Fenwickselects newtownmanager
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
TheTownofFenwickIslandon Thursday,Feb.15,announcedtheselectionofitsnewtownmanager.Lori Dabbondanza,whojoinedthetown staffinDecember2023asanadministrativeassistant,comestothepositionwith27yearsofexperiencein localgovernmentsupport,according toastatementfromtheTown.
“Loribringsawealthofknowledge andexpertisetohernewrole,”said MayorNatalieMagdeburger.
PriortojoiningFenwickIsland’s administrativestaff,Dabbondanza servedastheseniorexecutiveassistant attheCountyCommissionersAssociationofPennsylvania,whereshesupportedtheelectedofficialsfromthe state’s67counties,Magdeburgersaid.
“Herextensivebackgroundinsupportoflocalgovernmentpositionsher asanidealcandidatetoleadFenwick Islandintoitsnextchapterofgrowth anddevelopment,”themayoradded.
Magdeburgerexpressedconfidence inDabbondanza’sabilitytosteerthe towntowardcontinuedsuccess.
“LorijoinedourFenwickstaff familyinDecemberandimmediately fitinseamlesslywitheveryonein townhallandthepolicedepartment,” shesaid.
Dabbondanzahastakenthelead oncertainprojectsandhasproduced
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
PattiLaBelle,withGladysKnight, andMelissaEtheridge,withtheIndigo Gir ls,willbeattheFreemanArtsPavilionoutdoorvenuethissummeraspart ofalineupofentertainersannounced earlythisweek.
Plannedperformersincludesingers, dance,theaterproductions,children’s performancesandlivemusic,withLa-
BelleandKnightperformingonThursday,June6,andEtheridgeandtheIndigoGirlsperformingonTuesday,Aug. 27.
Forticketsandmoreinformation, seefreemanarts.org.
Thefirstperformancesoftheseason includeADATwist,Scientist&Friends onFriday,May31;Kashmirfeaturing JeanViolet—TheSpiritofLedZeppelinLiveonSaturday,June1;Eaglemania—TheWorld’sGreatestEagles
TributeBandonSaturday,June8;AlmostQueen:ATributetoQueenon Friday,June21;DelawarenativeGeorge Thorogood&TheDestroyersonSaturday,June22;andMichaelFranti& SpearheadwithspecialguestsTrevor Hall&BombargoonWednesday,June 26.
PlannedforJulyarethe287thArmy Band:TheGovernor’sOwnonFriday, July5;UB40:RedRedWineTouron Sunday,July7;JustinHaywardand
ChristopherCrossonWednesday,July 10;Rain:ATributetotheBeatleson Friday,July12;FitzandtheTantrums: GoodNightsTouronSunday,July14; TromboneShorty&OrleansAvenue onMonday,July15;JoeBonamassaon Wednesday,July17;andRumours:The UltimateFleetwoodMacTributeShow onWednesday,July24.
FEBRUARY 23, 2024 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 21, Issue 8 FREE Sports Indians drop season finale Page 68 Art Gallery One promotes ‘Soft Edges’ Page 31 Well,goodmorning SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MaryfrancesBerger Sometimes,youjusthavetostopandsmellthe...well...sometimes,youjusthavetostopandsavorthemoment.
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
TheparkinglotoftheFrankford PublicLibraryisabitcrowdedthese daysasthelibraryundergoesatransformationthatwillbringitnewopportunitiestoservethecommunity.
diseEnergyareinstalling105solarpanelsonthelibrary’sroof.Althoughthe panelswon’tbevisibletovisitorsonce they’reinstalled,theywillhaveahuge impactonlibraryoperationsinthefuture,librarystaffsaidthisweek.
LibraryDirectorBonnieElliottand Building&MaintenanceCoordinator
PhilipHartmeyerattendedaseminara yearago,Elliottsaid,andheardabout thepossibilityofafullgrantfromthe non-profitorganizationEnergize Delaware.
“Welookedateachotherandbasicallysaid,‘Weshouldapplyforthis,’” Elliottrecalled.
Theprojectwaschallenging,Hartmeyersaid,becauseofthemultipleages andconstructionstylesportionsofthe building,locatedonMainStreetin Frankford.Althoughthosechallenges resultedinaslightreductionofthe numberofpanelsfromoriginalplans, thesolarpanelswillbeabletoprovide 85percentofthelibrary’syearlyelectricalneedsgoingforward.
Elliottsaidshedoesn’tknowexactly howmuchofasavingsthatwillmean forthelibrary’selectricbills.Sheissure ofonething,however:the$170,900 grantisahugeboostforthelibrary’s operationsand,inturn,forthecommunity.
Hartmeyersaidthemovetoward solarpowerispartofthelibrary’soverallmovetoward“green”operations. Otherchangesmadeinthepastyearor soincludeinstallingLEDlightbulbs throughoutthelibrary,installingsmart thermostatsandretrofittingfixturesto allowformoreenergy-efficientprod-
“Everythinghereisgoinggreen,”Elliottsaid.“Everythingthatwe’redoing willmakethebuildingmoreefficient— that waywe’llbeabletodomorethings forthecommunity,”shesaid.“Thisjust makesusabletodootherthings.”
Shesaidthelibrary’sSip&Socialize eventinAprilisanopportunitytoshow thecommunityhowthelibrarystaffis makingeveryefforttoservetheminthe mosteffectivewaypossible.
“Wewanttoshowoffalltheinitiativesthatwe’reputtinginplace,”she said.
Theadditionofsolarenergyis“huge, forthislittlelibrary”anditsnine-person staff.Theonlyotherarealibrarytoinstallsolarpanelsisthemuch-larger GeorgetownPublicLibrary,shesaid. “Itgoesbacktotheimpactthatwe havebeenmakinginthecommunity,” Elliottsaid.“Wedon’tshyawayfrom mucharoundhere.”
Frankford’slibraryisa“community hub,”Elliottsaid,providingprogrammingandclassesforchildrenandadults, aswellasservicessuchasdistributing food,backpacksandcoatsforthecommunity.
Dr.Urban’sspecializationsarediverseandincludebreastreconstruction,malignantand benignskinlesionexcisionandreconstruction,post-weightlosssurgeryprocedures (abdominoplasty/panniculectomy,brachioplasty,andthighplasty),softtissue traumacare,woundreconstruction,andcosmeticsurgery.
2 CoastalPoint February23,2024
DR.URBAN Nowacceptingnewpatients! 302-291-6250 MEDICALGROUP is Our Specialty SUSSEX COUNTY BeebePlasticandReconstructiveSurgery 18947JohnJWilliamsHighwaySuite205,RehobothBeach,DE alignant and cedures e BeebeHealthcareisproudtowelcomeplasticandreconstructive surgeon, DaKotaUrban,MD,toBeebeMedicalGroup.
CoastalPoint•KerinMagill FrankfordPublicLibrarydirectorBonnieElliottandBuildingandMaintenanceSupervisor/TeenCoordinatorPhilipHartmeyerstandoutsidethelibrarynearthenew converterboxesthatwillsoonconnectwithsolarpanelsonthelibraryroof,which willprovide85percentofthebuilding’selectricity.
outstandingworkinthemonthssince shejoinedthestaff,Magdeburger said.
“Whilewehadmanyverystrong candidatestoconsider,theentire councilfeltthatLorirosetothetop ofthelistofpotentialcandidates givenherproventrackrecordofexcellence,aswellasthefactthatshehad alreadyearnedtherespectandsupport ofourFenwicktownstaffandTown ManagerSchuchman.Wearevery pleasedthatLoriwillbeassumingthe positionoftownmanagerandlook forwardtohelpinghermakethetransition,”shesaid.
AsFenwickIslandwelcomesanew townmanager,theTownalsobids farewelltoalongtimeemployee,Pat Schuchman,whohasservedtheTown for27yearsasbothitsbuildingofficialandthentownmanager.
SchuchmanwillretireonApril5 butwillcontinuetoservetheTown,as needed,inaconsultingrole,Magdeburgersaid.
“TheTownofFenwickIslandextendsitsheartfeltgratitudetoPatfor heryearsofserviceandwisheshera fulfillingretirement.Fenwickwould notbetheuniquetownitistoday withoutPat’sleadershipandcommitmentoverthelastthreedecades,and sheleavesanenduringpositivelegacy ofensuringthatFenwickmaintained itsfamily-friendlyatmospherewhile underherwatch.FenwickwillbeforeverindebtedtoPatforherserviceto ourtown,”Magdeburgersaid.
“Iamhonoredtohavebeenselected asthenewtownmanagerofFenwick Island,”Dabbondanzasaid.“Iamcommittedtoworkingcollaborativelywith thetowncouncil,staff,andresidentsto upholdthevaluesandvisionofour community.Together,Iamconfident thatwewillcontinuetobuildavibrant,
CoastalPoint•KerinMagill LoriDabbondanzahasbeenselectedto serveasFenwickIsland’snewtown manager.
resilientandthrivingFenwickIsland forgenerationstocome.”
Dabbondanzawillassumeherrole astownmanageronApril8,following Schuchman’sretirement.
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ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
Anyonewhohasspentmorethana weekincoastalDelawareknowsthe
weathergodscanthrowsometricky stuffatthearea.
ThefolksatSouthCoastalLibrary knowthatalltoowell,andoneSouth Coastalemployeefeltthelibrarymight
helpresidentslearnhowtobeprepared forthosetimes.LibraryAssistantPat Youngrecentlysecuredfundingfora newprogram,calledWeatherWise, whichaimstodojustthat.
saidofemergencypreparednessasit connectstoorganizationssuchaslibrariesandmuseums.“I’vebeendoing alotofprogrammingaroundthisarea foralongtime,”shesaid,addingthat PatHeinemanoftheUniversityof Delawarehadbeenpresentingweather preparednessprogramsatlibrariesin Greenwood,MiltonandBethany Beach.
“Whatwe’renoticingisit’snota sexytopic,”Youngsaidwithachuckle. “Nobodywantstocometalkaboutdisasterpreparedness.”Shesaidthatwhile theprogramsdidhavedecentattendance,“We’relookingtotrytopullina biggeraudienceandengagemore people.”
Youngisextraordinarilywell-suited toleadthedevelopmentoftheprogram,asalongtimememberofthe localCommunityEmergencyResponseTeam(CERT).ShealsoparticipatedinastatewideDelaware Libraries&Disasterssummitin2017, whichbroughttogetherstateofficials andlibrarypersonneltodiscusshowlibrariescanbeofassistancetotheir communitiesregardingsevere-weather preparedness.
“Ithought,‘We’remissingthefun hook,’”shesaid.“SoIcameupwiththe ideatopartnerwithaprominent weatherpersonwhocouldtalkinitially about‘Whenyou’reouttheredoing yourgardening,atthebeach,wherever, andtheskychanges,whatareyou watchingfor,andwhatarekindofthe weather“redflags”?’”
Youngsaidsheisindiscussionswith WBOCmeteorologistDanSatterfield tobethekeynotespeakerfortheprogram.
“He’sawell-knownfigure.Heisextremelywell-liked,andhe’svery knowledgeableandhasanexcellent
4 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Tune Up Your Hearing for the Season Ahead! It’s Almost Time to Embrace the Sounds of Spring . . . Veteran Owned and Operated Kivoney Mehrer, H.I.S Co-owner 32566 Docs Place, Suite 2, Millville, DE 19967 Across From Giant Supermarket www.fairwayhearing.com $200.00 Off Rodger Mic (Phonak) Increase Your Hearing In Noise & Distance Offer Valid Through 2/29/24 Last chance to take advantage of this offer in 2024 $50.00 off TV connectors Offer Valid Through 2/29/24 Contact us for a complimentary consult today! www.loftuswealthstrategies.com | 302.251.8901 32895 Coastal Hwy. | Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Loftus Wealth Strategies –a Registered Investment Advisor Firm Proudly Serving Our Local Community For More Than 10 Years. At Loftus Wealth Strategies, our clients’ interests always come first. We don’t just help you grow your wealth; we help protect it through: Investment Portfolio Management Tax Planning Family Legacy and Estate Planning Insurance and Long-Term Care Planning
CoastalPoint•KerinMagill DelawareLibraryAssociationofficials presenteda$450checktotheSouth CoastalLibraryforaprogramthatwill helparearesidentsprepareforcoastal weathersituations.ShownareDLA TreasurerJaclynHale,DLAPresident AnneHillerClark,SouthCoastalLibrary AssistantPatYoungandSouthCoastal LibraryDirectorSueKeefe. SeeLIBRARYpage5
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
TheDelawareCenterfortheInland Bays(CIB)hosteditsCitizen’sAdvisoryCommittee(CAC)meetinglast week,onThursdayevening,and MeghanNoeFellows,directorofestuaryscienceandeducation,providedinformationonwetlandsandon reforestationofthebayregion.
“MeghanNoeFellows,whoisour directorofestuaryscienceandrestoration,presentedtotheCAC,”said ChristopheTulou,theCIBexecutive director.“Hercutting-edgeresearchis onreforestation.Shehassomenovel techniquesforcreatingforestsinsteadof justdoingsmallertreeplantings.Trees aresoimportantinthisneckofthe woods.”
Afteranintroductiontoweather patternstowatchfor,Youngsaid,she andHeinemanwouldpresentinformationregarding“Whatcanyoudoto keepyourselfsafewhenthathappens?”
Thepointisthatclear-cuttingand over-developmentarecausingsignificanttreeloss.
SussexCountyhaslost43,000acres oftreesandclearedforestsinthepast 25years,asthepopulationofthecounty hasdoubledtomorethan250,000residents. About55,000newhomeshave beenbuiltintheregion,causingdeforestation.
Tuloualsocommentedonrecent worktheCIBhasdoneonenvironmentalstewardshipintheLewesarea,where localgovernmentsaretakingchargeof protectingrecedingwetlands.Delaware istheonlystateintheMid-AtlanticregionthatdoesnothaveState-based protectionsforwetlands—alackthat hasn’tbeeninissueotherMid-Atlantic
pendonwhenSatterfieldoranother guestpresenterisavailable,butYoung saidsheishopingforMayorJune,in timeforthestartofhurricaneseason, orpossiblyinthefall,whenFEMA doesapushforawarenessofhurricane preparedness.
Withmore andmorenewresidents movingtothecoastalareafromelsewhere,Youngsaid,“Tryingtogetthem uptospeed”withthechallengescoastal
states afterarecentfederaldefinitional changethroughacourtactioninthe Sackettcase.
TheSupremeCourtruledinSackett thattheCleanWaterActdoesnot coverwetlandsthatlackacontinuous surfaceconnectiontoalargerbodyof water,whichexcludesmanywatersthat connectundergroundinaquifers.
“Wecommentedontheproposed ordinanceandsomethingstheymay wanttoconsiderasatown,”saidTulou. “Wetlandsprotectioniscriticalnow.We haveadistinctionofbeinglocatedbetweentidalwetlands,whichareasalt marshandfreshwaterwetlands.”
“TheStateprovidesprotectionfor tidalwetlandsonly,butnotforthe freshwaterwetlands,whicharesome distanceawayfromthecoastalwetlands. Theyarecriticaltoushereinthisarea. WearetheonlystateintheMid-At-
Thelibraryalreadyhasakioskoutfittedwithsevere-weathertipsandhas “gobags”todistributewithinformationonwhatresidentsshouldhave packedandreadytogoinanemergency.
Thecoastalarea,Youngsaid,faces“a wholedifferentsetofrisks,”thaninlandareas—particularlyduringhurricaneseason,whichrunsfromJuneto
lanticthatdoesnothavefreshwater protectionrequirementsatthestate level,”saidTulou.
“Thatisamotivationforlocalitiesto determinewhethertheyhavewetland resourceswithintheirjurisdictionand toseeiftheyneedadditionalprotections,”hesaid.
“Arewebeingprotectiveofthoseresources,andthinkingabouttheplants andanimalsthatneedthoseecosystems tosurvive?”hequestioned.“Thereare manylocalfolkswhoareconsidering newmethodsafterdecadesoftryingto figureoutwhatastate-levelprogram shouldentail.”
Theideasincludedifferentiatingbetweentypesofwetlands,mandatinga widerbufferbetweenconstructionand wetlands,andaddingmorenativevege-
MichelleHughes,whochairsthe DelawareLibraryAssociation’sgrant committee,saidthecommitteeawarded theSouthCoastalLibrarytheDLA’s CommunityEngagementGrantbecauseitwaswell-craftedandshowed theroleoflibrariesindisseminating importantinformationtocommunities. “It’sgreatwhenlibrariesgetanopportunitytoshine,”Hughessaid.
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“Thedevelopersneedtobepartof thatdiscussion,andtofigureouthowto doittherightway,”saidTulou.
Horseshoecrabsmayget endangered-speciesprotections as‘livingfossils’
Environmentalgroupsincludingthe CenterforBiologicalDiversitylast MondaypetitionedtheU.S.governmentseekingendangeredspeciesprotectionfortheAmericanhorseshoe crab,anancientspeciesoftenreferredto
asa“livingfossil”andwhichisunder threatfromcommercialharvestsforbait and biomedicaluse,aswellasfrom habitatlossandclimatechange,accordingtotheCenterforBiodiversity.
Namedfortheshapeoftheirhorseshoe-likebodyshells,theanimals— morecloselyrelatedtospidersandscorpions,ratherthancrustaceans—have beenmatingintheDelawareBaysince longbeforetheageofdinosaurs,andin moderntimeshavebeenafamiliarsight tosummerbeachgoersalongtheMidAtlanticandGulfcoasts.Aftersurviving severalmass-extinctionevents throughtheages,thehorseshoecrabis facingitsownpotentialdemisefroma combinationofhumanactivities,said
“MaybeI’malittlenuts,”shesaid withachuckle,“butwhatwetrytodois toleadinthiscommunityandshow peopleotherwaysofhandlingthings.”
thebiodiversitygroup.Butitisnotyet protectedundertheEndangered SpeciesAct(ESA).
“TheESAdoesn’tcarehowoldyou areasaspecies,”saidTulou.“Thehorseshoecrabshavebeenaroundfor450 millionyears.Theyhavebeentothe rodeoandaregoodsurvivors.”
“Itisalessonthat,afterhavingsurvivedallthosemillennia,theyare threatenedandwehavecreatedaworld nowthatputsthematrisk.Thatwas thegenesisofthislistingpetitionfrom theCBDandotherconservation groups,”saidTulou,“Togivethemthat protectedstatusasprehistoriccreatures.”
ShesaidHartmeyerhasbeenanintegralpartofthoseefforts,bringingher ideasaboutinnovativewaysthelibrary canimprovetheefficiencyandthequalityofitsoperations.
‘Theysawthedinosaurscome andgo’
“Thehorseshoecrabpopulationsare goodintheInlandBays,andourpopulationisprettysteady,”saidTulou.“We arenottheDelawareBay,wherethe harvestingtakesplaceandwherethered knotstoptofeedontheeggs—themigratorybirdslikerufaredknotdon’t cometoourbayshere.”Thepopulation ofthehorseshoecrabs,throughtheir eggs,arevitaltotheredknot,headded.
ecttotakeayeartobecompleted,both saidthewaitiswellworthit.Theolder, circa-1953partofthebuildingandthe 2013additionhavedifferentelectrical panels,whichpresentedchallenges.
BothHartmeyerandElliottsaid theyhavelongbeeninterestedinsolar energ y.
“IwasveryexcitedwhenIheard abouttheopportunity,”Hartmeyersaid. “ItwasimmediatelysomethingthatI wantedtojumpon.”
—ATributetoWhitneyHoustonstarringBelindaDavidswillbeonstageon Saturday,Aug.3,andColeSwindellwill bethereonThursday,Aug.15.
Additionalshowswillbeannounced duringthespring,FreemanExecutive DirectorPattiGrimessaid.
“Wearethrilledtosharethefirst glimpseofour17thseason,whichfeaturesavarietyofgenresandworld-class artists.Wearetrulygratefultothecommunityforembracingourvisionto transformlivesthroughtheartsinthe
“Therewasalotofstuffthathadto bedealtwith”beforeinstallationofthe panels beganlastweek,hesaid.
Oncethepanelsareinstalled,the nextstepwillbeconnectingthesystem toDelmarvaPower’selectricalgrid, whichcouldtakeafewmoreweeks, Hartmeyersaid.
Delmarvaregion,”Grimessaidafter performanceswereannouncedonMonday,Feb.19.
Asanartsnonprofit,FreemanArts offersavarietyofperformancesandhas thesupportofthecommunity,withseasonsponsorsthatincludeSaraChase CarlsonofSodokaInc.,SchellBrothers, theArmstrongFamilyandtheEugenio Family,Grimessaid.
TheFreemanArtsPavilionisaprogramoftheJoshuaM.FreemanFoundationandismadepossible,inpart,bya grantfromtheDelawareDivisionofthe Arts,astateagencydedicatedtonurturingandsupportingtheartsin Delaware.
6 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Bethany & Rehoboth Open Fri-Sun 10-5pm • Fenwick Open Sat & Sun 10-5pm Check Out Our New Rehoboth Store - 129 Rehoboth Ave Fenwick Island 302-581-0241 100 Coastal Hwy. (next to Fenwick Crabhouse) Bethany Beach 302-539-TOYS (8697) On the boardwalk in the Blue Surf Condominiums & Shops GREAT GIFTS, GAMES, PUZZLES & TOYS!
Courtesy of Erin Leigh Photography
CIB Continuedfrompage5
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
An18-year-oldSelbyvillemanwas beingheldinSussexCorrectionalInstitutionon$26,405securedbondthis weekafterbeingchargedwithdriving undertheinfluence,gunoffensesand relatedchargesafterinvestigationofa hit-and-runaccidentnearFrankford, accordingtoDelawareStatePolice.
TheDelawareBayisthekeycomponentofthemigratorypathwayforthe 18,000-mileroundtripfromTierraDel FuegototheArcticfortheseshorebirds.
“UndertheESA—andwejustcelebratedthe50thanniversaryoftheact —theU.S.fisheriesservicehastorespondtotheenvironmentalgrouppetitionwithinamonth.Thatwillbeayes ornoonwhethertheytakeitupasan issue,”forhorseshoecrabprotections,he said.
“Thentherewouldbeascientificreviewofthepetitionontheargumentfor this listingandwhethertheywouldbe listedasthreatenedorendangered.The threatenedprotectionisalowerthresholdbutisagoodlevelofprotection,” saidTulou.
HistoricVillageseeking newboardmembers
TheHistoricVillageinOceanView issearchingforthreeorfourpeopleto sitontheir13-memberBoardof Trustees.Peoplewhohavealoveofhistoryandwouldliketosharetheirtime andtalentswithotherswhohavefun keepinglocalhistoryalivecancontact thegroupathvov.org.
sessionofafirearm duringthecommissionofafelony, possessionofa deadlyweaponby personprohibited whoalsopossesses controlledsubstance,possession ofafirearmwhile undertheinfluence,possessionofa controlledorcounterfeitsubstance,
“Butiftheyaregoingtolistthemas endangered,welookatthepopulation statusnowandwhatwastherange,and hastherangecontracted?Theyare ubiquitousaroundtheEastCoastand GulfCoast.Butaretheirstressorsand changesinthehabitat,”saidTulouof thepopulationstudies.
drivingavehicleundertheinfluenceof alcoholandanydrug,possessionofpersonal-usequantityofmarijuana,underagepossession,orconsumptionof alcohol,andadditionaltrafficviolations, policesaid.
AccordingtotheDSP,at5:55a.m. onSaturday,Feb.17,atrooperrespondedtoOldMillBridgeRoad, northofMillersNeckRoad,near Frankford,forareportofasingle-vehiclecrash.Policesaidtheyobservedan
“Aretheybeingoverharvested,”and canthefisheriesservicegetanindicator?“Isthisspeciesgoingtodeclinebecauseofstressonthepopulation? Ecosystemsarebeingimpacted,”he said,andthelistingdecisioncouldprovideaddedprotectionsonharvesting.
Thecarwasontheshoulderandhad damagetoitsrearrightside,theysaid. Thetrunkwasopenduetoacrash,and severalitemsfromthetrunkwere strewnintheroadway,includingabackpackandpillowfireworks,policesaid.
oldestandtoughestcreatures,”saidWill Harlan,aseniorscientistattheCenter forBiologicalDiversity,oneof23 groupspetitioningtheNational Oceanic&AtmosphericAdministration(NOAA)fortheendangered speciesdeclaration.
Wehadourinformationwrongon theassessmentprocessinSouth Bethanyinourlastissue,anderroneouslystatedthatanewtaxratewould beeffectiveMarch1,2024.Weregret ourmistakes,andaskthatyouvilifyour editorwheneveryouseehiminpublic.
Duetounforeseencircumstances,the IRHSspringproductionof“Beautyand theBeast”isbeingpostponed.Personnel changesattheschool’sdramadepartmentledtothedecisiontocancel,for now,officialstoldtheCoastalPoint afterthepublicationofourFeb.16 issue,inwhichthisstoryappeared.The studentsandmusicteachers remaincommittedtoafutureperformance,theynoted.
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 7 IN THE M OF FENWICK ISLAND Open Wednesday-Sunday • Reservations Recommended — 302-539-2607 — WINO WEDNESDAYS $10 Off All Bottled Wines HAPPY HOURS 4-6pm Daily Throughout! Cheers! Sunday • Wednesday • Thursday $29.00 SPECIAL ENTREE MENU In Fenwick Island! Correction
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
SussexCountyCouncilmanMark Schaefferhasfiledforasecondfourterm.
The65-year-oldRepublican,who hasbeeninpropertymanagementfor manyyearsandwhoownsafarmin Doverandhelpshiselderlyfatheron anotherfarm,saidhewantsto“continue myworktoadequatelyfundfireand EMSservicesinthecounty”andfinish workonenhancingcountyordinances anddevelopmentregulations.
Healsowantstocontinueworking topreventsprawlonfarmland.
“Weneedtobeproactiveinhowwe dealwithoursustainabilityinourfire andEMSserviceinSussexCounty,” saidSchaeffer,whorepresentsDistrict
3,whichencompassesDeweyBeach, RehobothBeach,HenlopenAcres, LewesandtheeastsideofMiltonto theMilfordborder.
“Ibelieve,asI havebelievedmy entirelife—andI grewupherein SussexCounty— that itisawonderfulplacetoliveand raiseafamily.We havechallenges, butattheendof thedayit’sabeautifulplacetolive,andIwanttocontinuetoaggressivelypursuerewriting ourordinancestopreventsprawlandto haveinfrastructureinplaceatthesame timeasdevelopmentoccurs—not after,”hesaid.
AresidentofLewesBeach,thehusbandofRubySchaeffer,fatheroffive andgrandfatherof12,Schaeffersaidhe believeshisfirsttermhasbeensuccessful.
“Ithinkwe’vemadetremendous progress,andIthinkthecouncilisfocusedonpreventingsprawlintoour agriculturelands.Ithinkthecouncilis comingupwithsolutionstoprevent cuttingofold-growthforests.
“It’salwaysachallenge.Thingsmove veryslowlyingovernment.I’masmallbusinessman,andIhavebeenfor decades.Governmentmovesatamuch slowerpacethanbusiness.It’ssomethingthatyouneedtoworkwithand keepthepressureontocreatepositive change,”hesaid.
Therewillbeaboutadozenevents tomeethimanddiscusshiscandidacy.
Seehttp://schaefferforsussex.comfor moreinformation.Acrabfeastisbeing plannedattheLewesFireDepartment inSeptember,to,hesaid,“dosomething that’sfunforthecommunity,thatfamiliescanenjoy.”
Schaeffer’sFacebookpageisunder MarkSchaefferforSussexCouncil,and heinvitedconstituentstocallhimat (302)423-4801.
Tofileforcountycouncil,candidates must havelivedintheirdistrictforat leastoneyearandmustundergoacriminalbackgroundcheck.Forthefulllist ofrequirements,see https://elections.delaware.gov/candidates/get_on_ballot.shtml.
Thedeadlinetofiletorunfora councilseatisJuly9.TheprimaryelectionwillbeonSept.10andthegeneral electionisNov.5.
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Thefirstworkshoptodiscussthe TownofOceanView’sproposedbudget forthe2025fiscalyearwillbeheldat3 p.m.onTuesday,Feb.27,attownhall.
Proposedisa$5.9millionoperating budgetand$1.9millioncapitalpro-
Notaxincreaseisplanned.Thecurrenttaxrateis.2378per$100ofassessedpropertyvalue.Thebudgetmust bepassedbyApril30.
Residentswillbeinvitedtocomment onthebudgetattheworkshop.The agendaincludescouncilreviewingand discussing the2025-fiscal-yeargeneral
fundandwater-fundoperatingbudget andfive-yearCapitalImprovementProgram,andfurtherdirectingTownManagerCarolHouck.
Ifnecessary,therewillbeanother workshoponMarch26at3p.m.,alsoat townhall.
“Wedidsticktothedirectionsthe mayorandcouncilgaveus,andI’m happytosay,rightnow,wewereableto bringthebudgetinwithoutataxincrease,”Houcktoldthecouncilatthe Feb.13councilmeeting.
OtherTown-sponsoredevents plannedforthisyearincludetheSpring FlingonMay4,ConcertsinthePark onJune7,15and21,ClassicMovie NightsinJuly,theannualtree-lighting and holidayfair,andtheCops&GoblinsHalloweencelebrationinOctober.
LastApril,thecouncilapproveda $5.9milliontotaloperatingbudget, $4.6millioncapitalprogramand $616,030waterbudget.
Shesaidfundingisincludedinthe budgetforacelebrationoftheTown’s 135thanniversary.
Previousdiscussionsabouthowto celebrateincludeMayorJohnReddington’ssuggestionfor“anicelittleparade downWestAvenue,withfireengines, maybeahighschoolband,theVFW ColorGuard,thepolicecanbein-
Thatbudgetincludeda6.4-percent cost-of-livingincreaseforemployees and2.9percenthikeforcontractualemployees,aswellasmorethan$56,000 forcommunityevents.
Reddingtonandcouncilmembers havebeengivencopiesoftheproposed operatingbudgetforreview,anditis alsoontheTown’swebsite.Printed copiesareavailableattownhall.
