SoCal Patriot Guard Riders on mission to honor fallen
By Jordan P. Ingram
REGION — Born from a Kansas group of motorcy cle-riding veterans whose roaring engines drowned out Westboro Baptist Church’s attempts to dis rupt military funerals, the Southern California Patri ot Guard Riders continue the ride to honor their fall en brothers and sisters in North County San Diego and beyond.
The Patriot Guard Riders, which consists of 450,000 veteran and civil ian volunteers nationwide, has branches across the
United States.
Last year, members of the Southern Califor nia Patriot Guard Riders group attended more than 600 funerals of service members and first re sponders (or “missions”) and will likely exceed that number this year, accord ing to Army veteran Lo renzo Lizarraga, a regional ride captain for the SoCal group covering San Diego, Los Angeles, Imperial and Riverside counties.
“We’ve never turned down a mission,” Lizarra ga told The Coast News.
“No matter what they did, at one time, they stepped up and put on the uniform to defend this country. And that’s what we’re honor ing.”
The Patriot Guard has a code for attending mil itary funerals. First, the group must be invited to at tend a funeral by members of the decedent’s immedi ate family. No politics.
Every mission is led by a designated ride cap tain, who interfaces with the family, church, ceme
Vista fire chief exits on heels of city manager
Vander Pol laments department culture
By Laura Place
— Vista Fire Chief
Ned Vander Pol has retired from his post just weeks after the city manager's departure, throwing City Hall deeper into a state of un certainty while also offering city administration a chance to try out a new department head hiring policy.
Vander Pol’s last day was Nov. 2, wrapping up a three-year tenure as fire chief and 23 years overall in the department.
He submitted his retirement no tice to city leaders on Oct. 13, the same day that former City Manager Patrick Johnson submit ted his resignation letter.
In the letter, Vander Pol notes that he is pursuing a position with another fire department and in dicates that severe strife among department staff had led him to depart.
Vander Pol described opposi tion from department members to his goals to “support a fire depart ment where people were safe emo tionally and physically and safe to grow personally and professional ly” and to “feel happy and authen tic in their lives inside and outside of work.”
“I have lost hope that a uni fied, collaborative, and happy [Vista Fire Department] can exist. I believed that I could influence a change in the interpersonal atmo sphere putting an end to the civil war that has plagued the gener ations before me,” Vander Pol's letter reads. “I realize now that
INLAND EDITION .com T he CoasT News 5K Run or Walk & 5 Mile Run • Kids’ 1 Mile & 1/5 Mile Races • Largest Team Competition Costume Contest! Sponsored by: Thanksgiving Morning, 11.24 • Civic Center to Oceanside Pier Cool Finisher Medals and Shirts A SALUTE TO SERVICE
TODAY IS VETERANS DAY: Above, a U.S. Marine Corps recruit with Delta Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, low crawls during the Crucible last month at Camp Pendleton. The Crucible is a 54-hour culminating event consisting of mentally and physically demanding challenges with limited food and sleep. Stories of service on Pages 5-6. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Anthony D. Pio
6 VOL. 7, N0. 23 NOV. 11, 2022
PATRIOT GUARD members stand at attention during a fu neral service in Oceanside. The regional group of veteran and civilian volunteers honors fallen service members and first responders. Photo by Jordan P. Ingram
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San Marcos teacher recognized as
By Laura Place
cal high school anatomy and physiology teacher was hon ored with the experience of a lifetime last week, when she set sail on a cruise to Mexico after being chosen as one of the country’s 100 most impressive teachers out of around 50,000 nomi nations.
Marci Davis, who has taught at San Marcos High School for 11 years, was nominated by a former stu dent this year for Norwe gian Cruise Line’s Giving Joy contest. In July, Davis found out she had made it into the top 100 entries with the help of testimonials from her students, co-work ers and administrators.
Not only that, but Da vis found out she had been voted as one of the top 30 teachers out of those select ed, which she said was even more of an honor.
“It’s hard to put into words,” Davis said. “To end voting in the top 30 just says so much about our culture at San Marcos Unified and San Marcos High School, because I had to have staff and students and adminis trators really rally for me.”
Departing on Oct. 27, Davis and her fellow teach ers from all over the United States set sail on the Norwe gian Prima for its maiden voyage to Progreso, Mexico in the Yucatan Peninsula on a five-day round trip. On their “sea days,” the pas sengers enjoyed activities
like a three-tier racetrack and virtual reality games, along with an on-board Kel ly Clarkson concert.
Each teacher was al lowed to bring a guest, so Davis brought her best friend and fellow San Mar cos High School teacher.
Along with teaching anatomy and physiology to juniors and seniors, Davis
leads a second-year health care essentials course that is part of the district’s health care pathway. There, she oversees students as they pursue health care in ternships throughout the county.
Students have always been her passion, and she said she enjoys building rapport and relationships
with them, something dis tance learning made espe cially difficult. However, she did her best to keep kids engaged, and the stu dent who ended up nomi nating her was in one of her virtual classes during dis tance learning.
“It’s been a really rough couple years, not just for teachers but for our stu
dents. To be recognized es pecially during this time, where it was the hardest of my career, was really really special,” Davis said.
Testimonials from stu dents spoke to Davis’s pas sion for students and teach ing.
“Ms. Davis has a pas sion for teaching and loves helping her students suc
ceed in and out of the class room. I learned so much from her not only about anatomy, but about life,” one student wrote.
“She did above and be yond to accommodate her students during distance learning and put her whole heart into making her stu dents control life,” another said.
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of nation’s best
MARCI DAVIS, an anatomy/physiology teacher at San Marcos High School, won a five-day cruise as part Norwegian Cruise Line’s nationwide Giving Joy contest. Davis has taught at San Marcos High for the past 11 years. Courtesy photos
Sports gambling will be back on the ballot soon
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Welcome home, vets
By Scott Mathis
Overthe last two decades, we have all watched cere monies on TV, or maybe even in person, wel coming home hundreds of thousands of troops from tours in Iraq and Afghani stan.
As an Army veteran of several conflicts, I was one of those troops.
I can tell you it was overwhelming to see and feel the love and pride em anating from the people cheering, crying and wav ing flags and signs as we stepped off that plane.
We got our welcome home, but not all service members had that experi ence.
So this Veterans Day, as part of the 50-year com memoration of the Viet nam War, I want to publicly thank and welcome home our Vietnam veterans who may not have received the heartfelt appreciation they deserved when returning home from an unpopular war.
Many of these veterans were left struggling alone to readjust to life and fight new foes such as loneliness, social isolation and addic
Over time, some of the wounds have healed, and steps have been taken to give them the long-overdue hero’s welcome and support they deserve.
In 2012, our nation launched a 13-year long commitment to recognize the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.
This Vietnam War Commemoration program was established to thank and honor Vietnam War era veterans and their families for their service and sacri fice and runs through Vet erans Day 2025.
In hopes of reaching the millions of Vietnam War era veterans, the com memoration program has enlisted the help of partner organizations at the local, state and national levels to help thank and honor these veterans and their families.
There have been pin ning and proclamation cer emonies across the country to honor all military ser vice members who were on active duty, regardless of location, between Nov. 1, 1955, and May 15, 1975, and present them with a lapel pin as a lasting memento of the nation’s thanks for their
the opinions, beliefs
These events also help foster social connections, reduce loneliness and social isolation, and provide veter ans and their families with programs and resources to address their social needs.
As a member of a com pany that serves as one of these community partners, I have had the honor of sup porting many of these pin ning ceremonies for Viet nam War-era veterans and their families in the South west Region.
Through this and other programs, we hope to pro vide veterans an opportu nity to share their service stories and receive the grat itude and support they have earned.
On this Veterans Day, let’s take a moment to thank all the Americans who have so nobly served or current ly serve in the U.S. Armed Forces — but especially those whose sacrifices and service during the Vietnam War have long gone unrec ognized.
Thank you, and wel come home.
Scott Mathis is an Army veteran and regional veteran executive at Humana.
gambling lost, and badly. But not to wor ry, would-be online gamblers and folks who want to lay wagers in Indi an casinos or racetracks: Sports gambling will be back on the ballot soon.
The untold billions of dollars that promised to flow from either this fall’s Proposition 26 or 27 — or both — were the reason Native American gaming tribes and the big national online sports bookmakers put up a record war chest of more than $440 million to pass these propositions.
The same billions as sure the idea will be back as often as it takes for something akin to 26 or 27 to pass.
Maybe next time, the campaigns will be more honest. For while lies are common in this state’s initiative politics, rarely if ever have they been as obvious and obnoxious as those propounded by gam ing interests this fall.
One remarkable pre-election poll showed voters didn’t take long to recognize this: While both propositions ran about even among voters who saw no more than one or two of the ads backing Propositions 26 and 27, those who saw a lot of ads were against the proposi tions by margins of almost 2-1.
The ads were not merely ineffective; they were self-defeating.
Dishonesty began with the formal title of Prop. 27: the “California Solutions to Homelessness and Men tal Health Support Act.” That title didn’t even men tion gambling.
In fact, had Prop. 27 won, gambling revenues would have been taxed at slightly more than 10%. Of that money, 85% would have gone to homeless sup port agencies that already get billions in state tax money.
So it would have made little difference in a field where big money has proved ineffective.
Meanwhile, commer cials for Prop. 26 were also dishonest, implying that much of its take would go to mental health treatment of pretty much the same unhoused populace that Prop. 27 claimed to help.
In reality, neither measure was giving away much of the proceeds.
That may have been one reason the falsely pro moted Propositions 26 and 27 lost among both Re publicans and Democrats, Donald Trump supporters and Trump haters.
This entire outcome was as counterintuitive as it gets. Early on, if you were a gambling man or woman, you would have felt foolish betting against either initiative.
For the recent history
california focus
tom elias
of propositions aiming to legalize things that long were considered illegal vices suggested one or both would pass easily.
That’s what happened first with medical mari juana and then with recre ational pot.
Now, because of initia tive outcomes, it’s hard to find a city or county with out at least one cannabis dispensary.
The same with gam bling, where voters in 2000 approved Indian gambling on once-impoverished and desolate Native American reservations.
Eight years later, vot ers eagerly expanded the number of slot machines in Native American casi nos, many of which now double as luxury resorts, complete with spas, tennis courts and sometimes golf courses.
But as the tide turned against online sports gam ing, backers vowed they are not finished, that they will bring legalized online sports betting to the ballot again. This would not be unusual.
Proposition 29, the third attempt in the last four years by the Service Employees International Union to unionize at least some of the labor force at dialysis clinics, failed badly again this month, but who’s to say the union won’t try again?
It was no surprise, then, when the CEOs of the FanDuel and DraftKings online sports bookies, an nounced at an October gambling convention in Las Vegas that they would “live to fight another day.”
First, though, they will have to work with In dian casinos to share the wealth so they don’t end up with another set of com peting propositions, some thing that pollsters said hurt their chances this year.
They will also need to sweeten the pot when it comes to sharing the new wealth they could get from California with positive civic causes and with im poverished Native Ameri can tribes.
Giving these interests a minuscule share of the proceeds may have been another factor in the de feat of both Propositions 26 and 27.
So the gaming folks have work to do if they want to milk the billions they seek to take from Cal ifornians.
4 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022
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— A Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton was awarded the Marine Corps’ highest non-combat award for heroism this past June after saving a family from a burning vehicle two years earlier.
“The Navy and Marine Corps Medal is the only medal you can get in the entire Department of the Navy for acts of heroism without being in a combat situation,” said Brig. Gen. Jason Woodworth during the ceremony.
In December 2020, Wetter was driving home when he witnessed a gas can fall out of a nearby truck.
The fuel container be came lodged underneath the car driving directly in front of him, which Wetter later learned belonged to the Hurley family.
Sparks started to fly from underneath the vehi cle before it erupted into flames.
“Immediately, I was like, I need to help them any way I can,” said Wet ter. “All I could think at first was what the heck hap pened?”
The driver of the car, Anthony Hurley, slammed the brakes and pulled over, causing Wetter to do the same. Wetter ran to the car and began analyzing the situation.
The extinguisher Wet ter brought with him from his vehicle was no match for the fire, which at this point had too much fuel.
Hurley and his wife had already escaped from the burning car but were unable to get their young daughter out of her car seat.
The father, Anthony, was already trying to get the child out with no suc cess.
