Frankfordbeginning town-managersteps
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
WhentheFrankfordTownCouncil holdsitsannualbudgetmeetingsinthe comingmonths,therewillbeanewexpenditureinthediscussions:thehiring ofatownmanager.
Whilethecouncilhasconsideredthe additionofatownmanagertothetown staffforyears,employingsomeonewho canhelptheTownhandleadditional taskswillbenecessitatedbygrowththe Townwillfaceasitmovesforwardwith developmentofhundredsofacresof formerfarmlandintoresidentialcommunitiesinsidetownlimits.
TownCouncilPresidentGregWelch thisweekthattheTownhadreceived “quiteafew”samplesofjobdescriptions fortownmanagersfromotherDelaware municipalities,includingOceanView, Georgetown,FenwickIsland,Lewes andClayton.Thecouncilhasalsotaken alookattownchartersfromGreenwoodandGeorgetowntogetsomeidea ofhowFrankford’scharterwouldhave tobechangedtoaddatownmanagerto its staff,Welchsaid.
Thetownstaffcurrentlyconsistsofa townclerkandamaintenancesupervisor,inadditiontothepolicedepartment,whichcurrentlyincludesPolice ChiefKevinSmithandtwopart-time officers.Theadditionofasecondfull-
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
SelbyvilleTownCouncilwoman CarolCaryandCouncilmanMonroe Hudsonwerebothswornintonew termsduringtheMonday,March4, councilmeeting.Nocandidatesfiled torunforelectionopposingeitherof them,sotheelectionscheduledfor Saturday,March,2,wascanceled.
Astheywereswornin,eachvowed toperformtheirdutiesbyupholding
theordinancesofthetown“without fearorprejudice.”ThenMayorRick Duncancongratulatedthem,saying, “Welcomeback.Thepastyearshave beengreatworkingwithyou.”
PoliceChiefBrainWilsonwasalso reappointed.
OthercouncilmembersareCouncilmenGarySteffenandChrisSnader. ThetermsforDuncan,Steffenand SnaderendinMarch2025.
SelbyvilleMayorRickDuncan,Cary andTownAdministratorStaceyLong willreadtochildrenatShowellElementarySchoolthismonth.
AspartoftheOneTown,OneBook program,thetownofficialswillreadthe book“CleoEdisonOliver,Playground Millionaire”bySundeeTuckerFrazier, aboutalittlegirlwhooperatesatooth-
Duncan,whowillbetherethe morningofFriday,March12,saidhis grandsonjokinglyaskedhimifDuncan wantedhimtositnearbytohelphim pronouncethewords.
Thetowncouncilhaditsfirst livestreamedmeetingthisweek,after
MARCH 8, 2024 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 21, Issue 10 FREE Reminder Don’t forget Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 10. Set your clocks forward 1 hour at 2 a.m., local time. Sports Unified falls in state semis Page 48 Summernears SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MaryfrancesBerger AglancethroughthissandcastleinBethanyBeachoffersasmallglimpseintosummerdaysahead.
Duncan,Cary,Long toreadtostudents
havingapprovedattheirJanuarymeetinga$9,968contractwithSolutions Plus.
Thecompanyisprovidingeight AppleiPads,keyboardsandcasesfor meetingmaterialsandamicrophone andmountforanewpodium,LongexplainedattheJan.8towncouncilmeeting.
Thecosttoinstallequipmentwas $8,658.80,plus$480peryearforthe annualsubscriptionand$830forlabor.
“Thiscouncilhastakenstepsof movingtowardthefuture.Westillwant
AttheMonday,March4,town councilmeeting,Welchaskedtheother councilmembersforinputastowhen theywouldliketostartadvertisingto hireatownmanager.
CouncilTreasurerJohnWrightsaid hewouldlikethecounciltowaituntil thecouncilmovesforwardwithits budgetmeetingsforthe2025fiscalyear, setforAprilandMay.Thediscussions shouldincludeajobdescriptionandpay scale,Wrightsaid.
“Itseemslikeitwouldbeveryeasy tocomeupwiththosedescriptions,”
Thisweek,hesaidthetownisnow inthe21stcentury“withcameras”and thankedLong“forsettingeverything up.”
“Thisisjustthestartofthedirection wewanttogoin.Thisisjustthebeginning,”Duncansaid,jokingthatcouncil memberswillhavetobesuretheirhair isinplace“becausewe’rebeingviewed.”
Later,CaryalsothankedLongand townstaff“foreverythingyoudidtoget everythingworkingtonight.”
Longsaid11peoplewatchedthe meeting,andDuncanthankedthem. He saidanyonewithquestionscanemailLong.
Welchsaid.“Onceweconcoctourdescriptionandgetourattorneytoputit inaresolutionoranordinance,wecan advertiseforthatposition,”Welchsaid.
Thecouncilbrieflydiscussedthis weekwhetherthepositionshouldbe full-timeorpart-time.Welchsaidthat, judgingfromthejobdescriptionsfrom othertowns,“Itlookslikeit’savery full-timeposition.”
Townmanagersgenerallyhandle day-to-dayissuesthatcomeupintown offices,whichcanincludedealingwith developers,townpropertymaintenance, staffingandothermatters.
“Idon’tknowhowapplicableallof thatistohere,becausewedon’treally dothatmuch,”Wrightsaid.
EconomicDevelopment Committeeupdate
Cary,whoisontheEconomicDevelopmentCommittee,saidprogress wasexcellentattheFeb.26meeting, whenmembersdiscussedcommunication,includingtheimportanceof livestreamingcouncilmeetings.
SelbyvillePit&Pubhasnowopened intheMasonDixonShoppingCenter, andEconomicDevelopmentCommitteememberstalkedabouttheimportanceofmakingthatnewbusiness,and allothers,feelwelcome.
Hangingdecorativeflagsfrompoles downtownwasdiscussed,aswellas
rentadministrativeset-up,“Alotofitis thingsthatwe’vebeenhavingtodo afterourday-job,andalotofthatdoesn’tgetdonebecausewe’retiredafterour day-job—thingslikegrant-getting, managingotheremployees,theannexationsandstufflikethat,”Welchsaid.
WrightaddedthattheTownwill needsomeonetohandletheinsand outsoftheprojectsplannedforthetwo recentlargeannexations,atthevery least.
“ManagingtheTownofFrankfordis notgoingtobelikemanagingtheTown ofLewes.”Wrightsaid.
Hesaidhewillputtogetherarough draft,includingaproposedjobdescription,andwillsendittotheothercouncilmembersforcommentsand
walkability,tendingtoplantersand makingthetownlookwelcoming.
CarysaidMackenzieLong,the daughterofthetownadministrator,has beenhiredastheTown’snewadministrativeassistant.
Afterinterviewingseveralcandidates,theyoungerLongwashiredfor theentry-levelposition.Shewillgraduatethissummerwithadegreeinbusiness andhaspreviouslyinternedforthe TownofSelbyville.
“Weareverypleasedtohave Mackenziejoinus,andsheisgoingto assumealotofresponsibilitiesthatare
“Ithinkweshouldheadinthatdirection,andgetthatadvertisedandget thatpositionfilled.Ithinkitwillbe veryhelpful,”Welchsaid.“We’vegota lotgoingon,really.Alotofthingsare happening.”
CouncilVicePresidentPamDavis agreed.
“Ithinkweallneedtobetogether onwhatwewant,”shesaid.
NewcouncilmemberKyleQuillen askedwhethertheyhadheardofany part-timemanagers,towhichWelch repliedhehadnot.
“Whenyoureadthedescription,it’s prettydemanding,”Welchsaid.“Ithink itwouldbebeneficialtous”tohirea full-timetownmanager,hesaid.
2 CoastalPoint March8,2024 f Trusted Advisor i l di e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists trust and de profe to xactly hey told m xpert essional advisors epend on their e e looki ly wha me everything the DC .ors tise. ally ing for and CF would handle, y d ho maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar A community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F omas so Scholarship pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their A. ship md vice o le T 302.335.6933 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or . 933 t , a e war org/daf
nowfallingonDebbieMcCabe,like dataentry,”Carysaid.
RoadworkonRoute113 explained
TownAdministratorLongsaidDelDOTworkerswillbeginmakingimprovementsneartheTown’spump stationonMonday,March11,and shouldbefinishedbyJune25.
“Theywillmakeimprovementsnear ourpumpstationandfurnishlabor,materialsforprojects.Theywillbeplacing riprapforathree-sidedconcreteframe, andpatchandrepairthebusinessentranceadjacenttotheculvert,”Longsaid.
Duncanremindedresidentstovisit theSelbyvillePublicLibraryandadmireworksofartbylocalstudentsin thisyear’sStudentArtShow.
Judginghasbeencompletedand winnerswillbeannounced,andawards given,at2p.m.onSaturday,March16, atthelibrary.
ZachEvans,whohandlespublicrelationsforMountaireFarms,toldthe councilthatboxesoffoodfortheless
fortunatewillbepackedduringtheannualEasterforThousandsonSaturday, March23.
“Wewillhave8,000boxesgoingout thedoor,tofeedover30,000people. Breakfastwillbeserved,andMountaire chickenwillbecookedon-site,”hesaid.
Allvolunteerpackingpositionshave beenfilled.
EmilyGaitheroftheBethany-FenwickAreaChamberofCommerceinvitedthepublictoparticipatein CommunityCleanUpDayat8a.m.on Saturday,April20.
Volunteerswillbegiveneverything theyneed,shesaid.
The Chamber’sSpringFlingwillinvolveseveralbusinesses,shesaid.Businesseswillgivepatronsraffleticketsfor achancetowinprizesfromApril12to 20.
TheannualOldTimersDaywillbe inSelbyvilleonSaturday,June15.
DuncansaidheattendedSelbyville’s volunteerfirecompanybanquet,calling it“agreatthing,”andsuggestedthe Townstartgivingfirefightersproclamations.
HealsoannouncedthatSPD PatrolmanandSchoolResourceOfficerTyler
Barewasrecognizedattheannualfirstresponderawardsforhisworkinthe schools.
PoliceChiefBrianWilson,while presentinghismonthlyreport,told councilofficersrespondedto223calls inFebruary,wrote34ticketsandmade 14criminalarrests.
Thepolicedepartmentcontinuesto workwithtwoofficersoutonwork-relatedinjuriesandhasonevacancy.
“Weareinthehiringphase— slowlybutsurely,”Wilsonsaid.
CodeEnforcementOfficerTony Merollini,whilepresentinghismonthly reporttothecouncil,saidworkiscontinuingonthenewSelbyvillePublicLibrary.
Duncantoldhimautilitypolewas knockedovernearChurchStreetand saidtheyareusuallyhitbytractor-trailers.Hesaidthereusedtobeasignstatingtruckswereprohibitedinthatarea unlesstheyweremakinglocaldeliveries.
Merollinisaidhewillrequestthat DelDOTerectnewsigns.
“Thatcouldhavebeenamajoroutage.Thatisthemaintrunkgoinginto FenwickIsland,”Duncansaidaboutthe
New 24 Vacation • Cruise
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Spring - Arriving Daily
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
Asshejudgedthisyear’sSelbyville YouthArtMonthShow,CarolRydel pausedataportraitofayounggirl,one ofdozensondisplayattheSelbyville PublicLibrary. Judges,usingarubrictorateworks
ofart,lookedforcomposition,howthe youngartistusedavailablespace,techniqueandcreativity.
“Thisoneisdifferent.Theartisthas adifferentapproach,”remarkedRydel,a formerartteacher,artistandSelbyville resident,asshestudiedaportraitofa
4 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Tune Up Your Hearing for the Season Ahead! It’s Almost Time to Embrace the Sounds of Spring . . . Veteran Owned and Operated Kivoney Mehrer, H.I.S Co-owner 32566 Docs Place, Suite 2, Millville, DE 19967 Across From Giant Supermarket (302) 251-8252 • Schedule Your Appointment Today Free Consultation Register Now! (Space is Limited) Billy Gerrish, IRSD & DCPS Teacher 20 Years of Experience MDALLSTARSBG@GMAIL.COM BEACH CAMP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spring Break Camp April 1-4 Summer Camp June July August Availability Downtown Bethany Ball games & crafts with water balloons & hotdogs sprinkled in This is Gonna Be Awesome! “Billy has a near genius ability with kids.” –The Great Zucchini, Award-Winning Kid Entertainer @GerrishCamps Billy Gerrish
CoastalPoint•SusanCanfora Left,judgeCarolRydelenjoystheworkofsomeofourlocalyouthattheSelbyville YouthArtMonthShow.WinnersofthecontestwillbeannouncedMarch16. SeeARTpage5
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
DescribingDelawareas“strongand gettingstrongereveryday,”Gov.John Carneythisweeksaidthat,underhis leadership,therehavebeenstridesinfinancialmanagement,thecreationof
girl,darkhairflowingdowntoher shoulders,alookofthoughtfulsurprise onherface.
“Isitaself-portrait?”someoneasked, andRydelsaidshewasn’tsure,butthe work—byLexxineElizabethZullo,a senioratIndianRiverHighSchool— shesaid,“hasalotofimpact.”
“Whenyouwalkby,youcan’tignore it.Itcatchesyourattentionrightaway. Youcantellshehasgoodcontrolofthe medium,”Rydelsaidassheandother judgescontemplatedtheworkslast week,makingtheirwayaroundtheSelbyvillelibrary,whereartbylocalstudentsisondisplay.
OnSaturday,March16,winnerswill beannounced.Ribbonswillbeonthe
“Thereusedtobeasignthatsaid ‘NoTrucksPastThisPoint,’”themayor said.
PurchaseofCitizenReporter softwareOK’d
AttherecommendationofMerollini, thecouncilapprovedthepurchaseof CitizenReporter,asoftwaretoolthat Merollinisaidwillhelptownofficials receivenotifications.
CompatiblewithiPads,thegeographicinformationsystem,orGIS,basedsoftware“givesusastart,middle andendforanythingthatmaycometo us,”thecodeinspectorsaid.
Forexample,hesaid,acitizenconcernedaboutadilapidatedhomeand messypropertycaninformtheTown usingCitizenReporter.
“ItalsoallowsyouandIandthe TownofSelbyvilleemployeesandthe publictoviewitattheirleisuresothey canseewhatisbeingdoneandseethe solution.Iteasesphonecallscomingin hereandpeoplegettingangst-upped aboutasituation.…Sonowtheyknow they’vebeenheard.Theyknowthey’ve beenseen.Ithelpsustohelpthem.We aregivingthematool,becausewedon’t seeeverything,”Merollinisaid.
Thecouncilapprovedspending $7,000forthesoftware.
20,000jobs,worktowardincreasingthe startingsalaryforteachersandanemphasisonschoolsandchildcare.
DuringhisStateoftheStateaddress, deliveredonTuesday,March5,atLegislativeHallinDover,thegovernorwas interruptedthreeorfourtimesby shoutsofprotest.Eachtime,Speakerof
bestofthemandcashawardspresented atthelibraryastownofficialsgreetand congratulatethestudents.
Inanotherroomatthelibrary,drawingsofseashellsmadebyeighthgraders areondisplay.
Awrittenexplanation,postednear thedrawings,states,“Wepracticed drawingvarioustypesofcontours:cross contour,continuouslineandblindcontour drawings.Studentschoseshells fromourcollectiontodraw.”
Apaintingofagirlholdingacandle thatilluminatesjusthalfherfacecaught theattentionofjudgeMarcySnyder, whoisapainter,andwhoadmiredthe student’sskill,creativityandcontrolof themedium.
“I’dsayshe’shadhersoulhurtand she’stryingtofigureouthernextmove,” Snydersaidofthesubjectinthepainting,byAnyaChristinaMariaTinelli.
Hydrantstobeflushed nextmonth
FirehydrantsinSelbyvillewillbe flushedtheweekofApril8,CouncilmanGarySteffensaidashepresented hismonthlypublicworksreport.
HesaidPublicWorksemployees havefinishedpaintingtheinsideofSelbyvilleTownHall.
PublicWorksemployeesarealso readyingmowersfortheupcoming grass-cuttingseason.
Steffen,whilepresentingthe monthlyRecreation&Parksreport, saidrestroomswillbeopenatSelbyville Parkinthenextcoupleofweeks.New playgroundequipmentisscheduledto beinstalledinmid-March.
“That’sprettyexcitingnewsforthe town,”hesaid.
Snader,whilepresentinghismonthly waterreport,saidthesewerplanthada dailyaverageflowof1milliongallons, with apeakflowof1.3milliongallons perday.
Theplantisperformingwithinall requiredlevels.
theHouseValerieJ.Longhurst,thefirst femalespeakerinDelawarehistory,restoredorderbybanginghergavel.
Carneyrespondedtotheinterruptionsbyscowling,takingastepback fromthepodium,occasionallysipping waterandturningtolookatLonghurst who,eachtime,said,“Pleasecontinue,
“Everyyear,theworksgetbetter,” SnydertoldJackieBates,chairwomanof theSelbyvilleCommunityClub’sArts &CultureProgram.
“Theyexpressthemselvesandput themselvesintoit,”Batesagreed.
There’sacollaborativedrip-artmural bySelbyvilleMiddleSchooleighthgradersusing“elementsofcolorandline tocreateindividualdrip-artpieces.”
ShowellElementarySchoolthirdgradersconcentratedonabstracts.A messagefromtheirteacher,postedona cardnearsomeoftheworksexplains, “Artexpressesthefeelingsandexpressionsoftheartist.Abstractartdoesnot attempttorepresentanaccuratedepictionofvisualreality,butinsteaduses shapes,colorsandformstoachieveits effect.Theartistsees,feels,expresses.”
Acollectionofworksbyfirst-graders focusedongiraffes,dinosaurs,pumpkins
Route113,Snadersaidwhilepresenting themonthlyPlanning&Zoningreport.
Thewordscalledoutinawoman’s voice,interruptingthegovernor,nowin his secondterm,weremostlyinaudible, butafewsuchas“jobs”and“Howdare you?”couldbeheard.
Theartworkondisplayisbychildren inkindergartenthroughthefinalyearof highschool,fromShowellElementary School,SelbyvilleMiddle,theSouthern DelawareSchoolfortheArtsandIndianRiverHighSchool,aswellas home-schooledstudentslivinginSelbyville.
PrizemoneycomesfromtheSelbyvilleCommunityClubandsponsors, saidBates,whohassaidthatYouthArt Monthemphasizesthevalueofarteducationforchildrenandencouragessupportforqualityschoolartprograms.
Theshowisadministeredbythe CouncilforArtEducationandfocuses onthevalueofthateducation,“which developsdivergentandcriticalthinking skills,multiculturalawarenessandtechnical,communicationandexpressive skills.”
Newspeech-therapybusiness Planning&Zoningapprovedplans foranewspeech-therapybusinesson
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ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
AlthoughStateTreasurerColleen Davishasendedhercampaignfor Congress,amonthafterelectivemastectomysurgery,sheexpressedhope thatherdecisionsregardingherhealth willhaveanimpactbeyondstateornationaloffice.
Davissaidduringarecentinterview withtheCoastalPointthatherdouble mastectomywasaresultofDNAtest-
Questionssenttohispublicrelations staff,askingwhowasshouting,whether protestorswereintheroomandwhy theywerenotremoved,wentunansweredbytheCoastalPoint’sdeadline thisweek.
Otherwise,Carney,inadarkblue suitandblue-and-yellow-stripednecktie,appearedrelaxedandpleasedwith progressmadeduringhiseightyearsin office,sayingthestatehasmade“big stridesinfinancialmanagement,”but expressingconcernhisconstitutional amendmentto“controlspendingassustainable levels”wasnotpassed“despite ourbestefforts.”
ingthatrevealedshehadgeneticmarkersthatputherathighriskforcancer. Thetestingfollowedsimilarresults thatledhertohavebothovariesremovedlatelastyear.
Shesaidshehopedthatbeingopen aboutherjourneythroughthoseproceduresshecould“normalizehowweird thiscircumstancecanfeel.”Byspeakingaboutanexperienceshecalled “trulyforeign”tomostpeople,shesaid shehopestoeliminatesomeofthe stigmaaroundit.
tureifwedon’thaveourbudgetin order,”hesaid.
“Sendmelegislationthatwillmake ourspendingbenchmarkpermanent,” hesaid,issuingareminderthathewon’t beinofficenextyearbutmanylawmakerslisteningtohisaddresswillbe.
“Don’tsetyourselvesupforfailure,” hewarned.
Delaware,hesaid,has“aseriousissue withhealthcarecostinflation,”with$2 billionbeingspentonhealthcare,a $200millionincreasefromlastyear.
“Ifwedon’tgetserious,thiswill crowdouteducationandchildcare,”he said,addingthatnothingismoreimportantthanpublicschools.
Thefirstprocedure,forwhichthe medicaltermis“salpingooophorectomy,”wasdoneinDecember2023.
“Itwasreallykindofallbasedon riskfactors,”shesaidofthesurgeries. Thoseriskfactorsbecameknown,she said,throughtestingthatherfather haddoneintheprocessofhisown cancerdiagnosis.
“Therearepreventativethingsthat youcando”whensuchmutationsare discovered,Davissaid.“Everybodyhas anopportunitytokeeptheirhealthat
forlow-incomestudentsandEnglish learnersinpublicschools—andbuildingmoreschools,whichhecharacterizedaspillarsinthecommunity.
Mentalhealthservicesforyoungstudentswillbeexpandedtohighschools thisyear,hesaidtoapplause.
Statewide,thereislessthan40percentreadingproficiencyatthethirdgradelevel,andCarneysaidhewants thestatetobeabletocompeteforthe besteducators.
“Ifwesticktotheplan,wewillincreasethestartingsalaryforteachersto $60,000overthenextfouryears,”he said.
Alsoduringhisaddress,Carney praisedhiswife,TraceyQuillenCarney
theforefront.Ithinksometimes,the youngeryouareandthehealthierin generalyouare,themoreinclinedwe are tosortofkeepourheadsinthe sand,”saidDavis,whois44.
Shesaidthat,inherownfamily, therehadbeensignsthatcancercould strikeatanearlyage.
“Ihadanauntwhodiedinher30s, shortlyafterhavingherfifthchild,”she said. SeeDAVISpage7
andthankedtheirtwosons.Hespoke highlyofLt.Gov.BethanyHall-Long —who,hesaid,duringtheCOVID pandemic“rolleduphersleevesandgot thingsdone”bothaslieutenantgovernorandasaregisterednurse,andwhois achampionofscienceandtechnology andadvancingSTEMcareersforthose inDelaware,particularlyyounggirls, thegovernorsaid.
Assaultweaponshavebeenbanned, aswellasbumpstocks.Red-flaglaws havebeenpassedandstrawpurchases —whenasecondpersonbuysafirearm forsomeoneelse—havebeenprevented.
Thatlawrequiresguntrainingfor buyerswithinfiveyearsofpurchasinga gun.
“Thosewhochoosethepathofviolencewillbeprosecutedtothefullest extentofthelaw,”Carneysaid.
Turninghisattentiontoclimate change,hespokeinfavorofelectricvehicles,tobesure“Delawareisn’tleftbehind.”
“Thethreatofclimatechangeiswhy we’relookingatoffshorewinddevelopment.WehavetalkedtoU.S.Windto bringanactiveleadershiprole.Itwould bringwindenergytoDelawareand $100millioninbenefitstoourstate withoutraisingrates,”hesaid.
Fundswouldbeusedforworkforce development,dredgingwaterwaysand mitigatingclimatechange,thegovernor said.
6 CoastalPoint March8,2024 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW! Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen Group & Private Classes • Positive Reinforcement 302-236-2497
Heraunt’sdeathwas“alwaysalittle bitofamystery,”butwhenitwas pairedwithherownfather’smedical history,cancerconnectionsbeganto comeintofocus.
Davis’father,shesaid,wasdiagnosedwithCrohn’sdiseaseattheage of19,andbecausesomeofthose symptomswerethesameasthecancer withwhichhewaslaterdiagnosed,no testingwasdoneforcancerforsome time.
Shesaidthatalthoughsheisgratefulshenowhastheinformationabout herfamilyhistoryandwasabletotake theactionoftheproactivesurgeries, sheisalsothankfulthatshehadthe opportunitytogivebirthtoherthree childrenbeforesheknewoftherisks thatcouldhavebeenfacingher.
Davisacknowledgedthatforpeople whoareinadifferentphaseoflife, whomightstillbehopingtobearchildren,thedecisionprocessiscertainly morecomplicated.
Eveninherownstageinlife,she said,thedecisiontoundergothetesting,andtheschedulingofitaround herbusyworkandfamilyschedules, waschallenging. Still,shesaid,shebelievesitisbettertohavetheinformation.
“Someofthesethingsaredifficult,” Davissaid.
Butultimately,shesaid,thedifficulties—whetheritbegettingtheactual testingdoneorfollowingthroughwith preventativesurgery—“havetotakea backseattoprioritizingmyown health.”
Shesaidsherealizessheisfortunate tohaveafamilyandstaffwhohelped hertobeabletomakethedecisionsto goaheadwiththesurgeries.
“Myday-to-dayisaprettypacked one,ingeneral,”shesaid,soeven schedulingallthepre-surgerytesting becameachallenge.
Davissaidshewasbacktoworkthe dayafterhavingherovariesremoved, “AlthoughIdideverythingvirtually”for
Inapreviousarticle,weincorrectly statedthatTowBoatUSprovidedthe boatforanestingplatformproject,
FishandWildlife,whoultimatelyprovidedtheDNRECskiff.Also,Jodi McLaughlinisaDelawareMasterNaturalistwholeadsagroupofothervolunteersintryingtohelpwithosprey conservation.Weapologizefortheerrorsandwillcontinuetoworkhardto improveeachandeveryday.
Oureditortakestheblameonthis, and wehappilysharehisemailsoyou canfireawayangryandcolorfuldiatribesinhisdirection.Please,bemean:
Whethergenetictestingforcancer markersis coveredby insurance dependson afewfactors,Davis said.Inher case,she received freetesting atthe Helen Graham Centerat Christiana Hospital becauseof herfather’spositivetestresultsfora geneticmutation.
Sheexplainedthatcloserelativesof thosewhotestpositiveforthegenetic
mutationshaveanine-monthwindow inwhichtheirowntestingwouldbe covered.Now,asaresultofherown teststhatalsoshowedthemarker,any directrelativesofherswillalsobeable tohavethetestswithoutcharge withinninemonthsofherresults,she said.
“Someofmycousinssaid,‘I’m scaredtoknow,’”Davissaid,adding thatsheunderstandsthatfeeling.
Evenifherownrelativeschoose nottohavethegenetictesting,she said,throughherowntestresultsthey willatleasthavetheknowledgegoing forwardthattheycouldbeatrisk. Thatinformationalonecouldbring themtobemorediligentaboutother screeningsthroughouttheirlives,she said.
Iftheyjustsharetheinformation withtheirowndoctorsthatarelative hasthemutation,thatmaybeenough tomaketheirdoctorsmore“diligent” insuggestingpreventativecareand
Asshecontinuesinherrecovery, Davissaidshefoundsomeoftherestrictionsfrustrating,thoughtemporary.Shewasrelievedtohearthatall ofthepost-surgerytissuetestingcame back“stellar,”andknowsthather chanceofdevelopingcancer“isn’t zero,butit’sprettylow.”
Overall,Davissaid,sheisrelieved tohavethesurgerybehindher,and hopesthattalkingaboutherexperiencewillbeinformativeforothers.
“Idowantpeopletofeelalittle lesstaboo,”aboutthesubject,shesaid.
Meanwhile,Davis’secondtermas statetreasurercontinuesthrough 2027.
Thisweek,sheendorsedstateSen. SarahMcBrideforthecongressional seatshehadsought—whichiscurrentlyheldbyLisaBluntRochester, whoisrunningfortheU.S.Senate seatbeingvacatedbyretiringU.S. Sen.TomCarper.
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 7 302.500.1013 38427 Bethany Breeze Drive, Frankford DE Please Join Us For Our Open House Fri- 3/15 & Sat- 3/16 - 2-5pm Experience the difference at One Wellness Spa and Boutique— where wellness is more than just a destination, it's a way of life Salt Room, Sound Therapies, Massages, Advanced Facials & More Offering a range of holistic treatments to promote relaxation, rejuvenation & overall well-being Indulge your senses & rejuvenate your spirit with us, your oasis of relaxation in the Bethany area Where luxury meets serenity... embark on a journey to holistic wellness like never before NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS!
Davis Continuedfrompage6 Davis
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
Fiveyearsago,KyleQuillenandhis fiancéeboughtthemostwell-known houseinFrankford.
Now,Quillen—ownerofthehistoricEbeChandlerHouseonMain Street—isthenewestmemberofthe FrankfordTownCouncil.
Quillen,57,wassworninasacouncilmemberinFebruary.Hereplaces formercouncilvicepresidentSkipAsh, whodidnotseekre-election.Therewas noelectioninFrankfordthisyear, asQuillenandCouncilMembers JimmySampleandPamDaviswerethe onlyresidentstofileascandidates.
AnativeofSeaford,Quillensaidhe movedawaytoPittsburghafterhigh schoolandlivedtherefor25 years.Quillenhasabachelor’sdegreein businessadministrationfromRadford Universityandworkedincarsalesand serviceinPennsylvaniabeforehisreturn toDelaware.
AjobatDelawareTechnicalCommunityCollegeinGeorgetownasan automotiveinstructorandacademicadviserbroughthimbacktoSussex County.Twoyearsago,Quillenbecame a departmentchairatDelTech,forautomotive,diesel,andheatingandair conditioning.
“I’vealwayshadalotoffamilyin thisarea,”hesaid.“Mydad’ssideofthe familyisfromFrankford,Roxana,Bayard…”
Alongwithhisfiancée,SusanPegram,QuillenboughttheChandler housein2019.
“We’vebeenslowlybutsurelyjust updatingeverything,”hesaidofthe circa-1878Victorianhome.Theyare,he said,“workingonthebigsystemsfirst —like thefoundation,makingsure everything’sOK.
“Ourplan,”hesaid,“iswhensheretires,we’regoingtoopenitbackupasa bed-and-breakfast,”asithadbeenunder formerownersRobertandMarla Daisey.
“Welikehistory,”hesaid,“soitwas theperfecthouseforus.”Thehousewas namedtotheNationalRegisterofHistoricPlacesin1979.“It’sgotalotof historytoit,andit’ssortofafocalpoint ofthetown,”heacknowledged.
SittinginFrankfordTownHall,just afewdoorsdownfromhis home,Quillensaidthehome’shistory andthecouple’splansforit“sortofled metohere.SusanandIhaveavested interestinthetown.Wethought,if we’regoingtorunthisasabusinessin thetown,wewanttohave—notso muchinput,aswefeellikewe’reatthe agenowwherewe’reoneoftheones that’sgoingtodrivewhatactuallyhappenshere.”
Quillenstartedattendingtown councilmeetingssoonafterpurchasing thehouse.
“I’vebeenonalotofthecommittees. So,when Skipdecidedhewasgoingto stepdown,theykindofapproachedme toputmynamein.Ididn’twanttostep onanybody’stoes,”hesaid.“Iwouldn’t sayit’saself-servinginterest.Tous,it’s moreofacivicduty.
“Ithinkit’sgoingtobeagoodfit,” hesaid,addingthathefeelshehasa “goodrelationship”withothertownofficials.“I’mbusy,soIdidwarnthem aboutthat,”hesaidwithachuckle.
Quillensaidhisphilosophyis“You can’tjustsitthereandcomplainabout somethingwhenyou’reactuallyinapositionwhereyouropinioncanbesomething thatguides”thediscussioninapositivedirection.“Toomanypeoplejustwantto complain,andthat’sthat,”hesaid.
“One thingIlikeaboutthistown councilisthatitseemslikeeverybody’s fromkindofadifferentbackground.So, yougetalotofideasandkindofcome together.Ithinkit’sthatmixofthings thatkindofprovidesdifferentperspectives.Therearealotofgoodideasanda lot ofpeoplewho’vebeenonthiscouncilforalongtime.Thatsayssomething,”Quillensaid.
“IthinkIbringanothersetofeyes, anotherattitude…adifferentwayof thinking,”hesaid.“Yougetthebestof alltheworldswhenyougetthatgroup ofpeopletogether.Everybody’sgotto compromise.Everybody’sgottobeinvolved.”
And,ofcourse,hesaid,itcomesback tothat“vestedinterest.”Hesaidheis pleasedtoseethetowntakingpridein whatithas,inplaceslikeFrankford TownPark.“Youjustwanttokindof maintainthat.”
Hesaidhethinkshisexperienceas aninstructorhastaughthimtorelish hearingvarietyofperspectives,whether
8 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Bethany & Rehoboth Open Fri-Sun 10-5pm • Fenwick Open Sat & Sun 10-5pm Check Out Our New Rehoboth Store - 129 Rehoboth Ave Fenwick Island 302-581-0241 100 Coastal Hwy. (next to Fenwick Crabhouse) Bethany Beach 302-539-TOYS (8697) On the boardwalk in the Blue Surf Condominiums & Shops GREAT GIFTS, GAMES, PUZZLES & TOYS! F Y O%20 EVERRYTHI F G ING NO T OW HROUGHGHOCTOOBER 3 NOW HO TOB*Cannotbecombinedwwithanyotherof By NOWTHROUGHMARCH31 20%OFF QuillenjumpsintoFrankfordlifewithbothfeet SeeQUILLENpage9 SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted KyleQuillen,picturedwithhisdogBetty ifyoulookupclose,isthenewestmemberoftheFrankfordTownCouncil,and istheowneroftheoldChandlerhouse downtown.
ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
FenwickIsland’slong-awaited channeldredgingprojectintheAssawomanBaycontinuestomoveforward,withtownofficialspreparingto takebidsfortheproject.
DredgingCommitteeChair WilliamRymersaidattheFriday,Feb. 23,towncouncilmeetingthatthe Townwouldfinalizethe“requestfor proposals,”orRFP,fortheprojectthis weekandhopestoreleasetheRFP packetsnextweek,followinglegalreviewofthedocument.
“Youtakeitallin.Likewithmystudents—youcangivealessonand everybodytakesomethingalittledifferentoutofit.
“Iseethathere,too.Maybepeople hearitthewaytheywanttohearit.
Maybetheydon’thearittherightway. EversinceI’vebeenhere,I’vetriedto… clarify,”hesaid,takingasecondtofind therightword.
NotingthathehasknownPolice ChiefKevinSmithsincethetwowere
Thenextstepwouldbeselectinga contractorfortheproject.
Rymeralsosaidthattherearesome finaldetailstobeironedoutbetween theTownandtheownerofthepropertywherethedredgedmaterialswill bedeposited.
