Coastal Point — March 15, 2024

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OceanViewnot raisingtaxes

TheOceanViewTownCouncil,at itsTuesday,March12,meeting,introducedanordinancetoestablishthe FY25budget.Itmustbepassedby April30.

Proposedisa$5.9millionoperating budgetand$1.9millioncapitalprogram.Thecurrenttaxrateis.2378per $100ofassessedpropertyvalue.

TownManagerCarolHouckdidnot attendthecouncilmeeting,butatthe Feb.27budgetworkshop,shesaidthe budgetdoesnotincludeapropertytax increasethisyearbuttherewilllikelybe ahikenextyear.

“Ianticipateaone-centincrease throughFY29andIdon’tforeseeour abilitytonotincreasethetaxratein FY26.Wehavemaintainedthetaxrate forthethirdyearinarowandgettingto thecurrentrateincludedathree-cent reductionthreeyearsago.We’reproud ofthatandallwehavebeenabletoaccomplish,”shesaid.


SouthBethanyofficials avoidtaxhike

TheSouthBethanyTownCouncil votedtoholdthelineontaxincreases thisyearandcloseabudgetshortfallof some$25,000byusinginvestmentgains fromitssizeablereservesandmanaged funds.Therewillbenotaxincreasethis year,evenasmajorcapitalprojects,includingraisingtheheightofYorkRoad, atapotentialcostof$2million,loom verylargeforthelocalgovernment.

Thecouncilvotedtodrawdowninvestmentproceedsfromitsreserve funds tocloseasmallbudgetgap. MayorTimSaxtonsaid,“Thebudgetis stillnotbalanced.”


Hughesrecognizedas state’sSmallBusiness PersonoftheYear

OnMondayafternoon,Lord’s LandscapinginMillvillewasbusy withtheusualpre-springstuff—customersperusingbirdingsupplies, pickingupbagsofmulchandthelike.

Amidallofthat,however,there wassomethingmorethantheexcitementofspringinthebuildingascustomersstoppedbytocongratulate ownerAmyHughesonbeingnamed Delaware’sSmallBusinessPersonof the YearbytheU.S.SmallBusiness Administration.

Hughesreceivedwordofthe awardbyemaillastweek,shesaid.In theemail,SBADistrictDirector MichelleHarriscongratulatedher andsaidtheSBA’sSmallBusiness WeekAwardsare“themostprestigiousawardsrecognizingthemany achievementsofAmerica’ssmallbusinessownersandadvocates.”

Thisweek,MillvilleMayorRonald Belinkosaid“itdoesn’tsurpriseme,” whenhelearnedofHughes’award.

“It’salwaysfantasticnewswhen someonewithinyourtownlimits,like Lord’s,isnamed(Small)Business PersonoftheYear,”hesaid.

“It’sjustanexampleofhowour Route26isgrowingandwillcontinue togrow,andourresidentscantakeadvantageofit,”Belinko said.HecalledHughes“anexampleofapositiveleaderin ourcommunity.Notjustabusinessleader,butaverypositiveleaderinthetownofMillville”asawhole,hesaid.

DuringSmallBusinessWeekbeginningApril28, Hughes willattendeventsinWashington,D.C.,representingDelawareandjoiningotherwinnersforworkshopsand anawardsluncheon.

Althoughtheawardcameasasurprise,HughessaidrepresentativesfromtheSBAaswellasU.S.Rep.TomCarper’s officeandthebusinessmentoringprogramS.C.O.R.E. Delawarecameand“didawalk-throughoftheproperty” lastfall.

Hughessaidshehadbeenencouragedbyotherlocal businessownerstogetinvolvedwithS.C.O.R.E.Delaware and isthankfulforthatadvice,aswellasforthementorship

sheexperienced.S.C.O.R.EconsultantLeonardKidwell becameaninvaluablementortoher,shesaid.

Gov.JohnCarneywillbemakingavisittoLord’slaterin theyear, developpromotionsfortheorganization.Sinceshefound outabouttheawardlatelastweek,“allthesepeoplehave beencalling.It’sbeenreallycool,”shesaid.

Inadvanceoftheannouncement,Hugheshadsubmitted preliminarypaperworktotheS.B.A.includingbackground onthecompany.“TheywereveryinterestedinCOVID,and howwepivoted,”duringthepandemic,shesaid.Whilethat periodpresentedachallenge,Hughessaidsheisproudof howhercompanyresponded.

MARCH 15, 2024 THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. Volume 21, Issue 11 FREE Community Village Vols get a new leader in place Page 23 Sports Baseball team looks to make a run at States Page 55
CoastalPoint•KerinMagill AmyHughesofLord’sLandscapingwasrecentlyrecognizedasDelaware’sSmall BusinessPersonoftheYearbytheU.S.SmallBusinessAdministration.

Angeline Cabernet


This wine has a deep garnet hue and aromas of lush cherry, cassis and plum. The rich cherry and plum flavors are layered with hints of vanilla and creamy oak that linger on the palate.

$12.00 Sale $9.60 with purchase of a case

Oyster Bay Pinot


Delicately scented pear and nectarine with a crisp apple freshness and a hint of spice. It's floral, fruity and equally enjoyable as an aperitif or matched with food.

$13.00 Sale $10.40 with purchase of a case

Mondavi Napa

Pinot Noir

Aromas of red berries with toasty cinnamon and nutmeg, thyme, and rose. Raspberry, plum, and red cherry, with dark, earthy notes on the palate.

$40.00 Sale $32.00 with purchase of a case

Matua Sauvignon

Blanc The lively nose shows tropical and citrus fruits with subtle herbaceous characters. Its crisp fresh palate offers classic Marlborough acidity, structure and length. Citrus, crisp, fresh, tropical. $12.00 Sale $9.60 with purchase of a case

Angeline Sauvignon

Blanc Crafted from cool-climate vineyards throughout California, our Sauvignon Blanc is full of zesty key lime, gooseberry, tart apple, and hints of citron, with herbaceous notes and vibrant acidity throughout.

$12.00 Sale $9.60 with purchase of a case



Aromas of crisp green apple, white peach, and a touch of citrus blossom. Notes of fresh pear, kumquat, and lime zest, the palate has minerality and brisk acidity.

$30.00 Sale $24.00 with purchase of a case

The Beach Rose

Subtle and smooth… shows a balanced acidity and minerality with delicious citrus and red fruit flavours.

$17.00 Sale $13.60 with purchase of a case

Bogle Phantom Red

Deeply luscious and succulent blackberries ignite this vintage of our rich ruby apparition. Aromas of anise and sweet fig are embraced by touches of black pepper.

$20.00 Sale $16.00 with purchase of a case

Worthy Cabernet Sauvignon

Dense and purple, with tiers of earthy currant, blackberry liqueur, plum, cassis and violet flavors framed by ample tannins and sweet oak.

$35.00 Sale $28.00 with purchase of a case

Saturdays - Sunday 12-3pm & 3-6pm

Monday - Friday 12-3pm & 4-7pm

St Francis Cabernet Sauvignon Ripe, rich, chewy blackberry and black currant flavors lead onto this wines lush, velvety palate followed by impressions of cedar, tobacco, spice and vanilla with supple, round tannins on the finish.

$23.00 Sale $18.40 with purchase of a case

Hartford Court RR

Pinot Noir

Aromas of black cherry, blueberry, black currant, allspice and loam are followed by flavors of wild raspberries, dark berries and a crushed rock minerality.

$35.00 Sale $28.00 with purchase of a case

Kim Crawford

Sauvignon Blanc

Citrus and tropical fruits backed by characteristic herbaceous notes. An exuberant wine brimming with flavors of pineapple and stone fruit with a hint of herbaceousness on the palate.

$16.00 Sale $12.80 with purchase of a case

Mix and Match: 12, 750ml or 6, 1.5Ls.

Simi Chardonnay

Expressive tropical notes of mango, delicate pear, and bright stone fruit. Lifted aromatics of citrus, lightly spiced with toasty oak and hints of buttery cream add a savory character.It all comes together on the palate with well defined flavors of nectarine and peach.

$17.00 Sale $13.60 with purchase of a case

San Bonifacio

Pinot Grigio

Amazingly refreshing and perfectly balanced Pinot Grigio has primary fruit notes of pear, white nectarine, apple and lime.

$11.00 Sale $8.80 with purchase of a case

Bread & Butter


Chateau Ste

Michelle Rose

Light-bodied rosé that offers bright aromas of watermelon, raspberry, lemon followed with strawberry and citrus zest.

$11.00 Sale $8.80 with purchase of a case

Meiomi Pinot Noir

Soft berry nose; spicy, rich, and long. A crisp, clean blend from three important appellations (Monterey, Santa Barbara, and Sonoma), each of which imparts a special character.

$22.00 Sale $17.60 with purchase of a case

St Mitre Rose Elegant and expressive nose, subtle notes of fresh strawberry, with a hint of floral.

$15.00 Sale $12.00 with purchase of a case

Opens with rich notes of vanilla bean and almond, balanced by a soft minerality and a hint of tropical fruit. Those creamy notes linger and join with savory oak, then lead to a long, smooth finish.

Martini & Rossi

Asti Spumante

Straw color. Fresh, attractive aromas and flavors of caramel corn & pound cake with peach sherbet with a satiny, vibrant, finely carbonated, moderately sweet medium body and a seamless, elegant, long finish revealing notes of candied apricot, golden raisins, & orange blossom honey.

$15.00 Sale $12.00 with purchase of a case

Riondo Prosecco

Boasts fresh aromas of Golden Delicious apple, pear, and acacia blossom. Its persistent effervescence is followed by a crisp, clean finish.

$14.00 Sale $11.20 with purchase of a case

Red Diamond Merlot

Opens with a beautifully knit blackberry, cherry and spice scented nose with a toasty oak background. Sweet fruit on the palate is complemented by medium-bodied but firm tannins.

$10.00 Sale $8.00 with purchase of a case

2 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Rt. 26, Millville, 38014 Town Center Dr., 3 mi. west of Rt.1 next to Millville Town Center | 302.537.8008 Open Mon ~ Thurs 9am-9pm • Fri & Sat 9am-10pm • Sun 10am-6pm Sale prices reflect 20% discount. Some sale wines are excluded. No rain checks or discounts on prior purchases. Other restrictions may apply. Please Drink Responsibly. Not responsible for typographical errors in pricing. oncasesof instock wines Tastings 20% Sat., March 16 - Sat., March 23 SAVE Specializinginprofessional beverageplanning

“Wekeptallofouremployeesand actuallyadded”tothestaff,shesaid.

“Wehired12teenagersthatyearfrom theschoolsthathadshutdown.Wedid schoolboxes,”shesaid,explainingthata teacherfromJohnM.ClaytonElementarySchoolhadaskedherforhelp.

Sincetheshopwasclosedtothepublic duringthefirstmonthsofthepandemic in2020,theLord’sstaffusedthespace topackboxeswith“teachingunits”suppliedbytheschoolforstudentstowork onathome.

Shealsosubmittedinformationon L ord’scommitmentto“givingbackto thecommunity”whichincludeshosting theannualWhimsicalWoods fundraiserandsupportfornumerous localorganizationsincludingSanta’s LettersandBall4All.

Hughes,37,alsorecentlyjoined FundForWomen,aprogramaffiliated withtheDelawareCommunityFoundationwhichprovides,throughgrants, helpwithprogramsthatbenefitwomen andgirlsexperiencingpovertyin Delaware.Thisaffiliationisespecially meaningfultoHughes,shesaid,because heraunts,PollyMervineandLynn Kokjohn,wereamongthefoundersof theFundForWomen.

Shesaidshefeelsespeciallyproudof theawardgiventhefactthatthepropertyhasbeeninherfamilyforseveral

generations,includingtheyearswhenit heldageneralstoreownedbyAmos McCabemorethanacenturyago.

AgraduateofIndianRiverHigh SchoolandtheUniversityofDelaware, Hughessaidshefindsitfascinatingthat bothhermotherandgrandmotherwent to schoolthereaswell,andespecially thatwhenhergrandmotherattended, classesseemedtobefocusedon“howto catertoyourhusband”withhomeeconomicsandnursingtheonlymajors availabletofemalestudents.

HughesherselfmajoredinelementaryeducationatU.D.andafterthat, obtainedhermaster’sdegreefrom WilmingtonUniversity.Shetaughtat IndianRiverHighSchoolfortwoyears andattheSouthernDelawareSchoolof theArtsfortwoyears.

Sherecallsthatwhenshetookover herparents’business,herdaughter,now 9yearsold,wasanewborn.“Mymom wouldbringherhereeverythreehours” soHughescouldfeedher,shesaid.

AlthoughHughes’parents,Donna andBillLord,hadownedthebusiness since1978,shesaidthatduringherown childhoodshewastooinvolvedin sportstospendtimethere.Sowhenshe tookoveronJan.1,2019,thelearning curvewassteep.

Duringthattransition,shesaid,she feltthecommunityhadherback.

“Everyonejustjumpedintohelp,”she said.Therewere,shesaid,“theseintegralpeoplethatjustkindofshowedup


Sherecalledgoingtoatradeshowin AtlanticCitywhenshehadjusttaken overthebusiness.“Everyonethere was…oldmen…Amish…andhereI was,like29yearsold,andobviouslyI standout.”Butshemetoneotheryoung woman,whoeventuallyworkedwith herand“taughtmehowtoorderallthe potteryandshecamehereandtaught me howtodisplayitall.”

“Ithasbeenamazing,”shesaid. HughessingledoutLaurenWeaver,directoroftheBethany-FenwickArea ChamberofCommerce,asoneofher biggestchampions.

Weaversaidsheseesthebenefitsof Hughes’teachingbackground—which sheshares—inmuchofwhatshedoes atLord’s.

“Whatapowerhouse!”Weaversaid. “Sooften,teachersdon’treceivecredit forwhattheyaremanaging.Therelationshipsandthediversificationthat you havetohaveforeverystudent,every class,everysubject…reallytranslates intothebusinessworld,”shesaid.

“Althoughshewouldsayshecamein cold…allofherpastexperience,more thansheknows,hasmadehersuccessful,”Weaversaid.“Andshe’ssocommunity-minded,andIthinkthatwhenyou givebackandyoubringeveryonein, thatjustmakespeoplewanttosupport youevenmore.


March15,2024 CoastalPoint 3 6 North Pennsylvania Avenue • Bethany Beach, DE • 302.537.1500 SUNDAY Brunch BRUNCH IS BACK 10AM-2PM Best Brunch at the beach! SUNDAY CARRYOUT SPECIAL 20% Off Wings | 15% Off Family Meals Off-Season 2024 SPECIALS Bethany Beach, DE MONDAY Burger Night $8 BYO Burger • Over 60 Choices $5 Craft Drafts TUESDAY Taco Tuesday $3 Chips & Salsa $4 Blues BBQ Tacos (Brisket + $1.5) $8 BBQ Quesadilla (Brisket + $1.5) $8 Nachos (Choose your BBQ, Brisket + $1.5) $7 House Margaritas $3 Modelo Pints • $4 Corona Bottles Carryout Special $45 Nacho Kit + Taco Kit + 4 Pack Margaritas WEDNESDAY Wing Night Half Priced Wings $6 Half LB. Boneless Wings $8 Pig & Frizzles Bingo | Triple B Entertainment 5:30 - 7:30PM Open 7 Days: Mon-Thurs 4-Close • Fri - Sat 11:30-Close • Sun 10-Close THURSDAY Meat & Potatoes $18 Chef Inspired Entrees Half Priced Bottles of Wine FRIDAY Rye-Day Sagamore Spirit Specials SATURDAY HAPPY HOUR 11:30AM - 6PM Available at the Bar and Bar Rail HAPPY HOUR Monday - Saturday Open - 6 PM Available at the Bar and Bar Rail To reserve tickets, 30220 Piney Neck Road | Dagsboro, DE 19939 Open Thursday - Sunday 9am - 4pm Adults $15 Children 16 & Under - Free Guided Tours Available Additional $10 Make Reservations Online Now Open for the Season Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea Over 200,000 Spring Bulbs in the Piet Oudolf Meadow & the Folly Garden Delaware Botanic Gardens Spring Bulb Tour Fri, March 15th | Thurs, March 28th Register Online | $10/Person + Admission Photo by Stephen Pryce Lea Open Fri & Sat 10-4 • Sun 11-4 302-537-1414 Coastal Hwy. & Dagsboro St., Fenwick Island
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Hughes Continuedfrompage1

EnvironmentalistsfromtheSierra Clubandalliesinfavorofoffshorewind productionoffthecoastofBethany Beach,FenwickIslandandOceanCity asacleanenergyresourceforMaryland, ralliedinsupportofthetwoU.S.Wind projectsataDNRECpresentationat BethanyBeachTownHallonTuesday,


Justfollowingthatrally,protesters fromthe38thDistrictRepublicanClub, whoareanti-offshorewind,cameto townhalltoexpressdispleasureatthe potential impactononshoringcablesat 3R’sbeachhereandtheimpacton recreation.TheRepublicanclubisconcernedaboutcablesbecomingexposed onthebeachesandinlandbaysandthe threattorecreationalfishing,boating,

andlocalbirdsandwildlifebreeding grounds.

Theserallieswerecalled“pop-up” showsofsupportorapop-upprotest, dependingontheviewpoint.Theexcitementcameat3p.m.onTuesday whenthetwosidesoverlappedbriefly.

“Ihavebeenagainstoffshorewind foryears,datingbacktowhenIchaired theHouseEnergyCommitteewhen BlueWaterWindwasproposingaprojectoffofourcoast,”saidStateSen. GeraldHocker(R-20)whoischairof the StateSenateRepublicanCaucusat anearlierdate.“Ihavehadalotofconcernbroughttomebyresidentsandofficialsofthebeachcommunitiesinmy districtaboutthenegativeimpactoffshorewindfarmswouldhaveonour touristindustry.Wemustdowhatwe cantoprotectthataswellastheenvironmentalongourcoast.”

Accordingtohiscommunications director,MattRevel,“SenatorHockeris awareoftworallies,oneeachbyeach sideofthisissue,butneitheraresanctionedbyorsupportedbyanylegislator thatIamawareof.”

“ThegoodpeopleofDelaware, joinedbyMarylandconcernedcitizens, cameoutbythedozenstodemonstrate ourresolvethatforeign-ownedcompanyUSWindwillnotcomeoffour shores,”saidtheRepublicandistrictvice chairinasocialmediapostonWednesday.

BethanyBeachMayorRosemary Hardimannotedthatwhiletownhall wasusedasthemeetingvenuefordisplaysonrecreation,thetowncouncil hadnoroleintheplanning.However, Hardimanwashelpfultoallinterested parties.


4 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Experiencehowthelatesttechnologycan improvedirectionalityofsoundandautomatically adapttochangingsoundelds. SwingIntoSpring Veteran Owned and Operated Kivoney Mehrer, H.I.S Co-owner 32566 Docs Place, Suite 2, Millville, DE 19967 Across From Giant Supermarket (302) 251-8252 • Stayactiveandsafewithhearingaids thathavetheabilitytodetectafalland alertyourlovedones. Callnowtoscheduleafreeconsultationand demonstrationofprescriptivehearingdevices! a 1 3 0 rui O/ H 0:30 : o @ Windpresentationdrawssupporters,protestors




“Weremoved$20,000(fromthefiscalbudget)fortheGISprojectbecause it’salreadyinthisyear’sbudget,”said Bartholomew.“Weaddedthe$3,000 fortheYorkRoadstudy.Withthese changes,weareatadeficitof$25,650. Wedidnotchangeanythinginthe canalwaterqualitylineitems.There willbenochangestoCWQandwater qualitybudgets.”

Withthoseaccountingmoves,South Bethanyreducedwhatmighthavebeen a$40,000deficitbudgettojust$25,650 andisbalancingthebudgetwiththeinvestmentgains.



“Whatherparentsbuiltandthatshe embracedandistakingtothenextlevel, issuchatestamenttoeverysmall-businessdream,”Weaver.Shealsolauded Hughes’recruitmentandembraceof everygeneration,fromstudentstoseniorcitizens,inherbusinessandinher supportofthecommunity.

“Shedeservesalltheaccolades,” Weaversaid.

TheboostHughesgotfromthe communitywhenshetookover,shesaid,

“Weneedtohaveaconversationon thenextsteponthisdeficit,”said Bartholomew.“Wecouldraiseproperty taxesbecausethreeofourdriverson revenuearealreadymaxedout.

“Iftherewasapropertytaxincrease, wewouldhavehadtoraisetaxrates from$1.30perhundredto$1.36.Our totalpropertytaxis$540,000andthat hasnotbeenthedriverofour(town) revenueinpastyears,”headded.“The otheroptionistotakeitoutofreserves.”

Heindicatedthattherewasasizeableincreaseinthreeofthefourtown investmentfunds.Additionalfunding fortheYorkRoadengineeringstudy wastoincreasethetown’scostshare (withFEMA)fundingby$3,000.


hasbeentheimpetusforherowncommitmenttocommunityservice.“Workingtogetherforacause”isespecially gratifyingbecauseofthedepthofconnectioninthecommunity,Hughessaid.

TheCOVID-19pandemicbrought thoseconnectionstothefore,Hughes said,aseveryonelearnedhowtosurvive inwhatwereunchartedwatersformost. Forexample,shesaid,astheydeveloped curbsidepickupservices,“wewouldsell stuffforotherbusinessesthroughour curbsidepickup.”

“Itwasaprettycoolthing,becauseso manypeoplewereinvolved,”shesaid,

ningbasedontwoworkshopsheldin Februaryonlong-rangeplanningand onbudgetandfinance.

“ Wedecidedtopushthebudget presentationtoaworkshop”(setting), saidSaxton.“WewantedRenee(McDorman),RandyandMaureen(Hartman)tomakethechangesthecouncil recommended.

“Weneedtoeliminatethedeficit,” hesaid.

MayorProTemTimShawpushed back.“Iamnotafanofdippingintoreservesbecauseeventuallyyoudon’thave anyleft,”saidShaw.“Iwouldbeinfavor ofincreasingtherevenuesourcesincludingtaxes.

“Ourcostsarenotgoingtobegoing down.Ifwedipintoreserves,wewill nothaveanyleftbeforelong.”


and Lord’swasabletousetheirfacility andtheiremployeestohelpotherbusinesses.

Duringthenineyearsshehasrun Lord’s,thebusinesshasgrownfrom12 employeestonearly50,andhasgone fromfourdivisionstosix—thegarden center,thenearlytwo-year-oldMercantilegiftandhomedécorshop,afiveacregrowingfacilityacrossthestreet fromthecommercialbuildings,alandscapingdesigndivision,amaintenance divisionanda“smallinstall”division that handlessmallerinstallationsof plantsthatdon’trequireadesigner.

willwanttousetheinterestwemakeon ourinvestmentsandhaveourfundsremaininreserves.”

“Itishardtotellpeopleyouhavea surplus(frominvestmentaccounts)and yetwewantmoremoneyfromyou,” saidChrisKeefe.

“WearegoingtofirsthaveChris Keefepresentthelong-rangeplanning report.Ourintentofgettingthisout thereisthatweweresupposedtoput numbersagainstthelong-rangeplans,” said Saxton.

KeefecitedaUniversityofDelaware reportonurbanplanningandwhatthe localtownplanningnumbersmight looklike.“Itwasalimitedvalidationof thenumbersthatwehaveherein2024 dollars,”inthetown’sstrategicplan,she


“We’renotjustsellingplants,”she said.

Overall,though,Hughessaidthe goalshesetforherselfandherstaff,is “tousethispropertytodogoodforthe community.”

Sherecalledaconversationearlierin thedaywitharepresentativefromthe S.B.A.regardingtheAprilawards luncheon.“Iaskedher‘whatshouldI wear?’”Hughessaid,towhichtheanswerwas“businessattire.”

“Iwearleggingsandt-shirtsto work,”shesaid.“IguessI’mgoingto havetogoshopping.”

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 5 CEILING FANS INSTALLED Fast Professional Service Services Include: No Job Too Small! 41 years’experience Tommy Thompson Licensed Electrician 302.228.0038 Free Estimates Owner Operated Ceiling Fan Installation Light Fixtures Additional Outlets Service Calls Security Lighting Electrical Repairs Get Y r Spring Glow! 302-525-0822 • • 34548 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View Eastern Shore PERMANENT MAKEUP BELLISSIMA SKIN Permanent Makeup (Eyeliner, Brows, Lips, SMP) Facials • Waxing Lashes • Cryo Therapy e Electr SALE! Easy to ride! More speed & s $1199 uiser ric Cr distance. stance. ! W AS... AS LO Comfort, Stability, P y u un! erformance & F Fu bility, Performance nowledge&Exp &E K ld&E ELECTR gp i perience...Selliingebikes S ngebikes ineSe TION VICE LOCAATION SER FULL RICBIKEE p g forover15 EXPERTS PERRT www.thebicycleconnection. 302-537-1040 Bethany Beach, DE 19930 ues.-Sat. 10am-5pm T Tues.-Sat. .com 302-988-2266 Selbyville, DE 19975 ed.-Sat. 10am-4pm W Wed.-Sat.


“Theintentistogetsomethingout thereinthepublicofwhatwethink theseprojectsaregoingtocostandthe timelines,”shesaidofthepublicdocument.“Wehavecomealongwaysince October,andwehavebeenworkingfor four-to-fivemonthsnowonthebudgets goingforward.Wehaveallcomealong way.

“Itisveryaccurateinthetwo-tofour-yearrange,anditgetsdiceyafter thatbecausewedon’tknowwhatwe don’t’know,”shesaid.








FinanceDirectorDawnParks,while presentingthemonthlyfinancereport, said99percentofthetown’srealestate taxeshavebeenpaid.

ShesaidtheAmericanRescuePlan fundbalanceisabout$244,000andallof itisencumbered,tobeusedforthepurchaseofpropertyacrossfromJohnWest


Inthestormwatermanagementarea, SouthBethanyhasthreeprojectsgoing forward.YorkRoadfloodmitigationis goingforward.“Weareworkingwith themitigationteamtoaddressYork Road,”shesaid.“Itcouldbe$2million whichisagoodnumberwecansettle onrightnow.”

Raisingroadsandraisingbulkheads isbeingputoffbythetowncouncil.

“ Wecannotbejudgmentalaboutwhat itwilltake;butwewilldoregularmaintenanceontownroadsandcanalbulkheads.Weneedtowaittogetnew projectsfunded,andthefirstisYork Road.”

“Wehavetoconcentrateonwhatis themostimperative,”saidKeefeofthe long-rangecapitalimprovements.

“Thereisnotalotoffundingforthe dredging,”saidKeefeoftheplans.“I likethatlineitemkeptwithCanal

Park,at8OakwoodAve.andtobuilda storagefacilityforthepolicedepartment.


OfficerTaraMazzawaswelcomedto theforceandhonoredwithaluncheon.

MayorJohnReddingtonaskedthe officeraboutanewstatelawrequiring theformationofCitizens’Advisory Committeesandhesaidtherearerequirementsmembersmustmeet,and thatsomebodyfromtheclergy“and otherwalksoflife”willbeonthecom-


“Beachreplenishmentcouldzoom rightuptothetop,butitdependson whattheDNRECstudywhichcomes outinthefallhastosay.Theywillbe tellingushowwemustcomplyand whatthedecisionisontowncostshare,” forreplenishment.

“ThankstoEdieDonderoforgettingtheresiliencycommitteegoing. Edie,andyourteamdidalotofworkto getusthisfar.Ihopewedosomething aboutit.”

Donderoaddedthatraisingroads andraisingbulkheadsisstillinthe planningstages.

“These(infrastructure)dollarsare verylarge.Wemayneedtodosome non-bindingbondstoaffordthese majorprojects,”saidSaxton.

Bartholomewsaiditwouldrequirea specialassessmenttomeetotherstreets andcanalbulkheadprojects.

mittees.OceanViewispartneringwith thetownsofBethanyBeach,Fenwick IslandandSouthBethany.GailDriver, avolunteeratthepolicedepartment, willbechairwoman.


MayorJohnReddington,intheabsence ofTownManagerCarolHouck, readthetownmanager’sreport,stating thetown’spurchaseofpropertyat8 OakwoodSt.,forabout$89,000froma DNRECgrant,willbeusedinassociationwithJohnWestPark.


Houckattendedthe2024JoshuaM. FreemanFirstResponderAwards luncheononFeb.6,atwhichthe Bethany-FenwickAreaChamberof Commercehonoredoutstandingpolice officers,paramedics,EMTsandfirefighters“whohelpkeepthelocalcommunitiessafethroughouttheyear.”


Shawsaid,“Wearegoingtohaveto askthetownbeforeweencumberthem onlong-termdebt.”

TheBRICgrantwassubmittedon Feb.1,accordingtotownmanagerreports:“Thefollowingweek,CouncilwomanDonderoandTownManager MaureenHartmanwereinvitedtoacall with staffofDEMAtodiscusstheapplication.ThefeedbackfromDEMA abouttheBRICapplicationwasenthusiasticandpositive.Theysuggested someminorchangesthatwereimmediatelyaddressed.Inaddition,DEMA suggestedthattheTownsubmitthe sameprojectundertheFloodMitigationAssistance(FMA)grantprogram.”

Thecapitalprojectswerereviewed andupdatedincludingtheRightof WayProject.

tonwasnamedOceanViewOfficerof theYear.

HouckattendedaFeb.26meeting withtheIndianRiverBoardofEducationconcerningfundingforaschoolresourceofficerandsaidalthoughittook awhiletoreachanagreement,“weare happywewereabletodoit.”

HouckandMcLaughlinattended theMarch1graduationceremonyfor newpoliceofficerTaraMazzaandhad theopportunitytomeetherfamilyand friendswhoattended.Therewasa swearinginceremonyonFeb.29.


MayorJohnReddington,whilepresentingthemonthlyfiredepartmentreport,saidtheMillvilleVolunteerFire Departmentrespondedto219callsin February,eightmorethanlastyearat thistime.Ofthosecalls,193wereEMS calls.Twenty-threecallswereinOcean View,sixlessthanlastyear,Reddington said.

6 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Check Our Website or Call for Current Hours 33119 Main Street Dagsboro, Delaware 19939 (302) 927-0601 Order Online @piecesonmain A Carefully Curated Mix of Old & New Furniture • Antiques Home and Kitchen Gifts • Local Art Vintage Finds Now Carrying Debi’s Design Diary DIY Furniture Paint
Budget Continuedfrompage5 SeeBUDGETpage7


informationalexhibitssessionthat BOEMhadattheIndianRiverHigh Schoollastfallwheretherearedisplays andpeoplecanwalkaroundandaskthe DNRECfolksquestions,”saidHardiman.“Theannouncementmakesme thinkthatitisgoingtobelikethatbut thisisDNREC’smeeting.”

RayBivens,directorofDNREC’s DivisionofParksandRecreation,said Parksstaffwouldbeavailablethroughoutthefour-houreventonTuesdayto answerquestions.Visitorswereableto arriveatanytimeduringtheeventto browsethedisplaysandaskquestions.

“Whilethescopeofthiseventis limitedtosharinginformationabout theimpactofrecreationalactivitiesat theparkand,specifically,theparkinglot (at3R’sbeach)whereconstructionis anticipatedtobetakingplace,webelieveparkvisitorswillbenefitfromthe informationbeingpresented,”Bivens said.

ShawnM.Garvin,Secretaryofthe DelawareDepartmentofNaturalResourcesandEnvironmentalControl (DNREC),saidtheDepartmentis committedtoengagingthepublictothe


ThisisaTownMaintenanceproject thatstartedinFall2023.“Ithasbeen wellreceivedbythepublicandhas madeasignificantdifferencetomany streets.Phase2willbeginintheFallof 2024.Theprojectisonscheduleand needsnoadditionalfunding,”saidthe townreport.

TheGISmappingservicesprogram isalsounderway.“Thistowndatamanagementsoftwareservicewillassistthe townwithcapitalprojects,planning, andlocationinformationofexistinginfrastructure.Itwilldigitizecurrenttown non-digitizeddataandallowthetown stafftoupdatedatabaseseasily.”

TheTownCodeRewriteandReviewprojectisintheprocessofengagingacompanytoreview,rewrite,and updatethetown’sCode.ThisCodeupdatewillhelpallpartieswhousethe codetoeasilyaccessandunderstandthe sectionsoftheCodethatarepertinent totheirneeds.Thisprojectshouldbe finishedbytheendof2025.

“YorkRoadFloodMitigationStudy andDesignProjectisunderwaywith theResiliencyCommitteewhichhas preparedaScopeofWorkdocument followingthereceiptofaGrantfrom FEMAforaFloodMitigationStudyof theYorkRoadArea,”saidthereport.

“Wedoexpecttohaveaprofitor surplusfromlastyear,”said Bartholomew.“Wewillhaveover $250,000tofundtheARMandmaintenanceasrequired.Balancingthereserves,wehave$1.8millionfor infrastructure.Therecouldbeadditional interestincomeinthataccount.”

greatestextentpossiblethroughoutthe project’sdevelopment.

“USWind’sproposaltobringtransmissionlinesashoreinDelaware,along withGov.Carney’sannouncement aboutnegotiatingapotentiallease,have generatedconsiderablepublicinterest,” SecretaryGarvinsaid.“Whiletheformalpermittingprocessisongoing,this publicengagementeventprovidesusan opportunitytosharehowthisdiscrete portionoftheprojectwillimpactrecreationalaspectsatthepark.”

The38thDistrictRepublicansralliedtheirmembershipandhadastrong turnoutatthecornerofGarfieldParkwaynearRoute1.

“TheBethanyBeachTownCouncil isagainwelcomingforeign-ownedUS WindtotheirTownHalltoshowcase USWind’sbiasedpresentationoftheir plantobringhighvoltageelectricalcablesfromtheMaryland-offshore-windturbineprojectontoDelawareState Park3R’sBeach.Thisisonadirectcol-

lisioncoursewithnumerousbabyhorseshoecrabnurseriesintheRehoboth Bay,disruptingtheirenvironmentwith abarrageelectromagneticpulsesand deafeningsoundwaves.”

The38thDistrictRepublicanClub continued:“USWindplanstopresent therecreationalimpactsofoffshore windturbines.Despitetheextensiveevidencethatoffshorewindfarmsdevastatemarinemammals,migratingbirds, istoxictotheenvironmentandisinno waygreenexceptforthecolorofthe moneyUSWindwillcollectfrom Delawareresidents,GovernorCarneyis welcomingforeignownedUSWind— andgivingthemthegreenlighttolease Delawarestatelandon3R’sbeach, withoutaddressingcitizens’concerns, withoutavote,andwithouttheconsent ofthepeople.

“USWindplansonlytoaddressthe highvoltageelectricalcablesthatthey wanttobringashoreontoDelaware landatthispublicinformationalexposi-

tion.Yes,theconstructionsurrounding theundergroundcableswillbevisible,” statedthe38thDistrictRepublican Club,“andastructurewillbebuiltto housethemechanicsonthestatearkof 3R’sbeachaswellasaparkingstructure.”

“Despitetheplantoburyhighvoltagecablesinthesand,thereisnoguaranteethatthehighvoltagecableswill remainunderground,astheyhavenotin otherplaceswhereoffshorewindcables havecomeashoreontothebeach.”

The SierraClubstatedthatitisin favorofmovingnorthfromMaryland’s offshorewindprojectsand“doingan OffshoreWindprojectforDelawarein 2024,”saidDustynThompson,chapter directoroftheDelawareChapterofthe SierraClub.

“Wearerunningoutoftimetogeta realoffshorewindprojectforDelaware beforewemissourclimategoalsand

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 7 Ocean View: Open Daily 10am–5pm 30244 Cedar Neck Rd. Watch Batteries Installed | Watch Bands Installed Bracelet Watch Bands Shortened | Key Fob Batteries Installed (Wach Batteries & Repairs Not Included in Sale) 302-539-6597 50% OFF 500 pcs. Swimwear, Dresses & Coverups SPRING ARRIVING! Ladies 3 Season Jackets Valued $159 Our Price $49.95 6 Colors! Hidden Hoods (Sizes Small through 2X) Lands End Jeans Valued $69 NOW $24 Over 45 Racks of Spring In Stock Men’s Hawaiian Shirts $29.95 25 Prints to Choose From! (Sizes Small through 2X) Downtown Bethany: Open Friday-Sunday 10am–5pm 98 Garfield Parkway
Continuedfrompage4 SeeWINDpage12


NewOceanViewPoliceOfficerTara MazzahasbeenonthejobsincegraduatingfromtheacademyonMarch1, gettingtoknowresidentsandalways keepinginmindthewisdomofher grandfather,Sgt.CharlesBryceland,a retiredNewYorkPoliceofficer.

“IalwayslookeduptohimandIstill dotothisday,forsure.Hewasabig partofmylife.Igrewuplisteningtohis storiesaboutthecareerhemadefor himselfanditinspiredme.HewasretiredbythetimeIwasgrowingupbut policeworkisstillabigpartofhislife. Hedidalotofundercoverworkanda lotofdrugwork,too,sohedefinitely gottoseealot.Heisawealthofknowledge.Hehasbeenagreatmentorfor me,givingmetipsandtellingmehow tostaysafe,”the22-year-oldNewJersey nativesaid.