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‘Trusthasbeenlost,’says superintendentduring adminhearing
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
JayF.Owens,superintendentofthe IndianRiverSchoolDistrict,carriedthe messageoftheIRSDboardofeducationatanadministrativehearinglast weekinGeorgetownbeforeJudge WilliamC.CarpentertoconsiderreinstatementofBradleyLayfieldasa schooladministrator.Layfieldhasbeen onpaidleavefromIRSDsincelast May.
“The trusthasbeenlost,”Owens saidoftherelationshipbetweenthe boardofeducationandLayfield,who servedmostrecentlyasprincipalofSussexCentralHighSchoolandwasterminatedbytheboardofeducationthis year.
Layfieldlosthispositionoverthe sharingofasurveillancevideoofthenSCHSseniorAniyaHarmon,herbreast becameexposedwhenshewaspulled awayfromanaltercationwithanother studentinthehighschoolhallway.
Carpenter—whohadbeenthemost senior judgeontheDelawareSuperior
Courtbeforehisretirement—isexpectedtomakeadecisionontheadministrativematterintwoweeks.The IRSDboardofeducationthenhasan additionaltwoweekstorenderitsdecisiononreinstatementandmustprovide asix-votemajorityofboardmembersif theywishtogiveLayfieldbackhisjob.
ThomasNeuberger,theattorneyfor Layfield,saidthattheterminationwas unfairandthatLayfieldhadaconstitutionalrighttofreespeechinsharingthe video,andlateramemeoftheunclothedgirl,inordertorenderdisciplinarydecisionsasthen-principal.
“Itwasatwo-alarmfight,andthere wasacallforhelp,”saidNeubergerof thehallwayaltercationthatledtoLayfield’sinterventionatSCHS.“A DelawareStatePolice[DSP]Trooper wasinvolved,andtheincidentwasall recorded.”
“Todisprovetheseallegations,”Neubergernotedinhisdefensebrief,“this evidenceincludesthetranscriptsof12 teachers,staffandparents,whotwice addressedtheschoolboard,the10employeeswhoviewedthesurveillance videowithhimthatday,avice-principal whohasbeenmaliciouslychargedinthe StateCourtlawsuitbytheHarmon familyofdeliberatelytearingoffher clothing,and[12]otherparentandstaff affidavits,andtheaffidavitofDr.Lay-
“Hisinitialsuspensionwashurried andbasedonincorrectsuppositions,” statedthedefenseargument.“Thefinal chargesareirrationalanddonotfitthe factsconcerninga13-yearexperienced administratorandthehistoricpolicy, customandpracticeofSussexCentral regardingalwayssharingsurveillance videosofschoolfights,whichobviously concernsecurityandstudentdiscipline. SeveralDistrictwitnessescorroborate thispolicy,”statedNeubergerattheterminationhearing.
TheretiredSuperiorCourtjudge heardfivehoursoftestimonyonboth sidesofthematter.Layfieldchosenot to testifyonhisownbehalf.
AskedifLayfieldshowedresponsibilityandleadershipinthehandlingof thevideoandthesubsequentdemeaningmemeofHarmon—whichincludedsuperimposingthefaceofsinger JanetJacksonoverthatexposed-breast image—Owenssaid,“Notinthiscase, no.”
Owenssaidthatthatbehavioris “nowinthebackofeveryone’smind,”in termsofanynotionofreturningLayfieldtoanactivepositioninthedistrict.
David Clark,adistricttechspecialist, testifiedthatthecomputerloggedin withLayfield’saccountshowedthatthe videowasplayedatleast25times.That
didnotincluderewindsorscanning throughthevideotothespecificincidentoftheaccidentaldisrobing.The10 schoolemployeeswhotestifiedranged fromclassroomteacherstoassistant principalstothelibrarian,instruction directorandClark,thetechspecialist.
“Dr.Layfieldfacesthefollowing chargesfromtheNov.16,2023,notice ofhisdismissal,”saidthedefense.He wasaccusedbytheIRSDof:
•“unprofessionalconduct”; •causing“personalharm”tostudents;
•“[dis]respect[for]thebasicdignity ofallindividuals”;
•doesnot“protectthementalsafety ofstudents”;
•“doesnotusesurveillancecameras ...[strictly]fordisciplinaryinvestigations.”
JudithA.BrittinghamhasbeenservingasactingprincipalforSussexCentralsincethestartofthecurrentschool year,havingbeenappointedtothepost inAugust2023.
AccordingtoDonaldHattier,a longtimeschoolboardmemberand chairoftheIRSDFinanceCommittee,
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February23,2024 CoastalPoint 9
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BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
OceanViewPoliceDepartment SchoolResourceOfficerSgt.Rhys BradshawwasamongofficerswhounderwentMissing&AbductedChildren trainingthismonth,“inconjunction withongoingeffortstoenhancesafety forchildrenatLordBaltimoreElementarySchoolandimprovelocalcapabilities,”PoliceChiefKennethMcLaughlin said.
Trainingwasalsogearedtowardrespondingtocallsformissingorabducted children,hesaid.
Thepolicedepartmentpartnered withtheU.S.DepartmentofJusticeto provideno-costtrainingtoareapolice agencies,headded.PolicewillbefurthertrainedthisyearandalocalChild
InstructorsfortheNationalCriminal JusticeTrainingCenteratFoxValley TechnicalCollegeinWashington,D.C., whoconductedtrainingatthepolice departmentonFeb.7and8,emphasizedsearchandcanvassoperations. Topicsincludedtechnologyinvestigationsinmissingandabductedchildren cases,legalissues,searchoperations,exercisesandevaluations.
“Timeisoftheessencewhenachild isreportedmissing.Thepolicemust workquicklyforaneffectiveresponse. Intraining,officersgainedcriticalskills neededtoimproveresponsestomissing andabductedchildrencases,” McLaughlinsaid.
Duringonesession,instructorDave Fallonprovidedofficerswithdetails
fromcasesthenaskedaseriesofquestions:Whatagegroup?Whatdoyou guystakeawayfromthis?Whatisimportanttoyou?
Ifunderwearbelongingtoamissing girlwerefound,andtheunderwearcontainedDNAfromsemen,officers shouldlookforsuspects12andolder, becauseonlymalesinthatagegroup canproducesemen,Fallontoldthem, referringtoanactualcase.
“Searchingandcanvassingsolved thatcase,”hesaid,explainingthatthe victimwaskilledandherbodydiscoveredneartheunderwear.Inthatcase,a 17-year-oldmalewaschargedasan adultandlaterconvicted.
“Whatdoyouguystakeawayfrom this?Whatisimportanttoyou?”Fallon asked,andoneofficerreplied,“Look everywhere.”
Agreeing,Fallonthentalkedabout twolittleboysreportedmissingand thenfoundthreehourslaterinthefamilycar,nappingandcoveredbyanumbrella.
“Lookeverywhere.We’vemissed solvingcasesbecausewedidn’tlook everywhere.Openthedoor.Openthe trunk.Don’tjustlookinthewindow. Don’tjustlookbrieflyandsay,‘No,not inthere,’”Fallonsaid.
McLaughlintoldFallonthatofficers areoftencalledtohelpfindchildren lostatthebeach.
“You’dbesurprisedhowfarkidscan walkin20minutes.Whatisthecut-off timeforsearchingforthem?Copsdeal withthiseveryday.Isitafter20,40 minutesandstillnothing?”McLaughlin
“Weshouldbefocusingonthegreat kidswehaveinourschools,likethe bandkids.Weshouldbetalkingabout ournewprograms,liketheCKLAfocus onphonicsandourfinancialliteracy programs.Thisisalonglistofachievements.”
loadedGlockmagazines,aclearplastic bagcontainingapproximately0.06 gramsofsuspectedmethamphetamine, severaladditionalroundsofammunition,fourbottlesofalcohol,THCgummiesandTHCwax.
Thetrooperhadalsoreceivedareportofasuspiciouspersonintheareaof OldMillBridgeRoadandOldMill PondRoad,andwhenhearrived,they said,thetrooperobservedamanwho matchedthedescriptionofthesuspiciouspersonwhohadbeenreported, drivingawayinanothervehicle.
Policestoppedthesecondcarand discoveredpassenger,Cooper,hadallegedlybeendrivingthefirstcarwhenit crashed.
Policesaidtheylearnedthecarthat crashedwasreportedlytravelingsouth onOldMillBridgeRoadinwhatpolice calledamannerthatwasnotappropriateforthesnowyandwetroad,and whichallegedlycausedCoopertolose controlwhilenegotiatingacurve.That causedthecartogoofftheroadand strikeamailbox.Thedrivercontinued travelingsouthandhitatreebefore comingtoastopinaditchonthe shoulderofOldMillBridgeRoad.
Cooperrefusedtoperformfieldtests andwastakenintocustodywithoutincident,policesaid.
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TheBeebeMedicalFoundationannouncedthisweekthatithasreceived itssecond-largestphilanthropicgiftin BeebeHealthcare’s108-yearhistory, fromRoccoandMaryAbessinioand theirfamily.
Inrecognitionofthe“transformational”gift,BeebeHealthcarewillname itsRehobothHealthCampus,located onJohnJ.WilliamsHighwayandWarringtonRoadnearRehobothBeachas “theAbessinioHealthCampus.”
“Ourfamilyisveryproudtomake thisgifttoBeebeHealthcare,andwe believethatallfamiliesandcommunitiesdeservebetteraccessandexcellence inhealthcarethatBeebeprovides,”said RoccoAbessinio.“Itisanhonorforour familytosupporttheexpansionofthis community-focusedhealthcaresystem inSussexCounty.”
TheAbessinioHealthCampusfeaturesBeebe’sSpecialtySurgicalHospital,TunnellCancerCenter,Medical ArtsBuildingandCenterforBreast Health,andtheBeebeOutpatientSurgeryCenter.
“Since1916,BeebeHealthcarehas been abletomeettheneedsofSussex County,”saidThomasJ.Protack,presidentoftheBeebeMedicalFoundation.
Fallonadvisedconsideringtheageof thechild,becauseyoungerchildren wanderaway,butthose8to12can oftenfindtheirwaybacktotheirparents.
“Astheyageup,theycangetupthe beachfarther,”hesaid.
Anofficersaidthat,after45minutes toanhourofsearching,localofficers shouldcallinotheragencies.
“We’resovulnerableoutthere. Somebodycouldjustgrabakidand walkoff,”McLaughlinsaid.
Fallonaskedifparentsgenerally watchtheirchildren.
“Idon’tknowaboutthat.Parents might besleepingandthekidsareplayinginthesurf,”McLaughlinsaid.
Fallonsaidthat,whenabducted, manychildrendon’tkickandscreamas mostadultsdobecausetheabductor willoftenthreatentokillthemorfamilymembersiftheymakenoise.Evenif theydidscream,touristsareaccustomed tohearingboisterouschildrenonthe beachandwouldn’tnecessarilybe alerted,hesaid.
Alsoparticipatingintrainingwere DelawareStatePolicetroopersand Mar ylandStatePolice,andofficers fromareaagencies,includingFenwick Island,DeweyBeach,BethanyBeach, RehobothBeachandLewesin Delawareand,inMaryland,thosefrom WicomicoCounty,OceanCityand Elkton.
BeebeHospitalwasfoundedwitha philanthropicgiftof$100,000from HelenandBenjaminShawtoDrs.
JamesandRichardBeebetobuildthe firsthospitalonthehistoricMargaret H.RollinsLewesCampusinLewes.
“TheAbessiniofamilynowjoinsin thislegacyofvisionariesbygivingtheir supporttothehealthcareserviceson ourAbessinioHealthCampus,”Protack said.“Iamverygratefulfortheirstrong supportandinvestment.Thisgiftwill helpusgrowevenclosertoreachingour $30milliongoalforthecurrent‘Sussex SupportsBeebeHealthcare’comprehensivecampaign.”
Currentresearchpredictsthatthe populationgrowthinSussexCounty willmorethandoublethenationalaver-
“Withourregion’santicipated growthcomesanexpectedincreasein patients thatwillneedmoreaccessto
healthcare,”saidDr.DavidA.Tam, MD,MBA,CPHE,FACHE,president
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CoastalPoint•Submitted TheBeebeMedicalFoundationreceivedtheirsecond-largestphilanthropicgiftin theirhistorywithasignifcantdonationfromtheAbessiniofamily.
Astheystarttheirfourthyearof providingservicestotheoldermembersofthecommunity,SouthCoastal VillageVolunteers(SCVV)islooking toattractmorearearesidentstobecomepartoftheorganization.
AccordingtoChairChristinePowers,“WithsomanynewretireescomingtoliveintheBethanyarea,we’re hopingtoidentifypeoplewhoareinterestedingettinginvolvedwithour community.”
SouthCoastalVillageVolunteers’ missionistoenableolderadultsto ageinplace,toremainintheirhomes forthelongestpossibletimebyprovidingmemberswithvolunteerserv-
andCEOofBeebeHealthcare.“Sussex Countyisandremainsourspecialty.
ThisverygenerousgiftfromtheRocco A.&MaryAbessinioFoundationwill helpusadvancepatientcareevenmore aswegrowforthefuture.Iamvery thankfultoRoccoandMaryandtheir familyforthistransformationalgift.”
TheRoccoA.&MaryAbessinio FoundationInc.wasestablishedin 2001.Throughtheirleadership,the
ices.SCVVcurrentlyservesBethany Beach,Millville,OceanView,South Bethanyandtheimmediateenvirons. Members,whopayanannualfeeof $500foranindividualor$750fora household,areentitledtoupto25 hourspermonthofvolunteerservices. Short-termmembershipsareavailable fortemporaryneeds(followingsurgeryorduetoanaccident).Subsidizedmembershipsareavailablewith demonstratedfinancialneed.
Servicestomembersincludetransportation,shopping,visits,telephone calls,helpwithtechnologyandsome householdtasks.Volunteers,whoare vetted,canchoosetodowhatthey
foundationhasfundedscholarships, capitalcampaigns,andsocialprograms fordeservingpeople,principallyineducation,religious,andhealthinitiatives forlocalcommunitiesandthroughout theU.S.RoccoAbessinio,thesonof Italianimmigrants,beganhiscareerin bankingandheldmultiplemanagement positionsbeforestartinghisowncompanies,AppliedCardSystemsInc.and AppliedBank(formerlyCrossCountry Bank).
Hiscompaniesgrewtobecomeatop 10issuerofVisaandMasterCardcredit
wanttodoandwhentheywanttodo itthroughtheuseofacomputersystem.
Inadditiontovolunteerstoprovide servicestomembers,SCVVisinneed ofpeopletooffertheirtimeattheadministrativelevel.Astheorganization grows,morehelpisneededforoperatingtheoffice,participatinginwriting thequarterlynewsletter,planningeducationalandsocialprograms,workingwithsocialmedia,outreachand fundraising.
ChairChrisPowerssaid,“Nomatterwhatyourareaofinterestorexpertise,youcanmeettheneedsof SCVV,andwewouldvalueyouasa
cardsnationwide.Additionally,Applied Bank offersconsumerandcommercial productsfromitsbrancheslocatedin WilmingtonandRehobothBeach. Outsideofbanking,hisbusinesssuccess continuedinseveralinternationalfoodproductbusinesses,commercialandresidentialrealestate,andprivateequity investing.
AnativeofWilmington,Abessiniois aproudgraduateofSalesianumHigh SchoolandattendedtheUniversityof Delaware.Heholdsabachelor’sdegree inbusinessandanhonorarydegree
volunteerforaslittleorasmuchtime asyoucaretooffer.”
SouthCoastalVillageVolunteersis anon-profitwhichoperatesunderthe 501(c)(3)ofVillageVolunteersof Lewes,establishedin2013.The SCVVofficeislocatedat32West AvenueinOceanViewandisopen10 a.m.to2p.m.MondaythroughFriday.Forinformationonvolunteering, membershipordonating,call(302) 500-1281,writetoP.O Box1453, BethanyBeach,DE19930,ore-mail info@southcoastalvillagevolunteers.or g.VisittheSCVVwebsiteat www.southcoastalvillagevolunteers.org forcompleteinformation.
fromNeumannUniversity.Roccoand Mar yAbessiniocurrentlyresideinBoca Raton,Fla.Theyspendtheirsummers inRehobothBeachwiththeirfourchildrenandtheirspouses,and12grandchildren.
Aspecialceremonycelebrating Beebe’sgratitude,withtheAbessinio family,BeebeHealthcareleadership, BeebeMedicalFoundationleadersand membersoftheclinicalteamswho serveontheAbessinioHealthCampus, isplannedtotakeplaceinthenearfuture.
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CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Editorial Thestaff
SUSANLYONS susan.lyons@coastalpoint.com
Yes,MarchisnationallyYouthArtMonth—adesignatedportion ofourcalendarthatcelebratesthewondersofart,andthemanybenefitsonyoungpeoplethatexposuretotheartscanprovide.Justpauseto thinkoftheimpactbytheFreemanArtsPavilionintermsofintroducingareayouthtomusicandpaintingandtheateranddance.
Youngpeoplebecomeengaged.Theylearnaboutdifferentgeographicalareasandcultures,andoftenfindtalentswithinthemselves theymightnothaveknownexisteduntilbeingproddedandencouraged.Look,weallknowhowharditcanbesometimestoreachchildren—musicandartanddancecanbeakeytothatdoor.
centlyannouncedthereturnofthetown’sannualcelebration.Students ingradesK-12whoattendoneofthefourschoolsservingtheSelbyvillearea,alongwithhomeschooledstudents,willbeabletodisplay theirartworkthroughoutthemonthattheSelbyvillePublicLibrary.
Thisisnotjustrefrigeratorart.Itisajuriedshow,andawardswill bepresentedforpaintinganddrawing,photographyandsculpture,accordingtoorganizers.TherewillbeaceremonyatthelibraryonSaturday,March16,startingat2p.m.,atwhichtheawardwinnerswillbe announced.Thewinningpieceswillbeadornedwithribbonsthroughouttheendofthemonthforthepublictosee.
Thisisagreatcommunityeffort,andonethatcarriesalotofbenefitsforourarea’syouth.IfyougetachanceinMarch,swingbythelibraryandenjoytheworkofourcommunity’schildren.Ormakeitby theceremonyandtossyourapplauseintothering.
Editor’sNote:Thefollowingcolumnisbasicallytherantingsofan oldmanwhoisdesperatelyclingingtothenostalgicmomentsofhis youth.Don’tsayyouweren’twarned.
Ishouldclarifythatby“mypeople,”I’mreferringtotheother 8-year-oldboyswholivednearmeand alsoworshippedatthealtarofthebasketballteamattheUniversityofMaryland.
Oh,greatplayerscameandwentunder theleadershipofDriesell,buthewasthe unquestionedleadcharacterofthatshow —byactionorbymouth.
Point of No Return
Darin J. McCann
was,toputitmildly,apoorreflectionontheuniversity.Fiveofthe Terrapins’12playerswererevealedtohaveflunkedoutofschool afterthatspringsemester,includingBias.Therewereaccusations ofDriesellorchestratingacover-upregardingevidenceintoBias’ death,buthewasultimatelyclearedofanywrongdoingbya grandjury.
Fromtheyearofmybirththroughmy junioryearinhighschool,DriesellstalkedthesidelinesatCole FieldHouse,antagonizingrefsandopposingcoaches,angrily tossinghissuitcoattothefloorandwhippingupthehomecrowd intoanus-against-the-worldfrenzy thatmadethebuilding,well, lessthanhospitabletoopposingteams.TheBigLeftHander,as mydadcalledhim,wassolidgoldforthemediawhocoveredhim, ashewouldweighinonanysubjecthefeltliketalkingaboutwith anequalcombinationofbelligerence,arroganceandSouthern, small-towncharm.
Basically,hewasthatguyyouhatedifhewascoachingthe rivalteam,andlovedhimwhenhewasleadingyours.Andwe lovedhim.
Andhegotresults.WhenhewashiredtocoachMaryland basketballin1969,theteamhadnotmadetheNCAAtournamentin11years,accordingtotheWashingtonPost’sKelyn Soong.Theyearbeforehisarrival,theteamwent8-18.When DriesellleftMarylandin1986,hehadgone348-159inthose17 years,andcapturedanAtlanticCoastConferenceChampionship andaNationalInvitationTournamentchampionship,whenthat titlecamewithsomecaché.
WewatchedplayerslikeJohnLucas,LenElmore,Tom McMillen,AdrianBranch,BradDavis,AlbertKingandBuck WilliamshangwithanyteaminthecountryunderDriesell’s tutelage.And,ofcourse,wesawLenBias.
It’shardtotellDriesell’sstorywithoutincludingarguablythe greatestplayertoeverplayforMaryland—bothintermsofthe electricmoments,likewinningthatACCChampionship,andthe bad,likethefataloverdosethatnotonlystoleBias’lifebeforehe couldeverrealizehisNBAdreams,butalsocausedDriesell’stime inCollegeParktocometoacoldfinish.
Itwasugly.Andpublic.Andembarrassing.Driesell’stimeascoachhadcome toanend.But,aswashisnature,hedid notgoquietly.
“I’vegotawonderfulprogram,”hesaid, viaSoong.“It’sabeautifulprogram.It’sa cleanprogram.Whatmorewouldyou wanttoknow?”
But,forallhisbluster,andtherewasatonofbluster,therewas alsoalotofsubstancetoDriesell.In1974,theNCAApresented himwithitsAwardofValorforhisactionstheyearbeforein BethanyBeach(thoughoneofourreadersadvisedmethatitwas actuallyinMiddlesexBeach—weknowhowthetownidentificationssometimesgohere).
Accordingtopublishedreports,Driesellandtwopeoplehe wasfishingwithsawflamescomingoutofabuilding.They knockeddownadoor“andrescuedatleast10childrenfromthe burningbuilding,”wroteSoong.
Hehadanincrediblypopularbasketballcampthatabunchof myfriendsattended,andmanyofhisoldplayerswouldcomeand makeeverybodyelse’sdaythatmuchbetter.Oneday,afriendof mineandIwereshootingbasketsatalocaljuniorhighwhen Lefty’sson,Chuck,thenaplayeratSpringbrookHighSchool,arrivedandstartedshootingonecourtover.Wecouldonlywatch
AndDriesellwastrulyaheckofacoach.LegendarybroadcasterBillyPackercalledhim“thegreatestprogrambuilderinthe historyofcollegebasketball,”accordingtothePost.Heledfour differentprogramstotheNCAATournamentandwonmore than100gamesateachstop.
“Leftywillalwaysberememberedasoneofthelegendsofthe game,”formerMarylandcoachGaryWilliamssaid,viaTestudo Times.“Hispersonality,theteamshecoached,allofthosethings, createdanauraaroundLeftythatveryfewcoacheseverhad.”
DriesellpassedawayonSaturday,Feb.17,attheageof92.It wasalifeofincredibleheights,withsomedifficultlows,butnever boring.Likesomanyotherlives,hiswasonethatwasprobably onlyunderstoodbythosewhoknewhimbest.
DARINJ.MCCANN darin.mccann@coastalpoint.com
SUSANMUTZ susan.mutz@coastalpoint.com
M.PATRICIATITUS patricia.titus@coastalpoint.com
TARYNKING taryn.king@coastalpoint.com
SHAUNM.LAMBERT shaun.lambert@coastalpoint.com
CHRISAUBE chris.aube@coastalpoint.com
NADINETIMPANARO nadine.timpanaro@coastalpoint.com
JANEJOHNSON jane.johnson@coastalpoint.com
KERINMAGILL kerin.magill@coastalpoint.com
SUSAN CANFORA susan.canfora@coastalpoint.com
JASONFEATHER jason.feather@coastalpoint.com
MIKESMITH mike.smith@coastalpoint.com
MIKESTERN mike.stern@coastalpoint.com
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.
Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777.
Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission. www.coastalpoint.com
Editorial Columns Letters totheEditor
YoungartistsgetMarch’sbrightspotlight February23,2024 Page13
AARPstronglysupportsandurgescosponsorshipandenactmentofthebipartisanAlleviatingBarriersforCaregiversAct (ABCAct,S.3109),introducedbySens. EdMarkey(D-Mass.)andShelley MooreCapito(R-W.Va.),tohelpreduce redtapeforfamilycaregivers.Sen.Chris Coons,(D-Del.)isinfullsupportofthe ABCAct.AARPlooksforwardtoworkingwithhimtoenactit.
Thereareover48millionfamily caregiversintheU.S.HereinDelaware, about 123,000Delawareansidentifyas anunpaidfamilycaregiver.Theyassist theirolderparents,spouses,siblings, grandparents,adultchildrenandother lovedonessotheycanliveindependentlyintheirhomes—wheretheywant tobe.
Delawarecaregiversprovideanestimated$1.6billioninunpaidlaboreach year,savingtaxpayersbillions.Without them,America’shealthandlong-term caresystemswouldcollapse.Theyassist witheverything,includingmeals, bathing,dressing,medicationsandmedicalcare,chores,finances,groceryshopping,transportationandmore.They advocateandcoordinatecarefortheir
lovedoneamongmultiplehealthand long-termcareproviders,includingarrangingappointments,makinghealth caredecisions,helpingwithprovideror planselection,payingbills,andnavigatingMedicareandMedicaid.
DelawareansneedtheABCAct,becauseoverhalf(56percent)offamily caregiversactasanadvocatewithcare providers,communityservicesorgovernmentagenciesonbehalfoftheir lovedone.Oneinfourwanthelpfiguringoutforms,paperworkandeligibility forservices.Amongthosecoordinating care,31percentfinditdifficulttodoso. Caregiverssaytheyarestressedemotionally(72percent),overwhelmedby responsibilities(60percent)andfinanciallystrained(55percent).Timeisalso atopchallengeforthem.
TheABCActwouldhelpreducered tape byrequiringtheCentersfor Medicare&MedicaidServices(CMS) andSocialSecurityAdministration (SSA)toreviewtheeligibilitydeterminationandapplicationprocesses,procedures,formsandcommunicationsof Medicare,Medicaid,theChildren’s HealthInsuranceProgram(CHIP)and theSocialSecurityprogramstoreduce administrativechallengesforcaregivers. Itrequirestheagenciestoseekcaregiver andotherinput.
TheagenciesmustreporttoCongresswithinayearofenactmenttheissuesidentifiedandfindings,actions theyaretaking,estimatedtimeframefor completion,anyrecommendedchanges infederallawtoaddressidentifiedissues,andmore,aswellasanupdatedreportoneyearlater.CMSwouldprovide relatedguidancetostatesaboutreducingredtapeinstateMedicaidand CHIPprograms.Thebillcouldhelp makeprovidingcareeasierforfamily caregivers,savethemvaluabletime,and reducetheirstress.
Again,AARPthanksSen.Coons andallourelectedofficialswhosupport unpaidfamilycaregivers.
KimberlyIapalucciWharton,Associate StateDirector,Communications AARPDelaware
Readerblamesfee foreventcancelations
Lastyear,theMillsboroTownCouncildemandedthatsmall-timehobby craftersbuythesame$30businesslicensethatmulti-billion-dollarcorporationslikeLowe’sbuy.
Itcausedthecancelationofthepopular,well-attendedGraceChurchStreet FairandtheIndianRiverSeniorCenter
craftfair.Botheventshadbeenheldfor years,untilnow.Manyhobbycrafters hopetobreakevenormakeamodest profitfortheireffortsafterpayingtheir entrancefees.Thisyear,ithasbeenreducedto$12.50perevent.It’slikely therewillbenonetoattend.Whydestroysuchpopulartraditionalevents?
Forcomparison,thelargestoutdoor eventinthecounty,AppleScrapple,has no businesslicenserequirement.Also, theCHEERcraftfairsinGeorgetown andOceanView,theSelbyvilleOld TimersDay,theEastCoastGarden Centerfair,theAngolabytheBayfair, theIndependenceCommunityFair,the AmericanLegionfairandtheMillville firehallfairhavenolicensedemands putonthem.TheimagetheTownhas createdisanythingbutflattering.
TennantBarron Millsboro
Readerseesneedto supportpublicsafety
Your“PointofNoReturn”[column] of Feb.9,2024,promptsmetowritein strongsupportoftheCoastalPoint’s viewthatattractingnewresidentsto CoastalDelawareintrinsicallydemands morepublicservicesandtherefore highertaxes.It’snotjustintheareas youcited,suchasroads,sewerand water,butalsointherealmsofpublic safetyandfireprotection,onwhichI’m focusingmyletter.
AsmuchasIpersonallyvaluethe opportunity—annually—tohelpsupportpublicfireandambulanceservices in ourareaofSussexCountywithcharitablecontributions,Istronglyfeelthat suchcontributionsarenotthemosteffectivewaytodothejob.Fireservices suchasthoseprovidedbyMillvilleVolunteerFireDepartmentandsimilar agenciesareabsolutelyessentialtothe wellbeing,safetyandsuccessfuldevelopmentofSussexCountycommunities likeours.
Withthousandsofnewpermanent residentsmovingtoSussexCounty,and withmillionsmorevisitingduringthe resortseason,fundingessentialservices suchasfire,ambulance,rescueand emergencymedicalassistancesimply cannotproperlybeaccomplishedbyannuallybeggingforfinancialsupport fromwealthyarearesidentsandbusinesses.
Fundingessentialpublicservicesis preciselywhatgovernmentisfor,andis preciselywhatpublictaxesarefor.SussexCountyofficials(and,indeed,allof Delaware’sgovernment)mustgrowbeyondtheirslavishdevotiontothelongoutdated notionthatpublictaxesshould neverberaised—evenwhilethose
14 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Millville Volunteer Fire Company Fire Police Captain William Bowden Sr. Frankford Volunteer Fire Company Firefighter Ed Ferencie Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company Firefighter Jerry Carter
Bethany Police Department
Shaun Baldasano
Police Department
1st Class
Ocean View Police Department
Sergeant Mark Burton
Police Department
Dagsboro Police Department
Corporal Justin
Beach Police Department
Patrolman Molly Ryan
Matt Troutman
Volunteer Fire Company
Engine Captain
Volunteer Fire Company
Tyler Hickman
Volunteer Fire Company
Lieutenant Justin Shockley
Beach Volunteer Fire Company
Nathan Shine wines & spirits Letters SeeLETTERSpage16
Saturday, March 9th - 9am to 4pm Cape Henlopen High School, Lewes, DE
Adamandas Olive Oil
American Classic Golf Club
The Cape Gazette*
Benchmark Physical Therapy
Brightview Health
Dorina’s Kitchen Easterseals
Encompass Health Rehab
First State Compassion
First State Health & Wellness
Gaias Organic Grocery
Hear USA
Home Well Care Services
Mary Rubeck, RN
Mentor Program - Cape Henlopen School District
Ocean Eye Care
Open Arms Seventh Day Adventist
PAM Rehabilitation
Prestige Healthcare
2 U
Highmark - Blue Cross Blue Shield
Merrill Lynch Wealth Mgmt-
Donald R McLamb,Jr.