“At this point, there was vegetation that was also burning adjacent to the vehicle,” Capt. John Choi, a spokesman for the North County Fire Protec tion District, said in the video. “Gunnery Sgt. Wet ter came in and made con
tact with the wife ... and she said, ‘My baby’s in the back.’”
At that point, Wetter climbed into the burning car and tried to unbuck le the seat belt, but to no avail.
Wetter then grabbed his pocketknife and cut the child free of the car seat. According to Stars and Sr tripes, Wetter credited his infantry training with con ditioning him to quickly re spond to the situation.
“His actions embody honor, courage, commit ment,” Choi said. “It took tremendous courage to go into a burning vehicle to aid this family and I tru ly believe if Gunnery Sgt. Wetter didn’t do his actions that day that we would have a different outcome for this child and the family.”
Wetter’s entire unit at tended his award ceremo ny, along with friends and family.
Most importantly to
Wetter, the Hurleys were also there to watch him receive the Marine Corps’ highest non-combat award
for heroism. “All I can say is I’m glad he was there that day, because he saved our first
born,” said Anthony. “She wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for his heroic ac tions.”
NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 5
Marine honored for saving toddler’s life Veteran Spotlight
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THE HURLEY FAMILY spends time with Gunnery Sgt. Kyle Wetter after a June 30 award ceremony on Camp Pendleton. Wetter rescued the Hurleys’ daughter from a burning car in December 2020. Photo by Cpl. Andrew Cortez
1243 Bor
US MARINE CORPS Gunnery Sgt. Kyle Wetter receives a Navy and Marine Corps Medal during a ceremony on June 30 at Camp Pendleton. Wetter was awarded for heroism after sav ing a child from a burning vehicle. Photo by Cpl. Andrew Cortez
San Marcos
annual Veterans Day ceremony at 2
Nov. 11 at Helen Bougher Memorial Park,
San Marcos.
Combs is first woman to lead Army and Navy Academy
By Steve Puterski
CARLSBAD — For the first time in the Army and Navy Academy’s history, a woman will lead the North County all-boys military boarding school.
Retired U.S. Army Ma jor Gen. Peggy Combs was recently named president of the private college prepa ratory academy following her 33-year military career. Combs, a two-star general, officially took command on Oct. 23 in Carlsbad.
Previously, Combs oversaw the U.S. Army Cadet Command and
served as chief of staff at the North American Aero space Defense Command, or NORAD, in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Before her appoint ment to the academy, Combs was a retiree living in Florida when she learned of the position, which she said intrigued her based on her previous experience managing thousands of ROTC students nationwide.
“It is a blessing,” Combs said. “I truly do love the whole value-based sys tem. The folks here are a family, they make you feel
welcome, and everybody here cares. That’s hard to say about many organiza tions.”
Combs said it’s an hon or to become the school’s first woman president, but also noted her military career is filled with “first woman” achievements and professional milestones within the Army.
Combs said her focus is on her 90-day assessment, getting a clear picture of how the school operates and getting to know the staff, students and board members.
In her first several days on the job, Combs is excited about the school’s reputation and innovative approach to learning, such as allowing students to operate flight simulators as part of an aviation pro gram.
After the 90-day as sessment period, Combs said her strategy would
continuously refine the school’s needs and direc tion. But she’s not ready to announce any significant changes, which she said
could negatively impact students and staff if imple mented without enough in formation.
“The school is in awesome shape, but that doesn’t mean we can’t im prove,” Combs said. “I want to be very deliberate about that. It’s about continuous ly reinforcing what we’re doing here: developing vir tuous men who can change the world.”
Combs said she was drawn to the school based on the institution’s core values — honor, integri ty, respect, responsibility, compassion, and gratitude — which are ingrained in the atmosphere at the allboys school, which edu cates kids from grades 7-12.
Barry Shreiar, chair man of the academy’s board of trustees, said Combs was the ideal candidate and her approach, passion and val ues aligned with the school.
“There aren’t a lot of
major generals, regardless of gender,” Shreiar said.
“To find a major general that has a serious back ground, an ROTC back ground twice is almost impossible. It’s a bet that’s impossible to win, but we did, and we won. And that doesn’t even speak to the depth of character that this takes.”
While working at NORAD, Combs recalled her favorite assignment was fielding hundreds of calls every Christmas Eve from children tracking Santa’s journey around the world.
Sometimes, even for mer U.S. presidents have answered calls from kids impatiently waiting for Santa to drop off their pres ents, Combs said.
“Santa is real,” Combs said. “It is the most awe some experience a human being can have; it is a very real thing that day.”
tery, mortuary and police, depending on the type of ceremony.
Volunteers do not have to be veterans to join the Patriot Guard. While many do ride motorcycles, it’s not mandatory. The only other requirement is that volun teers must have the desire to honor fallen soldiers.
And in Southern Cali fornia, the group has been busy.
Lizarraga, 78, said the SoCal group accepts five or six missions per day be tween Miramar, Fort Rose crans, Los Angeles and Riv erside national cemeteries and everywhere in between.
Personally, Lizarraga attends about four funer als a week, occasionally traveling alone to stand in solidarity with the region’s deceased veterans and first responders. Since joining the Patriot Guard, Lizarra ga has completed more than 1,200 missions.
Active-duty Marines who die at Camp Pendle ton are sent to Berry Bell & Hall Mortuary in Fallbrook before returning to their hometown or final resting place. The Navy sends its departed service members to Legacy Funeral and Cre mation Care in La Mesa. The Patriot Guard Riders, invited by the mortuaries, honor these veterans as well.
“There is something wrong when the majority of mortuaries know me by my first name,” Lizarraga said.
Typically, Lizarra ga wakes up around ze ro-dark-thirty to make the 90-minute drive from his Alpine home to the North County mortuary by 4 a.m. to escort the body back to a nearby international air port. And the former Army cryptographic technician always brings an American flag with him to drape over the shipping container.
“We escort (the de ceased) over to the cargo area for a dignified trans fer,” Lizarraga said. “Any time a hero is moving, we present arms with flags. When we get to the loading dock, we unload them, put them on a scale, play taps and present a properly fold ed flag.”
The group also hosts Vets Without Families ev ery Tuesday at Miramar Na tional Cemetery, providing full military honors for pre viously interred veterans who may otherwise be lost to time.
In 2013, the Depart ment of Veterans Affairs reported an estimated 22 veterans killed themselves each day. While that num ber has gone down, the VA reported suicide rates in
2020 were highest among younger veterans ages 18 to 34. These alarming national statistics motivated Carls bad veteran Steven Crouch to get involved with the So Cal Patriot Guard Riders.
Crouch, a retired Coast Guard serviceman, is now fully disabled and has bat tled depression for decades.
“I was diagnosed with chronic depression in 1995,” Crouch said. “A lot of times, I would lie in bed for several days without getting up. But Patriot Guard has given me a purpose. It means some thing to be here for these families. So these guys that are hopeless and contem plating suicide, come out, join us and get involved with the camaraderie.”
Today, Crouch still rides his Harley Davidson
Roadglide on at least three missions per week in the San Diego area. Over hun dreds of missions, Crouch has found solace and cama raderie in the group of men, women, veterans and civil ians.
But members worry about the future of the group due to what they per ceive as a lack of patriotism.
“We used to have a tremendous turnout in the early days, but it’s getting weaker and weaker,” Liz arraga said. “When I talk about patriotism, right now, it’s the love of country and willingness to defend it. Right now, we have two gen erations without patriotism in their heart.”
More information about SoCal Patriot Guard Riders is available at
6 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022
RETIRED US ARMY Maj. Gen. Peggy Combs is the new president of the Army-Navy Academy in Carlsbad. Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Brian Hamilton
RIDERS CONTINUED FROM FRONT Salute to Service Poway Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA) The Poway Symphony Orchestra is affiliated with the PUSD/Adult School The Poway Symphony Orchestra Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Ticket price includes a $5 box office fee Tickets: online at or 858.748.0505 $35-$45 general • $28-$40 seniors $18-$25 students • $15 children FREE PARKING Program Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022 at 4:00PM at the PCPA The world-renowned pianist will perform two concertos Misha Dichter comes to town! Festive Overture Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 5 “Emperor” Beethoven Soloist: Misha Dichter Piano Concerto in F Gershwin Soloist: Misha Dichter Poway Symphony Orchestra John LoPiccolo, Music Director 15498 Espola Road , Poway
STEVEN CROUCH, a Carlsbad resident and Coast Guard veteran, holds up a “22” patch that once represented the number of daily veteran suicides, according to a 2013 report by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Since then, the number of veteran suicides has gone down, but the demographic of former service members taking their own lives is getting younger.
Photo by Jordan P. Ingram
Interfaith opens post-hospitalization center for homeless
By Samantha Nelson ESCONDIDO
— A for mer motel has been trans formed into a 106-bed center offering post-hospitalization and recuperative care for homeless individuals.
Interfaith Community Services recently unveiled the new Abraham and Lil lian Turk Recuperative Care Center, which will pro vide care for veterans and civilians leaving hospitals who have recuperative care needs and are struggling with homelessness.
Interfaith transformed former America’s Best Val ue Inn & Suites, a 77-mo tel on the corner of North Centre City Parkway and West Washington Avenue, with the help of a $6 million grant from the San Diego County Board of Supervi sors and community donors. The project cost $15 million to complete overall.
“We’ll be helping vet erans and civilians coming out of hospitals who have medical needs, who have mental health needs and don’t have a home,” said In terfaith CEO Greg Anglea. “We’ll connect these indi viduals with primary care, with mental health services, and then help them get into stable housing.”
The program has had great success in curbing homelessness since its in ception in 2015.
“We had a proven, ef fective program that helped to stop people from going back to the streets after leaving the hospital,” said Fiona King, director of de velopment at Interfaith. “Imagine what it’s like be ing discharged from the hospital, but this time, you don’t have a home and a real place to heal.”
Through multiple lo cal partnerships, Interfaith expanded its recuperative care program. Before the new center, the recupera tive care program operated out of the Hawthorne Vet eran and Family Resource Center on Ash Street with only 32 beds.
Local hospitals and re covery clinics refer patients to be placed in the recuper ative care center.
“This is a partnership
Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@
North County-based Girl Scouts San Diego vol unteers were honored Nov. 5. From Carmel Valley, the Cookie Award went to Cindy Mayers, Cookie Cup board and Carmel Valley Service Unit Cookie Coor dinator. From San Marcos, the Volunteer of Excellence Award was given to Melinda Marks, Troop 1523 Leader, treasurer and cookie man ager, San Marcos Service Unit treasurer and from Vista, Ginger Busto, Troop 1053 Leader earned an Appreciation Pin and the
between healthcare, Inter faith Community Services, the County of San Diego, and community donors to turn a blighted hotel into a first-class place of healing,” Anglea said.
After the program and its patients complete the transition to the new center in the next month, the Haw thorne facility will be ren ovated to be used as Inter faith’s new family shelter. King noted this year’s Pointin-Time Count saw a 56% increase in family homeless ness since 2020.
“This is a big need,” King said about the family shelter.
Interfaith also operates a 38-bed addiction recovery program and a 44-bed emer gency shelter. According to King, the shelter is almost always at total capacity, il lustrating a need for more shelters in the area.
“I think that what a lot of people don’t realize about the number of people on the streets is there aren’t enough shelter beds, es pecially in North County,” King said.
Friendship Award went to Generation Church.
Ten years ago, when su perstorm Sandy hit the East Coast, Azim Khan, Ameri Corps Program Coordinator at Oceanside High School invited everyone to reach out to students at Oceanside High School in Oceanside, New York, and the Pirates shared gestures of support, caring, compassion and concern. A thank-you vid eo was sent a few months after the disaster from the New York OHS Sailors to the OHS Pirates. A link to the video is watch?v=QpvOTY9if0o.
Heroes of Vista 2023 is open for nominations. If you know of a business or non-profit that deserves to be recognized, nominate
them for the 2023 Heroes of Vista. Nomination forms at https://form.jotform. com/222986316336159.
Nominees must be current Vista Chamber members.
North County students graduating from Ohio Uni versity in Summer 2022 included Grayson Lovelace of San Diego, Hannah Shull of Oceanside and Joshua Browne of Rancho Santa Fe.
