Vol. 31, No. 20
Vol. 31, No. 18
January 16 – 22, 2025
Jan. 30 – Feb. 5, 2025 coastalview.com
Buckhorn Canyon Ranch’s Luis Zavala, alongside other local and out-of-town vendors, lugged their fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and more to Carpinteria’s first Farmers Market of 2025 on Thursday, Jan. 9. Check out more photos of the early January treats on pages 12-13 of this week’s print, and consider popping by this week’s market on the 800 block of Linden Avenue, open every Thursday, 2:30–5:30 p.m.
With just seconds left in the Jan. 24 Warriors/Channel Islands game, Carpinteria junior Jamaica Cook tossed the ball to teammate Aubrey Alcaraz (pictured at center), who launched a shot right as the buzzer sounded, hitting nothing but net and sending the Warriors fans — and team members — into a frenzy. With the team’s win in the following game on Jan. 28, Carpinteria is now 8-8 overall and 4-4 in the Citrus Coast League. Read more about the nail-biting game and the girls’ recent wins on page 29 of this week’s print.
Due to an internet outage at Carpinteria City Hall, several items that were scheduled to be discussed at the Carpinteria City Council’s regular Jan. 27 meeting have been rescheduled for discussion at a special meeting on Feb. 3 at 5:30 p.m., per the city’s social media accounts.
Those items include appointments to council advisory groups; the annual comprehensive financial report, FY 2023/24; harbor seal advisory committee recommendations; the wine improvement district establishment; and the live entertainment licensing program.
For the full agenda, visit bit.ly/CarpinteriaCityMeetings.
A suspect pointed a 9mm handgun at a store clerk and stole $125 during an incident at the City Market store at 5292 Carpinteria Ave. earlier this month, police say.
According to a summary of the incident from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, on Jan. 13 at 7:47 p.m., an adult male — described as six feet tall and heavy set wearing a full face mask, dark grey hooded sweater, dark pants, white sneakers and red gloves reportedly walked into the City Market store and pointed a 9mm handgun at the clerk.
The man “demanded (the clerk) open the register and give him the money. The suspect climbed on top of the counter and reached towards a drawer and stole approximately $125 in U.S. currency,” per the report.
The Carpinteria Valley Museum of History is kicking off its 2025 Talk & Talkback Speaker Series on Feb. 3 with “Carpinteria Myths and Misinformation,” facilitated by museum trustee and former CVN managing editor Amy Orozco.
“The focus will be on the ‘Talkback’ part of the series. This isn’t going to be a Carpinteria-according-to-me lecture,” Orozco said in a press release sent out last week. “We’re looking forward to conversation and learning about what others think. Attendees don’t have to join in the conversation, but they certainly will be encouraged to.”
The talk — which is free for Carpinteria Valley Museum members and $20 for nonmembers — will take place from 5–6 p.m. The museum is located at 956 Maple Ave. Learn more by calling (805) 684-3112, emailing info@carpinteriahistoricalmuseum. org or visiting carpinteriahistoricalmuseum.org.
The suspect was last seen walking toward an auto garage shop. As of last week, detectives did not have any public information to share, according to Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Raquel Zick.
Share your thoughts and concerns about Carpinteria with Vice Mayor Mónica Solórzano, who is setting up shop for the day at Silver Sands Mobile Home Park Clubhouse on Saturday, Feb. 1, 1–3 p.m.
Solórzano is asking community members to come meet their District 1 councilmember and talk with other Carpinterians about the community. The clubhouse is located at 349 Ash Ave. To reach out to Solórzano with any questions, contact monicarolozcano@carpinteriaca.gov.
BRIEFLY continued on page 4
OneLegacy, the leading organization dedicated to saving and healing lives through organ, eye, and tissue donation, has recently expanded its operations by opening new offices in Carpinteria. This expansion marks a significant step in our mission to save and heal lives through the transformative power of donation.
the leading organization dedicated to saving and healing lives through donation, has recently expanded its operations by opening new o�ces expansion marks a significant step in our mission to save and heal lives through transformative power of donation.
The new offices in Carpinteria are not just a place of work but a hub for community engagement. OneLegacy plans to host educational workshops, donor registration drives, and community events with local healthcare providers to inspire local communities in Santa Barbara and Ventura to donate life. Our public education programs aim to increase awareness and participation in donation programs, ultimately reducing the waiting list for those in need.
Key Benefits of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation:
• Saving Lives: One donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation
• Restoring Sight: Eye donations can restore sight to those suffering from corneal blindness.
• Healing Bodies: Tissue donations can enhance the lives of those needing skin, bone, heart valves, and more.
o�ces in Carpinteria are not just a place of work but a hub for community plans to host educational workshops, donor registration drives, and with local healthcare providers to inspire local communities in Santa Barbara to donate life. Our public education programs aim to increase awareness participation in donation programs, ultimately reducing the waiting list for those
Join us in Carpinteria! Visit our offices at 4180 Via Real, Unit C, Carpinteria, CA 93013 You can save and heal lives by saying “YES” to organ, eye and tissue donation. Visit www.onelegacy.org/register to learn more or use the QR code.
Lives: One donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation
County of Santa Barbara County Planning Commission
Cannabis Odor Ordinance Amendments
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Planning Commission Hearing Room
123 E. Anapamu Street, Room 17, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Hearing begins at 9:00 A.M.
On February 19, 2025, the County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding proposed cannabis ordinance amendments to the County Land Use and Development Code (LUDC) and Article II, the Coastal Zoning Ordinance (CZO).
The proposed amendments consist of the following:
Establish a cannabis odor threshold;
Revise existing development standards for odor abatement and Odor Abatement Plan procedures;
Revise odor mitigation strategies and acceptable technologies; and
Add a 12‐month implementation period for operators to comply with these new requirements.
The County Planning Commission will consider the following in order to recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed amendments:
A resolution recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve Case No. 24ORD‐00011, an ordinance amending Article 35.4, Standards for Specific Land Uses, of Section 35‐1, the LUDC of Chapter 35, Zoning, of the Santa Barbara County Code; and
A resolution recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve Case No. 24ORD‐00012, an ordinance amending Division 7 General Regulations, and Division 11, Permit Procedures, of Article II, the Coastal Zoning Ordinance, of Chapter 35, Zoning, of the Santa Barbara County Code.
The County Planning Commission hearing begins at 9:00 A.M. The order of items listed on the agenda is subject to change by the County Planning Commission. The staff analysis of the proposal may be viewed at the Planning and Development Department website, located at https://www.countyofsb.org/1625/County‐Planning‐Commission prior to the hearing. For further information about the project, please contact the planner, Corina Venegas‐Martin, at cvenegas@countyofsb.org.
The following methods of participation are available to the public.
You may observe the live stream of the County Planning Commission meetings on (1) Local Cable Channel 20, (2) online at: https://www.countyofsb.org/1333/CSBTV‐Livestream; or (3) YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/user/CSBTV20
If you wish to provide public comment, the following methods are available:
Distribution to the County Planning Commission ‐ Submit your comment via email prior to 12:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the Commission hearing. Please submit your comment to the Recording Secretary at dvillalo@countyofsb.org. Your comment will be placed into the record and distributed appropriately.
Attend the Meeting In‐Person: Individuals are allowed to attend and provide comments at the County Planning Commission meeting in‐person.
Attend the Meeting by Zoom Webinar ‐ Individuals wishing to provide public comment during the County Planning Commission meeting can do so via Zoom webinar by clicking the below link to register in advance. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing important information about joining the webinar.
When: February 19, 2025 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: County Planning Commission 02/19/2025
Register in advance for this webinar: https://santabarbaracounty.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_sJ1sgsRYQ6WgBaKwXEXPDg
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 213 338 8477 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 720 928 9299 or +1 971 247 1195 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 602 753 0140 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 470 250 9358 or +1 646 518 9805 or +1 651 372 8299 or +1 786 635 1003 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 267 831 0333 or +1 301 715 8592 or 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0276 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0282 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 161 914 6549
The County Planning Commission’s rules on hearings and public comment, unless otherwise directed by the Chair, remain applicable to each of the participation methods listed above.
Attendance and participation by the public is invited and encouraged. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Hearing Support Staff (805) 568‐2000. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Hearing Support Staff to make reasonable arrangements.
If you challenge the project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence to the Planning Commission prior to the public hearing.
continued from page 2
The city of Carpinteria is removing “T” stalls located within 20 feet of a sidewalk in response to the new California Daylighting law, which makes it illegal to park within 20 feet of any marked or unmarked crosswalk, and within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present.
The law applies even if a red curb is not present, City Community Development Director Nick Bobroff told the council during its regular Jan. 27 meeting.
Starting February 2025, the city’s Parking Enforcement will begin issuing warnings to all vehicles parking within 20 feet of an intersection’s approach. Starting March 1, the department will begin issuing citations to all vehicles in violation of the new law.
The Carpinteria City Council submitted a letter of support for the proposed changes to the Santa Barbara County cannabis ordinance now in front of the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, city manager Michael Ramirez confirmed to the public on Monday.
The changes include, among others, amending the ordinance to require the installation of advanced carbon scrubbers or an equivalent technology.
Per the letter, since 2018 Carpinterians have filed 3,700 complaints with Santa Barbara County about the smell of cannabis.
“The city fully supports proposed amendments to Chapter 50 of the County Code Cannabis Licensing requirements and Article II Coastal Zoning Ordinance regulations which would require integration of Mandatory Multi-Technology Carbon Filtration measures,” the letter reads.
“The city has encouraged the County to specify ‘carbon scrubbers’ as the sole best available control technology to mitigate nuisance cannabis odors within the Carpinteria Valley for many years, and the inclusion of the MTCF measures in existing and proposed cannabis operations is an important step in improving the quality of life to the citizens of Carpinteria and surrounding areas most affected by cannabis operations.”
The Summerland Sanitary District has honored outgoing director Martin Tucker with a plaque for his 16 years working on the board.
“The board, and the Summerland community at large, benefited greatly from Mr. Tucker’s often wise words and his expertise,” the district’s Administrative Manager Mar Souza said in a press release.
Tricia H. Price, who was sworn in at the board’s December 2024 meeting, has taken over for Tucker.
Plans for a new Dish Wireless telecommunications facility on an existing multistory office building at 6267 Carpinteria Ave. were unanimously approved by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) on Jan.16.
The project — brought to the board by Harold Thomas Jr. of MD7 Architecture, for Dish Wireless, LLC — includes three, eight-foot-tall panel antennas mounted in the north, northwest, and southeast portions of the rooftop behind a screening material to help hide the antennas. The projection is planned to reach a maximum height of 39 feet, four inches, while the dimensions of the antenna are 96.5” by 26.7”, with no other site changes.
The initial proposal received general support from members of the ARB, apart from two comments on setting back the antenna screening elements from the facades and changing the surface color to be darker than the building color.
In response to the Planning Commission’s comments on Dec. 2 about surface color, applicants changed the color to Wild Truffle and moved the panels back four feet.
“This was a balance where they moved it back, because your directive was not getting any taller,” said city of Carpinteria Principal Planner Brian Banks, who presented the project to the ARB on Jan. 16. These changes allow the panels to look smaller and inconspicuous.
The ARB voted 5-0 to approve the project. There was no public comment. — Jen Won
Managing Editor Evelyn Spence
Assistant Editor Jun Starkey
Sports Editor Ryan P. Cruz
Photographer Robin Karlsson
Advertising Manager Karina Villarreal
Publishers Gary L. Dobbins, Michael VanStry
Providing local news and information for the Carpinteria Valley
Coastal View News is locally owned and operated by RMG Ventures, LLC, 4180 Via Real Suite F, Carpinteria, CA 93013, and is published every Thursday. Coastal View News has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of Santa Barbara County, Case No. 210046. Coastal View News assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material.
Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in plainclothes and unmarked vehicles were seen in Santa Barbara and Goleta on Sunday, 805Undocufund — a grassroots group that offers resources for immigrants along the Central Coast — reported this week.
The group’s hotline and alert system prevented an arrest, according to Primitiva Hernandez, executive director of 805Undocufund, after an employer reported that their employee was being questioned by ICE agents.
“What we witnessed (Sunday) was clear evidence that ICE is not targeting individuals with judicial warrants but instead engaging in widespread intimidation tactics to fulfill the administration’s new quota policies,”Hernandez said in a press release sent out Monday.
“...ICE came into our communities without warrants, dressed in plainclothes, and driving unmarked vehicles. They resorted to verbal and physical intimidation, flagrantly attempting to violate people’s rights,” Hernandez said. “One such incident involved ICE agents surrounding an individual’s truck, mocking him, and shouting degrading comments like ‘come out and be a man.’ Thankfully, the ILDC intervened over the phone while outside the individual’s vehicle, empowering the individual to assert their rights and preventing further abuse.”
Hernandez said additional arrests
Several instruments were stolen from the music room at Carpinteria Middle School (CMS) last week, per police.
School officials called the police the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 22 after discovering that seven guitars, one ukulele, two keyboards, eight sets of headphones, bongos and an Apple TV device were missing. There were no signs of forced entry, and all the doors were locked, CMS Principal Jamie Persoon told CVN.
Persoon said staff believe the theft happened sometime between 10:30 p.m., after the evening custodians left for the night, and 5:30 a.m. She added that the day after the theft, a student crossing the Eighth Street bridge spotted two of the missing bongos. Those have since been recovered and are back at the school.
There is no suspect info at this time.
“They only took some things, so we don’t believe they had a vehicle,” Persoon said. “It’s just really unfortunate that people robbed those instruments from a public school… We’re just really disappointed that people do that. Our strings and band orchestra are really high level. This is really difficult for the teacher and the students.”
She said a few generous locals have already donated to replace a few of the stolen instruments, and the CMS building has been rekeyed
––Evelyn Spence
were reported in Oxnard, Fillmore and Santa Paula on Monday.
On its social media accounts on Monday, the city of Carpinteria sent out a notice reminding residents of their rights if stopped by an ICE agent.
“It’s important that everyone knows their rights if an Immigration Officer approaches them, as well as how families can better prepare for something that may happen,” the city shared, and included links to resources from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center.
Those resources include a video tutorial from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, available at wehaverights.us, and a written explanation of those rights in Spanish, available at bit.ly/ILRC-Rights.
––Evelyn Spence
Stefanie Herrington and staff are very competent and knowledgeable, and have created an office that makes one feel comfortable upon walking in the door. We very much appreciate all of their help in creating our family trust. — Nell Eakin
(805) 293-6363
(805) 293-6363
559 SAN YSIDRO ROAD, SUITE J MONTECITO, CA 93108 (805) 293-6363
559 SAN YSIDRO ROAD, SUITE J MONTECITO, CA 93108 (805) 293-6363
559 SAN YSIDRO ROAD, SUITE J MONTECITO, CA 93108 (805) 293-6363
(805) 293-6363
Ruth Brenner
Ruth Brenner was raised in Carpinteria. She attended local schools and UC Santa Barbara. She had relocated to Walla Walla, Washington, where she passed away after a short illness on Dec. 31, 2024. She is survived by her husband Neal Brenner; father Paul Wagner, M.D.; brothers Paul Wagner, M.D., and Mark Wagner; sister Mary Wagner-Davis; four nieces; and two nephews.
Remembrances may be made to any animal benefit organization.
In loving memory, we invite you to celebrate Hope Christensen’s life and legacy on February 22, 2025 at 1pm Carpinteria Cemetery (pavilion)
10/30/1944 — 01/24/2025
Louis Donald Becker passed away peacefully at his home on Friday, Jan. 24 at the age of 80. He was born to George and Olive Becker on Oct. 30, 1944, in St. Louis, Missouri. He grew up with three sisters, Rosalie “Nanny,” Frances “Fuzzy,” and Joanne.
Louis came to California in 1961 when he was 17 years old with his sister Fuzzy and her husband Peter Caudillo. He served in the United States Army for two years during 1965–1967. In 1970, he met the love of his life, Amelia (Millie) Gonzales. They were married on Jan. 2, 1971 at the Santa Barbara Court House and were married for 54 years. They first lived on Seventh Street, then Walnut Avenue, and then bought their forever home on Chaney Avenue in Carpinteria. Louis worked various jobs including at Josten’s, Service Master, his brother-inlaw’s Shell gas station, and mainly at Carpinteria Sanitary District for 36 years, retiring in 2007.
