roastedcoffeeandcoffeedrinks,coldpressedjuicesmadefromlocalfruits andveggies,andmore.

StartingOct.7,dogsandotherpets (exceptforservicedogs)willnotbepermittedintheFallMarket,toensurethe safetyofcustomers,vendors,andvolunteers.Parkingislimited,somarketgoers arerecommendedtowalkorbikeif able.Forthosewhomustdrivetothe market,thereisparkingintheschool bus parkinglot,includingaccessible

thecauseofhelpingneedychildrenin SussexCounty.

Astheeventdrawsnear,theboard isactivelyseekingpartnershipswith additionalrestaurantstoprovidefood forthe300-plusgalaattendeesand collectingvaluablesilentauction items.SussexStrongwelcomescontri-


TheHLFMwebsitewww.historiclewesfarmersmarket.orglistsallvendors,theircontactinformation,and whethertheytakepre-orders.Forpreorders,thecustomermaypickupatthe vendortentinthemarket.Customers cansignuptoreceivethemarket’s weeklynewsletterontheHLFMwebsite.Themarket’snewsletterslist demos,whateachfarmer/produceris bringingtoeachSaturdaymarket,upcomingeventsandmore.Customers mayalsoemailinfo@historiclewesfarmersmarket.organdasktobeaddedto thelist.

ThemarketacceptsSNAP,WICand SFMNPbenefits,andcontinuesto matchSNAPupto$20permarket,per customer.GototheSNAPtentto processSNAP/EBT.NotethatWIC andSFMNPbenefitsexpireattheend ofthemonth—Tuesday,Oct.31.


butionsofanysizeandhopestosee thecommunitycometogetheronNov. 2,representativessaid.

“TheBoardextendstheirheartfelt thankstothenewmembersfortheir dedicationandhardworkthroughout theyearinsupportofSussexStrong’s mission.”

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 23 Be i h L c F quors Fe ll l stiv a G Pl e G daySatur w ys ivea D at r us ay u robe Oc t , n d f o ts i o n sc Hole Corn –y, L e e th 63- - 7 F h bl Item s d r eat ic Mu iv –pm s e l E l l n n D v i e J G Pro Bites Smal m k to i a a n F c a eaturing pen o J e o an ree is t k B l ’ S t Fores O k o n th B y eth B e by d vid Ja s u R p ~ • r ic e t k k e C C C erv e r dfo oo use d il x e w a o L m B ne d ocat r n e e e c y c at Hi we t u r e | B ng o t m 3 k b 0 m B e r Oak le • ny a • a err l s 3 a t y ey ar n B B n ha wy lsta 0 -740 C eer Burnish • g ta wi oc anned & n e S al ewwi kt o y any omp s Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y We Recommend Making Your Reservation 1-2 Weeks In Advance The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Fall Hours Wed-Sat • 5-9pm Indoor & Outdoor Dining (Weather Permitting)



Friday, October 6 - 7:00 PM

Making their return to our theater in a brand new show, after performing two outstanding shows last November, please join this multi-award winning, New York City, Cabaret/Jazz performing artist, Sue Matsuki in “JEST” Jazz & Blues. This show will feature funny jazz and blues tunes with just a little angst thrown in for good measure! She’s funny AND she can sing?


Saturday, October 7

Sue Matsuki

Featuring Gregory Toroian on piano

Making their return to our theater in a brand new show, after performing two wonderful shows last November, please join this multi-award winning, New York City, Cabaret/Jazz performing artist, Sue Matsuki in “The Gals Who Make Me Sing!”


Sundays 10 & 12pm

Join us for a relaxing live Jazz Brunch Buffet with 5th Avenue in the Dickens Parlour Dining room! Mouth-watering food prepared by the Good Earth Chef will make for a perfect Sunday while enjoying the sounds of live jazz.

Tickets on sale now at

31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE

24 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Callusat302.539.1788
ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 30720BuffleheadLn.,SwannCoveWest,Selbyville $685,000 5BR/3BAHouse ShelbySmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,10/710-12 38590SettlementTrail,Reservation,OceanView $789,900 2BR/2.5BAHouse MarieDispoto|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,10/710-12 30019ChaseOaksDr.,Lewes From$449,990 2-7BR/2-4BAHouse TheKsebe/PriceGroup|Long&FosterRealEstateSat.,10/710-5 34667BethanyDr.,Frankford $499,000 5BR/3BAHouse MichelePetrillo|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,10/711-1 33314ArgyleLn.,BethanyBeach $799,000 4BR/2BAHouse NancyeVermillion|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,10/711-1 28030SeaDockLn.,Bayside,Selbyville $635,000 3BR/2.5BATownhome NancyeVermillion|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,10/711-1 38818OysterCatcherDr.,BayForestClub,OceanView $635,000 4BR/2.5BAHouse CindyWilliams|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,10/711-2 939PineTreeLn.,LakeBethany,BethanyBeach $1,175,000 4BR/3BAHouse JustinNoble|OceanAtlanticSotheby’sInternationalRealtySat.&Sun.,10/7&812-2 38844SandpiperCir.,Frankford $675,000 3BR/2.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,10/712-2 30980ScissorbillRd.,BayForestClub,OceanView $750,000 4BR/3BAHouse JoeLoughran|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,10/712-4 31771SkimmerRd.,BayForestClub,OceanView $700,000 4BR/3BAHouse JoeLoughran|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,10/712-4 31447WatershedLn.,InlandBays,BethanyBeach $769,900 4BR/3BAHouse ElizabethWhitehead|EvergreeneHomes Sat.,10/71-4 20FairwayDr.,OceanView $635,000 3BR/3BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,10/810-12 2ConnorLn.,BethanyBeach $2,500,000 5BR/4BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,10/810-12 4ConnorLn.,BethanyBeach $1,995,000 5BR/4BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,10/810-12 30019ChaseOaksDr.,Lewes From$449,990 2-7BR/2-4BAHouse TheKsebe/PriceGroup|Long&FosterRealEstateSun.,10/812-5 36717RedCedarLoop,WindmillWoods,OceanView $475,000 3BR/2BAHouse BobGreason|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,10/81-3 30019ChaseOaksDr.,Lewes From$449,990 2-7BR/2-4BAHouse TheKsebe/PriceGroup|Long&FosterRealEstateMon.,10/910-5
OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? tors
GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit today!
*All Performances Subject
cal o l a h t t e G i Find t c e rsp e p w ws e n e the in week each t U ! ve i h t i V e w 4


TerrenceEdward ‘Terry’Christian,61

TerrenceEdward“Terry”Christian,61,ofSelbyville,Del.,died Monday,Aug.28,2023,atAccent CareinWilmington,Del.Hewas borninWashington,D.C.,sonofthe lateWilliamChristianandM.Gloria(Campbell)Christian.

Christianwasa1983graduateof theHowardT.EnnisSchool.Hewas anassemblyworkerforKSIIndustriesfornearly40years.

Helivedaveryhappy,joyfuland playfullife.Fromanearlyage,herechristenedhissiblingsandfamily friendswithsuperheronamesthathe neverforgot.

Christianissurvivedbyfivesiblings,StevenChristianandhiswife, Ariana,ofMissionBeach,Australia, KathleenS.Stephanandherhusband,Robert,ofLaurel,Md.,Valerie A.Watsonandherhusband,David, ofMillville,Del.,WilliamV.ChristianofSelbyville,Del.,andMary EllenWhelenandherhusband,Jeffrey,ofOceanView,Del.;three nieces;sixnephews;andfourgrandnieces.

Afuneralservicewillbeheldat1 p.m.onSunday,Oct.8,2023,at

BishopHastingsFuneralHome,19 S.MainStreetinSelbyville.Friends maycallonehourbeforetheservice. BurialwillbeinRoxanaCemeteryin Roxana,Del.Inlieuofflowers,donationsmaybemadetoKSIIndustries, 301N.RehobothBlvd,Milford,DE 19963.Condolencesmaybesentby


WaylandJ.“Sonny”Clogg,85,of Dagsboro,Del.,passedawayatAtlanticGeneralHospitalinBerlin, Md.,onMonday,Sept.25,2023.He wasborninDagsboro,Del.,onJuly 22,1938,tothelatePaulCloggand HelenVickersClogg.

CloggretiredfromtheDepartmentofAgricultureafter30yearsof service.Heenjoyedhunting,vegetablegardening,yardwork,and spendingtimewithhisfamilyand friends.Hewasknowntobegentle, kindandeasy-going,andwillbe deeplymissedbyallwhoknewhim.

Inadditiontohisparents,Clogg wasprecededindeathbyhisgrandparents,CurnieandFlossieClogg; andasister,IrisBrittingham,andher husband,Russell.Heissurvivedby hisdevotedwifeof65years,Joyce AnnCloggofDagsboro,Del.;asis-

ter,BeverlyC.EvansofDagsboro, Del.;anephew,ChristopherEvans andhiswife,Bernadette,ofWaynesboro,Va.;andagreat-nephew,Liam Evans.Hewasblessedwithmany specialfriendsandextendedfamily members.

Agravesideservicewastobeheld onWednesday,Oct.4,2023,atthe DagsboroRedmen’sMemorial Cemetery.Flowerswerewelcome. ArrangementswerebyWatsonFuneralHome&Crematoriumin Millsboro,Del.Clogg’slifememorial webpageandhisonlineguestbook


CharlesE.DaiseySr.,74,of Georgetown,Del.,passedawayon Sept.25,2023,inthecareofBeebe HealthcareinLewes,Del.Hewas borninMilford,Del.,onSept.24, 1949,tothelateOliverH.Daisey andMyrtleFarrowDaisey.

Hewasasuccessfulbusinessman, well-knowninlowerDelaware,havingownedandoperatedseveralbusinesses,includingapainting contractingbusiness,twoautomobile dealerships,andowningnumerous rentalproperties.Hewasa“no-nonsense”manwhobelievedinliving

beneathhismeans.Hedislikedhypocritesandcrookedpoliticians,particularly.HewasmarriedtoMary DelemaDaisey,whoprecededhimin deathin2014,andtogetherthey raisedtwosons.

Daiseyissurvivedbyhissons, RogerDaiseyandhiscompanion, NuryArias,ofRedden,Del.,and CharlesDaiseyJr.andhiscompanion,LauraDenton,ofGeorgetown. Hehasfoursisters,FrancesWyatt (andJack)ofMilford,Del.,Rose AdamsofGreenwood,Del.,Virginia WyskiofBridgeville,Del.,andBarbaraDaisey(andDean)ofMillsboro, Del.Alsosurvivinghimarehisfour grandchildren,Tyler,Mackenzie, LoganandCollin.Healsoleavesbehindseveraldearfriends,Billy Downs,BarryIngram,ReeseSmack andBobHerrington,whichincludes hisfaithfulsecretaryof32years, BrendaMontigny.TwootherlongtimefriendsareArnoldandDarlene Smith,andhealsoleavesbehind manyotherextendedfamilymembers,friendsandacquaintances.Anotherheleavesbehindishisbeloved caninefriendChase.



1st Annual FALL WEDDING EXPO at The Estate at Plantation Ridge 25113 Enge Ln, Millsboro, DE 19966 October 15th, 2023 12-3 PM Join us for a fun afternoon of meeting with local wedding & event vendors! Free Goodie Bags & Door Prizes! Scan QR Code to Register for Tickets! $10 in advance $15 at the door Email us at October6,2023 CoastalPoint 25

Amidstashortageofprescription stimulants,concernshavebeenraised aboutthepotentialincreaseinillicit druguse.Withmanyindividualsrelyingonprescriptionstimulantstomanageconditionsincluding attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD),theshortagehasleftmany strugglingtoaccessthemedication theyneed.Thishasledsomeindividualstoturntoillicitdrugsasanalternative,whichcanhaveserioushealth consequences,Delaware publichealth officialsnotedthisweek.

Theshortageofprescriptionstimulantshasbeenattributedtoavarietyof factors,includingsupplychaindisruptionsinthefallof2022andincreased prescribinganddispensing.Duetothe shortage,itisessentialthatstimulants beprescribedresponsibly,officialssaid, urgingthatprescribersassesstherisk ofmisuse,abuseandaddictionpriorto prescribingstimulantmedication.

“Toprescribestimulantmedications, providersmustfollowDiagnostic& StatisticalManualofMentalDisorders (DSM-5)criteriatoconfirmADHD diagnosis.Prescribersmustcross-referenceprescriptioninformationwithinformationavailableinstate-run prescriptiondrugmonitoringprograms (PDMPs),aswellaslimitthenumber ofpillsandfrequencyofpillspre-

scribed.Patientsandtheirfamily membersshouldbeeducatedonhow tosafelystoreanddisposeofprescriptionstimulantsandthepotentialrisks ofmisuse,addictionandoverdose.

“Itisimportantforproviderstobe awarethatthereisagreaterriskofdiversionwhenprescriptionstimulants arescarce.Approximately56to80percentofthepopulationreportedthat stimulantswereobtainedfromfriends orfamilymembers.Themostvulnerablepopulationfornonmedicaluseof prescriptionstimulantswasthe18-25 agegroup,andreportedmisuseof stimulantswasforimprovingacademic orworkperformance,followedby recreationalorsocialuse.”

Officialsnotedthatthesedrugsare easilyaccessiblethroughtheinternet andsocialmedia,posingasprescriptiondrugs,suchasAdderalland Xanax.Thosewebsitesaretargetedat youthatriskofdiversion,misuseand shortages,theysaid.AccordingtoareportpublishedbytheCentersforDiseaseControlinDecember2022, overdosedeathsamongyouthages1419increasedsignificantlyfrom2019to 2021.Morethan25percentofthe deathswerecausedbycounterfeitpills, whichmimickedprescriptionmedicationsbutcontaineddeadlyfentanyl.


negativeeffectsonbothphysicaland mentalhealthandcanleadtoaddictionandoverdose,theynoted.More than50.6millionfakepillswereseized bytheDrugEnforcementAdministrationin2022.Therewasapotentially lethaldoseoffentanylin6outof10 pillscontainingthedrug. In Delaware,85percentofthe537overdosedeathsin2022involvedfentanyl. Thenumberofoverdosedeathscaused byillicitstimulantsisalsoontherise. Lastyear,44percentofoverdose deathscontainedcocaineand12percentmethamphetamine.

Itisimportanttoscreenpatientsfor stimulant-usedisorders,officialadvised.Tofindmoreinformationon screeningandassessmentgoto

“Itiscrucialforindividualstoprioritizetheirhealthandsafetybyseeking outalternativetreatmentsorworking withtheirhealthcareprovidertofinda solution,”officialssaid.

Forfree24/7counseling,coaching, andsupport,aswellaslinkstomental health,addiction,andcrisisservices calltheDelawareHopeLineat1-8339-HOPEDE.Tosearchfortreatment andrecoveryservicesinDelawareor nearbystates,visit

26 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Open Thurs-Sun at 5pm Dine In & Carry Out Order Online at Artisan, hand rolled, grilled pizzas, awesome wine & local craft beer Thursday Fall Specials (Dine-In Only) Friday Saturday Sunday Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Basic Obedience Dog Training AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497 18 Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach 302.539.6992 Open Friday through Monday 11- 5 Beautiful, Unique Jewelry Open Daily • 11–5pm Keeping Bethany in Style for Over 30 Years! Prairie Cotton Whimsey Rose Jag Tribal 302-539-2311 16 Pennsylvania Ave | Bethany Beach Sushi Sets Windchimes Hello Kitty • Pottery Gifts & More! NEW! Arriving Every Day FALL Collections Habitat Charlie B Papillon Expertswarnofpotentialincreaseindruguse

Your 1st Choice in Real Estate & Rentals


37516 Seaside Dr, Ocean View

Enjoy scenic views of the open bay from this 4 BR, 3.5 bath home in White Creek at Bethany. Incredible upgrades. Amenityrich community with water access, day dock ing and water sport activities. $975,000 (DESU2048250)


8 Larchmont Ct, Ocean View

Premier resort community of Tidal Walk, only 1.5 miles to downtown Bethany Beach. This stunning home features 5 BRs and 4.5 BA and a spacious open concept. Extensive upgrades throughout. $950,000 (DESU2042342)

34577 Peppers Corner Rd, Frankford

Truly one of a kind 7 BR, 8 BA country estate tucked away on 6 acres of partially wooded land. This custom home is approximately 5,317 sq ft. Meticulously m hes throughout. $1,400,000 (DESU2035896)

10416 Hotel Rd, Bishopville, MD

A Homesteading paradise, just 15 miles from the beach! Exquisite 5 BR home on over 26 acres. Offeri repit, hot tub, a heated saltwater pool, three equestrian paddocks, raised gardens, a chicken house, a green house and a fruit orchard. $2,310,000 (MDWO2016378)

CHOICE PROVIDES: Collaboration of yearly rate “we advise, you decide” Inspection after every guest stay Coordination of cleanings Linen services provided for guests Professional photography Monthly bookkeeping statements & annual 1099 24/7 guest support Complimentary guest starter kit Local vendor relationships Guest screening Owner and guest portals Local, family-owned and operated since 2012 Call us today at (302) 257-5555 for a FREE consultation Note: This advertisement is not intended to solicit any current contractual relationships you may have with other agents. VACATION RENTAL MANAGEMENT As a family-owned local business we will take the time to personally walk you through our process and services. Let us make your vacation rental experience one that is not only pr ree! Schedule your FREE Rental Analysis TODAY! (302) 257-5555 24 Village Green Dr. Suite 101, Ocean View
NEW - WATERFRONT To list your home or inquire about these properties, Call Trevor and Abby Clark, 302-290-3869 Mobile
Let us take the stress out of managing your vacation rental October6,2023 CoastalPoint 27


Whenyouare readytolistyour home,choosinga Realtorcanbe daunting.Lookat aFacebookpost requestingarealestateagent,and therewillbe100 recommendations!

ChoosingaRealtorshouldbea process.Therearesomekeyelements thatshouldmakealistingagentstand out.Trust,communicationandenergy levelarecritical.YourRealtorshould workinyourbestinterest,beprofessionalandcommunicatetimely.Preparationisalsoimportant.Dotheyknow themarketandhaveinsightfuldataas to thevalueofyourhome?Dothey haveamarketingplan?Aretheygoing tohelpprepareyourhomeforthemarket?Professionalservices,including photography,stagingandcleaning, shouldbeprovided.Howskilledare theyatnegotiationsbehindthescenes? Havethemgiveexamplesofhowthey handlemultiple-offerscenariosorlowballoffers.


openhousewhen,unbeknownsttome,I wasinterviewedforalisting!Aformer brokerchosetoworkwithmebasedon thewayIpresentedthehometo prospectivebuyers.Whatagreatwayto findalistingagentasyouseetheRealtorintheirelement,theirpresentation style,andtheirabilitytocommunicate!

ChristineMcCoy ColdwellBanker (302)339-5368

IfIwereno longerinrealestateandwantedto sell,thesearethe Top3thingsI wouldconsider:I wouldseekan agentwhois knowledgeable abouttheimmediatemarketarea,communicateseffectively,andusesprofessionalandsuccessfulmarketing strategies.

Marketknowledgeisextremelyimportantwhenitcomestolistingyour homeforsale.Forexample,ifyour

homeisinacommunity,itiscritical thatyouragentisfamiliarwiththe otherfloorplansthatarethereandwhat locationsaremostdesirable.Aknowledgeableagentwillbebestsuitedfor determiningaccuratemarketvalue.

Secondly,mostofyourinteractions with youragentwillbecommunicating viaemailorphone.Youwilldiscussdetailsofyourhomeandimprovements, receivefeedback,andnegotiateoffers andinspectionitems.Itisimportantto choosesomeonewithwhomyoufeel comfortablehavingtheseconversations.

Finally,professionalmarketing,especiallyonline,isessentialtocatchingthe eyeofpotentialbuyers.Iwouldreview pastlistingremarks,photos,ads,flyers, etc.,toensurethatI’dbehappywith howmyhomewouldbepresentedto thepublic.

SarahSchifano Long&Foster (302)858-3945

WhenchoosingaRealtortolistyour home,itisimportanttodoyourresearch!Therearemanyagentsoutthere,

butnoteveryone hasthesamelevel ofmarketingskills, professionalphotographyandother toolstolistyour homeatitsfullpotential.Choosea fewagentstointerviewandseewhateachhastosay aboutlistingyourhomeforsale. It’simportanttochoosesomeone yougetalongwellwith,asyouwillbe puttingalotoftrustinthemandpossiblybeworkingtogetherforaseveral months.It’salwaysintriguingtogo withtheagentthatiswillingtolistyour homeforthehighestdollaramount— butthatisnotalwaysinyourbestinterest.Makesureyouragentislocaland knowsthemarketwell.Ifyourhomeis pricedaccurately,thatwillbeyourbest chancetohaveasmoothandquick homesellingprocesswhileprofitingthe most offyourhomesale.

SarahShoemaker KellerWilliams-TheWindrowGroup (302)569-1334

28 CoastalPoint October6,2023 302-539-1839 • 38320 Muddy Neck Road (2 miles from Bethany Beach) Open Mon-Sat 9-5pm / Sun 10-3pm • Largest Selection of Native Plants in Delmarva 8TH ANNUAL ARTS IN THE GARDEN Sunday, October 8th (Rain Date: Monday, October 9) 9 AM to 3 PM Plants • Food • Music INLAND BAYS GARDEN CENTER
Shoemaker WhatshouldIconsiderwhenIamselectingaRealtortolistmyhome?


Wearethrilledtoextendourwarmestwelcometoyouforthe GrandOpeningoftheInlandBaysModelHome



Withexcitementbuildingandanoverwhelmingresponsefromourcommunity,wecan’t waittosharethisincredibleexperiencewithyou.InlandBaysisquicklybecomingthemost sought-afterneighborhoodinBethanyBeach,andhomesaresellingfast (NINEHOMES ALREADYSOLD).Bringyourfamilyandfriendssowecanallsharethisspecialday!

.8  .  .BEACH|INLANDBAYSDE.COM October6,2023 CoastalPoint 29


TheTakeTwoDramaClubofSussexCentralHighSchoolwillpresent “The39Steps”byspecialpermissionof ConcordTheatricalsandSamuel FrenchontheweekendofOct.6and7.

“Thisplayisamadcapversionofthe famousHitchcockspythriller,also called‘The39Steps,’”saidTakeTwo advisorandSussexCentralHighSchool dramainstructorDavidWarick.“The trickhereisthattheauthorshavethe entiremovie—withover30parts— playedonstagebyonlyfouractors.The crazinessofthatfewpeopleplayingthat manypartsmakestheplayreallyfunny andentertaining.”

PerformancesareonFriday,Oct. 6,at7p.m.andonSaturday,Oct.7,at 2p.m.and7p.m.atthePremiereCenterforthePerformingArtsatSussex CentralHighSchool,26026Patriots Way,Georgetown.

Ticketsareavailableonline$13forgeneraladmission(notincludingaprocessingfee)or$10forseniors(not includingaprocessingfee).SussexCentralteachers,seniorsandmiddle-school students canenteronatwo-for-one basis.Onlinepaymentispreferred,and TakeTwooffersadiscountforonline purchases.Ticketswillalsobeavailable atthedoorfor$15.However,noone willbeturnedawayforinabilitytopay.

Concessionsanddrinkswillbeavailable ataseparatecost.


Lois James d.d.s.

ers’organizationthatsupportstheproductionofplaysandmusicalsforthe students ofSussexCentralHighSchool andthesurroundingcommunities.All

ticketproceedsgodirectlybackintothe productionoffutureshowsandtosupportingthestudentsofSussexCentral instudyingandcreatingtheatre.

30 CoastalPoint October6,2023
Routine Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Sleep Appliances 302-537-4500 • 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Service Calls Security Lighting Electrical Repairs
CoastalPoint•Submitted Includedinthecastoffouractorsfor‘The39Steps’are,fromleft:SpencerCamlin,CollinCroswellandToddPhillips.

Atotalof20ofthestate’stop teacherswillbehonoredatacelebrationonOct.18,whenoneofthem alsowillbenamedDelaware’s2024 TeacheroftheYear.

Thecandidateswerenominatedby theirdistrictsortheDelawareCharter Networkduringthe2023calendar yearbecauseoftheirsuperiorability toinspirestudentswithaloveof learning,exemplarydemonstrationof professionaltraitsandstrongsenseof dedicationanddevotiontoteaching.

Eachnomineesubmittedadetailed applicationexemplifyinghisorher teachingphilosophy.FiveDelaware DepartmentofEducationstaffmembersindependentlyevaluateeachapplication.AformerDelawareTeacher oftheYearanddepartmentstaff memberobserveeachcandidateinthe classroom.

Takingintoconsiderationtheratingsfromtheapplicationreviewand observationsaswellasarecorded presentationbythenominees,another independentpanelofnon-department judgesthenselectstheoneteacher whowillserveasthe2024Delaware TeacheroftheYear.

Theteacherchosentobecomethe StateTeacheroftheYearwillbecome Delaware’snomineeinthenational

program,aprojectoftheCouncilof ChiefStateSchoolOfficersinpartnershipwiththeVoyaFoundation.

ByactionoftheGeneralAssembly, theDelawareTeacheroftheYearwill receivea$5,000granttouseforthe educationalbenefitofhisorherstudents,aswellasapersonalgrantof $3,000.Additionally,allnomineeswill receivea$2,000grantfromthestate.

Thecelebrationbeginswithasocialhourat5p.m.followedbya6 p.m.dinneratModernMaturityCenterinDover.

Theannouncementcomesatthe endofthenight.Informationabout live-streamingwillbesharednext month.Fundingfortheawardceremonyisprovidedbyagrantfrom VoyaFinancialandsupportfromthe DelawareGeneralAssembly.


Appoquinimink—CoryHaferof MiddletownHigh(engineeringand science)


CaesarRodney—Melissa RappofCaesarRodneyHigh(social studies)

CapeHenlopen—RachelPeacock ofCapeHenlopenHigh(chemistry)

Capital—AlexandraGriffithof WilliamHenryMiddle(Englishlanguageartsandsocialstudies)

CharterNetwork—Stephanie TrainerofTheCharterSchoolof Wilmington(socialstudies)

Christina—EmilySzymanskiof theBrennenSchool(earlyintervention)

Colonial—Michelle ReutterofJohnG.Leach School(specialeducation)


IndianRiver—KaseyRevelof SussexCentralHigh(agriscience)

LakeForest—StephenWestof ChipmanMiddle(socialstudies)



BenjaminBannekerElementary(art) NewCastleCountyVo-Tech— TimDorseyofDelcastleTechnical High(science)

Polytech—ShannonLeggof PolytechHigh(automotivetechnology)

RedClayConsolidated—Angela MorrowofRicheyElementary(fifth grade)

Seaford—KarentDíazRíosof SeafordCentralElementary(Spanish immersion)


SussexTech—AnthonyVarratoof SussexTechnicalHigh(Englishlanguagearts)

Woodbridge—StephanieSharpof WoodbridgeEarlyChildhoodEducationCenter(multilinguallearners)

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 31 “Taking care of all your jewelry needs professionally” 35785 Atlantic Ave Millville, DE Thursday, October 26th • 5pm-7pm Wine, Jewelry, Wishlists & Prizes Grab Your Friends & Join Us!


IndianRiverHighSchoolstudents atallgradelevelsenrolledinart classes—asmanyas1,000students inall—willhavepaintbrushesin handthisweektocreateandreceive personalizeddoodlesanddesigna communityartinstallation,thanksto agrantfromtheJoshuaM.Freeman Foundation.

ArtistJohnDonatowillleadtheart expressioncourse,alongwithart teacherSteveO’Boyle,whoteaches Art1,2,3and4atthehighschool. RobertSyphard,Ed.D.,anewassistantprincipalatIR,isthesherpafor thisproject.

“Iamhappywithmynewrolehere atIRHS,andworkingwitholderstudentswaspartofmymotivationto comehere,”saidSyphard,whojoined theadministrationlastsummerafter comingfromMillsboroMiddle School.“IamworkingwithCareer& TechnicalEducation(CTE)andthe Pathwaysprograms,andgettingstudentsreadyforcollegeandcareer.I amalsodoingsupportworkforinterveningonsocialandemotionallearningissues,andthisartprojectfits neatlyintosupportingthewholechild andwhatthatlookslikeholistically.”

“Weareprovidinginterventionfor academics,behavioral,socialandemotionalissues,andweinterveneforall studentsandtrytopreventissues ratherthancorrectingproblemslater,” hesaid.Multi-TieredSystemsofSupport(MTSS)isastateregulatoryrequirementforsupportbeingofferedto thesestudents.

Donato’smostrecentmuralinstallationwasunveiledatLewesPublic LibraryonMonday.HeisknownlocallyforhismuralsatLord’sLandscapingandatMillvilleTownHall, buthehaspreviouslycreatedmurals withstudents,staffandfamiliesat MillsboroMiddleSchoolandthe SouthernDelawareSchoolofthe Arts,amongothers.

“Wewillbeworkingwith1,000 kidsoverthecurrentweekfive-day period,”saidDonato.“Itwillhelpstudentswithpersonalgrowthmethodologiestorelievestress.Itwillhelp themunderstandtheirfeelingssothey cankeepmovingforward.Thisart projectisaprototype,”henoted,“and thisisthefirsttimewehaveapro-

gramofthissizeandwithhighschool kids.TheFreemanFoundationhas workedoncreatingtheseprojectsand providingartsfunds,andtheyapproachedmewiththisproject.Wetailoredourlearningoutcomestothe IRHSschool,andwepartneredup,” saidDonato.

“Iwillhaveateamofvolunteers whoare inthe55-plusagegroupwho willbeinteractingwiththestudents. Thereisanintergenerationalsharing experience.Theyareallgoingtocreatebothcollectiveartwork,plustheir ownpersonalart.Itistrulyunique,” saidDonato.

Thecollectivewillnotproducea full-scalemural,asinotherDonato installations,butsomethingdifferent willemerge.Theworkisbeingconductedthisentireweekattheauxiliary gym.


SyphardhasworkedwithDonato beforeandknewtheFreeman-sponsoredprogramwouldworkwithhigh schoolstudents.


MMS,”herecalled.“Iwasateacher earlier,workingwithJohnwhenwe didthebook-spineartworkprogram, andthenlaterwedidacreativeproject thatwasshowcasing[individual]personalitiesdepictedasfish.”

“Wewantstudentsandstafftoexpressthemselvesforwhomtheyare. Theyarepartofsomethingbiggerand betterthanjustthemselves,”said Syphard oftheindividualandcollectiveartproject.

“Thisprojectisa‘doodlebrain.’ FromwhatIgatherfromhisvideos andideas,JohnDonatoisusingartas awaytochannelfeelingsandawayto de-stress.Creatingthedoodleistherapeuticinitself.Butthelargerpicture isashow-stoppingpiece.”

“Itwillbedisplayedatapublic placeintheschool,”saidSyphard. “Mr.O’BoyleandIaremeetingwith Johnagainbeforetheweekbegins”to discussthegoals.

“Youare partofsomethingbigger, evenhereatIRHS,”saidSyphard.“I knowthereissomethingwitha‘big reveal’plannedlater.”

Syphardadded,“Ihavebeenhere sinceJuly,andItransferredhere.

Then,shortlyafterIarrived,Dr.Dave Carterwentovertobeprincipalof MMS.”


DonatosaidoftheIRHSwork, “Wearedoingalargeartworkcollaborative,andnotamural”thistime.

“It’satherapeuticmethodofself-expressionusingthedoodlebrain,which theywillgettokeep.It’sallabouthow toalleviatestressandanxiety.”

“Workingtogetherisgoingtobe amazing,”hesaidjustbeforegetting underway.

“Ihadacorporatebackgroundwith theCarlM.Freemanorganizationin alotofdifferentroles,”herecalled.“At Freeman,IwasinmarketingandactuallystartedthatdepartmentinPotomac,Md.,intheearly1990s, includingworkinpublicrelations. ThenIdidsomeshopping-center marketingandcommunitydevelopment.ThenIwasacurriculumdeveloperatacorporateuniversitythatthey had,andthatiswhenIlearnedhowto

Page32 October6,2023
CoastalPoint•Submitted LocalartistJohnDonatoleadsstudentsduringhisartexpressioncourseatIndianRiverHighSchool.



“IsoondiscoveredthatIcould paint.Ibecameafine-artpainterand realizedhowpowerfulvisualcommunicationsisformessagingandfor connectingwithpeople,”saidDonato. “Ihaveawhimsicalandfunsideofit thathelpstrainpeopleinthecorporateworldtomeetbottom-lineoutcomes,”saidDonatoofblendinghis corporatetrainerrolewithart.“Iwas producingpaintingsandgoingto shows,andthenrealizedIneededto comebacktoteaching.”

“SoIamnowa‘teachingartist,’ workinginthefieldsofeducationand corporatetraining.Andwedosome communityworkaswell,”hesaid, mentioningtheLeweslibraryinstallation.“Wearecreatingexperiencesand providinglearningnewskills.”

“Ididmuralsandtriedtopromote literacyintheschools,”saidDonato. “Thenwesawthatwecouldusethe artprocesstoresolveconflicts.Ifound anaudienceforthatconflictresolution artengagementinBaltimoreandNew Jersey.…Andnowit’scomefullcircle toeducationandtocorporatedevelopment.”

Theworkalsoinvolveslarger groupsfromthecommunity,henoted. “WedidtheMillvilletownhalland

theLord’sLandscapemural,which gotalargernumberofpeopleinvolved locally,”saidDonato.“Allofthisspiraledtogethertoinformmehowto managemuchlargerprojects.Ican


ThepartnershipwithFreemanhas allowedhimtodothat,hesaid.


andtheseideasandmakeitpossible forustoscaleanddothisworktogetherwiththeIRstudentcommunity,andmyvolunteers,”saidDonato.