North County students named to Biola University's dean’s list in spring 2022 are Mya Bastien, Kamer on Cole, Danielle Gmyr, Abigail Larson and Han nah Larson of San Marcos; Damien Torbit Jr, Jasmine Cachon, Emma Trueba, He laina Hannan and Andrea Martinez of Oceanside; Griffin Douglass, Katherine
Fandey, Hannah Richards and Lydia Tkach of Carls bad; Natalie Kim of Encini tas; Eden DeLaVara, Eliana Mihlik of Vista and Joshua Bundren, Madison Chang, David Johnson, Matthew Lewis and Allison Tan of San Diego.
San Diego Humane So ciety is asking the commu nity to provide temporary homes for pets as their shel ters face space challenges and a high volume of in coming animals. To see pets available to be fostered and learn how to apply, please visit pets.
Expertly trained ser vice dogs and their new handlers graduated from Canine Companions Nov. 4 at North Coast Church in
Vista. 10 new matches are made, including children and adults with disabili ties and their new expertly trained service dogs. Vol unteer puppy raisers, who raised the dogs for their first 18 months, formally hand the leash off to the re cipient who will begin his or her journey toward a more independent life.
Carlsbad Charitable Foundation is offering its 2023-2024 grant cycle. CCF invites local organizations to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) specifically in Carls bad that provide opportu nities to invest, celebrate and enhance the communi ty. Project areas of impact include health and human services, Arts and culture, Youth and educational pro grams and Environmental sustainability. LOI submis
Vallecitos tightens rules for irrigation
By Staff
Starting Nov. 1, Vallecitos Water District customers can irrigate two times per week on a schedule of their own choosing through the end of May 2023.
Also, a new statewide regulation bans using po table (drinkable) water on decorative or non-func tional grass at commer cial, industrial and insti tutional properties.
The regulation’s ban on watering non-function al turf (defined as mowed grass) at commercial, in dustrial and institutional properties includes areas like the grass in front of or next to large commercial buildings and common ar eas managed by homeown ers’ associations.
The ban does not in clude watering grass used for human recreation or other community activi ties, watering residential grass or watering trees. The ban also does not pro hibit the use of recycled water or well water on non-functional turf.
Prohibited wasteful practices in effect at all times within the Valleci tos service area include:
• Irrigating between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
• Irrigating within 48 hours of a measurable rain event
• Visible signs of run off when irrigating land scapes
• Hosing down hard scapes (patios, driveways, sidewalks, etc.)
• Not using a shut-off nozzle when washing cars
• Not fixing leaks within 48 hours of discov ery Commercial custom ers must also comply with the following:
• Restaurants only serve water on request
• Hotels provide the option of not laundering linens and towels
Vallecitos Water Dis trict service area includes San Marcos and parts of Excondido and Vista.
sions must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. Dec. 1, 2022. LOI guidelines and directions can be accessed at carlsbadcharitablefoun
Nostalgia Coffee Roast ers, opened its first store front location Nov. 1 at 10945 Vista Sorrento Parkway (across from Torrey Pines State Park). Founder Taylor Fields furnished with retro decor inspired by the Dan ish pop-art era of the 1950s. For more information, call (310) 210-0841 or email, sar
On Nov. 10, Geppetto’s at The Forum Carlsbad host ed an anonymous donor and members of the U.S. Marine Corps as they selected items for a $80,000 toy donation to Toys for Tots.
NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 7
INTERFAITH COMMUNITY SERVICES on Oct. 26 celebrated the grand opening of the Abra ham & Lillian Turk Recuperative Care Center, a 106-bed facility in Escondido that will offer post-hospitalization and recuperative care services to homeless individuals. Courtesy photos
8 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022 Where Every Day Matters INDEPENDENT LIVING | ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE | RESPITE STAYS MEMORY CARE Unlike Any Other Cherish Your Time Together Silvergate’s newly remodeled Memory Care Suites offers families the ability to let go of full-time caregiving and return to being a full-time loved one. With decades of experience caring for seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss, you can trust the experts at Silvergate. You’ve done it because you love them, but there’s a better way. FREE Downloadable Resource “ What To Look For In A Great Memory Care Community ” Learn what questions to ask as you evaluate Memory Care options for your loved one. Scan QR Code to Download 1560 Security Place San Marcos, 92078 Lic.#374600026 (760) 744-4484
San Pasqual boys soccer coach in line for state honor
By Samantha Nelson ESCONDIDO
— San Pasqual High School boys soccer coach John Burson is this year’s San Diego Section representative for the National Federation of State High School Associ ations (NFHS) California State Coach of the Year award.
Burson has been a coach for 20 years, the past 17 at San Pasqual. He also coaches club soccer at San Diego Soccer Club and has coached with the Del Mar Sharks and FC Heat as well. He previously served as an assistant coach at Cal State San Marcos.
Burson’s teams at San Pasqual have won 10 league titles and appeared in six California Interscho lastic Federation (CIF) fi nals, winning three cham pionships. The Golden Eagles also have made five state appearances during his tenure. He was named CIF Coach of the Year in 2010 and again last season.
“Having known John for over 20 years, this rec ognition couldn’t go to a more deserving person,” San Pasqual Athletic Di rector Andrew Clark said. “His level of care for his players and our school is second to none.”
As the San Diego Sec tion representative, Bur son is eligible for state coach of the year honors. The recognition comes af ter San Pasqual won the Open Division San Diego CIF Championship title in the spring.
“It’s exciting to be recognized at this level,” Burson said. “My coaching staff and I put in a lot of time and effort into every season and to receive rec ognition for it feels great.”
Burson grew up in Es condido with a passion for
sports, particularly soccer.
He played on the San Pasqual High soccer team before graduating in 2002 and began coaching the sport as a freshman in col lege. A few years later, he returned to his alma mater to teach the next genera tion of soccer players.
“For me it’s not just about soccer, it’s about helping these players de velop as young men, teach ing them leadership and how to work as a team,” he said.
Beyond his work as a soccer coach at the high school, Burson serves as a school counselor. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psy chology from Alliant Inter national University and a master’s in school counsel ing from Walden Universi ty.
In both roles, Burson aims to help guide his stu dents through a particu larly challenging time in their lives.
“Being a teenager is difficult,” he said. “By wearing these different hats as a coach and a coun selor, I’m really trying to help support students and their needs by build ing those connections and helping them navigate through these difficult times.”
San Pasqual High School Principal Cory Gregory said Burson is sup porting students “all day, every day” in both of his roles as coach and coun selor. Gregory also praised Burson as a long-time “fantastic and successful” coach for the school.
“I’ve worked with John for 15 years,” Greg ory said. “It’s been great to watch him grow from a young soccer coach to be coming the local soccer coaching legend he is now.”
Sport S
North County QB commits to Crimson Tide
By Steve Puterski
CARLSBAD — One of the nation’s most talented high school quarterbacks recently announced his fu ture plans on Nov. 2 during ESPN’s “College Football Live.”
Carlsbad High School junior Julian Sayin has com mitted to Alabama, arguably the country’s most dominant college football program of the past 15 years.
Sayin said he chose Al abama because of its histo ry and success under head coach Nick Saban, who has led the Crimson Tide to sev en national championships since 2009.
“I couldn’t have done this without my parents, my coaches and my team mates,” Sayin told ESPN anchor Wendi Nix. “Ala bama is the standard for college football. I want to be coached hard by coach (Nick) Saban and coach (Bill) O’Brien. It’s a special place and the highest level of football.”
According to Rivals, Sayin is the No. 2 pro-style quarterback in the country for the 2024 recruiting class, a ranking that earned him at least 30 scholarship offers from Power 5 schools.
The 6-foot-2, 190-pound signal-caller has started for the Lancers since his sophomore season, leading
the squad to the San Diego Section CIF Open Division Championship game.
Currently, Carlsbad High is the top seed in the Open Division. The Lancers hosted No. 4 seed Poway on Nov. 10 in a first-round play off game.
This year, Sayin has completed 69% of his passes
for 2,302 yards, 23 touch downs and three intercep tions. Sayin has accounted for 2,436 yards and 25 touch downs in total offense.
ESPN analyst Tom Lug inbill described Sayin as a “riverboat gambler, and I love that about him.”
“(Sayin’s) really gift ed to get the ball out of his
hand quickly,” Luginbill said. “He can be off his backfoot. He’s ultra-com petitive and playing a high brand of football in North County San Diego.”
The Carlsbad teen’s ver bal commitment to Alabama is non-binding until he signs an official letter of intent in December 2023.
Help yourself, others at O’side Turkey Trot
has long been a family affair and that’s especially true for those shak ing their tail feathers at the 17th O’side Turkey Trot.
“We have people from three and four generations that participate in this event,” Kathy Kinane said. “It’s a time to be thankful.”
Kinane, of Carlsbad, has long been the O’side Tur key Trot promoter and she supplies the elbow grease to countless other Southern California running extrava ganzas. What Kinane is see ing this year is a surge of en tries from families eager to get their steps in on Thanks giving morning before some one gets the vittles out.
sports talk
jay paris
For those seeking a workout prior to putting their forks into overdrive, the O’side Turkey Trot is a keen appetizer before a cheat day in the chow line.
“Instead of people sit ting around and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for the 60th time, people can go out for a run or a walk with their families,” Kinane said.
Which makes the O’side Turkey Trot among the lead ers for most hugs per ath letes. With all that family love and a sense of accom plishment that accompa nies hitting the finish line, someone invariably gets squeezed.
That affection flows to two members of Kinane’s team.
Peter Major, a noted for mer athlete in his own right, has worked for Kinane’s company since 1991. Major’s son, Dmitriy, has followed in his dad’s footsteps.
Before the first Turkey Trot event, Dmitriy will have already logged hours arranging cones and putting the finishing touches on the scenic course that provides fast times and fond memo ries.
After doing the grunt work, Dmitriy gets groaning with the rest pushing their bodies. He competes in the 5-mile race, which he has won and is a consistent top finisher, and the 5K. After shuffling fast, he shuttles back to clear the course as he lends a hand after his feet starred.
Dmitriy, a cross-coun try runner too, is attempting to land a spot as a senior on the UC San Diego triathlon squad.
“The Turkey Trot is fun because the course is simple and fast,” he said. “And be cause you get to see all these people you know each year.”
Those in the know, fit ness-wise, are on to the fact that our community’s youth
often need a nudge to stay active. That’s why the O’side Turkey Trot, which was fea tured on the Fox News na tional broadcast last year, brings a double-whammy of wonderful.
Not only do those going left, right, left, right, in crease their heart rate, but their affection for kids is evident by the dough raised at the trot. Since 2007, more than $420,000 has been ear marked for North County students, especially those attending schools along the Highway 78 corridor.
The Move Your Feet Before You Eat Foundation funds running programs and promotes health and well-being by encouraging youngsters to incorporate regular physical fitness into their daily lives.
The Miles of Smiles running/walking endeavors helps teachers keep track of their students’ steps, with cool prizes to the hustlers. The goal is for students to sharpen their mental, phys ical and emotional health through their road work.
Encinitas, Fallbrook and 4S Ranch are also clear ing lanes for their Thanks giving runs. They’ll join Oceanside’s field of 8,000 in making North County an ac tive place come turkey day.
A certain bird is cer tainly on the run Thanksgiv ing. Many diners will have run as well.
Contact Jay Paris at and follow him @jparis_sports
NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 9
JOHN BURSON, who has coached varsity boys soccer at San Pasqual High School for 17 years, is the San Diego Section representative for this year’s state coach of the year award. Courtesy photo
JULIAN SAYIN, a junior quarterback at Carlsbad High School, appeared on ESPN’s “College Football Live” on Nov. 2 to announce that he plans to play football at the University of Ala bama for head coach Nick Saban. Screenshot
UC Davis sophomore quarterback Miles Hastings, a graduate of San Marcos High School, was named Big Sky Offensive Player of the Week after a 59-17 victory over Cal Poly on Oct. 29. Hastings, during the Aggies’ current four-game winning streak, has thrown for 1,274 yards and 11 touchdowns.