Hesaidcostestimatesfortheprojecthaveincreasedby“severalhundreds ofthousandsofdollars.”Rymersaid the“largestdriver”fortheestimated costincreasesistherequirementthat theTownusethestate-approvedprevailingwagerates.HesaidtheTown hadnotbeenrequiredtouseprevailing wageratesinpastprojects,butbecause
infirstgradetogetherin Seaford,Quillensaidhewouldliketo getinvolvedwiththetown’spoliceforce insomecapacity.
Hesaidhefeelsthatoneofthe biggestchallengesfacingFrankford“is justgettingmorepeopleinvolvedwith thetown.Ifyoucouldsomehowget morepeopleinvolved,Ithinkyoucould getalotmoredone.”
Particularlynow,Quillensaid,as Frankfordfacesbigchangeswithtwo majorannexationsthatcouldtriplethe numberofhomesinthetown,public inputwillbecrucial.
thedredgingprojectincludes$1millioninstategrants,thatrequirementis inplace.
Anadditionalrequirementforcontractorstobevettedanddrugtested willalsodriveupthecost.
“Wewon’tknowwhattheactual costwillbeuntilweactuallygetthe bidsin,”Rymersaid.Rightnow,he said,costestimatesare“guesswork.”
“We’redoingourbesttofigureit out.”
“Ijustwantedtoalertthecouncilto thepossibilitythatwemaybecoming backandaskingforadditionalfunds,” Rymersaid.
Askedwhathethinkswillbethe biggestchallengefortheTownasit lookstowardsubstantial growth,Quillensummeditupwithone word:“Resources.”
Thecruxofthematter,hesaid,will behowthetownmanagesitsfiniteresourceswhileservingallresidents.More peoplewillalsobringmoretrafficto town,hesaid,addingthatheispleased thattheTown’spoliceforcehasbeenreactivated.
“AnnexationinFrankford…it’snot goingtostop,”Quillensaid.“It’sjust goingtokeepmoving.Therereallyisn’t
Althoughhelaudedeffortsbystate Rep.RonGray(R-38th)tohelpthe Towngettheprojectmovingforward, “Unfortunately,itsoundslikewewill notbeabletogetmorefundsinthis statebondbill.”
Rymersaidthecommitteeplansto reachouttoSussexCountyofficials forhelpinfundingtheproject,since theprojectwillbenefithomeowners alongthebaywhoareoutsideoftown limits.
Hesaidthecommitteehopesto startreceivingbidsbymid-April,and atthatpointhewillcomebacktothe councilwithabetterideaofcost.
anythingaffordabletobuyatthebeach anymore.Unlessyouhave$1millionto buyapieceofpropertyoverthereyou justcan’tdoit.So,thisisthenewbeach. It’sheadedthisway.”
WhiletheTownwillseerevenuesincreasethroughrealestatetransfertaxes foraperiod,“It’saone-trick pony,”Quillensaid.“Howdoyoumaintain it?”hesaidoftheimprovements thatcancomefromtherevenueincrease,onceit’snotthereanymore.
“Justlookingatsomeofthesustainabilityofsomeoftheplans”willbeabig challengefortheTown.“Butthoseare someofthedecisionsIlookforwardto beingapartof.”
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 9 Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre! OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Evenings at 7:00 PM Fri., Sat. & Sun. Matinee at 3:00 PM Advance Tickets for all shows available at: Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Box Office: (302) 732-3744 33246 Main St. Dagsboro, DE 19939 17701 Dartmouth Drive Lewes 302-645-9095 Io Capitano Fri Sat Wed Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 13 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Origin Sun Thu Mar 10 Mar 14 4:00 pm 2:00 pm Zone of Interest Fri Sun Mar 8 Mar 10 3:00 pm 5:00 pm The Cinema Art Theater is open year-round to the public. Receive ticket price discounts by becoming a Film Society member! The Peasants Sun 1:00 pm Mar 10 Perfect Days Wed Thu Mar 13 Mar 14 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Oscar Shorts: Animated Sat Wed Mar 9 Mar 13 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Oscar Shorts: Documentary Sat Thu Mar 9 Mar 14 2:00 pm 3:00 pm Oscar Shorts: Live Action Sun Thu Mar 10 Mar 14 2:00 pm 7:00 pm The Taste of Things Fri Sat Wed Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 13 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 2:00 pm Tickets now on sale for the Rehoboth Beach Jewish Film Festival
OnWednesday,March13,Tyler Dreiblatt,interpretiveprogramsmanagerforDelawareSeashoreStatePark, willpresentatalkbasedonthehistory oflifesavinginBethanyBeach.The eveningwillfeatureanoverviewofthe lifesavingservice,theBethanyBeach station,anditseventualtransfertothe CoastGuard.Dreiblattwillalsorecount storiesofthelocalsurfmenandCoast Guardsmenthatworkedthere.
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling Overdevelopmenthasledtotrafficcongestionevenintheskyas...Sorry.We couldn’thelpourselves.
Tylerholdsadegreeinhistoryfrom AlleghenyCollegeandacertificateof studyinenvironmentaleducationand interpretationfromHumboldtState University.HeisaNationalAssociation forInterpretationCertifiedInterpretive Guide,aswellasthe2018winnerofthe DelawareStateParksMohr-Jennings Awardforexcellenceininterpretation.
Theeventissponsoredbythe BethanyBeachCultural&Historical AffairsCommitteeandwilltakeplace inBethanyBeachTownHall,214 GarfieldParkway,at5p.m.
Since2005theBethanyBeachCultural&HistoricalAffairsCommittee hasbeensponsoringculturaleventsduringtheoff-season.Topicsofinterestrun thegamutfromshipwrecksandtreasurestomusicandhistorictales.Allprogramsarefreeandopentothepublic.
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ByKerinMagill StaffReporter
Ithasbeen12yearssinceKaitlyn Vogel’ssisterGabbydiedfromaformof braincancer,buttheUniversityof Delaware(UD)sophomorewantsto makesuresheisneverforgotten.
SoVogel,20,hassigneduptoparticipateinUDance,afundraisingactivity atUDthathasraisedmorethan$18 millionforfamiliesofchildrenwith cancersinceitsinceptionin2007.
Shehassetagoalofraisingatleast $1,000.Inreturn,sheagreestodance forall12hoursoftheUDanceDance Marathon,whichissetforSunday, April21.AlthoughVogelhasalready reachedher$1,000goal,sheiscontinuingtoraisefundsuntilthedayofthe dancemarathon.
Fundsfromthemarathongotothe AndrewMcDonoughB+Foundation, whichwasformedinmemoryofaNew CastleCountyyouthwhodiedfrom complicationsofleukemiaattheageof 14.Hisfamilycreatedthefoundation, whichhasraisedmillionsofdollarsfor cancerresearchandforhelpingfamilies of childrenwithcancer.
glioma(DIPG),whichformsinthe brainstem.About300childrenarediagnosedwithDIPGeachyearinthe United States.Veryfewsurvivelonger thantwoyearspastdiagnosis.
OntheFacebookpagestilldedicated totheGetWellGabbyFoundation, Vogel’smother,Carolynn,saidabouther latedaughter,Gabrielle:“Gabbyhadthe hairofsunshine.Shehadasmilethat couldlightuparoom.Shehasthemost infectiouslaugh.Shewantedtodo everythingherbigsistersdid.She wantedtogrowupandbecomea mommy.Shelovedwithallherheart. Shewasaverycaringandgentlegirl.”
KaitlynVogel’ssponsorshippageon the UDancewebsitefeaturesaphotoof herlittlesister.TheUDanceorganizationfitsinwellwithhergoalofworking tohelpfamilieswhosechildrenare dealingwithacancerdiagnosis.
Althoughthedancemarathonisthe biggesteventUDanceholds,thestudent-runorganizationisactiveonthe UDcampusallyear,holding“canning” drivesandothereventstoraiseawarenessamongstudents.
DuringtheApril21dancemarathon attheBobCarpenterCenter,inadditiontothedanceevent,therewillbea hairdonationstation,hourlyline dances,performancesbyB+designated “Heroes”—childrenwhohavebeenaffectedbycancer—aswellas“flash fundraising”eventsandcompetitionsfor thedancers.
AlthoughsheattendedUDancelast year,Vogelsaidthisisthefirsttimeshe hassignedupforthe12-hourdance marathon,whichbeginsat9a.m.on April21.
Thefoundation,whosenamereferencesMcDonough’sbloodtypeandis pronounced“BePositive,”helpsfamilies inanumberofways,suchaspaying theirbillswhiletheyareoverwhelmed withthechallengesoftheirchildren’s illnesses.Thefoundationalsohelpsto ensurethatcancerpatientsmightsomedaybeabletohavechildrenoftheir ownthroughitsFamilyPreservation program.
Vogel’sfamilyisfamiliarwithcancer-relatedfundraisingefforts,having runtheGetWellGabbyFoundationfor atimeafterGabbyVogel’sdeath.Althoughthefoundationisnotcurrently active,Vogelsaid,“I’mstillverypassionateaboutchildhoodcancer.”Shesaid thatwhenshefoundoutaboutUDance, “IjustkindofknewIhadtogetinvolved.”
GabbyVogelhadararetypeofbrain cancercalleddiffuseintrinsicpontine
In2023,7.000studentswereinvolvedinUDanceactivitiesthroughout the year,includingthedancemarathon. Sinceitwasfoundedin2007bytwo campusfraternal/sororalorganizations, UDancehasraisedmorethan$18millionfortheB+Foundation.
Vogel,adaughterofCarolynnand JohnVogelofOceanView,isanelementaryeducationmajoratUDwitha concentrationinEnglishasasecond language.ShegraduatedfromSussex TechnicalHighSchool,whereshewas involvedinthechildeducationprogram.
TosponsorVogelintheUDance dance marathon,gotohersponsorship orange“Donate”buttononthehome page,thentypein“KaitlynVogel”toaccessherpage.
12 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Bethany Massage & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE $20 OFF a 60 Minute Massage! LUCKY MARCH SPECIAL All Day! Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Book Your Appointment Today 302-537-0510 Open 7 Days/Week Mon-Sat 10-5 • Sun 10-4 Vogelhonoringsisterwithfundraisingeffort SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•Submitted OceanView’sKaitlynVogelisparticipatinginUDance,aneffortputforthbythe UniversityofDelawaretoraisemoney forfamiliesofchildrenwithcancer. Vogel’ssister,Gabby,passedaway12 yearsago. got legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments ~ 302.539.1788
CoastalPointencourages theexchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signed bytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.
Editorial Thestaff
TheTownofSelbyvillehelditsfirstlivestreamedmeetingofthesittingtowncouncilthisweek,andthisisabiggerdealthanmanypeople mightbethinkingrightnow.
Ifthere’sonethingwealllearnedcollectivelyduringthepandemic lockdownsandrestrictions,it’sthatvideomeetingscanreplacealotof in-personinteractions.Now,that’snotentirelyagoodthing.Wehaveall readandheardstudiesthatsuggestthatmanyofourchildrenwerenegativelyimpactedto somedegreebyremotelearning,andthatregular humaninteraction—alreadysomewhatendangeredsincetheriseofsocialmedia—tookahitaspeoplemostlyinteractedviathedigitalworld.
Buttherewasalsosomegood,right?Businessesdidn’thavetotake ontheexpenseofflyingemployeesallovertheplaceformeetingsthat couldbetackledfromhomeortheregularoffice—bothsavingmoney andincreasingefficiencyastraveltimesdwindled.Oldfriendsbeganto
interactagainviaZoom,regardlesshowfartimeandlifehastakenthem apartfromeachotherphysically.Andtownsandothergovernmental bodiesbeganprovidingremoteaccesstomeetingssothepubliccould watchthemconductbusiness.
Thisisespeciallyimportantinourarea.Wehaveanextraordinary numberofsecond-homeownerswhospendthemajorityoftheirtime elsewhere.Theymightnotbeabletoattendthesemeetingsandmonitor what’shappeningwiththeirtaxdollars,butbecauseoflivestreamingand thelike,theycanstayinformed,asithappens.
Weliveinadifferentworld,andthescholarscandebatewhetherthat makesitabetteroneornot.Butinthiscase,withthistechnologythatis nowavailableandhighly-tested,thisoneseemslikeano-brainer.
Doinggovernmentbusinessinpubliciscritical,andSelbyville getsit.
Therearefeatsthatstresstheverylimitsofwhatweever thoughtpossibleforthehumanbody.
ThinkofRogerBannistershatteringthe4:00-milemark,or JesseOwensbreakingfourworldrecordsinalittlemorethanan hour,orGertrudeEderlyswimmingthe EnglishChannel,orDonaldGorskeeating34,128BigMacs...
Point of No Return
Ifyoubelieveit,youcanachieveit,and DonaldGorske,a70-year-oldmanfrom Wisconsin,hasdonewhatMichaelPhelps orLeBronJamescouldonlydreamtoaccomplish—hehasshovedmorethan 34,000perfectlittlepackagesoftwoall-beefpatties,specialsauce, lettuce,cheese,pickles,onions,onasesameseedbunintohis,well, BigMacHole,overthecourseofhislifetime.Andhehasthereceipts—and,onewouldassume,the“bubbleguts”—toproveit.
Darin J. McCann
ItwasMay17,1972,whenGorskeatehisveryfirstBigMac,accordingtoaUPIstory.Ifyou’veeverdoubtedtheconceptofloveat firstsight,well,that’sfair.ButtodayIpresenttoyouloveatfirstbite.
“Inthatmoment,Isaid:‘I’mgoingtoprobablyeattheseforthe restofmylife.’Ithrewthecartonsinthebackseatandstarted countingthemfromdayone,”hetoldGuinnessWorldRecords.
Iknowwhatyou’rethinking,becauseIwasthinkingitmyself. Thisguymustweighabout1,700pounds,andbeactivelyworking onhis52ndheartattackrightnow,right?
“ManypeoplethoughtI’dbedeadbynow,butinsteadI’vebeen arecordholderformy24thyear—oneofGuinnessWorld Records’longest-runningrecordholders,sothat’sprettycoolto me,”saidGorske,whoalsosaidhemanagestomaintainhis physiquebyskippingthefrenchfries,noteatingbreakfastand walkingabout6milesdaily.
He’snotrestingonhislaurels,either.AccordingtotheUPIarticle,Gorskepaddedhisleadwiththerecordoverthecourseof 2023,eating728BigMacsoverthecourseoftheyear—that’s twoaday.Everysingleday.Andthatsoundsreally,reallybadifyou didn’taddadoseofperspectivewithit.HetoldTheGuardianthat hewasslammingnineBigMacsadayatonepointinhislife.
HismotherwasworriedabouthisBigMachabitandtriedto gethimtostop,evenforcinghimtoagreetoeatonenon-BigMac mealaday,atonepoint.Butshegaveupin1981.
“Shesaid,‘Iftheyhaven’tkilledyoubynow,goahead.’” Ofcourse,beingaGuinnessrecord-holderinsomethingsince
1999hasgivenGorskeabitofnotoriety.HislocalMcDonald’s hasaportraitofhimononeofitswalls,whichmakessensewhen youconsiderheisprobablyresponsibleforthatfranchiseowner’s currentandfuturefinancialwell-being,forgenerationstocome. Gorskealsoworkedasaguardatamaximum-securityprisoninWisconsin,andhe saidprisonerswere“relentless”inteasing himeverytimehisBigMacprowesswould landhimontelevisionagain.Thankfully, hisfellowguardswouldsneakinBigMacs forhimwhenhewasworkingadouble shiftandcouldn’tmakeittohisfavorite spotforameal.
“Mygoodness,”youmightbethinking.“Doesheeatanything else?”
Well,hedidstepoutofhiscomfortzoneandateaBurgerKing Whopper.Once.In1984.Buthesaiditjustdidn’tdoitforhim. Hey,Igetit.Ionceateanapple.
GorskereportedlyhitshisMcDonald’sforbulkordersofhis favoritedelicacy,andmicrowavesthesandwichesasneeded throughouttheweek.Actually,areBigMacssandwiches?Isthis likethe“hotdog”debate?Shouldweactuallyclassifythemas... ButIdigress.
Thecompetitiveeaterwhohasreachedalevelofworldwide notorietyoverhisabilitytodestroythecompetitionattheNathan’s HotDogEatingContesteveryyear,alsoholdshisownBigMacconsumptionworldrecord,slamming32ofthe“sandwiches”in about38minutes,accordingtoFoxBusiness.Thatmealwould havecostmorethan$127andcontainedmorethan18,000calorieswhenthatstorywaswritten,in2020.Today’scostforthesame meal?Onehundredbilliondollars.
Don’tlookupthatnumber.Justtrustme.Becool.I’mgoingfor thebigreactionhere.
“IrememberbeingalittlekidandtheywouldselltwoBig Macsfor$4,andmeandmygrandpawouldgetfourofthem,” ChestnutsharedonYouTube,viaFoxBusiness.“I’dendupeating three.Andthisisbringingmebacktobeingakid.”
Itisalwayssoinspiringtohearwhatcompelled...what?Heate threeBigMacsatatimeasakid?IfIatethreeBigMacsright now,I’dgain11poundsandhavetotakeafour-hournap.
Now,two?Yeah,Icoulddefinitelygofortwo.AndI’mskipping thefries.Ittakesalotofworktolookthisgood.
TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.
Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970. Phone:302.539.1788. Fax:302.539.3777.
Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.
Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
Remoteaccessisonemodernelementwelove March8,2024 Page13
LocalBoyScoutgets involvedinprocess
IamHarlanBorino.IamaBoy ScoutforTroop281,andIamwriting thisletterformycommunicationsmerit badge.Mytopicisschoollunches.
Atmyschool,SelbyvilleMiddle School,ourlunchportionsareterrible. Wearebeingservedthesameamount offoodwehavehadsincekindergarten. Ourportionsaresosmall,Ioftenleave schoolfeelingveryhungry.Our lunchtimealsodoesnothelp.Itisat 10:17,somystomachisgrumbling [mostoftheday].Ifwehavechicken nuggetsthatday,Iwillstayhungryafter lunch,asweonlygetfivechicken nuggetsortwochickentenders.Thatis notenoughforanybodytooperateon fortherestoftheschoolday.Ihope thingswillbebetterinhighschool, lunch-wise.
HarlanBorino BethanyBeach
Readerreachesout toBivens
Editor’snote:Thefollowingletter wasaddressedtoRayBivens,directorof thestate’sDivisionofParks&Recre-
ation,regardingproposedlandfallfor windfarmsupplylinesneartheIndian RiverInlet,andwassenttotheCoastal Po intforpublication.
Mr.RayBivens,Iunderstandyou willbepresentattheMarch12presentationatBethanyBeachTown CouncilbyU.S.Wind.
IhavewrittentoGov.Carneyand alsoSaraMcPherson(director, BOEM)regardingmyconcernswith theEMFsthatwillbecreatedwith the17milesofexportcablegoing fromtheoffshorefarmtotheproposed3Rslandfallsite.
Idonotknowwhichdocuments arebeingusedtobasethattherewill notbeanyadverseeffectsonthelocal fish,butIdoknowthatidealistic statements,suchas“…Withbalanced phasestherearenoEMFs…”must notbeused.Individualphaseloadings willbepredicatedontheloadsand thesupplyandwillnotbebalanced.
Ourdolphin,sharks,skatesand otherfishwillallbeimpacted. BOEMspublicationregardingtheeffectsofwindfarmsonourfisherycites EMFeffectsonhumans,andwedo notdependonnaturalEMFstoguide usasapartofourdailylives.Avery detailed60-pagereportwasdonein January2023by15subject-matterex-
perts,titled“EMFsfromSubsea PowerCablesintheNaturalMarine Environment” ( iles/publications/Gill-et-al-2023CEFAS.pdf).
Intheirconcludingstatements,it citestheneedforfurtherstudiesand thatmarineanimalswillbeimpacted. Therewillbefishkilledintheconstructionprocess,withthedrivingand poundingonthesupportinfrastructuresandthentheongoingemission ofEMFs.
Jackson Chin OceanView
Muchhasbeensaidoverthelast severalyearsabouttrafficissuesalong theRoute26corridor.Therearenumeroushotspotsalongtheroute— oneofthemoresevereissuesisatthe junctionofOldMillRoadandAtlantic.
Itisnowcommoninthemorning aspeopleheadtoworkforamajor backuptooccurwithpeopletryingto turnleft.Thismorning,Iwasdelayed waitingmyturntomaketheleftatthe
endofalinewith20carsstandingto doso.Ittooktwocyclesofthelight formetomakemyturn.Equallyconcerningisthatthebackupextendedso farbackitalsoimpactedthosetrying toexittheCreeksideCommunityor entertheshoppingcenteronthe northeastsideofthatcorner.
AsCoastalPointrecentlyreported, arequestforatrafficlightatWhites NeckRoadandAtlantichasrecently beenturneddown,despiteDelDOT collectingfundstowarditforseveral years.SuchalightwouldhavedivertedsomeofthetrafficatOldMill andAtlanticbyprovidingasecond optiontoturnleftwithalightfrom theWhitesNeckpeninsula.Currently, thereisonlyonetrafficlight-protectedintersectiontoserveseveral thousandhomes.
Insummer,thisjamcanbefar worse,oftenextending.4milesfrom thelight,blockingtheentrancesand exitstotwomorecommunities.Compoundingthisisthelackofshoulders orcommon-usepathsformuchofthe lengthofOldMillRoad.Forthoseof uswholivealongOldMillRoadand wishtowalkorbikealongtheroad,it isnearimpossibletodososafely.In
14 CoastalPoint March8,2024 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm MILLSBORO CEMETERY LOT OWNERS Please remove all old decorations from cemetery AT ONCE! In preparation for Easter & Spring maintenance.
See LETTERSpage15
summer,manycyclists—myselfincluded—wouldliketobeableto biketoHoltsLandingStatePark,but todosoistoputyourselfatrisk.
WhenDelDOTisaskedabout pedestrianandcyclingpaths,they oftenpointtotherequirementfor newcommunitiestobuildcommonusepathsalongtheirborders,butthe lackofanyplanningtoconnectthese tocreateaviableroutetotheparkor elsewhererenderstheinvestmentin thesepathsuseless.Worseistheway somepathsterminatewithoutconnectiontotheroadorwithbollards blockingaccessforwheelchairormobilityscootersonthem.
Iwanttocalltopeople’sattention ameetingbeingheldbySussex PreservationonTuesday,March12,at 7p.m.attheLeweslibrary.DelDOT isthefeaturedspeaker.Onceagain, ourcommunitieswillbeignored— wearenotontheagenda.
Itisimportanttoattendifyoucan, eitherinpersonorviaZoom, ( 951),tomakesureDelDOThearsus.
WeneedtoaskDelDOTwhythere hasbeennoplanningforimprovementsalongthe26corridorsincethe additionoftheturnlane,despitethe rapidpaceofdevelopmenthereand commitmentsthathavebeenmadeto
improveRoutes54,24andUS9. Pleaseattendandspeakup.Theproblemswefacewillnotbeaddressed untilwemakeourselvesheard.
Martin Lampner
Readerdisagrees withvotingdecision
Gazettethearticletitled“EarlyVoting deemedunconstitutional”onTuesday, Feb.27.Thisdecisionaffectsonlythe GeneralElectioninNovember.Aformer attorney-generalwholitigatedthecase stated,“Itisunfortunatethatwehavedifferentlawsforthegeneralelectionthan forotherelections,whichmaycausesome voterconfusion.”Iwastakenabackand rereadthearticletwicemoreinunbelief. Isittheintenttoconfusethevoter?
AsaseniorcitizenofSussexCounty, who alongwithmanyothersinadvancingyears,haveenjoyedearlyvotingand absenteevoting,itwasashocktolearn thatourearlyvotingandpermanentabsenteevotingisnowunconstitutional. Withadeterioratingbackthatpinches nervesandaffectsmywalkingseveral blocksandstandingformorethan15 minutes,ithasbeensoconvenientto takeadvantageofearlyvotingor,when necessary,doanabsenteeballot.
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 15 SCAN ME Check out our Exclusive Products Page! Videos & Image Gallery Shutters • Roller Shades • Draperies • Verticals • Blinds 1-800-447-1400 Family Owned & Operated for over 40 years! Professional In-home Consultation, Measurement & Installation Available 38016 Fenwick Shoals Blvd. Fenwick Island Selbyville 302-436-4400 Apollo Shopping Center 3613 B Kirkwood Hwy. Wilmington 302-999-8800 NEW LOCATION! Ask about our "renter proof" solution - Patent-pending, NEW WAVEavailable in light ltering or black out. Draperies are affordable, stain & re resistant and seamless. Check out our own Vert-A-Sheer Exclusive Hybrid vertical blind with built in sheer. Only at Blind Factory! 30% OFF Shutter Sale! *Sale includes nished panels available in 3-1/2" or 4-1/2" louvers - Direct Mounted, L-frame or Z-frame in Color: Snow White only* BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase. Not valid with any other offer, discount, or previous purchase. Expires 3/31/24 BLIND FACTORY • 302-999-8800 • 302-436-4400 Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase. Not valid with any other offer, discount, or previous purchase. Expires 3/31/24 (Restricted to Product Only) (Restricted to Product Only) Any Product Order Restrictions Apply 10% OFF To reserve tickets, 30220 Piney Neck Road | Dagsboro, DE 19939 Open Thursday - Sunday 9am - 4pm Adults $15 Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available Additional $10 Make Reservations Online Opening for the Season March 14th
Stephen Pryce Lea Over 200,000 Spring Bulbs in the Piet Oudolf Meadow & the Folly Garden Delaware Botanic Gardens Spring Bulb Tour Fri, March 15th | Thurs, March 28th Register Online | $10/Person + Admission
Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea
Letters Continuedfrompage14
SussexCounty’sbestspellersare hopingforalittlel-u-c-kwhenthey competefortophonorsnextweekend.
Atotalof20localstudentswill gatheroverSt.Patrick’sDayweekend totakepartinthesecondannualSussexCountyRegionalSpellingBee competition,setfor1p.m.,Saturday, March16,atSussexAcademyin Georgetown.Theevent,sponsoredby SussexCountyLibraries,willsendone winnertotheScrippsNational SpellingBeeinMay,where participantswillcompetefortheScripps Cup.
fortheSussexCountycompetition,allowingstudentsrangingfromthird throughfifthgradestoparticipatein thenation’slongest-runningeducationalcompetition.The2023championoftheinauguralSussexCounty RegionalSpellingBeewasDeclanDurand,a10-year-oldfifth-graderfrom LoveCreekElementarySchoolnear RehobothBeach.Durandwonthetitle andchancetocompeteintheNational Beeafterwinningintheninthround withtheword“elegant.”
ThisyearmarksthesecondforSussexCountyLibrariesasanofficial ScrippsNationalSpellingBeeregional
partner,andtheonlyinsouthern Delaware.
“Weareproudtoofferaccessonce againforSussexCountystudentsto engageinthisnationalstudentrecognitionprogram.Itisanexcellentopportunityforstudentstodeveloptheir literacyskills,buildtheirconfidence, andengageinhealthy competition,” saidSussexCountyLibrarianRachel Lynch.
Inadditiontodemonstratingtheir vocabularyprowess,participationinregionalbeesalsogivesstudentsthe chancetogainexperienceinpublic speaking,developconfidence,andin-
spirealoveoflearningandconnection withtheirpeers.
Duetolimitedseated,thisyear’sregionaleventwillbebyinvitationonly, forfriendsandfamiliesoftheparticipants.Thecompetitionwillbe streamedliveontheSussexCounty DepartmentofLibraries’Facebook page.TheScrippsNationalSpelling BeeisscheduledforMay29-30atthe NationalHarbor,nearWashington, D.C.ThateventwillbetelevisednationallyonIon.
TolearnmoreabouttheScripps NationalSpellingBee,visit
TheDelawareCenterfortheInlandBays(CIB)andBigOyster Breweryareteaminguptohosta dine-and-donateeventonMonday, March11,tobenefitCIB.
From3to8:30p.m.,BigOyster Brewerywilldonate20percentofall salestosupporttheconservationeffortsoftheDelawareCenterforthe InlandBays.AsaparticipantinCIB’s “Don’tChuckYourShucks”oyster shellrecyclingprogram,BigOyster willalsofeaturespecialoysterdishes
alongsidetheirregularmenuofferings.Guestswillhavetheopportunity tolearnmoreabouttheCIB’songoingprogramsandinitiativesaimedat protectingandrestoringthewatershed.
Inadditiontoenjoyingfoodand drinksforthecause,attendeescan alsocontributetothesustainability effortsbydroppingofftheirowndiscardedoystershellsforrecycling throughDon’tChuckYourShucks. Theshellsplayacrucialroleinhabi-
tatrestorationandsupportingoyster populationsintheInlandBays.
Tocommemoratethisevent,alimited-editionCIBandBigOystercollaborativeT- shirtwillbeavailablefor purchase,withproceedsbenefiting the“Don’tChuckYourShucks”Program.Rafflesthroughoutthenight willalsobenefittheCIBandgive participantstheopportunitytowin bays-themedprizes.
“We’rethrilledtopartnerwithBig OysterBreweryforthisspecialDine
Howcuriousthisrulingcomesnowin acrucialelectionyear,whenvotingis goingtobealargeturnout.Howcurious itisthatallthepartiesinvolvedinbringingthisrulingaboutareRepublicans. IftheRepublicansplantofilelegislationforaconstitutionalamendment “tocorrectlyimplementtheformof
&Donateevent,”saidMarkCarter, directorofDevelopmentatthe DelawareCenterfortheInlandBays. “It’safantasticopportunityforthe communitytocometogether,enjoy deliciousfood,andsupportourmissionofprotectingandpreservingthe InlandBays.”
Formoreinformationaboutthe event,visitwww.inlandbays.orgor contacttheDelawareCenterforthe
earlyvotingthatDelawareansusedin thelastelectioncycletakingcaretoaddressthecourt’sobjections,”whyhaven’t theydoneitbeforethiselectioncycle? Shameontheinitiators,Mennella and Sen.Hocker,forbringingthiscase tocourtstatingtheyhavenoissuewith in-personearlyvoting.Itclearlyisa clevertactictosuppressthevoteof oldervotersandthosewhoarefullyemployed.
16 CoastalPoint March8,2024 (410) 250-0207 14306 Coastal Hwy., Ocean City, MD Olde Tyme Family Barber Welcomes Deana Alferez To Our Staff Deana is Looking Forward to Servicing Customers, Both Former & New!
Miralon is set amid mature woods o of Cool Spings Road and o ers both wooded and pond-view homesites! Moreover, Miralon o ers popular floor plans like The Kingfisher and The Whimbrel.
CLOSE TO PERFECT, far from ordinary.
I’m Frank.
and Andy © 2023 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information is subject to change without notice. March8,2024 CoastalPoint 17
QR code
569-9367 to schedule an
SamuelW.“Sam”Bare,83,ofDelmar,Del.,andformerlyofLewes, Del.,father,grandfather,brother, uncleandpatriot,passedawaypeacefullyonFriday,March1,2024,athis home.HewasbornonAug.13, 1940,oneof10childrenofthelate JohnBareandIva(Gordy)Bare.
Bareproudlyservedhiscountryin theDelawareNationalGuardfor severalyearsbeforeenlistinginthe U.S.Army,stationedinOkinawa from1961to1965.Histimeinthe Armypreparedhimwellforafulfillingcareerinlawenforcement.From 1969to1983,heproudlyservedas anofficerfortheLewesPoliceDepartment,wherehemademany friendswhomheconsideredextendedfamily.
Inhisyoungerdays,Barewasan avidHarleyDavidsonriderandwas amemberoftheLewesMotorcycle Club.Helovedtheoutdoors,wasan avidfisherman,andwasveryskilled workingonandbuildingcomputers. Thosewhoknewhimknewhispassionforhiscountry,andheenjoyed conversationsaboutpoliticsandthe stateofthecountry.
Hisfamilygaveaspecialthanksto LisaandEllen,whowerespecial
Inadditiontohisparents,Bare wasprecededindeathbysiblings BernadineKing,LloydWarfield,Jack Bare,CharlesBare,FreddieBare, DonaldBareandaninfantbrother, JoeBertBare.Heissurvivedbyhis daughters,whomhewasextremely proudof,SharonSlaterandherhusband,Fred,ofMilton,Del.,and SusanBartoandherhusband,Doug, ofPalmBay,Fla.;hisgrandchildren, KatelynPayson,JacobSlater,Louie AttallaandLornaAttalla;greatgrandchild,Bentley;brothers,Leo BareofGumboro,Del.,andJesse Bareandhiswife,Myra,ofFrankford,Del.;andmanyniecesand nephews.
Amemorialservicewithmilitary honorswillbeheldonFriday,March 22,2024,at11a.m.atShortFuneral HomeinDelmar,Del.,whereavisitationforfamilyandfriendswillbe heldfrom10to11a.m.Memorial donationsinmemoryofBaremaybe senttoDelawareHospice,100Patriot’sWay,Milford,DE19963. Arrangementsareinthecareof ShortFuneralHomeinDelmar.
ily.HewasbornonJuly30,1942,in Radford,Va.,sonofthelateHerbert MorganGlassandthelateEunice Begliomini.Hisfamilymovedto Wilmington,Del.,whenhewasa child.
InFebruaryof1960,GlassenteredtheU.S.AirForce,wherehe servedasajetenginemechanicfor fouryearsduringtheVietnamWar. Hewashonorablydischargedin 1964.
Hespentmuchofhiscareer workinginthechemicalmanufacturingindustry,largelyinDelaware City,Del.,andMonongahela,Pa.He traveledthroughouttheUnited StatesandSoutheastAsia,assisting innewmanufacturing-plantstartups. Hewasanindustryexpertinenvironmentalhealthandsafety,andwas oftencalledtorespondtohazardouschemicalincidentsthroughoutthe country,inwhichhehelpeddirect clean-upandcontainmentactivities. Duringtheseincidents,hefrequently hadtospeakwiththemedia,and wouldlatersay,“Theycouldnever getthestoryright.”Heretiredin 2001andmovedtoOceanView.
tiontoLakotaSiouxchildren. Glassissurvivedbyhiswifeof59 years,Colleen(Regetz)Glass;son JeffGlassanddaughter-in-lawJill GlassofHarrisburg,Pa.;daughter JenniferAngottiand“son-in-law” David“Butch”MayofNewark,Del.; granddaughterMadisonAngotti;and grandsonsLoganAngotti,Tyler GlassandBrendanGlass.
Funeralserviceswillbeheldon March21,2024,at11a.m.atthe DelawareVeteransMemorialCemeteryinMillsboro,Del.Inlieuof flowers,thefamilyaskedthatpeople considerdonatingtoanyofthe causesmentionedabove.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisiting
PhilipAnthonyGuarino,93,of Selbyville,Del.,diedTuesday,Feb. 27,2024,atAtlanticGeneralHospitalinBerlin,Md.Hewasbornin Baltimore,Md.,sonofthelateAnthonyGuarinoandMary(Cincotta) Guarino.