Senior Medicare Patrol
United Healthcare
Cape Henlopen Mentoring Program
Delaware Beach Book*
Delaware Beach Life*
DNREC Shell sh & Recreational Water Programs
Dorina’s Kitchen
Grass Roots Rescue
Luxury Travel Services by Rob
Quest Adventures*
Sussex County Women’s Magazine*
Sussex County Genealogical Society
Home Products & Services
Backyard Jams & Jellies
Bath tter
Charm City Shoes
Coastal Bath Co.*
Emma’s Fine Designs
Everything That Glitters
The Farmers Porch
Floors Coverings International
GC Studios
G Fedale
Hello Garage of Delmarva
Leaf lter
Passanantes Home Food Services
Peninsula Bath
Renewal by Andersen
Sasha’s Jewels
Soake Pools/Cold Plunge
Tie Dye Dog *Sponsors
Health & Wellness
Atlantic Chiropractic Beebe Healthcare*
Blood Bank of Delaware Bountiful Bowls*
For Vein Restoration Choice Health Delaware Hyperbarics
Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance
Accupuncture Delta Health & Wellness
PACE Your Life
Beach Yoga Resynate Stride PT & Wellness Sun Behavioral Health Synapse Brain & Spine Center
4 Better Living Veterans Mobile Center Vietnam Veterans Vita’s Healthcare Fitness American Classic Golf Club (B)alanced
Fit Custom Fit 360*
Fitness Lewes Cycle Sports The MAX Challenge of Lewes My Extreme Bike Quest Fitness & Kayaks Rehoboth Beach Yoga Sussex YMCA Retirement, Financial, Legal & Insurance All State Insurance AETNA Delaware First Health Delaware Retiree Connection* Doyle Law*
Beneficiary of this Expo: Healthy Food will be availble by Bountiful Bowls! Beebe will be offering 5 FREE health screenings! Credit Cards Accepted Expo Specials, Gifts & Prizes from more than 80 exhibitors! FREE ADMISSION & PARKING ALL AGES WELCOME SPONSORS Delaware Beach Books will be available while supplies last! More Info. | Call: 302-236-0857 Email: kathy@deexpos.com February23,2024 CoastalPoint 15
sameofficialsignorethefactthatessentialserviceorganizationsareforcedto begeveryyeartoraiseenoughmoney fromafewwealthyindividualsand businessestoproperlyoperate.
Specificallyinthecaseofvolunteer fireservices,theproperwaytomake long-termgrowthplansistobeableto predictannualincomefromastable,dependable“fireservices”tax.Justaspublic roadsareunderwrittenbygasolinetaxes andtolls(which,really,amountto“user fees”),justaspoliceservicesarefunded bystateandlocaltaxes,justassupport forrecreationalboatingissupportedby taxes(euphemisticallycalled“fees”by electedofficialswhodespiseuttering theword“taxes”),soshouldEMS,fire andotheremergencyservicesbefunded bytaxes.Proposalshavebeencirculating locallyforyearsamongpoliceandfire chiefsandtheirassociates,buttheygo nowhereaslongaslocalgovernments relyonbuildingmorehomesastheir predominantsourceofpublicrevenue.
Spreadingtheburdenofsupporting essentialpublicservicesamongallthe citizensofSussexCountyandDelaware —and,withcarefulcrafting,potentially alsoamongthemanymoreresort-seasonvisitorswhoalsodependonthese sameservices—wouldgivepublicserviceagenciespredictablesourcesofrevenueonwhichtobuildtheircapital
investmentplans…aswellasfunds neededtosupplementtheirvolunteer personnelwithpaidstaff.
Although youreditorialstatedthat “anincreaseintaxeshurtspeople,”I suggestthat,infact,theoppositeistrue: increasingpublictaxsupportforpublic servicessuchasfire,EMS,safetyorganizationscreatessafercommunities, whichbenefitallthecitizensandvisitorsofSussexCounty.
RalphBegleiter OceanView
Sororitygratefulfor supportfromDiFebo’s
TheBetaSigmaPhiXimembers wouldliketothankDiFebo’srestaurant inBethanyBeach,andthefriendsand neighbors whosupportedourdine-anddonatefundraisingeventonFeb.8.We willbeabletosupportlocalcharities withthemoneyraised.
Weareverygratefultoliveinacommunitywhichsupportslocalorganizationsandcontinuallyseekstocontribute tothegreatergood.
BetaSigmaPhi XiPhiChapter
Readerwarnsofripple effects,consequences
Editor: Whiletheimpactofbuilding
~2,000newhousesalongRoute9near CoolSpringRoadwillbecolossal,the rippleeffectoninfrastructure,roadways,emergencyservices,healthcare, theenvironmentandschoolwillbefar moreprofound.Theareawillbecome thefourthlargestpopulationcenterin SussexCounty.
Arippleeffectoccurswhenaninitialdisturbancetoasystempropagates outwardtodisturbanincreasingly largerportionofthesurroundings,like wavesexpandingacrossthewaterwhen anobjectisdroppedintoit.ThismassiveintrusionwilloverwhelmMilton, LewesandGeorgetown’sresources (whicharealreadystretchedwellbeyondtheirlimits).
Inits2008ComprehensivePlan, SussexCountyeditedandreduced Delaware’s“QualityofLife”requirementsfrom“improve”tomerely“maintain”(whicheffectivelymeansthereare nostandards).Theunintendedconsequencesofthedowngradewillyet againbeforceduponSussexcitizens (especiallyalongRoute5).Questions oftenconsideredasrhetoricalbySussexP&ZCommissionersandCounty Councilors:
•Howdoesmassivedevelopment maintainSussex’squalityoflife*?
•Howdoesconverting637acresto residencespreserveSussex’sfarmlands*?
•Howdoesoverwhelmingpolice, fireandEMSmaintainSussex’squality oflife*?
•Howdoeseradicating100+acres ofmatureforestmaintainSussex’s ecosystem*?
•Howdoesendangering~30acres ofwetlandsmaintainSussex’salready poorwaterquality*?
•Howdoes2,000newhousesand 450,000squarefeetofcommercial spacemaintainSussex’sruralcharacter*?
*ApartoftheVisionStatement withinSussexCounty’s2018ComprehensivePlan.
Thegoodnewsisthatnoneofthis willdirectlyaffectthePlanning& ZoningCommissionersnorCounty Councilors.IftheNorthstarandCool SpringCrossingapplicationsarerecommendedandapproved,noneof thesepeopleliveinthearea.Unfortunately,acouncilororcommissionerresidinginLewesmayhavetouse Routes16or24toandfromthe CountySeateachweekduringthe1015yearsofconstructionagony—the likelylegacyofthesetwoprojectsalong Route9.
Allthesenightmaresdespiterepeated(atleastthreetimes)warnings fromDelDOTandDNREC.The benefitsfortheSussexCountycitizens within5mileswillinclude:
repeat performances by critics and audience members alike. Be a part of the fun and interaction.
16 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at DickensParlourTheatre.com 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change TheStetsonExperience March 1 & 2 Jon Stetson “America’s Master Mentalist” is the one entertainer in America who truly understands the meaning and importance of capturing the mind share and heart share of his audience. The Stetson Experience is Intelligent, Interactive, Fun! CookingClasswith ChefCharles Wednesday, March 13 Cooking demo with Chef Charles in our beautiful dining room. Attendees will receive several of Chef Charles’ recipes, including a copy of the recipe that was prepared during the demo, and food sampling. Plus, the chance to win door prizes, including a Special Pastry Dessert prepared by Chef Charles. ChrisCapehart MasterMagician March 8 & 9 Chris Capehart is an accomplished master, respected throughout the world by the most famous of magicians and sought after for
Furniture • Exercise Equipment Outside Play Sets • WiFi • Security Cameras • TV Mounting FOR FASTEST SERVICE: We need your address & contact information and exact brand name, model #’s and Quantity. Email us a copy of your receipt/pictures. Sasha@AtlanticAssemblers.com 302-569-9732 ASSEMBLING & INSTALLING SINCE 2009 ASSEMBLING & INSTALLING SINCE 2009 Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS sashas.jewels@yahoo.com Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE AppointmentsOnlyNow 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • OceanVayuYoga.com Ocean Vayu Yoga Beginner Tai Chi 6 Week Series Starts Tuesdays 3/5 New Student Special 30 Days for $79 Chair/Senior Yoga Thursdays 12-1pm Kids & Tween Yoga Thursdays 4:30 & 5:30 Letters Continuedfrompage14 SeeLETTERSpage18
Lightship Cove is nestled amid permanently protected farmland in Milton, close to beautiful coastal Delaware beaches but tucked away where quiet nature surrounds you. Schedule an appointment with our sales team today to start building your new life in a Schell Brothers home. ©
2023 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice. PRICING NOW AVAILABLE! haven February23,2024 CoastalPoint 17
Anumberoflocalstudentswere namedtotheDean’sListatAnderson UniversityinAnderson,S.C.,forthe fallsemesterof2023.TheyincludeRe-
bekahSmithofGeorgetownandAshlynStonebrakerofOceanView.Tobe namedtotheDean’sList,studentsmust maintaina3.5gradepointaverageor
MLKcelebrationahit, thankstomany
•Tripledtrafficcongestion(which delayessentialemergencyservices);
•900+additionalschoolchildren (U.S.CensusforSussexCounty—17.4 percentunder18);
•Endangermentof~30acresofwetlandsandtheRedMillPond (Delaware’slargestfreshwaterbody);
•30-40percentincreaseddemand uponemergencyservices(ontopofthe 2021-2022increaseof42percent);
•15,300matureforesttreesexecuted forfinancialgainratherthanabsorbing CO2andstormwater.
Whatcanwedo?Eachofuscan send asingleemailaddressedtoeachof theP&ZCommissionersandCounty Councilorswithconcerns.Attendand speakfor1-3minutesattheupcoming Planning&ZoningandCountyCouncilmeetings.Withoutmassive,direct communitypressure,we’llallbesteamrolledonceagain.Vote!
DavidBreen Lewes
OnbehalfoftheDr.MartinLuther KingJr.CelebrationOrganization,SussexCountyInc.,wewouldliketotake this opportunitytosay,“Thankyou!”to everyonewhohelpedmakethe36th AnnualCommemorativeWeekendCelebrationasuccess!
Together,asacommunity,wehonoredandpaidtributetothelifeand legacyofthelateRev.Dr.Martin LutherKingJr.Ourthemethisyear, “LivingtheDream:ItStartswithMe!” remindedusthateachofushastheresponsibilitytobuildthebelovedcommunityofwhichDr.Kingspoke.
OurthankstotheCHEERCenter ofGeorgetownfortheirsupport!We want torecognizethecontributionsof Rep.StellParkerSelby,ourkeynote speaker;Mr.BryanClarkforproviding musicthroughouttheevening;andthe Rev.TeshaMiller,whoservedasmistressofceremonies.
OurMondayCommunityWorship ServicewasheldatWesleyChapel
higherforthesemester. AndersonUniversitycongratulated itsDean’sListstudentsfortheirexemplaryachievement.
UnitedMethodistChurchinLincoln, Del.WearegratefultoRev.Claudia Watersandcongregationfortheirkind hospitality.ThankyoutotheBishop JamieHazzardoftheWelcomeFull GospelHolinessChurchinSlaughter Neckforhisstirringmessageofhope, Mrs.JanieMillerforanoutstandingjob servingasworshipleader,andallthe speakers,dancersandmusicianswho madetheservicesomeaningful.
Andthankyoutothiswonderfully supportivecommunity,toallofyouwho attendedthebanquetortheworship serviceorrenderedyoursupportbypurchasingAdsinoursouvenirbooklet.
Onceagain,infaithfulsupportofour mission,theCapeGazettepublished full-pageadstocommemoratethe weekend.Wearesogratefulfortheir continuedsupportandforthesupport ofallthebusinessesandorganizations whocontributedtothecostoftheads.
Aspecialthank-youtoallwhodonatedtoourscholarshipfundsofarthis year.Yoursupportisalwaysneededand appreciatedinperpetuatingandnurturingthelegacy,thevisionandthedream ofDr.King.
DonationstotheDr.MartinLuther KingJr.CelebrationOrganizationmay bemadetoP.OBox781,Rehoboth Beach,DE19971.Contributionswill helpfundscholarshipsfordeserving youthinSussexCountyandtheongoingworkoftheorganization.Aswe continueoureffortsto“makethe DreamaReality,”wesolicityourprayers andsupporttohelpusachieveourmissionin2024.
AndersonUniversityisaChristian universityofferingbachelor’s,master’s anddoctoraldegreesoncampusand online.
Rev.Dr.MartinLutherKingJr.Celebration OrganizationofSussexCountyInc.
ReaderthinksSussex needsa‘re-set’
IfSussexCountywereaperson, they’dhaveappendicitis.IfSussex Countywereascenefromamovie,it’d betheonefrom“TheWarofthe Worlds”(TomCruiseversion)whereyou seearunawaytrainwithflamesshooting outfromallthewindowsperilouslyripsnortingthroughwhatusedtobeanice town.Weneedtoremovethatappendix beforeitburstsandstopthattrainfrom destroyingeverythinginitspath.
SussexCounty’smostprecioustreasure—ourcoastalbeaches—issettobe invadedbywindturbinesandtheir pipelines. SussexCounty’sfarmlands, wetlands,woodlandsandopenspaces arebeingtakenoverbyirresponsibledevelopersandgreedyRealtors.Sussex County’senvironmentisbecoming spoiledbytheincreasingamountsoflitter,loosetrashanddebrisalongour roadwaysandbeaches.Weneedtowake upandsmellthechickens!(Oh,actually, wedowakeupandsmellthechickens, butthat’sforanotherletter).
I,likemanyothers,lovelivinghere, but amdisheartenedandconcernedby whatishappeningtothequalityoflife here—alltypesoflife.Itseemsnobody isreallylisteningtowhatpeoplewant ordon’twant.
Whatisitthatwecanjustunplug, thenplugbackintomakethingsright?
18 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Order Online @ ccfbayside.com Daily Lunch & Dinner - Check Out Our Facebook Page NEW Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-6 PM • Food Menu - 3-6 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Union Road - Wednesday, 2/28 - 5-8 PM Full Service Bar and Restaurant on the West Fenwick Waterfront World Famous Crabcakes and Bloody Marys Take-out, Dine-in, Outdoor Seating on the Beautiful Bay Trivia Every Tuesday • Bar Bingo Every Thursday •Bar Mingo Every Monday No Reserved Seats OFF SEASON SPECIALS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Philly or Chicken Cheesesteak with Fries - $12 Crabcake Combos - 5 oz Crabcake w/ Chicken, Ribs or Brisket - $25 Prime Rib w/ 2 Sides - $20 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Full Rack of Ribs w/ FF & Slaw - $22 $12 Burger Burley Oak Battered Rockfish w/ FF & Slaw - $20 Steam Bowl (snowcrab legs,shrimp,clams,mussels,crawlfish & corn) $33 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Dine in with Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability/NO SUBSTITUTIONS Daily Lunch Specials BREAKFAST Mon-Thurs 9am-11am Fri-Sun 8am-12pm HOURS Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm Fri-Sun 8am-9pm Rick ‘n Regina - Sunday, 2/25 - 5-8 PM New Hours Bethany Massage & Healing Arts bethanymassage.com 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE $20 OFF a 60 Minute Massage! LUCKY MARCH SPECIAL All Day! Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Book Your Appointment Today 302-537-0510 Open 7 Days/Week Mon-Sat 10-5 • Sun 10-4 Letters
With One Of Schell Brothers Open Floor Plans
Our open floor plans can be a Hamster’s personal racetrack, playground for exploring, and the heart of their daily adventures. From room to room, the freedom to roam keeps Hammy's spirit alive! TO
WAGGING TESTIMONIALS ©2023 ©2202 Schchelll Brothers L r rs LL C All Righ Rese e C. A hts R Rig g r ved All inform m rm d. A a on is subj tio ubjec t o chan to ange ithout notice hou e wi ottice.
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 19
Thecountdownisonforthe largesthospitalitygatheringinthe Mid-Atlanticregion.Launched50 yearsago,theAnnualOceanCity TradeExpowillbeheldonMarch3 and4attheOceanCityConvention Center.OrganizedbytheOceanCity Hotel-Motel-RestaurantAssociation (OCHMRA)thisyear’sTradeExpo hasthemostexhibitboothseverin thehistoryofthetradeshow.
“We’veworkeddiligentlyoverthe last50yearstocreateatradeshowthat offersanaffordableopportunityfor thesmallandlargevendorstoconnect directlywiththehospitalityindustry ownersandmanagerstoshowcase theirproductsandservices,”stated OCHMRAExecutiveDirectorSusan Jones.
Theeventprovidesindustryattendeestheabilitytosip,sampleand shopduringthetwodays,whilealso providinganopportunitytonetwork withcolleaguesface-to-face.Attendeesoftheexpowillalsobeableto takeadvantageof“ShowSpecials”offeredbyexhibitors.Thelatestindustry trendsandnewproductswillbeon displayintwoexhibithallsonthe lowerlevel,whiletheeducationalsessionswillbeonthesecondlevel.
theMarylandTourismCoalition (MTC)tosparkattendees’creative appetiteforlearningbydeliveringapplicablebusinesslessonsandbest practicesthroughitseducational workshops,knownastheSolutions ShowcaseSessions.Participantswill beabletoengageininsightfuldiscussions,amplifytheirknowledgeandreceiveactionableagendas.Hereisa glimpseoftheupcomingsessions:
•TasteTourism:LeverageCulinary andCraftBeverageExperiencesto DriveBusiness
Duringthissession,attendeeswill delveintothestrategicsignificanceof integratingtaste-centricexperiences intobusinessmodelstonotonlycapturetheattentionofadiverseconsumerbasebutalsoenhancebrand loyaltyandencouragerepeatvisits. Attendeeswillreceiveinsightsonhow tocurateandmarketunforgettable taste-centricjourneys.Presentedby CoryA.VanHorn,HighFiveTourism
•PreviewoftheSummerWork TravelProgramSummer2024
Visasarecomplex,learntherules andregsoftheJ1Visas(Summer WorkTravel)andexpectationsforthe comingseason(numberofparticipantsintheareavs.previousyears, etc.).FeaturinginfoontheCommu-
nitySupportGroupprogramsurroundingthevisasandhowtobeinvolved.PresentedbyCarrieLinch, U.S.DepartmentofState,Summer WorkTravelProgramAnalyst,and AmyThompsonGreaterOceanCity ChamberofCommerceandCSG Leader.
Joinusinreviewingsuccessful strategiestohelppeopleshiftshare fromOTAstodirectbookings.Maximizeonlinepresence,enhanceuserexperienceonwebsites,andtacticsfor maintainingguestengagementon bookingplatformstoincreaseconversion.PresentedbyAmadeusHospitality •ProtectYourA$$ets—Deferthe Tax,MaximizetheGain—Learn aboutthesignificanttaxbenefitsofa 1031realestateexchange,ancillary advantagesofre-investment,andpassivesolutionsusingDSTsthrough localcasestudies.Avoidcapitalgains taxdueonthesaleof investment/rentalproperty.Presented byRevolutionX—FrankHanna •EvolutionofHospitality— WhereWe’veBeenandWhereWe’re Headed!
20 CoastalPoint February23,2024 SCAN ME Check out our Exclusive Products Page! Videos & Image Gallery Shutters • Roller Shades • Draperies • Verticals • Blinds 1-800-447-1400 www.blindfactoryinc.com Family Owned & Operated for over 40 years! Professional In-home Consultation, Measurement & Installation Available 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd. Fenwick Island Selbyville 302-436-4400 Apollo Shopping Center 3613 B Kirkwood Hwy. Wilmington 302-999-8800 NEW LOCATION! Ask about our "renter proof" solution - Patent-pending, NEW WAVEavailable in light ltering or black out. Draperies are affordable, stain & re resistant and seamless. Check out our own Vert-A-Sheer Exclusive Hybrid vertical blind with built in sheer. Only at Blind Factory! 30% OFF Shutter Sale! *Sale includes nished panels available in 3-1/2" or 4-1/2" louvers - Direct Mounted, L-frame or Z-frame in Color: Snow White only* BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase. Not valid with any other offer, discount, or previous purchase. Expires 3/31/24 BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase. Not valid with any other offer, discount, or previous purchase. Expires 3/31/24 (Restricted to Product Only) (Restricted to Product Only) Any Product Order Restrictions Apply 10% OFF Mer-Maid Cleaning and Home Services 443-205-7714 Excellent References Licensed Insured Rachael Almony Owner Courteous & Professional • Caregiving • Childcare • Cleaning • Cooking • Errands • Housesitting • Personal Assistant • Pet Sitting • Shopping
See EXPOpage21
JoinRoyBeaumontMarriottInternational,BenSidelRealHospitality GroupandMegGardener,Delaware RestaurantAssociation,astheyjourneythroughthehospitalityindustry’s last50yearsandexplorethedynamic andever-evolvingsectorasitmoves forward.
Moderatedby:MelaniePursel, WorcesterCountyEconomicDevelopment&Tourism
•WhyGrassrootsMatter—a LookatLatestLegislativeIssues— SaveOurTip$
“Decisionsmadebypoliticians havemajorimpactsonthehospitality industry.Therealityisthatmostbusinessownersdon’thavetimetomonitoreveryproposalthatcomesoutof theLegislature.Learnhowtoeffectivelybeinvolvedatagrassrootslevel tomakeadifference.”Presentedby MelvinThompson,GovernmentAffairsRAM
•ThePowerofVideotoBuild YourBusiness
Learnhowtoestablishcuttingedgedigitalmarketingstrategies throughfivestepstoelevateyour businessanddrivegrowth.Presented byeffectv&D3
Thekeynotespeakerisanationally knownspeaker,trainerandauthor.
BrianBlaskowilldeliverthe“Recipe forReinventingYourWorkforce”beforetheTradeExpoexhibitfloor openingonMonday,March4,at9 a.m.Duringthesession,attendeesand exhibitorswilllearnhowtounderstandandadapttoorganizational changeeffectively,discoverwaystobe morecreativeintheirretentionof clientsandcustomers,andexitwith leadershipstrategiesthatwillincrease theirattitudinalpotential.
Theexpo’scombinationofdiscovery,networking,collaboration,learningandcuratedbuyingexperiences aimstoadvancetheindustry.The DocksideHallwillhostanewSpotlightStage,abeergarden,exhibitsand MarylandDepartmentofAgriculture &Seafoodvendors.TheSpotlight Stagewillfeature“AsktheExpert”interactivediscussions,culinarydemonstrationsandBehindtheBrandto delvedeeperintocompanies.Slated forthestageare:
•FallenPineOysters,J.J.McDonnell&MD’sBestdiveintoallthings oysters.DanWorrellwillleadthe shuckingdemoanddescribethedifferentflavorsandtypesofoysters, fromwild-caughttofarmedoysters.
•AsktheExpertKRRPhotographyshareshowtotakephenomenal photoswithasmartphone.Discover tipsthatwilltakesnapshotsfroman amateurtoAnselAdams.
•AsktheExpert:FoodAllergens 101—ChefRobertMcKeonwill
guideparticipantsthroughthe“Big-9” allergensandsharehowtoprotect dinersfromfoodallergens,avoid cross-contactcontamination,andpreventallergicfoodreactionsandanaphylaxis.
•AsktheExpert:WhatifThere’s anAccident?DeeleyInsuranceand ChesapeakeEmployersInsurancewill discussthreewaystosave.
•BSASeafood&MD’sBestChef Zackdemoswild-caughtChesapeake bluecatfish.Learnaboutthisinvasive speciesandhowtoturnprofitsand cleanuptheChesapeakeBay.
•BehindtheBrand.George’sBeverageCompanybeganwithasimple request:patronswantedareliable BloodyMarymixthatwasreadyto pourandenjoy.Thebrandhasgrown intopartnershipswithnationalcompanies.GregDavidwillsharejourney insights.
LowerEasternShorewillsharehow businessescanpartnertogetinvolved insocialcauseswhilegeneratinggreat publicityandreasonsforcustomersto cometoabusiness.Guestswillknow theyarepatronizingabusinessthat helpscreatelocalchangeandimpact!
Anewtwisttotheexpowillbethe RestaurantAssociationofMaryland’s “Surf&Earth”culinarycompetitions, whichareofficialqualifyingeventsfor theWorldFoodChampionshipsheld inDallas.ChefswillcompeteineliminationroundsfortwoMaryland WorldFoodChampionshipspots. Winnersreceivegoldenticketsto competeontheworldstage.Thetwo categoriesareseafoodandproduce suppliedbyMaryland’sBESTDepartmentofAgricultureandSeafood. Seasoningbundleswillbesuppliedby McCormickforChef.
Itisimportanttonotethatthe expoisnotopentothepublic—
therefore,towalktheshowfloor,one mustbeabuyerorguestinthehospitalityindustry,includingemployment withahotel,motel,restaurant,cateringcompany,concessionstand,bedand-breakfast,condo/property managementcompany,cafeteria,nursinghome,school/college,hospital, church,icecreamstoreornursing home,asexamples.Expomanagement reservestherighttodetermineifa registrationfits“g uest”parameters.
ExpohoursareSunday,March3, from11a.m.to5p.m.andMonday, March4,from10a.m.to4p.m.After Feb.29,on-siteregistrationcosts$25 perperson,withproofofbeinginthe industry,suchasabusinesscard,businesslicenseorletterfromanemployer oncompanyletterhead.Paystubsare notacceptedasproof.Forcomplete expoinformation,visitwww.oceancitytradeexpo.comorcall(410)2896733.
Lunch & Dinner Specials
Slider Trio
Mexican Flatbread
Taco Salad
Chicken Parm Grilled Cheese Sand
Blackened Chicken Alfredo
Chicken Salad Wrap Cobb Salad
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 21
Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Margarita Bar & Grille
Asada Burrito
Steakhouse Burger
Mashed Potato Bowl
Italian Chicken Cheesesteak Chicken
Blackened Chicken Quesadilla
includes a beverage (coffee, tea, pepsi products) Please no shared plates
Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out!
for $12 each,
Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! Cajun Salmon Alfredo Fish and Chips Black and Bleu Ribeye Steak Triple Burrito Shrimp & Lump Crab Quesadilla Chicken Piccata 1 lb Snow Crab Legs Twin Crab Cakes (4oz)
Fried Shrimp (8) Broiled Stuffed Shrimp 2/22 - 2/28 Please no shared plates 2/27 Live Entertainment Minutes Away from Rehoboth Beach & Ocean City Fri 2/23 Sat 2/24 • • 8-11pm 8-11pmHot Sauce Band Risky Business Band 302-537-7373 saltedrimde.com 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville
Expo Continuedfrompage20
The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant
Temporarily Closing For Renovations
February 18th - March 20th
Reopening Thurs., March 21st
Ella“Loretta”O’NealDavis,83,of Gastonia,N.C.,passedawayTuesday, Feb.13,2024,atLincolntonRehabilitationCenterinLincolnton,N.C. ShewasbornJune14,1940,in BeebeHospitalinLewes,Del., daughterofthelateEdwardJ. O’NealandVirgieHitchO’Neal.
DaviswasamemberoftheAssemblyofGodinSelbyville,Del.She wasalovingmotherandfriend,and wasthemostlovingpersontoanyone.Shealwayslovedgettingtogetherwithherfamily.Theywere herwholeworld.
theRev.PhillipBrame,willbeheld at4p.m.onSaturday,Feb.24,2024, attheSouthChapelGreeneFuneral Service,1503S.YorkRd.,Gastonia, N.C.Inlieuofflowers,memorialdonationsmaybemadetoChristine FranklinHodges.Condolencesmay besentonlineatwww.greenefuneral.com.
golferwholovedtotravel.Sheenjoyedgoingtothebeach,playing cards,shoppingandcollectingcoins. Hudsonbrightenedthelivesofothersbyfaithfullykeepingintouch throughcardsandletters.
Shelovedherfamilyandfriends andwillbedearlymissedbyall.
Inadditiontoherparents,Davis wasprecededindeathbyherhusband,EdwardD. Davis;sonMedfordG.Franklin;brothers,Ernest O’Neal,DavidO’Neal,Edward O’NealandDonaldLeeO’Neal;sisters,DelorisO’Neal,JoanneO’Neal Marvel(wifeofDavid);andgrandsonsChristopherBrameandAdam Franklin.Sheissurvivedbyherson DannyW.Franklin(andRebecca); daughtersChristineFranklinHodges (andJeff)andLisaO’NealCarter (andDevin);sister-in-law,Reberta O’Neal;ninegrandchildren;and12 great-grandchildren.
RuthJ.Hudson,96,ofMillsboro, Del.,passedawayatherhomeon Friday,Feb.16,2024.BornonApril 3,1927,inMillsboro,shewasthe daughterofGeorgeJohnsonandElla (Moore)Johnson.
In1945,Hudsongraduatedfrom MillsboroHighSchool.Shemarried herbelovedhusband,MarshallHudson,in1946.Workingasasecretary andassistantofficemanagerforDelmarvaPower&Light,sheretiredin 1988after42yearsofservice.