LeoKahl October6,2023 CoastalPoint 33 • Full Espresso Bar- Cold FoamBrown Sugar Shaken Espresso Organic Juice & High Protein Smoothies • Vegan & Gluten Free Options & Baked Goods • Açaí Bowls & Breakfast Sandwiches 1, 2, or 3 Day Organic Juice Cleanse (Order Online with Chow Now) 3 Town Road, Ocean View • 302.616.1025 31264 Americana Pkwy, Selbyville Bayside • 302.564.7718 Soup’s On! New Homemade Vegan & GF Soup Weekly! Homemade Pumpkin Spice Vegan Pumpkin Muffins Harvest Açaí Bowls Fall Special Sandwich Turkey & Jalapeño Apple Slaw Open Daily 8am-3pm Both Locations You CAN Cancel Your Timeshare We have helped over 30,000 American families save over $450,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help you too. This is an Advertisement. Wesley Financial Group, LLC (“WFG”) and/or its a liates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers and/or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. Actual results depend on each client’s distinct case and no specific outcome is guaranteed. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: Call 1.888.984.2917
CoastalPoint•Submitted GirlsexpresstheirartworkduringDonato’scoursethisweek.


TheRevivalHouseto present5thAnnual


Filmmakersandhorrorenthusiasts:theRevivalHouserecentlyannouncedthereturnofitsannual event,theHorrorTrailerChallenge, settotakeplaceonWednesday,Oct. 25,atthehistoricMiltonTheatre. Nowinitsfifthyear,theeventinvites filmmakersfromtheareatoshowcase theirtalentbycraftinghair-raising horrortrailersforashotatwinning thrillingprizes.

TheHorrorTrailerChallengecelebratescinematicingenuityandthe macabre,offeringfilmmakersa uniqueplatformtodemonstratetheir creativityandstorytellingskills.Filmmakershaveexactlyoneweektocraft aspine-chillinghorrortrailerfora fictitiousfilm.Eachtrailermustnot exceedthreeminutesinlength,packingapunchofsuspenseandterror withinthiscompacttimeframe.

RobRectorandRobWaters,the foundersoftheRevivalHouse,will unveilacarefullycurateditemanda crypticlineofdialogueonMonday, Oct.16,viatheRevivalHouse’sofficialFacebookpage.Thoseelements mustbeincorporatedintoeachparticipatingfilmmaker’strailer,adding anextralayerofintriguetothechallenge.Waiversareavailableonthe RevivalHousewebsite(,andmustbesubmittedwiththefilmsbyMonday,

Theeventoffersanightofscreams andsuspense,withallsubmittedtrailersbeingscreenedattheMiltonTheatre.Doorsopenat6p.m.,withthe evening’sentrantsbeginningat7p.m. Thisyear’sparticipantswillhavethe chancetocompeteforaportionof $1,000incash.

Forentrantstobeeligiblefor prizes,theymustbepresentatthe MiltonTheatreonthenightofthe event.Afterthescreening,thejudges willawardwinnersoftheevent,includinganaudienceawardbasedon thenight’svoting.Immediatelyfollowingtheawardspresentation,all filmmakerswillbeinvitedonstagefor aQ&Awiththeaudience.

Informationabouttheevent,as wellastheregistrationprocess,canbe foundontheRevivalHouse’sofficial websiteat fortheeventcost$7to$10andcan bepurchasedthroughtheMilton Theatrewebsiteat

“Don’tmissthechancetowitness theculminationofterrifyingcreativityattheAnnualHorrorTrailer Challenge,”organizerssaid.“Joinus onWednesday,Oct.25,attheMilton Theatreforanightofcinematicchills andtheatricalthrills.”

34 CoastalPoint October6,2023 S
ACROSS 1 “We Create Music” org. 6 Unplanned break from school 13 Stood out 19 Ristorante choices 21 Emphasize strongly 22 “One ring __ them all”: “LOTR” line 23 Advice for making a stick more fun? 25 Enthusiasm 26 Capote nickname 27 Ocho menos cinco 28 Quaint contraction 30 Snarky 31 Hannah of “Sense8” 33 One with joint custody of a pet cat? 38 Big game locale 40 Yoga poses 42 Ukrainian port on the Black Sea 43 Request from a chef who ran out of asparagus? 47 Energy bar bit 50 Array in linear algebra 51 Astronaut Jemison 52 Slapstick prop 53 Freshness symbol 55 View from a pew 56 Top with spaghetti straps, informally 58 Within 60 Tablet alternative 61 Attic pests 62 Treatment for phaser burns? 64 Pain-relieving drug 67 Coastal flock 68 World Cup chant 69 Peloton instructor from hell? 71 Silver-tongued 72 Bountiful residents 73 Sprinkle, say 74 Level or bevel 75 Invitation letters 79 “The Terminator” actress Hamilton 80 Rapper will.__ 81 __ Speedwagon 82 Runs together? 84 Card game cry 85 Litterbugs in 89 Writer Mario Vargas __ 92 Kit with paints, markers, colored pencils, etc. 93 Kilt detail 94 Encouragement to a waiter adding ground pepper to a dish? 98 Ticked off 100 Hops-drying kilns 101 Energy bar bit 102 Kolkata dress 103 “New Rules” singer __ Lipa 106 Rebel 108 Budget for “Hamlet,” “Macbeth,” “Othello,” et al.? 114 __ St. Brown: NFL player named for an Egyptian deity 115 Many a family car 116 Tranquil 117 Like some windshields 118 Arnold Palmer and Shirley Temple, e.g. 119 Job-related moves, for short DOWN 1 Google Calendar entry: Abbr. 2 Ending with dino3 Kids of the 70s? 4 __ loss for words specialty 6 Indian honorifics 7 Editor Talese with imprint 8 “r u kidding me?!” 9 “__ knew?” 10 Slip on 11 Friendship 12 “Smallfoot” creatures 13 Qt. halves 14 “Clumsy me!” 15 Museum store purchases 16 Rigidly moral 17 Skip over, as syllables 18 Try to stop 20 Quick and nimble 24 Pass along 29 Fern bump 32 Actor Braugher 33 Island home of the Grand Canyon of the Pacific 34 Memo phrase 35 Univ. helpers 36 Kitchen meas. 37 Mormon initials 38 __ mater 39 Gather 41 River in northern France 44 Fires up 45 Cinematic spectacles 46 White House staffer 48 Stylebook subject 49 Classify, as blood 53 Summer triangle star 57 Taiwan-based laptop brand 58 Food Network cover 59 Grammy winner Aimee 60 Italian astronomer who embraced heliocentrism 61 Food from heaven 62 Big rig 65 Where to learn key concepts? 66 Aired with sharp resolution 67 Spanish “I love you” 69 Helmsman under Kirk 70 Ounce fraction follower 74 Nerve-wracking 75 Esther of “Good Times” 76 One-touch shortcut 78 Soft “Over here!” 80 Shoshone Falls state 81 College mil. unit 83 Makeup bag item 85 Approximate fig. 86 Midday refresher 87 TNT part 88 Curved plumbing piece 91 “Fine, whatever” 94 Sacha Baron Cohen persona the Multiverse of Madness” director Sam 96 Wonderland cake instruction 97 Funny pages unit 99 Ticks off 105 Forever 107 __ thai 110 Card game cry 111 Wrigley Field climber 112 Kiss follower 113 JFK predecessor

Ilovefall.Itbringstogethersomany wonderfulthings.Forourchildren,it bringstheexcitementofstartinganew schoolyear.Forus,itbringstheexcitementofourclubsreconvening,andgettingtogetherwitholdfriendsand catchingupafterasummerfullofbusy activitywithfamilyandguests.

Fallbringsperfectweather,withblue skiesfullofsunshineandnotasingle cloud.Fallmeanstakinglongwalkson thebeachorthroughbeautifultrails.It bringsachillintheairthathasus reachingforourcuddliestsweatersand snugglingupwithoursweetheartsbya warmfire.Itbringsapples.Lotsofapples.Andcinnamonandcloves.Welove drinkinghotapplecider.Eatinglotsof warmapplepiewithourfavoriteice creamorasliceofcheddarcheese.

Itbringsabitoffrightintoourlives asHalloweenapproaches,andweall lovetowatchthosescarymoviesorgo intothosehauntedhouses.Itbrings memoriesofourcostumeswhenwe wereyounganddressedupasthecharacterswewantedtobe.Fallbringsgreat weather,greatfood,greatfun.

ExcitingprogramsattheSouth CoastalLibrarybringthemagicoffall tous.Doyouwanttoenjoytheexcitementofnewfriends?TrytheHappy BookersClub.Theywilldiscuss“Hamnet”inOctoberand“LessonsinChemistry”inNovember.Didn’tfinishthe book?That’sOK.Goandlistentothe discussion.

Stretchyourboundarieswith“Basics of BirdPhotography.”

Doyouwanttoenjoytheperfect weather?Sitandcatchupwithfriends inthelibrary’scozy,serenegarden. Wanttodosomegardening?Take“Put


Loveyoursweaters?Learnhowto makethemwiththeChixwithStix knittinggroup.


Trythelibrary’smanymagazinesfor greatfalldecoratingideasandrecipes.

GototheCookbytheBookcookbook bookclub,wherememberschoosethe bookandtrynewrecipes.

Get creativewithmakingyourown autumngrapevinewreath!



andhearactualspookyclipsofsomeof theirinvestigations.Gotothe“Did TheyDoIt?”TrueCrimeClub.Ateach

meeting,theclubwillfocusonaparticulartrue-crimecaseandarecommendedbooktoaccompanythecase. Youdonothavetoreadthebookto participateintheclub.InOctober, they’lltakealookatthecaseofCatherineBevan,andtheywillhaveKim Fritsch,historicalinterpreterfromthe NewCastleCourtMuseum,asthe guestspeakertodiscussthiscase.In November,they’lltakealookatthe crimesoftheMansoncult.Suggested read:“HelterSkelter:TheTrueStoryof theMansonMurdersbyVincent Bugliosi.”

Feelingcreative?Howabouttrying theThriftedGhostPaintingcraftorthe

HalloweenQuillingcraft?Theyall soundwonderful,don’tthey?

Now,ifyou’llexcuseme,I’mgoingto putonmynew,fluffysweater,drinkhot apple cider,andeatthatapplepiejust outoftheovenwhileIwatch“Scream.” Caretojoinme? thefullcalendarforalltheevents.ProgramsarefundedbytheFriendsofthe SouthCoastalLibrary.

“Iwouldrathersitonapumpkin, andhaveitalltomyself,thanbe crowdedonavelvetcushion.”


HelenPastisisaboardmemberofthe FriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary.

Formoreinformation,contactTournament DirectorRoyGouldat(302) 436-3232oremail

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 35 36535 Putter Ln. #299 Frankford, DE Forest Landing 4 BR 2.5 BA $489,900 Low Maintenance Living Let’s Find Your Dream Home Christina Antonioli (302)542.9152 Laurie McFaul (443)254.1863 Office 302-539-9040 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE 1 Year Home Warranty Included for Settlements by December 15 31286 Grackle Ct. Ocean View, DE Bay Forest 4 BR 3 BA $759,900 Fully Furnished FEATURED LISTINGS 16 David Rd. Ocean View, DE Denton Manor 4 BR 2 BA $424,000 Great Investment Opportunity 34833 Seagrass Plantation Ln. Dagsboro, DE Seagrass Plantation 4 BR 3 BA $539,000 Pond View Lot 1 W Jones Rd. Frankford, DE 1.6 Acres $159,900 Wooded Lot 30 Beach Club Ave. Ocean View, DE Ocean View Beach Club 4 BR 4 BA $724,900 Bike to the Beach LibraryCorner Pumpkinkissesandharvestwishesatthelibrary SVFCtoholdannual golftourneyonOct.13
panywillholdits15thAnnualGolf TournamentonOct.13.Theeventwill beheldatCrippleCreekGolf&CountryClubnearDagsboro.
withascrambleformatanda9a.m. shotgunstart.
TheSVFCisinits100thyearof service,andthiseventisamajor fundraiserforthecompany. Entryformsandsponsorformsare


Tourismisa$2.7billion(andgrowing)industryinSussexCounty.Infact, morethan23,000jobsinthecountyare tourism-related.Tourismrevenuesaves eachDelawarehouseholdmorethan $1,600intaxeseachyear,accordingto SouthernDelawareTourismofficials.

“Thisisdefinitelydue,inlargepart,to ourfortunategeographicallocationand ourbeautiful5Starbeaches—butit’s alsotheresultofalotofinitiative,creativity,planningandhardworkbythe manypeopleandorganizationswho strivetokeepupwithchangingtravel trendsandtocreateandprovidethe typesofattractions,events,activities,and servicesthatdrivevisitorstoSussex County.”

Arearesidentsandbusinessesare beingaskedtonominategroupsorindividualswhohavemadesignificantcon-

tributionstothetourismindustryinSussexCountybetweenOctober2022and October2023.Nominationsmustbe completedandsubmittedbyFriday,Nov. 3,tobeconsidered.Thewinnerswillbe announcedinDecember.

“Tourismisahugeeconomicengine forSussexCounty,”saidScottThomas, executivedirectorofSouthernDelaware Tourism.“Thisisourwayofhonoring thosethathavegoneaboveandbeyond tocontributetothetourismindustryin ourarea.Weencourageeveryonetoconsiderwhotheythinkmaybeworthyrecipientsoftheseawards,andtonominate them.”

Previousnomineeswhohavenotwon anawardareeligibleforre-nomination.

Thecategoriesandcriteriaforeach are:


Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresented toaneventheldinSussexCountyduringtheeligibilityperiodandisbasedon visitationdraw,uniqueness,out-of-area promotion,helpingtospotlightSussex Countyasadestination.

(2)BestNewEvent(forfirsttime eventsheldinSussexCounty)

Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresented toaneventheldforthefirsttimeinSussexCountyduringtheeligibilityperiod andisbasedonvisitationdraw,uniqueness,out-of-areapromotion,helpingto spotlightSussexCountyasadestination.


Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresented toatourismattractioninSussexCounty andisbasedonvisitationdraw,tourism economicimpacttothecommunity, group-friendliness,collaborationwithaccommodations.


Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresented toanindividual,businessororganization andisbasedoncontributingtoandpromotingthewelfareofthecommunity thatmakesSussexCountyabetterplace tovisit.Nomineesshouldhighlightall relevantresourcesandassistanceprovidedtomakethecountyabetterdestination.

(5)TourismPartneroftheYear Award

Criteria:Thisawardwillbepresented toanindividual,businessororganization andwillbebasedoncollaborativeefforts workingwithSouthernDelaware Tourismand/orChambersofCommerce inSussexCounty.Nomineesshould highlightsharedresourcesusedtodeveloptourismproducts,servicesorattractions.

Recipientsoftheannualawardsfor 2022were:



·BestAttraction—Delaware BotanicGardens

·PhilanthropicAward—JoshuaM. FreemanFoundation

·TourismPartneroftheYear—La VidaHospitality/JoshGrapski,ManagingPartner,MarketingandDevelopment

Pastrecipientsoftheannualaward alsoincludeWinterDelmarvaDogfish BirdINNgWeekends;AshleyHoudbert—VisitRehoboth/VisitLewes; FreemanArtsPavilion;RehobothBeach MainStreet,Inc.;DelawareSeaGrant CollegeProgram/Universityof Delaware;VietnamVeteransMemorial MovingWall,theAmericanLegion FamilyofPost17,Lewes;CinemaArt Theater,RehobothBeachFilmSociety; SouthernDelawareWine,Food& MusicFestival;DelawareBeachLife magazine;MidAtlanticSeaGlass& CoastalArtsFestival;Fire&IceFestival; LadybugMusicFestival;FreemanStage; DelawareStateParks;DogfishDash; WinterWonderfest;Lefty’sAlley& Eats;DelawareBeachBook;Return Day;FirstAnnualBooBQuebytheSea; CapeHenlopenStatePark’sGordons PondTrail&JunctionandBreakwater Trail;WesternSussexTourismCommittee;TheFreemanStageatBayside;NassauValleyVineyards;theAppleScrapple Festival;DogfishHeadBreweryTours; theRehobothBeachFilmFestival;the LewesMaritimeHistoryTrail;the OceantoBayBikeTour;EatingRehobothWalkingFoodTours;andThe SeaWitchHalloweenandFiddlers’Festival.

Nominationformsandinstructions forthe2023SouthernDelaware TourismAwardscanbeobtainedat m-award-nomination,orbycalling(302) 856-1818.

36 CoastalPoint October6,2023
October6,2023 CoastalPoint 37

Donations will be accepted in the library lobby on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Monday, October 9

Dance Class: Two-Step 10—11:30 am

Join us for a fun, free instructional dance series on the Two-Step with dance instructor, John Brilliantes!

Put Your Garden to Bed! 2—3:00 pm

Join Cherie Dorfman, Sussex County Master Gardener, for a free talk on preparing your garden for winter.

Tuesday, October 10 Cyber Safety: Part 2 11:00 am—12:00 pm

Learn about security settings in the second part of a 3-part series about cyber safety!

PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm

Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!

Wednesday, October 11

Baby Bookworms Story Time 10—10:45 am

Children ages birth-2 can practice language, motor, social, & listening skills through a variety of activities!

Little Learners Story Time 11—11:45 am

Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a variety of activities designed to Help improve pre-literacy skills!

Did They Do It?: True Crime Club 2—3:30 pm

This month, historical interpreter, Kim Fritsch, will be joining us to discuss the case of Catherine Bevan.

Thursday, October 12

RBWG Free Writes 10:30 am—12:30 pm

Writers of all skill levels meet to practice creative writing & explore different genres with other writing enthusiasts!

Dewey Reads Nonfiction Book Club 2—3:00 pm

Join us for a discussion on The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore with other nonfiction book club.

ROOTS Youth Development Program 5—6:00 pm

Discover the limitless potential of renewable energy in our comprehensive program.

Friday, October 13

Dance Class: Two-Step 10—11:30 am

Join us for a fun, free instructional dance series on the Two-Step with dance instructor, John Brilliantes!


TheDelawareDepartmentof Health&SocialServices(DHSS) thisweekannouncedenhancements totheCostAwarewebsite,designed tohelpDelawareansunderstandhow theirhealthcaredollarsarespentby comparingthevariationofaverage costsfordifferentepisodesofcare andmedicalservicesbasedonactual medicalandpharmacyclaimsin Delaware.

ThenewestCostAwareenhancementsincludecostcomparisonsfor brandandgenericprescriptiondrugs bydrugcategoryandpayertype (commercialinsurance,Medicaid, MedicareAdvantage).Alsoaddedin thisupdateareaveragecostcomparisonsforimagingprocedures(head CT,lumbarspineMRIandscreening mammography)byproviderorganization.

PrescriptionDrugCostscompares theaveragedailycostofbrandand genericdrugsinDelawarebycategoryandpayertype,basedon2021 pharmacyclaimsdata.Prescription drugsareidentifiedbyNational DrugCode(NDC)andgroupedinto categoriesassignedbasedontheconditionthedrugisintendedtotreat.

ImagingbyProviderOrganization showstheaveragecostofimaging

proceduresbypayertype,claimyear andproviderorganization.Estimates reflectboththefacilitycost(taking theimage)andprofessionalcost (readingandinterpretingtheimage).

“Delawareanscannowcompare costsforprescriptiondrugsbydrug categoryandimagingproceduresby providerorganizationtohelpthem makebetterdecisionsaroundtheir healthcare,”DHSSSecretaryJosette Manningsaid.“CostAwarehas servedasavaluabletoolfor DelawareanssinceitslaunchinApril 2022.Theseadditionaldataenhancementswillbringanotherlayerof transparencyaroundthehealthcare dollarsbeingspentbyDelawareans andtheirinsurers.”

Inadditiontotheprescription drugandimagingprocedurecostreports,themostrecentversionof CostAwareincludes:

•Averagecostestimatesfor episodesofcareincludingC-section births,emergencydepartmentvisits, kneeandhipreplacement,andvaginaldeliveryreportedforDelaware hospitals.

•Estimatesoftheaveragecostper visitformedicalservicesincluding childwellnessvisits,mentalandbehavioralhealthservices,diabetes

care,cardiacprocedures,adultdoctor visitsandlabtests(bloodandurine tests).

•Resultsreportedbycaresetting, includinghospitaloutpatientfacility, outpatientlab,professionaloffice,urgentcarefacilityandtelehealth.

•Multipleyearsofdata—results arereportedfor2019,2020and 2021.

•Filteringofresultsbyinsurance category(commercialinsurance, Medicaid,MedicareAdvantage)and patientagerangeandgender(asappropriate).

TheCostAwarewebsitewasdevelopedbyDHSSandtheDelaware HealthCareCommission(DHCC ) incollaborationwithDelaware HealthInformationNetwork (DHIN).

Inearly2020,DHSSandDHCC b eganworkingwithDHINtodevelopandimplementvarioushealth carecostandqualityanalyses.These analysesleveragedatainthe DelawareHealthCareClaimsDatabase(HCCD),whichwasestablished throughlegislationpassedbythe GeneralAssemblyin2016.DHIN managestheclaimsdatabaseand DHSSusesittoinformandsupport avarietyofpolicyinitiatives.

38 CoastalPoint October6,2023 HR Small ompliancC TH ARE & THE BETHANY - FEN W WARE FENWICK AREA CHAMBER ORE DELAAW SC EARNS (HB205) - MARIJUANA (HB1/HB2) - HEALLTHY DELA OU NEED TO KNOW ABOU T Y WHAAT TIVE & HR SPECIALISTS TURING LEGISLAATIVE FEAATURING LEGISLA Busine sceoursRe ce and CT SS2 FOR SB1 PRESENT: NWICK AMILIES FWAARE HY LAWWSARE UT NEW DELA VEMBER 8 y , NO Y Y,A WEDNESDAY tal Kit oashe C 8:30 - 11:00 am l T Janie Libb sa C Melis the Carson t er ategisRa rt Bear T chen a t Chanta om ilkinson equietr ap Dunes a W
Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate.
43 Kent Avenue,


Organist,conductorandchoirdirectorDavidChristopherwillopentheSt. CeciliaMusicGuild’seighthseasonwith apublicconcertatSt.Peter’sEpiscopal Church,Lewes,onFriday,Oct.13,at7 p.m.

OthereventsintheGuild’sprogram offeringprofessionalqualityconcertsfor southernSussexCountyresidentswill featureindividuals,ensemblesandchoirs showcasingabroadrangeoftalentfrom chambermusictojazzandsong.

“Asinyearspast,ourmissionisto presentanoutreachprogramthatoffers qualitymusicaleventsaccessibletoall withnoadmissionchargetoattend,”said PatCasadei,amemberoftheSt.Cecilia board.

“Thisseasonweofferanexciting rangeofperformancesbyinstrumental andvocalmusiciansofallages.Our


Christopher,whogavehisfirstorgan recitalattheageof14andappearedas soloistwithalocalcommunityorchestra inMozart’s“ConcertoforTwoPianos” attheageof15,wasappointedorganist andchoirmasteratSt.Peter’sinthe GreatValley,Paoli,Pa.,atage17.Soon afterward,hebecameafrequentperformeratLongwoodGardens,wherehe willappearforeightperformancesfrom NovembertoJanuary.

Asaliturgicalorganist,Christopher’s uniquestyleofimprovisationandservice playinghasservedasthe“glue”that holdstogetheraliturgyembracingthe musicofmanystyles,culturesandfaith traditions.

Hehasbeenanassociateconductor forOperaDelaware,wherehemadehis

operaconductingdebuttocriticalacclaim.Onseveraloccasionshehasconductedconcertsfeaturingthesacred musicofDukeEllington,featuringjazz orchestra,soloists,chorusanddancers. Heisthecurrentartisticdirectorof DelawareChoralArts(DCA).

Asaleaderintrainingchildren’s voices,ChristopherfoundedtheWilmingtonChildren’sChorusin2002incollaborationwiththeMayorof Wilmington’sOfficeofCulturalAffairs andtheEpiscopalChurchofSaintsAndrew &Matthew,wherehehasservedas organistandmusicdirectorformore than20years.Nowamulti-culturalensemble,theWilmingtonChildren’sChorus,oneofthepremierechildren’schoirs intheregion,willperformataSt.Cecilia concertnextApril20at2p.m.


gramincludeareturnofTheSerafins,an ensembleincorporatingstring,wind, pianoandvocalists,onNov.10at7p.m.; aConcertforEpiphany,aseasonalconcertfeaturingmusicfrom17th-century ItalyonJan.7,2024,at3p.m.;theJoe BaioneJazzSextet,featuringthewellknownjazzvibraphonist,onFeb.11, 2024,at3p.m.;andtheLewesChamber Players,featuringregionalprofessional artists,onMarch10,2024,at3p.m.

AspartoftheSt.CeciliaMusicGuild season,St.Peter’sparishchoir,underthe directionofT.J.Thomas,willoffera serviceofAdventLessonsandCarolsby candlelightonDec.3at5p.m.anda ChoralEvensongforAscensionDayon May9,2024,at7p.m.

Foracopyofthisseason’sprogram andmoreabouttheperformers,goto

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 39 ri eetball • P inball • Skkeetball P ames es • G z 10 loats es • F ilk Shak M eam e Cr Ic d Hand Dipped Har $ FOR ARD C GAME $20 y noon6pm y noon9pm • Sunda Saturda y 3-9pm Frida OPEN: TODAY INQUIRE RT PA OUR n i n o s r e p r e p 0 2 $ PKGS. AY BIRTHDAY OUR ABOUT TRIC ELEC ARE TIES Sundaes owls ting B Ligh Slushies m a e r c e c i f o l w o b , g a b t f i g s e d u l c ter-Arcade Quar-tric w https://w (410) 250-4442 , MD ean Cityy, MD 21842 Oc y, way, oastal High 13713 C d r a c e m a g 5 2 $ -250120098439781 e D 21842 a e r a y t r a p r u o f o e s u d n a MARY’S
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Beach, DE Small Job Thursday! Schedule NOW and SAVE!
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Fridaynight,Oct.6,Wings& Wheelsweekendwillkickoff,withthe “FunintheTropics”event,arelaxing eveningofdancingtothemusicof CocktailsatThreeandbuffetdinner fromMissionBBQ.FreebirdsMobile Barwillbeonhandwithcocktails,beer andwine,andthey’llfinishoffdinner withKonaIce.

Therewillbeaspecialtributeto Margaritaville’sHeadParrot,Jimmy Buffett,fromthebandandBuffett musicwhilethebandisonbreak.The nightalsoprovidesatasteoftheWorld

WarIIaircraftthatwillbeondisplay Saturday(availableforpictures),aswell asminglingwithWorldWarIIreenactorsandsomeoftheUSNAParachute Teammembers.

Ticketsarenowavailablefor$50 each,withtablesofeightbeingreserved viatheGeorgetownChamberofCommerce’,contactLinda Priceat(302)396-2739or(302)8561544,


40 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Open 7 Days! 7am-7pm Unique Toys & Games You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! The Kisa Cafe Home of Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! Connect Anywhere, Anytime. CALL TODAY (888) 592-5957 • Medicaid • SNAP • SSI • WIC • Veterans Pension • Survivors or Lifeline Benefits • Tribal Assistance Program • Housing Assistance Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]





“Thank You so much for this incredible week. Words fail me. It’s been so humbling to see so much love this community poured on us. The welcome, pictures, boat ride, parade all incredible. I will always remember and cherish the hospitality and love you gave us. Our Sincerest and Deepest gratitude.”

“It means so much to my family to know that there are so many caring Americans who are so giving, kind, and willing to give back to our troops as we have done for this nation. I am forever grateful. My family and I thank you again and will always remember the kindness you extended to my family.”

“We have never had an experience like this in our lives. We appreciate everything you and the entire community have done for our family. From start to finish the entire week was orchestrated like a symphony.”

“We are so grateful to be able to be here not only in your house but in your town. The Grace, everyone has shown us is so completely amazing! I cried a lot this week, happy, happy tears. The memories we have made here will stay in our hearts forever. I can’t lie, this summer has been the hardest in over a decade. My husband’s tumor grew from a grade 2 to a high grade 4. After a few weeks of praying, we were contacted. Tomorrow is not promised. With our warrior we will be forever grateful for these memories”

“My family and I are beyond grateful for the ability to stay in your home. Not only did Bethany Beach embrace every Veteran this week, but you volunteered your home to have a Veteran. The ability to stay in your home continues to show us what is right in our country. People like yourself continue to give me hope in humanity. From a soldier who has been medically evacuated from three objectives, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope to return the favor one day and have you stay at my home...”

“Thank you for letting us stay at your beautiful home. Thank you for being involved in an organization for military vets. This organization and its patriotism do not go unnoticed. Thank you for seeing us! It’s been a humbling experience ....”


Your combined efforts of HONORING and THANKING our Brave American Veterans and their families have made a positive difference.

Operation SEAs The Day 2024 Warrior Beach Week will be held 9/3 – 9/8, 2024! From Operation SEAs The Day to each of the 2023 Very Important Families We are honored to have had you join us and we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your service and sacrifice.
October6,2023 CoastalPoint 41


ReadAloudDelawareheldaribbon-cuttingceremonySept.20toofficiallyopen anewSussexCountyofficeinGeorgetown.StacyPenaranda,SussexCounty director,secondfromleft,wasassisted intheceremonyby,fromleft:GeorgetownMayorBillWest,stateRep.Ruth BriggsKing,stateSen.BrianPettyjohn andReadAloudDelawareExecutiveDirectorJamesSpadola.

ReadAloudDelawareofficially openedthedoorsatitsnewSussex Countylocationat111SouthRace StreetinGeorgetownwitharibboncuttingceremonyonSept.20.Executive DirectorJamesSpadola,SussexCounty DirectorStacyPenarandaandBoardof DirectorsPresidentJeanneBrennan welcomedlocaldignitaries,ReadAloud Delawarestaffanddozensofvolunteers totheceremony.

InattendancewerestateRep.Ruth BriggsKing(R-37th)andstateSen. BrianPettyjohn(R-19th).Theywere joinedbyGeorgetownMayorBillWest andhiswife,Faye.Son-DjerryCameus waspresentrepresentingU.S.Rep.Lisa BluntRochester(D-Del).

Aslongtimecommunitysupporters ofReadAloudDelaware,MikeDickinson,presidentofSoDelConcepts,and ClaudiaRuiz,communityengagement coordinatorattheCarlM.Freeman Foundation,wereonhandtowishRead Aloudwellintheirnewoffices.

Foundedin1983,ReadAloud Delaware’smissionistocreatealifelong impactthroughchildhoodliteracy.The visionisforeverychildinDelawareto havethefundamentalliteracyskillsto succeedinschoolandlife.ReadAloud volunteersreadone-on-onetochildren inchildcarecenters,preschoolsandelementaryschools.

In2020,ReadAloudDelawarebegan partneringwiththeLENAStartprogram.Aimedatchildrenfrombirthto3, theLENAStartprogramisdesignedto helpparentsandcaregiversmeasure,improveandmakethemostoftheirverbal connectionswithyoungchildren.ProgramsareofferedtobothEnglish-and Spanish-speakingfamilies.

FormoreinformationofReadAloud Delaware,

42 CoastalPoint October6,2023
We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds
ReadAloudDelaware opensnewSussexoffice

TheannualFriendsofPrimeHook U.S.WildlifeRefugeNaturePhotographyContestwillbecelebratedwitha receptiononSunday,Oct.15,at2p.m.

“There’ssomuchtoseeonourbeautifulDelmarvaandthe19thannual contestisanopportunitytocapture iconicimagesofournaturalworld. Bluebirdsandgrosbeaksofferaflashof blue,whilegoldfinchescanseemas brightasthesunastheyflitthroughthe meadows,”organizerssaid.“Northern harriersglideacrossthefields,whileospreysswoopdownforfish,andbaldeaglescontinuetobethenation’sgreatest wildliferecoverystory.Thereareshorebirds,majesticsunsets,pondsdappled withsunlightandwildflowersopening petalsglisteningwithdew.Thereisso muchbeautifulnaturetobeseenand photographedonourwondrousDelmarvaPeninsula.So,pleasepickupthat cameraandstartshooting.”

Thecontestisopentophotographers ofallages.Photographsmustbemailed orhand-deliveredtotheRefugeoffice onorbeforeOct.7.Submittedphotographswillbejudgedbyprofessional photographersduringtheweekofOct.

9.Winnerswillbeannounced,and awardsgivenatthereceptionforthe artistsandthegeneralpublictobeheld intheRefugeAuditoriumonOct.15, from2to4p.m.EntrieswillbedisplayedintheauditoriumthroughDec.

9. Thepublicisbeingencouragedto comeviewtheexhibitduringrefuge hours.Ifindoubt,calltherefugeoffice at (302)684-8419tomakesuretheauditoriumwillbeopen.Thereisnoadmissioncharge.

Entriesmaybeinanyorallofthese categories:DelmarvaScenery,Native Birds,OtherNativeWildlife(fish,insects,amphibians,mammals,reptiles, etc.),NativePlantsandFlowers,The BeautyofPrimeHook,SeniorStudent (ages13to17)andJuniorStudent(ages 12oryounger).

Afterthedisplayends,aspecial “People’sChoiceAward”willbepresented.The“People’sChoiceAward”is presentedtothemostpopularphotographintheshow.Eachvisitorwillbe encouragedtopicktheirfavoritepicture andcastaballotforthatphotograph. Instructionsonhowtovotewillbeon displayintheauditorium.