Dangerspolicefacedon’tgreatly concernMazza,whoconcentrateson “therewardbeingbiggerthantherisk involved.”

“Mygrandfathersaidithimself,too, that hemetmorepeopleonthejobwho inspiredhimtokeepdoingpolicework thanpeoplewhoturnedhimawayfrom it.Thereissomuchgoodwecando,especiallyinatownlikeOceanView

wherewecangettoknowtheresidents andbepartofcommunitypolicing,” saidMazza,whowasaseasonalofficer forthetownofBethanyBeachfortwo summersandforthetownofOcean Viewforone.

WhenshelearnedOceanViewwas hiringafull-timeofficer,sheapplied whilestudyingatImmaculataUniversityinEastWhitelandTownship,Pa.

AnativeofWoodbridge,N.J., Mazza,agraduateoftheDoverMunicipalPoliceAcademy,enjoyedexperiencesasaseasonalofficer.

“Overthesummeritwasverydifferent.Igottomeetmoretourists.Youget somanydifferentperspectives.People inthesummerarecomingfromso manydifferentbackgrounds.Inthe winteryougettoknowpeoplewholive hereallyear.Ienjoywalkingthrough theschoolandtalkingtothekidsevery day.It’sanicetownandChiefisbigon communitypolicing,”shesaid,referring toOceanViewPoliceChiefKenneth McLaughlin.


isoftentherewhenstudentsarepicked upanddroppedoffinthemorning.

“IgotacouplehugswhenIwas helpingthemoutofthecar.Theyare sweet,”Mazzasaidaboutthestudents.

Inyearstocome,hergoalsinclude trainingtobeaDrugRecognitionExpert“whereyoucan,ifyouareonatrafficstopandyouthinksomeoneis impairedbydrugs,domoreadvanced fieldtests.WehaveoneinOceanView, Cpl.JustinHopkins.HisK-9sniffsfor drugs.IgottoseeCpl.Hopkinswork withhisK-9.It’scooltowatch,”she said.

“Iwanttoexploredifferentthings thatI’dliketodowithlawenforcement. ForrightnowIamenjoyingstartingto getmoreconfidentwitheverythingand talkingtopeopleandgoingouton complaints,”shesaid,crediting McLaughlinforadvisinghertobecareful andteachingherthevalueoflearningnotonlyfromotherofficersbut from“eachpersonyoucomeincontact withonthestreet.”

“Iwantedtobeapoliceofficersince Iwasinhighschool.Myparentswere worriedaboutmysafetywhenItold thembuttheyknewhowdrivenIwas andthatIreallywantedtodothis,” Mazzasaid.

“Idefinitelywanttodothislong term.”

8 CoastalPoint March15,2024
CoastalPoint•DarinJ.McCann OfficerTaraMazzaisthenewestadditiontotheOceanViewPoliceDepartment.


Millvillewillspend$160,000toconstructabulletproofwallinitstownhall, addressingconcernsforthesafetyof townemployees.

Theproject,approvedbytheTown Councilbyavoteof4-1earlierthis week,willtakeaboutamonthtocompletewhiletheballisticconstructionmaterialswilltakeabouttwomonthsto procure,accordingtoMorganHelfrich ofGeorge,Miles&Buhr.

GGIBuildersInc.submittedthelow bidof$141,641fortheproject,Helfrich toldthecouncil.Withtheadditionof paintandnewflooring,theprojectwill costatotalof$160,000.


Inc.,wereallgiventheopportunitytoresubmitbidsafterthescopeoftheproject wasslightlyreduced,eliminatedsome HVACwork,Helfrichsaid.

Theadditionalfundingwillbeused forpainting,flooring“andanychange ordersthatmaycomeupduringconstruction,”Helfrichsaid,addingthatthe townhasitsowncontractorsforthose partsoftheproject.

CouncilmemberRobertWisgirda askedHelfrichifthetownhadreceived grantsforanyofthecostoftheproject. “Wedidnot,”Helfrichsaid.“Unfortunately,wemisseditforthisfiscalyear,” shesaid,addingthatthetownwould havetowaitanotheryeartocompletethe workifitweretoapplyforgrantsnow.

“Idon’twantustomissoutonthose grants,”Wisgirdasaid.


linkothatthematerialstobeusedwould behighqualityandwouldmeetthe town’sneeds.Sheaddedthat“there’sa verylongleadtimeforthisballisticdoor thatyou’veordered,”thusthe105-day projectcompletionestimate.Shesaidthe projectwouldpossiblyimpacttownoperationsforabout35daysduringtheactualconstruction.

“They’rehavingsignificantchainof supplyissues,”particularlyfortheballisticmaterials,Helfrichsaid.

Belinkosaid“thesafetyofouremployeesisreallytop-notchhere.Youcan’t takeanythingforgranted,”hesaid, addingthathewonders“whetherwe shouldputsomethinguphere”indicating inthemeetingroom,toprotectpeople there.“I’mnotbeingfacetious.Things arehappeningallover,andit’sfrighteningandyoudon’tknowwho’sgoingto

goballisticonyou,”hesaid. Wisgirdavotedagainstapprovingthe awardingofthecontracttoGGI,saying thathewouldratherwaittodothework untilthetownfindsoutifitcouldobtain agrantforit.

Inotherbusiness,thecouncilapprovedfinalsiteplansfora7,000square-footmedicalbuildingtobe locatedattheintersectionofOldSchool LaneandCedarDrive.SeanCummings ofMikenBuilderssaidhisfamily’sbusinesspurchasedthepropertyaboutfour yearsago.Plansareforhissister,adermatologist,tomoveintoabouthalfof thebuilding,leavingtheotherhalffor anothertenant.

Millville’sPlanningandZoning CommissionvotedinOctober2023to recommendthatthecouncilapprovethe finalplansforthetwo-storybuilding.

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The2024BethanyBeachSeaside ConcertSerieswillbeginJune6and continuethroughOct.27,perorganizers.

Summerconcertswilltakeplaceon ThursdaynightsinJune,JulyandAugustat7:30p.m.SeptemberandOctobershowswilltakeplaceonSaturday andSundaynightsat6:30p.m.The FourthofJulyweekisanexception, withnightlyeventsSundaythrough Thursday.

Elevenactswillbemakingtheir debutontheBandstand.Theywilljoin anarrayofpopularreturninggroups and crowdfavorites.Audiencepolls showrockisstillthenumberonerequestedgenre,followedbytribute,then atieforthirdbetweencountryandpop. Theserieswillwellrepresentthesegenresandsupportabroaddemographic.

“Theaudiencesareaccustomedto seeingshowbandsnow,”saysEvents DirectorJulieMalewski.“Theycometo theBandstandtoappreciatethecaliber ofthetalent,notjusttolistentomusic.”

TheDaveMatthewsTributeBandis theonlynationallytouringtributeto DMB.Thegroupwillmakeastopin BethanyonJune6.Theshowdelivers iconicsoundsthatDMBfansaredrawn tosuchashighenergyviolin,jazzysaxophone,sparklingacousticguitar, smoothbass,andexplosivedrumming. ThefollowingThursdaywillfeature Cellofest,aculminationofaweekof classicalcelloinstructionhostedin BethanyBeachbyTheCelloMuseum.

Julyintroducesthebiggestnumber ofnewactstothelineup.Thisyear’s FourthofJulyparadeandfireworkswill take placeonThursday,July4.The

March Events

1974willprovidetheeveningentertainment,playingthosebig‘70shitsby thoselittle‘70sbands.

Kids/teennightswillonceagaintake placeeachWednesdayinJuly.Carnival NightonJuly3willfeaturethereturn ofchildren’sentertainerMr.Jonfollowedbyvarietyentertainer,Boston Bachert,whocombinesmagic,juggling, circusarts,andmore.Mr.Hetfield’s RockandRollSummerCampwill showcasethisyear’snewcropofyoung, localtalentonJuly31.

July11thfeaturestheuniquestylings oftheU.S.ArmySix-StringSoldiers. Thisfive-membergroupisthemost followedmilitarymusicgroupinthe worldandperformscountry,Americana, andbluegrassmusicwithunique acousticcovers.Thepowerfulrockshow by7Bridges:TheUltimateEaglesExperiencewilltakeplaceonJuly18.This groupusesnobackuptracksorharmonizersastheyfaithfullyexecutetheEaglessoundanddelivertheperfectblend of hitstocapturealllevelsofEagles fans.Michigansinger-songwriterKanin WrenchannelsSwiftieswithherTaylor SwiftExperienceonJuly25.Wren’s showincorporatesfunchoreography andmultiplecostumechangeswhile coveringhitsfromSwift’salbumanthology.

Aug.1bringslocalbandDecade80 whowillappealtothe“HeadbandNation”withanthemsfromthatdecade. Parrotbeachwillpayhomagetothelate greatJimmyBuffettwithasummerseasonfinaleontheSundayofLaborDay weekend,Sept.1.

KennyChesneyfanswillflocktoNo ShoesNationBandonSept.28.Hailing fromBoston,thesefiveaccomplished musicianspaytributetocountrystar KennyChesney,whoseshowmanship andincrediblecatalogofBillboardhits sellsoutstadiumsnationwide.

TheRockOrchestrareturnsforanotheryear,butthistimethegatheringof DelawareValleymusicianswilldeliver note-for-noterenditionsoftheFleetwoodMaccatalogonOct.6.

Alleventsaredependentupon weatherandbeachconditions.Summer movieswilltakeplaceonMondayson thebeachoffGarfieldParkwayJune3 throughAug.26,andfallmovieswillbe shownonFridaysontheBandstand Sept.13,20and27—allatdusk.BonfireswilltakeplaceinOctober.

TheTownofBethanyBeachoffers theseandothereventsforfreetothe publicincludingthePoseidonFestival andSongwriterShowcase.Moredetails andweatherupdateswillbepostedat: www.townofbethanybeach.comunder

Activitiesandonsocialmediapages: Facebook,Twitter(X),andInstagram (clicktheiconlinksatthetopofthe homepage.)

2024Seaside ConcertSeries: JUNE

•June6—TheDaveMatthews TributeBand



•June27—TheHathwayBrothers •June30—287thArmyBand



•July3—CarnivalNight,6-9pm, Mr.Jon,BostonBachert



• July11—USArmySixString Soldiers




•July25—KaninWren’sTaylor SwiftExperience

•July31—Mr.Hetfield’sRock& RollCamp



•Aug.8—USAFMaxImpact8/15 USNavySeaChanters8/22StillSurfin’ •Aug.29—VanHalenNation8/31 JesseGarron




•Sept.15—BroadwayattheBeach •Sept.21—RealDiamond •Sept. 22—LoveSeedMamaJump •Sept.28—NoShoesNationBand •Sept.29—HighNoon



•Oct.6—TheRockOrchestra •Oct.12—TheJimmies •Oct.13—LaUnica •Oct.19—RickKRoadTrip •Oct.20—TheSoulCrackers •Oct.26—Dan&DanBand •Oct.27—70sFlashback


•May25—Entrain •May26—USNavyCountryCurrent

10 CoastalPoint March15,2024
½ TRIVIA/MINGO MENU ChickenTenders,Shrmp,Wings,FriedChicken,Pizza,Fish&Chips,OnionRings&More! ½ SAVE THE DATE Sunday May 5 - Cindo de Mayo Wine Tasting Featuring Wines from Salted Vines Winery Bethanyaddsslateofnewactstoconcertseries SHOPLOCAL SupportyourLOCALMerchants


Millville’sTownCouncilselected RonBelinkotocontinuetoserveasthe town’smayorasanewcouncilmember takestheseatvacatedbyTreasurerPeter Michel.

Thenewcouncilmember,Deborah Sosnoski,wasnamedtoreplaceMichel afternoothercandidatesbesidesBelinkofiledascandidatesforthe2024 TownCouncilelection.

WithSosnoski’sappointment,allfive TownCouncilmembersstillresidein oneofthetown’stwolargestcommunities—MillvillebytheSeaandBishop’s Landing.

TwocouncilmembersresideinMillvillebytheSea—ViceMayorSharon BrienzaandRobertWisgirda.The otherthreemembers,Sosnoski,Belinko andJosephParent,liveinBishop’s Landing.MichellivesinBishop’sLanding.

BeforeSosnoskiandBelinkowere swornin,thecouncilgaveMichela tokenofthetown’sappreciationforhis service—apaintingbylocalartistJohn Donato,reminiscentofthemuralsDonatopaintedinthetownhalldepicting the town’shistory.

BrienzanominatedBelinkotocontinuetoserveasmayorandwithno othernominationsonthetable,thenod toBelinkowasapprovedunanimously. Belinkothenreturnedthefavorand nominatedBrienzatocontinueasvice mayor.


Brienzathennominatedcouncil memberRobertWisgirdatobecouncil secretary.Wisgirda,however,refusedthe nominationandnominatednewcomer


AlthoughTownSolicitorSeth Thompsontoldthecounciltheyhad theoptiontoalsonominateanassistant treasurerandanassistantsecretary,they optednottodoso.

Whenthecouncilreachedwhatis normallyaboilerplateitemonthe agenda—theschedulingofitsregular meetings—Wisgirdabegantoobject.

“Inthepast,weusedtohaveworkshops…theworkshops,tomyrecollection…theyweremoreopentothe residentsandmorediscussingofwhat thecouncilwouldbevotingon,”Wisgirdasaid.Thecouncilcurrentlyholds twomeetingseachmonth,onthesecondandfourthTuesday,bothofwhich includeoccasionalvotes.Workshop meetings,traditionally,involvediscussionsbutnoformalvotes.

“Iwouldlike,justasanote,onthe recordhere,toencourageworkshops… sothatwecanencouragepeopleto comeinhereandalsodiscusswhat we’regoing tobevotingonnexttime. Becausethathasbeen,frankly,anissue inthepast,”Wisgirdasaid.

Thompson,thetown’sattorney,said theresolutionproposedattheMarch12 meeting“doesn’tprohibitthat.When wetalkaboutworkshops,”Thompson added,“you’recorrectthatinthepast that’sbeenadiscussion,butwithouta votelisted.Sotheyaremoreinformal andthere’softenaback-and-forthand anopportunityforthepublictocomment,butthenthere’snotavoteatthe end ofit.

“Workshopisn’tadefinedterm;it stillisameetingforpurposesofthe FreedomofInformationAct,soIthink theordinancecoversit,bysayingthat


CoastalPoint•KerinMagill PeteMichel,right,showsoffapaintingbylocalartistJohnDonatoasappreciation forhisservicetothetown,whileJoeParentwatches.


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thefourthTuesdayofthemonthcould beameeting.”

Wisgirdasaidheagreed,andadded thatMillvilleandothercommunities havebeenhavingtroublegettingresidentstorunforTownCouncilandget involvedintheircommunities.“My

frankopinionisthatifpeoplearen’tinvolvedintheircommunity,thingsjust aren’tdonenecessarilyastheyshouldbe done.Peopleneedavoice,that’sthe wholething.Peopleneedavoiceand

SpecialtotheCoastalPoint•MarianDowling Lastweekend’swindandgeneral weatherzaninessleftbehindastunning viewinBethanyBeach.


“Allofusherehavesteppeduptothe plate,andIcommendPeteforallofhis yearsofservice,”hesaidoftheretiring TreasurerMichel.

Belinkoresponded“dulynoted,but I’mgoingtomakeacommentthatwe didhaveseveralworkshopsthisyear whenitemscameup,andifIremember correctly,wewereboggedwithtryingto provedifferentthings.Idon’trecallany time,sittinguphere,thatwedidnot allowtheresidentstocomeupandsay theirpiece”duringthe“citizens’privilege”portionsofeachmeeting.

“Dulynoted,whenworkshopsare needed,tofollowthroughwithit,”Belinkosaid.Theresolutionsettingregular meetingsforthesecondTuesdayofeach month.

Thecouncilalsovotedunanimously toreappointPlanningandZoning CommissionmembersMarshallGevinsonandMichaelBurgototwo-year terms.


missouropportunityforoursliceofthe offshorewindenergyareasoffthecoast ofDelaware,”saidThompsoninaSierra Clubrallypost.

“WeappreciatedtheDNREChostedinformationsessionononshoringimpactsfor3Rsbeachfromthe USWindMarylandoffshorewindproject.WewillstandinsupportingbringingoffshorewindtoDelaware.”

“Nowallofthatwillbeforthe Marylandproject,butitwasstillgood foroursupportersofoffshorewindto knowmoreandbeabletolearnfrom whatMarylandisdoing,”hesaid.

12 CoastalPoint March15,2024 888-ZWEEMER • 302-363-6116 SERVING DELMARVA We Accept All Major Credit Cards Residential • Commercial • Licensed & Insured ANY Driveway & Parking Lot Maintenance • Black Top • Seal Coating • Stone • Millings Grading • Patching • Tar & Chip 10% OFF ANY JOB Mention This Ad 15% OFF ANY JOB for All First Responders & Active Military No Problem! ROOTS? We INSTALL Drains! WATER PROBLEMS? We FILL Them! POT HOLES? Prompt & Quality Service Call Us Today For Your FREE Estimate LowMaintenance CostEffectiveDriveways InstallQuickly CallToday!
Millville Continuedfrompage11


CoastalPointencourages the exchangeofideas. Letterstotheeditormustbe signedbytheauthorwith phonenumberincludedfor purposesofverification.

Editorial Thestaff


Ifyouenjoylisteningtolivemusicwiththescentsofsaltwaterand malt-vinegar-dousedfriesfillingtheair,theBethanyBeachBandstand appearstobeyourkindofplacethissummer.

TheTownreleasedthe2024BethanyBeachSeasideConcertSeries scheduleonMonday,March11,andastriteasitmightsound,thereis somethingforjustabouteverymusicaltasteoutthere—andyoucertainlycan’ttoptheatmosphere.

TheSerieswillrunfromJune6untilOct.27,withThursdayevening concertsat7:30p.m.fromJunethroughAugust,andSaturdayandSundayshowsat6:30p.m.inSeptemberandOctober.FourthofJulyweek willbeanexception,accordingtoorganizers,withnightlyeventsrunning fromSundaythroughThursdayofthatweek.

AlongwithsomefavoriteswhohavegracedtheBandstandinyears past,therewillbe11actsmakingtheirdebutsthisyear.Butnotjustany

bands,sayofficials.Organizershavetakendatacollectedfromaudience pollstocreatealineupthatdoesmorethanjustprovidebackground musicforthepicturesquesetting.

“Theaudiencesareaccustomedtoseeingshowbandsnow,”said EventsDirectorJulieMalewski.“TheycometotheBandstandtoappreciatethecaliberofthetalent,notjusttolistentomusic.”

Kidsandteenswillbethefocusofsomeentertainmentofferingsin July,aseachWednesdaywillbededicatedtoartistswhoappealto youngeraudiences.

Itisexcitingandlaudable thewaythatBethanyofficialshavebeefed upthissummerline-upeveryyear,andmusicontheBandstandhasbecomeanothericonictraditionformanywhovisitthearea,orlivehere year-round.



I’mnotaverysmartman,butIamsmartenoughtounderstand atleastonething—I’mnotaverysmartman.Ifthatwasn’t painfullyobviousenoughtomebefore,itbecamecrystalclearthe verydayIbecameafather.

Youknowhowpeoplegiveyouatonof advicewhentheyhearyou’reabouttobecomeaparentforthefirsttime?AndI’m beingcompletelysincerehere—it’sreally goodadviceforthoseofuswhowentinto theexperiencewithnounderstandingatall.

Irememberbeingtoldtostealsleep wheneverIcouldfindit.True.

Point of No Return

tention.Plus,she’sconstantlyonthemove.Playingsportsisgoing toappealtoherfarmorethansittingonthecouchwithanoldguy whoalternatesbetweenprofanityandpraiseevery fewseconds. DidImentionthatI’mnotaverysmartman?

Orbeingtoldtosavorevery momentas itcomesbecausethingsmovereallyquicklywithyoungkids.Also true.

Andtowearahelmetandprotectivecupatalltimesbecause thosetinylittlefistscanreallypackawallop.Painfullytrue.

ButwhatIwasn’tpreparedfor,thoughIshouldhavecertainly knownitmyself,wasthatthelittlepersonwhoentersyourheart andfamilymighthavetheirownlittlemind.Youknow,onewith differentwantsandplansthanyoumighthavebeenassuming.

Inmycase,Ikindofenteredthewholefather-daughterexperiencewithsomepre-conceivednotionsinmymind.Youknow, thingslikeI’dbebouncingDaddy’sLittleGirlonmylap,andfall asleeponthecouchwithhersnoringsoftlyonmychest.There wouldonedaybeawedding,andIwouldinevitablybeintearsasI handedoffmyprincesstoanotherman.Andwewouldbondovera sharedloveofsports.


Thereweresomeearlysignsofhope.Shelovedsittinginthe roomwithmeasababywhentherewasabasketballgameontelevision,andwouldofferasoundofcomplaintifIchangedthechannel.

“Thisisawesome,”Iwouldthinktomyself,imaginingthetwo ofustraditionallytakingoffworktogetherevery yeartowatchthe firstdayofMarchMadnessorsittingside-by-sidewatchingthe Wizardsloseanothergameby941points.Sure,shedidn’tseemto haveanyinterestinfootball,butIcandothis.Ilovebasketball. Let’sdothis.

ButwhatIsoondiscoveredisthatitwasn’tthepassingorshootingordunkingthatwasgrabbingherattention.No,itwasthe squeakingoftheplayers’shoesastheywouldmoveaboutonthe court.

Well,that’scool,Ithought.She’sababy.Itwouldmakesense thatanout-of-the-ordinary soundwouldbewhatcapturedherat-

Eventually,shegottotheagewhenwe couldsignheruptoplayT-ball.Wepracticedquiteabitintheyardandsheenjoyed it,whileshowingsomenaturaltalentthat gotmeprettyexcited.Iwasimpressedby herhand-eyecoordination,andherability tomakesolidcontactfarmoreoftenthan not.Shealsohadagoodarm,and“wowed” mewithacoupleofthrowsshemadethat werefarmoreimpressivethanIexpected.

Wegothertoherfirstpractice,shesawacoupleofherfriends wereontheteam,andthingslookedgreat.Shewashittingjustas wellinfrontofothersasshehadinfrontofme,andeverything seemedprettygreatinDarinWorld.

Only,itwasn’t.Shedidn’tlikeit.Shelikedplayingwithher friendsenough...itwasjusteverythingelseshehated.Youknow, thestructure,standinginthefieldwhentheballdidn’tcomeher way,etc.Shewantedtoquitrightaway,butwemadeherfinishout theseason,hopingtoavoidahabitofbecomingaquitter.

Thenextyear,wedidthesoccerthing.Ifiguredthenon-stop movementandactionofsoccerwouldappealtohermorethanTball,andshelovedpractice.Shewasexcitedafteritended,and couldn’twaittogetbackoutthereagain.OK,Ithought,Idon’t knowalotaboutthisgame,butI’mgoingtolearn!

Only,shewasn’t.Shedidn’tlikethegames.Shedidn’tcarefor thecompetition,andshewasintimidatedbythekidsthatwere muchlargerthanher.Again,shewantedtoquit.Again,wemade herrideitout,hopingthatbytheendoftheseasonshewould changehermind.Shedidnot.

RememberwhenImentionedthatIwasn’tvery smart?Yeah,it tookmefartoolongtounderstandthatIshouldmaybetakealook atwhatshewasinterestedin,andgofromthere,asopposedtojust force-feedingherthethingsIliked.Whileoutsidewithherone day,Inoticedthatshewasjustsittingbyherselfdrawinginabook —thewayshenormallywas.

So,yeah,it’sartthatmydaughterloves,notsports.And,though IfullyacceptthatIwearbiasedglasseswhenitcomestoher,she’s really,reallygoodatit.Anditmakesherhappy.

Again,I’mnotsmart.But,asAlbertEinsteinoncesaid,“When youstoplearning,youstartdying.”















TheCoastalPointispublishedweeklyat 111AtlanticAve.,OceanView,DE19970.

Themailingaddressis: P.O.Box1324, OceanView,DE19970.

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Deadlineforadvertisingandnewssubmissions is5p.m.Monday.Alladvertisementscreatedby theCoastalPointarepropertyofCoastalPointLLC, andcannotbereplicatedwithoutpermission.

Editorial Columns LetterstotheEditor
Bethanyuppingitssummerentertainmentgame March15,2024 Page13


ReaderwaryofSussex County’sgrowth


IgrewuponLongIsland,N.Y.,in NassauCounty,homeofLevittown,the original“Suburbia.”

Beforethat,shewasmostlyfarmland,andknownforpotatoes,LongIslandDuckling,Bluepointoystersand LittleNeckclams.Soundfamiliar?

Sussexwaslikethatwhenwefirst discoveredher.Inmanyways,whenwe settledintwoyearsago,shewaseven better.

Today,LongIslandisasuburban sprawlofhousesinmonotonoushamlets,dicedupandconnectedbycommercialhighways(Route1?)andtraffic. Thebiggestemployerisgovernment, mainlyschooldistricts.Realestatetaxes averagewellover$10,000,andthesales taxisnear9percent.Areweheading there?

CoolSpringCrossingwillsurehelp, ifthat’swhatwewant.Twothousand homesonabout1squaremilewillhold 5,000residents,atanestimated2.5occupantsperdwelling,onRoute9,betweenLewesandGeorgetown.

Asacomparison,Leweshas3,741 residents(2024estimate)on 4.25 squaremiles.Georgetownhasapopulationof8,130on5squaremiles.The comingNorstardevelopmentnear Vineyardswilladdover2,000more residents.

CoolSpringwillalsohaveover10 acresofcommercialspaceunderroof, plusparking,sidewalks,etc.

Thesenewresidentswilldrive(DelDOTsaystrafficwilltripleonRoute 9),andtheirkidswillattendschoolsat a2024costof$19,000peryearapiece.


alotoftransfertaxes,whichkeepstaxes lowfornow.Developmentalsoadds jobs,atleastduringconstruction,some ofwhichgotolocals.

Themoneyistempting,butitcreatesasortofPonzischeme,wherenew moneyisconstantlyneededtopayoff theobligationsbroughtonbythedeals thatwentbefore.


Callorwriteyourrepresentatives andtheSussexCountyPlanningand ZoningCommission.


Eachyear,BeebeHealthcare’sQuality &SafetyCommitteepresentsawardsto teamsthathaveworkedtoresolveoperationalroadblocksthroughtheimplementationofnewqualityandsafety initiatives.Teamspresentmetrics,along withsustainabilityplanstoassuretheir problem-solvingapproachescanbeoperationalized.

“Ourannualawardsprogramencouragesstafftothinkoutsideoftheboxand taketheleadondevelopingnewapproachesthatcanoptimizequalityand safetyinourpatientcareenvironments,”

saidChiefQualityOfficerMarcyJack, JD,BSN,CPHRM,CPHQ.

Beebe’sQuality&SafetyCommittee presented2023QualityandSafety Awardtotwoteamsinrecognitionof theirinitiatives:

•ExpansionandGrowthofBeebe Healthcare’sPopulationHealthCare CoordinationProgram—Coordination forpatientswithcongestiveheartfailure (CHF)andchronicobstructivepulmonarydisease(COPD)followingdischargefromthehospitalhasbeena concentratedpriorityforBeebe’sPopula-

tionHealthCareCoordinationProgram. However,itwasdeterminedthatpatients fromotherservicelines—especially thosewhofacebarrierstohealthcare,and socialdeterminantsofhealth—could alsobenefitfromcarecoordinationfollowingmedicalvisitsorhospitaldischarge.

•DietarySupplementstoSupport NutritionalDeficienciesinthePreventionorHealingofPressureInjuries— Dietarysupplementscansupportnutritionaldeficienciesaspressureinjuriesare preventedortreated.Ateamofclinical

expertsfromBeebeidentifiedagapin documentationofsupplementusageas patientswiththeseconditionswerebeing treated.Increasingknowledgeaboutthe importanceofthesupplementsandthe correspondingdocumentationwasnecessary,withspecificgoalsinmind.

Theteamalsoworkedtoeliminate wasteandvariationinelectronicmedical recordworkflows,whilecapturingdatato allowformoreadvancedreportingand analytics.Thesesystemssupportcontinuededucationandlearningandmaylead tofutureinterventions.

14 CoastalPoint March15,2024 CP CP CP CP COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. COUPON GOOD FOR ONLY 1 PERSON. Coupons cannot be combined with other offers or specials. 29P Atlantic Ave. • Ocean View, DE 302.616.2604 • Ocean Vayu Yoga Sound Healing Sunday, 3/24 - 2-3pm New Student Special 30 Days for $79 New Yin Classes on the Schedule Kids & Tween Yoga Thursdays 4:30 & 5:30 LOCAL ART • VINTAGE UNUSUAL • ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 302.927.0049 On the corner, south of the stoplight 33034 Main St., Dagsboro Call or Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or email: OPEN Fri-Sun 10–4pm



WithSt.Patrick’sDayapproaching onMarch17,Iwasthinkingabouttwo tripsRosemaryandItooktoIreland withotherfamilymemberstovisitthe placesourearlyrelativesleftbehindto findabetterlifeinAmerica.Wewove intothetripsvisitstohistoricplaces, pubs,beautifulsightsandthose40 shadesofgreenintheEmeraldIsle countryside,pubs,churchesandcemeterieslookingfornames,andyes,more pubs(Theyservefoodtoo.)

I don’trememberalotaboutthe places,althoughtheycanberecalled frompictures,conversationsandapint ofGuinness.WhatIremembermostis thepeoplewemetandthelaughswe

MillsboroPDtocut ribbononnewbuilding

Afterfiveyearsofplanninganddelays,thenewMillsboroPoliceDepartmentonWestRailroadAvenuewill openwithaceremony,ribboncutting andtoursonWednesday,March23.

Theceremonywillbeat10a.m.and the$7.8millionbuildingwillbeopen forvisitsuntil2p.m.

“Youonlybuildapolicedepartment onceeverysomanyyears,soyouhaveto makesureyoudoittherightway,”an upbeatMillsboroPoliceChiefBrian CallowaytoldCoastalPointthisweek.

“Alotoftimeandefforthasgone intothissowewantedtomakesureit wasdoneright.Wearealsohopingit willsparkinterestinlawenforcement. Maybesomepeoplewhoseeitwillbe interestedincomingonboard,”hesaid, referringtoanationwideshortageof policeofficersthathasalsoaffected Millsboro.

Guestsattheribboncutting,organizedbytheGreaterMillsboroChamber ofCommerce,willincludeSen.Tom Carper,legislatorsandmembersofthe MillsboroTownCouncil.TheMillsboroMiddleSchoolChoirwillsing TheNationalAnthem.Officerswill raisetheAmericanflag“meaningweare inservice,”Callowaysaid,addingofficersandstaffshouldbemovedinby earlyApril.Theexistingbuilding,on MainStreet,willlikelybeusedbythe town’sPublicWorksDepartment.

“Everyagencythatislookingto buildanewpolicestation,theyallhave

sharedalongtheway.Oneevening,we wenttoseeHalRoach,awell-known Irishcomedian,inDublin.Thatwasa lotoffunandweboughtacoupleofhis books.Icameacrossoneofthebooks theotherdayandthoughtI’dpassalong somethinghesaidaboutthemeaning andvalueofasmilethatyoumightappreciateasmuchaswedid.




Nonearesorichthattheycanget alongwithoutit,andnonesopoorbut


Itcreateshappinessinthehome,fostersgoodwillinabusiness,andisthe countersignoffriends.

Itisresttotheweary,daylighttothe discouraged,sunshinetothesad,and nature’santidotefortrouble.

Yetitcannotbebegged,bought,borrowedorstolen,foritissomethingthat isnoearthlygoodtoanyoneuntilitis givenaway.

Andso,ifinthecourseoftheday someofyourfriendsaretootiredto giveyouasmile,whydon’tyougive themoneofyours?


thosewhofeelthattheyhavenoneleft togive.”

Withthatinmind,here’safriendly smileandanIrishblessingfromRosemaryandme,giftsfromourtripsto share.

“Mayloveandlaughterlightyour daysandwarmyourheartandhome.

Maygoodandfaithfulfriendsbe yourswhereveryoumayroam.

Maypeaceandplentyblessyour worldwithjoythatlongendures.

Mayalllife’spassingseasonsbring thebesttoyouandyours!”

AndHappySt.Patrick’sDaytoall, wheneveryoneisIrish!

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 15 We’re “What To Do” at the Beach! Quality UsedBooks RecordsCDs ComicsUkeleles Art Classes Daily & Private Events Co ee La esChais TeasMatchas FreshPastries Toys Games Collectibles Fitness Classes Personal Training Food Trucks Coming RetroFashion Jewelry HomeDecor 117 Atlantic Ave., Ocean View, DE on Route 26 across from Lord Baltimore Elementary year-round destination shopping for the whole family in three huge historic feed sheds

RetiringSussexCountyEMSSupervisorandparamedicFredHaaswas honoredbytheSussexCountyCouncil withatributeforhis23yearsofservice beforehisretirementthisweek.

Thetribute—readbyCountyAdministratorToddLawsonattheTuesday,Feb. 27,countycouncilmeeting—wished



theirowndifferentwantsandneeds. Whatcanyouafford?Whatdoesyour agencylooklikedowntheroad,inyears tocome?Theseareallthethingsyou havetobelookingat.Howwillyoube


Haasposedforphotographswith CouncilPresidentMikeVincent,then thankedthecouncilforsupporting paramedics.

“Wehavethebestsysteminthe world,andit’sallbecauseofyoursupport,”Haassaid,addingthathehasalwaysfeltlikepartofthefamily,since goingtoworkforthecountyinFebruaryof2001.

processingpeople?Howwillyoube processingevidence?Whatarethecommunity’sneeds?Inourcommunitythere wasdefinitelyaneedforabasketball courtandwehaveone,”hesaid.

MountaireFarmsdonated$80,000 foraregulationcourtwithrubberized flooringthatwillbeopentothepublic. CallowaysaidtheFruitlandPoliceDe-

“It’sbeenapleasuretoservethis county,”hesaid.

CouncilmanMarkSchaeffersaidhe hasknownHaasforacoupleyearsand recalledtakinganEMTcoursefrom Haas,withhiswife.

“Iactuallypassed.Ifitwasn’tforhis guidance,Idon’tknowifIwouldhave madeit.Heisatremendousasset,and we’regoingtomisshim,”Schaeffersaid.


partmentinMarylandalsohasabasketballcourtandofficersfounditkept youthoccupiedandoffthestreets,he said.

Thenew,13,000-square-footstructure—withanexteriorinshadesof sandandaninteriorwithablueand graydécor—alsohasatrainingroom thatwillseat42andbeavailablefor


OnhisFacebookpage,Haasrecently postedthathislastdayworkingforthe CountywouldbeonThursday,Feb.29.

“It’sgoingtobeatoughday,asIwill certainlymissSCEMSandallthegood peopleI’vehadtheprivilegetowork with,butmostofall,friends,”hewrote.

Theposthadreceivedmorethan100 responsesmid-week.

publicmeetings,suchashomeowners’ associationgatherings,freeofcharge.

Thepolicedepartmentoutgrewthe existingbuildingyearsagoandCallowayhasmadeuseofeveryavailable inchandcorner.Butthatbuildinghas onlyonemeetingroomthatisalsoused asalunchroomandplacewhereofficers talktovictimsandhavedepartmental gatherings.Thenewbuildinghasaconferenceroomdesignatedforconferences andplacestoconductsoftinterviewsif somebodyreportsbeingvictimizedor goesintothestationtoreportacrime.

Currently,exerciseequipmentis storedinameetingroomatTownHall whileasmallclosetatthecurrentpolice departmentiswhereCallowaykeeps itemsincludingcomputersandammunition.Inthenewbuilding,thereis spaceforexerciseequipment,since everyyearofficers,andthechief,arerequiredtopassphysicalfitnesstestsand healthassessments.

Formonths,Callowayhassaidhe’d liketoseethenewpolicestation, erectedbyDelmarvaVeteranBuilders inSalisbury,Md.,namedforaprominentMillsbororesident,buthasn’trevealedwhohehasinmind.

“ Wemightlookatanewnamein thenextbudgetyear,”hesaid.“Right now,thefocusisonoperations.”

16 CoastalPoint March15,2024 thema beg s u 2 o ednesd $ W c g on the b d Specia 00 25 , Thursday & S day beautiful bay! al Sunday 54 En Open W ntree Menu Special .00 11:30 enwi ednesday - Sunday • F W roughout! a.m.-5 p.m. ck Island • USA A
Good news never goes out of style. Keep abreast of all the latest trends in the HaashonoredbyCountyfor23yearsofservice

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Interestrates mayseemhighin today’smarket basedontherecenthistorically lowinterestrate environment,but interestrates weresignificantly higherinyearspast.Ihaveheardinterestrateswerebetween18-20percentbackinthe1980s.Interestrates arecurrentlyhighastheFederalReserveraisedshort-terminterestrates aggressivelytofighthighinflation thatwascreatedbypent-up,consumerdemandforproductsandservicesandsupplychaindisruptions relatedtotheCOVID-19pandemic. TheprimerateinMarch2022was 3.5percentandincreasedto8.5percentinJuly2023tocombatwithinflation.

