Ed 622

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Your Essential Weekly Read

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Tues 23rd February - Mon 29th 2016

British buyers give market a boost New figures from The Spanish Registrars Association revealed this week that British buyers accounted for over a fifth of all Spanish property purchases by non nationals in the last quarter of last year. The latest analysis of the Spanish property market issued by the country’s property registrars is based on figures for 2015 and reveals that in the last quarter of the year, over 12,000 property sales were made to non Spanish buyers. This represents over 14% over the market as a whole which saw 84,031 property sales

in the last three months of 2015. According to registrars, this is the highest percentage of sales reported since the economic crisis and reveals the true extent of the market recovery, which is being accelerated in many regions by foreign buyers. The figures show that buyers from the UK represented 23.95% of all sales, which was 3.44% of the overall total. Put another way, one in every 29 buyers of Spanish property in the last quarter of 2015 was British. After British buyers came the French, who accounted for 8.17% of purchases by foreign buyers, followed by the Germans (7.79%), the Swedish (6%), Belgians (5.66%) and Italians (4.19%). Also included in the ‘top ten’ list of buyers

are the Chinese, Norwegians, Russians and Romanians. Looking at last year as a whole, the picture is similar with foreign buyers representing 13.18% of the market and again, the largest share of these properties being bought by British buyers. Overall, just over 46,000 properties in Spain last year were bought by foreigners, once again underlining the importance of the non Spanish market in the recovery of the country’s property sector. Pricewise during 2015, the average price of property in Spain increased by 6.6%, according to the latest real estate registry statistics released by the Property Registrars, which is the same

rate of increase the prices registered in the third quarter of last year. In addition, the number of home sales increased by 11.2%, compared to 2014, to a total of 354,538 transactions. Quarter-on-quarter, the average price of housing rose by 0.9% in the fourth quarter of 2015, over the third quarter of the year, thus further moderating the accumulated decline in prices since the peak levels of 2007, to 28.4%.



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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

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Claire Richards: Editor


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


La Siesta park controversy

Summer sports on the agenda The Department of Sports for Torrevieja, has announced the creation of the department of Beach Sports which will aim to promote a sports area with potential for tourism in Torrevieja. Councillor Pablo Samper held a meeting with representatives of different local clubs with the intention of organising various beach events like rugby, volleyball and football to those that are already practised such as paddle and beach handball. The coordinator of the new department will be Diana Box who is trainer of the women’s handball team at Mare Nostrum. She will also be responsible for communicating with the different clubs. ‘There are lots of possibilities,’ explained Councillor Samper. ‘It will be good for seasonal tourists who are looking for some leisure activities, for sport tourism, members of local clubs and for the different groups of foreigners who use our sports buildings.’

Proposal for the police force The mayor, José Manuel Dolón, announced on 15th February some changes to local policing. These include the appointment of Javier Minguez as director of staff and the purchase of 58 tasers. The working day for the police will be from seven to seven. The change in the working days, claims Dolón, will be of benefit to both the police themselves and those they are policing. Continued on page 4

Work has now begun on the fencing of La Siesta Park. The fencing was originally requested in order to protect the area of the park whilst something could be done about it. Concerns had been raised by local residents about the state that the park was left in and that this could be dangerous to

us that we wouldn’t be able to make a new park in the next few months. So we thought those people concerned about lack of security were right and that is when we decided that the only quick solution is to fence all the area and avoid any accidents.’ ‘We know that this is not what the local residents are hoping for but at the moment we are busy trying to address the other priorities of the town. There are still people living on the streets, houses with

those using it. However, with fencing now to be erected residents believe this could be an eyesore that will also devalue their houses. In reply to their concerns Carmen Morate spoke to Victor Ferrández who has responsibility for this. ‘In the very beginning of the conversations with the neighbours in La Siesta they always said that there was still a lot of material, holes and cables and many things that could be dangerous to children or to anybody using the park,’ explains Carmen. ‘As Victor found out more about the buying of materials and the debt of more than €100,000 it was clear to

no hot water or any water, no electricity, children with only one meal a day. We are doing our best to address joblessness in Torrevieja. It is a poor town with many poor people and high unemployment. It is a shame. There was plenty of money here and many rich people.We will fix as much as we can but I hope that people will understand.’ However, feeling is still running high in the local community and a meeting will be held next Monday 29th February at 4.30pm at Casa Ventura to discuss what the next steps might be with this and the petrol station which has now opened.







CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Days left and counting BITE SIZE NEWS: There are now only days left for Pedro Sánchez, (image right) the leader of the PSOE (left of centre),to form a government. It is now over two months since the general election in December that left the country without a clear favourite for Prime Minister. Since King Felipe asked Sánchez to try and form a government, there have been some unsuccessful demonstrations of interest between different combinations of parties but nothing decisive has emerged as yet. Unless Sánchez can come up with something concrete in the next few days it looks as though Spain will be faced with another general election from which the outcome could still be unclear. It was recorded that Mariano Rajoy, leader of the PP (centre right),is one of those currently betting on the likelihood of another general election in his remarks to David Cameron in Brussels. There is now, however, an indication that Sánchez is trying to form a left-wing coalition that would include the PSOE, United Left, Podemos (anti-austerity party) and Compromís. Sánchez has suggested that he would like to meet with the other left wing parties and agree on an acceptable programme together. On Twitter it was announced by United Left leader, Alberto Garzón,that all of the parties had agreed to meet and that this would be arranged shortly. It is likely that the PSOE are particularly disinclined to go to a further general election as opinion polls have suggested that they would lose even more votes if the country voted again. Sánchez has indicated that not forming a government now would mean that no government would be in place until August. Eight months altogether in which Spain will

Continued from page 3 The director was needed to enable administration in connection with personnel to be carried out more efficiently. For example application for days off to attend a course or a medical appointment were not being processed properly. In respect of the remaining municipal personnel, Dolón stated that 99% of administrators or funcionarios work well but that action will be taken against those that do not pull their weight and set a bad example. ‘We should not be playing with public money,’ he said.

have been under the acting leadership of Mariano Rajoy, Even if a coalition was formed between the PSOE, United Left, Podemos and Compromís this would still not mean that they had a majority and another one of the smaller parties would be required to make up the difference. However, the biggest difficulty is that Podemos has made it clear that it wants to see a referendum in Catalonia and the PSOE has equally made it clear that this is not acceptable. It will be interesting to see if the two parties can find a solution to this significant difference in policy. Time is running out and there are many hurdles to jump if a left-wing coalition is to be the conclusion of this very messy period in Spain’s political history. Suzanne O’Connell

Saplings to be distributed to school children School children across Torrevieja are to be encouraged to contribute towards the regeneration of pine trees. Children between six and nine years old will receive a pine sapling to take care of for a year before it is replanted in a green area of the city. The intention is to reforest woods in Torrevieja. This usually takes place through planting on ‘Tree Day’ but by taking this new approach it is hoped to create an awareness amongst families of the important role they can have. Altogether three thousand pine trees will be distributed and it is hoped that with the handing out of the trees will come discussion about environmental issues and the Continued on page 5


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Controversy at the dog pound

Continued from page 4 importance of the tree in our ecosystem. Nurturing the plants is a good experience in itself. The age group were selected because being six to nine year olds the adults would also have to get involved. The planting will not be restricted to a day but the implications of looking after a tree will last all year. The sapling will be from the Aleppo pine and will be distributed in a ceramic pot with the soil and in a bag. There will be no cost to the town for this project as Agamed are sponsors.

The Torrevieja municipal dog pound continues to be controversial. Following the appointment of Councillor Carmen Morate as the councillor for animal protection a significant number of changes have been made to the pound. These changes have been viewed as positive improvements in the facilities that were available there. However, the Asociación Animalista Torrevieja- Guardamar are an animal

Putting the Vega Baja on the tourist map The Vega Baja are to combine their efforts and make themselves into a tourist destination. The councillor for tourism in Torrevieja, Fanny Serrano, has been involved in the discussions. The municipalities involved include Guardamar, Torrevieja, Orihuela, Pilar de la Hordada, Almoradi, Algorfo, Albatera, Benferri, Callosa, Dolores, Granja de Rocamora, Los Montesinos, Rojales, Rafal and San Isidro. This is a move away from the traditional tourism branding which has focused on Torrevieja being part of the Costa Blanca. Councillor Serrano believes that this current branding insufficiently promotes the towns in the Vega Baja and increases seasonal work. She suggests that, ‘together as a region we can offer visitors our cultural Continued on page 6

protection group who Councillor Morate used to belong to before she became a councillor. She decided to withdraw from the group when she came to office to avoid any conflict of interests. Now, the Asociación Animalista has made a denuncia against the treatment that some of the animals at the pound are receiving. The complaint that has been raised relates to the cleaning of the cages that the dogs are kept in. The accusation was made that they were being cleaned whilst the dogs were still in there meaning that the dogs also got wet and stayed that way

for the rest of the day until they were able to dry out. In response to their complaint, Carmen Morate has agreed that although there have been many improvements at the pound there is still some way to go before it is running exactly as she would want it. ‘We do now have protocols in place,’ explains the Councillor. ‘These include the requirement for workers to clean the cages in a way that produces the least discomfort to animals.’ Councillor Morate is keen to express her thanks to those volunteering at the pound and to those workers there who have implemented the required changes and are making the dogs’ lives better on a daily basis. The complaint has come as a disappointment to the councillor who is working actively to improve conditions. She is keen to emphasise the improvements that have been achieved. In the latter half of 2015 only one dog had to be put down and five cats in comparison to statistics for the last six month period in 2014 when 36 dogs and 50 cats were killed. At the moment the pound is home to 34 dogs and nine cats and once more Carmen reminds people of the need to consider adopting rather than buying an animal. The dog pound is at the bottom of the Avenida Rosa Valero Mazón, next to the Policía Local and welcomes volunteers and visitors. Suzanne O’Connell





CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


The bells! The bells! Two students in Orihuela have launched a petition against the pealing of the church bells in the city. The pair moved to the city a year and a half ago from Novelda and Elda in order to study political science at the university. According to the two students, the last thing they expected when they moved to Orihuela was to be disturbed by the constant ringing of church bells. The pair, after hearing the sound of the thirty bells pealing across the city all day, every day for a year and a half, decided to do something about it. After speaking to other friends and neighbours in the city to assure themselves that they were not alone in their annoyance, the pair decided to start a petition to limit the bells ringing at night time. The two men sent a formal letter of complaint to Orihuela City Council, asking them to implement law 7/2002 of the Generalitat Valenciana Protection Against Noise Pollution which decrees that noise levels allowed for cultural and religious buildings should be 45 decibels. According to a recent interview with the two men, the letter as yet remains unanswered, nor have they received an answer to a similar letter sent to the cathedral itself. For his part, Jose Luis Satorre, parish

BITE SIZE NEWS: Continued from page 5 heritage, landscape and architecture and not just our weather.’

Extended library opening times From March the opening times of the Municipal library will be increased to include Saturdays from 9.00am until 1.00pm. It is hoped that the increase in time will be of benefit to students in Torrevieja. Consideration is also being given to reopening the public Museum Ricardo Lafuente. Ricardo Lafuente Aguado was a composer and the museum presented information about his life and works. The reopening could also occur in March.

No Electromar in Torrevieja this year Torrevieja council will not host the Electromarconcert this year due to differences between the council and the organisers in relation to the way in which the town is paid for the use of the public land. Previously the municipality paid the organisers for hosting the event in Torrevieja at a cost of €18,000. Instead the current council want Electromar to pay according to the surface area of public land that is used. The event was staged last year in Antonio Soria Park and attracted 8,000 people for 12 hours of uninterrupted music. Tickets were sold from €24 and on the door they were priced from €27 upwards. The promoters, ‘Soy un Cultureta S.L.’ claim that inspite of this number of participants not enough money was made on the event to pay the €20,000 which is said to be outstanding. Suzanne O’Connell

priest for the Santa Justa and Rufina church in the city told the press that he is not aware of a formal complaint about the bells. He said “To my knowledge, the only bell that sounds at night is the cathedral, this church is not operational from midnight to 7am, precisely to avoid disturbing people.” Initially, the students’ petition asked

for the bells to be silenced from midnight to 7am but other residents have suggested that the silent timetable be extended and start from 10pm so as not to disturb the sleep of local children. In just two days, the pair collected over 100 signatures from residents and business owners and plan to launch the campaign using social media.


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Poisonous Puffer found in La Mata

The beach cleaning services came across the peculiar looking pufferfish on the beach at La Mata on the 19th February. The lifeless creature was about 60 centimetres long and a warning has been issued that this particular species of fish is in fact very toxic if eaten. The local government of Torrevieja has already issued a statement warning fishermen of the presence of this fish in the waters around Torrevieja in case they should catch one and be unaware of the consequences of eating it.

cyanide and, there is no known antidote.

Toxic but tasty In Japan this fish is known as ‘fugu’ and is part of their cuisine but can only be prepared by chefs with years of training and experience. Chefs must have a licence to prepare and sell fugu to the public. The toxic parts of the fish have to be carefully removed to avoid contaminating the rest of the meat. If prepared at home it has been known to lead to death. Fatalities as a result of this fish are recorded every

Library Image

It is believed that the fish was blown onto the shore during strong winds. The puffer fish is traditionally associated with warm tropical water around the world and it is considered to be an invader in Mediterranean waters. The find this week is a worry for those who recognise the level of toxicity that some of the organs of the fish contain. The fish is lethal due to the poison tetrodotoxin that it contains and that is present particularly in the liver, the ovaries and the eyes. The poison paralyzes muscles while the victim stays conscious and the victim is eventually unable to breathe and dies from asphyxiation. It is said to be 1,200 times stronger than

year, mostly as a result of people trying to prepare it at home rather than it being eaten in a restaurant. It is also claimed that the fish has been prepared and eaten by people wanting to commit suicide. Twenty three people have died in Japan after eating fugu since 2000. The fish can be served as a stew, grilled with teriyaki sauce or as sashimi. It is said to have a rather chewy taste and is a seasonal dish that is only usually eaten in winter. It’s perhaps hard to see the attraction of eating such a risky meal;an experience that has been described by some as a kind of gastronomic Russian roulette. Suzanne O’Connell





CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Torrevieja ‘comparsa’ impresses in China Whilst we were all enjoying the displays at our own carnival in Torrevieja, the well known dance troupe or ‘comparsa’, La Sal De Torrevieja, was in Macau, China as part of the Chinese New Year Celebrations. The group are no strangers to travel abroad and they are often invited to take part in different countries for fiestas, pageants and processions. The group was founded by Conchita Valdes in the early 80s and its dancers are familiar faces in the Torrevieja area. However, from the 4th February to the 12th February they were in China parading their glamorous costumes of spectacular feathers. Emily Clark is one of the members of the group and she has travelled abroad with them before. ‘On our first day there,’ explains Emily. ‘We were ‘blessed’ with incense and the show included five groups each with between 12 to 15 different smaller groups taking part altogether.’ On the second day they went to a temple where they danced outside to a fascinated crowd. ‘We had plenty of followers during our visit,’ explains Emily. ‘They really loved the

Celebrating Chinese New Year

costumes and we were photographed everywhere.’ The highlight of their visit was the final parade on the third day. This was the main procession for Chinese New Year and, as you would expect, was an amazing cavalcade of performers, groups and costumes from all over the world.

On this occasion there were not many ‘feather’ groups as such. ‘My favourite group,’says Emily.‘Was the US ‘Trojans’ but there were also Bollywood dancers, Japanese dancers and lots of brass bands.’ There were many different nationalities represented, but no other troupes from Spain. ‘It’s a shame we don’t get to see the others performing as we are involved in the procession itself,’ says Emily. The procession was very much a family affair with children, parents and grandparents taking part; ‘It was a fabulous atmosphere,’ she says. The groups set out from the Science centre in Macau and worked their way towards the tower. Each group

was to have their thirty seconds performance in front of the VIP seats. However, there was such an interest in La Sal De Torrevieja that they were given a six-minute slot. This was quite difficult as they did not have their usual music and had to improvise to the music available. Altogether the parade lasted two and a half hours.’ Emily found that she became the main ‘voice’ of La Sal De Torrevieja during the week. ‘I was the only one fluent in English and during the interviews it was English that was used to communicate, so I ended up answering their questions.’ TV and radio shows were fascinated by the troupe and wanted to know about Torrevieja, including if there were any Chinese people living there.‘Everyone was really friendly and respectful,’ says Emily.‘And the hotel was lovely. Wherever we were there were people trying to get in on the selfies.’

Time to relax? After the dancing they did have opportunity to relax a little and went to see some of the local sites as well as spending a few evenings in the city. ‘The night life is so different,’ says Emily. ‘They are crazy and throw themselves into everything that they do. They really know how to have a good time. Some of the hotels there were really amazing, particularly the Hard Rock Hotel where the clubs were.’ They also had chance to visit mainland China before they went on to the next stage of their journey. Not satisfied with starring in China they stopped off in France to take part in parades in Menton between Nice and Monaco. This time it was the orange and lemon festival they participated in and it was a slightly more laid back affair than their Chinese experience; a week that neither Emily nor her fellow dancers are likely to forget. Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Women in Spain earn 24% less than men European Equal Pay Day highlighted the gender pay gap in Spain. Spanish women earn 24% less than their male counterparts. Despite EU wide efforts, the gender pay gap continues to grow each year in Spain, reflecting inequalities in the labour market here and elsewhere in Europe. In Spain, 70% of the almost two million workers earning minimum wage are female. Furthermore, campaigners for equality highlighted this week that women work on average two months free of charge every year – that is, taking charge of childcare, elderly or sick relatives and housework. According to the UGT, Spain’s main workers’ unions, the pay gap worsens as older sections of the workforce are analyzed. The UGT’s secretary for quality, Almudena Fontecha said in a statement this week, “If we put an economic value of time spent on family responsibilities, a woman would work almost half a year without pay, despite giving an important contribution to society and the economy

by doing so.” She continued, “Currently there is an average ‘pay gap’ of 88 days, but we can add to this an extra 91 days spent by women on unpaid work such as domestic and family related work.” By region, only four places in Spain have a lower wage gap than the average – the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Madrid and Galicia. By sector, the largest gap between men and women’s pay exists in the service industry with a 35.19% difference. In administrative services, the difference is 33%, in the science industry it is 30.73% and in the health sector, the difference between men and women with the same roles is 29.48%. According to the latest data from the EU statistics agency, Eurostat, which takes into account the hourly rate for jobs across Europe, Spain has a gap of 19.3% - above the EU average of 16.3%. Worse off than Spain are Estonia (29.9%), the Czech Republic (22.1%), Germany (21.6%) and the UK (19.7%).


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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Expat pensioners entitled to full UK healthcare

MISSING DOG Elena is a medium sized light tan Podenco Labrador cross. She was spooked by the postman on Monday 8th February managing to get through the gate and escape from her new home in Quesada The first sighting was in Montebello near the cement works. Since then she has travelled as far as San Miguel de Salinas and was seen on Monday 15th in the orange groves near the cemetery. Little Pod Association are desperately trying to find this four year old girl. If you

see her please do not approach. She will not accept food or treats from anyone and will not go to strangers. She is a very nervous and timid dog. She is microchipped and was wearing a black collar. PLEASE CALL 660 832 360 IF YOU SEE HER.

Expat pensioners living in all EU countries, which include Spain, are entitled to full healthcare in the UK, something that many people are unaware of. In April 2015 there was a rule change in the UK regarding how the NHS would charge visitors to the UK from overseas. Among these changes was a change in access to healthcare in the UK for British pensioners who are resident in Spain and other EU countries. This also applies to dependents of British pensioners, who access healthcare in the same way. A British pensioner living in Spain, who receives a state pension, has their healthcare here paid for by the UK, via a form called an S1. This form is registered with the INSS and Spain then claims a fixed fee from the UK each year for each S1 holder. When they go on holiday in Europe but outside Spain, they use a special EHIC issued by the UK. Until April 2015, they used this EHIC when on holiday in the UK as well. However, from April 2015 they no longer need the EHIC to get medical treatment in the UK. They are in fact entitled to full access to the NHS including planned treatment. The NHS document which outlines the changes is called: Guidance on implementing the overseas visitor hospital charging regulations 2015 and can be found on the NHS website. The section which deals with British pensioners can be found in section 9, from page 85. Specifically 9.57 onwards:

It reads: UK pensioners living in another EEA country 9.57 In April 2015, there was a change in

law which means that all UK pensioners who are living in the EEA or Switzerland and have registered an S1 form from the UK with the local authorities in their EEA country of residence, and their family members also with a UK issued S1, are entitled to not be charged for secondary healthcare, just like someone who is ordinarily resident in England. However, they will need to pay any charges which also apply to UK residents, such as prescription and dental charges. Individuals who have registered a UK S1 in another EEA country should be asked to provide some evidence confirming this. If they present a UK-issued EHIC, their EHIC information should not be entered into the portal for reimbursement.

Obligations on OVMs to confirm S1 or A1 entitlement 9.58 To confirm entitlement to treatment, OVMs should, in the first instance, ask


the patient to present a copy of their UK issued EU healthcare form (S1 or A1). OVMs will need to check whether there is an ‘end date’ on the form as some S1s are time-limited and entitlement to free NHS treatment is directly linked with the S1 form’s validity. If OVMs have any questions about an S1 form, they can contact the DWP Overseas Healthcare Team (details below) to make further enquiries about the form’s registration status. If OVMs are unable to confirm the patient’s status, and the patient is neither ordinarily resident here, nor exempt under another category under the Charging Regulations, then the patient may be liable for their healthcare costs. However, if the patient is able to present their valid form within a reasonable period of time, the Trust should consider reimbursing the patient for costs incurred.

9.59 OVMs can check whether a patient has a registered S1 form in another EEA country by contacting the Overseas Healthcare Team at: Overseasvisitorsteam@DWP.gsi.gov.uk OVM = Overseas Visitors Manager.



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


The‘snail’generation New technology and the effect of the economic crisis has resulted in more people working from home. Popular commentators have nicknamed this generation of workers ‘los caracoles’ (the snails). In Valencia, the number of those spending more than half the day working from their home has more than doubled in seven years. In 2007 there were 47,100 and in 2014 this has risen to 100,300. These figures don’t relate to those taking their work home but those who are physically based there. The people whose home is now also their office are not from anyone particular age group. These caracoles are self-employed (autonomos) or are employed by

organisations who allow them to work from home. ‘There are an increasing number of those working freelance like architects, lawyers, accountants and IT technicians,’ explains Yaissel Sánchez, from the Labour Force Survey, Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA). ‘It’s a method that’s more viable for those who are doing administrative type jobs rather than those who need to have direct contact with the public.’ ‘Where it is necessary to hold meetings or meet with clients we use co-working areas. These are areas where freelance workers can share facilities,’ explains Paula Guzmán who has worked freelance for two years. Lawyer, Fernando Olcina, is also self-employed and uses the co-working services for meeting with

clients. There are many advantages to working in this way including a flexible timetable and it’s reported that it increases productivity and saves money. You don’t need much to get started either. ‘All you need is a computer, a wifi connection and a mobile telephone,’ point out Paula and Fernando. Margo Martínez is 51 and has dedicated a space in his home for his work as a health and safety expert. His company installed a computer for him at home which worked just as if he was in the firm’s building. At home he uses the morning for work. ‘You can be in your pyjamas and drinking coffee and you save time and money getting to work,’ he says.