AfterattendingZoarUnited MethodistChurchinheryouth,she wasamemberofGraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboro. Hudsonwasalsoapastmemberof theSussexPinesCountryClub,the AmericanLegionPost28Ladies’ AuxiliaryandtheVingtCinqClub ofDelmarvaPower.Shewasanavid
Inadditiontoherparents,Hudsonwasprecededindeathbyher husband,MarshallHudson,in1977, after31yearsofmarriage.Shewas alsoprecededindeathbyhersister ElizabethSmithandherbrothers Granville,RichardandPaulJohnson. Hudsonissurvivedbyfiveniecesand nephews:RobertJohnsonandhis wife,LouAnn,ofMillsboro,Thomas Johnsonandhiswife,Monica,of Laurel,Del.,StanleyJohnsonandhis wife,Linda,ofMillsboro,Cindy Puseyandherhusband,Craig,of Millsboro,andJudyMillsandher husband,Harold,ofDelmar,Del. Shealsoleavesbehindnumerous grand-nieces/nephews,great-grandnieces/nephews,andthoughtful neighbors.Forthepastseveralyears, Mrs.Hudsonreceivedwonderful careandcompanionshipfromKimberlyLeonardandFredaBrobst,for
22 CoastalPoint February23,2024 . C J ——INTE YEA E 100 COTT ONN S — FURNITURE & FINE ERIORS ANNIVER N R T —— RY Y SA S SAL Up to 50% LE % off 1953 p Chair Lee Indstries Hickory Chair - Hickor y - Hickor n Histor Moder Interiors .,ehoboth35R CamelotDrr.,R 302-227-1850 ff Chaddock Ce u y - Lillian A - - Centur ic y Chair - Highland House - EJV r Beach,DE19971 ugust - Chelsea House - MT Compan oodbrid ctor - Summer Classics - W Woodbridge - Baker Fineni Fur 6chSt.,Selb EastChur 302-436-8205 xington y - Le pan dge iture byville,DE19975 8205 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine
Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 www.thecafeon26.com Call
(2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y
One-on-OneGenealogyAssistance— Lookingtotraceyourroots?Notsurehowto getstarted?NancyN.willwalkyouthrough gettingstartedwithAncestry.comatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.,andgiveyoupersonalizedgenealogyassistanceusingU.S. databases.Free,90-minutesession.Registrationopensat2p.m.onFeb.8at www.southcoastal.lib.de.us.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930
OceanViewBloodDrive— TheTownof OceanView,alongwiththeBloodBankof Delmarva,isholdingablooddriveatthe communitycenterat32WestAvenuefrom noonto5p.m.AllCovid-19protocolswillbe inplace,anddonorsareremindedtobring theirID,eatagoodbreakfastandhydrate.To scheduleatime,visit
https://donate.bbd.org/donor/schedules/driv e_schedule/9733
HispanicDanceandCelebration— St. Martha’sEpiscopalChurchissponsoringthe HispanicAmericanAssociationofDelaware’s BalletFolkloricointhechurch’sparishhallat 3p.m.Thegroupwillconsistof15children and15adultsperformingdancesrepresentativeof10statesoftheMexicanRepublic. Thisisfree,andopentothepublic.
SalemWomen’sRetreat— TheSalem ChurchWomenofFaithissponsoringthe SalemWomen’sRetreatfrom8a.m.to4:30 p.m.Thetitleoftheretreatis“WhenLife Unravels...CanItrustGod?”andtheguest speakerisNancySebastianKuch.For more information,visitsumc.comorcall(302) 436-8412.
IndoorYardSale— TheCommunityChurch ofOakOrchardishostinganindooryard salefrom7a.m.to2p.m.Allproceedswill benefitLoveInc.ofSeaford.Therewillbe bakedgoodsandlunchitemsservedfrom 10a.m.to2p.m.Formoreinformation,call (302)945-0633.
GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,atSouth
CoastalLibraryat10a.m.forafreeonehourGentleFlowYogaclass.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,and relaxation.Pleasebringayogamatortowel fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouare unabletogetontotheflooreasily,donot worry,wewillprovidechairs.Thereareoptionsforall!Registrationopensat2p.m.on Feb.19andisava ilableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling302-8585518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!) Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
Coloring&CrosswordsClub— Theclubis opentoalladultsfor60minutes,andmeets onthefourthMondayofthemonthatSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.Relax,color,socializewithothercommunitymembers,completecrosswords,word-finds,andp uzzles. Free,registerat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling 302-858-5518.Walk-insacceptedifspace allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930.
WatercolorPainting— IfyouhaveaSouth CoastalLibrarycard,youhavefreeaccessto onlinevideocraftandartclassesthrough CreativeBug.Tryitoutbyjoiningthemat2 p.m.foraninformalwatercolorpainting classatthelibrary,wherewe’llwatcha record ed,step-by-stepCreativeBugwatercolorvideotutorial.We’llwatch,learn,paint, andhavefuntogether.Suitableforbeginners,butallskilllevelsarewelcome.Allmaterialsareprovided.Free,forages18-plus. Registrationbeginsat2p.m.onFeb.20, andisavailableat
https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling 302-858-5518(onlineregistrationrecommended.)Youareeligibletoattendthree art/craftclassesperquarter(Dec2023Feb2024.)Thisd oesnotcountasyour yearlywatercolorclass.Alreadyattended3? ExploreCreativeBugvideotutorialsonyour ownathomebyclickingontheCreativeBug logoonthehomepageofourwebsiteand typinginyourlibrarycardnumber.Ifyour
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 23 CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Service Calls Security Lighting Electrical Repairs 302-537-7373 saltedrimde.com 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Lunch Specials (special menu with 12 choices each item $12) Every Day 11:30-4:00 Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLE TO GO* 12 for $12 Wed – T-R-I-V-I-A – 7pm GameNigh Mon – B-I-N-G-O – 6pm Thu – M-I-N-G-O – 7pm Fri 2/23 Sat 2/24 $20 Tuesdays 10 for $20 (special menu with 10 choices each item $20) Tuesday 4-9pm Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLE TO GO*-8-11pm 8-11pm Hot Sauce Band Risky Business Band • Daily lunch, dinner and happy hour specials • Entertainment:
BySusuFiske,InlandBaysGardenCenter SpecialtotheCoastalPoint
Withthewarmingofourclimate,we arefindingthatflowersandinsectsthat evolvedtogetheraregettingoutofsync. That,coupledwiththelossofhabitat,is makingitdifficultforournativeinsects tosurvive.Iftherearefewerinsects,the birdswillalsohaveaproblemsurviving.
Wecanhelpournativeinsectsby makingsuretoprovidethenativeplants theyneedinourgarden,aswellasprovidingfoodforthebirdsandnesting areasforboththebirdsandinsects.
Nowisthetimetostartthinking aboutwhatyourgardenneedsforthe springpollinators.
Whenyoustartaddingplantsto yourlist,donotforgetaboutcarexand grasses.Theyareequallyimportantto ournativeinsectsandwildlife.They helpkeepoutweeds,helpwithsoil structure,andareanaturalcompanion toourfloweringplants.
Greatgroundcoverswouldinclude carexpensylvanica(Pennsylvaniasedge), carexbromoides(bromesedge),carex albicans(whitetingedsedge),carexap-
palachica(Appalachiansedge),carexradiata(easternstarsedge),carexrosea (rosysedge),carexsocialis(lowwoodlandsedge),carexcherokeensis(cherokeesedge),carexlaxiculmis(spreading sedge)andcarexlaxiculmis“Hobb” (bluebunnysedge),carexflaccosperma (bluewoodsedge),carexwoodii(wood’s sedge).
Greatlow-growingnativegrassesare eragrostisspectabilis(purplelovegrass) and sporobolusheterolepis(prairie dropseed),whichmakegreatgroundcovers(whichmeanslessmulch).
Inmygarden,Ionlyapplymulchthe firstyear,becauseIdonotdigupthe turfgrasstomakenewgardens—Iput downlayersofnewspaperandpacking paper.ThenIputa6-to8-inchlayerof mulchdownaroundthefewplantsthat Idecidedtoplaceinthisnewgarden. Thefollowingyear,whenIaddmore plants,themulchandpaperisnicely breakingdownandimprovingthesoil. This iswhenIaddnicecompost,like LeafGromixedwithbiochar.
IfIwantedquickerresults,Iwould diguptheturfgrassandaddthecompostmixedwithbiocharandskipthe
mulchaltogether.Iwouldapplya thickeramountofcomposttoprevent weedsuntilthecarex,grassesandplants canfillin.(Plantsarethenewmulch.)
Earlybloomingspringflowersthat youshouldconsiderareamsoniatabernaemontana(bluestar),whichblooms lightblueflowersinMarch(sun). Mertensiavirginica(virginiabluebells) bloomsinFebruary(shade).Phloxpilosa(downyphlox)bloomsinFebruary (sun)andisattractivetopollinatorsdue totheirfragrantflowers.Also,senecio aurea(goldenragwort)isoneofmyfavoritesbecauseithostsmorethan17 speciesofbutterfliesandmoths,blooms inAprilandlooksniceasagroundcover eveninthewinter.(Mineisstaying greenallwinter.)Packeraobovata (roundleafragwort)isanothergreat ear lybloomerthatalsoworksasa groundcover,hasyellowflowersinApril (shade)andishosttothecalephelisborealis(northernmetalmarkbutterfly), whichisathreatenedspecies.
Morebeautifulperennialspring bloomersforourpollinatorsarepolemoniumreptans(Jacob’sladder),which bloomsinApril(shade);anemone
canadensis(Canadiananemone),aMay bloomer(sun);andziziaaurea(golden Alexander)(sun/shade).Ziziabloomsin Mayandisahostforthepapiliopolyxenes asterius(blackswallowtail)andpapiliojoanae(Ozarkswallowtail). Penstemondigitalis(foxglovebeardtongue)bloomsinJune(shade);coreopsislanceolata(lance-leafcoreopsis)has itsbloomtimeinApril(sun);and erigeronpulchellus(Robin’splantain) hasabloomtimeinMay(shade).
Afewshrubsthatareearlybloomers andattractnativepollinatorsarethe baptisiaaustralis(bluewildindigo), withabloomtimeinApril(shade); ceanothus americanus(NewJerseytea), whichbloomsinMay(shade)andisa hostplantforcelastrinaladon(spring azure)andcelastrinaneglecta(summer azure)butterflies.
Thesalixhumilus(prairiewillow) bloomsinApril(sun/shade)andisa keystoneshrub,beinghosttomorethan 425butterfliesandmoths,andmore thansixspecialistbees.Ilexverticillata (winterberryholly)bloomsinJune (sun/shade)andisahostplantforthe caterpillarsof34speciesofbutterflies and moths.
Viburnumsaremust-haveforevery garden.Onethatisaspring-bloomeris theviburnumdentatum(arrowwood viburnum)withabloomtimeinMay (sun/shade).Thisisalsoahostformore than10speciesoflepidoptera.Other greatviburnumsaretheviburnum prunifolium(blackhaw),viburnum lentago(nannyberry)andtheviburnum acerifolium(maple-leaf).
Now,donotforgettrees—theyare alsoimportanttoourpollinators.For example,cerciscanadensis(redbud) bloomsinMarch(shade)andhasleaves thatareimportanttoourleafcutterbees formakingtheirnests.Prunusamericana(Americanplum)bloomsinApril (shade)andislovedbyminingbees,as wellasbeingahostplanttobutterflies andmoths.Thereisthealnusserrulate (tagalder),whichbloomsinMarch (sun/shade)andishosttothegreen commabutterfly.
Fothergillagardenii(dwarf fothergilla)bloomsinApril(sun/shade) andisahostplantformorethan80 species ofbutterflies.Also,thecornus florida(floweringdogwood)ishostto thespringazurebutterfly.Theirflowers alsoprovidepollenforpollinators,and theirfruitareagreatfoodsourcefor birds.Nottobeforgottenisthecercis canadensis(easternredbud),whichhas beautifullavendercolorinthespring andprovidestheearliestspringnectar tonativebees.Cercisisahostplantto severalpollinatormoths.
24 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Advance Tickets available online at www.ilovetheclayton.com Same-Day Tickets available at the Box Office starting 30 minutes before scheduled showtime. Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... NOWPLAYING THRU THURS., 03/07 Rated PG FEATURE SHOWTIME Evenings at 7 PM Fri., Sat., & Sun. Matinee at 3 PM Open Caption Matinee: Wed., 03/06 at 3 PM DELAWARE’S ONLY CLASSIC SINGLE-SCREEN THEATRE! 33246 Main St. • Dagsboro, DE 19939 Box Office: (302) 732-3744 • www.ilovetheclayton.com Be an angel and support a great cause… Friends of Prince George’s Chapel Fundraiser March 1st-7th, 2024 Purchase a ticket to any screening this week and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the preservation of this historic church and local landmark! Other fundraising events taking place during the week include a Ticket Auction and 50/50 Raffle. Buy your chances to WIN before each show! Winners will be contacted at the end of the week. NotableNatives Nativeplantshelpnativepollinatorssurvive
MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410) 430-7181oremailwebsergeant@firststatemarines.org.
CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor emailselbyvillewomensclub@gmail.com.
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealog icalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat scgsdelaware.orgorhistoriclewes.org.
VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpe rsons,andmeetsthefirstand
thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call/text/leaveamessageat (240)315-4361.
GeorgetownBridgeClub— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsBridgeClubevery Wednesdayfrom1to3p.m.Allexperience levelsarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(302)856-7958,emailgeorgetown.library@lib.de.usorvisitthelibraryat123W PineSt.,Geor getown.
Women’sCivicClub— TheWomen’sCivic ClubofBethanyBeachmeetsonthesecond ThursdayofthemonthatCripplecreek CountryClubat10a.m.Theorganizationhas expandedthroughoutSussexCounty,andhas beenservingthecommunityfor98years. TheClubisanon-profitorganization,formed infriendshipanddedicatedtocivicandcharitablepurposesandtheeducationofits members.Formoreinformation,orifyouare interestedinattending,sendanemailto the rese.r.gross@gmail.com.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.
AdultTime— AdultscanstopintheSouth CoastalLibraryanytimethey’reopentowork onjigsawpuzzles,playcheckersorcolor.
Thisisfree,andallma terialsareprovided. BookDonations— SouthCoastalLibraryonly acceptsbookdonationsfrom2to4p.m.on Tuesdays.Thereisalistontheirwebsite, southcoastal.lib.de.us,ofwhattheydoor don’taccept.
BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom4 to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.
SoupandSandwiches— TheOceanView ChurchofChristisholdingaSoup&Sandwichministryonthesecon dWednesdayof eachmonth,fromOctoberthroughMarch, from11:30a.m.to1p.m.Allarewelcome.
TeleserviceNavigators— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsTeleserviceNavigators everyMondayfrom10a.m.to3p.m.and everyTuesdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m.Get helpwithvirtualresources,suchastelehealthappointments,appointmentswith lawyersandsocialserviceappointments
usingthenewTelehealthKiosk.ANavigator willbeatthelibrarytohelpsetupvirtualapp ointments.Formoreinformation,call(302) 856-7958,email georgetown.library@lib.de.usorvisitthelibraryat123WPineSt.,Georgetown. LaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Biblioteca— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsLaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Bibliotecaevery Wednesdayfrom3:30to6p.m.Déjenos ayudarlea:completarsuspapeles,interpretarsuscartas,inscribirseenlaescuela,renovarsusdocumentos,crearunavidamajor,y muchomás.LaEsperanza:(30 2)854-9262.
PawsforPeoplereadingtime— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsPawsfor PeopleonthefirstandthirdThursdaysof everymonthfrom4to5p.m.Readaloudto afurry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp inspirealoveofreading.OfferedbyPawsfor
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 25 17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes 302-645-9095 All of Us Strangers Sun Thu Feb 25 Feb 29 2:00 pm 5:00 pm RehobothFilm.com FREE Special Event The League w/ Lewes Base Ball Club Wed 6:30 pm Feb 28 Oscar Shorts: Animation Wed Feb 28 1:00 pm Driving Madeleine Thu 3:00 pm Feb 29 ExhibitionTM on Screen: Munch Wed 2:00 pm Feb 28 Perfect Days (Oscar Nominated) Fri Sat Feb 23 Feb 24 6:00 pm 5:00 pm Origin Fri Sun Thu Feb 23 Feb 25 Feb 29 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 2:00 pm Oscar Shorts: Documentary Wed Feb 28 3:00 pm Oscar Shorts: Live Action Fri Sun Feb 23 Feb 25 7:00 pm 3:00 pm Poor Things (Oscar Nominated) Sat Thu Feb 24 Feb 29 2:00 pm 7:30 pm Teachers' Lounge (Oscar Nominated) Sat Thu Feb 24 Feb 29 3:00 pm 6:00 pm The Zone of Interest (Oscar Nominated) Fri Sat Sun Wed Feb 23 Feb 24 Feb 25 Feb 28 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm HONESTY, DEPENDABILITY, PROFESSIONALISM, PRIDE, QUALITY All too often business will use words like these in order to gain the trust of their customers. We would like to elaborate... PHILOSOPHY We believe that strong ethical and moral principals are essential for the success and growth of any organization. You will realize this the minute you walk through our door. GOAL Our Goal is to provide you with the personalized service you deserve at a fair price. We will listen to your needs and tailor our services to meet them. INVITATION If you desire moral and ethical customer service, coupled with professionalism and quality, we encourage you to call on us! CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE Estimate Ocean Bay Plaza, Fenwick Island, De 1-800-298-9470 • 302-537-1899 mikesflooringanddesigncenter.com HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 • Closed Sundays “We Measure Each Job With A Golden Rule” CUSTOM quartz countertops! CUSTOM kitchen cabinets! CUSTOM backsplashes! CUSTOM window treatments! IN STOCK 20 MIL WATERPROOF Luxury Vinyl Plank! ARE YOU READY FOR THE SEASON? Is Ready For You! WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! MIKE'S PROJECT MANAGERS ARE AT YOUR SERVICE! Mike’s Flooring & Design Center, FENWICK ISLAND DE. HUGE SELECTION of Floor Coverings! Up To 24 Month 0% Financing
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People.Readersofallagesandstagesare welcome.
Elementaryhomeschoolersprogram— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsitsHomeschoolProgramonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat1p.m.Everymonth,theyoffera differentactivityforelementary-school-aged children.
SocratesCafé— SocratesCaféisagroupof individualsfromdifferentbackgroundsthat discussphilosophicalideas.Meetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.attheBethanyB eachChristianChurch. Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation, callBonnieat537-9440,orsendanemailto bonniejd.rae@gmail.com.
FlipFive— AmericanLegionPost24inDagsboroishostingFlipFivegamesonWednesdaynightsfrom6-8p.m.Members,guests andthegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay. Justsignthebookandwrite“FlipFive”next toyourname.
WingNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingWingNighteveryThursdayat6:30p.m.Members,gu estsandthe generalpublicareallinvitedtoplay.
SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingSeafoodNighteveryFridayfrom4:30to7:30p.m.Karaokefollows from7to11p.m.Members,guestsandthe generalpublicareallinvitedtoplay.
SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingdinnereverySaturday from4:30to7:30p.m.DJ/Karaokewillperformfrom7to11p.m.Members,guestsand thegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.
Commun ityLuncheon— TheMariners
Bethel’sHopeCenterishostinglunchevery Tuesdayfrom11:30a.m.to1p.m.They serveachoiceofhomemadesoups,fresh sandwichesandhomemadedesserts.Carryoutisalsoavailable.
DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callAlLiebeskindat(410)530-0064.
ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheD enatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,visitshoredemocrats.com.
RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubmeetsthefourthMondayof themonth.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,and themeetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetingscanbe foundat38thdrcp.com,orthroughemailat info@38thdrcp.com.
DemocratsMeet— TheDemocraticParty’s 38thRepresentativeDistrictCommittee meetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat 5p.m.Formoreinformation,updateson speakersandmeetinglocations,call(302) 364-5830,orvisithttps://deldems38.orgor theirFacebookpageat https://deldems38.org.
SussexRepublicansMeet— TheSussex CountyRepublicanCommitteem eetsthe secondMondayofeverymonthattheMillsborofirehall.Meetingsstartpromptlyat6:30
p.m.andallarewelcome.Informationon monthlyguestspeakers,legislativeupdates andmeetingupdatescanbefoundatsussex.gop
TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel GMChosts“TuningUptheTemple”on Mondays,WednesdaysandFridays,from 8:30to9:45a.m.atTheHopeCenter.The classesaresession-based,notdrop-in,so contactCarolLynchat(3 02)745-8237or cklynch02@gmail.comformoredetails.
YogaClasses— MarinersBethelGMChosts yogaclassesat5p.m.onWednesdaysin theArmorRoom,upstairsinthechurch building,withHeatherMurphy.Additionally, thereisalsoaclassonSaturdays,from 9:30to10:30a.m.,withinstructors HeatherMurphyandMicoleLinehan.There isa$5drop-infeeforeitherclass.Classes areopentothecommunityandallarewelcome.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelChurchis holding azumbaexerciseclassintheHope CentergymeveryMonday,Wednesdayand Fridayat10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee. Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,sendanemailto zumbabyjo@gmail.com.
MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat myelomaemailsue@gmail.com.
LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSenior Center ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays.
26 CoastalPoint February23,2024 f Trusted Advisor e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists ages o profe to a ans r e others to think about d essional advisors lly do hope my scholar ten to educa .ors doing the same. rship fund a how they can support t people o the point tha e maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar Wilming community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F Bob Martz Scholarship F pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their gton, esi F re DCF P -Gay with d omstock tuart Co ident & CEO St donor Bob Martz md vice o le T 302.335.6933 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or 933 t , a e war org/daf
38020 Fenwick Shoals Blvd
Fenwick Shoals is a private, gated community located 2.5 miles to the beach. This custombuilt coastal contemporary home has an elevator and plenty of room for entertaining on multiple levels, both inside and out. Features include luxury vinyl plank flooring, wide staircases, a coffered ceiling, and crown molding.
$875,000 (DESU2051876)
For information on these homes or to setup a free consultation about listing
Call Trevor & Abby Clark 302-290-3869
971 Sandbar Court, Lake Bethany
This beautiful, 4-bedroom home has much to offer with a spacious floor plan, kitchen island with breakfast bar, vaulted ceilings, woodburning fireplace, ceramic tile, hardwood floors and two zoned HVAC. Seasonal Bethany Beach Trolley stops throughout the community.
$850,000 (DESU2056266)
Enjoy scenic views of the natural wetlands and open bay from this 4 BR, 3.5 bath home in White Creek at Bethany. Incredible upgrades. Amenity-rich community with water access and a day dock.
$975,000 (DESU2048250)
104 Poplar Hill Ave #202 Salisbury, MD 21801
This loft/condo is convenient to shopping, restaurants, and everything downtown Salisbury has to offer. Only a few blocks from the Tidal Health System's main campus. $250,000 (MDWC2011862)
37510 River Birch Ln, Ocean View
Private partially furnished end unit town home with pond views! Don't miss this spacious 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, well cared for home featuring beautiful driftwood luxury vinyl plank floors! New carpet has been installed and interior freshly painted! 2 full master suites offer privacy for you and your guests.
$475,000 (DESU2054032)
37503 Seaside Drive, Ocean View
Under contract in 16 days. 5 bedroom 3.5 bath home with Panoramic Water views. This coastal contemporary home has a gourmet kitchen, gas fireplace, custom cabinets, granite, four seasons room and elevator. $950,000
Your 1st Choice in Real Estate & Vacation Rentals CORE VALUES: 1st CHOICE PROVIDES: Collaboration of yearly rates “we advise, you decide” Inspection after every guest stay Coordination of cleanings Linen services provided for guests Professional photography Monthly bookkeeping statements & annual 1099 24/7 support Complimentary guest starter kit Local vendor relationships Guest screening Owner and guest portals Local,family-ownedand operatedsince2012 FREE CONSULTATION Call today at (302) 257-5555 Note: This advertisement is not intended to solicit any current contractual relationships you may have with other agents. Relax...Letustakethestre managingyourvacationrentaloutof As a family-owned local business we will take the time to personally walk you through our process and services. Let us make your vacation rental experience one that is not only profitable, but hassle free! Schedule your FREE Rental Analysis TODAY! (302) 257-5555 24 Village Green Dr. Suite 101, Ocean View www.DelawareResor tVacations.com FEATURED 118 Ocean View Parkway The definition of a quintessential Bethany Beach cottage awaits. This coastal cottage is located on ocean block, just steps to the ocean and Bethany Beach Boardwalk. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and two additional rooms that can provide additional living space or bedrooms. $2,000,000 (DESU2051844) UNDER CONTRACT PRICE REDUCTION SOLD UNDER CONTRACT
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NEW LISTING February23,2024 CoastalPoint 27
cardnumberstartswithsomethingother than33812,visitthelibraryforassistance. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930.
PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.
Childrenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5-plus. Mustcall(302)858-5518toregister.Hosted bytheSouthC oastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
StoryTime:Infant-5— Thisisagreatopportunitytoengageyourchildinearlyliteracy practicesaswellasgettoknowotherfamiliesinthearea,atSouthCoastalLibraryat 10:30a.m.Free,registrationisnotrequired, butparents/caregiversmustaccompany children.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930https://southco astal.lib.de.us.
CricutMugStickersforAges10-17— Staffwillguideyouthroughchoosing/creatingahand-washablepermanentvinylsticker withourCricutmachinethatyoucanattach tothemugyougotinyourGrab&Go
ChocolateTherapyKit(youcanpickupa ChocolateTherapykitduringlibraryhours beginningFeb.1at10a.m.forfreewhile supplieslast.)RegistrationforMugStickers opensat10a.m.onFeb.1andisavailable athttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling
302-858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
DineandDonate— TheScholarshipCommitteeofSouthCoastalDEAARPwillholda dine-and-donatefundraiseratFinsAle HouseandRawBaronRoute1from4to 8:30p.m.Proceedsfromdiningand50/50 cashrafflewillgotothescholarshipfund. Noreservationsarerequired.ThelocalAARP chaptergi vescollegescholarshipstoIndian RiverHighSchoolseniorsandadultstudents atDelawareTechnicalCommunityCollege. Formoreinformation,contactIdaCristat (302)732-6336.
CraftKits— Youthages10–17canstopby theSouthCoastalLibrarytopickupafree craftkittomakeafreecraft,availableall monthwhilesupplieslast.Youthmustpick upkitsthemselves.SouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 https://southcoastal.lib.d e.us
DriveThroughCookies— GirlScoutTroop2 ishostinga“drivethrough”eventinthe parkinglotnexttotheOceanViewBrewing Companyfrom11a.m.to5p.m.
QuarterAuctionFundraiser— AQuarter AuctionFundraisertobenefittheSenior LeagueSoftballWorldSeriesattheMillsboro firehouse.Doorsopenatnoon,andtheauctionstartsat1:30p.m.Thecostis$10for admission,whichincludesonepaddle.Additionalpaddleswillalsobeavailable,along withquar ters,foodandbeverages.Tomake
adonation,orformoreinformation,email DawnatDawn-LLWS@comcast.net.
HousingDiscussion— St.Martha’sEpiscopalChurchishostingapaneldiscussionat3 p.m.addressingtheseriousissuesofhomelessnessandthelackofaffordablehousing insouthernDelaware.Thiswillfeatureperspectivesfromvariousregionalandstateorganizationsonsolutionsandcommunity involvement.
ChixwithStix— JoinJillat10a.m.for South CoastalLibrary’snextmonthlymeetingabout crocheting,knittingandneedleworking.All skilllevelswelcome.Seewhatothersare makingandgetinspirationinthisfungroup meeting.Free,registerathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)8585518.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
CookingDemo— JoinChefCharlesOppman atSouthCoastalLibraryat1p.m.forafun, freecookingdemonstrationseriesfea turing foodsfromeachregionoftherU.S.Hewill demohowtomakethreetosixregionalinspireddishes.Handoutswillbeavailable digitallyonourwebsite.(April15isSouthwestFoods,May29isNewEnglandFavorites.)Registrationisencouragedand availableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usor bycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
HealthyEatingonaBudg et— Sharon Mack,IntegrativeHealthCoachwithBeebe Healthcare,willpresentafreeclasson budget-friendlyhealthyeatingatSouth CoastalLibraryat3p.m.Registrationisen-
couragedandavailableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)8585518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930.
Mommy&MeTime— Mommy&Metimeis anopportunityformomstoconnectwith theirchildrenaswellasothermomswhile makingacraft.Thisprogramisnotjustfor moms,butanyparentorcaregiver,maleor female,heldatSouthCoastalLibraryat 10:30a.m.!Free,includingcoffee!Registrationisrequired,at https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsisting offluid,slow,gentle movements.Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor HealthInstituteandCo-DirectoroftheSilver LotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevel TaiChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2 p.m.Participantsshouldbeabletoattendall sessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseach sessionbuildsonwhatwaslearnedinthe previousone.Intheinterestoffairness, thosewhohavepreviouslytakenaTaiChifor Health&BalanceS eriesarenoteligible. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
28 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Call 410-449-4090 Today for more information or to schedule a visit to our on-site showroom. 410-449-4090 Our Staff is Regularly Tested for Covid-19 24 Hour Awake Staff All Private Rooms & Baths Three Home-Cooked Meals a Day! All Inclusive Pricing In-House Doctor Visits VA and MAC Subsidy Approved Respite Care and Hospice Care
Calendar Continuedfrompage28
LifeLineScreenings— DagsboroChurchof ChristwillhostscreeningsbyLifeLine Screening.Residentscanlearnabouttheir riskforcardiovasculardisease,osteoporosis, diabetesandotherchronicconditions.Specialpackagepricingstartsat$159,butconsultantswillworkwithyouonapackagethat worksbestforyou.Pre-registrationisrequired.Toregister,orformoreinformation, visitlifelinescreening.com,orcallthemat (877)237-1287.
Squa reDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m.Singlesand couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-4448,or emailbarbcroos@gmail.com.
StoryTime— Thisisagreatopportunityto engageyourchild,infantthrough5,inearly literacypracticesaswellasgettoknow otherfamiliesinthearea.Free,registration isnotrequired,butparent s/caregiversmust accompanychildren.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930at10:30a.m.