TheGrandPrizeisawardedtothe entryjudged“BestinShow.”Monetary awardswillbegiventothefirst-,second-andthird-placewinnersineach categoryandtothestudentwinners.A specialawardwillbegiventothewinnerin“TheBeautyofPrimeHook”category.Forawardwinnerswhocannotbe presentatthereception,theirawardwill bemailedtothem.

ToqualifyasDelmarvaScenery, photographsmusthavebeentakenon

theDelmarvaPeninsula.TheBeautyof PrimeHookcategoryencompassesonly photographstakenwithintheboundariesoftheRefuge.

Photographsofwildlife,flowersand plantsmustbeofnativespecies.Simply, “native”shouldbetakentomean“not introducedbyhumans.”Ineligiblesubjectsincludecultivatedplantsandflowers, anddomesticanimals,suchasdogs andcows.

Eachphotographmustbemattedin white,beunframedandshouldhavethe name,address,telephonenumberand emailoftheentrant,aswellasthename ofthephotograph,locationthephoto wastakenandthecategoryinwhichit istobeenteredplacedonthereverse sideofthemat.Thetotaldimensions (photographandmat)cannotexceed16

by20inches.Neitherthephotographer’snamenoranywritingcanbeon the frontofthemat.Entrantsarebeing askedtouseadequateadhesive.All printsmustbemountedtothemat board(notinsertedortaped).Thereisa mountingsprayavailableinartorphotographicsupplystores.Peel-and-stick matareanotheroption.

“Propermountingwillpreserve,protectandbetterpresentyourphotograph. Itwillalsopreventmatsandphotographsfromcominglooseandfalling duringtheexhibit.”

Theentryfeeis$5perphotograph orsixphotosfor$25,andmustbeinc ludedwiththesubmittedphotographs. Studententriesarefree.Makechecks payabletotheFriendsofPrimeHook N.W.R.

TheRefugeaddressis11978Turkle PondRoad,Milton,DE19968.Entries remainondisplayforthedurationof theexhibitandmaybepickedupafter Dec.10.Entriesnotpickedupbefore Jan.7willbecomethepropertyofthe FriendsofPrimeHookandmaybe usedforpromotionalorfundraising purposes.TheFriendsofPrimeHook assumes noliabilityforentrieslostor damagedduringtheexhibit. Formoreinformation,calltherefuge at(302)684-8419.Forafullandcompletelistingofthecontestrules,goto http://www.friendsofprimehook.comor visittherefugeoffice.

“Pleasealwayspracticeresponsible andrespectfulwildlifeviewingandphotography.”

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 43
Funky, Fun & Fabulous CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE! Sat.,October 7th - Sat.,October 14th 25% OFF EVERYTHING (Some Exceptions Apply) 1500 Coastal Hwy. • Fenwick Island, DE • 302.539.3603 • Store Hours: Open Every Day –9am - 5pm Fall & Christmas Decor is Here! UniqueHome&GardenAccents, Accessories&Gifts PrimeHookRefugePhotoContestdeadlinenears

Brad Boyer - (Ocean View Primary Care)

Darin McCann - (Coastal Point)

Garth Troescher - (Garth Enterprises)

Heather DeMarie - (Heather’s Home Works)

Katina Dawson - (A Sweet Affair Events)

Kelly Kline - (Selbyville Public Library)

Kristina Malone - (Kristina’s Kitchen & Cakery)

Lori Smyth - (Tidepool Toys & Games)

Michele Steffens - (Millville Volunteer Fire Co.) Regan Roberts-Deck - (Custom Mechanical)

Sean Malone - (Santa’s Letters)

BeebeHealthcarerecentlywelcomed Dr.Marie-FranceMcIntee,DO,MPH, andnurse-practitionerKariShearman, FNCP-C,toitsgrowingteamofspecialty providers.Botharepalliativecare providerswhopracticeatBeebePalliative CareLongNeck,theTunnellCancer CenterandtheSouthCoastalCancer Center.

McInteetreatsadultswhohavebeen diagnosedwithseriousillnesses(cancer, heart,lung,kidneyorneurologicaldisease).Sheworkswithherpatients,their familiesandtheirspecialiststoimprove theirqualityoflife.

McInteeearnedherdoctorateinosteopathicmedicinefromthePhiladelphia CollegeofOsteopathicMedicine.She thenwentontocompleteherosteopathic internshipatCrozerKeystoneHealth System,alongwithherfamilymedicine residencyatAbingtonMemorialHospital,bothinPennsylvania.McInteecompletedhermedicaltrainingwitha Hospice&PalliativeMedicineFellowshipatMaineMedicalCenterinPortland.Shealsoholdsamaster’sdegreein publichealthfromtheHarvardT.H. ChanSchoolofPublicHealth,andtwo bachelor’sdegreesfromtheUniversityof Maryland,CollegePark.

McInteeisadiplomateoftheAmericanBoardofFamilyMedicineandthe AmericanBoardofPreventiveMedicine, AerospaceMedicine.Sheisamemberof theAmericanAcademyofHospice& PalliativeMedicine.

PriortojoiningBeebe,McInteeserved asaflightsurgeonintheU.S.AirForce, risingthroughranksandresponsibilities beforeendingherAirForcecareerasthe chiefofAerospace&OperationalMedicineattheAirForceMedicalReadiness Agency.Shebeganhermedicalcareerasa

familyphysicianatHartsvilleMedical PracticeinWarrington,Pa.

“Ihavehadalifetimeinterestinpalliativemedicine,andIamthrilledthatthe completionofmyfellowshiptraining alignedwiththeexpansionofBeebe’sPalliativeMedicineProgram,”saidMcIntee. Asapalliativecarefamilynurse-practitioner,Shearmanworkstoguidepatients astheyaremakingthecriticaltransition outoftheacute-caresetting.Withagoal todeveloppatientandfamily-centered plansforcaretooptimizequalityoflife, sheassistswithmanagementofchronic diseasesandservesasaliaisonbetween patients,familiesandclinicalcare providers.Shesaidsheiscommittedto thedeliveryofcarethatalignswiththe patient’smedicalneeds,healthgoalsand personalvalues.

ShearmanisagraduateofWilmington University,wheresheearnedbothabachelor’sandamaster’sdegreeinnursing.She alsoearnedanassociate’sdegreeinnursingfromDelawareTechnical&CommunityCollege,andisamemberofthe AmericanAssociationofNursePractitioners,theDelawareCoalitionofNurse PractitionersandtheDelawareMedical ReserveCorps.

PriortojoiningBeebeHealthcare, ShearmanworkedatFreseniusMedical Care,servingpatientsinanoutpatienthemodialysisclinic.Earlierinhercareer,she workedasahomehealthnurseandcase managerforbothMilleniumHomeCare andAmedisysHomeHealth,andasan emergencydepartmentnurseatAtlantic GeneralHospitalinBerlin,Md.

“IamanativeofSussexCounty,andI amsogratefulfortheopportunitytoprovideimpactfulhealthcarewithinthecommunityIampassionateaboutandcall home,”saidShearman.

44 CoastalPoint October6,2023
Community Spirit (Inspiring Person) AWARDS CEREMONY & MEMBER CELEBRATION ANNUAL MEMBER AWARD NOMINEES CAST YOUR VOTE TODAY: Voting Closes: Friday, October 20, 2023 Winners will be announced on November 16, 2023 Community Spirit (Most Engaged) Community Spirit (Best Initiative) Community Spirit (Nonprofit) Best in Business (Business & Home Services) Best in Business (Construction) Best in Business (Restaurant) Best in Business (Retail) Bethany Blues Common Ground Hospitality Drifting Grounds Fins Ale House & Raw Bar - Bethany Beach Good Earth Market Juicebox Kristina’s Kitchen Mancini's Brick Oven Pizzeria & Restaurant Mio Fratello Northeast Seafood Kitchen Ocean View Brewing Co. The Parkway Restaurant Banks Wines & Spirits Bear Trap Dunes’ Golf Shop Bethany Beach Books Drifting Grounds - Pearl’s Corner Fells Point Surf Co. Good Earth Market Lord’s Landscaping Michael McCarthy Stones Millville Boardwalk Patti’s Hallmark Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery Su Casa Tangerine Goods Tickled Pink of Bethany Beach Tidepool Toys & Games Treasure Island Fashions Bay to Beach Builders Bunting & Murray Construction Corp. Evergreene Homes G. Fedale Roofing & Siding Garth Enterprises Marnie Homes MIKEN Builders, Inc. Blades HVAC Services, Inc. Coastal Point Custom Mechanical Hayman Creative Heather’s Home Works Integrity Heating & Air Mike’s Flooring & Design Center Property Tenders, LLC Seaside Plumbing, Inc. Ball 4 All Foundation Cancer Support Community Delaware Contractors for a Cause Delaware Botanic Gardens First State Marines Lord Baltimore PTO Santa’s Letters Southern Sussex Rotary Bethany Beach Books & Book Drop La Vida Hospitality Lord’s Landscaping Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery Alni Body Care Banks Wines & Spirits Coastal Point Custom Mechanical Kristina’s Kitchen Lord’s Landscaping ProMortgage Taylor Bank Alex Miller - (Alni Body Care) Amy Hughes - (Lord’s Landscaping)
Sheila Brennan - (Beach Doula: Your End of Life Coach) Susan Lyons - (Coastal Point) Best in Business (Real Estate) 1st Choice Properties The Ashley Brosnahan Team - (Long & Foster Realty) Keller Williams Realty - Bethany Beach Long & Foster Realtors - Bethany Beach The Real McCoy Group - (Coldwell Banker Realty) Tidewater Property Management Wilgus Associates, Inc. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. (855) 993-0969 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $735 Value! Whether you are home or away, protect what matters most from unexpected power outages with a Generac Home Standby Generator. BeebeHealthcarewelcomes newpalliative-careproviders

MembersoftheShoreDemocratsPublicityCommitteewelcomedstateSen. SarahMcBridetotheir monthlymeetingonSept. 20.McBridesharedremarksaboutheraccomplishmentsandhergoals inrunningfortheU.S HouseofRepresentatives. TheShoreDemocratsmeet monthlyonthethird Wednesdayofthemonth. Formoreinformation, Pictured,fromleft,are: MitchCrane,LynneDavies, VickyCairns,McBride, KarenYochim,EvaNemeth, Doris AnnPierce,Colleen ReftandAngelaPierce.

SCAN ME Check out our Exclusive Products Page! Videos & Image Gallery $100 OFF any order of $1000 or more BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 10/31/23 Go to for more coupons. $250 OFF any order of $2500 or more BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Expires 10/31/23 Go to for more coupons. Shutters • Roller Shades • Draperies • Verticals • Shades 1-800-447-1400 Family Owned & Operated for over 40 years! Professional In-home Consultation, Measurement & Installation Available 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd. Fenwick Island Selbyville 302-436-4400 Apollo Shopping Center 3613 B Kirkwood Hwy. Wilmington 302-999-8800 NEW LOCATION! Our exclusive patent pending NEW WAVE Black Out or Light Filtering Draperies are affordable, stain & re resistant and seamless. Large window, any width and 108” long. Special purchase fabric. Check out our own Vert-A-Sheer Exclusive Hybrid vertical blind with built in sheer. Only at Blind Factory! (Restricted to Product Only) (Restricted to Product Only) October6,2023 CoastalPoint 45 CoastalPoint•Submitted


The38thDistrictRepublican ClubwillhostadiscussionofelectionintegrityonMonday,Oct.23,at 6:30p.m.attheRoxanafirestation, 35943ZionChurchRoad,Frankford.“ElectionIntegrity—Where AreWeNow”willbepresentedby DanLeshLesher,amemberofthe DelawareGOPElectionIntegrity Committee.

TheclubmetattheFenwickCrab Housefortheirmonthlymeetingin September.Duringthemeeting,state Sen.GeraldHockerdeliveredapresentationontheclub’shistory.Asthe oldestandlargestRepublicanclubin Delaware,boastingamembershipof morethan100individuals,hehighlightedtheclub’soriginalfounders, ongoinggoalstoaidRepublicancandidatesandpresenceinthecommunity.StateRep.RonGrayfocusedhis discussiononcurrentlegislativetopics.Specifically,hedelvedintothe electricschool-busmandate,examiningthepotentialimplicationsand expensesassociatedwiththatinitiative.CountyCouncilmanDoug Hudsonaddressedtheongoingpropertytaxreassessment.

The38thDistrictRepublican ClubmeetsonthefourthMondayof everymonthandisopentonew memberstojoin.Meetingsareregu-

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46 CoastalPoint October6,2023
A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre!
17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes 302-645-9095 Carlos Fri Sat Thu Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 12 7:30 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm Have You Got It Yet: The Story of Syd Barrett Fri Sat Wed Thu Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 11 Oct 12 6:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Mr. Jimmy Sat Sun Wed Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 11 6:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Origin of Evil Sun Wed Oct 8 Oct 11 4:00 pm 2:00 pm Scrapper Fri Sun Thu Oct 6 Oct 8 Oct 12 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 3:00 pm Shorts: Strange Way of Life & The Human Fri Sat Wed Thu Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 11 Oct 12 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Stop Making Sense Fri Sat Sun Thu Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 12 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Rehoboth Beach International Film Festival November 8-12
larlyattendedbyHocker,Grayand Hudson. Foradditionalinformationonthe 38thDistrictRepublicanClub,goto www.38thdrcp.comoremail
CoastalPoint•Submitted StateSen.GeraldHocker,left,andstateRep.RonGrayattendtheSeptembermeetingofthe38thDistrictRepublicanClub.


NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetownAAUW ALANotableBooksClubmeetsattheLewes libraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.Theywillbe discussingJohnSteinbeck’s“TheGrapesof Wrath.”

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guildishostingafreeweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat 10:30a.m.Participants18-plusofallskill levelswillpracticecreativewritingina friendlyandnurturingatmosphere.Thisis free,andregistrationisapprecia tedand

MedicareBasicsinRetirement— Joseph Cisco,PresidentofCAISEBenefits,andeducatorwiththeDEMoneySchool,willdiscuss differentplansandoptionswithMedicareenrollmentatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. ThisclassexploreswhatMedicareoptions areavailabletoretireesandisidealforthose whoalreadyhaveMedicareorthosewhoare approachingeligibility.Conceptscoveredincludeopenenrollment,under standingparts a,b,candd,andrecentchanges.Free,registerat calling(302)858-5518.Sponsoredbythe MoneySchool,partoftheDelawareCommunityReinvestmentActionCouncil.Hostedby

theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

One-on-OneGenealogyAssistance— Lookingtotraceyourroots?Notsurehowtoget started?,andgiveyou p ersonalizedgenealogyassistanceusingU.S. databasesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Free, HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930

Fe elingsRock!— FeelingsRockisamusic, movement,andmoreprogramdesignedto helpchildrenunderage5andtheirfamilies workthrougheverydayemotions!Itisheldat

SouthCoastalLibraryat5p.m.Free,noregistrationisnecessary.Parentsmustaccompanychildren.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930302-858-5518


DanceClass:Two-Step,Part1of3— Join danceinstructor,JohnBrillantes,forafun, instructionaldanceseriesfocusingonthe

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 47



MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)

SocratesCafé— BethanyBeachChristian ChurchwillbethelocationforthenextmeetingofSocratesCafé,agroupofindividuals fromdifferentbackgroundsthatdiscuss philosophicalideas.Themeetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation,call537-9440oremail

CommunityClub— TheSelbyville Community Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor

IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof

eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe Read ingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety


VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newm embersarewelcome.Formore information,call/text/leaveamessageat (240)315-4361.


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

AdultTime— AdultscanstopintheSouth CoastalLibraryanytimethey’reopentowork onj igsawpuzzles,playcheckersorcolor. Thisisfree,andallmaterialsareprovided. BookDonations— SouthCoastalLibraryonly acceptsbookdonationsfrom2to4p.m.on Tuesdays.Thereisalistontheirwebsite,,ofwhattheydoor don’taccept.

BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom4

to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.


DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callAlLiebeskindat(410)530-0064.

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeaker s.Formoreinformation,

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubwillmeetatSouthCoastalLibrarythefourthMondayofthemonth.Social hoursbeginat6p.m.,andthemeetingstarts promptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclub,

DemocratsMeet— The38thRepresentative DistrictCommitteemeetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat7p.m.atSouth CoastalLibrary.Formoreinformation,updatesonspeakersandmeetinglocations,call (302)364-5830orvisitthemonlineat deldems38.orgorfindthemonFacebook.


TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel

UnitedMethodistChurchhosts“TuningUp theTemple”onMondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,from9to10:15a.m.atTheHope Center.Theclassesaresession-based,not drop-in,socontactCarolLynchat(302) 745-8237orcklynch02@gmail.comfor mo redetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchhostsyogaclassesat5 p.m.onWednesdaysintheArmorRoom, upstairsinthechurchbuilding,with HeatherMurphy.Thereisa$5drop-infee. Classesareopentothecommunityandall arewelcome.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelUnited MethodistChurchisholdingazumbaexerciseclassinthesocialhalleveryMondayat 10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee.Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.For more information,contact

MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat

LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSeniorCenter ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays. Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10a.m.,and Improversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.

48 CoastalPoint October6,2023 30220 Piney Neck Road Dagsboro, DE 19939 To reserve tickets, go to Thursday, October 12 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM The serene, majestic 12 acres of the Delaware Botanic Gardens woodlands provide the opportunity to be in and with nature in a slow and sensory way. Join DBG docent, certified naturalist, and tree and shrub expert Elizabeth Rives as we explore the wonders of the forest, vernal pools, and shoreline of Pepper Creek. $10 Per Person + Admission Open Thursday - Sunday • 9am - 4pm Adults $15 • Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available. Additional $10. Make Reservations Online Delaware Botanic Gardens Best Attraction 2022 from Southern Delaware Tourism Saturday, October 7 2 PM Join Stephen Pryce Lea for a return of this soldout tour of Piet Oudolf Meadow discussing garden maintenance and featured plants essential for providing wildlife with a food source, and habitat for the 5th season. $10 Per Person + Admission Fall Gardening for Wildlife Meadow Tour Wonders of the Woodland: Autumn Changes
CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Kids & Tween Yoga Thursdays at 4:15 & 5:15 Ocean Vayu Yoga Yoga, Ayurveda & Fall Rhythms Sunday, 10/15 3:30 “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction." Join us!! Old Town Thrift & Gift TheLittleStoreon theShorewithMore 302-436-6101 79W.ChurchSt.,Selbyville 50% Off All Halloween Items 10% Off Furniture Through Oct. 15th Fall Hours Wed-Sat 10-4 Sun 11-3 Save the Date: Oct. 21st - Customer Celebration
by Brent Baker

OPEN HOUSE SAT. 10/7, 11-2

1 Tingle St, Ocean View

Breathtaking views! Enjoy the tranquility and the wildlife from this waterfront oasis. This fabulous home offers a cozy screened porch, a wonderful sunroom/family room, open kitchen, living room, guest room, and primary bedroom with access to another screened porch. Upstairs you will find a large guest room with private balcony and 2 additional bedrooms and a bath. Plus, there is a garage with tons of space to store your boat, beach things and more. Convenient to great restaurants, less than 3 miles to the beautiful beaches of Bethany and boardwalk. MLS DESU2047962 $999,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Swann Cove, Selbyville

New Construction that won’t Break the Bank. 4 bedroom/3bath

Only 3 miles to the beach. Easy walk to grocery store and community pool. Home features gourmet kitchen, gas heat, instant hot water, finished garage, screened porch and outside shower. Custom trim and transoms.

MLS DESU2037658 Just $569,900

Call Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630


Bethany Bay, Ocean View

FIRST FLOOR CONDO in the Pavillions at Bethany Bay. This two bedroom, two bath unit features an eat-in kitchen, open floor plan, spacious bedrooms and a large 11’ x 15’ screened porch with a beautiful view of the Indian River Inlet bridge. Excellent location just across the lagoon from the boat launch and close to the outdoor pool and clubhouse. Many community amenities to be enjoyed including golf, pickleball, tennis, volleyball, and basketball. This condo is being sold furnished and is move-in ready!

MLS DESU2047668 $369,900

Call Martha Smith 302-249-0464


Bethany Forest, Near Ocean View

You will love this magnificent custom-built home located on a private 1+ acre homesite. This stunning home has a lot to offer with a 2-story great room with built ins and gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen, formal dining room, library/office, fabulous 4 season room, 1st floor primary bedroom, guest bedroom and full bathroom. Upstairs are 2 additional guest rooms, guest bathroom, and large bonus room. Plus 3 car garage, deck, outdoor shower, shed and whole house generator. Community pool and tennis/pickleball courts.MLS DESU2045584 $869,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Preserve @ Jefferson Creek, Near Bethany

Like new home offers a stunning 2-story living room with a gas fireplace, a gourmet kitchen, a breakfast area or a study, a library, office, or formal dining room, your decision on how to use this flex room, and 1st floor primary bedroom and bathroom with a walk-in shower. Upstairs, is a loft area, 3 guest bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Plus, a private backyard, a patio, screened porch and 2 car garage. Small community with pool. Close to Bethany Beach and all its attractions.

MLS DESU2042788 $714,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Savannahs Landing, Ocean View

Expansive water views! Enjoy the amazing views and the waterfowl from your deck or 3 season room. This wonderful home offers open and spacious floor plan with a sunny living room and fireplace, a formal dining area, eat-in kitchen, primary bedroom and bathroom with walk-in shower, guest bedroom, guest bathroom, a sunroom, office, or a 3rd bedroom (no closet) and garage.

Community pool and tennis/pickleball courts. Less than 2 miles to the beautiful beaches and boardwalk of Bethany Beach.

MLS DESU2048168 $549,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Located in a premier waterfront community, this fabulous furnished luxurious condo is amazing with numerous upgrades and custom finishes. Offering first-floor, end unit living in a private location with an abundance of sunlight, a remodeled kitchen with breakfast bar, living/dining room combo with wood burning fireplace, and access to a screened porch, a large primary suite with a remodeled bathroom, guest bedroom and remodeled guest bath. Community with top-notch amenities.

MLS DESU2041920 $315,000

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Savannahs Landing, Ocean View

Lake front! Very spacious home offers a chef’s kitchen with a large center island, a spacious built-in desk space, and a breakfast nook. A fantastic ensuite with a luxurious, large walk-in tiled shower. The living room is bright and sunny with a gas fireplace and vaulted ceilings, a formal dining room, guest bedroom, and a sunroom or 3rd bedroom (no closet). Plus, a 3-season porch, garage with storage above and a lakefront patio. Community pool & tennis/pickleball. Only 2 minutes to Bethany.

MLS DESU2044830 $604,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Bethany Forest, Near Ocean View

A truly special home on a large corner lot. Enjoy the 2-story living room with skylights and a gas fireplace, beautiful hardwood floors, a dining room/office, eat-in kitchen, bright and cheery 4-season room, powder room and 1st floor primary bedroom. Upstairs, is an ensuite with private bathroom and 2 guest bedrooms joined by an updated jack-jill bathroom. Plus, a shed and 2 car garage. Bethany Forest is a lovely community with low HOA dues, a pool, tennis/pickleball courts.

MLS DESU2045576 $549,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Plantation Park Marina, Frankford

Soon to be classified as a Class C home. Located in a waterfront community with a boat ramp. This spacious home offers a living room with vaulted ceilings, a large kitchen and dining area, an oversized primary bedroom with a full bath, 2 guest bedrooms, guest bathroom and a private screened porch. Home needs some TLC– ready for your special touches to make it yours. Convenient to the beaches, restaurants, golfing, fishing, and state parks. An excellent buy!

MLS DESU2047874 $299,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

Bethany Bay, Ocean View

Fantastic views of the wetlands, water, and wonderful wildlife from every room in this top-floor furnished luxury condo. This spacious condo offers a 2-story living /dining room area with an electric fireplace, a large eat-in kitchen, screened porch, large primary bedroom, and a guest bedroom. Upstairs are 2 spacious ensuites with excellent views. Discover Bethany Bay and its 1st class amenities while being located near many of the state parks, beaches, quaint shopping, and quality restaurants.

MLS DESU2034422 $467,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Ocean Way Estates, Ocean View

Large corner lot is cleared and ready for your beach home. No HOA currently. Public sewer, buyer will be responsible for the $7,700 impact fee. Well water to be installed at buyer’s expense. Community kayak/canoe launch on Assawoman Canal. Only a short distance to the boardwalk, great restaurants, and shopping.

MLS DESU2045812 $269,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs!

Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Julia Hudson 301-641-6267 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900
SOLD October6,2023 CoastalPoint 49
Linda Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464

two-stepatSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m. Eachclasswillbuildoffoftheprevioussession,soitisbesttoattendallthreedates (Oct.6,9&13).Wearleather-soledshoes andbringapartnerifpossible.Singleattendeeswillbepairedifpossible.Free,register SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

GEMMindfulnessSeries— Learnabout mindfulnessinthis5-part,Fridayafternoon seriesfromth eUniversityofDelawareCooperativeExtension(Sussex)atSouthCoastal Libraryat2p.m.Theprogramfocuseson stressmanagementtaughtthroughpractical andinteractivemindfulness-basedactivities tofacilitateexperientiallearning.Participants oftheprogramwilllearnwhatmindfulnessis andhowtointegrateitintodailylife,strength andflexibilityposes,breathingtechniques andotherrelaxationskills.Participantsmeet onFridaysfrom2–3p.m. fromSept.22 throughOct.20.Participantsshouldbeable

toattendall5sessionsifpossible.Registrationislimited&requiredandavailableat p.m.onSep.1.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930


100thAnniversary— TheSelbyvilleVolunteer FireCo.iscelebratingits100thAnniversary fromnoonto4p.m.Thedesignedprogram itselfisfrom2to3p.m.Therewillbeold andmoder nfireapparatus,thestatefire marshal,DelawareStateFireSchool,Sussex CountyParamedicsandmore.Displaysincludecommandpost,horses,motorcycles andTrooperDan.Therewillbefreehotdogs, chipsandsoda,alongwithbarbecuechicken andpork.

Fa llMarket— TheUnitedMethodistWomen ofSt.George’sUMCwillbeholdingtheirAnnualFallMarketfrom8a.m.to1p.m.Atthis outdoorevent,theywillhavetheirhomemade chickensalad,soupsanddessertsforsale, a swellasvendorsandayardsale.TheproceedswillbenefittheUMWmissionprojects


QuarterAuction— TheDagsborofirehallwill playhosttoaQuarterAuctiontobenefit BethelMethodistChurch.Doorswillopenat 5:30p.m.andthegamesstartat6:30p.m. Thefirstpaddlecosts$10,andanAll-inpaddlecosts$40.

CornholeforaCause— TheSt.Vincentde PaulCornholeforaCausewilltakeplacein thepar kinglotofSt.Annchurchfrom10 a.m.to2p.m.Thecostis$50forateamof two,whichincludeslunch.Fourmatchesare guaranteedforeachteam.Firstprizewins $250,andsecondplacegets$100.Toregister,emailsvdpbethany@gmail.comorcall Bettyat(508)584-2044.

ArtisansFa ir— The15thAnnualArtisansFair willbeheldattheBethanyBeachfirehouse from9a.m.to3p.m.Therewillbe40-plus mediumsonhand.

Train&ToyShow— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubTrain&To yShowwillbeheldat theRoxanafirehousefrom9a.m.to2p.m. Therewillbeoperatinglayouts,refreshments andadoorprize,alongwiththeShoreBoyz RailroadClubMobileDisplay.Thecostis$6

perperson,withchildren10andundergettinginforfree.Formoreinformation,visit delawareseasiderailroadclub.comorcallBill zieglerat(302)537-0964.

Fa llGardenforWildlife— StephenPryce Lea,thedirectorofHorticultureandEducationProgramsatDelawareBotan icGardens, willleadatourofthePietOudolfMeadowat 2p.m.Hewilldiscussgardenmaintenance andfeaturedplantsessentialforproviding wildlifewithfoodsourcesandhabitatsforthe fifthseason.Thecostofthetouris$10for adultnon-members.Children16andyounger areadmittedfreetothegardenswhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membersareadmittedfree,andtheclassisfree.Non-members paya$15admission,plusa$10classfee. Reservationsmaybemadeonlinea t


DanceClass:Two-Step,Part2of3— Join danceinstructor,JohnBrillantes,forafun, instructionaldanceseriesfocusingonthe two-stepatSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m. Eachclasswillbuildoffoftheprevioussession,soitisbesttoattendallthreedates (Oct.6,9&13).Wearleather-soledshoes andbringapartnerifpossible.Singleattendeeswillbepairedifpossible.Free,register ostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

PutYourGardentoBed— SussexCounty MasterGardenerCherieDorfmanwillteach youhowtoprepareyourgardenforwinter, includingremovingdebristopreventfuture problems,plantingperennials,bulbs,trees, shrubsandwintervegetables,caringforgardentools,lawnmaintenance,andmore.This isatSouthCoastalLibrary,at2p.m.Free, Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hostingGriefShareeveryTuesdaythrough Nov.21,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.This isaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelppeoplerebuildtheirlivesafter losingalovedone.

LessonsinChemistry— TheCoastal GeorgetownAAUWDiversityBookClubwill discussBonnieGarmus’“LessonsinChemistry”attheLewesPublicLibraryfrom10 noon.

SecureYourElectronicDevices— The DelawareDept.ofTechnology&Information willpresentthesecondofaninformative,3partseriesonCyberSecurityatSouth CoastalLibraryat11a.m.Thissessionwill teachyouhowtosetminimumsecuritysettingsonyourdevices,safeguardyourdata andavoidfakesoftware.(Oct.3session:ProtectYourIdentity.Oct.17session:Detect CurrentScams.)Free,youmayattendinperson(recommended)orviaZoom.Registerat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

MindfulMovement— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,fora1hourMindfulMovementclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat3:30p.m.Thisclasscombinesgentlemovementandstretcheswith breathworktocreatea"meditationinmotion"followedbyadeepguidedrelaxationto

50 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Calendar Continuedfrompage47 SeeCALENDARpage51


helpcalmthebodyandmind.Pleasebringa yogamatortowelfromhome.Registration guaranteesyourspotintheclass.Walk-in's acceptedfirst-come,first-serveasspace permits.Free,registerat SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930 PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.! Chil drenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5+.Must call(302)858-5518toregister.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930


Women’sBibleStudy— MarinersBethelwill host“WomenoftheBibleWhoChangedthe World,”awoman’sBiblestudy,every WednesdayfromSept.27throughNov.1. Therearetwotimesonecanattend:either 10to11:30a.m.or7to8:30p.m.All




NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat

CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchandtheGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe churcht hesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinformation,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.

RadioOperators— AnyHamradiooperator wantingtomeetandgreetotherscanget

womena rewelcometoattend.Registrationis 539-9510orbystoppingbythechurch.

Dine&Donate— FinsAleHouseandRaw BarinBethanybeachwillhostaDine&DonatetobenefitCoastalGardenersfrom3to 9p.m.ProceedswillbeusedforOperation ChristmasCheertoprovideholidaygiftbasketstohomeboundseniors.Therewillbea 50/50andotherraffleprizes.

BabyBookwormsStoryTime— T hisbeginner’sapproachtoSouthCoastalLibrary forchildrenbirth–age2yearsisagreatway tobegintheirexperienceinagroupsetting wheretheywillhavebasicexposureto books,musicandplay.Free,registrationis notrequired,parentsmustaccompanychildren.Itstartsat10a.m.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

LittleLearnersStoryTime— Preschool childrenages3to5enjoyvariou sactivities designedtohelpwithlanguageacquisition andimprovepre-literacyskillsatSouth CoastalLibraryat11a.m.Activitiesmayincludestories,music,songsandsimple crafts.Free,registrationisnotrequired, parentsmustaccompanychildren.Hosted

togetherattheMillsboroPizzaKingon Thursdaysfrom8to10a.m.TheARRL SectionManagerusuallyattends.Formore information,contactJackMagarat


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.


RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeasideRailroadClubhouseisaninteractive museumofmodelrailroading,andislocatedat36668DuPontBoulevard,in Selbyville.Theyareopentothepublic everyWednesdayfrom5to8p.m.,and everySaturday,from10a.m.to3p.m. Admissionisfree.Formoreinformation, visitthemonlineatdelawar eseasiderail-


TrueCrimeClub— Shareyourtheories, knowledge,andmemoriesoftruecrime caseswithfellowtruec rimeenthusiastsat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.!Ateach meeting,theclubwillexploreaparticular truecrimecase.Thismonth,KimFritsch, HistoricalInterpreterfromtheNewCastle CourtMuseum,willbeourguestspeakeras wediscussthecaseofCatherineBevan. Pleasenotethatthisprogramisin-person onlyandforages18andolder.Registration isappreciatedandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth Co astalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930


BookSale— TheFriendsoftheGeorgetown PublicLibrarywillholditsbooksaleoverthe courseoffourdays.Thehourswillbe5to7 p.m.(forFriendsonly)onOct.11; 7p.m.onOct.12;10a.m.to5p.m.onOct. 13;and10a.m.to1p.m.onOct.14.There willalsobeaSip‘n’Shop&SilentAuction duringthesaleonOct.13,from6to8p.m.

SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuseumislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,visitthemonlineatsel-


LWVEveningSocial— TheLeagueofWomen VotersofSussexCountyisholdingits

“League,LibationsandLearning”eveningsocialattheWheelhouseBar&GrillinLewes from4:30to8p.m.LeagueofWomenVoters ofDelawarePresidentTiffanyLydonwilldiscussLWVDE’s2023-24AgendaandPriorities.Formoreinformationvisitthemonlineat

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guildishostingafreeweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat 10:30a.m.Participants18-plusofallskill levelswill practicecreativewritingina friendlyandnurturingatmosphere.Thisis free,andregistrationisappreciatedand

DeweyReadsBookClub— JoinPatfora quarterlynonfictionbookdiscussionatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.WewillbediscussingTheWomanTheyCouldNotSilence byKateMoore.Free, CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

RenewableEn ergyforKids— ROOTSYouth



CommunityBibleStudy— GraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboroishostinga BibleStudythisfallonWednesdaymornings,startingonSept.6, noon.Formoreinformation,andtoregister,

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 51 Huge selection of the best brands! FREE In-Home Consultations &Estimates BUDGETBLINDS.COM • 302.856.6799 Professional Installation Custom Window Coverings Shutters • Draperies • Blinds • Shades Each Franchise is Independently Owned and Operated *At participating franchises only. 2021 Budget Blinds, INC. All Rights Reserved. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Budget Blinds is a registered trademark of Budget Blinds, INC. and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand DON’S TREE FARM 6396 Hickman Road, Greenwood, DE 19950 302-349-0555 • Fully stocked with fast growing evergreen trees to make your privacy a reality! 45 mins. from the beach, 45 mins. from Bay Bridge. Delivery available. STOP PAYING RETAIL Get more tree for your dollar! Hours: Saturday & Sunday 10 to 2 Monday through Friday by Appointment Green Giant, Schip Laurel, Leyland, Spruce, Pine and Holly. Also deciduous, ornamental and fruit trees. Eastern Shore’s Finest Christmas & Evergreen Trees

TheDelawareBotanicGardensat PepperCreek(DBG)hostedmore than300guestsandsupportersatthe sold-outDBGAnnualDinneron Sept.28.RaySander,presidentofthe DBG,thankedthemallundera whitesailclothtentprovidedby CoastalTentedEvents.SoDelConceptsprovidedfoodanddessertsat multiplechefstations.ScottKammerer,presidentofSoDelConcepts, alongwithhiswife,Lisa,werehonoraryco-chairsofthedinner.Scott Kammererwelcomedthegueststo oneofthe“bestcharityeventsin Delaware.”

Sandersaid,“Thisisthe11thanniversaryofourfirstfundraising farm-to-tabledinnercreatedbyMatt HaleyandSueRyanattheGood EarthMarket.Tonight,ourdinner partnershavebravedthecloudyday andshowersforagloriouscelebration ofthegardens.Weareindebtedto ScottKammererandRonnieBurkle andtheamazingSoDelchefs;Riley QuinnandDerrickKelleyofBin66 fortheirbeautifullypairedwines; ZackMcCarthyandhisteamforthe spectaculartent;VinceVarrassiand 5thAvenuefortheirmusicalvirtuosity;andAffairstoRememberfor theirspecialoutdoorlighting.”


Carter,SarahGilmoursponsoredthe ‘WelcomingProsecco,’”Sandernoted. “Theenthusiasmandhighspirits

weresharedbyallandrepresentative ofhowmuchDelawareandSussex Countycitizenscareandsupportour


Sanderalsotooknoteofattending supportersincludingChuckPennoni, founderofPennoniAssociates;SussexCountyLandTrust;andelected officialsfromacrossthestate,includingLt.Gov.BethanyHall-Long, stateSens.GeraldHockerandRuss Huxtable,SussexCountyCouncil MemberDouglasB.Hudson,Sussex CountyAdministratorToddLawson, NewCastleCountyExecutiveMatt MeyerandDagsboroMayorBrian Baull.

“SupportfromourState,County, andlocalgovernments,andtheprivatesectorisvitaltothesuccessof ourpublicgarden.Also,withoutthe supportofallofyouinthistent tonight,therewouldbenobotanic gardeninSussexCounty,”Sander said.

Thisyear,DBGchallengedguests tohelpraisefundsforoperations.By theendoftheevening,guestshad donatednearly$26,000,bringingthe grandtotalraisedattheAnnualDinnertomorethan$122,000.Thedonationsarestillcominginandare welcome,Sandersaid.

Inherremarks,DBGExecutive DirectorSherylSwedsalutedthe DBGBoardmembersandAdvisory Councilmemberspresent,dinner sponsors,volunteersandstaff,includingStephenPryceLea,directorof Horticulture&EducationalPrograms,andSamCashdollar,DBGdirectorofGrounds&Facilities.


52 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Supplies for Inshore, Offshore & Jetty Fishing Rods • Reels • Tackle • Bait Fresh Local Seafood • Fish Cleaning Service 302-226-8220 • Open Daily • Call For Hours 39401 Inlet Rd. • North Indian River Marina • Rehoboth, DE Beach Goods • Bait • Tackle • Ice Chairs • Towels • Umbrellas • Beach Toys Hunting Supplies • Firearms • Ammunition 302-539-6243 www.hookemcookemout • Open Daily 34444 Coastal Hwy. • York Beach Mall • Bethany, DE Judy V. 39401 Inlet Rd. North Indian River Marina Rehoboth, DE 302-226-2214 www. Capt.
Beginning May 27th / Daily 1/2 Day Advance Reservations Recommended Through mid-October Limited Space | Full Day Advance Reservations Recommended Now Running Daily Come by Car or Boat! BEACH GOODSNOW AVAILABLE! AND DelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreekraise$122,000atannualdinner CoastalPoint•Submitted
Bob II
GuestsaregreetedattheDBG’sannualdinner.Pictured,fromleft,areLisaHastings,DBGExecutiveDirectorSherylSwed,DBG AdvisoryCouncilChairDavidSmall,DBGPresidentRaySanderandCindySmall.

ner,becauseitmarkedtheannual gatheringofourmostdedicatedsupportersanddonorstocelebratethe gardens’progressandtorecognizethe board,staffandvolunteerswhomake ithappen.Asanonprofit,wecould notoperatewithoutthesupportof thededicatedvolunteers,staffand ourgenerouscommunitysupporters. Thankyou!”

TheDBGisnowopentothepublicThursdaythroughSundayfrom9 a.m.to4p.m.Guidedtoursareofferedat10a.m.Reservationsarepreferredandcanbemadeatthewebsite Theticketsfornon-memberscost $15foradults,andanyone16or youngerisadmittedfreeofcharge whenaccompaniedbyanadult. Membersareadmittedfree.The DelawareBotanicGardensislocated at30220PineyNeckRoad,Dagsboro.Membershipsareavailableby

ThemissionoftheDelaware BotanicGardensis“tocreatea world-class,inspirational,educational,andsustainablepublicbotanic gardeninsouthernDelawareforthe benefitandenjoymentofall.”

f Trusted Advisor e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists trust and de profe to xactly hey told m xpert essional adviso epend on their e e looki ly wha me everything the DC .ors tise. ally ing for and CF would handle, y d ho maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar A community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F omas so Scholarship pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their A. ship md vice pr o le T 302.335.69 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or 933 t , a e war org/daf October6,2023 CoastalPoint 53 CoastalPoint•Submitted About300dinnerguestsgatherinsidethetent.


Picturedmakingthepresentationofdonationsfromthesilentauctionare,fromleft: DavidSzumski,Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceofBoardofDirectors; AliSchuch,Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceBoardofDirectors;LindsayRichard,FreemanArtsPavilionArtsAccessInitiative;KarenandDavidJayne, Jayne’sReliable;JeffLewis,BeachLiquors;andEmilyGaitherandAlyssaWeaver.

CoastalPointphotos•Submitted Picturedmakingthepresentationofdonationsfromthesilentauctionare,fromleft: backrow,EmilyGaitherandAlyssaWeaver,Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberof Commerce;JeffLewis,BeachLiquors;frontrow,BarkleyHeck,LordBaltimoreElementarySchool;ChristyKerr,PhillipC.ShowellElementarySchool;KarenandDavid Jayne,Jayne’sReliable;MarciGinsberg,JohnM.ClaytonElementarySchool;Laurie Hall, SelbyvilleMiddleSchool;JacquelineYerkes,LordBaltimoreElementarySchool; andKharaBauer,JohnM.ClaytonElementarySchool.



Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberof Commercepresentedcheckstotaling

$7,000totheartprogramsatJohn M.ClaytonElementarySchool, LordBaltimoreElementarySchool,

School.FreemanArtsPavilion’sArts AccessInitiativeandtheLeoClub fromIndianRiverHighSchoolwere alsoincludedinthecontributions. Thisyear,students,parentsand teachersfrombeneficiaryschoolsand organizationsparticipatedinthefestivalbyvolunteeringtheirtime.

Thecheckswerepresentedatthe Chamber’sBusinessAfterHours NetworkingeventhostedatMio Fratello’sLofton54.Nearly$5,000 oftheproceedswereraisedatthe SilentAuctionduringtheChamber’s BethanyBeachBoardwalkArtsFestivalonSept.9,whichwassponsored byJayne’sReliableofDagsboro.An additional$2,170wasraisedfroma newWineTastingeventaddedto theArtsFestivaltocelebrateits45th anniversary.TheWineTasting,sponsoredbyBeachLiquors,washeldat HarvestTideSteakhouseandfeaturedtastingsof60wines.

Thisnationallyrankedshowisa juriedeventthathostsmorethan 100juriedartiststoshowcaseand selltheirwork.Thefeaturedartists bringuniquecreationsrepresentinga varietyofmediums,includingpaintings,photography,woodwork,metalwork,clayandjewelry.

TheBethanyBeachBoardwalk ArtsFestivalwillreturnonSaturday, Sept.7,2024.Tolearnmoreabout theBethany-FenwickAreaChamber ofCommerce, visitthequietresorts.comorcall(302) 539-2100.

PhillipC.ShowellElementary School,SouthernDelawareSchool oftheArtsandSelbyvilleMiddle
54 CoastalPoint October6,2023

Developmentwillprovideanengagingprogramonrenewableenergy,andhowharnessingsolarandwindpowercan revolutionizeourenergyconsumptionand contributetoasustainable,greenfutureat SouthCoastalLibraryat5p.m.Forelementaryages,parentmustaccompanychild. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat, BethanyBeach,DE

NA RFEMeets— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonat1776SteakhouseinMidway ShoppingCenteratnoon.Thespeakerwillbe DeirdreO’SheaMcCartney,anattorneywho specializesinelderlaw.Thecostofthe luncheonis$19perperson,whichincludes gratuities,andpaymentismadeuponarrival. Thereisachoiceofthreeentrees—meatloafwithmashedpotatoesandvegetable, pulledporkBBQsandwichwithcoleslawand chips,andoystersona mixedfieldofgreens. Tomakeareservation,andpickyourentree, emailLarryorKathyTrombelloat

DBGWoodlandsTour— ElizabethRives— DBGdocent,certifiednaturalistandTreeScrub—isleadinganexplorationofthe wondersoftheforest,vernalpoolsandshore lineofPeppercreekatDelawareBotanic Gardensfrom11:30a.m.to12:30p.m.The costofthetouris$10.Children16and youngerareadmittedfreetothegardens whenaccompaniedbyana dult.Membersare admittedfree,andthetourcosts$10.Nonmemberspaya$15admissionfee,plusthe $10classfee.Reservationscanbemadeat


TrapShoot— TheFirstStateDetachmentof theMarineCorpsLeagueisholdingthefirst AnnualMartyKweskoMemorialTrapShootat theSynepuxentRod&GunClubinBerlin, Md.,atnoon.Toregister,orformoreinformation,contactMiltWarrenbyphoneortext at(443)497-0057,orthroughemai lat

DanceClass:Two-Step,Part3of3— Join danceinstructor,JohnBrillantes,forafun, instructionaldanceseriesfocusingonthe two-stepatSouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m. Eachclasswillbuildoffoftheprevioussession,soitisbesttoattendallthreedates (Oct.6,9&13).Wearleather-soledshoes andbringapartnerifpossible.Singleattendeeswillbepairedifpossible.Free,register e SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

GEMMindfulnessSeries— Learnabout mindfulnessinthis5-part,Fridayafternoon seriesfromtheUniversityofDelawareCooperativeExtension(Sussex)atSouthCoastal Libraryat2p.m.Theprogramfocuseson stressmanagementtaughtthroughpractical andinteractivemindfulness-basedactivities tofacilitateexperientiallearning.Participants oftheprogramwilllearnwhatmindfulnessis andho wtointegrateitintodailylife,strength andflexibilityposes,breathingtechniques andotherrelaxationskills.Participants shouldbeabletoattendallfivesessionsif possible.Registrationislimitedandrequired HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent


BirdSeedSalePick-up— TheFriendsof CapeHenlopenStateParkAnnualBirdSeed noon.Individualswhoplacedorderscanturn inattheparkofficeandfollowthesignsto thepick-uppoint.

GolfScramble— TheBethanyBeachVolunteerFireCompanywillbenefitfroman18holebest-ballscrambleatBearTrap.Thisis ashotgunstart,withgolfersteeingoffat 12:30p.m.Formoreinformation,callColeen Cardyat(724)238-3967.


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,atSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.forafreeone-hour gentleyogaflowclass.Idealforbeginners, seniors,andanyonelookingforaslowerflow practice.Wewilllearnbreathingtechniques, postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibility

andstrength,balance,andrelaxation.Please bringayogamatortowelfromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends4-inch-deepfoam yogablocks.Ifyouareunabletogetontothe flooreasily,donotworry,wewillprovide chairs.The reareoptionsforall!Registration opensat10amonOct.9andisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 ThriftedGhostPainting— JoinRacheland Claireforasimple,funDIYprojectthat'sperfectforHalloweenatSouthCoastalLibraryat 3:30p.m.!Wewillbepaintingghosts,pu mpkinsandotherseasonalthingsonexisting paintings.Participantsmustbringtheirown paintingstodecorate.(Thriftstoresarea greatplacetofindoneifyoudon’thaveone athome.)Registrationbeginsat10:15a.m. onOct.9,andisavailableat areeligibletoattendthreeart/craftclasses perquarter(SeptemberthroughNovember 2023.)HostedbytheSouthC oastalLibrary,


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hostingGriefShareeveryTuesdaythrough Nov.21,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.This isaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelppeoplerebuildtheirlivesafter losingalovedone.

DetectCurrentScams— TheDelawareDepartmentofTechnology&Informationwill presentthethirdofaninformative,3-partseriesonCyberSecurityatSouthCoastalLibrar yat10a.m.Thissessionwillteachyou aboutscamtactics,phishes,smishesand vishes,andwhattodoifyou’reascamvictim.(Oct.3session:ProtectYourIdentity. Oct.10session:SecureYourElectronicDevices.)Free,youmayattendinperson(recommended)orviaZoom.Registerat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 55 L c NE m y 2 e H Hou G r D d o i 0 S i $1 tacos shrimp 2 Friday $ + h h E i t t W Th 6 o O I t mp7@de mp7@sru pm a 9 t 9 $16 Fajitas All nigh and day All Tuesday! Taco lL n P Holiday otba Fo arties gam football PRO all during Specials ll 3 Special RO GAMES 5 302 DURING ALL P s FOOTBALL 7373 7 76991ED,ell ,.evAcitnaltA moc.edmir d 3 i ot ntuohtiwegnahcottcejbusslaicepS&gnicirP a 21-03:11taS-irF p 01-03:11sruhT-nuS .eci m m Calendar Continuedfrompage51 SeeCALENDARpage56

iPad&AppleUsersGroup— iPad,iPhone andotherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevels arewelcometoattendthissupportgroupat SouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.Usersmeet todiscussnewfeatures,sharetips,andask questions.AttendinpersonorviaZoom. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE.


Women’sBibleStudy— MarinersBethelwill host“WomenoftheBibleWhoChangedthe World,”awoman’sBiblestudy,every WednesdayfromSept.27throughNov.1. Therearetwotimesonecanattend:either 10to11:30a.m.or7to8:30p.m.All womenarewelcometoattend.Registrationis 539-9510orbystoppingbythechurch.

StoryTimeatJamesFa rm— Ages2–4and theirparentsandoldersiblingsareinvitedto enjoyaspecialstorytime atJamesFarmnaturepreserveonCedarNeckRoad.Wewill meetattheparkinglotpromptlyat10a.m. andwalktothebaytogetherforanoutdoor storytime.Free,registerat cancellationduetoinclementweather. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930

HappyBookersBookClub— JoinJuliaand TheoforournextHappyBookersmeetingat SouthCoa stalLibraryat2p.m.Thegroup meetsonselectmonthstodiscussnewand popularliteraryfictiontitles.Thismonthwe willbediscussingHamnetbyMaggieO'Farrell.YoumayattendinpersonorviaZoom. RegistrationisrequiredforZoomparticipationandappreciatedforin-person,andis availableat bycalling(302)858-5518.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

CrimeSolvers!— Areyouatru ecrimelover oranaspiringdetective?JoinSouthCoastal

Libraryat5p.m.fora105-minutetabletop gamewhereweexamineevidence,witness statements,etc.tosolvefictionalmurders. Forages14toAdult.Free,allmaterialsprovided.Registrationisrequiredandavailable at (302)858-5518HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930


FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guildishostingafreeweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionatSouthCoastalLibraryat 10:30a.m.Participants18-plusofallskill levelswillpracticecreativewritingina friendlyandnurturingatmosphere.Thisis free,andregistrationisappreciatedand

ALookBackinCrime— JoinSouthCoastal Libraryat1p.m.intakingalookbackattrue crimecasescoveredinourDidTheyDoIt?: TrueCrimeClubwithothertruecrimeenthusiasts! Discusstheories,knowledge,memories,andupdateswithothersinyour community!Perfectforthosewhomissedour

previousTrueCrimeClubprogramsaswell asthosewhoarenewtotruecrime.Ateach meeting,theclubwillfocusonaparticular truecrimecaseandarecommendedbookto accompanythecase.Thismonth,we'lltakea lookatthecaseoftheLongIslandSerial Killer.Suggestedread:LostGirls:AnUnsolvedAmericanMysterybyRobertKolker. Pleasenote,youdono thavetoreadthe booktoparticipateintheclub.Registrationis appreciated,andwillgiveyouaccessto videossentbythepresenterpriortotheprogram.Forages18&up.Free,registerat SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930

FallHarvestStart— TheDelawareBotanic GardensFallHarvestFestivitiesbeginsatthe Gardenswithseasonaldecorations,familyfriendlyfunandaspecialDiscoveryTrail with wildlifecreatures.Children16andyounger areadmittedfreetothegardenswhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membersareadmitted free.Non-memberspaya$15admissionfee.


56 CoastalPoint October6,2023 ENJOY YOUR VACATION WITH MD CRABS & GREAT SEAFOOD! Sandwiches & Dinners • Seafood & Chicken • Homemade Soups 1/3 lb. MD Crab Cakes • Steamed Shrimp Open Daily @ 11:00am 302-537-5882 • Oceanside Md./Del. Line, 37085 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, Delaware Great Menu, Quality Food Call Ahead-Ready In Minutes LOBSTER TAILS FRESH MD CRAB MEAT LUMP & JUMBO LUMP SCALLOPS & OYSTERS KING CRAB LEGS SNOW CRABS CLAMS & SHRIMP SWEET CORN VOTED #1 CRABS & SEAFOOD CARRY OUT JUMBO CRABS & BIGGER • ALL CRABS GRADED BY WEIGHT Jumbo GUARANTEED “FAT” CRABS BAHAMAS Crabshack NO TAX • PACK FOR TRAVEL • FREE COOLER & ICE 1/3 LB. MD JUMBO LUMP CRAB CAKE W/FRIES & DRINK LB. SNOW CRAB LB. LG SHRIMP 20 LN CLAMS LUNCH SPECIALS W/ FRIES & DRINK $60 From $8.95 $20.95 KING CRAB 20% OFF MARYLAND CRAB CAKES MARYLAND CRAB SOUP CREAM OF CRAB SOUP LOBSTER TAILS 20% OFF JUMBO SNOW CRAB 20% OFF JUMBO GULF SHRIMP JUMBO COCO SHRIMP UNBEATABLE VALUES! TRY US & FIND OUT WHY OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SO HAPPY THEY DID! * THE BEST FOR LESS! QUALITY • PRICE • SERVICE CALL FOR DAILY SPECIALS $39* & 1/2lb. Shrimp 1 Dz Crabs * WITH COUPON. EXP. 10/15/23 CP *3 DOZ. CRABS & 1 LB SHRIMP $99 *1/2 BUSHELS FROM $119 PREMIUM SEAFOOD BEST PRICES MED/LG • LARGE EX-LARGE • JUMBOS * SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY * Physicians Mutual Insurance Company For complete details, including costs and limitations, please contact us. Product not available in all states. 6294 1-888-928-1656 Affordable pet INSURANCE
Calendar Continuedfrompage55


wasplannedonMonday,Oct.2, 2023,attheWatsonFuneralHome &Crematorium,211S.Washington St.,Millsboro,Del.Afuneralwasto follow,withtheRev.JamesVanDer WallandRobertHerringtonofficiating.IntermentwasplannedatMcColley’sChapelCemeteryin Georgetown,Del.Daisey’, wherecondolencesmayalsobesent.


EugeneA.“Gene”Ellis,88,of OceanView,Del.,peacefullypassed awayathishome,withthesupport ofhisfamilyandAccentCareHospice,onSept.30,2023.Elliswas bornonMarch13,1935,inChester, Pa.,tothelateSamEllisandAsunta “Sue”(Maiorini)Ellis.

HeattendedChesterHighSchool inChester,Pa.In1958,hegraduated fromthePennsylvaniaMilitaryCollege(nowWidenerUniversity), whereheearnedabachelor’sdegree inmechanicalengineeringandwas involvedinEngineersClub,Society ofAmericanMilitaryEngineers,SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersand KappaSigmaKappafraternity.

Upongraduation,hewasemployedasamechanicalengineerfor severalgovernmentagenciesfor20 years.HehelpeddesigntheArmy ReservesRecruitingCenterin Lewes,Del.,andwasalsoinvolved withtheDoverAirForceBasebarracksproject.

Afterthegovernment,hepartneredwithhisbrother,Sam,and formedEllisConstructionInc.The companywasknownforrehabbing Chesterhousing,providingsafe homesforlow-incomefamilies, amongmanyothercommercial,industrialandresidentialprojectsin thearea.

EllisandhisfamilylivedinVirginia,MarylandandPennsylvania, buttheydiscoveredOceanView, Del.,inthe1960swithfriends.He builtahomein1971,andspent weekendsandsummersenjoying fishing,crabfeastswithlongtime friendsandfamily,andthequietof “LowerSlower”SussexCounty.He andhiswife,BettyJo(Inscoe)Ellis, retiredtoOceanViewin1995,and GeneElliscontinuedtoinvestin propertyandbuildinghousesinthe area.

Hedevelopedatheoryontheexpandinguniversemorethan15years ago.Hespentmuchofhisdayresearchingandlearningmoreand moreonthesubject.Hewroteand postedhispapersontheinternetand enjoyedcollaboratingwithothers aroundtheworldonthetopic.


andusheratSt.Ann’sCatholic ChurchinBethanyBeach,Del.He enjoyedgoingoncruiseswithhis wife,Betty,andfriends.Hishobby wasexploringalltheinformationon theinternet.

Inadditiontohisparents,Ellis wasprecededindeathbyhisbrothers PaulParente,JohnEllis,SamEllis andRonaldEllis.Heissurvivedby hiswife,BettyJo(Inscoe)Ellis;his children,MarkEllis,SusanAsh(and Lawrence),CathyEngland(and Steve)andSamEllis(andTara);his grandchildren,JoeGarner,Lona Garner,MichelleEngland-LaFrance (andAnthony),RyanEllisandGina Ellis;andgreat-grandchildren, ChristopherLewisandEthanEngland.

AMassofChristianBurialwillbe heldat11a.m.onMonday,Oct.9, 2023,atSt.AnnCatholicChurch, 691GarfieldParkway,Bethany Beach,Del.,wherefriendsandfamilymayvisitafter10a.m.Interment willbeheldprivately.Flowersare welcomed,ordonationsmaybemade totheFaith&CharityCatholicAppeal,CatholicDioceseofWilmington,P.O. Box2030,Wilmington,DE



, age 82, of Marysville, WA passed away peacefully on September 18, 2023. She was born on July 3, 1941 in Selbyville, DE.

Brenda will be lovingly remembered and dearly missed by her surviving family members. She is survived by her husband, Duane Herring, sons, Robert (Sue) Wells of Battleboro, NC, Greg (Tammy) Wells of Mardela Springs, MD, her daughters, Debby Wells of Clearwater, FL, Amy (Mark) Lucas of Arlington, WA, stepson Graham (Christina) Herring of Arlington, WA, stepdaughter Allyson Herring of Marysville, WA, and sister Patricia Simpler of Selbyville, DE. Brenda also leaves behind numerous grandchildren and greatgrandchildren who will cherish her memory.

At Brenda's request, no services will be held. A gathering of family and close friends will be held at a later date to celebrate her life and share cherished memories.

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests donations to be made in Brenda's honor to Alzheimer's Association or Noah Animal Shelter. Contributions to these organizations will help support causes that were close to Brenda's heart.

May Brenda McCabe Herring rest in eternal peace, and may her memory forever be a blessing to all who knew and loved her.


Continuedfrompage25 October6,2023 CoastalPoint 57


EllenPostleyHarmonpassed awayonSept.22,2023.Shewasborn Feb.18,1949,inWhaleyville,Md., tothelateAudreyandWilliamPostley.

ShegraduatedfromWilliamC. JasonHighSchool,andsheretired fromtheStockleyCenterafter30 yearsofservice.Shehadalovefor flowers.Shewillbedearlymissedby allwhoknewher.

Harmonissurvivedbyherloving husband,LeroyHarmonJr.;two aunts,KathleenPurnellandFrances Sample;twouncles,RobertPurnell andDouglasPostley;twobrothersin-law,GeorgeHarmonandWilliam Jones;andtwosisters-in-law,CarolynJonesandMaryHarmon.She wasalsoblessedwithfivespecial cousins,LindaCollins,MargoWise, JamesPurnell,RussellMumfordand MichaelPurnell;aswellasahostof nieces,nephews,cousinsandfriends.

Afuneralservicewillbeheldat 11a.m.onThursday,Oct.5,2023,at theAntiochAMEChurch,194 ClaytonAve.,Frankford,Del.,where friendsmaycallfrom10to11a.m. Intermentwillimmediatelyfollowin theadjoiningchurchcemetery.Harmon’slifememorialwebpageandonlineguestbookareat


DouglasScott“Doug”Isaac,69,of Millville,Del.,andformerlyof NorthernVirginia,passedawayunexpectedlyonWednesday,Sept.13, 2023,atBeebeHealthcareinLewes, Del.HewasborninGallipolis,Ohio, onDec.8,1953,sonofBenAlexanderIsaacandVirginiaMarie(Gunn) Isaac.

IsaacretiredfromWashington Gasafter33years,beforehebecame selfemployedasaVirginialicensed drivinginstructoratCommonwealth DrivingSchoolfor11years.Heretiredagainand,alongwithhiswife, Diane,movedtoMillville,Del.,to enjoyBethanyBeach.DougwasactiveinhisMillvilleBytheSeacommunity,servedasteamcaptainofthe area’sSeniorBilliardLeague,and wasamemberoftheLordBaltimore LionsClub.

Hispassionwasfishingandtalkingabouthiscatchatanyopportunitythatcamealong.Henever missedatimetodrivehisfamilyon thebeachandfish.Hebelievedin andsupportedanimalrescue,along withDiane.

Isaacissurvivedbyhiswife, Diane(Stepp)Isaac;anddaughter, MarisaCooleyandherhusband, Ryan,ofLeesburg,Va.Healsoleaves asister-in-law,DawnKraucunasand herhusband,Paul,ofMoreheadCity, N.C.;sister,DonnaBlosser(and brother-in-lawFredBlosser)of Austin,Texas;sister,DeniseHeflin (andbrother-in-lawMikeHeflin)of Fairfax,Va.;brother,DavidIsaac (andsister-in-lawMarsha)ofThe Villages,Fla.;aswellasagroupof niecesandnephewscherishedby him.

AcelebrationofIsaac’slifewillbe heldat2p.m.onThursday,Oct.12, 2023,attheOceanViewChapelof MelsonFuneralServices,38040 MuddyNeckRd.,OceanView,Del., wherefriendsandfamilymaygather after1p.m.Intermentwillbeheld privately.Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestedmemorialcontributions inIsaac’snametotheMillvilleVolunteerFireCompany,35554AtlanticAve.,Millville,DE19967. Condolencesmaybesentonlineby visitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.c om.



AviewingwillbeheldFriday, Oct.6,2023, LewisN.WatsonFuneralHome P.A.,inSalisbury,Md. Visitwww.lewisnwatsonfuneralhome.comtooffercondolencesto thefamily.


BettyJaneRogers,86,ofFrankford,Del.,passedawaypeacefully, surroundedbyherlovingfamily,on Monday,Sept.25,2023,atthe DelawareHospiceCenterinMilford,Del.ShewasborninRoxana, Del.,onOct.9,1936,daughterof thelateFrankHarperandthelate Elizabeth(Mitchell)Harper.

RogerswasagraduateofSelbyvilleHighSchoolinSelbyville, Del.Sheworkedforseveralyearsasa cashieratAcmeinMillsboro,Del., priortoherretirement.Shelovedto travel,listentobluegrassmusic,go outtoeatand,moreimportantly, spendingtimewithherfamily.

Inadditiontoherparents,Rogers wasprecededindeathbyhertwo husbands,LewisBuntingin1978, andCharlesRogersin1997;a grandson,RichardBuntingJr.;a granddaughter,AngelBrittingham; andasister,HazelRagniandher partner,JackGray.Sheissurvivedby herthreechildren,RichardBunting andhiswife,Kenzel,ofFrankford, Del.,RonaldBuntingofChambersburg,Pa.,andDenicePowellandher husband,Bruce,ofGeorgetown,Del. Sheisalsosurvivedbyeightgrandchildren,R.J.BuntingofTexas,AshleyLarisofGeorgia,Matthew BuntingofChambersburg,Pa., BethanyHanftofWilliamsport, Md.,NicholasBuntingofChambersburg,Pa.,LukeBuntingofNew

Market,Md.,AnnaKrampetzof Chambersburg,Pa.,andEmileeFellenbaumofGeorgetown,Del.;29 great-grandchildren;andtwogreatgreat-grandchildren.

Afuneralservicewasplannedon Sunday,Oct.1,2023,attheFrankfordChapelofMelsonFuneralServices,43ThatcherSt.,Frankford,Del. IntermentwastofollowatDagsboro RedmenCemeteryinDagsboro,Del. Flowersarewelcome,ordonationsin Rogers’namecanbemadeinher memorytoDelawareHospice,100 PatriotsWay,Milford,DE19963. Condolencesmaybesentonlineby visiting


RogerL.SmithSr.,70,ofSelbyville,Del.,diedTuesday,Sept.26, 2023,athome.HewasborninSalisbury,Md.,sonofthelateHarryR. SmithSr.andInez(Long)Smith. Hewasaretiredfromworkasa carpenterandworkedfortheSussex CountyBuildingCodeoffice.He alsoattendedTheRiverChurchin Roxana,Del.,andservedintheU.S. ArmyNationalGuard.Heloved campingwithhisspecialfriends CookieandCharlie.

Smithwasprecededindeathbya brother,HarryR.SmithJr.Heis survivedbyhiswife,LeonaL.Smith; threechildren,RogerSmithJr.and hiswife,Amy,ofDagsboro,Del.,and AmyClarkandherhusband,Billy, andJoshuaA.Smith,allofSelbyville;threesisters,HarriettSmith andherhusband,Jeff,andJeanEllen Lyons,allofSelbyville,andAndrea Kasperandherhusband,Dave,of Nixa,Mo.;fourgrandchildren, Megan,Garrett,LoganandKaitlyn; andhislittledogPumpkin.Heis alsosurvivedbymanyniecesand nephews.