The system does rely on employers having faith in their employees and the motivation of the individual. It’s also important that when working as an employee at home workers are still given the same rights as if they were in the actual building. The number of employees who occasionally work at home has also increased in the Valencian community if not as dramatically. In 2007 there were 47,900 who reported this working pattern and this has now risen to 53,600 in 2014, an increase of 23.5%. The home doubling up as the work place too is definitely on the increase. Suzanne O’Connell

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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Lots on offer at Toldos Guardamar For many years this family-owned business has been serving the local community, making and installing high quality awnings. Over its 35-year history Toldos Guardamar has gone from strength-to-strength from a small workshop in La Marina to its current purposebuilt showroom in San Fulgencio. It now has offices in Calpe and the Netherlands and a commercial network of more than 300 collaborators in countries from Europe to North Africa. Products have evolved from simple awnings to life-style solutions that are UVA protective, energy-saving, noise conscious and fully guaranteed. 2015 proved to be no exception and Toldos Guardamar had an exceptional year with bumper

and sales staff – so if you are booking an appointment with Toldos Guardamar or would like to discuss the product range, don’t forget to ask for your invite. The events, entitled ‘Cata de Vino’and organized by the iniciative Experience by Toldos Guardamar, are wine tasting experiences that will be held at the Los Mora showroom and head office from 5pm. March will see the company host its annual fiesta weekend, an event that is extremely popular within the local community and one that is open to all. This year the 4th, 5th and 6th March is a Gastronomic Weekend; a celebration of traditional Spanish eating and drinking. Friday 4th March will see Toldos Guardamar provide a free BBQ, live music and drinks

orders and was so busy it remained open throughout the festive period so that expert staff could complete customer orders in time for New Year and The Three Kings. However, despite this huge growth, Toldos Guardamar continues to play a key role in the local community and provide local residents, customers and potential customers with special offers and dedicated events. For customers and potential customers Toldos Guardamar is running a series of ‘by invitation only’ events each Friday in February. The last such event takes place this Friday 26th. Invites are at the discretion of members of staff including technicians

to all who wish the join the party. The celebrations continue on Saturday with a giant paella and drinks and a number of special activities for all the family to join in with and enjoy. This includes the preparation and cooking of a cocido for more than 500 people. Finally, on Sunday 6th March guests will be able to try the cocido along with tortilla de patatas and michirones. For further information on any of the above, contact Toldos Guardamar at Los Moras Poligono, Calle Isla de Ibiza 12-14 or call 966 726 258. The showroom is open Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Mireille Toddington


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Seagate Wealth Management

Worried about the stock market in 2016?

You might have concerns about the stock market decline this year. I thought it would be nice to put some things in perspective to ease your fears and give you some interesting data to offset what you might be seeing on television or hearing on the radio.

A Bad January Does Not Equal A Bad Year As expected over any period, prices in January 2016 and the start of February changed from day-to-day as aggregate expectations changed and investors processed new information. During the month, the S&P 500 Index had a return of -4.96%, the ninth lowest return for the index since 1926. Based on this information, some may wonder whether the returns in January have some predictive power for the returns during the remainder of the year. They do not! In fact, a negative January ends up having a positive subsequent 11-months 60% of the time. So don’t assume a negative January ends up being a bad rest of the year.

What This Means To You! It is also important to remember that your portfolio is still producing the same amount of dividends and interest income. Any losses you may see today are just paper losses. You don't lose money unless you sell in a down market. While the realised return over any period may be positive or negative, in the long run, we believe markets will go up. As investors, we should remain disciplined through all periods in order to capture the expected returns the market offers. I will leave you with one last fun fact. The average 20something watches television about 25 hours per week. By the time you get into your 60s, that average doubles to 50 hours per week. If you want to lower your anxiety about the market, my recommendation is to turn off the television! Enjoy the beautiful Spanish weather (and if you don’t live here, you should visit!). Please contact me at tracy.storer@seagatewealth.es to review your current investment options.



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

WEEKLY EURO UPDATE The European single currency has traded slightly weaker over the course of the last 5 working days. If anything, however, it does remain rather stable bearing in mind what has been happening of late with the other currencies globally. Currency market volatility has been recorded at its highest levels in more than four years, as commodity prices collapsed during January and keep threatening to bounce back, whilst other currencies gain or lose based on then attractiveness on economic performance, or whether central bank actions are altering the financial status quo with global flows impacting on price. The week was always going to be overly dominated by the impending UK / EU summit where Europe’s 28 member states would be holding fractious talks on the UK’s determination to force through renegotiated terms that would enable Prime Minister David Cameron to call the EU In / Out referendum promised to the UK electorate back in 2013. A lot rests on the outcome and at the time of writing no agreement had been formalised with many of the EU leaders at loggerheads with the UK requests. There is no guarantee whatsoever that agreement can be made, leaving the currency markets and the pound in particular susceptible to swings in sentiment as this story drags on. The Euro lost ground over the week both against the US dollar and pound, following ECB president Mario Draghi’s comments on Monday that the ECB was ready to do its part to help, with all its policymakers primed for a strong effort to head off the significant challenges the EU currently faces. With the thought of more quantitative easing measures due the market saw fit to sell the single currency, although the decline has been rather limited with €/US$ drifting to a low of $1.1070 having started the week as high at $1.1193, and the GBP/€ range bound between a low of €1.2750 and 1 high of €1.2990.

UK inflation rate did climb with the consumer price index reportedly reaching 0.3% in January, but overall UK inflation remains a long way away from the Bank of England’s 2% inflation target, with financial markets now predicting that UK interest rates will not rise now until possibly the end of the decade. Had Brexit not had such a hold over sterling, perhaps the UK’s very encouraging unemployment data release may have had a more positive impact. The UK unemployment rate covering the 3 month period October to December 2015 was recorded at 5.1% with a massive 521,000 more people employed than a year earlier. One of the main aspects thwarting a need to raise interest rate at present is the benign average weekly earnings rate which increased by 1.9%, but is hardly a sign that the strong employment market is driving wage inflation higher. Friday’s positive UK data releases covering strong retails sales during January and a strong January Public Sector Borrowing Requirement surplus were ignored in the most part as Brexit preoccupies. From the USA we had the chance to scrutinise the US Federal Reserve’s latest minutes covering the meeting held on January 26th and 27th. The overall conclusion form the minutes suggests that the policy makers are now less likely to hike as the global slowdown and recent equity market sell-off may have a marked impact on US economic conditions. The Federal Reserve are happy with their decision to raise rates in December, however future decisions will be very much data dependant. The US dollar has drifted lower in dollar index terms as expectations of further US rate hikes may now need to be scaled back to 2017. All eyes are now on David Cameron and the EU members and whether an accord can be made. It is very likely the meeting will extend into the weekend now.



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

We all know the herb chives very well indeed. Chives have that delicious pungent flavour which can only be associated with herbs of the allium species. The others of course, being garlic and onions.

History of Chives Chives are one of the most ancient of all the herbs and the first record of chives dates back 4000 years to China when Marco Polo reported his culinary appreciation of chives to the West. Chives were used in China to stop bleeding and as an antidote to poison. There are also records of chives being used in the Middle Ages but strangely, chives were not found in European gardens until the 16th Century. Chives now grow wild in Europe, Australia and North America where they thrive in the warm and hot regions.

the beautiful pink-purple flowers and the chives most used for culinary purposes. The flowers can be eaten, but have a more pungent flavor than the stems. Separate the florets and sprinkle lightly or your dish will taste only of onion. Garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), also called Chinese chives, Chinese leeks, and Oriental garlic, have somewhat flat leaves, richly endowed with a mild garlic aroma and flavour. The starry white flowers, which are sweetly fragrant and striped with green or brown, are carried summer to autumn in spherical clusters at the ends of their stiff stems which are much taller than the leaves. The small bulb grows in clumps, with dark green, slender hollow leaves. Chives are very easy to grow and make a wonderful addition to the herb garden but equally, chives can be used as border plants and will create a very attractive feature, especially when the chives are in blossom.

Cultivating Chives

Characteristics Chives have a mild onion flavour and beautiful pink or white flowers depending on the variety. The most common variety of chives is Allium shoenoprasum and these are the chives that have

The usual and easiest method of growing chives is to divide clumps of several bulbs into small groups and plant in spring or autumn in moist soil. Chives are also easy to cultivate from seed but if sowing chives outside, wait for warmer weather in late spring, as the soil needs to be warm for seeds to germinate. Chives need

continued on page 16

Homes & Gardens



Homes & Gardens

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


continued from page 15 moist, rich and well-drained soil, but will tolerate a poorer soil. When planting out, chives will need a sunny or partially shady position in the garden. Chives should be transplanted or thinned to 6 inches (15 cm) apart. Water the chives in dry spells otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and die. Once the chives start to come into bud, remove these stems to ensure a better crop of chives. This will also maintain the flavour of the chives. Keep the site well cultivated and free of weeds. In the late fall, a couple of clumps may be potted indoors in a window box. The fresh shoots will continue growing for use all winter.

Growing Chives in a Container Chives are the ideal herbs to plant in a container, which can be in your garden or on a windowsill. Keep chives out of full sun if they are in a pot outside. Chives grown in containers will require a large amount of watering.

Harvesting Chives At harvest simply cut the leaves as needed. It is best to cut the stems off an inch or two above the crown. Cutting all the stems from a single clump allows that clump to regenerate with fresh stems. Clipping at the tips of the leaves will not stimulate fresh growth. Chives stop growing vigorously after three or four cuttings. Having several clumps that can be clipped in turn will help extend the season. The chives will continue to grow after several

clippings, just much more slowly. If you fertilize your chives after each cutting, re-growth will occur faster. In addition, it is important to keep the bed weeded because chives will not compete with grass. You will end up with a fragrant lawn, not a garden. Also, remember that as chives are bulbs, a certain amount of greenery should be left to rejuvenate the bulb for next year’s crop of chives. The garden bulbs multiply so quickly that it is advised to dig them up every two or three years and subdivide the clumps to prevent overcrowding. One way to reinvigorate a stand is to divide the clumps into new plugs and replant them. Use a sharp spade to dig the plants up. Trim the roots to about an inch or two long. Trim the tops to an inch above the crown. Then cut the clump into plugs of about two inches square. Plant the new plugs so that the crown is under a half inch of soil and treat normally.

Preserving Chives Chives are one of the herbs that do not dry well so keeping chives fresh is the key to keeping the flavour and the colour. Seal bunches of chives in a plastic bag and keep in the fridge for up to seven days. Or chop chives and freeze them in ice cube trays and they can be available at any time for cooking. If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to grow enough chives for you and your family. You should also have some to share. Happy gardening! Marc Vijverberg

KEEP CALM AND READ CostaBlanca People


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


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Homes & Gardens

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More and more homeowners are contacting us to tidy their gardens, lay top quality anti-weed blanket and spread gravel to 4-5cm depth. A few choice trees and shrubs (which we can supply) give you a beautiful garden which is virtually maintaince free. ENJOY your garden again. Good choice of different coloured gravel.



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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

WELCOME TO MARRAKECH with Vivalia Travel Marrakech, also known as Marrakesh, is one of the imperial cities of Morocco. The name Marrakech originates from the Amazigh (Berber) words mur (n) akush, which means "Land of God." It is the third largest city in Morocco, after Casablanca and Rabat, and lies near the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains. It is a few hours from the foot of the Sahara Desert. Its location and contrasting landscape has made it an enviable destination in Morocco. The city is divided into two distinct parts: the Medina, the historical city, and the new European modern district called Gueliz or Ville Nouvelle. The Medina is full of intertwining narrow passageways and local shops full of character. In contrast, Gueliz plays host to modern restaurants, fast food chains and big brand stores. THINGS TO SEE AND DO: There is much to see and do in Marrakech. An entire day can be dedicated to wandering around the souks, seeking out the best bargains. The city offers several historical and architectural sites as well as some interesting museums. Palmeraie is the green lung of Marrakech. It is a real oasis on the outskirts of the city. La Palmeraie covers 13,000ha and has about 150,000 palm trees and some hotels. It is the perfect place to take a nomadic space of a few hours during a camel ride. During the course of your 20km journey you can admire the palm trees,

beautiful villas and with a little luck a international star resort in Marrakech ! Lesamateurs for thrills, Quad prefer to camels. The square of Djemaa El-Fna is the highlight of any Marrakech night. Musicians, dancers, and story tellers pack this square at the heart of the medina, filling it with a cacophony of drum beats and excited shouts. Scores of stalls sell a wide array of Moroccan fare (see the Eat section) and you will almost certainly be accosted by women wanting to give you a henna tattoo. The Souks (suuqs), or markets of Marrakech, just adjacent to Place Djemaa El-Fna, are where you can buy almost anything. From spices to shoes, jellabas to kaftans, tea pots to tagines and much, much more. Undoubtedly, being a foreigner means you will end up paying higher prices than a native would, but bargain nonetheless. THE MEDINA: The main square in the Medina is Djemaa El-Fna. It is surrounded by endless labyrinths of souks (bazaars) and alleyways covering all of the Medina. Djemma El-Fna is a must as there is always something to see there day and night whether it be snake charmers, acrobats, sooth-sayers, or the musicians and food stalls. At night the square really comes to life as people navigate toward the exotic aromas and the entertaining sights. As the evening darkens, the hustle and bustle rages on. The exotic music

appears louder and more hypnotic. The Medina is the place to stay in a Riad, a Moroccan house with an internal courtyard. Most windows are inward facing towards the central atrium. This design of property suits Islamic tradition as there is no obvious wealth statement being made externally, no windows to peer through. Entering a Riad is like discovering an Aladdin’s Cave in comparison to its nondescript exterior. They are great places to stay and offer an intimate and relaxing retreat. EAT AND DRINK: Each night in the Djemaa El-Fna rows of street stalls are set up under giant white tents. These huts serve similar fare and have menus printed in French, Arabic and usually English. Everyone has tajine, couscous, brochette and soups. Some have specialties like offal, egg sandwiches or special tajines. Be aware that most restaurants employ rather insistent "greeters," who are very aggressive in getting customers for their stall. The line 'we already ate' seems to work well to get them to stop. If you want to eat well in Marrakech, do what the locals do and eat at the food stalls in the square. It is a common misconception that these stalls are here for the tourists. Actually, they have been in existence long before Marrakech became a tourist destination. All of the stalls can be regarded as perfectly safe to eat at.

Albatera Mobile Home Park

Located in the Albatera countryside, the newest mobile home park on the Costa Blanca is an ideal early retirement site for the over 50s. Set in quiet surroundings, the newly built, fully legal mobile home park offers affordable Spanish living to a very high standard. The park itself is an easy walk from Albatera town with its public swimming pool and gym as well as a plethora of bars, coffee shops and restaurants. Located just 30 minutes from blue flag beaches and near the large indoor shopping centre, Nueva Condominia, there is never a shortage of ideas for days out. The town square of Albatera has cafes and is a great place to sit back, relax and watch the world go by. Albatera also has a busy market every Thursday with fresh fruit, vegetables, textiles and gifts on sale by local vendors. If you enjoy the great outdoors, Albatera Mobile Home Park is adjacent to a number of popular countryside walking routes or, if mountain walking is more your style, a ten minute drive will bring you to the nearby mountains with stunning scenery and

excellent walking routes. The local train service brings you to the cities of Alicante and Murcia for shopping trips or days out, and within a short drive of the mobile home park are a range of pretty Spanish villages just waiting to be explored. The mobile home park makes a great choice for retirees and those taking early retirement. It is a quiet, rural park just thirty minutes from Alicante airport. Plot prices are very reasonable and start at just €235 per month. You are free to landscape your plot to your own taste with plenty of space to park your car. What’s more, when you make the move, owners Chad and Jayne are more than happy to guide you through settling in to Spain and can help with paperwork, local advice and information about doctors, hospitals etc. Plots for rent and mobile homes for sale. For more information or to arrange a viewing, contact 0034 965 966 165 or 0034 686 665 720, or email enquiries@albateramobilehomepark.co.uk





CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

‘You Can’t Be Serious’ is a weekly tongue in cheek look at the world through Bernie Comaskey’s eyes. With kind permission of the Westmeath Examiner.



“I DIDN’T INTERRUPT YOU...! Do you know one of the best things about being a columnist? Nobody can interrupt me! Ok, so I can be tackled on the streets of Mullingar or further afield, on something I may have written last week –or even up to two years earlier, but by then whatever harm I have done, is done. It is much different trying to make your case on live radio, especially in a debate. Don’t be overly critical with our political candidates these days, as they try to get a shot in whilst being heavily marked. Indeed, often marked by a couple of opposing players at the same time and all the while under the watchful eye of a strict referee. Surely this is the closest thing to a human blood-sport that we have left? Some would argue that we have too much of this in the lead up to the election. Not so; we Irish love every sort of a contest. Speaking for myself, I am a political junkie – same as I am a sports fanatic. At times these live ‘leader’s debates’ do descend into a shouting match, when nobody can be heard until order is restored. Occasionally this is a tactic by one of the speakers to stop an opponent from speaking, or a rouse to use up time. But by and large, this

interrupting is an uncontrollable and perfectly natural instinctive response to somebody saying something totally incorrect – or at least something you vehemently disagree with. It has very little to do with bad manners. Let me explain, please. Our minds can listen and comprehend at the rate of 600 words per minute, but we can only speak at the rate of 150 words per minute. Another way of putting it is that we have twice as many ears as mouths. Because our mind works so much faster than the mouth, it is almost

impossible to desist from interrupting the other person. Even in normal conversations, we hear maybe only one or two phrases the other fellow says and our mind immediately jumps ahead to a solution or a line about ‘what happened to me.’ Next and you are interjecting before you know it. The debates though are tough going, with all the participants trying to make a bit more space for themselves. Maybe some will start off with a regal type of stance; dignified, calm and mannerly. We all know this won’t work and it won’t last. Soon they

are all into it like fishwives. (Thinking …. Am I likely to meet a fishwife at a match …?) You will have noticed that one line which will temporarily break the tackle is, ‘I didn’t interrupt you …:’ Of course he or she did – and will again, but it will do the trick and buy a few valuable seconds. The next most popular and effective line is; ‘please let me finish …’ He may not get to ‘finish’ – but he has created an opening. Sometimes an interruption can be made for a good reason, such as to contribute a useful piece of information. ‘Sorry to interrupt you … but’, will often allow an opponent in with a sliding tackle. So what if you are the main speaker giving a talk: Is there any way you can guard against interruptions? The answer is ‘no’ if somebody is really out to get you; but here are a few useful tips to avoid giving non-verbal invitations for an interruption. Don’t make eye contact and raise your eye-brows at the same time. You are asking for it if you do! Leaving long pauses in the middle of a strong message is opening the gap as well. It’s just like leaving too long a space on the road between you and the car in front;

it won’t be long until the car behind you fills it. Pretend not to see the person giving the signal that they want to say something – until you are good and ready at the end. This is the juncture at which you need to speed up your rate of speaking – and maybe raise your voice a decibel or two. Or you might try the ‘power stare’ – as they call it in The States. This involves looking intently at the guy for longer than the normal glance – essentially defying him to speak. Remember at all times that you are the man with the ball. You still have one last card to play to avoid the inevitable interruption. This is the “and finally …” or “and one more thing before I finish” line. Nobody will interrupt now, all believing that you are about to sit down. Now you are on a clear stretch of road again … well, until you are interrupted!!

You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink. You can elect a man to the Dáil, but you can’t make him think.



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Six arrested in Spain with links to violence in UK Six people have been arrested in Spain after series of violent incidents between organised crime groups in Salford. The Spanish National Police with support from Greater Manchester Police and the National Crime Agency launched dawn raids and arrested four men and a woman in Marbella, in the Costa Del Sol, Spain. On Tuesday 16 February 2016 three men from Salford, aged, 28, 25 and 20 were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder, possession of a firearm and membership of an organised crime group. The 20 year old man was also wanted on a European Arrest Warrant by Greater Manchester Police for possession of class A drugs and counterfeit currency. A 41 year-old man from Trafford and a 31-year-old woman from Dublin, Ireland were also arrested on suspicion of membership of an organised crime group on Tuesday 16 February 2016. Two properties were raided as part of the operation, officers also recovered a loaded hand gun and ammunition and four knives from the properties during the warrants. On Wednesday 3 February 2016 a 23-year-old man from Salford was also arrested in Marbella on a European Arrest Warrant on suspicion of possession of class A drugs with intent to supply. Assistant Chief Constable Rebekah Sutcliffe from Greater Manchester Police said: “These arrests are a significant result for Greater Manchester Police in our fight against organised crime in Salford. This sends out a clear message to all those involved in organised crime, that we will never give up and we will find you, even if you have left the country. “We would like to thank the Spanish National Police and the National Crime Agency, once again they have shown their determination to

relentlessly pursue criminals and fugitives who seek to use Spain as a base for their criminal activities. “Our commitment to tackling serious organised crime in Salford will continue and we will use all of the powers and information available to us and our partners to target this criminality round-the-clock and put a stop to it for good.

We would like to thank the Spanish National Police and the National Crime Agency, once again they have shown their determination to relentlessly pursue criminals and fugitives who seek to use Spain as a base for their criminal activities.” REBEKAH SUTCLIFFE

Dave Allen, Head of the International Crime Bureau at the National Crime Agency said: “Law enforcement does its best work and has the most impact when it pools resources and works collaboratively. This is an excellent result, which shows the determination and professionalism of the Spanish National Police, the National Crime Agency and UK police forces, in targeting organised crime groups and fugitives who seek to use Spain as a base for their criminal activities.” Anyone with any information about the issues linked to organised crime in Salford should contact police on 0161 856 9775 or independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.