Through their marriage, Louis and Millie had four children. He was a devoted and loving father and was always at every sports game, dance recital and school function. He loved coaching his kid’s sports teams and he coached many youth that lived in the Carpinteria community. In later years, he became known as “Buddy,” a nickname given to him by his grandkids. He loved driving his grandchildren to and from school and taking them to their various sports activities. He was a very kind and generous man, always supportive and being there when someone needed him. His goal in life was to create a big loving family, which he did. His greatest joy was spending time with his family, camping and fishing at Lake Cachuma, BBQing at Carp State beach, taking his family to Dodger and Raider games and making sure his children and grandchildren were die-hard Raider fans like him. Louis was truly one of a kind!
Our world has lost a beautiful soul who is now a true angel. How lucky are those in heaven to be able to lovingly embrace Nancy Belle (Cramer) Enlow who left us on Nov. 13, 2024, to join her husband, Don “Dana” Lee Enlow, and her son, Michael, among many other friends and family. Her 93 years here on earth were not near enough for her loved ones left behind.
Nancy was a lifelong Californian. Born in Santa Monica, she moved as a toddler with her parents to Santa Barbara where she was raised. In 1950, she married Dana Enlow and very soon after endured his 18-month absence in the Korean War with hope and grace. She and Dana then moved to Carpinteria in the early ‘50s and raised their five children here: Michael Lee Enlow 1953-2011 (Leeann), Christopher Jacob Enlow (Jocey), Stacey Lynn Grohol (John), Amanda Gail Johnston (Jon) and Don Lee Enlow, Jr. (Tammie).
Nancy loved all her grandkids: Chad, Tyler and Rachel Enlow, Chandler Enlow Shaw (Carson), Jensen Enlow, Carson Enlow Brown (Austin), Chloe Enlow, Johnny Grohol (Kass); as well as her great-grandkids Killian, Kolton and Kage.
In Nancy’s younger years, she was a skilled Gymkhana rider with her beautiful horse Baby. She and Baby also participated in several Spanish Days Fiesta Parades held in Santa Barbara.
Nancy was such a kind, caring and amazing wife, mother, friend and daughter. She had an engaging and clever sense of humor. She loved to laugh, and often laughed to tears at fun jokes and silly things.
She was an accomplished businesswoman who worked for Josten’s Inc. — a high school ring company — for 19 years. As a Manager of Sales, she provided excellent customer service and earned great respect from all of her co-workers and salesmen.
Dionicio H. Farias — also known as “Nicho” or “Nick” — age 84, passed away on Jan. 21 after a short fight with cancer at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.
Dionicio was the son of Carmen Hidalgo and Cruz Farias. He was born in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. He met his wife Maria Luisa Ortega in 1960 and married in August of 1961. They aspired to provide more opportunities for their growing family and came to the Santa Barbara area in 1967 with their four young children. In their 11 years in Santa Barbara, they had three additional daughters. They became proud Carpinteria homeowners in 1978. Together they have seven children, fourteen grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Nick was a residential and commercial painter for 30+ years and retired in 2005. He enjoyed spending his time with his life partner of 64 years. He accompanied his wife to the swap meet, grocery and shopping errands, day trips to the casino and traveling to visit family. He took pride in swing dancing with his wife to any swing dance medley the DJ could find during family celebrations. He enjoyed most having all his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren fill their house with love and laughter on holidays and birthday gatherings.
Carpinteria Community Church Sat. February 1st at 10am
Reception afterwards
Louis was preceded in death by his parents, George and Olive Becker, sisters Rosalie Branham and Frances Caudillo, and his grandson Tyler Parra. He is survived by his wife Millie, son Louis “Bubba” Becker II (Abigail), daughters Kimberly Parra (Tim), Kristi Navarro and Kara Becker, and grandchildren Gabriel Becker, Louis Becker III, Evanny Navarro, Emma Becker, Avery Parra, Alanni Navarro, Nicolas Parra and Riley Ramirez. The family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of their family and friends for their love and support through this difficult time. A special thank you to Dr. Thomas Beamer and his staff for Louis’s medical care over the years and to Assisted Hospice Care for providing Louis comfort in his own home so his family could be with him in his final days.
A viewing will be held Thursday, Jan. 30, from 4—8 p.m. at McDermott-Crockett Mortuary in Santa Barbara. Funeral services and a Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, Jan. 31, at 1 p.m. at Carpinteria Cemetery.
Concurrently, she managed the family commercial fishing business for their vessel, El Capitan.
Nancy thoroughly enjoyed her many years of golf and celebrated a 150-yard “hole-in-one” at Westlake golf course.
She loved to read. We believe she read over 4,000 books during her lifetime. She also loved grammar and spelling and majored in English for two years at UC Santa Barbara.
There is so much more to share about this amazing woman who blessed our lives.
We will miss you so much until it is our turn to once again see your beautiful face welcoming us with open arms as we join you in heaven.
Nancy has always had an appreciation for spreading kindness. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the American Cancer Society local branch, Assisted Hospice Care or your choice of charity in her name.
A Celebration of Life is planned for early this year. Friends and family will be notified.
He is survived by his wife Maria Luisa; brother Clemente Farias of New Mexico; sister Maria Elena Avalos of San Jose; son Jose Farias of Carpinteria; daughters Julie Reyna of Oxnard, Delia Farias of Carpinteria, Ester Farias of Santa Barbara, Dora Allen (Michael) of Prescott, Arizona, Erica Isherwood (Neil) of Ventura and Elsa McFarlin (Santos) of Ventura; his grandchildren, and many nephews and nieces. Dionicio is preceded in death by his parents, brother Juan and sister Beatriz, as well as sons-in-law Darrick McFarlin and Christopher Manson. Services will include a viewing and rosary at 6 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 3 at St. Joseph Catholic Church at 1532 Linden Ave. in Carpinteria. The funeral mass will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph Church. Interment will follow the funeral mass at Carpinteria Cemetery, 1501 Cravens Lane.
His unconditional love and kindness will forever be imprinted in our hearts. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Pueblo Del Rey Funeral Services.
St. Jude
Oh Holy St. Jude, apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in Miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful special patron in time of need, to you do I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to whom God has given such great powers, to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Pray for us all who invoke your aid. Amen Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, three Glorias. This Novena must be said for 9 consecutive days. This Novena has never been known to fail.
Publication must be promised to St. Jude.
Joseph “Joe” Marc Interlande
02/11/1966 — 01/20/2025
Joseph “Joe” Marc Interlande, 58, passed away on Jan. 20, 2025.
Joe was born in Greenfield, Massachusetts, on Feb. 11, 1966, the son of Carlo and Donna G. (Waterman) Interlande. He attended local schools in Greenfield. Joe was an accomplished carpenter and ran his own painting business. He most recently helped to renovate the Alcazar Theatre in Carpinteria by painting it and installing a sound system. He traveled worldwide with the Rolling Stones Exhibition as a set designer working with his good friend Don McAulay.
Joe was a multi-instrumentalist with the ability to create unique vocal harmonies. He was a very accomplished guitarist and bass player. He also held numerous jobs in the entertainment world. He appeared on the television show Daryl Halls Restoration Overhaul. He was a member of The John Connelly Theory and worked with Mike Scully to write theme songs for television shows. Joe recorded an amazing amount of music that he wrote and recorded with his many musician friends. He was working on new music with Jeff Renlie, John Crooks and Don McAulay at the time of his untimely passing. They, along with his nephews Tony and Ben, will help to complete those recordings for their eventual release.
Whenever he was back home in Massachusetts, he would visit his cousin Paul Interlande.
His family includes his two brothers, Larry and his wife Beverly of Maine, and Richard of Florida; nephew Anthony and wife Kayla; nephew Benjamin; great-nephews Calvin and Jackson; very dear friend Rachel Lawrence and her daughters Sasha and Helena; his lifelong friend Christopher Bartlett; and numerous cousins and friends.
Joe’s family wishes to thank John Wullbrandt and Jeff Renlie in Carpinteria for their friendship to Joe and support of Joe’s family.
There will be a gathering to celebrate Joe’s life at the Carpinteria City Beach on Feb. 5 at 5 p.m.
Jo e will be buried in Green River Cemetery in Greenfield, Massachusetts at a date to be announced, followed by a gathering at Paul and Diane Interlande’s house.
A benefit concert in Joe’s honor will be announced at a later date with the intent of the proceeds going towards a scholarship at Matt Kim’s Academy of Rock. Donations can be made to your favorite animal shelter in Joe’s honor.
Juan M. Ramos
11/27/1962 — 01/03/2025
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the sudden passing of Juan M. Ramos, 62, on Jan. 3, 2025, at his home in Ventura, California.
Juan was born on Nov. 27, 1962, in beloved rancho La Hacienda de la Calle Guanajuato, Mexico, to Manuel Soto Ramos and Sara Mendoza Ramos, both of whom preceded him in death.
Juan was a devoted single father to his five children: Sara, Rebeca, Andrea, Juan Jr. and Jessica. He dedicated his life to raising them with love, care and strong moral values. His greatest pride was being a father and seeing his children thrive. He is also survived by his cherished grandchildren, Julian, Camila and Rylan, who were the light of his life.
A man of deep faith, Juan was a devout Catholic who found strength in his belief in God. His faith was a foundation in his life, and he shared that foundation with his family, teaching them the importance of love, compassion and trust in God’s plan. Juan’s legacy of faith and devotion will continue to inspire all who knew him.
He is also survived by his four loving sisters: Bertha (Ramon), Maria (Miguel), Lilia (Alfredo), and Alma (Oscar), with whom he shared a close bond of love and support. Juan’s home was filled with the love of his “googurl,” Gracie (his dog), four birds, two cats and a guinea pig. He found peace and fulfillment in his vibrant garden, where he connected with nature and nurtured the beautiful plants that flourished under his care.
Juan lived his life with passion and energy. He had a wonderful sense of humor, always lighting up any room with his jokes, laughter, and unforgettable memories. He lived an active lifestyle, enjoying bike riding, walking his dog and spending hours fixing just about anything his children and grandchildren brought to him. Whether it was working on cars, creating art, or tending to his garden, Juan approached life with enthusiasm and a joyful spirit.
Beyond his immediate family, Juan was a beloved figure in his community. Whether you were his child’s teacher, his barber, his lawyer, or a close friend, Juan made sure to share a piece of his heart and gratitude through his cooking. Most famously, his delicious enchiladas became a signature dish, which he prepared for any occasion — big or small. He found immense joy in cooking for others, a passion he inherited from his mother and carried forward as part of his legacy. His love of food and hospitality was not just about the meal itself but about the love he poured into every dish, the warmth he shared with those around him, and the joy he brought through his culinary creations.
He will be deeply missed, but his memory, faith, and love will live on in the hearts of his family, friends, and all who were touched by his kindness and generosity. His legacy of love, laughter, and devotion to family will continue to inspire and guide those who carry his memory forward.
Richard Alan Munoz-Nava 01/30/1988 — 01/17/2025
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the unexpected passing of Richard Alan Munoz-Nava, 36, of Carpinteria, California, on Friday, Jan. 17, 2025.
Richard was born on Jan. 30, 1988, in Santa Barbara, California, to parents Felicia Huerta (Nava) and Albert Munoz. Richard was the first grandchild on both sides of his family. Richard attended Our Lady of Mount Carmel School and Carpinteria High School. He also attended Santa Barbara City College Culinary Arts Program. It is here where he was able to further develop his love of cooking and baking. Richard could be heard in the kitchen at all hours of the day whipping up various dishes or desserts. Whether it was something as simple as biscuits for his grandma to more involved dinner or desserts for his family. He really enjoyed showing his love for his family through his cooking.
He was employed by Albertsons for a period of time before he took on the role of caregiver to his grandma and uncle. Richard loved reading about history. He was especially interested in anything and everything related to the Titanic — from documentaries, to books, to exhibits of artifacts. He was fascinated with German culture and would delve into its history. He enjoyed a good plate of German food along with a German beer.
Richard is survived his mother, Felicia Huerta; Ezequiel Huerta; Isaac Huerta; uncle Eddie Nava; aunt Gerri Cota; Albert Munoz; grandma CeCe Munoz; uncle Adam Munoz; and half-brothers Bryce Munoz and Alex Munoz.
He is preceded in death by his papa (Alfonso Nava); his paternal great grandparents, Albert and Mary Alcasas; and his uncle Chris Cota; and lastly our beloved chihuahua, Chloe, whom he affectionately called “the baby.”
Sadly, his beloved grandma, Mary Ellen Nava, passed away 10 days later. Richard and his grandma shared a very special bond, often stating that neither one could survive without the other. In our hearts, we believe that Richard was awaiting his grandma to join him in Heaven.
The Rosary will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, and the funeral mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025. Both services will be held at St. Joseph Church in Carpinteria, followed by graveside service at Carpinteria Cemetery.
Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Pueblo Del Rey Funeral Services.
Mary Ellen Nava
08/18/1937 — 01/26/2025
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our mamacita, Mary Ellen Nava. She was born in Queretaro, Mexico on Aug. 18, 1937, and passed away peacefully on Jan. 26, 2025. She came to Carpinteria at the age of eight years old, with her parents, Marta and Pablo Hernandez. She attended local schools in Carpinteria. As a young lady, she was employed at Woolworth’s Department Store and it was while working here, she met the love of her life, Alfonso “Sonny” Nava. Further employment included Milpas Rexall Pharmacy and after raising her children, she worked at DMV until her retirement. Her most treasured job was helping to raise her beloved grandsons, Richard and Isaac. Mary Ellen had a strong belief in her Catholic faith and was very much involved with St. Joseph Church in Carpinteria. For many years, she served as a Eucharist Minister and Religious Education Catechist. She was active in several church sponsored organizations, including the RICA program, Los Guadalupanos and Chapel Court. In addition, she loved being a part of the annual St. Joseph’s Festival.
Sonny and Mary Ellen were married for 39 years and together they raised their children, Eddie, Gerri and Felicia. Together, they enjoyed trips to Las Vegas and taking their children to Disneyland. Mary Ellen enjoyed traveling that later in life took her to the Holy Land, Egypt, London, Spain, Paris and Rome. Mary Ellen also enjoyed being a member of the Santa Barbara Puerto Vallarta Sister City. When she was able to, she enjoyed attending her Tuesday and Thursday lunch dates with “the girls.”
Mary Ellen is survived by her son Eddie Nava; daughters Gerri Cota and Felicia Huerta; son-in-law Ezequiel Huerta; and grandson Isaac Huerta. She is preceded in death by her hubby Alfonso “Sonny”; her parents Marta and Pablo Hernandez; in-laws Gilbert and Edna Nava; sister-in-law Linda Reyes; grandson Richard Munoz-Nava; and lastly her beloved chihuahua Chloe.
The Rosary will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, and the funeral mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025; both services will be held at St. Joseph Church in Carpinteria, followed by graveside service at Carpinteria Cemetery.
Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Pueblo Del Rey Funeral Services.
It has been a long day, and you are ending your evening scrolling through social media catching up on your neighbor’s vacation in Antigua, photos from your Nebraska nephew’s basketball game, and a few random video clips of cute puppies.
As you scroll, something catches your eye. Wait — the post says the city of Carpinteria is going to build 901 new housing units! They are already approved??!!! This is crazy! Why would the city do that? It says something about the state requiring it, but that doesn’t make sense.
It’s late and you don’t have time to read through the details, so you do what most social media users do: you share the post and add a comment expressing your frustration with this crazy decision. You get on a roll, and you toss some criticism at the Carpinteria City Council and city staff, and you add a few nasty words for our state government that seems somehow to have a hand in this. Then you go to bed.
The next morning, you notice on your phone that your post has over a hundred reactions and follow-up comments. Wow, that’s kind of cool, huh?
Now let’s hit “pause” on this story and consider what happened.
You started with nice photos of your
neighbor in Antigua and your nephew burying a three-pointer just before the halftime buzzer. Then of course, there were the puppies.
Now here’s the important part: first an eye-catching headline about a ridiculous number of housing units being built, followed by some details you didn’t have time to read. What were those details? Who posted this information? What did they say about it? Why were they posting it? What knowledge do they have about the subject? These are good questions, but again, you didn’t have time to consider them.
But you did have time to share some uninformed and inflammatory comments with your opinion about the subject. (The
opinion was, by definition, uninformed since you chose to share your opinion before, well, becoming informed on the subject.)
The avalanche of reactions overnight to your post was most likely mostly other folks who were also at the end of a long day and not taking time to consider the information and the source before sharing their (strong) opinions about it. Or, worse yet, they considered you to be a trusted source.