Afuneralservicewasplannedon Sept.29,2023,atBishop-Hastings FuneralHome,19S.MainStreetin Selbyville,Del.Inlieuofflowers,donationsinhismemorymaybemade toTheRiverChurch,35175Roxana Road,Frankford,DE19945,or CompassionateCareHospice,20165 OfficeCircle,Suite2,Georgetown, DE19947.Condolencesmaybesent byvisiting

58 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000 Obits Continuedfrompage57



BeginningGenealogy101— Joinusat SouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.foraninformativeone-hourlectureongettingstarted withgenealogythroughresourcesatthe DelawarePublicArchives.Reference Archivists,DanaNiemeyer,andJoeSullivan, fromtheMabelLloydRidgelyResearchRoom attheDelawarePublicArchiveswilldiscuss themostcommonrecordsusedbygenealogists.Theyalsowilltakeadeeperlookinto thoselittle-knownresourcesthatcouldb e helpfulwhenresearchingyourownfamily tree.Free,registrationisappreciatedand

HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930

GEMMindfulnessSeries— Learnabout mindfulnessinthisfive-part,Fridayafternoon seriesfromtheUniversityofDelawareCooperativeExtension(Sussex)atSouthCoastal Libraryat2p.m.Theprogramfocuseson stressmanagementtaughtthroughpractical andi nteractivemindfulness-basedactivities tofacilitateexperientiallearning.Participants oftheprogramwilllearnwhatmindfulnessis andhowtointegrateitintodailylife,strength andflexibilityposes,breathingtechniques andotherrelaxationskills.Participants shouldbeabletoattendallfivesessionsif possible.Registrationislimitedandrequired HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930


SelbyvilleMuseum— TheSelbyvilleMuseum isopenfrom10a.m.to2p.m.onthethird SaturdayofeachmonththroughOctober. variousrailroadandTownartifactsdating backtotheearliestagriculturaldaysthrough late20thCenturypolicememorabiliaareon display.Themuseumislocatedat6Railroad AvenueinSelbyville.Admissionisfree.For moreinformation,

LegoClub— Letyourchild 'simaginationrun wildinSouthCoastal’sLEGOClubat11a.m. LEGOsandthemewillbeprovided.Forages 6-10years.Registrationisencouragedand spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930

TrunkorTreat— The3rdAnnualSelbyville TrunkorTreatwilltakeplaceintheparking lotoftheSelbyvillefiredepartmentfrom10 a.m.to2p.m.The rewillbemusicbyDJ BrianK.Hall,jugglingfromCascadingCarlos, achildren’scostumeparadeandcompetition, a50/50raffle,foodandbeverages,andthe DelawareAlcohol&TobaccoEnforcement’s DUItrailer.Formoreinformation,contact LorynRoseat(302)436-8314,ext.120,or

ChildTraffickingTalk— CrossroadsCommunityChurchinDagsborowillhostaZoeMinistryChild&SexTraffickingpresentation from10a.m.tonoon .Formoreinformation, callBarbarannat(410)596-0137.

Fa llGardenforWildlife— StephenPryce Lea,thedirectorofHorticultureandEducationProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardens, willleadatourofthePietOudolfMeadowat

2p.m.Hewilldiscussgardenmaintenance andfeaturedplantsessentialforproviding wildlifewithfoodsourcesandhabitatsforthe fifthseason.Thecostofthetouris$10for adultnon-members.Children16andyounger areadmittedfreetothe gardenswhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membersareadmittedfree,andtheclassisfree.Non-members paya$15admission,plusa$10classfee. Reservationsmaybemadeonlineat


HarvestDay— TheFriendsofPrinceGeorge’s Chapelwillbecelebratingits31stanniversaryandHarvestDayatthechapel’smuseumat3p.m.Therewillbeaspecial musicalconcertbyJoySlaven’sharpensemble,“ExpressionsofJoy.”A$5donationis requ estedatthedoor,withnodonationrequiredforchildren12andyounger.Donationswillbenefittheupkeepofthehistoric church.Formoreinformation,callVickieat (302)732-3824orJoAnnat(302)8582720.


IntheGenes— TheSouthCoastalGenealogy GroupismeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat noon.Thiswillbeanopen-groupdiscussion, andtherearenomembershipfees.

BannedBooksCanvasBagCraft— Join SouthCoastalLibraryforafuncraftat10:30 and11: 30a.m.Free,allmaterialsprovided. Registrationbeginsat10:30amonSept.29 at (302)858-5518(onlineregistrationrecommended.)Youareeligibletoattendthree art/craftclassesperquarter(September

throughNovember2023).Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxanais hostingGriefShareeveryTuesdaythrough Nov.21,2023,from6:30to8:30p.m.This isaweeklyseminarandsupportgroupdesignedtohelppeoplerebuildtheirlivesafter losingalovedone.

Mommy&MeTime— Mommy&Metimeis anewmonthlyprogramattheSouthCoastal Library,heldat10:30a.m.Thiswillbean opportunityforMoms(orDads/Grandparents) toconnectone-on-onewiththeirchildren throughcraftsandactivities.Wearealsoexcitedtopartnerwithlocalcoffeeshopsto providecoffee!Free.Inordertohelpusbetterpre pareforyou,pleaseregisteryourself andyourchildat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.

TaiChiforHealth&Balance— JoinMarianneWalch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChi forHealthInstitute,andCo-Directorofthe SilverLotusTrainingInstituteinRehoboth Beach,Delaware,assheoffersa5-weekseriesofgentle,beginner’sTaiChithatfocuses onfallpreven tionandrelievingarthritispain atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Exercises canbecanbedoneeitherstandingor seated.Eachsessionbuildsonthelast,so participantsshouldbeabletoattendallfive sessions.Free,


This luxurious 4 BR, 3.5 BA Shearwater Model features extended garage, stone FP, chef's kitchen, Bose surround sound, & world-class amenities. Close to Indian River Bay and Delaware's resort towns, this coastal beauty is a must-see! $1,295,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4532VL

4 BR, 3.5 BA in an amenity rich community,


in 55+ Community of Independence. Wood oors upgraded kitchen with granite counters, 2 walkin closets in Primary Bedroom, screened porch and larger lot. $475,000 Call Ramona Zoccola 302-584-1944 (Cell) #4512TL


Beautifully renovated 3 BR, 2 BA townhome move-in ready featuring 1,340 SF, sunroom overlooking the pond, vaulted ceiling, skylight, open oor plan, primary suite, new trim, paint, LVP oors, granite countertops, subway tile backsplash, and more. $349,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4682TL

Beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA former model home with over $50,000 in upgrades, HW oors, kitchen w/granite counters, FF primary BR, FR w/vaulted ceiling, security & irrigation systems, professional landscaping, outdoor replace, & located in an amenity rich community. $749,900 Call Shirley Kalvinsky 302-236-4254 (Cell) #4623V

4 BR, 4 BA home situated on a corner lot offering granite counters, FF primary BR, rear deck, hot tub, outdoor kitchen, replace, partially nished walkout basement, and situated in an amenity rich community with an 18-hole Arthur Hills golf course. $510,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4607QM

Premium condo situated in a gated community with world class amenities and a signature Jack Nicklaus course. This Sanibel model offers 2 bedrooms, a well-thought-out oorplan, and a screened-in porch to enjoy the breezes off the bay! $325,800 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4536T

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 59 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 ATLANTIC EAST THE PENINSULA #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2022* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM 3 BR, 2.5 BA, remodeled in 2014 w/new nishes, ooring, windows, doors, lighting xtures, trim, paint, open oor plan, vaulted ceilings, GR w/FP, water views, wrap-around deck,& screened-in gazebo w/views Pepper Creek. Waterfront community w/boat ramp & marina. $525,000 Call Shawn of the Carrie Lingo Team 302-542-8591 (Cell)#4678VL This lovely open concept home is great for is great for entertaining w/5 BR, 4 BA, large kitchen, formal DR, & spacious living area. Work from home in style with bedroom/of ce options and enjoy the serene woodlands of Atlantic East. $819,900 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4521UL Charming 2 + BR, 2 BA, bonus room,
PENINSULA PLANTATION LAKES SANDY BEACH BAY COLONY just minutes from Fenwick Island! $525,000 Call Camilla Conlon 302-542-9601 (Cell) #4691M SWANN COVE Located East of Rte. 1, w/3 blocks to the ocean beaches, this 4 BR, 3 BA home offers (2) rentable units, generating over $60,000 in annual rental income! Rent both units or take advantage of the layout to live in one and rent the other or convert both units into one single family residence! $1,895,000 Call Randy Mason 302-236-1142 (Cell) #4702K DODDS ADDITION

Professional Service at the standard you deserve.

CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveand funwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4 p.m.!Childrenreadfor15minutesand maybringtheirownbookiftheywish. Ages5andolder.Mustcall(302)8585518toregister.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930


Women’sBibleStudy— MarinersBethel willhost“WomenoftheBibleWho ChangedtheWorld,”awoman’sBible study,everyWednesdayfromSept.27 throughNov.1.Therearetwotimesone canattend:either10to11:30a.m.or7to 8:30p.m.Allwomenarewelcometoattend.Registrationisat 539-9510orbystoppingbythechurch.

FallKids’Party— CometoSouthCoastal Libraryat10:30a.m.dressedupi nyour favoritecostume,readytohaveagood time!We'llreadstories,playgames, dance,andhavesomesnacks!Forinfants throughage5,parentsmustaccompany children.Noregistrationrequired.Hosted bytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930(302) 858-5518

OPEN HOUSE SAT 10/7, 11-1

palette in which to imagine your next chapter. The detached 2-car garage has heating/air conditioning, loft storage & abundant windows; would make a great office/studio/lounge. Motivated Seller - $499,000



1 Sumter Ct, Ocean View

Impeccably maintained 5 BR, 3 BA home on a corner lot boasting an open floor plan with huge kitchen, generous primary suite, sun porch and more. Offered furnished, a tasteful design aesthetic and a strong rental history with proximity to Bethany’s beaches make this gem a must-see property. New Price - $599,900

37154 Mississippi Dr, Frankford

Single level living in this charming manufactured home on .23 acre just a few miles from Bethany Beach! Plantation Park is a community of adorable homes just off Double Bridges Rd, which provides access to downtown Bethany, Ocean View’s shops & restaurants & a straight shot to Bayside golf/Freeman Arts Pavilion. New Price - $199,000

What’saParanormalInvestigation?— JoinFirstStateParanormalInvestigationat SouthCoastalLibraryat5:45p.m.fora spookyprogram.Learnab outhowthey conductaparanormalinvestigation,the historyofparanormalinvestigations, what'srealvs.what'sHollywood,andhear actualclipsofsomeoftheirinvestigations. Free, HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930



This lovely 3 BR/2 BA Rancher is only a short drive to the beach, yet is off the beaten path in the quaint community ofWest Ocean Farms. Immaculately maintained and offering single level living, this home features solid wood flooring, upgraded carpeting, a neutral palette and the conveniences of a cook's

FreeWrite— TheRehobothBeachWriters Guildishostingafreeweeklytwo-hour FreeWritesessionatSouthCoastalLibrary at10:30a.m.Participants18-plusofall skilllevelswillpracticecreativewritingin afriendlyandnurturingatmosphere.This isfree,andregistrationisappreciatedand


Priced from $449,990, these new construction homes by DRB feature 2-7 bedrooms, 2-4 bathrooms, 2-car garages and many upgrades. Join The Ksebe Price Group this holiday weekend as we host catered open houses on behalf of DRB Homes.

If you are considering making a move in 2023, now is a good time to get started. We can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call us and we can discuss your options. –Shirley

HalloweenQuillingCraft— JoinPatat SouthCoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.fora spooky-themedbeginner’squillingclass! Quillingismakingdesignsbycoilingthin stripsofpaper.Free,allmaterialsareprovided.Registrationbeginsat10: 15a.m.on Oct.9,andisavailableat Youareeligibletoattendthreeart/craft classesperquarter.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

Celtic&ClassicsConcert— JointheWil-

60 CoastalPoint October6,2023
Adam KsebePriceGroup Shirley Price Cell: 302-236-7046 33298 South Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, DE 19930 • Office 302.539.9040 Adam Ksebe Cell: 302-864-8643 Lot 1 Blackwater Rd, Frankford Close to the beach and plenty of room on this 1.5 acre +/- to build the home of your dreams. No town taxes, lightly wooded. A real deal. Price Reduced - $185,000 LOTS 0 S Route 334, Dagsboro For the buyer looking to build on a larger lot but still wanting to be a short drive to the Beaches at Bethany or Rehoboth,this .48 acre 100x210 cleared lot could offer the space you have been looking for. Located on Dagsboro Road. Price Reduced - $125,000 OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND @ CHASE OAKS IN LEWES SAT 10/7 10-5; SUN 10/8 12-5; MON 10/9 10-5 34667 Bethany Dr, Frankford This home features 5 BR, 3 BA, a large eat-in kitchen and living room and 3 levels of a neutral
30019 Chase Oaks Rd, Lewes, DE W. Ocean Dr, Dagsboro
kitchen. Close to groceries, restaurants, parks, pickle ball & health services - this is an opportunity not to be missed! $425,000 PENDING 10 N. 5th St, Bethany Beach With this beach block 3 BR/2BA raised rancher you don’t have to cross the highway to go to the beach. Comes mostly furnished. Enjoy drinks on the deck after your day on the beach! Miles of coastline at your doorstep. Motivated Seller - New Price - $1,290,000 PENDING 32301 Swamp Rd, Dagsboro Privacy, greenspace and a bright interior are what you will find with
to downtown Dagsboro,
& an
floor plan with new flooring & fresh paint throughout. $279,000 NEAR SHOPS & BEACH
this gem that is convenient
the shops
Millsboro and Rt.
toward the beach. Boasting 4 BR, 3 BA
Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930
Calendar Continuedfrompage59 SeeCALENDARpage61

lowTreeQuartetforafreeconcertatSouth CoastalLibraryat3p.m.!Thegroupwillbe performingbothclassicalmusicandafew Celtictunesonstringedinstruments.Free,, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930


DBGandSeaWitch— TheDelaware BotanicGarden’scollaborationwiththe SeaWitchFestivalwillofferfamily-friend fun attheGardens.Children16and youngerareadmittedfreewhenaccompaniedbyanadult.Membersareadmitted free.Non-memberspaya$15admission fee.Reservationscanbemadeat welcome.


EngineerEarlySTEMKits— TheSouth CoastalLibraryisproudtoofferGrab& GoSTEMKitsforchildrenandtweens courtesyofEngineerEarly.Featuringa uniquethemeeachmonth,October’skit focusesoncartography.Learnaboutcartography,thescienceofdrawingmaps. Practicereadingandinterpretingmaps andbecomemoreawareoftheworld aroundusthroughtheuseofmaps.Kits areavailableforpick-upatthecirculationdeskwhilesupplieslast.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,fora freeone-hourgentleyogaflowclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.Ideal forbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingforaslowerflowpractice.Wewill

learnbreathingtechniques,postures, andexercisestopromoteflexibilityand strength,balance,andrelaxation.Please bringayogamatortowelfromhome. Theinstructoralsorecommends4-inchdeepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouareunable togetontotheflooreasily,donotworry, wewillprovidechairs.Thereareoptions forall!Registrationopensat10 a.m.on Oct.9andisavailableat recommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

Coloring&CrosswordsClub— Theclub isopentoalladultsfor90minutes,and meetsonthefourthMondayofthemonth atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m..Relax, color,socializewithothercommunity members,completecrosswo rds,wordfinds,andpuzzles.Therewillalsobea differentmoviestreaminginthemeeting roomtowatchorlistento.Lightrefreshmentsmaybeprovidedatsomemeetings.Free,registrationisgreatly

appreciatedandavailableat ifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930


GriefShare— TheRiverChurchinRoxana ishostingGriefShareeveryTuesday throughNov.21,2023,from6:30to 8:30p.m.Thisisaweeklyseminarand supportgroupdesignedtohelppeople rebuildtheirlivesafterlosingaloved one.

TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Join MarianneWalch,MasterTrainerwiththe TaiChiforHealthInstitute,andCo-DirectoroftheSilverLotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach,Delaware,as sheoffersa5-weekseriesofgentle,beginner’sTaiChithatfocusesonfallpreventionandrelievin garthritispainat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Exercises

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 61 HONESTY, DEPENDABILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, PRIDE, QUALITY All too often business will use words like these in order to gain the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” CUSTOM quartz countertops! CUSTOM kitchen cabinets! CUSTOM backsplashes! CUSTOM window treatments! IN STOCK 20 MIL WATERPROOF Luxury Vinyl Plank! MIKE'S PROJECT MANAGERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Mike’s Flooring & Design Center, FENWICK ISLAND DE. HUGE SELECTION of Floor Coverings! OR UP TO 24 MONTH 0% FINANCING 20% OFF ALL INSTALLED PRODUCTS Your1StopShop! Cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY RECEIVE C D , ON T NG I SH WA WA E N T REE T S TH 8 0 1 4 8 - 6 83 O D I RR O C T N E M P O L E V E D RE A O G R N I N N E O B L T A R T N E C Y T I N U T R O P P O T EN M P O EL V E D LY I M FA I ULT M T I N U - 38 D, NE N A L P 26 T. C O N O I T C UA INE NL O G IN ER END R R Only 2 miles east of Capitol Hill in the • conveyed upon closing oved plans & permits site – all appr eady Fully permitted, entitled, shovel-r • D ion w Sales ooperat C in c LL state eal E o R Hilc 996 301 ic #69004285. edevelopment corridor NE r , L ioneer ioneer,uct . A on, D.C ashingt , W ink ynne Z h L it 5190 Parsons& Robinson,P.A. Still the preferred law office. Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • For All Your Needs: Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills, Trusts & Estates Corporations & LLCs
Calendar Continuedfrompage60



coffee hour after the service


A Reform Jewish Congregation

Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1 10

am Sunday Worship in-person



62 CoastalPoint October6,2023 ReligiousServices
Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted
The Rev. Glenn Duffy
Parking: Front or Back
The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! •
75 West Church St.; Selbyville
Frankford Presbyterian Church
A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance. 302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer
Helping others help themselves
Welcome Back! We’ve Missed You! Please join us for live, in-person services
at 7:30 p.m. For more information, you can reach us at the Temple from 9 AM – 2 PM Tuesday - Friday
Only 20 minutes from Bethany Beach
In-Person & Live-Streaming
Social Distancing Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP S W d d Bl 9 Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .St e S a ay dnu y i S hi F 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht ’s e’s or e secivr o p W n n r fo: nieroM.mp1-8;7.tcO FALL FA UALANNUA oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr fo kfo kf narF,.dRramO73343 M UsegroeGtS gro.CMUsegroeGt S MARKET 302.259.1740 TS CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro.C Ocean View Presbyterian Church SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 AM 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, PC(USA)
Pastor Terry Dougherty WE CHOOSE WELCOME 67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455 Pastor Terry Dougherty SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 am live on Facebook & YouTube Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. • Selbyville • 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem Church United Methodist Pastor Reverend Blair Hall
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship at 9:30 am - or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info) Like us on Facebook! Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville Sunday Worship 10 am KidsPort Kids Church 10 am on Facebook at groups/PCChurch ST.MARTHA’S EPISCOPALCHURCH GodisLoveandthosewholiveinlove, liveinGod,andGodlivesinthem. 1John4:16 SUNDAYBOOKSTUDY “LearningtoPray” byJamesMartin 9-9:45amintheparishhallwithReverendRia 302.539.7444 TheRev.VictoriaPretti,Rector 117MaplewoodStreet;BethanyBeach Visitourwebsitetosignupforourtwice-weeklynews andSaturdayInspirationemails.WeofferBibleStudy, adulteducationcourses,andmore! SUNDAYHOLYEUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00am withmusic and onYouTube BEACON Baptist Church SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am: Small Groups for All Ages 11 am: Family Worship WEDNESDAY 7 pm: Adults/KidsKlub/Teens 32263 Beacon Baptist Rd.; Rt. 26, Millville, DE 19967 Je Smith, Pastor 302.539.1216 FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter
on YouTube
DE 19970
by Chapter, Verse by
Approach to

2 Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m. Roxana Volunteer Fire Co.

Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791

55 West Ave., Ocean View


LIVE broadcast on:

Wednesday 6:30 pm Facebook Live Bible Study


Preacher Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468•

CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship

Sunday Worship Wednesdays 10 am 7 pm

Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on

For more

ReligiousServices Need to get the Word out? 302.539.1788 Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum,
Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church
a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information: 35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945 RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells St.
Vespers Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy
6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am
View Church of Christ
Visitors Always Welcome!
Sunday 10 am
information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services • Traditional Values • Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Oct. 8, 6 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am PRAISE & WORSHIP! Join us on Sundays 9 am Praise & Worship Service 9 am Kids’ Church 11 am Traditional Worship Service Nursery available for both services Live-streamed on Facebook & YouTube Pastor Becky Collison 302.539.9510 81 Central Avenue, Ocean View October6,2023 CoastalPoint 63


Hispanicparentsandeducational leadersfromacrossSussexCountywill cometogetherforaHispanicParent EngagementSummitonOct.7,sponsoredbyLaEsperanza’sLaColectiva initiative.

Educationalsessionsofferedinboth SpanishandEnglishwillshowcasehow tohelpchildrenatschoolandthen buildbridgestoparentstakingonadvocacyandleadershiprolesinschoolsand parentorganizations.

TheSummitwilltakeplaceSaturday, Oct. 7, DelawareTechnicalCommunityCollege’sOwensCampusinGeorgetown.

ThesummitgrewoutoftheParent EngagementProject,whichbeganayear



canbecanbedoneeitherstandingor seated.Eachsessionbuildsonthelast, soparticipantsshouldbeabletoattend allfivesessions.Free,registerat theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930


Women’sBibleStudy— MarinersBethel

agowithresearchfromanArsht-Cannon Fellowtoidentifybestpracticestohelp Hispanicparentsconnectwithschools, saidLaEsperanzaExecutiveDirectorJen Fuqua.Theorganizationhasalsobeen involvedinaworkinggroupwithparents, educatorsandadvocates.

“Wewant tohelpparentsunderstand howtheycanbeinvolved,engagedand lead—andgivethemthetoolsand knowledgetohelptheirchildrensucceed,”Fuquasaid.“Parentsshouldhave avoicethatcangobeyondtheSummit andsharetheselessons.”

TheSummitwillfeatureplenary speakerMariaMatos,CEOofWilmington’sLatinAmericanCommunity Center,aswellasworkshopsonparentingandlearningathome,communica-

willhost“WomenoftheBibleWho ChangedtheWorld,”awoman’sBible study,everyWednesdayfromSept.27 throughNov.1.Therearetwotimesone canattend:either10to11:30a.m.or7to 8:30p.m.Allwomenarewelcometoattend.Registrationisat 539-9510orbystoppingbythechurch.


NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetown AAUWALANotableBooksClubmeetsat


AparentpanelmoderatedbyJavier Torrijos,formerchairoftheDelaware HispanicCommission,willgatherinsightsfromparentsonchallengesor barriersthatparentsface,strategiesto talkwithchildrenabouttheirschoolexperience,andresourcesneededto strengthenparentparticipation.

“Ourgoalistobringparentstogetherinaunifiedwaytosupporttheir children.Thecontinuumofparentengagementbeginswithunderstanding what youcandotohelpyourchild,” saidAlinaFerrer,LaEsperanzaboard president.“Itcontinuestounderstandingandactinguponsomeofthebigger issuesrelatedtosupportingmultilingual

theLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoon. TheywillbediscussingTaliaLakshmiKolluri’s“WhatWeFedtotheManticore.”


Craft&VendorShow— TheEstuaryis hostingaCraft&VendorShow/FoodDrive from1to4p.m.Theaddressoftheevent is30194IslanderBeachRd.,Frankford. Admissionisfree,withanon-perishable fooditem.ThissupportstheSt.Vincentde PaulSociety’sFoodPantryatOurLadyof GuadalupeChurch.


Alightbreakfast,lunch,coffeeand raffleswillbeoffered.Aresourcefair featuringorganizationsthatworkwith Hispanicfamilieswillconcludethe event.Groupsinterestedinparticipating shouldcontactLaEsperanzaat(302) 854-9262.

LaColectivadeDelawareisaninitiativeofLaEsperanza,theonlybiculturalandbilingualmulti-service nonprofitagencyinSussexCountythat providesfreeservicesinfamilydevelopment,immigration,victimservicesand educationforHispanicadults,children andfamilies.LaColectivaissponsored bytheArsht-CannonFundatthe DelawareCommunityFoundation.


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepoint GuildmeetsonthefirstMondayofthe monthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.atthe LewesPublicLibrary.Bringingaboxlunch isencoura ged.Newmembersarealways welcome.Fordetails,sendanemailtothe chapterat delawaresseashorechapter@needlepoint.or g.

64 CoastalPoint October6,2023

Best Bets

FRIDAY 20/20

(7) WMDT 9 p.m.

This series — hosted by renowned journalist David Muir, on air since 1978 — investigates true crime stories, celebrity scandals, dangerous cults, criminal empires, confidence scams and more, all pulled from the iconic news magazine of the same name.

American Masters (12) WCPB 9:30 p.m.

A new episode airs from Season 37 of this series, profiling some of the greatest figures in American arts and culture. This installment focuses on Bebop pioneer and composer Max Roach, whose ambitions were inspired and challenged by societal inequities.


Kings of BBQ (23) A&E 1 p.m.

Anthony Anderson and Cedric the Entertainer continue their BBQ-loving road trip during this inaugural season. Heading out determined to discover the best techniques, flavors and traditions of the trade, the duo finds their efforts have paid off.

Final Destination (60) AMC 7 p.m.

Think you have what it takes to make it out alive? Five movies from this franchise air backto-back, also including “Final Destination 2,” “Final Destination 3,” “The Final Destination” and “Final Destination 5.” This first film stars Devon Sawa.


America’s Funniest Home Videos (7) WMDT 7 p.m.

Alfonso Ribeiro hosts another hilarious new episode of this series, crowned the network’s longest running primetime entertainment show. Filled with funny animal videos and pranksgone-wrong, this series airs footage sent in from viewers at home.

Van der Valk on Masterpiece (12) WCPB 10 p.m.

Van der Valk (Marc Warren) decides to open his heart once more to Lena (Loes Haverkort) in this season finale. But as the investigation continues into an occult-related death, Lucienne (Maimie McCoy) must confront difficult memories from her past.

every friday.

(N) <++ Stealth

(5) FOX (4:00) Football UCF at Kansas (N) (Live) Update (N) College Football Teams TBA(N)(Live) Don't Forget

(6) WBOC (3:30) Football Teams TBA News (N) Outdoors Lotería Loca NCIS: Hawai'i "Rising Sun" 48 Hours (N) News (N) Outdoors

(7) WMDT (3:30) FootballStudio (N) Studio (N) College Football Notre Dame at LouisvilleFrom Cardinal Stadium in Louisville, Ky.(N)(Live) News (N) (:35) Outdoors

(11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Big Ten (N) College Football Michigan at MinnesotaFrom Huntington Bank Stadium in Minneapolis.(N)(Live) News (N) SNL

(12) WCPB (5:30) Water's Edge: Blac k The Everly Brothers Burt Bacharach-Best Quincy Jones Young

(19) TNT (5:30) <++ Independence Day: Resurgence ('16) All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) <++ 2012 ('09)Chiwetel Ejiofor, John Cusack.

(21) FX (5:00) <++++ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back ('80) <+++ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi ('83)Harrison Ford,Carrie Fisher,Mark Hamill. <+++ Die Hard ('88)

(22) LIFE < Abducted by My Teacher: The Elizabeth Thomas Story < Buying Back My Daughter ('23)Meagan Good.(P) (:05) < Every Breath She Takes ('23)Tamala Jones.

(23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 "Cold Betrayal" The First 48 "Chopper" The First 48 "Old Wounds" First 48 "Murder in Treme" (:05) The First 48

(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. Jokers

(28) ESPN (3:30) Football Scoreboard College Football Kentucky at GeorgiaFrom Sanford Stadium in Athens, Ga.(N)(Live) Football (N) College Football Arizona at USC(N)(Live)

(29) ESPN2 (4:00) Football Teams TBA Football Scoreboard College Football Texas Tech at BaylorFrom McLane Stadium in Waco, Texas.(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)

(33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf The Ascendant LPGA, Third Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Sanderson Farms Championship, Third Round

(41) HGTV Love It or List It Hunters Hunters HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HuntersHunters

(43) FOOD (5:00) Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween "Peek-a-Boo" Halloween Baking Championship "Finale: The Killer Is ..."

(44) DISC Mysteries "Castle Kingdom" Mysteries of "Blues Prison" Mysteries Mysteries Mysteries Mysteries

(45) HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens "Mysteries of our Alien Ancestors"Examining whether aliens could have achieved eternal life.

(46) ANPL The Zoo "Love Shack" The Zoo "Back to Africa" The Zoo "Miracle Cub" The Zoo The Zoo The Zoo "Kangaroo Dave"

(48) DISN Kiff Ladybug Hamster & Big City <++ Hocus Pocus ('93)Bette Midler. (:45) Kiff (:10) Big City (:35) Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!

(50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing

(60) AMC (5:00) < Final Destination <++ Final Destination Ali Larter, Kerr Smith,Devon Sawa. <++ Final Destination 2 ('03)A.J. Cook,A i Larter. <++ Final Destination 3

(61) BRAV (4:30) <+++ Girls Trip (P) <++ Step Brothers ('08) John C. Reilly,Will Ferrell. <++ Step Brothers ('08)John C. Reilly,Will Ferrell. <+++ Girls Trip ('17)

(69) WTXF (4:00) Football UCF at Kansas (N) (Live) Update (N) College Football Teams TBA(N)(Live) Don't Forget Bethany SUNDAYEVENING

PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30

8, 2023


(46) ANPL North-Law "Schoolyard Bear" North-Law "No Trespassing" Wardens of the NorthWardens of the North (N) North-Law "Turkey Trouble" North-Law "Spring Training"

(48) DISN <+++ The Incredibles ('04) Craig T. Nelson. Villains (N) Marvel'sMarvel'sBig CityBig CityBig City The VillainsChibiverse

(50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half Men Two Half MenTwo Half Men

(60) AMC (4:30) <++ Firestarter ('84) <++ Christine ('83) John Stockwell,Keith Gordon. D. Dixon "Deux Amours"(N) (:25) Daryl Dixon "Deux Amours" Movie

(61) BRAV Below Deck Housewives/NYC Housewives "Well Healed" Housewives/NYC (N) Watch WhatHousewives/NYC Housewives

(69) WTXF Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Simpsons Burgers Simpsons (N) KrapopolisBurgers (N) Family GuyThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Extra (N) Bethany




OCTOBER 9, 2023

(3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Son of a (SF) Run (N) Children (N) Run (N)(SF) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy

(5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Kitchen Nightmares (N) Special Forces (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends

(6) WBOC News (N) CBS NewsNews (N) ET (N) Price Is Right (N) Lotería Loca (N) NCIS "Higher Education" News (N) (:35) Colbert

(7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) NFL Football Green Bay Packers at Las Vegas Raiders(N)(Live)

News (N) (:50) J. Kimmel

(11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice "The Blind Auditions, Part 5"(N) The Irrational (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon

(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collectibles Antiques Roadshow (N) Go-Go City-ProtestIndependent Lens "El Equipo" (N) Amanpour

(19) TNT (4:30) <+++ The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug ('13) <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ('17)Zoe Saldana,Chris Pratt. (:45) <+++ Dune ('21)Timothée Chalamet.