Photo courtesy of UC Davis Athletics
T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022 Handcrafte d In California Sinc e 1976 45+ mattresses & futons to cho ose from 1 2 3 2 L o s Va l l e c i t o s B l v d . S u i t e 1 0 8 , S a n M a r c o s ,M o n T h u r s : 1 1 7 P M Tu e s W e d : C LO S E D F r i 1 1 7 P M S t 1 0 • B o o k a n a p p o i n t m e n ) 3 0 4 1 2 6 5 o r e m a i l s t o r e 2 6 @ t h • S h o p o n l i n e : t h e f u t o R o s a * S a n M at e o * S a c o s A n g e l e s * C o s t a M e s a *Seattle Organic Sofas & Se ctionals 20% 10 0 % n a t u r a l / n o p e t r o c h e m i c a l S o f a / S o f a b e d / L o v e s e a t / C h a i s e up to Mattresses - Platform Beds - Futons - Sofas - Sofa Beds *Floor Model Take Home Today* 70% organic & chemical free mattresses & futons Certified Organic & Natural Ingredients Biggest Sale of The Year 20% up to T w i n / F u l l / Q u e e n / C a l K i n g / E a s t e r n K i n g Plarform Beds solid wood / 100% chemical free Hemp Platform Beds Organic Cotton Coconut Coir Organic Latex Organic Wool Horse hair Cashmere clearance / in-stock / custom Up To
The tradition races on.
High schooler helps families afford the cost of youth sports
By Steve Puterski
bad teenager is working to help middle- and lower-in come families cover the costs associated with youth sports programs.
Gavin Mestler, 18, a se nior at Cathedral Catholic High School, founded Ludus Pursuit, a nonprofit dedicat ed to helping at-risk youth remain in sports by cover ing the costs of applications, registration and equipment.
“I started small by asking friends and family for equipment,” Mestler told The Coast News. “I’ve always loved sports. I just wanted to spread the joy I was getting from sports and give that joy to kids.
While Mestler has al ways had a philanthropic side, the idea of starting a nonprofit struck him 10 years earlier during a fam ily trip to Fiji.
During his visit, Mes tler had observed some kids playing soccer with a ball wrapped in paper and held together by tape.
Mestler went to the car, plucked his rugby ball from the backseat and gave it to the kids. The next day, dozens of kids were outside playing rugby, a popular sport on the island nation.
This small but signifi cant gesture solidified his passion for helping others. During the height of the pandemic, Mestler and his family traveled to Costa Rica.
While staying in the Central American country, Mestler enrolled in a so cial entrepreneurship class through the UC San Diego Extension’s community out reach program, “Whatever It Takes.”
During his free time, Mestler and his brother, Logan, spent hours skate boarding with local kids, many of whom were using old or broken equipment.
Mestler negotiated a deal with a local skate shop, bought new skateboards and gave them to the kids. And like that, Ludus Pur suit was born.
Mestler started net
working and recruiting friends as ambassadors to develop connections with local businesses to secure equipment or money to help kids play sports.
Tristan Coffman, a 17-year-old senior at Sage Creek High School, is the or ganization’s videographer, helping with social media outreach by documenting its success on Instagram.
“Gavin has always told me he has a passion for helping the community and empowering youth,” Coffman said. “I thought it was a great idea. I definite ly see kids at this age need empowerment, support, strength and people from other people. Ludus Pursuit is a great way for us to bring that to them.”
Peruvian-born Man ny Medina is a local soccer coach and director of At letico San Diego Futsal in Vista.
Futsal is a modified soccer game with five play ers on each team, typically played indoors. According to Medina, several of his players need more money to afford extra training and other fees.
Several months ago, Medina, who also coaches at City SC in Carlsbad, re ceived a call from a friend saying Mestler wanted to
help. At first, when Medina saw a photo of the teenager, he thought it was a joke.
But Mestler delivered more than $3,000 in do nations, helping 12 young players pay for a threemonth fall futsal clinic. Me dina said the clinic allows roughly 30 kids, ages 7 to 12, to each get 1,000-plus touches and teaches import ant lessons in teamwork, helps develop social skills and builds confidence.
“(Mestler) is an angel,” Medina said. “It’s huge be cause now they can (prac tice). They would just be at home watching TV or some thing. It’s about confidence. If a kid is in a good envi ronment, they’re healthy mentally. If you’re healthy mentally, it helps with school, sports … everything works.”
Mestler has expanded the organization’s reach be yond San Diego, donating skateboards, wetsuits and surfboards to kids in Mexi co.
Additionally, the non profit recently partnered with Seeds of Hope and Mc Gills Skateshop in Encinitas to provide underprivileged kids with skateboards.
Every Sunday, Diamond Club members get FREE admission & seat plus great deals on food and drinks, like $5 12 oz. Coors Light, $5 Brandt Beef hot dogs, and $5 20 oz. sodas at select concessions.
Experience our all-new Turf Club Fridays, the ultimate happy hour featuring the finest in world-class trackside hors d’oeuvres, libations and racing.
*Turf Club dress code applies
Enjoy a creative, locally-inspired menu with a million-dollar view. Ticket includes one Sunday Turf Club admission & seat, three-course brunch and bottomless Mimosas until 3pm.
*Turf Club dress code applies
Sample from over 100 wines & champagnes and enjoy live races, DJ, local favorite food trucks, trackside access and more. Ages 21 and up only.
It’s a brunch party at the track! Enjoy a variety of craft brews, Bloody Mary’s, Michelada Station, champagne, music and brunch food trucks.
Ages 21 and up only.
NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 11
For event info and tickets visit
NOV 11 - DEC 4
The Bing Crosby Season is back with four weeks of world-class racing and the return of epic events.
22DLM090_Fall Season Event Lineup-CoastNews_5.075x14.5.indd 1 10/25/22 2:03 PM Sport S
CARLSBAD TEEN Gavin Mes tler, a senior at Cathedral Catholic High School, start ed nonprofit Ludus Pursuit to help families afford youth sports. Courtesy photo
START Thanksgiving by the BEACH
MANNY MEDINA, director of Atletico San Diego Futsal in Vista, talks to his players during an Oct. 19 practice. Local nonprofit Ludus Pursuit helped raise $3,000 in donations for 12 kids to participate in Medina’s futsal program. Photo by Steve Puterski
This holiday season, we have the same buyers as last year and despite supply chain shortages, Tip Top Meats is proudly fully stocked up for the holidays! John Haedrich has secured a large inventory of supplies at great prices guaranteed to help fight inflation. As he has always promised he will offer you great pricing while not sacrificing the quality, service or the availability. John went on to say, “We are so fortunate to secure all of your holiday supplies including German Specialty Items in our European Deli. He wants to thank his dedicated staff for their hard work and to the experience of Eva, who is the buyer for the European market.
As you might suspect, the team at Tip Top is asking their customers to get their turkey orders in as early as possible as they will only be receiving 80% of their order for this year’s Thanksgiving holiday. They want to be able to fulfill your order efficiently. If you are looking for hassle-free convenience this holiday, Tip Top Meats can cook your turkey for you and provide a cooking pan and bag for later preparation. Haedrich explained, “For days over the Thanksgiving Holiday
we have our convection ovens going non-stop and will cook over 200 turkeys just for starters.” These pre-cooked turkeys can be reheated and they include instructions that will result in a perfect turkey every time.
So, as you would expect from Big John and his team, they are also already preparing their specialty handcrafted Turduckens, which are a special boneless cut of turkey, duck and chicken, all stuffed with fresh herbs and celery. This delicacy is in high demand and moves fast and comes with cooking instructions as well.
Make sure you don’t leave Tip Top Meats without your holiday sides! Homemade and delicious, you can add stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, gravy, all natural of course, and Diane’s famous cranberry sauce, which is back by popular demand this year. She makes over 80 gallons of this delicious sauce and it goes fast, so make sure to pick up a tub or two! They also have plenty of fresh, hand cut turkey parts to make your thanksgiving stock extra delicious!
Also back this season, is Tip Top Meats’ Famous
Thanksgiving Day Meals which feature turkey dinners with white and dark meat along with mashed and sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, a roll and butter, all for only $14.98 + tax. If poultry isn’t for you, indulge in their Prime Rib meal, also available on Thanksgiving Day for $14.98 + tax. John is proud to confirm that his prices for these large portion homemade holiday meals are the same price as last year and he is proud to be able to offer his customers these value meals once again while keeping prices in check. Tip Top also has family meals available, please check with the team there for more details.
Big John wants to give thanks for all his blessings this holiday season especially his wonderful customers that have visited his meat market, restaurant and European delicatessen for over 5 decades. John says, “We are grateful and thankful to serve you as our loyal customers over the many decades. The supply, quantities and prices at Tip Top can’t be beat.” He went on to say, “From the entire team at Tip Top Meats, we wish you a happy and blessed holiday season.”
12 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022
THANKSGIVING PRIME RIB OR TURKEY DINNERS TURKEY DINNER White and dark meat, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and roll and butter. PRIME RIB DINNER Prime Rib, baked potato & mixed vegetables and roll and butter. $1498 ea +tax $1498 ea +tax Celebrating 55 Years since 1967 Grateful & Thankful This Thanksgiving AVAILABLE YEAR ‘ROUND! +tax$8.98 $9.98+ tax Get your Diestel Turkey order in early! North County's Last Great Butcher Shop EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN & GOURMET FOODS 760.438.2620 6118 Paseo Del Norte • Carlsbad • $5.98 LB Free-range, all natural smoked Turkeys, whole or half Turkey Let Big John and his staff make your holidays JOYFUL and STRESS FREE! HAPPY GIVINGThanks for only FEATURING... John says, “When you come to Tip Top Meats, you always get what you want! We cater to you to make your holiday extra special at the most competitive prices. HURRY! Limited Quantity! Pick up your Turducken early before we run out! To all our wonderful customers, suppliers & associates — we wish you a very happy & peaceful holiday season.”
Bean Journal
James Coffee Company in Escondido
Where: James Coffee Co., 341 East Pennsylvania Ave, Es condido, CA 92025
Open: Daily 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
What: Batch Brew Shop Blend (Washed) Roast: Med-Dark Tasting Notes: Vanilla, choc olate
Price: $3.25, plus $1.50 reus able jar with coozie What I’m listening to: Elec tric Light Orchestra, “Tele phone Line”
By Ryan Woldt
It was gloomy, grey, drizzly, and gloomy out. Did I say gloomy twice? Good. The morning was that much of a bummer. That was the attitude I brought to James Coffee Company in Escon dido.
Figures, I thought as I walked up. The exterior is painted a matte black, and the James Coffee owl logo — also matte black — was the only indicator I was walking into the right place.
It was later in the morning than I like to get my first cup of coffee, so it took me a moment to figure out which door was the en trance and which was the exit. As soon as I opened the door, my brain fog start ed to lift. The cafe’s inside
was just as bright and wel coming as the exterior was toned down.
The walls are painted bright white, and the count ers on the bar in the over sized picture window are light blonde. The space is
wide and narrow, with the coffee bar straight ahead after you walk in the door and a small seating area for guests down to the right. The James owl oversees the scene.
To get to the register,
I had to come face to face with a bunch of pastries. They all screamed, “Eat me!” Seriously, they looked really good. There was a big window behind the counter looking into a kitchen, so I assumed those goodies were made on-site. I forgot to ask. Did I mention my brain fog had lifted? I meant it was lifting.
I ordered my standard batch brew black coffee. I had inconveniently forgot ten my own reusable coffee mug. Conveniently, James Coffee has a glass jar sus tainability program. The barista patiently described it for me since I missed the details on the huge sign I had just walked past to get to the counter.
According to the com pany’s website: “Instead of serving our to-go drinks in disposable paper and plas tic cups, we will be offering a 100% recyclable and re usable jar with a koozie for a minimal deposit of $1.50. You can bring in your used jar with koozie, and there will be a clean one wait ing for you, or you can re turn it and get your deposit back.”*
The jar was your gar
Couple hits San Diego area on cross-country ‘beer run’
By Jeff Spanier
Thebeer run is a time-honored tra dition immortal ized in films such as Smokey and the Bandit and Strange Brew.
The beer run has ele vated into brewery tours and pilgrimages to the places where the best beers in the world can be found.
Here in San Diego, beer tourism is a multimil lion-dollar industry. With the number of breweries and taprooms and an as tonishing variety of beer styles, a trip to San Diego gives beer lovers all they could ask for (including beaches and sunshine).
Brad and Tamara Carvalho have set out on an epic beer run, and of course, they had San Diego on the itinerary. They trav el under the handle Two 4Brew and publish their story along the way.
After selling their home in Anchorage, Alas ka, the Carvalho’s loaded up their RV, hitched up Jupiter (their tow vehi cle), and headed out on the road. They aim to travel America, visit amazing breweries, and eventually find a new home.
