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Thermal Break - Cladding Connection

To maintain a U-Value below 0.14 W/m²K a thermal break is needed to stop condensation build up and a thermal bridge between the outside and inside of the building.
Solar Cells placed
Recessed into the roof form in order to not disturb the overal conceptof the building. making them unseable when looking at the building from a far.

Generate electiricity utilising passive solar gain from the sun orientated to the sun angle maximising its solar gain potential.
Active Underfloor Heating Strategy with Building Management Systems

Individual Rooms thermostates that constantly measure temperature and apply this to the the building management systems that adjust temperatures of underfloor heating throughout the space.

Cool air is pushed through spaces that are overheating
Warm air pushed through pipes entering spaces that feel uncomfortable due to not reaching optimum temperatures in the slected spaces.
Acoustic buffer Panels.

Exhibition Space is very open plan in order to achieve a good strategy of stack ventilation. Therefore, soft Panels that absorb the sound vibrations helps to reduce noise pollution inside the space as well as coming from outside.
Thermal Break and Cladding Bracket Detail

Rubber insulation placed around the end of the bracket where the connection between concrete structure and Bracket meet.
Insualtion is then wrapped around the brackets in order for them to extrude from the insualtion and hold the cladding in palce (Thermal Bridging Soluations, n,d)

Winter Sun Summersun Summersun
Active System: LED Lighting

Powered by solar cells on the room and window facades. LED Lighting controlled by Building Energy Management systems that turn on when the occupied space is in use and dim when the space becomes unocupied such as during night time hour when the buidling is closed LED Lighting is automaticall switched off utilising EMS Systems.
Cross-Laminated Timber
CLT is a highly used and recyced carbon free way of manufacturinmg bespoke and InSitu structures of architecture. Trees are deemed as a renewable resource storing carbon throughout its lifetime; including while it is being used for structural purposes in our architecture.
It is easily recycled and can be easily maintains, its end of life expiray is long however, widly recycled and can be burned utilising a clean energy system (Clean Tech Group, 2018)

Transparent Solar Panel Windows

Solar gain capture and storage incorporated into the windows of the East, South and West Facades allow maximum potential for solar gain and passive strategy of utilising an powering active systems. Converting Solar energy using solar Cells (Van Den Bosch, 2019)

Passive Stack Ventilation Strategy
The form of the buiding enables buoyency driven stack ventilation to ride towards the top of the spaces through the open plan floor. As the pressure towards the higher floors increases air heats up and eventually is driven out the roof lights and clerestorey at the top of the building through the exhibitions spaces to keep a good flow of air through the building.

HF - 310 Window Frame 1200mm x 3000mm

HF 310 Window frame achieves a strong comfortable U-Value of 0.5 W/m²K. Meeting the reccomendations for passive house standards of 0.8 W/m²K with the frame size being a large surface are the window prevents a thermal bridge and maintains indoor thermal comfort (Burrell, 2014).

KS 430 Interorm Thermal Door
U-Value u[p to 0.64 W/m²K
Door size 2200mm x 2000mm Thermal Infil within the frame prevents a thermal bridge into the interior space (INTERNORM, 2017).