(21) FX <+ The Waterboy ('98) Kathy Bates, Adam Sandler. <+++ There's Something About Mary ('98)Matt Dillon,Cameron Diaz. <+++ There's Something About Mary

(22) LIFE Castle "The Greater Good" Castle "That '70s Show" Castle "Law & Boarder" Castle "Veritas" (:05) Castle (:05) Castle "Driven"

(23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 "Bleeding Heart" The First 48 (:05) The First 48

(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes <+ The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard ('21)(P)

(28) ESPN Monday Night Countdown NFL Football Green Bay Packers at Las Vegas Raiders(N)(Live)

(29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter NFL Football

(:15) PostgameSportsC. (N)

(:15) Postgame One More (N)

Bethany FRIDAYEVENING OCTOBER 6, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Penn "Niagara Fools" Inside the NFL Week 4 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) NWSL Soccer Washington Spirit at OL Reign(N)(Live) Neighbor News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (N) Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Irrational Dateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State Circle Artworks Midsomer (:40) Midsomer MurdersAmerican Masters (N) Week (N) Variety (19) TNT (5:15) <++ Angel Has Fallen ('19) <++ Independence Day: Resurgence ('16)Liam Hemsworth.(P) All Elite Wrestling (N) <++ 2012 ('09)John Cusack. (21) FX (5:00) <++ Knight and Day ('10) <++ The A-Team ('10)Bradley Cooper,Jessica Biel,Liam Neeson. <++ The A-Team ('10) Bradley Cooper,Liam Neeson. (22) LIFE Castle "Room 147" Castle < Amish Stud: The Eli Weaver Story ('23) (:05) < You Can't Take My Daughter ('20)Lyndsy Fonseca. (23) A&E The First 48 First 48 "Walk in the Park" The First 48 "Chat Trap"(N) Killer "The Eagle Scout"(N) Murder in the 21st (N) (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Countdown College Football Kansas State at Oklahoma State(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) NFL Live ESPN Films Golden Knights Part 1 (N) Golden Knights Part 2(N) (33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf The Ascendant LPGA, Second Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Sanderson Farms Championship, Second Round (41) HGTV Hunters Hunters HGTV Urban (N) Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHouse Hunters (N) HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners (N) Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush (N) Gold Rush (N) Gold Rush (N) (:05) Bering Sea Gold "Captains of Industry"(N)(SP) (:05) Gold Rush (N) (45) HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained (N)(SP) (:05) Proof-There (N)(SP) (:05) The Proof Is Out There (46) ANPL River Monsters Monsters "Bone Crusher" River Monsters Monsters "River of Blood" Monsters "Body Snatcher" Monsters "Mekong Mutilator" (48) DISN Kiff Big City Big City Toy Story The ProudMarvel'sHamster &Hamster &LadybugLadybug The VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+ Halloween ('07) <+ Halloween II ('09)Tyler Mane,Sheri Moon Zombie,Malcolm McDowell. < V/H/S/94 ('21)Christian Potenza,Anna Hopkins.(P) (61) BRAV (4:30) < Back to the Future Pa <+++ Back to the Future Part III ('90)Christopher Lloyd,Michael J. Fox. <+++ Back to the Future ('85)Christopher Lloyd,Michael J. Fox. (69) WTXF The Six (N) Special Extra (N) TMZ (N) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) News (N) Special (N) News/ KickoffPhantastic Bethany SATURDAYEVENING OCTOBER 7, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Burgers Burgers The Good Doctor Great Choc (N)(SF) Masters ofMasters of47ABC NEWSTMZ
8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Family Guy Family Guy Sullivan's "Coming Home" The Chosen "Spirit"(N) AnimalsAnimals47ABC NEWSChicago P.D. WOW (N) (5) FOX Raw Travel Outdoors Simpsons Burgers Simpsons (N) KrapopolisBurgers (N) Family GuyWBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC (4:25) NFL Football 60 Minutes (N) Yellowstone (N) Big Brother (N) News at 11The Rookie (7) WMDT News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos (N) <++ Cruella ('21)Emma Thompson,Joel Fry,Emma Stone.(P) News (N) (:35) Sheldon (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Football Night (N) (Live) (:15) NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at San Francisco 49ers(N)(Live) 11 News (N) (12) WCPB Celebrity Trip The 100 Days Professor T "Swansong"(N) Unforgotten (N)(SF) Van der Valk (N)(SF) The 100 Days (19) TNT (5:00) <++ The Matrix Revolutions ('03) Keanu Reeves. <++
<++ Terminator: Dark Fate (21) FX (5:00) <+++ Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith ('05) <+++ Star Wars:
Ford. < Star Wars: Force Awakens (22) LIFE < Buying Back My Daughter ('23) Meagan Good. < The Venice Murders
(23) A&E The First 48 First 48 "Insider; Pointless"
First 48
of Lies" The First 48 "Tracked" (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Tacoma FDTacoma FD (28) ESPN NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers at Boston Celtics (N) (Live) DriveGolden Knights Part 1 Golden Knights Part 2 SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 (5:00) Golf SportsCenter SportCtr (N) Formula 1 Racing Qatar Grand Prix X Games (33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf LPGA Tour Golf The Ascendant LPGA, Final Round(N) PGA Tour Champions Golf PGA Golf (41) HGTV Unsellable Houses Unsellable Houses (N) Unsellable Houses (N) Building Roots (N) Hunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Halloween "Killer Clowns!" Halloween Wars (N) Outrageous Pumpkins (N) Halloween Baking (44) DISC Naked and Afraid Afraid "Beating Heart 'Bama" Afraid "Flood and Fauna" Naked and Afraid Afraid "Sick as a Skunk" Naked and Afraid (45) HIST Built America "Pasta Party" Built America Built America America "Candy Revolution" (:05) Built America (:05) Built
The Matrix
('21)Carrie-Anne Moss,Keanu Reeves.
The Force
('23)Sophie Hopkins.(P) (:05) < Nightmare Pageant Moms ('23)Brittney Q. Hill.
The First
6:30 7
7:30 8
8:30 9
9:30 10
10:30 11
(33) GOLF (5:00) Coll. Golf Jackson T. Stephens Cup, First Round (N) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA TOURPGA TOUR College Golf Jackson T. Stephens Cup, First Round (41) HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Tough Love Tough Love "Suite Retreat" Hunters (N) Hunters Hunters Int'lHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Halloween Baking Halloween Baking (N) Halloween Cookie (N) The Big Bake (N) (44) DISC Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband: SeizedContraband: SeizedContraband "Fighting Words" Contraband "Deadly Cargo" (45) HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens "ExtraterrestrialInformants"(N) (:05) Ancient Aliens (46) ANPL Afraid "Fire and Fury" Afraid "Fan Down" Naked and Afraid Afraid "Stalked on All Sides" Afraid "Baked Alaskan" Afraid "The Spirits Are Angry" (48) DISN Kiff Big City Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug The VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <+++ Don't Breathe ('16) Dylan Minnette, Jane Levy. (P) <+ Thirteen Ghosts ('01)Embeth Davidtz,Tony Shalhoub. <++ The Last House on the Left ('09)Tony Goldwyn. (61) BRAV Below Deck Sailing Yacht Below Deck "The Italian Job" Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch WhatCouch Talk Below Deck Mediterranean (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Kitchen Nightmares (N) Special Forces (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic October6,2023 CoastalPoint 65
the best of the

Celebrity Jeopardy! (N) Celebrity Wheel (N) The $100,000 Pyramid (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel

WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) HollywoodQuantum "Ben & Teller"(N) Magnum "Three Bridges"(N) Chicago Fire "Acting Up" News (N) (:35) J. Fallon

WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Milk Street MotorWeek America Outdoors (N)(SF) NOVA (N) Secrets of the Dead (N) Amanpour (N)

(19) TNT Movie Pre-Game (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Boston Bruins(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche at Los Angeles Kings(N)

(21) FX (5:00) <+++ Get Out ('17) Daniel Kaluuya. <++ Halloween ('18)Judy Greer,Andi Matichak,Jamie Lee Curtis. American (N) American "Vanishing Twin"

(22) LIFE Castle "At Close Range" Castle "Habeas Corpse" Married at First Sight "Kicking Off Denver"(N) (:05) Married at First Sight "Kicking Off Denver"

(23) A&E The First 48 "Broad Daylight" The First 48 First 48 "The Girl Next Door" The First 48 "The Invader" The First 48 "Knock Knock" (:05) The First 48

(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers <++ A Knight's Tale ('01)Mark Addy, Rufus Sewell,Heath Ledger.

(28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr (N) WNBA 2023 WNBA Finals Game 2: Teams TBA(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)

(29) ESPN2 Around (N) Pardon (N) Pardon (N) Football (N) NFL Live Guests Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky The Path: LSU Football

(33) GOLF (4:00) College Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) College Golf Jackson T. Stephens Cup, Final Round

LPGA Tour Golf

(41) HGTV Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Bargain "The Future House" Bargain Block (N) Hunters "Building Tiny" (N) HuntersHunters

(43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery GamesGuy's Grocery Games (N) Grocery "GGG List Games" Guy's Grocery Games

(44) DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition UnknownGhost Adventures (N) Expedition Bigfoot (N) (:05) Expedition X

(45) HIST Pawn Stars "Mystery Safe" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (N) (:05) Forged in Fire (N) (:05) Forged in Fire

(46) ANPL Catch "Breaking Mandy" Deadliest Catch "Sabotage" Catch "Prodigal Son" Catch "The Ultimatum" Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch

(48) DISN Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Big City Big City <+++ Brave ('12)Kelly Macdonald. (:40) Ladybug (:05) LadybugLadybug Bunk'dBunk'd

(50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing

(60) AMC <++ Halloween III: Season of the Witch ('82) Tom Atkins. <++ Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers ('88) <++ Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers ('89)

Best Bets


NFL Football

(28) ESPN (7) WMDT 8 p.m.

Live from the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nev., it’s Monday Night Football. Coverage airs as a game is played between Wisconsin’s Green Bay Packers and the Las Vegas Raiders. The Packers arrive following a game against the Detroit Lions. Son of a Critch (3) CW 8 p.m.

Mark (Benjamin Evan Ainsworth) is hurt to learn Fox (Sophia Powers) has been spending time with Ritchie (Mark Ezekiel Rivera) in this season finale. Then, with the future of his job in doubt, Mike Sr. (Mark Critch) learns how to DJ at the school dance.

Below Deck Mediterranean (61) BRAV 9 p.m.

It’s a new boat, new crew and new location as nine crazy crew members live and work aboard a gorgeous 150-foot yacht in the Greek islands. When the elite passengers make a request, nothing is too outlandish.


NHL Hockey (28) ESPN 8 p.m.

The last time the Chicago Blackhawks traveled to PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh to take on the Pittsburgh Penguins, Chicago earned a 5-2 victory. In this regular season opener, keep an eye on the Blackhawks’ Connor Bedard, who’s the face of the franchise.

Frontline (12) WCPB 9 p.m.

That certainly escalated quickly. This insightful documentary examines Elon Musk’s bizarre journey from one of Twitter’s most provocative users to its sole proprietor, looking at the acquisition, its problems, free speech, and (now X’s) uncertain future.

Press Your Luck

(7) WMDT 10 p.m.

Host Elizabeth Banks welcomes three contestants who compete against one another in this game of wits to earn spins on the Big Board. Then, they can use their spins to win cash and prizes while trying to avoid the dreaded Whammy! in this season premiere.


The Real Housewives of Orange County (61) BRAV 8 p.m.

It’s deja vu all over again with Vicki Gunvalson, Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge back as the Tres Amigas. But even when they try to find peace, things sometimes fall to pieces in Orange County.

Snake Oil (5) FOX (69) WTXF 9 p.m.

JokersJokers "Universal Appeal" Imp. Jokers "Paradise Lost" Imp. JokersImp. Jokers

(28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Countdown College Football SMU at East Carolina(N)(Live) SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N)(Live)

(29) ESPN2 Daily Wager (N) (Live) SportCtr (N) College Football Fort Valley State at Benedict(N)(Live) E60

(33) GOLF (5:00) PGA Golf Shriners Children's Open, First Round (N) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf Shriners Children's Open, First Round LPGA Tour Golf

HGTV No Demo Reno No Demo "Son of the Year" No Demo "Bachelor Pad" No Demo "Vegas Luxe"(N) Hunters (N) Hunt Intl (N) HuntersHunters Int'l

FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBobby's Triple Threat Beat BobbyBeat Bobby

DISC BattleBots (N) BattleBots "Champions: Sin City: Slugfest Part 2"(N) MythBusters MythBusters (45) HIST Mountain Men "Lion Alley" Mountain Men "Ice Cold" Mountain Men "Mountain Marathon"(N) (:35) Alone Australia (N) (:35) Mountain Men "Mountain Marathon" (46) ANPL Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot "CSI Bigfoot" Bigfoot "Bacon for Bigfoot" Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot "Mother Bigfoot" Finding Bigfoot (48) DISN Kiff Big City Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug The VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <++ Candyman ('92) Tony Todd, Virginia Madsen. <++ Trick 'r Treat ('07)Brian Cox,Anna Paquin. <++ Final Destination Ali Larter, Kerr Smith,Devon Sawa. (61) BRAV Vanderpump "Just the T.I.P." Vanderpump Rules Charm "In Vino Veritas" Southern Charm (N) House of Villains (N) WatchWhat (:45) Charm

WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Hell's Kitchen (N) LEGO Masters (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic

Contestants must choose the real product between a pair of entrepreneurs pitching unique (if not bizarre) products via visuals and infomercials — one of which is totally fake. With the help of a celebrity advisor, the contestants must decide who is real.

Secrets of the Dead (12) WCPB 10 p.m.

With 20 seasons worth of mysteries explored, this documentary series airs a brand-new episode, this time diving into sunken treasures as a survey flight over Turkey’s Lake Iznik unexpectedly reveals the preserved remains of a fourth-century basilica.


The Golden Bachelor (7) WMDT 8 p.m.

There is no time like the present — especially for 72-year-old widower Gerry Turner. In this all-new “Bachelor” spin-off series, one hopeful, single senior hopes to let love back into his life, meeting age-appropriate women who might be his perfect match.

Buddy Games

(6) WBOC 9 p.m.

During this brand-new reality game show, six teams of four friends come together to relive their glory days and compete in an assortment of absurd physical and mental challenges in the outdoors — all while bunking together in the same lake house.

House of Villains

(61) BRAV 10 p.m.

Ten of reality television’s most iconic and infamous villains come together and must outsmart, out-manipulate and out-scheme each other through a series of challenges to become America’s Ultimate Supervillain.

66 CoastalPoint October6,2023
3 x 3” ad Bethany TUESDAYEVENING OCTOBER 10, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Inside the NFL Week 5(N) The Swarm "Episode 5"(N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Name That Tune (N) 9-1-1: Lone Star WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Big Brother (N) FBI True (N) FBI "Prodigal Son" News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) Dancing With the Stars "Motown Night"(N)(Live) Press Your Luck (N)(SP) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC NewsInside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice (N) The Voice (N) Found (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Roots "Chosen" Frontline "Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover"(N) Amanpour (N) (19) TNT (5:00) <++ The Replacements <+++ Doctor Strange ('16)Chiwetel Ejiofor,Benedict Cumberbatch. NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Phoenix Suns(N)(Live) (21) FX (4:30) <++ Iron Man 2 ('10) <+++ Iron Man 3 ('13) Gwyneth Paltrow,Don Cheadle,Robert Downey Jr.. Welcome to Giant Killers (N) Welcome to Giant Killers (22) LIFE Castle Castle "Kill Switch" Castle Last Action Hero" Castle Bad Santa" (:05) Castle Castle, P.I." (:05) Castle (23) A&E Customer Customer Customer Customer CustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomer (:05) Customer (:35) Customer (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes <++ Ace Ventura: Pet Detective ('94)Jim Carrey. (28) ESPN (5:30) NHL Hockey NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Pittsburgh Penguins(N)(Live) NHL Hockey (29) ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) College F (N) College Football Coastal Carolina at Appalachian State(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (33) GOLF (4:00) College Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) Niiice (N) College Golf Jackson T. Stephens Cup, Second Round PGA TOUR (41) HGTV Unsellable Houses Good Bones Good Bones (N) Good Bones (N) HuntersHunt Intl (N) HuntersHuntersInt'l (43) FOOD Chopped Chopped Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBobby's Triple Threat (N) Chopped "Spooked" Chopped (44) DISC Street Outlaws: Red Line Street "Texas Motorplex" Street Outlaws "America vs. Australia"(N)(P) Street Outlaws (N)(P) Street "Listen, Lizzy" (45) HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained The UnXplained UnXplain "Defying Death"(N) (:05) Curse of Oak Island (N) (:05) The UnXplained (46) ANPL Lone Star Law "Trail of Lies" Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star "Guilty and Hiding" Lone Star Law Lone Star Law (48) DISN Kiff Big City Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug Pretty Frk Pretty Frk (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <++ Halloween H20: 20 Years Later ('98) <+ Halloween: Resurrection ('02)Jamie Lee Curtis. The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs (N) (61) BRAV Housewives SLC Real SLC "Don't Be a Drag" Housewives SLC The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (N) Housewives SLC Housewives (69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Name That Tune (N) 9-1-1: Lone Star The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Bethany WEDNESDAYEVENING OCTOBER 11, 2023 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Sullivan's Crossing (N) The Spencer Sisters (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Masked Singer (N) Snake Oil (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Survivor (N) The Amazing Race (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World NewsFamFeud (N) FamFeud (N)
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Thetrenchesarefootball’smost criticalbattlefield.

Theteamthatwinsinthe trenches—moreoftenthannot— winsthegame.

That’sexactlywhatDelmardid lastFridaynight,Sept.29.


Andtheirfleet-footedrunning backsracedthroughthosegaping openingsfor391rushingyardsanda 35-14victoryoverhostIndianRiver HighSchool.

TheIndiansfellto3-1overallon theseason,althoughthingshad lookedpromisingduringthefirst20 minutesofplay,whenthehometeam controlledthetrenches.

“Delmarstucktowhattheydo, whichisgroundandpound,”saidIndianRiverheadfootballcoachPhil Townsend,whosedefenseentered thegamehavingyielded28pointsin itsfirstthreegames.“Andafterthe firstquarter,ourtacklingdeclined andtheyranthrougharmtackles. Delmarisbigandphysical,andthey arehardtomaintain.Whileourdefensedidplaytoughattimes,they gaveupbigplays,too.”

Leading7-0midwaythroughthe secondquarter,theIndiansforced theWildcatstobeginanoffensive seriesontheirown1-yardline.JuniorquarterbackNathanVanZandt masterfullyguidedhiswell-oiledoffense99yardsintotheendzone. JuniorrunningbackKweliJonesculminatedthemarchbyracing25 yardsforthetouchdown,andVan Zandtbootedtheextrapointwith 1:40remainingtocreatea7-7halftimedeadlock.

Delmar(3-2overall)addedapair oftouchdownstotakea21-7leadin thethirdquarter.Seniorrunning backJohnCarterPowellburstinto theendzonefora4-yardTDbefore juniorConnorNicholsexplodedfor an80-yardhighlightreel-worthy scoringgallopwith2:41leftinthe period.

Indians’seniordefensiveback RashadHopkinssingle-handedly broughthisteambackintothegame earlyinthefourthquarterwhenhe

SepcialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiverreceiverDarnellStokes(3)makesaleapingcatch,toweringoverDelmardefensivebackKhalidSchoolfield,onhis wayforatouchdownduringthefirsthalfonFriday,Sept.29.Delmarwonthegame35-14.

strippedarivalrunningbackofthe pigskinandraced38yardsintothe endzonetocutthedeficitto21-14.

“Ourteamnevergaveupand foughttotheend,”saidTownsend.

“Heartissomethingthatcannotbe coached,andtherearealotofguys

onthisteamwithheart.Rashadalwaysleavesitalloutonthefield.He nevergivesupandgivesuseverythinghehasinthetank.”

TheWildcatsregainedtheirtwotouchdownlead,28-14,ona3-yard scoringrunbyseniorrunningback

BrandonTurnerwitheightminutes remaining.Delmarseniordefensive backAshtonBaineaddedanexclamationpointwitha40-yardinterceptionreturnandTDonaDylan

October6,2023 Page67

Indiansgirls’volleyballcontinuesup-and-downseason IRHSSportsReport

Their2023campaignhasbeenonefilledwith mixedresults,andupsanddowns.TheIndianRiver HighSchoolgirls’volleyballteamistakingitallin stride,andcontinuestoworkhardinthehopesof landingapostseasonberthattheendoftheyear.

Witharosterfeaturingjustfourseniors—MadelineBattaglia,TaylorConaway,AlisaTyreandJade Wilkins—amongstthe14playersoverall,theIndiansarehopingthatsomeoftheirearly-seasonstruggles willhelpthemdowntheroadwithmoresuccess. Afteranimpressive3-0winoverLaurellastThursday,Sept.28,theIndiansreturnedhome,onlytofall toaverytoughSussexAcademysquad,3-0,onTuesday,Oct.3.ThethreesetswerewonbytheSeahawks byscoresof25-22,25-23and25-22.

AgainstLaurel,however,theIndianscruisedwith thestraight-setscoresof25-11,25-8and25-19.

Sittingat3-5overallasofCoastalPointpresstime onWednesdayafternoonthisweek,theIndiansstill havesevenmatcheslefttoplay.Anotherhomematch


SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’s#832BrynnCrandellisoffandrunning duringthestartofthegirlscrosscountryquadmeet onWednesday,Sept.27.

Junior/Boys’ Soccer

The junior forward scored twice during the Indians’ two most recent victories. Deny scored on a free kick during the final minutes of sudden death overtime to give Indian River a 1-0 triumph over host and Henlopen Conference Southern Division rival Laurel on Thursday, September 21. Deny would not be denied in IR’s next game at Archmere Academy, either. The talented forward scored the first goal of the match in a 3-2 overtime triumph on Friday, September 29 that kept IRHS undefeated at 4-0-1. For the season, Deny has scored four goals and dealt one assist for 9 points.

68 CoastalPoint October6,2023 302.539.7352 790 Gar eld Parkway — Bethany Beach Atlantic Auto’s Euro
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pean Sp
Photo Courtesy of IR Athletics

thisSaturday,Oct.7,againstSt. GeorgesTech(6-2)beginsat12:15p.m. TheIndianswillthenhostDover(8-2) onTuesday,Oct.10.Theywillneedto winfiveofthosesevenmatchestofinish above.500andhaveashotatthe DIAAstateplayoffs.

Theremainderoftheirschedulesees themplayWoodbridge(3-5)onThursday,Oct.12,EarlyCollegeHighSchool (1-5-1)onMonday,Oct.16,Sussex Central(6-2)onThursday,Oct.19, Seaford(0-7)onTuesday,Oct.24,and LakeForest(4-3)onThursday,Oct.26.

Cross-country Crandell,Indianstakefourof fiveinbigSouthDivisionmeet

SeniorBrynnCrandellhadthefastest timeoftheday,withan18:43,toleadthe IndianRiverHighSchoolgirls’crosscountryteamtofivewinsinaseven-team meetofHenlopenAthleticConference SouthDivisionrivalsonWednesday,Sept. 27.

TheIndiansdefeatedDelmar(17-38), Seaford(15-50),Laurel(16-39),Woodbridge(15-50)andLakeForest(22-33)on theday.Theirlonesetbackcameagainst SussexAcademy,bythescoreof20-43. TheSeahawkstookthenextsevenspotsin

theracefollowingCrandell,ledbyPaige Ballinger(18:49),LilyBowe(21:30), MakennaBlades(22:39)andPeyton Stanislav(23:05)toroundouttheTop5.

IR’sHeatherSmythturnedinatimeof 24:28,whileLeilaHernandezSandoval crossedat25:10.IssabellaMackinnon helpedthecauseagainstLakewithher timeof25:51,withLilahHanleyfinishing thecoursein26:44.


combined,withwinsoverWoodbridge (15-50),Delmar(17-38),Laurel(21-40) andSeaford(15-50).AlexArnoldledthe Indianswithatimeof19:37forthemeets. HewasfollowedbyAidanMagee(19:42) andGavinHarrell(20:02).

OnSaturday,Sept.30,Crandelldusted thecompetitionintheSalesianumInvitational,a21-teameventatBrandywine CreekStatePark.Sheturnedinatimeof 18:33,whichwasmorethan2minutes

fasterthanthesecond-placerunner— NieveKeitelfromGermantownAcademy inPennsylvania.Crandell’stimewasalso thefastesttimeofthedayoverallforthe girlsineitherrace,bestingMiddletown’s IsabelleWalsh’s19:56.

Intheboys’races,AidenMageeand CadeDonnellybothfinishedinsidethe Top100attheSalesianumInvitational. Mageepostedatimeof21:19,whileDonnellycrossedthefinishlineat21:27.

A proud “Beebe Baby” (and Worcester Preparatory School alumnus), Dr. Royal is a University of Delaware graduate who earned her medical degree at Thomas Je erson University. She also served as Chief Resident while completing the ChristianaCare Family Medicine Residency Program.

Dr. Royal focuses on the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, as well as preventive care. She is also committed to helping women in our community improve their overall health and wellness throughout their lifetimes.

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October6,2023 CoastalPoint 69
Report Continuedfrompage68
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiver’s#815AlexanderArnoldhadthebestfinishfortheboysteamduringthequadmeet.

SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•ButchComegys IndianRiverreceiver#3DarnellStokes dashespastDelmardefensiveendAshtonBaineonhiswayforatouchdown.



GrisepassattempttosealDelmar’s eighthstraightvictoryovertheIndians.

GrisehadgiventheIndianstheir onlyleadofthenight,7-0,witha 60-yardTDpasstosophomorewide receiverDarnellStokesmidway throughthefirstquarter.Stokes grabbedtheaerialinfrontofadefensivebackbeforebreakingthe tackleandracingintotheendzone.

Grisecompletedfiveof13pass attemptsfor89yards,whileStokes finishedthenightwithtwocatches for71yards.Sophomorerunning backDavonHandywasIR’sleading rusher,with56yardson10touches, whilejuniorJayvionChandlerwas heldto35yardsonninecarries.The Indianswerelimitedto169total yards,including70ontheground. Defensively,seniorlinebacker CollinKingledtheGreen&Gold with11tackles,whileHopkinsand juniorKyreeKnightaddedsixstops each.SeniorsTizJuanJuradoand AustinGrisechippedinwithfive tacklesapiece.

“Iamhopingthatourplayerswill putthisgamebehindusandprepare fornextweek,”saidTownsend.“This gameallowsustostepbackandreflectonourplayasindividualsandas awhole.Iamhopingtheygrowfrom thisandarereadytogettowork.We nowneedtofocusontheremainder ofourschedule,whichareallClass 1A,District2games.Ibelievethe guysareupforthechallenge,andthe restofthescheduleshouldbeexciting.”


IndianRiverresumesdistrictplay witha1-0record.Theytravelto Seafordfora7p.m.openingkickoff onFridaynight,Oct.6.TheIndians defeatedthehostBlueJayslastyear, 21-20,andhavedefeatedSeaford eachofthelastfiveseasons.Seaford lastdefeatedIndianRiverin2017by ascoreof32-20.

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Thefondmemoriesbringabrightsmile toherlips.Theflashbacksfrommorethan 15yearsagoplaycontinuouslyinher mind’seye.Theywarmherheart.

Andsometimes,IndianRiverHigh SchoolClassof2006alumnaandsoftball stalwartKathrynRileyhastoblinkback tearsofjoyassherecallsherhighschool academicandathleticcareers.

“Ihadthebesttimeinhighschool,”said Riley.“Ifeltlikewehadareallygreatcommunity.Therewasalotofcamaraderieand prideamongthestudents,teachersand staff.Ourpeers,ourparentsandeveryone whoworkedatIRHSsupportedusin everythingwedid.

“Therewerepackedfootballstadiums andgymnasiumsthatcheeredonourathleticteamsandsupportedconcerts,”added Riley,aresidentofDagsboroduringher highschooldays.“Therewerepackedsidewalksatholidayparadestocheeronthe marchingband,packedauditoriumsforall ofourconcerts,andpackedrestaurantsfor


KathrynRileywillbeinductedinto SwarthmoreCollege’sHallofFameon Friday,Oct.6,forheroutstandingperformancesonthesoftballfield.

allofthepancakebreakfastsandspaghetti dinnersthatvariousgroupshosted.Itreally wasaspecialtimeatIndianRiverHigh School.”


“KimHenryreallyinspiredmyloveof chemistry,andJudyDixon’sgrammarlessonsarepermanentlyetchedinmymemory—inagoodway—asIrecallthem frequentlywhenIamwritingatwork,”she said.“AndTomEastermadelearning Spanishthemostfun.”

Oneofthebestto emergefromIRHS

Rileyisoneofthemosttalentedandaccomplishedgirls’softballstudent-athletes evertograduatefromIndianRiverHigh School.The5-foot-6right-handedpitcher andleft-handedhitterledthe2006Indians tovictoriesinallbuttwogames,while reachingtheDIAAstatesemifinals.

“Whatstandsoutinmymindishow dominantourteamwasmysenioryear,” sherecalled.“Weonlylosttworegular-seasongames.Itwasprettymagical,andwe hadthebesttime!Myfellowseniors,Sara Powell”—nowtheIRHSgirls’softball headcoach—“ShaunaPompeyJacobs, KaylaWarringtonBollingerandJen[Tyre]

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 71

Whitejoinedthevarsityasfreshman, whichpushedustogrowfasterthanwe probablywouldhaveotherwise.Itinspired ustoworkandbeoneofthebestteamsin thestate.

“Weworkedextremelyhardtoget there,”addedRiley,whoalsowasagirls’ fieldhockeystartinggoalieforthreeyears atIRHS.“Irememberthatwedidoff-seasonconditioningworkouts,andhittingand pitchingrepsmanytimesaweekonour own.Ourcoaches,MarkBrowne,Guy Warrington,EldredCressandAndyLyons, puttogethermasterfulpracticesthatwere onacollegiatelevel.Wehad100percent focusandgave100percenteffortinthose practices.Itwassorewardingtoseeitall cometogether.”

Rileyrecalledhowthecombinationof passionanddrivehelpedhertobecomea dominantperformer.

“Whenyouhavepassionandbecomea studentofthegame,yougrowtoloveand appreciatethehard,frustratingandeven boringthings,”sheinsisted.“Andwhenyou havedrive,thenyou’rewillingtoputinthe worktoimprove.Somepeoplefinditboring,butIreallylovedhittingoffatee. Workingonthemechanicsofmyswing mademeabetterhitter,soIreallydevelopedaloveforit.Idevelopedaneight-drill workout,andIwoulddoeachonefor25 swings.Thatwasthreetofourteeworkouts


Acollegiatestandouton thefieldandintheclassroom

AftermakinghermarkintheIRHS classroomandonitsathleticfields,Riley transitionedquicklytothedemandsonand offthefieldatSwarthmoreCollege.The schoolislocated11milessouthwestof PhiladelphiaintheboroughofSwarthmore.Theirteam,theGarnet,isanNCAA DivisionIIImemberthatcompetesinthe CentennialConference.

Asaresultofherachievements,Riley willbeinductedintotheSwarthmoreCollegeAthleticsHallofFameonFriday evening,Oct.6.

Sheisregardedasoneofthemosttalentedsoftballplayersintheschool’s women’ssoftballprogram’shistory.AtwotimeNationalFastpitchCoachesAssociationAll-Regionselection,theoutstanding athleteimpressedinthebatter’sboxandin thepitcher’scirclebysettingacombined nineactiveprogramrecords,forhits,home runs,wins,strikeouts,earnedrunaverage, starts,completegames,inningspitchedand no-hitters.

Duringherfour-yearcollegecareer, Rileybatted.383,with166hits,ninehome runsand93runsbattedin.

Shealsousedherpitchingrepertoire— includingherfastestpitch,a64mphscrewball—towin53gamesinthepitcher’scircle,with557strikeoutsanda1.89ERAin

83starts.Shewasafour-timeAll-Centennialfirst-teamselectionandwasnamedto theCentennialConferenceSilverAnniversaryTeam.

Rileyrecalledthefinalgamesofhercollegiateplayingcareer,in2010,whenshe helpedtheGarnetwintheCentennial Conferencesemifinalgame.Afteradvancingtoitsfirst-everconferencechampionshipshowdown,theyweredefeatedby DickinsonCollege,3-1.

“Thesemifinalgamewasparticularly memorable,becausewebeatourbiggest rivalintheconference,UrsinusCollege,” sheremembered.“Wewere0-10against Ursinuspriortothatgame,withalmostall ofthelossesbyjustonerun.Wefinallybeat theminthesemi-finalsmysenioryear,bya 1-0score.”

Rileyalsojoyfullyrecalledamorerecent achievementbytheGarnet’ssoftballsquad. Asanassistantcoachin2023,shehelped leadtheteamtothefirstconferencechampionshipinschoolhistorybysweepingfour games.May2-7,theydefeatedGettysburg College,11-2,andUrsinus3-0and4-2, sandwichedarounda3-1triumphover WashingtonCollegeofMaryland.

Then,atthesoftballteam’sfirst-everappearanceattheNCAAEastRegional Tournament,May18-20,theGarnetdefeatedNo.10-rankedRandolph-Macon College,3-2,andoutscoredRamapoCollege,5-2,onMay18and19,respectively.

ButRMCwonthenexttwogames,4-0 and3-0onMay20,toeliminateSwarthmoreCollegefromtheeastregionaland

advancetothesuper-regionalround.The Garnetfinishedthe2023seasonwithan impressive26-18record.

Honoredtobeinductedinto SwarthmoreCollegeHOF

AssheawaitedtheSwarthmoreCollege AthleticsHallofFameinductiondinner thisweek,Rileysaidshewasextremely honored.

“Iworkedreallyhardincollegetobethe bestsoftballplayerIcouldbe,”shesaid.“I wantedtofinallywintheteamchampionshipthathadeludedmeearlierinmycareer—theLittleLeagueWorldSeriestitle thesummerof2005andtheDIAAstate titlemysenioryearof2006.IknewifI couldreachmymaximumpotentialasa pitcherandhitter,Icouldputmyteamin thebestpossiblepositiontowinatitle.It’s incrediblyrewardingtoseethathardwork recognizedinthisincrediblehonor.”

InadditiontoassistingtheGarnet’s women’ssoftballteam,Rileyalsoservesthe SwarthmoreCollegecommunityasanassistantprofessorintheschool’schemistry department.Sheteacheschemistryand conductsresearchwithundergraduateresearchassistants.

“It’sadynamicjobthatpresentsnew challengesandopportunitieseachsemester, andIabsolutelyloveit,”sheenthused.“It’s excitingtoseestudentsbegindevelopingan interestinchemistry,andit’srewardingto

72 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Riley Continuedfrompage71


Thewinningspirithasreturned.So havethebrightsmilesofsuccessand achievement.

Afterpostingadismal11-19aggregatewon-lostrecordduringthelasttwo autumns,theIndianRiverHighSchool girls’fieldhockeycontingenthasrediscoveredthethrillofvictory.

TheGreen&Goldhavemovedtowardmidseasonwithanimpressive5-2-0 recordafterdominatingvisitingHenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisionrival Laurel,8-0,onThursday,Sept.28,despitelosingatSussexAcademy,2-0.

SophomoremidfielderBaylie Williamsonscoredfourgoalsanddealt

twoassists,whileseniormidfielderMacy BladesandsophomoreReeceForreyeach addedagoalandahelperagainstthe Bulldogs.

JuniorgoalkeeperJazminMayfield recordedherthirdstraightshutoutand fourthoftheseason.

“OurwinatLaurelwasatrueteam victory,”saidIRgirls’fieldhockeyhead coachTorrieHuk.“Ourwholeteamwas abletostickwiththegameplanand maintaintheintensity fortheentire60 minutes.”

HukcomplimentedBladesasacrucial keytotheIndians’attack“becauseshe makestherunstogettheballandis craftyinthecirclebyearningmanycornercalls.AndsophomoreforwardKacie Kirschnerhadanoutstandingweekat

practice,finishingplaysintheattacking circle,”saidHuk,whoisinherfirstyear asheadcoach.“Shewasabletorollthat intoherperformanceagainstLaurel.She hadanassistinthecircleandcreated manycorneropportunities.”

Freshmanforward-midfielderMaggie Barealsohasgainedsomesignificant minutes,saidthecoach.

“Shehasbeenconsistentandisagreat distributorinthemidfieldarea,”said Huk.“AndjuniordefenderThianThanh Barendshasbeenversatileinherpositioningonthefield.Shehassteppedup biginthedefensivesideofthegame alongwithseniormidfieldersKylieHarrisandGraceRobinsonandfreshman midfielderTaliaScerra.They’veallplayed primaryrolesinourfourshutoutsthis

seasonandhavesupportedJazminin goal.”