TheFederalReservecontrols shorttermratesbutlong-termrates arebasedonlongtermU.S.economicgrowthforecasts.Short-term interestrateswilldecreaseafterinflationdecreasestoahealthylevelof

approximately2.0percent.Lastyear atthistimetheinflationratewas above6.0percentandin2022inflationwasabove9.0percent.Shortterminterestrateswillcontinueto staystagnateuntiltheFederalReserveseesinflationremainattheir 2.0percenttarget.Economistare expectinginterestratestofalllater thisyear.


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Ihaveoften hadclientsthink thattheFederal Reserveactions ontheovernight lendingratedirectlyaffectthe 30-yearfixed mortgagerates. However,thisisnotactuallythecase. Theovernightlendingratedoesim-

pactthePr imeIndexwhichdirectly impactsHomeEquityLines.

Whatplaysmoredirectlytothe 30-yearfixedrateistheinflation rate.Whenourinflationratewason anupwardmarch,the30-yearrate marchedupaswellatwhichpoint theFederalReservesteppedinto takeactiontobringtheinflationrate downbyraisingtheovernightlendingrate,andwhentheinflationcame down,sodidmortgagerates.

Nooneshouldhaveanexpectationthatrateswillgobacktothe2s or3sasthiswaslargelyaresultof theCovid-19impacttooureconomy andourgovernmentsteppinginto purchasesecuritiestoreduceinterest ratesandincreasethemoneysupply whichhelpedbanksduringthepandemic.Barringanotherpandemicor someothercatastrophicevent,we likelywon’tseeratesthatlowinmy remaininglifetime.Myrecommendationistowatchtheinflationrate asthisisakeycomponenttothe mortgagerate.Continuedinflation improvementshouldimprovemortgagerates.

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Long-termloanstracktherate,or yield,onthe10-yearTreasurybond. Manytypesofloanseffectivelystart withthatrate,andthenincreaseitto reducetheriskofnotbeingrepaidby

borrowers. Wheninflationisrunning high,theFed raisesthose short-termrates toslowtheeconomyandreduce pressureon prices.Buthigherinterestratesmake itmoreexpensiveforbankstoborrow,sotheyraisetheirratesonconsumerloans,includingmortgages,to compensate.Thathasbeengoingon forabouttwoyearsnow,withthe Fed’srateclimbingabove5percent, fromnearzero,andmortgagerates followingsuit.Butmortgagerates haveeasedfromthe20-yearhighs wesawthispastFall.

TheFederalReserveislookingfor signsoftheeconomyslowing: slowerjobgrowth,gainsinpersonal income,andconsumerspending.The Fed’snextmeetingismid-March andmosteconomiststhinktheFed willkeepthingson“pause”atthat meetingbutmaylowerratesattheir Junemeetingandbeyondifsigns pointtomoderatinginflation.

Historically,currentmortgage ratesare“stillgood.”Homepricesare holdingsteadyand/orincreasingyear overyear.Ifyoubuynow,refinance later.

AnneVogelFlaherty ProsperityHomeMortgageLLC (302)519-3457 18 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Bethany & Rehoboth Open Fri-Sun 10-5pm • Fenwick Open Sat & Sun 10-5pm Check Out Our New Rehoboth Store - 129 Rehoboth Ave Fenwick Island 302-581-0241 100 Coastal Hwy. (next to Fenwick Crabhouse) Bethany Beach 302-539-TOYS (8697) On the boardwalk in the Blue Surf Condominiums & Shops GREAT GIFTS, GAMES, PUZZLES & TOYS! F Y O%20 EVERRYTHI F G ING NO T OW HROUGHGHOCTOOBER 3 NOW HO TOB*Cannotbecombinedwwithanyotherof By NOWTHROUGHMARCH31 20%OFF
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HaroldDeanCarrier,84,affectionatelyknownas“Hal”byfriends, and“Poppy”or“PopPop”byfamily, passedawaypeacefullyonFeb.23, 2024.

BornJuly30,1939,toHarleyand CharlotteCarrier(neeEmmons)in Seneca,Neb.,hewasraisedinValentine,inthebeautifulsandhillsofNebraska.HegraduatedfromValentine HighSchoolandcompletedateachingdegreeinphysicaleducationat theUniversityofNebraskaatKearney.HeproudlyservedintheUS Armyfortwoyears.HemetKatherineAnnAdams,andthetwowere marriedin1969.

Hewasaphysicaleducation teacheratBrownStationElementary

SchoolinGaithersburg,Md.,for manyyears,wherehewasbeloved andpositivelyinfluencedthelivesof manychildren.HeandKathyraised fourchildreninMonrovia,Md.He supportedhischildrenintheiractivitiesandwasaquietforceatmany sportingevents,toincludemany cross-countryandtrackmeets.

Hewasatalentedathlete,playing football,basketballandrunningtrack andcrosscountryinhighschooland college.Hewasamemberofthe 1959KearneyStateCrossCountry teamthatwontheNebraskaCollege Conferencetitle,theNAIADistrict 11CrownandtheMidwestAAU c hampionship.Hehadapersonal bestof1:52forthe800metersand laterqualifiedfortheBoston

Marathon.Hisloveforrunningcontinuedthroughouthislifeandhewas anavidrunneruntilhewas80years old.Heranhundredsofraceswith theFrederickSteeplechasersRunningClubinFrederick,Md.,and SeashoreStridersRunningClubin RehobothBeach,Del.Oneofhis proudestachievementsafterretirementwashikingthePresidential RangeandtothetopofMt.Washington,twice.

Afterretiringin1995,Haland KathymovedtoFenwickIsland,Del. for26years.Hewasalwaysseen walkinghisBostonTerriersorrunningalongOceanHighwayatthe beach.Youcouldfindhimcheering onhisgrandchildrenattheirlacrosse andbaseballgamesandtrackmeets.

Hewasoneofthekindestmenyou wouldevermeet—alwayswillingto lendahandtofamilyandfriends, andoftentoldstoriesofhislife.For thepastthreeyears,HalandKathy havebeenvibrantmembersof HeartlandsSeniorLivingVillagein EllicottCity,Md.

HeissurvivedbyKathy,hiswife of54years,hischildrenJoel(Linne) ofClarksburg,Md.,Jill(Darren) CalhounofHampstead,Md.,Joan (Keith)CallawayofBridgeville,Del., andJudd(Stephanie)ofKing George,Va.;andhisgrandchildren Zachary,Sofia,Vincent,Ainsley, Sean,Joshua,Jace,Simon,andJacob. Heisalsosurvivedbyhissisterand brother-in-law,HarlinandJoyce Welch,lifelongfriendSamSpain, andmanyniecesandnephews.He wasprecededindeathbyhisparents, siblingsandgrandson,Nicholas.The familyextendsheartfeltgratitudeto caregiversDivinaandJudithfortheir lovingandexpertcareofHalinhis finalyears.

Fromhumblebeginnings,helived anextraordinarylifeandwillremain apartofourhearts.Acelebrationof lifewillbeheldatHeartlandsSenior LivingVillageatEllicottCityon March14at1p.m.;andcommittal willbeheldatCommunityChurch ofOceanPines,Md.,onMarch16, at1p.m.



Cornelius(Neil)KayeFleming, Jr.,aresidentofDagsboro,wasborn onSept.20,1941,inPhiladelphia, Pa.Hediedsuddenlyandpeacefully surroundedbyhiswife,childrenand grandchildrenonTuesday,March5, 2024,athome.

BorntoDorothy(Aryton)and CorneliusKayeFleming, Philadelphia,hespenthisformative yearsinthecityasahardworking student,paperboy,andplayingstickballinthestreetwithhisfriends.He embracedSussexCountyashishome andcommunityforthelasthalfof hislife.Asaboy,hehadlunchwith PresidentHarryTrumanonaBoy Scouttripandplayedbasketballin PhiladelphiaparkswithWiltChamberlain,butyouwouldseldomhear thosestoriesfromhimbecauseofhis humilityandstrong,unassuming presence.

HemarriedRegina“Jeannie”Bennettin1964andshared60yearsof marriagewithherafterhavingserved intheUnitedStatesArmy.They wentontoraiseninechildrenand builtalifefilledwithjoy,fun,and adventures,butmostofallwith aboundinglove.Theirmarriagewasa

20 CoastalPoint March15,2024 302.500.1013 38427 Bethany Breeze Drive, Frankford DE Please Join Us For Our Open House Fri- 3/15 & Sat- 3/16 - 2-5pm Experience the difference at One Wellness Spa and Boutique— where wellness is more than just a destination, it's a way of life Salt Room, Sound Therapies, Massages, Advanced Facials & More Offering a range of holistic treatments to promote relaxation, rejuvenation & overall well-being Indulge your senses & rejuvenate your spirit with us, your oasis of relaxation in the Bethany area Where luxury meets serenity... embark on a journey to holistic wellness like never before NOW TAKING APPOINTMENTS! Purchasea $150GiftCard AtThisEvent–Receivea $20Voucher
March15,2024 CoastalPoint 21

trueexampleoflivinglifetogether, asone,andlivingouttheirvows.A lifelongsportsfan,Neilcoachedall ofhischildren,andmanyothers,in baseball,softballandbasketball,as wellasbeinganumpireandreferee. Afterretirement,hespentmuchof hisfreetimetakingcareofhis grandchildrenandhavingfunonthe ballfieldwithhisOldeTymersSoftballfriends.

Neilwasknownforhisexceptionalkindness,generosity,loyalty, open-mindedness,patience,and senseofhumor.Adevotedhusband andfather,hepossessedaremarkable abilitytoforgelifelongfriendships whereverhewent.Henevermeta banktellerorpostalworkerhedidn’t likeandcouldmakeconversation

withanyone,makingthemfeelcomfortableandliketheyhadknown eachotherforyears.Hewasoldfashionedinthesensethathedid businessinpersonandbelievedin yourwordandahandshake.Hisunwaveringdedicationtohisfamily andcommunitywillleaveanindeliblemarkonallwhoknewhim.Neil’s warmhospitalityandgenerosity madehishomeahavenforalland sometimesincludedexchangestudents,nephews,orfriendsofhis childrenwhoneededawelcoming placetocallhomeforawhile.

ThevoidthatNeil,“Dad”and “Popcorn,”ashewasknowntohis family,leavesisindescribableandyet, thetimehewashereonearthisso appreciatedandrecognizedasatrue gift.Hewillbegreatlymissedand thosewhoknewhimwillcontinueto benefitfromhavingknownaworld classhuman.

Neilissurvivedbyhisdevoted wifeof60years,JeannieFleming, andhislovingchildren:Colleen Fleming,DebbieFleming(Philip Cappa),KarenFleming,BrianFleming,KevinFleming,AmyHobbs (Joe),MonicaScott,Elizabeth Williamson,andAnnMarieAguilar (Angel).HeisalsosurvivedbyCarlosCarnicero,anexchangestudent fromSpainwho,alongwithhisson EloiCarnicero,becamepartofthe Flemingfamily.Additionally,Neil leavesbehindhisadoringgrandchildren:BrianBeyard;IsaacSteinberg (Marisa);Jack,Charlie,Lucyand MaxWilliamson;Shona,Cyrus, Athena,AtticusFleming-Lloyd,and AugustineAguilar;LilyandIsabel Scott;RuthieAdams;Naomi,AudreyandJoeyHobbs;andonegreatgrandchild,SienaSteinberg,whowill forevercherishthememoriesoftheir beloved“Popcorn.”Hewaspreceded

indeathbyagranddaughter, JosephineAnn(Josie)FlemingLloyd.

Familyandfriendsareinvitedto attendavisitationatOurLadyof Guadalupe(35318ChurchRd, Frankford,DE19945)onMarch22, 2024,from10-11a.m.,followedbya Massat11a.m.

Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestshavingacatchwithachild, umpiringforyourlocallittleleague, beingopen-mindedtosomeonewho hasopinionsdifferentfromyou,donatingfoodormoneytopeopleor organizationsthatneedit(ie;HabitatforHumanity),talkingto strangers,takingyourmedicine,exercising,learningsomethingnewevery day,laughing,readingthenewspaper andbooks,doingyourbest,making theworldabetterplace,andwaking upearlytoappreciatethequietness andbeautyofthemorning.

Onlinecondolencescanbemade byvisiting

W.Sylvester“LittleVess” Harmon,Jr.

W.SylvesterHarmon,Jr.,affectionatelyknownas“LittleVess,”was bornonDec.4,1942,theonlysonof deceasedparentsW.SylvesterHarmon,Sr.andDorothyMildredNorwoodHarmoninHarbeson,Del.He departedthislifeonMarch3,2024, atBayhealthHospitalinMilford, Del.,comfortedbyalovingfamily. Hewasaquiet,reserved,tacticaland dedicatedentrepreneurwithacalm andfocuseddemeanor.

HeattendedWarwick#225elementaryschoolandgraduatedfrom WilliamC.JasonComprehensive HighSchoolin1961.ItwashisexperienceinindustrialartsatJason thatcultivatedaninterestinbuilding andconstructionwhichledtohisenrollmentatNorthCarolinaA&T College(University)topursueadegreeinArchitecture.Itisnoteworthy thatLittleVessalsodevelopedafascinationwithcars,specificallyremodelingordetailingcarsatthis time.Theinterestincarstookprecedenceoverhisarchitecturalaspirations,leadingtoadecisiontoreturn homeandseekemploymentat DuPontinSeaford,Delaware. Thereafter,hesoondecidedtoleave DuPont,followhisinstincts,and focusuponbuildingahomeanda bodyshop.

Hesoonbecametheproudowner ofHarmon’sBodyShop.Hissteady hands,meticulous,caringnatureand tirelessworkethiccreatedtheformulaforasuccessfulbodyandfender repairman.LittleVesswasrecognizedlocally,countyandstate-wide forhiscraftsmanshipinbodyand fenderrepair,butitwashisexcellenceinpaintingcarsthatcemented

22 CoastalPoint March15,2024 ! M Sunday • Wed Wednesday SPECIA $29.00 Fenwic In t orYYo Jus FJuYstou! ! dnesday • Thursday AL ENTREE MENU Island k 4-6pm Daily HAPPY HOURS Cheers! Throughout! ENWICK ISLAND — 39-2607 • Reservations Recommended WEDNESDAYS AYS WINO ines Bottled W f All $10 Of IN THE e Open W Wednesday-Sunday • Reservations Recommended OF FE M E — 302-53 ednesday-Sunday Obits Continuedfrompage20 SeeOBITSpage44



AnnaMoshier,thenewexecutivedirectorofVillageVolunteers,believesthat seniorsmusthaveaqualityoflifethat enablesthemtolivewithdignityandindependenceforaslongaspossible.

ShesucceededJackieSullivan,theorganization’sfirstpaidexecutivedirector, onMarch1.Sullivanretiredafterserving inthatcapacitysince2015.

IfanyonewantstoseekMoshierout, shewon’tbefoundbehindadesk.She hasalreadyembarkeduponface-to-face meetingswithcommitteemembers,encouragingthemtosetgoalsandthenassistingwiththeirexecution.

Sheisactivelyseekingnew volunteers toanswertheever-increasingnumberof requestsforassistancefromseniorsinthe communitiesofLewes,Rehobothand Milton.

Explainingherinterestinapplyingto leadVillageVolunteers,anorganization thathasexpandedexponentiallysinceit wasfoundedadecadeago,Moshiersaid shewantedtoworklocally,especially withtheseniorpopulation.Today,394 Villagemembersnowliveindependent livesathomethankstotheassistanceof 312volunteerswhohelpwithabroad rangeoftasksfromtransportationand friendlycallstohouseholdchores.

“Overall,therearestillnotenough servicestocareforolderpeopleinneed,” Moshiermaintains.“Onejusthastolook around.Whenpeoplefindtheycan’tlive intheirhomebecauseofphysicallimitations,mostoftentheymoveoutoftown orinwithfamilymemberswhosupport them.

“Thissituationreallyspeakstome.I wanttoknowthatI’mmakingadifferenceinpeople’slivesinadirectway,”she said.“Iseeolderpeopleasvibrant,people whomIhavesomuchtolearnfrom.I can’twaittotapintoalltheirknowledge.”

AttheOsherLifelongLearningInstitute,whereMoshierdirectedprograms andfacilitiesfrom2009to2021across fivelocationsinSussexandKentcounties,shedealtextensivelywithbothvolunteers,includinginstructors,and


member-students.Theiraverageagewas 73.

“I learnedthatforseniors—whatevertheirage,membersorvolunteers— continuedlearningandsocializingisof vitalimportance,”shesaid.“I’velearned fromthemhowtoagegracefully.”

VillagePresidentSteuartMartens praisedtheworkofthesearchcommittee thatrecommendedMoshier.“Whatattractedthesearchcommittee’sattention isAnna’sabilitytoleadothers,buildrela-

tionshipsinthecommunity,andadaptto thefast-changingcultureofSussex County,”Martenssaid.“Whatstoodout aboveallelsewashermotivationalfit— herempathyandcompassionforhelping others.Itdidn’ttakeherlongtorecognizethatallthevolunteersshemethad thesameempathyandcompassion,”he said.

Martensnotedthatthesearchcommitteeincludedrepresentationfromthe three-year-oldSouthCoastalVillage

Volunteers,servingthecommunitiesof BethanyBeach,MillvilleandOcean View.SCVVrecentlyextendedacollaborationagreementwithVillageVolunteerstocontinueworkingtogetheruntil atleastJanuary2026.

FormoreinformationcallVillage Volunteersat302-703-2668,orSouth CoastalVillageVolunteers,,302-5001281.


TaylorBullisofMillsborowasone of22ShenandoahUniversityfield hockeystudent-athletesrecognized foracademicexcellencebytheNationalFieldHockeyCoachesAssociation,byearningaspotonthe association’s2023DivisionIIINationalAcademicSquad.

TheHornetstiedforthethirdmostNFHCAAcademicSquad honoreesinthecountry,andonly fourotherschoolshadatleast22 athletesappearonthelist.

AbbyBarefoot,EliseVelasquez andFarrenWinterwerenamedto theNFHCAacademicsquadfora

fourthtime.Thetrioispartofa groupof291student-athleteswho madeafourthappearanceonthe squad.

Atotalof11otherHornetshave madethesquadatleasttwostraight years.Shenandoahincreaseditsrepresentationbysixstudent-athletes

thisyearcomparedtolastseason. NFHCAAcademicSquadrecognitionisgiventoindividualswho haveattainedacumulativeGPAof 3.5orhigherthroughthefallsemesterofthecurrentacademicyear,and whohavebeennominatedbytheir dedicatedNFHCAmembercoaches.

March15,2024 Page23
24 CoastalPoint March15,2024


TheSouthernDelawareAlliance forRacialJustice(SDARJ)recently honoredMillsboroMiddleSchool eighth-graderHaydenMahammitt forhisleadership,effort,andexcellence.Hewasrecognizedinaceremonyattheschoolandreceiveda $20giftcardfromSDARJ.

Accordingtohisschoolcounselor, Mr.Eskridge,hehasbeenanexemplarystudentsincehestartedat MillsboroMiddle.Teachersand coachesalwayshighlightMahammitt’sleadershipskills,workethic, andmoralcompassinandoutofthe classroom.Todate,hehascompleted 10academicmarkingperiods,and onlytwicehashereceivedlessthan all“A”sforhiscoreclasses.

Aroundthebuilding,Mahammitt isasilentleaderandsomeonewho peersofallgradeslookuptobecause itseemsasthoughheisalways doingtherightthing.Staffandfacultyhavewitnessedhimholding peersaccountableinthelunchroom formessytables,intheclassroomfor incompleteworkandthehallways forrowdybehavior.

Outsidetheclassroom,heisa fantasticathleteandhaswonnumerousawardsforhisaccomplishments onthefootballfield.Healsoexcels onthebasketballcourt.Mr.Es-

CoastalPoint•Submitted MillsboroMiddleSchoolstudentHaydenMahammittwasrecognizedforhisleadership,effortandexcellencebytheSouthernDelawareAllianceforRacialJustice.

kridgesaid,“Weareproudtobea partofHayden’sacademicandathleticcareerandcannotwaittowitnessthethingsthatHaydenwill accomplishinhighschoolandbeyond.”

SDARJinitiatedtheAfrican AmericanAchievementawardto recognizestudentswhorepresentthe idealsofleadership,improvement, effort,andexcellenceintheir

schools.Studentsfromeachschool intheCapeHenlopenandIndian RiverSchoolDistrictsarerecognizedthroughouttheschoolyear. SDARJisanonpartisanorganizationthateducates,informs,andadvocatesforracialjustice,equality, andfairopportunity.


March15,2024 CoastalPoint 25 Fresh, Local Seasonal Cuisine 84 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970 Call 302.539.Café (2233) The Beach’s Premier Boutique Restaurant Reopening Thurs., March 21st R e s e r v a t i o n s O n l y Spring Hours Thursday-Saturday • 5-9pm $35 Prime Rib Night Thursday Nights


Snyderearnsa spotontheDean’s ListatCoastal CarolinaUniversity

Morethan3,000undergraduate studentsatCoastalCarolinaUniversity werenamedtotheDean’sListforthe Fall2023semester,includingJulia SnyderfromSelbyville.Studentswho maketheDean’sListhaveachieveda gradepointaverageof3.5orhigher (3.25forfreshmen)forthesemester.

CoastalCarolinaUniversityisa publicliberalartsinstitutionlocatedin Conway,minutesfromtheresortarea ofMyrtleBeach,S.C.CCUoffersbaccalaureatedegreesinmorethan100 majorfieldsofstudy.Amongtheuniversity’sgraduate-levelprogramsare27 master’sdegrees,oneeducationalspecialistdegree,andthedoctoratesineducationandinmarinescience:coastal andmarinesystemsscience.CCU boastsagrowingarrayofinternship, researchandinternationalopportunitiesforstudents,aswellasnumerous onlineprogramsthroughCoastalOnline.Morethan10,800studentsfrom acrossthecountryandaroundthe worldcanenjoyanationallycompetitiveNCAAIathleticprogram,and morethan180studentclubsandorganizations.



Smithnamedto MiddleAtlantic Conference AcademicHonorRoll

PennSmithofMillsborowasone ofmorethan140LebanonValley Collegestudent-athletestobenamed totheMiddleAtlanticConference’s (MAC)FallAcademicHonorRoll.

Smith,agraduateofSussexCentralHighSchool,isamemberofthe LebanonValleyCollegemen’scrosscountryteam,andispursuinga bachelor’sdegreeincomputerscience andmathematicsandphysicsatThe Valley.

Theacademichonorrollcomprisesstudent-athleteswhocompete inavarsity-levelsportandregistera term/semesterGPAof3.20(ona 4.00scale)orhigher.

TheMAChonorednearly1,700 totalstudent-athletesacrossallof theconference’sinstitutionswho competedinmen’sandwomen’s cross-country,fieldhockey,football, men’sandwomen’ssoccer,and women’svolleyball.

TheFlyingDutchmenhadthe second-highestnumberofhonorees intheconference.


26 CoastalPoint March15,2024 S
ACROSS 1 Ancient fabulist 6 Pesky insects 11 Shelter org. 15 __ capsule 19 Set of beliefs 20 Betray, in a way 21 Chalky powder 22 Make muddy 23 Subway request 25 Bibliography abbr. 26 Roadside retreats 27 Club music genre, familiarly 28 “We can seat you now” buzzer 29 “Funny, right?” 30 Travel document 31 Beach town atmosphere 33 Light verse best not shared with kids 37 Geek (out) 39 Unit of resistance annual dues 41 Vehicle in many a Jack London story 44 Filling station number 47 Unbelievably impressive 53 Actress who plays Anita Hill in the HBO film “Confirmation” singer Hagar 57 “Until we meet again, chérie” Marvel movies 61 Leonine feature 62 Like a small vineyard, perhaps 64 Clothing pioneer Strauss 65 Sign-on need popper 72 Like a live fumble 76 “What __ is new?” 77 Hind site? 83 “Open wide!” 88 Revved up 89 Pixel pattern 94 Stagnate 96 Refuse to be associated with 97 “Which __ say ... ” 98 Bud visitor 100 Hand sanitizer ingredient 102 Italian saint who founded a Franciscan religious order 109 Refuse to yield 113 Kick starters? 114 __ apso 115 Browning spots 117 Non opposite trailers 119 Recover from a run 120 Matinee idol of the 1930s and 1940s 123 Arizona landform 124 “Laugh-In” comedian Johnson 125 Tackle again 126 Sidestep 127 Elysian locale 128 Cherished 129 Cinch of a course shapes DOWN 1 Is tender 2 Slowly cut into 3 One of Marge 4 Somewhat strange 5 Course with a crust 6 Hall of Fame pitcher Maddux 7 Known as 8 Gaming trailblazer 10 __-Cat: winter vehicle 11 Girder alloy 12 Soul icon LaBelle 13 Insurance filing 14 Knee injury common among athletes 15 Pub entertainment with a host 16 Like some bonds 17 Belarus capital loosely inspired by “The Snow Queen” 24 Soil-loosening implement 29 Athletic center 32 Tenor Bocelli 34 Samurai without a lord 35 In those days 36 Sunshine, slangily 38 Region with many Commanders fans, briefly 41 Card game in which 10s score higher than kings and queens 42 News article intro 43 “__ go bragh!” 45 Airport security org. 46 Sushi tuna 47 Barrel strip 48 Like some water cooler cups 49 Plus 50 Ilhan of Congress 51 Luxury hotel chain headquartered in 52 Recolored asparagus family 55 “The Sweet Escape” singer Stefani 60 Paranormal vibe 63 “House of the 64 Shirt size abbr. 66 Slalom competitor 68 __ lemon: citrus hybrid 70 Pallid 71 Capital west of Montreal 72 “Yeah, man” 73 Pixar clownfish 74 Course of action 75 Figure included in the Gotham City Cycle Chase set 78 Part of LPGA 79 Swelled heads 80 Semiaquatic salamander 84 Flagon beer 85 Video game brother 86 Org. with auditors Blood” airer, for short 90 Still-life jug 92 “To a ... ” poems 93 Waiting to buy tickets, say 95 Shoe insert 99 Educational ad 101 Unsolicited, as a manuscript 102 Relinquished 103 Charter 104 Chicago airport 105 Soda with a piña colada flavor 106 Autumn blossom 107 Classifies 108 Off-white shade 110 Sioux City resident 111 Upholstery choice 112 Santa Fe foursome dream 116 Singer born in 120 Uno + due 121 Passing remark? 122 Reproductive cells
March15,2024 CoastalPoint 27


OnFeb.20,ThelmaJonesof Georgetownwasthefirststaffmember attheGeorgetownPublicLibrarytoreceivetheBoardExcellenceAward.The GeorgetownPublicLibraryBoardof Commissionerscreatedtheaward“to acknowledgethestrongandconsistent workofthededicatedstaffmembers,as theyembodythelibrary’smissionand vision.”

Boardmembersconsideredthecontributions,peerremarksandpublic commentsaboutstaffmembersfrom the priorsixmonths.Joneswasultimatelysingledoutfornotonlythework thatshedoesbutthewayinwhichshe treatsothers.


Joneswasdescribedas“oneofthe mostknowledgeablepeoplehere”andas “alwayspoliteandgracious.”Shewas alsocharacterizedasagreatresource who“pitchesinwhenhelpisneeded withoutbeingasked.”

Duringthelastmonths,representativessaid,Jonesimprovedoperationsby suggestingcorrectionsonseverallibrary publications.And,finally,shewasalso acknowledgedforbeing“sokindand patient,nomatterhowmanytimesshe isinterrupted.”

Jones,a12-year-employeeofthe GeorgetownPublicLibrary,hasbeen workinginherprofessionforthree decades.Onlyoccasionallyseenatthe circulationdesk,sheisoneofthestaff memberswhoisusuallybehindthe scenes,assuringqualitycontrolthrough

catalogingbooksandotherresource materials.

Theannouncementoftheawardwas madeTuesday,Feb.20,atanemployee appreciationdinneratthelibraryin frontofherpeersandtheBoardof Commissioners.Theboard’sselection recognizedthateachofthestaffmemberswasdeserving,havingrepresented thelibrarywithexcellenceforthebenefitoflibrarypatronsandthecommunity.

BoardofCommissionersVicePresidentSusanneLawssaidshewas “thrilled”tomakethepresentationon behalf ofthegroup.

“WeareexcitedandgratefultopresenttheBoardExcellenceawardtothe staffmemberwho‘steppedupandout’ inservicetothelibraryoverthepastsix


“Iamsurprisedbutyetgratefultobe selectedforthisaward,”saidJones.“My co-workers,alongwithmyself,work veryhardtoprovidethebestservicewe cantonotonlyourcommunitybutto theStateofDelawareandbeyond. Thankyou,GeorgetownBoardof Commissioners,forrecognizingmefor mycontributionsastheGeorgetown Publiclibrary’scatalogerandformy othercontributions.”

ForGeorgetownarearesidentswho areinterestedinbecomingmoreinvolvedintheleadershipoftheGeorgetownPublicLibraryoritsfunding development,informationaboutbecomingaBoardofCommissionerora Friendisavailableonthelibrary’


TheRehobothArtLeagueiswelcomingbackitsYoungatArtexhibition,whichshowcasesteacher-selected artworkfromSussexCountystudentsin gradeskindergartenthroughhigh school.TheshowisdesignedtocelebratethenextgenerationofDelaware artistsbyprovidinglocalyoungcreatives withsupportandencouragementto pursuetheirartisticambitions.


andTubbsgalleriesMarch16-30atthe RehobothArtLeague.Thepublicand participatingstudentsarewelcometo celebratetheexhibition’sopeningby visitingthegalleriesthroughouttheday onSaturday,March16.

Eachyear,theRehobothArtLeague awardsavarietyofcashandscholarship prizestooutstandingworks,including theTomWilsonAwardBestinShow andtheJamesKennethDerricksonMe-

morialscholarships.Everypiecefeaturedintheshowishand-selectedby artteachersacrossthecounty,withthis opportunityprovidingyounglocalswith the chancetodisplaytheirartina galleryspaceforthefirsttime.

Thisyear,RALiswelcoming30 publicandprivateschoolstoexhibita selectionoftheirstudents’artworksin thegalleriesonthehistoricHenlopen Acrescampus.ParticipatingschoolsincludeDelmarvaChristianHighSchool, DelmarvaChristianK-8,EastMillsboroElementarySchool,Georgetown ElementarySchool,H.O.Brittingham ElementarySchool,IndianRiverHigh School,JohnM.ClaytonElementary

School,LewesElementarySchool, LordBaltimoreElementarySchool, MarinerMiddleSchool,Millsboro MiddleSchool,SelbyvilleMiddle School,SouthernDelawareSchoolfor theArts,SussexAcademyElementary School,SussexAcademyHighSchool, SussexAcademyMiddleSchool.

Theexhibition,whichisunderwrittenbyPNCBankandsupportedby DelawareCollegeofArtandDesign, theHowardPyleStudioGroup,Village ImprovementAssociationandDr.Ellen E. Notar,isfreeandopentothepublic duringtheregulargalleryhoursof MondaythroughSaturday,10a.m.to4 p.m.,andSunday,noonto4p.m.

28 CoastalPoint March15,2024 *Limit one o er per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/Designer Glide-Out Shelves. EXP 03/31/24. Independently owned and operated franchise. ©2023 ShelfGenie SPV LLC. All rights Reserved. Custom Pull-Out Shelvesfor your existing cabinets and pantry. Call for Your FREE Design Consultation (844) 538-5547 302-217-0516 36666 W. Bluewater Run • Unit #10 • Selbyville, DE $20 OFF Per Couple Expires: 04/15/24 Gift Cards Available! 90min Massage $140.00 Open Every Day • 9am-9pm Old Town Thrift & Gift TheLittleStoreon theShorewithMore 302-436-6101 79W.ChurchSt.,Selbyville Wed-Sat,10am-4pm • Sun,11am-3pm ClosedMon& Tues Spin the Wheel for 10%-30% Off Off Entire Purchase! Through March 17th Luck of the Irish!


CoastGuardAuxiliaryFlotilla12-05of OceanCity,Md.,willofferaMaryland SafeBoatingCourseonMarcy19-21from 6to9p.m.attheOceanPines,Md.,library.

“Asuccessfuldayonthewaterrequires planning,knowledgeandcommunication,” saidBarryCohen,Flotilla12-05publiceducationofficer.“Thebestwaytoprepareis bytakingtheMarylandSafeBoating Course.”

CertifiedinstructorsfromtheOcean CityCoastGuardAuxiliarywillbeofferingthiscomprehensiveclass.Alltherequiredmaterialiscovered,aswellas informationonlocalwatersandnautical navigation.


tionActrequiresthatanyonebornafter July1,1972,mustpossessaMaryland BasicBoatingSafetyCertificatetooperate aboatinthestateofMaryland.Thoseattendingtheclassandpassingthetestwill receiveaMarylandBoatingCertificate, whichisNASBLA-approvedandvalidin allstates.

Afeeof$20coversthecostofthe courseandmaterials.Checksshouldbe madepayableto:“USGCAUX12-05”and mailedto:USCGAUX12-05,P.O.Box 1682,Berlin,MD21811.PaymentviaPayPalisalsoaccepted.Formoreinformation ortoregister,contactBarryCohenat(410) 935-4807ore-mail


Don’t just go to the movies. Go to the... A family friendly, historic movie theatre experience just minutes from the beach Delaware’s ONLY Classic Single-Screen Theatre! OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Evenings at 7:00 PM Fri., Sat. & Sun. Matinee at 3:00 PM Open Caption Matinee Wed., 03/27 at 3 PM Advance Tickets for all shows available at: Same Day Tickets available at the Box Office 30 Mins. before showtime Box Office: (302) 732-3744 33246 Main St. Dagsboro, DE 19939 March15,2024 CoastalPoint 29 Coffee • Ice Cream Sundaes Tasty Treats! 33103 Main Street, Dagsboro (302) 321-5351 Convenient to Routes 26 & 113 Open 7 Days! 7am-5pm Unique Toys & Games You Won’t Find Anywhere Else! The Kisa Cafe Home of Visit Our Second Toy Location Myriads @ 30305 Vines Creek Rd! [1] Terms and conditions apply, call for details. Courtesy of named DISH Authorized Retailer. $300 PrePaid Mastercard Make the Switch from DTV Gift Card Offer ends 4/10/2024: Requires offer code DTV2DISH. Eligibility requires: 1) continuing active DISH service, 2) completion of the first 31 days of DISH service, 3) payment of first DISH bill, 4) submission of a recent DirecTV satellite bill for the same name or address, and 5) online redemption after validation. Call for full details. For J.D. Power 2023 award information, visit Ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction 6 Years in a Row CALL US NOW! 1-855-407-6870 1-855-407-6870 Call us now! *$300 DTV Switcher Offer is provided by DISH, all other gift card offers are courtesy of PlanetDISH, call for full offer details. Add Highspeed Internet as low as $49.99/mo FREE Google Voice Remote Streaming INCLUDED, stream live TV on up to 5 devices Free Next Day Professional Installation (where available) Enjoy thousands of shows and movies included On-Demand J.D. Power Award For Customer Satisfaction - 6 Years In A row Never watch another commercial during your favorite primetime shows Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumnandevery 3x3 gridcontainsthedigits1through9.Thatmeansthat no numberisrepeatedinanyrow,columnorbox. Copyright©KevinStone[]

Thephemeralflower:Virginiabluebells NotableNatives

Oneofmyfavoriteshade-lovingnative flowersistheVirginiabluebell(mertensiavirginica).Eventhoughtheyonlylastthroughthe spring,theyaredefinitelyaplantyoushould addtoyourgarden.

Thebeautifulflowersofthebluebellsstart offpinkandslowlyturnthatfantasticshadeof blue.Thatbeautifulbluecolorissohardtofind inplants.Also,plantingmertensiavirginica(or anynativegroundcovers)beneathyourtreesen massenotonlylooksstunning,butalsowill helpprotectbutterflylarvawhentheydrop downfromyourhosttreesandpreventweeds.

Mertensiavirginicabloomsinearlyspring, butbysummertheyhavediedback(become dormant)toletthesummerbloomerscome through.Whenthesebluebellsarehappy,they willself-seedtoformbeautifulbluedriftsin yourshadegardenandrequirelittlecarefrom you.Theydoprefermoist,well-drainedareas andslightlyacidicsoils—whichthisareahas, andthatiswhyholliesandblueberriesdoso wellhere.

Thisearly-bloomerisgreatfortheearly pollinators.Theirtubularflowersarelovedby thelong-tonguebees,aswellasthebumbles. Anotherearlyvisitoristhehummers,andthey willbebusylookingforfood,sincetheyuseso muchoftheirenergyintheirlongjourneyin thespring(andeveryoneloveshummingbirds).

Thebutterfliesandmothsalsoflocktothis flowerandalightonthegracefuledgeof mertensiavirginia.Luckily,thedeerandrabbit donotbotherthem(unlesstheyarereallyhungry).

