1 minute read
Rust in Peace
Image source: Xplorer

Officially, such fortresses were used to control the gunfire of eight-inch guns, which had a firing range of twenty-eight kilometers and were used to fend off naval attack from the Channel. However, the only available information comes from similar layouts, and for some this ambiguity has led to speculation that this was no ordinary clifftop bunker and, more recently, rumours of supernatural sightings. The room was buried during construction of the M20 and entry is impossible for those unwilling to crawl through an aged ventilation shaft.

The outside wall bears the word ‘DANGER’ in faded black letters; no wonder that the building is often overlooked and avoided by locals. Its secrets may lie forever undiscovered. After all, Dover is best known for its sun-soaked cliffs, and the sunlight never reaches the inside of the sinister Hougham Battery Plotting Room.
Image source: Derlictplaces

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