We met in Vista to
share a little about what North County offers. We enjoyed a Compadre Mex ican Lager at Dogleg Brew ing and then headed to Eppig Brewing for their Festbier. I had a lot of questions for the couple on a year-long beer run, and they were happy to share their story.
Cheers!: Tell us about this adventure you’re on.
Two4Brew: Our goal is to find a place to live –that’s the end goal. But we wanted some destination to guide our travels. We love craft beer and nation al parks, so those destina tions have taken prece dence. That’s what we’re doing; we are traveling the country to as many craft breweries as possible.
Cheers!: Where did this passion for craft beer and brewery tours begin?
Two4Brew: That’s our story. We’ve been on a beer journey since we first met.
Cheers!: A love story based on the love of beer?
Two4Brew: Tamara wasn’t a beer drinker when we met. But when we first started dating, we de cided to do a thing called “Around the World in 80 Beers.” We drank beers
JAMES COFFEE CO. opened its Escondido location this sum mer. Photo by Ryan Woldt
Putting old buildings to good use in Oregon’s High Desert
hit the road
Northwest: The brothers own nearly 60 breweries, restaurants, hotels, pub and theaters throughout Wash ington and Oregon.
wife settled in Redmond af ter traveling the country for about four months because “it checked all the boxes.”
The SCP typically ren ovates historic properties to “keep the history but bring the hotel into the present,” Tobias says.
dark, I’m on foot in downtown Bend, Or egon, and maybe it’s just me, but I’m having difficulty finding the front door of McMenamins Old St. Francis School. As a Catho lic-school alum several times over, the name of this restau rant intrigues me.
I finally take a right through a gate, wind through the maze from a courtyard to the building’s interior, and somehow come upon the restaurant. It’s just one fea ture of this former Catholic parish complex, which in cludes four adjacent houses.
Besides the restau rant, the property now in cludes a boutique hotel; a Persian-themed, warm-wa ter soaking pool; a bar; a pub; movie theater; court yard; and even a secret broom-closet bar.
And every entryway, wall, niche, nook and cranny has become exhibit space for historic photos of Bend and the old school, its students and staff, and artwork by employees and local and Pa cific Northwest artists.
Thank goodness I have server John Riordan Oak as guide and navigator through this out-of-the-box labyrinth of artistic treasures.
The school was built in 1936; the parish sold it and the houses in 2000. (The par ish, now in northeast Bend, still owns the church.) The McMenamin brothers “spent four years restoring and ren ovating the old school,” Oak
says. “Many of the photos were donated by people who went to the school or live in the community.”
And the artwork? A diz zying, delightful, eclectic collection of paintings; carv ings; light fixtures; works in
wood, stained glass, tile and wrought iron; repurposed doors and wood panels; light fixtures; carvings; and Indo nesian, African and Celtic pieces.
McMenamins is a fa miliar name in the Pacific
They began building the empire in 1985 with the origin of Oregon’s “brewpub revolution,” made possible by a new law that allowed breweries to sell their beer on site.
“Most of the McMenam ins properties have a histor ical element,” says General Manager Freestar Yost. “Old St. Francis School is so inter twined with the history of Bend and the growth of the town. When you come here, you visit a historical place but you are feeling a fresh vibe.”
On what seems like another food-and-lodging planet is the Provisions Market at the SCP Hotel, in downtown Redmond. The fast-growing city of 36,000 sit at 3,000 feet and about 25 minutes north of Bend. SCP stands for “soul communi ty planet,” which denotes that the hotel is dedicated to “sustainable practices, next-level wellness ame nities, modern gathering spaces and healthy food and drink options.”
“The High Desert is really a hidden gem,” says General Manager Tobias Colvin, as we enjoy lunch on the rooftop terrace, which features an herb garden, fruit trees and expansive views.
Tobias, whose back ground is in national re source management, and his
This one was converted from 72 rooms to 49. Now a boutique hotel, the warm, welcoming, uncluttered lob by offers soothing gray and brown tones, contemporary furniture, immaculate hard wood floors, dark wooden ceiling beams and a sizable stone fireplace.
At one end of the lob by is a portrait of the SCP chain’s “muse” — a wallsized, soft-color image re-created with small-link chains.
Around the corner is a deli-style restaurant “that offers local products, which is better for the planet,” To bias says. “Keeping it green and lowering our footprint.”
Somewhere out back is a compost pile for leftovers that “we use for our own stuff or give to others who can use it. Our goal is to be healthy, kind and green.”
The minimalist design style carries through to the guest rooms, and a medita tion room provides “a space to get away.”
Nonstop flights to Bend/ Redmond are available on Alaska Airlines from San Diego, Palm Springs and Burbank.
For more, visit www. dash.
Give the gift of music this holiday!
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e’louise ondash
GM TOBIAS COLVIN explains that this artwork in the lobby of the SCP Redmond Hotel in Redmond, Oregon, is fashioned from chain that has been imprinted with the painting of the hotel’s logo “muse.” SCP stands for soul, community, planet and signifies the hotel’s com mitment to sustainable practices. Photo by E’Louise Ondash
THIS MURAL near downtown Bend, Oregon, was painted by Gretchen Leggitt and includes many sights in and around the Central Oregon city. Photo by E’Louise Ondash
~Charles Martin
over 80 days together, and after that, Tamara loved beer.
Cheers!: You loved all 80 beers?
Two4Brew: Well, prob ably 78 of them.
Cheers!: And your de sire to visit craft breweries?
Two4Brew: (Brad) was in the Air Force and sta tioned in Anchorage, Alas ka, while the craft beer exploded. We traveled all across the state, probably visiting 40 breweries.
Cheers!: And you worked at a brewery for a time?
Two4Beer (Brad): Yes, it’s part of the Department of Defense program called Skill Bridge. It gives you six months to learn a trade at the end of your military career.
Cheers!: Where did you intern?
Two4Beer: I called Zip Brewing in Anchorage, and he took me in.
Cheers!: Was there a beer you brewed that you are especially proud of?
Two4Beer: Yes, a Chai Imperial Stout that turned out amazing.
Cheers!: What was the route to San Diego?
Two4Beer: We traveled through the Yukon and Brit ish Columbia. A little extra time in BC because their brewing scene is amazing. From there, we went across Washington, Idaho, Mon tana, and the Dakotas to Brad’s hometown in Tennes see. We knew we wanted to be in San Diego to celebrate our 10th anniversary, so we worked our way across the country to get here.
Cheers!: Happy An niversary! Where are you staying?
Two4Beer: On Corona do Island at the Fiddlers Cove and the Del.
Cheers!: Where have you visited? Any standout beers?
Two4Beer: We’ve been to Dogleg, Eppig, Helia, 5 Suits, Burgeon, Border X, Coronado, Thorn, Novo, Mujeres Brew House, Ale smith, and Viewpoint. The Cucumber Lime from Border X and Strawber ry Shores from Coronado Brewing were standouts.
Cheers!: How do you navigate the brewery vis its, beer tastings, time and safety?
Two4Beer: (with a gig gle) We’ve learned to plan our route, use public trans portation and be realistic. Three breweries a day is the max. And we share a flight. Oh, and stick to the budget.
Cheers!: Where are you headed next?
Two4Beer: San Diego was the last planned stop. We have no real plans or map for the next year or so. This is the Beaches and Beer leg of the tour, so we will take our time as we head toward Spokane, Washington.
Cheers!: And the ulti mate goal?
Two4Beer: To find a new hometown, open up a brewery and maybe even a campground attached to the brewery. After all, beer brings people together, and it makes us happy.
Cheers!: Cheers to that!
Follow Two4Brew’s ad venture @two_4_brew on Instagram. To hear the en tire interview, check out I Like Beer the Podcast.
Jeff Spanier is the host of I Like Beer the Podcast, available wherever you get podcasts. You can also follow the ILB team’s adventures on Instagram @ilikebeerthepod cast and the website ilike
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NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 15
BRAD AND TAMARA CARVALHO, known as Two4Brew on Instagram, enjoy a beer on their nationwide tour of breweries and national parks. The couple has visited numerous breweries in North County San Diego, including Dogleg, Eppig, Helia, Five Suits, Burgeon, Thorn and many more. Courtesy photo/Two4Brew
Learn more at WHERE EV
EVERYWHERE. ©2022 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SDGE_Print_Brand_EV_CoastNews.indd 1 10/18/22 1:39 PM
change does not happen from the hopes of one.”
The former chief goes on to state that he hopes his departure can lay to rest many of the frustrations and blaming that had occurred.
Vander Pol told The Coast News that his letter, obtained via a public re cords request, was intended for an internal audience and declined to comment on the specific issues going on in the department.
“Any organization has challenges or hurdles, and I don't think Vista Fire De partment is dissimilar. I wanted to leave some hope and optimism for the people that were there still and let them put some of the things in the past,” he said.
Miles Sweeney, presi dent of the Vista Firefight ers Association, which con sists of nearly 90 members, declined to comment on Vander Pol’s retirement let ter but wished the former chief well going forward.
“We want to wish Chief Vander Pol only the best in his future endeavors and thank him for his service to the city of Vista and the fire
department,” Sweeney said.
In early November, city spokeswoman Andrea Mc Cullough said city leaders had yet to appoint an in terim fire chief. The hiring process for a new perma nent chief is expected to take three to six months as the city implements a new hiring policy that involves stakeholder groups in the in terview process.
The Vista City Council adopted a change to the city code in September which re quired the City Manager to approve department head hires with the council major ity's approval for 120 days, allowing administrators time to develop a long-term policy involving stakehold ers in interviewing candi dates.
Johnson tendered his involuntary resignation due to this policy, stating that it stripped him of his authori ty as outlined in his contract for the past 11 years.
Vander Pol stated that Johnson’s plans to resign partially influenced his de cision to depart.
“Patrick leaving cre ates a big hole in the city,” he said. “He’s my boss, and that had an impact on my de cision of whether to stay, for
sure. We had a great work ing relationship.”
The city currently does not have an established pol icy for selecting department heads, but rather “the de cision is made based upon the unique circumstances of each vacancy,” according to a staff report. In the past, the city manager had ap pointed individuals to some positions when it seemed to be a good fit or gone the route of a competitive re cruitment process in the absence of an obvious can didate.
The City Council sought to establish a permanent policy that follows much of the city’s existing recruit ment process, but with the addition of three stakehold er groups to interview candi dates and make recommen dations to the city manager.
These stakeholder groups would include one made of community mem bers, another of employees, and another composed of city directors and city staff, explained to the City Coun cil during an Oct. 27 work shop. To begin the process, the city would call for candi dates with the help of an ex ecutive search team, screen all received applications,
and conduct an oral techni cal interview.
Up to five candidates would then advance to inter views with the three stake holder groups. These groups would produce a ranked list of recommended candidates for the city manager, who would make the final deci sion.
In a surprise turn, city council members said at the workshop they don’t need final input on the city man ager’s selection as part of the policy. This marked a change from past meetings when they suggested that the majority of the council should have the power to approve or reject the City Manager’s selected to hire.
“Once we have a panel of experts make a recom mendation, I want to sup port their decision,” said Councilmember Joe Green. "For me, this is just about transparency; this is about a standard process that never changes."
In the case of the fire chief vacancy, the com munity stakeholder group would likely include the Vista Sheriff’s Station cap tain, a member of the Vista Fire Protection District, and Vista’s community safety commissioner. Employee stakeholders would consist of representatives from em ployee associations like Vis ta Firefighters Association and Vista City Employees Association.
Sweeney, speaking on behalf of VFFA members, said the policy gives more in dividuals a seat at the table.
den variety jelly jar housed in a snazzy James Coffee Company koozie.** The coffee was their Shop Blend, which is currently a combination of beans from Colombia, Guatemala, and Honduras. I was quite im pressed with the simplic ity of the jar system and the idea of using koozies instead of paper sleeves. It is an easy solution to an oft-overlooked problem.
nearby, so I left the cof fee in the car and walked. James Coffee Co. is just a few blocks from Escondi do’s downtown and housed in the short building on the side of Pennsylvania Ave, primarily home to auto parts, auto repair, and smog inspection oper ations.
The need for local journalism has never been more important than it is today. Misinformation, biased reporting and fake news impact your ability to make informed decisions. The Coast News needs your help to continue honest communitybased reporting you can trust. Just like many of you, our team at Coast News Group has also been impacted by the coronavirus. In order to continue our mission to provide quality local journalism, we are now accepting reader donations.