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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


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Formentera del segura, 3 bed, 2 bath villa Private pool, Semi-rural location, 550m2 plot, 125m2 build - Price 219,000€

Quesada, New build 3 bed, 3 bath villas, Include private pool, Finished to a high standard, Show house ready, Under construction now - Price from 208.500€

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Quesada, top floor Buenavista apartment, 2 bed, 1 bath, communal pool, solarium with turret, fully furnished, Price 79,995€

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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

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CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeopleDecember February 22nd 23rd -- 28th 29th 2015 2016


British Consulates work to increase awareness of dementia

Glasses donned by delegates to the learning events show the reduced visual perception of dementia sufferers

British Consulates in Alicante and Malaga are working with expat support organisations including the Royal British Legion, Age Concern España, HELP and Age Care to improve services for people affected by dementia. The consulates this week hosted learning events in Alicante, Murcia and Malaga, led by UK dementia experts Sue Brewin and Su Burns. The meetings sought to help support groups understand the different types of dementia and ways to overcome barriers to communication with people affected by the disorder. According to research from the UK-based charity Alzheimer’s Society, the number of people diagnosed with dementia in Western Europe will double by 2050, with one in three people likely to be affected. This means that organisations that help British Nationals will face more cases and need expertise. Southern and eastern Spain are home to large numbers of British residents, many of whom are elderly and some with substantial care needs, but who may have little or no resources or family to support them.

To qualify for social services such as home help, British nationals must have previously registered with the Spanish authorities. Charmaine Arbouin, British Consul for Southern Spain and the Canary Islands, says: “Organisations such as Cruz Roja Española and Age Concern can be a lifeline for people affected by dementia. However, they cannot meet all your needs. I strongly urge expats to register on the padron and for healthcare now, before health issues arise. You can then access support from the Spanish system via the local health centre and town hall social services when you need it. “If you fail to register then you are unlikely to get social services help later.” Dementia covers several types of brain disorder, including Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form. There is no cure and the disorders are usually progressive. Common symptoms include memory loss, confusion, speech difficulties and problems with understanding. Information regarding healthcare for British Nationals living in Spain can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/healthcare-in-spain

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225,000 Euros

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Quesada, walking distance to Lidl and Consum supermarkets, this quad house has 3 beds, 1 family bathroom, downstairs WC, separate large kitchen, and good sized living/dining room. Fully furnished to a comfortable standard, communal swimming pool.

157,500 Euros

149,995 Euros

San Luis, semi-detached villa with large plot, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, large kitchen, living room and dining room, plus separate guest suite of bedroom and bathroom, large garage, rooftop solarium with lovely views, outside BBQ area, so many extras, too many to list. No pool, but space for. Located within easy walking distance to all amenities, a family home, not a holiday home.

Quesada, detached villa with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, lovely kitchen, two living rooms, legal extension, mature garden, off road parking, with brick built storage unit underneath, this property is presented immaculately, and represents spacious accommodation with recent extension, many, many extras too numerous to list, or indeed very close offers. Viewing essential.

79,000 Euros

32,500 Euros NO OFFERS

Quesada, mid terrace bungalow with 2 beds, 1 bathroom, dining room with beautiful kitchen, plus extension to make a large living room. Off road parking, front garden fully tiled, south facing. This is the best one I have seen in 15 years, fully furnished to an excellent standard. Price 79,000 euros, but owner is serious to sell, and will negotiate. Full photos in office. Located walking distance to supermarket, bars and restaurants.

Ground floor 1 bed apartment, excellent size, fully furnished to a very comfortable standard, communal pool 7 metres from front door, underground garage, telephone entry system, walking distance to town centre and Saturday market. 622



CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeople February December 23rd 22nd - 29th - 28th2016 2015



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


31 CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Deadpool (2016) Rating 8.6 A former Special Forces operative turned mercenary is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopting the alter ego Deadpool. Director: Tim Miller Writers: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller

Batman v Superman (2016) Fearing the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on Superman, while the world wrestles with what kind of a hero it really needs. With Batman and Superman fighting each other, a new threat, Doomsday, is created by Lex Luthor. It’s up to Superman and Batman to set aside their differences along with Wonder Woman to stop Lex Luthor and Doomsday from destroying Metropolis. Director: Zack Snyder Writers: Chris Terrio, David S. Goyer Stars: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams

Zoolander2(2016) Rating 5.2 Derek and Hansel are lured into modeling again, in Rome, where they find themselves the target of a sinister conspiracy. Director: Ben Stiller Writers: Justin Theroux, Ben Stiller Stars: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Penélope Cruz

Captain America: Civil War (2016) Political interference in the Avengersʹ activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man. Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writers: Christopher Markus (screenplay), Stephen McFeely (screenplay) | 3 more credits » Stars: Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Evans

Don’t miss any of your favourite shows with the Costa Blanca People’s FREE comprehensive TV pullout, featuring extended listings from more TV channels than ever!


Television: Tues 23rd Feb BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.45am 1.50am


Breakfast Food: Truth or Scare Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Holby City Happy Valley BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Life and Death Row Professor Green: Hidden and Homeless Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 2.15am 3.15am 4.15am 5.15am

ITV2 6.50am 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.45am 1.15am 1.40am 2.10am

6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.00am

Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football Highlights Boxing Boxing Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits SPFL Round Up Football Highlights Boxing Boxing Fantasy Football Club Highlights Football Highlights Eredivisie Football Round-Up Boxing Boxing Boxing Gold Boxing Boxing Time of Our Lives Boxing Boxing La Liga World 2015 The Premier League Years

7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.50pm 1.10am 1.40am

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Tattoo Fixers Virtually Famous David Blaine The Goldbergs The Goldbergs

Sky Movies Premiere 6.00am

Ben Stiller: Blue Steel


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special Fighting Demons




Barely Lethal




Fighting Demons


Last Knights


Pitch Perfect 2


Barely Lethal


Pitch Perfect 2


Last Knights





ITV1 6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.40am 1.35am 4.00am 4.50am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

ITV2 Nightscreen Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men White House Down Mom Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Ibiza Weekender


Food: Truth or Scare Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Emergency Rescue Down Under Great British Railway Journeys Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics The Super League Show Coast Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Best Dishes Ever Frozen Planet Bargain Hunt Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys The Great Interior Design Challenge Back in Time for the Weekend Who's the Boss? Phone Shop Idol Newsnight Let's Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 The Story of China Back in Time for the Weekend Trust Me, I'm a Doctor MasterChef: The Professionals This is BBC Two


Barely Lethal


The Top Ten Show 2016


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeopleDecember February 22nd 23rd -- 28th 29th 2015 2016

The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale The Inspectors are Coming It's Not Rocket Science Heroes and Villains: Caught on Camera ITV News at Ten and Weather School Swap: The Class Divide The Cube Jackpot247 Loose Women ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 6.00am 6.30am 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 4.00am

Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Inside RAF: Brize Norton Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Duck Quacks Don't Echo Stella NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Highway Patrol Stargate SG-1

7.00am 7.25am 8.30am 9.35am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.10am 3.00am 3.30am

Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Man About the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Eastenders - Reeling from his discovery, Martin heads to see Stacey. It’s the day of Pearl’s first birthday party, but Claudette and Kim find themselves at each others throats when they both have different ideas in mind.

Channel 4 6.05am 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.05am 2.30am 3.00am 3.25am 3.50am 4.45am 5.10am 6.05am

Emmerdale - Chas apologises to Aaron. Chrissie becomes suspicious. Jacob’s infatuation leaves him flustered.

White House Down – ITV2 – 10.00 pm Action thriller that sees the White House attacked by a group of merciless terrorists while Capitol Hill cop Cale is on a tour of the building with his young daughter. Led by a duplicitous government insider, the guerrillas demand a big chunk of the Federal Reserve. However, Cale is determined to save his daughter, protect the president and take the terrorists down, even if it means totalling the White House in the process.

Beat My Build Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Summary The Supervet The Supervet Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Secret Life of the Zoo First Contact: Lost Tribe of the Amazon Gogglebox Sarah Millican: Throughly Modern Millican Live 16 Kids and Counting KOTV Boxing Weekly Gillette World Sport Mobil 1 The Grid Freerider World Tour Frostgun Invitational Ultimate Dealer Beat My Build Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

BBC 4 8.00pm

World News Today


Grand Tours of Scotland


Italy Unpacked


Royal Cousins at War


The Golden Age of Liners

Channel 5 6.10am

House Doctor


House Doctor


The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away






Honor Student


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies


Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun


The Great British Benefits Handout


Age Gap Love


Conspiracy: Alien Cover Up


The True Story


Super Casino 10,000 BC: Two Tribes


Jet! When Britain Ruled the Skies



How Earth Made Us


Wildlife SOS


Natural World




Italy Unpacked


House Doctor


The Golden Age of Liners


House Doctor


This is BBC Four


House Doctor


Jamie's Comfort Food


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


Grand Designs


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


Million Pound Properties


24 Hours in A and E


Embarrassing Bodies

7.00am 7.50am 8.45am 9.50am 10.55am 11.55am 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.55pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.05pm 1.10am 2.05am 3.05am 4.00am

Minder The Chase Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special River Monsters Maximum Conviction Ax Men Minder The Sweeney Teleshopping




More 4


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople CostaBlancaPeopleFebruary December 23rd22nd - 29th - 28th 20162015

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.45am 2.20am 2.25am


Breakfast Food: Truth or Scare Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show The Great Sport Relief Bake Off Tomorrow's Food BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather A Question of Sport Film 2016 The Lookout Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 12.30pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.15pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.45am 1.45am 2.45am 3.45am 4.45am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.05am 9.35am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.05pm 11.20pm 12.25am 12.55am 1.25am 1.50am 2.25am 3.10am 3.20am 6.50am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.20pm 5.40pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 10.45pm

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Experience Fantasy Football Club Highlights Premier League 100 Club Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Boxing Boxing Premier League 100 Club La Liga World 2015 Fantasy Football Club Highlights Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Boxing La Liga World 2015 Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Sky Sports Originals Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs

7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The 100 Supernatural The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Inbetweeners

Sky Movies Premiere Fighting Demons




Barely Lethal


Last Knights


Fighting Demons




Pitch Perfect 2


Barely Lethal


Pitch Perfect 2




Last Knights




Barely Lethal


The Top Ten Show 2016

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.25pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 11.20pm 12.05am 1.05am 1.30am 4.00am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale The Cube Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out The Brit Awards 2016 After Earth The Hot Desk The Brit Awards 2016 The Keith Lemon Sketch Show Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Safeword Scorpion The Hot Desk Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen


Food: Truth or Scare Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Great British Menu Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Lifeline The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Best Dishes Ever The Life of Mammals Bargain Hunt Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys The Great Interior Design Challenge £100k House: Tricks of the Trade One Child Live From the BBC Newsnight Russell Howard's Good News Who's the Boss? The Great Sport Relief Bake Off Nature's Miracle Orphans MasterChef: The Professionals This is BBC Two


Transformers: Age of Extinction Special


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special

Television: Wed 24th Feb

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Brit Awards 2016 ITV News UEFA Champions League Highlights Richard Wilson on the Road Jackpot247 ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Inside RAF: Brize Norton Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons A League of Their Own Limitless Lucky Number Slevin Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1 Sky World News Sky World Review and Business Report

7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.10pm 5.20pm 5.55pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.10am 3.00am 3.30am

Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Man About the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie's Marple A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


Channel 4

Emmerdale - Aaron receives some useful information. Andy is offered a job. Rhona is ready to talk.

Coronation Street - Izzy resorts to drastic measures. Carla feels the pressure of Tracy's plans. Sally tries to please everyone.

Channel 5




The Wotwots!


King of Queens


Chloe's Closet


King of Queens


Lily's Driftwood Bay


King of Queens


Fireman Sam


Everybody Loves Raymond




Everybody Loves Raymond


Peppa Pig




Pip Ahoy!




Little Princess


Car S.O.S


Bob the Builder


Undercover Boss USA


Thomas and Friends


Channel 4 News Summary


Noddy in Toyland


The Supervet


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


The Supervet


Peppa Pig


Deal or No Deal


Peppa Pig




Paw Patrol


A New Life in the Sun


Come Dine with Me


The Simpsons




Channel 4 News


Posh Pawn


24 Hours in A and E


Keeping Up with the Khans


Royal Navy School


Backstreet Boys


Undercover Boss USA




Kirstie's Handmade Treasures


Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm


World News Today Grand Tours of Scotland Could We Survive a Mega-Tsunami? The Prosecutors: Real Crime and Punishment The Secret Life of Bob Monkhouse The Golden Age of Liners Could We Survive a Mega-Tsunami? The Real Tom Thumb: History's Smallest Superstar The Prosecutors: Real Crime and Punishment This is BBC Four


Jamie's Comfort Food


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


Grand Designs


Discovering Britain


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


24 Hours in A and E


Embarrassing Bodies

11.00pm 12.30am 1.30am 2.30am 4.00am





Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away






The Girl He Met Online


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


GPs: Behind Closed Doors


Inside Buckingham Palace


Person of Interest


Person of Interest




True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Super Casino


10,000 BC: Two Tribes


Wildlife SOS




House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

7.00am 7.50am 8.45am 9.50am 10.50am 11.55am 12.55pm 1.30pm 1.55pm 2.50pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.25am 3.25am 3.45am 4.00am

Minder The Chase Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Benidorm Tomorrow Never Dies Texas Killing Fields Storage Wars Texas ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

More 4


The Brit Awards 2016 – ITV – 9.00 pm Ant and Dec host the star-studded ceremony live from London’s O2 Arena. Featuring performances from some of the biggest names in music including Adele, Coldplay, Little Mix, Justin Bieber, James Bay and Rihanna. Adele leads with four nominations and will be battling it out for the coveted Album of the Year award alongside Coldplay, Florence and the Machine, James Bay and Jamie XX.



Television: Thurs 25th Feb BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.30am


Breakfast Food: Truth or Scare Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Room 101 EastEnders Death in Paradise BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Question Time This Week Weather for the Week Ahead

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 6.20pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.15am 12.55am 1.55am 2.55am 3.25am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 1.15am 1.45am 2.10am 2.35am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.20pm 2.40pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 1.15am 1.30am

Sky Movies Premiere Fighting Demons




Barely Lethal




Last Knights


Fighting Demons


Pitch Perfect 2


Barely Lethal


Pitch Perfect 2


Last Knights






Barely Lethal


The Top Ten Show 2016

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.55am 1.45am 4.00am 4.25am 6.05am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Scorpion The Keith Lemon Sketch Show Scary Movie 5 Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Keith Lemon Sketch Show Totally Bonkers Guinness World


Food: Truth or Scare Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed The Great Interior Design Challenge Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Coast The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Best Dishes Ever The Life of Mammals Bargain Hunt Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Rick Stein's Taste of Shanghai Big Dreams Small Spaces The Story of China The Clare Balding Show Newsnight The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story The Story of China Earth's Greatest Spectacles Emergency Rescue Down Under This is BBC Two


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Big Hero 6 Special

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Sky Sports Originals Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Boxing Boxing Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Barclays Premier League World Boxing Boxing Live Premier League Darts Boxing Boxing Boxing Gold Super League Highlights Football Gold Football Gold

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The Big Bang Theory

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Birds of a Feather Jericho ITV News at Ten and Weather UEFA Europa League Highlights Heroes and Villains: Caught on Camera Jackpot247 Tonight ITV Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle Show

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 5.00am

E4 7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Inside RAF: Brize Norton Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Duck Quacks Don't Echo A League of Their Own Stan Lee's Lucky Man Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Highway Patrol Highway Patrol Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1

Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Man About the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Prince Charles: The Royal Restoration A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen

SOAP UPDATE Eastenders - Tensions are high when a fuming Abi struggles to come to terms with Ben’s latest admission, and they are both forced to take action. The Beales receive an offer on the restaurant but is it all as perfect as it seems? Emmerdale - Jacob learns the truth on his date. Chrissie sets a trap. Aaron is in for a surprise. Gabby and Lachlan

Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.35am 1.30am 2.25am 3.20am 4.15am 4.45am 5.10am 6.05am

get into trouble. Robert is worried about Aaron. Rakesh gives Jimmy and Nicola a warning.

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Summary The Supervet The Supervet Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown The Great British Sex Survey Sex Party Secrets Secrets of the Living Dolls The Secret Millionaire Embarrassing Bodies Dispatches Ultimate Dealer Something for Nothing Phil Spencer: Secret Agent


Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away






Stolen From the Womb


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Snow


Winter Road Rescue


Inside the World's Toughest Prisons


World News Today


The Best of Bad TV


Top of the Pops: 1981


The Great British Benefits Handout


Bombay Railway


Super Casino


World War Two: A Timewatch Guide


The Holiday Airport:


The Brain with David Eagleman


The Horizon Guide to Pandemic


Top of the Pops: 1981


Rod Stewart Live at Hyde Park


The Joy of Easy Listening

4.05am 5.00am

ITV3 7.00am 7.25am 8.25am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.10am 2.15am 3.05am


Sun, Sea and Scousers 5.00am

Wildlife SOS




House Doctor

The Brain with David Eagleman


House Doctor

This is BBC Four


House Doctor

More 4 9.50am

Jamie's Comfort Food


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


Grand Designs


The Good Wife


The Billion Pound Hotel


Gadget Man


Gadget Man


Inside the worlds toughest prisons – Channel 5 – 10.00 pm Documentary series. In a television first, crime journalist Paul Connolly is granted access to El Hongo maximum security prison, one of Mexico's toughest jails from where no-one has ever escaped. Isolated in the barren Baja desert of northern Mexico, El Hongo is a concrete fortress of discipline and punishment designed to contain and control over a thousand inmates including hardened cartel gangsters.

ITV4 7.00am 7.05am 7.55am 8.50am 9.50am 10.55am 11.55am 12.55pm 1.25pm 1.55pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.35am 2.50am 3.35am 4.00am

Football's Greatest Minder The Chase Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Classic Car Show The World is Not Enough Collateral Damage Ax Men Storage Wars Texas Teleshopping


www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hello, Having recently been the target of a local Spanish conman is it possible to make local people aware and alert through your newspaper. We live in the La Florida area of Orihuela Costa and having recently had our ICP upgraded by Iberdrola were susceptible to a Spanish man, about 35 years old and very plausible and knowledgeable, he wore all green, Iberdrola colours carried ID saying his name was Juan, he just needed to check a few things before issuing us with a 3 year certificate. Specifically my ID to say I was the person named on an Iberdrola letter which we had received, I duly retrieved my purse from the draw and showed ID, put my purse back, he requested a drink of water because he had such a busy day, I did not like leaving him in room alone and tried to watch but he was very clever, when I came back in the room I checked the drawer and my purse was missing, it was in the kitchen minus my money. My partner was outside and I called him to say I had been robbed, "Juan" bolted while we tried to apprehend him and call the police. I went to denounce him the next day and met a local friend also reporting the same person, all this happened to both of us between 6pm to 6.30pm please is it possible to warn people, let no one in without an appointment. Lorraine “Shout” Fire!! Are you familiar with these two words,

then you may have been in or had dealings with a local fire service in the UK. If you have been a fire fighter, full time, retrained or volunteer, or perhaps served in a fire control or an office with a local Fire Authority in the UK, then we are calling “YOU!” The Extinguished Fire Fighters Club has been running for some years now in Spain and we would like to ask you to come and join us. We are looking for new members and you would be most welcome. We hold our meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at the Green Baize club in Quesada a few miles inland from Torrevieja, just off the AP7. Meetings start at 15.00 hours and are usually well represented by members from various brigades all over the UK. We also hold a social event once a month that is organised by members where you are invited to bring family and friends. There are no strangers in our club, just people you haven’t met yet but we all have a common link – The Fire Service!! So if you fancy it just come along or if you need more information just contact us on these internet details, Dave Daniel (Ex West Sussex) on davedanie@gmail.com Keith Haram (Ex Tyne & Weir) on keithharam@hotmail.com Dave Graham (Ex Tyne & Weir) on davdgraham@yahoo.co.uk

Dear Editor I read your article in the 16th Feb. 22nd Feb. 2016 regarding the fire in El Hondo Natural Park. I realise that sometimes these are natural disasters, and that there is an investigation by the authorities. This is the first time I have ever commented on a newspaper article, however I sometimes wonder if the authorities are missing some BASICS. I am a cyclist of 1000's of kms and have lived in Spain for 6 years now after retiring. Whilst cycling in the campo I see lots of glass bottles left by the

roadside, either thrown out of cars/vans or lorries or even left by fruit pickers. Sun, glass bottles acting as a magnifying glass could be the simple explanation. Perhaps litter laws need be to looked at. Yours Sincerely, Dave Hughes. Dear Editor, I would be grateful if you would find space to advertise our forthcoming meeting please: Rojales Neighbourhood Watch Group is holding its AGM on Monday 14 March at 11am in the Municipal Centre, Ciudad Quesada. Anyone living in the 03170 area is very welcome to come. I do hope that as many of you as possible will come and help make this a good, productive meeting. We need you to tell us if you wish the Group to continue in its current format or if you would prefer a more formal set up with more frequent meetings. Bring your thinking caps and let us know how you would like the group to operate. We look forward to seeing you there. Helen Tudor – Secretary Dear Editor CHATTERS INVITE ANTONIO

ZAPATA, LOCAL HISTORIAN . Wednesday 17th March at the Pasty Shack, Los Alcazares, local historian Snr . Antonio Zapata, a high school history teacher and president of Los Alcazares Eco Cultural, LAEC .was invited to come along to the monthly HAH CHATTERS meeting to talk about the local history of this vibrant town & surrounding area. By 10.30, every seat was taken and the assembled group enjoyed coffee and cake before the talk. Lots of slides were shown, and quite a few people were reminded of past times in and around the surrounding area. Although Snr Zapata is Spanish, he spoke very good English, and the audience were delighted by his knowledge. After the applause, Bill Hulse who organises the CHATTERS meetings, said “ an amazing speech, and the slides were so interesting, seeing Los Alcazares how it used to be.. thanks so much for bringing this to us, and invited Snr Zapata to talk again in the future. We are all so proud of the success of CHATTERS, thanks to the interesting speakers, the quiz and the locals who support us every month” The next meeting will be on March 15th, and will be about “Communications” If you have a problem with lap tops, mobiles, computers etc. then come along. More information nearer the time. To find out more about HAH www.helpathome.es or if you would like to volunteer a little time, please contact helpathomespain@gmail.com



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



Meet Lyn...


What can I say other than “Property Is My Life!”

Beautiful Spanish homes with clear blue skies make for the perfect photo!

I bring more than 45 years of selling experience to our company and after achieving a very successful life in the United Kingdom, my husband Tony and I decided we needed to add more sunshine to our lives! After relocating our family to Spain in 1988, we decided to join our experience and knowledge together and launched Inmobiliaria. We were the very first Estate Agency to open an office in Ciudad Quesada and the first English Estate Agents within the Torrevieja area. Making use of my passion for Interior Design allows us to advise on the best staging techniques to help sell your home. So you see...living here for so long brings many benefits, not only local and general knowledge of our area, but a wealth of experience when dealing with possibly one of the biggest transactions of your life... PROPERTY PURCHASING & SELLING. *Lyn and Tony have two daughters...Rebecca works with them as a Sales Director at Inmobiliaria and Nichola owns the biggest Spa and Swimming Pool Superstore in Torrevieja.