Hukproclaimedthattheteamisputtingallofthepiecestogetherineacharea ofthefield.

“Atthispointinourseason,we’re startingtoseetheflowofthegamecome naturallytomanyplayers,”shesaid. “Everyoneputstheworkinatpractice, defensivelyandoffensively.Andourversatilityenablesustomakechanges smoothlyduringgameplay.

“Iamverypleasedwiththisteam,becausethey’reworkinghardandtheirsuccessshows,”addedHuk.“Ourplayersare focusedontakingeachgameoneata time,andputtingtheirbesteffortsinto thatday’sgamebeforetheymoveonto thenextcontest.”

seemyresearchstudentsmakeprogresson theirprojects.”


Rileyisquicktothankmanypeoplewho haveplayedkeyrolesinherjourney.

“Ithankmymotherandfather,Lonnie andLouisRiley,respectively,fortheirinvestmentoftimeandfamilyresourcestohelpme

succeedinschoolandinsoftball,”shesaid.“I amalsoforeverthankfultomyhighschool andtravelballcoaches—KennyLingo,Chris Workman,TracyTyre,JohnTravisandJohn Ward—aswellasmypitchingcoach,Paul Tewey.

“MySwarthmoreCollegecoaches— ReneeClarke,PattiShields,JeanetteMiddlesteadandJenMoore—mademeintoa playerworthyofbeingnamedtotheHallof Fame,”sheadded.“Inparticular,mypitching coach,Jeanette,reallyhelpeddevelopmy mentalgame,andshetaughtmeakilleroffspeeddropballthatreallyhelpedmegivebat-

CristianF.Salgado,M.D.hasjoinedAtlanticGeneral HealthSystemtoprovidecareatAtlanticGeneral Pediatrics,whichwillberelocatingtothe GudelskyFamilyMedicalCenterinOcean Pines,MD,thisfall.

Dr.Salgadocompletedhispediatrics residencyattheChildren’sHospitalof Philadelphia,a erattending UniversityofMarylandSchoolof Medicine,inBaltimore.

Dr.Salgadoisfrom Quito,Ecuador andisfluentinboth Englishand Spanish.Heisexcitedtobe relocatingtotheEasternShore withhiswife,who wasbornand raisedinBerlin,MD.

AppointmentswithDr.Salgado canbemadebycalling 443-728-1004.

tersadifferentlookbymyjuniorandsenior years.Mycoachesandnowlifelongfriends, PattiandJeanette,helpedmenotonlydevelopasasoftballplayer,butalsoasaperson, andcontinuetohaveabigimpactinmylife.”

Rileyalsothankedhermanyteammates throughtheyearsformakingherabetter softballplayer.

“Softballhasgivenmesomanywonderful, lastingmemoriesandfriendshipswithsome ofthebesthumanbeingsI’veeverknown,” shesaidenthusiastically.“Wecanpickupa conversationasifnotimehaspassed.The sharedexperienceofgoingtobattletogether


ThatconnectionhasenabledRileyto “formagreatcommunityinthePhiladelphia area,whereIplayslowpitchsoftballseveral nightsaweekinthePhiladelphiaAdult LeagueSoftball,”

(“Through PALS,IalsorecentlybecameaboardmemberofChangeUpSports,”,shesaid.“Thisisanonprofit organizationthataimstopositivelyimpact youngpeople’slivesthroughbaseballandsoftball.Softballhastrulyenrichedmylife!”

AtlanticGeneralPediatrics 12308OceanGatewayUnit3 OceanCity,MD21842 302-537-8304 Email: Dagsboro, DE October6,2023 CoastalPoint 73
MeetPediatrician CristianSalgado,M.D.
Riley Continuedfrompage72

Cruz-Bonilla,Chester beginneweraof soccergoal-scoring

TheJordanIllianerahaspassedintothe IndianRiverHighSchoolrecordannals. Thesuperstarforwardandtheschool’snew careergoal-scoringleader,with65,now playssoccerforNCAADivisionIUniversityofSouthCarolina.Asaresult,anew agehasdawnedfortheIndians’boys’soccer program.

“Obviously,Jordanisamassivelossto theteamasanattackingthreatandwithhis leadership,”saidIRHSsoccerheadcoach BrandtMais.“Fortunately,juniorsLeo ChesterandDenyCruz-Bonillabothhave steppeduptofillJordan’svoidbyscoring fourgoalseachinourfirstfivegames.Each playerisdangerousonthedribbleandhasa naturalabilitytoputtheballinthenet.”

Thegoal-scoringexploitsofChester andCruz-BonillahaveenabledtheGreen &Goldtoopentheseasonwitharecordof 4-1-1,includingtheir3-2losstoSussex AcademyonTuesday,Oct.3.

ChesterandCruz-Bonillaeachhave scoredfourgoals,whileemergingjunior talentRaulLabariushasapairoftallies.

Cruz-Bonilla,inparticular,hasachieved folkherostatuswithadramaticgoal—the onlyoneofthematch—attheconclusion ofthesecondsudden-deathovertimeperiodatHenlopenConferenceSouthern DivisionrivalLaurelonThursday,Sept.21.

Nottobeoutdone,Chesterhittheback ofthenetafterapassfromteammate Labariasattheendofthefirstovertimeperiod,topullouta3-2overtimevictoryat ArchmereAcademylastFriday,Sept.28.


TaylorGibbshasbeennamedthenew athleticdirectoratSussexAcademy.Gibbs hasbeenwithSussexAcademyasa teacherandwomen’slacrossecoachforthe pastfiveyears.Forthepastmonth,shehas alsoservedastheinterimathleticdirector andhasnowofficiallytransitionedintothe role.

Gibbs,formerlyTaylorGooch,was bornandraisedinSussexCounty.Sheisa CapeHenlopenalumna,whereshewasan All-StateandAll-Americanawardrecipientandafour-timestatechampionfor theirgirls’lacrosseteam.Shewentonto attendTempleUniversity,whereshe playedDivisionIwomen’slacrossewhile earningherbachelor’sdegreeinkinesiology.

Upongraduating,Gibbsthenjoined theSussexAcademyfamilyasagirls’ lacrossecoachandteacher.Sheiscurrently pursuinghermaster’sdegreeinadminis-


“Wecannotallowouropponenttogetthe opportunitytoscorelikethat.Itwaswonderfultogoup2-1onagoalbyRaulwith onlyeightminutesleftinthegame,butit wasdisappointingthatweweren’tableto closeitoutatthatpoint.

“Iampleasedwiththeresilienceandresponsefromthegrouptokeepcharging forwardinovertimetogettheeventual gamewinner,”Maisadded.“Itdemonstratesalotofcharacternottogiveupor shutdown.It’ssuchaspecialmomentto wininovertimeandfeeltheenergyfrom theboys.Itwasalotoffun,andthat’swhy sportsaresoexciting.”

MaisalsocreditedseniorsLukeVeirs andColeVeirsforprovidingleadershipon andoffthefieldfortheemerginggroupof newcomers.

“Theyeachhavethegritandworkethic thatdrivetheteamforward,”saidMaisof thebrothers.“Theyprovidethatevenin difficultcircumstances.”

JuniorgoalkeeperKaiKelleyhasalso providedleadershipandexcellentstops,includinghisthirdshutoutoftheseason againstLaurel.

“Westillhavealotofroomforgrowth,” saidMais.“Ourteamneedstoplaymore consistently.Delmarwastheonlygamewe playedwellforthefull80minutes,ina4-0 victory.Weknowmoreconsistentperformancesarethekeytoachievingourseason’s goals.It’sbeenadecentstart,sowe’reexcitedtoseewhattherestoftheseason brings!”

trationandsupervision.Gibbssaidshe lovesherlocalcommunity,athletics,mentoringtheyouthandwatchingtheprogramsatSussexAcademygrowasaunit. Oneofherbiggestsupportersisher4year-olddaughter,whoshesaidshehopes willonedaybeafutureSeahawkAthlete.

“WeareproudtohaveTaylorinthis role.Hercommitmentandpassionforour SussexAcademycommunitywillsoar throughassheleadsinthiscapacity,”said HeadofSchoolEricAnderson.

ThemissionoftheSussexAcademyis “tofosteracademicachievementandsocial responsibilityinasmallschoolenvironmentwherestudentsparticipateina highlyacceleratedcollegepreparatoryprogramthatpreparesthemforthetechnologicalandglobalmindednessneededfor the21stcenturyandthatinstillsethical conductandservicetoothersintheirdayto-daylives.”

74 CoastalPoint October6,2023 NEW from Los Angeles Award-winning Luxury Day Spa ACTUALIZE WELLNESSSPA 60 Minute Health Counseling Session FREE health food, drinks, robes, slippers INCLUDES HALF-DAY DREAM PACKAGE $99 ($475 value) PRE-REGISTRATION $49 Massage Skin Analysis Asian Massage Light Therapy Sound-Therapy Singapore Facial Luxury Art -Lounge Aromatherapy Reiki Therapy 657-275-GOOD (4663) ACTWELLSPA.COM 12417 Ocean Gateway, Suite 10, Ocean City, MD


Lastweek,wereviewedtwostepsin theeducationalprocessforbuyinga pickleballpaddle.Ithinkweconcluded thatifyourarelyhittheballsolidly,or playwithpeoplewhorarelyhittheball withanyfrequency,anewpaddleisnot goingtohelpyouanywhereasmuchas practiceandlessons.

Thisweek,wecontinuewithStep3 intheprocess:

Third,decidewhathandlelength givesyouthemostcomfort.Aplayer withatennisbackground,likeme,is morecomfortablewithalongerhandle, whileaplayerwithatable-tennisbackgroundmightfeelmorecomfortable withashorterhandleandrounderhead. Oncethatisdecided,rememberthatthe bettercompaniesofferseveralhandle dimensions:thinandstandard.Iam old-schoolaboutthehandlesize,becauseIbelievetheamountofhandsurfacethatisincontactwiththehandle relatesdirectlytoyourlevelofballcontroltoovercomepaddletorqueonoffcenterhits.

Partofmyjoboncewastosupervise the“ProTennisRoom”wherewemaintainedasupplyoftennisracketsforthe topworld-classplayersandthefavorite usedracketofpastgreatplayers.Players


Vinesplayedwithverylargehandles, andtheothergreatsafterthemplayed withatleast45/8-inchhandlecircumference.Imetabean-counterwhocame alongonedayandmadeapresentation tothetopbrassastohowmuchmoney couldbesavedifthecompanymanufacturedandinventoriedonlythree,versus seven,handlesizes,andsuddenly “smallerhandlesizes”becamefashionable.

Therearesomeplayerswhoaskme forapaddlewithasmallhandleand onewithoutabumper,becausetheyhit toomanyballsaroundtheedge.

First,iftheyhitaroundtheedgefrequently,theydefinitelyshouldhavea biggerhandletocontroltorque.Andif theyhitaroundtheedge,theaccuracy oftheballwithorwithoutabumper willbeterriblydegraded.Besides,the bumpers helpprotectthecourtsurface.

Whyisballcontrolimportant?Becausepickleballisacontrolgame.SoI buildupmypickleballhandleforbetter ballcontrol.


Fourth,mostoftherespectablepaddlesofferthehoneycombcore,which providesstructuralstrengthbutwith lightertotalweight.Thetypesofhon-

eycombmakeaplayabilitydifference andrangefromapaperhoneycombin thecheapermodelstothetechnologicallydevelopedmaterialsintheAmericanmodels.Next,afabricmaterialis stretchedandadheredacrossbothsides ofthehoneycomb,andthatdetermines differencesinplayability.

Therearemultiplecombinationsof materials,rangingbetweenthebasic graphitefibertofiberglassmaterial. Thesematerialsdefinitelyreactwiththe balldifferently—someoffermorecontrolbecauseofcompression,whileothersprovideslightlymorepoweratthe expenseofcontrolbecausemoreenergy is redirectedintotheball.

Itistrueatopplayercanplaywith anything,butitisalsotruethatatop playercanplayevenbetterwitharacket orpaddlethatcomplementstheirstyle.

TennisproJohnNewcombewasone ofthebestplayersintheworldand playfullyteasedme,asIwasdescribing thebeneficialtechnologicalcharacteristicsofaparticulartennisrackettoa groupofAustraliantennisplayers,that hehiteveryballintheexactcenterof the racket.HewontheU.S.Openina fantasticfive-setthrillerthatsameyear, andafterwards,Iplayfullyaskedhimif hecouldhavewonthatmatchintherequiredthreesetswithabiggersweetspot.Webothknewhecouldbeatmost

peoplewithjustaboutanyracket,butat thetoplevel,TitanagainstTitan,there areonlyafewcriticalpoints,likein pickleball,thatmakethedifference.


Fifth,weightandbalanceisakey areaofconcern.SooftenIamaskedfor averylightpaddle,andIdonotliketo evensellthosepaddlesbecauseofwhat theypotentiallycoulddotoyourarm. Thelessweightyouhave,themorearm effortrequiredtogeneratepace.

I’malsoevenmorefrequentlyasked foraveryspecificweightpaddlebecause someonetoldthemtherewassomethingmagicin7.3or8.1ounces. Weightalone,withoutconsideringbalance,isameaninglessnumber.Meaningless!Andweightalone,without consideringthefacematerial,isanother conversation.

Differentpaddlemodelsweighmore orless,andtheyalsohavedifferentbalances.Iloveapaddlethatisnicelybalancedwithalittleheadweight.But moreimportantly,Ilikeapaddlewith somebeeftoit.Withoutanysubstance tothepaddle,youarehavingtooveruseyourarmtogeneratepaceandcontrol,andtheresultcanbetenniselbow!

MakingMem ies! 23rd St “Temple Of Dragons” 28th St “Medieval Faire” OC’s Only 27 Hole Mini Golf! 68th St Dinosaurs! And Indoor UnderSea Adventure 136th St Caribbean Pirates And Indoor Safari Village 68th St. Outdoor Dinosaur Course 23rd St. Outdoor Temple Of Dragons 136th St. Outdoor Caribbean Pirate 68th St. Indoor UnderSea 28th St. Outdoor Renaissance 27 Hole 136th St. Indoor Safari Course ALL 4 LOCATIONS OPEN! OPEN DAILY 10AM- 10PM October6,2023 CoastalPoint 75


Iwouldmuchratherhaveapaddle workingforme,especiallyattoday’s prices,thanmeworkingforthepaddle. Thereisalsoweightandbalance variationwithinthesamemodelsof paddles,butcertainlynotasmuchas betweendifferentbrandsandmodels. Withincertaindiameters,Icanadd weightandmakeanytwopaddleshave theidenticalswingweight,i.e.,feelexactlyliketheotherdespitethedifferences.Ihavetournament-player customerswhowanteverypaddlein theirpaddlebagtohavethesameswing weightastheothers,andImakethese smalladjustmentsforthem.


Sixth,thickness.Theslightlythicker (fronttoback)paddleswiththicker honeycombcores,havelessvibration andflutter,andtheenergyisredirected backintotheballforsolid,controlled hitting.And,ofcourse,becauseyou haveathickercoreinyourpaddle,you haveahigherprice.Thethickerpaddle isfortheseriousplayerwhoisimprovingallthetime.Onlyacouplepoints per gameseparatethetopplayers,soa firmpaddlewithoutexcessivetorqueor flutteringismoreimportanttothem.


Seventh,price.Therecertainlyisno insurancethatthemostexpensivepaddlewillbethebestforyou.Infact,if youdon’tknowmuchaboutpaddles,I wouldarguethatthemostexpensive paddleisnotforyou.Thereisashelf lifetothesepaddles,andbythetime youstartdevelopingyourpickleball game,youwillneedanotherpaddle,so upgradethen.

Ifyoujustwanttofindoutwhatthe gameisallabout,youcangetapaddle forbetween$75and$100.Lessthan thatgenerallymakesmyshoulderhurt, soIdon’tknowwhatitwilldotoyours, andyouprobablywillbebuyinganother moreexpensivepaddlebeforeyourthird returntothepickleballcourts.Butif youthinkyouaregoingtobeplaying pickleballonaregularbasis,thenexpect topaybetween$125and$175.


Eight,headshape.Therehasbeena vastassortmentofvariationsinthe shape ofpaddles.Ipreferapaddlenot aswidebecauseIdonotwanttopush alongasmuchresistingair.Thewider thepaddle,thegreaterthewindresistance.Butbereadytodefendyourposition,becauseinvariablytherewillbethe localcourtexpertwhohasplayedtwo moredaysthanyou,andtheywillgoto

greatlengthstotellyouaboutyourpurchasingerror.Iftheybotheryou,do whatIdoandaskthemtospell“pickleballpaddletorque.”Theywillwander awaycountingthenumberofwordson theirfingers.


Ninth,manufacturersarealways dealingwithvibration.Toomuch,andit mightinflameyourarmorvibrateyour teethloose.Toolittle,andyoudon’t haveagoodfeelfortheballbecause youramazingbrainneedsthatinputto processpower,touch,control,etc.Mind you,becauseofmybackground,I’ma relativelysophisticatedconsumer,havingworkedwithmostofthesamematerialsusedtodayandunderstanding their benefitsandnegatives.

Whenmyshoulderstartedtoache,I researchedthosepaddlesthatcouldgive mesomeshockfilteringbutwith enoughto“feel”theballonthepaddle surface,andthatisthemomentIrealizedtheconsumerpaddlemarketis awashwithconflicting,erroneousand, insomecasedishonest,claims.SoI telephonedseveralCEOsandasked technicalquestionsabouttheirmaterials,incomparisontothematerialswe hadusedintennisracketdesign.



modelsandgrowing,andyouhavethe opportunitytogetyourpurchasewrong morethan300times.Ikeepaninventoryof15differenttypesofdemomodelsofdifferentlengths,differenthandle sizes,differentfacematerialsanddifferentshapestoallowconsumerstoeducatethemselves.

Iknowwhatittakestodevelopa product,andIgreatlyappreciatewhen thecompaniesgetitrightwithimprovedtechnology,notjustanother color ornewcosmetics.I’vebeenplaytestingademoofanewpaddleintroductionwithsignificantbreakthrough technologythatholdstheballminutely longeronthepaddleface,generating betterballcontrol.ThisAmericancompanyputtheirrevenuesbackintoR&D toimprovethefabricusedonthefaceof thisgame-changer.Theyareaboutto introduceanewmodelforthe16-yearoldworldchampion,AmericanAnna LeighWaters,whoisrankedNo.1in threecategories:singles,doublesand mixeddoubles.

Ihopemy10-steppurchasing processhasclarifiedforyoutheimportantconsiderationsandcutthroughall thenoise,confusion,misrepresentations, chaffandoutrageousassertions.Perhaps asyoutravelalongtheroadthinking aboutanewpaddle,reflectbackona commentanold-timeroncemadeto me,“Theycanmakealltheclaimsthey want,buttheycan’tchangethephysics ofstrikingaball!”

76 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Connect With Us and ma co n • colle Support scholarships ge a u n u s, AAR t e 9 Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment


TheBankofOceanCityand FocusMultisportsrecentlymadea $12,500donationonbehalfofparticipantsandsponsorsofthe2023 CoastalResortsGolfClassic,presentedbytheBankofOceanCityat thePlantationLakesGolf&CountryClub.

“We’resothankfulforourcommunitypartners—fromthegenerosityofthenumeroussponsorsof theCoastalResortGolfClassicto thosewhoparticipatedinthe event…It’ssupportlikethisthat hasallowedustoprovidehelpfor todayandhopefortomorrowinthis communityforover50years!”said KenArgot,DiaKonia’sexecutivedirector.

“AtFocusMultisports,mypartnerRickHundleyandI—along withourteamofvolunteersandenthusiasticparticipants,andthrough thegenerosityofoursponsors— makeourcommunitybetterthrough philanthropyandhavefunwhile doingit,deliveringoverapproximately$700,000indonationsto date.Ouralliancesstrengthenlocal organizationsandprovideresidents andbusinesseswithaplatformto giveback,”saidFocusMultisports’ ErnieFelici.

Registernowfortheannual ThanksgivingDayTurkeyTrot

Matthewscompeting inNCAAfallathletics atAlbrightCollege

J’SeanMatthewsofMillsboroisa memberoftheNCAADivisionIII footballteamatAlbrightCollege thisfall.AgraduateofSussexTechnicalHighSchool,Matthewsis studyingwithahistoryandcommunicationsco-majoratAlbright.

MorethanathirdofAlbright studentsparticipateononeofthe college’s24varsitysportsteams,includingcross-country,e-sports,field hockey,football,golf,soccer,tennis andvolleyballinthefall.Theredand-whiteAlbrightLionsarepart ofthehistoricDivisionIIIMiddle AtlanticConference(MAC).An additional10percentofstudents participateincluband/orintramural sports.

Thecollege’sathleticfacilitiesincludeShirkStadium(turf)dedicatedin1925andhometothe AlbrightLionsformorethan90 years,BollmanGyminsidethe SchumoCenterforFitness&Wellbeing,andtheSchollLifeSports CenterinReading,Pa.,founded 1856.Thecollege’sco-majorprogramenablesstudentstocrossor combinedifferentareasofstudy, withouttakinglongertograduate.

FamilyRunWalkonNov.23, atBethanyTurkeyTrot.comandSurf in’SnowmanRun/WalkonFeb.10,

2024,,the April12-14,2024,CoastalDelaware RunningFestival,andtheApril26, 2024CoastalResortsGolfClassic

302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! October6,2023 CoastalPoint 77
CoastalPoint•Submitted RickHundley,left,andErnieFelici,right,ofFocusMultisports,andBankofOceanCityPresident&CEOReidTingle,center-left, presentadonationtoDiaKoniaExecutiveDirectorKenArgot,center-right.


LauraAshbyisdriventoprovidedefibrillatorstoareaemergencyresponderstotryto preventthekindofsuddencardiacarrestthattookherson

DaveAshbytooyoung,whenthe otherwisehealthyDeweyBeach residentdiedasleeponhiscouch duetoanirregularheartrhythm.

TheDave’sDeweyDash5K raceandwalkonSept.30drew morethan100runnersand50 walkersattheRustyRudder restaurant,whichalsoco-sponsoredtheraceandhaspurchased severalofitsowndefibrillators. Thefundraisingcharityrace, whichisnowassociatedwiththe non-profitorganizationSimon’s Heart,raisedmorethan$15,000 throughraceproceedsanda silentauction,alongwithcorporatesponsorship.Lord’sMercantileStoreofOceanViewdonated abeachgiftbasket,which broughtin$100frombidders.

DrewGonser,theownerof Races2Runracemanagementand racedirectorforthedashsaid,“This isthesecondactualracewecould

hostandthirdyearoftheDave’s DeweyDash5Krace.”


pletelyflooded,”notedGonser,who isanattorneypracticinginWilmington.“Wedo90racesayearandare

pleasedtohostthisoneforLaura Ashby’scause.”

“Ifyouhaveanirregular heartbeat,youareatriskforsuddencardiacarrest,”warned Ashby.“WedonatednineAED machinestotal,includingfiveto theDeweypolicedepartment.

“TheRustyRudderalreadyhad purchasedseveralAEDmachines,andSteve‘Monty’Montgomery,ownerofaDewey restaurantgroup,hasindicated thosehavesavedthreepeople’s lives.”


Thankstothepartnership withSimon’sHeart,Dave Ashby’smemorialfundhasa 501(c)(3)tax-deductiblecharity supportingthesedonations.

“Weraised$15,000thisyear beforesomeexpenses,andthis willbuyalotofAEDmachines,” saidAshby.“Wehopetobuytwo ruggedizedoutdoormachines— onetobeplacedneartheDewey townhall—thatarehookedup toelectricityandavailableallthe timeforpolicetouse.”

78 CoastalPoint October6,2023 our donation helps provide food, clothing, h Y Your hope. R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY V 410-228-8437 MINISTRIES licensed #1044 A AMV MVA ax deductible T Tax BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* AFTERLeafFilter CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases of $1,000 or more with approved credit. Minimum consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. APR FOR 24 MONTHS** SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE 15010++%% % OFF OFF Physicians Mutual Insurance Company For complete details, including costs and limitations, please contact us. Product not available in all states. 6294 1-888-928-1656 Affordable pet INSURANCE The Season for Big Savings Is Now! Schedule Soon & Save Up to $2000! Cooling or Heating System Tune Up $49 Price valid for one working unit. Excludes oil fired systems. Valid at participating ARS Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, o commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 11/30/2023 License numbers available at on a New Cooling and Heating System with our Buy Back Program! SAVE UP TO $2000 Savings requires purchase and installation of select complete heating and cooling system. Removal and disposal by Company of existing heating and cooling system required. Valid at participating ARS Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 11/30/2023 icense numbers available at Call today! (855) 428-5908
CoastalPoint•MikeSmith LauraAshby,right,isthemotherofDaveAshby,aDeweyBeachresidentwhodiedofsudden cardiacarrest.ShehassinceorganizedtheDave’sDeweyDash5Kwalkandrun,which raised$15,000onSept.30,aimingtoprovideareafirst-responderswithAEDequipmentthat could savelives.




CP 20231006 1T






A petition for title to the following abandoned property has been filed with the court noted above: 1970 PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER, VIN# RM23V0A172629. (Property)

Petition filed by: JOHN GARDOSKI. (Name of Petitioner)

Known owners/lienholders/other parties with interest in the property: DEFT - UNKNOWN UNKNOWN

1. If judgment is entered for the Petitioner, the Petitioner will be awarded complete and absolute title to the property pursuant to 25 Del.C. § 4002. If there are existing liens or other interests claimed against it, the property will be sold and the proceeds of the sale used toward those liens.

2. Any person who is the owner, holder of a lien or other interest regarding the above property has a legal right to a full hearing in this Court. To obtain a hearing, such a person should contact the Court immediately to obtain an Answer. (J.P. Civ. Form No. 53) and mark the DECLARATION OF INTENT TO CONTEST section.

3. If an answer is filed with the Court by showing an intent to contest, a hearing will be promptly scheduled and the person contesting must appear at the hearing to contest the claim of the Petitioner.

4. Unless an answer with the Declaration of intent to contest section is signed and received by the court by OCTOBER 27, 2023, the Justice of the Peace will issue a judgment vesting title in the above name property in the petitioner.

5. In the event that judgment is entered in favor of the Petitioner, an owner, lienholder, or other party with interest in the above named property may be liable for the costs of this action.

CP 20231006 1T


The Town of Selbyville will be flushing its fire hydrants between 8 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. during the week beginning Monday, October 9, 2023.

Residents and businesses are advised to check for discolored water, especially in their washing machines. If you observe discolored water, let your faucet run for a few minutes to see if it clears up. If it doesn’t, contact the water department at 302-436-8349. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. For more information, call Town Hall at 302-436-8314. Again, watch for discolored water.

CP 20230929 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:135-14.00-115.00

Property Address: 6 CARRIAGE LANE, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES S. KNOTHE ESQ., PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ESTATE OF HELEN J. STUART & CATHY LYNETTE STUART (HEIR) (51) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20231006 2T
October6,2023 CoastalPoint 79



By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023


9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-12.00-340.00

Property Address: 23248 BLUEWATER WAY, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% de-


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-17.13-16.00-282

Property Address: 29100 SAINT THOMAS BOULEVARD, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of MARK PIERCE MILLER (27) and will be sold by

Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

posit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.



By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:135-19.00-69.08-46

Property Address: 4 ELDERBERRY STREET, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of


CP 20231006 2T

80 CoastalPoint October6,2023
CP 20231006 2T
CP 20231006 2T



By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: Tax Parcel:433-6.00-123.00

Property Address: 33731 GUMS AVENUE, Frankford, DE 19945

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-6.00-13.00

Property Address: 19347 BEAVER DAM ROAD, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of TANYA A. HALL & KIMWAUN L. GIBBS A/K/A KIMWAUN L. GIBBS AND THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA (23) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20231006

11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.



By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-3.00-2.00-1603

Property Address: 29571 CRIPPLE CREEK DRIVE, UNIT 1603, Dagsboro, DE 19939

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of KEVIN M. POTTER & SUSSEX HOLDINGS LP (49) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20231006 2T
CP 20231006 2T October6,2023 CoastalPoint 81






Estate of Barbara E. Ransbottom, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Barbara E. Ransbottom who departed this life on June 8, 2023, late of Frankford, DE were duly granted unto Margie Ann Schafer and Kenneth Ransbottom, Jr. on September 12, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executors without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executors on or before February 8, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Margie Ann Schafer

Kenneth Ransbottom, Jr.

ADDRESS: 1325 River Hill Road, Pequea, PA 17565 34182 Whispering Lane, Frankford, DE  19945

ATTORNEY: Robbie Robinson

ADDRESS: 18 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401; Ocean View, DE  19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills

CP 20230922 3T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Property Address: 33163 JOLYNS WAY, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.


CP 20231006 2T




Estate of Marion E. McMahan, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Marion E. McMahan AKA Marion C. McMahan who departed this life on February 12, 2023, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Marilyn J. Silveira on September 14, 2023 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before October 12, 2023 or abide by the law in this behalf.

Executor: Marilyn J. Silveira 31226 West Ocean Dr. Dagsboro, DE  19939

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills

ATTORNEY: Veronica R. Townsend, Esq. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 202 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20230922 3T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-13.00-1175.00-53

Property Address: 38207 CREEK STREET, Ocean View, DE 19970

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of KEITH A. WALTER & DONNA WALTER; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (53) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

82 CoastalPoint October6,2023
20231006 2T



INDIAN RIVER RESTAURANTS LLC has on September 25, 2023, applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for renovation including adding 8 bar seats to the existing bar for a premises located at 38069 Town Center Drive, Unit 19/20, Millville, DE 19967. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before October 25, 2023. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office.

CP 20230929 3T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:231-13.00-158.00

Property Address: N/RT 46, 1000’ E/RT 529, OLD FURNACE ROAD, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of THOMAS S. KING, JR. & TERRY L. CAREY (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


Trubil Inc. has on September 26, 2023, applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for Restaurant-On Liquor License for a premises located at 699 Bethany Loop, Unit 2, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before October 26, 2023. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office.

CP 20230929 3T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-2.00-3.00-B-2

Property Address: SOUTH SHORE MARINA UNIT B2, 19 MARINA VIEW COURT, Bethany Beach, DE 19930

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of GLORIA B. HERNDON (15) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20231006 2T
CP 20231006 2T
October6,2023 CoastalPoint 83


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-6.00-13.00

Property Address: 19347 BEAVER DAM ROAD, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of TANYA A. GIBBS & KIMWUAN L. GIBBS (21) and will be sold by Robert T.