NativePlants— JoinDeniseHoeksemaand CherylRehrig,ownersofInlandBaysGarden Center,thelargestretailerofNativePlantsin Delmarva,forafreeone-hourlectureonnativeplantsatSouthCoastalLibraryat6p.m.
Wewilllearnabouttheecologicalimportanceofusingnativeplantsinourlandscapi ngandgardeningandtakealookatsome thatthriveatthebeach.Registrationisencouragedandavailableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)
858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspace allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930.
NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetownAAUW ALANotableBooksClubmeetsattheLewes libraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.Theywillbe discussingHernanDiaz’s“Trust.”
Dine&Donate— Nort heastSeafoodKitchen willhostaDine&Donatefrom4to9p.m.to benefittheWomen’sCivicClubofBethany Beach.Therestaurantwilldonate10percent ofallproceedstotheClub,whichdonatesto variouslocalorganizationsinneed.
AcrylicArtClass— JoinartistJenellfora fun,freepaint-alongacrylicartclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.Wewill havetwohourstopaintacactus-themed canvas.Allmaterialsareprovided.Free,for ages18-plus.Registrationb egins@10:15 amonFeb.29,andisavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling 302-858-5518(onlineregistrationrecommended.)Youareeligibletoattendthree art/craftclassesperquarter(March-May 2024,)butonlyoneacrylicpaintingclass percalendaryear.Alreadyattendedthree? EnjoyfreeCreativeBugartvideotutorialson yourownathomebyclickingontheCreativeBuglogoonthehomepageofourwebsiteandtypinginyourlibrarycardnumbe r. (Ifyourcardnumberstartswithsomething otherthan33812,visitthelibraryforassistance.)HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 Yarn-WrappedPictureFrame— JoinRachel forafunandeasycraftidealforbeginners
atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Wewillbe makingayarn-wrappedpictureframe.Free, allmaterialsareprovided.Ages18-plus please.Registrationbeginsat2p.m.onFeb. 29,andisavailableat https://southcoa stal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518(onlineregistrationrecommended.)Youareeligibletoattendthree art/craftclassesperquarter(March-May 2024.)HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
MixandMingle— RepublicansforSussexis hostingMixandMingle,aninformalcocktail partycelebratingMarchMadnessatthe SussexCountyAssociationofRealtorsbuildinginGeorgetownfrom6to9p.m.There willbeheavyho rsd’oeuvres,desserts,and beverageswillbeserved.Therewillalsobe acashbarwithassortedwines.Thecostis $35perperson.Makecheckspayableto “RepublicansforSussex”andmailtoRFS, 20890WilKingRoad,Lewes,DE19958. SchoolGala— LighthouseChristianSchool’s FifthAnnualLetThereBeLightGalawillbe
heldatCrossroadCommunityChurchin Georgetown.Doorsopenat5:15p.m.forthe semi-formalevent.Ticketscost$50each,at lighthousechristianschool. com.Therewillbe dinner,entertainmentbyaChristianband, ChristianventriliquistKenHuff,liveand silentauctions,rafflesanddoorprizes.
YourVegetableGarden— JoinSouth CoastalLibraryforafreelectureongetting startedwithavegetablegardenat10a.m. Learntheimportanceofsoilprep,croprotation,timing,andcaretomaximizeyour2024 food-growingefforts.CatherineWinklerof RootsLandscapingwillshare20-plusyears ofvegetableandherbgarde ningexperience. Registrationisencouragedandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930
JigsawPuzzleMake&Swap— JoinSouth CoastalLibraryat2p.m.forsomerelaxing puzzletime.Theywillhavethreetablesset upfrom2–4p.m.withvaryingdifficultylevelsofjigsawpuzzles(350pieces,500 pieces,and1000pieces) .Meetotherjigsaw
puzzleenthusiastsinyourcommunityand helpuspiecethesepuzzlestogether.Kristin willalsotellyouhowtoborrowpuzzles throughtheDelawareLibraryCatalog.Bring uptotwopuzzlestoswapwithothers— puzzlesshouldhavealloftheirpieces,bein goodcondition,andboxesshouldnotbe taped.Forages13-plus.Registrationisencouragedandavailableatwww.southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302) 858-5518.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.
HealthandFitness— The6thAnnual Health-Fitness&LeisureExpowillbeheldat CapeHenlopenHighfrom9a.m.to4p.m. Therewillbemorethan80exhibitorsofferingafullarrayofhealth,fitness,leisureand homeproductsandservices.Forexhibitor information,contactKathyatDelawareResortsExposat(302)236-0857oremailher atkathy@deexpos.com.
Remembering CarolWayne EllieSchaeffer
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 29
CarolWayne & Ellie Schaeffer FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS Special Friends & Associates Vickie York at the Beach Realty
FriedChicken— TheBishopville(Md.)VolunteerFireDepartmentAuxiliarywillbe holdingafriedchickencarryoutatthemain stationfromnoonto2p.m.Themealincludesahalfachicken,Frenchfries,cole slawandaroll,for$15.Topre-order,call (619)922-9950byMarch6.
Pop-UpBookSale— StopbySouthCoastal Libraryat10a.m.foratwo-hourpop-up booksale!Findgreatbooksforgreatprices! Previousbestsellers,cookbooks,beach reads,children'smaterials&m ore!SponsoredbytheFriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary.Helpsupportyourlocallibrary!South CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
LEGOClub— Letyourchild'simaginationrun wildatLEGOClubatSouthCoastalLibrary at11a.m.!Eachtimewemeet,we'llfocus onanewtheme,andLEGOsareprovided. Free,forages6-10years.Registrationis encouragedandavailableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)8585518.Walk-insareac ceptedifspaceallows. Parentsdonotneedtoregisterbutmustaccompanytheirchild.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
HealthScreenings— LifeLineScreeningis offeringaffordablehealthscreeningsat BethanyBeachOceanSuites.Screenings cancheckforplaqueinarteries,HDLand LDLcholesterollevels,diabetesrisk,kidney andthyroidfunction,andmore.Freeparking
isalsoavailable.Specialpackagingstar tsat $159,butconsultantswillworkwithyouto createapackagethatisrightforyou.Preregistrationisrequired.Toregister,orfor moreinformation,call(877)237-1287or visitlifelinescreening.com.
Let’sTalkBooks— JoinSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.forafuninformalbookclub! Sharewithotherswhatyouarecurrently reading,anybookrecommendations,and hearfromothersaboutbookstheyhave read.Lightsnacksprovided.Ages18+.Registrationisencou ragedandavailableat www.southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
Women’sHistoryMonthTrivia— Join SouthCoastalLibraryat4:30p.m.forafun andfreegameoftriviawithawomen'shistorymonththeme.Bringateamoffriends, enjoylightsnacks,andlearnabouttheimportantsuccessesandcontributionsofU.S. womenoverthedecades.Therewillbethree roundsoftrivia,with smallprizesineach roundforthewinningteam.Thistriviaispart oftheSussexLibrary'sTriviaAdventureProgram.Attendalleighttrivianightsatselect librariesaroundthecountytobeentered intothegrandprizedrawing!GrandPrize: TwoticketstoLongwoodGardensinPennsylvania!Registrationisencouragedand availableatwww.southcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling(302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE1993 0
DiversityBookClub— TheCoastalGeorgetownAAUWDiversityBookClubismeeting
attheLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoon. TheywilldiscussBarbaraKingsolver’s “DemonCopperhead.”
IntrotoNewspapers.com— TheSouth CoastalLibrarynowsubscribestoNewspapers.combyAncestry,soyoucanaccessa tonofonlinenewspapersfromyearsgoneby forfree!Greatforgenealogicalresearchor historybuffs!We'llshowyouhowtouseitin thisclassatthelibraryat10a .m.Attendin personorviaZoom.Registrationisrequired andavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsisting offluid,slow,gentlemovements.Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor HealthInstituteandCo-DirectoroftheSilver Lo tusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevel TaiChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2 p.m.Participantsshouldbeabletoattendall sessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseach sessionbuildsonwhatwaslearnedinthe previousone.Intheinterestoffairness, thosewhohavepreviouslytakenaTaiChifor Health&BalanceSeriesarenoteligible. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalli ng (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.! Childrenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5-plus. Mustcall(302)858-5518toregister.Hosted bytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 https://southcoa stal.lib.de.us
SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m.Singlesand couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-4448,or emailbarbcroos@gmail.com.
FeelingsRock!— FeelingsRockisamusic, movement,andmoreprogramdesignedto helpchildrenunderage5andtheirfamilies workthrougheverydayemotions,atSouth Coast alLibraryat10:30a.m.!Free,noregistrationrequired,butparents/caregivers mustaccompanychildren.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930https://southcoastal.lib.de.us
TrueCrimeClub— Shareyourtheories, knowledge,andmemoriesoftruecrime caseswithfellowtruecrimeenthusiastsat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.!Ateach meeting,theclubwillexploreaparticular truecrimecase.Thismonth,we’lldiscuss thedi sappearanceofNataleeHolloway.Recommendedread(notrequired):Aruba:The TragicUntoldStoryofNataleeHollowayAnd CorruptioninParadisebyDaveHolloway. Free,in-persononly,forages18-plus.Registrationisencouragedandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.Walk-insacceptedifspace allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
SouthCoastalGenealogyGroup— This monthlygroupmeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.isforgenealogyenthusiastsofallskilllevels.Learngenealogy resources,tricks,andmethodsfromeach otherinawelcomingenvironmentwhile meetingothersandconversingaboutcurrent
see! Being sold as is. Inspections would be for information only. DESU2049952
30 CoastalPoint February23,2024
1976 TanseyWarner.com • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting 2024 Rental Listings for Vacation Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! Blackwater Village is a short drive to Bethany Beach there are no town taxes and the HOA fees are only $120.00 per year. This is a rare find, 3000 square ft. house on 1 / 2 acre lot, with four BRs, an office with built-in oak cabinets and two BRs and bath on the main floor along with a kitchen dining area and a step down family room with a wood burning stove which leads to a spacious screened porch. Kitchen features granite countertops, cherry cabinets, pantry, SS refrigerator, microwave and stove. Floored attic for additional storage space. Outside features a level double lot with a large storage shed / workshop with electric and 2 additional sheds. The backyard is fenced on three sides. You can store your boat or camper on your lot. Just down the street is the community fishing pier and kayak launch. A must
34037 Shawnee Dr • $395,000 ACTIVE - UNDER CONTRACT LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: jaynesreliable@gmail.com OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Basic Obedience Dog Training AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497 K10DogTraining.com Schedule Soon & Save Up to $2000! Cooling or Heating System Tune Up on a New Cooling and Heating System with our Buy Back Program! $49 SAVE UP TO $2000 Price valid for one working unit. Excludes oil fired systems. Valid at participating ARS Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 3/31/2024 License numbers available at americanresidential.com/licenses Savings requires purchase and installation of select complete heating and cooling system. Removal and disposal by Company of existing heating and cooling system required. Valid at participating ARS® Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 3/31/2024 License numbers available at americanresidential.com/licenses Keep Your Family Warm This Winter Call today! (855) 428-5908 Calendar Continuedfrompage29 SeeCALENDARpage33
GalleryOnethisweekannouncedits Marchshow,“SoftEdges,”opentothe publicFeb.28throughMarch26.
“Theterms‘hardedges’and‘soft edges’areusedtodescribetwodifferent waysinwhichobjectscanbepainted.A hardedgeisthetermusedwhenthe edgeofanobjectispaintedinadefinite way.There’sastrongsenseofwherethe objectends.Asoftedgeiswhenitis paintedsothatitdisappearsorfades intothebackground.Typically,hard edgesadvance,andsoftedgesrecede.A thirdtypeofedgeis‘lost’edges—they aresoftedgesonsteroids,so‘soft’that youcannotdistinguishbetweenwhere oneshapestops,andtheadjacentone begins,”organizersdescribed.
ArtistCindyBeyer’swatercolor painting“PurplePeoplePleasers”incorporatesallthoseelements.Crisply paintedgreenstemspopfromthe brightlybacklitbackground,surrounded byanexplosionofpurplevibrance ebbingandflowingdramatically.
“Watercoloristheperfectmedium forourtheme‘SoftEdges.’Itistheonly paintthathasalifeofitsown,where thereiswater,itflows(withalittlefrom me).”
Softandhardedgesnaturallyoccur inthelandscape,andforapainter,utilizingthemcanhelptocreatedepthand atmosphere.ArtistsDaleSheldonand LauraHickmanincorporatedfoginto theirpaintingstoaddanelementof moodandambiencetotheirpaintings.
InHickman’spastel“SunandFog,” themorningfogisliftingfromthefield and catchingthegoldenraysoftherisingsun.Thepieceisfullofatmospheric softedges.whicharesuitedtothe mediumofpastel.
InDaleSheldon’sacrylic“Fogand Mist,”lightfoghangsoverthewetlands, softeningtheedgesandshadesofdistanttreesandgrasses,creatingapeacefulscene.
In“Meditation,”CherylWisbrock’s, acrylicpainting,everythingseemsto meltintothehorizonastheedgesare softenedbytheharshsun.Thedistance and middlegroundbecomesomewhat blurry,butthiscreatesclaritywherethe grassesmeetthecoolerwaterandthe blueskyisreflectedvibrantlyinthe water.“Thecompositionbecomessoft andunstructured,almostmeditative.”
InMarybethPatterson’soil“Soft Sails,”interestiscreatedbycontrasting thesharplinesoftheboatsandsails withthesoftnessofthecloudsandthe
CoastalPoint•Submitted GalleryOneissettohostit’sMarch show,‘SoftEdges.’Theshowwillfeature worksofartlikeCindyBeyer’swatercolor‘PurplePeoplePleasers,’above, andMaryBoydByrd’sacrylic,‘Traffic Pattern.’
shorelineinthebackground,andeven withthetonesinthewaterandwithin themoreprominentwhiteboatitself.
L esleyMcCaskill’sacrylic“Gliding OverthePond”utilizesthesoft-edge techniquetocreatethebeautyofthe heron’ssoftwhitefeatherscatchingthe sunlightonabrightday.
“Edgesorchestratehowtheviewer’s eyemovesthroughapainting,”organizersnoted.“Controltheedgesandyou controlthismovement.Edgesalsohelp toidentifytheareasofapaintingthat theartistwantstoemphasize,andthe secondarysupportingareasaswell.This canbeapowerfultooltoreinforcethe stor yapainterwishestoconvey—par-
ticularlyinanabstractpainting,where thenarrativecanbemoresubtleand subjective.”
InartistEileenOlson’sacrylicpainting“OdetoJoy,”anexplosionofnature’scolorsinspringinspiredOlsonto paintthismosaic-likeabstractinallits glory.
“Winteriswonderful,butspring bringsrejuvenationtomysoul,”she said.
InMaryBodeByrd’sacrylic“Traffic Pattern,”softedgesrevealtheplayof blackagainstgoldandivory.
GalleryOneisopendaily10a.m.to 4p.m.
February23,2024 Page31
Ed Sessa
Alumniseeknominations for2023-24IRHS HallofFame
Doyouknowsomeonewhohas doneextraordinarythingsforthecommunityandtheworld?Didthatperson graduatefromIndianRiverHigh School?Whynotacknowledgethem andgivethemagifttheywillnotexpect bynominatingthemfortheHallof Fame?TheIRHSHallofFamecontinuestohonoralumniwhomakeoutstandingachievementsinthis communityandworld.
ThenominationdeadlineisFriday, March1,forthe2023-24HallofFame induction.Theselectioncommitteeis lookingforgraduateswhoshowgreat character,citizenshipandleadershipand whohavemadesignificantcontributionsintheirfieldandcommunity.The nomineemusthavegraduatedfromIndianRiverHighSchoolatleast10years priortothenomination.Thecandidates willbeevaluatedonachievementsand recognitionintheirchosenfields(inthe local,state,nationalorinternationalarenas).
Today’sstudentsarefollowingin greatfootsteps.Previousinducteesincludeeducators,legislators,artists,civic leaders,athletes,firstrespondersand more.They’vecomefromasnearas DagsboroandasfarasTexasand Michigan.Theidealcandidatewouldbe consideredarolemodelwhoselifeand workwillinspireIRHSstudentsinthe pursuitofexcellence.Nominationforms canbedownloadedat www.IRHSAlumni.com.Submissions includethenominationpaperwork,plus asecondrecommendationletterfrom another individual.Lateapplications willnotbeaccepted.Nominationswill becarefullyconsideredbyanimpartial selectioncommittee.
Thewinnerswillberecognizedwith anawardplaqueataspecialeventin 2024.
Thenominationandinduction processisfacilitatedbytheIndianRiver HighSchoolAlumniAssociation.The nonprofitgroupformedin2012toconnectalumni,whilesupportingandpromotingIRHS.IndianRiverHigh SchoolAlumniAssociationmeets monthlyandalwayswelcomesnew members.Visitwww.IRHSAlumni.com formoreinformation.
FuccinamedtoMontclair StateUniversityFall 2023Dean’sList
MontclairStateUniversityofficials recentlycongratulatedKiraFucciof MillsboroonbeingnamedtotheFall 2023Dean’sList.Fucciisalinguistics major.
Fucciwasamongmorethan6,000 RedHawksnamedtotheFall2023 Dean’sList.Toqualify,studentsmust earnaGPAof3.5orhigher.
32 CoastalPoint February23,2024 S FREE BOOZE By
ACROSS 1 God often depicted in a helmet 5 “Gracias a la vida” singer Mercedes 9 Fire sign 14 Marble piece 18 Lopsided win 19 K-12 appropriate 20 Dust-up 21 Fuel 22 Air freshener in the monkey house? 25 Artist Matisse 26 Secondhand music purchase 27 Boxer Laila 28 “__ you see that!?” 29 “Game of Thrones” beast 30 D or C, in D.C. 31 Ready to take reservations? 34 IJBOL equivalent 36 Jiffy 37 Before now 38 Pink shade 42 Strange 45 Doohickey 48 College focus 53 Container for firecracker flowers? 56 Fun time 57 Jiffy __ 58 Pest in a cloud 59 The Mel-Tones lead singer 60 Rooked 61 Add yeast to 63 Broken mirror, for some 65 Better than expected, except on the links 68 Storm center 69 Jump-start? show, for short 75 Hunter-gatherer period 76 Low bar? 81 White Claw container 82 __ seas 85 Pelvic bones 86 With the bow, in music 87 One hanging around a cave 88 Apparel for linksbabies? 90 Used the oven 92 Mushroom in miso soup 94 __ Jima 95 Edition 96 Actress Thurman 100 Brynner of “The King and I” 102 (Soup or salad) and (chicken or fish), e.g.? 110 Ready for fresh paint 115 Smithy fixtures 116 Co. interested in net neutrality 117 Potassium-rich fruit 118 Patti who won a Tony as Evita 119 French royal the ride for you!”? 123 Took some courses 124 Sports venue 125 “Power Book III: Raising Kanan” actor Omar 126 Big barrel 128 __ longlegs 129 Sports figure 130 Bishoprics DOWN 1 “Identical Twins” photographer Diane 2 Use the oven 3 Campfire remnant 4 Fine English china 5 Phrase on a mailing label 6 Hardly fresh 7 Harvest bundle 8 Remoulade kin 9 “All seats taken” sign 10 “The Sea, the Sea” novelist 11 Studio sign 12 “Yes and no” 13 Doc with a tongue depressor 14 Tuna cut 15 Sound heard in libraries? 16 Ohio tire city 17 Person 21 Psychedelic fungus, casually 23 Spots on a peacock feather 24 Morse clicks 29 Fetch player 32 Swanky do 33 Luggage 35 Access, as a network 38 Legendary NYC punk club 39 Actress Chaplin 40 Reason for a detour 41 “Are not!” retort 43 TiVo, for one 44 Power generator 46 “__ it my all” 47 Four-time presidential candidate Ralph 49 __ mode 50 Youth 51 Follow directions 52 “The False Mirror” painter Magritte 54 Arms treaty subjects, briefly 55 One who avoids all animal products except fish 60 Words spoken with crossed fingers 61 “__ USA”: NPR program hosted by Maria Hinojosa 62 Environmentalist Brockovich 66 Cranberry field 67 Bobbed hairstyle 70 Like some Peruvian ruins 71 “Terrif!” 72 Glosses over 73 Wound cover 74 Filmmaker Ephron 77 In __ of 78 Cut with a beam 80 “The Last Jedi” pilot Dameron 83 New Haven Ivy Leaguer 84 Armed forces org. 87 Burrito morsel 88 Some image files 89 Soothing massage option 91 Crossed swords 93 Water feature with ornamental fish 97 Some humanities degs. 99 Spat 101 Batting ninth 102 Medieval poets 103 “The Rookie” actress Melissa 104 Ewe-like 105 Like loose-leaf paper 106 Cutlass model 107 Spanish pronoun 108 City in southern France 109 Country in two continents 111 Apple players 112 Julianne of “Still Alice” 113 Follow 114 Judges 120 Josh of “Frozen” 121 Actress Wray 122 Audit pro
projects.Themeetingissetupasadiscussion,however,selectgenealogyresources arealsoshown/demonstratedbymeetingfacilitator.Meetingsareheldeveryother monthonselectFridaysat10:15am(no meetingsinSummer).Free,forages18plus,noregistrationneeded.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930(302)858-5518 https://southcoastal.lib.de.us
ArmchairTraveler:Ireland— SouthCoastal
Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10a.m.,and Improversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.
Al-Anon— Al-Anonisasupportgroupforthe familiesandfriendsofalcoholics.Meetingsare heldeveryTuesday,from7to8:30p.m.,at OceanViewPresbyterianChurch.Formoreinformation,visitovpc.org.
ArgentineTango— TheLewesSeniorActivity CenterishostingArgentineTangoDancingon Tuesdays,from7to9p.m.Adultsofallages arewelcome,andnoexperienceorpartneris required. Thereisa$5fee,butthefirstvisitis free.Enterthroughthebackdoorofthefacility. Formoreinformation,visitthegrouponlineat TangoByTheBeach.com.
GeorgetownWalkers— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostGPLWalkerseveryMondayat9 a.m.ThewalkingclubgoestoSandhillFields fora30-to40-minutewalk,weatherpermitting.ThetrailbeginsattheMurray’sLaneParkinglot,109-199MurraysLane.Formore information,call(302)856-7958,email georgetown.librar y@lib.de.usorvisitthelibrary at123WPineSt.,Georgetown.
Tai-ChiClasses— BethelMethodistChurchis hostingfreeTai-ChiclassesonTuesdaysand Thursdaysfrom10to11a.m.Thisisopento thepublic,andallarewelcome.Organizersdecribedtheclassesas“easy,”andcasualattireis suggested.Formoreinformation,call(302) 519-2984.
Library’sarmchairtra velerprogramsarea funwaytoseephotos,hearstories,andfind outinformationaboutuniquedestinations acrosstheglobefromlibrarystaffandfellow communitymembers,heldat2p.m.Learn aboutwell-knownandlesser-knownattractions,food,andmore!Thismonthwewill hearfromClaireaboutIreland.Freeand opentoages18-plus.Registrationisrequiredandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedif s paceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.
month. Reservationsarerecommended,but walk-insarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(302)440-4866.
NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat delawaresseashorechapter@n eedlepoint.org. CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchandtheGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe churchthesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinformation,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.
RadioOperators— AnyHamradiooperator wantingtomeetandgreetotherscanget togetherattheMillsboroPizzaKingon Thursdaysfrom8to10a .m.TheARRL SectionManagerusuallyattends.Formore information,contactJackMagarat k8uyc80@gmail.com.
PenPalProgram— Thankstoapartnership betweenSouthCoastalLibrary,Kent CountyLibraryandWellingtonCityLibraries,youcannowcommunicatebyletterwithaNewZealander.Thisisafunway tolearnaboutanothercountryandmakea newfriend.Allinternationalpostageis
GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,forafree, one-hourGentleFlowYogaclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,and relaxation.Pleasebringayoga matortowel fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouare unabletogetontotheflooreasily,donot worry,wewillprovidechairs.Thereareop-
delawarelibraries.libcal.com/event/113666 26orcall(302)858-5518.
Bookdiscussion— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostsitsWednesdayMorningBook DiscussiononthefourthWednesdayof everymonthat10:15a.m.InNovember andDecember,however,theywillmeeton thethirdWednesday.November’sbookis “NightoftheLivingRez”byMorganTalty. Booksareavailableforpickupeachmonth atthelibrary.
MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.
RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeasideRailroadClubhouseisaninteractive museumofmodelrailroading,andislocatedat36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville.Theyareopentothepublicevery
tionsforall!Registrationopensat10a.m. onMarch11andisavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE1993 0 Lights,Camera,Crime!— TruecrimeenthusiastsandmovieloversalikearewelcometojoinSouthCoastalLibraryat3:30 p.m.foramovienightsogooditshouldbe criminal!Eachmoviescreeningwillfeature amoviebasedonatruecrimeorwillbea
Wednesdayfrom5to7p.m.,andevery Saturday,from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree.Formoreinformation,visit themonl ineatdelawareseasiderailroadclub.com.
Dinker-IrvinMuseum— TheBethanyBeach MuseumatDinker-IrvinCottageisopento thepubliconSaturdaysfrom11a.m.to1 p.m.Privatetoursareavailablebyappointment.Interestedgroupsof10-15maycall (302)539-8725.Admissiontothemuseum isfree,andparkingisavailableinfrontofthe museum.Themuseumisnothandicap-accessible.Formoreinformation,visitonlineat townofbethanybeach.com,andclickunder “Re sidents/History/TownMuseum.”
CommunityBibleStudy— GraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboroishostinga BibleStudythisfallonWednesdaymornings,startingonSept.6,from10a.m.to noon.Formoreinformation,andtoregister,visitsussexcounty.cbsclass.org.
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 33 Still The Preferred Law Of ce Our Aim Is Client Satisfaction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • steve-parsons.net Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills, Trusts & Estates Corporations & LLCs Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • www.creativeincounters.com Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment
truecrimedocumentary.Lightsnacksprovided.Free,forages18-plus.Registration andfilmtitleareavailableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)8585518.Walk-insareacceptedifspace allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930
iPad&AppleUsersGroup— iPad,iPhone andotherAppledeviceusersofallskill levelsarewelcometoattendthissupport groupatSouthcoastalLibraryat11a.m. User smeettodiscussnewfeatures,share tips,andaskquestions.Attendinpersonor viaZoom.Registrationisrequiredand availableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.us orbyphoneat(302)858-5518.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach, DE.
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learn aboutTaiChiasamind-bodyexercise consistingoffluid,slow,gentlemovements.MarianneWalch,MasterTrainer withtheTaiChiforHealthInstituteand Co-DirectoroftheSilverLot usTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach,Delaware,will leadafreebeginner'slevelTaiChiseries atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessions inthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth &BalanceSeriesarenoteligible.Regis-
trationisrequiredandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycal ling (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppersSquareDanceClubisofferingfree squaredancelessonsattheOceanPines CommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m. Singlesandcouplesarewelcome.For moreinformation,call(908)229-8799or (302)222-4448,oremail barbcroos@gmail.com.
StoryTime— Thisisagreatopportunityto engageyourchildinearlyliteracypracticesas wellasgettoknowotherfamilies inthearea,heldatSouthCoastalLibrary at10:30a.m.Foragesinfant-5.Free, registrationisnotrequired,but parents/caregiversmustaccompanychildren.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930https://southcoastal.lib.de.us
HappyBookersBookClub— JoinRachel atSouthcoastalLibraryat2p.m.fortheir nextHappyBookersmeeting!Thegroup meetsonselectmonthstodiscussachosenbook.B ooksselectedareworksoffictionfromvariousgenresandauthors.This bookclubisnolongerofferedvirtually,insteadwehopetoseeyouin-person!This monthwewillbereading,Counterfeitby KristinChenRegistrationisrequiredand availableathttps://southcoastal.lib.de.us orbyphoneat(302)858-5518.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach, DE.
p.m.,andgiveyoupersonalizedgenealogyassistanceusingU.S.databases. Free,90-minutesession.Registrationis availableatwww.southcoastal.lib.de.us. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAve nue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 CookbookClub— Callingalljuniorchefs ingrades3-5!SouthCoastalLibraryis workingourwaythroughsection641.5 oftheDeweyDecimalsystem(that'sour cookbooksection!)We'lllearnkitchen basicsatthis5p.m.classasweindividuallychoosearecipetocreateand bringtothenextsession(wemeetthe thirdThursdayofeachmonth.)Aswe lookaheadtotastingotherstudent's dishes,we'lllearnhowtheymadethem aswellaswhattheylearne dfromtheir experiencecookingathome.Todaywe willbepresentingbreakfastfoodsand introducinglunchrecipes.Registration isrequiredandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorby phoneat(302)858-5518.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach, DE.
SouthCoastalLibraryat10a.m.fora free,one-hourGentleFlowYogaclass. Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyone lookingforaslowerflowpractice.We willlearnbreathingtechniques,postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,andrelaxation. Pleasebringayogamatortowelfrom home.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyou areunabletogetontotheflooreasily, donotworry,wewillprovidechairs. Thereareo ptionsforall!Registration opensat11:15a.m.onMarch18andis availableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)858-5518.(Onlineregistration recommended!)Walk-insonlyaccepted ifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930
Coloring&CrosswordsClub— Theclub isopentoalladultsfor60minutes,and meetsonthefourthMondayofthe monthatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Relax,color,socializewit hothercommunitymembers,completecrosswords, word-finds,andpuzzles.Free,register athttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling(302)858-5518.Walk-in'sacceptedifspaceallows.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930
Donations will be accepted in the library on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm.
Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!
Monday, February 26
Gentle Yoga Flow 10—11:00 am
Join certified yoga instructor, Sarah Schaber, for a fun, free gentle yoga class.
Coloring & Crosswords for Adults 2—3:00 pm Relax, color, & socialize with other community members. Crosswords, word-finds, & puzzles also available.
Tuesday, February 27
Follow-Along Watercolor with Creative Bug 2—4:00 pm
Join us at the library for a fun, free watercolor followalongclass using Creative Bug!
PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm
Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!