Donations will be accepted in the library on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm.
Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!
Monday, March 11
Let’s Talk Books! 2—3:00 pm
Share what you’re reading with others & hear what others in your community are reading in this informal book group.
Women’s History Month Trivia 4:30—5:30 pm
Join us for a fun night of trivia! Part of the Sussex Library’s Trivia Adventure.
Tuesday, March 12
Intro. to by Ancestry 10—11:00 am
Learn how to use by Ancestry in this free, informative class!
Beginner Tai Chi & Qigong: A 6-Week Series 2—3:00 pm
Join us at the library for a free, beginner level Tai Chi & Qigong series.
PAWS for Reading 4—5:00 pm
Children read to a team of well-trained dogs to build confidence & improve their reading skills!
Wednesday, March 13
Feelings Rock! 10:30—11:00 am
Feelings Rock is a music, movement, & more program designed to help children under 5 and their families work through everyday emotions!
Did They Do It? True Crime Club 2—4:00 pm
Take a look at the disappearance of Natalee Holloway with other true crime enthusiasts!
Thursday, March 14
The library will be closed for staff training. Please return your items to the book drop outside during this time.
South Coastal
Friday, March 15
Herbert“Buddy”Glass,81,of OceanView,Del.,passedaway peacefully,inhishome,onFeb.19, 2024,surroundedbyhislovingfam-
Hewasastrongsupporterofnumerousveterans’andfirst-responder organizations,suchasWounded WarriorProject,ParalyzedVeterans ofAmericaandTunneltoTowers Foundation.Healsosupportedthe St.Joseph’sIndianSchoolinSouth Dakota,whichprovidesfreeeduca-
Guarinohadretiredfromworkas amicrobiologistforMcCormick& Company.Hewasamemberofthe AmericanChemicalSocietyfor41 years.HewasalsoamemberofSt. Luke’sCatholicChurch,wherehe servedasalectorandEucharistic minister.Hewasamemberofthe
18 CoastalPoint March8,2024
Genealogy Group 10:15 am—12:00 pm Join us for the next meeting for genealogy enthusiasts of all skill levels. Armchair Traveler: Ireland 2—3:00 pm Join Claire as she shares photos, stories, & information about Ireland in this fun, free program! 302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. SGM HaS MuLtIpLE SpOtS OpEn FOr tHE SEaSOn! Our 7tH SEaSOn In OCMD! CaLL Or tEXt 443-640-7983 to Discuss & Complete application! Weekdays 35-40 Hours Per Week Starting @ $17 / Hr. Weekends 15-20 Hours Per Week Starting @ $20 / Hr. .50/ Mile Reimbursement (Must Have Reliable Vehicle) Free Biweekly Direct Deposit Free Uniforms Equal Opportunity Employer 302-667-0810 • H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Spring Irrigation Turn On Special Run, Adjust & Cut Grass from Heads as Necessary $70.00 - Up to 8 Zones Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations! Obituaries SeeOBITSpage20
Lightship Cove is nestled amid permanently protected farmland in Milton, close to beautiful coastal Delaware beaches but tucked away where quiet nature surrounds you. Schedule an appointment with our sales team today to start building your new life in a Schell Brothers home. ©
2023 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice. PRICING NOW AVAILABLE! haven March8,2024 CoastalPoint 19
Sons&DaughtersofItaly,the KnightsofColumbusandSwann KeysCivicAssociation.
Hewasprecededindeathbyhis wife,DoloresE.Guarino,andhis sister,JanePollizzi.Heissurvivedby twodaughters,DeborahJ.Ragno andherhusband,James,ofSouth Mountain,Pa.,andElizabeth Baingerandherhusband,Albert,of Frederick,Md.;fivegrandchildren, ChristinaEmbree,JoshuaRagno, AndrewRagno,JoannaIlloandJanineLevien;and10great-grandchildren.
Aviewingwastobeheldon Wednesday,March6,2024,from4 to6p.m.atBishop-HastingsFuneral Home,19SouthMainSt.,Selbyville, Del.OnThursday,March7,2024,a visitationwillbeheldatSt.Andrew RomanCatholicChurch,14401 SinepuxentAve.,OceanCity,Md., fromnoonto1p.m.AMassof ChristianBurialwillimmediately followatthechurch,startingat1 p.m.IntermentwillfollowatGateof HeavenCemeteryinDagsboro,Del. Inlieuofflowers,donationsin Guarino’smemorymaybemadeto St.JudeChildren’sResearchHospital,501St.JudePlace,Memphis,TN 38105,oronline.Condolencesmay
LaverneD.Hallpassedpeacefully, inhersleep,onthemorningofSaturday,Feb.24,2024.Herjourney beganinFrankford,Del.,whereshe wasbornathomeasthethirdchild ofthelateRolandWescottSr.andof EdithI.Wescott.
Herearlyyearswerespentinthe nurturingenvironmentofDelaware’s publicschools,wheresheattended FrankfordElementaryandgraduated fromIndianRiverHighSchoolin 1977.Heradventurousspiritledher toEasley,S.C.,wheresheembraced variousemploymentopportunities, includinganotablepositionat ClemsonUniversity.
InOctober2017,Hallfacedaserioushealthchallengethatbrought herbacktoDelaware.Shefoundsolaceandcareinthelovingarmsofher sister,GaleM.Briddell,inGeorgetown,Del.,whostoodbyhersideas herdevotedcaretakeruntilherlast breath.Sheenjoyedplantingflowers, cooking,rideswithhersisterandattendingthedayprogramatEaster SealsinGeorgetown.Thefamilyofferedaspecialthank-youtoEaster Sealsandtheirwonderfulstaffwho providedHallasafe,caring,supportive,funandsocialenvironment throughtheirdayprogram.
20 CoastalPoint March8,2024 ! M Sunday • Wed Wednesday SPECIA $29.00 Fenwic In t orYYo Jus FJuYstou! ! dnesday • Thursday AL ENTREE MENU Island k 4-6pm Daily HAPPY HOURS Cheers! Throughout! ENWICK ISLAND — 39-2607 • Reservations Recommended WEDNESDAYS AYS WINO ines Bottled W f All $10 Of IN THE e Open W Wednesday-Sunday • Reservations Recommended OF FE M E — 302-53 ednesday-Sunday
Continuedfrompage18 SeeOBITSpage37
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 21
DelawareBotanicGardens(DBG) atPepperCreekPresidentRaySander announcedthisweekthatthe37-acre botanicgardensnearDagsborowill “OpentheGardenGates”foritssixth seasonat9a.m.onThursday,March 14.
“Welcomebackforanotherseason ofnaturalbeautyandexperiencethe gardensandwildlifeastheyspringto lifeagain,”hesaid.“Ourboard,volunteersandstaffareexcitedtoshareour newfeatures,includingtheHedgerow GardenandtheDelDOTshore restorationproject,whichadded0.30 acrestoour1,000-footPepperCreek shoreline.ThesefeaturesjointhePiet OudolfMeadowGarden,whichcontinuestobeoneoftheregion’smost valuableexamplesofnativeplantsand horticulture.
“Alltheseenvironmentallysound projectsarekeyexamplesofDBG’s long-rangelandstewardshipandcommitmenttosustainability,”Sandersaid. “DBGstaffandvolunteershavebeen workingallwintertobereadyfor membersandgueststoenjoyasafenaturaloasis,away fromthestressesof everydaylife.InthePietOudolf MeadowGarden,RhyneGarden, LearningGardenandFollyGarden,we nowhaveover200,000springbulbs
DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsStephenPryceLea said,“Thankstoamildwinteranda hard-workingteam,wehavemade greatprogressinthegardens.We planted21,500additionalspringbulbs lastNovember,addingtoaspectacular 200,000spring-bulbdisplay.Seethe newDelDOTshorelinerestoration project,whichwascompletedinDe-
cember,and7,000newplantingsare goingintothisnewshorelineareathis spring.The12-acreWoodlandsare showingtheirspringcolorswithdogwoodandredbudtreessoontobe showingtheirbrightspringcolors. Comeandenjoyyourselfandexperiencenature’sspringbeauty.”
TheDBGwebsitelists2024educationaltoursandclasses.Forexample, onFriday,March15,at2p.m.,Pryce
LeawillgiveaGuidedSpringBulb Tour;andon Thursday,March28,at2 p.m.,hewillalsogiveaGuidedSpring BulbTour.Peoplecansign-upnowat
DBGExecutiveDirectorSheryl Swedsaid,“Wehaveexpandedourgardenexperience,andalsoexpandedthe listofDBG2024learningopportunities.Weinviteyoutobecomeamember andgetinvolvedbyjoiningourwonderfulteamofDBGvolunteers.We havegardensteward,docentandadministrativeopportunitiesforvolunteers.Gotothewebsitetosign-upfor membershipsandvolunteerpositions. Comeseehowthegardensaregrowing. Pleasejoinus,aswewelcomespring.
TheDelawareBotanicGardensare opentothepubliconThursdays throughSundaysfrom9a.m.to4p.m., andthereareguidedtoursat10a.m. Visitorscanregisterforguidedtoursin advanceontheDBGwebsiteor,if thereisroom,onthedayoftheirvisit.
TheDBGislocatedashortdrive from thebeaches,at30220PineyNeck Road,Dagsboro.Members’admissionis free,andtours/classescost$10.Nonmembersadultadmissioncosts$15, andtours/classescost$10.Children16 oryoungerreceivefreeadmission.
22 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Order Online @ Daily Lunch & Dinner - Check Out Our Facebook Page NEW Happy Hour - Mon.-Fri.: Drink Specials - Noon-6 PM • Food Menu - 3-6 PM 37314 Lighthouse Road | Rt. 54, Selbyville, DE • 302-988-5000 Full Service Bar and Restaurant on the West Fenwick Waterfront World Famous Crabcakes and Bloody Marys Take-out, Dine-in, Outdoor Seating on the Beautiful Bay Trivia Every Tuesday • Bar Bingo Every Thursday •Bar Mingo Every Monday No Reserved Seats OFF SEASON SPECIALS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Philly or Chicken Cheesesteak with Fries - $12 Crabcake Combos - 5 oz Crabcake w/ Chicken, Ribs or Brisket - $25 Prime Rib w/ 2 Sides - $20 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Full Rack of Ribs w/ FF & Slaw - $22 $12 Burger Burley Oak Battered Rockfish w/ FF & Slaw - $20 Steam Bowl (snowcrab legs,shrimp,clams,mussels,crawlfish & corn) $33 2 Original Classic Crabcake Dinners with Fries, Slaw & Beignets5 oz $30 / 8 oz $45 (2-8pm) Dine in with Beverage Purchase • Subject to Change/Availability/NO SUBSTITUTIONS Daily Lunch Specials BREAKFAST Mon-Thurs 9am-11am Fri-Sun 8am-12pm HOURS Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm Fri-Sun 8am-9pm New Hours LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Hurricane Kevin - Wednesday, 3/13 - 5-8 PM Kevin Poole - Sunday, 3/10 - 5-8 PM Furniture • Exercise Equipment Outside Play Sets • WiFi • Security Cameras • TV Mounting FOR FASTEST SERVICE: We need your address & contact information and exact brand name, model #’s and Quantity. Email us a copy of your receipt/pictures. 302-569-9732 ASSEMBLING & INSTALLING SINCE 2009 ASSEMBLING & INSTALLING SINCE 2009 Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE AppointmentsOnlyNow 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga Sound Healing Sunday, 3/24 - 2-3pm New Student Special 30 Days for $79 Chair/Senior Yoga Thursdays 12-1pm Kids & Tween Yoga Thursdays 4:30 & 5:30
SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•AmandaGoebel SpringCrocusBulbsinbloom.
DelawareBotanicGardensatPepper CreekPresidentRaySanderannounced thisweekthatthegardensarelaunchinga newfundraisingcampaigntoinstallan eaglecameraalongthegardens’1,000feet ofPepperCreekshorelinewhereaneagle’s nestislocated.
Thecampaignbeginsduringthe Delaware’sDoMore24campaignon March7-8,butcontinuesallyearasthe DelawareBotanicGardensopensforthe seasononThursday,March14.Guestscan contributeattheWelcomeCenteroronline.
“Wearethrilledtoannounceourendeavortoinvitesponsorshipsupportfor theacquisitionofeaglenestcamand wildlifecameras,revolutionizingtheway visitorsobservewithourabundantwildlife onout37-acresite,”Sandersaid.
DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsStephenPryceLeasaid, “Contributionsfromoursupporterswill notonlyfacilitatethepurchaseandinstallationoftheeaglenestcamandwildlife trailcamerasbutalsofortifyourongoing effortstoenhancetheoverallvisitorexperienceattheDelawareBotanicGardens.
“Nestledwithintheshorelinegardens liesahavenforwildlife,fromthegraceful kestreltothemajesticbaldeagles,thevibrantbluebirds,nightowlsandwoodpeckers—justafewofthewildspeciesthat contributetothediversetapestryofour ecosystem.Joinusinourmissiontofoster adeeperconnectionwithnatureandembarkonajourneyofdiscoveryatthe DelawareBotanicGardens.Together,let usobserve,cherish,educateandpreserve theunparalleledbeauty ofourEastern Shorewildlife.”
DBGExecutiveDirectorSherylSwed said,“Weareexcitedaboutthisrareopportunitytousesolarpoweredcamerastogive usanintimateglimpseintothedailylifeof thesemagnificentcreaturesonsiteatthe WelcomeCenterorthroughlivestreaming intoyourhomes.”
Foradditionalinformationabout DelawareBotanicGardens,including membershipsandvolunteeringgo
Lunch & Dinner Specials
Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Margarita Bar & Grille Chicken Salad Wrap
Mashed Potato Bowl
Asada Burrito Blackened Chicken Quesadilla Slider Trio Open Faced Turkey Sandwich Blackened Chicken Alfredo Cheeseburger Flatbread Salted Rim Patty Melt 12 items for $12 each, includes a beverage (coffee, tea, pepsi products) Please no shared plates Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! 10 items for $20 each Menu Changes Weekly ~ Available for carry-out! Seafood Alfredo Chicken Monterey Fish & Chips 1 lb Snow Crab Legs Seafood Quesadilla Triple Burrito Mussels Diablo Prime Sirloin Carne Asada & Shrimp Combo Twin Crab Cakes (4oz) 3/7 - 3/13 Please no shared plates 3/12 Live Entertainment Minutes Away from Rehoboth Beach & Ocean City Fri 3/8 Sat 3/9 • • 8-11pm 8-11pm33 RPM Steve Kuhn NOLA Band 302-537-7373 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville March8,2024 CoastalPoint 23 EaglecamerafundraiseratDelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreek Knowledge is power. Find some every week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•NancyL.Hedgespeth Aneaglesoarshighinthesky.
TheSouthernDelawareAlliancefor RacialJustice(SDARJ)recentlyhonoredEastMillsboroElementaryfifthgradersZa’LayaDeShieldsandAlijah Sturgisfortheirleadership,effortand excellence.
“Alijahisahard-workingstudent whoputsgreateffortintoeverythinghe does,whetheritishisschoolworkor beingkindtoothers,”SDARJrepresentativessaid.“Alijahmodelseverydayexcellenceashecomestoschoolreadyto learnandisalwaysprepared.Heisa selflessstudentwhoprioritizesothers’ needs.”
“Za’Layaisanexemplarystudent whoconsistentlydemonstratesoutstandingleadership,improvement,effort andexcellence,”theyadded.“Oneof Za’Laya’sremarkablequalitiesisher commitmenttobeingapeermentorfor youngerstudents.Sheconnectswith
thesestudentseffortlesslybecauseofher compassionateandpatientnature.Za’Laya’sdedicationtohelpingotherssucceedistrulyinspiring.”
Za’Layaalsoassistswiththeoperationofsmallgroupstations.Herorganizationalskillsensurethatevery studentreceivestheattentionandguidancetheyneedtoreachtheirfullpotential,representativesnoted.
SDARJinitiatedtheAfricanAmericanAchievementawardtorecognize studentswhorepresenttheidealsof leadership,effort,andexcellenceintheir schools.Studentsfromeachschoolin theCapeHenlopenandIndianRiver SchoolDistrictsarerecognized throughouttheschoolyear.SDARJisa nonpartisanorganizationthateducates, informs,andadvocatesforracialjustice, equalityandfairopportunity.Formore information,
TheSouthernDelawareAlliancefor RacialJustice(SDARJ)recentlyhonoredIndianRiverHighSchoolsenior ShanylaGainesforherleadership,effort,andexcellence.
AccordingtoErinCrooks,her schoolcounselor,Gainesisanexcellent student andalwaysputsforthherbest effort.Sheisenrolledinthreedual-enrollmentcoursesandiscompletingher pathwayinband.
Outsidetheclassroom,Gainesisactivelyparticipatinginavarietyofclubs andactivities,includingConcertBand,
MarchingBand,JazzBand,ChessClub andCrochetClub.Sheisatalented musicianandcontributestothesuccess oftheschool’smusicprogram.
Gainesoftenattendsperformances acrossthedistricttovolunteerorsupportotherstudents.
“ShanylaisamemberoftheTri-M HonorsSocietyandGSA,whereshe hasdemonstratedexceptionaladvocacy skills.Shehasastrongvoiceforinclusivityandacceptancewithinourschool community.Committedtovolunteering, Shanylahasaccumulatedmorethan100
“Resilienceandself-advocacyaretwo ofShanyla’smostimpressivequalities. Shehasfacedchallengeswithdeterminationandhasconsistentlyadvocated forherselfandothers.Herabilityto overcomeobstaclesandhercommitmenttoexcellencemakeheravaluable memberofanyclassroom,club,or team.”
Surroundedbyfamilyandschool staff,Gaineswasrecentlyrecognizedin aceremonyattheschoolandreceiveda $20giftcardfromSDARJ.
SDARJinitiatedtheAfricanAmericanAchievementawardtorecognize studentswhorepresenttheidealsof leadership,improvement,effort,andexcellenceintheirschools.Studentsfrom eachschoolintheCapeHenlopenand IndianRiverSchoolDistrictsarerecognizedthroughouttheschoolyear. SDARJisanonpartisanorganization thateducates,informs,andadvocates forracialjustice,equalityandfairopportunity.Formoreinformation,goto
TheSouthernDelawareAlliancefor RacialJustice(SDARJ)recentlyhonoredJohnM.ClaytonElementary
Schoolfifth-graderJakhiBinesforhis leadership,effortandexcellence.
rivesatschooleverymorningwithabig smile.Heisoneoffourcounselofficers fortheschool’sNationalElementary
HonorSociety(NEHS),inwhichhe takestheleadonsuchcommunityprojectsastheHolidayCannedFoodDrive. EvenbeforehewasinNEHS,Bines was alwaysabigcontributortoany fundraiser.Heoftenlinksinhischurch tohelpsupporttheschool,organizers noted,describingBinesas“acaringstudentwhohelpsfriendsmakesmartdecisionsandguidesthemdownthesafe path.”
Surroundedbyfamily,friends,and schoolstaff,Bineswashonoredinaceremonyattheschoolandreceiveda$20 bookstoregiftcardfromSDARJ.
SDARJinitiatedtheAfricanAmericanAchievementawardtorecognize studentswhorepresenttheidealsof leadership,effort,andexcellenceintheir schools.Studentsfromeachschoolin theCapeHenlopenandIndianRiver SchoolDistrictsarerecognized throughouttheschoolyear.SDARJisa nonpartisanorganizationthateducates, informs,andadvocatesforracialjustice, equalityandfairopportunity.Formore information,
24 CoastalPoint March8,2024 30 MARCH 29 ith At & Cft Fi Improvements, with Fa Hundreds of ideas for your air events@ocea Roland E. P o well H .oce www • 40th S Convention Center , • Street Ocean City MD
GaineshonoredbySouthernDelawareAllianceforRacialJustice BineshonoredbySouthernDelawareAllianceforRacialJusticeatJMC CoastalPoint•Submitted EastMillsboroElementarySchool’sZa’LayaDeShieldsandAlijahSturgiswerehonored bytheSouthernDelawareAllianceforRacialJusticefortheirleadership,effort andexcellence.
Schoolstotakepartin‘Spread theWord—Inclusion’campaign
OnWednesday,March6,Special OlympicsDelawarewillunitewithstudentsinschoolsatalllevelsacrossthe stateinaglobalmovementofmutual respectandhumandignitycalled “SpreadtheWord—Inclusion.”
ThroughthegrassrootsworkofSpecialOlympicsPrograms,youthleaders andself-advocates,theSpreadtheWord Campaignhasgrownoverthepast15 yearsfromaninitiativeinafewdozen schoolstooneofthemostwidelyused toolsforSpecialOlympicsschoolengagement,currentlyengagingthousands of UnifiedChampionSchoolsinthe UnitedStates.
“Thedayisanopportunityforstudentsinschoolstorallybehindthe premisethatrespectingandincluding individualsofallabilitiesandbackgroundsshouldremainattheforefront ofeveryactionanddecisiontheymake onadailybasis,”saidJonBuzby,Special OlympicsDelawareseniordirectorof UnifiedChampionSchools.“Fortunately,nowadaysthemajorityofstudentsalreadyrespectalloftheirpeers, but theactivitiesonthisonedayjustreinforcetheimportanceoftreating everyonewithrespectandtheinclusion ofallmembersinschoolactivitiesand inthelocalcommunities.”
OnMarch6,youthinall50states willcoordinatesimultaneouspledge drives,campaignsandeducationalactivitiesthroughthe‘SpreadtheWord— Inclusion’campaign.InDelaware,more than150schoolsrepresentingalllevels preschoolthroughcollegewillbeparticipating inthecampaignthroughan arrayofactivitiespromotingrespectand inclusion,whichmightinclude:
(1)Providinggeneralinformation aboutthecampaigninmorningannouncements.
(2)Conductingassembliesfocused onrespectandinclusion.
(4)Signingapledgebannerattheir schooltopromoterespectandinclusion.
(5)Wearingthisyear’sofficialSpread the Wordshirt(arecordmorethan 20,000sold)
Forthefirsttime,theUniversityof Delawareiscelebratingthedaybyhostingthefirst-everDisabilityAllyFairon TheGreenofitsNewarkcampus.More than15organizationswillberepresented,andtheeventisfreeandopento thepublic.
302-537-7373 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Lunch Specials (special menu with 12 choices each item $12) Every Day 11:30-4:00 Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLE TO GO* 12 for $12 Wed – T-R-I-V-I-A – 7pm GameNights Mon – B-I-N-G-O – 6pm Thu – M-I-N-G-O – 7pm Fri 3/8 Sat 3/9 $20 Tuesdays 10 for $20 (special menu with 10 choices each item $20) Tuesday 4-9pm Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLE TO GO*-8-11pm 8-11pm 33 RPM Steve Kuhn NOLA Band • Daily lunch, dinner and happy hour specials • Entertainment: Tues - NEW!! Themed Trivia - 7pm Harry Potter - 3/19 March8,2024 CoastalPoint 25 Expert care is here. > The Atlantic General Difference in Pediatrics > Expert care from infancy to adolescence > Same-day sick visits EXPERT CARE. EVERY DAY. Conveniently located – always accessible. 10614 Racetrack Rd., Ste. 1 Ocean Pines, MD PEDIATRIC CARE YOU CAN TRUST Our experienced pediatric providers are now accepting new patients! Call 443-728-1004 today to schedule an appointment. Cristian Salgado, M.D. (Habla español) Laura Stokes, D.O.Anita Pascucci, D.O.Carrie Dawes, CPNP
NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetownAAUW ALANotableBooksClubmeetsattheLewes libraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.Theywillbe discussingHernanDiaz’s“Trust.”
Dine&Donate— NortheastSeafoodKitchen willhostaDine& benefittheWomen’sCivicClubofBethany Beach.Therestaurantwilldonate10percent ofallproceedstotheClub,whichdonatesto variouslocalorganizationsinneed.
AcrylicArtClass— JoinartistJenellfora fun,freepaint-a longacrylicartclassat SouthCoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.Wewill havetwohourstopaintacactus-themed canvas.Allmaterialsareprovided.Free,for ages18-plus.Registrationbegins@10:15 amonFeb.29,andisavailableat 302-858-5518(onlineregistrationrecommended.)Youareeligibletoattendthree
art/craftclassesperquarter(March-May 2024,)butonlyoneacrylicpaintingclassper calendaryear.Already attendedthree?Enjoy freeCreativeBugartvideotutorialsonyour ownathomebyclickingontheCreativeBug logoonthehomepageofourwebsiteand typinginyourlibrarycardnumber.(Ifyour cardnumberstartswithsomethingother than33812,visitthelibraryforassistance.) HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
Yarn-WrappedPictureFrame— JoinRachel forafunandeasycraftidealforbeginnersat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.We willbe makingayarn-wrappedpictureframe.Free, allmaterialsareprovided.Ages18-plus please.Registrationbeginsat2p.m.onFeb. 29,andisavailableat (302)858-5518(onlineregistrationrecommended.)Youareeligibletoattendthree art/craftclassesperquarter(March-May
2024.)HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
MixandMingle— RepublicansforSussexis hostingMixandMingle,aninformalcocktail partycelebratingMarchMadnessattheSussexCountyAssociationofRealtorsbuildingin Georgetownfrom6to9p.m.Therewillbe heavyhorsd’oeuvres,desserts,andbeverageswillbeserved.Therewillalsobeacash barwithassortedwines.Thecostis$35per person.Makecheckspayableto“RepublicansforSussex”andmailtoRFS,20890Wil KingRoad,Lewes,DE19958.
SchoolGala— LighthouseChristianSchool’s FifthAnnualLetT hereBeLightGalawillbe heldatCrossroadCommunityChurchin Georgetown.Doorsopenat5:15p.m.forthe semi-formalevent.Ticketscost$50each,at
dinner,entertainmentbyaChristianband, ChristianventriliquistKenHuff,liveandsilent auctions,rafflesanddoorprizes.
YourVegetableGarden— JoinSouthCoastal Libraryforafreelectureongettingstarted withavegetablegardenat10a.m.Learnthe importanceof soilprep,croprotation,timing, andcaretomaximizeyour2024food-growingefforts.CatherineWinklerofRootsLandscapingwillshare20-plusyearsofvegetable andherbgardeningexperience.Registration isencouragedandavailableat HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43Kent Avenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
JigsawPuzzleMake&Swap— JoinSouth CoastalLi braryat2p.m.forsomerelaxing puzzletime.Theywillhavethreetablesset upfrom2–4p.m.withvaryingdifficultylevelsofjigsawpuzzles(350pieces,500 pieces,and1000pieces).Meetotherjigsaw puzzleenthusiastsinyourcommunityand helpuspiecethesepuzzlestogether.Kristin willalsotellyouhowtoborrowpuzzles throughtheDelawareLibraryCatalog.Bring uptotwopuzzlestoswapwithothers— puzzlesshouldhavealloftheirpieces,bein goodcondition,a ndboxesshouldnotbe 858-5518.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.
HealthandFitness— The6thAnnualHealthFitness&LeisureExpowillbeheldatCape HenlopenHighfrom9a.m.to4p.m.There willbemorethan80exhibitorsofferingafull arrayofhealth,fitness,leisureandhome productsandservices .Forexhibitorinformation,contactKathyatDelawareResorts Exposat(302)236-0857oremailherat
FriedChicken— TheBishopville(Md.)VolunteerFireDepartmentAuxiliarywillbeholding afriedchickencarryoutatthemainstation fromnoonto2p.m.Themealincludesahalf achicken,Frenchfries,coleslawandaroll, for$15.Topre-order,call(619)922-9950by March6.
Pop-UpBookSale— StopbySouthCoastal Libraryat10a.m.foratwo-hourpo p-up booksale!Findgreatbooksforgreatprices! Previousbestsellers,cookbooks,beach reads,children'smaterials&more!SponsoredbytheFriendsoftheSouthCoastalLibrary.Helpsupportyourlocallibrary!South CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
LEGOClub— Letyourchild'simaginationrun wildatLEGOClubatSouthCoastalLibraryat 11a.m.!Eachtimewemeet,we'llfocusona newtheme,andLEGOsareprovided.Free, forages6-10years.Reg istrationisencouragedandavailableat (302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedif spaceallows.Parentsdonotneedtoregister butmustaccompanytheirchild.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930.
DisneyMusicShow— TheMillsboroPublic
26 CoastalPoint March8,2024 We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 27
BySusanCanfora StaffReporter
ConversationwithSky Bradyiseffortless,lighthearted, ashelaunchesintobanter abouthistriptoFlorida,where he’sbiking,sightseeingand goingtospringtraining,and aboutthatuniquenickname.
PhilipBrady’sgivenname wasreplacedwith“Sky”atthe suggestionofagirlsmittenby hisprettyeyes.
At70,he’syouthfulyethas thewisdomofamanwhohas liveddeeply,amanwholoves talkingaboutperformingin bands,whoplanstorecordan albumof1980shitsandwrite hismemoir,whoishappyto haveeventuallyreconciledwith hisfatherandwho,asadisc jockey,hasdonatedhistime andskills.
Andthere’sthetouching memoryoftheafternoon,duringtheCOVID-19pandemic,when hewasplayingmusicintheparkinglot ofanursinghomebecausehecouldn’t goinside.
“Iwassinging‘Unforgettable,’the NatKingColesong.Thesunwas shining,andthissweetolderwoman wasstandingbyherwindow.Shewas reaching,tryingtoreach,formyhand atthewindow,”hesaid,hisvoice fallingintoagentleness.
“WhenIplayatnursinghomes, theyreallylikeDeanMartin,Frank Sinatra.Theylovethosesongs,”he said.Thentheconversationturnedto hisyouth,tohimbeing16andliving inNevada,wherehegraduatedfrom highschoolin1971.
For11years,hehadattended Catholicschool.
“Ihadneverbeentoapublicschool before.Ididn’twanttousethename Philip.Ineededanickname.Thisgirl said,‘Igotit.’Shesaid,‘“Sky”because youhavesky-blueeyes.’Iwentto schoolthatMonday.Iwashanging aroundwiththiskid,andtheywereintroducingmeas‘Sky.’Afterhigh school,Ihitchhikedbackacrossthe countrytoPhiladelphia,whereI’m fromoriginally.Everybodyknewmeas Phil.Iwasplayinginbands,andI thoughttheSkyBradyBandsounded betterthanthePhilipBradyBand,”he said.
Brady—who,withhiswifeof34 years,Eileen,hasthreechildren,Eric, EddieandSkyline,andsoontobesix grandchildren—livesinGeorgetown.
Adiscjockeyforthepast37years, hevolunteerstoplaymusicforresidentsatTheStockleyCenter,forthose withintellectualanddevelopmental disabilities.Hehasplayedtherefor yearsandhasbeenpresentedwiththe JeffersonAwardandgovernor’sVolunteeroftheYearAward.
“IwasattheStockleyCenter,andI wasdoingaHalloweengig.Ilookedto myright,andthereisSteveHammond fromWBOC-TVstandingthere,and hehadacameracrew.Ithoughtmaybe theyweredoingastoryaboutHalloweenandtheStockleyCenter.Itook astepoutoftheway,andSteveHammondsaid,‘No,no.Stayherefora minute.’TheygavemetheJefferson Award,andI’mcryinglikeababy.My wifeandkidsarethere.Thatwas10or 15yearsago.
“TheStockleyCenter—theyare myguys.Ihavehadbig,bigpassiontowardtheintellectuallychallengedsince Iwasakid,”hesaid,explainingthathis stepfatherwasapsychiatrist,anexecutiveatamentalinstitution.
“Atthetime,Iwasn’tdoingreal goodwithmymentalstate.Ihadanger issues.Iusedtovolunteertogotothe hospitalandputonlittleshowsand
playmusic.Myfirstgig,Iwas14andI sanginfrontof700nuns.Mystepfatherwrotethreeorfourbooksabout nunsandtheirsexuality,andhespoke atuniversities.Weusedtogoontrips. We’dgetthere,andI’msinging.Iwas alwayssinging.IthinkIwassinging whenIcameoutofthewomb.AsI’ve gottenolder,I’verealizedthatpassion isabeautifulflowerbecauseitmakes somanypeoplehappy.Tobeableto sharemyGod-giventalent,it’sabout thepassion.
“So,mystepfatherknewhowmuch Ilovedmusic.Hefigured,‘Let’ssee whathispassionis.’Mybiologicalfathersaid,‘Youaren’tgoingtogetanywhereinthisworlddoingthat.You havetogototheArmy.’Butinthelast 10or15years,mybiologicalfatherand Iwereabletoreconcilebeforehedied. ThatisGod’sworkrightthere,”he said.
HisstepfathertookBradytoaMinnesotaTwinsbaseballgameandtold himaboutanunheknewwhoplayed guitar.HesuggestedBradyperform withher.
“Shedidn’tjustknowreligious songs,butsheknewothersongs,too. Wesang‘Windy’byTheAssociation and‘RedRubberBall’byTheCyrkle. Wedidthat,andwedidthreeorfour othersongs.Thenallofasudden,they said,‘Areyouready?’Isaid,‘Readyfor
what?’andtheysaid‘Wethink thenunswouldlikewhatyou are doing.’Acurtainopensand therewere700nuns.Thatwas attheUniversityofMinnesota, wheremystepfatherwasspeakingabouthisbooks,”hesaid.
Later,Bradyworkedasan exterminatorfor15years,but hecontinuedtosingwith bands,evenperformingin PhiladelphiaduringtheBicentennialcelebrationin1976.
Within10years,hefelthe wastoobusyandquittheband, butlaterhewasofferedajob playingrecordsforamanwho hadabarinPhiladelphia. Otherclubownerswere also startingtonoticehim.
“Ididweddings,beef-andbeers.Acouplethatowneda clubinPhillygavemeanumber,asalary,Icouldn’tresist, andtheysaidtheywouldpay mytaxesandIcouldhavefree food,drinks.Istartedtherein 1988.ThenImovedtoGeorgetown around1993andIplayedthere.I movedtoDelaware.Ihadabandin 1975,andweplayedinRehoboth Beach.Ifellinlovewiththearea,”he said.
Today,mostofhisdiscjockeywork isatweddings,anniversarypartiesand privateevents.Becausehe’salsoanordainedminister,hehasmarriedcouples,thenplayedatthereceptions.
Toschedule,visit www.skybrady.comorcall(302)3446530.
“Iplayanything.Igiveclients110 percent.Ireallyammoreintothepersonalitything.Whensomebodyhires meandtheygivefeedbacktheysay,‘I can’tbelievehewentoveranddanced withmygrandmother,’or‘Thewind wasblowingeverythingaround,andhe wentoverandcleanedup.’That’swho Iam,”hesaid.