Unfortunately,bluebellsarethreatenedin thewildbecausesomuchoftheirnativehabitat isbeingdestroyed.Byplantingtheminour yards,perhapswecanhelpthemsurviveand rewildthemselvesinourlocalecosystems.


•ThegenusnameisinhonorofFranzCarl Mertens,whowasaprofessorofbotanyatBremen.

•BluebellswereusedbyNativeAmericans tohelpcurewhoopingcough,tuberculosis,di-

ureticsandskinailments,andtherootswere usedasanantidoteforpoisons.

•MertensiavirginicawastheWildflowerof theYearinVirginiain1989.

•Supposedly,theleavestastelikeoysters whencooked(pleasedonottrythisathome).

•Didyouknowthatatdaybreaktheyring forthefairies?



•Bluebellsattractbumblebees,long-tongue bees,butterflies,mothsandhummingbirds; •Theirnectarisvitaltotheearlypollinators;




•Amelanchiercanadensis[rosaceaefamily] serviceberry




•Carexpensylvanica[cyperaceaefamily] Pennsylvaniasedge

•Carexwoodii[cyperaceaefamily]wood’s sedge

•Carexcherokeensis[cyperaceaefamily] Cherokeesedge






•Dicentraeximia[papaveraceaefamily] bleedingheart

•Dicentracucullaria[fumariaceaefamily] Dutchman’s-breeches


•Lobeliacardinalis[campanulaceaefamily] redcardinalflower

•Lobeliasiphilitica[campanulaceaefamily] greatbluelobelia

•Phloxdivaricate[polemoniaceaefamily] woodlandphlox


•Polygonatumodoratum[asparagaceae family]Solomon’sseal

•Senecioaurea[asteraceaefamily]golden ragwort

•Stylophorumdiphyllum[papaveraceae family]woodpoppy

•Trilliumgrandiflorum[melanthiaceae family]large-floweredtrillium

30 CoastalPoint March15,2024 30 MARCH 29 ith At & Cft Fi Improvements, with Fa Hundreds of ideas for your air events@ocea Roland E. P o well H .oce www • 40th S Convention Center , • Street Ocean City MD


LaRedHealthCenterthisweekannouncedthatithasadoptedanewlogothat reflectsitscommitmenttoanexpanding community.LaRedhasbeenprovidingaccesstomuchneededhealthcaretoSussex Countysince2001.Inthebeginning,La Red,whichmeansthe“network”inSpanish, focusedonhelpingthegrowingSpanishspeakingcommunitywhofounditdifficult, ifnotimpossible,toaccesscareinSussex Countyconnectwithhealthcareproviders.

Overits23-yearlifecycle,LaRedHealth Centerhasgrownexponentially.LaRed nowhasthreedifferentmedicaloffices acrossthecounty,inGeorgetown,Seaford andMilford,andprovidescareforjust under14,000patients.

LaRedalsonowservesnotonlypatients fromtheLatinocommunitybutalsoa growingnumberofHaitian-Creoleindividuals.

“YoucanseeallofSussexCountyrepresentedinourwaitingroomswithafocuson thosewhoareuninsuredorunderinsured,” representativessaid.

TheservicesLaRedofferedSussex Countyresidentsalsoevolved.LaRednow offerscomprehensiveservicesincluding dental,behavioralhealth(mentalhealth



Iamaddinginthefamilynames,asIrecentlylearnedthatwhenmakingsureyouhave plantdiversity,youshouldalsohavefunctional traitandphylogeneticdiversity.Whatthat meansiswemustmakesurethatweareputtingfloratogetherthatdoesdifferentthings withintheecosystem.Forexample,youwant plantsthatflowerandsomethatspreadpollen byseed.Youneedplantsthathavedeeptap rootsandothersthatspreadbyrunners (stolon).

Iamalwaysmentioninglayers,andthatapplieshere,too.So,youwouldnotwanttoplant strictlylobelia,eventhoughtheycomeinvaried sizesandcolors,becausetheybehavethesame way,However,plantinglobeliacardinalis, senecioaureaandmertensiavirginicaundera amelanchiercanadensisnotonlymakesabeautifulcolorcombination,theybringdifferent traitstoyourproperty(yourlocalecosystem).

Differentinsectshaveevolvedwiththedifferentplants,sothelobeliacardinalishaspinkwashedlooperlarvaethateattheirleaves, bumblebeesvisitthemfornectarandpollen, andweevilsfeedontheirseeds.

Theamelanchiercanadensishasberries lovedbyhumans,andbirds,butterfliesandbees flocktogettheirnectarandpollen.Theyarea hostplantandcanbeplantedinaraingarden, astheycantoleratewetrootsandhelpabsorb theextrawaterrunoff.

Theserviceberrycanalsowithstandwind soitcanprotectotherplantsandtheirrootsare notaggressive.Thebluebellgrowsbyundergroundrhizomesandisgreatfornaturalizing areas.

therapy,medicationmanagement,andmedicationsforsubstanceusedisorder),primary care,women’shealthcare,prenatalcare, HIV/STItesting,referralsforcancerscreeningsandadiscountpharmacyprogram.

“BecauseofthegenesisofLaRedand SussexCounty,theformerlogoofthecommunityholdingupaglobenolongerfelt likeitrepresentedtheorganization,”representativessaid.“In2023,LaRed’sleadership andboarddecidedthatitwastimefora change.Theorganizationsetouttodevelop anewlogothatbetterreflectsLaRedasthe organizationthatithasbecome.”

TheteamatLaRedengagedacommunityofpeopletoworkshopalogothatbetter demonstrateswhoLaRedisasanorganizationanditslegacy,commitmentandpassion forservingSussexCounty’sunder-served communities.

Thenewlogofeaturesatreewithaheart atitscore,symbolizingloveandcompassion. Itstrunkisformedbyhands,portraying strengthandsupport,astheylift thecanopy upward.Firmlyrootedintheground,the logoembodiesresilienceandstability.The tagline:“RootedinCommunity”reinforces that.Thecolorsincorporatedinthenew logoincludeanavyblue,seagreenandthe burgundyfromtheoriginallogotohonor LaRed’sorigins.Thenavyblueandsea greenrepresenttheoceanandbaythatsurroundSussexCounty.

“LaRed’snewlogoisabetterrepresentationofwhoweareasanorganization,” saidBrianOlson,LaRed’schiefexecutive officer.“LaRedisheretoserveallmembers ofourcommunity.Ournewlogodoesa muchbetterjobofillustratingthat.”


thenewLaRedHealthCenterlogoonsignage,letterhead,marketingmaterialsandon certainvehicles.

LaRedplanstoholdatreeplantingceremonyinApril,EarthMonth,tocelebrate thenewlogobyplantingnewliteralroots, supportenvironmentaljustice,andtotake justonestepofmanytohonorthecounty agencieswhopulledtogethertoformour rootssomanyyearsago.

“Weloveournewlogo,”saidRachel Hersh,LaRed’sdeputydirector.“Itembodiesourpast,ourpresentandourfuture growthinthecommunitiesthatweserve. Wehopethatourpatientsandpartners agreethatweareindeedrootedinthecommunityandinvestedintheirhealth.”

FormoreinformationaboutLaRed HealthCentervisit

Chicken Salad Wrap

Taco Salad

Blackened Chicken Quesadilla

Slider Trio

Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Steakhouse Burger

Cobb Salad

Carne Asada Burrito


Open Faced Turkey Sandwich

Blackened Chicken Alfredo

Cheeseburger Flatbread

Salted Rim Patty Melt

Shrimp Linguini

Triple Burrito

Seafood Alfredo

Seafood Quesadilla

1 lb Snow Crab Legs

Carne Asada-Shrimp Combo

Chicken Monterey

Grilled Tuna Steak

Prime Sirloin

Twin Crab Cakes (4oz)


March15,2024 CoastalPoint 31
Lunch & Dinner Specials Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Margarita Bar & Grille
items for $12 each, includes a beverage (coffee, tea, pepsi products) Please no shared plates Menu Changes Weekly ~
items for $20 each Menu Changes Weekly ~
3/19 Live Entertainment Minutes Away from Rehoboth Beach & Ocean City Fri 3/15 Sat 3/16 Sat 3/17 • • • • 8-11pm 1-5pm 5-11pm 2-8pm-DJ "Denny" DJ "Rupe" DJ "Denny" DJ "Denny" 302-537-7373 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville Thu 3/14 & Mon-Wed 3/18-3/20
Please no shared plates

AquacarePhysicalTherapyand FitnessForumPhysicalTherapyrecentlywelcomedAmandaAdkinsas theirnewchiefstrategyofficer.

Adkins,whoworkedfor Aquacaremanyyearsagoasanexercisetech,rejoinsthecompany with17yearsofexperienceinclinicaloperations,performancemanagement,programdevelopmentand strategicdevelopment.

Shesaidshepridesherselfindevelopingstrong,high-performing teamsthroughmentoring,staffengagement,andestablishingrelationshipswithinternalandexternal


Adkinsearnedhermaster’sdegreeinbusinessadministrationand healthcaremanagementfromthe UniversityofDelawareandher master’sinphysicaltherapyfrom theUniversityofMaryland–Eastern Shore.ShealsohasaGreenBelt certificationinLeanSixSigma Methodologythatshehassuccessfullyappliedtoperformanceimprovementprojectsandinitiatives throughouthercareer.

In2019,Adkinsreceivedthe AnneArundelMedicalCenterValuesLeadershipAwardandtheOn-

cologyCommunityServiceAward forherachievementsinleadership andcommunityservice.

Oneofherfirstprojectsisthe launchofAquacarePTPLUS,a mobilephysicaltherapyprogram thatbringsexpertcaredirectlyto clientswheretheylive,workand play.Physicaltherapyteamswith AquacarePTPLUScanmeetwith clientsintheirhomes,intheirfitnesscenters,communitypoolsor evenonthegolfcourse.Thisallows theteamtodirectlyunderstandthe issuesfacingeachclientastheylive theirdailylives.Additionally,the teamprovidespersonalized,one-ononephysicaltherapy,toteach clientshowtoimprovetheir strength,mobilityandathleticism. ThisprogramisavailableforcurrentornewpatientsinDelaware andMaryland.

Whileawayfromwork,Adkins saidsheenjoysspendingtimewith herhusband,familyandfriends,and playingwithhergoldenretriever, Crosby.Sheisalsoabigfanofthe MarylandTerrapins,BaltimoreOriolesandWashingtonCapitals.She enjoystraveling,aswellasgiving backtothecommunitybyparticipatinginanonprofitcharitycalled Santa’sAngels,shesaid.


women-ownedandphysicaltherapist-ownedcompanywith11locationsinDelawareandMaryland, includingFitnessForuminAnnapolis.Thecompanyoffersphysicaltherapyandoccupational therapyspecialtyservicesincluding:

•Advancedphysicaltherapycare fororthopedicinjuriesorsurgeries;









•Sportsmedicineandathletics programs.

AquacarealsooperatestheMilfordFitnessCenterinMilford.Fitnesscentermembershipsinclude workingwithadedicatedphysical therapyteamthathelpsclientsexerciseandimprovestrengthandmobilityinasafeenvironment.

Callalocalofficetoschedulea freeconsultationoranappointment. Learnmoreaboutalloftheservices availableandourlocationsat

32 CoastalPoint March15,2024 . C J ——INTE YEA E 100 COTT ONN S — FURNITURE & FINE ERIORS ANNIVER N R T —— RY Y SA S SAL Up to 50% LE % off 1953 p Chair Lee Indstries Hickory Chair - Hickor y - Hickor n Histor Moder Interiors .,ehoboth35R CamelotDrr.,R 302-227-1850 ff Chaddock Ce u y - Lillian A - - Centur ic y Chair - Highland House - EJV r Beach,DE19971 ugust - Chelsea House - MT Compan oodbrid ctor - Summer Classics - W Woodbridge - Baker Fineni Fur 6chSt.,Selb EastChur 302-436-8205 xington y - Le pan dge iture byville,DE19975 8205
AquacareandFitnessForumPhysicalTherapywelcomeChiefStrategyOfficerAmandaAdkins Delmarva Tennis 302-259-0279 Delmarva Tennis Racquet Stringing Bethany Beach, DE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Member USRA 24-48 Hour Turnaround Email/Call/Text for Pricing • 302-259-0279



ClaytonElementarySchool.Rotary purchasedsomeequipmentanddonated custom-madefrisbees.Brendan

Heneghan,ownerofYesterday’sFun, donatedsomesportsequipment.Hehas beenalongtimesupporterofSouthern SussexRotary.Also,Walmartgavethe clubadiscountonpurchasingsome


Thememberswrotepositive,inspirationalmessagestothestudents,like, “GoJMC,”“Rotarysupportsyou,” “Havefun,”etc.

TolearnmoreaboutRotary,visit,or contactBrendanCrottyat(302)8583234.


RotaryYouthLeadership Awards(RYLA)isanintensiveleadershipexperience organizedbyRotaryclubs anddistrictswherestudents developleadershipskills whilehavingfunandmakingconnections.Thisyear, SouthernSussexRotary sponsoredthefollowingIndianRiverHighSchoolstudents:ThienThanhBarends, MaribellaDiCenzo,Ashley Legunas,BenjaminParsons, AidenMageeandJonathan Robinson.OCBerlinRotary sponsoredIndianHigh SchoolstudentKendallMcCabe.

BrendanCrotty(Rotarian/RealtorwithKW),Linda Forte(Rotarian/CommunityRelations&Marketing atEasterseals),ThienThanhBarends(JunioratIndianRiverHighSchool),andBobbiJ.BarendsPh.D. (Rotarian/VicePresidentandCampusDirector, DelawareTechnicalCommunityCollege).

302-537-7373 35553 Atlantic Ave., Millville Sun-Thurs 11:30–10pm • Fri & Sat 11:30–12am • Pricing & Specials subject to change without notice Lunch Specials (special menu with 12 choices each item $12) Every Day 11:30-4:00 Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLE TO GO* 12 for $12 Wed – T-R-I-V-I-A – 7pm GameNights Mon – B-I-N-G-O – 6pm Thu – M-I-N-G-O – 7pm Fri 3/15 Sat 3/16 Sun 3/17 $20 Tuesdays 10 for $20 (special menu with 10 choices each item $20) Tuesday 4-9pm Menu changes weekly • *AVAILABLE TO GO*---8-11pm 1-5pm 5-11pm 2-8pm DJ "Denny" DJ "Rupe" DJ "Denny" DJ "Denny" • Daily lunch, dinner and happy hour specials • Entertainment: Tues - NEW!! Themed Trivia - 7pm Harry Potter - 3/19 March15,2024 CoastalPoint 33 Got Behavioral Problems? LET’S TALK! AKC Canine Good Citizen • Obedience Training Private & Group Classes Nancy LaFontaine AKC CGC Evaluator ABC Certified Dog Trainer 302-236-2497 Sasha’s Jewels, LLC JEWELRY REPAIR • CUSTOM DESIGNS & APPRAISALS Jewelry BUY• SELL TRADE Why consign? Immediate payment for your items. You will be treated like family & given individual attention. Gemologist (302) 296-6909 202GumboroRd,Selbyville,DE AppointmentsOnlyNow CoastalPoint•Submitted


Whyisitimportantthatyouunderstandshoulderimpingement?The dataspeaksforitself.Medicalexperts estimatethatshoulderimpingement causesaroundhalfofallcasesof shoulderpain.Whatthattellsusis, formanyfolks,shoulderimpingement maynotbeafamiliartermbutthere isabetterthanaveragechancethat youorsomeoneyouknowisafflicted bythisextremelypainfulproblemor willbesoon.That’swhywe’regoing totakealooktogethersoyoucan helpyourselfandthoseyoucare about.

Therearethreebonesthatmake uptheshoulder:thehumerus,which isthelongboneofyourupperarm; thescapula,whichisyourshoulder bone;andtheclavicle.Shoulderimpingementinvolvesyourshoulder’s rotatorcuff.Itoccurswhenthetendonsoftherotatorcuffarepinchedas theypassbetweenthetopofyour upperarmorhumerusandthetipof yourshoulder.

Youmayrememberthatwehave talkedabouttherotatorcuffbefore.It ismadeupoffourmusclesandbones thathaveacommontendon.The musclesareattachedatdifferent

placesononeendoftheshoulder blade.Theyareattachedattheother endtotheupperendofthearmbone. Whenthemusclesandtendons

don’tslideeasilyandastheyshould normally,thetendonsandbursa— whichyoumayrememberissacfilled withfluidwhosejobitistoprotect

thetendons—becomeirritatedand theyswell.Thisresultsinnastypain


BeebeHealthcareisproudtowelcomeAllergyandImmunology specialist, AmulyaAmirneni,MD,toBeebeMedicalGroup. Dr.Amirneniiscommittedtoimprovingpatients’qualityoflifebyworking inunisonwiththeotherspecialtydepartmentsatBeebeHealthcare,witha sharedvisiontoexpandallergycareandresourcesacrossSussexCounty.

su er from s, asthma, food

Dr.Amirnenidiagnosesandtreatspatientsofallages(pediatricandadult)whosu erfrom awiderangeofallergicandimmunologicconditionsincludingallergicrhinitis,asthma,food allergies,hives,eczema,drugallergies,andimmunodeficiencies.

34 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Nowacceptingnewpatients! 302-703-3393 MEDICALGROUP is Our Specialty SUSSEX COUNTY
SeeCAIROpage35 CoastalPoint•Stockphoto

thatyouwilllikelyexperienceifyour problemisshoulderimpingement.

Thereareafewwaysthatshoulder impingementcanoccur,butmostof thetimetheculpritisoveruse.Over time,doinganactivityorrepeatinga motionoverandoveragainputsa greatdealofstressonyourshoulder jointandyourrotatorcuff.People whodophysicalworksuchaswashingwindows,construction,packing boxes;peoplewhoengageinsports suchasswimming,baseballorsoftball,tennisorpickleballandevena hobbysuchaspainting,areatrisk.It canalsoresultfrompoorposture.

Butlet’sbeclearhere.Thereare somepeoplewhowillexperience shoulderimpingementwhodon’tfall intothesetypicalcategories.Itcan alsoresultfromafall,anaccidentor aninjury.Andthere’soneotherfactor someofusofacertainageneedto know:Thoseofusolderthan50are moreatrisk,whichmakessensewhen youthinkaboutit.

Thesymptomscangiveyoua sensethatyoucouldbeexperiencing shoulderimpingement.Youmight havethisconditionifyoufindthat youareexperiencingpainwhenyou reachoveryourhead,forexample,or reachforabackpocket.Itcanalsore-

sultinyourhavingpainwiththe overheaduseofyourarm.

Othersymptomscanincludetendernessandpainatthefrontofyour shoulderonthesidewhereyouare experiencingyourpain.Youmayalso experiencepainwhenlyingonthe sidethatinvolvestheproblemshoulder.Youmayalsofeelpainorasense ofdeepachinessatnightandthat’s notgoodwhenyouwanttosleep.Anotherpotentialsymptomissignificant weaknessinyourshouldermuscles.

Andherewegoagain:Youknow whatIamgoingtotellyou,butI wantyoutounderstandthatit’snot aboutmegettingbackuponmy soapbox.It’saboutyougettingthe rightdiagnosis.Let’sfaceit.Therealityisthatthereisnoone-size-fits-all answersothecrucialfirststepisfindingoutwhatiscausingyourproblem. Youneedtoseeadoctorimmediately andgetaproperdiagnosis.

Whenyougotothedoctor,remembertobepreparedbywriting downinformationyouneedtoremembertoshareandbringitwith you.Writedowninformationsuchas howlongyouhavebeenexperiencing yourpain,whatwereyoudoingwhen youfirstnoticedthepain,whereare youfeelingthatpainanddescribe whatitfeelslikethebestyoucan.

Don’tforgettowritedownalistof medicationsandanysupplementsyou aretaking.Alsoremembertotellyour

doctorifyouhavehadaninjury,and letyourmedicalprofessionalknowif youhavehadanychangeinmedicationsfromothermedicalprofessionals.

Allthisbackgroundinformation willbeimportantinhelpingyour doctorhavethetotalpictureofwhat youareexperiencing.Alongwithreviewingyourinformation,yourdoctor islikelygoingtoperformaphysical examandmayalsoorderothertests toruleoutotherpotentialunderlying problems.

Onceyourmedicalprofessional hasdeterminedthatyousufferfrom impingement,yourdoctorwilllikely talkwithyouaboutaplantoworkon gettingthebestoutcomethatmayincludeaprescriptionforphysicaltherapy.

Ifyourdoctorsendsyoutoseea physicaltherapist,youcanexpectthat inadditiontoreviewingyourmedical recordsthatyourdoctorhasshared. Yourphysicaltherapistwilllikelyexamineyouandaskyoutoshareyour thoughtsaboutwhatyouhavebeen experiencing.Don’tholdback.AsIso oftenurgeyoutodo,becandid.This dialogueisthestartofyourpartnershipandworkingtogetheriskey.

Yourphysicaltherapistwilldevise acustomtreatmentplanthatmayincludemanualtherapythatcouldinvolveworkingonyourjointsandsoft tissues,aswellasshoulderstretches,

strengtheningexercisesandrange-ofmotionexercises.Yourprogramis typicallycreatedtoworkforyou basedonyourspecificneedsand otherpotentialissuesthatmayneed tobetakenintoaccountinbuildinga program.

Youmayalsogetahomeworkassignment.Thiscouldincludeexercisesyoucandoathome.Thegoal hereistoincreaseyourmuscle strength,mobility,andhelptoalleviateyourpain.

Don’tthinkforaminutethatyour physicaltherapistdoesn’tappreciate howpainfulthisconditioncanbe. Physicaltherapistslikemeunderstand,andourgoalistohelpyoufeel better.

ButthethoughtIwanttoleave youwith—whatIwantyoutoalwayskeepinmind—isequallyimportant.It’saboutmotivation.Never losefocusonwhatyoucandoto makeyourqualityoflifethebestit canbe,nomatterwhatyoursituation. Committotakingeveryopportunity tobeactive.Dealingwithissuessuch asshoulderimpingementgivesyou theopportunitytoimproveyour healthandliveeachdaytothefullest.

BobCairoisalicensedphysicaltherapistatTidewaterPhysicalTherapy.He c anbereachedbycalling(302)5377260.

f Trusted Advisor i l di e tner and r part o r to philanthr source .opists g profe to hey’ve been they’ve been eci essional adviso ganiza n most helpful with net e whenever we’ve needed guidance. n ther ougho ia a .ors tworking and collabor e out the ye maximize tax adv sional adv profes e C At the Delawar Wilm community imp and vantages e savvy decisions ab isors mak we h oundation, ommunity F Osbu pact. bout charitable giving to help donors and their mington, md vice pr o le T 302.335.69 or g ipaolo@delcf.or esident for Southern Delawar e pr , aolo e DiP Mik contact e, arn mor e delcf.or 933 t , a e war org/daf March15,2024 CoastalPoint 35 Cairo Continuedfrompage34



NARFELuncheon— NARFECoastalSussex CountyChapter1690willholditsmonthly luncheonatthe1776SteakhouseinMidwayCenteratnoon.Thecostoftheluncheonis$19perperson,whichincludes gratuities,andpaymentismadeuponarrival.SendanemailtoWarrenorJanie Fullertoreserveyourspotat

SeasonOpener— Theseasonopeningofthe 37-acreDelawareBotanicGardensatPepper Creekwillbeofficial.Featuring200,000 springbu lbsthroughoutthegardens.Seethe newHedgerowGardenandstrollthewide ADAcompatiblewalkingtrailsfromthePiet OudolfMeadowGardentotheLearningGardentotheFollyGarden,thenenterthe12acrewoodlandsandenjoywalkingtothe 1,000feetofPepperCreekshoreline.ObservewildlifefromtheObservationDeck.As youwalkalongtheshorelineyoumayseethe EaglesNest.Thereisa10a.m.guidedtour allopendays.TheDBGisopenfrom9a.m. to4p.m.Thursdaysthro ughSundays.Lots toseeatDBG.MembersareadmittedFree andNon-memberspaya$15admissionfee. The10a.m.guidedtouris$10.Children16 andunderareadmittedFreetothegardens, whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservations fortheguildedtourcanbemadebygoingto thewebsite:


SouthCoastalGenealogyGroup— This monthlygroupmeetingatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:15a.m.isforgenealogyenthusiastsofallskilllevels. Learngenealogy resources,tricks,andmethodsfromeach otherinawelcomingenvironmentwhile meetingothersandconversingaboutcurrent projects.Themeetingissetupasadiscussion,however,selectgenealogyresources arealsoshown/demonstratedbymeetingfacilitator.Meetingsareheldeveryothermonth onselectFridaysat10:15am(nomeetings inSummer).Free,forages18-plus,noregistrationneeded.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue ,BethanyBeach,DE 19930(302)858-5518

ArmchairTraveler:Ireland— SouthCoastal Library’sarmchairtravelerprogramsarea funwaytoseephotos,hearstories,andfind outinformationaboutuniquedestinations acrosstheglobefromlibrarystaffandfellow communitymembers,heldat2p.m.Learn aboutwell-knownandlesser-knownattractions,food,andmore!Thismonthwewill hearfromClaireaboutIreland.Freeandopen toages 18-plus.Registrationisrequiredand availableat bycalling(302)858-5518.Walk-insareacceptedifspaceallows.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.

SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea, DirectorofHorticultureandEducationalPro-

gramsatDelawareBotanicGardensatPepperCreek,whowillleadaspecialguidedtour andlearnaboutthedifferenttypesofspring bulbsat2p.m.Cost oftheBulbtouris$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedFreeandNon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder areadmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsforthe guidedtourcanbemadebygoingtothe website:


CommunityBingo— TheNanticokeIndian CenteronRoute24inMillsboroishosting CommunityBingoat5p.m.Thiseventis sponsoredbyIndianMissionUni ted MethodistChurch.Thisisafreecommunity eventforallages.Everyoneiswelcome. Prizeswillbevariousgifts.Formoreinformation,call(302)945-0830or(302)9347779.


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber, RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,forafree, one-hourGentleFlowYogaclassatSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathing techniques,postures,andexerc isestopromoteflexibilityandstrength,balance,andrelaxation.Pleasebringayogamatortowel

fromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends 4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.Ifyouareunabletogetontotheflooreasily,donotworry, wewillprovidechairs.Thereareoptionsfor all!Registrationopensat10a.m.onMarch 11andisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930

Lights,Camera,Crime!— TruecrimeenthusiastsandmovieloversalikearewelcometojoinSouthCoastalLibraryat3:30 p.m.foramovienightsogooditshouldbe criminal!Eachmoviescreeningwillfeature amoviebasedonatruecrimeorwillbea truecrimedocumentary.Lightsnacksprovided.Free,forages18-plus.Registration andfilmtitleareavailableathttps://southco allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930.

StorytimeonParsonsFarm— Frankford PublicLibrarywillholditsStorytimesessioninthepavilionatParsonsFarmat11 a.m.Thisisweather-permitting,andany cancellationswillbepostedonthelibrary’s Facebookpage.Formoreinformation,visit

Hooksand Needles— FrankfordPublicLibrarywelcomesalllevelsofknittersand


36 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Paid Advertisement



MarinesMeet— TheFirstStateDetachment oftheMarineCorpsLeaguemeetsonthe fourthWednesdayofeachmonthatthe OceanCity(Md.)AmericanLegionPost166

on23rdStreetatnoon.AnyMarinesand NavyCorpsmenwhohaveservedinthe Corps,livinginWorcesterorSussexCounties,arewelcometojointomeettheirfellowveteransandconsiderjoiningthe organization.Theirmissioniscommunity

servicethroughcamaraderieandvolunteerism.Form oreinformation,call(410)

CommunityClub— TheSelbyvilleCommunity Clubiswelcomingnewmembers,andmeets

onthesecondThursdayofeachmonthat SalemMethodistChurchat1p.m.,withasocialhourfromnoonto1p.m.Formoreinformation,visitselbyvillecommunityclub.orgor SeeEVENTSpage39

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 37

volvedwiththelocalsportsteams, andcanoftenbefoundcommentatingatahigh-schoolfootballgameor onthesidelinesofawrestlingmatch volunteercoaching.

Kammererhasreceivedmanystate andregionalrecognitions,including theDelawareRestaurantAssociation’s2016CornerstoneAwardand theDelawareStateChamberof Commerce’sMarvinS.GilmanSuperstarsinBusinessAward,andwas recentlynamedoneofthemostinfluentialCEOsinthecountryonthe Nation’sRestaurantNewslist.

ScottKammerer,CEOofthe SoDelFamilyofcompanies,wasrecentlyvotedBestPhilanthropistin SussexCountybythereadersof CoastalStylemagazine.The SoDelfamilyofcompaniesincludes SouthernDelawareBrewing,HighwaterManagement,SurfBagel andSoDelConcepts.

In2015,Kammererfounded SoDelCares,acharitythatraises fundsforcausesthatbenefitchildren,at-riskyouth,adultsreentering societyfromtheprisonsystemand theelderlywhoneedassistanceto honorhismentor,MattHaley.Kammereralsodonateshistimetothe localcommunityandlovestostayin-

“Iamalwayshonoredtoberecognized,”hesaid.“Itisreallyatestamenttothehardworkofour employeesandthegenerosityofour localcommunities.”

AnativeofNewJersey,Kammerer startedoutintheDelawarehospitalityindustryin1992asadishwasher inRehobothBeach.By1996,hewas thegeneralmanagerofaseafood restaurant.Heisnowoneofthe mostsuccessfulrestaurantdevelopers inthehistoryofDelaware.Kammererandhiswife,Lisa,liveinRehoboth.Theyhavethreesons.He creditedhissuccesstohis28yearsof sobriety.

Formoreinformationabout SoDelCares,

38 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Magic,Music&Entertainment! Tickets on sale now at 31810 Good Earth Lane Ocean View, DE *All Performances Subject to Change DanGaffney’sMindMysteries
March 15
is a lifelong performer and host of his own award winning radio show. He has amazed crowds while hanging from a crane above a city square duplicating Houdini’s famous straight jacket escape. His live “Mind Mysteries” shows attempt feats that cannot be rehearsed or practiced in advance…because…he doesn’t have YOUR mind in front of him…yet! KevinBethea March 22 & 23 One of the most sought after corporate entertainers in the country. A native of New Jersey, Kevin is a full time professional magician/Illusionist with over 25 years of performing experience! ArtoftheAmericanSong Bryan Clark on Stage Saturday, March 16 - 7 PM Dynamic. Electrifying. Extraordinary For anyone who never had the opportunity to see their favorite performers during an era of genius in American popular music, Bryan Clark is a timeless reminder of the ‘Great Days and Legendary Nights’ of the greatest entertainers in the world. NOTICE For St. George’s U.M.C. Cemetery We would appreciate anyone having Fall and Winter decorations to please remove them by March 31st or they will be removed. Thank You. MILLSBORO CEMETERY LOT OWNERS Please remove all old decorations from cemetery AT ONCE! In preparation for Easter & Spring maintenance. KammerervotedBestPhilanthropistinSussexCounty CoastalPoint•Filephoto ScottKammerer,CEOoftheSoDelfamily ofcompanies,wasrecentlyvotedBest BusinessmanandBestPhilanthropistin SussexCountybyCoastalStylemagazine.



IntheGenes— SponsoredbytheLewesHistoricalSocietyandtheSussexCountyGenealogicalSociety,theGenealogistin ResidenceprogramisonthefirstSaturdayof eachmonthfrom10a.m.to2p.m.inthe

ReadingRoomattheLewesHistoryMuseum. MembersoftheSocietywillbeavailableto helpanyonewhohasquestionsabouttheir familytree.TheLewesHistoricalSociety ArchivesFamilyFileswillbeavailableforresearch.For moreinformation,visitthemat

VIPMeets— VIPisasocialgroupforvisuallyimpairedpersons,andmeetsthefirstand thirdWednesdayofeachmonthattheMastersoncenteratSt.AnnChurchfrom1to3 p.m.Newmembersarewelcome.Formore information,call/text/leaveamessageat (240)315-4361.

GeorgetownBridgeClub— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsBridgeClubevery Wednesdayfrom1to3p.m.Allexperience levelsarewel come.Formoreinformation, call(302)856-7958, PineSt.,Georgetown.

Women’sCivicClub— TheWomen’sCivic ClubofBethanyBeachmeetsonthesecond ThursdayofthemonthatCripplecreek CountryClubat10a.m.Theorganizationhas expandedthroughoutSussexCounty,andhas beenservingthecommunityfor98years. TheClubisanon-profitorganization,formed infriendshipanddedicatedtocivicandcha ritablepurposesandtheeducationofits members.Formoreinformation,orifyouare interestedinattending,sendanemailto

LordBaltimoreLionsClub— TheLordBaltimoreLionsClubmeetsthefirstandthird WednesdayofeachmonthatMac’sCatering inMillville.Thisisaserviceorganizationthat performsprojectsintheSussexcountyarea. Formoreinformation,visitthemonFacebook,atLordbaltimorelionsclub.orgorby phoneat(3 01)543-0329.

RotaryMeets— SouthernSussexRotary meetsweeklyatDoyle’sRestaurantinSelbyvilleeveryThursdayat8a.m.Formoreinformation,callBrendancrottyat(302)


WethePeople— "WethePeople"isaneffort puttogetherbyBillMurphytocelebratepatriotismandcelebratetheflag,bymeetingat theBethanyBeachbandstandeveryWednesdayat8:30a.m.tosupportthemilitary,law enforcementandfir efighterswhoserveand protect.Allarewelcome.

AdultTime— AdultscanstopintheSouth CoastalLibraryanytimethey’reopentowork onjigsawpuzzles,playcheckersorcolor. Thisisfree,andallmaterialsareprovided.

BookDonations— SouthCoastalLibraryonly acceptsbookdonationsfrom2to4p.m.on Tuesdays.Thereisalistontheirwebsite,,ofwhattheydoor don’taccept.

BeachSingles— BeachSingles,55-Plus, meetseveryThursdayforHa ppyHourfrom4 to6p.m.atHarpoonHanna’sonRoute54. Formoreinformation,call(302)436-9577.

SoupandSandwiches— TheOceanView ChurchofChristisholdingaSoup&SandwichministryonthesecondWednesdayof eachmonth,fromOctoberthroughMarch, from11:30a.m.to1p.m.Allarewelcome.

TeleserviceNavigators— TheGeorgetown PublicLibraryhostsTeleserviceNavigators everyMondayfrom10a.m.to3p.m.and everyTuesdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m.Get helpwithvirtual resources,suchastelehealthappointments,appointmentswith lawyersandsocialserviceappointments usingthenewTelehealthKiosk.ANavigator willbeatthelibrarytohelpsetupvirtualappointments.Formoreinformation,call(302) 856-7958,email,Georgetown.

LaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Biblioteca— TheGeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsLaEsperanzaintheLibrary/Bibliotecaevery Wed nesdayfrom3:30to6p.m.Déjenos ayudarlea:completarsuspapeles,interpretarsuscartas,inscribirseenlaescuela,renovarsusdocumentos,crearunavidamajor,y muchomás.LaEsperanza:(302)854-9262.

PawsforPeoplereadingtime— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsPawsfor PeopleonthefirstandthirdThursdaysof everymonthfrom4to5p.m.Readaloudto afurry,friendlytherapycompaniontohelp

inspirealoveofreading.OfferedbyPawsfor People.Readerso fallagesandstagesare welcome.

Elementaryhomeschoolersprogram— The GeorgetownPublicLibraryhostsitsHomeschoolProgramonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat1p.m.Everymonth,theyoffera differentactivityforelementary-school-aged children.

SocratesCafé— SocratesCaféisagroupof individualsfromdifferentbackgroundsthat discussphilosophicalideas.Meetingsarethe firstTuesdayofeachmonth,from2to3:30 p.m.attheBethanyBeachChristianCh urch. Everyoneiswelcome.Formoreinformation, callBonnieat537-9440,orsendanemailto

FlipFive— AmericanLegionPost24inDagsboroishostingFlipFivegamesonWednesdaynightsfrom6-8p.m.Members,guests andthegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay. Justsignthebookandwrite“FlipFive”next toyourname.

WingNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingWingNighteveryThursdayat6:30p.m.Members,guestsandthe gener alpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

SeafoodNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingSeafoodNighteveryFridayfrom4:30to7:30p.m.Karaokefollows from7to11p.m.Members,guestsandthe generalpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

DinnerNight— AmericanLegionPost24in DagsboroishostingdinnereverySaturday from4:30to7:30p.m.DJ/Karaokewillperformfrom7to11p.m.Members,guestsand thegeneralpublicareallinvitedtoplay.

CommunityLuncheon— TheM ariners Bethel’sHopeCenterishostinglunchevery Tuesdayfrom11:30a.m.to1p.m.They serveachoiceofhomemadesoups,fresh



DemsMeet— The41stDemocratRDmeets thethirdThursdayofeverymonthatPizza KingRestaurantinMillsboroat6p.m.Thisis opentoanyDemocrats.Formoreinformation,callAlLiebeskindat(410)530-0064.