“Workers within the city want to have their voic es heard and want to be part of the process, and I think that is supported by the ma jority of the council. What we’re looking for is just that, just being able to have a say in who leads our individu al departments, whether that's public works or fire or administration,” Sweeney said.
He also requested that the city’s maintenance team be included in stakeholder discussions since they fre quently interact with the fire department.
The need for local journalism has never been more important than it is today. Misinformation, biased reporting and fake news impact your ability to make informed decisions. The Coast News needs your help to continue honest communitybased reporting you can trust. Just like many of you, our team at Coast News Group has also been impacted by the coronavirus. In order to continue our mission to provide quality local journalism, we are now accepting reader donations. We appreciate all your support during this time of need. To make a contribution, go to or scan this QRCODE:
Among neighboring cities, only Chula Vista was found to have a policy requiring City Council in volvement in approving de partment heads, although it is not required.
You may not realize it, but almost no takeaway coffee cups are recyclable. Even the cups labeled com postable generally require disposal in a commercial composting facility, not your standard consumer composting bin. More than 500 million cups of coffee are drunk every day in the United States, many of them in takeaway cups. Any effort to reduce that number is appreciated.
The space had a min imalist feel. I stood at the window sipping my coffee and surreptitiously scop ing out the cafe. It’s hard er to do inside, and there weren’t any tables set up on the sidewalk yet.*** There were a half dozen tables in the seating area, mostly filled with people working on computers and nodding along to the house stereo, which was tuned to a power ballads mix.
I had another meeting
Across the street, sin gle-family homes and dat ed single-story apartment complexes haven’t yet re ceived the facelift found in other parts of downtown. Literally one block be hind JCC on the corner of Valley Parkway and North Ivy, a fancy new apartment complex is being built.
None of that is terri bly relevant to my James Coffee Co. experience, but it serves as context. The meeting ran longer than expected, and I returned to the car more than two hours later. My glass jar of coffee was still hot. The koozie held the tem perature as well as any double-wall stainless steel mug I’ve ever used.
And the coffee, wow. In addition to the choco late and vanilla tasting notes, I pulled out hazelnut and peanut butter flavors wrapped in a subtle yet ap pealing dried fruit note. It was a hint of raisin and a bit jammy. I left really im pressed.
Since most of my time is spent in coastal North County, it has been years since I’ve visited a James Coffee Company location. The Escondido location just opened in mid-sum mer 2022. I won’t let that much time pass again.
*I was offered a paper cup if I didn’t want to get the jar, but if I can prevent the waste, why would I not?
**Is it koozie or coozie?
***There weren’t any tables and chairs set up outside when I arrived, likely due to the morning rain. When I came back to my car, which I had left parked out front, there were plenty of tables and chairs set up under um brellas.
Bean Journal on or lis
to the Roast! West Coast coffee podcast on Spotify. Follow @RoastWestCoast on Instagram.
16 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022
The CoasT News Group •
To make a contribution, go to or scan this QRCODE: The CoasT News Group 760.436.9737
appreciate all your support during this time of need.
JOIN THE VISTA SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT SENIOR VOLUNTEER PATROL The Senior Volunteer Patrol of the Vista Sheriff’s Station performs home vacation security checks, assists with traffic control, enforces disabled parking regulations, patrols neighborhoods, schools, parks and shopping centers and visits homebound seniors who live alone for the community of Vista & portions of the county’s unincorporated areas. Volunteers must be at least age 50, be in good health, pass a background check, have auto insurance, a valid California driver’s license, and be a US citizen. Training includes a mandatory two-week academy plus training patrols. The minimum commitment is 6 hours per week & attendance at a monthly meeting. erested parties should contact Administrator Jim Baynes to arrange an information meeting. (760) 940-4434 Jim Baynes
A VARIETY of tempting pastries is available at James Cof fee Co. in Escondido. Photo by Ryan Woldt
NOV. 11
The city of San Marcos is hosting its annual Veter ans Day ceremony at 2 p.m. Nov. 11 at Helen Bougher Memorial Park, 1243 Bor den Road, San Marcos. Re tired Col. Greg Rassatt will be master of ceremonies, plus the San Marcos High School Junior Reserve Offi cers’ Training Corps cadets and local boys and girls scout troops.
The city of Solana Beach and Solana Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5431 will jointly host a Veterans Day ceremony from 11 am to noon Nov. 11 at the La Colonia Com munity Center, 715 Valley Ave. For more information, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (858) 720-2453.
The Del Mar Racetrack opens its winter racing sea son on Nov. 11 through Dec. 4 at the Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Tickets at dmtc. com/tickets.
San Diego Children's Choir Fall Concert, honor ing veterans, is at 5 p.m. Nov. 11 at the The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center, 7600 Fay Ave., La Jolla. Tickets at https:// d=34b5983061&mc_eid=c 4fa3c2859.
Joining Shimshai at 8 p.m. Nov. 11 at Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Blvd., Encin itas, will be musician, sing er, songwriter Joss Jaffe. Tickets at ShimshaiCon
The San Diego Wine & Food Festival presents The Grand Decant 6 to 9 p.m. Nov. 11 Building 177 at Lib erty Station, 2820 Historic Decatur Road, San Diego.
Join the country's top som meliers, wineries and wine makers for a walk-around tasting.
NOV. 12
City Ballet of San Di ego presents a special fam ily ballet, “Carnival of the Animals” Nov. 12 with spe cial activities in the lobby for children at 1:30 p.m. and performance at 2 p.m. at the Balboa Theater, 868 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Tickets $25 at event/0A005D19AA432175.
Spend an evening with Big Head Todd & the Mon sters at 8 p.m. Nov. 12 and Nov. 13 at The Belly Up Tav ern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., So lana Beach. Tickets $47 to $83 at
“Spirit Of The Valley,” a free celebration of the Lu iseño Tribe, The San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indian is being held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 12 at Heri tage Park, 220 Peyri Drive, Oceanside. For more infor mation, visit
valley-arts-festival or call (760)-730-5203.
Batiquitos Lagoon will present “Native People of the Lagoon” with a member of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians at 10 a.m. on Nov. 12, at the Na ture Center, 7380 Gabbiano Lane, Carlsbad. For more information, visit batiquito
about its Special Interest Groups at its virtual meet ing at 10 a.m. social/chat time with program at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 12. Guests must send name and email to to receive a Zoom link to the meeting.
The Escondido Public Library presents a blue grass and Americana 2nd Concert with Blue Creek Band, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido, for all ages.
$250 online at long-learning.
NOV. 13
North Coast Reperto ry Theatre presents “Into
the Breeches!” running through Nov. 13 at 987 Lo mas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach. Tickets at
The Warner-Carrillo stage rides again from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 13. Stage coach rides at the 1850’s Warner-Carrillo Ranch House Museum in Warner Springs, 29181 San Felipe Rd, Warner Springs. Cost is $35 at
The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County, a group for those who desire to foster friend ships through various social activities, will hold a gen eral meeting and Thanks giving potluck, San Rafael Church, San Diego, Nov. 13. Reservations are required at (760) 696-3502.
Join the Grand Fiesta, with a Taco TKO competi tion, from noon to 3 p.m. Nov. 13 at Liberty Station Ingram Plaza, 2751 Dewey
Escondido Arts Part nership is having a “YART” sale fundraiser with surplus art supplies from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Escondi do Arts Partnership, 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido.
American Association of University Women Del Mar-Leucadia Branch in vites the public to learn
North County paint er, Micaiah Hardison, has opened the Mare Amicus Art Gallery in Oceanside Harbor Marina at 1850 Har bor Drive N. Oceanside. An Artist’s Reception will be held 3 to 6 p.m. Nov. 12.
The Five Phases of Traditional Chinese Med icine-A Window Into Self-Awareness and Human Potential Coaching is of fered 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 12 in the California Insti tute for Human Sciences Virtual Classroom. Cost is
NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 17 Mon-Fri 7-5 Sat. 7-3 ENCINITAS - 270-C N. El Camino Real 760.634.2088 ESCONDIDO - 602 N. Escondido Blvd. 760.839.9420 • VISTA - 611 Sycamore Ave.760.598.0040 Convenient Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm Sat., Sun. 9am-7pm www.SanMarcos.Care 295 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road San Marcos, CA 92078 760-471-1111 Why Spend Hours In The ER For URGENT Matters? • Providers on-site to assist you, 7-DAYS A WEEK. • NO INSURANCE? Excellent Rates for Self-Paying Patients. • No appointment necessary. Walk-ins welcome or Book Online. Average Wait time of 30 mins. or less Both Locations Offer On-site: X-Ray & Surgery Bay Orthopaedics Physicals Laboratory Services Covid Testing We Accept Tri-Care, Medicare, PPO & Insurances 41715 Winchester Road Ste. 101 Temecula, CA 92590 951-308-4451 Open 24 hours a day 7 Days a Week! Temecula Open & Fully Staffed 24/7 Know something that’s going on? To post an event, visit us online at EVENTS CALENDAR
Courtesy photo
TURN TO CALENDAR ON 20 The Flower Fields has exciting opportunities for you: Contact Joni Miringoff for information (760) 930 9123 x118 or • Guide Children’s Tours • Greet visitors on weekends. • Must be able to stand for periods of time & enjoy working with people outdoors. Local help with your Medicare questions. Anna Kozikowski Licensed Sales Agent 619‑379‑2940, TTY 711 anna.kozikowski22@gmail.c
NOV. 11: The Bing Crosby Season at Del Mar Racetrack opens today, with racing through Dec. 4. Courtesy photo
Falling short of the cooking ideal
Herecomes the fabulous food sea son. Thanksgiv ing kicks it off.
And then there are Han nukah latkes, party cana pes, Christmas cookies and don’t forget the hot cocoa. This time of year, I can no longer deny that I’m a cookzophrenic.
That means part of me relishes the creative, deli cious world of food prepa ration and consumption. The other part of me runs shrieking at the mention of a potluck supper or cookie exchange.
I have never been adept in the kitchen. I can scrape by, but I lack motivation. That simple Chinese wok recipe loses its magic after I have chopped my 14th vege table. I am best friends with my microwave.
I made one classic Christmas dinner with goose, ham, Yorkshire pud ding, gravy and the works. It was pretty good, but during the three full days it took me to clean up, I vowed never again.
Yet my love-hate syn drome can be activated by a host of stimuli. It always hits me when I wander into a gourmet kitchen store. Knowing full well I will
small talk
jean gillette
never use a garlic press, a deluxe spatula, a strawber ry huller or a combination deep fryer and FM radio, I nevertheless want them.
It can strike when I’m simply watching TV and happen to flip past “Good Eats” or maybe a cake bakeoff. You would think I had actually iced a layer cake or successfully handled one of those decorator icing bags.
But no. I just find my self wanting to after a cou ple of TV cooks make it look so simple. I have to fight the urge to race into the kitchen and begin preparing peanut brittle from scratch. I need to remind myself of the mul tiple batches of fudge I mea sured, mixed and threw out one year.
The odds are further stacked against me as my oven has a real burn-thetop, undercook-the-bottom problem. Nonetheless, I’ve been known to fantasize about busting out a perfect
moving and preserving tat toos, then started a business called Save My Ink Forever.
standing rib roast.
I am equally vulnera ble anytime I pass a Mar tha Stewart or Bon Appe tit magazine on the rack. When they show those glossy photos of a beautiful ly set table groaning with at least five courses, I begin to lose touch with reality.
Suddenly it doesn’t matter that each recipe has three parts with 10 ingredi ents and instructions that cover two pages. Fully cog nizant that I probably can’t afford the exotic ingredi ents, much less find them, I still want to flip on the oven, gather it all up and cook up a storm.
When I snap into con sciousness and face the fact that just one of those five dishes needs more than an hour of my attention, I get over myself.
All that effort so it can be eaten? I think not. Were I to invest that kind of time and creativity into some thing, I want it bronzed and put on the mantel. Uh oh. That paella recipe on Pin terest sounds so easy. Make me a reservation, quick.
Jean Gillette is a free lance writer and culinary lazybones. Contact her at
fied manner possible,” Kyle added. [Oddity Central, 11/2/2022]
$3M grant for CSUSM student parents
By City News Service
SAN MARCOS — A grant of more than $3 mil lion from the U.S. Depart ment of Education will go toward supporting Cal State San Marcos students who have young children, it was announced Thurs day, Nov. 3.