“Iwanttolivemyremainingyears tobethebestpersonIcanbeand, throughthegraceofGod,givehappinessandsmilesandgoodvibesto everyoneImeet.
“Ifyouseepeoplealittleout-ofsorts,insteadofgettingintheirfaces, thinkmaybetheyarehavingabadday. Maybetheirmotherdied.Who knows?”hesaid.
“Idon’twalkonwaterornothing, butItrytobethebestpersonIcan.”
Page28 March8,2024
MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166 on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)
CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor
IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealog icalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.Formoreinformation,visitthemat
VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpe rsons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call/text/leaveamessageat (240)315-4361.
GeorgetownBridgeClub— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsBridgeClubevery Wednesdayfrom1to3p.m.Allexperience levelsarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(302)856-7958, PineSt.,Geor getown.
Women’sCivicClub— TheWomen’sCivic ClubofBethanyBeachmeetsonthesecond ThursdayofthemonthatCripplecreek CountryClubat10a.m.Theorganizationhas expandedthroughoutSussexCounty,andhas beenservingthecommunityfor98years. TheClubisanon-profitorganization,formed infriendshipanddedicatedtocivicandcharitablepurposesandtheeducationofits members.Formoreinformation,orifyouare interestedinattending,sendanemailto the
LordBaltimoreLionsClub— TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubmeetsthefirstandthird WednesdayofeachmonthatMac’sCatering inMillville.Thisisaserviceorganizationthat performsprojectsintheSussexcountyarea. Formoreinformation,visitthemonFacebook,atLordbaltimorelionsclub.orgorby phoneat(301)543-0329.
WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfirefighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.
AdultTime— AdultscanstopintheSouth CoastalLibraryanytimethey’reopentowork onjigsawpuzzles,playcheckersorcolor. Thisisfree,andallmaterialsareprovided.
BookDonations— SouthCoastalLibraryonly acceptsbookdonationsfrom2to4p.m.on Tuesdays.Thereisalistontheirwebs ite,,ofwhattheydoor don’taccept.
BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHappyHourfrom4 to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.
SoupandSandwiches— TheOceanView ChurchofChristisholdingaSoup&SandwichministryonthesecondWednesdayof eachmonth,fromOctoberthroughMarch, from11:30a.m.to1p.m.Allarewelcome.
TeleserviceNavigators— TheGeorgetown PublicL ibraryhostsTeleserviceNavigators everyMondayfrom10a.m.to3p.m.and everyTuesdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m.Get helpwithvirtualresources,suchastele-
healthappointments,appointmentswith lawyersandsocialserviceappointments usingthenewTelehealthKiosk.ANavigator willbeatthelibrarytohelpsetupvirtualappointments.Formoreinformation,call(302) 856-7958,email,Georgetown LaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Biblioteca— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsLaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Bibliotecaevery Wednesdayfrom3:30to6p.m.Déjenos ayudarlea:completarsuspapeles,interpretarsuscartas,inscribirseenlaescuela,renovarsusdocumentos,crearunavidamajor,y muchomás.LaEsperanza:(302)854-9262.
PawsforPeoplereadingtime— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsPawsfor PeopleonthefirstandthirdThursdaysof everymonthfro m4to5p.m.Readaloudto afurry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp inspirealoveofreading.OfferedbyPawsfor People.Readersofallagesandstagesare
Elementaryhomeschoolersprogram— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsitsHomeschoolProgramonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat1p.m.Everymonth,theyoffera differentactivityforelementary-school-aged children.
SocratesCafé— SocratesCaféisagroupof individualsfromdifferentbackgroundst hat discussphilosophicalideas.Meetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.attheBethanyBeachChristianChurch. Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation, callBonnieat537-9440,orsendanemailto
FlipFive— AmericanLegionPost24inDagsboroishostingFlipFivegamesonWednesdaynightsfrom6-8p.m.Members,guests andthegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay. Justsignthebookandwrite“FlipFive”next
March8,2024 Coastal Point 29 Ocean View: Open Daily 10am–5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed (Wach Batteries & Repairs Not Included in Sale) 302-539-6597 Cutter & Buck Coats Values to $139 Now $39.95-$44 50% OFF 500 pcs. Swimwear, Dresses & Coverups SPRING ARRIVING! Bobby Jones Merino Wool Sweaters Valued $200 NOW $49 - 10 colors! UV Dresses $50 OFF Lands End Jeans Valued $69 NOW $24 Over 35 Racks of Spring In Stock
By Brian Thomas & Kate Chin Park
Heatingandcooling assistanceavailable tolow-income Delawarehouseholds
Formany,thewinterandsummer monthsarefuntimesfilledwithholiday celebrationsanddaysatthebeach.For thoseinlow-incomecommunitiesstrugglingwithinefficient,unreliableorunsafe homeheatingandcoolingsystems,the winterandsummermonthsleadtothe stressofincreasedenergyexpensesand extremehometemperatures.
FirstStateCommunityAction Agency’sHELPProgram,initiatedin 2015,wasdesignedtoalleviatetheburdensofincreasedenergycostsandhealth risksrelatedtouseofsupplementalheatingandcoolingsourceswithinhomes.
“Forindividualswithinefficientorinoperableheatingandcoolingunits,substitutessuchasspaceheatersandfanscan driveenergycoststhroughtheroof,”said HELPProgramManagerTosajhn Hughes.“Oftentimes,tosustainacomfortabletemperatureinthehome,people areforcedtousethesedevicescontinuouslyeachday.Thosedaysaddup,”he said.
Thatculminatesinenergycoststhat canplacefurtherstrainonfamiliesalreadyexperiencingfinancialstrain.
FirstState’sRRHACE(Replacing, RepairingHeaters&ConservingEnergy)programprovidesfurnacerepair andreplacementassistancetoqualified individualsthroughoutthestateof Delaware.Individualswhocurrentlyown ahomeinneedoffurnacerepairorreplacementareencouragedtoapplyonline ( 932367056/rrhace)orinpersonataFirst Stateoffice.
TheSCAP(SummerCoolingAssistanceProgram)providesqualifiedhouseholdswithanenergyefficientroom-sized airconditioningunitinstalledbylicensed andinsuredcontractorsbeginningin May.
Inadditiontofurnacerepairorreplacementorinstallationofaroom-sized airconditioningunit,qualifiedhouseholdsreceivecustomizedenergyeducationandaneco-kitcomprisedof energy-savingitemstohelptoimprove energyefficiency inthehome.
FirstStateadministerstheRRHACE andSCAPprogramswithRegional GreenhouseGasInitiative(RGGI)and Low-IncomeHomeEnergyAssistance Program,(LIHEAP)fundingundercontractwiththeStateofDelaware,DepartmentofHealth&SocialServices, DivisionofStateServicesCenters.Programparticipationiscontingentupon householdeligibilityandavailabilityof funds.
Foradditionalinformation,contact HELPProgramManagersHristinaFerracci(302-856-7761,ext.122, Hughes(302-856-7761,ext.109,or
30 CoastalPoint March8,2024 S CON TEST
ACROSS 1 Handy smartphone app for a tourist 4 Most pancakes You Want To Talk About __” 13 Lumps in a stack of folded sweatshirts 18 Make a big fuss 20 Auburn, to Alabama 22 Con current? 24 Bradbury genre 25 Brotherly sort 26 Blackpink genre 27 December quaff 29 River near birthplace 30 Argentine grassland 33 Con tour? 37 Con quest? 41 Hardly any 43 With 52-Across, some midriff-baring attire counselor Deanna 45 Leg bone 50 Patella spots 54 Con sorts? 57 Plays chords, in a way who, when asked to remove spots from a dress, cut out all the polka dots 63 Iranian money 64 Chart-topper 68 Con note? 73 Tic-tac-toe side ride 78 As concerns 80 Code names there?” 84 Drives too fast 86 Con text? 88 Half of quatorze endearment 92 Toss, slangily 93 Performed miserably 95 Put pen to paper 98 Classic film about a football-kicking mule 101 Con figure? 103 Con script? 109 Capital of Italia 110 Lacking freshness Macabre” 117 Conscious 119 Con form? feeds 125 Asteroids publisher happened?” 127 Come up poet DOWN 3 iPhone speaker 4 Reorganize a hard drive, familiarly 5 Cocktail sphere heavy novelty hit 7 Algonquianspeaking people 8 Manicure sound 10 Letters after Madison or before Maria 12 John who completed Wienermobile 15 Tapenade fruit 19 Major drama 20 Two bars and two dots, on a staff 23 Actor Hardy 28 Macroeconomics 31 Actor born Laurence Tureaud 32 Components 34 Proclamation unspeakable fun” 36 Turn 38 Vessels in a 40 1960s nonconformist cellular energetics section 48 Dadcore jeans specification 49 Lacking freshness 51 Olympic gold medalist Lee 53 Tear it up 55 Unleash 58 Many an Argentine red 60 Up in the air 63 Campground sights, briefly 67 Baton-passing event 69 Boots 71 Like the Resident Evil games 72 Had more than an inkling 75 Rails against failure? 79 Put back 81 Crunch cousin 82 Actor Elliott 83 Jaded feeling 84 Big name in Apple history 89 As per routine successor 99 Cheap ticket spec 103 Persona non __ perhaps 106 Yosemite peak free 107 Miracle-__ 112 Came out with 114 Vertex, in graph theory 115 Clubs, but not cabarets 116 Jazz singer Jones 120 Unedited, as footage 122 Racket
WingNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingWingNighteveryThursdayat6:30p.m.Members,guestsandthe generalpublicareallinvitedtoplay.
SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingSeafoodNighteveryFridayfrom4:30to7:30p.m.Karaokefollows from7to11p.m.Members,guestsandthe generalpublicareallinvitedtoplay.
SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingdinnereverySaturday from4:30t o7:30p.m.DJ/Karaokewillperformfrom7to11p.m.Members,guestsand thegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.
CommunityLuncheon— TheMariners Bethel’sHopeCenterishostinglunchevery Tuesdayfrom11:30a.m.to1p.m.They serveachoiceofhomemadesoups,fresh sandwichesandhomemadedesserts.Carryoutisalsoavailable.
DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opento anyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callAlLiebeskindat(410)530-0064.
ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDunesclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,
RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepubl icanClubmeetsthefourthMondayof themonth.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,and themeetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationontheclubandmeetingscanbe,orthroughemailat
DemocratsMeet— TheDemocraticParty’s 38thRepresentativeDistrictCommittee meetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat 5p.m.Formoreinformation,updateson speakersandmeetinglocations,call(302) 364-5830,orvisithttps://deldems38. orgor theirFacebookpageat
SussexRepublicansMeet— TheSussex CountyRepublicanCommitteemeetsthe secondMondayofeverymonthattheMillsborofirehall.Meetingsstartpromptlyat6:30 p.m.andallarewelcome.Informationon monthlyguestspeakers,legislativeupdates
TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel GMChosts“TuningUptheTemple”on Mondays,WednesdaysandFridays,from 8:30to9:45a.m.atTheHopeCenter.The classesaresession-based,notdrop-in,so contactCarolLynchat(302)745-8237or cklynch02@gmail.comformoredetails.
YogaClasses— MarinersBethelGMChosts yogaclassesat5p.m.onWednesdaysin theArmorRoom,upstairsinthechurch building,withHeatherMurphy.Additionally, thereisalsoaclassonSaturdays,from 9:30to10:30a.m.,withinstructors HeatherMurphyandMicoleLinehan.There isa$5drop-inf eeforeitherclass.Classes areopentothecommunityandallarewelcome.
ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelChurchis holdingazumbaexerciseclassintheHope CentergymeveryMonday,Wednesdayand Fridayat10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee. Noregistrationisnecessary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,sendanemailto
MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat
LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSeniorCenter ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays. Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10a.m.,and Improversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.
Al-Anon Al-Anonisasupportgroupforthe familiesandfriendsofalcoholics.Meetingsare heldeveryTuesday,from7to8:30p.m.,at OceanViewPresbyterianChurch.Formoreinformation,
Argentine Tango— TheLewesSeniorActivity CenterishostingArgentineTangoDancingon Tuesdays,from7to9p.m.Adultsofallages
arewelcome,andnoexperienceorpartneris required.Thereisa$5fee,butthefirstvisitis free.Enterthroughthebackdoorofthefacility. Formoreinformation,visitthegrouponlineat
GeorgetownWalkers— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostGPLWalkerseveryMondayat9 a.m.ThewalkingclubgoestoSandhillFields for a30-to40-minutewalk,weatherpermitting.ThetrailbeginsattheMurray’sLaneParkinglot,109-199MurraysLane.Formore information,call(302)856-7958,email at123WPineSt.,Georgetown.
Tai-ChiClasses— BethelMethodistChurchis hostingfreeTai-ChiclassesonTuesdaysand Thursdaysfrom10to11a.m.Thisisopento thepublic,andallarewelcome.Organizersdecribedtheclassesas“easy,”andcasualattireis suggested. Formoreinformation,call(302) 519-2984.
StrokeSupport— Astrokesupportgroupmeets atPAMHealthRehabilitationHospitalof GeorgetownonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat3:30p.m.Reservationsarerecommended,butwalk-insarewelcome.Formore information,call(302)440-4866.
NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonth from 10a.m.to2p.m.attheLewesPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged.Newmembersarealwayswelcome. Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat
CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMethodistChurchandtheGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe churchthesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinforma tion,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.
RadioOperators— AnyHamradiooperator wantingtomeetandgreetotherscanget togetherattheMillsboroPizzaKingon Thursdaysfrom8to10a.m.TheARRL SectionManagerusuallyattends.Formore information,contactJackMagarat
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 31 Get the news with a local perspective! Find it each week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY In print every Friday and online 24/7 at
LibraryishostingafreeDisneymusicprogramfromnoonto1p.m.LocalbandNotes ontheBeachwillperformtheDisneyfavorites.Familesareencouragedtoarrive earlytomeetsomeDisneycharactersand takephotos.
HealthScreenings— LifeLineScreeningis offeringaffordablehealthscreeningsat BethanyBeachOceanSuites.Screeningscan checkforplaqueinarteries,HDLandLDL cholesterollevels,diabetesrisk,kidneyand thyroidfunction,andmore.Fre eparkingis alsoavailable.Specialpackagingstartsat $159,butconsultantswillworkwithyouto createapackagethatisrightforyou.Preregistrationisrequired.Toregister,orfor moreinformation,call(877)237-1287or
Let’sTalkBooks— JoinSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.forafuninformalbookclub! Sharewithotherswhatyouarecurrently reading,anybookrecommendations,and hearfromothersaboutbookstheyhaveread. Ligh tsnacksprovided.Ages18+.Registra-
PenPalProgram— ThankstoapartnershipbetweenSouthCoastalLibrary,Kent CountyLibraryandWellingtonCityLibraries,youcannowcommunicatebyletterwithaNewZealander.Thisisafun
tionisencouragedandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
Women’sHistoryMonthTrivia— JoinSouth CoastalLibraryat4:30p.m.forafunand freegameoftriviawithawomen'shistory monththeme.Bringateamoffriends,enjoy lightsnacks,andlearnabouttheimportant successesandcontributionsofU.S.women overthed ecades.Therewillbethreerounds oftrivia,withsmallprizesineachroundfor thewinningteam.Thistriviaispartofthe SussexLibrary'sTriviaAdventureProgram. Attendalleighttrivianightsatselectlibraries aroundthecountytobeenteredintothe grandprizedrawing!GrandPrize:Twotickets toLongwoodGardensinPennsylvania!Registrationisencouragedandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth Coasta lLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
DiversityBookClub— TheCoastalGeorgetownAAUWDiversityBookClubismeetingat theLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.They willdiscussBarbaraKingsolver’s“Demon
waytolearnaboutanothercountryand makeanewfriend.Allinternational postageishandled,andyoucanbringin andpickupyourlettersatthelibrary.For moreinformationandregistration,visit themat 626orcall(302)858-5518
Bookdiscussion— TheGeorgetownPublic
SINCE 1976
Copperhead.”— TheSouth CoastalLibrarynowsubscribestoNewspapers.combyAncestry,soyoucanaccessa tonofonlinenewspapersfromyearsgoneby forfree!Greatforgenealogicalresearchor historybuffs!We'llshow youhowtouseitin thisclassatthelibraryat10a.m.Attendin personorviaZoom.Registrationisrequired andavailableat orbycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insare acceptedifspaceallows.Hostedbythe SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930.
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsistingof fluid,slow,gentlemovements.Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor H ealthInstituteandCo-DirectoroftheSilver LotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevelTai ChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth& BalanceSeriesarenoteligible.Registration isrequiredandavailabl eat,
LibraryhostsitsWednesdayMorningBook DiscussiononthefourthWednesdayof everymonthat10:15a.m.Booksare availableforpickupeachmonthatthelibrary.
MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridays ofthemonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelcome.
PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.! Childrenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5-plus. Mustcall(302)858-5518toregister.Hosted bytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
ElksMeeting— TheSelbyvilleElksLodgeis hostingameetingat6p.m.thatwillbeinformativeforthosewonderingjustwhatthe Elksdointhecommunity.Themeetingwill beattheLodge,12560US113,Bishopville, Md.Thepubliciswelcome.
SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers
SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m.Singlesa nd couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-4448,or
Fe elingsRock!— FeelingsRockisamusic, movement,andmoreprogramdesignedto Dinker-IrvinMuseum— TheBethany BeachMuseumatDinker-IrvinCottageis opentothepubliconSaturdaysfrom11 a.m.to1p.m.Privatetoursareavailable byappointment.Interestedgroupsof1015may call(302)539-8725.Admissionto themuseumisfree,andparkingisavailableinfrontofthemuseum.Themuseum isnothandicap-accessible.Formoreinformation,,andclickunder “Residents/History/TownMuseum.”
RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubhouseisaninteractivemuseumofmodelrailroading,andislocated at36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville. TheyareopentothepubliceveryWednes-
CommunityBibleStudy— GraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboroishostinga BibleStudythisfallonWednesdaymornings,startingonSept.6,
sides. You can store your boat or camper on your lot. Just down the street is the community fishing pier and kayak launch. A must see! Being sold as is. Inspections would be for information only. DESU2049952
32 CoastalPoint March8,2024 • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting 2024 Rental Listings for Vacation Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! Blackwater Village is a short drive to Bethany Beach there are no town taxes and the HOA fees are only $120.00 per year. This is a rare find, 3000 square ft. house on 1 / 2 acre lot, with four BRs, an office with built-in oak cabinets and two BRs and bath on the main floor along with a kitchen dining area and a step down family room with a wood burning stove which leads to a spacious screened porch. Kitchen features granite countertops, cherry cabinets, pantry, SS refrigerator, microwave and stove. Floored attic for additional storage space. Outside features a level double lot with a large storage shed / workshop with electric and 2 additional sheds. The backyard is fenced on three
34037 Shawnee Dr • $395,000 SALE PENDING Still The Preferred Law Of ce Our A im I s C lie nt Satis faction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills, Trusts & Estates Corporations & LLCs
Continuedfrompage26 SeeCALENDARpage34
“TheColorsofTravel”isthetheme forDART’sAnnualPosterContestfor 2024.Opentoschool-agechildrenin Grades6through12,thecontestisdesignedtoencouragestudentstolearn moreaboutpublictransportationandits benefits,aswellasthechancetosee theirartworkfeaturedbyDARTinvariousadvertisements,promotionsand/or displays.
DARTisencouragingstudentsto seizetheopportunitytocapturetheexperiencesfromtheirdailytravels.
PostersmustbesubmittedbyMarch25 to DARTPosterContest;Marketing Dept.;900PublicSafetyBlvd.Dover,
DE19901.Prizesandcertificateswill beprovidedbyDARTanditsbusiness partners.
Interestedschoolsarebeingaskedto conductthecontestwithintheappropriategradelevelsattheschoolandforwardtheentriestoDARTforjudging. Individualswhowishtoenterapart fromtheirschoolmaydosoaslongas theyareinGrades6through12.Submissionsforthisyear’spostercontest willbeacceptedthroughMarch25.For detailsandcontestinstructions,call (302)760-4829orvisitDART’
Lawn & Garden Supplies Garden Tools Fishing Equipment Weber Grills & Accessories Boating Supplies Hunting Supplies Clothing Stihl Equipment Paint Supplies Guns & Ammo Power Tools Electrical Supplies Heaters Screen Repair and more! 30264 Cedar Neck Road • Ocean View • 302.539.1448 Visit our Garden Center & Hardware Store at Hocker’s Supercenter Gardening, shing, hobbies and hardware –everything you need is right around the corner! Your Spring Headquarters Over 20,000 Square Feet of ~ March8,2024 CoastalPoint 33 Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Open 7 Days! 7am-5pm Unique Toys & Games You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! The Kisa Cafe Home of Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! © 2024 Consumer Cellular Inc. Terms and Conditions subject to change. 866-337-1676 NO HIDDEN FEES. NO HIDDEN ANYTHING. Plans start at just $20/month. Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]
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helpchildrenunderage5andtheirfamilies workthrougheverydayemotions,atSouth CoastalLibraryat10:30a.m.!Free,noregistrationrequired,butparents/caregiversmust accompanychildren.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
TrueCrimeClub— Shareyourtheories, knowledge,andmemoriesoftruecrime caseswithfellowtruecrimeenthusiastsat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.!Ateach me eting,theclubwillexploreaparticular truecrimecase.Thismonth,we’lldiscuss thedisappearanceofNataleeHolloway.Recommendedread(notrequired):Aruba:The TragicUntoldStoryofNataleeHollowayAnd CorruptioninParadisebyDaveHolloway. Free,in-persononly,forages18-plus.Registrationisencouragedandavailableat (302)858-5518.Walk-insacceptedifspace allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLib rary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
DemocratsMeet— The37thRepresentative DistrictCommitteewillmeetattheSussex CountyDemocratheadquartersinGeorgetownat6p.m.Lt.Gov.BethanyHall-Longwill bethefeaturedspeaker.Therewillbelight refreshmentsavailable.Formoreinformation, callBeckyat(302)245-6583.
NARFELuncheon— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonatthe1776SteakhouseinMidway
Centeratnoon.Thecostoftheluncheonis $19perperson,whichincludesgratuities, andpaymentismadeuponarrival.Sendan emailtoWarrenorJanieFullertoreserve
SeasonOpener— Theseasonopeningofthe 37-acreDelawareBotanicGardensatPepper Creekwillbeofficial.Featuring200,000 springbulbsthroughoutthegardens.Seethe newHedgerowGardenandstrollthewide ADAcompatiblewalkingtrailsfromthePiet OudolfMeadowGarden totheLearningGardentotheFollyGarden,thenenterthe12acrewoodlandsandenjoywalkingtotheto 1,000feetofPepperCreekshoreline.ObservewildlifefromtheObservationDeck.As youwalkalongtheshorelineyoumayseethe EaglesNest.Thereisa10a.m.guidedtour allopendays.TheDBGisopenfrom9a.m. to4p.m.ThursdaysthroughSundays.Lots toseeatDBG.MembersareadmittedFree andNon-memberspaya$15admissionfee. The10a.m.guidedtouris$10.Children1 6 andunderareadmittedFreetothegardens, whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservations fortheguildedtourcanbemadebygoingto thewebsite:
SouthCoastalGenealogyGroup— This monthlygroupmeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.isforgenealogyenthusiastsofallskilllevels.Learngenealogy resources,tricks,andmethodsfromeach otherinawelcomingenvironmentwhile meetingothersandconversingaboutcur rent projects.Themeetingissetupasadiscussion,however,selectgenealogyresources arealsoshown/demonstratedbymeetingfa-
cilitator.Meetingsareheldeveryothermonth onselectFridaysat10:15am(nomeetings inSummer).Free,forages18-plus,noregistrationneeded.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930(302)858-5518
ArmchairTraveler:Ireland— SouthCoastal Library’sarmch airtravelerprogramsarea funwaytoseephotos,hearstories,andfind outinformationaboutuniquedestinations acrosstheglobefromlibrarystaffandfellow communitymembers,heldat2p.m.Learn aboutwell-knownandlesser-knownattractions,food,andmore!Thismonthwewill hearfromClaireaboutIreland.Freeand opentoages18-plus.Registrationisrequiredandavailableat (302)858-5518.Walk-insareaccep tedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.
SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea, DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreek,whowillleadspecialguidedtour andlearnaboutthedifferenttypesofspring bulbat2p.m.CostoftheBulbtouris$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedFreeandNon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder a readmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsforthe guidedtourcanbemadebygoingtothe website:
34 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze-Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails MHIC# 12462 NEW Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y
Calendar Continuedfrompage32
CommunityBingo— TheNanticokeIndian CenteronRoute24inMillsboroishosting CommunityBingoat5p.m.Thiseventis sponsoredbyIndianMissionUnited MethodistChurch.Thisisafreecommunity eventforallages.Everyoneiswelcome. Prizeswillbevariousgifts.Formoreinformation,call(302)945-0830or(302)9347779.
GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,forafree, one-hourGentleFlowYogaclassatSouth Co astalLibraryat10a.m.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexercisestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,andrelaxation.Pleasebringayogamatortowel fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouareunabletogetontotheflooreasily,donotworry, wewillprovidechairs.Thereareoptionsfor all!Registrationopensat10a.m.o nMarch 11andisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 Lights,Camera,Crime!— TruecrimeenthusiastsandmovieloversalikearewelcometojoinSouthCoastalLibraryat3:30
p.m.foramovienightsogooditshouldbe criminal!Eachmoviescreeningwillfeature amoviebasedona truecrimeorwillbea truecrimedocumentary.Lightsnacksprovided.Free,forages18-plus.Registration andfilmtitleareavailableat allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.
iPad&AppleUsersGroup— iPad,iPhone andotherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevels arewelcometoattendthissupportgroupat Southcoastal Libraryat11a.m.Usersmeet todiscussnewfeatures,sharetips,andask questions.AttendinpersonorviaZoom. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE.
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsistingof fluid,slow,gentlemovements.Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor HealthInstituteandCo-Dire ctoroftheSilver LotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevelTai ChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth& BalanceSeriesarenoteligible.Registration isrequiredandavailableathttps://southcoastal,
SafeBoatingCourse— TheUSCoastGuard AuxiliaryisofferingtheSafeBoatingCourse attheOceanPinesLibraryfrom6to9p.m. Thecostis$20forallthreeevenings.RegisterorgetmoreinformationbycallingBarry Cohenat(410)935-4807orsendanemail
SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m.Singlesand couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-4448,or
StoryTime— Thisisagreatopportunityto engageyourchildinearlyliteracypractices aswellasgettoknowotherfamiliesinthe area,heldatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Foragesinfant-5.Free,registrationis notrequired,butparents/caregive rsmustaccompanychildren.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
HappyBookersBookClub— JoinRachelat SouthcoastalLibraryat2p.m.fortheirnext HappyBookersmeeting!Thegroupmeetson selectmonthstodiscussachosenbook. Booksselectedareworksoffictionfromvariousgenresandauthors.Thisbookclubisno longerofferedvirtually,insteadwehopeto seeyouin-person!Thismonthwewi llbe
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 35 Call 410-449-4090 Today for more information or to schedule a visit to our on-site showroom. 410-449-4090 Our Staff is Regularly Tested for Covid-19 24 Hour Awake Staff All Private Rooms & Baths Three Home-Cooked Meals a Day! All Inclusive Pricing In-House Doctor Visits VA and MAC Subsidy Approved Respite Care and Hospice Care 302-537-4500 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (Next to Oceanova) Accepting New Patients GENERAL DENTISTRY Routine Dental Cleanings • Fillings Crowns • Bridges • Implant Restorations Cosmetic Procedures • TMJ Disorders & Tooth Whitening
Calendar Continuedfrompage34
reading,CounterfeitbyKristinChenRegistrationisrequiredandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE.
CrimeSolvers— Areyouatruecrimelover oranaspiringdetective?JoinSouth CoastalLibraryat5p.m.fora105-minute tabletopgamewhereweexamineevidence,witnessstatements,etc.tocooperativelysolvefictionalmurders.Forages 14-Adult.Free,allmaterials provided.Registrationisavailableat
858-5518HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930
Dine&Donate— FinsAleHouseandRawBar inBethanyBeachwillhostaDine&Donate efforttobenefittheXiPhiChapterofBeta SigmaPhifrom4to8:30p.m.Thesorority willusethosefundstosupportlocalcharities.
DelawareLiteracy— AAUWishosting “BuildingRelationshipswithRehobothArt League”atBigFishGrillRehobothfrom11 a.m.to1:30p.m.ThespeakerisDenise Clemons,boardchair.
One-on-OneGenealogyAssistance— Lookingtotraceyourroots?Notsurehow togetstarted?NancyN.willwalkyou atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.,and giveyoupersonalizedgenealogyassistance
usingU.S.databases.Free,90-minutesession.Registrationisavailableat e SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930 CookbookClub— Callingalljuniorchefsin grades3-5!SouthCoastalLibraryisworkingourwaythroughsection641.5ofthe DeweyDecimalsystem(that'sourcookbooksection!)We'lllearnkitchenbasicsat this5p.m.classasweindividuallychoose arecipetocreateandbringtothenext session(wemeetthethirdThursdayof eachmonth.)Aswelookaheadtotasting otherstudent'sdishes,we'lllearnhow the ymadethemaswellaswhatthey learnedfromtheirexperiencecookingat home.Todaywewillbepresentingbreakfastfoodsandintroducinglunchrecipes. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat at(302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE.
EstatePlanning&ElderLaw— Attorney KathleenDelacy,instructorwiththe DelawareMoneySchool,willgiveafree, educational90-minutepresent ationon howtogetstartedwithestateplanningat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Potentials pointsofdiscussionincludeWills,Trusts, PowerofAttorney,Guardianships,Elder Law,Medicaidandoverallestateplanning. Registrationisencouragedandavailableat (302)858-5518.Walk-insacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930
EngineerEarlySTEMKits— TheSouth CoastalLibraryisproudtoofferGrab&Go STEMKitsforchildrenandtweenscourtesy ofEngineerEarly.Featuringaunique themeeachmonth,March’skitfocuseson theupcomingApril8solareclipse.Kitsare freeandavailableforpick-upatthecirculationdeskwhilesupplieslast.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,
Children’sEasterCraftEvent— VFWPost 7234AuxiliarywillhostaChildren’sEaster CraftEventfromnoonto2p.m.Thisis opentochildrenage3-10,andchildren willbeabletopickwhichcraftstations they’dliketouse,andtheEasterBunny willarriveat1p.m.Thisisfree.Donations ofpantryitemsforthelocalchurch/food bankareaccepted.Therewillbepainting, sobringanoldshirt!
GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,atSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.forafree,onehourGentleFlowYogaclass.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathingtechniques,postures,andexercisesto promoteflexibilityandstrength,balance, andrelaxation.Pleasebringayogamator towelfromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.If
youareunabletogetontotheflooreasily, donotworry,wewillprovidechairs.There areoptionsforall!Registrationopensat 11:15a.m.onMarch18andisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930
Coloring&CrosswordsClub— Theclubis opentoalladultsfor60minutes,and meetsonthefourthMondayofthemonth atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Relax, color,socializewithothercommunitymembers,complete crosswords,word-finds, andpuzzles.Free,registerat'sacceptedifspaceallows. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930
TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsistingof fluid,slow,gentlemovements.Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor HealthInstituteandCo-DirectoroftheSilver LotusTrainin gInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevelTai ChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth& BalanceSeriesarenoteligible.Registration isrequiredandavailableathttps://south-
36 CoastalPoint March8,2024
Calendar Continuedfrompage35
Hallwasprecededindeathbyher father,RolandWescottSr.Her legacylivesonthroughhercherished family.Sheissurvivedbyherson, WilliamL.WescottofDover,Del., andherdaughter,MellisaA.Hallof Easley,S.C.Shealsoleavesbehind herbelovedmother,EdithI.Wescott ofSeaford,Del.,herbrothers, RolandWescottJr.ofPocomoke City,Md.,SherwoodR.Wescott (andKrisz)ofParsonsburg,Md.,and EdwardWescott(andMiriam)of Georgetown,Del.,alongwithher sisters,GaleM.Briddell,alsoof Georgetown,andZinaY.Bourneof Hinesville,Ga.Herjoywasmultipliedbyherfivegrandchildren,Anfernee,Sheyenne,Shyhiem,Arshari andAmir);sixgreat-grandchildren, Amar,Ayden,Adrian,Azrielle,Aron andAzalea;andawidecircleof aunts,uncles,nieces,nephews, cousinsandfriendswhowillmissher dearly.
“Laverne’sdepartureleavesavoid intheheartsofthosewhoknewher, butherspiritandlovewillforever remainaguidinglightintheirlives.”
Dr.JeffreyBlair“Jeff”Hazard, Esq.,72,passedawayontheevening ofMonday,Feb.26,2024.Hislife wasanendlessquestforknowledge, surroundedbymuch-lovedfamily andfriends.BornonAug.27,1951, toEdwardandDorisHazardof Lutherville,Md.,hespentthemajorityofhis72yearsinoraroundthe northernBaltimorearea.In2021,he andhiswifeof45years,Susan (Michno)Hazard,hadsettlednear theirgrandchildreninLewes,Del., forsomesaltair.
WhilelivinginBaltimore,Hazard bothattendedandtaughtatmany prestigiouscollegesanduniversities. Amanoffewwordsbutmanyaccolades,heheldmultiplegraduatedegrees,includingaJ.DandaPhD.
W hilehisaccomplishmentscertainly helpedhimasanentrepreneur,he usedmostofhisskillstohelpothers. AlicensedCPA,hespentagreat dealoftimeworkingwithresidents andfamiliesatStellaMarisandVilla Maria,providingassistanceinlegal andfinancialplanning,allpro-bono.
HazardworkedasaCPAatMcCormick&Co.whileattendinglaw school.Heownedandoperatedmultiplebusinesses.KeyOldsmobileand KeyLeasingwerelandmarksonYork RoadinTowson,Md.,for20years. HeownedtheMarylandfranchiseof ColortymeRenttoOwn.
Hisrealpassionwasteaching— somethinghestartedoutofcollege
andcontinuedformorethan40 years.Inadditiontograduatelevel, hetaughtfifthgradeCC Dforyears andhelpeddozensofincarcerated non-violentoffenderscompletetheir GEDs.Hehadawayofcommunicatingwitheveryone,ages2to102, nomatterwhatcircumstances broughtthemtogether.
Hazardlovedtolaughand,when hedid,itdrewpeoplein.Hewas knownforsomeveryclever,ifquestionable,pranksonfamilyand friends,whichwillberemembered fondly.