ShoreDems— TheShoreDemocratsmeets attheDenatBearTrapDune sclubhouse from11a.m.to1:30p.m.onthethird Wednesdayofthemonth.Thisisasocial organizationthateducates,informsand createscamaraderieamongtheirmembers throughmonthlylunchmeetingsthatfeatureengagingspeakers.Formoreinformation,

RepublicansMeet— The38thDistrictRepublicanClubmeetsthefourthMondayof themonth.Socialhoursbeginat6p.m.,and themeetingstartspromptlyat6:30p.m.Informationonthecl ubandmeetingscanbe,orthroughemailat

DemocratsMeet— TheDemocraticParty’s 38thRepresentativeDistrictCommittee meetsthefirstWednesdayofeverymonthat 5p.m.Formoreinformation,updateson speakersandmeetinglocations,call(302) 364-5830,orvisithttps://deldems38.orgor theirFacebookpageat

SussexRepublicansMeet— TheSussex CountyRepublicanCommitteemeetsthe secondMon dayofeverymonthattheMillsborofirehall.Meetingsstartpromptlyat6:30 p.m.andallarewelcome.Informationon

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 39 Bethany Massage & Healing Arts 33298 Coastal Highway, Bethany Beach, DE $20 OFF a 60 Minute Massage! LUCKY MARCH SPECIAL All Day! Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Book Your Appointment Today 302-537-0510 Open 7 Days/Week Mon-Sat 10-5 • Sun 10-4 Family Owned & Operated Fabricating & installing quartz, granite and solid surface tops 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 9 • (Rt. 113 North) Frankford, DE Visit our website for showroom hours • Call: 443. 856.4437 or See Us On Facebook Up to date, state of the art equipment

crocheterstoenjoysomequalityhobby timeat1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit

St.Patrick’sDayParty— FrankfordPublic LibraryishostingaSt.Patrick’sDayParty, forages3-13,at1p.m.Therewillbestory time,snacksandacraft.Participantsare enocuragedtoweartheirgreen.Formore information, (302)732-9351.


iPad&AppleUsersGroup— iPad,iPhone andotherAppledeviceusersofallskilllevels arewelcometoattendthissupportgroupat SouthCoastalLibraryat11a.m.Usersmeet todiscussnewfeatures,sharetips,andask questions.AttendinpersonorviaZoom. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE.

TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsistingof fluid,slow,gentlemovements .Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor HealthInstituteandCo-DirectoroftheSilver LotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevelTai ChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth& BalanceSeriesare noteligible.Registration

isrequiredandavailableat, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930

PAWSforPeople— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingaread-aloudprogramat4 p.m.wherepeopleofallagesandstages arewelcometoreadaloudtoafriendly therapycompanion.Registrationisrequired.Formoreinformation, 9351.

DungeonsandDragons— FrankfordPublic LibraryinvitesDungeons&DragonsplayerstotheirTabletopRPGClubat5p.m. Newplayersaremorethanwelcome,so joinatanytime.Allcampaignsarestructuredarounddrop-in/drop-outplay,sono stringsareattached,buttheydoplayevery week.Thisissuitableforages10and older.Formoreinformation,visit


SafeBoatingCourse— TheUSCoastGuard AuxiliaryisofferingtheSafeBoatingCourse attheOceanPinesLibraryfrom6to9p.m. Thecostis$20forallthreeevenings.RegisterorgetmoreinformationbycallingBarry Cohenat(410)935-4807orsendanemail


SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:30p.m.Singlesand couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-44 48,or

oranaspiringdetective?JoinSouth CoastalLibraryat5p.m.fora105-minute tabletopgamewhereweexamineevidence,witnessstatements,etc.tocooperativelysolvefictionalmurders.Forages 14-Adult.Free,allmaterialsprovided.Registrationisavailableat 858-5518HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE 19930

Dine&Donate— FinsAleHouseandRawBar inBethanyBeachwillhostaDine&Donate efforttobenefittheXiPhiChapterofBeta SigmaPhifrom4to8:30p.m.Thesorority willusethosefundstosupportlocalcharities.

BilingualStorytime— FrankfordPublicLibraryishostingabilingualstorytimeforages 3-6at3p.m.Silvanawillshareabilingual story,andregistrationisrequired.Toregister,

Anime/MangaClub— JoinFrankfordPublic Libraryat5p.m.foraneveningfilledwithall thingsanimeandmangafromwatchparties, bookclubformatteddiscussions,andcosplay contests!Registrationisrequired.Youcan signuponlinebyvisitingusat FindusonFB@FrankfordPublicLibraryand Instagram@frankfordlibrary.


DelawareLiteracy— AAUWishosting “BuildingRelationshipswithRehobothArt League”atBigFishGrillRehobothfrom11 a.m.to1:30p.m.ThespeakerisDenise Clemons,boardchair.

fastfoodsandintroducinglunchrecipes. Registrationisrequiredandavailableat at(302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,BethanyBeach,DE.

Let’sPlayGames:ForAdults— Join FrankfordPublicLibraryat1p.m.witha growinggroupofpatronstoplaygamesin ourCommunityRoomeveryThursdaysuch asdominoes,Scrabble,andcardgames! Cal l(302)732-9351orvisitusonlineat

AdultCraft:AbstractCoaster— Join FrankfordPublicLibraryat5p.m.fora new,funcrafteverymonth!Thismonthwe willbecreatingAbstractCoasters.Allmaterialswillbeprovided.Thiseventisintendedforteensandadults,16andup. Registrationisrequired.Youcansignup orCall (302)732-9351.FindusonFB @FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram @frankfordlibrary.


Donations will be accepted in the library on Tuesdays from 2—4 pm.

Please note that some of our programs have limited in-person seating. Visit our website or call the library to register & learn more about our events!

Monday, March 18

Lights, Camera, Crime! 3:30—5:00 pm

Join us for a movie night so fun it should be criminal! Each month, we’ll be screening a different true crime documentary or movie based on a true crime.

Tuesday, March 19

iPad & Apple Users Group 11:00 am—12:00 pm

Discuss new features, tips, & ask questions about Apple devices.

Wednesday, March 20

Story Time 10:30 am—11:30 am

Kids ages birth—5 & their families are welcome to come together at the library for story time!

Happy Bookers Book Club 2—3:00 pm

Discuss this month’s book, Counterfeit by Kirsten Chen, with others. Read new books & meet others in your community!

Crime Solvers! 5—6:45 pm

Join us for a tabletop game where we use clues to solve fictional murders.

Thursday, March 21

Dewey Dining:



StoryTime— Thisisagreatopportunityto engageyourchildinearlyliteracypractices aswellasgettoknowotherfamiliesinthe area,heldatSouthCoastalLibraryat10:30 a.m.Foragesinfant-5.Free,registrationis notrequired,butparents/caregiversmustaccompanychildren.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930

HappyBookersBookClub— JoinRachelat So uthcoastalLibraryat2p.m.fortheirnext HappyBookersmeeting!Thegroupmeetson selectmonthstodiscussachosenbook. Booksselectedareworksoffictionfromvariousgenresandauthors.Thisbookclubisno longerofferedvirtually,insteadwehopeto seeyouin-person!Thismonthwewillbe reading,CounterfeitbyKristinChenRegistrationisrequiredandavailableat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLib rary,BethanyBeach,DE.

CrimeSolvers— Areyouatruecrimelover

One-on-OneGenealogyAssistance— Lookingtotraceyourroots?Notsurehow togetstarted?NancyN.willwalkyou atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.,and giveyoupersonalizedgenealogyassistance usingU.S.databases.Free,90-minutesession.Registrationisavailableat SouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,DE19930 CookbookClub— Callingalljuniorchefsin grades3-5!SouthCoastalLibraryisworkingourwaythroughsection641.5ofthe DeweyDecimalsystem(that'sourcookbooksection!)We'lllearnkitchenbasicsat this5p.m.classasweindividuallychoose arecipetocreateandbringtothenext session(wemeetthethirdThursdayof eachmonth.)Aswelookaheadtotasting otherstudent'sdishes,we'lllearnhow theymadethemaswellaswhatthey learnedfr omtheirexperiencecookingat home.Todaywewillbepresentingbreak-

EstatePlanning&ElderLaw— Attorney KathleenDelacy,instructorwiththe DelawareMoneySchool,willgiveafree, educational90-minutepresentationon howtogetstartedwithestateplanningat SouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Potentials pointsofdiscussionincludeWills,Trusts, PowerofAttorney,Guardianships,Elder Law,Medicaidandoverallestateplanning. Reg istrationisencouragedandavailableat (302)858-5518.Walk-insacceptedif spaceallows.HostedbytheSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930

FeelingsRock— JoinFrankfordPublicLibraryandMs.Taylorat12:15p.m.fora 30-minutemusic&movementclassfor childrenagebirth-5yrs.StoryTimeiscurrentlybeingheldinthelibrary.Registration isrequired.Youcansignuponlinebyvisitingu 732-9351.FindusonFB@FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram@frankfordlibrary. CookieDecoratingClass— JoinFrankford PublicLibraryandouradultcoordinator, Liza,at2p.m.foradeliciouscookiedecoratingclass!Thisclassisforadultsonly. Registrationisrequired.Youcansignup orCall(302)732-9351.FindusonFB @FrankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram @frankfor dlibrary.

40 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Kids’ Cook Book Club 5—6:30 pm Kids grades 3rd—5th will learn kitchen basics in this fun, free program!
March 22 Overview of Estate Planning & Elder Law 2—3:30 pm Join us for a free, educational talk on how to get started with estate planning with attorney Kathleen Delacy.
March 23 Engineer Early Grab & Go STEM Kits Get ready for the upcoming Solar Eclipse with this fun, free STEM Kit from Engineer Early! Kits available for pick-up at the circulation desk while supplies last. 302–858-5518 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach South Coastal Library Enrich. Inspire. Educate. Learn about another country & make a new friend by signing up for the New Zealand Pen Pal Program! Visit our website or ask a librarian for details. 302-667-0810 • H.R. Rogers Irrigation & Landscaping Spring Irrigation Turn On Special Run, Adjust & Cut Grass from Heads as Necessary $70.00 - Up to 8 Zones Landscape & Lawn Maintenance • Mulching Lawn Fertilization Programs • New Irrigation System Installation Over 30 years of exceeding customer expectations!
Continuedfrompage36 SeeCALENDARpage43


Hunters Run, Ocean View

RARE OPPORTUNITY to own in conveniently located community of Hunter’s Run! Enjoy one level living in this 3 BR, 2 BA well maintained home featuring an open plan living, dining and kitchen area, large primary bedroom with walk-in closets and generous bath, and spacious family room with stunning pond views. Covered front porch and large back deck with retractable awnings plus 2 car garage with walk-up attic. Encapsulated crawl space. Community pool and tennis. Just a short distance to Bethany Beach and state parks, shopping and restaurants. MLS DESU2055070 $610,000 Call Martha Smith 302-249-0464


Murray’s Estates, Ocean View

Charming oasis just moments from Delaware's stunning beaches! This 3-bed, 2-bath ranch-style home features gleaming hardwood floors, a cozy living space flooded with natural light and a fireplace, well-equipped kitchen and spacious bedrooms. Outside, a large backyard for summer gatherings. Sold completely furnished. Practically new heat pump controlled remotely, whole-house humidifier and brand-new water heater. Conveniently close to the beaches, this home blends tranquility with accessibility. MLS DESU2055802 $439,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457

37404 Birch Street, Shadydell

3+2 modified mobile home furnished with 4 seasons room and a oversized garage with a floored loft for storage. Corner. On the market March 1st. Show anytime.

MLS DESU2056406 $310,000

Call Linda Mueller 302.245.0741

Bayberry Woods, Bethany Beach

Walk to the beautiful beaches of Bethany Beach. Bayberry Woods is in the heart of the action, walk to shops, fabulous culinary delights, the Assawoman Canal and so much more. This home offers an open floorplan, living room with a fireplace, dining area, kitchen with a breakfast bar and eat-in area, a powder room, and inviting screened porch with privacy. Upstairs offers a primary bedroom/bathroom and 2 large guest bedrooms and a guest bathroom. Successful rental, $18,000 for 2023. Conveniently located across the pool and tennis/pickleball courts. MLS DESU2052438 $609,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Avon Park, Ocean View

A luxurious end unit villa with numerous custom upgrades. This home offers over 2300 sq feet of living space with a dramatic 2story living room with lots of windows and 2-sided fireplace, dining area, upgraded eat-in kitchen with access to the rear deck and fenced yard, and first-floor primary bedroom with an upgraded bathroom and a large walk-in shower. Upstairs, you will find 2 large bedrooms, a loft area and full bathroom. Plus, a one-car garage. Wonderful location in the heart of Ocean View. Great rental potential.MLS DESU2054532 $439,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457



Creekside, Millville

A tastefully furnished townhome offers a first-floor bedroom/rec room with a full bathroom, and access to the private rear yard. The main level offers a living room, powder room, large country kitchen, dining area, and a sunroom with access to the spacious deck. Upstairs, is an oversized primary bedroom with a private balcony and luxurious bath with a separate shower/garden tub, 2 guest bedrooms and a guest bathroom. Plus, a one car garage. Creekside offers a pool and boat ramp. Located near medical services, grocery stores, shopping, restaurants, golfing, fishing and so much more. MLS DESU2054804 $599,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


24712 Draper Loop

In the small neighborhood of Zoar Estates. 1/2 acre lot with lots of landscaping, 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath & 2 car garage. Private corner lot with some trees. Easy to show.

MLS DESU2057336 $399,900 Call Linda Mueller 302.245.0741


Lot #2 Holts Landing Rd, Dagsboro

Tranquil Pond Views: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with uninterrupted vistas of shimmering waters, creating a serene backdrop for your daily retreat. Great opportunity to build your own home. This .75 acre is only several miles from the beach and is around the corner from Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club.

MLS DESU2056904 $124,900

Call Kathy Cramer 302.236.5630


Coventry At Barrington Park, Millville

Impressive home offers an upgraded kitchen with quartz countertops, island and breakfast bar, formal dining room, living room with gas fireplace, sunroom, primary bedroom and bathroom with a tiled walk-in shower and soaking tub, 2 guest rooms, guest bathroom and 2 car garage. Plus, a fenced rear yard, trex deck with awning and a beautiful hardscape patio with firepit. Numerous upgrades! Small community with low HOA fees and pool. Short drive to Bethany Beach and all its attractions. MLS DESU2055064 $499,900

Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Magnolias, Ocean View

Luxurious top-floor spacious condo with western exposure for beautiful sunsets. Amazing condo with custom paint throughout, 9 ft ceilings, newer HVAC, appliances, plank flooring, and so much more. Offers open kitchen with white cabinetry and appliances, breakfast bar, living/dining room combo, primary bedroom with 2 walk-in closets and ensuite bath plus 2 guest rooms, full bath, laundry room, flex room for office or extra sleeping area and parking garage. Located near parks, great restaurants, golf, shopping, and the beach is less than 3 miles away. Weekly and long-term rentals are allowed. MLS DESU2056822 $369,900 Call Vickie York 302.542.4457


Lot #1 Holts Landing Rd, Dagsboro


the ultimate haven for your dream home! Nestled in a picturesque locale, this enchanting lot offers breathtaking pond views from the rear that will inspire and captivate. Only several miles from the ocean and around the corner from Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club, this property is ready for you to build. Survey complete. Septic acknowledged. MLS DESU2056900 $119,900 Call Kathy Cramer 302.236.5630 37704 Maple Street, Shadydell 2 lots for sale on the corner of Maple & Parker House Rd. 100ft well on one and county sewer on one. Property has been surveyed and lots are deeded separately. Show anytime. MLS DESU2055546 $200,000 Call Linda Mueller 302.245.0741 Please contact one of our experienced agents for your real estate needs! Vickie Binsted 302-542-6253 Julia Hudson 301-641-6267 Nicole Frank 610-842-4521 Sondra Connor 302-245-1435 Kathy Cramer 302-236-5630 Rupert Smith 302-228-8900 Linda Mueller 302-245-0741 Martha Smith 302-249-0464 SALEPENDING SALEPENDING March15,2024 CoastalPoint 41

Enjoy high-end quality in this 4

3 BA

home situated in an amenity-rich community close to Bethany & Fenwick beaches. This Coastal-styled home features energy ef cient upgrades, 4 BR, 3 BA, bonus room, of ce, sunroom, stone replace, beautiful chef's kitchen, & private rear yard! $909,000 Call Melinda Ingram 302-462-6581 (Cell) #4734M

Lovely 4 BR, 3.5 BA home w/an open oor plan, two gas FP, gourmet kitchen, HW oors, loft area, oversized primary suite, 2-car garage, sprinkler system, covered screened porch, two porches, & woodland views.




BUSINESS is now available for purchase. Name conveys. The turn-key outdoor store is recognized as a top-tier operation not only w/in the local market but is consistently a top dealer on the national level. Located on Rt 24 just east of Millsboro w/great exposure, 5,000 SF w/upgrades. $875,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #4711TL


3 BR end unit w/open concept, golf course views, located on the 14th tee, smart home technology, LVP on main level, granite counters, separate bar area, southern exposure, sun deck, large primary suite, & LL family room w/walk out basement to open space.

$376,900 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell) #4781Q


Low maintenance living w/convenience in this meticulously maintained 4 BR, 3.5 BA move in ready home. Built in 2023 with tasteful nishes, open concept oor plan, & 2,523 heated SF! Condo style living with the privacy of a singlefamily home. $829,000 Call the Lingo/Tull Team 302-226-6417 (Direct) #4818M


roof, updated appliances, & screened porch. Conveniently located near restaurants, shopping and 5 miles from Bethany Beach. $349,000 Call Bea Maggio 443-789-1480 (Cell) #4519VM


3 BR, 2.5 BA home featuring kitchen w/granite countertops, wood oors, & two-sided replace. Centrally located, w/easy access to restaurants, shopping, & medical care, the Town of Millsboro is only a short ride, & the DE beaches are 30+ minutes away. Community pool & clubhouse. $289,000 Call Larry Sprigg 443-253-0694 (Cell) #4792VM

42 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Callusat302.539.1788 OurlicensedRealtors inviteyoutotheir Having an Open House? ors ADDRESS PRICE BR/BASTYLEAGENT/AGENCY DAYTIME 34380ShroudSt.#47862,Millsboro $130,000 3BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1610-12 41BeachClubAve.,OceanView $699,900 4BR/3.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1610-12 37189HarborDr.#3502,BethanyBay,OceanView $425,000 2BR/2BACondo KrystalCasey|KellerWilliamsRealty Sat.,3/1611-1 31568WinterberryPkwy.#202,Bayside,Selbyville $470,000 3BR/2BACondo AnnePowellDelVecchio|ColdwellBankerRealtySat.,3/1611-1 31447WatershedLn.,InlandBays,BethanyBeach $769,900 4BR/3BAHouse ElizabethWhitehead|EvergreeneHomes Sat.,3/1611-2 8WaterSt.,Lincoln $650,000 5BR/2.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sat.,3/1612-2 105CreeksideDr.,PointFarm,Dagsboro $745,000 3BR/3BAHouse ChrisyTingle|KellerWilliamsRealty Sun.,3/1711-1 38175KeenwikRd.,Keen-WikontheBay,Selbyville $969,000 4BR/3.5BAHouse NancyeVermillion|KellerWilliamsRealty Sun.,3/1711-1 35101WrightWay,PlantationLakes,Millsboro $370,000 3BR/2full,2halfBATownhome RichMeadows|CompassRE Sun.,3/1711-2 22ClevelandAve.,SouthBethany $1,050,000 4BR/3.5BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1712-2 35331BayWindsLn.#416,Millsboro $172,500 2BR/2BAHouse TheRealMcCoyGroup|ColdwellBankerRealty Sun.,3/1712-2 30381CrowleyDr.#318,BethanyBay,OceanView $489,999 4BR/3BACondo KrystalCasey|KellerWilliamsRealty Sun.,3/171-3 18723GoldenSunrisePl.,VillagesatRedMillPond,Lewes $615,000 3BR/3BAHouse KrystalCasey|KellerWilliamsRealty Sun.,3/171-3 GOGREEN! Submityour OpenHousesonlinefrom thelinkatthetopofour homepage.Visit today! MILLSBORO 28422 DuPont Boulevard 302-934-3970 1-888-934-3970 LEWES 1240 Kings Highway 302-645-2207 1-800-331-4241 REHOBOTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 302-227-3883 1-800-345-3469 #1 Loca y Owned Real Estate Company in Sussex County for 2023* * AS PER INFORMATION FROM BRIGHT MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM Enjoy stunning ocean views from this 4 BR, 3 BA contemporary home w/vaulted ceilings, spacious kitchen, ocean front deck, & situated on a 80 x 165 lot! Cotton Patch Hills offers a private beach, bayside amenities, 2 tennis courts (lined for pickle ball), boat ramp, & dock slips. $4,995,000 Call Allison Bateman 302-381-3661 (Cell) #4777L 3 BR, 2 BA home situated on 7.8 acres, close to Millsboro, Georgetown, & Lewes. This home offers a den, FR, LR, detached garage, FP, blacktop driveway, newer roof, heat pump, & potential for at least one additional lot. Room for a pole barn. $575,000 Call Gary Brittingham 302-745-5605 (Cell) #4719TM Well maintained 3 BR, 2 BA home with a new
$659,900 Call Zane Jones 302-470-7669 (Cell) #4735V
located in
furnished with
Lovely 2 BR, 2 full and 2 half BA, townhome
rich community.
NO golf deed
$329,900 Call Tammy Rust 302-542-8187 (Cell) #4694QM




EngineerEarlySTEMKits— TheSouth CoastalLibraryisproudtoofferGrab&Go STEMKitsforchildrenandtweenscourtesy ofEngineerEarly.Featuringaunique themeeachmonth,March’skitfocuseson theupcomingApril8solareclipse.Kitsare freeandavailableforpick-upatthecirculationdeskwhilesupplieslast.Hostedby theSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue, BethanyBeach,

St.Joseph’sDayFesti val— TheSonsand DaughtersofItalyishostingaSt.Joseph’s DayFestivalatSt.Andrew’sHallon144th

StreetinOceanCity,Md., 6p.m.TherewillbeItalianfoodspecialties,silentauctionsandbasketraffles.


Children’sEasterCraftEvent— VFWPost 7234AuxiliarywillhostaChildren’sEaster CraftEventfromnoonto2p.m.Thisis opentochildrenage3-10,andchildren willbeabletopickwhichcraftstations they’dliketouse,andtheEasterBunn y willarriveat1p.m.Thisisfree.Donations ofpantryitemsforthelocalchurch/food bankareaccepted.Therewillbepainting, sobringanoldshirt!


GentleYogaFlow— JoinSarahSchaber,

RYT-500certifiedyogainstructor,atSouth CoastalLibraryat10a.m.forafree,onehourGentleFlowYogaclass.Idealforbeginners,seniors,andanyonelookingfora slowerflowpractice.Wewilllearnbreathingtechniques,postures,andexercisesto promoteflexibili tyandstrength,balance, andrelaxation.Pleasebringayogamator towelfromhome.Theinstructoralsorecommends4-inch-deepfoamyogablocks.If youareunabletogetontotheflooreasily, donotworry,wewillprovidechairs.There areoptionsforall!Registrationopensat 11:15a.m.onMarch18andisavailableat (302)858-5518.(Onlineregistrationrecommended!)Walk-insonlyacceptedif spaceallows.Hostedbyt heSouthCoastal Library,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach, DE19930

Coloring&CrosswordsClub— Theclubis opentoalladultsfor60minutes,and meetsonthefourthMondayofthemonth atSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m.Relax, color,socializewithothercommunitymembers,completecrosswords,word-finds, andpuzzles.Free,registerat'sacceptedifspaceallows. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 StorytimeonParsonsFarm— Frankford PublicLibrarywillholditsStorytimesessionatthepavilionatParsonsFarmon11 a.m.Thisisweather-permitting,andany cancellationswillbepostedonthelibrary’s Facebookpage.Formoreinformation,visit


March15,2024 CoastalPoint 43

hislegacy.InadditiontoHarmon’s BodyShop,LittleVessventuredinto ownershipofIndianRiverAuto Sales.

Hefoundsolaceanddelightin plantingflowersandroses.Hisyard wasavibranttapestryofcolors,a testamenttohispassionfornurturinglifeandbeauty.Thispassionwas alsoevidentinthepreparationand maintenanceofhislawn,ataskhe alwaysapproachedwiththesame diligenceashiswork.BeingamemberoftheNanticokeIndianAssociation,hepersonallyandthroughhis businesssupportedtheNIADance TroupeandPowwow.

InhonoringLittleVess,letusrememberthemanwhofoundjoyin thesimplicityoflife,whocultivated beautyineverycornerofhisworld, andwhotirelesslyworkedtocreatea betterlifeforhisfamilyandcommunity.Mayhislegacyinspireustoappreciatethesmalljoys,work diligently,andcherishthebeauty thatsurroundsus.Hewillbedeeply missedbutfondlyrememberedinthe heartsofthosewhowerefortunate enoughtoknowhim.

Heissurvivedbyhischildren, TonoaHarmon,StewartHarmon, AdrienneHarmon.DonaldFeeney

Jr.,JuninaSullivan,andMariaHarmon;Grandchildren,ChadHarmon, GeraldHarmon,CheyenneWright, andJazmineHarmon;greatgrandchildrenJeremiaHarmon-Bosley, JuliaNegron,LilahHarmon,Sage Coursey-Harmon,andSunnieHarmon.Alsoaspecialaunt,Marion Harmon,andahostofcousinsand friends.

Afuneralservicewillbeheldon Saturday,March16,2024,at12p.m. atSt.JohnSecondBaptistChurch, Mt.JoyRoad,Millsboro,Del.Aperiodofviewingandvisitationwillbe heldonFriday,March15,2024,at WatsonFuneralHomefrom6-8p.m. andatSt.John2ndBaptistChurch startoftheservice.Intermentwillbe heldatIsraelUnitedMethodist ChurchCemeteryinLewes,DE,immediatelyfollowingtheservice.

Virginia“Ginger” C.Hitchens,82

Virginia“Ginger”C.Hitchens,82, ofOceanView,Del.,wenthometo bewiththeLordonMonday,March 11,2024,whilesurroundedbyher lovingfamilyinthecomfortofher home.

ShewasborninMilford,Del.,on April18,1941,daughterofthelate WilliamWallaceCollinsandthelate AnnaElizabeth(Phillips)Collins. ShegraduatedfromLordBaltimore

HighSchoolClassof1959and BeebeSchoolofNursingin1962.

SheworkedasaRegisteredNurse forDr.DavidS.Howardformore than20yearsandshewasfondly knownaseveryone’sfavoritenurse. Shewasafaithfulmemberofthe OceanViewChurchofChristwhere shehadservedasamemberofthe choirandpraisegroup.Gingerwas alsopartoftheSISGroup(Sistersin Service)atthechurch.Shehadan amazingpersonalityandherlaugh wasinfectiousasshecouldbrighten upanyroom.Shewasadevotedand lovingwife,mother,grandmother andsister.

Inadditiontoherparents,shewas precededindeathbyherthreebrothers,BillCollins,BobCollinsand HaroldG.Collinsandasister, ShirleyStephens.Gingerissurvived byherlovinghusbandof61years, RogerW.Hitchens;ason,DaleW. Hitchens(Ly nn)ofOceanView;a daughter,StephanieA.Wilkinson (Jeff)ofOceanView;twograndchildren,CoryHitchens(Pam)of Georgetown,Del.,andAndrew Hitchens(Emily)ofHollyRidge, NC;fourgreatgrandchildrenand severalniecesandnephews.

Afuneralservicewillbeheldat 12p.m.onSaturday,March16,2024 attheOceanViewChurchofChrist, 55WestAve.,OceanView,DE 19970,wherefriendsandfamilymay

gatherafter10a.m.Intermentwill followatMariner’sBethelCemetery inOceanView.

Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestsmemorialcontributionsinGinger’snametotheOceanView ChurchofChrist,55WestAve., OceanView,DE19970.



William“Bill”Raftovich,80,of OceanView,Del.,formerlyof Boothwyn,Pa.,passedawaypeacefullysurroundedbyhislovingfamily onFriday,March1,2024,inthe comfortofhishome.

HewasborninChester,Pa.on Feb.16,1944,sonofthelate WilliamVincentRaftovichand MarieCecilia(Harrington)

Raftovich.Followinghighschool,he proudlyservedhiscountryinthe UnitedStatesArmy.Billwentonto enjoyasuccessfulcareerwithBPOil inTrainer,Pa.asarefineryoperator andsupervisor,retiringin1996after 23years.

Hisvibrantpersonalitycouldlight upanyroom.Hewasknownforhis drysenseofhumorandhadagiftfor makingpeoplelaugh.Billenjoyed connectingwithpeoplethroughhis varioushobbiesandoverallloveof theDelawarebeachlife.Heespeciallyenjoyedfishing,crabbing,boating,andyard-saling(manywere recipientsofhistreasurehunts, whethertheywantedtobeornot). Hewasaskillfulmechanicwho couldfixalmostanythingandwillbe rememberedbysomelocalsasthe “MowerMan.”Whenhewasn’t aroundtowninhisyellowJeep,he couldbefoundinhisinfamous garagewherestorieswereshared, jokesweretold,andconnectionswith familyandfriendsweredeepened. Hispresencewillundoubtedlybe missed.

BillwasamemberoftheLord BaltimoreLionsClubinOcean View,theMasonDixonVFWPost #7234inOceanViewandtheAmericanLegionPost#24inDagsboro, Del.

Heissurvivedbyhislovingwife of55years,Ly nnLouise(Hawk) Raftovich;threechildren,Kimberly Coughenour(David),SusanGorman (Thomas)andDanielRaftovich (Traci)and7grandchildren,Austin, Dillon,Emma,Max,Shane,Callie andCassidy.Billisalsosurvivedbya sister,ArleneDiPiazza(Joseph)and twobrothers,JamesRaftovich (Peggy)andKevinRaftovich.

Aservicewillbeheldat11a.m. onFriday,April19,2024,atthe DelawareVeteransMemorialCemetery,26669PatriotsWay,Millsboro, DE19966.Allareinvitedtoattenda

44 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Continuedfrompage22 SeeOBITSpage45
$1,595. Obits

celebrationofBill’slifebetween12-4 p.m.attheMasonDixonVFWPost #7234inOceanView,.

Inlieuofflowers,thefamilysuggestsmemorialcontributionsinBill’s nametotheLordBaltimoreLions Club,POBox525,OceanView,DE 19970.



RichardWarrenShenk,fondly knownbymanynames,including Rich,Dick,Dad,PopPop,andCaptain,passedawaypeacefullyonFeb. 21,2024,attheageof94.Hewas bornonJuly18,1929,inWashingtonD. C.,thebelovedsonofFred andEvaShenk.

Hemarriedtheloveofhislife, AlicePeggyannHeath,onJune24, 1950andtogethertheyembarkedon a74-yearjourneyfilledwithlove, laughterandcherishedmemories.

AftergraduatingfromMckinley TechHighSchoolinD.C.,he workedfortheNationalInstituteof Healthasaninstrumentmaker.He servedasaStaffSargentintheAir Forcefrom1951-1955andinthereservesuntil1959.AftertheAir Force,RichandPeggyreturnedto Fairfax,Va.,thenmovedtoVienna, Va.,wheretheybuilttheirforever homeof30-plusyearsandraised theirfamily.

Professionally,hededicatedmuch ofhislifetotheroadconstruction industry,notablyatGeneralPaving CorporationinManassas,Va.As PresidentofGeneralPaving,he achievedsignificantsuccessinhiscareer,includingpioneeringtheautomationofasphaltplantoperations


Hewasamanofmanyinterests, passionsandhobbies.Throughout hislifehehadaloveforboating, fishing,hunting,archery,photography,motorcycles,rollerskating,flying,skiing,antiques,gemcollecting, jewelrymaking,investingandtravel. Hefoundjoyinmusic,performingin theband“Scrub-A-Juggers,”headliningwithmanyfamousmusicians andentertainingeveryonewith magictricks,jokes,andfunnystories.

Anavidsportsenthusiast,Pop PoppassionatelysupportedWashingtonD. C.teams,especiallythe CapitalsandNationals,andwas overjoyedwhenTHECAPSfinally wontheStanleyCupin2018!

Inretirement,DickandPeggy builttheirdreamhome,“Bit-AView,”inFenwickIslandonRoy’s Creek,wheretheyenjoyedtheserenityofcoastalliving.

WiththeirneighborsofKeenwick Sound,DickandPeggycultivateda vibrantsocialcircle,engagingin communityactivities,charities,gatherings,games,andlinedancing.

Dick,alongwithhisbestfriend HarryFlagle,delvedintoEVP(electronicvoicephenomena),exploring themysteriesofghosthuntingand interpretingspiritvoicescapturedon electronicrecordings.Wehopeto communicatewithDadintheafterlife.

Aboveall,hewillberemembered forhiskindness,generosity,andunwaveringoptimism.Heleavesbehind alegacyofloveandlaughter,which continuestoinspirehisfamilyand friends.Dad’sinfectioussmile,wit, anduncommoncommonsense touchedthelivesofallwhoknew him.

RichardWarrenShenkissurvived byhislovingwife,PeggyShenk, daughterDebbieAsp,daughterand son-in-lawCindyandKenTackett,

sonanddaughter-in-lawMikeand ThioneShenk,sonanddaughter-inlawScottandCarolShenk,aswellas hisgrandchildren(Melanieand Vince,Dessa,JustinandChristy, NateandAlison,Noah,Warren& Melissa,Anthony,AnnieandDoug, Ryan)andgreat-grandchildren (Mallory,Miranda,Luke,Maddie, Ollie,Jude,Eva).

Thoughhemayhavedeparted fromthisworld,hisspiritlivesonin theheartsofthosewhoknewand lovedhim.Hewillbedeeplymissed butforevercherished.Untilwemeet again,restinpeace,dearPopPop. O’Captain!MyCaptain!

Aservicewillbeheldat11a.m. onFriday,March22,2023,atSound UnitedMethodistChurch,37894 SoundChurchRoad,Selbyville, wherefriendsmaycallanhourbeforetheservice.Intermentwillbein DelawareVeteransCemeteryin Millsboro.

Inlieuofflowers,donationsinhis memorymaybemadetoSound UnitedMethodistChurch,37894 SoundChurchRoad,Selbyville,DE 19975.


HelenP.Wootten,bornonDec.3, 1931,inDagsboro,Del.,peacefullydepartedthisworldonMarch9,2024,in

Laurel,Del.Shewasthebeloved daughterofManfredParsonsand Hazel(Ellingsworth)Parsons.She grewupalongsidehersister,PatLathbury,andtogethertheycreatedalifetimeofcherishedmemories.

ShewasaproudgraduateofMillsboroHighSchoolandlaterpursueda careerasanaccountant,showcasingher commitmenttoprecisionandorderin allaspectsoflife.Herdedicationtoher workandattentiontodetailearnedher therespectandadmirationofcolleaguesandclientsalike.

Helenfoundjoyinsimplepleasures, andherloveforcleanlinesswasevident inhermeticulousapproachtolife.Beyondherprofessionalpursuits,shehad apassionfortravelthatallowedherto explorethebeautyoftheworld.Her travelswereoftenaccompaniedbythe upliftingmelodiesofgospelmusic, whichshehelddeartoherheart.

Herlegacylivesonthroughherson, StephenDenverWootten,andhiswife Leslie.Shewasalovinggrandmother toSarahShore,LauraWebb(Jack), andAllisonWootten.Hergreat-grandchildren,FinnWebb,KaelWebb, SawyerShore,andSaylorShore, broughtimmensejoyandlaughterinto herlife.

Agravesideservicewillbeheldat MillsboroCemeteryinMillsboro,DE, onThursday,March14,2024,at1p.m.

Lawn & Garden Supplies Garden Tools Fishing Equipment Weber Grills & Accessories Boating Supplies Hunting Supplies Clothing Stihl Equipment Paint Supplies Guns & Ammo Power Tools Electrical Supplies Heaters Screen Repair and more! 30264 Cedar Neck Road • Ocean View • 302.539.1448 Visit our Garden Center & Hardware Store at Hocker’s Supercenter Gardening, shing, hobbies and hardware –everything you need is right around the corner! Your Spring Headquarters Over 20,000 Square Feet of ~ New Spring Colors Are In! March15,2024 CoastalPoint 45     Settletheirlovedones’estates.    Obits Continuedfrompage44





TuningUptheTemple— MarinersBethel GMChosts“TuningUptheTemple”on Mondays,WednesdaysandFridays,from 8:30to9:45a.m.atTheHopeCenter.The classesaresession-based,notdrop-in,so contactCarolLynchat(302)745-8237or cklynch02@gmail.comformoredetails.

YogaClasses— MarinersBethelGMChosts yogaclassesat5p.m.onWednesdaysin the ArmorRoom,upstairsinthechurch building,withHeatherMurphy.Additionally, thereisalsoaclassonSaturdays,from 9:30to10:30a.m.,withinstructors

HeatherMurphyandMicoleLinehan.There isa$5drop-infeeforeitherclass.Classes areopentothecommunityandallarewelcome.