CP 20231006 2T

By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Property Address: 15384 FORSYTHIA DRIVE, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DEBORAH A. PARKER; IVEY M. PARKER & JAMES I. PARKER (29) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Property Address: 23737 BRIARWOOD LANE, Georgetown, DE 19947

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of ESTATE OF JANICE A. ANTONIO (26) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 17th day of October, 2023

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:433-6.00-117.00

Property Address: 33758 GUMS AVENUE, Frankford, DE 19945

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 11/20/23. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 11/27/23; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of ANTHONY F. BOUCHET (39) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

84 CoastalPoint October6,2023
CP 20231006 2T
CP 20231006 2T
CP 20231006 2T
October6,2023 CoastalPoint 85 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 302.205.1505 Airports & Train Stations Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List?
86 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Services J.G Hauling & Disposal Service 302.526.7141 • 7’x14’ Dump Trailer for 2-day rental • Light Demolition • Clean-out Services • Appliance, Furniture, & Junk Removal Cleaning Services F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 570-617-6358 CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Driveway Maintenance 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services EXECUTIVE CLEANING SERVICES LLC LISA RICHARDSON Owner - Operator 302-542-5766 Licensed & Insured PRIVATE RESIDENCES ONLY Cleaning Services Electrical Work Panel Upgrades • Fans Spot Lights • Switches Outlets • Small Jobs Custom Lighting & More Call Dmitriy: 856.631.7519 Electric call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction “Let 35 years of experience go to work for you.” Master Electrician, licensed in DE & MD “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel 302.436.5008 | Selbyville, DE Residential | Commercial Electric KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Specializing in all Home Repairs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate Doors • Plumbing • Carpentry Pressure Washing • Electrical • Tile Drywall • Painting • and More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors THE HANDY BEACHMAN Exterior Home Repairs “WE DO IT ALL” Licensed • Bonded • Insured • MHIC 17433 “A Family Tradition Since 1935” 410-893-9707 • Roofing Repairs • Roof Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Powerwashing • • Deck Repairs • • Rain Gutters • Gutter Guards • Screening • Painting • Staining • Caulking P A R R I S H Handyman SYNERGY Home Services 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 39 Years’ Exp. Affordable, Sensible Remodeling Home Repair Construction From Painting to Decks & Additions and Everything in Between! Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman ZIM ZAM THE HANDYMAN 302-436-9116 Painting/Caulking/Powerwashing Fencing/Decks/Screening Flooring Repairs/Tile/Grouting Carpentry/Cabinetry/Shelving Garages/Closets/Sheds Property Cleanouts/Sharpening Concrete Coastings/Epoxies NOT SURE? Just Ask! Property Repairs And Maintenance PO BOX 745 SELBYVILLE, DE 19975 Handyman RELIABLE Happy to be HANDY CONSTRUCTION 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Composite & Treated Decks | Attic Bonus Rooms Deck & Siding Replacement| Additions Window & Door Replacement| Screen Porch Sunroom| Kitchens| Baths| Luxury Vinyl Flooring Home Improvement BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements G.T. CLIFT INC. Home Improvements Roofing Siding Decks Windows Doors Chimneys Built Relined Swept MHIC 65416 410-360-8460 Home Improvements Offer SUPER service? Advertise it in our Service Directory! Our Service Directory is where our readers look for the help they need, and it’s not affected by kryptonite.* *Actually we’re not sure how much protection a single sheet of newsprint offers against a fictional substance but we’re just running with this whole “super” thing. Your Ad Here October6,2023 CoastalPoint 87
88 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping Firewood • Sawmill Bush Hogging • Grass Cutting Finish Mowing • Mulching 302-745-3912 Landscaping/ Millwork 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping Seasonal Clean-up • Junk Hauling • Shrubs Pruned Mulch & Pine Needles Delivered Chipper Services • Grass Cutting • Trees Removed Small Trees Trimmed or Removed Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered & Installed EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL DEPENDABLE SERVICES 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Landscaping Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC It’s Time for AERATION & OVER SEEDING Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping • Fall Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil Landscaping • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & H OUSE S TAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting fresh. PHILIPSPAINTING.COM 302.344.0535 Painting 302-745-3912 Kevin Coviello QualityWorkmanship INTERIOR EXTERIOR Licensed & Insured with 27 Years’ Experience Painting
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices 302.519.8444 Overnight Boarding • Fresh Air Furry Friends • Fitness • Pick-up/Drop-off Services available • 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE Warrantie Wa Lifetime ed Certi GAF vice Ser Quality Prompt, Honest, 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing Roofing Hanna’s Fitness 302.542.7601 SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST Specialized in-home Personal Training for older adults and those who don’t want to go to the gym! Balance Training • Couch to 5K Strength & Mobility • Core Training Walking Programs Weight Management Specialist Personal Trainer Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, focus, core and over all strength and endurance 302.249.2535 302.249.2535 DarkHorseFitness65 Customized training sessions for balance, mobility, stability, exibility, coordination, mental focus, core and over-all strength and endurance Master Trainer • Personal Trainer Senior Fitness Trainer Nutrition Certi ed CPR & AED Certi ed In Your Home or Community Facility Personal Trainer Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting Licensed & Insured Painting w Exp ’Years Ye 20 PAINTI PA CU ROSE Po M All Inter g erience NG STOM Washin Wa er xteriorE etal xterior xtior/E L e F f J ll C ShipS A n ! t ti E atioallatInstal ap cksDe vings!Sa Fall pecial about sk 302.396.1311 Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES & EPOXY GARAGE FLOORS AND do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience • Free Estimates Call for END OF SUMMER SPECIALS! Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured Painting Call Jeff for estimate: 302.745.2100 • 302.436.2588 Licensed & Insured Sunshine Painting & Power Washing, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior/Exterior Painting Cleaning Deck Staining • Drywall Repair All Jobs Welcome! Painting October6,2023 CoastalPoint 89
90 CoastalPoint October6,2023 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service • Property Management • Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call our showroom: 302.537.9407 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments CREATIVE DRAPERY • Re-Upholstering • Slip Covers Draperies • Blinds & Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments POWERWASHING allservicesw/thisad! Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Yearround services w/yearly& seasonal rates Hot Water, Powerwashing & Soft Wash Systems • Deck Staining • Decks • Docks • Houses • Restaurants • Shopping Centers • Roofs • & More MHIC 97081 Ocean City 34629 • Delaware 2004 222 381 Licensed & Insured 410-603-3400 Joe Beran/Owner Operator Commercial & Residential • Complete Exterior Cleaning Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Powerwashing/Soft Wash


Line ads: $8.25 for 20 words, 25¢ per add’l word. Display ads: $8.50 per column inch. Non-commercial ads for items $1,000 or less are free up to 20 words.

Yard Sales are $9.00

for Red Sun Custom Apparel located in Selbyville

Must be skilled and detail-oriented bookkeeper to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in accounting and be proficient in QuickBooks and EXCEL.

If you are passionate about numbers, highly organized, and have excellent attention to detail, we would love to hear from you!

To apply, please send your resume, salary requirements and questions to

Looking for a meaningful job where you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE?


develops plans, media contacts, all details of press events, strategic marketing plans, and oversees content development with professionalism and aligned with the branding and goals of the organization.


responsible for ensuring all Sussex County Habitat for Humanity (SCHFH) and Restore external communications are carried out with professionalism and aligned with the branding and goals of the organization.


responsible for implementing a variety of healthy homes programs that assist Sussex County homeowners with health and energy efficient repairs. The Healthy Homes Specialist will work directly with qualified applicants, healthcare specialists, subcontractors and local partnerships to repair and improve low income households in Sussex County.


to oversee programs that focus on health and energy-efficient repairs.


that works with the CEO and Property Acquisition Committee to pursue potential projects in focus areas around the county, follow up on leads for donated properties and work with seller or seller's agents to secure land inventory and rehab housing stock for Habitat's affordable housing projects.


responsible for recruiting volunteers to support SCHFH's impact and future growth, developing volunteer leadership and training opportunities and establishing evaluation tools to measure impact and program effectiveness.

For more information and to apply:

SCHFH is an Equal Opportunity Employer


for a fast-paced Property Maintenance company

EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Customer Service, MS Word and Excel, knowledge of Basic Of ce Procedures; Bi-lingual & Strong Math Skills are a plus.

WE OFFER: Full-Time, Monday - Friday, competitive pay, great bene ts, paid holidays and vacation.

Send your resume to:


The Town of Selbyville, Delaware is currently accepting resumes for the full-time position of Code Enforcement & Building O cial. The Code Enforcement & Building O cial will report to the Town Administrator and is responsible for enforcement of Town Maintenance Codes, Zoning Codes and International Building Codes along with other applicable Federal, State and County ordinances, regulations, and codes, review and issue building and sign permits, and conduct on-site building inspections.

Bene ts include health, dental and life insurance, State of Delaware Pension Plan and paid vacation and sick leave. Pay will be commensurate with education and experience. A full job description is available at

The successful applicant must pass a background check and a drug test. Only applicants that are scheduled for interviews will be contacted. At some juncture of the process, three professional references may be required. The position will continue to stay open until lled.

To apply, quali ed applicants should mail a con dential cover letter and resume to:

Town of Selbyville

PO Box 106; Selbyville, DE 19975

Attn.: Stacey Long, Town Administrator or via email to:

The Town of Selbyville is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Contact Jane to place your Classified ad 302.539.1788 Jane.Johnson Classi eds Classified Deadlineis Tuesday at 4pm | Ads accepted from 9am –4pm, Monday - Friday.
Submit resume at: HVAC company with over 20 years’ experience is seeking an We offer Vacation Health Insurance 401K Sales Commission All States Construction is now hiring Excellent Pay & Competitive Bene ts Package Available Give us a call for more info: 410.352.9800 Full-Time Positions Experience Preferred Tools, Transportation, Valid Driver’s License are a Plus WAREHOUSE DELIVERY DRIVER • PAINTERS • STUCCO & EIFS MECHANICS • LABORER • CONCRETE WORK • CARPENTER
FT/PT Year-Round Positions with Competitive Pay 33544 Marketplace; Sea Colony, Bethany Beach 37234 Lighthouse Rd. Selbyville 1500 Coastal Hwy. Suite 1 Fenwick Island Apply in Person SERVERS • HOSTESSES FOOD RUNNERS • BUSSERS PT CHURCH ORGANIST/ PIANIST Fenwick Island For Information, call: 302.537.1402 October6,2023 CoastalPoint 91



Experience Preferred

Ocean View

Email Resume:



Indian River School District. Will Train!



• Maintenance • Boat Yard Attendant

• Overnight/Night Watch

Apply online at:



customer service experience required; previous sales experience preferred; can train a willing applicant

$75k - $100k earning potential: Salary + Commission



VINTAGE PENN REELS/ rods combos. Penn #85, Long Beach #66, Senator 4.0 (Big Game) with original boxes, Herters #12. Starting at $25. All working condition or for decor. 3 02.542.9500

1965 CABINET ZIG-ZAG Japanese sewing machine. Riccar American Corp. Type SC-HM, 80 wall input, 115v. Very good condition. $110 703.963.6903

NASCAR COLLECTION: Drivers’ posters, hats, collectible cards, etc.; Brand name whiskey pitchers, beer signs. Call for more info: 302.490.1346

CARTOON GLASSES FROM from fast food places; circa 1970. Better Home & Garden magazines. Call for more info: 302.490.1346

DOILY COLLECTION About 30 small and medium. $30 takes all. 302.490.1346

RARE DE LICENSE PLATE 5-number, riveted, reflective coating. Original maroon painted, stainless steel base. Can text pics. Best offer. 443.614.1290

Children’s Librarian Needed

Millsboro Public Library is seeking an energetic and motivated individual to be a part-time Literacy Specialist working 15 hours per week. In this position, the successful candidate will work collaboratively with a dedicated team of library sta . Under the supervision of the Library Director, the ideal candidate will work to create fun, meaningful, and literacy-focused programs and services for children. The ideal candidate will also be a person with a passion for working with young learners, demonstrating skills and innovation in the planning and implementation of various learning opportunities. For the right candidate library training will be o ered.

The Millsboro Public Library builds community by inspiring imagination, discovery, and learning. The library is a dynamic community resource and destination. The Library provides library services to residents of Millsboro. The library is also part of the Sussex County Library Partnership, a consolidation of four library systems in the greater Delaware.

To be considered for this position, please submit a resume of your professional quali cations and a list of three references to:

VINTAGE 48-STAR WWII US flag. 5’ x 9.5’ from Philadelphia Quatermaster Depot. Very good condition. $325 443.614.1290

EMMETT KELLY CLOWNS, Harbor Lights lighthouses, Royal & Co. angels, and more. Call for more info: 302.519.3657


WHIRLPOOL, BLACK dishwasher. Works great. $100 302.567.1203

ONE YEAR OLD SPEED Queen TC5 washing machine. Well maintained and in excellent condition. $450 608.616.2429

SEARS STAINLESS STEEL refrigerator. 36”wide. Excellent condition. $500 OBO 302.856.6756

SEARS GAS DRYER GOOD condition. $50 OBO 302.856.6756

SUSSEX COUNTY HABITAT for Humanity ReStore accepts donations of working appliances 10 years old or less for families in need. 302.855.1156


2-ton hydraulic floor jack, range 5 1/8” - 15”. $40 Please text: 609.247.3649

CORNWELL MECHANICS’ tool chest. Full of tools. Make reasonable offer. Moving - must sell - all or some. 302.663.9326

NEW, BLACK, 48” TRUCK toolbox. Paid $340, asking $150 - REDUCED! 302.732.3637

(2) SPRAY CANS OF AUTO paint primer. $15 OBO 302.344.0169

PACE EDWARD FULL metal, retractable tonneau cover. Fits Chevy & GMC trucks with extended cabs, 6.5’ bed. $200 267.776.7640

TONS OF MECHANICS’ tools and chests. Snap-on and more. All at reduced pricing - all must go. Call for more info: 302.519.3657

DONATE YOUR CAR/ truck/ RV - Lutheran Mission Society of MD. Compassion Place Ministries help local families with food, clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA licensed #W1044. 410.228.8437

DANFORTH BOAT anchor. 2.5 standard, like new. Made in USA. $15 302.875.7070

GREEN BIMINI TOP 66” w at base. Used twice. $120 443.373.1550

TOMTOM GO COMFORT 6” GPS. New, unopened. Free map downloads: $165. Also available: GPS/phone dashboard mount. New, unopened: $30 302.537.1549

46” HITACHI TV WITH stand. $75 OBO 302.856.6756

HOLLY TREE 3’- 4’ TALL You dig up and take. 301.219.7632

(2) SWIVEL BAR STOOLS Wooden, oak color. $15 301.802.0431, leave message.

NEW, SOLID OAK MEDIA cabinet. 31”h x 55”l x 22”d with 2 center glass doors. Perfect condition, no scratches or dents. Paid $1,600. Asking $485. 302.382.2814

THOMASVILLE QUEEN bed frame with Tempurpedic mattress/ box spring, lightly used. Downsizing. Excellent condition, no stains. $300 OBO Call for more info. 302.537.4234

TRUNDLE BED LIKE NEW 2 years old. $300 301.219.7632

MOVING - ALL IN GREAT condition! Lift recliner: $75; Ashley DR set for 6: $200; large, beige, wrap sofa: $100; Ashley king BR set - 4 pieces: $200. 302.663.9326

SWIVEL ROCKING recliner. Medium blue, faux leather. Brand new, never used, still in box. $250 914.522.9309

WHITE BUNK BED TOP twin with mattress. Open on bottom for twin, full, or queen bed on rolling frame. Frame included. $150 443.687.6126

OAK CURIO HUTCH WITH lighting and 5 glass shelves. 54”w x 17”d x 77”h. $400 410.935.8193

DUCK DECOYS: BLACKS, Mallards, Teals, and Pintails. Flambeau, Carry-Lite, G&H. Ready to hunt, mix and match. $70/dozen. 302.542.9500

BARNETT CROSSBOW Ghost 410 Carbon Fiber. Restrung and in excellent condition. $225 302.245.0777

TREE STAND TRANSPORT rack for 4-wheeler ATV. Upper/ lower arms adjust to 27”h for gun, bow case, stands. $40 302.542.9500


2.75” Super X Steel #4 shot. 15 boxes available; $15 each. 302.542.9500

DEER STAND SCREW-IN steps: $2 each; 16’ aluminum ladder: $40; 20’ climbing stick: $40 302.542.9500

PRINCESS HOUSE WHEAT pattern dish set. 31 pieces. Meat platter, cheese plate, etc. Many never used. Pics available. $140 717.319.7552

WOLFGANG PUCK STILL in box Immersion Hand Blender. Wire beaters, dough hooks, frother, chopper blade, instructions, & recipes. $50 301.875.7061

HOLLY TREE 3’- 4’ TALL You dig up and take. 301.219.7632

COLEMAN FOCUS 5 propane heater. 14”h. $10 302.785.7070

CEILING LIGHT 17” diameter. $25 OBO 302.785.7070


Tables, shelves, decor - all for sale. Call for an appointmen to view. 302.233.0415

HEAVY-DUTY SAFE ON wheels. 17.5”w x 21”h x 24”d with combination lock. Includes manual. $175 302.278.1441

BIG BUTTON PLUG-IN phone. Hardly used. $20 410.310.6633

SET OF 8 PLACE SETTINGS with serving dishes, and stainless steel serving forks, spoons. Stanley Roberts’ Astro from Japan, circa 1950. Unused. $150 302.537.4425

MEN’S DENIM XL SHIRT with Sloppy Joe Key West emblem on front pocket. $15 410.310.6633

POLAR WATER DISPENSER with owner’s manual. $75 OBO Leave message. 302.245.5599

DREAM ON ME 2-in-1 folding full-size crib with Sealy mattress. Used for grandchild visits. $120 Fenwick. 302.745.0337

LARGE FISH TANK WITH lots of accessories and cabinet. Approximately: 18”w x 24”d x 48”l. $150 OBO 302.541.0475

Library 217 West State Street, Millsboro, DE 19966 No phone calls please. Application deadline — this recruitment will close Friday, November 10, 2023 • 302.542.4487 Get the news with a local perspective! Find it each week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY In print every Friday and online 24/7 at
Mary Brittingham, Library Directory, Millsboro Public

LARSON FULL GLASS AND matching screen storm door with lock & key and 2 storm door pneumatic closures. Standard size. White.




72” x 80”. 15 glass panes, each side. Pine finish on one side, cream on other side. Beautiful condition, hardware included. $400 OBO 443.614.1290

SEAMSTRESS WANTED for one small craft project. Have fabric and pattern. Will compensate.


ORECK STILL IN BOX TOP fill, upright for carpet and bare floors with micro sweep cleaning system. Asking $175


EXTERIOR DOOR WITH fulllength glass. 31.75”w x 79”h. No hardware. $75 410.688.5483


Signed artist’s proof print. “Past, Present, Future”. $50 OBO Call 610.468.4004

PHOTO ALBUM purchased from ACTS containing family/kids’ pics. Would like to return photos to owner. Please call to identify.


(2) ORIENTAL AREA RUGS Room size, good condition. REDUCED! $40 each. Leave message. Ocean City.


BEAUTIFUL BATH updates in as little as one day. Superior quality bath and shower systems at affordable prices. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Call now. 877.738.0991

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855.337.5228 MDDC#6258

FREE HIGH-SPEED internet for those that qualify. Government program for recipients of select programs include Medicaid, SNAP housing assistance, WIC, Veterans pension, survivor benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet service. Bonus offer: Android tablet free with one-time $20 co-pay. Free shipping and handling. Call Maxsip Telecom today. 888.592.5957

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855.993.0969

ANVIL FIBRE CASES FOR drum protection. 10”, 12”, & 13”; hard case for 22” base drums. $100 takes all.302.278.1441

PVM 112 FLOOR MONITOR 2-way passive. $40 3 02.278.1441

STEREO EQUIPMENT WITH Polk audio and other speaker. Best offer. 3 02.537.0508

TAMMA IRON COBRA 600 gold base drum pedal. Like new. $115 302.278.1441

4 YEAR-OLD DOG VERY WELL-TRAINED Great comfort/companion dog. Perfect for seniors. Great home only. I’m moving, and dogs are not allowed. 302.663.9326

(2) PET BUCKET CAR SEAT covers. $20 302.379.4284

COVERED LITTER BOXslightly used. $10 Call Mike: 302.344.0169

LOW COST SPAY AND neutering of cats. Want to save 100s of cats’ lives? Spay or neuter ONE. Call Cats Around Town Society to schedule an operation. 302.355.9979

KITTENS/CATS Beautiful kitties looking for loving homes. Many colors available. 302.236.5184

ARE YOU A PET OWNER? Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has Pet Coverage that can help. Call 888.928.1656 to get a free quote or visit

VECTRA BIKE, 5-SPEED, 26”. Almost new. Asking $50. 727.810.8782

BOWFLEX & EXERCISE bike. $150 takes both! 302.663.9326

GARY FISHER MEN’S BIKE BS 6102:1. Very good condition. $165 717.319.7552

(2) BICYCLE HELMETS Fits up to XL. Black. REDUCED! $10 each 443.373.1550

WEIDER WEIGHT BENCH with weights and clips. $60 302.245.5807

LACROSSE GOAL regulation size; galvanized. $20 You haul. Ocean Pines. 443.614.1290

WEIDER PRO 6900 MULTI Gym. $150 OBO 3 01.704.9147

SUN STREAMWAY LOW profile bike. White with silver fenders; 3-speed. Brand new, used once. Paid $695. Sell for $600 757.810.8782

LIGHT SPEED/DOUGLAS road bicycle. 54 cm, 6/4 3AL. Elite titanium Dura Ace Ultegra Neuvation custom wheels. 35% lighter, stronger. Excellent condition. $999 302.278.1441


C CLAMPS, SIZE 8”, LIKE new. $22 each, OBO 302.785.7070

POWER TOOLS: TABLE saws, sanders, wet saw, circular saw and more. REDUCED! $15 - $45. All in good working condition. Please leave message: 302.539.1726

(2) WOODEN LADDERS 6’ $10 each. Please leave message: 302.539.1726

RYOBI SAWZALL Excellent condition. $25 302.278.1441

32’ EXTENSION LADDER, 3 sets Alum-a-Pole jump jacks, (2) 20” x 24’ and (1) 20” x 12’ walk plank. Call Bob for pricing: 302.462.1884

LADDER JACKS, BIL JAX scaffolding, 10.5’ Tapco aluminum brake with accessories. Call Bob for pricing: 302.462.1884

MISCELLANEOUS Wherever you go ~ there we are... ~ stay informed. Send your letters to: Letters To The Editor Darin McCann, Editor P.O. Box 1324 Ocean View, DE 19970 or e-mail darin.mccann@ October6,2023 CoastalPoint 93



Now accepting applications for 2&3BR apartments. Must meet resident screening criteria. Rents start at $835/month, based upon income. Federal Regulations & Income Limits apply. Apply at:

14 Mill Chase Cir. Millsboro


302.934.1676/TTY: 711

Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer



Professional female preferred. Private BR/BA (fully furnished) with full house privileges, pool, tennis. $1,300/month + security + 1st month. References required. 302.249.2535


3BR/2.5BA TOWNHOME, 2-car garage in Bayside at Bethany Lakes. Furnished. Paid amenities: gym, indoor pool, hot tub. Through May 15

$2450/month + utilities. 4 10.302.1210



Individual & Shared Of ce Space 2nd or 3rd oor; no elevator. Quiet work environment. Shared restroom, kitchenette, conference room, printer/copier. Starting at $500/month with discounts for additional space. Month to month or longer term. Call Paul: 302.864.2282 x 1

Dickerson Drive, Selbyville: Stable apartment - 1BR/1BA on owner’s property. $1,500 per month, utilities included.

Bear Trap, Ocean View: 3BR/2BA furnished condo. $2,000 per month + utilities + 5% rental tax.

Bay View Estates, Selbyville: 3BR/2BA single family home with 2-car garage. $2,300 per month + util. Available Nov. 1.

Forest Reach, Frankford: 3BR/2BA furnished, single-family home with garage and screened porch. $2,300 per month + utilities.

Millville by the Sea: 5BR/4BA furnished single family home. Available thru April 15. $2,700/month + utilities + 2% rental tax.


RT. 26, OCEAN VIEW Small building & outside area. Perfect for retail or start-up. Great visibility, plenty of parking. 610.639.3852


Mature, single female needed to share 2BR/2.5BA townhome. Furnished, W/D, pool. Approximately 10 minutes from beach. No pets. Good credit, rst, last, deposit and lease required. $885/month + utilities. Leave message/text: 6 78.249.5312


Year-Round - Key #054: Bahama Beach Cottage/Bethany area. 3BR/2BA furnished single family home. $2,000/month + util.

Year-Round - Key #233: Bishop’s Landing/Millville area. 5BR/3BA furnished single family home. $3,000/month + util.

Winter - Key #258: Bear Trap Dunes/Ocean View area. 3BR/2BA furnished TH. Pet friendly. $2,300/month + util.

Winter - Key #258: Stewards Watch/Bethany area. 3BR/2.5BA furnished TH. Through April. $2,000/month + util.

302.543.2601 855.466.4033

2BR/2BA FULLY FURNISHED HOME in Swann Keys on canal with bulkhead. Available through May 31. $1,300/month + electric. Please leave message: 4 43.278.3993


WE BUY CARS. Running or not. 302.732.3529

✃❏ Thurs., Oct. 5: 10-2 (setup only)

Fri. & Sat., Oct. 6-7: 8-2


Halloween & fall decor, Christmas decor, queen size all-season sleeping bag, assorted kitchen items, antiques & collectibles, decorative plates, glassware, sewing notions & material, costume jewelry.

34946 Mustang Road (off Irons Lane), Dagsboro, DE 19939

❏ Fri., Oct. 6: 10-3 & Sat.: 8-? RAIN OR SHINE

Huge estate sale! Antiques & collectibles, tools, books, 100+ pieces of pewter, games, kitchen & glassware, household items, hand bags, holiday decor, local art by Wanda Powell and a bit more. 9 Oakland Avenue, Ocean View, 19970. Off Central Avenue.

❏ Fri. & Sat., Oct. 6 & 7 8-12

The Marina at Pepper’s Creek & Holly Cove multi-community! Piney Neck Road, Dagsboro, 19939. Turn at Porto’s on Main Street onto Piney Neck Road. Approximately 3 miles.

❏ Sat., Oct. 7 6:30 PM; DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 PM

Quarter auction to benefit Bethel Methodist Church of Dagsboro. First paddle: $10; All-in paddle: $40. 28331 Clayton Street, Dagsboro, 19939.

❏ Sat., Oct. 7 8-1

St. George’s UMC annual outdoor Fall Market. Vendors, yard sale, homemade chicken salad, soups, and desserts - don’t miss it! Proceeds towards funding the UMW mission projects. 34281 Omar Road, Frankford, 19945. More info at

❏ Sat., Oct. 7 8-12 RAIN DATE 10/8

All units are N/S, N/P unless otherwise noted. Credit application and security deposit required.

Whites Creek Manor, Ocean View: 3BR/2.5BA detached home with garage and fenced-in yard. $2,450 per month + util.

Bayville Shores, Selbyville: 3BR/3.5BA fully furnished townhome with garage and water views. $2,650 per month, minimum 18 month lease + utilities.

Ocean View Beach Club, Ocean View: 3BR/2.5BA furnished townhome with garage. $2,900 per month + utilities + rental tax.

The Estuary, Frankford: 5BR/4BA furnished single family home with 2-car garage. $3,275 per month + utilities.


Arrington Woods, Selbyville: 4BR/3.5BA fully furnished townhome. Available thru May 31. $2,395/month + utilities.

Millville by the Sea, Millville: 4BR/3BA furnished townhome with garage. $3,152 per month + utilities + 2% rental tax.


Frankford Ave., Frankford: 16’x40’ commercial building. Newly renovated with 1/2 bath. $1,500/month.

Owners: For problem-free management, list your properties with us! Call Kim for more information: 302.539.7511 x 3030 or 800.441.8118

For a complete list of rentals, visit:


Attics, Garages Senior Discount, Free Estimates (302)462.0895

Seabrook community yard & bake sale. Household and holiday items, furniture, clothing, books, accent pieces, crafts, etc. Millsboro, 19966. GPS reference: 28018 Alderwood Loop.

❏ Sat., Oct. 7 7-1


Bethany Forest community. Multi-family. Household items, sporting goods, toys, and much more.

Dagsboro, 19939. GPS reference: 149 South Newport Way. West on 26 to right on Whites Neck Creek Rd. Continue straight to hard left, then immediate right into development.

❏ Sat., Oct. 7 8-12

Silver Wood community. Lots of great stuff!

Ocean View, 19970. GPS reference: 24 Thornton Drive. Off Beaver Dam Road, across from Bear Trap Dunes.

❏ Sat., Oct. 7 8-12


Millville by the Sea community-wide, multiple families. Millville, 19967. Multiple entrances off of Substation Road.


❏ Sat., Oct. 14 8-?


Household items, kitchenware, boating & fishing equipment, tools, Christmas cards.

17 Longview Drive, Ocean View, 19970. Off of Woodland, behind Ocean View Brewery.

❏ Sat., Oct. 14 8-12

Woodland Park community.

RAIN DATE: 10/15

Ocean View, 19970. GPS reference: 14 Holly Lane.


Millville Volunteer Fire Company Auxiliary. If you would like to rent a space, contact Judi: 302.732.6061 35554 Atlantic Ave., Millville, 19967.

94 CoastalPoint October6,2023 ROOMMATE
No Smoking/No Pets • Credit Application and Security Deposit Required
Git‘er SOLD! Call Jane today! 302.539.1788 with a Coastal Point classified Too much stuff?

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

1. A tall, old-fashioned clock that chimes every hour (or your mom's dad)

5. Tale as old as time: "Beauty and the _____"

8. Stars and stripes forever: It's the red, white and blue banner some people call "Old Glory"

9. He's the man who chiseled the Ten Commandments in stone (The bible says he lived to be 120 years old)

11. Dinosaurs that were omnivores ___ a wellbalanced diet of plants, insects and animals

12. Very old furniture, jewelry, books or other treasures

13. Jolly guy whose nickname is "Old St. Nick"

15. Old MacDonald had one (E-I-E-I-O)

18. A sparkling stone set in jewelry that can take hundreds or thousands of years to form

The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!

19. Did you know?: Your 1A's sister is your great ____

20. Galapagos _____ can live to be over 150 years old

21. It's the age-old question people sing at a birthday party: How old are ____?"

22. Ask your grandmother: Yoyos, pogo sticks and dolls are _____ that have been around for a long, long time

Parents Down

2. Despite the old adage, you actually can teach an old one new tricks (As it turns out, Rover is a lifelong learner)

3. Wedding words that envision growing old together: "____ death do us part"

4. Octogenarian's decade

5. Timeless attire: ____ jeans may fade, but they never fade away

6. Like ruins and relics and the

dynasties of old

7. According to the old saying, it waits for no man

8. Prehistoric souvenirs of plant and animal life, permanently set in stone

10. Citizen of a certain age (or high school student counting down the days until graduation)

13. Like the hair of an Old English Sheepdog

14. Old (and widely told) stories of heroes and gods, often Roman or Greek

15. Amazing architects: 6D Egyptians built certain pyramids with ____ sides, perfectly facing north, south, east and west (and all without using a compass!)

16. Clear sign that cheese might be past its prime

17. Whether good or not-so-good, the old days will always be in our ____

OLD-Fashioned Fun

October6,2023 CoastalPoint 95
This Week’s Solution © 2023 KAPD, LLC KAPD ebooks now available on 10/8/23 ™ ™
Kids Across ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: gym fish both cube Huge hit Print answer here: THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble YGM BHTO UCEB ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Recently constructed property in excellent condition, fully-furnished, and move-in ready—just minutes from the beach. Open and inviting with high ceilings and plenty of natural light, adding to its spacious appeal. State-of-the-art designer kitchen features granite counters with stools, stainless appliances, and a sizeable pantry. Home features primary BR on rst oor, versatile loft area, two-car garage with extra storage space.

$835,000 (DESU2048656)

Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004

Finding Your Dream Home


Walk or bike to the beach from this classic cottage in Bethany Beach. Nestled among mature trees on a quiet private lane, home features an open living area plus spacious sunroom. This 4 br 2 ba classic A-frame sits on a sizable lot (6,970 SF) to allow for future expansion or rebuilding. Come imagine the possibilities!

$799,000 (DESU2048378)

Call Nancye Vermillion (c) 302-500-9255




You decide-select from 2 large .63acre lots that are Available to Purchase-located in a quiet waterfront community offering large lots and custom homes built by local reputable builder- Morning Star.Enjoy the community pier- sh, crab, kayak, paddle board, sunsets. Close


3 BD 3.5 BA. 1.5 Garage Overlooking the Lake & Fountains. Immaculately Kept & MOVE IN READY. Beautifully Furnished. Sunroom, Lg Covered Patio, 2 Primary Suites.

Dual Zoned HVAC, Hardwood, Tile, Fireplace, Balcony, Pool, Tennis, Paddling Pool, Exercise Rm, Boat Ramp, Playground, Volley Ball, Walking Path.

$525,000 (DESU2044700)

Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450



Danny Taglienti (c) 410-430-2721


Rarely available meticulously maintained town home in the desirable community of Sea Colony West! Spacious with an open concept oor plan -3 Bed, 2.5 bath with garage overlooking nature-peace and tranquility are right outside your back door. Offers an abundance of outdoor living spaces- a private gated courtyard, private sundeck off primary bedroom and even an enclosed sunroom outback. Enjoy amenities galore- all that Sea Colony offers.

Asking $829,000 (DESU2046922)

Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159


Beautiful Coastal Farmhouse. The quality craftsmanship of Live Oak Home Builders is easily exemplified by the 100% American Made Wellborn custom cabinetry, conditioned crawlspace, shiplap accent walls, luxurious trim package, and extreme attention to detail throughout. The coveted Bay Colony community features a community pool, private beach, marina, tennis, pickleball, and clubhouse with a low HOA fee.

$999,900 (DESU2041964)

Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND

Beautiful and well-maintained single-family home located in the luxurious waterfront community of The Overlook. 4BR, 2.5 BA home has been meticulously designed with great attention to detail. The home is intended for convenience with the kitchen, dining room, powder room, and great room located on the main level, leading to a large rst- oor outdoor porch facing the bay and wetlands. Gourmet kitchen equipped with a large island, two large granite countertops, ample cabinet space and pantry, attractive tile backsplashes, and stainless-steel appliances.

$960,000 (DESU2048032)

Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004

Live The Vacation in the Wonderful Community of The Refuge @ Dirickson Creek! This beautiful 4BR/3BA End Unit Townhouse just sold for $5k above asking price!


Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137



Inviting Cape Cod Home nestled on a generous 1.5acre lot in Ocean View with NO HOA FEES!!!

Just 4.6 miles to Bethany Beach. Expansive 1.5acre lot allows space fro private swimming pool, RV & boat parking for outdoor enjoyment. With 4 BRs and 2 BA, this 2119 SQ FT home is a spacious residence and an ideal haven for families seeking both space and functionality close to Beaches and Bays. Wrap around front porch and plenty of room for parking. 2 Car Garage and extra large driveway/parking area. Home is NOT in legal subdivision of Bishops Landing.

$490,000 (DESU2045974)

Call Tammy Mushrush (c) 302-381-8868

Worked with Buyer on this move-in ready, gorgeous home that blends natural light, and an exquisite view. Stunningly well-maintained with low HOA dues in the perfect location between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay. Just off Old Landing Road, tucked away in this quiet neighborhood minutes from Lewes and Rehoboth Beaches. This completely upgraded home, with a spacious open-concept oor plan makes it an entertainer or chef’s delight that welcomes grand or intimate entertainment in the living space.


Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217


96 CoastalPoint October6,2023 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Carrie Cosgrove (c) 302-339-5519 • Email: | Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise
Bethany Beach, DE
35238 DOGWOOD ROAD #28
Each of ce is independently owned & operated.
is Easy
Audrey & Frank Serio,
to Cripple Creek Golf & Country Club, Holts Landing State Park, marina, boat ramps, shopping,restaurants and entertainment. Low Taxes and Low HOA. Come check them out. 10 Mallard Dr $89,900 (DESU2047336) 22 Wood Duck Ct $79,900 (DESU2048294) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 NEWLISTING BUYING OR SELLING? Let's work together to make your real estate dreams a reality (C) 301.938.1472 BETSY PERRY

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