Aself-taughthandymanwitha loveofwoodworkingandlandscaping,italwaysseemedtohisdaughtersthathecouldconquerany project,evenifhismethodswere sometimesunconventional.Healwayskepthisfamily’shomelooking aslovelyasitwasloved.Heenjoyed golfverymuch,bothplayingand watching.Helikedtotravel.Hewas mesmerizedbytheGrandCanyon’s beauty.Helikedtogrill,eveninthe rain;enjoyedtryingnewfoods;made anexcellentcreamofcrabsoup;and knewhiswayaroundawinecellar.A navalorangelover,hisgirlshavefond memoriesofhimalwayswillingto peelthemone,evenoncetheywere fartoooldtoneedhishelp.Heloved hisdogs,catandhisfish.Animals lovedhim,too.Hehadacalmand kinddispositionperfectforabest friend.Heworkedwithmultiplerescuesandlovedfostering.
Morethananything,Hazardloved hisgirls:hiswifeSusan,andhis daughters,MeganandWhitney.He issurvivedbyMegan,herhusband, JohnStack,andtheirthreechildren Evie,EllieandGraham;aswellas Whitney,herhusband,DaveSamaroo,andtheirson,Pierce.“Abeloved Granddaddy,fatherandhusband,his smilingblueeyesarewatchingover usall.As‘Dr.Mr.JeffreyBlairHaz-
ard’wouldsay,‘Theparty’sover!’Or perhaps,wehope,hisisjuststarting.”
Amemorialservicewillbeheldat 11a.m.onThursday,March7,2024, atWatsonFuneralHome,211S. WashingtonSt.,Millsboro,Del.Intermentwillbeprivate.Hazard’slife
AdeleC.MayfieldofOceanView, Del.,passedawaypeacefully,surroundedbyherfamily,atDelaware HospiceCenterinMilford,Del.,on Thursday,Feb.29,2024.Shewas borninTorrington,Conn.,daughter ofthelateJosephYurashisand Suzanne(Yukitis)Yurashis.
Shehadworkedasaparalibrarian andsecretaryinthepublicschool systeminPennsylvaniaandDelaware. SheattendedSt.MatthewsBythe SeaUnitedMethodistChurchin FenwickIsland,Del.
Mayfieldwasprecededindeathby herhusband,theRev.HarryMayfield;hercompanion,OliverW. Cropper;andasister,AnnMiller. Sheissurvivedbyadaughter,SallyL. MacGregorandherhusband,Jack,of Berryville,Va.;twogranddaughters, CourtneyMacGregorCoderand MeganMacGregorDry;andthree great-grandchildren,EmersynCoder, CharlotteCoderandJacksonCoder.
Servicesweretobeprivate.Inlieu offlowers,memorialdonationsmay bemadetoDelawareHospice,100 PatriotsWay,Milford,DE19963. Condolencesmaybesentbyvisiting
ForLarry“John”McBroom,48,of Laurel,Del.,benefitoflifereachedits finaleonWednesday,Feb.21,2024. HewasbornonSept.17,1975,in Seaford,Del.,sonofthelateLarry
McBroomandFrances(Watkins) McBroom.
Aftergraduatingfromhighschool, hematriculatedatWilmingtonCollege,earningabachelor’sdegreein criminaljustice.Hefurtheredhis graduateeducationatCalifornia LutheranUniversity,earningamaster’sdegreeinpublicadministration.
Evertheconsummatedreamer, McBroommovedtoCaliforniaafter collegeandbeganworkingatWachoviaBankintheirmortgagedivision,andalsoobtainedhisrealestate license.Afterthe2008housingcrisis, herelocatedbacktohishometownof LaurelandbeganworkingforM&T Bankintheirassetmanagementdepartment.
Hewasagreatthinkerandvoraciousreaderwhotookagreatinterest intheworldaroundhim.Hewasalso asportsaficionado,withhisfavorite teamsbeingtheBaltimoreOrioles andPhiladelphiaEagles.
Hewillbejoininghisparentsand brothersMikeandRichardin Heaven.Rememberingandcherishinghimalwayswillbehisbrother WayneIsaiahMcBroom;sisters Renee’DeShields,LauraBach,Gena HammondandKatieHammond;an abundanceofniecesandnephews; andhisin-lawBonnieHammond.
AservicewastobeheldonFriday, March1,2024,atWatsonFuneral HomeinMillsboro,Del.Interment wastobeheldatOddFellowsCemeteryinLaurel,Del.,immediatelyfollowingtheservice.Hislifememorial
ThomasWayneQuillen,85,of Roxana,Del.,passedawaypeacefully onMonday,Feb.26,2024.Hewas borninTaylorville,Md.,onJan.27, 1939,sonofthelateDennardJames
Melson’s Funeral Services & Cremation Services Ocean View Chapel 38040 Muddy Neck Road Ocean View, DE 302.537.2441 Long Neck Chapel 32013 Long Neck Road Millsboro, DE 302.945.9000 Frankford Chapel 43 atcher Street Frankford, DE 302.732.9000 March8,2024 CoastalPoint 37
38020 Fenwick Shoals Blvd
Fenwick Shoals is a private, gated community located 2.5 miles to the beach. This custombuilt coastal contemporary home has an elevator and plenty of room for entertaining on multiple levels, both inside and out. Features include luxury vinyl plank flooring, wide staircases, a coffered ceiling, and crown molding.
$875,000 (DESU2051876)
For information on these homes or to setup a free consultation about listing Call Trevor & Abby Clark 302-290-3869
37516 Seaside Dr, Ocean View
Enjoy scenic views of the natural wetlands and open bay from this 4 BR, 3.5 bath home in White Creek at Bethany. Incredible upgrades. Amenity-rich community with water access and a day dock. $975,000 (DESU2048250)
971 Sandbar Court, Lake Bethany
This beautiful, 4-bedroom home has much to offer with a spacious floor plan, kitchen island with breakfast bar, vaulted ceilings, woodburning fireplace, ceramic tile, hardwood floors and two zoned HVAC. Seasonal Bethany Beach Trolley stops throughout the community.
$850,000 (DESU2056266)
34577 Peppers Corner Rd, 19945
This custom home is approximately 5317 square feet and was constructed by custom builder Robert Bunting. This home has been meticulously maintained with top-notch finishes throughout. 7BD, 8BA $1,325,000
37510 River Birch Ln, Ocean View
Private partially furnished end unit town home with pond views! Don't miss this spacious 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, well cared for home featuring beautiful driftwood luxury vinyl plank floors! New carpet has been installed and interior freshly painted! 2 full master suites offer privacy for you and your guests.
$475,000 (DESU2054032)
38854 Grant Ave, Selbyville, DE
Enjoy scenic view and sunsets over the Assawoman Bay. This location offers deep water for larger size boats that want quick access to the open bay and ocean.
5BR/6BA, 3567sf home
$1,890,000 (DESU2050606)
38 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Your 1st Choice in Real Estate & Vacation Rentals CORE VALUES: 1st CHOICE PROVIDES: Collaboration of yearly rates “we advise, you decide” Inspection after every guest stay Coordination of cleanings Linen services provided for guests Professional photography Monthly bookkeeping statements & annual 1099 24/7 support Complimentary guest starter kit Local vendor relationships Guest screening Owner and guest portals Local,family-ownedand operatedsince2012 FREE CONSULTATION Call today at (302) 257-5555 Note: This advertisement is not intended to solicit any current contractual relationships you may have with other agents. Relax...Letustakethestre managingyourvacationrentaloutof As a family-owned local business we will take the time to personally walk you through our process and services. Let us make your vacation rental experience one that is not only profitable, but hassle free! Schedule your FREE Rental Analysis TODAY! (302) 257-5555 24 Village Green Dr. Suite 101, Ocean View www.DelawareResor FEATURED 118 Ocean View Parkway The definition of a quintessential Bethany Beach cottage awaits. This coastal cottage is located on ocean block, just steps to the ocean and Bethany Beach Boardwalk. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and two additional rooms that can provide additional living space or bedrooms. $2,000,000 (DESU2051844) UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT FEATURED UNDER CONTRACT
QuillenandthelateLillianMarie (Truitt)Quillen.
HegraduatedfromStephenDecaturHighSchoolinBerlin,Md.,in theClassof1956.Aftergraduating fromhighschool,heservedhiscountryintheU.S.AirForceasaplane mechanicforfouryears.Following hisdischarge,heworkedforMoore BusinessFormsinSnowHill,Md., formanyyears.Afterretiring,he beganworkingfortheTownof OceanCity,Md.,asashuttle bus/boardwalktramdriverduringthe summerseasons.
Quillenenjoyedhunting,fishing, golfing,motorcyclingandhanging outattheMooseLodge.Hewasa proudmemberoftheRoxanaVolunteerFireCompany#90,wherehehad servedontheBoardofDirectors, FirePoliceandtheUniformCommittee.Hewasalsoamemberof DelawareLodge#37.
Inadditiontohisparents,Quillen waspredeceasedbyhissister,Anne Teipelke,in2016.Heissurvivedby hisson,WayneBradleyQuillenof Lancaster,Va.;hisformerwife, Joanne(Littleton)YoungofOcean View,Del.;abrother-in-law,Gustave TeipelkeofKennettSquare,Pa.;a dearfriend,JudyBaker;agood
friend,GeraldWaynePepper;andhis cousinsBrendaMessickandWanda Hurley.
Noservicesaretobeheldatthis time.Inlieuofflowers,thefamily suggestedmemorialcontributionsin Quillen’snametoRoxanaVolunteer FireCompany,35943ZionChurch Rd.Frankford,DE19945.Condolencesmaybesentonlinebyvisiting
JasonPaulSherwood,43,ofBishopville,Md.,diedWednesday,Feb. 28,2024,athome.Hewasbornin Milford,Del.,sonofPaulSherwood andDebra(Hudson)Sherwood.
Hehadworkedasasouscheffor LongboardCafeinOceanCity,Md.
Sherwoodwasprecededindeath byhisgrandparents,CatherineBrewington,EdBrewington,RobertS. Hudson,theRev.PaulSherwoodand MarionSherwood;hisgreat-grandparents,TonyandMargaret Racaniello,andtheRev.JasonSherwoodandEstherSherwood;andan uncle,JackDirks.Inadditiontohis parents,heissurvivedbyasister, KimberlySherwood;hisdog,Kyle; specialfriendsCindyHessandher dogDixee,andSueToomey;aunts anduncles,RobertHudson(and Carolyn)ofMillsboro,Del.,Thomas Hudson(andMarie)ofSeaford,Del., WilliamHudson(andAnne)ofLau-
rel,Del.,JanetDirksofLongneck, Del.,SharonWasson(andChris), alsoofLongneck,RichardSherwood (andCarol)ofMilford,Del.,Marion Marvel(andJim),alsoofMilford, DavidSherwood(andJennifer)of Bryant,Ohio,andDebbieSouder (andDave)ofSmyrna,Del.Heis alsosurvivedbyseveralauntsanduncles.
Amemorialservicewillbeheldat 1p.m.onFriday,March8,2024,at BackCreekFellowshipChurch, 11707BackCreekRoad,Bishopville, Md,wherefriendsmaycallonehour beforetheservice.Inlieuofflowers, donationsinSherwood’smemory maybemadetoCoastalHospice, P.O.Box1733,Salisbury,MD21802, ortoacharityofthegiver’schoice. Condolencesmaybesentbyvisiting
MargaretLaretta ‘Peggy’Whalen,89
MargaretLaretta“Peggy”Whalen, 89,abelovedwife,motherand grandmother,peacefullypassedaway onFeb.27,2024.Shewasbornon Feb4,1935,inMelbourne,Fla.
Shemarriedtheloveofherlife, ThomasJ.WhalenJr.,andtogether theycreatedahomefilledwithlove andlaughter.Shewasawonderful andtraditionalhomemaker,taking immenseprideincreatingawarm andwelcomingatmosphereforher
Herhandswerealwaysbusywith theartofcrochetandsewing.Herattentiontodetailwasevidentinevery stitch,showcasingnotonlyhertalent butalsoherdedicationtocreating beautiful,handmadetreasuresforher lovedones.Shefoundimmensejoyin preparingdeliciousmealsforher familyandfriends,alwaysexperimentingwithnewrecipesandensuringeverydishwasmadewithlove. Shehadakeeneyeforaestheticsand expressedhercreativitythrough painting.Herartworkreflectedthe beautyshesawintheworldaround her.Shealsoenjoyedwatching moviesandTV,andcouldname everyactorandactress.
Whalenissurvivedbyherloving daughters,BonnieWhalenandKaren Whalen;grandchildren,LaurieConrad,PaulaConrad,SandraSamsel, ElvaSamselandDarcyWoodall;and abrother,WayneBattaglino.
Afuneralservicewastobeheldon Tuesday,March5,2024,atWatson FuneralHomeinMillsboro,Del.Intermentwastobeheldatthenearby DelawareVeteran’sMemorialCemeteryimmediatelyfollowingtheservice.Inlieuofflowers,thefamily kindlyrequesteddonationsbemade toacharityofthegiver’schoicein MargaretLarettaWhalen’smemory. Herlifememorialwebpageisat
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 39 Schedule Soon & Save Up to $2000! Cooling or Heating System Tune Up on a New Cooling and Heating System with our Buy Back Program! $49 SAVE UP TO $2000 Price valid for one working unit. Excludes oil fired systems. Valid at participating ARS® Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 3/31/2024 License numbers available at Savings requires purchase and installation of select complete heating and cooling system. Removal and disposal by Company of existing heating and cooling system required. Valid at participating ARS® Network locations. Not valid for third party, new construction, or commercial customers, with any other offers, discounts, or on prior sales. Call service center for details. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. Offer expires 3/31/2024 License numbers available at Keep Your Family Warm This Winter Call today! (855) 428-5908 Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change ChrisCapehart MasterMagician March 8 & 9 Chris Capehart is an accomplished master, respected throughout the world by the most famous of magicians and sought after for repeat performances by critics and audience members alike. Be a part of the fun and interaction. DanGaffney’sMindMysteries Friday, March 15 Dan is a lifelong performer and host of his own award winning radio show. He has amazed crowds while hanging from a crane above a city square duplicating Houdini’s famous straight jacket escape. His live “Mind Mysteries” shows attempt feats that cannot be rehearsed or practiced in advance…because…he doesn’t have YOUR mind in front of him…yet! CookingClasswith ChefCharles Wednesday, March 13 Cooking demo with Chef Charles in our beautiful dining room. Attendees will receive several of Chef Charles’ recipes, including a copy of the recipe that was prepared during the demo, and food sampling. Plus, the chance to win door prizes, including a Special Pastry Dessert prepared by Chef Charles Obits Continuedfrompage37 Find it in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY Catch all the local news!
Thecommunityisbeinginvitedto participateinafour-daylearningand socialeventhostedMay21-24inRehobothBeachbytheUniversityof Delaware’slifelonglearningprogramfor adultsages50orolder.
Continuedfrompage36, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreadingaloud atSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.!Children readfor15minutesandmaybringtheirown bookiftheywish.Ages5-plus.Mustcall(302) 858-5518toregister.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930
BothnewcomerstotheFirstState andlongtimeresidentswillhaveanopportunitytolearnaboutDelawarehistoryandexploreotherintriguingtopics duringtheannualUDbytheSeaprogram.
EasterBunnyStoryTime— JoinSouth CoastalLibraryforStoryTimeat10:30 a.m.!Thisisagreatopportunitytoengage yourchild(infant–5)inearlyliteracypracticesaswellasgettoknowotherfamilies inthearea.Bonus:TheEasterBunnywill bejoiningusandtherewillbeaphotoop! Free,andyoucanregisterat (302)858-5518.Walk-in'sacceptedif spaceallows.Hos tedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930
HarpMusic,Song&Biography— JoinKara
OrganizedbytheOsherLifelong L earningInstitute(OLLI)attheUniversityofDelaware,theprogramoffers sevenlearningtracksfocusedonthe historyofDelaware’sseashoreandthe DelawareBay,environmentalscience,
DahlRussellforTheMusic,Writing&ScandalousLifeof“Belle”vanZuylen:AProgram ofHarpMusic,Song&BiographyatSouth CoastalLibraryat3p.m.Thiseducational programwillfeaturethemusic,life,and writingsofDutchnovelistIsabelledeCharrierre(alsoknownasBellevanZuylen,)and teachushowBellechallengedtheexpectationsandrolesofwom eninEuropeinthe 1700sinhersociallife,writingsandmusic. Free,registerat (302)858-5518.Walk-in'sacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930
foreignaffairs,horticulture,coastal Delaware’sculinarydelights,andcrafts. Eachtrackincludestwodaysofintensivelearningandfunthroughpre-
CookingbytheBook— Eachmonth,participantsinthiscookbookclubwillchoosea recipefromthesamecookbookandthen makeandbringinthedishtosharewiththe group,heldatSouthCoastalLibraryat1 p.m.Particip antsareencouragedtodiscuss cooking,recipesandhowtoimprovethem, aswellasthebookitself.Thisclubisagreat wayforyoutomeetmembersofyourcommunityandtrynewfoods!(BringTupperware totakehomeleftovers.)Thismonthwewill bringinfoodsmadefromrecipesinEveryday Grand:SoulfulRecipesforCelebratingLife's BigandSmallMomentsbyJocelynDelk Adams.Free,forages18+,registerat (302)858-5518.Hoste dbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.
SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m.Singlesand couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-4448,or
Dine&Donate— BrickWorksBrewingand EatsinLongNeckwillhostadine&donate effortforKnightsofColumbusCouncil #11285. Twentypercentofyourfoodpurchasewillbedonatedtotheserviceorganization.
SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea, DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalProgramsatDelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreek,whowillleadspecialguidedtour andlearnaboutthedifferenttypesofspring$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedFreeandNon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder area dmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsforthe guidedtourcanbemadebygoingtothe website:
EasterSunriseService— PrinceGeorge’s ChapelwillhostanEasterSunriseServiceat 6:30a.m.ThisissponsoredbytheFriendsof PrinceGeorge’sChapel.Therewillbespecial singingbyAmyBurgard,andaspecial meesafebyRev.JimApgarfromCrossroads CommunityChurchinDagsboro.Allarew elcome.Formoreinformation,callVickieat (302)732-3824orJoAnnat(302)8582720.
NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetownAAUW ALANotableBooksClubmeetsattheLewes libraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.Theywillbe discussingScottCarneyandJasonMiklian’s “TheVortex:ATrueStoryofHistory’sDeadliestStorm,anUnspeakableWar,andLiberation.”
40 CoastalPoint March8,2024 gicbe sdaym H o H w the b 1130 5 54 Open W Th Happy Hours ednesday - S W hroughout! s 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. enwick Island • USA Sunday • F A
sentations,fieldtripsanddemonstrations.Participantsalsowillbeableenjoy eveningsocialactivities,andwelcoming andclosingeventsattheAtlanticSands Hotel&ConferenceCenter,1BaltimoreAvenue,RehobothBeach.
GuestpresentersincludeRalphBegleiter,formerCNNworldaffairscorrespondentandfounderofUD’sCenter forPoliticalCommunication;Rehoboth-basedchefHariCameron, three-timesemifinalistfortheJames BeardAwardsandaTVcookingshow competitor;andUD’sChristopher Petrone,directoroftheMarineAdvisoryService,DelawareSeaGrant.
“UDbytheSeaisawonderfulway toexpandone’sknowledgeandpursue personalinterestsinthecompanyof otherlifelonglearners,”saidUDOLLI DirectorKarenAsenavageLoptes.“We inviteyoutojoinOLLIinstructorsand subject-matterexpertstodiscoverwhy OLLIiswherefriendsmeettolearn.”
TheregistrationfeeforUDbythe Seais$225forOLLImembersor$250 fornon-members,andincludesenrollmentinonetrackperperson,subjectto availability,aswellasthesocialevents. Thereisanadditional$40feeforthe culinarytrackor$25forthecraftstrack, tocoverthecostoffoodormaterials.
DiscountedroomsattheAtlantic SandsareavailableforUDbytheSea registrants.Participantsshouldcontact thehoteldirectlyforroomreservations andprovideacodetoreceivethediscountedrate.
Learningtrackshavelimitedcapacity and areavailableonafirst-comebasis. Theyinclude:
•HistorybytheSea—ExplorehistoricLewesviatours,lecturesanda cruisedowntheLewes-Rehoboth
Canal.Withexpertguides,visitthe BritishDeBraakshipwreckandhomes inShipcarpenterSquare.Thetrackalso includesatriptothehistoricIndian RiverLife-SavingStationandavisitto arestoredWorldWarIIfire-control tower.
•WildAboutHorticulture—This naturetourfeaturesexcursionstothe
James FarmPreserve,Abbott’sMillNatureCenter,BrittinghamFarmsand DelawareBotanicGardens.Avisittoa beautifulcommunitygardenandpresentationprovidedbyaDelawareMaster Gardenercompletestheadventure.
•ForeignAffairs—Expertsinthe fieldsofacademia,foreignserviceand possiblytheU.S.militarysharetheirinsightintoforeignpolicyandinternationalissuesfacingtheworldtoday.
•Dela-Where?—Delawaremaybe small,butthere’salotgoingoninthis little gem.Participantstakeatripto CapeHenlopenStateParkandenjoy engagingpresentationsabout
Delaware’sculture,history,environment andgovernment.
•CoastalCulinaryExtraordinaire— VisitBrickWorksBrewing&Eatsin LongNecktoenjoygourmetpizzaand learnthesecretsofthatgoodbrewaccompanyingadeliciouslunch.Expect moreculinarytreatsandmusiconthis feastofatrack.
•EnvironmentalScience—PresentationsandatourofUD’sCollegeof Earth,Ocean&EnvironmentinLewes kickoffthistrack,focusedonthelocal environment.Participantsalsovisitoysterhatcheries,awindturbineandthe historicLightshipOverfalls.
•Craftastic—Getthatcreativity goingandhavesomefunwhilemaking variouscraftprojects.Expertsdemonstratehowtomakejewelry,baskets,collages,mixed-mediaworksandmore, andguideparticipantsastheymake theirown.Thistrackisheldatthe hotel.
TheLordBaltimoreWomen’sClub (LBWC)ofOceanViewisinviting highschoolseniorslivingintheIndian RiverSchoolDistricttoapplyforits
Thescholarshipprogramisopento qualifyingseniorswhoattendIndian RiverHighSchool,SussexCentral HighSchoolorSussexTechnicalHigh School.Applicationsmustcomplywith therequiredcriteriaidentifiedinthe scholarshipapplicationmaterialstobe considered.
Interestedstudentsarebeingurged tocontacttheguidancedepartmentat theirhighschoolforinformation abouthowtoapply.Candidateswillbe evaluatedontheiracademicqualifications,extracurricularactivities,communityservice,employment experienceandfinancialneed.Scholarshipwinnerswillbenotifiedonor aroundMay15.
eventincludetheCapeGazetteandthe RehobothArtLeague.Additional sponsoropportunitiesareavailable.For details,
InadditiontoUDbytheSea,UD OLLIpresentsmorethan300courses infallandspringsemesters,aswellas anabbreviatedsummerandthefree JanuaryExplorationsprogram.
UDOLLIisavolunteer-based learningcooperativeforadultsages50 oroldertotakeandteachclassestogetherwithnogrades,examsoreducationalprerequisites.InDelawareand acrossthecountry,OLLIisaffiliated withandreceivespartialsupportfrom theBernardOsherFoundation,aphilanthropicorganizationfocusedon highereducation,lifelonglearningand thearts.
Foradditionalinformationandto register,visit
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 41 If you are considering making a move in 2024, now is a good time to get started. We can help with advice or direction on how to move forward. Call us and we can discuss your options. –Shirley & Adam Shirley Price Cell: 302-236-7046 33298 South Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, DE 19930 • Office 302.539.9040
Ksebe Cell: 302-864-8643 New Construction Specialist GREG SMITH (c) 703-967-8311 WHY USE AN AGENT TO PURCHASE NEW CONSTRUCTION? 1. YOU NEED REPRESENTATION 2. NO COST TO YOU 3. WE PAY FOR YOUR INSPECTION! Lot 1 Blackwater Rd, Frankford Close to the beach and plenty of room on this 1.5 acre +/- to build the home of your dreams. No town taxes, lightly wooded. A real deal. ACTIVE $185,000 Catered Open House! Sycamore Chase 32013 Carlisle Court, Frankford, DE 19945 3-5BR’s 2-4BA’s 1,464-3,709 SF 2-3 Car Garage Sat, 3/9 –10m-5pm Sun, 3/10 –12pm-5pm Lot 3 Ocean Pines Ln, Bethany Beach $949,900 Build your dream home on this .33 acre lot and 5 blocks to the beach. Lovely quiet neighborhood. Lot will be cleared and impact fees paid. Call Michele Petrillo for details (c) 301-518-2130 NEW LISTING Gorgeous Homes Starting from $474,990 Event Continuedfrompage40 LBWCscholarship applicationsavailable
Enjoy high-end quality in this 4 BR, 3 BA model home situated in an amenity-rich community close to Bethany & Fenwick beaches. This Coastal-styled home features energy ef cient upgrades, 4 BR, 3 BA, bonus room, of ce, sunroom, stone replace, beautiful chef's kitchen, & private rear yard! $909,000 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4734M
Low maintenance living w/convenience in this meticulously maintained 4 BR, 3.5 BA move in ready home. Built in 2023 with tasteful nishes, open concept oor plan, & 2,523 heated SF! Condo style living with the privacy of a singlefamily home. $829,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4818M
3 BR, 2 BA home situated on 7.8 acres, close to Millsboro, Georgetown, & Lewes. This home offers a den, FR, LR, detached garage, FP, blacktop driveway, newer roof, heat pump, & potential for at least one additional lot. Room for a pole barn. $575,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4719TM
3 BR end unit w/open concept, golf course views, located on the 14th tee, smart home technology, LVP on main level, granite counters, separate bar area, southern exposure, sun deck, large primary suite, & LL family room with walk out basement to open space. $376,900 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell)
42 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 32013CarlisleCt,SycamoreChase,Frankford $474,990 3-5BR/2-4BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,3/910-5 32033CarlisleCt.,SycamoreChase,Frankford $684,990 3BR/3BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,3/910-5 32049CarlisleCt.,SycamoreChase,Frankford $729,990 4BR/3.5BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sat.,3/910-5 36434RidgeshoreLn.,WindhurstManor,Millville $425,000 3BR/2.5BATownhome CindyWilliams|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/912-2 36446RidgeshoreLn.,WindhurstManor,Millville $410,000 3BR/2.5BATownhome CindyWilliams|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/912-2 33189VerandaCir.#112,ThePeninsula,Millsboro $640,000 3BR/2.5BAHouse DarleneM.Bolinger|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/912-3 20121TrapPondCt.,Millville $625,000 4BR/3BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1010-12 34233SanderlingDr.,PreserveatJeffersonCreek,Frankford $529,900 3BR/3BATownhome EdithChilelli|Long&FosterRealEstate Sun.,3/1010-1 106NicolesCt.,VillageatMillwood,Millsboro $274,900 2+BR/3BATownhome ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sun.,3/1011-1 41BeachClubAve.,OceanView $699,900 4BR/3.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1012-2 34160HiawathaBlvd.,Dagsboro $550,000 4BR/3BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1012-2 35331BayWindsLn.#416,Millsboro $185,000 2BR/2BAMobileHomeTheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1012-2 22ClevelandAve.,SouthBethany $1,050,000 4BR/4BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1012-2 32013CarlisleCt,SycamoreChase,Frankford $474,990 3-5BR/2-4BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sun.,3/1012-5 32033CarlisleCt.,SycamoreChase,Frankford $684,990 3BR/3BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sun.,3/1012-5 32049CarlisleCt.,SycamoreChase,Frankford $729,990 4BR/3.5BAHouse GregSmith|Long&FosterRealEstate Sun.,3/1012-5 GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit today! MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2023* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM BUSINESS is now available for purchase. Name conveys. The turn-key outdoor store is recognized as a top-tier operation not only w/in the local market but is consistently a top dealer on the national level. Located on Rt 24 just east of Millsboro w/great exposure, 5,000 SF w/upgrades. $875,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4711TL 3 BR, 2.5 BA home featuring kitchen w/granite countertops, wood oors, & two-sided replace. Centrally located, w/easy access to restaurants, shopping, & medical care, the Town of Millsboro is only a short ride, & the DE beaches are 30+ minutes away. Community pool & clubhouse. $289,000 Call Larry Sprigg 443-253-0694 (Cell) #4792VM
condo situated in a gated community with world class amenities and a signature Jack Nicklaus course. This Sanibel model offers 2 bedrooms, a well-thought-out oorplan, and a screened-in porch to enjoy the breezes off the bay! $285,000 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4536T COMMERCIAL LEASE
ce space on the Historic Circle in Georgetown is now available. located on the second oor of 31 The Circle and offers 290 SF of of ce space, three shared restrooms, & kitchenette. Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4767TL
LAKES Lovely 2 BR, 2 full and 2 half BA, townhome located in an amenity rich community. Sold fully furnished with NO golf deed fee. $329,900 Call Tammy Rust 302-542-8187 (Cell) #4694QM
4 BR, 3.5 BA home w/an open oor plan, two gas FP, gourmet kitchen, HW oors, loft area, oversized primary suite, 2-car garage, sprinkler system, covered screened porch, two porches, & woodland views. $659,900 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell) #4735V THE PENINSULA
WWE Friday Night SmackDown (5) FOX (69) WTXF 8 p.m.
Friday nights pair perfectly with a smackdown. This brand-new episode hits the ring, joining as dueling superstars from the WWE do battle in elaborate, two-hour showdowns broadcast in real time, allowing wrestlers to work out long-running rivalries.
Blue Bloods (6) WBOC 10 p.m.
Jaime (Will Estes) goes undercover with a deadly human trafficking ring, while Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) and Baez (Marisa Ramirez) investigate a homicide connected to Danny’s old partner, Darryl Reid (Malik Yoba). Frank (Tom Selleck) grapples with politics.
Beverly Hills Cop (60) AMC 12:45 p.m.
When a childhood friend is murdered, rebellious Detroit cop Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) pursues the murderers to Beverly Hills, Calif. Under the guise of a vacation, Axel joins forces with two local detectives (Judge Reinhold, John Ashton).
Hunting Housewives (22) LIFE 8 p.m.
A planned girls getaway turns terrifying when their plane crashes into the wilderness, leaving four housewives stranded. Their circumstance turns deadly when they discover they’re being hunted for sport and must work together to escape with their lives.
SUNDAY PGA Tour Golf (11) WBAL 2:30 p.m.
A “can’t miss” event for golf fans from across the globe, the sprawling greens of this year’s Invitational act as a battlefield for hopeful champions, each taking their best swing at this final round, played at the Bay Hill Club & Lodge in Orlando, Fla.
The Oscars (7) WMDT 7 p.m.
If you weren’t nominated for an Oscar this year, the next best thing is to watch it from your couch. “American Fiction,” “Barbie,” “Oppenheimer,” “Maestro,” “Killers of the Flower Moon” and several other films vie for Best Picture. Jimmy Kimmel hosts.
NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Deal or No Deal IslandDateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State (N) Artworks Brokenwood Mysteries "Blood and Water" (:45) Benise: Fiesta! (:15) MPT by Request (19) TNT Movie (:45) <++ Wonder Woman 1984 ('20) Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig,Gal Gadot. All Elite Wrestling (N) <+++ Wonder Woman ('17) (21) FX (5:00) <+++ Bohemian Rhapsody ('18) Rami Malek. <+++ Avatar ('09)Zoe Saldana,Sigourney Weaver,Sam Worthington. < Birdman (22) LIFE Castle "Murder Most Fowl" Castle < The Hand That Robs the Cradle ('23)Emily Miceli. (:05) < The Pregnancy Scheme ('23)Greta Carew-Johns. (23) A&E The First 48 "Cover Story" The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Steam Room-EJ Episode 14 Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28) ESPN SportsCenter NBA (N) NBA Basketball Minnesota Timberwolves at Cleveland Cavaliers(N)(Live) Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Los Angeles Lakers(N) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live College Basketball VCU at Dayton(N)(Live) College Basketball Wichita State at Tulane(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Champions Cologuard Classic, First Round(N) PGA Tour Golf Arnold Palmer Invitational, Second Round
(41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters (N) Lakefront (N) DreamHomeDreamHome (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners (N) Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush: White Water Gold Rush: White Water (N) Gold Rush: White Water "Tragedy and Triumph"(N)(SP) Gold Rush: White Water (:10) Gold Rush-Res. (45) HIST Aliens "The Alien Protocols" Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) (:05) Proof-There (N) (:05) Ancient Aliens
(46) ANPL Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked "All in the Ocean"
(48) DISN Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! H. Banks (N) <+++ Moana ('16)Dwayne Johnson. (:50) Marvel's (:20) Marvel's (:50) Wonderful ShortsHailey's on It! (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond (:35) Raymond (:10) Raymond (:45) Raymond (:20) Raymond "The Article" (:55) RaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:30) <+++ Trading Places ('83) Dan Aykroyd. <+++ Beverly Hills Cop ('84)Eddie Murphy. (:15) <++ Beverly Hills Cop II ('87)Eddie Murphy. (61) BRAV (5:00) <++ Fast & Furious <++ Fast & Furious 6 ('13) Paul Walker,Dwayne Johnson,Vin Diesel.(P) <++ Fast & Furious 6 ('13) Paul Walker,Vin Diesel. (69) WTXF The Six (N) Special Extra (N) TMZ (N) WWE FridayNight SmackDown (N)(Live) News (N) Special (N) News (N) Phantastic
(3) CW (5:30) Basketball Boston College at Louisville (:45) College Basketball NC State at Pittsburgh(N)(Live) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Good Dr
(5) FOX (5:00) College Basketball Hoops Tip-Off (N) (Live) College Basketball Connecticut at Providence(N)(Live) WBOC NewsFriends The Floor "The Professor"
(6) WBOC Inside Ed. (N) CBS News News (N) Outdoors Tracker "Mt. Shasta" CSI: Vegas "Eyeballs" 48 Hours (N) News (N) Outdoors (7) WMDT News (N) World News Wise Money Red Carpet NBA (N) NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Phoenix Suns(N)(Live) News (N) (:35) Outdoors (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Access Hollywood (N) The Wall "Bria and Matt" Weakest Link Saturday Night LiveNews (N) SNL (N) (12) WCPB (5:30) Classic Rock MPT by Request
(19) TNT (5:00) <++ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies ('14) All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) <++ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies ('14) (21) FX (5:00) <++++ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back ('80) <+++ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi ('83)Harrison Ford,Carrie Fisher,Mark Hamill. < Spider-Man: Into the Spide (22) LIFE < A Rose for Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story ('23) < Hunting Housewives ('24)Denise Richards.(P) (:05) < Single Black Female 2: Simone's Revenge ('24) (23) A&E First 48 "Lost and Found" First 48 "Meet Up for Murder" The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 "Deadly Rap" The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers AmericanAmerican (28) ESPN GameDay (N) College Basketball North Carolina at Duke (N) (Live) UFC 299: O'Malley vs. Vera 2 -Prelims (N) College Basketball Arizona at USC(N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 College Basketball Baylor at Texas Tech (N) (Live) Basketball OVC Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA College Basketball (33) GOLF (5:00) PGA Champions Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Arnold Palmer Invitational, Third RoundFrom Bay Hill Club & Lodge in Orlando, Fla. (41) HGTV Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Homestead Rescue (N) Homestead Rescue (N) Homestead Rescue "Denali Double Rescue" Homestead RescueHomesteadRescue (45) HIST The UnXplained The UnXplained UnXplained "Acts of God" The UnXplained The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (46) ANPL North-Law "Lake Collision" North Woods Law "Trapped" North-Law "In the Thick of It" North-Law "Circle of Life" North Woods Law North Woods Law (48) DISN Marvel's Moon Girl Monsters Monsters Big CityBig CityHailey Banks'Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It! Marvel'sMarvel's (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly (:35) Mike (:10) Raymond (:45) Raymond (:20) Raymond "Ping Pong" (:55) RaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ Ghostbusters ('84) Bill Murray. <++ Ghostbusters II ('89)Dan Aykroyd,Sigourney Weaver,Bill Murray. <++ Ghostbusters ('16) Melissa McCarthy.(P) (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck "Off the Radar" Below Deck "Pretty Cheeks" Below Deck Below Deck (69) WTXF (5:00) College Basketball Hoops Tip-Off (N) (Live) College Basketball Connecticut at Providence(N)(Live) The
(12) WCPB (2:30) Request MPT by Request Grantchester Grantchester Grantchester (19) TNT (3:30) NHLHoc Post-Game <+++ I Am Legend ('07) Alice Braga,Will Smith. <+++ The Martian ('15)Jessica Chastain,Kristen Wiig, Matt Damon.