Wednesday, February 28
Time 10:30—11:30 am
Cricut Mug Stickers for Ages 10—17 3—6:30 pm
Decorate the mug you got from the Grab & Go Chocolate Therapy kit with a DIY vinyl sticker using the
Friday, March 1
CrimeSolvers— Areyouatruecrime loveroranaspiringdetective?Join SouthCoastalLibraryat5p. m.fora 105-minutetabletopgamewhereweexamineevidence,witnessstatements, etc.tocooperativelysolvefictionalmurders.Forages14-Adult.Free,allmaterialsprovided.Registrationisavailable athttps://southcoastal.lib.de.usorby calling(302)858-5518Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930
DelawareLiteracy— AAUWishosting “BuildingRelationshipswithRehoboth ArtLeague”atBigFishGrillRehoboth from11a.m.to1:30p.m.Thespeaker isSarahGanter,executivedirector.
One-on-OneGenealogyAssistance— Lookingtotraceyourroots?Notsure howtogetstarted?NancyN.willwalk youthroughgettingstartedwithAncestry.comatSouthCoastalLibraryat2
EstatePlanning&ElderLaw— Attorney KathleenDelacy,instructorwiththe DelawareMoneySchool,willgiveafree, educational90-minutepresentationon howtogetstartedwithestate planning atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Potentialspointsofdiscussioninclude Wills,Trusts,PowerofAttorney, Guardianships,ElderLaw,Medicaidand overallestateplanning.Registrationis encouragedandavailableat https://southcoastal.lib.de.usorbycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insaccepted ifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930
EngineerEarlySTEMKits— TheSouth CoastalLibraryisproudtoofferGrab& GoSTEMKitsforchildrenandtweens courtesyofEngineerEarly.Featuringa uniquethemeeachmonth,March’skit focusesontheupcomingApril8solar eclipse.Kitsarefreeandavailablefor pick-upatthecirculationdeskwhile supplieslast.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930www.southcoastal.lib.de.us(302)858-5518.
GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,at
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learn aboutTaiChiasamind-bodyexercise consistingoffluid,slow,gentlemovements.MarianneWalch,MasterTrainer withtheTaiChiforHealthInstituteand C o-DirectoroftheSilverLotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach,Delaware,will leadafreebeginner'slevelTaiChiseries atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessions inthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth &BalanceSeriesarenoteligible.Registrationisrequiredandavailableat https://south coastal.lib.de.usorbycalling (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveand funwayforkidstogainconfidencein readingaloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat 4p.m.!Childrenreadfor15minutesand maybringtheirownbookiftheywish. Ages5-plus.Mustcall(302)858-5518to register.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBea ch,DE
34 CoastalPoint February23,2024
their families
join us
fun story time at the library!
for a
Grab & Go Craft Kits Youth ages 10—17 can stop by the library to pick up a free craft kit! Kits limited while supplies last. 302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. Learn about another country & make a new friend by signing up for the New Zealand Pen Pal Program! Visit our website or ask a librarian for details. SUPERIOR SCREEN & GLASS FULL SERVICES SCREENS & GLASS Tabletop Glass 30% Discount Ends 2/29 (Mention Ad for Discount) For beauty, quality & comfort that lasts, you can count on Superior Screen & Glass 302-541-5399 • sr@screenandwire.com 1 Town Road, Ocean View, DE
TheLewesPublicLibraryandthe ZwaanendaelMuseumwillwelcome WinnieandTracyLewis,descendants ofFenwickIslandLighthouseKeeper WilliamEdwardPepper,forapresentationaboutthehistoryofthelighthouse onSaturday,Feb.24,at5p.m.atthelibrary,111AdamsAvenueinLewes. Theeventwillalsostreamliveonline viaZoom.
TheFenwickIslandLighthousehad beeninoperationforonlyadecade whenWilliamEdwardPepperwasassignedasanassistantlighthousekeeper in 1869,apositionheheldfor16years. Morethanacenturylater,hisgreatgreat-great-granddaughter,Winnie Lewis,becamepresidentoftheNew
FriendsoftheFenwickIslandLighthouse,dedicatedtomaintainingand preservingtheiconiclandmark.
WinnieLewiswillbejoinedbyher daughterTracyforthediscussion,the lastinstallmentinthe“HistoryRevival: CoastalChronicles”eventseries.The serieswascreatedthroughapartnership betweentheLewesLibraryandthe ZwaanendaelMuseumtobring Delaware’smaritimehistorytolifewith lectures,musicandhistoricaltheater performances.
Registrationisrequired.Visit lewes.lib.de.usorcallthelibraryat (302)645-2733.Atregistration,participantswillbeaskedtoselectin-person orvirtualattendance.
302-537-8304 Email: info@deatlanticelevator.com Dagsboro, DE deatlanticelevator.com February23,2024 CoastalPoint 35 Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Open 7 Days! 7am-5pm Unique Toys & Games You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! The Kisa Cafe Home of Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[www.brainbashers.com]
Afuneralservicewillbeheldat 11a.m.onTuesday,Feb.27,2024,at theWatsonFuneralHome,211S. WashingtonSt.,Millsboro,Del., wheretheviewingwillbeginat10 a.m.Intermentwillfollowatthe MillsboroCemetery,360E.State StreetinMillsboro.Inlieuofflowers,memorialdonationsmaybe madetoDelawareHospice,100PatriotsWay,Milford,DE19963.CondolencesmaybeleftonHudson’slife memorialwebpageatwww.watsonfh.com,orthefamilysuggests plantingatreeinhermemory.
RobertJoseph“Bob”Kemp,59,of OceanView,Del.,passedawaypeacefullyathishomeonTuesday,Feb.13, 2024,afteravaliantbattlewithcancer. BornonDec.22,1964,atGeorgetown HospitalinWashington,D.C.,hewas thesonofJoanC.Kempandthelate JosephM.Kemp.
SchoolinHyattsville,Md.,andgraduatedwithadegreeinchemicalengineeringfromtheUniversityof Mar yland,wherehewasalsothepresidentoftheuniversity’schapterofthe AmericanInstituteofChemicalEngineers.HethenrelocatedtoCalifornia topursuehisdreamofacareerinacting.Duringhistimethere,hestudied musicaltheateranddanceatthe AmericanConservatoryTheater,and starredinanumberofperformancesin SanFranciscoandLosAngeles,includingastintonthehitseries“Baywatch.”Mostimportantly,hemadea numberoflifelongfriendsalongthe waywhosecompanionshiphecherished.
Hisjourneyeventuallybroughthim backtotheEastCoast,wherehecontinuedhisactingcareeratDickens ParlourTheatre.Healsostarredintelevisionandradiocommercialsforthe cardealershipforwhichheworked.In doingso,hebecamealocalcelebrity, recognizedwhereverhewentforhis signature“Guaranteed!”tagline.
Mostofall,though,hewillberememberedforhiseasysmile,contagiouslaugh,zestforlifeandincredible sense ofhumor.Hewasdevotedtohis
familyandfriends,nevermissingan opportunitytoshowkindnessorcompassiontoanother.Hewasthebrightestlightinanyroomheenteredand madethosearoundhimfeelimmediatelyatease.Hetrulynevermeta stranger,andwillbemissedbyallwho knewandlovedhim.
Kempwasprecededindeathbyhis father,Joseph.Heissurvivedbyhis belovedmother,Joan;hisbrothers Steve(andhiswife,Pam),Joe,Mike (and hiswife,Wanda);andhissister Cathy.Heisalsosurvivedbyeight niecesandnephews;eightgreat-nieces and-nephews;andcountlessfriends.
Visitorsweretobereceivedon Tuesday,Feb.20,atMelson’sFuneral HomeinOceanView,Del.,andon Wednesday,Feb.21,2024,atOur LadyofGuadalupeChurchnear Frankford,Del.AFuneralMassof ChristianBurialwastofollowaton Wednesday,Feb.21,2024,withintermentimmediatelyaftertheMass,at GateofHeavenCemeteryinDagsboro,Del.ACelebrationofLifereceptionwastobeheldafterwardat CrippleCreekGolf&CountryClub nearDagsboro.Inlieuofflowers,the familyrequestedthatcontributions
maybemadeinKemp’smemorytoSt. JudeChildren’sResearchHospitalby visiting,www.stjude.org.Condolences canbemadebyvisitingwww.melsonfuneralservices.com.
JohnVandergriftKinsleyJr.graduatedtoheavenonFeb.14,2024,at homeinSeaford,Del.,surroundedby his family,afterahard-foughtbattle withlymphoma.Hewas77.Thesonof JohnandIolaBardsleyKinsley,hewas borninPhiladelphiain1946.Hegrew upinNewtownSquarebeforemoving withhisparentstoFlorida.
DuringtheVietnamWar,heserved intheU.S.NavyaboardtheU.S.S.Vulcan,stationedinNorfolk,Va.In1967, hemarriedCarolJeanThompsonin RoyalOak,Md.KinsleybecameaprofessionalfirefighterinLantana,Fla.,in 1970andbecameoneofthefirstnationallyregisteredparamedics.Hecontinuedtoworkasanelectricianon off-dutydays.
In1980,theKinsleysmovedto TilghmanIsland,Md,whereKinsley builtahomenexttohisparents’house, doingalmostalltheworkhimself.He openedanelectricalcontractingbusinessandlaterwasaparamedicatFort Meade,Md.
In1990,Kinsleybecameoneofthe firstparamedicsinSussexCounty,Del., relocatedtoSeafordandhelpedbuild thecounty’sEmergencyMedicalServices. Heretiredin2008asdivision manager.
Hewasrememberedasagenerous andtalentedmanwhowasabletofinda solution,onestepatatime,forany problemexceptthediseasethattookhis life.
Kinsleywasprecededindeathbyhis parentsandbyaninfantsister,Diane. Heissurvivedbyhiswife,Carol;ason, JohnV.KinsleyIIIanddaughter-inlove,DianaKinsley;adaughter,ElisabethK.“Lisa”Wileandson-in-love AndyWile;fivegrandchildren,Vaughn W illenberger,MatthewRitter,Evan andErikKinsley,andAbigailWile;and fourgreat-grandchildren.
36 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000 Obits Continuedfrompage22 SeeOBITSpage37 Get the news with a local perspective! Find it each week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY In print every Friday and online 24/7 at www.coastalpoint.com
AcelebrationofKinsley’slifewasto beheldatCrossroadCommunity Church,20684StateForestRoad, Georgetown,Del.,onMonday,Feb.19, 2024.Intermentwillbeheldlater,at SpringHillCemeteryinWagram,N.C. Inlieuofflowers,donationsmaybe madetoFirefighterCancerSupport (firefightercancersupport.org),St.Jude Children’sResearchHospitalorthe TunneltoTowersFoundation.Kinsley’s lifememorialwebpageisatwww.watsonfh.com.
Kathleen‘Kat’ MurraySimpson,59
Kathleen“Kat”MurraySimpson, 59,ofSelbyville,Del.,beloved daughter,mother,wife,sister,aunt andfriend,passedawayonThursday,
Feb.15,2024,inthecompanyof lovedones.BornOct.26,1964,to CarolynMurrayHudsonandDonald Hudson,andalsoknownas“Bean” and“KK,”shegrewupontheEasternShoreofMaryland,withfour siblings.
ShegraduatedfromSalisbury StateUniversitywithbothherundergraduateandmaster’sdegreesin education,andtaughtatShowellElementaryandBerlinIntermediate schools.ShemetJaySimpsonat StephenDecaturHighSchoolin Berlin,Md.,andtheymarriedin 1989atSalemUnitedMethodist ChurchinSelbyville.Theyhadtwo children,JoshuaDonaldandAbigail Kathleen.Shehomeschooledher childrenanddidsowellthatthey’re nowpursuingmaster’sanddoctorate degrees.
Simpsonservedherchurch, CoastalCommunityChurchin
Berlin,andvariouslocalchurches throughteachingvacationBible school,leadingkids’groups,participatinginBiblestudiesandinmany otherbehind-the-scenesways.
Shelovedtheoutdoors.Shegrew berriesinherbackyard,couldtell youthenameofanyflowerorplant, lovedspendingtimeinFenwickIsland,Del.,andwasamemberofthe DelawareBeekeepersAssociation. Herlovedonesrememberherasthe onewhoalwaysaddedasparkto familygatherings,madethebest desserts,putonafreshpotofcoffee forvisitorswhodroppedby,andwas alwaysinthemiddleofanewcraft, projectorrecipe.
Shewillbemissedgreatlybyher familyandfriends.
Simpsonissurvivedbyher mother,CarolynHudson;herhusband,Jay;herchildren,Joshuaand Abigail;hersiblings,DavidHudson,
MarkHudson,CynthiaTurnerand SusanZimm;andmanyniecesand nephews.Shelovedherfamilyand herLord.
Afuneralservicewillbeheldat noononSaturday,Feb.24,2024,at CoastalCommunityChurch,10900 OceanGateway,Berlin,Md.,wherea visitationwillbeheldfrom10a.m. tonoon.TheburialservicewillfollowatRedmen’sCemetery,59-65 CemeteryRoad,Selbyville,Del.The reception,followingtheburial,will beattheSelbyvilleVolunteerFire Companyfirehall,30NMain Street,Selbyville.Inlieuofflowers, donationsinSimpson’smemorymay bemadetoCoastalCommunity ChurchortoLivingStonesChurch inSalisbury,Md.Condolencesmay besenttothefamilyorbyvisiting www.bishophastingsfh.com.
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Fire Country (6) WBOC 9 p.m.
Midway through his five-year prison sentence, Bode Donovan (Max Thieriot) still wants to prove himself in the prison’s firefighting program. His dedication and courage put him on a fast track to setting things right and making his town forget his past.
20/20 (7) WMDT 9 p.m.
An award-winning program and a staple for the network, this series features unforgettable, character-driven true crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high-profile stories.
Where Is Wendy Williams? (22) LIFE 8 p.m.
All she ever wanted was to be famous. And for a very long time, she was. This two-part documentary follows radio and television host Wendy Williams over the past two years as she navigates health issues, career setbacks and financial guardianship.
NBA Basketball (7) WMDT 8:30 p.m.
It’s finally a match-up that is worth paying attention to as Jayson Tatum and the red-hot Boston Celtics travel to Madison Square Garden to take on OG Anunoby and the New York Knicks. Both teams are looking to rule the Eastern Conference.
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live (60) AMC 9 p.m.
Set after the conclusion of “The Walking Dead,” this series premiere sees Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira) attempt to find each other in a world that will never be the same. Pollyanna McIntosh returns as Jadis Stokes.
CSI: Vegas (6) WBOC 10 p.m.
With the entire existence of the crime lab at stake, a brilliant team of first-class forensic investigators are joined by old friends to combat this threat. Moreover, they must balance this threat with serving the citizens of Sin City.
Fisher's Modern "Space for Murder" (:35) Freddie Mercury Guests Queen (:05) MPT by Request (19) TNT (4:15) < Star Wars: Empire Str <+++ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi ('83)Harrison Ford,Carrie Fisher,Mark Hamill. All Elite Wrestling (N) < Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (21) FX (4:30) <+++ Cars ('06) <++ Cars 2 ('11) Voices of Larry the Cable Guy,Owen Wilson. <++ Cars 3 ('17)Voices of Cristela Alonzo, Armie Hammer,Owen Wilson. (22) LIFE < Keyshia Cole: This Is My Story ('23) Debbi Morgan, < Wendy Williams: The Movie ('21)Ciera Payton. (:05) Wendy Williams: What a Mess!
(23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 "Brothers Down" The First 48 "The Invitation" The First 48 The First 48 "Senior Year" (:05) The First 48
(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Steam Room Episode 13 (N) Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28) ESPN SportsCenter NBA (N) NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Philadelphia 76ers(N)(Live) (:05) NBA Basketball
(29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live Gymnastics LSU at Florida (N) (Live) College Basketball Duquesne at Fordham(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live)
(33) GOLF (4:00) PGA Tour Golf Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Mexico Open, Second Round LPGA Tour Golf
(41) HGTV Married to Real Estate Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters (N) Hunters Dream HomeDream Home (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners (N) Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush (N) (:10) Hustlers Gamblers (N) (:10) Gold Rush-Res. (:10) Gold Rush-Res. (45) HIST (5:00) Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) (:05) Proof-There (N) (:05) Ancient Aliens
(46) ANPL Wardens "Fire in the Hole" Wardens of the North Wardens "Adult Skip Day!" Wardens of the NorthWardens of the North Wardens of the North (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City <+++ Up ('09)Ed Asner. (:45) Kiff (:10) Kiff (:35) Kiff Big CityBig City (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ The Perfect Storm George Clooney. <++++ The Shawshank Redemption ('94)Morgan Freeman,Bob Gunton,Tim Robbins. <+++ Cast Away (61) BRAV Summer House <+++ The Blind Side ('09) Tim McGraw,Quinton Aaron,Sandra Bullock. <+++ The Blind Side ('09) Tim McGraw,Sandra Bullock. (69) WTXF The Six (N) Special Extra (N) TMZ (N) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) News (N) Special (N) News (N) Phantastic
(3) CW (5:30) Basketball Virginia Tech at Pittsburgh (:45) College Basketball Florida State at Clemson(N)(Live) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) < Glory (5) FOX (4:30) MLS Soccer Hoops Tip-Off (N) (Live) College Basketball Villanova at Connecticut(N)(Live) WBOC NewsFriends The Floor
(6) WBOC Inside Ed. (N) CBS News News (N) Outdoors So Help Me Todd 48 Hours 48 Hours (N) News (N) Outdoors (7) WMDT News (N) World News Wise Money Family Feud NBA (N) NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at New York Knicks(N)(Live) News (N) (:35) Outdoors (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News HBCU Bands (N) The Wall "Monet and Kevyn" Weakest Link Saturday Night LiveNews (N) SNL (N) (12) WCPB (5:00) Orbison Roy Orbison The All New Rock, Pop and Doo Wop Chic Featuring Nile Rodgers Jazz a VienneRequest (19) TNT (4:45) <+++ American Gangster ('07) Denzel Washington. All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) <+++ Black Panther ('18) Chadwick Boseman. (21) FX (5:00) <+++ Captain America: The Winter Soldier ('14) <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy ('14)Zoe Saldana,Chris Pratt. <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy ('14) (22) LIFE Wendy Williams: What a Mess! Where Is Wendy Williams? (N)(P) (:05) W. Williams (:05) W. Williams (23) A&E First 48 "Cold Light of Day" The First 48 The First 48 First 48 "House of Cards" The First 48 "Bad Cinderella" (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside JokesImp. JokersInside Jokes AmericanAmerican (28) ESPN College Basketball Texas at Kansas (N) (Live) College Basketball Texas A&M at Tennessee(N)(Live) College Basketball Teams TBA (N) (29) ESPN2 College Basketball Teams TBA (N) (Live) Basketball Washington State at Arizona State(N)(Live) College Basketball USC at UCLA (N)(Live) (33) GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Mexico Open, Third Round LPGA Tour Golf (41) HGTV Bargain "The Future House" Hunters Hunters HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Naked and Afraid XL "Legendary Fail" Naked and Afraid XL "Careful What You Fish For" Naked and Afraid XL "You Left Us to Rot" (45) HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained "Lost Cities" The UnXplained UnXplained "Evil Places" (:05) The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (46) ANPL North Woods Law North-Law "Moose Mania" North-Law "Off Roadin'" North-Law "Gun Country" North-Law "On Thin Ice" North-Law "Maine Freeze" (48) DISN Big City Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! <+++ Encanto ('21)Stephanie Beatriz. (:45) Marvel's (:10) Marvel's (:35) Marvel's Hamster &Hamster & (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <++++ The Shawshank Redemption ('94) <+++ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 ('14)Jennifer Lawrence. < The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 (61) BRAV (5:00) <+++ Bridesmaids ('11) Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig. <+++ Bridesmaids ('11)Maya Rudolph,Rose Byrne,Kristen Wiig. <+++ Easy A ('10) (69) WTXF (4:30) MLS Soccer Hoops Tip-Off (N) (Live) College Basketball Villanova at Connecticut(N)(Live) The 10 O'Clock News (N) The Floor
FEBRUARY 25, 2024
6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3) CW Family Guy Family Guy <+++ Hidden Figures ('16) Octavia Spencer,Janelle Monae,Taraji P. Henson. 47ABC NEWSGood Dr "New Beginnings" WOW (N) (5) FOX (3:00) NASCAR Outdoors Next Level "Auditions -- Pros" Simpsons (N) KrapopolisThe-North (N) GrimsburgWBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News 60 Minutes (N) Equalizer "Full Throttle"(N) Tracker "Springland"(N) CSI: Vegas "Scar Tissue" (N) News at 11The Rookie (7) WMDT News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos (N) American Idol "702 (Auditions)"(N) What Would You Do? (N) News (N) (:35) FamFeud (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News America's Got Talent: Fantasy League "Finale Results" Dateline NBC News (N) 11 News (N) (12) WCPB (5:00) Gospel Johnny Mathis -- Wonderful! Wonderful!Grantchester Grantchester MPT by Request (19) TNT (3:30) NHLHoc Post-Game <+++ Black Panther ('18) Michael B. Jordan,Lupita Nyong'o,Chadwick Boseman. <+++ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ('16)Felicity Jones. (21) FX (4:30) <++ Eternals ('21) Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie. <++ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ('22)Benedict Cumberbatch. < Doctor Strange in the Multi (22) LIFE W. Williams "I'm Not a Crier" Where Is Wendy Williams? Where Is Wendy Williams? "I Love Being Famous; I Am Gorgeous"(N)(F) (:35) W. Williams "I Am Gorgeous" (23) A&E WWE Rivals WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Biography: WWE Legends "Randy Orton"(N)(SP) (:05) WWE Rivals
(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28) ESPN NBA Countdown NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Golden State Warriors(N)(Live)
(46) ANPL Lone Star "Shrimp and Run" Lone Star Law "Rattled" Wardens of the NorthWardens of the North (N) Lone Star "Hunter Games" Lone Star "Blood Evidence" (48) DISN Big City Kiff Kiff Kiff <+++ Coco ('17)Anthony Gonzalez. (:50) Kiff (:20) Kiff (:55) LEGO (:25) LEGO (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half Men SeinfeldSeinfeld (60) AMC (:55) <+++ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire ('13) Josh Hutcherson,Jennifer Lawrence. Dead "Years"(N)(P) (:20) The Walking Dead: "Years" (:40) Dead (61) BRAV Medicine "Golf Cart Girls" Housewives/Potomac Housewives/Potomac (N) Medicine "The Med Gala"(N) Watch WhatHousewives/PotomacMedicine (69) WTXF (3:00) NASCAR ClassH Next Level "Auditions -- Pros" Simpsons (N)
Best Bets Bethany FRIDAYEVENING FEBRUARY 23, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Penn "Game of Drones"(N) Funny KidsAnimals (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) S.W.A.T. "Peace Talks"(N) Fire Country (N) Blue Bloods (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (N) Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Password Dateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State (N) Artworks Ms.
Bethany SATURDAYEVENING FEBRUARY 24, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
NBA Basketball Sacramento Kings at Los Angeles Clippers(N)(Live)
ESPN2 UFC Unleashed Why Not Us Why Not Us Why Not UsWhy Not UsE60 ShortsRed Bull Heavy Metal (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Mexico Open, Final RoundFrom Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. (41) HGTV Home Town Home Town "Homecoming" Home Town (N) Home Town (N) Small Town /(:05) Fixer to (:05) Fixer to Fabulous
FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Tournament "First Round Battles Heat Up"(N) Bobby's Triple Threat Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Naked and Afraid "Death by Crocodile" (N) Naked and Afraid "There Will Be Blood"(N) Afraid "Lord of the Rats" Afraid "King of the Forest"
HIST Built America Built America Built America "Beer Run" Built America (N)(SP) (:05) America "Pasta Party" (:05) Built America
KrapopolisThe-North (N) GrimsburgThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Extra (N) Bethany MONDAYEVENING FEBRUARY 26, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Ride "Your Cheatin' Heart" Wild Cards "Dead of Night" 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Wanted "Episode 6"(N)(SF) TMZ Investigates (N)(SF) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Neighbor (N) Bob Heart (N) NCIS "Lifeline"(N) NCIS "License to Thrill" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) The Bachelor (N) Bad Romance-20/20 (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice (N)(SP) Deal or No "Are You a Gambler?"(N) (P) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collect (N) Harriet Tubman: Visions of FreedomBlack Broadway: A Proud History, A Limitless FutureRequest (19) TNT (4:00) < Rudy The Match Capital One's The Match (N) (Live) <+++ Rudy ('93)Ned Beatty, Sean Astin. (21) FX (5:00) <+++ Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol ('11) <+++ Mission: Impossible --Fallout ('18)Henry Cavill,Ving Rhames,Tom Cruise. <++ The King's Man ('21) (22) LIFE Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy (:05) Grey's Anatomy (:05) Grey's Anatomy (23) A&E First 48 "Desperate Moves" The First 48 "Murder Rap" Hoarders Canada Secrets of Polygamy (N) (:05) The First 48 "Gangland" (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers The Match Capital One's The Match <++ Ride Along 2 ('16) Kevin Hart,Tika Sumpter,Ice Cube. (28) ESPN SportsCenter College Basketball Miami at North Carolina(N)(Live) College Basketball Baylor at TCU(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live College Basketball West Virginia at Kansas State(N)(Live) Women's College Basketball Colorado at UCLA(N) (Live) NFL Live (33) GOLF Golf Central PGA TOURPGA TOUR PGA Tour Golf Mexico Open, Final Round (41) HGTV Battle on the Mountain Battle "Guest Suite Update" Battle "Brexy Bonus Room" Battle "Champions of the Mountain"(N) Lil Jon Wants (N) Hunters (43) FOOD Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking "Bake to School: Spirit Day"(N) Chopped Chopped "Episode 3" (44) DISC Contraband "Altar Course" Contraband: Seized Contraband: SeizedContraband: SeizedContraband: SeizedContraband: Seized (45) HIST History's-Mysteries "Expedition Bermuda Triangle" History's Greatest Mysteries "Hunting Hitler's U-Boats" (:05) History's-Mysteries (:05) History's-Mysteries (46) ANPL Alaska "New Beginnings" Last Frontier "Do or Die" Alaska "The Last Straw" Alaska "The Monster Catch" Alaska "When Cows Attack" Last Frontier "Gold Rush" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <+++ Die Hard ('88) Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia, Bruce Willis. <+++ Tombstone ('93)Val Kilmer,Michael Biehn,Kurt Russell. (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck "Pier Pressure" Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck Summer (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Wanted "Episode 6"(N)(SF) TMZ Investigates (N)(SF) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic February23,2024 CoastalPoint 39 the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
(19) TNT (4:00) <++ Den of Thieves Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers at Boston Celtics(N)(Live) Basketball Houston Rockets at Oklahoma City Thunder(N) (21) FX <+++ Avengers: Endgame ('19) Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr.. Shogun "Anjin"(N)(P) Shogun (N) (22) LIFE Castle Castle Castle Castle (:05) Castle (:05) Castle (23) A&E Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsCustomer (N) Customer (:05) RoadWars (:35) RoadWars (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes <+ What Happens in Vegas ('08) Cameron Diaz. (28) ESPN SportsCenter College Basketball Kentucky at Mississippi State(N) College Basketball Texas at Texas Tech(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live College Basketball Teams TBA (N)(Live) College Basketball NC State at Florida State(N)(Live) BasketballNFL Live (33) GOLF Golf Central Golf Fix (N) Swing GymGOLF Films Jack -Prodigy GOLF Films Jack -Prime GOLF Films Jack -P nnacle GOLF Films Jack -Prodigy (41) HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Fixer to Fabulous (N) Renovation Aloha (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters HuntersHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Alex "Alex vs California" Tournament of Champions "First Round Battles Heat Up" (44) DISC Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners (45) HIST Oak Island "Tea Time" Oak Island "Rick and Mortar" Oak Island "On Target" The Curse of Oak Island (N) (:05) U-Boats (N)(P) (:05) Lost U-Boats of WWII (46) ANPL Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone WardensWardens "Warden Scramble" Wardens "The Tough Call" Yellowstone Wardens (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug The VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (4:00) < The Perfect Storm <+++ The Hunger Games ('12) Josh Hutcherson,Liam Hemsworth,Jennifer Lawrence. <+++ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire ('13) (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Watch WhatVanderpump RulesWatch What Summer House (69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Floor (N)(SF) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic
(3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Wild Cards (N) Family Law (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5)
True "Angel of Death" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World NewsFamFeud (N) FamFeud (N) Conners (N) Not Dead (N) Abbott (N) Celebrity (N) Judge Steve Harvey (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Chicago Med (N) Chicago Fire (N) Chicago P.D. "Survival" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Milk Street MotorWeek Barbra Streisand: Back to Brooklyn Bee Gees: InOur Own Time MPT by Request (19) TNT <++ Assassin's Creed ('16) Michael Fassbender. NHL on TNT NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Edmonton Oilers(N)(Live) Post-Game (21) FX (3:00) < Avengers: Endgame <+++ Black Widow ('21) Florence Pugh,David Harbour,Scarlett Johansson. Feud: Capote (N) Feud: Capote (22) LIFE Castle Castle Married at First Sight (N) (:35) Prison Brides (N) (:35) Married-Sight (N) (:35) TBA (23) A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court CamCourt CamCourt CamCourt CamBooked: First Day In (N) (:05) Court Cam (:35) Court Cam
(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers <++ Pineapple Express ('08)James Franco,Seth Rogen. (:15) <++ Pineapple Express ('08)Seth Rogen.