When your hobby is your job, life is very satisfying! After being in the property industry for years in England, my wife Lyn and I decided to persue our dream of working in a warmer climate. Waking up to the sun and going to work certainly makes you appreciate every day. It was certainly tough being the first Estate Agents here, especially as Spain wasn’t in the EEC at that time, but through hard work and dedication in wanting to provide a top class sales service, we dug our heels in and opened our office doors in 1989. I provide all top quality photos on every home we have for sale, and we are delighted to offer virtual tours on our properties too, which is proving to be very popular with our buyers. Keeping up to date with the latest technology and incorporating it into our marketing skills, keeps us well above the rest. No-one has been here as long as we have...so why not take advantage of our expertise?






OFFERED AT: €105,000

OFFERED AT: €110,000

OFFERED AT: €105,000

OFFERED AT: €130,000





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Connected to Mains Gas ♦ South Facing ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Courtyard ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking with Car Port ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom Semi-Detached Bungalow ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Immaculate Condition ♦ Large Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Furnished ♦ Stunning Views ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Resident Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool




NEWLY PRICED: €235,000

NEWLY PRICED: €297,000

OFFERED AT: €499,500




3/4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Well Maintained ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Very Good Location ♦ 470m2 Plot ♦ Large Double Garage ♦ Close to All Local Amenities

4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Beautifully Maintained ♦ 10m x 5m Private Swimming Pool ♦ 800m2 Plot ♦ 5 Minute Walk to Ciudad Quesada

4/5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Luxury Modern Detached Villa ♦ Truly Stunning ♦ 580m2 Plot ♦ Underfloor Heating ♦ 305m2 of High Quality Build ♦ Private Salt Water 8m x 4m Swimming Pool ♦ Double Garage



www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

TELEPHONE: 966 718 392 EMAIL: sales@homes4u.es WEB SITE: www.homes4u.es



Estate Agents

R COMPANY SO SUCCESSFUL AND GREAT Meet John... I dreamt the dream and made it

Meet Rebecca... Property...it’s in my blood!

happen...you can too!


I’d had enough of the ‘rat race’ lifestyle of living in England...I wanted that Spanish home I’d always dreamed of having. My friends had talked about it but hesitated, but why should I? So after finally plucking up the courage, my wife and I made the move to sunny Spain! Living here for the past 15 years and now having two children aged 13 and 5 that were born here, means I can offer the best advice for whatever lifestyle you’re looking for. I have 15 years experience in selling Spanish property and want to share that with my buyers and sellers, for whatever challenges they are facing. These are exciting times as the economy is definitely improving. If you’re a buyer...don’t wait and miss that illusive boat...prices are on the increase as demand is returning. If you’re a seller...don’t wait to list your home with us...we always require more homes to keep up with the demand of our buyers. I can’t wait to share with you my knowledge and expertise, so give me a call now to schedule an appointment. I can promise you I will always give the best advice for you to make a decision that’s perfect for you!





OFFERED AT: €249,000


OFFERED AT: €87,000

OFFERED AT: €128,000





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ 143m2 Build Size ♦ 420m2 Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Lovely Mountain Views ♦ Private 8m x 4m Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Great Location ♦ Close to Local Amenities

2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ 200m2 Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool




OFFERED AT: €135,000

OFFERED AT: €69,500





3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Corner Plot ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Beautifully Presented ♦ Large Tiled Gardens ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Golf Course Location

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Wheelchair Friendly ♦ Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Communal Car Park



After being brought up in a household where the topic of conversation was constantly property, I think I was a little brainwashed and it was inevitable that I too, would be the top-selling agent of the Ciudad Quesada area. Learning to speak fluent Spanish was essential in being able to offer the best possible service our clients deserve. Whether you’re a buyer or seller, you certainly have questions that need to be answered and we are here to get that job done... effectively and efficiently. It is refreshing to see through the 28 years of living and working here that many people have decided on a career change later on in life, however when dealing with such a huge financial transaction, you need to be reassured that: a) the agent is not going anywhere and b) they have the many years of Spanish property knowledge, not only for the construction aspect, but the paperwork side too, which undoubtedly I have. I have two children aged 14 and 11 that were both born here in Torrevieja, so general knowledge of lifestyle I have proven first-hand experience of! The third generation of Inmobiliaria are on their way and being trained early! I’m waiting to help with your property search, whether you’re relocating here or just want that holiday home you’ve always dreamed of!


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

BBC1 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.10pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.35pm 12.05am 12.45am 2.10am 4.15am 4.20am


Breakfast Food: Truth or Scare Homes Under the Hammer Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Six Nations Rugby Union BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Hospital People Catherine Tate's Nan The Celebrity Apprentice USA The Celebrity Apprentice USA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.50pm 5.20pm 6.20pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.35am 2.10am 3.10am 4.10am 6.55am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.05am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.15am 1.35am 2.00am 2.25am 2.45am

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 2.00pm 2.15pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 11.15pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.45am 1.15am 1.30am 3.30am 4.00am 4.30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Premier League 100 Club BPL Legends Barclays Premier League World Premier League Darts Super League Highlights Football Gold Boxing Boxing The Premier League Years La Liga Show 2015 The Fantasy Football Club Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Boxing Live FL72 Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Super League Highlights The Premier League Years Barclays Premier League Review Barclays Premier League World The Premier League Years

7.00am 7.50am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.10am 12.40am 1.05am 2.10am

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Friends with Benefits The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



Far From the Madding Crowd


Maleficent Special




Barely Lethal


Last Knights


Mad Max: Fury Road


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road




Unconscious Unfriended


Barely Lethal

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 12.10am 2.25am 4.00am 4.50am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Emmerdale You've Been Framed! The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Bourne Ultimatum Take Me Out Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Totally Bonkers Guinness World


Food: Truth or Scare Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed MasterChef: The Professionals Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Coast The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Best Dishes Ever The Life of Mammals Bargain Hunt Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Mastermind Canals: The Making of a Nation Philomena Newsnight Artsnight The Disappearance of Alice Creed Question Time The Real Marigold Hotel This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special


Big Hero 6 Special

Television: Fri 26th Feb

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury Coronation Street Mr Selfridge ITV News at Ten and Weather Birds of a Feather Live and Let Die Jackpot247 Murder, She Wrote ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 2.30am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Inside RAF: Brize Norton Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Stan Lee's Lucky Man Stella Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Highway Patrol Highway Patrol Stargate SG-1

7.00am 7.25am 8.30am 9.30am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.50pm 7.55pm 8.55pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.20am 3.00am 3.50am

Man About the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Long Lost Family A Touch of Frost The Bucket List Doc Martin The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes


Channel 4 7.00am 7.45am 8.10am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.05pm 2.05pm 3.10pm 4.10pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 1.55am 4.05am 4.55am 5.50am 6.00am 6.50am


Emmerdale - Aaron is shocked by Cain’s advice. Ashley comes to a decision. Pearl is concerned by what she sees.

Coronation Street - Tracy’s plans are thwarted. Izzy is out of her depth. The future of Underworld is in Aidan's hands. Carla feels the heat from Tracy. Gary discovers the truth about Izzy. Eva is surprised by an unexpected visitor.

Channel 5 7.00am

The Wotwots!


Chloe's Closet


Lily's Driftwood Bay


Fireman Sam




Peppa Pig


Pip Ahoy!


Little Princess


Bob the Builder


Thomas and Friends


Noddy in Toyland


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig


Paw Patrol


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat


The Wright Stuff


Cowboy Builders


5 News Lunchtime


Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!


Home and Away






Black Friday


5 News at 5




Home and Away


5 News Tonight


The Gadget Show


That's So... 1981


NCIS: New Orleans


World News Today




Eurovision: You Decide


NCIS: Los Angeles


The Joy of ABBA


True Crimes: The First 72 Hours


Lulu: Something to Shout About


Super Casino


Blondie's New York...


The Holiday Airport: Sun, Sea and Scousers

And the Making of Parallel Lines 1.20am

Lulu: Something to Shout About


Police Interceptors


The Joy of ABBA


House Doctor


The Joy of the Single


House Doctor


This is BBC Four


House Doctor


Jamie's Comfort Food


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


Grand Designs




8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Embarrassing Bodies

7.00am 7.10am 8.00am 8.55am 9.55am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.55pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.35pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.30am 2.40am

Movies Now Minder The Chase Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Counting Cars Counting Cars Lethal Weapon 4 Fire Down Below River Monsters



Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Car S.O.S Undercover Boss USA Channel 4 News Summary The Supervet The Supervet Deal or No Deal Countdown A New Life in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Jamie and Jimmy's Friday Night Feast Food Unwrapped Gogglebox The Last Leg Rude Tube Virtually Famous Rising Sun Undercover Boss USA Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Kirstie's Vintage Gems Deal or No Deal How I Met Your Mother


More 4


Philomena BBC2 – 10.00 pm Drama recounting the true story of Philomena Lee, a Catholic woman who gives birth out of wedlock in 1950s Ireland. Abandoned by her family, she is forced to live in an abbey, where the nuns sell her infant child for adoption. Philomena keeps her secret for fifty years, before eventually enlisting the help of jaded journalist Martin Sixsmith in tracking down her estranged son.



Television: Sat 27th Feb BBC1

7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.10pm 1.50pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.20pm 6.50pm 7.00pm 7.10pm 8.00pm 10.00pm 10.50pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 12.40am 2.15am 2.20am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking BBC News Football Focus Saturday Sportsday Bargain Hunt Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Continent Final Score Dynamo: Magician Impossible BBC News Regional News and Weather The Getaway Car The Voice UK Casualty The National Lottery Live BBC News Match of the Day The Tuxedo Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

BBC2 7.55am

Animal Park


Invaders from Mars


The Password is Courage


Natural World


James Martin: Home Comforts


Rick Stein's India


The Best Dishes Ever


The Best Dishes Ever


Up Periscope


Big Dreams Small Spaces


Flog It!


Back in Time for the Weekend


Queen Victoria's Children


Dad's Army




Spike Island


They Came from Manchester


The Secret in Their Eyes


This is BBC Two

ITV2 7.00am

Emmerdale Omnibus


Coronation Street Omnibus


Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway


The Almost Impossible Gameshow




Baby Mama




The Smurfs 2


Back to the Future


Take Me Out: The Gossip


Ibiza Weekender


The Keith Lemon Sketch Show


Not Another Teen Movie


Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands



Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Barclays Premier League Review Game Changers Football Gold Football Gold The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Live FL Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Live Ford Saturday Night Football SNF: Game of the Day SNF: Match Choice SNF: Match Choice SNF: Match Choice SNF: Match Choice Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club

7.00am 7.25am 7.50am 8.10am 8.40am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 6.05pm 6.35pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 12.05am 1.10am 2.15am 3.20am

Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Goldbergs How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Jump Maid in Manhattan The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Knight and Day Tattoo Fixers Gogglebox Gogglebox Virtually Famous

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



Far From the Madding Crowd


Chappie Special


Barely Lethal




Last Knights


Mad Max: Fury Road


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road








Barely Lethal


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special

ITV1 7.00am 7.15am 7.25am 7.35am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 11.25am 12.25pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.25pm 5.25pm 8.00pm

Sky Sports 1 7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 9.45am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.30am 2.00am 3.30am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am 6.15am 6.30am

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Bottom Knocker Street Bottom Knocker Street Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Share a Story Sooty Super 4 Looped Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Jessie The Tom and Jerry Show Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show River Monsters ITV News London ITV News and Weather Rugby Rugby Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 4.00am 5.00am 6.00am 6.30am

Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew Game Changers Duck Quacks Don't Echo The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. To be Announced To be Announced Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Limitless Scream 2 Strike Back: Project Dawn Strike Back: Project Dawn A League of Their Own Highway Patrol Emergency with Angela Griffin Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare


The Four Musketeers


Where the Heart is


Channel 4 How I Met Your Mother


Peppa Pig


Frostgun Invitational


Bananas in Pajamas


Freerider World Tour


Angelina Ballerina


Everybody Loves Raymond


Bob the Builder


Everybody Loves Raymond


Tickety Toc


The Morning Line


Zack and Quack


The Big Bang Theory


Make Way for Noddy


The Big Bang Theory


Paw Patrol


The Superhumans Show


Little Princess


The Simpsons


Pip Ahoy!


The Simpsons


Blaze and the Monster Machines


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Channel 4 Racing


Wanda and the Alien


Come Dine with Me


Toby's Travelling Circus


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Channel 4 News


Great Canal Journeys

87 Stone: Fat Chance of


Benefit House: Me and My 26 Kids

Hollyoaks Omnibus


Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole


Undercover Boss Canada


Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole


Deal or No Deal


Can't Pay? Benefits Special

How I Met Your Mother


World War II in Colour


The Gadget Show


5 News Weekend


The Championship


Goal Rush


Law and Order: Special Victims Unit



Work - Supersized


How Earth Made Us


The Inca: Masters of the Clouds






Law and Order: Special Victims Unit


The Secret Life of Bob Monkhouse


Super Casino


Neil Sedaka: King of Song


Spike Fight Night: Bamma 24


Neil Sedaka Says:


Chinese Food in Minutes




Angels of Jarm


Angels of Jarm

7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.35am 10.30am 11.00am 11.25am 11.55am 12.20pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.40pm 5.15pm 8.10pm

Ax Men Ax Men Bundesliga The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Storage Wars Blues Brothers 2000 Superman Police Academy 5 Assignment Miami Beach Tremors Raw Deal The Jerk ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

All You Need is the Music

Time Team


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


River Cottage Bites

Where the Heart is


The Thirty-Nine Steps


Agatha Christie's Marple


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Agatha Christie's Marple


Four in a Bed


Agatha Christie's Marple


Four in a Bed


Agatha Christie's Marple


Four in a Bed


Grand Designs


Midsomer Murders


Grand Designs


Midsomer Murders


Grand Designs


Grand Designs Father Ted

More 4


A Touch of Frost



Blue Murder


Father Ted




8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Father Ted


Father Ted


Embarrassing Bodies




Police Interceptors





Police Interceptors




ITV3 Nightscreen

Fail Army


Taken 2

This is BBC Four




Top of the Pops: 1981

Movies Now

The Saturday Show Live



Judge Judy

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages





The Joy of the Single


Channel 5





BBC 2 - 10pm


Drama in which a meek school teacher joins his future brother-in-law and friends for a deer stalking expedition in the Highlands. As the hunting party realise they themselves are the prey, sordid secrets begin to emerge and old friendships are tested to the limits in a ruthless battle for survival.


10.00pm 11.55pm 2.05am 3.50am 4.00am

Television: Sun 28th Feb

www.costablancapeople.com CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

BBC1 7.00am 8.40am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 3.15pm 4.15pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.35pm 7.35pm 7.50pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.30pm 12.30am 1.55am 2.00am


Breakfast Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Country The Great Sport Relief Bake Off Songs of Praise Pointless Nature's Miracle Orphans BBC News Regional News and Weather Countryfile Call the Midwife The Night Manager BBC News Regional News and Weather Match of the Day 2 The Other Man Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.20am 8.05am 9.05am 9.35am 10.30am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 3.10pm 3.50pm 5.40pm 7.10pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.40pm 1.40am 3.10am 4.00am 5.00am

ITV2 7.00am

The Hot Desk

7.00am 7.15am

Emmerdale Omnibus


Coronation Street Omnibus


Take Me Out


Take Me Out: The Gossip

7.30am 9.00am

4.20pm 6.20pm

Despicable Me 2 Ant and Dec's Saturday

Football Gold Football Gold SNF: Match Choice SNF: Match Choice


The Sunday Supplement


Goals on Sunday


Beethoven's 2nd

Night Takeaway

Live Ford Super Sunday


Live Capital One Cup Final


SSO: City Slickers


Football League Goals


Capital One Cup Final Highlights


Back to the Future Part II


SSO: City Slickers


Ibiza Weekender


Ford Football Special


Meet the Family Guys


Capital One Cup Final Highlights


Shaun of the Dead



Cirque Du Freak:


Goals on Sunday


The Sunday Supplement


Premier League 100 Club

The Vampire's Assistant


The Premier League Years



Premier League 100 Club

7.00am 7.20am 7.45am 8.05am 8.35am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 1.00pm 2.00pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.10am 2.40am 3.10am 3.55am 4.40am

Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey The Goldbergs The Goldbergs How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Hollyoaks Omnibus Couples Come Dine with Me St. Trinian's The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tattoo Fixers Tattoo Fixers Rude Tube The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The 100 Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hollyoaks Omnibus

Sky Movies Premiere 7.00am



Maleficent Special




Barely Lethal


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road


Last Knights


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road








Barely Lethal

7.00am 7.15am 7.25am 7.35am 7.50am 7.55am 8.05am 8.15am 8.30am 8.35am 8.50am 9.10am 9.30am 10.05am 10.25am 10.30am 11.25am 12.20pm 1.20pm 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.35pm 4.35pm 7.00pm

Sky Sports 1



A to Z of TV Gardening Great British Garden Revival An Island Parish Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites James Martin: Home Comforts The Best Dishes Ever MOTD2 Extra Apache Territory Talking Pictures The Philadelphia Story Tron Flog It! Six Nations Rugby Special Dragons' Den Let's Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story The Reluctant Fundamentalist The Black Balloon Countryfile Holby City This is BBC Two



Transformers: Age of Extinction Special


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special

Bottom Knocker Street Bottom Knocker Street Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Dino Dan: Trek's Adventures Share a Story Sooty Super 4 Looped Scrambled! Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Nerds and Monsters Bear Grylls Survival School The Tom and Jerry Show ITV News Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder The Chase The Man with the Golden Gun ITV News London

Sky 1 7.00am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am

The Hour of Power RSPCA Animal Rescue RSPCA Animal Rescue Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life Monkey Life WWE Raw Futurama Futurama Modern Family Modern Family Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family The Simpsons The Simpsons Dogs Might Fly Duck Quacks Don't Echo Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Stop, Search, Seize To be Announced Britcam: Emergency on Our Streets To be Announced

7.00am 7.10am 7.30am 7.50am 8.20am 8.50am 10.55am 11.55am 12.55pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 5.00pm 7.00pm 9.00pm

Movies Now Judge Judy Judge Judy On the Buses On the Buses Death Becomes Her Heartbeat Heartbeat Wycliffe The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Agatha Christie's Marple Agatha Christie's Marple Midsomer Murders Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India Mrs Biggs Changeling The Rebel May the Best House Win


9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 2.45am 4.30am

privileged children and rebuild their marriages. Lets Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 – BBC2 – 10.00 pm Special darts tournament for Sports Relief in which the biggest name in darts join forces with comedians and celebrities to win the title of Let's Play Darts for Sports Relief 2016 Champion.

Channel 5


How I Met Your Mother


Peppa Pig


King of Queens


Bananas in Pajamas


King of Queens


Angelina Ballerina


Everybody Loves Raymond


Bob the Builder


Everybody Loves Raymond


Tickety Toc




Zack and Quack




Roobarb and Custard Too


Sunday Brunch


Make Way for Noddy


George Clarke's Amazing Spaces


Paw Patrol


Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Little Princess


The Simpsons


Pip Ahoy!


The Simpsons


Blaze and the Monster Machines


The Simpsons


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Channel 4 News


Wanda and the Alien


Finding Nemo


Toby's Travelling Circus


The Secret Life of the Zoo


Jelly Jamm


The Jump




The Wolverine


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Attack The Block


The Championship


Embarrassing Bodies


Goal Rush


Come Dine with Me


Fail Army


Come Dine with Me


Police Interceptors


Come Dine with Me


The Reef


Come Dine with Me


Made of Honour


Come Dine with Me




Location, Location, Location


Now That's Funny!


Deal or No Deal


5 News Weekend


Capital One Cup Final Highlights


Grown Ups


The Switch


Super Casino


The Holiday Airport:

BBC 4 8.00pm

Jigs and Wigs: The Extreme World of Irish Dancing


Northern Ballet: 1984





Sun, Sea and Scousers 5.00am

Wildlife SOS


Wildlife SOS


The Great Artists


Could We Survive a Mega-Tsunami?


Crime and Punishment


Sounds of the Eighties


Great Scientists


Singer-Songwriters at the BBC


Angels of Jarm


This is BBC Four


Angels of Jarm


Kirstie's Handmade Treasures


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Jamie's 15 Minute Meals


Discovering Britain


Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed

7.00am 7.45am 8.40am 9.45am 10.10am 10.40am 11.05am 11.35am 12.05pm 12.35pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 4.40pm 7.10pm


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Car S.O.S


Million Pound Motors

Ax Men Ax Men The Sweeney Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Counting Cars Counting Cars The Classic Car Show Nevada Smith Blues Brothers 2000 Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach Rugby Highlights Texas Killing Fields How I Spent My Summer Vacation Ax Men Minder ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping


SUNDAY PICK Grown Ups – Channel 5 – 10.00 pm Comedy of errors. Following the death of their inspirational high-school basketball coach, five middle-aged friends and their chaotic families reunite to scatter his ashes. While spending the weekend at a beautiful lakeside house, the men realise they have failed to live their lives as fully as the coach once encouraged them to and decide the time has come to confront their over-

Channel 4


More 4


9.00pm 10.00pm 12.10am 2.00am 3.00am 3.50am 4.00am


TRON - LEGACY BBC2 – 5.40 pm The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world. Director: Joseph Kosinski Writers: Edward Kitsis (screenplay), Adam Horowitz (screenplay) Stars: Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde


Television: Mon 29th Feb BBC1

7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.15am 12.45am


Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Claimed and Shamed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors Moving On Escape to the Country Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Inside Out EastEnders The Inside Story Mrs. Brown's Boys BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Cuckoo Have I Got Election News for You Live at the Apollo

7.15am 8.00am 8.45am 9.15am 9.45am 10.15am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.05pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 4.50pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.45pm 11.30pm 12.15am 1.15am 1.45am 3.15am 4.15am

ITV2 7.00am 7.20am 8.10am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.35am 11.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.45pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.40pm 4.40pm 5.45pm 6.50pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.00am 12.30am

Food: Truth or Scare Wanted Down Under Revisited Claimed and Shamed Emergency Rescue Down Under Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking Victoria Derbyshire BBC News The Daily Politics Coast The Pallisers Who Do You Think You Are? A Place to Call Home The Life of Mammals Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip Bargain Hunt Eggheads Too Much TV The Great Interior Design Challenge University Challenge Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story QI XL Newsnight Dragons' Den Phone Shop Idol The Celebrity Apprentice USA MasterChef: The Professionals This is BBC Two

7.00am 7.15am 7.30am 7.45am 8.00am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.30pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.30am 2.30am 3.00am 5.00am 5.30am 6.00am 6.30am

Sky Movies Premiere 29 February 2016 7.00am



Far From the Madding Crowd


Maleficent Special




Barely Lethal


Last Knights


Mad Max: Fury Road


Far From the Madding Crowd


Mad Max: Fury Road








Barely Lethal

ITV1 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.45pm 12.25am 1.20am 4.00am 4.55am

Sky Sports 1

Planet's Funniest Animals Dinner Date The Ellen DeGeneres Show Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Catchphrase Dinner Date Royal Pains Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Judge Rinder The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Family Guy Bordertown Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!