(21) FX (4:00) < Shang-Chi & the Lege <+++ Spider-Man: No Way Home ('21)Zendaya,Benedict Cumberbatch,Tom Holland. <++ Venom: Let There Be Carnage ('21)Tom Hardy. (22) LIFE < Hunting Housewives ('24) Denise Richards. < Handyman From Hell ('23)Liliana Tandon.(P) (:05) < My Husband's Seven Wives ('24)Kristi Murdock. (23) A&E WWE Rivals WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Biography: WWE Legends "Scott Hall"(N) (:05) WWE Rivals (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. Jokers (28) ESPN (5:00) Wm. Basketball NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers at New York Knicks(N)(Live) NBA Basketball Minnesota Timberwolves at Los Angeles Lakers(N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 Women's College Basketball Featured Men's College Wrestling Big 12 Championships(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF (5:00) PGA Champions Cologuard Classic, Final Round (N) Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf Arnold Palmer Invitational, Final Round (41) HGTV 100 Day Dream Home Home Town Home Town (N) Small Town Potential (N) Hunters (N) Hunters Hunters Int'lHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "DDD Vegan" Tournament "The Good, the Bad and the Randomizer"(N) Bobby's Triple Threat Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Naked and Afraid "Colombian Cave Women" (N) Naked and Afraid "Surviving the Road to Recovery"(N) Naked "Amal Alyassiri" Naked "Teal Bulthuis" (45) HIST Built America "Cookie Wars" America "The Rise of a Rival" Built America Built America (N) (:05) America "Cola Wars" (:05) Built America (46) ANPL Lone Star "Bucks and Bows" Lone Star "Owl Gone Bad" Wardens "It's Turkey Time" Wardens of the NorthLockdown "Drug Bust" Lockdown "Hunger Strike" (48) DISN Big City Hamster & Hamster & Hamster & <+++ Coco ('17)Anthony Gonzalez. (:50) Marvel's (:20) Marvel's Moon Girl (:55) LEGO (:25) LEGO (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half Men SeinfeldSeinfeld (60) AMC <++ Iron Man 2 ('10) Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr..(P) The Walking Dead: "Bye"(N) (:10) The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (N) (:35) Dead (61) BRAV Housewives/Potomac Housewives "Fool's Gold"
Best Bets Bethany FRIDAYEVENING MARCH 8, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Penn & Teller: Fool UsAnimals (N) Funny Kids47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) S.W.A.T. "Spare Parts"(N) S.W.A.T. (N) Blue Bloods "Loyalty" News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (N) Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N)
6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
MARCH 9, 2024
Professor" Bethany SUNDAYEVENING MARCH 10, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Family Guy Family Guy <++ Bruce Almighty ('03) Morgan Freeman,Jim Carrey.
Doctor WOW (N) (5) FOX (3:30) NASCAR Cup Series Next Level Chef SimpsonsBurgers (N) The-North (N) GrimsburgWBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC (4:30) Basketb CBS News 60 Minutes (N) 60 Minutes (N) So Help Me Todd So Help Me Todd News at 11The Rookie
WMDT News (N) Oscars Red The Oscars (N) (Live) Abbott (N) News (N) (:35) FamFeud
NBC News <+++ Harry Potter and the
10 O'Clock News (N) The Floor "The
Chamber of Secrets ('02)Rupert Grint,Emma
Radcliffe. News (N) 11 News (N)
NASCAR Cup Series Next Level Chef SimpsonsBurgers (N) The-North
News (N) News (N) Extra (N) Bethany MONDAYEVENING MARCH 11, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Ride (N) Wild Cards 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef So You Think WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Neighbor (N) Bob Heart (N) NCIS "Algún Día" NCIS: Hawai'i "Run and Gun" News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud The Bachelor (N) Bad Rom (N)(SF) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice "The Blind Auditions, Part 5"(N) Deal or No Deal Island (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collect (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) < The SixTripleEight ('19) (:15) BridgeAmerican Masters "Mae West: Dirty Blonde" (19) TNT (5:00) <+++ The Martian ('15) Matt Damon. <+++ Transformers ('07)Tyrese Gibson,Josh Duhamel,Shia LaBeouf. (:15) <++ The Accountant (21) FX (5:00) <++ Daddy's Home 2 <+ The Waterboy ('98) Kathy Bates,Adam Sandler. <+ The Waterboy ('98)Kathy Bates,Adam Sandler. <++ Daddy's Home 2 ('17) (22) LIFE Castle "Murder Most Fowl" Castle Castle "Last Call" Castle "Nikki Heat" (:05) Castle (:05) Castle "Knockdown" (23) A&E The First 48 First 48 "Walk in the Park" Hoarders "David & Odette"(N) Secrets of Polygamy (N) (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes <+ The Waterboy ('98) Kathy Bates,Adam Sandler. (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball Basketball WCC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 (5:00) Wm. Basketball College Basketball Basketball College Basketball Basketball (33) GOLF (1:30) PGA Tour Golf Live From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) Live From THE PLAYERS PGA TOURPGA TOUR (41) HGTV 100 Day Dream Home Rock the Block "Kitchen Redemption" Rock the Block (N) Lakefront Empire (N) (P) HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Spring Baking "Spring Break: Tropical Fun in the Sun" Spring Baking Championship "Spring Has Sprung"(N) Chopped Chopped "A Taste of China" (44) DISC Contraband: Seized Contraband: Seized Contraband "The Rookies" Contraband: Seized (N) Contraband: SeizedContraband: Seized (45) HIST History's-Mysteries History's-Mysteries History's-MysteriesHistory's-Mysteries (N) (:05) History's Greatest Mysteries "Houdini's Lost Diaries" (46) ANPL Alaska "Will Winter Come?" Alaska "Spring Has Sprung" Alaska "Spring Delicacy" Alaska: The Last FrontierAlaska: The Last Frontier Alaska "Hunt in the Clouds" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:15) <+ Gone in 60 Seconds Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage. <+++ Lethal Weapon ('87)Danny Glover,Gary Busey,Mel Gibson. <+++ Lethal Weapon 2 ('89)Mel Gibson. (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Below Deck Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck Summer (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) MasterChef So You Think The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic March8,2024 CoastalPoint 43 the best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
Housewives/Potomac (N) Married to Medicine (N) Watch WhatHousewives "Boiling Point" Medicine (69)
10 O'Clock
<++ Angel Has Fallen Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers at New York Knicks(N)(Live) NBA Basketball (21) FX (5:00) <+++ The Incredible Hulk ('08) <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy ('14)Zoe Saldana,Chris Pratt. Shogun (N) < Mission: Impossible --Fall (22) LIFE Castle "The Final Nail" Castle "Setup" Castle Countdown" Castle One Life to Lose" (:05) Castle Law & Murder" (:05) Castle Slice of Death"
(23) A&E Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsCustomer (N) Customer (:05) RoadWars (:35) RoadWars (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers <+++ Superbad ('07) Michael Cera,Jonah Hill. (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball Basketball WCC Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 (5:00) College Basketball Basketball NEC Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA Basketball Big 12 Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA College Basketball
(41) HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Renovation Aloha (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters HuntersHunters Int'l
(43) FOOD Chopped "Pizza Poetry" Chopped Chopped (N) Bobby's Triple Threat (N) Chopped Chopped "Flour Power"
(44) DISC Naked and Afraid "Death by Crocodile" Naked and Afraid "Surviving the Road to Recovery" Naked and Afraid "Colombian Cave Women"
(45) HIST Oak Island "On Target" The Curse of Oak Island Oak Island "Piling On" The Curse of Oak Island (N) (:05) U-Boats (N) (:05) Curse of Oak Island
(46) ANPL Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Wardens "CSI Warden" Wardens "Zeroing In" Wardens "Bear Country" Wardens "Winter's Fury" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug The VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:30) <+++ Lethal Weapon 2 ('89) Mel Gibson. <+++ Lethal Weapon 3 ('92)Danny Glover,Joe Pesci,Mel Gibson. <++ Lethal Weapon 4 ('98)Mel Gibson. (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Vanderpump RulesWatch What Real Housewives (69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Cleaning Lady (N) Alert: Missing (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic
TMZ Live (N) Dish
MARCH 13, 2024
"Arctic Sinkholes" Amanpour (N)
TNT Lucifer NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Los Angeles Kings at St. Louis Blues(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Washington Capitals at Edmonton Oilers(N) (21) FX (3:30) <++ Eternals ('21) <+++ Black Widow ('21) Florence Pugh,David Harbour,Scarlett Johansson. Feud "Phantasm Forgiveness" (N) (SF) Feud: Capote (22) LIFE Castle Castle "Pretty Dead" Married at First Sight (N) (:35) Married-Sight (N) (:35) Prison Brides (N)(SF) (:35) Baby
(23) A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court CamCourt CamCourt CamCourt CamBooked: First Day In (N) (:05) Court Cam (:35) Court Cam
(24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes NHL Hockey Washington Capitals at Edmonton Oilers (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA (N) NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Miami Heat(N)(Live) Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Sacramento Kings(N)
(29) ESPN2 (5:00) College Basketball Basketball ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA Basketball Basketball ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA Basketball
(33) GOLF PGA TOUR Classics Live From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) Live From THE PLAYERS
(41) HGTV Wrecked "Demolition Derby" Help-Wrecked "Family First" Wrecked "Crowd Control" Rico to "Con-tractor"(N) HuntersHunters HuntersHunters
(43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "Pizza Pro Playoffs" Guy's Grocery GamesGuy's Grocery Games (N) Grocery "Pizza Play-Offs" Guy's Grocery Games
(44) DISC Expedition X "Death Island" Expedition X Expedition "Ghost of WW2" Expedition X (N) Ghost Adventures (N) (:05) Expedition Unknown
(45) HIST Pickers "Mr. Whizzer" Pickers "A Bronx Tale" Pickers "Farm Fresh" American Pickers (N) (:05) Pickers "Big Tex" (:05) Pickers "Joyridin' Pick"
(46) ANPL Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff "Bison Wranglers" Dr. Jeff: RMV "On the Edge" Dr. Jeff: RMV "Born to Run" Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff "Friends for Life"
(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug Bunk'dBunk'd
(50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <++ Lethal Weapon 4 ('98) Mel Gibson. <+++ Moneyball ('11)Jonah Hill,Philip Seymour Hoffman,Brad Pitt. <++ Ghostbusters ('16) (61) BRAV Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives (N) Watch WhatReal Housewives Real Housewives Medicine (69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Masked Singer (N) Animal (N) Family GuyThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic
Best Bets
The Bachelor (7) WMDT 8 p.m.
Tennis pro Joey Graziadei is used to having a lot of balls in the air, so it shouldn’t be too tough for him to volley with the remaining ladies as they vie for his attention, one-on-one dates and a coveted rose.
Below Deck (61) BRAV 9 p.m.
It’s not all glamour and Dramamine on the high seas. This series follows the hard-working crew members of a superyacht, the St. David, led by Captain Kerry Titheradge, as they tackle the charting season while living aboard the luxurious watercraft.
Lakefront Empire (41) HGTV 10 p.m.
This series premiere explores the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks, which has more shoreline than the California coast, as area real estate agents bring potential homeowners to their ideal spots, and then help them negotiate the home of their dreams.
Vanderpump Rules (61) BRAV 8 p.m.
“Real Housewife” alum Lisa Vanderpump is known as the owner and boss of the West Hollywood, Calif., restaurant SUR. She mixes a parental concern with entrepreneurial anxiety as she rules over a young group of employees who are best at serving drama.
Alert: Missing Persons Unit (5) FOX (69) WTXF 9 p.m.
Set in the hard-working Philadelphia Police Department, this procedural drama shares a new story each episode, following a case that results in a heart-pounding search for a missing person, and, hopefully, their eventual retrieval and journey home.
Password (11) WBAL 10 p.m.
The revival of the classic word-guessing game show returns for this season premiere. Celebrities team up with everyday folks in hopes of winning $25,000. Jimmy Fallon serves as executive producer and team player, while Keke Palmer hosts.
Family Guy (5) FOX (69) WTXF 9:30 p.m.
"Original Sin" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon
(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Context Sara's Hope Street RFDS: Royal The Seas "The Letter" Farm-HarvestConnection
(19) TNT (5:00) <++ Blade II ('02) Tip-Off (N) NBA Basketball Phoenix Suns at Boston Celtics(N)(Live) Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Oklahoma City Thunder(N)
(21) FX (5:30) <+++ Captain America: The First Avenger ('11) <+++ Captain America: The Winter Soldier ('14)Scarlett Johansson,Chris Evans. < Fast & Furious Presents: H (22) LIFE Castle "Rise" Castle "Heroes & Villains" Theresa Caputo (N) Theresa Caputo (N) (:05) Baby (N) (:35) Baby (N) (:05) Theresa Caputo
Wednesdays are better now that Seth MacFarlane’s insane animated comedy has moved to its new night. Life in Quahog, R.I., is a mass of montages, cultural callbacks and a wonderfully insensitive look at family life with the occasional musical stanza.
Feud: Capote vs. The Swans (21) FX 10 p.m.
Turn out the lights; the party’s over. After writer Truman Capote (Tom Hollander) backstabs his beloved swans, the scorned women do everything in their power to ruin the writer’s life as an act of revenge.
Judge Steve Harvey (7) WMDT 10 p.m.
Equal parts hilarious and honest, Judge Steve Harvey’s also rich in common sense. And in his courtroom, that’s far more important than any old law degree. Harvey welcomes a variety of conflicts and characters to the court, helping to settle guests’ cases.
THURSDAY 9-1-1 (7) WMDT 8 p.m.
It’s a new network and a new season for the high-pressure world of first responders. It looks like Bobby (Peter Krause) and Athena’s (Angela Bassett) cruise from the end of last season may have found some rough seas, which could cause issues back home.
Grey’s Anatomy (7) WMDT 9 p.m.
She’s back! Even though she departed as a series regular last season, Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) must have left something in her desk because she returns in this Season 20 premiere. Drs. Bailey (Chandra Wilson) and Marsh (Scott Speedman) return.
Elsbeth (6) WBOC 10 p.m.
Elsbeth (Carrie Preston) left her successful legal career in Chicago to take a new investigative role with the NYPD and its star, Captain C.W. Wagner (Wendell Pierce). Can they learn to appreciate Elsbeth’s insightful and offbeat ability to
3 x 3” ad
44 CoastalPoint March8,2024
Bethany TUESDAYEVENING MARCH 12, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Crime Nation "Dynasty of Death"(N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy
FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Cleaning Lady (N) Alert: Missing (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI (N) FBI: International (N) FBI-Wanted "Hollow"(N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT
World News Family Feud Family Feud Will Trent The Rookie "Strike Back" Good Dr "Baby, Baby, Baby" News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
WBAL News (N) NBC NewsInside Ed. (N) Hollywood Night (N) Extended (N) The Voice (N) Password (N)(SP) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon
WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Finding Your RootsExperience "The Sun Queen" Frontline (N) Amanpour (N)
TNT (4:30)
(5:30) 47abcNe
PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(5) FOX Last Man Last
(6) WBOC
47abcNe World NewsFamily
Conners (N)
Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Chicago Med Chicago Fire
Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour
Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Wild Cards (N) Family Law "Catch 22"(N)
NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy
Man Big Bang Big
The Masked Singer (N)
GuyWBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends
News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Survivor "Wackadoodles Win"(N) The Amazing Race (N)(SP) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7)
Feud Family Feud
Not Dead (N) Abbott (N) AbbottJudge Steve Harvey (N) News (N) (:35) J.
P.D. "Safe
News (N) (:35) J.
Bethany THURSDAYEVENING MARCH 14, 2024 6 PM 6:30
(3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) The ConnersThe ConnersSon of a (N) Children (SF) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily
(5) FOX Last Man Last Man
Next Level
Farmer Wants a Wife (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld
(6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N)
(N) Sheldon (N) Ghosts (N) So Help Me Todd (N) Elsbeth News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud 9-1-1 (N)(SP) Grey's Anatomy (N)(SP) Station 19 (N)(SP) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Law
of Power"(N) Law
Order: SVU (N) Law-Crime
7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
Big Bang Big Bang
Chef (N)
TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball Basketball College Basketball SportsC. (N) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Live (N) (Live) College Basketball Basketball College Basketball NFL Live (33) GOLF (1:00) Players First Round (N) Live From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) 2024 Players Championship First RoundFrom TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (41) HGTV Married to Real Estate Married "A Spy for Design" Married "Home Sweet Om" Married to Real Estate (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters Int'l HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught!Caught!Caught! (N) Caught! (N) Caught!Caught! Caught!Caught! (45) HIST Pawn Stars Swamp "King for a Day" Swamp People "Full Moon Frenzy"(N) (:35) Swamp "Scorched"(N) (:35) Swamp People "Gator Stakes" (46) ANPL Deadliest Catch Catch "Of Ice and Men" Deadliest Catch "The Crush" Catch "Run Silent Run Deep" Deadliest Catch Catch "Winter's Gambit" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ Moneyball ('11) Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt. <+++ Mission: Impossible --Ghost Protocol ('11)Jeremy Renner,Tom Cruise. <++ I, Robot ('04) (61) BRAV Summer House Summer "House of Cards" Summer House Summer House (N) Summer House Vanderpump (69) WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Next Level Chef (N) Farmer Wants a Wife (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Guide The ENJOY THE CLASSICS AGAIN
A&E The First 48 The First 48 "Cold Betrayal" The First "All for Money"(N) The Stand "Cindy Schulz"(N) (:05) Undercover (N)(SF) (:05) The First 48 (24)
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Frankford Presbyterian Church
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St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church
Saturday Vespers
Sunday Orthros
Sunday Liturgy
Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791
Ocean View Presbyterian Church
The Rev. Victoria Pretti, Rector 117 Maplewood Street; Bethany Beach Visit our website to sign up for our twice-weekly news and Saturday Inspiration emails. We offer Bible Study, adult education courses, and more! SUNDAY HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00 am with music and on YouTube oC Co eht th iv reS e MdetinU G .St e S ay Sunday e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau Yo 6181 ec ce nisy t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht ’s e’s or e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun UM StG oreMo AJ Pastor 9 91,dr fo kfo kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 302.259.1740 TS CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro. Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP St. Matthews by the Sea United Methodist Church 1000 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island Sundays: 8:30 & 10:45 am Rev. Jake Macklin, Pastor • 302.537.1402 You are welcome here!
live on Facebook & YouTube
67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455
67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455
Pastor Terry Dougherty
Pastor Terry Dougherty
Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love
Sunday Worship at 9:30 am
- or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info)
across from Millville Town Hall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077
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35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945
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46 CoastalPoint March8,2024
Visitors Always Welcome! Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville
Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. | Selbyville | 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem Church Pastor Blair Hall BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services • Traditional Values • Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am March 10, 6 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! ST. MARTHA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH God is Love and those who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them. 1John 4:16 SUNDAY BOOK STUDY 9-9:45 am in the parish hall with Reverend Ria
RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells
ReligiousServices Need to get the Word out? 302.539.1788 SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on Sunday Worship10 am For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)
SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Celebrating 25 years of full-time ministry Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach
View Church of Christ
10 am
Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm In Person Bible Study ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture Join us on Sundays 9 am Praise & Worship Service 9 am Kids’ Church 11 am Traditional Worship Service Nursery available for both services Live-streamed on Facebook & YouTube Pastor Becky Collison Pastor Leo Park 302.539.9510 81 Central Avenue, Ocean View March8,2024 CoastalPoint 47 EVERY SINGLE WEEK. FRESH NEWS
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
TheroadtotheDIAAstatetitle gameisarugged,pockmarkedbyway.
TheIndianRiverHighSchool Unifiedbasketballteamlearnedthat lessonthehardway.
Despiteholdingleadsof6-2,17-8 and19-17afterthefirst,secondand thirdquarters,respectively,theGreen &Goldwereovertakenduringthe waningminutesoftheirDIAAstate semifinalgameagainstvisitingCaesarRodneybeforeanear-capacity crowdonMonday,March4.
TheRiders(11-1)camefrombehindtocaptureahard-fought28-26 triumphthatsentthemtothe20232024statechampionshipgame againsttheDoverSenators.Thetitle tiltisscheduledforthisSaturday, March9,attheUniversityof Delaware’sBobCarpenterCenter.
TheIndians,meanwhile,willhave tolookforwardtonextseason.
Thegamewastiedat22-22when juniorcenterMasonMardesich drainedapairoffreethrowswith 2:20remaininginthefourthquarter togivetheRiderstheleadforgood, 24-22.
CaesarRodneyjuniorforward EdrickSethdoubledtheleadto2622onalayupwith1:20left.After IndianRiverjuniorpointguard ChaseRuleyandCRjuniorguard SteveDoniganeachhitoneoftwo freethrows,Mardesichsnaredacrucialreboundandconnectedfromthe free-throwlinetomakeit28-23.He finishedwithateam-leadingeight points,fiveofthemduringthedecisivefourthstanza.
Ruleysankadesperationthreepointbombfromtheleftwingwith 4secondsleftthatbroughttheIndianstowithin28-26.Buttheclock expiredbeforeIRcouldstealtheball andlaunchadesperationjumper.
Ruleyfinishedwithagame-high 12pointsforthe7-2Indians,who lostbothofthosetwoverdictstothe Riders.SeniorforwardAlexGomez addedfivepointsforIRHS,while sophomoreforwardBraydenBennetchandjuniorforwardElmer Hernandezaddedfourandthree points,respectively.
Robinsonhitapairofsecond-half three-pointjumpersandfinished withsevenpoints,whilejuniorguard JaidenScottaddedsixmarkers.
IndianRiver52, Mt.Pleasant16
Bennetchhadexplodedforagamehigh12pointstoleadtheIRHSUnifiedbasketballteamtoa52-16DIAA quarterfinalvictoryovervisitingMt. PleasantonFriday,March1.
Thegamewasagainplayedbefore anear-capacitycrowdthatincluded membersofIRHSspringtimestudent athletesandtheschoolband’sdrum contingent.
SeniorcenterQuinnMicciche addedeightpointswhilejuniorforwardElmerHernandez,juniorpoint guardRuleyandsophomorepower forwardZakiDrummondeach chippedinwithsixmarkers.
TheIndiansovercameasluggish openingsixminutes,inwhichthey committedseveralturnoversandmisfiredonfourlayupsthatdidnotdrop
IndianRiverled8-7afterthefirst sixminutes,beforeestablishingtheir low-postoffenseneartherival’sbasket andforcingturnoversthatbecame transitionbasketsenroutetoa22-12 halftimeadvantage.
TheGreen&Goldoutscoredtheir visitorsby14-2inthethirdquarterto putthegameaway.
Onlysevenplayersmadethetrip southfortheWilmington-based GreenKnights(4-3-1),whobattled gamelyandwereledbyfreshman guardAsahnJones’seightpoints.
IndianRiverHighSchoolUnified basketballheadcoachJamaalBivens voicedhisappreciationfortheteam’s accomplishmentsduringthe20232024season.
“Iamsoproudofourathletes,”said Bivens,whowasassistedbyLoriann Sentman,AllisonWrightandGlen Tuckmantel.“Advancingtothestate semifinalsisahugeaccomplishment. Weachievedgreatthingsonandoff thecourt,includingbeinginterviewed onTVstationWBOC’s‘Delmarva
“Ourteamdidagreatjoboffocusingonaccepting,respecting,andcelebratingallofourabilitiesonandoff thecourt,”Bivensadded.“Forthat,I willalwaysbeproudandgrateful.We enjoyedwatchingourpartnersgrowin thisprogrambyembracingtheUnifiedculturetobecomemoreaccepting ofothers.Thatwasarewardingexperienceforourcoachingstaff.”
UnifiedsportsispartofapartnershipbetweentheDIAAandSpecial OlympicsDelaware.Itcelebratesa uniquebondbetweenstudentswith andwithoutdisabilitieswhocompete togetheronthesameteamintheUniversitySportsDivision.Student-athletesmaintainamutualrespectfor oneanother,gainingrespect,acceptanceandacelebrationforeachone’s strengthsandchallenges.Unified Sportsoffersfootballintheautumn, basketballinthewinterandtrackand-fieldinthespring.
March8,2024 Page48
IndianRiverUnifiedBasketballHeadCoachJaamalBivenskeepsplayersspiritshighduringhalftimeinlockerroomonFriday, March 1,atIndianRiverHighSchoolinDagsboro.
ByJasonFeather StaffReporter
Itwasthefinalweekendonthemats forstudent-athletesinthestateof DelawareasCapeHenlopenHigh Schoolwasthesiteonceagainforthe DIAAIndividualStateWrestling Championships.ThreeIndianRiver HighSchoolwrestlersparticipatedin thetwo-dayaffair.
ThethreeIRgrapplerswereAngel MoraSalas,JayvionChandlerand ClaytonCifuentes.Eachhadgiventheir besteffort,butonlyChandlerwasable tocomeawaywithamedal,forhis sixth-placefinish.
MoraSalaswastheNo.9seedinthe 150-poundbracket,andtheIRsenior wasinatoughdrawwithsomestrong, battle-testedcompetition.Inhisopener, hefelltoSussexTech’sBennettBrumbleybywayofa3-1decision.
Inthefirstroundofconsolations, MoraSalasgotintothewincolumn witha7-1decisionoverWilliamPenn’s JamirRoss.Buthisseasonwouldcome toanendinthesecondroundofthe consolationswhenhewasdefeatedby SussexCentral’sJustinCraigona6-3 decision.
“The150-poundweightclasswas extremelydeep,andAngel’stwolosses werebydecisiontokidsthatplaced 4thand5th,respectively,”IRhead coachJeffWindishsaid.“Hefinished hiscareeratIndianRiverasafour-time statequalifier,astateplacer(7th in2023),andwith98careervictories. Heshouldbeproudofhisaccomplishmentsduringhistimehere.”
Inthe175-poundbracket,thirdseededChandlerstartedoutstrongwith apinin1:02overSt.Georges’Aidan Dawsoninhisopener.Hefollowedthat upwitha19-2technicalfallatthe3:47 markoverMilford’sBrianSeward.
Fromtherethough,Chandler couldn’tgetgoingagain.Inarematch fromtheHenlopenAthleticConference bracketchampionship,Chandlerfound himselfonthedownsideofapin againstSussexCentral’sGabeCannon, whowoundupfinishingsecondinthe
Lookingtobouncebackfromthat loss,Chandleragainfoundhimselfon thewrongsideofapincombination, fallingtoTowerHill’sKeelanDonnelly. Thatlossdroppedhimintothefifthplacematch,wherehetookonCaesar Rodney’sOwenDixon.Intheend, Dixonwasabletogetthebetterof Chandler,witha7-6decision.
‘Jayvionfinishingsixthmakeshima two-timestateplacer,”saidWinidish. “Hehasamassedacareerrecordof10527inhisthreeseasons.Thereisno doubtthatJayvionwillputintheextra worktoimproveuponhisfinishfrom thisyear.”
At190, Cifuenteswasnotableto makeittotheseconddayofaction, havinglostbothofhismatchesonFridaynight.Inhisopeningcontest,CifuenteswaspinnedbySt.Mark’sFinn Hanna,whowoundupfinishingin fourthplace.
Intheconsolationround,Cifuentes wouldfindhimselfonhisbackagain, gettingpinnedbyLakeForest’sChase Lewis.
“Claytongothisfirsttasteofthe statechampionshiptournament,” Windishnoted.“Hehadaverytough drawinthebracketbutdidn’tshyaway fromthecompetition.Theexperience hegainedfromgettingtothetournamentwilldefinitelypaydividendsnext season.”
TheIndiansheadintotheoff-season withlotsofyouththatgainedinvaluable experiencethroughouttheyear.The teamwilllosejustfivewrestlerstograduationfromthe31thatwererostered duringthe2023-2024campaign. Windishandhisstaffcertainlyhaveto bethrilledfortheprogresstheteam madeoverallthisseason.
ATHLETE OF THE WEEK! BRAYDEN BENNETCH Brought to you by: Reese Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. Billy Reese, Agent/Owner 16 W Church Street Selbyville, DE 19975 (302) 436-8032 Sophomore/Unified Basketball The explosive sophomore forward erupted for a gamehigh 12 points to lead the IRHS Unified basketball team to a 52-18 victory in a DIAA state playoff quarterfinal showdown on Friday, March 1. Bennetch scored eight of his points in the fourth quarter, enabling the Indians (7-1) to put the game out of reach.
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 49 CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Service Calls Security Lighting Electrical Repairs TrioofIndianswrapupseasononthematsatDIAAstatemeet CoastalPoint•Filephoto IndianRiver’sStevenMayfieldtakes controlofCaesarRodney’sColeMoffett duringtheir113-poundmatchlastweek atSussexCentralHighSchool.
Photo Courtesy of Carla Varisco
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Andthecamaraderieofhisfellow servicepersonnel.
ButtheelderlyretiredU.S.Navy veteranhadsignificantmobilityissuesasheattemptedtonavigatethe HeritageShoresGolfCoursein BridgevilleinMarchof2023.
Theattentiveassistancelovingly providedbytheman’sson—himself aU.S.AirForceretiree—atthe VeteranGolfersAssociation(VGA) eventtuggedattheheartstringsof USAFveteranBillFoulois.
“Theywerebothinmyfoursome, andIwasextremelyimpressedwith howattentivethesonwasbeingtowardhisfather,”saidFoulois,aresidentofBethanyBeachandan assistantdirectorfortheVGA’s Delawarechapter.“Itunderscored howcloseveteransaretotheirkin, andtheimportanceofofferinga familymembershipcategoryinthe VGA.”
Shortlythereafter,FoiloisacceptedVGADelawarechapterdirectorJeffManalansan’sformalofferto becomepartoftheFirstState’smanagementteam.
ordertogrowtheDelawarechapter,” Fouloissaidrecently.“Ibegancontactinggolfcoursestodiscussthe possibilityoftheirdesiretohost competitionsandtoseeaboutbringingthemintoouractivities.Ialso
beganthinkingaboutwaystomarket theorganizationtogrowourmembership.”
ThePinehurst,N.C.-basedVGA’s Delawarechapterwasactivatedin 2022.Thatyear,theyhostedeight
itted to providing our ve joint replacement and n Cameron Yau, MD, is minimize pain, speed your feet – fast.
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50 CoastalPoint March8,2024
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SeeVETERANSpage51 CoastalPoint•Submitted
separatein-stateevents.IncooperationwiththeMarylandchapter,the chapterhostedanadditionalfive eventsatnearbycourses.In2023,the schedulewasexpandedto14in-state eventsandfivemoreinMaryland. The2024schedule,whichhasnotyet beencompletelyfinalized,tentatively includes17in-stateeventsandat leastfivemoreinMaryland.
TheVeteranGolfersAssociation —anon-profit501(c)(3)organizationthatwasestablishedin2014— isdedicatedtoenrichingthelivesof veteransandtheirfamilymembers throughthecamaraderieandsportsmanshipofgolf.Withmorethan 20,000membersnationally,itannuallyhostsmorethan1,300tournamentsacrossthecountry,culminating inaVGANationalChampionship eachfall.
“Ithinkthegreatestvaluethatthe VGAbringstoDelawareandtheentirenationisthatitprovidesanoutletforveteranstorebuildthesame typeofcamaraderietheyhadwhilein activemilitaryservice,”saidFoulois. “Sincetheorganization’sinceptionin 2014,membershavebecomemore productivecitizens.Andfortheolder vets,manyofwhomarefromthe Vietnamera,theorganizationhelps theminprovidingsafecomfortzones ofsharingexperienceswithlikemindedindividualsofasimilarbackgroundandexperience.”
AnotherbenefittheVGAbrings toDelaware,saidFoilois,isapositive perspectiveaboutthemilitaryandits veterans.
“Thefeedbackwereceiveafterour eventsisverypositive,”hesaid.“We hearaboutwhatagoodgroupweare, thatwearepoliteandwell-organized, andthatwearealwayswelcometo return.”
TheVGAalsomakesasignificant financialimpactasaresultofitsgolf competitionsinDelaware.Manyof theVGA’seventsoccurduringatwodayperiod,whichattractsbothinandout-of-stategolfersandveterans whopatronizerestaurants,hotelsand relatedservices.
Foiloissaidhehassomecreative ideasabouthowtoincreasemembershipintheorganization.
“Personally,Iamoptimisticabout thefuturegrowthoftheVGAin Delaware,becauseIknowthereisalreadyastrongcontingentofvetsin thestate,andmanyofthemplay golf,”hesaid.“Inadditiontothe state’spopulationgrowth,Ithinkwe haveatremendousuntappedfieldof opportunity.Ialsothinkthat,with manyMarylandgolfcoursesand playersinsuchproximityto Delaware,wecanoffersomanymore venuesasamembershiprecruiting tool.”