Buried in the comments turned out to be a few by people who provided important background information and clarifications. (The 901 housing units were not “approved” but are part of the state-required Housing Element Update – a plan for housing that could be built in the next eight years. Most of these were already allowed, but 292 units require land to be rezoned to accommodate them. While this is a significant planning issue, it is a far cry from 901 units being “approved” and construction starting anytime soon.)
But the comments with that authoritative information were barely noticed by the other commenters who appeared to prefer late night creative name-calling and using ALL CAPS.
Looking back at this experience, you realize you contributed to a whirlwind of futile and misdirected anger and frustration around this one issue. You recognize this is similar to activity on many other local issues as well as national political hot-button issues.
You decide to try to do better next time, but how? The answer is a simple concept parents strive to teach their children, but with varying levels of success: Think before you act.
This not only applies to reacting to being cut off in traffic or receiving an annoying email at work, but it especially applies to social media. When something we read causes a strong emotional response – maybe anger, sadness, or frustration – it is likely trying to get us to act before we think. This is the time to stop, breathe and
If you choose to comment or share the post, think about what your purpose is ... If you are just angry and want to make other people angry, reconsider if that is really the contribution you want to make to the community.
look at the item critically. These are good steps to take:
Review the information provided (and scan any comments). What is fact and what is opinion? Is the source reliable? Do the facts seem “unbelievable”?
Fact-check key facts. For local issues, government websites have a lot of good information, for example city of Carpinteria (carpinteriaca.gov) and Santa Barbara County (countyofsb.org). News articles in the Coastal View News are also excellent sources, and I hope you consider this column to be a useful source. For bigger issues, try a quick Google search, or check out a fact-checking website like Snopes. com, FactCheck.org or Politifact.com.
If you choose to comment or share the post, think about what your purpose is. Are you just venting? Are you trying to raise awareness of something? Are you trying to motivate some type of action? Are you trying to change other people’s minds? If you are just angry and want to make other people angry, reconsider if that is really the contribution you want to make to the community.
Now the next time your puppy video viewing gets interrupted by a post that catches your attention and makes you mad, you have a plan for how to handle it. Then you can get back to the puppies with no regrets.
Mike Wondolowski is president of the Carpinteria Valley Association (facebook. com/carpinteriavalleyassociation), a local organization dedicated to maintaining the small beach town nature of our community. In over 35 years of involvement in planning issues, he has witnessed visionary successes, as well as decisions that were later widely regretted. When not stuck indoors, he can often be found enjoying Carpinteria’s treasures including kayaking and snorkeling along the coast, running or hiking on the bluffs or the Franklin Trail, or “vacationing” as a tent camper at the State Beach.
The Surfliner proposal is really two projects wrapped up into one: the Surfliner Inn of Parking Lot #3, the responsibility of the developers; and the proposed new parking lot on the other side of the tracks, which the city is responsible for selecting appropriate locations and the design/layout of the parking lots. The Surfliner developers are the contractors and funding source for the city.
The location would be the first downtown parking lot in a residential neighborhood: General Plan land use designated Beach Neighborhood. Currently, all three built downtown parking lots in the Downtown T are compliant with the city’s General Plan and prime locations for downtown businesses and Amtrak.
The parcel that the city has chosen for the parking lot is a long rectangular shape of a parcel that is not an ideal choice which will impact traffic flow (congestion/safety) during high usage days, with one entrance and exit at one end and a dead end at the other. The location of the entrance exit is on Linden, a narrow block between Dorrance Way and railroad crossing shared with Spot Burger.
The city has shown in the current three downtown parking lots what an efficient and safe layout design looks like, such as no primary entrances/ exits onto Carpinteria or Linden Avenues; multiple entrances/ exits for the larger lots #1 and #3; and the lot traffic flow design is efficient and safe, cars are directed one way to park in spaces to their right.
The responsibility of parking lots as a critical infrastructure item is part of the city’s Public Works department role, not the Surfliner developers. Public Works staff should take the lead in presenting the proposed parking lot during the Environmental Review Committee and Planning Commission phases of the development review process.
I’d like to weigh in and say it’s high time we got our Seaside Shuttle back. I will remember when due to my mom’s medication, she was no longer able to drive. She used the Seaside Shuttle frequently, knew the names of the drivers, and was always safe while tootling around town.
I love seeing how many different age groups use our shuttle. It makes me smile. Our sweet town needs to add accessibility to the list of things we love about Carpinteria.
Calla Gold Carpinteria
I read the article about “Nature-based solutions for Carpinteria’s Groundwater,” (CVN, Vol. 31, No. 19) on where our water comes from. I understand that we need to act now to meet current demand and help replenish our dwindling water supply. Taking a natural approach to restoring the groundwater seems to make a lot of common sense considering we have
“…it’s high time we got our Seaside Shuttle back. I will remember when due to my mom’s medication, she was no longer able to drive. She used the Seaside Shuttle frequently, knew the names of the drivers, and was always safe while tootling around town.”
— Calla Gold
You are the omnipresent warrior, born of allegiance to a faith that distinguishes us from the inevitable destructiveness and foolhardiness of the authoritarian, whose interests are his own, fueled by a disconnect to humanity at large. Our power, forged out of the principles of goodness, truth, compassion and the unyielding acquiescence to democracy serve not only as guides, but reconnect us to the founding principles that have served and shaped citizens on both sides of the political aisle since the inception of this country.
Transparent are those who carefully wrap themselves in the flag while forgetting why it actually waves and illuminates above them as beautifully as it always has. Dishonored those leaders will be who forget its story, and how it is tethered.
the grants and funding needed to support this effort. I hope the water district, the city, the county and everyone else will pursue this sustainable option.
Melissa Gresian Carpinteria
I am in support of the closure of the 1,500 feet of beach comprising the harbor seal rookery of Carpinteria on a threeyear trial basis. I would like to add that it will also create a de facto “no disturbance marine protected area” for other species as well.
I have noticed many birds also seek reprieve from disturbance in this small, protected section of beach including pelicans, cormorants and shorebirds such as long-billed curlews, whimbrels, Heermann’s gulls, sanderlings and others. This area is a “lounge” where birds can rest. Birds experience many stresses including limited time to feed and rest especially when the beaches are busy. There are no other areas undisturbed from walkers, dogs, surfers and others. Many of these bird species are under stress and some are in decline. A small action like this could help local and migratory populations of birds as well as the seals. It would be enlightening to document all of the birds that use the area. Perhaps Carpinteria birdwatchers and other e-birders could help with this as well.
Locals and visitors alike have a wonderful view of the wildlife and natural animal behavior from above without disturbing them. There is already a dedicated corps of seal watch volunteer naturalists who provide education to the public. They will also be able to document what happens with a year-round closure. When there are openings and closings of the beach, the animals must be constantly on guard. A year-round closure would enable them to relax and decrease their collective stress.
I hope Carpinteria will take the long view and try this well-advised experiment providing a significant period of protection for this small expanse of beach. The benefits may well exceed expectations — for the seals — and other species as well.
Nancy Baron Carpinteria
Coastal View News welcomes your le ers
Le ers must include your name, address and phone number. Le ers are subject to editing. Le ers over 300 words will be edited in length. Submit online at coastalview.com
It’s the beginning of the end of the Trump era, and the most important person in the country presented Jan. 20, is you, that American citizen, more powerful and glorious than any president or politician in history. You don’t bend to anyone’s wishes. You are not intimidated, you seek, you struggle, you demand and you thrive.
Out of this greatness comes the United States, an experiment larger than any one person, more resilient than any party, more fortified than any movement. There is a bravery in this exceptionalism that no leader has ever quelled, and no dictator has ever torn. You’re not in it for glory. In this humble way, born of honesty and the righteousness mirrored of the founding fathers, has our country stood, and it will
Presidents come and go, but the American citizen remains always, as steadfast, beautiful and as consequential as the inevitable political pendulum which eventually rights our ship in troubled waters. For, our destiny is not in the fallibility of a promise, but in the awesome sustainability of hope.
Mike Rupert Carpinteria
Foothill Road nonprofit is one of the county’s three Community Resilience Hubs
Girls Inc. of Carpinteria is one of three locations throughout Santa Barbara County — including the Franklin Neighborhood Center and Eastside Library in Santa Barbara and Blue Sky Center in Cuyama — designated as Community Resilience Hubs, locations that provide aid to communities before, during and after a disaster.
The idea behind the resilience hub was to bring more resources to underserved communities, Girls Inc. of Carpinteria Board Vice President Peter Dugré told CVN. In Carpinteria, the resilience hub could also serve as a refuge for neighboring community members that commute into the city.
“Carpinteria becomes an island that strands people during emergency events that cause closure of Highway 101,” Dugré said. “(The) commuter workforce — including teachers and ag workers — needs assistance.”
After becoming a hub and receiving initial seed money from the county, the Carpinteria Community Resilience Hub Committee was launched in 2023. The committee — which meets monthly — includes members of Girls Inc. of Carpinteria, staff from Santa Barbara County, the city of Carpinteria, the American Red Cross, the Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Management, Cate School, Carpinteria Children’s Project and the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office. The committee works to determine the needs of the hub.
One of the first objectives after becoming a hub was to update the organization’s 5315 Foothill Road campus. The campus was audited to ensure it was energy efficient, accessible and in line with the goals of the resilience hub. The American Red Cross prepared the facility to be a suitable evacuation center during an emergency. Red Cross also provided training to all 15 Girls Inc. of Carpinteria
RIGHT: The supply cache at Girls Inc. of Carpinteria includes cots, blankets, solar panels and other survival necessities. staff members.
The seed money from the county soon ran out, and the organization began relying on grants to fund the necessary changes to the campus. The next upgrade included constructing a supply cache which lives on the far end of the campus. The cache includes cots, heaters, blankets, solar panels and many other survival necessities.
The goal, Executive Director Jamie Collins said, is for the campus to have enough resources to still be operable for at least three days without power.
Collins emphasized that although the
campus is a resource for emergencies, the organization does not send out emergency alerts. “We’re a resource … not a communication agency,” Collins said.
Updates to the Girls Inc. of Carpinteria campus have not concluded, Collins and Dugré said. The organization is currently searching for additional grants, with more than $800,000 worth of work still to be completed.
Another aspect of becoming a hub includes hosting regular events to promote the community’s awareness of local resources. Girls Inc. of Carpinteria
held a Community Resilience Fair on Jan. 16, attended by more than a dozen local agencies who provided information on staying prepared.
“As an organization, Girls Inc. of Carpinteria has worked closely with Santa Barbara County and the city of Carpinteria to explore what it means to have a more resilient community,” Collins said in a press release sent out last month. “One way to build resilience is through education. We want community members to know who to contact and what to do to prepare for and respond to emergencies.”
I didn’t step foot on a beach until I was 12 years old. It’s weird to say that because I live very close to it now, but as a child, I dreamt of it, and that dream felt very far away. I wanted to smell the ocean air, dig my toes in the sand and splash along the shore. My sister and I would ask my dad to take us, but for years, the answer was “no.”
It wasn’t because my dad didn’t want to go or because it was too far; the drive was only a couple of hours from where I grew up. There was a more significant reason for my dad’s hesitation. He lived in fear that we would get deported — a fear that unfortunately continues to haunt families now, families that live in our community. I’ve spent the last few weeks in tears, heartbroken for families who will be torn apart, angry that
this continues to be a reality for many, and disappointed that this is the America many came to in hopes of a better life.
Growing up, I wanted to explore the world around me — to visit my family in Mexico, drive to Disneyland, or, as I mentioned, see the ocean. However, since we were a mixed-status family — my sister was born in the U.S. — we always feared that traveling too far would increase our chances of deportation and separation. For years, we lived this way. I didn’t become a U.S. citizen until I turned 16 and was preparing to head off to UC Santa Barbara. Before that, I didn’t fully understand what it meant to be undocumented, but I knew that some words were a part of my life and not a part of my peers: wetback, mojada, la migra.
I share this because, at 37, I’m still healing from these experiences and processing that part of my childhood and identity. I can imagine what children and their parents feel these past few months because I’ve felt it, too. Undocumented families are not only not traveling, but they are not going to work or taking their children to school due to fear.
As a nonprofit leader in this community who works with all families, I struggle with the words to share with my team and those we serve because none of it feels like it’s enough; words are no longer enough — we need action. We need to wrap our arms around our undocumented family, friends and neighbors, both figuratively by sharing information that protects
I share this because, at 37, I’m still healing from these experiences and processing that part of my childhood and identity. I can imagine what children and their parents feel these past few months because I’ve felt it, too. Undocumented families are not only not traveling, but they are not going to work or taking their children to school due to fear.
them, and literally by offering support. The impact of the actions this administration is taking will not only affect people’s mental health, but it will have economic consequences as well. We’ve already started to see that play out.
Carpinteria Children’s Project will continue to work towards our mission of connecting families to early education, quality care, diverse resources, and support services necessary for their children to thrive, flourish and succeed. We need to focus on support services because we need to inform people of their rights. Knowledge is power, after all, but we will also provide emotional support because this is an enormous weight to carry. CCP is a safe space for all families, and we will take action where needed. There is no place for hate here.
Do I wish things were different right
now? Absolutely, but we will continue to fight and stand up for what’s right. La lucha sigue!
Teresa Alvarez is the executive director of the Carpinteria Children’s Project. She has over a decade of experience in the nonprofit field and a passion for helping children and families. Teresa was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, and moved to the U.S. with her parents at age two. Growing up as an undocumented student, she learned the importance of having mentors, a strong work ethic, and the value of education. Teresa holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from UCSB and a master’s degree in psychology from Antioch Santa Barbara. She currently serves on the Future Leaders of America board and is a founding member of the Santa Barbara Latino Giving Circle. Teresa loves to travel, read and chase after her two boys.
Prices are low, growers keep quitting, and it’s “not very positive,” county officials say
A disappointing first quarter for fiscal year 2024-25 garnered only $1.3 million in cannabis tax revenues for the county, the worst first quarter showing since the program began in 2018, the Santa Barbara County Executive Office (CEO) reported this month.
The first quarter, covering July through September, does not include the twice-yearly spring and fall harvests of outdoor cannabis in the North County. The second quarter is likely to bring in more taxes, officials said.
But the county’s projected cannabis tax revenue for the current fiscal year is only $5.4 million — less than the $5.8 million that was collected during fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24, and well below the high of $15.6 million in cannabis tax revenues that was collected in 2020-21. (The fiscal year extends from July 1 to June 30.)
Overall, the record shows, the county collected $55.2 million in cannabis tax revenues from mid-2018 to mid-2024. In recent years, however, a glut of cannabis on the market in California, much of it grown in Santa Barbara County, together with thriving sales of untaxed illegal pot statewide, have conspired to keep prices low and tax revenues down.
“Fresh fl ower” is selling for only $250 per pound today, on average, compared to $1,000 per pound in 2020. The county imposes a tax of 4% on growers’ gross receipts, or sales.
“It’s going to be a continued contraction,” Carmela Beck, the county’s cannabis program manager, told the county Board of Supervisors on Jan. 14. “We’re seeing a lot of large, well-known companies going out of business and also consolidating. Many small-sized farmers are going out of business. It’s going to be a plateau, and it’s not very positive, currently.”
According to the CEO’s office, growers at 43 cannabis operations have surrendered their annual county business licenses, withdrawn their business license applications or abandoned their projects — temporarily or permanently — since the county approved its cannabis ordinance in 2018, and the exodus has contributed to the decline in tax revenues. (Growers who have obtained zoning permits for cannabis cultivation can re-apply for business licenses at any time.)
To make ends meet, the county used about $94,000 in carryover cannabis tax revenues from previous years to cover $5.9 million in ongoing cannabis-related costs and deferred maintenance projects during fiscal year 2023-24, the Jan. 14 report to the board shows.
These expenses included $227,00 for cannabis education, $372,000 for canna-
Santa Barbara County tax revenues based on the sale of legal cannabis have plunged since 2020. A glut on the market in California and the thriving sales of illegal pot are to blame.
ers are retrenching.
At Vista Verde Farms at 3450 Via Real, formerly Gallup & Stribling Orchids, the zoning permit for 13 acres of cannabis in greenhouses has expired and the business license application has been withdrawn. The property is owned by Case Van Wingerden and his son, Alex; and Alex is listed in state documents as the CEO of Vista Verde Farms. Cannabis has never been grown there. The Van Wingerdens are among the largest cannabis growers in the valley: they own 18 acres of cannabis greenhouses currently under cultivation at Valley Crest Farms and Ceres Farm on Casitas Pass Road.