The four-year grant — awarded through the Child Care Access Means Parents in School pro gram — will go to stu dent parents who could use child-care assistance while they work toward graduation.
It will create the CSUSM Child Care Ac cess Program in partner ship with the Center for Children and Families on campus.
“The CSUSM Child Care Access Program will support dozens of our stu dent parents with infant to pre-K age children to access full-time and highquality child care on cam pus while they pursue their educational goals,” said Viridiana Diaz, CSUSM’s vice president of student affairs.
“The program will also help student parents build a supportive net
work that will connect them to campus programs, resources and other devel opmental opportunities.”
Once up and running, the program is expected to support about 50 stu dent parents with subsi dized child care.
The program is di rectly in response to the high — and rising — costs of child care in the coun ty.
According to the San Diego County Child Care and Development Plan ning Council, child care costs $1,300 to $1,600 a month for a child under 5 in the county, and a fami ly of four must make more than $118,000 annually to be self-sufficient in the county.
Family income data from last fall shows that 52% of CSUSM under graduate students have family incomes below $60,000 per year, indicat ing an especially strong need for supplemental support in the student parent population, a col lege statement reads.
The grant will fund subsidies for child care for CSUSM students who are enrolled in six or more
academic credits during a particular semester.
The subsidies will prioritize low-income students using a slid ing scale, with student parents whose expected family contribution level would make them eligi ble for federal Pell grants receiving the most assis tance.
Some of the grant funding will be used to hire a program coordina tor or director to develop a plan to reach out to stu dent parents across cam pus.
This individual also will partner with support systems like the Cougar Care Network, the ASI Cougar Pantry and Cal Fresh to “promote these resources and help stu dent parents identify oth er community-based sup port programs that might be available to them,” the statement reads.
As part of the re quired grant reporting, data will be collected from program participants to show how the child care support has affected their academic success and their engagement with campus life.
Michael Sherwood and his son, Kyle, of Cleveland come from a long line of morticians. So a few years back, when a friend won dered how he might have his tattoos preserved after he passes away, the two came up with an idea, Odd ity Central reported. They figured out a method for re
“Some of these things real ly are pieces of art,” Kyle said. “Instead of having just the remains or the burial ... (families) have actually a piece of their loved one.”
The Sherwoods say their technique is proprietary, but it takes roughly three or four months. Families are left with a parchmentlike piece of art. “We are trying to do this in the most digni
Jerome Ellis, a Dol lar General employee in DeLand, Florida, allegedly got into an argument with a co-worker on Oct. 24, which prompted him to a retalia tory move that could have been deadly, Fox35-TV re ported. On Oct. 25, the vic tim set down a can of Pepsi and went to the restroom.
When he returned, he took a drink of the soda and no ticed it tasted like cleaning supplies. Sure enough, vid eo surveillance cameras re vealed that Ellis had poured bleach into the Pepsi can, wiped it off, then spit in it. Cameras also caught Ellis trying to unplug the surveil lance system. He told inves tigators that he put cleaning solution in the drink to get back at the co-worker, who he said was difficult to work with. [Fox35, 10/25/2022]
A female lion at the Topeka Zoo in Kansas has grown a mane, The Topeka Capitol-Journal reported on Oct. 23. Zuri, 18, who lost her mate, Avus, in 2020, started producing more tes tosterone after his death, which has resulted in the butch look. “It’s nothing like the mane you would see on a fully sexually mature male lion,” said Zuri’s cura tor, Shanna Simpson. “She looks like a teenaged male lion.” Zookeepers said along with the mane, Zuri has be come more feisty — growl ing, snarling and roaring more than before. “She feels like she needs to protect her pride, so her testosterone in creases,” Simpson said. [To peka C-J, 11/23/2022]
self in the leg, KMSP-TV reported. The 38-year-old from Circle Pines was car rying the gun legally, and it discharged when he bent over to retrieve the kernel. Police said the gun did not have a safety; the owner wasn’t charged. [KMSP, 10/24/2022]
Tyler County (Texas) Deputy Cory LeBlanc and other first responders un dertook an unusual assign ment on Oct. 31, KFDMTV reported. An unnamed man who was bow hunting for deer from a tree stand called 911 around 4:25 p.m. to report that he had fall en from his perch and was stuck upside down, 18 feet above the ground. The man’s ankle had become lodged in the framework of the stand.
Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publi catio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.
time for us to pay our respects to those men and women who have served our country and protected the freedoms we all enjoy.
A 1941 artwork by Dutch abstract artist Piet Mondrian has been found to have been hanging upside down in various museums for 75 years, The Guardian reported. One could be for given for the mistake; the piece features interlaced red, yellow, black and blue adhesive tape strips that subtly thicken at the bot tom. But a photograph of Mondrian’s studio shows the same piece on an ea sel — with the “bottom” at the top. However, Susanne Meyer-Buser, curator of the North Rhine-Westphalia’s art collection, said it will continue to be displayed upside down. “The adhesive tapes are already extreme ly loose and hanging by a thread,” she said. “And it’s now part of the work’s sto ry.” [Guardian, 10/28/2022]
A man who stopped in a corn maze in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, on Oct. 22 to get a corn kernel out of his shoe accidentally shot him
“We had the Spurger Volun teer Fire Department, DPS, Texas Parks and Wildlife on the way, all trying to help,” LeBlanc said. After an hour and a half of being heelsover-head, the man was low ered to the ground and was unhurt. His advice: “Use a harness. It was in my truck. I just got complacent.” [KFDM, 11/1/2022]
Miller Lite wants to light up your Christmas tree in more ways than one! The company is offering the Christmas Tree Keg Stand for the low, low price of $49.99, CNN Business reported. The tree stand is basically a keg with a small table on top, and when beer is dispensed, the design “makes it seem as if beer is being poured from the tree,” said Sarah Showak, associate marketing man ager. According to Miller Lite, the stand will support up to a 5-foot-tall tree with ornaments and lights. [CNN Business, 11/3/2022]
18 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022
Rates: Text: $15 per inch Approx. 21 words per column inch Photo: $25 Art: $15 (Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose) Anrew Barton Carson Encinitas October 24, 2022 Forrest Haskell Huffstetler San Marcos October 19, 2022 Curt
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NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 19 HELP WANTED Email for more details: Wanted Caregiver Provides friendly companionship and assistance with daily personal care activities and household duties. Basic Salary: $30.05/hr 5 days a Week SERVICES No job too big or too small! To Do List Declutter & Organize Packing & Moving Garage & Estate Sales Driving, Errands & Shopping Staging & Decorating Congenial with Realtors FREE 60 MINUTE VISIT $25 PER HOUR (858) 598-7035 REFERENCES AVAILABLE CORRECTIVE EXERCISE THERAPIST Egoscue Affiliate Therapist Certified Personal Trainer since 2002 Egoscue Affiliate Therapist Certified Personal Trainer for 17 yrs. Focusing on Chronic Pain Management Postural - Musculoskeletal Alignment and Restoring proper function with regard to the Body's Design Motion Contact John Hoover: CORRECTIVE EXERCISE THERAPIST Focusing on Chronic Pain Management Postural - Musculoskeletal Alignment and Restoring proper function with regard to the Body's Design Motion 858-775-3268 Contact John Hoover: CHEAP HAULING STARTING AT $25 TRASH • JUNK • DEMO APPLIANCES • FURNITURE I’LL HAUL ANYTHING!! “Your Crap Is My Bread & Butter” FREE ESTIMATES “ CALL SCOTT 760-612-1795 SERVICES Office/Residential | Free Wardrobes 7 DAYS A WEEK | FREE ESTIMATES FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1979 (760) 436-7217 BBB MEMBER | INSURED LIC #CAL T-189466 Tech Issues Taking Up Your Time? 24/HOUR SUPPORT! Specializing in Tech Solutions for Individuals and Small Businesses Troubleshooting • Internet & Networking Security Cloud Computing • TV • Wi-Fi • Phone Mobile Solutions • Computer Repair • Cameras WWW.TEQIQ.COM 760-790-2200 20+ years Serving SoCal CADNET/NANI ADS HEALTH & FITNESS VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español
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Road, San Diego. Tickets at event/grand-fiesta/.
The 2022 Arts Alive Encinitas Banners live auc tion reception will be held at 1:30 p.m. with the auction at 2 p.m. Nov. 13 at Cardiff Town Center Courtyard, 2005-2093 San Elijo Ave., Cardiff. See all banners at
NOV. 14
The North Coast Rep ertory Theatre presents
“Winston Churchill – The Blitz” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14 and Nov. 15 at 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, So lana Beach. Tickets at tick
NOV. 16
“Iipay: From Creation to Present, the History of the Barona Band of Mission Indians” will be offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Escondido Public Library, 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido
John Craigie and his “Keep It Warm 2022 Tour” plays the Belly Up Tavern
at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. For tickets and information, visit
NOV. 17
City Ballet of San Di ego presents “From Bal anchine To Martins” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 at the Califor nia Center for the Arts Es condido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Tickets from $29 to $99 at citybal
Theatre School @ North Coast Rep presents “The Tri al Of Ebenezer Scrooge” at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Nov. 17 to Nov. 20 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. Tickets at (858) 481-1055 or northcoas
Oceanside’s Police & Fire Commission will hold its bi-monthly meeting at 4 p.m. Nov. 17 in City Hall Council Chambers, 300 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. For agendas and meeting minutes, visit ci.oceanside. asp.
Republican Club of North County welcomes Mike and Kathy Naylor who both served U.S. pres idents, at noon Nov. 16 at El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside. Cost
is $35, cash or check only at the door (credit cards not accepted). For more infor mation and lunch choices, call or text Barbara at (760) 212-9995.
NOV. 18
Music By The Sea fea tures Max Beitan, cello with Jacopo Giacopuzzi, piano, at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 18 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Enci nitas. Tickets at ticket-sales/MusicByThe Sea/4736/event/1286339? subCategoryIdList=198.
Lightscape will illumi nate the San Diego Botanic Garden for the holidays be
ginning Nov. 18, with light artists’ installations along a one-mile trail with over one million lights, sounds, col or, and fire. The path will also feature seasonal treats to enjoy. Through Jan. 1. Learn more at
The San Diego Bo tanic Garden offers a Sci ence Seminar Series 2 to 3 p.m. Nov. 18, a history of the plants we eat, at 230 Quail Gardens Drive, En cinitas. Cost is Garden ad mission. Register by Nov. 17 at https://sdbgarden. ence-seminar-series-novem ber-18/2943818.
WONDERFRONT Music & Arts Festival
tickets can be gotten at won ets/. The Nov. 18-20 event is spread across the various parks along the port of San Diego, including Embar cadero Marina Park North, Seaport Village and Ruocco Park, as well as yacht party cruises out of 5th Avenue Landing.
Join the Tree Lighting at LEGOLAND® California Resort at 5 p.m. Nov. 18 at 1 Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, as the park kicks off the holidays with festive décor, new entertainment, holi day-themed food & bever age, and exclusive seasonal attractions.
NOV. 19
Drop in for November Fest Craft Beer, Mead, and Wine Festival from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 19 at the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Tickets at eventbrite. com and
The city of Encinitas presents Art Night! from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 19 as Encinitas civic and local art galleries swing open their doors all around town.
Torrey Pines Docent Society’s November Nature Discovery Series event will be a free presentation about the cultural traditions and
“The three menaces to any chimney, fireplace, or stove.”
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NOV. 11-13: The 18th annual San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival continues at Embarcadero Marina Park North. Tick ets at Courtesy photo
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
You’re eager to “Ram” headfirst into that new project. But before you do, find out why some of your colleagues might not appear to be as gung-ho about it as you are.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
All that dedicated hard work you’ve been putting in pays off better than you expected. So go ahead, reward yourself with something befitting a beauty-loving Bovine.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It’s a good time to take on that new chal lenge. And if your self-confidence is lacking, instead of telling yourself why you can’t do it, list all the reasons why you can.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) This is one time when you might want to put some distance between you and the job at hand. It will give you a bet ter perspective on what you’ve done and what you still need to do.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) Resist that occasional lapse into Leonine laziness that sometimes overtakes the Big Cat. Don’t cut corners. Do the job right at this time, or you might have to redo it later.
VIRGO (August 23 to Septem ber 22) You know how you like to do things. And that’s fine. But watch that you don’t impose your methods on others. A current financial crunch soon eases.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Someone might try to take advan tage of your generosity. But before your sensitivity toward others over whelms your good sense, check their story out carefully.