Avengers: Age of Ultron Special


Exodus: Gods and Kings Special

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Goals on Sunday Capital One Cup Final Highlights Ford Football Special Football League Goals Capital One Cup Final Highlights Ford Football Special Goals on Sunday Football League Goals Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football League Goals Football Football League Goals SPFL Round Up Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football League Goals SPFL Round Up The Premier League Years Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club

Made in Chelsea Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement New Girl New Girl Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother New Girl New Girl The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Mission: Impossible II Rude Tube The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers Gogglebox Gogglebox Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News Jeremy Kyle's Emergency Room Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Further Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green Coronation Street Davina Mccall: Life at the Extreme ITV News at Ten and Weather The Agenda The Jonathan Ross Show Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV Nightscreen

Sky 1 7.00am 7.30am 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.00am 2.00am 3.00am 3.30am 4.00am 5.00am

E4 7.00am 7.45am 8.35am 9.05am 9.35am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.30am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.00pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.30am 1.00am 2.00am 3.05am 4.00am

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Inside RAF: Brize Norton Futurama Futurama The Simpsons Futurama Futurama The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Modern Family Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life A League of Their Own Limitless Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Highway Patrol Highway Patrol Stargate SG-1 Stargate SG-1

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House In Loving Memory On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Rosemary and Thyme The Bletchley Circle A Touch of Frost Wycliffe Where the Heart is ITV3 Nightscreen

SOAP UPDATE Coronation Street - Carla is caught in the act. Eva’s houseguest makes a run for it. Bethany is a cause for concern. Will Tracy’s dream come true? It is a girls’ night out for Erica. Sarah tries to reach out to Bethany.

Channel 5




The Wotwots!


King of Queens


Chloe's Closet


King of Queens


Lily's Driftwood Bay


King of Queens


Fireman Sam


Everybody Loves Raymond


Everybody Loves Raymond






Peppa Pig




Pip Ahoy!


Car S.O.S


Little Princess


Undercover Boss USA


Bob the Builder


Channel 4 News Summary


Thomas and Friends


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Noddy in Toyland


A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


Deal or No Deal


Peppa Pig




Peppa Pig


A New Life in the Sun


Come Dine with Me


Paw Patrol


The Simpsons



8.00pm 9.00pm


Bananas in Pajamas


Toot the Tiny Tugboat

Channel 4 News


The Wright Stuff



Cowboy Builders


Royal Navy School


5 News Lunchtime


Fresh Meat


The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


Home and Away


24 Hours in A and E




Keeping Up with the Khans


NCIS: New Orleans


The Last Leg


Grand Designs


A Killer Among Us


Beat My Build


5 News at 5


Ultimate Dealer




Location, Location, Location


Home and Away


5 News Tonight


Police Interceptors


Criminally Funny: Caught in the Act


The X Files






Super Casino


Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun


Wildlife SOS




House Doctor


House Doctor


House Doctor

BBC 4 8.00pm 8.30pm Kearney 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 12.40am 1.20am 2.20am 2.50am 3.50am 4.50am

World News Today Great Irish Journeys with Martha World War Two: A Timewatch Guide The Renaissance Unchained Henry VIII: Patron or Plunderer? The Great War The Great War I Was There Britain on Film Fabric of Britain The Renaissance Unchained This is BBC Four

More 4 9.55am

Jamie's Comfort Food


Food Unwrapped


Come Dine with Me


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Four in a Bed


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


Come Dine with Me


A Place in the Sun


A Place in the Sun


The Supervet


Grand Designs


24 Hours in A and E


24 Hours in A and E


Sex Diaries: Gigolos


Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA


Eastenders - Further truths come to light for Whitney and Lee, but will they stand by each other? Abi begins to have doubts about her lies - is the truth about to come out? Emmerdale - Chas has an unwelcome visitor. Paddy wrestles with his conscience. Lawrence makes a discovery.

Channel 4

ITV3 7.00am 7.25am 8.30am 9.35am 10.35am 11.00am 11.30am 11.55am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.05pm 4.05pm 5.15pm 5.50pm 6.20pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.10am 2.15am 3.10am


Davina Mccall – life at the extreme – ITV – 10.00 pm Davina McCall takes a leap into the unknown and explores some of the most extreme places on Earth while tracking the animals who call these brutal conditions home. In Namibia, one of the hottest places on the planet, she discovers that despite the insane temperature and lack of water, it is home to an incredibly diverse range of life. There, she stays with San bush people to learn the skills that they have developed to survive, including hunting for water in the most bizarre places.

ITV4 7.00am 7.10am 8.00am 8.55am 9.55am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.35pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 12.05am 1.00am 2.05am

Movies Now Minder The Chase Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Magnum, P.I. Minder The Sweeney The Professionals Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Ax Men Tremors Bundesliga Rugby Highlights The Hitcher



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Waste row continues in San Fulgencio Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 95m2 build, en-suite, communal pool. Reduced:

Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 81m2 build, 113m2 plot, sea views, east facing.

Was 115.000€

Must be viewed

NOW: 112.000€ Ref. NS072 - La Marina

129.000€ Ref. NS052 - La Marina

Detached villa bungalow, 3 bed, 2 bath, 142m2 build, 500m2 plot, private pool.

End terrace, 2 bed, 1 bath, 40m2 build, near shops, fully furnished.

Immaculate property

Excellent opportunity

240.000€ Ref. NS077 - La Marina

55.000€ Ref. NS069 - La Marina

Extended Josefina, 2 beds, 2 baths, 46m2 build, near shops, furnished.

Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 210m2 plot, near shops, communal pool.

Fantastic value

Good location


Ref. NS055 - La Marina

129.999€ Ref. NS059 - La Marina

Ref. NS076 - La Marina Detached villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 77m2 build, 210m2 plot, private pool. Just reduced.

Quad, 3 bed, 2 bath, 87m2 build, 100m2 plot, communal pool.

Was 139.999€


Great location

NOW: 137.500€ Ref. NS073 - La Marina

La Marina Urb, Av. Londres, 1182 - 03177 San Fulgencio, Alicante Tel. (+34) 965 038 990 - (+34) 665 383 392 622 info@newstartestates.com - www.newstartestates.com

The PSOE of San Fulgencio registered a denuncia in the Orihuela courts to clarify whether or not it is legal that the town hall has maintained, for nearly four years, the waste removal service from a company with which it terminated its ten year contractual relationship on the 12th of March 2012. During this time, the denuncia claims that San Fulgencio has maintained the service of the same company and has paid it a total of 2.8 million Euros. The socialists, in a document signed by Alejandro Sampere, maintain that the contract with Ginssa has no possibility of extension, despite the fact that it has maintained an extra contractual relationship in which, in addition, they have eliminated services promised within the terms of the contract signed in 2002 for the last 10 years. In fact, the town hall meeting of the 3rd of November of 2011, accounted for the next extension of the contract, something which had been communicated to the company in advance with sufficient time to notify the town hall technical department “for appropriate action”. Five months later, on the 23rd of February 2012, the same officials agreed to communicate to the company Ginssa Gestion Industrial de Servicios SA regarding the continuation of the service “until a new tender was awarded”. Therefore, according to the recent denuncia, the government team of the PP with Carlos Ramirez at its head, made use of Article 127,1.3 of the Regulations for the Services of Local Corporations that states that “The Town hall can use its discretion in the time it takes to award contracts”. Since then, the opposition pointed out, 46 months has passed and the Town hall has not taken out a new contract, that is to say, it continues paying the company. The opposition has also asked the Mayor to resolve this issue but has not received any response.

The denuncia adds that in May of 2013 the Mayor wrote to the head prosecutor in Elche in which he defended his actions in this matter with its basis being a report written by his own technical department. The opposition continues the denuncia document by highlighting a series of deficiencies within the current service, such as the lack of a vehicle to clean the bins and non fulfilment of the frequency of rubbish collection as stated in the tender. In spite of

this taxes, have risen on two occasions in 2013 and 2015. As already published, all groups of the opposition PIPN, APSUF, PSOE and UPyD have presented a request to the town hall asking for three reports from the Secretary, Treasurer and Technical department regarding the situation of rubbish collection, that the town hall is paying the company GINSSA for “without a current contract”. This company handles the cleaning and collection of solid waste, as well as the UTE Sice-Inditec who are responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the green and garden areas of San Fulgencio.





REF. CM0594 Benijofar Village

REF. CM4538 Benijofar Village

REF. CM4539 Lomas de Cabo Roig

REF. CM4540 San Miguel de Salinas

REDUCED. Spacious Ground floor apartment at the heart of Benijofar – 2 bed / 1 bath, municipal pool, central to amenities.

NEW LISTING. Luxury villa 179sqm house / 350sqm plot, 5 bed / 2.5 bath, heated pool, garage, terraces, summer kitchen.

NEW LISTING. South-Facing Quad with sea views, 3 bed / 2 full bathrooms, spacious lounge diner, terraces, exceptionally large garden.

NEW LISTING. Contemporary 1st floor apartment, 2 bed / 2 bath, 90sqm build, large terrace, communal pool + solarium.

PRICE: JUST €49.950!

PRICE: JUST €250.000!

PRICE: JUST €139.950!

PRICE: JUST €89.950!

REF. CM4541 La Zenia

REF. CM4542 Lomas de Juliana, Algorfa

REF. CM4549 Ciudad Quesada

NEW LISTING. South-Facing villa – 3 bed / 1.5 bath, sun terraces, large garden, communal pool, walking distance to the beach.

NEW LISTING. Luxury 266sqm villa – 1133sqm plot – panoramic views, 5 bed / 3.5 bath, 2-car garage, pool, landscaped gardens.

NEW LISTING. South-Facing villa on a welldecorated 500sqm plot with private pool + gardens, 2 bed / 1 bath, winter room + more.

PRICE: JUST €165.000!

PRICE: JUST €495.000!

PRICE: JUST€205.000! 622



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Catalonian Government issue fines for lack of EPCs MASSIVE FINES FOR ESTATE AGENTS ADVERTISING PROPERTIES WITHOUT ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES BY CATALONIAN GOVERNMENT The “Generalitat de Catalunya” Catalonian Government (Catalonia is located north of Valencia), through the Catalan Consumer Agency (ACC ) has officially published that disciplinary proceedings have started against 42 Real Estate Agencies for advertising properties without having the obligatory Energy Performance Certificates (EPC). The EPC experts at Martinez de la Casa told the Costa Blanca People, “We are waiting to receive confirmation if these fining processes are also to be extended to the property owners. The Public Department did confirm that inspections carried out found these Agencies advertised properties without the obligatory Energy label, in violation of the Law and the rights of consumers.” In some cases, Estate Agents had been advertising that the energy certificate was "pending", as a mechanism to avoid the obligation. However, authorities said that the 42 investigative processes started regardless after the agencies failed to demonstrate that the certificate was actually being processed, according to sources of the ACC. A spokesperson for Martinez de la

Casa Architects told us, “Please be aware that ultimately the responsibility of having an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is down to the owner of the property (fines depend on the kind of infraction: marketing without an EPC, falsifying an EPC or not using a competent technician to issue the document). So if your Estate Agent is advertising or marketing your property without an EPC (to sell or rent) please be advised they are risking themselves to be fined and also potentially risking their clients and owners to receive a fine.” If you are selling or renting your Spanish property, you reserve the right to choose a technician to use in order to have your EPC issued. Martinez de la Casa Architects will provide you with your property's EPC guaranteed within a strict 48 hour deadline after their survey, a prompt and trouble free service for only €121 inclusive of IVA, official registration with the authorities and the registration tax. The same fixed price applies to any size build and is valid for 10 years. Martinez de la Casa also told us, “We also offer substantial discounts for Estate Agents or group visits, so please ask your

Estate Agent to contact us to get the most competitive rate possible for your EPC. Only Martinez de la Casa Architects can guarantee all services within a stated deadlines and fixed prices. With over 4,000 clients in South East Spain including the most reputable law firms and Estate Agents, Martinez de la Casa are considered one of the most prominent and respectable architecture practises. We also offer unbeatable discounts services combining your EPC with Habitation Licences (from 118 € IVA Inc included, Town Hall fees not included) or Certificates of Antiquity/Retrospective Licences for pools (190 €+IVA) and extensions (270 € +IVA).” For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment please call 665 810 411 or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see an impressive ever growing list with of over 150 testimonials by different clients.

For more information on the recent case against 42 Estate Agents in Catalonia, visit the official information at the Government website following this link: http://bit.ly/1Q94D1m



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Bars & Restaurants


If you’d like to book a private reading with me or discuss an event, please e-mail me to thequirkymedium@gmail.com If you have a question you’d like answered through this page, please contact me via e-mail to: thequirkymedium@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @rescuemediumali You can read about my future eventsand free articles on my websites http://thequirkymedium.blogspot.co.uk/http://discovertheangels.com/

EARTH ANGELS This week's e-mail has come from Elaine. Dear Alison I love reading your articles in the Costa Blanca People thank you for writing them I find them so interesting. I love angels and all things magical. One thing I would like to know is why am I so sensitive? People have hurt me so much in the past, and yet I don't want to hurt them back. My family have often said to me that I am too sensitive and I have tried to harden up but to no avail. I get emotional at the slightest thing, and want to make everything right for everyone. Don't get me wrong, I am a fun person, love socialising and I do have fabulous friends. But there is something where I feel things so deeply and often feel so tired. I wonder what's going on. Can you help? With lots of love, Elaine Miller. Hola Elaine Oh bless you, I know exactly what you are, have you ever heard of a 'Light worker'? Or perhaps the term 'Earth Angel' describes you better? Know that you are not alone. When I was growing up, I was told by my teachers and my parents that I was 'too sensitive'. As a child that hurt me inside and I always felt I wasn't good enough as I never pushed myself to the front in

anything unlike some of my peers. However, having gone through many lessons in life, if someone said similar to this now I would say "Yes I am sensitive, and I am proud of the fact. I don't hurt people, I am my own person, and I would rather be sensitive than someone who would trample all over other people's feelings". Know that you are unique, a good person, and no doubt you want to heal the world - Just like the wonderful Earth Angel that you are! Please remember to ground and put psychic protection around yourself every day to stop certain people taking your beautiful energy. As I am typing this, the words of a song are playing - "We are just ordinary people, we don't know which way to go". This is exactly how many sensitive's feel.To help you know which way to go, I have written the following article. I hope it helps in some way. With blessings, Alison What is an Earth Angel? The term 'Earth Angel' was coined by Doreen Virtue from her book 'Earth Angels'. However, although 'Earth Angels' or' Light-workers' as they are often called have been around for centuries their presence is more heightened in the modern day. Maybe this is because of the massive Universal Cycles of Change that have

Last chance for two four legged friends A local lady, Crystal, recently passed away leaving two dogs which neighbour Maggy is trying to rehome. Maggie told the Costa Blanca People, “Crystal was very well known in the local bowling circles. She left two lovely dogs – Tess and Beauty – I found them foster homes, unfortunately, not together but both with lovely caring people who said they would help on a temporary basis to give me time to find a permanent home. Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful in finding them a permanent home, possibly due to the age of the dogs and time is running out. Tess is 15 and Beauty is 12, they have both been thoroughly checked by the vet and they both have a complete clean bill of health and should any age related vet requirements be needed in the future they will be

covered by the local rescue.” Maggie continued, “These poor dogs have had a terrible time recently and would love to find a home where they can settle, be loved and live the rest of their days out happily. They will also have all their injections brought up to date Tess is a pointer and Beauty a smaller dog and both are no trouble at all, they don’t bark, are very quiet dogs who just need a last chance.”

To find out more, call Maggie on 966 785 451. Maggie concluded, “This really is the last chance before the dogs have to be put to sleep. We have about a week left to find them a home.”

Arty donation to Debra Debra Children's charity were grateful recently when Quesada Art Group present a cheque for €2000 as a result of their 2016 calendar featuring pictures of local events and places. Also, Gina, from Harry's Bar received her Flamenco Dancer painting from the raffle. The group appreciates the support of local business sponsors and supporters. The calendar for 2017 is already underway. Local residents of Quesada and Rojales are welcome to the group who meet every Wednesday at 10 am at the Cultural Centre, Quesada.

occurred within the last century. Not to mention the shifts in energy and higher consciousness since the year 2000 where everything has speeded up making many people feel out of control. Step forward, the new order of Earth Angels! On a wing and a prayer Earth Angels are the people who are often overlooked initially choosing to listen to others rather than be the centre of attention themselves. Why is it then, that no matter what is going on in their lives, they will be there in an instant if you need to hear caring and comforting words, advice from the heart, and loving guidance? Striking a chord The Celestial Realms choose their Earth Angels wisely and a strong Guardian Angel is assigned to each. Born to help make the world a better place, the Earth Angels will often be placed in a dysfunctional family and will feel the 'odd one out' until they hear the angels call. A certain event in their life may strike a chord which leads to them understanding their earthly soul purpose. Sounds easy? Well it isn't! The Earth Angel will be the one who has had more obstacles put on their life's path than you have had hot dinners. They are often put upon, bullied, abused or ignored. However, when they hear the angels call, they will be there, to share their light with others finally stepping onto the centre stage and coming 'into their own'. Transformation Emerging from their temporary cocoon and turning into a butterfly, you will see the Earth Angel transform before your very eyes. It may be difficult to comprehend at first that the person before you surrounded by a beautiful glow used to be the brunt

of bullying behaviour at school or were so shy they preferred their own company to that of others. As they step out now, onto the centre stage of life they will begin their life's mission and spread their light with others. Are you an Earth Angel? The below list is based on my own life experiences & may help you to find out if you are, in fact, an Earth Angel: -

1. Do you feel other people's emotions as well as your own? 2. Do you adore animals and want to protect them at all costs 3. Are babies and children drawn to you - do they giggle or look past you as if seeing someone right by your side? 4. Have you ever been bullied, overlooked, blamed for something you haven't done or ignored 5. Do you often feel 'the odd one out?' 6. Do people treat you badly to the point where you feel your heart will break? 7. Do you hate the sight of blood but want to be there in an instant whenever anyone is hurt? 8. Do you take other people's problems on board? 9. Did you have an unhappy or unsettling childhood? 10. When you speak do people drown your voice with theirs and speak over you? 11. Do you prefer to listen, rather than speak? 12. If you could wave a magic wand and make a wish, would you want to heal the world? If you have read to the end of this list and have tears of recognition in your eyes, or tingles down your back, you are an Earth Angel - shine on!


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Bars & Restaurants




CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Actor sues over ‘coke’ tweet American actor James Woods (Casino, Nixon) has been granted permission to identify and sue a Twitter user over a single tweet calling the actor a cocaine addict. Woods is seeking $10m in damages in the case against a Twitter user who goes by the name of Abe List. The user has been sending a solicitor to court on his or her behalf, and has so far successfully resisted attempts to unmask his identity.

However, Judge Mel Red Recana of the Superior Court has now denied a motion filed by Abe List’s lawyers this week to strike the case. According to speculation, the latest ruling could open the door to the user's identity being revealed. The original complaint was filed in July, and calls Abe List a "cowardly individual" who conducted a "malicious online campaign" to discredit the actor.

It added: “Woods intends to unmask and reveal AL for the liar he is. "AL's reckless and malicious behaviour, through the worldwide reach of the internet, has now jeopardised Woods's good name and reputation on an international scale." The spat began when Mr Woods posted on Twitter about a row between Bruce Jenner and Planned Parenthood. He wrote: "USATODAY app features

Bruce Jenner's latest dress selection but makes zero mention of Planned Parenthood baby parts market." Abe List replied: "Cocaine addict James Woods still sniffing and spouting." He also referred to Mr Woods as a "joke" and "a ridiculous scum clownboy". Abe List’s account is now protected, which means the general public cannot see the tweets. Lisa Bloom, a lawyer representing Abe List, said "suggestions that Mr Woods was on drugs was not meant to be taken literally".


Frank via email asks: Hi Aunty. I have Windows 7 and I was tempted to upgrade to Windows 10 but a computer shop that I deal with advised against it. I also recall that you didn't recommend the change as there seemed to be problems involved. Has the situation changed? The icon on the screen keeps urging me to make the change, which I would like to do, but I'm concerned about the possible problems. As usual, your advice is very welcome, and much appreciated. Aunty Says: I’d say do it Frank, and of course you will have 1 month from the time of the upgrade to go back to Win7 and exactly how things were. Don’t forget you only have until July 2016 to take advantage of the free copy and after this it is reckoned Win10 will be around €130 for a genuine copy. Marie from Torrevieja asks: Hi Aunty. Last week after we had had a bad storm I lost my TV box and my TV supplier advised I buy a Surge Protector plug for both the TV and my laptop. Today I was advised by a local shop that


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

they had never heard of people needing surge plugs! What are your thoughts and advice on the matter please? Aunty Says: Hello Marie. I do hope you had accidently wandered into a cake shop and it wasn’t a computer shop that gave you that advice? Surge Protectors are very important here in Spain as the mains electricity is so iffy but you will need to buy a fairly decent one. I’m due a new one and will be doing some research, but for the now I think Belkin seem to be the best all-rounders as some of their models offer insurance so they must be fairly confident that they do the job. If your house took a direct lightening hit then I doubt anything could protect you. Norman via email asks: Is it possible to get rid of “MPC Safe Navigation” from my computer? I have tried different systems but it still appears. Keep up solving our problems. Aunty Says: Hi Norman. I’m pretty sure both Malwarebytes and Adwcleaner will get rid of the MPC Browser Hijacker but it can hide itself in other places

on your computer so try them and let me know how you get on. Terry and Steve via email asks: Hi Aunty. I just read your column on how to change the Wi-Fi password on my router so could you please send me instructions? Thank you. Aunty Says: Hi Terry and Steve. This is a fairly lengthy subject so I have asked eNET Computers to put the instructions on the “How Do I” section on their website www.enetcomputers.net so have a look. Email me at auntyvirus@costablancapeop le.com and I’ll see you all next week.