In addition, Cindy and David Van Wingerden, the owners of Farmlane, have surrendered their business license for nine acres of cannabis in greenhouses at 1400 Cravens Lane. They continue to grow cannabis on 5.6 acres at 1540 Cravens Lane.
Source: Santa Barbara County Executive Office
The county assesses a 4% tax on cannabis growers’ gross receipts, or sales.
bis audits by the county Tax Collector, $662,000 to cover cannabis-related administrative costs at the CEO’s office, $1.6 for deferred maintenance costs in parks and other services, and $3 million for cannabis enforcement. (Sheriff’s Department enforcement against illegal “grows” was obviously taking place at some level before the county initiated its cannabis program, but a $3 million commitment would have required a vote of the board, the CEO’s office said.)
In addition, the report shows, the county used $1 million in carryover cannabis tax revenues to pay for one-time expenses during 2023-24. These included $50,000 for a restroom at Rincon Beach Park, $95,000 for handling appeals of cannabis projects, $100,000 for youth safety programs in Lompoc and Santa Maria, $115,000 for a zero-emissions vehicle specialist, $171,000 to draw up new rules governing the expansion of utility-scale solar projects, and $500,000 for a sewer project in Mission Canyon.
Dropping out
The county’s cannabis ordinance allows up to 1,575 acres of outdoor cannabis in the North County, but to date, only 560 acres have been licensed by the county for cannabis cultivation in the North County. (The CEO’s office does not track how many of the 560 are currently under cultivation.) North County growers accounted for only 18% of the county’s cannabis tax revenues in fiscal year 2022-23, the most recent year
for which the breakdown is available.
During the spring and summer of 2024, the record shows, cannabis growers from Buellton to the Cuyama Valley surrendered their business licenses for Greenies Management at 801 E. Highway 246; San Antonio Ranch 101 at 2051 N. Highway 101 and Gypsy Canyon Farms at 2900 Gypsy Canyon Rd. They withdrew their business license applications for Cuyama Greens at 501 Harvey Road; Dynamind Grounds at 2051 Jonata Park Rd.; Villa Americana Corporation at 125 N. Refugio Rd; Stateside Greens at 3851 Telephone Rd.; and 92nd G25 at 851 E. Highway 246.
North County projects that were deemed abandoned by the county were Chips19 at 7855 Old Careaga Ranch Road; Farmily 805 at 2501 San Miguelito Canyon Road; and SBGL at 705 Mail Road.
In the Carpinteria Valley, the cannabis ordinance allows up to 186 acres of cannabis in greenhouses, but only 120 acres are currently under cultivation. Valley growers accounted for 82% of the county’s cannabis tax revenues in fiscal year 2022-23.
But even in the valley, where cannabis can be harvested year-round, some grow-
Meanwhile, the largest single proposed cannabis operation in the valley and one of the fi rst to be approved for a county zoning permit, back in mid-2019 — VR1 Farms, 14 acres of greenhouses at 3892 Via Real — is not yet under cultivation. The business is registered by the state to Christopher Vaughn of South Gate; a county business license is still pending.
In other cannabis matters, the county Planning Commission held a hearing on Wednesday to discuss tightening the odor control regulations for the greenhouse industry. The Board of Supervisors wants to require the installation of expensive carbon filters called “scrubbers” or equivalent technologies to clean up the air and prevent the smell of cannabis from wafting out of the roof vents and into urban neighborhoods. Most growers have not adopted these filters for cultivation; some have said the expense would put them out of business.
In addition, the commission will consider amending the county’s zoning ordinance to implement odor inspections at the property lines of greenhouses in response to complaints.
Melinda Burns is an investigative journalist with 40 years of experience covering immigration, water, science and the environment. As a community service, she offers her reports to multiple publications in Santa Barbara County, at the same time, for free.
Vehicle / about Sandand vehicle
A reader sends a halo to Ryan Moore for bringing dirt back to Carpinteria.
A reader sends a halo to Carpinteria Plumbing. “Locally owned and family owned, and it shows. Made a potential nightmare week of no gas for us into a smooth and thoughtful work week. Conscientious, professional and clean.”
A reader sends a halo to everyone who supported the Playa Del Sur 4-H this year. “The members are looking forward to another successful year.”
A reader sends a halo to the reader’s family and friends scouts and swimming for sending supportive and encouraging cards, texts and videos during their son’s stay at the hospital. “We are truly grateful for your kindness and thoughtfulness.”
A reader sends a halo to Burlene for making the Carpinteria Lumberyard Nursery area a joy to visit. “Her outgoing personality (Southern style), friendly conversation and plant knowledge make it a pleasure to visit and shop.”
A reader sends a halo to the generous person for paying for the reader’s gas when she forgot her ATM card at the gas station. “I’m sorry I chose the most expensive oil, I’d love to reimburse you, and thank you. I’m deeply moved by your generosity.”
A reader sends a halo to Valerie, the new volunteer at the Friends of the Library Bookstore, for cleaning and reorganizing the self-help section.
A reader sends a halo to the Carpinteria Friends of the Library Bookstore. “What a treasure! Big thank you to April, Susan and the many other volunteers who keep this gem going year after year!”
A reader sends a halo to Jill Castro, Mike Avery, Fon Ha, Brass Bird and Carol Nichols for helping the less fortunate in town.
A reader sends a halo to Desiree, the new masseuse at The Gym Next Door. “She could have coasted through it, but she worked really hard to relieve my back pain. I never experienced such a great massage.”
A reader sends a halo to Donnette Hicks at the Post Office. “She is always friendly, kind, competent and helpful.”
A reader sends a halo to whoever left a sign telling people to pick up their dog-waste bags and stop leaving them on Casitas Pass Road.
not was possearch located, meth. violations. contacted as by a probashowed container felon
was stolen, by the on the only a actual pulled
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A reader sends a halo to Sean and Dayna for being wonderful neighbors and helping the reader through another frazzled mom situation.
A reader sends a halo to Gallup & Stribling Orchids for the gorgeous orchids that bring such beauty and good cheer into the post office.
A reader sends a halo to the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center staff and volunteers. “Thank you for being such a wonderful place to work for and serve the community and to the volunteers, thank you, for being such kind souls, volunteering your precious time. It has been a pleasure to work with you all and I will truly miss you all.”
A reader sends a halo to the 93013 Fund, Uncle Chen Restaurant and Marybeth Carty for the surprise delivery of a delicious dinner complete with a fortune cookie, candy bar and painted rock. “Wonderful kindness and quite a thrill!”
A reader sends a halo to the anonymous person who left a $100 donation in the HELP of Carpinteria office mail slot this past week. “Thank you for your kindness.”
A reader sends a pitchfork to whoever has been leaving bags of dog waste on the ground along Casitas Pass Road. “Yes, it’s frustrating that the trash cans are gone, but is that really your best way of handling
A reader sends a halo to the lovely staff at The Laughing Buddha for caring enough to send good karma to others. “It was through their caring that another was helped out during the currently colder weather. May good karma come back to you tenfold! Thank you!”
A reader sends a halo to the staff of Jack’s Bistro for staying open during Covid-19. “Always a smile no matter how busy. A great way to start the day.”
A reader sends a halo to the Daykas for always being there to help with anything and never complaining. “Many thanks to the best neighbors ever. We love you all dearly.”
A reader sends a halo to Pauline at the Carpinteria Library for accommodating the reader’s visit this week.
A reader sends a pitchfork to the person who hit the reader’s pickup in front of the reader’s house and didn’t stop. “Shame on you, and I hope
Mayor Wade Nomura for the city’s beautiful flower wreath at the Carpinteria Cemetery for the Memorial Day program.
A reader sends a halo to at Robitaille’s for their constant smiles and over-the-top customer service. “The wedding favors were loved by all and brought a bit of Carpinteria to the Seattle wedding!”
A reader sends a halo to Dr. Gabriel Dudley at Jackson Medical in Carpinteria for literally saving this reader’s life.
A reader sends a halo to Jody and all of the other Carpinteria librarians “who always are friendly and helpful, making each visit a pleasure.”
A reader sends a halo to those who acknowledge people with disabilities. “When you encounter a person in a wheelchair or walking with a walker, please smile and say hello to that person.”
A reader sends a halo to Lance Lawhon at the Carpinteria Sanitation District for helping Kim’s Market.
A reader sends a halo to Lynda Fairly for bringing “The Last Waltz” to the Alcazar Theatre. “Wonderful movie, wonderful event, wonderful theater. Lynda is a wonderful person!”
A reader sends a halo to the Carpinteria Beautiful lady picking up trash in a neighborhood near the beach. “Thank you! We need all the help we can get keeping trash picked up in the neighborhoods on the beach-side of the tracks.”
A reader sends a halo to Kassandra Quintero at The Spot. “When the roof-top flag was twisted and lodged in the rain gutter, Quintero jumped into action and climbed up to the roof and untangled it so that it could wave freely. Way to show patriotism!”
A reader sends a halo to Ruth at the Community Garden. “Her verve, commitment, and zest for life brighten my day as much as her flowers do!”
A reader sends a pitchfork to the bicycle events on Foothill Road. “Purposely hosting huge rides that take up the whole road is irresponsible. There are countless bike lanes that were put in with our tax dollars to avoid this problem.”
A reader sends a pitchfork to the lifeguards braiding hair while swimmers are in the pool. “Not professional!”
A reader sends a pitchfork to who rode their electric bicycle at almost thirty miles an hour through the reader’s apartment complex as the reader was walking on the sidewalk. “It’s an apartment complex not a bike path for you to abuse. Quite a few less able-bodied individuals live here and if you’d knocked someone over in your recklessness, I imagine you’d be in quite a bit of trouble, trespassing, among other things. Find someplace else to be dangerous and unsafe.”
A reader sends a pitchfork to the employees of the newer businesses on the Carpinteria Bluffs. “Learn to share the bike/walking path with locals… There will be four to five of you walking together and not a single one will scoot over just a tad to let
A reader sends a pitchfork to fast food restaurants that force everyone to order from a kiosk in the store or online. “No customer service means we’ll go elsewhere.”
A reader sends a halo to Emma and Justin. “It was a wonderful wedding, great food, spectacular location and great people! It was moving and wonderful.”
A reader sends a halo to Tina and Roy Lee of Uncle Chen Restaurant for hosting a team dinner for CHS women’s water polo. “The food was delicious and it was wonderful to see the players have a chance to bond outside of the pool.”
A reader sends a halo to Carpinterians who put out boxes in front of their homes full of surplus oranges, avocados, etc. from their trees. “Thank you for sharing your the beach community residents. “Thank you for parking in front of your home with your permit.”
A reader sends a halo to at HEAT Culinary. “I went to my first class this weekend with my sister, who has been to four so far. I had the best time! Someone get this girl a TV show, she should be on the Food Network already.”
Skip at Bikesmiths for helping two 77-year-olds get their
A reader sends a halo to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife local vet for working diligently to save the Rincon Beach bear. “It’s a terrible shame to lose one of these magnificent creatures; however, I wouldn’t want it to suffer to a miserable death.”
, a caregiver at Carpinteria Senior Lodge for nearly Tom Sweeney for going out on Elm Avenue by the beach to clean up plastic bottles, bags, dirty gloves and masks.
A reader sends a pitchfork to the new parking zones. “All the “no parking/two hour” signs just made people park in my neighborhood. Seventh and the neighboring streets are a packed parking lot.”
A reader sends a halo to Bill and Rosana Swing for spending their Saturday taking photos for Junior Warriors Football. “We appreciate all you do for our families, players and program. You rock!”
A reader sends a pitchfork to those who lied on their FAFSA and took scholarships away from kids who need it. Santa Via believes her stolen by Polo deputies.
Linden planters. “All the mushrooms growing there indicate too much water. Nice weed farm.”
Submit Halos & Pitchforks online at coastalview.com. Submissions subject to editing.
a restaurant owner for parking his vehicle in the spots right out front of his establishment. “Shouldn’t he leave those parking spots available
City of Carpinteria for letting the bluffs turn into an ever-increasing dirt parking lot. “That is not what the bluffs were purchased for. Post No Parking signs immediately!”
A reader sends a pitchfork to the sheriff’s deputy using his radar gun the other morning in front of city hall. “Why don’t you go by one of the schools and catch all the speeders there in morning, and keep our children safe while walking to school.”
A reader sends a halo to for coming out early Saturday morning to support the Junior Warriors. “It made the kids so happy to hear you say their names—you’re a local celebrity to them!”
Submit Halos & Pitchforks online at coastalview.com.
A reader sends a halo to , Superintendent of schools, and Debra Herrick, director of Boys & Girls Club, for removing the toxic Euphorbia fire sticks from the pots and landscape.
Two men were contacted in a parked truck and both were extremely intoxicated with open containers of alcohol observed in the vehicle. One man was not being the most cooperative, but once he was convinced to exit the vehicle, a pat down search of his person was conducted. Deputies located a collapsible baton in the man’s front waistband. He was cited and both were released to a
7:41 a.m. / Theft / 5500 block Calle Arena
he found a small baggie containing a white powdery substance underneath the driver’s seat of his recently purchased vehicle. The man stated he purchased the vehicle three weeks ago but didn’t find the small baggie until he’d removed the driver’s seat to fix the reclining mechanism. The incident was documented, and the baggie was booked into Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office property for destruction.
Saturday, May 23
5:49 a.m. / Domestic Violence / 4100 block Via Real
Deputies responded after a woman reported her residence was burglarized the prior night. The woman stated a cartoon of almond milk and tools were taken from her garage. She told the reporting deputy that the tools belonged to her daughter’s boyfriend. The deputy attempted to contact the man via telephone multiple times with no response. The woman stated her garage door was unlocked during the night and is in the process of getting a new lock. She did not have any suspect information at the time. The incident was documented, and patrol will follow-up for further details of the stolen items.
Deputies responded to a motel on Via Real for a report of a domestic violence incident. Upon arrival, a deputy contacted a man and woman in the parking lot. After contacting both subjects, there were visible injuries on both parties. Due to conflicting statements regarding their mutual altercation and obvious injuries, both parties were arrested for corporal
and Casitas Pass roads
2:07 p.m. / Found Drugs / 6000 block Jacaranda Way
regisviolation at his / displayrecords was suspended. The man was cited, and his vehicle was released to a licensed driver.
A man was contacted after reporting
Deputies responded to a report a of a black sedan crashing into a parked water truck. While en route, it was also reported the male subject driving the sedan fled the scene on foot. Upon arrival, deputies observed the sedan abandoned in the middle Cameo Road with major damage to the front right passenger wheel
This report covers Jan. 20–26, 2025
CVN’s Seal Watch weekly report, written by Seal Watch volunteers, covers activities at the Harbor Seal Rookery. The group can be reached at carpsealwatch@ gmail.com or at (805) 364-3194. The rookery is located immediately east of Casitas Pier, between Carpinteria Bluffs Nature Preserve and Carpinteria State Beach. There is no vehicle access from Dump Road.
Muscle memory is a neurological process that allows you to remember certain motor skills and perform them without conscious effort. It is the result of extensive practice. Despite the name, this skill resides in the nervous system — not the muscles. When a movement starts and is repeated over time, the brain creates a longterm muscle memory for that task, eventually allowing it to be performed with little to no conscious effort. This process decreases the need for attention and creates maximum efficiency within the motor and memory systems.
Dance is an especially fun way to experience the benefits of muscle memory. With time and practice, dance routines can be performed almost automatically because of the strength of the specific neural connection in your brain.
The more frequently you do the routines, the more you strengthen the implicit long-term memory and the easier it becomes to recall. This allows you to perform at a more efficient level — not only when you exercise, but in all areas of your daily life!
• Practice, practice, practice
• Repeat and then repeat it again
• Consistency is key
• Be patient with yourself
• Enjoy the process
A great example of this is when you get in your car to go somewhere. When you were first learning how to drive, it probably felt like a lot of steps to keep track of: adjust the seat and mirrors, put the key in the ignition, put the car in drive, check your surroundings, and/ or turn on the radio. But over time those movements became so automatic that you oftentimes probably weren’t even aware that you were doing them — your mind could be focused on other things while you were driving.
When I teach seniors in my Young at Heart dance program, we always repeat certain dance moves, steps and exercises. We also incorporate new movements because it helps keep the students engaged and the class exciting and fun. I know some of my students may not always remember a step or move right away but as they attend my classes regularly, their muscle memory kicks in and they can easily keep up and do a little more every time. Whatever you lose, you can gain back again, as long as you are willing to go back at it again!
For more health and fitness tips, along with fun and active dance/fitness classes available in person and online please be sure to check out my website lesliesokolsdance.com.