(28) ESPN SportsCenter NBA (N) NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Minnesota Timberwolves(N)(Live) Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Los Angeles Clippers(N) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live College Basketball Auburn at Tennessee(N)(Live) College Basketball Alabama at Ole Miss(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)
(33) GOLF Golf Central PGA TOUR Classics The Golf FixGolf Central LPGA Tour Golf HSBC Women's World Championship, First Round
(41) HGTV Home Town "Left-Hand Man" Rico to the Rescue Rico to "Two-Story Troubles" Rico to the Rescue (N) Hunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters
(43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "Burger Ballers" Guy's Grocery GamesGuy's Grocery Games (N) Grocery "DDD Champs" Guy's Grocery Games
(44) DISC Expedition X Expedition "Killer Sasquatch" Expedition X "Death Island" Expedition X (N) Ghost Adventures (N) Expedition Unknown
(45) HIST Pickers "Zephyrville" Pickers "Desert Gold Rush" Pickers "Tough as Nails" Pickers "The Boneyard"(N) (:05) American Pickers (:05) American Pickers
(46) ANPL Dr. Jeff "Making a Splash" Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff "Old Dog, New Hope" Dr. Jeff: RMV "Hero Dog" Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV "Wild at Heart"
(48) DISN New York-Heroez (:10) Miraculous World (:15) Miraculous (:15) Marvel's (:40) Marvel's (:05) LadybugLadybug Bunk'dBunk'd (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire ('13) <+++ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 ('14)Jennifer Lawrence. < The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2
(61) BRAV Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives (N) Real Housewives (N) Watch WhatReal Housewives Housewives (69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH Extra (N) TMZ (N) We Are Family "Family Man; Thicker Than Water"(N)(SF) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic
Best Bets
The Voice (11) WBAL 8 p.m.
This season premiere adds a twist as an all-new roster of talented vocalists hopes to capture America’s heart and ears. The first-ever coaching duo, Dan + Shay, join fellow returning coaches Reba McEntire, Chance the Rapper and John Legend.
(6) WBOC 9 p.m.
As Season 21 continues, Naval Criminal Investigative Service Special Agent Alden Parker (Gary Cole) leads his team in investigating troubling crimes connected to the Navy and Marine Corps. Incidents range from murder to espionage to even terrorism.
Deal or No Deal Island (11) WBAL 9:30 p.m.
Thirteen players travel to the enigmatic Banker’s private island to compete in a season-long competition. The iconic briefcases are back, but are hidden around the island in this reimagining of the “Deal or No Deal” format. Joe Manganiello hosts.
The Floor
(5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.
When everything is up in the air, the floor holds all the answers. Racing towards the conclusion of this game show’s historic first season, this new episode sees host Rob Lowe tossing out some tricky trivia questions for the remaining 17 players.
Shogun (21) FX 10 p.m.
Based on James Clavell’s bestselling novel, this series follows Lord Yoshii Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada) during the year 1600. While fighting for his survival, Toranaga finds a shipwrecked European ship, which turns the tables on the balance of power.
Lost U-Boats of WWII (45) HIST 10:05 p.m.
In this series premiere, treasure hunter Darrel Miklos and his team head off to solve a mystery from World War II. Their goal: find the vast fortune the Nazis looted during the war. This fortune is now estimated to be worth billions of dollars.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (61) BRAV 8 p.m.
It’s been a season to remember thanks to the ongoing drama between Kyle Richards, Sutton Stracke, Garcelle Beauvais and the rest of the ladies. The first part of this reunion episode offers a few mea culpas, but expect more shade to be thrown.
We Are Family (5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.
Hosted by the hilarious Anthony Anderson and his real-life mother, Doris Bowman, the final episode from this game show’s inaugural season airs, seeing the final six singers perform show-stopping solos and duets with their hidden famous relatives.
Feud: Capote vs. The Swans (21) FX 10 p.m.
Well, that escalated quickly. Infamous novelist Truman Capote’s (Tom Hollander) Black and White Ball should be the party to top all parties. However, his act of betrayal has the Swans seeing red as they plan his banishment and destruction.
Law & Order (11) WBAL 8 p.m.
In the latest episode of this crime procedural, follow the stories of the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys that prosecute the offenders. Hugh Dancy, Oldelya Halevi, Camryn Manheim, Mehcad Brooks and Reid Scott star.
Summer House (61) BRAV 9 p.m.
The sand and surf of Montauk, N.Y., is calling the resident as they dial the drama up to 11. First, Kyle and Carl have nowhere to hide. Then, Mya talks to Lindsay about LA. Plus, Ciara comes home. And finally, Gabby chases her number one prospect.
Elsbeth (6) WBOC 10 p.m.
Carrie Preston reprises her role as Elsbeth Tascioni in “The Good Wife” and “The Good
for this all-new police drama. After a successful career in Chicago, Elsbeth moves to New York, so she can work with the
3 x 3” ad
40 CoastalPoint
solve criminal
Bethany TUESDAYEVENING FEBRUARY 27, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish
Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Crime Nat "The Guard
(N) Family GuyFamily Guy
Trent (N) The Rookie (N) The Good Doctor (N) News (N) (:35) J.
(5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Floor (N)(SF)
NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI (N)
International (N)
Most Wanted (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News FamFeud (N) FamFeud
Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice (N) Deal or No "Are You a Gambler?" News (N) (:35) J.
News (N) NBC NewsInside
WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm (N) Outdoors (N) Gospel "The Gospel Train" Young Forever With Mark Hyman, MD
6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10
FEBRUARY 28, 2024
11 PM 11:30
Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang We Are Family "Family Man; Thicker Than Water"(N)(SF) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6)
News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Survivor (N)(SP)
Bethany THURSDAYEVENING FEBRUARY 29, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) The ConnersThe ConnersSon of a (N) Children (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Next Level Chef (N) Farmer Wants a Wife (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Sheldon (N) Ghosts (N) So Help Me Todd (N) Elsbeth "Pilot"(N)(P) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud American Idol "702 (Auditions)" Will Trent News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Law "On the Ledge"(N) Law-SVU "Carousel"(N) Law & Order (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Context History Johnny Mathis --Wonderful! Wonderful!Social
(19) TNT (5:00) < 300: Rise of an Empire Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Golden
Warriors at
NBA Basketball
FX (5:00) <++ Pitch Perfect
(23) A&E
Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. Jokers (28) ESPN SportsCenter Wm. Basketball Virginia Tech at Notre Dame(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche at Chicago Blackhawks (N) (Live) SportsC. (N) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Top 16 College Basketball Memphis at East Carolina(N)(Live) Women's College Basketball LSU at Georgia(N)(Live) College Basketball (33) GOLF Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Cognizant Classic, First Round LPGA Golf HSBC Women's World Championship, Second Round(N)(Live) (41) HGTV Bargain Block Married to Real Estate Married "Improve or Move" Married to Real Estate (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters Int'l HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught!Caught!Caught! (N) Hustlers Gamblers CrooksHustlers Gamblers CrooksCaught! (45) HIST Swamp "Monster Highway" Swamp People Swamp People "Gator Stakes"(N) (:35) Swamp People (N) (:35) Swamp People "Chasing a Legend" (46) ANPL Catch "Unbreakable" Catch "Russian Dragger" Catch "Point of No Return" Catch "Extreme Arctic" Catch "Quid Pro Crab" Catch "Shipbreakers" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <+++ The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 ('15) Josh Hutcherson,Jennifer Lawrence. <++ Rampage ('18)Naomie Harris,Malin Akerman,Dwayne Johnson.(P) < First Blood (61) BRAV Summer House Real Housewives Real Housewives (N) Summer House (N) WatchWhat (:45) Summer House "House of Cards" (69) WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Next Level Chef (N) Farmer Wants a Wife (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Guide The ENJOY THE CLASSICS AGAIN
Security Farm-HarvestRequest
New York Knicks(N)(Live)
Miami Heat at Denver Nuggets(N)(Live) (21)
3 <+++ Spider-Man: No Way Home ('21)Zendaya,Benedict Cumberbatch,Tom Holland. <+++ Spider-Man: No Way Home ('21)Tom Holland. (22) LIFE Castle Theresa Caputo Theresa Caputo Theresa Caputo (N) (:05) Baby (N) (:35) Baby (N) (:05) Theresa Caputo
First 48 "1,000 Cuts; Draw" The First 48 "Street Life" The First 48 (N) Taking the Stand (N) (:05) Undercover: Caught (N) (:05) First 48 "The Invader" (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp.
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 41 Callusat302.539.1788
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Presbyterian Church
67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 ovpc.org PC(USA) 302-539-3455
Pastor Terry Dougherty
Frankford Presbyterian Church
10 am Sunday Worship in-person
A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance.
302.537.5944 Pastor P. G. Maurer
SUNDAY 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am
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am Co eht th iv vi reS e MdetinU G .St e S ay Sunday civrese ay dnuSray fe ffeWeoff We i ojotemoclewerau Yo 6181 ce ynis t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht ’s e’s or e secivr deen ry veryfoervesfo !yadnuSnosun UM StG oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 302.259.1740 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro. Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville
SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship
Salem Church Pastor Blair Hall
Sunday Orthros Sunday Liturgy Visitors PCC4God.com on Facebook at Facebook.com/ groups/PCChurch Join us on Sundays 9 am Praise & Worship Service 9 am Kids’ Church 11 am Traditional Worship Service Nursery available for both services Live-streamed on Facebook & YouTube Pastor Becky Collison Pastor Leo Park
302.539.9510 81 Central Avenue, Ocean View MarinersBethel.org Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am Friday 6-8 pm Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry for more information: ron@riveronline.church
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42 CoastalPoint February23,2024
5 West Ave., Ocean View
LIVE broadcast on: CCOVDE.org
InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture
beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart!
Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back
• StMartinsSelbyville.org
- or
FenwickIslandBaptist.com 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS
Sunday Worship at 9:30 am
via ZOOM (call the office for info) MillvilleMethodistChurch.org
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of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1
Helping others help themselves
Central Ave., Ocean View, DE
19970 ovpc.org PC(USA) 302-539-3455
live on Facebook & YouTube St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 OrthodoxDelmar.org 302.645.5791
Pastor Terry Dougherty Always Welcome!
ReligiousServices Get theWord out 302.539.1788 BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services • Traditional Values • Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 mbsvp51@gmail.com 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 BlackwaterFellowshipChurch.org Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Feb. 25, 6 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse TheBeachFellowship.com Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP St. Matthews by the Sea United Methodist Church 1000 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island Sundays: 8:30 & 10:45 am Rev. Jake Macklin, Pastor • 302.537.1402 You are welcome here! SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Facebook.com/RoxanaZionAndSoundUMC CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on ccdelcoast.church Sunday Worship10 am For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 info@ccdelcoast.org ST. MARTHA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH God is Love and those who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them. 1John 4:16
BOOK STUDY 9-9:45 am in the parish hall with Reverend Ria
The Rev. Victoria Pretti, Rector 117 Maplewood Street; Bethany Beach Visit our website to sign up for our twice-weekly news and Saturday Inspiration emails. We offer Bible Study, adult education courses, and more! StMarthasBethanyBeach.org SUNDAY HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00 am with music and on YouTube Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school www.SeasideJewishCommunity.com An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Celebrating 25 years of full-time ministry Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118 BethanyBeachDisciples.org 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach February23,2024 CoastalPoint 43
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
TheIndianRiverHighSchoolboys’ basketballteamcompletedtheir20232024regularseasonwitha74-28lossto visitingHenlopenConferencerivalSussexCentralonTuesday,Feb.20.
TheIndians(3-17)fellbehind20-3 afteronequarterand43-6atintermission.
SeniorguardJeremiahDennisled theGreen&Goldwith12pointsinhis finalhighschoolcontest.
SeniorforwardChanceMcBrideAllenscored12ofhisgame-high15 points inthefirstquarterforthe
Cam’RonPurnellcameoffthebenchto add12pointstotheSussexCentralattack.
Woodbridgegrabbeda29-16leadby halftimeandcoastedtoa68-33victory overhostIndianRiverinaHenlopen ConferencematchuponFriday,Feb.16. JuniorforwardJi’KareBanksledthe BlueRaiderswith13points.Senior guardTraciJohnsonadded12points, whilesophomoreguardMalachiHayes addedninemarkersasWoodbridge completedatwo-gamesweepofthe
SeniorguardJeremiahDennisled theIndianswith12points.
IndianRiver73, SussexAcademy18
IndianRiver’soutsidemarksmen combinedtodrainatotalof16threepointshotsenroutetoa73-18HenlopenConferencevictoryoverhost SussexAcademyonThursday,Feb.15.
The Green&Golddefensewasalso
intopform,shuttingouttheSeahawks inthesecondquarterenroutetotaking acommanding46-11advantageintointermission.
SophomoreguardAlexBehornerled IRwithagame-high15pointsafter connectingonfivejumpersfrombeyond thethree-pointarc.Sophomoreguard Tay’vonRoundsadded12pointswhile seniorJeremiahDennischippedinwith 11markersastheIndianscompleteda sweepofthetwo-gameseasonseries.
SophomoreforwardIrwinSickerled the Seahawkswithsixpoints,while freshmanguardRyanDostaladdedfive markers.
Page44 February23,2024
SpecialtotheCoastalPointphotos•CarlaVarisco IndianRiver’sTay’vonRounds,left,getssandwichedbetweenSussexCentral’s DavidMakerandKyleCustisduringfirsthalfofthegameTuesday.IR’sJacobKillen, aboveright,brieflycatchestheballbeforeitgetsloose.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Shewasthelastlineofdefenseonthe IndianRiverHighSchoolgirls’volleyball team.
Asaresult,seniorliberoJadeWilkinsrecentlysignedhercommitmenttostudyand playwomen’svolleyballatNotreDameof MarylandUniversityinBaltimore.
Wilkinshelpedspearheadherteam’s late-seasonfive-gamewinningstreakthat enabledthemtofinishtheregularseasonat 8-7andreachtheirsecondstraightDIAA stateplayoffs.
Sheprovidedtimelyleadershipand steadyplayservingandsavingopponents’ shots.Wilkinsledtheteamwith235digs fortheseason,enroutetoearningFirst TeamAllHenlopenConferencehonors.
Hereisherinspiringstoryabouther journeytomakeanimpressivecollegecommitment.
Hometown: OceanView
Schoolthatyouarecommittingto:Notre DameofMarylandUniversity,aprivate CatholicinstitutionlocatedinBaltimore, Md.TheGatorsareanNCAADivisionIII memberoftheUnitedEastConference.
Whatsportareyoucommittingtoplay? Women’svolleyball.
Playerspecifics: Wilkinsisa5-foot-3, right-hand-dominantliberovolleyballathlete.
Nameofthecoachwhorecruitedyou: NotreDameofMarylandUniversity women’svolleyballheadcoachHenryDeTitta.
Describeyourrelationshipwithyour collegecoach: “I’vemaintainedcontactwith CoachDeTittaforawhile,”saidWilkins.
“He’sattendedseveralofmytournamentsto watchmeinaction,andalwayshassomethinggoodtosayaboutmyplayonthe court.Ithinkwearebuildinganamazing coach-and-playerrelationship.”
Whatsubjectwillyoumajorin? Nursing.
Pleasedescribetheemotionsyouare feelingaboutyourcommitment: “Ifeel overjoyedwiththeprocess.It’sexcitingand extremelyrewarding.Myfamilyismy biggestsupportsystem,andtheyalllovethe schoolasmuchasIdo.IbelieveIwouldn’t bewhereIamnowwithoutmyfamilyand Godhelpingtoguidemeintherightdirectionforthisnextchapterofmylife.”
Whataboutthisschoolappealstoyou? “Ilovethateveryonetreatsyoulikeyoumatter.AssoonasIwalkedontothecampusfor thefirsttime,peoplegreetedmelikeI’ve knownthemforever.Ialsoreallylovethe nursingfacility.”
Pleasedescribethesupportyou’vereceivedfromIRcoaches,AthleticDirector ToddFuhrmann,theadministration,etc.: “IhavereceivedmoresupportthanIcould everaskforfromeveryone.Allofmy coacheshavetaughtmewellandmademea betterplayer.IthankToddFuhrmannforall ofhishardworkinmakingmyexperienceof
CoastalPoint•Submitted IRHSseniorgirls'volleyballstandout signs hercommitmenttostudyNursing andplaywomen'svolleyballatNotre DameofMarylandUniversityinBaltimore.
playingatIndianRiversofulfilling,justas muchasmycoacheshave.Theadministrationhasalwaysbeeninmycornertosupport me,whichissomethingIwillalwaysbe gratefulfor.”
Pleasedescribethesupportyou’vereceivedfromyourfamily: “Ihavereceivedan extremeamountofsupportfrommyfamily. Mymom,MelissaPerdue,hasattended everygametocheermeon.Sohavefamily memberslikemyfather,JayWilkins,stepfatherBrandonPerdue,stepmotherCrissy Carpenter,brothersChaseAtkinsandChad Messick,andgrandmotherSandyBarr.Ialwaysheardtheminthestands,nomatter howloudthegymnasiumgot.Theywere veryhelpfulinmydecisiontochoosethe rightcollegeforme,andIcouldn’tbemore gratefulandblessedtohavethembymy side.”
Whatisyourcareergoal? “Iplantoearn mybachelor’sofscienceinnursingdegree andbecomeaneonatalnurse.I’vealwayshad apassionforhelpinginfants,anditwillalwaysbesomethingIholdclosetomyheart.”
Finalthoughts: “Ijustwanttothank everyonewhohassupportedmeinthisnew chapterI’mtakingon.Iamsogratefuland thankfultoeveryonewhohasbeenwithme onthisjourney.”
Sophomore/Unified Basketball
ATHLETE OF THE WEEK! ZAKI DRUMMOND Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 16 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032 Billy@beach2farm.com www.beach2farm.com
dominant low post standout scored a game-high 12 points, including three baskets in the fourth quarter to lead the Indian River High Unified basketball team to a 26-25 victory over previously undefeated Dover on Thursday, Feb. 15. The sophomore power forward tallied his final bucket with 1:30 remaining in regulation to give the Indians (6-0) a 26-24 lead that they maintained during the final, frenzied minute of play. Zaki’s previous basket in the fourth stanza pulled IRSD into a 24-24 tie with 2:27 left to play.
Photo Courtesy of Butch Comegys
CoastalPoint 45
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
‘Thereisnofeeling betterthanhelping someoneelse.’
—TreyHill, IRHSUnifiedbasketball student-athlete
Hedrainedahighlightreel-worthy three-pointjumperfromnearmidcourt.
ButforpointguardChaseRuley,his Unifiedbasketballteammates’smilingfaces meanmuchmoretohimthanthatmemorablelong-rangebasket.
“MyUnifiedteammateswillalways haveaspecialplaceinmyheart,”saidRuley, anoutstandingIndians’baseballplayerduringthespring.“Ialwaysstrivetobeagood rolemodelformyteammates,andIenjoy supportingtheteamanywayIcan.”
Ruley,hisbaseballcolleaguesTreyHill andQuinnMicciche,fieldhockeyleading scorerBaylieWilliamson,golfcompetitor LukeWilliamsandgirls’softballplayerJillianCoulbournareeachthrilledtoplay helpfulroleswiththeirUnifiedteammates. Theyarejoinedbytheteam’sstudentmanagers:sophomoresHaydenThomas(boys’ lacrosse),JosephTaglientiandReeceForrey
(girls’soccer),andjuniorsLukeHitchens (boys’lacrosse)andAnnaWiest(girls’volleyball).
Theyaretheteam’spartners—orbuddies—whoassist,practicewithandcompetealongsidetheirUnifiedteammates. TheIndians’teamincludesfreshmenKatelynTaylorandKe’NiyaMitchell,sophomoresZakiDrummond,JohnProctor,Kyle BennetchandBraydenBennetch,juniors ElmerHernandezandDonaldLingo,and seniorAlexGomez.
TheIndians,whohavebuilta6-0wonlostrecordheadingintotheregular-season finaleatCaesarRodneyonTuesday,Feb. 20,arehopingtobringhomeaDIAAstate championshipatopthe14-teamcircuit.
UnifiedSportsispartofapartnership betweentheDelawareInterscholasticAthleticAssociationandSpecialOlympicsof Delaware.Itreflectsauniquebondbetweenstudentswithandwithoutdisabilitieswhocompetetogetheronthesame teamintheUnifiedSportsdivisionthatin-
cludesfootballinthefallandtrack-andfieldinthespring.Student-athletesmaintainamutualrespectforoneanother, gainingacceptanceandacelebrationfor eachindividual’sstrengthsandchallenges.
“BeingontheUnifiedbasketballteam meansalottome,”saidHill,whoprovides theteamwithstrongreboundingandball handling.“Ifeellikearolemodel,someone theotherkidslookupto.Atfirst,Iwasjust thinkingaboutplayingbasketball.Butit hasbecomealotbiggerthanthattome. Thebestpartisseeingthestudentswith disabilitieslaughandsmile.Thereisno feelingbetterthanhelpingsomeoneelse.I loveinteractingwiththekidsandmaking themfeelincluded.Iwouldlovetomake thesportmorepopular,withmoreteams andspectators.”
Second-yearheadcoachJamaalBivens considershisresponsibilityarewardingexperience.
“We’vebeenabletobuildanauthenticallyacceptedcultureinourschoolthrough theUnifiedbasketballteam,”saidBivens,a 1999graduateofIRHSwhoservesasa communityliaisonfortheschool.“The prideinallthingsUnifiediscontagious, andI’mthankfultobeapartofit.Wehope peopleinthecommunitywouldconsider attendingagametosupportthisphenomenalprogramandourwonderfulstudent-
Of ce space on the Historic Circle in Georgetown is now available. located on the second oor of 31 The Circle and offers 290 SF of of ce space, three shared restrooms, & kitchenette. Call the
46 CoastalPoint February23,2024 MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 JackLingo.com REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2023* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM BUSINESS is now available for purchase. Name conveys. The turn-key outdoor store is recognized as a top-tier operation not only w/in the local market but is consistently a top dealer on the national level. Located on Rt 24 just east of Millsboro w/great exposure, 5,000 SF w/upgrades. $875,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4711TL This beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA, 2,700 SF home offers kitchen w/granite countertops, FR w/gas FP, paver patio, two primary suites, oversized garage, Renai hot water heater, whole house generator, conditioned crawl space, paver walkways, & more. No HOA. $525,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302745-5605 (Cell) #4756PM 3 BR, 2 BA home situated on 7.8 acres, close to Millsboro, Georgetown, & Lewes. This home offers a den, FR, LR, detached garage, FP, blacktop driveway, newer roof, heat pump, & potential for at least one additional lot. Room for a pole barn. $575,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4719TM CUSTOM HOME IN MILLSBORO KELLY’S OUTDOORS! BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SETTING Lovely 2 BR, 2 full and 2 half BA, townhome located in an amenity rich community. Sold fully furnished with NO golf deed fee. $329,900 Call Tammy Rust 302-542-8187 (Cell) #4694QM PLANTATION LAKES Beautifully appointed 4 BR, 3 BA custom home tastefully updated w/new kitchen, updated baths, fresh paint, new roof, hot water heater, rear fencing, and beautiful canal views. Private boat dock, ramp, & being sold fully furnished. $1,375,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4752M SOUTH BETHANY – CANAL FRONT THE ESTUARY Enjoy high-end quality in this 4 BR, 3 BA model home situated
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CoastalPoint•MikeStern PointguardChaseRuleyisflankedbyElmerHernandez(left)andDonaldLingo (right).
AssistantcoachLoriannSentmansaid beingapartofthisteamhashadahuge impactonherlife.
“Watchingstudentsbecomingconfident bothonandoffthecourtwillneverget old,”saidSentman,whoisinhersixthseasonofcoachingIR’sUnifiedsquad.
“Thingslikeacceptanceandinclusioncan’t betaughttohighschoolstudentsinthe classroom.Buttheycanbetaughtonthe Unifiedbasketballcourt,whichmakesthis programsoimportantforthecommunity.”
Sentmangivesamplecredittothe schooladministration’sdedicationtoand supportofUnifiedsports.
“I’mverythankfultoourathleticdirector,ToddFuhrmann,”saidSentman,who teachesspecialeducationstudentsatIRHS. “Wewouldn’thavethisopportunityfor thesestudentswithouthisefforts.”
Theteam’sstudent-athletes,whoare alsocoachedbyassistantmentorsAllison WrightandGlenTuckmantel,recently sharedtheirthoughtsaboutbeingapartof thistalentedsquad.
WhatdoesbeingontheIRHSUnified basketballteammeantoyou?
•“Beingonthisteamisstupendous,becauseIgetexcitedforthegamesandpractices.Ilikespendingtimewiththeother kidsontheteam.Iamhappythereisa Unifiedteam,becauseIenjoybeingpartof ateam.”—JohnProctor,sophomore
•“Beingonthisteamhasallowedmeto findmyplaceinthisschool.Thecoaches makemefeelimportantandlikeIbelong.” —BraydenBennetch,sophomore
•“I’veneverbeenonasportsteambefore.ThisisimportanttomebecauseIreallyliketheotherkidsontheteam.They arefriendlyandincludeme.Ridingthebus withmyfriendstotheawaygamesisalot offun.”—Ke’NiyaMitchell,freshman
•“Itenablesmetohelpthestudents withdisabilities.Thebestpartishowmuch funitiswhenwewingamesandtheteam getsallhypedup.”—LukeWilliams, sophomore,golf
•“It’sledmetomakenewfriendships withpeoplewhosharethesamelovefor sportsasIdo.Thebestpartisworkingwith otherkidswhentheymayneedassistance.” JillianCoulbourn(junior,girls’softball)
•“Bybeingamemberofthisteam,my groupoffriendshasgrown.”—KyleBennetch,sophomore
•“I’mhappytoseekidswithdisabilities beabletobethestarsandwingames.”— BaylieWilliamson,sophomore,field hockey
•“Ilikebeingontheteambecausemy partners,likeAnnaWiestandReeceForrey,helpmedobetter.I’vemadealotof newfriends.”—KatelynTaylor,freshman
Howhasyourparticipationimpacted yourhighschoolexperience?
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
CaesarRodneyhandedthevisitingIndianRiverHighSchoolUnifiedbasketballteamitsfirstlossof theseason,37-31,onTuesday,Feb. 20.
TheIndians(6-1)wereheldto fourfourth-quarterpointsbyatough Riders’defense.IndianRiverentered thatsessiontrailingtheirhosts28-27 andwereunabletotakecontrolof thegame.
SeniorcenterQuinnMiccicheled theIndianswith10points,while sophomoreforwardBraydenBennetchaddedeightmarkers.Junior forwardElmerHernandezandsophomorepowerforwardZakiDrummondtalliedfourmarkersapiece.
FreshmanforwardBrayden RobinsonledtheRiderswitha game-high19points.
CaesarRodney(10-1),Dover(51)andIndianRiverfinishedina three-waytiefortheregular-season title.Allthreesquadsqualifiedfor theDIAAstateplayofftournament.
SophomorepowerforwardZaki Drummondscoredagame-high12 points,includingthreebasketsfrom closerangeinthefourthquarter,to leadtheIndianRiverUnifiedbasketballteamtoa26-25HenlopenConferencevictoryoverpreviously undefeatedDoveronThursday,Feb. 15.
Thesophomorepowerforward’s finalbucket,with1:30remainingin regulation,gavetheIndiansa26-24 leadthattheymaintainedinthefinal frenziedminuteofplay.Drummond’s previousbasketofthefourthstanza hadpulledIRSDevenat24-24with 2:27lefttoplayinfrontofanearcapacitycrowd.
TheIndianstrailed10-6afterone quarter,14-13athalftimeand19-18 afterthreequarters.
IndianRiverjuniorforwardTrey HillandsophomoreforwardsJohn ProctorandBraydenBennetcheach contributedfourpoints.
JuniorforwardJerinJohnsonled theSenatorswithninepoints,while sophomoreguardRamseyRobinson addedeightmarkers.
If you are considering making a move in 2024, now is a good time to get started. We can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call us and we can discuss your options. –Shirley&Adam Shirley Price Cell: 302-236-7046 Shirley@ShirleyPriceSells.com 33298 South Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, DE 19930 • Office 302.539.9040 Adam Ksebe Cell: 302-864-8643 Adam.Ksebe@LNF.com New Construction Specialist GREG SMITH 703-967-8311 WHY USE AN AGENT TO PURCHASE NEW CONSTRUCTION? 1. YOU NEED REPRESENTATION 2. NO COST TO YOU 3. WE PAY FOR YOUR INSPECTION! Lot 1 Blackwater Rd, Frankford Close to the beach and plenty of room on this 1.5 acre +/- to build the home of your dreams. No town taxes, lightly wooded. A real deal. ACTIVE $185,000 Catered Open House! Sycamore Chase 32013 Carlisle Court, Frankford, DE 19945 3-5BR’s 2-4BA’s 1,464-3,709 SF 2-3 Car Garage Sat, 3/2 –10m-5pm Sun, 3/3 –12pm-5pm Lot 3 Ocean Pines Ln, Bethany Beach $949,900 Build your dream home on this .33 acre lot and walk to the beach. Lovely quiet neighborhood. Lot will be cleared and impact fees paid. Call Michele Petrillo for details 301-518-2130 COMING SOON Gorgeous Homes Starting from $474,990 February23,2024 CoastalPoint 47 Unified
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•CarlaVarisco SussexCentral’sKaileyMiddletonand IndianRiver’sAbigailBertlingtumble overballduringthesecondhalfofTuesdaynightsgame.IndianRiverwon4732againsttheSussexCentralGolden Knights.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
TheIndianRiverHighSchool girls’basketballteamregisteredapair ofHenlopenConferencetriumphs ontheirhomecourt.
JuniorguardMyaWhittington scoredagame-high16pointstolead theIndianspastSussexCentral,4732,onTuesday,Feb.20.Sophomore forwardsJaylaHudsonandTiarra Watersadded14andsixpoints,respectively.
TheIndians(10-9overall,8-7in conferenceplay)trailedtheGolden Knights,12-11,afteronequarterbeforeoutsourcingtheirvisitors,16-3, inthesecondsessiontotakea27-15 leadintointermission.TheIndians led38-26afterthreeperiods.
SophomoreguardLaniahWright ledtheGoldenKnightswith12 points,andfreshmanguardAva Brockaddedninemarkers.
IRHSwassettofinishitsregular seasonatWoodbridgeonWednesday,Feb.21,afterCoastalPointpress timethisweek.
IndianRiver43, SussexAcademy24
TheIndiansjumpedouttoa24-8 halftimeleadandcompletedatwogamesweepoftheseasonseriesby defeatingvisitingSussexAcademy 43-24inaHenlopenConference gameonThursday,Feb.15.