CAT announces thermal imaging on mobile phone FLIR's Lepton Thermal Microcamera Module Embedded into Cat Phone's Rugged Smartphone Cat® phones this week announced the launch of its new flagship product, the Cat S60; the world's first smartphone with an integrated thermal camera, and the world's most waterproof smartphone. The device will be unveiled at Mobile World Congress 2016, which takes place this week in Barcelona. The Cat S60 includes an embedded thermal camera from FLIR, the global leader in thermal imaging technology, allowing Cat phone users to be the first in the world to use their smartphones for a multitude of use cases, including: detecting heat loss around windows and doors; spotting moisture and missing insulation; identifying overheating electrical appliances and circuitry; and seeing in complete darkness. The thermal camera visualizes heat that is invisible to the naked eye, highlighting temperature contrasts. It can pick up heat and

measure surface temperatures from a distance of up to 50 to 100 feet, and see through obscurants such as smoke, enabling a huge range of use cases for building professionals, utility workers, outdoor sports enthusiasts, and emergency first responders to name but a few. The Cat S60 is also waterproof to depths of up to 5 metres for one hour, allowing it to be used as an underwater camera, pushing the boundaries of mobile technology, and how and where it's used. "To stand out from the crowd in today's smartphone market requires true innovation and we are proud to partner with FLIR to announce what is truly a world's first," said Peter Stephens, CEO Bullitt Group, global mobile device licensee for Caterpillar. "The Cat S60 represents a milestone for smartphones. We are excited for thermal technology to be in the hands of Cat phones customers and to discover the myriad of daily time and efficiency use cases it will present for them."

"We are delighted to work on the latest Cat phone with Bullitt Group, to integrate our thermal camera into their proven, industrialized smartphone to create a truly innovative and groundbreaking mobile product," said Andy Teich, President and CEO of FLIR. "The CAT S60 presents mobile users around the world with new capabilities - a 'sixth sense' experience that only thermal imaging can offer." The Cat S60 is also an extremely tough and robust, world class rugged smartphone. It exceeds military spec, is built to withstand drops onto concrete from up to 1.8 meters, and it's dustproof as well as waterproof. Its versatile, super-bright display can be viewed in bright sunlight, and the touchscreen can be controlled with wet fingers or while wearing gloves. It is also protected by the latest Corning® Gorilla® Glass 4. The Cat S60 will be unveiled at Mobile World Congress, Feb 22nd - 28th, Barcelona Stand CS80. It will be available later this year RRP €649 / $599.




CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada


Ciudad Quesada


Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath,100m build area, 334m plot, Ref: 134,Private pool

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 80m build area, plot 250m2 Ref: 130, Private pool

Villa, 2 bed, 1 bath, 90m build area, 500m plot, Ref: 153, Private pool

Villa, 3 bed, 2 bath, 90m build area, 200m plot, Ref: 198, Privatepool





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada










Townhouse, 2 bed, 2 bath, 80m build, plot 90m2 , Ref: 161, Communal pool

Villa, 4 bed, 2 bath, 260m build area, plot 600m2 Ref: 107

Villa, 4 bed, 3 bath, 164m build area, 625m plot, Ref: 019,Private pool

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath,83m build area, 500m plot, Ref: 352





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Townhouse, 2 bed, 2 bath, 80m build area,120m plot, Ref: 420

Townhouse, 2 bed, 2 bath, 80m build area, 92m plot, Ref: 1082, Comm pool

Town house, 2 bed, 2 bath, 100m build area, 160m plot, Ref: 333 Comm pool

Villa, 2 bed, 2 bath, 109m build area, 420m plot, Ref: 239, Garage





Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada

Ciudad Quesada















Villa, 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, 125m build area, plot 500m , Ref: 244, Private pool

Townhouse, 3 bed, 2 bath, 100m build area, 100m plot, Ref: 105, Com. pool

Villa, 4 bed, 3 bathroom, 160m build , 550m plot Ref: 444, private pool

Bungalow, 2 bed, 2 bath, 70m build Ref: 199, plot 80m Communal pool









El Raso Office Centro Comercial Euro-Terra Plaza de la Figuera, 1 - Local 7 03140 Guardamar del Segura Tel: (+34) 966 716 019

Quesada Av. Las Naciones, 18-A 03170 Rojales Tel: (+34) 966 718 006 (Head Office)

Villamartin Office Av. de las Brisas, 6 - Local 26 Villamartin 3189 Orihuela Costa Tel: (+34) 966 764 003




Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Shape up for summer Round stomachs and love handles plague men and women alike. These fateliminating foods will promote weight loss, and aid in your long-term goals without making you feel deprived. So many diets are bereft of proper protein many people count calories and eat tiny portions of high-sugar foods or juices that actually create a starving sensation. The principle behind the selection of these foods is simple: You'll eat real foods that come from every major food group. You want 80 percent of what you eat to be raw, whole, plant-deprived foods to support your system and create an optimised environment for health and wellness. These foods are packed with protein, fibre, and healthy fats to keep you energised to power through every day and any workout. Leafy greens will provide vital nutrients, cleanse your body, and fill your stomach with healthy fibre and a surprisingly high (pound-forpound) amount of protein. Seeds and legumes will provide additional satiating plant-based protein to make sure you never have that starving sensation, which causes even the most dedicated to binge on chocolate. Healthy fats from nuts and oils will help you drop the pounds (fat doesn’t make you fat), and keep your hunger at bay from meal to meal. Adding some lean meat into the mix will help build muscle. You want organic, grass-fed meat, and sustainably wild-caught fish. Lowglycemic fruit will cater to your carb and sweets needs, though the craving will diminish drastically after about three days. You should eat meals every four to six hours and snack very minimally. Snacking, and eating in general, raises insulin levels, which is responsible for storing excess carbs and sugars as fat. Even with the best intentions, you’ll never lose weight if you slack when it comes to snack time. Add these eating principles and food guidelines to your daily diet, and watch that extra weight slip right off your midsection. Quinoa Quinoa is a powerhouse seed that acts like a grain (when you cook it). Just one cup has 8 grams of protein and about 2.5 grams of soluble fibre, which helps reduce blood sugar levels and increase fullness—both of which aid weight loss, according to research from The American Society for Nutritional Sciences. Cookit like oats with some almond milk and berries, add it to stir-fries, or serve it like rice. Lentils One of the keys to unlocking a lean body and triggering weight loss is fuelling your body with high-fibre foods that don't have a ton of carbohydrates. At 18 grams of protein per cup of cooked lentils, 16 grams of fibre, and 24 grams of effective net carbohydrates (the kind your body uses for energy) these little legumes are the perfect food to fill you up and trim you down. They're also just an overall excellent addition to your regular diet since they're magnesium-rich, high in folate, iron, and magnesium, which helps circulation through the body. Black Beans

Beans in general can help you feel more energized and satiated through the day (more so than any other food) because they're so high in fibre, which swells in your stomach, and complex carbohydrates, which take your body a while to convert into energy. These are an excellent source of plant-based protein,

found that hemp seeds can help fight heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are an excellent filling snack, due to their healthy fat and high fibre content. But you shouldn’t overlook them as a protein source. Pumpkin seeds contain 12 grams of protein per cup and it’s pretty easy to get an ounce of them just by snacking out of hand. Another great health benefit is they provide a wider array of Vitamin E than almost any other food. Almonds Almonds have always been considered an excellent source of healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, but they’re also a decent plantbased source of protein, with 30 grams of protein per cup. Aside from having the most protein of all the tree nuts, almonds are also the highest in fibrr, Vitamin E, calcium, niacin and riboflavin. Keep them in your desk or car for easy snacking throughout the day.

at 15 grams per cooked cup, but they also contain 15 grams of total fibre, are an excellent source of ALA Omega-3 fatty acids, copper, Vitamin B-1, manganese, iron, phosphorous and magnesium. Chickpeas Get yourself a tub of hummus or toss a handful of chickpeas into your salads because they are a fantastic way to fill up. According to a research review people felt 31 percent fuller after eating 160 grams (that's between 3/4 cup and 1 cup) of pulses - chickpeas and other dried beans, peas, and lentils. Just one serving of chickpeas daily can lead to better weight management and weight loss because they're low on the glycemic index. They digest slowly, keep your energy up, and hunger levels stable. There has even been research on the value of garbanzo beans to heart health, colon health, the regulation of blood sugar and even the prevention of cancer. Plus, pulses are rich in protein and can take the place of animal protein in your diet. Chia Seeds Just two teaspoons of chia seeds contain 4 grams of protein. That might not sound like much, but when you consider the versatility of chia, you can get quite a lot of additional protein throughout the day by adding the seeds to green drinks, yogurt, hot cereals, and protein shakes. Chia is also a great source of fibre, healthy fats, and iron (which is difficult for vegans and vegetarians to get enough of in their diets alone). The antiinflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are great for keeping you lean. Plus, it's a hydrophilic food, meaning it absorbs water—growing up to 12 times its size— which helps you stay fuller longer. Hemp Seeds Hemp seeds contain a whopping 10 grams of complete protein in just two tablespoons, making it the plant-based winner as far as the nine essential amino acids are concerned. One of the other really great things about hemp seeds is they are one of the few vegan sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. A study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism also

Spinach According to nutritional experts, spinach rarely gets the credit it deserves for its protein content, but one cup (cooked) contains 6 grams. You can add it fresh to green drinks and smoothies, use it instead of lettuce in your salad or sauté

it with some garlic, onions and a squeeze of lemon and you’ll get a healthy dose of protein along with the iron and vitamin content that it’s better known for, such as vitamins K, A, B, E, C, manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, fibre, phosphorus, zinc, choline, and selenium. Apart from helping you feel full, but not bloated, spinach can help raise iron levels so you have more energy throughout the day. Chard Chard contains very powerful antioxidants that have cardio-protective and blood sugar regulating effects. The leafy vegetable is high in nitrates, helping to lower blood pressure and improve muscle oxygenation, and the pigments in its leaves provide antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and detoxification support. The alpha-lipoic acid even helps to manage diabetes by lowering glucose levels and increasing insulin sensitivity. All this means that this is the perfect food to supercharge your weight loss. Coconut Oil Coconut oil is readily used by the body as an energy source. It is a heart-healthy fat that has been shown to improve

cholesterol profiles, reduce inflammation and slow metabolism too. Not sure how to incorporate it into your diet? Experts suggest adding 1-3 tablespoons of coconut oil into your morning tea, or melting it over salmon with a bit of garlic. It is easy to cook with (because of its high smoking point) and you’ll enjoy powerful antiviral and antibacterial benefits, as well. (Plus, if you add it to rice when you cook it, you'll cut calories by up to 60 percent!). Avocado Avocados are the ideal healthy fat because they keep you full by slowing down digestion. What's more, the fruit is packed with potassium, which fights bloating, so all that hard work you've done on your abs will show. Avocadoes have about 14 grams of healthy fat per half a fruit, so they’ll increase your postsnack satiation - meaning you’ll be likely to eat less at the next meal. In addition to its ‘good-for-you fats’, avocado consumption actually aids in the absorption of vital nutrients when eaten with other fruits and veggies. However, just be careful not to go too overboard— even healthy foods can pack on the pounds if you're not careful.




Price Euros

1-star Aids *

2-star Aids **

3-star Aids ***

4-star Aids ****

5-star Aids *****






Domestic Situations 1-1 conversation TV Shopping Public places



Active Social

Family gatherings Cafés Small groups

Restaurants Parties Social gatherings Noisy places

Large groups Business meetings Outdoor sports Music

Demanding Situations Public meetings Concerts Theatre Orchestra

€695 single aid €1,290 pair

€845 single aid €1,590 pair

€995 single aid €1,890 pair

€1150 single aid €2,200 pair

€595 single aid €1,090 pair


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Surprising side effects of cold weather With the cold snap set to continue for a few more days, the people of the Costa Blanca are braced for colder nights and – thankfully – milder days. Temperatures dropped to just 2 degrees in places last week with the wind chill

almost freezing – a stark change from the weather we are used to. Did you know the cold affects many more aspects of our lives than you might realise? For example, cold weather makes smartphone batteries

drain more quickly. A phone that works normally at room temperature may only work for half the time in colder weather. Did you know that cold weather boosts the male libido? You might think that the scantily clad bodies of summer time would do it for the men of Spain, but studies have found that men are more easily aroused by pictures of women in winter. They also rated their own partners to be more attractive in cold months. One theory is that male sex hormone levels fluctuate with the seasons. Another is that skin is so rarely seen in winter that it becomes more arousing for men to look at. Another surprising impact of the cold is that noises appear louder at night. The phenomenon occurs on chilly evenings when there is a layer of cold air

continued on page 55


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

continued from page 54

temperatures seems to improve memory and focus. In 2009, Australian scientists placed ten distinctive objects — such as a piggy bank and toy car — on the counter of a shop in Sydney and asked 70 shoppers whether they remembered the objects as they left the shop. On cold days, customers recalled three times more objects than those shopping on warm days. So for now, wrap up well and enjoy the cold spell – as in a few months no doubt, we will be complaining of the heat!

near the ground, and a layer of warmer air above it. Due to the laws of physics, sounds from a dog or passing car that would otherwise vanish into space are bent back by this layer of cold air and — if you are unlucky — through your bedroom window. Something to be aware of if you are on the roads in the early morning or late at night when temperatures will dip below six or seven degrees is that car tyres don’t work as well in the cold. Research suggests that below 7c, car tyres don’t work as efficiently when stopping. Cold makes the rubber less elastic, which makes vehicles more tricky to handle and it takes longer to brake. Winter tyres (popular in Northern Europe) designed to work at low temperatures — with more natural rubber — have a better grip and shorter stopping distances. If you have energy saving light bulbs in your house or apartment, you might notice they take a little longer to brighten in cold weather. Some energysaving light bulbs take a minute to reach full brightness if used outside in the cold, while others refuse to work at all. The problem affects cheaper compact fluorescent lamps (CLF) bulbs — the sort made with a miniature fluorescent tube. If you do go out to the garden tonight to check if your exterior energy saving lightbulbs are in full working order, have a look up towards the sky and see if you notice a difference. There’s nothing better for stargazing than a clear, crisp, cold night. In the summer, when the air is warmer and more humid, light passing from stars to the Earth is buffeted and distorted by the atmosphere, making stars appear to twinkle more. But in the winter there is less atmospheric disturbance and stars seem clearer. When it’s hot we struggle to make complex decisions, while cold weather helps us think straighter. In laboratory experiments, people are better at spotting mistakes in written text in cool rooms and find it easier to select the best value mobile phone packages when temperatures are lower. When we are too hot, our bodies divert energy from our brains into cooling us, making it harder for our brains to function. For similar reasons, cooler

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016




CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


World’s first ‘keyless’ car drive away, avoiding those frustrating queues at airport or train station car rental desks. Volvo Cars’ digital key means that sharing a car will become both simple and convenient. Volvo owners will be able to send their digital key to other people via their mobile phones so that they can also use the car, this may be family members, friends or co-

workers in a company. “At Volvo we are not interested in technology for the sake of technology. New technology has to make our customers’ lives easier and save them time. Mobility needs are evolving and so are our customers’ expectation to access cars in an uncomplicated way,” said Henrik Green, Vice President Product Strategy & Vehicle Line Management at Volvo Cars. “Our innovative digital key technology has the potential to completely change how a Volvo can be accessed and shared. Instead of sitting idle in a parking lot the entire day, cars could be used

more often and efficiently by whoever the owner wishes.” Volvo will pilot this technology in spring 2016 via its car sharing firm Sunfleet, stationed at Gothenburg airport, Sweden. A limited number of commercially available cars will be equipped with the new digital key technology in 2017. “There are obviously many permutations when it comes to how this shared key technology can be used,” added Martin Rosenqvist, New Car Director, Special Products at Volvo Cars. “We look forward to seeing how else this technology might be used in the future and we welcome any and all ideas.” Volvo is a pioneer with new digital key solutions. In 2015 the Swedish premium carmaker launched the world’s first commercial offer to have online shopping delivered directly to the car, by providing a one-time digital key to a delivery company. Now the digital key technology will also be made available for customers. Physical keys will continue to be offered for people who want them. Volvo’s innovative keyless car technology will be shown for the first time at the Mobile World Congress 2016 (22-25 February) in Barcelona at the Ericsson booth. 622

For decades, drivers have been accustomed to accessing and driving cars with physical keys. But no longer. In a groundbreaking move for the automotive industry, Volvo Cars plans to become the world’s first car manufacturer to offer cars without keys from 2017. Volvo customers will be offered an application for their mobile phones to replace the physical key with a digital key. The innovative Bluetooth-enabled digital key technology, will offer Volvo customers far more flexibility, enabling them to benefit from entirely new ways to use and share cars. The new Volvo app enables the digital key on the customer’s mobile phone to do everything a physical key currently does, such as locking or unlocking the doors or the boot and allowing the engine to be started. This new technology will also offer customers the possibility to receive more than one digital key on their app allowing them to access different Volvo cars in different locations – according to their changing mobility needs. Using the app people could potentially book and pay for a rental car anywhere in the world and have the digital car key delivered to their phone immediately. On arrival a customer could simply locate the rental car via GPS, unlock it and


Seat Ibiza FR 1.6TDI, 2013, 48,000Kms, many extras, FR Interior & exterior. 10,995 €


Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI, 2013, 57,000Kms, dual climate. 10,995 €

Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI Ecoflex, 2011, 97,000Kms, aircon, CD. 7,495 €


Ford Kuga 2.0TDCI Trend, 2010, 55,500Kms, Many extras. 15,495 €


Toyota Auris 120D, 2013, 43,400 Kms, GPS, parking assistant with cameras. 13,995 €

Toyota Aygo 1.0 Petrol, 2012, 70,700Kms, aircon, CD, Bluetooth. 6.995 €


Ford Fiesta 1.5TDI, 2013, New Model, 59,000Kms, Bluetooth, Climate. 9,995 €


Renault Megane Sport Tourer 1.5TDI, 2011, 37,300Kms, Key card, CD. 10,495 €

VW Polo 1.2TDI, 2013, 75CV, Low consumption 3,4L/100km, 10,995€

OLD S D SOL D SOL D L -SO D L SOKa Ford 1.3, petrol, 2006, 92,000Kms, aircon, CD, electric windows. 3,495 €


Seat Leon 1.6TDI, 2013, 43,960Kms, Bluetooth, dual climate. 12,995 €


VW Golf 1.6TDi Blue Motion, 2011, Climate control, CD, USB, 67,000km, 12,695€

Transfer, Full service and minimum 1 year warranty Included in the price. Part Exchange & Finance Available


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016




Gig Guide

Please let me start by giving a public apology. I accidentally stated in February 9th edition that Testament to The 60’s would be on February 12th. I have to apologise to the organisers and anyone involved for my mistake as the event is actually on March 12th and is sold out. The mistake was completely due to my error and getting a bit cross eyed to tell the truth. I will admit to being human and do try my best to get the details of all gigs correct. But we live in a world of cancellations, illnesses and mix ups, so sometimes dates and acts are changed or cancelled at the last minute for various reasons. I have

emailed the organisers of the event to personally apologise for any distress and am glad to let you know that they were gracefully accepted. Let me give you a little insight into the workings of this page. I have to work very hard to get the dates from venues and am continually looking on social media and in newspapers for advertisements for events. Some acts are kind enough to supply me with their dates too. My aim is to try and give up to the minute details of upcoming events in our area. I could easily put in gigs that are happening elsewhere but

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

to me that seems pointless, as I don’t see that people would really want to travel a couple of hours from home to go out for the night. Distance is a big factor in going out for. This is why I endeavour to bring top acts on my shows to this region that people would love to see but find trekking 100 kms off putting. This is the reason why I put the name of the venue first in the guide. We all know the names our local bars and that way we are able to see who is on near us. Or if you fancy travelling to see a certain act, that is all there too. I would also like to clear up one point.

This gig guide is for everyone, not just the acts that I book. It is completely free of charge (which is unusual in this day and age). As long as you have a live act on in your venue, it doesn’t matter if you have a charity function, a big show or you are looking to let your customers know what is on in your bar or restaurant – you will be listed free of charge and with no strings attached. I would like to thank the Costa Blanca People for giving a page of their very popular paper to the very important field of entertainment. Without the entertainment industry the world would be a very dull place indeed and a huge


amount of people would be out of work. Life is too short and we humans need the joy and interaction with others that an evening, or afternoon of entertainment brings. If you would like your events in this guide, they are FREE. Just email me the details to letsrockshowslive@gmail.com. To book acts please go to my new site www.jaxlawson.com Love life, love music and support your venues and acts. Jax Lawson xx

Feb 23rd - Feb 29th 2016 Tues Feb 23rd Lounge Bar, La Marina – Chloe Leigh – 9pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Martin Kay - 9pm YOLO, Cabo Roig – David J Williams – 10pm The Archers, Quesada – Denis Christian – 5pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 10pm Bar Jose and Maria, Urb Buena Vista – There n Back – 9pm

Weds Feb 24th So Bar, Benimar – Paula Molina – 5pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm Paddy’s Point, La Zenia – The Cages Acoustic – 10pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Brian Bennett – 4.30pm Tillys Bar, Mar Azul – Richie Alexander – 9pm – 5 Euros

Thurs Feb 25th Lounge Bar, La Marina – Paula Molina – 6pm Pablos International, Playa Flamenca – Paul Allen – 9pm The Local, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 6pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – The Cages – 10pm Park Inn, Quesada – Lynden B – 8pm Olive Bar, Pueblo Bravo – Samantha Curtis – 5pm Restaurante Nautilus, Torrevieja – Jose Bolero – 7.30pm

Fri Feb 26th O’Riordans, Cabo Roig – Paul Allen – 10pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Ed Temple – 9pm Posh Club, La Marina – Charles Cole – 1.30pm Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca – The Streeters – 10pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Richie Alexander – 9pm Maggie O’Briens, Campoverde – Woody – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Bella Luna – 10pm Summers Bar, El Galan – Soul Power – 9pm – 12.50€ Final Whistle, La Marina – Sunflower Valley – 9pm Bamboo Lounge, Entre Naranjas – Dan Davy – 9pm

Sat Feb 27th Taberna Orange Bar, Entre Naranjas – Cassi Kennedy – 9pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Angie McKay as Cher – 9pm Posh Club, La Marina – Paul Christie – 9pm Landsdowne, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 10pm Gogarty’s, La Zenia – Tony de Love – 10pm Aneto Cerveceria, Benimar – Tony Capaldi – 9pm Bar Carlos, Torrevieja – Open Mic night - 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Kolted – 10pm Foxy’s Bar, Via Park V – James Ellis – 6.30pm Tavern, Lo Crispin – Danny Rae – 9pm La Manga Camping, La Manga – Backyard Session – 8.30pm Mono’s Bar, Quesada – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Pato Pekin, El Presidente – Kevin Tyler – 9pm Emerald Isle, La Florida – Dan Davy and Nick Gold – 9pm Hen’s Teeth, Villamartin Plaza – The Streeters – 8.30pm PALS, La Siesta – Cherry K – 9pm Summers Bar, El Galan – JJ Soulman – 2pm

Sun Feb 28th The Archers, Quesada – Dougie Monroe – 8pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Richie Alexander – 9pm

Champagne Bar, La Fuente – Benny the Piano Man – 3pm Durty Nelly’s, Torrevieja – Jose Bolero – 3pm Marabu Lounge, Lo Pepin – Gregg March and Ricardo – 7pm Sports Complex, La Marina – Woody – 9pm Monos, Quesada – Crazy G – 8pm La Taberna, Entre Naranjas – Lynden B – 9pm C Breeze, Torrevieja – The Velvetones – 8pm Bog Road, Cabo Roig – Tullamore Duo – 10pm

Mon Feb 29th The Club, Quesada – Richie Alexander – 2.30pm Pablo’s International, Playa Flamenca – Rain and Melissa – 6pm Kenz Bar, San Luis – Samantha Curtis – 9pm Stray Sod, La Fuente – Jimmy and John Acoustic – 10pm Rianxiera Restaurante, Cabo Roig – Jose Bolero – 8pm Final Whistle, La Marina – Justin Sane – 2pm Tradewinds, La Fuente – Richie Alexander – 9pm

Sneak Peek Saturday 12th March Restaurante Los Rosales, Guardamar. The Liverpool Band - Tickets 15 Euros with 2 course meal. Doors at 7.30pm www.lrshows.com or phone 697501992

Puzzle Page

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


logic puzzle Logic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle.




quick ACROSS 4. Get (7) 8. Obelisk (6) 9. Even (7) 10. Emphasis (6) 11. Enrol (6) 12. Tract (8) 18. Suspension (8) 20. Assemble (6)

21. 22. 23. 24.