Leslie Sokol is the creator and founder of the adult dance and fitness program For the Young at Heart. She has been teaching adults and children for forty-five years. You can watch For the Young at Heart by visiting her YouTube Channel or on TVSB. She also teaches in retirement communities throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. For more information, please contact Leslie at leslie@lesliesokolsdance.com, by calling (805) 312-8089 or by visiting her website.
A pup was born Friday. It swam to sea with its mom almost immediately and has been active through Sunday. Harbor seal pups range in weight from about eight to 20 ppunds, and this pup is on the small side, so we’ll hope mom’s 50% butterfat milk helps it grow fast.
Volunteers greeted 1,249 people at the overlook. People came from Japan, Germany, Ukraine, Canada, Australia, Israel, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Romania, St. Lucia, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Utah, Indiana, Arizona, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Illinois, Texas, Colorado, Montana and Washington DC.
A large group of sea lions leaping out of the water moved up near the rookery, and then remained in the area for a while. Many dolphins were observed. SpaceX agitated the seals, but did not flush them to the ocean. Similarly, a helicopter caused some disturbance. Two beach walkers flushed 30 into the ocean.
Please consider honoring the Marine Mammal Protection Act by not walking the sanctuary beach all year. Do not bring dogs, bicycles, or loud voices to view the seals. Harbor seals, when disturbed, may flee and become separated from their pups. Volunteers asked that dogs always remain outside the rope area.
Carpinteria Seal Watch volunteers monitor our local seal rookery. More volunteers are always needed. Contact Seal Watch at carpsealwatch@gmail.com or call (805) 364-3194
20 attendees celebrated the 15th anniversary of
The Carpinteria Mahjong Group recently celebrated its 15th anniversary on Monday, Jan. 27, and more than 20 locals gathered for a celebratory game with the group’s founder, Roz Kohute.
The group originally began in 2010, after Kohute put a notice in Coastal View News’ Dec. 2, 2010 edition. “A local mahjong group is on a search for new players to share the Chinese game involving skill, strategy, calculation and chance,” the original notice read.
Joe and Diane Cardenas and their family have cooked up memories of a lifetime in their business of 45 years, Reynaldo’s Mexican Bakery. The Cardenas share their joys, how they’ve weathered challenges, and more in the following interview.
CVN: Forty-five years is a phenomenal accomplishment! What do you attribute your business’ success to?
Joe and Diane Cardenas: Our family. All four of our children have worked here at one time or another. Amanda and Neosha made cakes and Joey and Reynaldo learned baking. Amanda is still baking at home for her family down south, Neosha will come and help me when needed, Joey was one of our bakers and Reynaldo went to Cordon Blue Culinary School and is working with us now. When they were children, they were patient with our work hours and with us, especially when we were tired. We would still have a lot of family fun outside the bakery.
Our employees and customers — it begins at the front counter with our employees. We’ve been blessed to have cheerful, helpful and hardworking young men and women work with us. Especially to get feedback from customers on how much they enjoy them. And of course, our customers. We wouldn’t be here without them, of whom some have become our friends.
What are some stand out memories from your years owning the restaurant/ bakery?
Being open during the earthquake, floods/mudslides, fire and the pandemic. We were able to offer a sense of normalcy to our Carpinteria families. After the earthquake, we had a line of customers. We were able to bake bread in a large gas oven and brew coffee on our stoves. The day started with lanterns waiting for daylight. After work, Joe and I watched the fires on our mountains out of our front window, pondering if we should close the next day. When the shelves were getting bare at the grocery store after the mudslides because of delivery issues, we were still baking and offering as much as we could. We stayed open during Covid, taking all the precautions to keep everyone healthy. The patience of our customers who still needed that cup of coffee and breakfast burrito was awesome.
Another memory was when someone stole the tip jar. Word got out and so many customers came in and filled the new jar with more than was taken. It filled our hearts with joy, knowing that customers cared so much about what happened.
It’s also been memorable to watch families grow. A young girl asked me how old she would need to be to work
here. Every year, she would remind me of her age and that she wants to work here. She eventually did and was one of my best employees. For many students, this would be their first job and work until they graduated from high school. They would go to college and come back to work during vacations. Many of our employees have stayed with us for years. We’ve been extremely blessed because of that.
What are some of your most popular menu items?
The tamales — we make them yearround. A lot of customers love the Green Chicken Pozole and Joe’s Favorite Burrito has been a hit. You can’t beat the Conchas. Sometimes when I mention Reynaldo’s, the first thing a person says is “the conchas!”
If you didn’t run a restaurant, what is something else you could have imagined doing for 45 years?
Joe would probably be working for the Water District. He went to school for that. I would be either an art or history teacher at high school or college. Or a case worker for the foster care system. Our business was Joe’s dream and I would follow him anywhere. No regrets — we can’t imagine doing anything else. Besides, I’m still doing art.
What are you looking forward to in 2025?
Seeing more smiles on our customers! Smiling is my favorite. I have this sign hanging behind the counter, and customers ask me not to change it because it makes their day. It’s been there for the past few years. It reads: “Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile.”
Ingrid Bostrom is a photographer, drawn to open space and stories told in each new face. Send ideas of impactful Carpinterian bosses to ingrid@ingridbostromphotography.com.
A lucky few were invited to a private screening of “The Last Waltz” — a Martin Scorsese documentary capturing The Band’s 1976 San Francisco farewell concert — at The Alcazar Theatre last Friday. Those in attendance also got a look at the theater’s new film projector and sound system, the theater’s Executive Director Debbie Nomura told CVN.
Carpinteria Valley Little League (CVLL) took over The Alcazar Theatre on Sunday, sponsoring a showing of the famous “The Sandlot” and inviting community members to sign up for CVLL. More than 150 people showed up to watch this 1993 coming-of-age sports comedy and learn about CVLL, CVN photographer Robin Karlsson reported.
Local artists, restaurants collab in “Small Town Big Appetite”
Carpinteria’s new coffee table book “Small Town Big Appetite: Savoring the Arts and Eats of Carpinteria” has opened for pre-sale, with 500 copies of the book set to arrive in March.
The book — a collection of art and recipies from Carpinterians — is published by Small Town Art Publications, the nonprofit that previously put out “Small Town Big Art: 100 Artists of Carpinteria,” in 2021.
“Filled with gorgeous art, tasty recipes and the smiling faces of Carpinteria artists and chefs, this new book is the product of so much creativity and culinary acumen,” David Powdrell, board president of Small Town Art Publications, said in a press release. “Most importantly, thanks to generous community members who have underwritten the print costs, every dollar of book sales will be split between the Carpinteria Arts Center and the Food Bank of Santa Barbara County.”
The book is $50; those interested can place their pre-order at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, located at 865 Linden Ave., which is open Thursday through Monday, from noon to 4 p.m.
Pending availability, the book will also be available at the release celebration, on Sunday, April 6, from 3–5 p.m. at the arts center. The celebration will include light food and wine, and a silent auction with a signed copy of the book, art pieces from the book and a map of restaurants by local artist John Wullbrandt.
Those interested in learning more may visit bit.ly/3PSrneI or by calling or emailing David Powdrell at (805) 895-3824 or powdrell@gmail.com.
“Anima: Theater of the Feminine Underground” will take to the stage in Santa Barbara at Center Stage Theater, 751 Paseo Nuevo, on Feb. 6 and 7.
Several performers have ties to Carpinteria, including Kiora Fox, a yoga and pilates instructor who works in Carpinteria; Jax Nora, a practitioner with the Women’s Womb Continuum; and Corinna Bernasko, a former resident. Carpinteria-based photographer Jasha Stanberry will also be photographing the event.
The show — the 12th performance of Anima since it was created in 2017 — will feature stories told through dance, music, spoken word, poetry, comedy and ceremonial rituals, and will explore topics such as vocal empowerment, death and rebirth, grief, identity, motherhood, partnerships and pleasure. The show will be directed by Teagan Rose and assistant directed by Anima’s founder, Lisa Citore.
“Creativity has always been a primary vehicle for me to do my healing work,” Citore said in a press release. “It’s helped me turn wounds into wisdom, and I wanted to bring this powerful tool to women in our community. Each show creates a resonant field of Anima — the feminine aspect of the soul — not only for participants but for the audience as well. It’s a ritual for the collective, with each woman’s performance becoming her own ritual space for healing.”
Other performers include Aurora Rose Wesman, Cybil Gilbertson, Elaine Gale, Citore, Maya Amati Howard, Michaela Ravasio, Sonya Barriere and Rose. Ensemble performers will include Carolyn Little, Elizabeth Rose, Gabi Pereverziev, Giuliana Mitchum, Jessie Altstatt, Meighann Helene, Marie-Pier Tremblay, Rachel Petkus, Sarah Uma Kane and Selena Rockwell.
Tickets for the event are $34 when bought in advance, or $38 at the door. Both come with an additional $2 online service charge. Tickets and are available online at ticketor. com/cstheater/tickets/anima-theater-of-the-feminine-underground-301897#buy.
Thursday, Jan. 30
AgeWell Senior Program: Veterans Morning Meet Up Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 8:30–10 a.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 8811279
English Language Conversation Group / Grupo de Conversación en Inglés Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 8:30–10 a.m. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
AgeWell Senior Program: Zumba Gold Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 11 a.m. – noon. agewell@ carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Carpinteria Creative Arts Eighth Street and Linden Avenue. 2:30–6 p.m. Handmade pottery, beach art, cards, jewelry and sewn articles. (805) 698-4536
Carpinteria Farmers Market 800 block of Linden Ave. Thursdays, 3–6:30 p.m.
Dungeons & Dragons Club for Tweens Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 3–4:45 p.m. Every Thursday. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
Live Music: Adam & Rita Corktree Cellars, 910 Linden Ave. 6–9 p.m. corktreecellars.com, (805) 684-1400
Friday, Jan. 31
Friday Fun Day Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 10–11:30 a.m. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
AgeWell Senior Program: Pickleball Free Play Girls Inc. of Carpinteria, 5315 Foothill Road. 8–10 a.m. agewell@ carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
AgeWell Senior Program: Creative Studies Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 1–2:30 p.m. agewell@ carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Live Music: Morganfield Burnett Island Brewing Company, 5049 Sixth St. 6–9 p.m. islandbrewingcompany.com, (805) 745-8272
Saturday, Feb. 1
Salt Marsh Nature Park Docent Tours Meet at the entrance across from the corner of Sandyland and Ash Avenue. 10 a.m. – noon. Free. (805) 886-4382
Meet & Greet with Vice Mayor Mónica Solórzano Silver Sands Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 349 Ash Ave. 1–3 p.m. Share your thoughts and concerns, talk with other Carpinterians meeting the District 1 councilmember. monicasolorzano@carpinteriaca.gov
Live Music: The Youngsters Island Brewing Company, 5049 Sixth St. 2–5 p.m. islandbrewingcompany.com, (805) 745-8272
Concert Film Series: “Stop Making Sense” A Film By Jonathan Demme and Talking Heads The Alcazar Theater, 4196 Carpinteria Ave. 7 p.m. Tickets: $10. thealcazar.org, (805) 684-6380
Sunday, Feb. 2
Live Music: Barry McGuire Island Brewing Company, 5049 Sixth St. 2–5 p.m. islandbrewingcompany.com, (805) 745-8272
Monday, Feb. 3
Preschool Story Time Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 10–11 a.m. Geared toward ages two to five. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
AgeWell Senior Program: Music Mondays Singalong Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 10:30–11:30 a.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Monday Mahjong All levels of play. 1 p.m. (805) 729-1310
AgeWell Senior Program: Mind Games Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 2–3 p.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Museum Speaker Series: Carpinteria Myths and Misinformation Carpinteria Valley Museum of History, 956 Maple Ave. 5–6 p.m. Free for Carpinteria Valley Museum members, $10 for nonmembers. (805) 684-3112, info@carpinteriahistoricalmuseum.org, carpinteriahistoricalmuseum.org.
Special Meeting: City Council Carpinteria City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave. 5:30 p.m.bit.ly/CarpinteriaCityMeetings Clases de Computación Intermedia Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. Mondays, 6–7 p.m. Focuses: Google Chrome, Google Docs, Google Sheets. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
Tuesday, Feb. 4
AgeWell Senior Program: Walking Club Meet at Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 9 a.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 8811279
AgeWell Senior Program: Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives (PEARLS) Veterans Hall Meeting Room, 941 Walnut Ave. 10:30 a.m. – noon. Available exclusively in Spanish. aagewell@ carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
AgeWell Senior Program: Mind Body Balance Exercise Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 11 a.m. – noon. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Senior Arts & Crafts Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, 865 Linden Ave. Tuesdays, 9 a.m. – noon. Free. info@ carpinteriaartscenter.org, (805) 684-7789
Carpinteria Writers Group Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 10 a.m. – noon. (202) 997-0429
Chair Yoga The Gym Next Door, 4915 Carpinteria Ave., Suite A. Tuesdays, 11 a.m. – noon. $15. (805) 684-2595
Bridge Group Veterans Hall meeting room, 941 Walnut Ave. 1–4 p.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 8811279
Spanish Conversation Group Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 2–3 p.m. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
Carpinteria Songwriters Circle Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 4–5:30 p.m. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
Meeting: Indivisible Carpinteria Rancho Granada Clubhouse, 5750 Via Real. 5:30–6:30 p.m. meeting, 6:30–7 socialize. RSVP by Feb. 2 to carpindivisible@gmail.com
Carpinteria Improv Classes The Alcazar Theatre, 4916 Carpinteria Ave. 7–9 p.m. Tuesdays, weekly. $10 at the door. thealcazar.org, (805) 684-6380
Wednesday, Feb. 5
AgeWell Senior Program: Pickleball Free Play Girls Inc. of Carpinteria, 5315 Foothill Road. 8–10 a.m. agewell@ carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Babies Are The Best Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 9–10 a.m. carpinterialibrary.org, (805) 684-4314
Science for Teens 11–13 Years Old Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 11 a.m. carpinterialibrary. org, (805) 684-4314
Knitting Group Carpinteria Library Community Room, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 1–3 p.m. Free. (805) 886-4382
AgeWell Senior Program: Compassion Club Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 1 p.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 881-1279
Buildable lot on golf course on the 12th hole of the Mission Club Golf Course in Lompoc, .47 acre. Sight plans, lot & house plans included. Price reduction NOW $325,000 Owner will carry financing, for qualified buyer.
Amazing Opportunity on the edge of the estuary! This large lot with commercial planned development, residential zoning and utilities at property is ready for your vision. A 2nd story would bring stunning sunset and estuary views. Call Debbie today @ 805-689-9696 for more information. $1,650,000
Sweet 1 bd / 1 bath, loft condo at Sandpiper, just 1/2 block to the beach. 220 Elm Ave. #10, in Carpinteria $739,000
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Real Estate Sales•Rental Housing•Property Management Vacation Rentals•Notary Services
AgeWell Senior Program: Mindfulness Meditation Veterans Memorial Building, 941 Walnut Ave. 3–4 p.m. agewell@carpinteriaca.gov, (805) 8811279
Adult Advanced-Beginner Spanish Classes Carpinteria Woman’s Club, 1059 Vallecito Road. 3–4:30 p.m. $8 per class. carpinteriawomansclub.com
Meeting: MTD Fare Change Community Meeting Carpinteria Community Library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave. 6–7:30 p.m. Discussion: fee changes. sbmtd. gov/farechange
Editor’s Note: A copy of the Superintendent’s Report is run in print as a service for parents, students and community members who cannot attend Carpinteria Unified School District’s Board of Trustees meetings. This report was read aloud during the school board’s Jan. 28 meeting.
At Carpinteria Middle School (CMS), 74% of students earned a 3.0 GPA or higher with a school average GPA of 3.32. Last year during first semester the GPA average was 3.19 and 66% of CMS students earned a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Carpinteria High School (CHS) students also improved during this first semester compared to last year. At CHS, 77% of students earned a 3.0 GPA or higher with a school average GPA of 3.64. Last year only 67% of CHS students earned a 3.0 GPA or higher with a school average GPA of 3.32.
I would like to recognize our Library-Media Tech Specialists, Abigail Garcia at CHS; Pat Guarnero at CMS; Caitlyn Damron at Aliso and Summerland Elementary Schools; and Julie Soto at Canalino Elementary and Carpinteria Family School, for inspiring students to become lifelong readers and learners.
CUSD response to immigration enforcement
Under the U.S. Constitution, all students have a right to receive an education without discrimination based on immigration status. In Plyler vs. Doe, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that undocumented immigrants are guaranteed due process and equal protection rights under the Constitution, and that children cannot be denied equal access to a public education on the basis of their immigration status.