WhittingtonledtheIndianswith 12pointsandfourassists,andHudsonadded10markers,ninerebounds andfourblockedshots.Sophomore guardAbbyBertlingaddedeight points,nineassistsandthreesteals. Waterspulledsixboards.
“Defensively,weheldanotheropponentunder30points,”saidhead coachRonDukes.“Andwedida betterjobofrecognizingtheopponent’sshootersanddriverstothe basket.Iwaspleasedwithhowactive wewere—especiallyAbby,whowas veryfocusedtheentiregame.”
JuniorguardFalishaAmisialled theSeahawkswith10points.
48 CoastalPoint February23,2024 302-616-4760 | mercersydelldental.com | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW!
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Hisexpressivefaceusuallyemitsa smile.
TheIndianRiverHighSchoolsenior standoutgrapplercanshootamovein theblinkofaneye.
He’lltakedownhisopponentandpin therival’sshoulderstothemat.
Worstcase,he’lloverpowerhisrival torecordatriumphviadecision.
Four-yearIRHSvarsitywrestler AngelMora-Salashasmadeahighschoolcareerofdoingthis.
Youcouldfillasmallwrestlingarena withtheindividualswhomhehasdefeated.
Hisimpressive94-42careerwon-lost recordincludesa24-8performanceasa senior.HeisgearingupfortheHenlopenConferencechampionshipson Feb.23-24atSussexCentralHigh School.
Hehopestousetheconferencemeet asaspringboardtobecomeafour-time DIAAstatetourneyqualifier.Thestate meetisscheduledforMarch1-2atCape HenlopenHighSchool.
“I’mhopingtoearnmy100thcareer winattheHenlopenConferencematch andqualifyforthestatetournament,” saidthelikableMora-Sala,whowrestles inthe144-poundand150-poundweight classes.“Ialsowanttoimproveonmy
seventh-placefinishattheDIAAstate meetlastyear.Toaccomplishthis,I’m workingonmytechniquewhenmaking movesandamalsoimprovingmyconditioning.”
Whenthetwocombatantsawaitthe referee’scue,thereisnowheretorunor hide.
Thecompetitorsareinveryclose quartersonthemat.Thepopularmartial artandcombatsportrequirescompetitorstoestablishapositionofadvantage byemployingvarioustechniquesthatadheretotherules.Theyincludeclinch
fighting,throwsandtakedowns,joint locksand,ultimately,pinningtheopponent.
Apinisachievedthemomentthe winningwrestlerholdstheiropponent’s shoulderstothemat.
Mora-Salasisawhirlingdervishwho combineshisstrength,agilityandtechniquewithacreativeflairforshooting hismovesandreversingintoaposition ofdominance.Hehasperfectednotonly hisphysicalapproachtothesportbutthe strategicfactorsthatenablehimtooutsmartopponentsandgaintheadvantage. TheSelbyvilleresidentbegan
Helping Your Clients Find Everything They Need For The Home & Family Be a Part of the Coastal Point’s 12th Annual Property Owners’ Reference Guide Inserted into the Easter issue (Friday, March 29) and will be available at local businesses & events throughout the year. Perfect for: Retail, Salons, Pet Care, Spas, Health Care Builders, Real Estate, Banking, Finance Auto-Repair, Landscapers, Painters, Boat Service & So Much More At Your Service Another Quality Product from (2023 At Your Service) New Format This Year! Deadline March 1st Don’t Miss Out! February23,2024 CoastalPoint 49 © 2024 Consumer Cellular Inc. Terms and Conditions subject to change. 866-337-1676 NO HIDDEN FEES. NO HIDDEN ANYTHING. Plans start at just $20/month. SalutetotheIRHSSeniors IRwrestlerMoraSalaspreparingforconference,statetourneys SeeSENIORpage50 CoastalPoint•MikeStern IRHSseniorstandoutwrestlerAngel Mora-Salasishopingforareturntothe DIAAstatewrestlingtourney.
learnedasamemberofthisteam.The teamhasallowedmetogettoknowmore peopleatschoolandconnectwiththem.” —ElmerHernandez,junior
•“Ireallyenjoycomingtoschoolmore nowbecauseIamapartoftheteam.”— KatelynTaylor,freshman
•“Beingontheteamkeepsmemotivatedtokeeppracticingandstayingonthe righttrack.Mycoachesareamazing.Iappreciatealloftheirpatienceandkindness.” —Ke’NiyaMitchell,freshman
•“Thisexperiencehasremindedme howimportantitistohaveagoodattitude. Watchingtheplayoffgamelastyearagainst CapeHenlopenreallymademewantto jointhisteam.Iamsogladmyteamhas acceptedme.”—BraydenBennetch,sophomore
•“Iwasn’tsurehowIwouldfeelabout beingonthisteam,butIloveitandam nowopentotryingnewthings.”—Baylie Williamson,sophomore,fieldhockey
wrestlinginelementaryschool.Hisfamily,whichattendsmostofhismatches, includeshisolderbrotherArturoMoraSalas(IRHSClassof2017).
•“It’senabledmetopromoteinclusivity anddevelopteamworkskills.”—Jillian Coulbourn,junior,girls’softball
•“It’shelpedmeunderstandandgetto knowotherkids.Manypeoplemayjudge thembuthaveneverbeenintheirshoes. Beingwiththemeverydayhasopenedmy eyes.It’staughtmetoneverjudgeothers.” —TreyHill(junior,baseball)
•“It’staughtmeandmyteammatesto bekindtoeveryonewhethertheyhavea disabilityornot.”—LukeWilliams(golf)
•“Scoringeightpointsinthewin againstCapeHenlopen—itmademy familyproud.”—Ke’NiyaMitchell,freshman
•“Myfirstgameofmyfreshmanyear, whenIscoredmyfirstthree-pointbasket.” —ElmerHernandez(junior)
•“Goingtomyfirstcollegebasketball gameattheUniversityofMaryland— EasternShorewithourUnifiedteam.”— KyleBennetch,sophomore
•“Watchingtheotherfemaleathletes growtheirconfidenceandabilitytoplay
IndianRiver,andhepushesmetodomy bestinschoolandinwrestling,”said AngelMora-Salas,whobegangrappling whenheattendedelementaryschool. “Hereallyhelpsmealot.Iplantogo intothecontractingbusinesswithArturo afterIgraduatethisspring.”
Mora-Salasalsocreditsthecoaching staffatIRHSwith“helpingmebecome
thegame.”—JillianCoulbourn(junior, girls’softball)
•“Makingmyfirstcareerbasketatthe gameagainstMilford.Ialsohadfuneating atChik-fil-AinMillsborowithmy coachesaftergoingtotheTVshow‘DelmarvaLife.’”—KatelynTaylor,freshman
•“TravelingasateamtotheTVshow ‘DelmarvaLife.’Itwaswonderfultobe withmyteammatesandtheTVcrew.”— ChaseRuley(junior,baseball)
•“Thepre-gamespeecheswhenwediscusshowwewon’tbedisrespected.Itgets thekidsfiredupandreadytoplay.”—Trey Hill(junior,baseball)
Howhasthisexperiencecarriedover intootherareasofyourlife?
•“Theimportanceofteamworkhas givenmeachancetoworktogetherwith others.Irememberthatineverydaylife.”— BraydenBennetch,sophomore
•“Stayingpositiveandhavingagood attitudeonandoffthecourt.”—Ke’Niya Mitchell,freshman
•“It’staughtmealotaboutlifeandhas givenmeanewviewontheworld.”—
abetterwrestler.Eachcoachhasalotof experience,”saidAngelMora-Salas, whosementorsincludeheadcoachJeff WindishandassistantsVinnyColombo, RustyWallace,SteveWilkinson,Phil TownsendandRashadStratton.“They haveeachtaughtmealotabouthowto besuccessfulonthemat.”
•“Learningaboutdetermination.Seeing thingsthroughonthecourtcarriesoverto mylearningintheclassroom.”—Kyle Bennetch,sophomore
•“Thebestpartofthisexperienceis watchingtheathletesandpartnerscome togetherforacommongoalofhavingfun andputtingforththeirbesteffortonand offthecourt.Also,it’sspecialtometo watchtheemotionsoffriendsandfamilyin thestandscheeringontheirstudentathletesafterperhapsthinkingtheirkids mightnothavehadtheopportunitytoplay asportcompetitively.”—JamaalBivens (headcoach)
•“I’mproudofalltheaccomplishments ourplayershavehad.Ithinkmanypeople believethisisanimportantprogramfor studentswithdisabilities.But,inmyopinion,it’sjustasimportantforthepartners, thebuddies.TheybenefitequallyfromparticipatinginUnifiedsports.It’sanopportunitytoembraceandcelebratedifferences.” —LoriannSentman(assistantcoach)
“Angelhasdoneagoodjoboffocusingonthelittlethingstomakehimself better,”saidWindish.“Hehastheright mind-setforthesport.Hecanbephysicalinmatcheswhereheneedstobeand stillnotlethisemotionsgetoutofcontrol.”
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52 CoastalPoint February23,2024
Aflockofsanderlingstakeflightatthe IndianRiverInlet.
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to advise that Mark Allen Giblin, Jr. of 35 North Main Street, Selbyville, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.
CP 20240223 1T
NewRez LLC, Plaintiff v. Tammy L. Keith, Defendant
C.A. S23L-10-013 RHR
Notice To Lien Holders And Tenants
Of Filing Of Action Begun By Scire Facias
Please take notice that: An action begun by scire facias was filed in the above-captioned case on October 18, 2023 relating to real estate at 32 Lakewood Drive, Lewes, DE 19958, Parcel No. 234-11.00-199.00. You are given this notice because it appears that you may have a real or equitable interest in the real estate which may be adversely affected by the action and the public sale of the real estate. This is a notice of the pendency of the action so you may determine what effect, if any, the action and public sale of the real estate will have on your interest, if any, and determine what action, if any, you should take in regard thereto. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners; 240 N. James Street, Suite 100E, Wilmington, DE 19804; (302) 504-4088; Counsel for Plaintiff.
CP 20240223 1T
BID NO. 24-03
The Town of South Bethany, Delaware will receive sealed bids for the following surplus items:
Item 1: 2004 Three-Door FRIV Utility Trailer, Good Condition, Trailer tag expires 12/31/2026. VIN# 5NHUCM2174NO47652
$500 Minimum Bid
Item 2: 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 EFI high output
Item 3: PTO driven 3-point hitch Street broom for tractors
Item 4: 2015 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor. Fair condition, 94,583 miles. VIN #1FM5K8AR6FGA04299
$1,500 Minimum Bid
All surplus items are located at the Town of South Bethany Town Hall, 402 Evergreen Rd., South Bethany, DE 19930 and can be inspected by appointment only, during regular office hours, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Sealed bids will be received until 10:00 a.m., March 8, 2024. Vehicles, Trailer, and other items are to be sold as is and must be removed within 5 business days of notice of award. Bids are to be submitted in sealed envelopes with the item being bid on and the assigned item number clearly written in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. Cash, credit card, or cashier check accepted. Pictures of the items can be seen in the News & Notices section of the Town’s website, https://southbethany.delaware.gov. The Town of South Bethany reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
For further information, contact Jon Stiffler, Maintenance Supervisor, by phone (302-539-3653, Ext. 300) or email: maintenance@southbethany.org.
February 27, 2024
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY the Town of Ocean View that it will hold a Public Input Meeting to solicit comments on the proposed FY2025 Budget from Ocean View property owners. This meeting will begin at 3:00pm on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the John West Community Center during the Town Council Budget Workshop. Visit the Town’s website at www.oceanviewde.gov for the agenda to the meeting.
The public is encouraged to attend this meeting.
CP 20240216 2T
The Bethany Beach Town Council will hold a special meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2024, in the Town Meeting Room, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a person to fill the vacancy on Council by the resignation of Councilman Lew Killmer. Mr. Killmer’s term is unexpired and pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Town Charter, the remaining Council members shall elect another qualified person to serve for the remainder of the vacant seat’s term. The term to be filled will expire in September 2024.
If you meet the requirements listed below and have an interest in serving on the Bethany Beach Town Council for a six-month term beginning March 15, 2024, please submit a letter/email of interest telling us about yourself, how you feel you could make a contribution to the Town Council and your vision for Bethany Beach in the years to come. Please submit your letter/email by the close of business on Friday, March 8, 2024 by way of: Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Hand Deliver:
Town Manager’s Office Town Hall
Town Manager’s Office
Town Hall
P.O. Box 109
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
P.O. Box 109 214 Garfield Parkway Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Bethany Beach, DE 19930
If you submit a letter of interest, the Town Council would like you to attend a Special Town Council meeting on Friday, March 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. At that meeting you will be asked to discuss your interest in serving on the Town Council. Subsequently, on March 15, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., at its monthly regular meeting, the Town Council will vote to fill the vacant Council position.
The Bethany Beach Town Charter Requires that a Candidate for the Town Council meet the following requirements:
1. Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
2. Be a U.S. Citizen;
3. Not have been convicted of a felony;
4. Shall have been, for a period of at least six months prior to the date of the election, either: (a) a permanent full-time resident of the Town, or (b) a natural person holding record title to a fee simple or life estate in real property located within the Town of Bethany Beach;
5. At the time of filing a notice of intention to seek office, be a duly registered voter under the provisions of the Town Charter (Section 5.2) and Voter Registration Ordinance (Chapter 378 of the Code). Only natural persons are allowed to vote in Town Elections, and only natural persons who are not identified on the Town's tax records as an owner of real estate in the Town are required to register. Persons may register in person at the Town Hall or by mail during normal business hours except during the last 30 days before the election.
CP 20240223 3T
20240223 2T
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 53
The Town of Bethany Beach is accepting proposals from applicants for a concession to teach exercise classes or conduct camps on the beach for the 2024 summer season. Times and dates to be determined by the Town of Bethany Beach. Interested parties can obtain a copy of specifications and instructions to bidders by contacting Julie Malewski at 302-539-8011. Sealed proposals should be addressed to the Town Manager’s Office and clearly marked “Beach Concession Proposal” and shall be received at Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware until Friday, March 8, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The Town of Bethany Beach reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
CP 20240209 3T
Estate of Helga Sigried Brown, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration with Will Annexed upon the estate of Helga Sigried Brown who departed this life on January 20, 2024, late of Selbyville, DE were duly granted unto Andrew Brown on January 29, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator WWA without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator WWA on or before September 20, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Andrew Brown
37112 Hudson Road Selbyville, DE 19975
Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills CP 20240209 3T
The Town of Ocean View will elect a Councilperson from District 4 for 3-year term on April 13, 2024.
Any resident of District 4 in the Town of Ocean View who meet the following qualifications is encouraged to file for the Council Seat in District 4:
• Must be a minimum age of 18 years.
• Must be a U.S. citizen.
• Must be a resident for at least 1 year immediately preceding the date of election.
• Must be a resident of District 4 at the time of filing and during the full term of office.
• Must be a Town of Ocean View eligible registered voter.
Any District 4 resident who wishes to file as a candidate for District 4 Council Member must file a “Certification of Intention” and pay a $50 filing fee at the office of the Town Manager no later than 4:30pm on March 12, 2024.
The annual election of the Town of Ocean View will be held, on Saturday, April 13, 2024, between 8am and 5pm, at the Community Center located at 32 West Avenue.
CP 20240216 4T
The annual meeting of Agriculture Tax Ditch will be held at 10:00am, Saturday, March 9 at the Frankford home of Fred West.
For more information call 302-539-1228.
CP 20240223 2T
Estate of John Joseph Lyons, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of John Joseph Lyons who departed this life on January 7, 2024, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Joanne M. Lyons on February 1, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 7, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Joanne M. Lyons
31307 Point Reyes Lane Ocean View, DE 19970
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20240209 3T
Any residents who wish to vote in the annual municipal election April 13, 2024 must register with the Town
The qualifications for Ocean View voters are:
• Minimum age of 18 years.
• Citizen of the United States.
• Ocean View residency for at least thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Town election.
The registration period is open until March 25, 2024 @ 4:30pm
You may download, print, and mail-in a Voter Registration Form from the Town’s Web Site ( www.oceanviewde.gov/forms ). A copy of your Identification is required when you register to vote in person or by mail. A Delaware Driver’s License or ID is the preferred form of identification. State or County registration does not entitle residents to vote in Town of Ocean View elections.
Any resident who has not voted in the Town of Ocean View’s election for the past two consecutive years in which there was an election must re-register in order to be eligible to vote in the April 13, 2024, election. You may also call 539-9797 x101 to inquire about your current registration status
CP 20240216 5T
54 CoastalPoint February23,2024
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56 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices THE HANDY BEACHMAN Exterior Home Repairs “WE DO IT ALL” Licensed • Bonded • Insured • MHIC 17433 “A Family Tradition Since 1935” 410-893-9707 • Roofing Repairs • Roof Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Powerwashing • • Deck Repairs • • Rain Gutters • Gutter Guards • Screening • Painting • Staining • Caulking P A R R I S H Handyman SYNERGY HOME SERVICES 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 39 Years’ Exp. Affordable. Sensible. On Time. Remodeling Home Repair Construction PaintingDecksAdditionsEverything in Between! $25/ hour for projects completed by January 15, 2024 Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman Specializing in all Home Repairs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate Doors • Plumbing • Carpentry Electrical • Tile • Drywall Painting • and Much More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman Contractor Bill Smith SmithsHomeServices.net 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements 302.519.8954 ExpertOverHeadDoors.com Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! KevertinFlooringEnterprises.com 443.496.1941 KevertinFlooring@gmail.com Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating “Let 38 years of experience go to work for you.” MASTER ELECTRICIAN “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel o: 302.436.5008 | c: 302.258.7147 Residential | Commercial Selbyville, DELicensed in DE & MD Electric 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services Small Job Specialist Remodels | Installs | Decks | Carpentry Railings | Screened Porches | Bathrooms 302.524.2252 Licensed Insured DELMARVALOUS HANDYMAN Handyman Reliable, expert problem-solver with experience in electrical, plumbing, drywall, and household repairs at reasonable pricing! Drywall Repair - Cabinet Repair - TV Mounting - Lighting Fixtures Ceiling Fan Installation - Pantry/Closet Shelving Faucets/Drain Replacement/Repair - Picture/Mirror Hanging Handicap Safety Equipment Installation, and more ... ROB’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Call or Text: 443.618.4972 Handyman Doctor Appointments • Errands • Shopping Hair Appointments & More Cruzing t Sh e With Pitty Patricia Newman | 410.708.8812 Local Driving Services 8am-5pm 7 days/week Licensed Insured Driving Services
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58 CoastalPoint February23,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices 302.519.8444 DoggieDayCare17.wixsite.com/DoggieDayCare Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • DelawarePlumbing.com Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing Roofing POWERWASHING allservicesw/thisad! Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Yearround services w/yearly& seasonal rates Hot Water, Powerwashing & Soft Wash Systems • Deck Staining • Decks • Docks • Houses • Restaurants • Shopping Centers • Roofs • & More MHIC 97081 Ocean City 34629 • Delaware 2004 222 381 Licensed & Insured 410-603-3400 Joe Beran/Owner Operator acms1st@gmail.com Commercial & Residential • Complete Exterior Cleaning Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Powerwashing/Soft Wash ca m• us, t f • fo oC fii r r w • 5t com n 5.com o65 is6 t ess65.com a tness65.com n sefi ds ho o rkhor odar C cus S o li3 i 53 b5 o.2 M 9 • 4 e 24 c.2 n2. a. an2 l 02 a30 B to rus o y b or bal f fo C a M SEN PE ent y ti 6at s t rdwww.dkhor ab ocu s ty302249.2535• Days 7 usto e Cc ur s h y trb vF o • r i i l ty y ns y m r u dur u ndur c nd endur F al gt t tygin l en ie st ll sxs all str e rler nd yan taie o on to i i ls i ss cse asFinng tn n i ain na d t m ze mmi o /We k 65 Day , 3 s n our ome ty, y, , y, e, l lanc e n ss65.com 5@gmail.com 2535 Available Av ces SESSIONS OACHINGC IOR RSONALIZED ancEnduran d re ore anc • d e oandal ength er n ad o r ed rtiCert AED ed rtiert rogramsPro on roupGro & ss Health, Fitness, r Yea/Ye /Y e stability mobility aining sessions mized tr H Y Yo i g DarkHorseFitne DarkHorseFitness6 302.249. ferenRefe • Insured Fully a an th trenStr allver-alOve • & CPR Advanced • C Nutrition • Nutriti & Coaching Individualized • Wellne & Senio in Specializing • Personal Trainer Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD • MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES & EPOXY GARAGE FLOORS AND do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience • Free Estimates WINTER SPECIALS - 10% OFF! Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured Painting Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & HOUSE STAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting 302-745-3912 Kevin Coviello QualityWorkmanship INTERIOR EXTERIOR Licensed & Insured with 27 Years’ Experience Painting HAN SEN PAIN TING EST 1986 RESIDENTIAL • INSURED • INTERIOR DELAWARE Lic. #2006202486 MARYLAND Lic. #27390 301-253-1386 Painting Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Facebook.com/ocbudgetmovers Moving Services
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 SussexTreeInc.com Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service CoastalPlantCare.com 302.542.0921 JHager@coastalplantcare.com MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management • Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 StaceysTreeServiceLLC.com StaceysTreeServiceLLC@gmail.com Tree Service HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 BudgetBlinds.com Window Treatments Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call our showroom: 302.537.9407 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE eitnarraW Wa emitefiL de itreC FAG eciv reS ytilauQ ,tpmorP ,tsenoH 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ LLC.com Roofing CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 JCreativeLady@aol.com Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments Do you offer a service? Do you need help getting your name out there? We can help! Give us a call and ask for Jane Johnson to list your business in the Service Directory. 302.539.1788 February23,2024 CoastalPoint 59
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t /Rt.d/R d/ aoRh rc Churc Ch ionZiio -uen AND AY PAYSPA COST LOW i l iD i id MINT BIKE; RECUMBENT
1. A mini seat for a toddler who's busy pooping
3. Whoosh!: It's what you do to the 2D that takes poop away forever
6. True love is messy: This Arctic animal lets a female know that he likes her by throwing his poop her way (but if she likes him, too, they stay together for life)
7. Unlike the dog, he doesn't have to go outside for a walk because he has a litter box
8. The art of the fart: Sometimes you think you have to poop, but it turns out it's only ____
11. Liquid lunch that rhymes with "poop"
12. Here's an interesting insect fact: Scientists discovered tiny 2Ds in ___ colonies where the little critters go when they have to go
14. It's the first thing people do when it's time to poop: Have a ____
15. What you wash before leaving the bathroom
17. "Once ____ a Potty" is a picture book for toddlers
18. About 50 years ago, a California woman invented the "pooper
____" to help pooch parents keep neighborhoods clean when taking their furry friend for a walk
21. Message that might contain a smiling poop emoji
24. This bug is on a roll!: A dung ____ will nd a piece of poop and roll it into a bigger and bigger ball
25. When a baby cries, she might be trying to let mom know it's time for a ______
Parents Down
1. This cuddly creature turns bamboo into poo (It can eat almost 50 pounds a day)
2. When the time is right, it's the most comfy seat in the house
3. It's clear to see that some poop in the bowl (but others do it in the tank instead)
4. Pigeon's place of relief
5. Primate that sometimes ings feces to establish territorial dominance
9. Doing its part to augment the ocean oor, the parrot 3D dines on coral and excretes it as _____
10. Myth information: Despite rumors, this industrious insect
does not make its honey from its poop (or vomit)
11. Cheeky, White House-inspired explanation to your buddy about why you missed his call: "Sorry -- I was in the ____ Room"
13. What a pooch's human takes on a walk for picking up poop
14. What dog poo is stuck to if it comes indoors with you
16. Poo's synonym (or stand-up comic's 14A on stage)
19. Because its waxy outer coating can withstand digestion, a whole kernel of corn can pass with your poop (No worries -- dieticians recommend that you just ___ it a little longer)
20. It's what you hope not to be in when it seems you'll need to spend some time in the loo
22. Silly fun: Cowpie Catapults is a game that challenges players to ing ___ turds at plastic cows
This ™
Across kris@kapd.com KAPD ebooks now available on www.kapd.com 2/25/24 © 2024 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: she swim worm play Was simple Answer here: THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble HSE OMWR LYPA SMIW ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
February23,2024 CoastalPoint 63
23. Presidential seat: Past POTUS who likely wished the White House rest room had been appointed with a modern, extra tall toilet Week’s Solution
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!
There It Is! By Jan Buckner Walker The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults Kids
3,500 sq ft home. The complete landscaping package delights with color and de nes the hardscape for the driveway and pathway to the built-in shed, outdoor shower and deck. Neighborhood amenities include a community center, exercise gym, 2 pools (one heated), a playground, tennis and pickleball courts, kayak storage/canal access and fun activities.
$2,450,000 (DESU2045282)
Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382
end unit townhouse featuring 3 BRs, 2.5 bathrooms, in the award winning neighborhood of Bayside. This charming, light- lled coastal style home comes fully furnished with a rst oor primary suite, a well equipped kitchen, a designated laundry room with a sink, an additional loft upstairs with 2 additional BRs, and a large brick patio backing to a private wooded area. Enjoy all of the amenities that Bayside has to offer.
Rarely available meticulously maintained town home
$675,000 (DESU2045974)
$620,000 (DESU2054638)
Call Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472
64 CoastalPoint February23,2024 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: Marycniles@kw.com 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 37372 HARMONY DRIVE, SELBYVILLE THE REFUGE AT DIRICKSON CREEK Welcome to The Refuge at Dirickson Creek! This large 4 BR/4.5 bath home is located in one of West Fenwick Island's most private resort beach communities. Whether you are looking to make the beach your full time residence and have enough room for guests to visit or looking for that getaway home that offers all the room you need for the entire crew to travel together, this home has it. $639,900 (DESU2049974) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137 (o) 302.360.0300 • KWDelawareBeaches.com Each of ce is independently owned & operated.
new custom home was developed, designed and built to cater to the most discerning buyer. Gourmet kitchen that includes custom cabinetry, quartz surfaces, a wine & beverage cooler. Hardwood oors, cabinetry surprises, home automation and spacious rooms abound throughout this
in the desirable community of Sea Colony West! Spacious with an open concept oor plan -3 Bed, 2.5 bath with garage overlooking nature-peace and tranquility are right outside your back door. Offers an abundance of outdoor living spaces- a private gated courtyard, private sundeck off primary bedroom and even an enclosed sunroom outback. Enjoy amenities galore- all that Sea Colony offers. Asking $799,900 (DESU2046922) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 SEACOLONY TOWNHOME 118 ATLANTIC AVE UNIT 402 This prime investment opportunity is located in the 118 Atlantic Ave Professional Complex on heavily traveled Eastbound Rt 26 in Ocean View. Immediate income producing and currently under long term lease with excellent ROI. Leases available upon request. Ample parking. Agent is owner. $624,900 (DESU2051124) Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND COMMERCIAL 11 OYSTER BAY DR, FENWICK ISLAND Brand New Roof installed on this amazing waterfront home in the town of Fenwick Island on an extra wide canal. Dock your boat in your spacious fenced in backyard. Recently renovated and meticulously cared for 4 bed, 2.5 bath open concept home with replace, garage, multiple decks and patios, outdoor shower, boat lift, kayak launch. Property sold furnished. Turnkey! Short walk to beach, shops, restaurants, entertainment. $1,495,000 (DESU2052402) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 5 E INDIAN ST Just Listed Ocean Block in the town of Fenwick Island. Location, Location- less than 250 ft to beach! Amazing opportunity to build/own your dream home in family Friendly Fenwick Island. Just 3 lots off the ocean- conveniently located in the North end of town. Just park your car and relax and enjoy the wide and uncrowded Indian St Beach…no need to drive. Walk or bike to restaurants, shops,entertainment, Fenwick boardwalk, water park, mini golf. Asking $1,690,000 (DESU2056004) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159
SEA BIRD CT Stunning
with buyers on this Well kept ranch home on large lot in Ocean View. With some updating would be a great year round or vacation home. Short drive to several restaurants, grocery stores, bank, post of ce, package store as well as the Beach at Bethany, State Parks, Marina etc.
Call Logan
JUSTSOLD $343 EAGLE LN & #370 BLUEBIRD LN Mallard Lakes, Rt. 54, West Fenwick UNDER CONTRACT! When Selling Your Home, One of the MOST IMPORTANT Decisions YOU Make is the AGENT YOU CHOOSE! CHOOSE WISELY! WORK WITH AN AGENT WHO KNOWS THE MARKET! 343 EAGLE: $329,900 (DESU2049796) 370 BLUEBIRD: $360,000 (DESU2052022) Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AGENT! Email: Fenwickstar@yahoo.com PENDINGSALES #343Ų 121 81ST STREET, #310 OCEAN CITY BAYFRONT, multiple balconies! RIVENDELLL 2-STORY CONDO Furnished, 5 balconies, 3 beds/2.5 baths Sweeping bay views from every room. $895,000 (MDWO2013316) Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004 BAYFRONT OPENHOUSE SUN,2/2511-1 SOLDIN THEREFUGE! NEWLISTING FENWICKISLAND UNDERCONTRACT 333 FAIRWAY LN, DAGSBORO Dagsboro-Dream home in a quiet community with LOW HOA FEES. Located on a corner lot in The Greens at Indian River with backyard oasis and views of the pond. This home is spacious with 4 BRs, 2.5 BA. Features a grand foyer, a dining rm, a gourmet kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, a cozy living room with a replace, a sunroom and screened in porch. Enjoy the peaceful views of the pond from the kitchen, screened-in porch, the deck and the backyard.
Burke (c) 443-797-9217
Call Tammy Mushrush
302-381-8868 NEWLISTING
br 2-1/2 ba 2,000 sf Enjoy the peaceful pond view from this beautiful Bayside twin villa just a few miles from the beach!
front porches and a back patio invite relaxing outdoor time when you’re not enjoying all of Bayside's amenities. First oor primary suite, spacious open oor plan, and additional upstairs living space make this a perfect beach getaway!
(DESU2046702) Call Nancye Vermillion