StatedirectorManalansansaidthe Delawarechapterplanstoenhanceits presenceandvisibilityviathemedia, aswellasitsDelawareandnationwideFacebookpages.Theywillalso maintaincontactwithexistingand
“TheVGAisawonderfulorganizationthatoffersveteransandtheir familymemberstheopportunityto betogetheronthegolfcourse,”said Manalansan,whoresidesinGreat Mills,Md.“Thecompetitiveaspects ofplayinggolfarealsorewarding. Playersalsogettogetherbeforethe event,duringtheirpairingsonthe course,andafterwardattheclubhouse.”
Duringcompetitionsthroughout thestate,veteransfromeachservice branchwhohaveservedthenation enjoyeachanother’scompany.
“Otherthanbeingasourceof good-naturedribbing,eachbranchof theU.S.ArmedForcesiscelebrated byourmembers,”saidFoilois.“The competition,whilekeen,remains friendly.NorhaveIeverseenafrustratedVGAmemberthrowtheirgolf clubsintothewater.”
TheVGAenablesitsmembersto compete,socializeandremainphysicallyactivethroughthegameofgolf. Throughlocalleagueplay,regional tournamentsandnationalqualifiers, theVGAreinforcesvaluesthatincludeintegrity,respectandperseverance.Theorganizationalsooffers family-orientedactivitiesdesignedto helpveteransandtheirkinbenefit throughspendingqualitytimetogetherandbeingmoreactiveintheir communities.
TheVGAistheresultofanidea thatwasinitiallydiscussedbyseveral woundedveteranswhowererecoveringfromtheirwoundsatWalter ReedHospitalinWashington,D.C. Severalacquaintanceswhoroutinelyplayedatlocalgolfcourses begantoencourageoneanotherto continueplayingasameansofimprovingtheirgameandbenefitfrom interpersonalcamaraderieduring golfingandcompetition.
Realizingthattheirveterancontemporarieswouldalsobenefitfrom thegolfcompetitionandsportsmanship,thegroup’smembersconverged in2014tocreatetheVeteranGolfers Association.TheVGAbecamethe firstgolfingorganizationdedicatedto promotingthegametoveteransand theirfamilymembers.
Thecompetitionsareseparated intoflightsthatincludeveterans, woundedveterans,femaleveterans, familymembersandseniorcitizens.
Veteransandtheirfamilieswho areinterestedinjoiningtheVGA,as wellasprincipalsatgolfcourses wantingtohosttournaments,are beingurgedtocontacttheDelaware directorandhisassistantsbye-mailingJeffManalansan,BrianStettleror BillFoulois,at, Brian.Stettler@vgagolf.orgor,respectively.
302-537-8304 Email: Dagsboro, DE | March8,2024 CoastalPoint 51
got legals? Call Jane to place your legal advertisments
Veterans Continuedfrompage50
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Thefreshmanswimmerhadalready madehermarkontheIndianRiver HighSchoolteam.
ButMacynHockmanwantedtowin theDIAAstate“B”championshipin the100butterflyonSaturday,March2, attheUniversityofDelaware’sRawstromNatatorium.
“Throughouttherace,theninthseededcompetitorwasinfrontofme, butbythelastpoollength,Ithought abouthowbadlyIwantedtowinthis race,”saidHockman,“soIjustwentfor it.”
Thefreshmanphenommusteredjust enoughstrengthtopropelherselfpast therivalswimmerandtouchthewall first.
“ThenIturnedtowardthescoreboardandwasevenmoreexcitedtosee theresults,”addedHockman,whose timeof1:00.35earnedherafirst-place finishinthe“B”finalforswimmerswho hadfinishedninththrough16thinthe preliminarythepreviousThursday.Officially,Hockmanplacedninthoverall, withtheeighth-fastesttime,whichbeat
the“A”race’seighth-placetime,turned in immediatelyfollowingherrace.
preliminarycompetitionthatIhad placed10thbyonlyacoupleofmilliseconds,”saidHockman,whosefirst-place
timeinthe“B”finalalsosurpassedher ownschoolrecordthatshesetearlier thisseason,“soIwasreallydetermined tocomeoutontop.”
Finishingamongthestate’stop10 swimmersforthe100flywastheculminationofamemorablefirstyearofhigh schoolcompetitionforHockman.At the statemeet,shealsocontributedtoa newschoolrecordforthe400freestyle relay(4:01.38),withseniorteammates MaddieMooreandBrynnCrandelland sophomoreLeilaHernandez.
“OneofthethingsthatIloveabout highschoolswimmingisbeingableto participateinrelays,”saidthe5-foot-7 residentofOceanView,whoearnedAll StateHonorableMentionkudos.“We don’tdoalotofrelayswiththeUSA Makoteam,sobeingpartofarelay teamissomuchfun.”
Ear lierintheseason,Hockmanalso setnewschoolmarksinthe100 freestyle(56.37)andinthe100backstroke(1:01.26).
“IhadbeenlookingforwardtojoiningtheIndianRiverHighswimteam,” saidHockman.“Ilovedlookingatthe resultsfrommeetsandgoingtowatch
52 CoastalPoint March8,2024
CoastalPoint•Submitted IRfreshmanMacynHockmanfinishedinthetop10inthestateforthe100butterfly onSaturday,March2.
ByMikeStern StaffReporter
Theear-to-eargrinreflectshislevel ofenthusiasm.
MikeMarkoviccannotnothidehis joyatbeingnamedthenewheadcoach fortheIndianRiverHighSchoolboys’ volleyballsquad.
“Ibelievethatmycoachingexperiencewillbevaluableinenablingmeto teachthesestudentathletesthephysical anddecision-makingskillsthey’llneed tocompeteandcontinuetobesuccessful,”saidMarkovic,whotakesthehelm ofaprogramthathaswontwoDIAA state titlesandreachedtheplayoffs everyseasonofitsseven-yearexistence. “Ilookforwardtoensuringthatour playersarepreparedandfocused.We willkeepthemexcitedwhileensuring thatthey’renottoojackedup.”
“Iconsideritaprivilegetobeableto coachtheseyoungathletes,”added Markovic.“I’mexcitedtoleadthis groupand,hopefully,we’llbeabletoget themreadytocompeteforanotherstate championship.“
Thenewbenchbossbringsawealth ofsuccessfulachievementsfromsuburban Washington,D.C.Hecreatedthe boys’volleyballprogramatMcLean High12yearsagoinNorthernVirginia, servingasitsheadcoachforitsfirst
eightseasons.HewasalsothecommissionerfortheNorthernVirginiaHigh SchoolBoys’VolleyballLeague.
Markovichascoachedforthelast12 yearsatthemiddle-schoolleveland sevenseasonsforselectgirls’teams, manyofthemintandemwithhiswife, Carolyn.Hehasalsotrainedvolleyball coachesassociatedwithMcLeanVirginia YouthVolleyball,andheserveson theboardofdirectorsforthat800-
playerorganization.Markovichasalso coachedhighschool-agedgirls’club teamsattheopenlevelforadozenyears andiscertifiedattheUSAVCAPIand CAPIIlevels.
Althoughhehasearnedaconsiderablenumberoftournamentmedals, Markovicismoregratifiedbytheimpressivenumberofhisformerplayers whohavebecomevolleyballcoachesof youngathleteswhentheyarefinished playingincollege.
Markovichassentanumberofgirls’ andboys’volleyballplayersonto NCAADivisionI,IIandIIIschools, includingtheUniversityofMaryland, GeorgeMasonUniversity,PennState University,theUniversityofVirginia andtheUniversityofDelaware.
“Mycoachingphilosophyistohelp playerstoimprovebycompetingand continuingtodeveloptheirskills,”said Markovic,whohasplayedcompetitive volleyballindoors,outdoorsandon grassandsandformorethan40years. “Practicesshouldbedemanding,rapidpacedandfun.”
ThreeofMarkovic’sformerclub teamplayershavequalifiedforand playedintheUSAVNationalChampionships,themostprestigioustournamentinthecountry.
MarkovicgraduatedfromNorthern BurlingtonRegionalHighinColum-
bus,N.J.,andearnedhisbachelor’sdegreeinengineeringatCornellUniversity.Heretiredfollowingasuccessful careerasatelecomconsultantthatsent him aroundtheworld.
MarkovicwillbeassistedbylongtimeIRHSvolleyballmentorJayClark, avolleyballcoachingmainstayatIRHS andanelite-levelplayer.
“Hewillactasmyleadclinicianand trustedadvisor,”MarkovicsaidofClark, whoguidedtheIndianstoa10-4wonlostrecordandaDIAAplayoffberth lastyear.
ChadZookwillalsoassistMarkovic aswell,ascoachofthejunior-varsity squad.
MarkovicsalutedformerIRHSvolleyballheadcoachJimBarnes“for doing agreatjobstartingandbuilding upthegirls’andboys’programsatIndianRiverHigh.Ifwe’resuccessful,a lotofthecreditbelongstohim.We wanttocontinuetocompeteatthe highestlevelinDelaware,”said Markovic,whomovedwithhiswifeto MillvillelastNovember.“Itisimportant thatwe’reabletoattractthebestathletesintheschooltoplayvolleyball,and provideopportunitiesforboystoplay andlearnthesportattheelementary andmiddle-schoollevels.”
Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment March8,2024 CoastalPoint 53 BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* AFTERLeafFilter CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases of $1,000 or more with approved credit. Minimum consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. APR FOR 24 MONTHS** SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE 15010++%% % OFF OFF
Newboys’volleyballheadcoachMike Markovic.
ByMikeSmith StaffReporter
TheQuietResortsCharitable Foundation(QRCF)willagainhost theBunnyPalooza5Kraceand1milewalk,onApril8at8a.m.,startingattheBethanyBeachbandstand. RunnerswillproceedtoGarfield, traversingPennsylvaniaandAtlantic Avenuesonaone-lapcoursewitha finishontheboardwalk.
Theraceisexpectedtohostmore than500competitorsfromDelaware andthelargereasternseaboard— includingkidsfromLordBaltimore ElementarySchoolandtheteamsof GirlsontheRunandLetMeRun (forboys).
TheCarlM.FreemanFoundation isamajorsponsorthisyear,witha gifttotheQRCFfortheEaster weekendrace.CoastalPointand Mango’sBethanyBeacharetheother majorplatinumsponsors,whilemany localmerchantsfromthetownprovidefundingorgiftsin-kind.
DougPurcell,presidentofthe QRCF,saidthecommunityhasreallyralliedaroundthisyear’sBunny Paloozaevent.
ourcharity5Kracesgoesrightback intothecommunityintheformof scholarships.TheQRCFprovides threescholarshipstoareastudentsof $2,000peryearthatarerenewable
forallfouryearsofcollege,”hesaid. “Thatmeansastudentwhostaysin goodstandingwithahigh-Baverage willearnupto$8,000inscholarship money.”
Scholarsareselectedbythe QRCFscholarshipcommitteebased onlocalcommunityservice,GPA
ByPatrick“Sarge”Avon Special totheCoastalPoint
Inthebigstoryofgettingolder, there’sadesirefortheenergyof youth,whenwrinkleswerejusta thoughtandBotoxwasonlyusedin boardgames.Wewanttogetbackto ouryoungenergymoreandmoreas theyearsgoby—especiallyfor thoseofusgettingclosetoorinour 60s.Donotworry,though,because wewillfindawaytofeel25againby lookingatthesefivechange-making things.Andtostartourtrip,we’ll talkaboutwater—abasicbutoften forgottenpartofhealth.
Peopleoftenthinkofwaterasjust food,butitistheelixiroflife.A simplemoleculecalledH2Oholds thekeytowhatseemslikeendless life.Still,manyofusdon’tget enoughofthisimportantsubstance everyday,eventhoughit’seasytodo.
Ifyouwanttofeellikeyoudid whenyouwereyounger,drinking morewatercanmakeallthedifference.Gettingenoughwaterisn’tjust aboutfillingyourthirst—it’salso abouttakingcareofeverycell,revivingeverysystemandkeepingour bodies’complexbalance.Thereisno wayforourphysicalandmental
healthtogrowwithoutwater.Itis veryimportantbecauseitkeepsthe bodyattherighttemperature, flushesouttoxins,lubricatesjoints andhelpsdigestion.
Thebodygoesthroughmany changesthatcanaffecthowmuch wateritholdsasitgrows.Asweget older,ourbodieslosetheabilityto holdontowater.Thisisespecially trueforwomen.Additionally,some medicinesthataregiventoolder peoplecanmakedehydrationworse byworkingasdiureticsandcausing thebodytolosewater.
Let’snotgetlostinaseaofmedicalterms,though.Instead,let’stalk abouthowimportantitistostayhydrated.Stayingproperlyhydratedis importantforyourhealthandwellbeingasawhole,affectingeverythingfromyourbrainfunctiontothe healthofyourjoints.It’sanimportantpartofstayinghealthyatany age.
TheFountainofYouth: Howwaterkeepsyoufeeling25
Thinkaboutwalkingdownthe streetwiththeconfidenceofa25year-old,makingpeoplelookatyou everystepoftheway.Youmaybe
wonderinghowthisispossible. Friends,itallstartswithasimplesip ofwater.Here’showdrinkingwater canturnbacktime:
•Improvedcognitivefunction— Doyouforgetthings,feelfuzzy,or getfoggy?Donotbeafraid!Getting enoughwaterisimportantforbrain health.Researchershavefoundalink betweenbeingdehydratedandmemory,attention,andfocusproblems. Bydrinkingenoughwater,youcan keepyourbrainassharpasitwas whenyouwereyounger.It’saneasy andeffectivewaytokeepyourbrain workingatitsbest,soyoucango throughlifewithfocusandclarity.If youdrinkmorewater,yourbrainwill thankyouformakingitfeelbetter.
•Enhancedphysicalperformance —Rememberwhenyouthoughtyou coulddoanything?Notdrinking enoughwatercanhurtyourbody’s performance,makingnormalchores feelharder.Stayinghydratedisimportantforkeepingyourbodyworkingatitsbest,whetheryou’regoing forawalk,playingwithyourgrandkidsorjustbringingingroceries. Knowinghowtodothisisthekeyto movinglikeyou’re25.Byreplacing thefluidsyoulosewhenyouwork outandsweat,youkeepyourmuscles workingwellandyourendurance high.So,getthatwaterbottle,drink some,andregainthejoyofmoving
easilyandhavingalotofenergy.It’s goodforyourbody.
•Glowingskin—Whybuypricey skincareitemswhenyoucanjust drinkwater?Dryness,stiffnessanda higherriskoflinescanallbemade worsebynotdrinkingenoughwater. Bydrinkingalotofwater,youcan keepyourskinflexible,helpitmake collagenandgetthatdesiredyoung glow—allwithoutspendingalotof money.Waterisnature’smedicinefor theface;itfeedsitfromtheinside outandhelpsyoulooknaturally healthy.Insteadofbuyingexpensive creams,drinkaglassofwaterto makeyourskinlookandfeelbetter.
•Boostedenergylevels—Areyou tired?Adultsoftencomplainof beingtired,butbeingdehydratedcan makeyoufeelevenmoretiredand lethargic.Bydrinkingenoughwater, youcanavoidgettingtiredandkeep theenergylevelyouhadwhenyou wereyounger.Waterdoesmorethan quenchyourthirst—it’salsoafuel thatkeepsyourbodyrunning.Stayinghydratedisimportantforgetting nutrientstocellsandgettingridof wastequickly,whichkeepsyourenergylevelsteadythroughouttheday. Nexttimeyoufeellikeyouneeda pick-me-up,grabaglassofwaterinsteadofacoffee.Yourbodywillbe
54 CoastalPoint March8,2024
SeeBUNNYpage55 SeeHYDRATIONpage55
someofthecompetition.Onething that’sreallyfulfillingtomeisjusthow muchfunitis.Justbeingabletobea partofahighschoolteamandputting onthatgreen-and-goldcapwhenIrace isrewarding.”
DonnaSmith,theIRHSgirls’swimmingheadcoach,creditedHockman’s successasafreshmanseasontoher “veryhard,consistentworkinthepool withherIndianRiverHighandMako teams’practices.Becauseshehasdedicatedhertimetothesportsheloves, anythingispossibleforher,”saidSmith. “ Theenergyandexcitementmotivates swimmerslikeMacyntoachievesome oftheirbesttimes.Itwasexcitingtobe therewhenshebrokeherfirstoffour
LordBaltimoreElementary School’sParentTeacherOrganizationwillagainprovideactivitiesincludingcrafts,face-paintingand
•Supportsjointhealth—Joint painandstiffnessmaygetworsewith age,makingithardertomovearound andloweringyourqualityoflifegenerally.Stayinghydratedisimportant forkeepingthejointslubricated, loweringfrictionandreducingpain. Bykeepingyourjointswell-hydrated, youcanmoveeasilyandbendover, gettingbackthespeedandquickness
“Macynhassuchconfidence, strengthandgraceinthewater,”Smith added.“Shebringsthatontothepool deckaswell.Welookforwardtoher sharingherstrengthsandleadership withherteammatesatIndianRiver Highduringthenextthreeyears.”
Attheageof4,Hockmantook swimminglessonswithoneofher currentIRHScoaches,DanaSchaefer.
“Atthattime,Iwouldn’tputmy faceinthewater,”recalledHockman, “sosheallowedmetobringsomeof mydinosaurtoysintothepoolto makememorecomfortable.”
AfterHockmanbegantakinglessonswithcoachJohanneDanverat theageof7,thementortoldherpar-
exhibits.TheLBESChoirwillsing thenationalanthem.
LBisalsoregisteringitsGirlson theRun(GOTR)trackandrunning programparticipants,aswellasparticipantsinthenewLetMeRun programforboys,whichisnowin fullswing,givingmorestudentsa chancetoexercise.
youhadwhenyouwereyounger. Waternaturallylubricatesthejoints, makingiteasiertomoveandlowers theriskofgettinghurt.Tokeepyour kneeshealthyandyourgeneral healthingoodshape,makesureyou drinkplentyofwater.Yourbodywill thankyouforbeingabletomoveand feelbetter.
Finally,therearemanymorebenefitstodrinkingmorewaterthanjust stayinghydrated.Thissimplebut powerfulchangecanhelpyourbrain workbetter,yourbodyperformsbetter,yourskinstayshealthy,youren-
ents—MarisaandGregHockman— thattheirdaughterhadthepotential toswimonateam.ShejoinedtheSea ColonySharksandfoundherlovefor swimmingwithcoachesJannaSchneiderandCathyGallagher.
“OnceIstartedtoreallylovethe sport,IdecidedIwantedtogofurther,”saidHockman.“Duringthepast fewyears,Ihavenoticedalotofimprovementsinmytechniqueand speed.WhenIfirststartedwiththe Makoteam,Icouldbarelycompletea practice,becauseitwassochallenging. ButnowIamabletocompletepracticesonthefastestintervals.One thingIalwaysthinkaboutwhileIam practicingisworkinghardandtrying todomybest.Eventually,thatdedicationpaysoff,andIamfinallystarting toseeit.”
About200familiesareplanning toparticipateinthe1-milewalk,or kidscanjoinafunrun“kiddiedash” downPennsylvaniaAvenue.
Races2Run,theracemanagement organization,isprovidingraceregistrationandtimingchipsthroughits associationwitharacetimingcompany.PlushbunnytoysfromTide-
ergylevelrises,andyourjointsstay healthy.Theseareallimportantparts offeeling25again.
Itdoesn’tmatterwhatageyouare —ifyoumaketherightchangesto yourlifestyle,youcanliveafulland activelifeatanyage.Ifyouwantto feel25again,raiseaglassofwaterto yourhealthandstartthisexciting trip!
Stayhydrated,lookyoung,and checkbackforthenextpartofour story.Untilthen,here’stofeeling better!
HockmanjoinedtheMakoSwim Club,aUSAcompetitivesquadbased inHarbeson.
“OurcoacheswereStrohmEdwards,MattMcDonoughandHillary Baird,andtheyworkedushard,”recalledHockman.“Buttheyhelpedrefinemytechniqueandtaughtmehow tocompete.JoiningtheIRHSswim teamasaninth-grader,Iamluckyto havecoachesColinCrandell,Donna SmithandDanatoguideandsupport me.
“IlovethatIgettosharemylove forswimmingwithgreatpeopleon bothofmyteams,”addedHockman, whothisspringwillplayontheIRHS girls’tennissquadthatiscoachedby herfather.“Iamluckytohaveallof theseimportantpeoplebymyside.”
poolToysandmedalsforplacefinisherswillbeprovidedatthe Bethanybandstand.
Thisyear’sBunnyPaloozafestival technicalT-shirtfeaturestheracing bunnylogoonsyntheticrunners’ shirts—designedbyCoastalPoint’s designteam—andhavebecome somethingofacollector’sitem.
ourrejuvenationjourney!Joinusin theupcominginstallmentofour five-partseries,wherewe’llunveil anothertransformativechangeto helpyoufeelyouthfulagain.Don’t missout—takeactionandreclaim yourvitalitytoday!
PersonaltrainerPatrick“Sarge” AvonrunsSargeAthleticsin BethanyBeach.Heisalsotheauthor of“BootCamp”bySimonShuster.A formermemberoftheU.S.Navy,he nowworksasaguide,helpingadults andplayersreachtheirfullpotential.
our donation helps provide food, clothing, h Y Your hope. R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY Y V R 7 D MINISTRIES 410-228-843 licensed #1044 A A MVVA ax deductible T Tax 4102288437 March8,2024 CoastalPoint 55
The Annual Beaver Dam Canal Tax Ditch Meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 34309 Burton Farm Road, Frankford, 19945.
For more information, please call 302.462.5490.
CP 20240308 2T
On March 28, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., the Dagsboro Town Council will hold a Town Council meeting at the Bethel Center, 28307 Clayton Street, Dagsboro, DE to conduct a public hearing to discuss and vote upon the following (2) proposed ordinances:
All interested persons are welcome to attend this hearing and to make comment.
Please call (302) 732-3777 for further information and/or to make accommodations for persons with special needs.
CP 20240308 1T
Coastal Culinary LLC has on February 29th, 2024 applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for an additional 7 bar stools for a premises located at 19819 Coastal Hwy., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearingto consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. Protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before March 29, 2024. The protests can be emailed to, or delivered or mailed to: OABCC, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, 3rd Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact the Commissioner’s Office.
CP 20240308 3T
Estate of Michael W. Bullis, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Michael W. Bullis who departed this life on September 3, 2023, late of Millsboro, DE were duly granted unto Traci Bullis on March 1, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator on or before May 3, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Executor: Traci Bullis 22002 Phillips Hill Road Millsboro, DE 19966
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
Parsons&Robinson,P.A. 118AtlanticAve.;Suite401 OceanView,DE19970
CP 20240308 3T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-23.00-674.00
Property Address: RIVER BREEZE, LOT 35, 26449 SANDPIPER DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DEBORAH A. GILBERT & NANCY J. GILBERT (4) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20240308
56 CoastalPoint March8,2024
Get the news with a local perspective! Find it each week in the THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY In print every Friday and online 24/7 at
PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875
Estate of Joan Holmes Hunter, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Joan Holmes Hunter who departed this life on January 26, 2024, late of Bethany Beach, DE were duly granted unto Glenn Michael Hunter on February 20, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 26, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Glenn Michael Hunter
11611 Scottsbury Ter. Germantown, MD 20876
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20240301 3T
The Bethany Beach Town Council will hold a special meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2024, in the Town Meeting Room, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a person to fill the vacancy on Council by the resignation of Councilman Lew Killmer. Mr. Killmer’s term is unexpired and pursuant to Section 6.5 of the Town Charter, the remaining Council members shall elect another qualified person to serve for the remainder of the vacant seat’s term. The term to be filled will expire in September 2024.
If you meet the requirements listed below and have an interest in serving on the Bethany Beach Town Council for a six-month term beginning March 15, 2024, please submit a letter/email of interest telling us about yourself, how you feel you could make a contribution to the Town Council and your vision for Bethany Beach in the years to come. Please submit your letter/email by the close of business on Friday, March 8, 2024 by way of: Email:
Town Manager’s Office
Town Hall
P.O. Box 109
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to advise that William Marlin Lewis of 36809 West Pebble Beach Drive, Frankford, of Sussex County, Delaware, will be filing with the Prothonotary in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, an application for a License to Carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon, according to the laws of the State of Delaware.
CP 20240308 1T
Any residents who wish to vote in the annual municipal election April 13, 2024 must register with the Town
The qualifications for Ocean View voters are:
• Minimum age of 18 years.
• Citizen of the United States.
• Ocean View residency for at least thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Town election.
The registration period is open until March 25, 2024 @ 4:30pm
You may download, print, and mail-in a Voter Registration Form from the Town’s Web Site ( ). A copy of your Identification is required when you register to vote in person or by mail. A Delaware Driver’s License or ID is the preferred form of identification. State or County registration does not entitle residents to vote in Town of Ocean View elections.
Any resident who has not voted in the Town of Ocean View’s election for the past two consecutive years in which there was an election must re-register in order to be eligible to vote in the April 13, 2024, election. You may also call 539-9797 x101 to inquire about your current registration status
CP 20240216 5T
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Mail: Hand Deliver: Town Manager’s Office Town Hall P.O. Box 109 214 Garfield Parkway Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Bethany Beach, DE 19930
If you submit a letter of interest, the Town Council would like you to attend a Special Town Council meeting on Friday, March 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. At that meeting you will be asked to discuss your interest in serving on the Town Council. Subsequently, on March 15, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., at its monthly regular meeting, the Town Council will vote to fill the vacant Council position.
The Bethany Beach Town Charter Requires that a Candidate for the Town Council meet the following requirements:
1. Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
2. Be a U.S. Citizen;
3. Not have been convicted of a felony;
4. Shall have been, for a period of at least six months prior to the date of the election, either: (a) a permanent full-time resident of the Town, or (b) a natural person holding record title to a fee simple or life estate in real property located within the Town of Bethany Beach;
5. At the time of filing a notice of intention to seek office, be a duly registered voter under the provisions of the Town Charter (Section 5.2) and Voter Registration Ordinance (Chapter 378 of the Code). Only natural persons are allowed to vote in Town Elections, and only natural persons who are not identified on the Town's tax records as an owner of real estate in the Town are required to register. Persons may register in person at the Town Hall or by mail during normal business hours except during the last 30 days before the election. CP 20240223
The Town of Ocean View will elect a Councilperson from District 4 for 3-year term on April 13, 2024.
Any resident of District 4 in the Town of Ocean View who meet the following qualifications is encouraged to file for the Council Seat in District 4:
• Must be a minimum age of 18 years.
• Must be a U.S. citizen.
• Must be a resident for at least 1 year immediately preceding the date of election.
• Must be a resident of District 4 at the time of filing and during the full term of office.
• Must be a Town of Ocean View eligible registered voter.
Any District 4 resident who wishes to file as a candidate for District 4 Council Member must file a “Certification of Intention” and pay a $50 filing fee at the office of the Town Manager no later than 4:30pm on March 12, 2024
The annual election of the Town of Ocean View will be held, on Saturday, April 13, 2024, between 8am and 5pm, at the Community Center located at 32 West Avenue.
CP 20240216 4T
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 57
Estate of Muriel F. Ketcham, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Muriel F. Ketcham who departed this life on January 16, 2024, late of Frankford, DE were duly granted unto Ann Louise Vidas on February 16, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 16, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Ann Louise Vidas
32237 West Rd. Frankford, DE 19945
Veronica R. Townsend, Esq. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 202 Ocean View, DE 19970
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills CP 20240301 3T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:133-16.00-39.00
Property Address: PINE LODGE ADDITION, LOT 19, PINE STREET, Millsboro, DE 19966
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of LORRAINE EDITH WORKMAN; RAY WORKMAN, JR. & JENNIFER WORKMAN (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20240308 2T
PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875
Estate of Joan L. Hudock, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Joan L. Hudock who departed this life on January 26, 2024, late of Selbyville, DE were duly granted unto Rodney L. Aldinger on February 16, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 26, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.
Rodney L. Aldinger
400 Maple St. Manchester, PA 17345
Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills
Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970
CP 20240301 3T
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:134-11.00-156.00
Property Address: N SD HWY THRU CLARKSVILLE T7259, 1.80 AC.S W/IMP, 31851 KOENIG LANE, Ocean View, DE 19970
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of HERMAN J. KOENIG AND RUTH G. KOENIG, TRUSTEES OF THE HERMAN J. KOENIG & RUTH G. KOENIG REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST (13) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
58 CoastalPoint March8,2024
The Bethany Beach Town Council and Budget and Finance Committee will jointly hold a public hearing on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 10:00 AM.
The meeting may be viewed on two internet platforms: The Town’s Website at:, click the Government Tab, then go to the left side of the page and click on Live Video Broadcast Or
Go to our YouTube page at:
The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on the proposed Town Budget for FY 2025 (Fiscal year beginning April 1, 2024, and ending March 31, 2025).
The proposed budget is available for inspection in Town Hall, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., (except on scheduled holidays), and is also available on the Town’s website
All interested persons are welcome to attend this hearing and to make comment.
CP 20240308 1T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-13.00-1749.00-R2
Property Address: 37696 ULSTER DRIVE, SUITE 2, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of
JOHN R. MUELLER & BEVERLY L. MUELLER (15) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024, 9:00 A.M.
Notice is hereby given by the Town Council of the Town of South Bethany that a Public Hearing will be held in the Town Council Meeting Room at the South Bethany Town Hall on Friday, April 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. to receive public input regarding Ordinance 214-24, which proposes to amend the Code of the Town of South Bethany Chapter 145, Zoning, Article XVII, §145-68, amending A (1), (6), and (9), regarding when building permits are required.
If unable to attend in person, you may join the Zoom meeting online: L1CLxwueoWc.1
• Or join by phone at 301-715-8592.
• Meeting ID: 892 2837 1777
• Passcode is: 455617
Written comments will be accepted prior to the hearing and must be submitted to by 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.
This ordinance is available for review at the South Bethany Town Hall, 402 Evergreen Road, during regular business hours or on the Town's website The Regular Town Council Meeting will be held immediately following the Public Hearing.
CP 20240308 1T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-6.00-40.02
Property Address: 104 KIMBERLY WAY, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of JAY M. CAMPBELL & ANNA CAMPBELL (27) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20240308 2T
CP 20240308 2T
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 59
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:234-7.00-98.00
Property Address: 20786 SUNSET LANE, Lewes, DE 19958
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of BAY BREEZE AT SUNSET, LLC (1) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20240308 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-14.18-110.00-A
Property Address: 3A HICKMAN STREET, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES C. KRAY & SARA C. KRAY (16) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:
Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024
At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:334-13.00-1050.00
Property Address: 13 EAGLE WAY, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of DAVID N. SILLS, IV & DENISE M. SILLS (25) and will be sold by
Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
CP 20240308 2T
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter
At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:
Tax Parcel:533-18.00-358.00
Property Address: 29272 CHANNEL DRIVE, Selbyville, DE 19975
Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.
TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.