Schools must provide free public education to all students regardless of their immigration status and regardless of their citizenship status of their parents or guardians. In 2017, the Carpinteria Unified School District (CUSD) Board passed Resolution No. 17-800 in support of students in the district which included protections from immigration authorities on campus and information confidentiality as provided by law. In 2019, Board Policy & Regulation 5145.13, Response to Immigration Enforcement, was adopted to guide school staff in providing safe learning environments for all students and responding to immigration enforcement.
First Interim Financial Report
The Santa Barbara County Education Office has reported CUSD’s First Interim Financial Report with a positive certification to the California Department of Education.
The Transitional Kindergarten (TK)/
Kindergarten Information Meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. 20 at Canalino School, in English at 5:15 p.m. and in Spanish at 6 p.m. Online registration begins on March 1 for all students who will be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2025 for kindergarten and for all students who are four years old and will have their fifth birthday by Sept. 1, 2026 for TK.
CMS art students, led by CMS art teacher Ryan Ethington in collaboration with AHA! staff, created beautiful artwork that is on display at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center from Jan. 9 to Feb. 23 with a reception held on Monday, Jan. 27.
The California Department of Education, in partnership with the Great Kindness Challenge (GKC) encourages all schools to participate in the GKC week, Jan. 27—31. The theme for the 14th annual GKC Week is “Kindness Moves,” and this global campaign is designed to promote kindness, social emotional health and bullying prevention in pre-K through grade 12. Our school counselors and student activity groups have organized daily activities to prompt acts of kindness.
Every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC) by Feb. 1. The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Additionally, all local districts are required to prepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) which describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all students, with specific activities to address state and local priorities. Data reported in an LCAP is consistent with the SARC data. The CUSD School Accountability Report Cards are posted on the district website at cusd.net.
The new Canalino Learning Center is now open for students and staff! Plans are being developed for the removal of the portables and new landscaping during summer. The new TK/K building project at Aliso has been registered with DSA, and the completed application for the coastal development permit and plan was submitted to the city of Carpinteria. Last week soil samples were collected for testing at the laboratory.
Diana Rigby is the superintendent of Carpinteria Unified School District. For more information about CUSD, log on to cusd.net, or contact Diana at drigby@cusd.net or (805)
The Lou Grant Parent-Child Workshop, 5400 Sixth St., will host its annual Valentine’s Day workshop on Saturday, Feb. 8, 10 a.m. to noon, with a bake sale and a variety of children’s crafts.
Any children attendees must be accompanied by an adult. The suggested donation for the event is $1 per child. The workshop will be canceled if it rains. Those interested in learning more can contact the workshop on weekday mornings by calling (805) 684-5310.
Local wellness coach and CVN columnist Leah Harding will host a lunch box workshop — with tips to help parents pack healthy and child-approved lunches — at the Howard School, located at 5050 El Carro Lane, on Monday, Feb. 3, 6–7 p.m.
Harding, who writes a monthly column in CVN about wellness, will help parents encourage their children to make good food choices into adulthood.
Those interested in attending can reserve their spot by contacting the school at (805) 745-8448 or office@thehowardschool.org.
On Saturday, Jan. 18, a group of students from Cate School organized a fundraiser for those affected by the recent Los Angeles wildfires at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, raising more than $1,000 in less than two hours.
The students included seniors Quinn Vanasco and Nic Forry, junior Ramya Bangaru and ninth grader Posie Hexner. The group coordinated with the arts center to put on live performances and a benefit concert, performed entirely by fellow Cate students.
Vanasco and Forry are co-heads of the school’s Current Events Club, according to a press release from the school, and the pair spearheaded the efforts, with Bangaru and Hexner joining soon after. Bangaru is originally from Pasadena, and Hexner from the Pacific Palisades, where the wildfires struck.
“This fundraiser was especially rewarding knowing it was helping friends and family in my hometown,” Bangaru said in the press release “There’s only so much you can do on your own — it was truly a community effort.”
Vanasco and Forry were able to organize the fundraiser in just a few days, with Vanasco taking the lead on the logistics of the event, managing equipment and organizing performers. Hexner created signs and promoted the event, with some help from Cate sophomore Colin Hendler.
Bangaru, who has also done work on Cate’s Round Square Board, performed during the fundraiser, along with several others, including Cate’s a capella group No Strings Attached — featuring Vanasco — and Cate’s Busking Club.
“It was really a group effort, and everyone put in an incredible amount of work to make this happen,” Vanasco said in the press release. “I’m so appreciative of all the people around us who truly embodied the idea of Servons (Cate’s motto meaning ‘let us serve’).”
Cat School will hold a community dance performance on Sunday, Feb. 2, 6:30–7:45 p.m., at the Cate School Hitchcock Theater, located at 1960 Cate Mesa Road. A welcome reception will be held in front of the theater from 6–6:30 p.m.
The performance, put on by Cate School students, is directed by Bethany Sutherland Sakoda and dance faculty Michael Szanyi and Gianna Burright. The performance will be a “dance journey through time,” according to a press release from the school, and will also include student choreographers and guest instruction by Marco Aguilar and Angela Petresku.
Those interested must RSVP with the names of all attendees. Any questions can be directed to Sutherland at bethany_sutherland@cate.org.
It’s a strange feeling going surfing when just down the road people are losing their homes. Not, of course, that there was anything I could do to affect the outcome of the Palisades or Eaton Fires a couple of weeks ago, but still, relishing the offshore wind and good swell felt somehow even more self-indulgent than usual.
I’ve often questioned whether surfing, with its inherent and intense focus on the self, has a negative impact on one’s spiritual development. The answer, I’ve decided, depends on the manner in which one surfs. After all, we must do something with our allotted days. Better to go surfing with a good attitude than be a jerk in some role of supposedly greater public service.
Of course, surfing brings us in contact with wonder and joy, which, I believe, uplifts the spirit. I love it when surfing or otherwise, I am able to see how fleeting and beautiful most everything is, and how ultimately (in a possibly hackneyed conception of Buddhist philosophy) it doesn’t matter much what one does with one’s time, as long as it’s done with compassion. (I know my Main Man from Nazareth would agree.)
So, in addition to being a mostly good parent, and tending to my customers’ surfboard orders, I have been thoroughly enjoying a most-fruitful run of waves in the past six-weeks. A buddy came down from Santa Cruz with a Jet Ski and we launched off the beach at Gaviota on one of the bigger days of the year, seeking a deep water point several miles further west.
We spent a very enjoyable afternoon riding many big, clean waves, although my Santa Cruz friend lost my new 8’1” into the rocks where the tail section got destroyed. And when we paddled back to the ski at sunset, we discovered the battery was dead. Waving down another
ski, the driver told us he’d run back out to tow us in after dropping his guys at Gaviota.
Sure enough, the driver appeared as the last of the sun’s disk slipped below the horizon. We’d prepped a tow rope with a carabiner, and my buddy was soon riding his ski in the wake of our sea-going Good Samaritan’s ski, growling through the water like a tractor. It was dark by the time we reached Gaviota, but we saw that the surf was nearly skimming the underside of the wharf and exploding in a savage shorebreak.
The plan was for the driver to swoop us in as close to the beach as possible (“in waist-deep water” he told me) where I would un-hook the carabiner and towrope, then jump in and wade ashore. I was wearing a rain shell jacket over my wetsuit against the cold, and when I leapt free of the Jet Ski, I found myself swimming with one arm as I held the tow rope, my jacket pockets filling with water and the current pulled me seaward.
A park ranger illuminated the scene with a spotlight from his truck on the beach and a lifeguard used a hand-held spotlight from the wharf. I screamed for my buddy to get clear of the ski as another thick wave approached out of the darkness. The sight of a full-sized Jet Ski with a tow-sled attached going upside-down on the ceiling of a ten-foot breaking cavern, while simultaneously getting blasted by the same wave, is very impressive.
I was washed shoreward, still holding the tow rope, and another wave picked up the ski and smashed it down again. Four other surfers and two lifeguards came down to the water’s edge, and we formed a fireman’s line pulling the battered ski onto the beach. My buddy swam ashore, and we all spent an arduous forty minutes wrangling the ski onto a beach cart and back onto the trailer behind his truck.
It was an expensive adventure, but no one was injured. And it turned out that my friend’s Jet Ski mechanic back in Santa Cruz talked him through the process of clearing and running the engine, and with some relatively minor electric-system repairs and cheap plastic faring replacements, his ski is ready for the next mission.
Other surf-related activities on my road of wave-riding enlightenment (and I’ve got a ways to go, there!) have included finishing a couple of boards I shaped and glassed about 12 months ago at my friend Jeff Hull’s boat yard down in Ventura. One of the boards needed a leash loop, and I glassed on a fin on the
I screamed for my buddy to get clear of the ski as another thick wave approached out of the darkness. The sight of a full-sized Jet Ski with a tow-sled attached going upside-down on the ceiling of a ten-foot breaking cavern, while simultaneously getting blasted by the same wave, is very impressive.
other one — a nine-foot “surfing board,” which I call boards that have a “neutral” and well-balanced outline that reduces surfing to its most elemental form (short of bodysurfing, of course).
And this “surfing board” has proven to be a joy on a spectacular, sleeper of an afternoon at the Rincon Cove, and another heftier day at the Cove of California Street in Ventura, and again at a jetty break in my newish hometown down here during the brutal Santa Anas that have devastated those areas of Los Angeles. It’s going to come right in the long run, which I don’t mean as a cop-out, and there is going to be plenty of work to do to rebuild. Towards that end, I put a nice 7’9” channel bottom
A 7’9” “Stormrider” single fin placed in a raffle for Los Angeles fire relief via oblivionlosangeles. com.
single fin up for a fire-relief fundraiser raffle via the art-space and shop called Oblivion in Highland Park.
Christian Beamish took leave of his position at Coastal View News in October 2020, to pursue his surfboard business, Surfboards California, full time. He continues his monthly column, and shapes at the surfboard factory showroom at 500 Maple Ave., in Carpinteria. The former Associate Editor of The Surfer’s Journal, Beamish is also the author of “Voyage of the Cormorant,” (Patagonia Books, 2012) about his single-handed expedition down the coast of Baja California by sail and oar in his self-built Shetland Isle beach boat. He now lives with his two children in Ventura.
Carpinterian Carie Smith recently took a trip to New York and Pennsylvania with her high school friends. Smith told CVN she and her friends had many New York activities scheduled, including a Rockettes Christmas show, the “Today” show, a tour of Central Park and a harbor cruise to see the Statue of Liberty — where she snapped a photo with her copy of CVN and the 9-11 memorial. The group also spent time in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where they shopped at a large Christmas market and spent the night at the Hotel Bethlehem.
From left, Carpinterians Lisa Rader and Michael Quigley brought their copy of CVN along for their Thanksgiving vacation in Arizona during November 2024. The pair grabbed a picture with their copy while at the Montezuma Castle National Monument in Camp Verde, Arizona.
Snap a photo with your Coastal View News in hand and email it to news@coastalview.com. Tell us about your trip!
The Rotary Club of Carpinteria Morning, including members Kristina Calkins, left, and Steve Gerteis, at far right, presented CVN’s Managing Editor Evelyn Spence, second from left, with a club service award last week. Also in attendance was, from left, CVN photographer Robin Karlsson, and CVN publishers Mike VanStry and Gary Dobbins.
The Rotary Club of Carpinteria Morning awarded Coastal View News’ Managing Editor Evelyn Spence with a club service award last Wednesday for her service to the Carpinteria community. CVN publisher Gary Dobbins also spoke about the paper’s history in Carpinteria, and Spence’s time at the paper.
“Thank you very much to the Rotary Club of Carpinteria Morning,” Spence said. “I’m very grateful for the opportunity to cover Carpinteria, and to work at a small, homegrown paper that is still going strong after 30 years.”
The annual Rotary Talent Showcase is quickly approaching — scheduled for Saturday, April 12 — and the club will hold auditions for the show on Sunday, Feb. 16, noon to 3 p.m., and Thursday, Feb. 27, 6–9 p.m., at The Alcazar Theatre, located at 4916 Carpinteria Ave.
The showcase accepts applicants of all ages and talents, the club said in a press release. “We want you on stage at the Alcazar Theatre!” the press release read. “Be bold! Be brave! Be the next performer to make this Talent Showcase your springboard to the next ‘American Idol’ or ‘The Voice.’ This could be you!”
Those interested in auditioning can reach out to club member Roland Rotz at DocRotz@gmail.com to schedule an audition.
Members with the Rotary Club of Carpinteria were hard at work on Saturday at the Carpinteria Children’s Project, collecting over 11 trash bags full of weeds, prepping the garden beds for new plants, organizing the storage closet, cleaning the sandbox and more. The club has a three-year commitment to help at the Children’s Project, club President-Elect David Powdrell said. “It’s such a great feeling supporting a nonprofit entity that is making a significant impact on our community of Carpinteria,” Powdrell added in an email.
We floated past a lone fly fisherman who skillfully cast into icy Class II rapids just before sunrise. Off our stern to the west, alpine glow swept across the 6,174foot Shasta Bally, as pink and purple hues brightened a fresh dusting of snow in the Klamath Mountains Province. Suddenly, modern architecture hovered above us as we packrafted beneath a stunning work of art, along a six-mile stretch of the Sacramento River in Redding, California.
I really wasn’t expecting to get on the water. I had tried to at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, but with winter approaching all kayaking had been shut down for the year. In Redding there was the possibility to use a canoe, kayak, standup paddleboard, or… a packraft. After all, Redding is surrounded by water, lakes, rivers and creeks carved out of craggy mountain ranges. In fact, the headwaters of the Sacramento River are at the base of 14,179-foot Mount Shasta. Because of that diversity, it doesn’t take much to get on a trail or hit the water in this outdoor hub of Northern California.
I hadn’t paddled a packraft since 2013, charging down the Canning River in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, beyond the North Slope of the Brooks Range in Northeast Alaska. However, when Danny Orloff from Visit Redding texted me that it was going to happen during my five days in Redding in the first week of December, I was all in. Early the next morning, a photographer from Visit Redding, Justin Olsen, picked me up at my hotel and literally within minutes, we were inflating packrafts along a shaded riverbank draped in fall colors.
Dancing barefoot
It’s become one of my favorite U2 songs, and there are many. I guide all my kayak trips at the Channel Islands National Park barefoot. Two rafting trips in the Arctic were barefoot. A sea kayaking trip in Wrangell St. Elias National Park among calving glaciers and ice floes was also barefoot. I like feeling my feet.
As Justin pumped up the packrafts beneath the remaining fall foliage, he asked me if I had anything to wear on my feet.
“The water is in the upper 30s,” he said. “I always wear booties.”
“I’m good,” I said. “I need to feel my feet on the cobble, on the shoreline.”
The river was chilly, but easily bearable. The icy clear water felt good on my feet. While paddling, I tucked my feet between the floor of the packraft and underneath the bow. They were insulated.
Dialing the sun
Redding is the second sunniest place in the United States, so it would seem appropriate to design and construct one of the largest working sundials in the world, serving as a unique pedestrian bridge over California’s longest river in the heart of Redding. The bridge has become a California icon and is an architectural marvel whether gazing at it during the day, evening, from the water or on foot.
The bridge was designed by renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. It took 11 years to build the scenic bridge
that stretches 700 feet over the trout-filled Sacramento River. The deck is a glass block walkway leading to a towering white spire and suspension cables forming a functional sundial. And somehow it all seemed to fit in with the resident and migratory waterfowl, steady rapids and crackling sycamore trees. It was cool gazing at it from the river, floating at an easy clip beneath its sturdy frame while maneuvering around a maze of gravel bars before the next curvy bend in the river.
Once we were past the architectural wonder, river running was on the serpentine horizon. The morning sun breached the tallest canopy of sycamore trees as two stout mule deer bucks stepped out
of a tangled weave of wild rose, poison oak and open cobble along the riverbank. It was turning out to be a great morning on the river.
As we skimmed over shallow gravel bars and weaved between flocks of waterfowl including Canadian geese, tundra swans, goldeye and bufflehead, we entered a stretch of the river known to the Wintu tribe as Nur pon — salmon run. Of the six-mile stretch that we rafted, it was the most tranquil and vital to native fish. Nur pon is one of many conservation projects on the Sacramento River. This serene side channel was restored to increase and improve Chinook salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat
along the Sacramento River. Back on the main channel, the river was teeming with birdlife, and our float was coming to an end. California’s longest river didn’t disappoint. In Redding, the Sacramento River was just a float away.