5. 6. 7. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19.

Coterie (6) Endanger (7) Bog (6) Forebode (7)

Down 1. Sad (7) 2. Pleasing (7) 3. Whiten (6)

Flirt (8) Powerless (6) Liking (6) Erudition (8) Disparate (7) Contrary (7) A season (6) Tension (6) A colour (6)

cryptic 7. 13. 14.

DOWN 1. Regular place of retirement (7) 2. Fierce dog needed when I'm involved with the staff (7) 3. Intention of French symbol (6) 5. Massive adverse balance in fuel (8) 6. The Spanish returning to the

15. 16. 17. 19.

entrance to find papal official (6) Where you'll find campers concentrating on the job (6) Where South American extremists may be found? (4,4) Framework for luggage beneath the motor (7) Tethered to a building near the meadow (7) Weapon required when one leaves the wild prairie (6) Ladies change aspirations (6) Get in boat somehow (6)

SOLUTIONS 621 QUICK Across: 1 Unconcerned; 9 Rip; 10 Financial; 11 Deter; 13 Idolise; 14 Commit; 16 Ordain; 18 Sapling; 19 Theft; 20 Operation; 21 Gel; 22 Penetrating. Down: 2 Nip; 3 Offer; 4 Candid; 5 Rancour; 6 Eliminate; 7 Predecessor; 8 Alternately; 12 Timepiece; 15 Imitate; 17 Uglier; 19 Tenet; 21 Gun. CRYPTIC Across: 1 Get out of bed; 9 Ann; 10 Cigarette; 11 Incur; 13 Lash out; 14 Utters; 16 Astern; 18 Athlete; 19 Motto; 20 On one's own; 21 Tie; 22 Ides of March. Down: 2 Own; 3 Occur; 4 Toggle; 5 Forests; 6 Extrovert; 7 Manipulator; 8 Getting over; 12 Catchword; 15 Reefers; 17 Let off; 19 Mania; 21 Tic.

Solution for Logic Puzzle Kim Kane


Ida Ingram


Olive Olson


Patsy Pope


Chemistry Literature Physics Economics Medicine

Canada Australia Mexico Ireland Germany

Sudoku Solution

Deb Daniels

1. Ida Ingram won her prize 4 years before the winner from Australia.. 2. Of the nobelist who won in 1980 and the nobelist from Australia, one won the prize in chemistry and the other is Kim Kane.. 3. The person from Germany won her prize before the winner who won the prize in economics.. 4. The nobelist who won in 1980 is either the nobelist who won the prize in chemistry or Olive Olson.. 5. The person who won the prize in literature won her prize 8 years after the nobelist from Ireland.. 6. The five nobelists are the person from Mexico, the person who won in 1976, Patsy Pope, the winner who won in 1968 and the nobelist who won the prize in chemistry.. 7. The nobelist from Germany didn't win the prize in physics.. 8. The nobelist who won in 1972 didn't win the prize in literature.. 9. The nobelist who won the prize in economics is either Kim Kane or the winner who won in 1968..

22. Mounted Spanish fighter to choose an entrance, by the sound of it (7) 23. Flimsy material, but its use is varied (6) 24. A revolutionary movement cropping up (7)


Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with Xs and Os to determine the solution.

ACROSS 4. Commend what one asserts a right to, we hear (7) 8. Highly pleased when the tale is revised by the editor (6) 9. They naturally lead to landings! (7) 10. Pass on an account, I alter, maybe (6) 11. Doing some surveying, one hears, and finding a spot (6) 12. The crimes of crooked receivers (8) 18. Got a pile for director's fees! (8) 20 & 21Ac. Light containers (12) 21. See 20 Across.



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016







Don’t pay MORE for LESS! Advertise in the CostaBlancaPeople 966 701 060 advertising@costablancapeople.com








Classified adverts from as little as


per week Telephone: 966 725 968


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016





Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968 LOCKSMITHS

We accept PayPal


Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Tel: 966 725 968





CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016





Yang, one of 5 abandoned puppies and lucky to have been found. They are a diverse group that we will be small/medium size when they’re older. They are now 9 weeks old and have had the relevant vaccines so are now ready to be adopted.



Twinkle, a lovely 2 year old tabby and white girl was bought into K9 after being abandoned. She has been spayed, is very affectionate and enjoys a sedentary life and loves home comforts. She is fine with other cats, loves being with people.

Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – linda@costablancapeople.com

Servicio de traducción gratuito TILING

Odin, a 17 month old male Fox Terrier crossbreed, found running along a main road late at night, is fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated; a happy boy who plays well with his kennel mates looking for a loving home of his own.


George, a 6 month old Galgo cross, is in desperate need of a new home. He is great with other dogs and loves children. Call: 645 469 253. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.info

Ruben, is a 10 year old Spanish water dog, sweet natured and undemanding. He was abandoned as his owner did not want the responsibility of an older dog. Ruben shouldn’t be in kennels at his age, he deserves somewhere warm with love.



BALLROOM DANCING La Bamba’s - Ballroom Modern/ Latin/Argentine Tango/Sequence Dancing. Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 (near Lemon Tree Sunday Market) Monday - Social Dance 8.30-10.30pm (Sequence Class 7.30-8.30pm). Friday - Social Dance 7.30-10.30pm. Wednesday - New Beginners Class (new beginners starting Wednesday 13th January 2016) 23pm. Intermediate Class 3-4pm. Intermediate Plus Class 4-5pm. Andrea Murphy (00 34) 616 478 157 (622)

BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 30 years experience 13 years in Spain All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to your specification All works guaranteed Competitive prices Ring now for free no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489, Whatsapp or email: gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR) (622)

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Quesada, Olive Bar and restaurant lease for sale. Well known and very established popular bar, fully equipped in every respect, separate function room, large outside terrace, separate large dining area, open 7 days a week, with all legal licences in place, a real turn key and go operation. Price 40,000 Euros. Further information please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. Quesada, Pueblo Bravo, large restaurant and bar for sale with private car park, 200m square build, enormous kitchen, fully fitted in stainless steel, very nicely decorated and internal furnishings, open 7 days a week, current popular clientele, only for sale due to personal reasons, price 25,000 Euros. For further information please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. Quesada, large garage for sale freehold, 58 square metres, easy access and very secure, ideal storage, or vehicles, jet skis etc. Price 16,000 Euros, which is very reasonable as it would cost more to build if you were given the land. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours. (622)

BUY & SELL Turn your unwanted furniture, electrical, household goods, Bric-a-Brac, clothing, antiques and collectables into cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965 319 220/663 012 541 (625)

CARS Sporty blue Hyundai Coupe 1.6FX petrol manual. Very good condition. New battery and Cam Belt. ITV 02-09-16. €1500. Call 619 466 300. (623)

EMPLOYMENT Retired English Keyboard player. Can play background music, singalongs, quizzes, ballroom sequence dancing. Bars, restaurants, private parties. Email symondsderek@yahoo.co.uk Tel 602 434 197. (622) Los Montesinos High Street is looking for experienced beauty therapist/massage and nail technician. Please phone Adrian 966 721 175 (624) Fully trained mechanic required for a busy garage in Quesada. Immediate start. For further info please email your CV to massey ccaa@yahoo.co.uk or call 699 203 035. (625)

We accept PayPal

GARDENING Eazy Lawns the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C) (622)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Experienced mobile hairdresser. Good price and service. City & Guilds qualified. Tel 663 173 385. (M) (622)

HOME IMPROVEMENTS METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 652 262 489 whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L) (622)

PERSONAL SERVICES ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (653) Sensual relaxing massage. 25 min. of professional relaxing massage followed by 25 min. sensual body2body Julia 647 234 622 (624) Experience a great one hour massage with Veronica fully qualified. For appointments call 679 292 678 (630) Torrevieja Casa Angela. Discrete and private deluxe chalet offers you exotic girls from South America, call us, come and enjoy 24 hrs, easy to find, easy parking, free drink also escort service 609 573 468/639 832 118 Address: Avd. Association Victimas Del Terrorismo (631) New friend 25, nice body, sensual, erotic massage, fantasies. 15th, Turquesa St., La Zenia, opposite Zenia Boulevard. www.sensualspain.net 656 314 941. (623) Ladies! Big or small, old or young, enjoy a sensual spanking and more and it’s FREE! The Headmaster visits you at home. Details: headmaster@live.co.uk (624) Playa Flamenca (near new Carrefour before La Florida) Original Spanish lady 35 very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet withparking has medical cert. 865 646 437 (626) ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. C/ Concordia 2, 4K. Tel: 698 280 842 (643) Thai lady for massage and lots of pleasure. Tel 605 292 304 Cabo Roig (625) Almoradi. 2 blonde chicas will greet you in sexy lingerie. Kissing, petting. explosive! Tel 645 323 543 (623)

CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Cindy the horniest Venezuelan friend. Wonderful body. Fantasies. La Zenia, close Consum, house 77. 607 735 745. (629)


Mary 33, polish sweet friend. Wonderful body, fantasies. The best attention. Cabo Roig opposite Puccini’s restaurant. 672 872 050. (627) www.sensualspain.net.

REF 695. San Luis. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished Private Swimming Pool South Facing994m2 Plot 145m2 Build Size Walking Distance to Shops. €295,000

Shirley 32, busty qualified masseuse deep, strong or relaxing. Prostate great stimulation. Delay ejaculation. Torrevieja opposite mortuary. Opening prices 1 hour 50€. 4 hand massage 75€ with Ana 25, sweet Polish friend. 604 381 926 (625)

REF 718. Ciudad Quesada. 3/4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa Part Furnished Beautifully PresentedLarge Garage + Utility AreaCommunal Swimming PoolSmall Gated Community Mountain Views. €218,000

Kamagra.Gold.100mg. Free Weekender with every purchase .Delivery or collection. Call Roy 602 579 481 email royframe@gmail.com (622)

REF 724. Ciudad Quesada. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa Split Level Kitchen Private Swimming Pool Garage + 500m2 Plot Stunning Sea & Lake Views €397,000


REF 729. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Fully Furnished Front Line Golf Close to all amenities Communal Swimming Pool. €65,000

For your dog’s health: Ambulant Canine Physiotherapy in San Miguel de Salinas and vicinity. Phone +34 629 261 541 Email fisican@yahoo.es (622)

PROPERTY FOR RENT Villamartin/Los Dolses. (Panorama Country Club) A superb 2 bedroom ultra modern cottage. Private roof terrace. Private secure car park. Air con. Front and back garden. Internet/Wifi TV. Long let. €425 + bills. Astrid 965 319 731 or 649 235 327. (623) Bravo Hills Long term let. Spacious 1 bedroom apartment with panoramic views. Glazed in balocny. New kitchen and bathroom. Large roof top solarium. Communal pool. O.S.P. Gated community. €290pcm + bills. Tel 865 778 653 (622) Quesada, Long term rental, Skandia Centre, one bed bungalow, unfurnished, new kitchen and redecoration, communal swimming pool, electric gates, very close to supermarket and other local facilities. Rent is 330 Euros per month including all electric and water bills, suma, etc. Deposit required of 660 Euros. Further information please telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779, office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Quesada, Long term rental available on the prestigious Bravo Hills Club. Second floor one bed apartment, with solarium and tremendous views, fully furnished, UK TV, Beautiful communal swimming pool, electric gates, fountains, etc. Rent 300 Euros per month, deposit 600 Euros per month, further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours, or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. Torrevieja, third floor 2 bed apartment to rent long term. Two elevators, communal swimming pool, 150m to the beach, Playa Athenion, walking distance to Torrevieja town centre, many bars, restaurants and shops nearby. Air Con, UK TV, fully furnished, rent 350 Euros per month plus water and electric, deposit required of 700 Euros. Further details telephone SunseekersQuesada on 966 718 779 office hours or 672 366 275 any reasonable time. (622)

Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – linda@costablancapeople.com

Servicio de traducción gratuito

REF 733. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa Furnished Roof Solarium Communal Swimming Pool Located on the La Marquesa Golf Course. €110,000


TILING P&R Tiling The best quality and value around. Only the highest quality materials used (swimming pool grade adhesive and grout). Call 622 154 380 for a no obligation quote or to see our extensive portfolio of bathrooms, kitchens, driveways, patios, solariums, swimming pools, landscape gardening and more. Happy to introduce new clients to previous clients for references. See our website www.pandrtiling.com or call 622 154 380. Hablamos Español. (AL) (622)

TUITION & TRANSLATION Reliable translator. Competitive prices. Medical, police, trafico, schools, etc. Tel Debbie 630 325 957 (624)

REF 734. Fincas De La Vega. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa 519m2 Plot Large Roof Solarium Private Swimming Pool Off Road Parking. €220,000 REF 735. Ciudad Quesada. 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa 150m2 Build Size + 500m2 Plot Modern – Brand New Build Fabulous Golf Views Private Swimming Pool €360,000 REF 736. Ciudad Quesada. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa 200m2 Build Size + 870m2 Plot Front Line Golf + Fabulous Golf Views Garage 10m x 5m Swimming Pool €395,000

Jasper, 14 weeks old, has had his first 2 puppy vaccinations and is in excellent health. Jasper is house trained, great with other dogs and will be large when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com

REF 740. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached VillaFully Furnished Very Well Maintained Off Road Parking Underbuild 325m2 Plot. €165,000 REF 741. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa Fully Furnished 10m x 5m Swimming Pool 500m2 Corner Plot Golf Course Location. €165,000 Ref 745. Ciudad Quesada. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment Part Furnished Fantastic Location Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool Close to Local Amenities. €87,000 For further details call Inmobiliaria on 966 718 392 (IQ) (622)

Tyler and his brother Kingsley were rescued by us in January 2013 as small puppies. Now they are 3 years old and have never known a loving home. They are both lovely dogs and deserve the chance to be part of a loving family.

Torrevieja. La Mata. New apartment. 72m2. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 20 mtrs from Vista al Mar beach. 150,000€. Tel 605 090 388 (622) Orihuela Rural. Large finca 5000m2. Build 228m2. 3 bedrooms. (Potential for 3 further bedrooms) 3 bathrooms, swimming pool. Several terraces. Internet connection. 220,000€. Tel 965 976 861. (622)

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Electrical, plumbing, fencing, water boilers, balustrades, painting and general maintenance. Tel 965 328 361 or 680 934 549. (631)


Jester, came to us in October 2012 and is still here, a small pointer cross, weighing 15 kilos, who loves playing with his kennel mates but equally loves lots of human contact. He is 6 years old, fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated; we are hoping that after being in the kennels for all this time he finds his forever home soon.

SunseekersQuesada urgently require a 2 bed ground floor apartment or bungalow for long term rental by an elderly Norwegian lady with slight walking problems. A very fair rent offered, so if you have such a property for rent please contact us immediately on 966 718 779 office hours. Indeed all types of property wanted for Long term rental. SunseekersQuesada urgently require a finca style property in and around this area for long term rental, 2 or 3 bedrooms swimming pool not essential, furnished or unfurnished, please telephone us on 966 718 779, client is waiting with immediate decision.

Bonnie, a Manx cat, is now 7 months’ old, and waiting for a lovely, caring home. If you are able to offer her a home, then please call 610 832 726 or 600 845 420.


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

Emergency chemist In every town on the Costa Blanca, you will find a chemist open out of hours. In some larger towns such as Torrevieja, some chemists open throughout the day with no ‘siesta’, or even until 9pm and over weekends. The duty chemist can change on a weekly basis and in some towns, local pharmacies take turns to be ‘on duty’ out of hours and through the night for emergencies. If you approach an emergency chemist and it appears to be closed, look closer as often for security reasons, out of hours business is done via a small hatch

through which prescriptions, payment and medication can be passed. Consult a full list of emergency chemists for out of hours medication at: www.lasfarmaciasdeguardia.com Under the heading, “Farmacias de guardia por provincia” choose your province (Alicante or Murcia for most readers) and you will be presented with an alphabetical list of towns. Simply click the town you are in, or a nearby town, and you will be given the name of the chemist along with a Google Maps link to the location.

Airport Bus Timetable This service offers eight return trips between Alicante-Elche Airport and Torrevieja central bus depot without any stops, every day of the year. Torrevieja to Airport: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Airport to Torrevieja: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 Departure and arrival (in Torrevieja): From Torrevieja bus station. Calle del Mar, 50 Departure and arrival (in AlicanteElche Airport): 2nd Floor Price: €6.92 Children under 4 years travel for free (ID may be requested) Pensioners: 30% discount available for pensioners with accreditation from Social Security. Please note that the discount here applies ONLY to pensioners registered as permanent residents of the Valencian Community.

To prove this, you must show ID stating that you are over 65 as well as your DNI (if Spanish) or Residencia (if foreign resident) confirming that your residence is within the Valencian Community. All buses on this route have wheelchair access, free wifi and luggage storage. Tickets in Torrevieja are available for purchase within the bus station (Calle del Mar 50), and in the airport directly from the driver. Prior booking is not required, however more information can be found by calling the bus station (in Spanish) on 96 571 01 46. The journey time is 50 minutes and the driver takes the route to and from the airport via the A7 motorway, thus avoiding the frequent seasonal delays on the N332.

Useful numbers Transport Torrevieja Bus station 96 670 10 68 Torrevieja Radio Taxi 96 571 22 77 – 96 571 10 26 Orihuela Costa Radio Taxi 966 76 10 88 Alicante-Elche Airport 96 691 90 00 Renfe (trains) 902 24 02 02

Commercial Centres Zenia Boulevard 96 676 15 30 Habaneras 96 571 23 00 Dos Mares 968 54 70 00 L’Aljub (Elche) 965 43 00 90

Emergency Services National Police (NIE/Residencia application) 96 570 88 34 Guardia Civil 062 Protección Civil 96 571 39 27 Fire Brigade 96 670 44 33/53 EMERGENCIES 112

Local Services Torrevieja Town Hall 96 571 02 50 Rojales Town Hall 966 71 50 01 San Miguel de Salinas Town Hall 965 72 00 01 San Fulgencio Town Hall 966 79 42 01 Orihuela Town Hall 966 73 68 64 Elche Town Hall 966 65 80 50

Alicante Town Hall 965 14 91 00 Los Alcazares Town Hall 968 57 44 09 San Pedro del Pinatar Town Hall 968 18 06 00 Pilar de la Horadada Town Hall 965 35 22 25 Guardamar del Segura Town Hall 965 72 90 14 Los Montesinos Town Hall 966 72 10 87 Sports Palace Infanta Cristina 966 111 222 Sport palace Cecilio Gallego 966 111 222 Tourist info 901 343 343 Consumer Info Centre 96 570 78 88 Ecoparque 96 570 72 32 La Mata’s Natural Park 96 692 04 04 Museo del Mar y de la Sal 96 670 46 43 Museo de Semana Santa (Easter Museum) 96 670 80 37

Services Iberdrola (Electricity) 96 571 02 48 AGAMED (water) 902 222 306 and 96 571 09 66 SUMA 96 670 37 44

Leisure IMF Cinema 96 570 54 14 Centro Ozone 96 570 58 80



Petanca The Las Salinas winter petanca league is now in week 12, with only two matches to go, but why is the weather always cold and windy on Fridays? Although saying that, at least there was no rain this week. In division 1 the first 3 all had good wins with Amigos Belgas 1 winning Lakeside Lakers 7-1, Los Bandidos winning Buccaneers 6-2, and Rocajuna beating Dominos Dragons 7-1. In the fight for survival Lakeside Hellcats had an important victory over Dominos Red 5-3. In division 2 Blagul 1 stay top with a 6-2 victory over El Mirador Eagles. Amgos Belgas 2 go 2nd with a good win over Lakeside Mosquitos 5-3, El Mirador Hawks had a good away win at XPS 5-3. Corsairs move up the table with a good 7-1 victory over Danish Dynamite. In division 3 league leaders Pumas had a good home win over Peacocks Red 6-2. Second place El Mirador Kestrels also had a good home win against El Presidente 1 7-1. 3rd place Amigos Belgas 3 also had a good home win against Torre Bears 1 6-2. In the other league match Danish friends beat Buddies Bar 5-3. In division 4 league leaders Dominos McCoys had a solid home win over San Miguel Tigers 6-2, second place Guardamar had a good away win at Hideaway 7-1, Torre Bears 2 had a good away win at Peacocks Blue 62. The other match in this league finished with the spoils even 4-4 between El Raso Bandits and Florentilles. In division 5 Rocajuna Lions stay top with a 6-2 victory at Daya Vieja rednecks. Blagul 2 stay second although they could only draw 44 at Freebooters. Falcons stay 3rd with a good away win at Dominos Diamonds 53. In division 6 league leaders Dominos Phoenix drew 4-4 at Laguna Rosa. The semi-finals of the cup and plate were held this week, in the final of the cup it is Amigos Belgas 1 v Buccaneers. The final of the plate is Dominos Red v Lakeside Mosquitos. Thanks to the sponsors Casas Manuel, Redital orange mobile, Dominos bar. Press sec Linda Haymes



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016

El Plantio 2 Torry Bowlers struggle but retain lead in Spanish Golf Society Top Division

The 18-point advantage that Club Euro Bowling Torrevieja had gained in the first leg of bowling’s Spanish “Premiership”, bowled in Torrevieja in November, was all but wiped out last weekend on the lanes of Terrassa, Barcelona. Celta de Vigo, already firmly in second place, managed to put together 17 points more than Euro Bowling, shrinking the lead of the “Ozone Boys” to just one point. Owing to the extremely difficult oil pattern used in Barcelona, scoring was exceptionally low as only one player was capable of reaching a 200 average. Local bowler Marcial Ovide of Team Diagonal finished at 206.42 over 14 games while Euro Bowling’s top man was Tore Torgersen with 186.25. The Spanish Championship will be decided in the third leg, to be bowled 7/8 of May in Madrid. The provisional standings of the male top division: EuroBowling Torrevieja100 Celta de Vigo 99 Diagonal Barcelona 84 Ilicitano Elche 81 Capital Madrid 71 Comarcal Terrassa 55 300 Oviedo 45 New Project Madrid 71 Torry Ladies Clear of Relegation Zone In the ladies’ top division, Euro Bowling Torrevieja have consolidated their sixth place and will survive. Madrid’s Capital Bowling are alreadyvirtually biting gold, but May will see four teams fighting hard for the silver medals, Ilicitano of Elche and Torrejón of Madrid being the strongest candidates. Torrevieja’s top scorer was Heidi Thorstensen who finished strong the second day for an overall average of 203.14 per game, only beaten by Levante’s Cristina Mas with 204.79.Ladies’ standings: Capital Bowling 114 Ilicitano Elche 92 Torrejón Madrid 91 Alyco Madrid 82 Levante Valencia 77 Euro Bowling Torrevieja 69 Flecha 1 35

A cold breezy morning later in the round produced ideal weather conditions for El Plantio 2’s Medal competition on the 16th February. Nearest the pins – Hole 2 , Ian Craig : Hole 5 , John O’Brien. 3rd Place, Handicap 14 with 56 shots – Gordon Abba. 2nd Place, Handicap 12 also with 56 shots – Claude de Wamme. 1st Place, Handicap 7 with 55 points – Ian Craig. If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 nine hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230. David Swann


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa

For us living at the Costa Blanca, yesterday’s weather was cold when we started off and soon progressed to windy conditions, which became stronger and colder, but for some people they can still be “comfortable” playing in shorts. La Finca Golf hosted a 9am shotgun tournament for a company, and seeing some of the holes were not filled we were able to take advantage of the spare holes, Unfortunately play was very slow and it meant we were waiting virtually on every hole. It took us more than 5 hours to complete the round - not a day to repeat or remember. The prize giving was inside the restaurant due to the wintery conditions, however we soon forgot about the

situation once we had a hot drink and tapas. The conditions didn’t deter some members though, who came in with excellent scores. Today’s format was stableford. 1st Steve Rhodes with 33 points, 2nd Jean Bishton with 32 points, 3rd Peter Reid with 31 points and 4th Dave Jones with 28 points. Nearest the pin: Hole 3: Martin Osmond, Hole 6: no takes this week, Hole 13: Kay Chapman and Hole 16: Gordon Chapman. If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via Facebook page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa. Robert Pronk

The Orange Tree Golf Society Captains drive-in at Hacienda De Riquelme

Alan & Pat won all 3 games to help give Spanglish Robins a 6-3 win. La Siesta Sharks won 5-4 with 2 pairs winning 2 games each. Brian & Elaine won all 3 games for Concierto Jaguars to win 6-3. Tim &Vicki ,Mick& Carol all won 3 games each to have a good win of 8-1 for Lo Crispin Tavern.