ZumbaClass— MarinersBethelChurchis holdingazumbaexerciseclassintheHope CentergymeveryMonday,Wednesdayand Fridayat10a.m.Thereisa$6drop-infee. Noregistrationisnece ssary,andallarewelcome.Formoreinformation,sendanemailto

MultipleMyelomaSupport— TheDelaware MultipleMyelomaSupportGroupmeetsthe thirdSaturdayofeverymonthviaZoomfrom 1to3p.m.Formoreinformation,contact SueIwahashiat

LineDancing— CapeHenlopenSeniorCenter

ishostingline-dancingclassesonMondays. Beginnersclassestakeplaceat10a.m.,and Improversareat11a.m.Formoreinformation,call(302)227-2055.

Al-Anon Al-Anonisasupportgroupforthe familiesandfriendsofalcoholics.Meetingsare heldeveryTuesday,from7to8:30p.m.,at OceanViewPresbyterianChurch.Formoreinformation,

ArgentineTango— TheLewesSeniorActivity CenterishostingArgentineTangoDancingon Tuesdays,from7to9p.m.Adultsofallages arewelcome,andnoexperienceorpartneris required.Thereisa$5fee,butthefirstvisitis free.Enterthroughthebackdoorofthefacility. For moreinformation,visitthegrouponlineat

GeorgetownWalkers— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostGPLWalkerseveryMondayat9 a.m.ThewalkingclubgoestoSandhillFields fora30-to40-minutewalk,weatherpermitting.ThetrailbeginsattheMurray’sLaneParkinglot,109-199MurraysLane.Formore information,call(302)856-7958,email at123WPine St.,Georgetown.

Tai-ChiClasses— BethelMethodistChurchis hostingfreeTai-ChiclassesonTuesdaysand Thursdaysfrom10to11a.m.Thisisopento thepublic,andallarewelcome.Organizersdecribedtheclassesas“easy,”andcasualattireis suggested.Formoreinformation,call(302) 519-2984.

StrokeSupport— Astrokesupportgroupmeets atPAMHealthRehabilitationHospitalof GeorgetownonthethirdTuesdayofevery monthat3:30p.m.Reservationsarerecommended,butwalk-insarewelcome.Formore information, call(302)440-4866.


NeedlepointGuild— Delaware’sSeashore ChapterofTheAmericanNeedlepointGuild meetsonthefirstMondayofthemonthfrom 10a.m.to2p.m.attheGeorgetownPublic Library.Bringingaboxlunchisencouraged. Newmembersarealwayswelcome.Fordetails,sendanemailtothechapterat

CoffeeandCarsCruiseIn— St.George’s UnitedMet hodistChurchandtheGhostRydersCarClubarehostingacruise-inatthe churchthesecondandfourthFridayof eachmonth,beginningMay2.Thereisno fee,andtherewillbecoffee,donutsand fellowship.Formoreinformation,callMike Stramellaat(410)419-1843.

RadioOperators— AnyHamradiooperator wantingtomeetandgreetotherscanget togetherattheMillsboroPizzaKingon Thursdaysfrom8to10a.m.TheARRL SectionManagerusuallyattends.Formore information ,contactJackMagarat

PenPalProgram— Thankstoapartnership betweenSouthCoastalLibrary,Kent CountyLibraryandWellingtonCityLibraries,youcannowcommunicatebyletterwithaNewZealander.Thisisafunway tolearnaboutanothercountryandmakea newfriend.Allinternationalpostageis handled,andyoucanbringinandpickup yourlettersatthelibrary.Formoreinformationandregistration,visitthemat delawarelibraries.libcal. com/event/113666 26orcall(302)858-5518.

Bookdiscussion— TheGeorgetownPublic LibraryhostsitsWednesdayMorningBook DiscussiononthefourthWednesdayof everymonthat10:15a.m.InNovember

andDecember,however,theywillmeeton thethirdWednesday.Booksareavailable forpickupeachmonthatthelibrary.


MusicJam— St.MatthewsBytheSea UnitedMethodistChurchishostinga MusicJamonthefirstandthirdFridaysof themonthat4p.m.Alllevelsarewelc ome.


RailroadMuseum— TheDelawareSeaside RailroadClubhouseisaninteractivemuseumofmodelrailroading,andislocated at36668DuPontBoulevard,inSelbyville. TheyareopentothepubliceveryWednesdayfrom5to7p.m.,andeverySaturday, from10a.m.to3p.m.Admissionisfree. Formoreinformation,visitthemonlineat

Dinker-IrvinMuseum— TheBethanyBeach MuseumatDinker-IrvinCottageisopento thep ubliconSaturdaysfrom11a.m.to1 p.m.Privatetoursareavailablebyappointment.Interestedgroupsof10-15maycall (302)539-8725.Admissiontothemuseum isfree,andparkingisavailableinfrontofthe museum.Themuseumisnothandicap-accessible.Formoreinformation,visitonlineat,andclickunder “Residents/History/TownMuseum.”


CommunityBibleStudy— GraceUnited MethodistChurchinMillsboroishostinga BibleStudythisfallonWednesdaymornings,startingonSept.6, noon.Formoreinformation,andtoregister,

46 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER Is this your screen porch? BEFORE AFTER YOU CALL –WE SCREEN! • New Screen Porches with SUPER SCREEN • Eze-Breeze 3 Season Enclosures • Porch Re-Screen & Eze-Breeze Panels Re-Vinyl • Phantom Retractable Screen Doors • Phantom Motorized Screens with Screen Mesh and/or Clear Vinyl • New Sliding or Swinging Screen Doors & Re-Screen • Solar Screens for Windows & Roll Down Solar Shades 410-520-0025 302-604-0006 Drop-Off&Pick-Up SlidingDoor, WindowRe-Screen &Re-VinylService CallforDetails MHIC# 12462 NEW
INLANDBAYS BETHANYBEACH beautifullystagedModelHomeshowcasingbreathtakingstructuralandinterior TheCommunityisoverHalfSoldAlready! .8 . .BEACH|INLANDBAYSDE.COM Scanformoreinfo! Scanformoreinfo! FloorPlansStartingFrom$289K Evergreeneisyoursemi-customhomebuilderatthedelawarebeaches! OceanCity,CapeWindsor,FenwickIsland,BayviewPark,SouthBethany, Sea Colony,TurtleWalk,LakeBethany,BethanyBeach,OceanView,Pine Bay,TheForgottenMile,Rehoboth,Lewes,andMORE! MeetEvergreene’s On YourLotExpert,Pete! P E March15,2024 CoastalPoint 47 HooksandNeedles— FrankfordPublicLibrarywelcomesalllevelsofknittersand crocheterstoenjoysomequalityhobby timeat1p.m.Formoreinformation,visit


TaiChiforHealth&Balance— Learnabout TaiChiasamind-bodyexerciseconsistingof fluid,slow,gentlemovements.Marianne Walch,MasterTrainerwiththeTaiChifor HealthInstituteandCo-DirectoroftheSi lver LotusTrainingInstituteinRehobothBeach, Delaware,willleadafreebeginner'slevelTai ChiseriesatSouthCoastalLibraryat2p.m. Participantsshouldbeabletoattendallsessionsinthissix-weekseries,aseachsession buildsonwhatwaslearnedintheprevious one.Intheinterestoffairness,thosewho havepreviouslytakenaTaiChiforHealth& BalanceSeriesarenoteligible.Registration isrequiredandavailableat rbycalling(302)8585518.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 PAWSforReading— Well-trainedteamsof dogs&ownersprovideasupportiveandfun wayforkidstogainconfidenceinreading aloudatSouthCoastalLibraryat4p.m.!

Childrenreadfor15minutesandmaybring theirownbookiftheywish.Ages5-plus. Mustcall(302)858-5518toregister.Hosted bytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 https://

DungeonsandDragons— FrankfordPublic LibraryinvitesDungeons&DragonsplayerstotheirTabletopRPGClubat5p.m. Newplayersaremorethanwelcome,so joinatanytime.Allcampaignsarestructuredarounddrop-in/drop-outplay,sono stringsareattached,buttheydoplayevery week.Thisissuitableforages10and older.Formoreinformation,visit

EstatePlanning101— Learnallyouneedto kno waboutwills,powersofattorney(medical andfinancial),DNRorders,andmorewith LeslieDiPietroofDiPietroLawLLCata6 p.m.eventatFrankfordPublicLibrary.Call


EasterBunnyStoryTime— JoinSouth CoastalLibraryforStoryTimeat10:30 a.m.!Thisisagreatopportunitytoengage yourchild(infant–5)inearlyliteracypra cticesaswellasgettoknowotherfamilies inthearea.Bonus:TheEasterBunnywill bejoiningusandtherewillbeaphotoop! Free,andyoucanregisterat'sacceptedifspaceallows. HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibrary,43 KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930 HarpMusic,Song&Biography— JoinKara DahlRussellforTheMusic,Writing&ScandalousLifeof“Belle”vanZuylen:AProgram ofHarpMusic,So ng&BiographyatSouth CoastalLibraryat3p.m.Thiseducational programwillfeaturethemusic,life,andwritingsofDutchnovelistIsabelledeCharrierre (alsoknownasBellevanZuylen,)andteach

ushowBellechallengedtheexpectationsand rolesofwomeninEuropeinthe1700sinher sociallife,writingsandmusic.Free,register at (302)858-5518.Walk-in'sacceptedifspace allows.HostedbytheSouthCoastalLibra ry, 43KentAvenue,BethanyBeach,DE19930

CookingbytheBook— Eachmonth,participantsinthiscookbookclubwillchoosea recipefromthesamecookbookandthen makeandbringinthedishtosharewiththe group,heldatSouthCoastalLibraryat1 p.m.Participantsareencouragedtodiscuss cooking,recipesandhowtoimprovethem, aswellasthebookitself.Thisclubisagreat wayforyoutomeetmembersofyourcommunityandtrynewfoods!(BringTupperware totakehomeleft overs.)Thismonthwewill bringinfoodsmadefromrecipesinEveryday Grand:SoulfulRecipesforCelebratingLife's BigandSmallMomentsbyJocelynDelk Adams.Free,forages18+,registerat (302)858-5518.HostedbytheSouth CoastalLibrary,43KentAvenue,Bethany Beach,DE19930.

SquareDanceLessons— ThePineSteppers SquareDanceClubisofferingfreesquare dancelessonsattheOceanPinesCommunityCenterfrom7to8:3 0p.m.Singlesand couplesarewelcome.Formoreinformation, call(908)229-8799or(302)222-4448,or

Dine&Donate— BrickWorksBrewingand EatsinLongNeckwillhostadine&donate effortforKnightsofColumbusCouncil #11285.Twentypercentofyourfoodpurchasewillbedonatedtotheserviceorganization.

andlearnaboutthedifferenttypesofspring bulbat2p.m s.CostoftheBulbtouris$10 formembersandnon-members.Members areadmittedFreeandNon-memberspaya $15admissionfee.Children16andunder areadmittedFreetothegardens,whenaccompaniedbyanadult.Reservationsforthe guidedtourcanbemadebygoingtothe website:

Let’sPlayGames:ForAdults— Join FrankfordPublicLibraryat1p.m.witha growinggroupofpatronstoplaygamesin ourCommunityRoomeveryThursdaysu ch asdominoes,Scrabble,andcardgames! Call(302)732-9351orvisitusonlineat

LegoClub— Callingallbuilders!Whether newtoLegosoraMasterBuilder,jointhe folksatFrankfordPublicLibrarytoengage yourimaginationandbuildyourlatestLego creation!Thisprogramisforages6and up.Call(302)732-9351orvisitusonline @Fr ankfordPublicLibraryandInstagram @frankfordlibrary.



LifeCoaching:UnderstandingBalancein Life— JoinLifeCoachAndrewSchubauer atFrankfordPublicLibraryat5p.m.fora crafting experiencebuildingaWheelofLife tounderstandmoreaboutlife&balance.You cansignuponlinebyvisitingusat FindusonFB@FrankfordPublicLibraryand Instagram@frankfordlibrary.


SpringBulbTour— JoinStephenPryceLea,

EasterSunriseService— PrinceGeorge’s ChapelwillhostanEasterSunriseServiceat 6:30a.m.ThisissponsoredbytheFriendsof PrinceGeorge’sChapel.Therewillbespecial singingbyAmyBurgard,andaspecialmessagebyRev.JimApgarfromCrossroads CommunityChurchinDagsboro.Allarewelcome.Formoreinformation,callVickieat (302)732-3824orJoAnnat(302)8582720.


NotableBooks— CoastalGeorgetownAAUW ALANotableBooksClubmeetsattheLewes libraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.Theywillbe discussingScottCarneyandJasonMiklian’s “TheVortex:ATrueStoryofHistory’sDeadliestStorm,anUnspeakableWar,andLiberation.”

48 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Wright Way Millsboro, DE 19966 3 BD 2 FULL BA, 2 HALF BA $370,000 Paul Sicari, Jenn Jones, Rich Meadows & Joanne Young
Calm Water Dr Millville, DE 19967 3 BD 2 BA $520,000 58 Fairway Drive, Fairway Village Ocean View, DE 19970 4 BD 3 BA $579,000 UNDERCONTRACT OPENHOUSE SUN,3/1711-2 MILLVILLEBY THESEA Still The Preferred Law Of ce Our A im I s C lie nt Satis faction. 302.539.2220 • Ocean View, DE • Real Estate • Settlements Contracts • Leases • Wills, Trusts & Estates Corporations & LLCs Calendar Continuedfrompage43 SeeCALENDARpage49

SussexCounty’sbestspellersare hopingforalittlel-u-c-kwhenthey competefortophonorsnextweekend.

Atotalof20localstudentswill gatheroverSt.Patrick’sDayweekendto take partinthesecondannualSussex CountyRegionalSpellingBeecompetition,setfor1p.m.,Saturday,March16, atSussexAcademyinGeorgetown.The event,sponsoredbySussexCountyLibraries,willsendonewinnertothe ScrippsNationalSpellingBeeinMay, whereparticipantswillcompeteforthe ScrippsCup.


fortheSussexCountycompetition,allowingstudentsrangingfromthird throughfifthgradestoparticipateinthe nation’slongest-runningeducational competition.The2023championofthe inauguralSussexCountyRegional SpellingBeewasDeclanDurand,a10year-oldfifth-graderfromLoveCreek ElementarySchoolnearRehoboth Beach.Durandwonthetitleandchance tocompeteintheNationalBeeafter winningintheninthroundwiththe word“elegant.”

ThisyearmarksthesecondforSussex CountyLibrariesasanofficialScripps

NationalSpellingBeeregionalpartner, andtheonlyinsouthernDelaware.

“Weareproudtoofferaccessonce againforSussexCountystudentstoengageinthisnationalstudentrecognition program.Itisanexcellentopportunity forstudentstodeveloptheirliteracy skills,buildtheirconfidence,andengage inhealthycompetition,”saidSussex CountyLibrarianRachelLynch.

Inadditiontodemonstratingtheir vocabularyprowess,participationinregionalbeesalsogivesstudentsthe chancetogainexperienceinpublic speaking,developconfidence,andin-

spirealoveoflearningandconnection withtheirpeers.

Duetolimitedseated,thisyear’sregionaleventwillbebyinvitationonly, forfriendsandfamiliesoftheparticipants.Thecompetitionwillbestreamed liveontheSussexCountyDepartment ofLibraries’Facebookpage.The ScrippsNationalSpellingBeeisscheduledforMay29-30attheNational Harbor,nearWashington,D.C.That eventwillbetelevisednationallyonIon. TolearnmoreabouttheScrippsNationalSpellingBee,


TheDelawareDepartmentofCorrection(DOC)isseekingmembersof thecommunitytoparticipateinits Spring2024CitizensAcademy,which beginsApril15inDover.TheDOC CitizensAcademyisafreeprogram thatisdesignedtogivelocalresidentsa close-uplookattheoperationsandprogramsofDelaware’slargestlawenforcementagencyandprovideaninsider’s viewintohowtheDOCachievesits dualmissionofpublicsafetyandrehabilitation.

ParticipantsmeetwithDepartment of Correctionleaders,uniformedofficers,andtreatmentandprogram




DiversityBookClub— TheCoastalGeorgetownAAUWDiversityBookClubismeetingat theLeweslibraryfrom10a.m.tonoon.They willdiscussT.J.Klune’s“TheHouseinthe CeruleanSea.”

providers,andhaveopportunitiestoengagewithindividualscurrentlyunder DOCsupervision.Weeklysessionsfeatureamixofinformationalpresentations,demonstrations,andinteractive toursofaprison,communitycorrections facilityandProbation&Paroleoffice.

TheSpring2024DOCCitizens AcademywillbebasedinDover,with sixweeklysessionsonMondayevenings from6to8:30p.m.,startingApril15 and endingMay20.Sessionsandtours willtakeplaceattheDOCAdministrationBuildinginDover,DoverRegional Probation&Paroleoffice,JamesT. VaughnCorrectionalCenterandCom-


Women’sBibleStudy— AWomen’sBible StudywillbeheldatMariner’sBethelChurch everyWednesdayfromApril10throughMay 15.Therearetwotimes:10to11:30a.m.or eveningsfrom7to8:30p.m.Thegroupwill discussLisaHarper’s“PerfectLove.”Toregister,call539-9510 ,stopinorvisitthesite


“Areyouinterestedinseeingfor yourselfhowaprisonoperates,learning howofficerssuperviseindividualson probationandunderstandingtheimpact theDepartmentofCorrectionishaving onrehabilitationacrossourstate?”Acting CommissionerTerraTaylorasked. “Ifyouare,Istronglyencourageyouto applyforourSpring2024Citizens Academyprogram.”

TheDOCisseekingapplications fromadiversegroupofcommunityparticipants18orolder.Nocorrectionsor

lawenforcementexperienceisnecessary. Classsizeislimited,andinterestedparticipantsmustcompleteashortapplicationandpassasimplebackground checkthatisattachedandpostedonline.Completedapplicationsshouldbe byMarch25.ApplicationswillbereviewedonarollingbasisbeginningimmediatelyuntiltheCitizensAcademy classisfilled.PreviousDOCCitizens Academyprogramshavetakenplacein NewCastleCounty,SussexCountyand KentCounty.

34037 Shawnee Dr • $395,000 SOLD!


March15,2024 CoastalPoint 49 our donation helps provide food, clothing, h Y Your hope. R , CK U TR , AR C YOUR ATE DON OF MD LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY Y V R 7 D MINISTRIES 410-228-843 licensed #1044 A MVVA . ax deductible T Tax 4102288437 SINCE 1976 • 302-539-3001 39824 Hickman Plaza Rd. • Bethany Beach • Across From Sea Colony Vacation Rental Specialists Accepting 2024 Rental Listings for Vacation Homes & Condos. Call our Rental Dept. Today! Blackwater Village is a short drive to Bethany Beach there are no town taxes and the HOA fees are only $120.00 per year. This is a rare find, 3000 square ft. house on 1 / 2 acre lot, with four BRs, an office with built-in oak cabinets and two BRs and bath on the main floor along with a kitchen dining area and a step down family room with a wood burning stove which leads to a spacious screened porch. Kitchen features granite countertops, cherry cabinets, pantry, SS refrigerator, microwave and stove. Floored attic for additional storage space. Outside features a level double lot with a large storage shed / workshop with electric and 2 additional sheds. The backyard is fenced on three sides. You can store your boat or camper on your lot. Just down the street is the community fishing pier and kayak launch. A must see! Being sold as is. Inspections would be for information only.

Frankford Presbyterian Church

Helping others help themselves

10 am Sunday Worship in-person

A welcoming church family committted to serving a God known for Unconditional Love and Acceptance.


Pastor P. G. Maurer

Main Street, at the foot of Thatcher Street in Frankford Nearly New Thift Shop Fri., 9-5 & Sat., 9-1

St. Andrew e Apostle Orthodox Church

Saturday Vespers

Sunday Orthros

Sunday Liturgy

Fr. Herman Acker, Pastor 33384 Mackenzie Way - Lewes, 19958 302.645.5791

Ocean View Presbyterian Church


SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 am live on Facebook & YouTube


67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

67 Central Ave., Ocean View, DE 19970 PC(USA) 302-539-3455

Pastor Terry Dougherty

Pastor Terry Dougherty


Grounded in God’s Grace Moving in Christ’s Love

Sunday Worship at 9:30 am

- or - join via ZOOM (call the office for info)

acrossfromMillvilleTownHall Pastor Wendy Butterworth 302.539.9077 Like us on Facebook! on Facebook at groups/PCChurch

6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am Sunday Worship 10 am KidsPort Kids Church 10 am


35175 Roxana Rd. Frankford, 19945

RiverOnline.Church Lead Pastor Bryan Sells

Saturday 6 pm Sunday 9 & 11 am

River Kids Sat. 6 pm & Sun.9 am

Friday 6-8 pm

Momentum, a group for Teens Wellsprings International a healing & deliverance ministry

for more information:

50 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Visitors Always Welcome! Where the Word and the Spirit agree Pastor Bill Lorman 302.436.4522 28574 Cypress Road Selbyville
Welcome Home! 29 W. Church St. | Selbyville | 302.436.8412 SUNDAY 8:30 Informal Service 9:45 Contemporary Service 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Salem Church Pastor Blair Hall BLACKWATER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH All Are Welcome! Traditional Services • Traditional Values • Traditional Church Sunday Services Pastor Dennis Bradford 410.430.7104 34478 Roxana Rd.; Frankford, 19945 Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Fellowship Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am March 17, 6 pm PRAISE & WORSHIP! ST. MARTHA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH God is Love and those who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them. 1John 4:16 SUNDAY BOOK STUDY 9-9:45 am in the parish hall with Reverend Ria
The Rev. Victoria Pretti, Rector 117 Maplewood Street; Bethany Beach Visit our website to sign up for our twice-weekly news and Saturday Inspiration emails. We offer Bible Study, adult education courses, and more! SUNDAY HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00am 10:00 am with music and on YouTube oC Co eht th iv reS e MdetinU G .tS e S ya aydnuS e civres ay dnuSr fe ffeoff We i ojotemoclewerau oY Yo 6181 ec ce nisy t ty inumm hcru h g Ctsidoht s’ ’se ro e secivr deen y r very ve er fo s !yadnuSnosun MU GtS erooM JA rotsaP 9 91,dr of fok kf narF,.dRramO73343 segroe C 0471.952.203 ST CAfotsewtsuj-54 gro. Sharing the Truth of God’s Word, Verse by Verse Sundays 9 am Christian Conference Center Octagonal Building 211 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany Beach THE BEACH FELLOWSHIP St. Matthews by the Sea United Methodist Church 1000 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island Sundays: 8:30 & 10:45 am Rev. Jake Macklin, Pastor • 302.537.1402 You are welcome here!


ReligiousServices Need to get the Word out? 302.539.1788 SOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Loving & Living so that Others see Jesus in us” Pastor John Schutt 302.436.4011 37890 Sound Church Road, Selbyville 19975 Established in 1779 In-Person & Live-Streamed every Sunday, 8:30 a.m. CC Delaware Coast A Calvary Chapel Fellowship Spirit-Filled, Verse by Verse Teaching 48 N. Main Street, Selbyville or join us on Facebook - click link on Sunday Worship10 am For more information, contact Pastor Rob LoRusso 302.500.1774 Seaside Jewish Community Shabbat Services Religious Leader Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Visit our website to sign up for our email newsletter for noti cation of events and worship services. Adult and youth education programs, activities, social events, discussion groups, religious school An egalitarian unaf liated congregation 18790 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach Celebrating 25 Years (302) 226 8977 BETHANY BEACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)
SERVICE 9:30 am In-Person & Live-Streaming on YouTube Celebrating 25 years of full-time ministry Serving • Inclusive • Open-Minded • Open Communion 302.539.4118 7 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Bethany Beach
View Church of Christ
10 am
Ethan Magee • 302.539.7468• 55 West Ave., Ocean View In-Person LIVE broadcast on: Wednesday 6:30 pm In Person Bible Study ST. MARTIN’S IN THE FIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH The beautiful church with a small congregation and a Big, Welcoming Heart! Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Get-acquainted coffee hour after the service The Rev. Glenn Duffy 75 West Church St.; Selbyville Parking: Front or Back 302.436.8921 • FENWICK ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH 36806 Lighthouse Rd., next to Float-ors SUNDAYS SundaySchool-allages-9a.m. Worship&Celebration-10a.m. EveningBibleStudy-5p.m. WEDNESDAYS InteractiveBibleStudy-6p.m. Chapter by Chapter, Verse by Verse Approach to Scripture Join us on Sundays 9 am Praise & Worship Service 9 am Kids’ Church 11 am Traditional Worship Service Nursery available for both services Live-streamed on Facebook & YouTube Pastor Becky Collison Pastor Leo Park 302.539.9510 81 Central Avenue, Ocean View March15,2024 CoastalPoint 51

38020 Fenwick Shoals Blvd

Fenwick Shoals is a private, gated community located 2.5 miles to the beach. This custombuilt coastal contemporary home has an elevator and plenty of room for entertaining on multiple levels, both inside and out. Features include luxury vinyl plank flooring, wide staircases, a coffered ceiling, and crown molding.

$875,000 (DESU2051876)

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37516 Seaside Dr, Ocean View

Enjoy scenic views of the natural wetlands and open bay from this 4 BR, 3.5 bath home in White Creek at Bethany. Incredible upgrades. Amenity-rich community with water access and a day dock. $975,000 (DESU2048250)

971 Sandbar Court, Lake Bethany

This beautiful, 4-bedroom home has much to offer with a spacious floor plan, kitchen island with breakfast bar, vaulted ceilings, woodburning fireplace, ceramic tile, hardwood floors and two zoned HVAC. Seasonal Bethany Beach Trolley stops throughout the community.

$850,000 (DESU2056266)

34577 Peppers Corner Rd, 19945

This custom home is approximately 5317 square feet and was constructed by custom builder Robert Bunting. This home has been meticulously maintained with top-notch finishes throughout. 7BD, 8BA $1,325,000

37510 River Birch Ln, Ocean View

Private partially furnished end unit town home with pond views! Don't miss this spacious 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, well cared for home featuring beautiful driftwood luxury vinyl plank floors! New carpet has been installed and interior freshly painted! 2 full master suites offer privacy for you and your guests.

$475,000 (DESU2054032)

38854 Grant Ave, Selbyville, DE

Enjoy scenic view and sunsets over the Assawoman Bay. This location offers deep water for larger size boats that want quick access to the open bay and ocean.

5BR/6BA, 3567sf home

$1,890,000 (DESU2050606)

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FRIDAY Fire Country (6) WBOC 9 p.m.

The Cal Fire team, led by Captain Manny Perez (Kevin Alejandro), is led into a highly-dangerous situation when the crew responds to a fire at a local chemical plant, asked to contain a toxic spill that ignited, quickly setting the building ablaze.

Great Performances at the Met (12) WCPB 9:30 p.m.

The most widely performed new opera of the last 20 years, American composer Jake Heggie’s “Dead Man Walking,” features mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato as Sister Helen Prejean as she fights for the soul of death-row inmate Joseph De Rocher (Ryan McKinny).

SATURDAY College Basketball

(5) FOX (69) WTXF 6:30 p.m.

The conference that once struck fear into the hearts of other programs — and caused more than a few bruises in-conference — is back as the top teams battle it out in the men’s basketball Big East Tournament Championship, live from Madison Square Garden.

55th NAACP Image Awards (6) WBOC 8 p.m.

From Outstanding Entertainer of the Year to Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture to Outstanding Album, the NAACP Image Awards spotlights the best and brightest live from Los Angeles. Usher and Victoria Monet lead nominees in the recording category.


2024 Players Championship (11) WBAL 1 p.m.

Pro golfer Rory McElroy, the current No. 2 player in the world, returns to TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., for the final round where he took the championship back in 2019. Scottie Scheffler won last year’s tournament with a 69 in the final round.

Call the Midwife (12) WCPB 8 p.m.

In this Season 13 premiere, the midwives begin a new training program to increase their ranks. Dr. Turner (Stephen McGann) handles the difficult delivery of a mother who has cerebral palsy. And, a campaign for improved pay and conditions causes friction.

Hollywood Deal or No Deal IslandDateline NBC (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) State (N) Artworks The Brokenwood Mysteries "Sour Grapes" Great Performances at the Met "Dead Man Walking"(N) (19) TNT (4:15) < The Suicide Squad <++ Aquaman ('18) Amber Heard,Willem Dafoe,Jason Momoa. All Elite Wrestling (N) <+++ The Suicide Squad (21) FX (4:00) <+++ The Avengers <++ Eternals ('21) Salma Hayek, Kit Harington,Angelina Jolie. <++ Eternals ('21)Angelina Jolie. (22) LIFE Castle "Kick the Ballistics" Castle "Eye of the Beholder" < In Love With My Partner's Wife ('22)Gina Vitori. (:05) < Bodyguard Seduction ('22)Jessica Morris. (23) A&E The First 48 "No Way Home" The First 48 "Shot Caller" First 48 "One Good Deed" The First 48 "Truly Lost" The First 48 (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Basketball ACC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA Basketball College Basketball SportCtr (N) (29) ESPN2 (5:30) Basketball (N) (Live) Basketball Big 12 Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA Basketball College Basketball Basketball (33) GOLF (1:00) Players Second Round Live From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) Players Champ. Second RoundFrom TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

(41) HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream HomeDream HomeDream HomeDream HomeHunters (N) Hunters Dream HomeDream Home (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners (N) Diners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, Drive Diners, DriveDiners, Drive (44) DISC Gold Rush: White Water Gold Rush: White Water Gold Rush: White Water (N) Backyard Gold (N)(P) Gold Rush: D. TurinGold Rush "Trommageddon"

(45) HIST Aliens "The Gods of Greece" Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) (:05) Proof-There (N) (:05) Ancient Aliens

(46) ANPL Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked

(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City <+++ Encanto ('21)Stephanie Beatriz. (:45) Marvel's (:10) Marvel's (:35) Big City Big CityBig City (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing

(60) AMC (5:30) <++ I, Robot ('04) Bridget Moynahan, Will Smith. <++ Bad Boys ('95)Will Smith,Téa Leoni,Martin Lawrence. <++ Bad Boys II ('03)Martin Lawrence.

(61) BRAV (5:30) <+++ My Cousin Vinny ('92) Joe Pesci. <+++ Pretty Woman ('90)Julia Roberts,Ralph Bellamy,Richard Gere. <++ Overboard ('87)Goldie Hawn. (69) WTXF (5:30) College Basketball Hoops (N) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) News (N) Special (N) News (N) Phantastic



6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

(3) CW Burgers Burgers The Good Doctor < The Go-Go's ('20) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Movie (5) FOX Pregame (N) College Basketball Postgame (N) Basketball Pac-12 Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA The Floor (6) WBOC College Basketball 55th NAACP Image Awards (N)(Live) 48 Hours (N) News (N) Outdoors (7) WMDT News (N) World News Wise Money Family Feud NBA (N) NBA Basketball Golden State Warriorsat Los Angeles Lakers(N)(Live) News (N) (:35) Outdoors (11) WBAL (2:00) Players Third Round Access Hollywood (N) The Wall "John and Toni" Weakest Link Saturday Night LiveNews (N) SNL (12) WCPB Curious Samantha Beatles Beatles Paul "Los Angeles" Celebrity Trip L'Opéra Austin "The War on Drugs" (19) TNT (5:30) <++ Justice League ('17) Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck. All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) <++ Suicide Squad ('16) Jared Leto,Will Smith. (21) FX (5:30) <++ Mulan ('20) Donnie Yen, Yifei Liu. <+++ Black Widow ('21)Florence Pugh,David Harbour,Scarlett Johansson. <++ Captain Marvel ('19) (22) LIFE < The Paramedic Who Stalked Me ('23) Lexi Minetree. < Friday Night Sext Scandal ('24)Keana Lyn Bastidas.(P) (:05) < Dying for a Crown ('22) Jennifer Titus. (23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 "End Game" The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 (:05) The First 48 "Last Shift" (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers AmericanAmerican (28) ESPN Basketball Big 12 Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA GameDay (N) Basketball ACC Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA SportsCenter (N) (Live) (29) ESPN2 (5:00) College Basketball Basketball MAC Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA College Basketball Basketball (33) GOLF The Golf Fix The Golf Fix Live From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) Live From THE PLAYERS

(41) HGTV Married to Real Estate Hunters Hunters Hunters Int'lHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Tournament of Champions "Time for Battle" Tournament of Champions "First Round Battles Heat Up" (44) DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition UnknownExpedition UnknownExpedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (45) HIST The UnXplained UnXplained "Holy Relics" The UnXplained The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (:05) The UnXplained (46) ANPL North-Law "Snow Way Out" North Woods Law North Woods Law North-Law "Out of Options" North Woods Law North-Law "Case Closed" (48) DISN Big City Big City Big City Big City Big CityBig CityKiff Kiff Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It! Marvel'sMarvel's (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <+++ Iron Man ('08) Terrence Howard, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr.. <++ Iron Man 2 ('10)Gwyneth Paltrow,Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr.. (61) BRAV Vanderpump "Prank Wars" Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump RulesVanderpump Rules

(69) WTXF Pregame (N) College Basketball Postgame (N) Basketball Pac-12 Tournament, Championship: Teams TBA The 10 O'Clock News (N)

NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends

(6) WBOC NCAA Sel (N) (Live) 60 Minutes (N) The Equalizer (N) Tracker "St. Louis"(N) CSI: Vegas (N) News at 11The Rookie (7) WMDT News (N) World News Funniest Home Videos (N) American Idol "704 (Auditions)"(N) What Would You Do? (N) News (N) (:35) FamFeud (11) WBAL News (N) NBC NewsThe Voice <+++ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ('04)Rupert Grint,Daniel Radcliffe. News (N) 11 News (N) (12) WCPB Celebrity Trip Doc Martin Call the Midwife (N)(SP) Nolly on Masterpiece (N)(P) Alice-Master (N)(P) Doc Martin (19) TNT (3:30) NHLHoc Post-Game <+++ Doctor Strange ('16) Chiwetel Ejiofor,Benedict Cumberbatch. <+++ Avengers: Infinity War ('18)Chris Hemsworth,Robert Downey Jr.. (21) FX (4:00) < Spider-Man: No Way <++ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ('22)Benedict Cumberbatch. <++ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ('22) (22) LIFE < Friday Night Sext Scandal ('24) Keana Lyn Bastidas. < Killing for Extra Credit ('24)Matreya Scarrwener.(P) (:05) < Dying in Plain Sight ('24) Raffa Virago. (23) A&E WWE Rivals WWE Rivals WWE Rivals Biography (N) Biography: WWE Legends "Jake The Snake Roberts" (24) TRUTV Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside JokesInside Jokes Inside JokesInside Jokes (28)

Afraid "Contamination" (45) HIST America "Gum Slingers" Built America Built America Built America (N) (:05) Built America (:05) Built America (46) ANPL Lone Star "Moving Target" Lone Star "Wild Encounters" Wardens "CSI Warden" Yellowstone Wardens (N) Lockdown "Bones" Lockdown "Escape!" (48) DISN Big City Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! <+++ Brave ('12)Kelly Macdonald. (:40) Marvel's (:05) Marvel'sMarvel's LEGOLEGO (50) TVLND Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half MenTwo Half Men SeinfeldSeinfeld (60) AMC <+++ The Fifth Element ('97) Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Bruce Willis. Dead "What We"(N) (:10) The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (N) (:40) Dead (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Housewives "Boiling Point" Housewives/Potomac (N) Married to Medicine

Castle "Kill Shot" (23) A&E The First 48 "Cold Fury" The First 48 Hoarders "Coral"(N) Secrets of "Child Brides" (N) (:05) The First 48 "Last Rap" (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. JokersImp. JokersImp. Jokers <++ The Replacements Gene Hackman, Orlando Jones,Keanu Reeves. (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA (N) NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Philadelphia 76ers(N)(Live)