There are guided trips through Headwaters Adventure Company: headwatersadventure.com.
Adventure and travel writer Chuck Graham lives in Carpinteria and contributes his writing and photography to publications far and wide. For more wildlife photos, visit chuckgrahamphoto.com or follow Graham on Instagram at @chuckgrahamphoto.
Margie E. Burke
Thursday, March 14
Library preschooler story time, 10:30 a.m., Carpinteria library, 5141 Carpinteria Ave., 684-4314
Rotary Club of Carpinteria meeting, 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m., lions Park Community Building, 6197 Casitas Pass road, non-members rSVP to 566-1906 Bingo, 1 p.m., Veterans Building, 941 Walnut Ave. Farmers Market and Arts & Crafts Fair, 3-6:30 p.m., linden Ave. downtown, Craft fair: 684-2770
Free Stress Relief Veteran’s Acupuncture Clinic, 6-7 p.m. drop in, 4690 Carpinteria Ave. Ste. A, 684-5012
Karaoke, 8 p.m., Carpinteria & linden Pub, 4954 Carpinteria linden Ave. Dusty Jugz Country Night, 9 p.m., the Palms, 701 linden Ave., 684-3811
Friday, March 15
CVCC Lunch & Learn, noon-1 p.m., Curious Cup, 929 linden Ave., 684-5479 x10. The Peace Vigil, 5-6 p.m., corner of linden & Carpinteria Ave. Music in our Schools Month Concert, 7:30 p.m., CHS cafeteria, 4810 foothill road, 684-4701 Back Track, 9 p.m., the Palms, 701 linden Ave., 684-3811
Saturday, March 16
Carpinteria Salt Marsh docent led tours, 10 a.m., free walks start from the park sign, 684-8077 Magicarp Pokemon League, 11 a.m., Curious Cup, 929 linden Ave., (619) 972-3467 Energy Balancing, 2-4 p.m., Curious Cup, 929 linden Ave., free “The Quiet Man,” 8 p.m., Plaza Playhouse theater, 4916 Carpinteria Ave., $5 The Groovie Line, 9 p.m., the Palms, 701 linden Ave., 684-3811
Monday, March 18
Women of Inspiration, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Girls inc. of Carpinteria, 5315 foothill road, $70, 684-6364
Basic Bridge, 1 p.m., Sandpiper Mobile Village clubhouse, 3950 Via real, 684-5921 Mah Jongg, 1 p.m., Sandpiper Mobile Village clubhouse, 3950 Via real, 729-1310 Bingo, 1 p.m., Veterans Building, 941 Walnut Ave. Celebrate Recovery (Hurts, Hangups, Addictions), 6 p.m., first Baptist Church, 5026 foothill rd., 684-3353
CVCC’s Cuba Trip Meeting, 6-8 p.m., Carpinteria library Multi-Purpose room, 5141 Carpinteria Ave., 684-5479 x10
A Community Toolbox: How to Serve the Depressed Person with Understanding, 7-8:30 p.m., Carpinteria Woman’s Club, 1059 Vallecito road, 684-2509
Tuesday, March 19
Coffee with Cops, 9-11 a.m., Crushcakes, 4945 Carpinteria Ave., 684-5405 x437 Carpinteria Writers’ Group, 10 a.m.-noon, Carpinteria library multipurpose room, 5141 Carpinteria Ave., 684-7838
Sandpiper Duplicate Bridge Club, 1 p.m., Sandpiper Mobile Village Clubhouse, 3950 Via real, 684-5522
Battle of the Books club, 3:30 p.m., Curious Cup, 929 linden Ave., 220-6608 Beginner Meditation Workshop, 6:30 p.m., Curious Cup back meeting room, 929 linden Ave., 705-4703
Al-Anon Meeting, 7-8 p.m., faith lutheran Church, 1335 Vallecito Place, 331-4817 ESL Class, 7 p.m., first Baptist Church, 5026 foothill road, free, 684-3353
Wednesday, March 20
Morning Rotary meeting with Cyndi Macias, The Gym Next Door, 7-8 a.m., Woman’s Club, 1059 Vallecito rd., $10 Meditation, 10:30-noon, Carpinteria Woman’s club, 1059 Vallecito rd., 847-208-6520
Knitting Group, 1-4 p.m., Veterans Memorial Hall, 941 Walnut Ave., free, 684-8077
Fighting Back Parent Program, 5:30-7 p.m., Canalino School, 1480 Carpinteria Ave., 963-1433 x125 or x132
Kiwanis Club Meeting, 6 p.m., Veterans Memorial Hall, 941 Walnut Ave., 368-5644
Coastal View Book Club meeting, 7:30 p.m., Carpinteria Branch library, 684-4428
8 Ball Tournament, 7:30 p.m., Carpinteria & linden Pub, 4954 Carpinteria linden Ave.
Lani Garfield photography show, island Brewing Co., 5049 6th St., 745-8272
Michael Fisher Fish art show, Corktree Cellars, 910 linden Ave., 684-1400
Liz Brady art show, Porch, 3823 Santa Claus lane, 684-0300
Arturo Tello art show, friends of the library used Bookstore, 5103 Carpinteria Ave., 566-0033
“SPACE” exhibit, 855 At the Arts Gallery, 855 linden Ave., 684-7789
Carpinteria Plein Air Painters art show, lucky llama, 5100 Carpinteria Ave., 684-8811
Imagination & Inspiration show, Curious Cup, 929 linden Ave., 220-6608
Sunday, Jan. 19
0819 hrs / Incident / 900 block Linden Avenue
The reporting party called to report a scammer that claimed to have kidnapped his daughter and stated he was going to kill her if he didn’t pay $1,000. The reporting party called his daughter and confirmed she was safe. The victim did not pay the unknown scammer.
all locked. Staff is reviewing surveillance footage to attempt to identify suspect(s).
1859 hrs / Assault / 300 block Elm Avenue
1533 hrs / Restraining Order / 4800 block Fifth Street
Deputies responded for an ongoing neighbor dispute and possible violation of a restraining order. One neighbor claimed the other was harassing through the security camera. Deputies reviewed the camera footage and it was determined the actions did not constitute a violation of the restraining order.
1226–1603 hrs / Harassment / 4400 to 5700 block Carpinteria Avenue
The victim, a housekeeper, reported the homeowner touched her hair, grabbed her face with both hands, and attempted to kiss her, while she was cleaning his home. The suspect denied all claims made by the victim. Both parties were contacted and interviewed and the case was sent to the district attorney’s office for prosecution.
Friday, Jan. 24
0621 hrs / Theft / 5500 block Carpinteria Avenue
The fine gents of the Carpinteria Valley Historical Society congregate during one of the group’s annual picnics. The annual gatherings, which began in 1959 when the society was founded, were held in August to commemorate the month that Portola and his crew came through Carpinteria in 1769. Initially they involved period costumes and were held at a Bailard property on Loon Point. Later they were relocated to a different Bailard property, then the museum site, and finally Lions Park. The annual events fell by the wayside in the late 1980s, when the monthly flea market became a major fundraiser for the historical society.
Built in 1920, this little linden avenue building housed the Carpinteria Herald for a number of years. The first issue of the local newspaper was pulled hot off the presses on Oct. 14, 1920. Later the publication operated out of a Carpinteria Avenue office (now Gonzo’s bike shop) and a location on Holly Avenue. A year shy of its 75th anniversary, the newspaper folded, leaving a niche that Coastal View News would quickly fill.
Deputies responded to three separate incidents where they contacted an individual who was being verbally confrontational with multiple people. Prosecution was not desired by any of the callers and the subject agreed to leave the scene to help resolve the problem. He appeared to escalate his aggression and became verbally confrontational with multiple deputies on scene.
An unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s vehicle from a local parking lot sometime between Jan. 23 and 0600 hours Jan. 24. The vehicle was seen on FLOCK video at 0500 Jan. 24, near Seaward Avenue and Harbor Boulevard in Ventura. However, the vehicle had not hit on FLOCK since. The vehicle was entered in SVS and Ventura law enforcement agencies were advised to be on the lookout.
CArPiNteriA VAlley MuSeuM of HiStory
As the nation gears up for March Madness (starting March 19), CVN thought it would be appropriate to stoke the fire of excitement with an image of Carpinteria’s version of highly competitive basketball. Sports rivals Carpinteria and Bishop Diego high schools vie for a piece of the ball at this Feb. 7, 1978 game.
0634 hrs / Collision / 1300 block Chaney Avenue
To learn more about Carpinteria’s unique and interesting past, visit the Carpinteria Valley Museum of History, open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at 956 Maple Ave.
Tuesday, Jan. 21
1057 hrs / Theft / 4400 block Carpinteria Avenue
The victim reported he was physically assaulted and robbed of his headphones and ski mask by a known associate at approximately 1230 hours while the two were hanging out in a group of friends. A Ramey warrant for the suspect’s arrest is being authored.
1219 hrs / Trespassing / Via Real and Santa Monica Road
Deputies responded to the bus stop at Via Real and Santa Monica Road for an 80-year-old female who did not want to move for a disabled juvenile in a wheelchair. The bus driver signed a Citizen’s Arrest for trespassing and the suspect was escorted off the bus. The suspect was verbally admonished of her arrest on scene and departed on foot.
0006 hrs / Incident / Eighth Street and Olive Avenue
He said, she said Bring on the funny!
A driver accidentally backed his car into a fire hydrant, which damaged the hydrant and started spilling water into the roadway. Fire responded and placed a device on the hydrant to stop the water.
0840 hrs / Incident / 1000 block Casitas Pass Road
Suspect was reported as a 415 subject twice within the hour, and both times he was found in possession of new open containers of tall cans. Probation was contacted and the suspect was arrested and booked at Santa Barbara County Jail.
0957 hrs / Incident / 800 block Carpinteria Avenue
A local store manager called to report a subject on site who had previously stolen from them. Per the manager, the subject had stolen items on numerous occasions but was gone prior to deputies arrival. The store was willing to sign a citizen’s arrest if he returned. The suspect was located and advised to not return to the store.
2001 hrs / Trespassing / 1400 block Trenora Street
publication will receive the following grand prizes: bragging rights, name in lights (well, black ink) and a free copy of Coastal View News from any rack in Carpinteria Valley.
Send us your best caption for this photo by Monday, March 28.
To learn more about Carpinteria’s unique and interesting past, visit the Carpinteria Valley Museum of History, open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at 956 Maple Ave.
Thursday, March 14
The two male victims were walking near the intersection of Eighth Street and Palm Avenue, when they were approached by a male adult, about 200 pounds with a horseshoe mustache. The subject insulted them, demanded to know who they were and requested to see their identification cards. When the victims refused, the subject revved his engine and drove straight toward the victims who ran away. Deputies checked the area and were only able to locate one possible match for the vehicle. The victims were unable to positively identify the vehicle.
The victim called law enforcement because his son had been drinking and acting erratically. Upon arrival, deputies were escorted to the garage, where the suspect was intoxicated and actively vomiting. A citizen’s arrest form was signed and the suspect was arrested for aggravated trespassing, as he was uncooperative throughout the encounter.
Saturday, Jan. 25
0957 hrs / Theft / 4600 block Fourth Street
Coastal View News is ready to get a little silly with Carpinteria history, and we’d like readers to join us by coming up with clever captions for photos from the past. At the end of each month we’ll publish our favorite caption submissions from readers. Get creative, get goofy, but keep comments brief and don’t expect CVN to print any inappropriate language or innuendo. All submissions will be edited for grammar, punctuation, length and content. Please send captions to news@coastalview. com. Caption writers selected for publication will receive the following grand prizes: bragging rights, name in lights (well, black ink) and a free copy of Coastal View News from any rack in Carpinteria Valley.
Wednesday, Jan. 22
0831 hrs / Theft / 5300 block Carpinteria Avenue
City of Carpinteria Architectural Review Board meeting, 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., 684-5405 Friday, March 15
To learn more about Carpinteria’s unique and interesting past, visit the Carpinteria Valley Museum of History, open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at 956 Maple Ave
SB S. County Architectural Board of Review meeting, 9 a.m., 123 e. Anapamu St., rm. 17, Santa Barbara Monday, March 18
Officials at a local school arrived at school and found seven guitars, one ukelele, two keyboards, eight sets of headphones and an Apple TV device had been taken from the music room. There were no signs of forced entry, and the doors were
A suspect was arrested for petty theft after trespassing on a construction site and stealing bottles of drinking water. The suspect is transient and was passing through the area. He has prior burglary convictions and was on probation out of another county.
SB County Zoning Administrator meeting, 9:30 a.m., 123 e. Anapamu St., rm. 17, Santa Barbara, 568-2000 Tuesday, March 19
Read previously published Recaps at www.coastalview.com
SB County Board of Supervisors meeting, 9 a.m., Board of Supervisors Conference rm., 105 e. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara, 568-2000 Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Protection District Board meeting, 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Ave., 684-5405
Notice is hereby given that an application for the project described below has been submitted to the Santa Barbara County Planning and Development Department. This project requires the approval and issuance of a Coastal Development Permit by the Planning and Development Department.
The development requested by this application is subject to appeal to the California Coastal Commission following
listed below, to Tatiana Cruz at Planning and Development, 123 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara 93101-2058, by email at cruzt@countyofsb.org, or by fax at (805) 568-2030. If a public hearing is requested, notice
If a request for public hearing is not received by 5:00 p.m. on the Request for Hearing Expiration Date listed below then the Planning and Development Department will act to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request for a Coastal Development Permit. At this time it is not known when this action may occur; however, this may be the only notice you receive for this project. To receive additional information regarding this project, including the date the Coastal Development Permit is approved, and/or to view the application and plans, or to provide comments on the project, please contact Tatiana Cruz at Planning and Development, 123 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara 93101-2058, or by email at cruzt@countyofsb.org or by phone at (805) 568-2082.
DATE OF NOTICE: 1/27/2025
ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO.: 063-102-010
over the neighboring parcel are proposed. The parcel will be served by the
Cumbre Mutual Water Company, private septic, and the Santa Barbara County
Access will continue to be provided off Via Roblada. The property is a 1.50-acre parcel zoned 1.5-EX-1 and shown as Assessor's Parcel Number 063-102-010, located at 4662 Via Roblada in the Eastern Goleta Valley Area, Second Supervisorial District.
The decision of the Director of the Planning and Development Department to approve, conditionally approve, or deny this Coastal Development Permit 24CDH-00020 may be appealed to the County Planning Commission by the applicant or an aggrieved person. The appeal must be filed within the 10 calendar days following the date that the Director takes action on this Coastal Development Permit. To qualify as an "aggrieved person" the appellant must have, in person or through a representative, informed the Planning and Development Department by appropriate means prior to the decision on the Coastal Development Permit of the nature of their concerns, or, for good cause, was unable to do so.
Appeals must be filed with the Planning and Development Department online at https://aca-prod.accela.com/sbco/Default.aspx by 5:00 p.m. within the timeframe identified above. In the event that the last day for filing an appeal falls on a non -business day of the County, the appeal may be timely filed on the next business day.
This Coastal Development Permit may be appealed to the California Coastal Commission after an appellant has exhausted all local appeals, therefore a fee is not required to file an appeal. For additional information regarding the appeal process, contact Tatiana Cruz.
Charlie Chaplin ties the knot in Carpinteria
Long before it became Roxanne’s Wish and a Dream, the inconspicuous house at 919 Maple Ave. held the most highly publicized nuptials ever to occur in Carpinteria.
On June 16, 1943, Charlie Chaplin married Oona O’Neill under its roof, in a secret ceremony that made headlines across the nation. Chaplin, who was 54, had become as famous for his womanizing as his silent films. Oona would be his fourth wife, and at age 18, she was older than each of his first two wives.
According to a story published in the Santa Barbara News-Press in 1998, Chaplin and O’Neill were discovered applying for their marriage license at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse on the day of their wedding. A reporter and photographer from the News-Press followed the couple from the courthouse, but were led on a wild goose chase through Santa Barbara and Montecito. The newspaper men lost the trail eventually, but a handful of Carpinterians were privy to Chaplin’s plans to marry that day in the Maple Avenue home of Justice of the Peace Clinton Moore.
In one of her Carpinteria Herald columns, Albertina Rodriguez recalled that, “Early in the day, we got word about the coming marriage, so we watched for their arrival in the early evening.” A group of star-seeking locals gathered outside the house after Chaplin and O’Neill made their way in, but just before the ceremony commenced, the curtains were pulled and the show came to a halt.