Seized and taken in execution the property of THOMAS AKINS A/K/A THOMAS E. AKINS, IV & SUSAN J. AKINS (18) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff
60 CoastalPoint March8,2024
CP 20240308 2T
CP 20240308 2T
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Stations F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning Auto Detailing March8,2024 CoastalPoint 61
62 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Services Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 570-617-6358 CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Serving the Delmarva, PA, and NJ Areas Medical - Legal - Real Estate - Airlines - Cargo - Packages When professionalism, dependability, on-time delivery, reliability, and security matter 908.342.3880 Courier Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction GOT STUFF? Call Mike: 302.344.0169 WE WILL MOVE OR REMOVE Rubbish • Yard Waste Appliances • Furniture Unwanted Items Downsizing A little or a lot TELL US WHAT YOU’VE GOT! Cleaning Services EXECUTIVE CLEANING SERVICES LLC PRIVATE RESIDENCES Personalized. Honest. Professional. LISA RICHARDSON Owner - Operator 302-542-5766 Licensed & Insured Cleaning Services DRIVING MISS MAISEY Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Where do you want to go? Driving Services “Let 38 years of experience go to work for you.” MASTER ELECTRICIAN “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel o: 302.436.5008 | c: 302.258.7147 Residential | Commercial Selbyville, DELicensed in DE & MD Electric 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services Doctor Appointments • Errands • Shopping Hair Appointments & More Cruzing t Sh e With Pitty Patricia Newman | 410.708.8812 Local Driving Services 8am-5pm 7 days/week Licensed Insured Driving Services 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices THE HANDY BEACHMAN Exterior Home Repairs “WE DO IT ALL” Licensed • Bonded • Insured • MHIC 17433 “A Family Tradition Since 1935” 410-893-9707 • Roofing Repairs • Roof Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Powerwashing • • Deck Repairs • • Rain Gutters • Gutter Guards • Screening • Painting • Staining • Caulking P A R R I S H Handyman SYNERGY HOME SERVICES 302-344-7629 Lic. & Ins. | References Available | 39 Years’ Exp. Affordable. Sensible. On Time. Remodeling Home Repair Construction PaintingDecksAdditionsEverything in Between! $25/ hour for projects completed by January 15, 2024 Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman Specializing in all Home Repairs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate Doors • Plumbing • Carpentry Electrical • Tile • Drywall Painting • and Much More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman RELIABLE Happy to be HANDY CONSTRUCTION 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Composite & Treated Decks | Attic Bonus Rooms Deck & Siding Replacement| Additions Window & Door Replacement| Screen Porch Sunroom| Kitchens| Baths| Luxury Vinyl Flooring Home Improvement BAYSIDE BUILDERS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSED AND FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK DONE BY OWNER • Flat Roof Specialist • • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Custom Homes • Additions • Repairs • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work • Decks • Custom Inside Trim Work • Hardwood Floors Cell: 410-713-8599 Home Improvements NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements Small Job Specialist Remodels | Installs | Decks | Carpentry Railings | Screened Porches | Bathrooms 302.524.2252 Licensed Insured DELMARVALOUS HANDYMAN Handyman y Masonr of types All N DAM STORM in tinctiactractrantrontCon Co ia lialliillWil Wi Concrete & & AGE c. nc.Inc g ng ms amms o S i i 462 02 302 h t i W d e n r u t e R s l l a C 5654 s r u o H 4 2 n i rience xpeExp Ex calLoca rs’earsyea 30 r Ove . . s m a i l l i W k n a r F ed redInsure In & ed Licensed • r e n w O , Home Improvement THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman March8,2024 CoastalPoint 63
64 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Down to Earth 302-381-5051 302-381-5051 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Serving Bethany Beach & the surrounding areas Landscape & Mowing Contracts Irrigation Installation/Maintenance Fertilization - Turf & Ornamental Bed Maintenance & Pruning Lawn & Landscape LLC Landscaping • Landscaping • Irrigation • Hardscaping Free Estimates Full Yearly Maintenance Contracts Available 443.783.2224 Landscaping HVAC Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Need HELP with household chores? Got Chores? Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Irrigation Installation & Repair 302.344.4883 302.344.1441 Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Bethany Blooms Landscaping, LLC Available Now FULL SERVICE CONTRACTS Landscaping • Overseeding • Tree Trimming • Snow Plowing • Aerating • Landscape Planting & Maintenance • Yard Cleanup • Lawn Care • Mowing • Mulching • Weeding Residential Commercial licensed insured 302.448.1643 Landscaping 302.542.1335 302.537.1144 Bobcat & Backhoe Services ~ Bush-hogging Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Landscaping Landscaping RRD LAWN & LANDSCAPING INC 302.249.9986 Seasonal Clean-up • Junk Hauling • Shrubs Pruned Mulch & Pine Needles Delivered & Installed Chipper Services • Grass Cutting • Trees Removed Small Trees Trimmed or Removed Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Grading • Bush-Hogging Driveway Stone Delivered & Installed EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL DEPENDABLE SERVICES 302.539.5664 • C: 302.228.5190 Edgar Simpler Licensed & Insured Landscaping •AlwaysAffordable&Courteous •AlwaysaPerfectCut •AlwaysDependable SPRING CLEAN-UPS! Yard,Bed,Lots& DebrisRemoval Tree&ShrubTrimming Mulching Landscaping • Spring Clean-up • Landscaping • Mulching • Gravel/Dirt/Topsoil • Sod Installation • Lawn Mowing • Tree Care • Handyman Licensed Veteran-Owned • Local Insured Landscaping The Area’s #1 Moving Company BUDGET MOVERS 40+ Years in Business Licensed & Insured LOCAL • ENTIRE EAST COAST Residential or Office or Commercial Packing or Loading or Unloading or Complete Move Single Item or Certain Items or Full Home Call Maria: 443-664-5797 Female Owned & Operated Moving Services w Ex ’Years Ye + 20 PAINTI PA CU ROSE Po M All Inter g perience NG STOM Washin Wa er xteriorE etal xterior xtior/E L e F f J ll C ip-Ship Sprin A n ! t ti E atiollatallstalInst ap cksDe !Savings g Special about sk 302.396.1311 Painting BENNETT BROS. PAINTING 302.569.7578 35 years of experience Licensed Insured INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Single Room - Entire Home Minor Drywall Repair - Powerwashing Painting
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices 302.519.8444 Receive a FREE 1-day pass & Treats with enrollment Overnight Boarding Fresh Air • Furry Friends • Fitness 2.5 acre West Fenwick Farm Pick up/Drop off Services available Doggie Daycare, LLC Pet Services ‘Your Neighborhood Plumber’ 302.732.3555 • Complete Plumbing Services Licensed & Insured Off ANY Service Call over $250 Limit 1 Coupon per Service Call Not valid with any other offer $30 Plumbing Water Heaters • Comfort Height Toilets Custom Tile Showers Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Plumbing Roofing POWERWASHING allservicesw/thisad! Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Yearround services w/yearly& seasonal rates Hot Water, Powerwashing & Soft Wash Systems • Deck Staining • Decks • Docks • Houses • Restaurants • Shopping Centers • Roofs • & More MHIC 97081 Ocean City 34629 • Delaware 2004 222 381 Licensed & Insured 410-603-3400 Joe Beran/Owner Operator Commercial & Residential • Complete Exterior Cleaning Atlantic Coast Powerwashing Services Powerwashing/Soft Wash ca m• us, t f • fo oC fii r r w • 5t com n5.c o65 is6 tess atne n sefi ds ho orkh odar C cus S o li3 i 53 b5 o.2 M 9 • 4 e 24 c.2 n2. al 02 a30 B to r ustomized tr o y b or bal f for balanc C a M SEN PE ent y 6at s t te5cm rd www.dkh ab ocu s ty al 302249.2535• Days 7 e Cc ur s thy trb vF o • r i i l t y ns y m r u du u nd c nd F al gt tgin l en ie st ll sxs al e rler nd yan taie o on to i i ls i ss cse a g sFinng tn n i ain na d t m ze mmi o /We k 65 Day , 3 s n our ome , ty, , y, e, l lanc e n 2535 Available Av ces SESSIONS OACHINGC IOR RSONALIZED Enduranc d re ore anc • d e oand endur al engt er all str n ad o r ed rtiCert AED ed rtiert rogramsPro on roupGro & ss Health, Fitness, r Yea/Ye e stability mobility aining sessions mized H Y Yo i g DarkHorseFitne DarkHorseFitness6 302.249. ferenRefe • Insured Fully a an th Stren ll ver-allOve • & CPR Advanced • C Nutrition • Nutriti & Coaching Individualized • Wellne We & Senio in Specializing • Personal Trainer Derickson’s Wallcovering, LLC 302.537.5787 • 410.726.3145 Serving the Shore since 1990 Licensed & Insured in DE & MD • MHIC 73031 Professional, Quality Service Wallpaper Installation/Removal Interior Painting Painting & Wallpaper McKinney Brothers Pete McKinney 443.449.9647 High-end Custom, Quality Painting MB Licensed Insured Painting 302.249.9027 TWO OLD GUYS that PAINT & POWERWASH AND do HOME REPAIRS & HANDYMAN SERVICES & EPOXY GARAGE FLOORS AND do it ALL well! Quality Work, at a Fair Price 41 Years of Experience • Free Estimates WINTER SPECIALS - 10% OFF! Kevin M. Donovan, BPI Certified Building Analyst Licensed & Insured Painting Zimmerman & Son LLC • CUSTOM PAINTING • DRYWALL REPAIRS • WALLPAPER REMOVED • DECK & H OUSE S TAINING • ALWAYS PROMPT SERVICE Free Estimates 10% Discount with this ad. Bill Zimmermancell 443-373-4539 NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! Painting & Powerwashing Interior & Exterior Serving Delmarva for Over 35 Years Licensed & Insured Painting 302-745-3912 Kevin Coviello QualityWorkmanship INTERIOR EXTERIOR Licensed & Insured with 27 Years’ Experience Painting E S HAN -1368 986 TING EN 253 301 EST 19 PAIN Painting Find the local services you need in our Service Directory Call JANE for more information • 302.539.1788 GetEverything OnYour ‘ToDo’List… DONE! Got a List? March8,2024 CoastalPoint 65
66 CoastalPoint March8,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Bethany 302-539-5700 Georgetown 302-856-9210 STI Landscape Center 302-645-6262 Serving the local community for over 30 years Mention this ad. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Not valid on previous quotes or committents. Some exclusions apply. $10% off From grass roots to tree tops, we have all of your tree and landscaping needs covered. Tree Service 302.542.0921 MA-4360B Pest & Disease Treatments Tree & Shrub Fertilization Tick/Mosquito Treatments Hazard Tree Assessments Invasive Species Management Tree Pruning & Removal HOA Master Planning & Tree Inventories Home of the PennDel Arborist of the Year Tree Service Property Management • Tree Trimming • Tree Removals • Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Lot Clearing 24 Hour Emergency Senior & Military Discounts 302.278.8979 Tree Service HOME - AUTO - MARINE 302.236.2670 TOP WERKS UPHOLSTERY Professional Service New - Repairs - Alterations Farm Fresh Eggs for Sale! Call for an appointment: Upholstery Free In-Home Consultation! Window Treatments Millville across from the Dollar General, approx. 1/2 mile on the left on Whites Neck Rd. Jeremy Smith • 302.423.2601 Yard Waste Recycling & Retail Material Mulch • Top Soil • Mushroom Soil (Nutrient Rich) Soil Amendment Pine Needles Accepting tree limbs, leaves and plant material. Pick-up available. DELIVERY AVAILABLE • MON-FRI 9-4 Yard Waste FREE In-Home Consultation Professional Measuring and Installation Shutters, Roman Shades, Draperies, Top Treatments Woven Woods, Honeycombs, Roller Shades, Solar Shades Window Film, Awnings, Wood & Faux Wood Blinds, & more... 302.856.6799 Window Treatments Locally owned/operated since 2000 For a FREE In-Home Consultation, call our showroom: 302.537.9407 Plantation Shutters Custom-made locally! • Roman, Honeycomb, & Roller Shades • Faux Wood Blinds • Vertical Woven Draperies Custom Window Treatments Window Treatments 6394 228 302 s Available Financing Easy 100% Estimates Written FREE Warrantie Wa Lifetime ed Certi GAF vice Ser Quality Prompt, Honest, 8. . u s n I & d e s n ec i L g n i f o o R E D x e s s u S ng SussexRoo d er m o c . l i a m g @ Roofing CREATIVE DRAPERY • Draperies • Slip Covers • Blinds and Shades • Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Covers CUSTOM Call Bonnie Johnson, owner 717.235.7800 Insured with over 50 years’ experience Window Treatments Do you offer a service? Do you need help getting your name out there? We can help! Give us a call and ask for Jane Johnson to list your business in the Service Directory. 302.539.1788
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 67
Clean, safe and posi ve work environment.
Full and Part- me Posi ons with flexible scheduling available. Seasonal, from Mother's Day to Sept. 22nd. Fenwick Island
Apply online and click on Employment:
to monitor guests, set up pool area, and coordinate with lifeguards. Mid-May through August. 10a.m. - 6p.m. Flexible shifts available.
Duties include monitoring of pools and clubhouses for proper use by members, rules enforcement and maintaining of poolside furniture. Proper candidate will have a strong customer service background and positive disposition. Positive, friendly work environment. Must be a HIGHLY motivated, upbeat worker committed to serving our clients.
Please contact Bo Bennett to schedule an interview
The Town of Millville is looking for a qualified individual for the full-time position of Receptionist. The Receptionist reports to the Town Manager and is responsible for performing clerical tasks to support the daily operations of the Town Hall. This individual will serve as the first point of contact for residents and guests. They will perform various duties, including clerical and customer support. The applicant must have a High School Diploma, associate degree (preferred). Strong public relations skills, organizational and communication skills.
Benefits include health and dental insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, and retirement plan. Pay will be commensurate
Fax: (302) 645-1292
Or email:
Sussex Technical High School 17099 County Seat Highway Georgetown, DE 19947
• School Psychologist
68 CoastalPoint March8,2024 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFIED RATES Line ads: $8.50 for 20 words, 25¢ per add’l word. Display ads: $8.50 per column inch. Non-commercial ads for items $1,000 or less are free up to 20 words. Yard Sales are $9.00 Contact Jane to place your Classified ad 302.539.1788 Jane.Johnson Classi eds Classified Deadlineis Tuesday at 4pm | Ads accepted from 9am –4pm, Monday - Friday. GROUNDSKEEPER Walk Mow Greens, Tees, & Trim Work F/T (6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) P/T (6 a.m. - 10 a.m.) Seasonal or Year-Round Students & Retirees welcome! * Golfing privileges *Uniforms * $15/hour Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club 302.539.8882 COME JOIN THE RAVENS! For more information and to apply please visit our website. Sussex Technical High School is seeking quali ed candidates for the following teacher positions: Applications are also being accepted for the following positions: Automotive Technologies • Cosmetology Technologies Driver Education • Early Childhood Education English • Math • Science Social Studies • Spanish • Special Education Technology Education Night Custodian •
with education and experience.
successful applicant must pass a background check and drug test and is subject to the Town Personnel Policies, including a 90-day probation period. The deadline for consideration is March 15, 2024. To apply, qualified applicants should mail a confidential cover letter, application for employment - found on our website:, and resume to: Town of Millville Town Manager, Eileen Scerra 36404 Club House Rd.; Millville, DE 19967 or email: The Town of Millville is an Equal Opportunity Employer For complete details, email FOR THE SUMMER SEASON! Food Trucks • Entertainment Fitness Classes • Arts & Crafts, etc. EVENT VENDORSWanted! SPRAY TECHNICIAN Full-Time, Year-Round position to start immediately. We offer Medical, Dental, Vacation, Yearly Bonus, Golfing Privleges. $19-$23/hour. Call Glen MacDonald at: Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club 302.539.8882 with current pesticide license Year-Round, Part-Time MOVING HELP Sussex County Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Ocean Aviation Flight Academy seeks Office Assistant Growing Flight Academy with campuses in Berlin, Maryland and Georgetown, Delaware seeks Exceptional Candidate to join our team. Professional Friendly office environment. F/T Weekend availability is a plus. Year Around Position. Responsible for student interaction, dispatch and check in of flights, filing, retail sales and keeping our offices neat and clean. Must be customer oriented and be proficient in data entry and have good computer skills. Previous office or educational experience necessary. Please forward resume to We prefer initial contact be through e-mail only. Qualified applicants will be contacted for in person interviews. Chairside DENTAL ASS’T. Experience Preferred Ocean View Email Resume: Apply online at: AA/EOE Dock Hand • Ramp Attendant Fuel Dock Attendant SEASONAL POSITIONS
Indian River School District. Will Train! 302.245.0315
EOE March8,2024 CoastalPoint 69
for beautiful community in Ocean View. Availability to include days, nights, weekends, and holidays. Excellent people skills a must; some computer
needed for the Southern DE Chorale, a non-pro t community choral organization. Responsible for managing social media, press releases, etc. 20 hours/week; can work from home.
All States Construction is now hiring Excellent Pay & Competitive Bene ts Package Available Give us a call for more info: 410.352.9800 Full-Time Positions Experience Preferred Tools, Transportation, Valid Driver’s License are a Plus WAREHOUSE DELIVERY DRIVER • PAINTERS • S TUCCO & EIFS MECHANICS • L ABORER • CONCRETE WORK • CARPENTER
Join a team that builds Homes, Communities, and Hope!
to develop plans, media contacts, press events and oversee content development.
to implement a variety of Healthy Home Programs that assist Sussex County Homeowners with health and energy efficient repairs.
to manage all grants for Sussex County Habitat for Humanity from conception to close out, as well as provide fundraising support as needed.
to recruit volunteers to support Sussex County Habitat for Humanity's impact and future growth, developing volunteer leadership and raining opportunities and establishing evaluation tools to measure impact and program effectiveness.
Lighthouse Lakes Community; Rt. 54; Selbyville
FT or PT: 10am - 2pm or 2pm - 6pm
is is NOT a Lifeguard position; must be at least 18. Retirees Welcome! Duties include:
Check-ins - Fill Kiddie Pool - Clean (2) Bathrooms Insure Pool Rules are Followed - Empty Trash Bins
Position descriptions at
To apply, email cover letter and resume to:
SCHFH is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Serves as Chief Administrative Of cer with responsibility to enforce Town ordinances, administer budget, and manage Water Plant, Marina, Streets Dept., Security, and Town Hall. Works closely with the Mayor, Board, and Town Committees to implement Town policies and programs. Must have 5-7 years of relevant senior management experience and exceptional skills in leadership, nancial management, planning, public works, and building permits. Prior municipal experience preferred but not required.
to apply: and attach a one-page biography or resume. We will accept email submissions through April 20, ‘24.
30” x 17” HANGING, double Ti any lamp. Beige & red. Excellent condition. $75 302-829-8390
Are you a team player? Someone who follows through? Need a chance to make your mark, and make a difference? We are looking to add a talented person to our high-energy team.
Reviews and approves building permits and construction plans in accordance with Town Building Code. Performs onsite inspections to ensure compliance. Meets with architects, builders, and residents. Must have 5-7 years of relevant experience in architectural design, engineering, or planning. Part-time position of 8-10 hours per week.
Job descriptions posted at:
Send resumes to:
BROYHILL ATTIC Heirloom 2-drawer co ee table. Excellent condition. $100 Please leave message. 302-3622768
SECRETARY DESK, LATE 1800s. Probably cherry, excellent condition. 4 drawers, 10 small drawers. 42”h x 40”w x 20”d. Flap down adds 15”. Can text pics. $999 302-539-9656
1930s BOOKCASES GOOD condition. Approximately 6’h x 3’w. Dark wood, glass doors. $850 each. Text only: 302-864-4029
Perfect condition; all but 2 in boxes. 1994-1998; including Neptune’s Fantasy, Barbie’s Spotlight. Text only: 302864-4029
VINTAGE ETHAN ALLEN sideboy in good shape. 2 louvre doors - rich grey. 20”w x 62”l x 35”h. Very heavy. Can send pics. 302-493-9199
MOROCCAN ANTIQUE hanging lamps; never used. Colored glass - reddish, clear, green, and blue. About 2” tall. Can text pics. $100 each, or $175 for both. Text only: 914-255-7119
TWIN TUB WASHING machine. Mode XpB361288SA. Capacity: 8 lbs. Perfect for dorm, apartment, camping. $30 302.537.7552
COUNTER-TOP refrigerator. 1.5 cu. ft., wood tone. 2 years old, great shape. $25 302-344-0169
WHIRLPOOL, BLACK dishwasher. Works great. $100 302-567-1203
Candidates should have a customer-service background, and be extremely detail-oriented. This is a chance to shine with your multi-tasking tools, and to build and maintain a customer base. You must be pro cient in Microsoft Of ce, have strong communication skills and a terri c work ethic. This is your golden opportunity to join a winning team. E-mail resume with OFFICE MANAGER in the subject line to:
SUSSEX COUNTY HABITAT for Humanity ReStore accepts donations of working appliances 10 years old or less for families in need.
JEEP SOFT-TOP COMPLETE Brand new condition. ts 2007-2018. $300 302229-7898
17” set of 5 machined, black centers. Fit 2018-2024
JL Wrangler. 1 BFG allterrain spare, 285/70/17. $700 301-526-0065
60” BLACK TRUCK TOOL box; 50” silver diamond truck tool box. REDUCED! $50 each. 302-829-8390
2020 TOYOTA RAV 4 never used rubberized car oor mats for front and back seats. $50 609-247-3649
DONATE YOUR CAR/ truck/ RV. Lutheran Mission Society of MD. Compassion Place Ministries help local families with food, clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. MVA licensed #W1044. 410228-8437
OF BETHANY Select “Government Jobs” on bottom
scroll down to “Summer Parking Enforcement Officers” or Town Hall 214 Garfiled Pkwy.; Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Equal Opportunity Employer
For a complete job description and application, visit mile
is now accepting applications for To
a 1
area on foot to enforce parking regulations,
and issue tickets while serving as a Town Ambassador. Seasonal: May 15 - Sept 15 for rotating 6-hour shifts, 10 am - 10 pm. Uniforms are provided. Applications are available at
Submit applications or resumes to
preferred. Competitive salary
for an extra income!
Send resume to:
o ered. Perfect
PT, May through Mid-September
1,000 sq. ft.; 18’h, (2) 10’x 14’ and (1) 10’ x 10’ garage doors. O ce area & loft.
$700/month, electric included with one-year lease. Rt. 17 & Burbage Road 302-745-1657
10’ x 30’ storage units with 10’x10’ garage doors.
Contact Glenn at (302)682.7765
20’ x 40’ STORAGE UNIT, 12’ x 12’ DOOR in Frankford. No businesses. $500/month includes electric. 302.258.5103
3BR/2.5BA unfurnished townhome. Community pool, tennis. Bike to beach. No pets. Good credit. $2,100/month
Call Glenn at Surf Realty, LLC (302)682.7765
BEAUTIFUL 3BR/2BA fully-equipped home in Bethany; walk to beach. $1,750/week
Call Richard: 301.408.8190
Bethany West, Bethany Beach: 3BR/2BA furnished cottage. $2,000/month + utilities + 7% rental tax.
Ocean View Beach Club: 3BR/2BA 2-story townhome with garage. Furnished or Unfurnished. $2,300 per month + utilities.
Taramino Place, The Villas of Lewes: 3BR/2.5BA unfurnished townhome. $2,500 per month + utilities.
Bayville Shores, Selbyville: 3BR/3.5BA fully furnished townhome with garage and water views. $2,650 per month + utilities; minimum 18 month lease.
Fairway Village, Ocean View: 5BR/3BA 2-story home with 2-car garage. Pets considered. $2,900 per month + utilities.
Fairway Villas, Cripple Creek, Dagsboro: 4BR/2.5BA single-family home with 2-car garage. $2,900 per month + utilities.
Stonewater Creek, Millsboro: 2BR/2BA with office or 3rd BR. Single-level home with 2-car garage. $2,950 per month + utilities.
Bethany: 3BR/3.5BA furnished 2-story home with garage overlooking the Salt Pond. Pets considered. $2,950 per month + utilities.
For problem-free management, list your properties with us!
(2) MOTORCYCLE helmets, never used/ T-7 (L) black; Shoei (s-sm), white. $50 302-537-7552
(1) 27” SHARP TV: $30 (1) Sanyo (no remote): $20. All in excellent condition. 757-810-8782
Give me a call, and let me know what I can do for you.
SIENFELD 9-DVD SET $20 OBO. 007 Gold nger series (8 DVDs). Brand new. $25 OBO 757-810-8782
PADDLE BOARDS - SINGLE board set-up: $500; (2) additional boards: $200 each. 302-988-9737
DIGITAL HOME THEATER by Sonar SR-50, 7.1 hi-def. In sealed box, never opened. Originally $300; asking $160. Text only: 914.255.7119
2BR/1.5BA unfurnished townhome. No pets. $1,600/month + util. + 3% rental tax. 302.249.0464
Millsboro. 2BR/2BA unfurnished 1st oor condo. No pets. Available May 1. $1,600/month + util. 302.249.0464
OLD FRIGIDAIRE SIDE-BYside refrigerator. Almond color. It’s old, but still runs. 302-539-9345
5-GALLON SOYBEAN OIL and/or 1 gallon corn syrup. Available for pick up any Monday or Thursday in Ocean View. Call 443-8024602
Blue and beige print. Excellent condition. $200 for both. 717-575-8314
BROWN, WOODEN BAR chairs. Good condition. $15 each. 301-802-0431
RE-LOADER FOR handgun and ri e with accessories. Also MAC Jr re-loader for 12gauge. As is. $350 For more info: 302-855-0631; leave message.
SMALL GROUP OF Responsible Hunters in search of farm/vacant property to rent for deer/waterfowl 2024-2025 hunting season. 410-924-6692
GUN SAFE - BROWNING Gold series. 10 long guns and pistol shelves, dial lock. $450 970-250-0880
LARGE, RED HEAD BRAND winter jacket. Fleece and nylon with blue and black trim. Brand new. $40 OBO 757-810-8782
(82) NORA ROBERTS paperbacks. $20 takes all. (23) F. Scott Fitzgerald books. $20 takes all. 302933-0178
SINGER CONFIDENCE quilter/sewing machine. Used twice. Includes box and instructions. Asking $150 302-933-0178
COLEMAN POINT LOMA Dome shelter. 12’ x 12’. Center height: 7’2”. $75 302-537-7552
SINGER SEWING MACHINE Needs service. $40 301-802-0431
EUREKA SMALL, UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner: $15. Please leave message. 301-802-0431
LIKE-NEW, PORTABLE Singer sewing machine. Used one time. Paid $100; asking $75 OBO. Text only: 302-260-2275
ALAN & ROTH “SALEM” bathroom bronze hardware set. (towel racks, TP rack) New, in package. Was $49.98; asking $38. Text only: 302-233-0415
PFISTER #573329 BRONZE showerhead. New in package. Was $65.70; asking $50 Text only: 302-233-0415
DUNCAN “JACUZZI” centerset sink faucet. Bronze, #1102766. New, in package. Was $59; asking $45 Text only: 302-233-0415
HISENSE PORTABLE AIR conditioner. Free-standing, for a 250 sq ft room, 6,000 BTU. Model #2987534. Used one week. Was $329; asking $225. Text only: 302233-0415
21”, 14 AMP ELECTRIC Sun Joe snow blower. Used only once, garage kept. $80 302-644-0569
(11) 2 LB. BAGS OF ART sand - various colors: $15. 3’ x 2’ cork bulletin board with white frame: $5 302-5377 552
10 ASSORTED NEWSWEEK issues of notable events: 9/11, Shuttle Disaster, etc. $15 302-537-7552
BEAUTIFUL BATH updates in as little as one day. Superior quality bath and shower systems at a ordable prices. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Call now. 877-738-0991
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Do not wait. Call now. Get your free dental information kit with all the details. 855-337-5228 MDDC#6258
PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a Generac home standby generator. $0 money down + low monthly payment options. Request a free quote. Call now before the next power outage. 855-993-0969
turntable AT5L50. Excellent condition. $25 302-6161699
LARGE DOG CAGE & BED Great shape. $10 717575-8314
FANCY GUPPIES - BABIES to adult. Very unique, bright colors. $2 each. Texts preferred. 302-841-4562
LOW COST SPAY AND neutering of cats. Want to save 100s of cats’ lives? Spay or neuter ONE. Call Cats Around Town Society to schedule an operation. 302-355-9979
SCHWINN UPRIGHT 170 stationary bike. Purchased in 2021 for $500. Barely used. Asking $300 OBO 540-490-2320
RECUMBENT BIKE; MINT condition. Displays time, speed, distance, odometer, calories, heart rate. Originally $260; asking $130 302-539-1202
EXERPEUTIC EXERCISE bike. Tracks vitals. Great condition. $60 Text only: 914-255-7119
SHOP FULL OF professional woodworking tools. Can sell separately, To schedule to come see, call 302-5370679or:
WARDROBE BOXES FOR boxes for moving. 717979-2664
SEAMSTRESS TO HELP with model ship hobby project. 302-344-0169
CAR NEEDED FOR WORK Able to pay $1,500-$2,000. Must pass inspection. 302344-0169
MATURE, QUIET, CLEAN N/S seeks private BR/BA or small apartment in area. 410-212-6661
70 CoastalPoint March8,2024
WANTED PETS & SUPPLIES MUSIC MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE HUNTING FREE ELECTRONICS & TVS BOATING & FISHING AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS PETS & SUPPLIES STORAGE SPACE WEEKLY RENTAL CLEANING SERVICES ❏ Sat., Mar. 9 10-1 Moving Sale. Furniture, rugs, and more! Cash and carry. 30632 Huntington Street, Millville by the Sea, Millville, 19967. ✃ YEAR-ROUND All units are N/S, N/P unless otherwise noted. Credit application and security deposit required.
Apts., Frankford: 2BR/2BA 1st-floor unit. $1,600/month + utilities.
more information:
Kim for
a complete list of ourrentals, 32904 Coastal Hwy., Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Wilgus Associates Property Management Division
302.539.7511 x 3030 or 800.441.8118 For
visit our website:
1. Happy Pi Day! In what class do kids get to learn about pi, the never-ending number that begins with the number 3.14?
4. From pi to the sky: ____ York City is known for its giant skyscrapers
8. In a hailstorm, balls of ___ fall from the sky
9. It's the bright, shining ball in the sky that lls every day with warmth and light
10. How many 5D does a plane have?
11. Countdown to takeo : A rocket launches into outer _____
13. Santa has baggage (He packs his giant _____ before he ies through the sky on his sleigh)
16. America's high- ying red, white and blue banner
17. Although the dot in the number 3.14 looks like a period, it's actually a decimal _____
18. Because pi is 3.14, National Pi Day is celebrated each year on ____ 14th
20. It's the homonym of 9A
21. Dumbo is the Disney _______ who used his ears to y
24. Also known as the Caped Crusader, ______ is the defender of Gotham
25. Rhyme time in the sky: We're a butter y's cousins. We come out at night. We really love darkness, but can resist light. What are we?
Parents Down
2. The discovery of pi made it easy to calculate the ____ of a circle
3. Similar to smog, this atmospheric phenomenon caused by pollution blurs the view from a distance
4. Look up: Certain birds (like eagles, hawks and owls) seek to build their ____ in the highest part of the tallest trees
5. Hawk's hang gliding equipment
6. Supersonic mode of transportation
7. High time: It's when the 9A is high in the sky
11. Eagles do it with grace each day
12. Spectacular spectrum: A rainbow casts seven _____ against the backdrop of the heavens
14. While the pesky Japanese beetle can y short distances, the rst one was spotted in America after it hitched a ride on an airline passenger's houseplant
15. If you wrote the number 3.14 on a ____ and let it y, you'd have pi in the sky
17. This cousin of a dove sometimes takes ight after a walk in the park
18. Giant orb in the night sky
19. Campers fall asleep under these twinkling skylights
21. Golden statue given this year to Paul Walter Hauser for his supporting role in "Black Bird"
22. Unlike 24A, not every ____ wears a cape
23. Flying rodent (or what a heavy hitter uses to send a baseball into the great beyond)
By Jan Buckner Walker
March8,2024 CoastalPoint 71
Week’s Solution ™ ™
Pi in the Sky
The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups!
Kids Across KAPD ebooks now available on 3/10/24 © 2024 KAPD, LLC ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: can pony dirt acid In the dictionary THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble ACN RIDT DIAC NYOP ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC IN THE
The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults
Worked with buyers on this Well kept ranch home on large lot in Ocean View.
Recently renovated and meticulously cared for 4 bed, 2.5 bath open concept home with replace, garage, multiple decks and patios, outdoor shower, boat lift, kayak launch. Property sold furnished. Turnkey! Short walk to beach, shops, restaurants, entertainment. $1,495,000 (DESU2052402) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159
Stunning 3,800 sq ft furnished home with 4 Brs, 3 full baths and 2 half baths in the award winning Bayside Resort. Amenities include 18 hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, 4 unique outdoor pools, tennis courts, pickleball, kayaking, ponds, restaurants, Freeman Arts Pavilion, and state of the art Fitness Center with indoor pool. There is so much to do and see. Give me a call if you want to live your best life in Bayside.
$1,750,000 (DESU2056158)
Call Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472
72 CoastalPoint March8,2024 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 37372 HARMONY DRIVE, SELBYVILLE THE REFUGE AT DIRICKSON CREEK Welcome to The Refuge at Dirickson Creek! This large 4 BR/4.5 bath home is located in one of West Fenwick Island's most private resort beach communities. Whether you are looking to make the beach your full time residence and have enough room for guests to visit or looking for that getaway home that offers all the room you need for the entire crew to travel together, this home has it. $639,900 (DESU2049974) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137 Each of ce is independently owned & operated. 607 OLD POST CT, BETHANY BEACH This new custom home was developed, designed and built to cater to the most discerning buyer. Gourmet kitchen that includes custom cabinetry, quartz surfaces, a wine & beverage cooler. Hardwood oors, cabinetry surprises, home automation and spacious rooms abound throughout this 3,500 sq ft home. The complete landscaping package delights with color and de nes the hardscape for the driveway and pathway to the built-in shed, outdoor shower and deck. Neighborhood amenities include a community center, exercise gym, 2 pools (one heated), a playground, tennis and pickleball courts, kayak storage/canal access and fun activities.
(DESU2045282) Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382 NEW MOVEINREADY
GREEN WAY, BETHANY BEACH Rarely available meticulously maintained town home in the desirable community of Sea Colony West! Spacious with an open concept oor plan -3 Bed, 2.5 bath with garage overlooking nature-peace and tranquility are right outside your back door. Offers an abundance of outdoor living spaces- a private gated courtyard, private sundeck off primary bedroom and even an enclosed sunroom outback. Enjoy amenities galore- all that Sea Colony offers. Asking $799,900 (DESU2046922) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 SEACOLONY TOWNHOME
ATLANTIC AVE UNIT 402 This prime investment opportunity is located in the 118 Atlantic Ave Professional Complex on heavily traveled Eastbound Rt 26 in Ocean View. Immediate income producing and currently under long term lease with excellent ROI. Leases available upon request. Ample parking. Agent is owner. $624,900 (DESU2051124) Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND COMMERCIAL 11 OYSTER BAY DR, FENWICK ISLAND Brand New Roof installed on this amazing waterfront home in the town of Fenwick Island on an extra wide canal. Dock your boat in your spacious fenced in backyard.
With some updating would be a great year round or vacation home. Short drive to several restaurants, grocery stores, bank, post of ce, package store as well as the Beach at Bethany, State Parks, Marina etc. $340,000 Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217 JUSTSOLD
81ST STREET, #310 OCEAN CITY BAYFRONT, multiple balconies! RIVENDELLL 2-STORY CONDO Furnished, 5 balconies, 3 beds/2.5 baths Sweeping bay views from every room.
(MDWO2013316) Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004 BAYVIEWS WATERFRONT FENWICKISLAND SOLDIN THEREFUGE! 38175 KEENWIK ROAD, SELBYVILLE KEEN-WIK ON THE BAY Spacious 4 BR 3-bath waterfront home with main level primary suite. Just 2-1/2 miles from the beach in Keen-Wik on the Bay. Dock your boat out back at your private dock with boat lift and enjoy life on the water and easy access to all the best waterfront locations by boat. Custom built home features an open oor plan, bright sunroom and upper deck with bay views. Solar panels and dual HVAC systems make this home energy-efcient, and low HOA dues are just $55.00 per year. Make your plan to see this special property and all of its fantastic features today! $969,000 (DESU2054672) Call Nancye Vermillion (c) 302-500-9255 CANALFRONT! 106 NICOLES CT, MILLSBORO Adorable Beach Home. Welcome to this affordable, spacious and bright 2067 sq ft townhome with an open concept oor plan located in the Villages at Millwood. Well maintained with beautiful upgrades featuring a covered porch, versatile lower level, gorgeous upgraded kitchen, private sundeck, garage, driveway. Enjoy community amenities- lawn care, tness center, outdoor pool. Close to shopping, restaurants, entertainment. Asking $274,900 (DESU2052388) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 OPENHOUSE SUN,3/1011-1 FORSALE INBAYSIDE 38331 BLUEBIRD LN #370 RT 54 WEST FENWICK 2 Bd & 2 FULL Ba W/Sunroom Overlooks a Beautiful Freshwater Lake & is Just STEPS to the Back Pool. Fully Furnished/Turnkey. So Many Features: Replacement Windows, All Appliances & New W/D. Built in's for additional Storage, Recessed Lighting & Fireplace. DON'T Miss this Exceptional Opportunity. Just 2 Miles to the Beach in this Very Popular Community. $360,000 (DESU2052022) Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AGENT! Email: LISTED,SOLD &SETTLED 31748 MILL RUN DR, MILLVILLE This is the home you've been searching for! Great location in Millville close to shopping and approx. 4 miles to beach! Interior Freshly painted, Luxury plank ooring, New kitchen cabinets and stainless appliances, Enjoy cozy evenings in front of the beautiful stone replace, and outdoor living on screen porch and spacious patio! Attached garage. $399,900 (DESU2052342) Call Pam Pridgeon (c) 302-249-1367 OPENHOUSE SAT,3/910-1