Best Bets Bethany FRIDAYEVENING MARCH 15, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Penn & Teller: Fool Us (N) Animals (N) Funny Kids47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX (5:30) College Basketball Hoops (N) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (N)(Live) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) S.W.A.T. "Escape"(N) Fire Country (N) Blue Bloods (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (N) Delmarva (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N)
Bethany SUNDAYEVENING MARCH 17, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW Family Guy Family Guy <+++ Erin Brockovich Albert Finney,Aaron Eckhart,Julia Roberts. 47ABC NEWSGood Dr "Rationality" WOW (N) (5) FOX (3:30) NASCAR Food City 500 Next Level "Curry in a Hurry" Ice AgeKrapopolisThe-North (N) GrimsburgWBOC
From THE PLAYERS (N) (Live) Live From THE PLAYERS (41) HGTV Home Town Home Town Home Town (N) Small Town Potential (N) Hunters (N) Hunters Hunters Int'lHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Tournament "The Good, the Bad and the Randomizer" Tournament of Champions "The Super 16 Step Up"(N) Kitchen "Guys' Night Out" Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44) DISC Naked and Afraid "Surviving the Road to Recovery" (N) Naked and Afraid "Runaway Bride"(N) Afraid "The Swarm"
"Reunion Part 3"(N) Housewives/PotomacMedicine (69) WTXF (3:30) NASCAR Food City 500 Next Level "Curry in a Hurry" Ice AgeKrapopolisThe-North (N) GrimsburgThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Extra (N) Bethany MONDAYEVENING MARCH 18, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Ride "Truths Laid Bare"(N) Wild Cards 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang MasterChef So You Think WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Price Is Right (N) NCIS NCIS "Crash and Burn" News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud To Be Announced The Bachelor "The Women Tell All"(N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood The Voice "The Battles Premiere"(N) Deal or No Deal Island (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Connection Collect (N) Dante: Inferno to Paradise "Part One: The Inferno"(N)(P) POV "unseen"(N) Amanpour (19) TNT (5:00) <+++ Avengers: Infinity War ('18) <+++ Thor: Ragnarok ('17)Tom Hiddleston,Chris Hemsworth. (:45) <+++ Dune ('21)Timothée Chalamet. (21) FX (4:30) <++ Armageddon ('98) Bruce Willis. <++ The Day After Tomorrow ('04)Jake Gyllenhaal,Dennis Quaid. <++ The Day After Tomorrow ('04) (22) LIFE Castle "Kick the Ballistics" Castle "Eye of the Beholder" Castle "Demons" Castle "Cops & Robbers" (:05) Castle (:05)
Basketball New York Knicks at Golden State Warriors(N) (29) ESPN2 NFL Live (N) Jay Bilas Special ESPN BET Live "Tournament Challenge Special"(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (33) GOLF Golf Central PGA TOUR Lessons 2024 Players Championship Final RoundFrom TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. (41) HGTV Unsellable Houses Unsellable Houses Rock the Block Rock the Block (N) Lakefront Empire (N) HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Spring Baking Championship "Spring Has Sprung" Spring Baking "Awards Springing Up Everywhere"(N) Chopped "Finer Diner Dining" Chopped (44) DISC Contraband: Seized Contraband "The Rookies" Contraband "The Hitman" Contraband: Seized (N) Contraband "Yes, Deer?" Contraband "Crying Uncle" (45) HIST History's-Mysteries History's-Mysteries History's-MysteriesHistory's-Mysteries (N) (:05) History's-Mysteries (:05) History's-Mysteries (46) ANPL Alaska "Something's Fishy" Alaska: The Last Frontier Last Frontier "Fall Feast" Alaska: The Last FrontierLast Frontier "Poopscicle" Alaska: The Last Frontier (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC <++ Men in Black II ('02) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones. <+++ True Lies ('94)Jamie Lee Curtis,Tom Arnold,Arnold Schwarzenegger. <+++ Moneyball ('11) (61) BRAV Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch WhatBelow Deck Summer (69) WTXF The Six (N) The Pulse (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) MasterChef So You Think The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic March15,2024 CoastalPoint 53
best of the beach. in ink and online. every friday.
ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Bracketology - Field of 136 2024 Selection (N)(Live) Bracketology (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 (5:30) Softball Ole Miss at LSU (N) (Live) E60 Truth Be Told ShortsNIT (N) World of X Surfing World of X (33)

TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Crime Nation "Gilgo Beach Murders"(N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy

(5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Cleaning Lady (N) Alert: Missing (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) FBI (N) FBI: International (N) FBI-Wanted "Desperate" (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud Will Trent The Rookie "The Hammer" The Good Doctor (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel

(11) WBAL News (N) NBC NewsInside Ed. (N) Hollywood Night (N) Extended (N) The Voice (N) Password (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon

(12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Farm-Harvest Outdoors Dante: Inferno to Paradise "Part Two: Resurrection"(N)(F) Kim Yo Jong: T Amanpour (N) (19) TNT (5:15) <+++ Thor: Ragnarok ('17) Chris Hemsworth. <+++ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ('17)Zoe Saldaña,Bradley Cooper,Chris Pratt. < Captain America: Civil War (21) FX (4:00) < Star Wars: Empire Str <+++ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi ('83)Harrison Ford,Carrie Fisher,Mark Hamill. Shogun (N) <++ The Predator ('18) (22) LIFE Castle "Till Death Do Us Part" Castle "Dial M for Mayor" Castle Castle The Blue Butterfly" (:05) Castle Pandora" (:05) Castle Linchpin" (23) A&E Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road Wars Road WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsRoad WarsCustomerCustomer (:05) RoadWars (:35) RoadWars (24) TRUTV NCAA (N) NCAA Men's First Four: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NCAA Men's First Four: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Inside (N) (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NIT Tourn. First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NIT Tourn. First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Pardon (N) NIT Tourn. First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NIT Tourn. First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NIT Tourn. (33) GOLF (5:00) Long Drive (N) (Live) Swing GymSwing Gym <++ Tommy's Honour ('16)Jack Lowden,Ophelia Lovibond,Peter Mullan. Golf Central Movie (41) HGTV Bargain "The Forest House" Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Renovation Aloha (N) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters HuntersHunters Int'l (43) FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Wildcard Kitchen (N) Chopped "Sitcom Moms" Chopped (44) DISC Homestead Rescue (N) Homestead Rescue (N) Homestead Rescue "Georgia Clay Mayday" Homestead Rescue "Black Hills Hope" (45) HIST The Curse of Oak Island Oak Island "Piling On" Digging Deeper (N) Oak Island "Hi Ho Silver"(N) (:05) U-Boats (N) (:05) Oak Island "Piling On" (46) ANPL Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone WardensYellowstone WardensYellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug The VillainsThe Villains (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (4:30) <++ Bad Boys ('95) <++ Police Academy ('84) Kim Cattrall,Steve Guttenberg. (:15) <+++ Trading Places ('83)Eddie Murphy,Dan Aykroyd. Movie (61) BRAV Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Watch WhatThe Valley (N) (P) Vanderpump (69) WTXF The Six (N) The 215 (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Cleaning Lady (N) Alert: Missing (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic


(3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) Wild Cards (N)(SF) Family Law (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang The Masked Singer (N) Animal (N) Family GuyWBOC

Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Chicago Med (N) Chicago Fire "Red Flag"(N) Chicago P.D. (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12) WCPB PBS NewsHour (N) Samantha MotorWeek Nature NOVA "Polar Extremes" Amanpour (N) (19) TNT Lucifer "Once Upon a Time" NHL on TNT NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Washington Capitals(N)(Live) NHL Hockey Minnesota Wild at Los Angeles Kings(N)(Live) (21) FX <++ Venom: Let There Be Carnage ('21) Tom Hardy. <+ Morbius ('22)Matthew Smith,Jared Leto.(P) American "Multiply Thy Pain" American "Rockabye" (22) LIFE Castle "A Dance With Death" Castle "47 Seconds" Married "Doubts, Dilemmas and Drag!"(N) (:35) Married (:05) Theresa Caputo (:05) Theresa Caputo (23) A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court CamCourt CamCourt CamCourt CamBooked: First Day In (N) (:05) Court Cam (:35) Court Cam (24) TRUTV NCAA (N) NCAA Men's First Four: Teams TBA (N) (Live) NCAA Men's First Four: Teams TBA(N)(Live) Inside (N) (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA (N) NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Boston Celtics(N)(Live) Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Golden State Warriors(N) (29) ESPN2 ESPN BET Pardon (N) NIT Tourn. First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NIT Tourn. First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NIT Tourn. (33) GOLF Golf Central U.S. Open Epics GOLF Films St. Andrews Golf Central The Golf FixThe Golf Fix (41) HGTV No Demo "Bachelor Pad" No Demo "House of Quirks" No Demo Reno Rico to the Rescue (N) Hunters (N) Hunters HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Guy's Grocery Games Grocery "Kitchen Heroes" Grocery "Guy's Guys" Guy's Grocery Games (N) Grocery "All ABC Games" Guy's Grocery Games (44) DISC Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition UnknownExpedition X (N) Ghost Adventures (N) Expedition Unknown (45) HIST Pickers "Mike and Homer" American Pickers Pickers "Knockout Salvage" Pickers "Runaway Train"(N) (:05) American Pickers (:05) Pickers "Picking Frisco"

(46) ANPL Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff "Never Give Up" Dr. Jeff "Unlucky Break" Dr. Jeff "A Fighting Chance" Dr. Jeff: RMV "Last Hope"

(48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug Bunk'dBunk'd (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <+++ The Fifth Element ('97) Bruce Willis. <+++ Mission: Impossible --Ghost Protocol ('11)Jeremy Renner,Tom Cruise. <++ Rampage ('18) (61) BRAV Top Chef Top Chef Top Chef "Fin." Top Chef (N)(SP) WatchWhat (:45) Top Chef (69) WTXF The Six (N) ClassH Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Masked Singer (N) Animal (N) Family GuyThe 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Bethany THURSDAYEVENING MARCH 21, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

(3) CW TMZ Live (N) Dish Nat. (N) TMZ (N) The ConnersThe ConnersSon of a (N) Son of a (N) 47ABC NEWSTMZ (N) Family GuyFamily Guy (5) FOX Last Man Last Man Big Bang Big Bang Next Level Chef (N) Farmer Wants a Wife (N) WBOC NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends

Context Sara's Hope Street RFDS: Royal The Seaside Hotel Farm-HarvestConnection

(4:00) NCAAM (:45) NCAA Men's First Round: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (:15) NCAA Men's First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (:45) TBA

(21) FX <+ Morbius ('22) Matthew Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Leto. <+++ Spider-Man: No Way Home ('21)Zendaya,Benedict Cumberbatch,Tom Holland. < Spider-Man: No Way Home (22) LIFE Castle "Headhunters" Castle "Undead Again" Theresa Caputo Theresa Caputo (N) (:05) Baby (N) (:35) Baby (N) (:05) Theresa Caputo (23) A&E The First 48 The First 48 "House Party" The First "On the Run"(N) Taking the Stand (N) (:05) First 48 "Money Move" (:05) The First 48 (24) TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers NCAA (N) NCAA Men's First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NCAA Men's First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) (28) ESPN SportsCenter (N) (Live) Men's College Wrestling NCAA Championship: Second Round(N)(Live) NHL Hockey

Best Bets


Dante: Inferno to Paradise (12) WCPB 8 p.m.

The premiere of this two-part documentary by Ric Burns looks at the life and legacy of 14th century Italian poet Dante Alighieri and his classic, “The Divine Comedy,” considered by many to be one of the finest works in the history of literature.

So You Think You Can Dance

(5) FOX (69) WTXF 9 p.m.

A new week means a new host of intense dance challenges for contestants to compete in.

Can this group of hopeful dance stars impress judges Allison Holker, JoJo Siwa and Maksim Chmerkovskiy, and take another step to dancing superstardom? Cat Deeley hosts.

Deal or No Deal Island

(11) WBAL 10 p.m.

Endless bug bites, sunburns and sand in your hair. For millions of dollars, it’s all worth it. The remaining ten players gather with host Joe Manganiello to kick off a new week of gameplay, bluffing around the island to find the Banker’s briefcases.


Extended Family

(11) WBAL 8:30 p.m.

Parenting is a hard job. It gets even harder when a couple is divorced. In order to ease their kids into the idea of their separation, exes Jim (Jon Cryer) and Julia (Abigail Spencer) begin an unconventional co-parenting arrangement.


(21) FX 10 p.m.

After training the gun regiment, Blackthorne (Cosmo Jarvis) and Mariko (Anna Sawai) must contain a secret that could get them killed. Then, Yabushige (Tadanobu Asano) searches for the spy that informed Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada) of his true intentions.

The Valley

(61) BRAV 10:30 p.m.

Let’s call it happily ever after as couples living the dream Hollywood existence find their way out of the fast lane of Tinsel Town and into the more serene life of the Valley suburb. From wild nights to crying babies, the kids are growing up.



(21) FX 8 p.m.

Sometimes, the cure is worse than the disease. When Dr. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) attempts to heal his rare blood disorder and save others suffering the same fate, his initial success is quickly overshadowed by a supernatural form of vampirism.

Top Chef (61) BRAV 9 p.m.

It’s a new season and a new host as Kristen Kish replaces Padma Lakshmi at the helm. Kish knows the show better than most as she won the Season 10 competition back in 2013. Judges Gail Simmons and Tom Colicchio return to the culinary challenge.

The Amazing Race (6) WBOC 9:30 p.m.

After running around all of Mexico for the premiere, where will the remaining 12 teams head to next on this globe-spanning race? With $1 million on the line, the tension ramps up as teams deal with the endless obstacles, be it planned or unplanned.


2024 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament (6) WBOC 12 p.m.

Taking place in arenas across the United States, NCAA’s annual men’s basketball tournament, dubbed March Madness, sees 68 college teams battle it out for supremacy. With such a massive tournament, expect some excellent basketball and stunning upsets.

Summer House (61) BRAV 9 p.m.

Season 8 continues with a drama-filled new episode, following along as friends come and go from the home they share during sunny summer weekends. The titular house is located in the beach town of Montauk, N.Y., at the eastern-most point of Long Island.

Station 19 (7) WMDT 10 p.m.

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They say opposites attract and that is clearly the case when firefighter Andy Herrera (Jaina Lee Ortiz) and Lt. Jack Gibson (Grey Damon) find themselves in close proximity. However, oil and water make for strange bedfellows when fire is involved.

54 CoastalPoint March15,2024
Bethany TUESDAYEVENING MARCH 19, 2024 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
NewsSeinfeld SeinfeldFriends (6) WBOC News (N) CBS News News (N) ET (N) Survivor "Don't Touch the Oven"(N) The Amazing Race (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World NewsFamily Feud Family Feud Conners (N) Not Dead (N) Abbott (N) Celebrity (N) 9-1-1 "Abandon Ships" News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel (11) WBAL News (N) NBC News
MARCH 20, 2024
Station 19
(11) WBAL News (N)
News (N) CBS News NCAA Men's First Round: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NCAA Men's First Round: Teams TBA (N) (Live) (7) WMDT (5:30) 47abcNe World News Family Feud Family Feud 9-1-1 "Rock the Boat"(N) Grey's Anatomy (N)
"Good Grief" (N) News (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
Inside Ed. (N) Hollywood Law & Order "Facade"(N) Law & Order: SVU (N) Law & Order (N) News (N) (:35) J. Fallon (12)
PBS NewsHour (N)
(19) TNT
(33) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf
(41) HGTV Home Town Hunters
"King for a Day" (46) ANPL Catch "Wicked Game" Catch "Over the Rail" Catch "Bering Sea Crash" Deadliest Catch Catch "Double Agent" Catch "Typhoon Hagibis" (48) DISN Hamster & Hamster & Big City Big City Hailey's on It!Hailey's on It!Marvel'sLadybugLadybugLadybug JessieJessie (50) TVLND Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond RaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymond KingKing (60) AMC (5:00) <++ Ghostbusters ('16) Melissa McCarthy. <+++ Ghostbusters ('84)Dan Aykroyd,Harold Ramis,Bill Murray. <++ Ghostbusters II ('89)B ll Murray. (61) BRAV (4:00) < Harry Potter & the Pri Vanderpump Rules Summer House (N) Watch WhatThe Valley Summer (69) WTXF The Six (N) Kelly (N) Extra (N) TMZ (N) Next Level Chef (N) Farmer Wants a Wife (N) The 10 O'Clock News (N) News (N) Phantastic Guide The ENJOY THE CLASSICS AGAIN
The Point (N) (Live) NCAA Wom. Tournament First Four: Teams TBA(N)(Live) NCAA Wom. Tournament First Four: Teams TBA(N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live)
Fir Hills Seri Pak Championship, First Round (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Valspar Championship, First Round
Hunters House (N) House (N) Down Home Fab (N)(SP) Hunt Intl (N) Hunters Int'l HuntersHunters (43) FOOD Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby Beat BobbyBeat Bobby (44)
Hustlers "The Lost Weekend" Hustlers Gamblers Crooks Hustlers Gamblers CrooksHustlers Gamblers CrooksHustlers Gamblers Crooks Hustlers Gamblers Crooks (45) HIST Pawn Stars Swamp "Full Moon Frenzy" Swamp People "Bayou Bloodlines"(N) (:35) Swamp People (N) (:35) Swamp People

Theypossessyouth,talent,experience, versatilityanddepth.

TheIndianRiverHighbaseballteam willneedallofthosevirtuesastheyseek theirfourthconsecutiveDIAAplayoff berth.

TheIndiansarecomingoffoftheir secondconsecutive14-6campaignen routetothe2023HenlopenConference SouthernDivisionchampionship.

“Iamveryoptimisticaboutthisyear’s squadandtheupcomingseason,”said headcoachSteveLongo,whohasguided theGreen&Goldtoanaggregatewonlostrecordof40-21andthreepostseason appearancessincetakingthereins. “Thereisalotoftalentinthisgroup. Andiftheybuyintotheprocess,trustit andworkhard,goodthingswillhappen.”

TheIndians’depthbeginswitha pitchingstaffheadlinedbysophomore righthanderDylanGrise.Lastyear’s freshmanpitchingfindearnedSecondTeamAllHenlopenConferencehonors afterfanning20rivalhittersandposting asparkling.977earnedrunaverage. Rivalbatsmenhitjust.184whenhewas onthebump.

BehindGrisearetwojuniorrighthandedlettermeninTreyHill,aSecondTeamAllHenlopenConference awardee,andChaseRuley,whoearned HonorableMentionall-conference kudos.SophomorelettermanAlexBehorner,thestaff’sonlylefthander,also bringsvarsityexperiencetothepitching rubber.

Anextremelytalentedfreshmanclass thatwent10-0atSelbyvilleMiddle


Schoolayearagofeaturespitchingtalent inTyWeber,LandonFiels,LandenErbe andNolanStaniszewski.Sophomore KaydenVaughtandjuniorCethBirely strengthentheIndians’formidablestaff.

“Therearealotofpromisingnewcomersjoiningtheteamthisyear,”said Longo.“Wehavealotoftalentandare expectinggreatthingsfromeveryoneof them.”

SophomorelettermanRichardWigginswillhandlethecatchingdutiesbehindhomeplate,andwillbebackedup byErbeandjuniorKevinFuentes.

Atfirstbase,Behornerwillhandlehis teammates’throwswithStaniszewski andseniorlettermanQuinnMicciche waitinginthewings.StartingmiddleinfieldersVaughtatsecondbaseandGrise atshortstoparesupportedbyRuleyand Vaught,respectively.Ruleywillstartat thirdbasewithWeberavailabletoback himup.

TheIndians’outfieldisinthecapable handsofjuniorlettermenJackCappo andHill,seniorsMelvinMoraandreturneeAidenPszczola,andFielsand Erbe.

“Ourcaptainsandupperclassmen havedoneagreatjobbeingleadersthis offseason,”saidLongo.“I’mlookingfor themtocarrythatintoourseason.”

Longo’scoachingstaff,whichreturns intact,iscomposedofassistantsKevin Cordrey,EthanLongandGarrettHain, andjuniorvarsityheadcoachGreg Beyer.

TheGreen&Goldopensthe2024 seasonbyhostingWilmingtonDickinsononMondayafternoon,March18, witha4:15p.m.firstpitch.

CoastalPoint•MikeStern Theboyshopetoexpandonlastyear’ssuccessandmakeastrongrunintotheDIAA playoffsthisyear.


Themostimportantthingthata coachcangointoaseasonknowingis thathehaslotsofpieceswithsignificantexperienceinplace.Thoseexperiencedpiecesarecertainlyastrongsuit forIndianRiverHighSchoolboys’tenniscoachNeilBeahanforthe2024 campaign.

Thetwo-timeconsecutiveHenlopen AthleticConferenceBoys’Tennis CoachoftheYearisveryfortunateto haveaplethoraofexperience,butthe teamislackingsomedepthsofarto starttheearlyseasonpractices.Inhis thirdseasonatthehelm,Beahanwill havefourseniorsandapairofsopho-

moresbackinthefoldtomakearunat theHACSouthDivisioncrownthis year.

CalebRogers,EvanSprucebank, AlanPhomsouvanh,andXavierRodriguezarethereturningupperclassmen,whileLandonArauzandBrayden Bennetcharethe10thgradersthatBeahanwillleanheavilyonforthisseason.

“Wehavemoreexperiencethisyear, butnotmuchdepth,”admittedBeahan of histeam.“Iwouldreallyliketoseea fewfreshmenjointheteam.Weare workingdailyonthefundamentalsof thegametosolidifythem,andthenincorporatethatpracticeintoourplay.

“Calebismyonlyexperiencedsingles playerbutlooktoEvantoreallystepit upasbothseniorshavereallyworkedon

theirgamesintheoff-season.Iexpect Brayden,Alan,XavierandLandonto ‘uptheirgame’anotchthisyearinthat allhaveshownimprovementduring practice.”

TheIndianslostsomestrongplayers to graduationfromthe2023teamthat went6-6overallinmatches.Goneare StefanoCresta,NolanVasil,OwenAndahazy,GregFinneranandBrandon Cimmeronfromthatteam.

FillingthosespotsarethreesophomoresinKyleBennetch,CarterPorter, andDalenShepard—thelattertwoare newtotheteamthisyear.

“Wellbeyondtennis,thisisaterrific groupofyoungmen,”saidBeahan,who hasa16-8overallmarkinhistwoseasons.“It’sapleasuretoworkwiththem

everyday,andwatchtheirgrowthon thecourtsandinclasses,andlife.”

TheIndianswillopentheir2024 seasonwithahomematchonTuesday, March19,againstperenniallystrong WorcesterPrepSchool(Md.)before hittingtheroadforfourstraightaway matchesstartingwithLakeForeston Monday,March25.

TheNorth-SouthHACChampionshipmatchwilltakeplaceonThursday,May9,atCapeHenlopenHigh School.TheHACSinglesandDoubles ChampionshipswillbeonFridayand Saturday,May10-11,atSeaColonyin BethanyBeach.


Tennisisafunnysportinthisarea. Somanypeopleplaytennis—andeven pickleball—insouthernDelaware.Yet, thenumbersforboththeIndianRiver HighSchoolgirls’andboys’tennis teamsalwaysseemtobelight.It’sthe million-dollarquestionforIRgirls’ headcoachGregHockman,whichis

returningforhisthirdseasonguiding the program.

Aftera7-4overallmarkin2023, Hockmanandhiscrewwillbelooking tobuildoffofthatsuccess,butwillneed someplayerstostepupatthesingles levelthatwereverystrongasdoubles lastyear.

LexxineZullowillbeatfirstsingles, KylieCourtneywillslotinatsecond singles,andIsabellWisniewskiwilltake

careofthingsatthirdsingles.Both CourtneyandWisniewskiwillbemakingtheswitchafterbeingdoublesplayersthepasttwoyears.

“Forthe2024season,wehave Lexxineat1stsingles,’saidHockman, whowillbeassistedbyAllisonSneller thisyear.“Lexxineearned3rdplaceat secondsingleslastseasonattheHenlopenConferencetournament.Lexxine isgoingtobeouron-courtleader.She

hasthemostexperienceofourreturners,andhasagreatworkethic.Asa 10thgrader,shewasanexhibition player,andhassteadilyworkedherway upthedepthcharteachyear.

“KylieandIsabellwillplayatsecond and thirdsingles.Bothgirlshavetwo yearsofvarsitytennisexperienceatthe doubleslevel,butthisyearwillbeanew

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Andtheyeachhaveanunquenchable thirstforareturntriptotheDIAA statechampionshipshowdown.

Theninereturningmembersofthe 2023IndianRiverHighgirls’Henlopen Conferencechampionsoftballteam takethediamondwithamission—to finishwhatlastyear’steamstarted.

Theywanttocapturethestatetitle afterhavingcomeoh,soclosebefore bowingtoCaravelAcademylastJune3.

“Iamveryexcitedforthisseason,” said Indians’headcoachSaraPowell, whosesquadpostedanimpressive18-4 won-lostrecordlastspringandearned theprogram’ssixthstraightplayoffappearance.“Theninereturningplayers havegainedtheexperienceandmindset ittakestoreachthestatetitlegame.I amleaningheavilyonthoseplayersto instillthosequalitiesintoournew members.

“Ourfiveseniorshavealready steppeduptoleadtheteaminthatdirection,whichcreatesapositive,hardworkingenvironmentfromDayOne,”

addedPowell.“Weareexcitedtocreate anatmosphereofteamresponsibility accountabilityandbeingonepercent bettereachday.”

Thelettermenwhohelpedcapture theHenlopenConferenceSouthernDivisiontitleenroutetothestatetourney areseniorsMacyBlades,KatieMcHale, ShenandoahUniversitycommitOlivia Hitchens,MeganDaisey,andReagan Kansak,andjuniorsJazminMayfield, JillianCoulbourn,SophieScurciand GracieHoban.BladesearnedFirstTeamAllHenlopenConferencehonors whileDaiseyandMcHaleeachwarrantedSecondTeamkudos.

Membersoflastseason’sjuniorvarsitysquadthatposteda7-1won-lost markandarecompetingforvarsity spotsincludejuniorsKatelynMurray andKatieLasheralongwithsophomoresAddyClarkandZoeQuillen. JuniorSe’TaraMcGeehastransferred toIndianRiverHighfromHenlopen ConferencerivalSussexCentral,and thelonefreshmantomakethevarsityis ParkerO’Shields.

“Somanyofourathletesareshowcasingthemselvesatmultiplepositions,” saidPowell.“Losingfivestartingseniors fromlastyear’steamisalwayshard,but

thereissomuchtalentwaitingtostep in.Asofrightnow,noonehaslocked downaposition.”

Daisey,HitchensandQuillenare competingforpitchingrotationspots, whileMayfieldandCoulbournarebattlingbehindtheplateforthestarting catcher’sworkload.

Quillen,Blades,HobanandMcHale providekeencompetitionforthestartingfirstbaseman’sjob.Coulbourn, McGeeandHitchensarecompetingfor thesecondbaseman’sjob,whileScurci andClarkarethecandidatesatshortstop.O’Shields,LasherandQuillenare coolingthingsoffatthethirdbasehot corner.

Intheoutfield,McHale,Lasher, McGee,O’Shields,KansakandMurray aresnaringlinedrivesandhighflyballs inthehopeoflandinginoneofthe threestartingspots.

“Eachoftheseathletesbringa tremendousworkethictothefield,and

amindsetthatweseekatthevarsity leveltogrowandbesuccessful,”said coachPowell,whoseteamopensthe 2024seasonagainstDelmarvaChristian onWednesday,March20withthefirst pitchscheduledfor4:15p.m.“Weexpecttoseealotofgrowthfromour ladies.Ourplanistonotjustgrowand workonoursoftballskills,butalsoon ourmentalapproachtothegame.”

Powell’scoachingstaff,whichreturns intact,iscomposedofassistantsLauren IllianandKelseaDell,andjuniorvarsity headcoachGinaElliott.

“Regardlessofwinsandlosses,we wanttoprideourselvesthisseasonon ourteamwork,workethic,accountability,coachabilityandoverallgrowthas youngladiesonandoffthesoftballdiamond,”Powellconcluded.

Lastyear’sstatefinalistswillplaya non-conferencegameatCaravelAcademyonMonday,April8.

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Theyarehopingtoaddanother pieceofhardwaretotheIndianRiver Hightrophycase.

NewheadcoachMikeMarkovic takesthereinsofaboys’volleyballprogramthathasqualifiedforthepostseasonineachofitsfiveyears,including stateflagsin2019and2022.

Lastyear,undertheguidanceof headcoachJayClark,IndianRiver posteda10-4won-lostrecordafterlosingtoNewarkCharterinthefirst roundofthepostseason.

“Wearecautiouslyoptimistic,”said Markovic.“Wehaveagreatgroupof talentedathleteswhoshowalotofpotential.Ourboyscanreallybangthe ball,butourchallengewillbewhether wecanconsistentlyhandlethebasicsof passingandserving.Wewillalsoneed tomanageourerrors.Whileyoucan neverexpecterror-freeplay,youwon’t winifeveryspectacularplayisfollowed byanerror.”

TheIndiansareexpectingagreat dealfromtheirsixlettermen,seniors GrasonHowardandColinSmith,and juniorsEvanForjan,SaulA.Lopez, LoganHoodandJoaquinDeLosRios. HowardearnedThird-TeamAllHenlopenConferencehonorslastspring.

Markovicisalsoenthusiasticabout twonewplayers.Sophomoretransfer ZachHirnhasplayedatahighlevelof thesportandisanexcellentsetter. MarkovicfeelsthatHirncanbecome anoutstandingteamleader.Junior LuigiDotoli,atransferstudentfrom ItalywhowillspendtheyearinAmerica,hasthepotentialtobecomea dominant,all-aroundplayer,said


ThesquadmayhaveseveralpotentialsleepersinseniorBradyTice,who justrecentlyhaslearnedhowtoplay volleyball,andsophomoreAC Townsend.Bothplayershavetremendousupside,accordingtothehead coach.

Promisingnewcomersarefreshman ShaneForjan—Evan’syounger


“TheplayofGrasonHowardand EvanForjanwillbethekeytooursuccessthisyear,”saidMarkovic.“Bothof them areexperiencedathletesupon whomwe’lldependonforkeyplays. TheSarafaBrothers,NolanandBruce, havemoveduptovarsityfromJVlast yearandwe’rehopefulthattheycan bothcontribute.

Markovic’scoachingstaffiscomposedoflongtimeassistantJayClark andjuniorvarsityheadmentorChad Zook,bothofwhomarereturning.

“Webelievetheseboyscanreach theirhighestpotentialiftheyplayasa team,”saidMarkovic.“Wearenotsix individualplayersonthecourt.Indian Riverhaswonthestatechampionship twoofthelastfouryears,andother schoolsaredeterminedtobeatus. Boys’volleyballisgrowinginpopularityandplayersareimproving.Wecan’t rest.”

TheIndiansopentheirseasonon Wednesday,March20,againstvisiting HenlopenConferencerivalCaesar Rodneywitha5:30p.m.opening serve.

58 CoastalPoint March15,2024 302-537-4500 17 Atlantic Ave, Ste. 4 Route 26 • Ocean View (NexttoOceanova) Accepting New Patients GENERAL DENTISTRY RoutineDentalCleanings•Fillings Crowns•Bridges•ImplantRestorations CosmeticProcedures•TMJDisorders &ToothWhitening Professional Service at the standard you deserve. Home • Auto • Farm • Flood • Boat & RV Renters • Commercial • Liability Over 50 Years Experience 302.539.9052 • 800.252.9052 1100 N. Pennsylvania Avenue & Coastal Highway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 IRboys’volleyballhopestocontinuewinningculture CoastalPoint•MikeStern IndianRiverHighboys'volleyballassistantcoachJayClark(middle)workswithtwo oftheIndians'studentathletes. SGM HaS MuLtIpLE SpOtS OpEn FOr tHE SEaSOn! Our 7tH SEaSOn In OCMD! CaLL Or tEXt 443-640-7983 to Discuss & Complete application! Weekdays 35-40 Hours Per Week Starting @ $17 / Hr. Weekends 15-20 Hours Per Week Starting @ $20 / Hr. .50/ Mile Reimbursement (Must Have Reliable Vehicle) Free Biweekly Direct Deposit Free Uniforms Equal Opportunity Employer

Youcanstillhearthethundering cheers.

Theyweregeneratedandearnedby the2023-24IndianRiverHighUnified basketballteamthatrecentlycelebrated itssixthDIAAplayoffappearanceinas manyseasons.

TheGreen&Goldfinishedtheseasonwithanimpressive7-2recordafter CaesarRodneydefeatedtheIndiansin astatesemifinalgameonMonday, March4.TheRidersadvancedtothe Unifiedbasketballtitlegamethatwas wonbyDoveronSaturday,March9,at the BobCarpenterCenteronthecampusoftheUniversityofDelawarein Wilmington.(Laterthatday,theWilmingtonUrsulineAcademygirlsand DoverHighboysalsocapturedDIAA championships).

IndianRiverHighUnifiedbasketballheadcoachJamaalBivensvoiced hisappreciationfortheteam’saccomplishmentsduringtheseason.

“Iamsoproudofourathletes,”said Bivens,whowasassistedbyLoriann Sentman,AllisonWrightandGlen Tuckmantel.“Advancingtothestate semifinalsisahugeaccomplishment.

Lydicheadlines quartetofreturnees forIRHSgolfteam

The2024IndianRiverHighSchool golfteamhasoneofthetopgolfersin alloftheFirstStateinseniorSarah Lydic.Howtherestoftheteamunfolds willgoalongwayindeterminingthe successthatthedefendingHenlopen AthleticConferenceSouthDivision champshavethisyear.

HeadcoachBillyWingateisbackfor his15thseasonatthehelm,andhewill onceagainbeassistedbyhissonHolden Wingateforthesecondstraightseason. Theteamwillplayalloftheirhome matchesatBearTrapDunesinOcean View.

“Thisyearwillbearebuilding processaswelostfiveseniorsfromour 2023team,”Wingatenoted.“Ourrecord lastyearwas10-4,andwewonthedivision.Wewillhavetoreallyplaysome exceptionalgolftorepeatthisyear.”

Lydic,whowontheDIAAstate championshipbackin2021asafreshmanatSussexAcademy,hasbeenoneof thebestgolfersinthestateherentire scholasticcareer.Sheiscertainlyoneof thenamesthatcoachesup-and-down theFirstStatenoteasapotentialwinner forthestatetitlethisyear.

Weachievedgreatthingsonandoffthe court.Ourteamdidagreatjoboffocusingonaccepting,respecting,andcelebratingallofourabilitiesonandoff thecourt.Forthat,Iwillalwaysbe proudandgrateful.Weenjoyedwatchingourpartnersgrowinthisprogram byembracingtheUnifiedculturetobecomemoreacceptingofothers.”

2024IRHSUnifiedbasketball studentathleteshout-outs

CoachBivensandhisstaffareproud to sharethefollowingUnifiedbasketballstudentathleteshout-outsto:

•FreshmanforwardKe’Niya Mitchellforbringingamightyforceto thecourtunlikeanyotherplayerbefore.

•FreshmanforwardKatelynTaylor forexemplifyingtrueresilience—from

beingtimidearlyintheseasontobeing determinedtogetontothecourtbythe postseason.

•SophomoreguardKyleBennetch, thenewcomerontheblock,forgrowing hisconfidenceastheseason.

•SophomoreforwardJohn“The Doctor ”Proctorforembodyingthe emotionsoftheentireteam,andscoring basketafterbasket.

•SophomoreforwardBraydenBennetchforhisabilitytobeshiftyandacrobaticonthecourt,andkeepingour fansontheedgesoftheirseats.

•SophomorepowerforwardZaki Drummondforconsistentlyholdingit downin“reboundtown”andeasily demonstratingthemostgrowththis season.


“layuplane”allseasonlongandprovidingthemostshort-distancebasketsfor ourteam.

•JuniorguardDonaldLingo,also knownasHulkJunior,forhavingthe abilitytoampupthecrowdlikeno otherplayer.

Unifiedsportsispartofastrong partnershipbetweentheDIAAand SpecialOlympicsDelaware.Itcelebratesauniquebondbetweenstudents withandwithoutdisabilitieswhocompetetogetheronthesameteaminthe UniversitySportsDivision.Studentathletesmaintainamutual respectfor oneanother,gainingrespect,acceptance andacelebrationforeachone’s strengthsandchallenges.UnifiedSports offersfootballintheautumn,basketball inthewinterandtrack&fieldinthe spring.

Positions Available Now! GREAT PAY Perfect Part Time or Retirement Position Will train & assist in obtaining CDL We need YOU! We need YOU! 302-245-0315 School Bus Drivers & Bus Aides Needed for the 2024/2025 School Year March15,2024 CoastalPoint 59


TheIndianRiverHighgirls’soccer teamdidnotcaptureaneighthconsecutiveHenlopenConference SouthernDivisiontitle,astreakthat commencedin2014.

TheIndians,SussexAcademyand Delmardefeatedeachotherlastseasontofinishinathree-waytieforthe divisiontitlethattheSeahawkswere abletoclaimviaatiebreaker.TheIndianspostedan11-5-1recordafter defeatingTowerHillinanopening roundplayoffshowdownandlosing 1-0toCaravelinasecond-round match.


SouthernDivisionflagandthe school’sfirstgirls’soccerstatetitleas theyheadintothe2024season.

“Wearefeelingexcitedaboutthe upcomingseason,”saidheadcoach BrandtMais.“Wehavealotofreturningexperiencedplayerswhoare lookingtobuild.”

Thetalentedlettermeninclude four-yearstartinggoalkeeperAlex Davidson,whopostedfiveshutoutsin ‘23andhas14whitewashesforher career.SeniorsLilahHanley,adefender-midfielder,defenderMadison NealandmidfielderAnahiParada Basurtoalsoreturntoservewith Davidsonastheteam’scaptains.BasurtoandDavidsoneachmadeFirst Teamall-conferencein2023while NealwasSecondTeamandHanley wasanHonorableMentionselection.

“Ourcaptainswillbeessentialto theteam’ssuccessonandoffthe field,”saidcoachMais.“Eachofthese playersoffersauniqueleadership stylethatwillgetthemostoutofour team.”