Though Charlie’s first three attempts at marriage ended in divorce, the marriage that started in Carpinteria proved to be a success. The couple had eight children and stayed together until Charlie’s death in 1977.
Meet Jack the affectionate
Meet Jack, a five-year-old soulful and affectionate Rottweiler mix. This extremely smart and trainable Santa Barbara County Animal Services (SBCAS) dog has mastered several commands, including sit, paw, down, look, walk and through.
SBCAS staff shared: “He is so eager to learn and please. He would love to continue his training with his new family. Jack walks well on leash and enjoys playing with tug toys and stuffed animals. He can be shy when meeting new people but warms up quickly and responds well to his handler (...) If you’re looking for a loyal companion who will bring joy to your life, Jack is ready to meet you!” Jack is a medium energy dog who would do well in a quiet household with
JANUARY 30, 2025
Carpinteria girls basketball won its last three games in a row, with the Warriors taking advantage of some late-game heroics to pull away with some important Citrus Coast League victories.
Carpinteria’s win streak began with a dominant performance at home against Providence of Santa Barbara on Jan. 23. The Warriors’ offense started out fast and the defense was lights out in the first half, giving Carpinteria a 22-0 lead at the break. By the end of the game, the Warriors claimed the win by a comfortable margin of 51-9.
Three Warriors scored at least ten points in the win over Providence, with junior Charlotte Cooney leading the way with 14 points, followed by junior Jamaica Cook with 12 points and sophomore Leona McClellan with 11 points.
The next day, Jan. 24, the Warriors hosted Citrus Coast League foe Channel Islands for what ended up being one of the most exciting Carpinteria basketball games in recent memory.
Carpinteria built an early 14-4 lead over Channel Islands, but that lead soon evaporated as the Warriors turned ice cold through the rest of the first half and Channel Islands went on a big run to take the lead, 22-14.
“The second period did not go the way we wanted and we played probably our worst offensive period in the season,” said Carpinteria coach Henry Gonzales. “We did not score a point.”
But after a few halftime adjustments, the Warriors were ready to get back on the court and find their rhythm. The third quarter was much better for Carpinteria,
and the Warriors crawled back to tie the game at 26-26 heading into the fourth quarter.
The last five minutes of the game became a back-and forth battle, with Carpinteria taking a six-point lead before the Raiders went on a run of their own, scoring 10 unanswered points and taking a 36-32 advantage with just one minute to play.
With about 50 seconds left, Cooney drove to the basket and drew a shooting foul. She drilled the first free throw to bring the score to 36-33, but the second one bounced off the rim. Cook snagged the rebound for Carpinteria, was fouled, and sank both free throws to bring the Warriors within one point with under 45 seconds left to go.
Channel Islands ran 25 seconds off the clock before taking a shot, and when the Raiders grabbed the rebound Carpinteria had to commit an immediate foul to force Channel Island to shoot free throws. But with 10 seconds left, Channel Islands committed an offensive foul, giving the Warriors one last possession.
In the final seconds, Carpinteria got the ball to their leading scorer, Cook, who drove toward the basket and — when the defense was closing in — spotted her teammate Aubrey Alcaraz wide open at the right corner. Cook tossed the ball to Alcaraz, who launched a shot right as the buzzer sounded, hitting nothing but net and sending the Warriors fans into a frenzy.
“The Warriors showed grit and heart throughout the game that allowed us the opportunity to win the game,” coach Gonzales said.
Just a few days later on Jan. 28, the teams met again — this time at Channel
Islands — for another game that proved to be just as exciting as the previous matchup.
Once again, Channel Island built a sixpoint lead in the first half, forcing Carpinteria to play from behind in the third quarter. But the Warriors responded with focus, coming back to cut the lead to just two points heading into the fourth quarter.
The teams traded baskets for much of the fourth quarter, and when the final
buzzer sounded the game was tied 33-33, forcing the first overtime of Carpinteria’s season.
In the extra period, Cook led the way scoring four out of five points in overtime to give Carpinteria a 38-35 win. Cook finished the game with 14 points total, second only to Cooney with a team-high 19 points.
Carpinteria is now 8-8 overall and 4-4 in the Citrus Coast League.
Carpinteria girls water polo won two more games this week, bringing the Warriors most recent win streak to five games in a row and finishing the regular season with yet another Citrus Coast League title.
The Warriors played the underdog role in a big matchup against the highly ranked Thousand Oaks Lancers on Monday, Jan. 27. Heading into the game, the Lancers were riding a 13-game win streak, while Carpinteria had just won three in a row. The last time the two met, less than two weeks earlier, Thousand Oaks came away with a three-goal win.
This time around, the Warriors were ready for payback, and although Carpinteria fell behind 5-10 at halftime, the Warriors came right back in the second half to claim the win, 15-13.
“The girls showed their grit, kept their composure, made the appropriate defensive adjustments and never gave up,” said Carpinteria coach Jon Otsuki.
Leading the way for the Warriors comeback win was freshman phenom
Holliday Smith, who scored six of her seven goals in the second half. Sophomore Hazel Dugré had another consistent all around game with five goals, two assists, and two steals, while senior Giulia Piccoletti added three goals, three assists, and three steals.
“It was a great win for our program and will instill confidence in our girls heading into playoffs,” Otsuki said.
Carpinteria closed out the regular season with a final win at home over Hueneme. The Warriors dominated 151, and celebrated the team’s outgoing seniors: Piccoletti, Kim Ocampo, Caden Lemere and Allison Banks.
“All four seniors participated every school year, we will dearly miss their leadership, dedication and competitiveness,” Otsuki said.
With the win over Hueneme, Carpinteria completed a perfect 8-0 run through the Citrus Coast League, repeating another year at the top of the league standings.
Carpinteria will now await the CIF rankings to find out who the team will face in the first round of the playoffs.
Evelyn Lara, left, and Charlotte Stoops, right, each scored a pair of goals in a 6-0 win over Nordhoff.
Carpinteria girls soccer picked up a Citrus Coast League win over Nordhoff on Jan. 22 thanks to a spectacular day from junior Charlotte Stoops and senior Evelyn Lara, who each scored a pair of goals in the first half of the 6-0 Carpinteria win.
Lara scored her first goal of the day when she knocked a shot past the Nordhoff goalkeeper in the 15th minute. Just three minutes later, Lara scored her second goal of the game off a crosser from Stoops.
In the 28th minute, the players teamed up again — this time with Lara assisting Stoops for her first goal of the game to give Carpinteria a 3-0 lead. Before halftime, Stoops would sneak another goal in — her second of the day.
Carpinteria freshman Callie Labistour added to the scoring with a goal in the 55th minute, and 10 minutes later, senior Averi Alexander added the final goal of the day to claim the 6-0 win.
Carpinteria coach Freddy Martinez credited the defensive effort of goalie Natalie Gonzales and center-backs Vivian Huskins and Emerson Hill for securing the shutout.
“The team had a good performance tonight securing a league victory and maintaining our current league standing,” Martinez said. “With just a couple of weeks to go, we still control our destiny and must keep playing some quality soccer in our battle for a possible league title.”
On Jan. 27, the Warriors were back on the field to welcome the Malibu Sharks. Neither team scored in the league battle, and after a full 80 minutes plus two overtime periods, the game was decided in a 0-0 draw.
“Although the result was a positive one for the Warriors, I know a lot of the girls left the field frustrated tonight thinking they could have done more,” Martinez said. “We created opportunities and had plenty of chances, but in soccer the ball doesn’t want to find the back of the net no matter how hard you try.”
Carpinteria girls soccer is now 7-3-3 and 6-1-1 in league play.
Warriors boys soccer won back-to-back league games, pulling out a 2-1 overtime win over Nordhoff on Jan. 22 and following up with a 6-2 win over Malibu on Jan. 28. Carpinteria came back to win against Nordhoff after the Rangers scored the game’s first goal with just 16 minutes left in the game. The Warriors responded when Cesar Jaime picked up a loose ball after a blocked shot and knocked in a goal to tie the game at 1-1 just minutes before the end of the game.
In overtime, Carpinteria lined up for a set piece, getting the ball in the box to Jaime who scored his second goal of the game to seal the win 2-1.
“I’m proud of my boys for coming back from that goal,” said Carpinteria coach Edgar Mendoza. “These kids don’t give up and will play any position that I put them in — that’s what makes our group so special.”
On Jan. 28, the Warriors made it two wins in a row with a road win at Malibu, in which the warriors offense lit up the scoreboard for six goals to claim the 6-2 win. Carpinteria is now 5-6-1 overall and 4-4 in league play.
Carpinteria boys basketball won three straight Citrus Coast League matchups, securing dominant wins over Nordhoff, Hueneme and Malibu.
Carpinteria’s offense was in peak form against Nordhoff, with senior Sawyer Kelly leading the way with hot shooting from behind the three point line on the way to scoring a team high of 19 points for the Warriors.
Kelly nailed five three-pointers in the 75-48 win, while Carlo Suarez contributed another 18 points and Chris Reed added 16.
“This was the game we’ve been hunting for this season,” said Carpinteria coach Karl Fredrickson. “We’ve had glimpses of greatness for a quarter or two, but tonight was the full package. We took care of the ball, won the battle of the boards, and owned the pace of play on both ends.”
Carpinteria built on that momentum in its next game against Hueneme on Saturday, Jan. 25. The Warriors’ defense was aggressive from the beginning, holding the Vikings to just two points in the entire first quarter. By the end of the game, Carpinteria held on for a final score of 71-54, led by senior Aiden Alcaraz with 22 points.
“We played with speed and composure, moved the ball really well, and put together one of the best defensive performances of the season,” Fredrickson said. “We’ve been working hard on those aspects of our game — full credit to our boys for coming out and executing at a high-level tonight.”
On Monday, Jan. 27, Carpinteria made it three in a row with a decisive 88-56 win at home over Malibu. Senior captain Sebastian Reed led the team with 17 points, while the team total of 88 points is the highest of the season.
“We’re rounding out our form and playing some of our best basketball as we hit the home stretch,” Fredrickson said. “It’s exactly what we’d hoped to see from our guys late into league play.”
Carpinteria boys basketball is now 10-10 overall and 6-2 in the Citrus Coast League.
Isla Crooke.
The Carpinteria Tritons hosted a dual meet with Santa Barbara Swim Club over the weekend at Carpinteria Community Pool, where the youth swimmers got to test their skills and improve on their own personal records.
Carpinteria’s swimmers included new record-setting performances by Maddie deVera, Scarlet Schultz and Siena Kelly.
Maybelle Hornblower and Isla Crooke had some impressive swims throughout the weekend, and in the 100 freestyle, Madison Dudley improved her previous record by a whopping seven seconds.
Brothers Billy and Frankie Stewart participated in several events, with Frankie notching a new personal best in the 500-meter freestyle. “Frankie works incredibly hard and to see him swim the 500 was such a rad moment,” said coach Lexi Persoon. Jayce Dalquist and Kermit Seefeld both dropped significant times in their races, while Henry Greene took on the 100 backstroke for the first-time with much success.
“These kids all work so hard to improve and our coaching staff could not be prouder of their performance,” Persoon said.
Wildfires have become an all too familiar sight here in California, to the point that it’s no longer a question of whether a fire is coming, but more of a waiting game of when and where the next one will hit.
The series of fires that ripped through the Los Angeles area earlier this month were especially devastating, with the Palisades and Eaton fires burning an estimated 16,000 structures, forcing 180,000 residents to evacuate their homes, and leaving at least 29 people dead.
These fires affected almost every part of life for those in the area, including high school sports.
Malibu High School, one of Carpinteria’s most familiar opponents and a fellow member of the Citrus Coast League, was forced to close for more than two weeks due to the Palisades Fire. For student athletes who had just returned from winter break, this meant some went without playing for up to a month.
It wasn’t the first time this year that Malibu has been affected by a wildfire. Just a few weeks earlier, in December, Malibu High School was forced to close for two days during the Franklin Fire, causing a boys soccer game scheduled between Carpinteria and Malibu to be postponed.
When the Palisades Fire hit, it was much closer to Malibu, prompting school officials to close the campus on Jan. 7 and cancel all scheduled winter sports contests indefinitely. Luckily, the school avoided any fire damage.
On Jan. 12, Carpinteria Athletic Director Pat Cooney included a statement about Malibu in his weekly bulletin: “At this point, the impacts on Malibu Athletics are yet unknown,” Cooney wrote. “When the ash settles, MHS will need to reassess, recount rosters, and determine a path forward for winter and spring sports. Carpinteria and other Citrus Coast League schools will be ready to facilitate the Sharks’ recovery effort.”
Once the damages were assessed, and students were ready to safely return to practice, coaches and school officials scrambled to schedule makeup games and figure out a way to make playoff rankings fair given the circumstances. Eventually, Citrus Coast League teams agreed to each play Malibu once in each winter sport, with playoff seeding decided by a mix of winning percentage and head-to-head results. The league also agreed not to count unplayed games as forfeits.
CIF Executive Director Ron Nocetti also approved a few more concessions
to teams affected by the fires, allowing teams to practice or play games on Sundays. Nocetti also temporarily lifted a bylaw that prohibits contests on consecutive days.
The immediate response to the wildfires, and the willingness of players, coaches, and athletic directors to adjust and help each other during these times, was a much-needed silver lining to a disastrous turn of events.
Sports have a way of showing the best in people. It brings people together, and allows rivals to battle it out on the field while also caring about each when the final buzzer sounds.
It also provides a sense of normalcy after a disaster, allowing the student athletes coming back to school after a fire to get back into their day-to-day lives. Malibu High school girls basketball coach Mike Halualani talked about this in an interview with the Malibu Times following the Sharks’ return to the basketball court last week.
“Sometimes the great thing about sports is that it is the great unifier,” he said. “It can take them away from their everyday loss. Hopefully, getting out and playing sports with their friends helps their mental and emotional well-being.”
This week, Carpinteria welcomed the return of the Malibu Sharks, as the schools lined up to play each other in all four winter sports. The Warriors hosted the Sharks in boys basketball and girls soccer, while Carpinteria’s girls basketball and boys soccer will head down the Pacific Coast Highway to visit Malibu’s freshly reopened campus.
The CIF State Office is accepting donations to support schools impacted by the Los Angeles Fires. To donate, visit cifstate. org/fnd_bcc_fund.
Ryan P. Cruz is the sports editor for Coastal View News. This is the latest installment of a monthly column where he explores local sports, sports history, and what’s in store for the future of Carpinteria sports. Have an idea, tip, or sports story? Email him at sports@ coastalview.com.
Do you have a photo from Carpinteria’s past? Contact news@coastalview.com to share it with other readers!
Once the damages were assessed, and students were ready to safely return to practice, coaches and school officials scrambled to schedule makeup games and figure out a way to make playoff rankings fair given the circumstances.
Thursday, Jan. 30
*Carpinteria Girls Basketball vs Santa Paula, 7 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 31
*Carpinteria Boys Soccer vs Santa Paula, 6 p.m.
Carpinteria Girls Soccer at Santa Paula, 6 p.m.
Carpinteria Boys Basketball at Santa Paula, 7 p.m. *Denotes Home Game
AHA! — a local organization that works with teens, educators and parents to help students explore social and emotional intelligence — spent 10 weeks helping students in Carpinteria Middle School teacher Ryan Ethington’s art class practice self-awareness, empathy, communication and resilience, while Ethington helped his students turn those lessons into art. Those teachings culminated in an art show at the Carpinteria Arts Center on Monday, where students displayed their self-portraits, which explore the connection between emotion, color and personality identity, using the wheel of emotion. Their art will remain on display at the center through Feb. 23.
RIGHT: The students’ art had two layers: the first layer focused on what people see on the outside, and the second on how the student feels on the inside.
HOME... Situated in a peaceful neighborhood, this delightful Carpinteria home offers comfort and space for all your needs. It features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and an exceptionally large living area inside the house, perfect for gathering with family or hosting guests. The property also includes a generous backyard, ideal for outdoor activities or simply enjoying the serene surroundings.
OFFERED AT $1,669,000. Contact Jackie Williams at 805-680-5066
MEMORIAL PARK AND PLAYGROUND... Two Bedrooms, One and One-Half Baths in Villa Pinos, a pleasant neighborhood on Catlin Circle. A large patio opening off the dining area is great for outdoor dining. Two car garage. Catlin Circle is across the street from Memorial Park and just a short distance to downtown Carpinteria.
OFFERED AT $799,000.
Please call Shirley Kimberlin at 805-886-0228