Monte's Stormy Affair! Monte faced CD BORNEO at the Campo Municipal, and the local support questioned the referee’s decision to allow the game to start such were the atrocious conditions. Monte’s ground is open to the elements, and close to farm land, thus the blustery winds were blowing up dust from the fields on to the pitch. When the ball was in play, both sets of players were having difficulty controlling and passing. BORNEO made the most of the tornado gusts by taking a 10 minute lead, when a


hopeful ball was latched onto by the opposing no8 to slot pass a dust-blinded LOPEZ, 0-1. The conditions got much worse and it resembled a desert sandstorm on the pitch, after 16 min’s the match official consulted both managers who agreed there was nothing to be gained by continuing, and safety for the players was paramount, thus the game was rightly abandoned with no complaints from players or supporters. Both teams were seen rubbing their eyes

2 pairs from Irish Abbey Magpies won 2 games each to win 5-4. Spanglish Voles won 5-4 (no result sheet for write up ). Rojales Steakhouse won 7-2 (no result sheet for write up). Jean F & Mary won 3 games to help a 6-3 win to Izzy’s Peacocks. many of which were red when leaving the pitch. The re-match has been arranged for Wednesdays 24th February, kick-off will be 21.15. It is also with great sadness to announce the death of Vernon Phillips who was in charge of MONTE’S Merchandising and a Full Monte committee member who passed away on Monday 15th February, aged 75, condolences go to his family. MONTE’S game on Sunday is away to R.P ORIHUELA kick-off 11.00 at Torrevieja sports campus next to main swimming pool.

Well it was the start of the new captain within this society and Simon Sharples was looking forward to his year has captain. The outgoing captain, Fred Noakes, wished him well for the coming year. We all arrived at the course after breakfast at The Orange Tree Restaurant to be given instructions from the new captain, he decided on a pairs betterball competition. The weather was set fair but with a chilly wind at first, which decreased to allow a wonderful day for golf. How blessed we are to be able to play in the sun in February. Thanks must go to the course and staff for providing us with a good day. We all returned back to home base, The Orange Tree Bar and Restaurant, Cabo Roig where we had wonderful

refreshments and drinks. The presentation was made to the winners, which were Trevor Rollason and Peter Whitaker with 44 points, this allowing Trevor to use his winners speach which he has had for the last 2 years. 2nd were Kedric Rhodes and Graham Riley with 40 points, 3rd Chris Blown and Kevin Wenn with 36 points. N.T.P's went to Andy Shuttle (5th), Kedric Rhodes (7th) and Tony Wilson (17th). All golfers welcome to join us and can either ring 965323235, or email on orangetree@hotmail.es. You can also drop into the restaurant to check out the noticeboard where we have an entry sheet. Also all golf details can be found on our website www.orangetree-caboroig.com


course was in excellent condition, we played singles stableford with two nearest the pins. Today’s winner with a score of 34 points was Vic Sloane. The 2 nearest the pins was Dave Sharp on hole 6 and Jim Fegan on hole 15. We returned to the Sod for a great buffet and presentation, thanks to Eoin and all his staff for their hospitality. Anyone wishing to play call in the Sod and put your name down or phone 690 268 711.

A turnout of 16 players headed to El Valle on a very cold morning, but the temperature rose after 4 holes. The



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


TORRY BEAT BOGEY TEAM NOVELDA 2 – 0 AFTER A CONVINCING DISPLAY On Sunday Torry entertained their “bogey” team Novelda who were one place and one point behind Torry going into the game. Novelda had won 3 , drawn 3 and lost 6 on their travels. They have been on a poor run of form losing their last 3 games which lead to their manager resigning at the beginning of last week. They went into the game managerless. Torry went into the game on the back of a 10 match unbeaten run although they have hit a bit of a goal drought with two scoreless draws in their last 2 games. They were again without key defenders Javi Selvas and Jorge out through injury and new signings Rendondo and Chupe not yet fully up to match fitness. Captain Burguillos returned after suspension and Rafa Gomez was available again. The manager left recent signing Prieto out and played Lewis down the middle with Rafa Gomez making his first start on the left. The Torry line up: Miguel Serna, Vicente Boix, Luis Carlos, Matej, Quintero, Martin, Higón, Burguillos, Rafa Gomez (Sánchez Min.63), Ruben Suarez (Chupe Min.82), Lewis (Prieto Min.77) Not used: Kike and Rendondo The game kicked off on a cold and windy day at the Vicente Garcia stadium in front of around 350 supporters on the grass playing surface which was in superb condition. The covered stand was empty as it had been closed by the council because of safety issues with the roof of the stand so the supporters were spread around the ground on the open terraces.

The game was pretty even for the first 15 minutes with nether side getting a foothold on the game. Torry then began to seize the initiative and won and couple of free kicks in good positions which were wasted by Ruben Suarez. It was Ruben Suarez who started to give Torry the initiative and after 27 minutes put Lewis through on goal with a fine through ball but Lewis showed his inexperience shooting into the side netting instead of squaring the ball to the unmarked Higon. Serna was called into action for the first time in the match after 29 minutes after Novelda created a good chance after good build up play with the shot on target being blocked by Serna and gathered at the second attempt. He got injured in the process but thankfully was able to continue. After 33 minutes Ruben Suarez opened up the Novelda defence with a slide-rule pass which found Higon who beat the advancing keeper with a shot into the far corner of the net to give Torry the lead. 4 minutes later Rafa Gomez released Luis Carlos and his cross was met by Higon who shrugged off a defender and planted the ball past the keeper into the back of the net for his and Torrys second goal. On 41 minutes Rafa Gomez had a clear shooting opportunity after creating a chance for himself with neat footwork with his eventual shot being blocked with the rebound falling to that man Higon who hit a superb curling effort which thundered back into play off the post. Lewis got his head to the ball with his header being saved by the Novelda keeper. Torry went off at the

break 2 -0 to the good after a fine end to the first half. Torry continued to be in the ascendancy with Novelda making the odd foray forward. After 53 minutes Serna made a good diving save to prevent Novelda getting back into the game. After 59 minutes a good header by a Novelda defender from a free-kick went just over the top. Torry were playing some good stuff but were a bit shot shy in and around the opposition area. After 65 minutes a fine cross from the marauding Vicente found Higon who struck it first time on target with the ball hitting the keeper and being hacked clear. After 70

The Members Golf Society The morning began bright but cold and everyone turned up dressed as if we were playing in the Arctic instead of Spain. I really did expect better from our Viking members but it appears that they are human after all. Anyway as the morning went on the temperatures rose and the bulky clothing was being discarded. Today’s format was the 4th round of our Annual Medal Trophy, yes that would suggest that we were playing a “Medal” today. Amazingly some of the membership thought that it was the standard Stableford format and were a little taken a back when they realised that they had to hole out and could not pick up the ball. Oddly enough there were only 2 N/R’s well done guys and gals because there are two more Medal competitions coming up during the month of March. On our last visit to this course a certain Viking (who will be named later) pointed out that he didn’t like this course, well today he managed to return the best score of the day so maybe he his warming to it. Results for the N.T.P. competition; Hole 5 Gold category members, ha, on this hole , Dutchman Fred Kras wasn’t sure what category he was in so he put down his name on the pin with a question mark. Well Fred it is always marked on your score card but then again if you’re marking the better half’s card it

can’t be easy! Hole 11 Nadia, Hole 15 Sverre Sonesen and Hole 17 (shortest hole on the course) Nadia. The visitors category had only 1 participant but was handed a sleeve of ball for his nett 83 score. The Silver category winners were a mixture of Irish, Scottish and Swedish, Jenny Morris took 4th place with a nett 77. In 3rd place was Scotsman George Chapman with a nett 76, Swedish pair Karin Alm and Lennart Holmberg battled it out for the top spot which Lennart took with a below par nett 70 a good 5 shots better than his good friend Karin. The Gold category saw Irishman sandwiched between 3 Vikings his nett 81 was good enough for 3rd place beating Ships Captain Ole Rong on lower handicap, a Viking lady, ToveRoed also managed to get into the frame

with a very credible nett 77. But top of the shop was the winner of the player of the month for January and it seems that his run of good form is continuing scoring an impressive net 68 was Sverre Sonesen. It must be noted that the Vikings don’t seem to be protecting their handicaps before the Viking Competition which will be played between a team of Brits and Vikings at Alenda next month. Note that Captain’s day has been changed to Campoamor on the 20th April at Campoamor. Photo: Gold category winners. For more information or to book a venue please visit www.tmgs.org or Facebook/TMGSGOLF, Twitter @TMGSGOLF we’re still on the phone so a call to 6661 524 101 will put you in contact with the Secretary.

minutes Novelda had the ball in the back of the Torry net from a header from a freekick which was ruled out for offside. After 75 minutes a fine cross-cum shot by Luis Carlos was kept out with some difficulty by the Novelda keeper. After 77 minutes a fine direct free-kick from Ruben Suarez struck the top of the upright and went over. On 86 minutes another fine cross from Vicente presented substitute Prieto with a glorious chance but his effort lacked enough on it and was blocked on the line. In injury time Higon almost got what would have been a well deserved hat-trick by Higon with his fierce shot

from the edge of the area producing a fine diving save by the Novelda keeper. The game came to an end with the Torry players being applauded off the field after a fine performance against a disappointing Novelda side. That is 11 games unbeaten by Torry which leaves them in 11th place in the table 8 points off a play-off place. Torry travel to local rivals Crevillente next Sunday looking to extend their unbeaten run to 12 games. It will be a tough match as Crevillente are also in good form but hopefully Torry can get a positive outcome. Darrylldinho

HOME & HOSED That’s how Barcelona’s league campaign looks from here on in. First up this weekend, of the ‘big’ clubs, they travelled to Gran Canaria to meet Las Palmas, and, not for the first time this term, won thanks to a dodgy ‘goal’ scored by Neymar from a blatantly offside position. Now nine points adrift, Real Madrid, after their midweek Champions’ League triumph in Roma, went to Málaga, missing Benzema, Bale, Varane and James from their starting line-up. Cristiano failed to

add to his headed goal when he fluffed a penalty, and the home side equalised through Albentosa. Then Atletico fared no better, coming away from Villareal with only a point after a sterile, goalless draw. A bit lower down, Celta looked speedy as they took a 3-0 lead over Eibar, but then had to defend desperately as the Basques pulled two back. Another Basque clash saw Real Sociedad get the better of neighbours

Athletic Bilbao by the odd goal. Gary Neville’s Valencia side seem to be finding their feet. After despatching weak Danish opposition 6-0 in the Europa Cup, they won away at Granada to ease the ex-Manchester United star’s worries. Alavés could only draw with struggling Almería, but stay top of the second division, two points clear of Leganés, who won away at Lugo, and are now three points clear of Oviedo and Córdoba. Elche stay just about in touch after earning a draw with Huesca by dint of a late penalty from top scorer Sergio León.

Hercules and Alcoyano fighting for play-off places. Real Murcia look easy favourites in group 4, their only real rivals being neighbours UCAM. The FA Cup in England sprung its usual surprises, Arsenal being held to a draw by Hull (makes you wonder what the Gunners will do with Barcelona!) and Reading pitching out West Brom. Otherwise, it was business as usual, but this goes to press before Manchester United face the might of Shrewsbury................. Away from football, Real Madrid at last had something to cheer, as Pablo Lasa’s basketball

Sergio Leon

In division 2b, the only real change is in group 2, where Real Madrid Castilla take over the lead after a good home win over Sestao, as Barakaldo suffered a rare setback. Group 1 leaders Racing de Ferrol are way clear of the rest, whilst group 3 sees Villareal B and Reus a long way ahead of the field, with local clubs

squad won Real’s 26th Copa del Rey after a good match against a spirited Herbalife Gran Canaria. Malcolm Palmer



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


Tales from the Top Flight “everything other than the Premier League” ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Yes indeed folks, no Premier League action to be seen anywhere in this edition. We are all about the FA Cup and a couple of European games from last week today. Let’s start with Europe, shall we? Primarily because I have been bursting at the seams since Thursday to point at Manchester United and shake my head with disappointment. Louis. It is pretty damn obvious that you are not going to qualify for the Champions League via the league route. I know you “would rather win the FA Cup than the Europa League” because you won the UEFA Cup at some point in your glittering career and would love to win something in England before they give you the heave-ho, but considering said Europa League is a route to playing Champions League football next season would it not have been wise to beat Midtjylland on Thursday night? I have a conspiracy theory. Louis knows his number is up, has heard via Inter Milan that Jose is definitely at Old Trafford next season and has decided to sabotage any chance of “The Special One” being in Europe’s elite competition. I would love this to be true. United were terrible in Denmark but, realistically, have a chance of winning the second leg 1-0 and progressing. Just don’t expect the goal to come early, hey? Who knows, by the

time you read this Shrewsbury might have made all this chat irrelevant by knocking United out of the FA Cup on Monday night. Liverpool and Spurs both played out draws away from home last Thursday, and Chelsea were beaten 2-1 in Paris on Wednesday night meaning that each tie is still firmly in the balance. The last thing Arsenal really needed in their quest for the Premier League, Champions League and FA Cup treble (I know, it won’t happen but still) was a 0-0 draw with Hull, meaning a replay to be played in a the next couple of weeks. Leicester, feet up and resting this weekend, would have been chuffed to bits to see the Hull goalkeeper make save after save to add another fixture into the already clogged list at the Emirates. Everton might be sneakily fancying their chances of some silverware this season. Disappointing in the league and massively inconsistent used to be the recipe of a team you’d rather avoid drawing in the FA Cup, so a 2-0 win at Bournemouth will have raised the hopes at Goodison Park. After all, Martinez has won the FA Cup before whilst having a bad league season. Last season’s semifinalists Reading are eyeing up another potential trip down the M4 to Wembley. Brian McDermott’s team came from a goal down to beat a full strength West Bromwich Albion 3-1 in a game that was marred by a coin thrown from the crowd striking Albion player Chris Brunt.

Watford beat Leeds 1-0 at Vicarage Road, meaning their season still has some life in it with Premier League survival all but guaranteed. Sunday saw the “box office” ties of the round. Chelsea, with a Dutchman in charge that needs not to win another trophy in England to flatter his ego, played Manchester City who seem somewhat determined to make it a little more challenging for Pep when he takes over in the summer. By challenging I mean completely lacking in the 2015/16 trophy department. I admit to not watching the game, but when I saw the following stat float across my social media timeline I had a feeling it might end up a home win. The shirt numbers of the eleven Manchester City players starting the match added up to over 440. Chelsea took the game a little more seriously, and got their just desserts winning 5-1. As daft as this might sound, and who would have thought any comment in this column could ever be considered daft, the best thing that could have happened to Spurs this season was losing in the FA Cup. As luck would have it, Palace agreed. Pardew’s men might have forgotten how to play Premier League football, but they could be considered another team worth avoiding in the draw. Leicester, still feet up on the sofa, would have preferred the result to go the other way but hey, you can’t have everything.

Finally, a note to Blackburn Rovers. When playing a decent West Ham side, it probably helps if you keep eleven men on the pitch. Having someone stupidly sent off is not advisable and could lead to a 5-1 defeat. The weekend concluded with the Quarter Final draw. Everton fans, full of the joys of spring a mere few paragraphs ago were left distraught when they drew Chelsea. Both Reading and Palace will be hopeful of progressing having drawn each other,

where West Ham await Shrewsbury when they do away with United. Arsenal or Hull will play host to Watford. My picks for winners? Chelsea, Palace, West Ham and Watford. I really would not put money on it, but they would be nice semi-finals wouldn’t they? I am sure I tipped someone to win the FA Cup a few weeks ago, but for the life of me cannot remember who. Either way, they are probably out by now. Back to normal next week, if there is such a thing, as the Premier League resumes.


The 7th round of the Abbey Angling Cup was fished at the Embalsa de Argos on the 16th February. This is a long journey for us as it is a 280kms round trip, it is normally a prolific fishery with even the lowest weights around 10 to 20kgs being caught, but the cold weather is taking its toll with the best weight of the day being 30kgs and then dropping drastically to just 3kgs and one dry net. This is a long way to go for such poor weights, and is really a summer only venue for best results. Feeder is the method of the day here, as pole and paste are not catching. 1st Lennie Bolton with 30.460kgs fishing the feeder using maggot 2nd Dave Hoare with 16.920kgs fishing the feeder using banded pellet 3rd Dave Hutchinson with 10.340kgs fishing the feeder using banded pellet There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.com or from me on 965328368 RODS & REELS The 7th round of the Winter Series was this week fished at the El Bosquet Complex on the 17th February.

Temperatures were down to minus 2 degrees on our arrival with ice on the plastic chairs, making the fishing harder with Mullet making up the weights. Before this recent cold snap, last Saturday a 15kg bag was taken, but the best we could manage on the day was once again Lennie taking top spot with just under 6kgs. 1st Lennie Bolton with 5.740kgs 2nd Tony Macmillan with 5.000kgs 3rd Bill Reade with 4.136kgs All fishing the pole using bread There are still some vacancies at the club and if anyone is interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 966729293 or 617283503 TIGHT LINES Terry Screen

■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Imagine you are a Kiwi cricketer, you are playing your last ever match before retiring from all internationals and you are up against your oldest foes, Australia. Wouldn’t it be a great time to go and score the fastest Test century of all time? The answer is a resounding yes, of course. Step forward Brendan McCullum, who ticked all those boxes in smashing the Aussies all over the park in getting to 100 in just 54 balls. This incredible knock beat his idol, Sir Viv Richards, who had taken 56 balls to reach a ton against England in 1986. Sadly, his knock is unlikely to be remembered alongside a Kiwi victory. Australian skipper Steve Smith and Joe Burns both crafted centuries of their own on Day Two and put the home side in a very strong position at stumps. England are still in South Africa, playing cricket as energetically as their tired bodies will allow them. Friday saw them clasp defeat from the jaws of victory in the final over of the first T20 match and Sunday saw them get completely taken apart by Hashim Amla and AB de Villers. This all bodes well for the World Cup. Still, the England Women won their series convincingly, Sarah Taylor leading the side to a T20 win that sealed things very nicely. Victoria Pendleton’s efforts to become a jockey fell at the first hurdle. Well, not the first hurdle exactly, but in the first race. Pendleton fell from her horse Pacha du Polder at Fakenham, leading horse racing

experts to “admire her ambition” but warning that “she needs saving from herself”. The episode led me to wondering about other champions who had switched into completely different sports. Rugby World Cup winning coach Clive Woodward hardly set the world alight at Southampton FC, Michael Jordan will always be known for his basketball prowess ahead of his short stint in baseball and Sir Ian Botham’s footballing “career” at Scunthorpe came before his somewhat more successful foray into international cricket stardom. Andrew Flintoff’s move into boxing? The

less said about that the better. Anyway, Pendleton got back on the horse in the literal sense, finishing the weekend racing in a point-to-point event. Mo Farah was back on the track and back to winning in Glasgow, jogging gently away from the field in the Indoor 3,000m. A more surprising victory was that of Sean Safo-Antwi who raced out of the blocks in the 60m sprint and beat a very strong field. He might be a name to remember, though if my history of predictions are anything to go by I would forget his name by the end of the column. Sebastian Vettel is confident Ferrari will be challenging in the new F1 season. Whilst casting a forlorn glance at the fact that Mercedes have dominated the last two seasons, the German former champion believes that the new retro looking Italian car stands every chance of being a regular on the podium this year. Apparently, “the guys have put over 1000 man hours into this car” which sounds like a lot. Or not. How are we to know how many hours guarantees a decent F1 car, hey?


CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016



CostaBlancaPeople February 23rd - 29th 2016


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