SophomoresAllyTucker,aforward,FirstTeamall-conferencemidfielderKamdynShockleyandSecond Teamall-conferenceforwardEllaPe-




Thenow-seniorwillbejoinedinthe returningranksbyclassmateEllaGrove aswellassophomoresLukeWilliams andPaolaMunoz.Keynewcomersto thesquadareseniorPatrickStarkey, sophomoreTravisGosnell,andfreshmanNicholasPolite.

“IknowthatSarahwillshootthe lightsoutassheisrankedinthetopfive inthestate,”admittedWingate.“After evaluatingtherestoftheteam,Ilike whatIsee.Iseerealpotentialforthereturneesandthenewcomers.Iguesswe will findoutsoonenoughaswestartthe seasonwiththreematchesnextweek. Hopefullytheweatherwillcooperate. Rainhascertainlybeenafactorwithour practicingsofar.”

TheIndianswillopentheirseason withback-to-backhomematcheson Monday,March18,againstWoodbridge,andWednesday,March20, againstSussexAcademy.Theywillhit theroadforamatchatJonathansLandingonFriday,March22,againstMilford.

TheHenlopenAthleticConference golfchampionshipwilltakeplaceon Monday,May20,atKingsCreekCountryClubTheDIAAStateGolfChampionshiptournamentwillbeheldover twodays,May28-29,atMapleDale CountryClub.

60 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Sales Community Management Real Estate Rentals New Listings! Don't miss this 4 BR/4.5 BA townhome, one of the LARGEST units in the community! $449,000 • 302-539-7511 Bethany Beach & Lewes Locations Locally family owned & operated since 1945 A complete service agency that can list, sell, rent, insure and manage your property 10093 Iron Pointe, Wharton’s Bluff Professional Photography Packages Virtual Tour Options • Aerial Drone Photography Year Round Rentals: Specializing in Condo & Home Owners’Association Management Commercial Property Management Maintenance Services Email for free quotes See Classified Section We Can Insure It All! Let Us Quote Your Homeowners, Auto, Flood and Business Insurance 34653 Lagoona Dr, Frankford Bring your Boat! Charming 3 bedroom cottage on canal with water access. 3 Miles from the ocean! $479,900 Girls’soccerhopingtorecaptureDivisionflag

tersoneachreturnafter contributingtotheIndians’offenseayearago. Maissaidheanticipates thateachmemberofthat triowillstepuptothe challengeofprovidinga lotofoffensivefirepower thisspring.

SophomoresLila Brown,Honorablementionall-conferencehonoreeMeredithWhiteand ReeceForreyhaveeach shownalotoftalentin pre-seasonworkouts,said Mais.Eachofthethree playedlastyearandanticipateearningadditional minutesonthepitch.“So far,theyhavebeenimpressiveintrainingand duringourscrimmages,” saidthecoach.“Imlookingforwardtoseeing themplayalargerrolefor theteamthisyear.”

Returningletterwinnersinclude sophomoredefenderMeredithWhite, anHonorableMentionall-conference honoree.AlsoreturningfromlastseasonareseniorsShailynCarney, MaddyClass,AddisonJernsand

GabiRagone,juniorsNatalieNearey, RuthieAdams,LillyMerrickandAva Quetschenbach,andsophomores BrynnKnight,SelahWilsonandAbbyroseThomas.FreshmanCatherine Buntingalsomadethevarsitysquad.

Accordingtotheheadcoach,the Indiansareshowingexcellentteam chemistry.“Youcanreallyfeelthetogethernessofthegroup,whichisso importantinanyteamsport,”said Mais.“Thegirlshaveplayedtogether

foralongtimeandit showsonthefield.The chemistrymatchedwith someverytalentedindividualsisarecipeforsuccess.”

Thegirls’soccercoachingstaffwillbehighlightedbysomenew additions.“RydgeDudley helpedwiththeboysin thefall,”saidMais.“Asa player,Rydgecaptained theIndians’boystotheir firststatechampionship in2013.MaggieFord,a formerplayerfortheIR girls’side,hasservedasa player-coachfortheUniversityofDelaware’sclub soccerteam.AndJenaAlbright,anotherformerIndians’player,isastudent favoriteteacheratIndian RiverHigh.Eachcoach bringsalotofexperience andoffersafreshperspectivetotheteam.”

Thenewcoachesjoin returningassistantsJose Labarias,SamanthaWhelanandJohnnyCuellar.

TheIndiansbeginplayonThursday,March21atSussexTechwitha 5:30p.m.openingkickoff.

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 61
Soccer Continuedfrompage60 CoastalPoint•MikeStern


Youcanplaygolfyourwholelife, butneverperfectyourgame.


Butthe38-year-oldOceanViewbasedentrepreneurwon’tstoptrying tohelplocalgolfers.

SmaleistheownerofTheForelandClub,anexclusive365-day,24hourindoorgolfcenterlocatedat BearTrapDunesinOceanViewat 24VillageGreenDrive,Suite201.

Heisconfidentthathistechnologycanhelpgolferstomoveinthe rightdirectiontowardimproving theirgame.

“Wewelcomeanyonewhoisinterestedingolf,”saidSmale,aresidentofLewes.“TheForelandClub enablesyoutopracticelikeapro,and playyourchoiceofmorethan300 courses,includingPebbleBeachand St.Andrews.Thedataweareableto generateandshareisexactlywhat youcanexpectwhenyougooutside andplayonanactualgolfcourse.”

TheClubfeaturesthreePGA tour-provenTrackmansimulators poweredbythesametechnology usedby90ofitstop100competitors.AccordingtoSmale,golferscan becomemonthlymembersforthe

priceofaroundofgolfforfour. Theirmembershipgivesthemaccess toallclubs,trainingaidsandthe

technology.Theymayalsohosttheir foursomesontheBearTrapcourseat noadditionalcharge.

TheTrackmansystemenables golferstouseIOSmobileoperating devicestorecordslow-motionvideos fromanyangleandloadanyofthe morethan300championshipgolf courselayoutswhilequantifying theirgolfclubgripsbyusingselected data.Itsintuitivesoftwarecanenhancethegolfgameofthosewhoare unfamiliarwiththetechnology.

“Thetechnologytakestheguessworkoutoftheequationbyquantifyingyourgolfgame,”saidSmale. “Forexample,ittellsyouthereason whyyou’reslicingtheball.Yourabilitytounderstandthereasonsbehind yourswingiswhatenablesthistechnologytoshine,aswellashaving RyanDiehlandmyselfexplainthe datatoeachgolfer.”

ForelandClubmemberscanwork ontheirgamesindividuallyand/oras partofalessonwithSmaleorDiehl.

“I’vebeenworkingwithTrackman forthelastnineyears,”saidDiehl, theclub’sresidentgolfproandowner ofEasternShoreCustomClubs.“Its systemhasenabledmetoassistmany playersatcommercialgolfcenters throughoutthenortheasternUnited States.Asaresult,weseizedtheopportunitytoopenthisgreatlocation, andfeelthata24-hourmemberbasedmodelwouldbetheperfectfit forthisarea.”

“Athleteswillbeabletoassess theirswingsfromtwodifferentvantagepointswhilelookingatanyof the26differentdataparametersprovidedbytheTrackmansystem,”

62 CoastalPoint March15,2024 302-616-4760 | | 90 Atlantic Avenue | Ocean View, DE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS NOW OPEN IN OCEAN VIEW!
OneoftheTrackmansimulatorsatTheForelandClubinOceanView. SeeFORELANDpage64

challengeforthemtoplayatsingles. Kylieisfearlessandalwaysattacksand putspressureonheropponent.Isabell hasmoreofasteadyapproachtoher game.Shekeepstheballinplay,andlets heropponentmakethemistakes.She hasalsobeenworkinghardthispreseasonongettingsomemorepoweronher firstserve.Allthreegirlsareworking hardinpractice,andareexcitedtoget theseasonstarted.”

Thereareapairofkeynewcomersto theprogramthisseasoninMacyn HockmanandGraceDeale.Bothare freshmenthatCoachHockmansays,

“arecompetingtoearnaspotatsecond doubles.”

TheyoungerHockmanisfreshoff anamazingfirstseasoninthepoolfor thegreenandgold,soshecertainlyhas adriveinhertocompetewiththebest.

“Ourdoublesteamsarestillawork inprogress,”admittedCoachHockman. “EmeliaWelch(12thgrade)isourmost experiencedreturningplayerfordoubles.Lastseason,sheteamedupwith KylieCourtneyatseconddoublesand wonthe3rd-placematchatsecond doublesattheHenlopenConference tournament.

“SaraDeery(11thgrade)hasthepotentialtobetheotherhalfofthesecond doublesteam.Saraplayedafew matchesatseconddoubleslastseason.

Theseconddoublesteamisgoingtobe upforgrabsthroughchallengematches betweenAlisonSwartz(10thgrade), EmmaLovellete(11thgrade),HockmanandDeale.WealsohaveKendyl Wright(9thgrade),whoisnewtotennisthisyear,butisworkinghardeach dayonherfundamentalsandcontinuingtoimprove.”

HockmanisthrilledtohaveSneller workingwithhisprogramthisseason. Shebringsanextensiveresumeof knowledgeandexperiencetotheprogramthatwillbenefittheplayersall seasonlong.

“CoachSnellerretiredfromteaching andcoachinginMarylandlastyear,and isexcitedtobeapartofourcoaching staff,”Hockmannoted.“Shewillpre-

dominantlyworkwithdevelopingour youngerplayersanddoublesteams.She bringsawealthoftennisexperienceasa playerandacoachtoourteam.I’mexcitedtohaveher,andthegirlslove workingwithheratpractice.”

Howquicklytheyoungerplayersdevelopwillgoalongwayindetermining justhowmuchsuccesstheIndianshave onthehardcourtsthisseason.

IRwillopentheir2024campaignat homeagainstWorcesterPrepSchool (Md.)onTuesday,March19.Theywill thenhostLakeForestonMonday, March25,andPolytechonWednesday, March27,beforehittingtheroadfor thematchagainstMilfordafterthe SpringBreak.

Summer 2024! explore coastal delaware Space Fills Fast! CALL TODAY! Advertising Deadline: April 26th Experience Explore Enjoy Coastal Delaware March15,2024 CoastalPoint 63 DENTAL Insurance Call 1-855-337-5228 Get your FREE Information Kit from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Great coverage for retirees. Product/features not available in all states. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. To find a network provider, go to This specific offer not available in CO, NV, NY, VA – call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for a similar offer in your state. Certificate C254/B465, C250A/B438 (ID: C254ID; PA: C254PA); Insurance Policy P154/B469, P150/B439 (GA: P154GA; OK: P154OK; TN: P154TN). 6347
Tennis Continuedfrompage56

addedthe38-year-oldDiehl,aresidentofFrankford.“Allofthetechnology,golfclubsandtrainingaids areavailableformemberstoutilize.”

BothDiehlandSmaleareconfidentthattheirtechnologywillhelp rewardgolferswhohopetoanswer

thechallengeonthefairwaysandthe greens.“Thisisasportthatchallengesmeandothersphysicallyand mentally,”saidDiehloftheclubthat includesasociallounge,comfortstationandbalconyseating.“Youcan haveallthenaturalabilityinthe world,butgolfwillstilltestyou.As aninstructor,Iloveseeingimprovementfromthestudentsandtheexcitementthatitcreatesforthem.”

64 CoastalPoint March15,2024 BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter 1-844-566-3227 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* AFTERLeafFilter CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases of $1,000 or more with approved credit. Minimum consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. APR FOR 24 MONTHS** SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE 15010++%% % OFF OFF You CAN Cancel Your Timeshare We have helped over 30,000 American families save over $450,000,000 in timeshare debt and maintenance fees. We can help you too. Get your free information kit and see if you qualify: Call 1.888.984.2917 *This is an Advertisement. Wesley Financial Group, LLC (“WFG”) and/or its a liates,successors, or assigns are not lawyers and/or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. Actual results depend on each client’s distinct case and no specific outcome is guaranteed. CoastalPoint•MikeStern RyanDiehl(left)andDustinSmaleat TheForelandClubinOceanView. Foreland Continuedfrompage62



The Board of Adjustment of the Town of Bethany Beach will hold a public meeting on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 10:00 am in the Bethany Beach Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway in Bethany Beach, Delaware.

The purpose of the hearing is to consider the following:

An application for a variance, filed by property owners C & J Cole LLC, for the property identified as Block 33, Lot 4, and having the address 867 Garfield Parkway. The applicant is seeking a variance from Chapter 425, Section 425-2 from the definition for a Planned Residential Development (PRD). The applicant is requesting that the requirement for PRD to contain a minimum of 50,000 square feet be waived so they can proceed with plans for development of a three-unit PRD on a lot containing 42,535 square feet. The lot is approximately 7,465 square feet smaller than the required size.

An application for a variance, filed by Frank C. and Lauren M. Graybeal, for property identified as Block 28, Lots 80 and 81 and having the address


PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of Michael W. Bullis, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Michael W. Bullis who departed this life on September 3, 2023, late of Millsboro, DE were duly granted unto Traci Bullis on March 1, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator on or before May 3, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Traci Bullis

22002 Phillips Hill Road Millsboro, DE 19966

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


Parsons&Robinson,P.A. 118AtlanticAve.;Suite401


CP 20240308 3T


Estate of Richard G. Sharpe Sr., Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Richard G. Sharpe Sr. who departed this life on January 13, 2024, late of Ocean View, DE were duly granted unto Patricia A. Sharpe on March 4, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 13, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Patricia A. Sharpe

14 Old Mill Drive

Ocean View, DE 19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills

613 Fifth Street. The applicants are seeking a variance from Chapter 425, Appendix 3, Table of Dimensional Requirements minimum rear yard depth. The applicants are requesting that the rear yard requirement be reduced from the required size of 15 feet to 8.4 feet for an addition on the left side of the existing dwelling and to 6.3 feet on the right side of the existing dwelling for a pool and pergola.

The application may be inspected in the office of the Building Inspector, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, Delaware, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except scheduled Holidays.

All interested persons are hereby notified to be present and to attend this hearing where said Board may make a determination on the application, said Board without further notice may adjourn such hearing from time to time.

The Board may recess for good reason on the announced day and reconvene on another day to continue the hearing; in such a case, the announcement of the date and time of reconvening will constitute sufficient public notice.

CP 20240315 1T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-23.00-674.00

Property Address: RIVER BREEZE, LOT 35, 26449 SANDPIPER DRIVE, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DEBORAH A. GILBERT & NANCY J. GILBERT (4) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240308 2T





CP 20240315 3T

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 65


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:234-7.00-98.00

Property Address: 20786 SUNSET LANE, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of BAY BREEZE AT SUNSET, LLC (1) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240308 2T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-14.18-110.00-A

Property Address: 3A HICKMAN STREET, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of CHARLES C. KRAY & SARA C. KRAY (16) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-13.00-1050.00

Property Address: 13 EAGLE WAY, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of DAVID N. SILLS, IV & DENISE M. SILLS (25) and will be sold by

Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


CP 20240308 2T

By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:533-18.00-358.00

Property Address: 29272 CHANNEL DRIVE, Selbyville, DE 19975

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of THOMAS AKINS A/K/A THOMAS E. AKINS, IV & SUSAN J. AKINS (18) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

66 CoastalPoint March15,2024
CP 20240308 2T
CP 20240308 2T



Estate of Muriel F. Ketcham, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Muriel F. Ketcham who departed this life on January 16, 2024, late of Frankford, DE were duly granted unto Ann Louise Vidas on February 16, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 16, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Ann Louise Vidas

32237 West Rd. Frankford, DE 19945


Veronica R. Townsend, Esq. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 202 Ocean View, DE 19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills CP 20240301 3T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:133-16.00-39.00

Property Address: PINE LODGE ADDITION, LOT 19, PINE STREET, Millsboro, DE 19966

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of LORRAINE EDITH WORKMAN; RAY WORKMAN, JR. & JENNIFER WORKMAN (8) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

CP 20240308 2T


PO BOX 743; GEORGETOWN, DE 19947 (302)855-7875

Estate of Joan L. Hudock, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Joan L. Hudock who departed this life on January 26, 2024, late of Selbyville, DE were duly granted unto Rodney L. Aldinger on February 16, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 26, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Rodney L. Aldinger

400 Maple St. Manchester, PA 17345


Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills CP 20240301 3T


By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas Monition, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024 At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:134-11.00-156.00

Property Address: N SD HWY THRU CLARKSVILLE T7259, 1.80 AC.S W/IMP, 31851 KOENIG LANE, Ocean View, DE 19970

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 100 percent of the purchase money will be demanded at the time of sale. Cash or Cashier's Check is required. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24subject to the owner’s right of redemption pursuant to Title 9 Del. C. § 8728; subject to the approval of the Department of Finance or the Chief County Financial Officer, pursuant to Title 9 Delaware Code § 8726; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of HERMAN J. KOENIG AND RUTH G. KOENIG, TRUSTEES OF THE HERMAN J. KOENIG & RUTH G. KOENIG REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST (13) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


March15,2024 CoastalPoint 67



Coastal Culinary LLC has on February 29th, 2024 applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for an additional 7 bar stools for a premises located at 19819 Coastal Hwy., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearingto consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1mile of the premises. The signatures of residents or property owners must also include the mailing address for the property and the email address (if one exists) for the resident or property owner. Protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before March 29, 2024. The protests can be emailed to, or delivered or mailed to: OABCC, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, 3rd Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact the Commissioner’s Office.

CP 20240308 3T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-13.00-1749.00-R2

Property Address: 37696 ULSTER DRIVE, SUITE 2, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JOHN R. MUELLER & BEVERLY L. MUELLER (15) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff


Any residents who wish to vote in the annual municipal election April 13, 2024 must register with the Town

The qualifications for Ocean View voters are:

• Minimum age of 18 years.

• Citizen of the United States.

• Ocean View residency for at least thirty (30) days immediately preceding the Town election.

The registration period is open until March 25, 2024 @ 4:30pm

You may download, print, and mail-in a Voter Registration Form from the Town’s Web Site ( ). A copy of your Identification is required when you register to vote in person or by mail. A Delaware Driver’s License or ID is the preferred form of identification. State or County registration does not entitle residents to vote in Town of Ocean View elections.

Any resident who has not voted in the Town of Ocean View’s election for the past two consecutive years in which there was an election must re-register in order to be eligible to vote in the April 13, 2024, election. You may also call 539-9797 x101 to inquire about your current registration status

CP 20240216 5T


By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on:

Tuesday, 19th day of March, 2024

At 9:30 AM & Thereafter

At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit:

Tax Parcel:334-6.00-40.02

Property Address: 104 KIMBERLY WAY, Lewes, DE 19958

Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register.

TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash or Cashier's Check is required. The balance is to be paid on or before 4/15/24. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on 4/19/24; subject to a 2 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 1 1/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser; and subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County.

Seized and taken in execution the property of JAY M. CAMPBELL & ANNA CAMPBELL (27) and will be sold by Robert T. Lee, Sheriff

68 CoastalPoint March15,2024
CP 20240308 2T
CP 20240308 2T

The Annual Beaver Dam Canal Tax Ditch Meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 34309 Burton Farm Road, Frankford, 19945.

For more information, please call 302.462.5490.

CP 20240308 2T

The Annual Meeting of the Derrickson Canal Tax Ditch will be held on Thursday, March 28, 2024, at 6-7:30 p.m. at the Beacon Baptist Church, 32263 Beacon Baptist Road, Millville, DE 19967.

CP 20240315 1T

Estate of Joan Holmes Hunter, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Joan Holmes Hunter who departed this life on January 26, 2024, late of Bethany Beach, DE were duly granted unto Glenn Michael Hunter on February 20, 2024 and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before September 26, 2024 or abide by the law in this behalf.


Glenn Michael Hunter 11611 Scottsbury Ter. Germantown, MD 20876

Gregory Fuller, Sr., Register of Wills


Parsons & Robinson, P.A. 118 Atlantic Ave.; Suite 401 Ocean View, DE 19970

CP 20240301 3T

Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Shore Home Improvements, LLC Design • Build • Remodel 302.537.5988 Established 1989 • Licensed & Insured Additions CASH FOR CARS! 302-249-3444 38531 DuPont Blvd., Selbyville We Will Buy Your Car Even if You Don’t Buy One of Ours! Auto Buying Service APPLIANCE MASTER Prompt, Quality Repairs at A ordable Prices Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers Ranges • Disposals • Refrigerators Call Phil: 302.278.1441 Serving the Rt. 54 area with 50 years’ experience of honest work Appliance Service BEACH VALET Your Personalized Ride Service Airports - Train Stations Washington - Baltimore - Philadelphia 301.602.3741 Airports & Train Station Auto Detailing OFFICE OF REGISTER OF WILLS OF SUSSEX COUNTY STATE OF DELAWARE
PO BOX 743;
LEGALS March15,2024 CoastalPoint 69 Get local news from a local perspective. THE LOCAL VOICE OF YOUR COMMUNITY
70 CoastalPoint March15,2024 Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices Expert Bathroom Remodeling Professional Bath-to-Shower Conversion Prompt, Quality Work by Father/Son Team Offering Senior & Veteran Discounts 302.542.1162 Serving Sussex Co. for over 30 years Licensed Insured Bathrooms F abian’s CarpetCare 302-745-7547 Water Damage • Restoration • Mold & Mildew Carpet Cleaning - 2 rooms: $79; 4 rooms: $125 With Ad Residential & Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • 25+ Years’ Experience Carpet Cleaning appliances furniture cars boats box of junk stu in the garage exercise equipment toys TVs GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE! BIG or small, I’ll haul it all! 302.236.2670 PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE • POWER WASHING Also Cleaning Services Computer Sales –Service –Support Servicing PC & MAC • Walk-In & On-Site Services 302-539-6421 35583 Atlantic Avenue • Millville Computer Service & Support CONCRETECONTRACTOR 570-617-6358 CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE FLOORS SIDEWALKS PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Concrete Services Serving the Delmarva, PA, and NJ Areas Medical - Legal - Real Estate - Airlines - Cargo - Packages When professionalism, dependability, on-time delivery, reliability, and security matter 908.342.3880 Courier Services call Al Lewis 302.462.8614 AtlanticDiversified Construction,Inc. For Quality and Experience, Additions • Decks • New Construction Making your dream home a reality Siding, Windows, Baths, Kitchens, Outside Showers, Property & Storm Management and much more! Construction GOT STUFF? Call Mike: 302.344.0169 WE WILL MOVE OR REMOVE Rubbish • Yard Waste Appliances • Furniture Unwanted Items Downsizing A little or a lot TELL US WHAT YOU’VE GOT! Cleaning Services EXECUTIVE CLEANING SERVICES LLC PRIVATE RESIDENCES Personalized. Honest. Professional. LISA RICHARDSON Owner - Operator 302-542-5766 Licensed & Insured Cleaning Services Quality Service by Certified Technicians Since 1983 302.436.5652 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning Oriental Rug Cleaning & Repair Carpet Cleaning DRIVING MISS MAISEY Call Mike: 302.344.0169 Where do you want to go? Driving Services “Let 38 years of experience go to work for you.” MASTER ELECTRICIAN “The homeowner’s friend.” Dennis W. Marvel o: 302.436.5008 | c: 302.258.7147 Residential | Commercial Selbyville, DELicensed in DE & MD Electric 38205 Dupont Blvd., Selbyville Call Will Powell! 443.523.2476 DRIVEWAY SEALCOATING FPS Hand Brushed Don’t Pay to Spray! Driveway Services Doctor Appointments • Errands • Shopping Hair Appointments & More Cruzing t Sh e With Pitty Patricia Newman | 410.708.8812 Local Driving Services 8am-5pm 7 days/week Licensed Insured Driving Services LH Excavating, Inc. Specializing in Drainage Solutions Stormwater Maintenance & Pipe Replacements Ponds • Ditching • Demolition DE & MD Stormwater Certified 3 0 2 . 7 3 2 . 3 0 7 2 Licensed & Insured Excavating
Se R I D v r F O Y R O T C E viices THE HANDY BEACHMAN Exterior Home Repairs “WE DO IT ALL” Licensed • Bonded • Insured • MHIC 17433 “A Family Tradition Since 1935” 410-893-9707 • Roofing Repairs • Roof Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Powerwashing • • Deck Repairs • • Rain Gutters • Gutter Guards • Screening • Painting • Staining • Caulking P A R R I S H Handyman SYNERGY HOME SERVICES 302-344-7629 Lic.&Ins.|ReferencesAvailable|40Years’Exp. Affordable. Sensible. On Time. Remodeling Home Repair Construction Property Management & Maintenance PaintingDecksAdditions & Everything in Between! Handyman HAPPY TO BE HANDY I’ll Economically Repair, Replace, or Build New Call Rob for All Your Jobs! Trim Work Cabinets Custom Shelving Drywall - Install & Repair Painting Siding & Roo ng Repairs Windows & Doors Screen Porches Decks - New & Repair Ceramic Tile Minor Plumbing & Electrical 302.858.3024 Licensed & Insured Handyman Specializing in all Home Repairs 30 years’ experience. Call for a free estimate Doors • Plumbing • Carpentry Electrical • Tile • Drywall Painting • and Much More! Jeff the Handy Man 302.212.7607 Handyman Repairs Decks Tile Work Kitchens Baths Power Washing Stone Work Drywall Screen Repairs Minor Plumbing Masonry Work Window Washing Call Gus: 302.245.4852 Licensed & Insured Handyman NICK DEMOPOULOS 302.604.3971 LICENSED/INSUREDNCDREMODELING@GMAIL COM BATHROOMS & KITCHENS AND OTHER HOME INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Home Improvements Contractor Bill Smith 302.228.5668 • 302.846.0446 References • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured The smallest things make the biggest difference Custom Cabinets & Shelving Tile, Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Interior Trim & Shiplap Sunrooms, Decks, & Porches Home Improvements AN AFFORDABLE NEW BATH STARTS HERE! Making Y r Dream Bath C e True F 20 Ye s! Specializing in Bathroom Remodels Contact Garth for FREE Estimate! 410-641-8439 MHIC #94614 Licensed Insured Tub to Shower Conversions Custom Tile Work Home Improvements Small Job Specialist Remodels | Installs | Decks | Carpentry Railings | Screened Porches | Bathrooms 302.524.2252 Licensed Insured DELMARVALOUS HANDYMAN Handyman Reliable, expert problem-solver with experience in electrical, plumbing, drywall, and household repairs at reasonable pricing! Drywall Repair - Cabinet Repair - TV Mounting - Lighting Fixtures Ceiling Fan Installation - Pantry/Closet Shelving Faucets/Drain Replacement/Repair - Picture/Mirror Hanging Handicap Safety Equipment Installation, and more ... ROB’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Call or Text: 443.618.4972 Handyman PATIOS 410.390.1499 • Driveways • Fire Pits • Retaining Walls • Hardscaping • Walkways Family-owned & Operated. Call for Your FREE Estimate! Licensed Insured Handyman THE SCREEN GUY & HANDYMAN SCREEN REPAIR PRESSURE WASHING 443.301.5994 Handyman DIFEBO HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Floors Sanded & Laid 302.462.5415 302.539.4550 Robert DiFebo 789 GARFIELD PKWY.; BETHANY BEACH Flooring KEVERTIN FLOORING ENTERPRISES, LLC Flooring the Shore since ‘74! 443.496.1941 Licensed & Insured * Luxury Vinyl Flooring * Staircases * Finishing * Installation * Refinishing * Repairs * Docks & Decks Flooring 302.519.8954 Randy Perkins Millsboro Full Service Garage Door Company New Doors - Repairs - Openers Residential - Commercial Garage Doors March15,2024 CoastalPoint 71
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Custodial: $13.25/hr Revenue Attendant/Parking Fee Collector: $13.25/hr end p yt w and s uguA e 19 P onourwebsit asinoitatropsnarTfotnemtrap De n oitacifitr Ce $23/hour y: S orsement n eciL” “C ssalCLDCassessoptsumstnaci l c neerasrevirdsublooh Sc g indulhescn i tembe epd-Smih ug thro y m- es fo elbali ava ebtsuM.rebmetpeSylraedna, t ailavionsablea app 9930 .sul p erawaleDehtmorf regnessaphtiwe s .ylppaotdegaruo - f me sos i here T r r. ,syadiloh,thgin, ay dr t 5 c EqualOpportunity 539 Employer Click Casual/Seasonal Apply online at .1 539 2. 30 ng: calli y b or e EqualOpportunityEmplo 996 yer March15,2024 CoastalPoint 75







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78 CoastalPoint March15,2024

The Original Crossword Puzzle for Kids and Their Favorite Adults

Kids Across

1. Tangy green slices that can bring a burger extra zing

3. What the bands do in a St. Patrick's Day parade (or the month when they do it)

5. Rhyming in green: Many veggie fans love these (They kind of look like little trees)

7. A pistachio is a ___ that is green on the inside

8. The Shamrock Shu e is a yearly marathon that invites people to ____ through the streets of Chicago

9. You may know that this beautiful green gemstone is the birthstone of a person born in May

15. This slow-moving creature carries his house upon his back

16. Pucker up: It's a lemon's sour green cousin

17. The symbol on a playing

card that's shaped like a clover (or a group you might become a member of)

18. This muscular green guy is a Marvel comic superhero

20. He's a little, green lilypad leaper

Parents Down

1. Green Bay's bruisers in the NFL

2. Feeling like the green emoji

3. Cantaloupe's cousin with pale green esh

4. Let's go!: For people in _____, a green light is good news from above

5. Shaped like little half moons, lima _____ get their name from the capital of Peru

6. Origin of the chef's extravirgin ingredient (or green hue sometimes described as "drab")

10. "______ Christmas" is a cheery seasonal greeting

exchanged by many, but never once uttered by the Grinch

11. Chopped 1A on top of a dog (or synonym of "delight")

12. Money, money, money: Currency referred to in a popular song as "mean green"

13. Perfect pair: Corned beef's St. Patrick's Day traditional dinner companion

14. Widely known as Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick wasn't _____ (He was born in Britain under Roman rule)

15. Blue-green color whose name was inspired by the male bird of the same shade

19. Bluegrass -- with its misleading name and hue -is associated with this state, but the lush, green lawn choice is actually native to Europe (abbr.)

March15,2024 CoastalPoint 79
This Week’s Solution © 2024 KAPD, LLC KAPD ebooks now available on 3/17/24 ™ ™ The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for grown-ups! Green
ANSWER (HOLD UP TO MIRROR) Jumbles: Answer: fly bell true fair Free fall THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME! ® By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square. you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer. Getthefree JUSTJUMBLE @PlayJumble URTE LEBL ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Print your answer here:

Resort. Amenities include 18 hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, 4 unique outdoor pools, tennis courts, pickleball, kayaking, ponds, restaurants, Freeman Arts Pavilion, and state of the art Fitness Center with indoor pool. There is so much to do and see. Give me a call if you want to live your best life in Bayside.

$1,750,000 (DESU2056158)

Call Betsy Perry (c) 301-938-1472



Worked with the buyer to purchase this Mallard


Welcome to this custom and quality built home set high up on a hill-located in the desirable community of Point Farm. This 1.23 acre sanctuary offers elegant living with hardwood ooring, wood burning replace, eat in chef’s kitchen with island, formal dining room, sunroom, screened porch, sundeck, 3 car garage with oversized doors, circular drive, basement, huge primary suite, large guest rooms and even an enormous Rec/Flexroom. The amazing backyard is spacious and private - backs to

80 CoastalPoint March15,2024 For a con dential interview about starting your Real Estate Career call us today! Mary Niles (c) 302-228-5143 • Email: 31252 American Pkwy. Selbyville, DE 105 High St. Seaford, DE 37169 Rehoboth Ave. #11 Rehoboth Beach, DE 39682 Sunrise Ct. Bethany Beach, DE 11424 W. SAND COVE RD, SELBYVILLE Live Bayside & Live The Vacation! *LOCATION ALERT* This 3BR/2.5BA endof-group townhome is coming to you mostly furnished, freshly painted and turnkey ready for Summer Fun in the Delaware Beach's #1 Resort Community of Bayside! $599,000 (DESU2057548) Call Eddie Rohe (c) 410-908-9137 (o) 302.360.0300 • Each of ce is independently owned & operated. 607 OLD POST CT, BETHANY BEACH This new custom home was developed, designed and built to cater to the most discerning buyer. Gourmet kitchen that includes custom cabinetry, quartz surfaces, a wine & beverage cooler. Hardwood oors, cabinetry surprises, home automation and spacious rooms abound throughout this 3,500 sq ft home. The complete landscaping package delights with color and de nes the hardscape for the driveway and pathway to the built-in shed, outdoor shower and deck. Neighborhood amenities include a community center, exercise gym, 2 pools (one heated), a playground, tennis and pickleball courts, kayak storage/canal access and fun activities. $2,450,000 (DESU2045282) Call Sandy Greene (c) 302-745-2382 NEW MOVEINREADY 118 ATLANTIC AVE UNIT 402 This prime investment opportunity is located in the 118 Atlantic Ave Professional Complex on heavily traveled Eastbound Rt 26 in Ocean View. Immediate income producing and currently under long term lease with excellent ROI. Leases available upon request. Ample parking. Agent is owner. $624,900 (DESU2051124) Call Brad Absher (c) 302-214-LAND COMMERCIAL 31313 TERRY CIRCLE, BETHANY BEACH Located only 1.5 miles to downtown Bethany in the tranquil gated and amenity rich community of Bethany Lakes. Beautifully remodeled Move-in-Ready 3200+ sq ft open concept home backing to a stream, trees and beautiful landscaping. Well thought spacious 4 bed, 3.5 bath home offering gorgeous gourmet kitchen, luxurious primary bath, replace, wood ooring, wrap around front porch with pond views,sundeck, enclosed porch, balconies, 2 car garage with ample storage, of ce, den, living room and more. $1,099,000 (DESU2057550) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 30302 SEA WATCH WALK, SELBYVILLE Stunning 3,800 sq ft furnished home with 4 Brs, 3 full baths and 2 half baths in the award winning Bayside
Lakes hidden gem! Community features several large ponds, 2 large swimming pools, 3 tennis courts, 2 pickleball courts, playgrounds, basketball court, shuf eboard, horseshoe pit, volleyball court, kayak launch and Kayak storage. This affordably priced pond front townhome was remodeled in 2018 with new carpet and vinyl, new kitchen cabinets and appliances, fresh paint and new heat pump. $325,000 Call Logan Burke (c) 443-797-9217 JUSTSOLD!
81ST STREET, #310 OCEAN CITY BAYFRONT, multiple balconies! RIVENDELLL 2-STORY CONDO Furnished, 5 balconies, 3 beds/2.5 baths Sweeping bay views from every room. $795,000 (MDWO2013316) Call Sandra Erbe (c) 443-848-3004 BAYVIEWS
KEENWIK ROAD, SELBYVILLE KEEN-WIK ON THE BAY Spacious 4 BR 3-bath waterfront home with main level primary suite. Just 2-1/2 miles from the beach in Keen-Wik on the Bay. Dock your boat out back at your private dock with boat lift and enjoy life on the water and easy access to all the best waterfront locations by boat. Custom built home features an open oor plan, bright sunroom and upper deck with bay views. Solar panels and dual HVAC systems make this home energy-efcient, and low HOA dues are just $55.00 per year. Make your plan to see this special property and all of its fantastic features today! $969,000 (DESU2054672) Call Nancye Vermillion (c) 302-500-9255
nature not neighbors! Asking $745,000 (DESU2057628) Call Chrisy Tingle (c) 302-377-4159 OPENHOUSE SUN,3/1711-1 UNDERCONTRACT 333 FAIRWAY LN, DAGSBORO Dagsboro-Dream home in a quiet community with LOW HOA FEES. Located on a corner lot in The Greens at Indian River with backyard oasis and views of the pond. This home is spacious with 4 BRs, 2.5 BA. Features a grand foyer, a dining rm, a gourmet kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, a cozy living room with a replace, a sunroom and screened in porch. Enjoy the peaceful views of the pond from the kitchen, screened-in porch, the deck and the backyard. $675,000 (DESU2045974) Call Tammy Mushrush (c) 302-381-8868 NEWLISTING COMINGSOON OPENHOUSE SUN,3/1711-1 232 OCEAN PARKWAY, OCEAN PINES WOW! $2000.00 SELLER CREDIT WITH ACCEPTABLE OFFER! Investors Dream! Great home conveniently located to amenities of Ocean Pines. This 5BR, 3 BA home with 2 kitchens is great for large family or could be a lucrative investment opportunity. 2 Story ranch style home with tons of natural light and space! Upper-Level Primary BR has an ensuite with large shower. Lower-Level Private Entrance Eat in Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances has room for bar stools at counter and kitchen table with views of back yard. $450,000 Call Mary Jo Cole (c) 443-615-4986 NEWLISTING WORK with an AGENT WHO KNOWS The MARKET! * Over 38 YEARS of Experience in DE & MD Sales * Associate Broker: DE & MD * CRS: Certi ed Residential Specialist * GRI: Graduate REALTOR Institute * SRES: Senior Real Estate Specialist Lifetime Achievement Winner! Cindy Spieczny (c) 302-228-1450 Email: WESTFENWICK SPECIALIST NEWLISTING

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