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journey to theatre Words on the Waves Writers’ Festival:
FROM THE COAST TO THE CAPITOL: Sam Parkes’ journey to theatre
Sam Parkes doesn’t believe in back-up plans. If you want something badly enough, you keep chasing it. That’s his philosophy and one that has seen him land his dream gig in Moulin Rouge! The Musical, at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre. ‘I always had this dream in my head and so many times people would just be like “but what’s your back-up plan?” he says.
‘My answer was always “I don’t need one, this is going to work. I’m going to reach it.” ’
And reach it he has.
Sam, who grew up in North Avoca, is a ‘tail swing’ in Moulin Rouge! The Musical, his professional theatre debut. His job entails knowing nine roles and being called upon to perform any one of them, sometimes with only a few minutes’ notice. If he’s lucky, he’ll get a call three hours before a show letting him know he’s performing and in which role. Other times, he’s asked to go on stage mid-show when an actor urgently needs to be replaced.
‘It never stops really,’ the 25-year-old says laughing.
‘We have to run down to the bunker, get a mic on, get your costume on and be on stage in minutes,’ he says. ‘It’s a constant adrenalin rush but it’s so rewarding ...’
Sam knew the creative arts industry was for him when his aunt took him to see The Lion King musical at age seven. Afterwards, he started dance lessons, first one day a week until they slowly took over all his spare time. He was then introduced to Gosford Musical Society and began auditioning, and achieving success.
‘I really started taking things seriously then,’ Sam says.
Sam didn’t only love performing, but had found his tribe.
‘I was with a group of people who really respected me and pushed me,’ he says. ‘It was just a really nice environment to be around and was the first time I think I felt that spark in my life of like “this is where I’m meant to be”.’
So how does a boy from the Central Coast end up performing in one of the best musicals to tour Australia? With determination, hard work and self-belief. During his school years, Sam went to Terrigal High, then Narara Valley High for its performing arts program, before moving to Sydney to attend the famed Brent Street academy. He did a stint on cruise ships but quickly discovered it wasn’t for him and continued auditioning for musical theatre. When he received the call that he would be part of the Moulin Rouge! The Musical cast he was overwhelmed with emotion.
‘It was kind of a sigh of relief, ‘cause every time I would do auditions, I would wait for this call and it would always be the opposite … so I started to expect a no.’
When it was a yes, he was shocked, relieved and stressed but, ultimately, thrilled.
‘I’m so used to teaching and hustling week to week to make ends meet, and I’d just gotten this big break with this amazing musical,’ he says. ‘All my dreams came true. All my training, all those years finally reached somewhere.’