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem ber 21) Your strong Scorpian sense of fairness lets you see all sides of a dispute. Continue to remain impartial as you help each person work through their particular grievance.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Trust your keen Sagit tarian insight to help you see through an offer that might not be all it claims to be. A closer look could reveal dis turbing elements.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) With the Goat exhibiting a more dominant aspect these days, you could find it easier to make your case in front of even the most skepti cal audience.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru ary 18) Take things nice and easy as you continue to build up your energy reserves for a big upcoming change. You’ll need your strength for what lies ahead.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Recent news from someone you trust could help you make an important decision. Also, be prepared to con front an upcoming change in a person al situation.
firm in your own views, but also flex ible enough to welcome
NOV. 11, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 21 1. TELEVISION:
What was Netflix’s first exclusive content series?
U.S. STATES: Which state is home to the Grand Canyon?
Where are the famous Moai statues located?
Who directed the chilling 2017 movie “Get Out”?
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which country’s largest airline is Aeroflot?
U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was elected to two nonconsecutive terms?
ANATOMY: The ossicles are located in what part of the human body?
LITERATURE: Which award-winning novel is set in Maycomb, Alabama?
MEDICAL: Which international organization declared monkey pox to be a public health emergency?
ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the only natural predator of great white sharks, aside from humans?
WEEK: You can be
© 2022 King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 SALOME’S STARS #12345_20221107 FOR RELEASE NOV. 7, 2022 EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of Nov. 14, 2022. TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS 1.Lillyhammer.2.Arizona.3.EasterIsland.4.JordanPeele.5.Russia. 6.GroverCleveland.7.Middleear.8.“ToKillaMockingbird.” 9.WHO(WorldHealthOrganization).10.Orcasorkillerwhales.
views of
Cox has your fall streaming lineup on Contour
By Suzanne Schlundt
Just in time for cozy movie nights this fall with family and friends, Cox has added Apple TV+ to its growing library of streaming apps available through Contour and Con tour Stream Player. Now Cox customers can watch what they want all in one place on Contour—all with America’s fastest internet download speeds and with out constantly switching TV inputs, remotes or logins.
The big news got us ex cited about the fall stream ing lineup available to Cox customers on AppleTV+ and other streaming apps available on Contour with a simple voice command. Use the Contour Voice Remote to easily search across live TV, streaming platforms like AppleTV+, Netflix and Hulu, and On-Demand mov ies and shows to watch what you want on the spot, from any device you have con nected. Just press the Con tour button, say the name of the app, and you’re in (show) business!
There’s lots on deck this fall across the stream ing platforms. Here are some highlights:
Contour’s newest ad dition, Apple TV+ is home to premium Apple Original drama and comedy series, feature films, documenta
ries, and kids and family entertainment, including record-breaking Emmy Award winner “Ted Lasso.”
As we await Season 3 of “Ted Lasso,” now is a great time to binge the first two seasons, or rewatch your fa vorite episodes.
discovery+ discovery+ features a wide range of exclusive, original series and is bring ing the holiday cheer. Be ginning Friday, Nov. 11, Food Network and HGTV will release four new holi day features on discovery+ featuring seasonal decor, yuletide culinary delights, budding romances and more.
Disney+ Disney+ has an unri
valed lineup of family fa vorites to enjoy this fall. We’re excited for the Nov. 18 release of “Disenchant ed,” the sequel to the 2007 Disney hit film “Enchant ed.”
Netflix Season 5 of Netflix’s “The Crown” focuses on the royal family’s life from the early- to mid-1990s, with a strong emphasis on the marital turmoil of Princess Diana and Prince Charles.
For a complete list of apps available on Contour, visit us online.
Home theater on demand
With Cox Contour you can catch the latest block buster films in the comfort of your own home. Cox’s lineup of On-Demand Mov
ies brings new releases right to your living room for the whole family. Say “free movies on demand” into your voice remote to find free content available to you.
Having the right inter net plan is an important part of keeping up with all the shows you love. Cox Communications’ broad band network can deliver speeds even faster than 5G providers.
Cox’s internet service was recognized by Ookla® Speedtest®, the global lead er in network intelligence and connectivity insights, as offering America’s fast est internet download speeds in the second quar ter 2022.
On average, download speeds are where people spend 90% of their time on line.
The best part? All the benefits of Cox Contour and Cox Internet are available thanks to Cox’s $10 billion companywide investment in its network in cities like San Diego to power homes, businesses and communi ties now and in the future.
Learn more at
Based in San Diego, Suzanne Schlundt is Vice President of Marketing, West Region for Cox Communica tions and helps lead the com pany’s launch of new services and programming.
stories of the Luiseno peo ple at 3 p.m. Nov. 19 at the pavilion area near the Tor rey Pines State Natural Reserve upper parking lot. Visit https://torreypine. org/ for more information.
The Oceanside or ganizer invites all to the Doggie Street Festival San Diego from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 19 at NTC PARK at Liberty Station, 2455 Cushing Road, San Diego.
San Diego Folk Her itage presents Men of Worth in concert at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Ave., Carls bad. Admission at door $18, advance tickets at tic
The Institute of Con temporary Art San Diego North will host a free pub lic reception for Cog•nate Collective exhibition Nov. 19, at its north location, 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. The event is part of Art Night Encinitas and will include an Artist Talk by Cog•nate Collec tive and an Original Pro gressive House Set by local 16-year-old producer/artist Armaan Damani.
Learn to make Mosaic Mandalas from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or make a Fall Water color Luminary from 10:30 a.m. to noon Nov.19 at the San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. For registration information, visit https://
NOV. 20
The Encinitas Holi day Street Fair returns to Downtown Encinitas from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 20. Coast Highway 101 will be closed from D Street to J Street with a Beer Garden, three music stages and children’s rides.
Coco Montoya plays the Belly Up Tavern at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 20 at 143 S. Ced ros Ave., Solana Beach. For tickets and information, visit
To raise funds for a concert tour of Ireland in 2023, soloists from the Village Church Choir will perform “Wild Irish Rose: A Musical Showcase” at 2 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Vil lage Church, 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Donations to the choir’s fundraising efforts will be appreciated.
NOV. 22
A Jimi Hendrix Birth day Celebration with Bob Bucciarelli, Jeff Moore and more 8 p.m. Nov. 22 at The Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Tickets $30 to $53 at
NOV. 24
All new at the 2022 En cinitas Turkey Trot on Nov. 24: kids under 10 are free. Kids run the age-banded short course and receive free T-shirts and finishers medal. Register at encini
There’s still time to register for the O’Side Turkey Trot on Nov. 24, through downtown Oceans ide, along Pacific Coast Highway and the Strand. There is a 5K, a 5-mile, two youth races and two virtual races. Register at Oceanside/OceansideTur keyTrot.
Get tickets now for the Encinitas Ballet “Nut cracker Ballet,” with two performances at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Enci nitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. With sold out performances every year, tickets are now available online at EncinitasBal Tickets $15-$30. Group discounts for orga nizations of 10 or more are provided upon request.
The MiraCosta Col lege Theatre presents “The Merry Wives of Windsor” through Nov. 20, Oceans ide Campus, Theatre (OC2001), 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. For perfor mance schedule and tick ets, visit miracostatheatre. event.aspx?SeriesID=8.
Palomar College Plan etarium host two shows every Friday at 7 p.m. with its “The Sky Tonight” pro gram. When the weather cooperates, college staff sets up telescopes on the patio for free viewing.
Join the docent-guid ed, moderately strenuous, long-distance educational hike at Elfin Forest Recre ational Reserve from 8 to 11 a.m. from in front of the Elfin Forest Interpretive Center, 8833 Harmony Grove Road, Escondido.
North County Cycle Club rides every Saturday morning starting at 8 a.m. and also 8:30 a.m., from the car park of Old California Restaurant Row, 1020-1080 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos. See ridewithgps. com/organizations/381-nc cc/home?lang=endetails for more information.
A Recreational Trail Master Plan links out door-related hikes with in Olivenhain. The trails range in difficulty, terrain and environment. Oliven hain Trails Maps available for sale at Carter’s Hay & Grain. For more informa tion, visit trails4encinitas. org/.
22 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022 M arketplace News Marketplace News is paid sponsored content Buy 3-6 weeks of advertising and get: 2022 ADVERTISING PROMOTION Holiday Happenings is a special holiday section publishing Nov. 25th and Dec. 2nd featuring ads, articles, and events related to the holidays. lowest ad rates, 50% off color & a free story* Must run at least 3 of these dates: Nov. 18, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, Dec. 9, Dec. 16, & Dec. 23 2021 One of the greatest shops on Earth FunGiftsforEveryoneonyourList! Holiday Gift Baskets delivered through San Diego County shipped Nationwide Coast Encinitas760-436-4845 Holiday Happenings Santa dove from the sky in Oceanside to kick off holiday OCEANSIDE landing Marketplace’s event parachuted greet awaitingwereapproximately made officiallyholiday Bell and holiday used smartphones take tured craft tivities, carnivalprizes,and balloonfun.Marketplace BoulevardOceanside. experienceMarketplace more! With specialty stores, services need shopping looking listVisit holidayupdates,important holiday MERRILL Companies, manages over centers, includingvalued billion. parachuted airplane landing over 2,000 and kids awaiting Fill all your holiday gift ideas at your local Elam’s Hallmark stores! E Hallmark’s put family-owned Guy helpScott. managed national Elam’s have propertyholiday jewelry, bies section, cards peopleshocked uct Scott “We product andnew time.”pridesaffordable products sphere community. “The thing neighbors said. somebodyElam’s we’veyears.” Elam’s people build we’re ‘thinking have Just surprisingcommunity with ing encouragement and people With holidays Hearts annual Valentine’s fundraising initiativecystic over local. We’ve communitiesweshop localHelp business,thatScott Hallmark Christie, Sponsored ews 2021 Must Exclusive Selection of:Tiffany Handel LampsArt Antique JewelryFurniture AntiqueClocksBooks Huron GalleryPerfect selection home decor,collectables holiday Oceanside Boulevard AntiquesOver 15 Vendors Under One Roof Oceanside Blvd, Oceanside, CA760-529-3718 OPENING SOON! ChristmasJewelrySaleMake theirDreams True Mon-Sat& UniqueDiamondEngagementRings,FineJewelry,Coins Celebrating H Happenings Knob Hill Christmas lightdisplay returns in San Marcos SAN put iconic light on for 30 MARCOS “Christmas light hasto Marcosexcitement residents.Gilfillen, display’sand took beloved traditiondue COVID-19For thanGilfillen, 83-year-oldtired flightand Christmas their Dec. passersgather more100,000 lightsalong displaysSantas,sleighs, Disneyacters, candymore. tions sign displayedfront Gilfillens’outlinesreads: this werights human illegal. year’sdisplays he’scollecting years.doing“The growingbecauseonly Christmas timearound lookinglightsbecause plasticGilfilfromand grew display, Diego,peopleand Angelesto displayyear.” On night,fillen, happily greet visitors,whom fromcities states. previ could Sannight about year,Gilfillen byyear,won’t will of peopledoingEve.just like interactingwith lot pleasurepeople theyto display theirup smilestheir Gilfilyear, Gilfillenmade difficultfor safetythe family 2020, their Hill: over years, the friends’ Buthave2021 biggerbrighter.” Gilfillen deliveredpromise yearbigger brighter wearmasks enjoyinglights. Carlsbad Charitable Foundation coordination Shoppes Carlsbad host holiday movie p.m. presenting classic comedy The movie shown 40-foot behind building sound each car the reservations donation car recommended. HOLIDAY DRIVE-IN • 760.436.9737 The CoasT News The Coast News • Inland Edition • CitracadoParkwayextensionprojectdrawson Republicans endorseAbed over Gaspar Community rallies behindVista teacher placed on leave I jungle n there Inside: Home Reach over 200,000 print and online readers Call the Coast News today formore info
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IT STARTS WITH CARING. Men suffering from BPH symptoms can avoid the negative side-effects of medication and painful surgery altogether. Our skilled urologists provide an alternative to traditional surgery with the UroLift® System, typically a one-time outpatient procedure that provides rapid relief and recovery for men living with symptoms of an enlarged prostate. The goal is to relieve your BPH symptoms so you can get back to doing the things you want to do.
24 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N NOV. 11, 2022