How to find good investment properties In Your Area

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How to find good investment properties In Your Area

Are you wondering how to find good investment properties in Pueblo? Finding investment real estate in Pueblo or any area in that matter can be difficult if you do not know where to look. Lots of investors are looking to get started, and as active real estate investors and experts in Pueblo, and Pueblo West Colorado, we get asked to share our secrets quite a bit. Fortunately, we love to share about how we find investment real estate in Pueblo. One of the biggest questions we get from local investors is ” How to find a good investment property in Pueblo Colorado?“

With the flood of foreclosure deals all but dried up (compared to where they were a few years back)… people are having to get more creative in finding the best deals on great local Pueblo investment properties. We source our properties from a variety of marketing routes… online, offline, etc… so there is no one way that is the best way to find good investment properties in Pueblo market. But the info below walks you through some ways you can put into action to find great properties to add to your investment portfolio. Most investors are afraid of competition – they think that if they share their secrets, someone will steal their ideas from them. That is just frankly a scarcity mindset and the truth is there are plenty of deals out there for everyone in the Pueblo market. That’s not how we work. We work with other investors to accomplish things together that we can’t do alone. Because at the end of the day our job is to serve the seller in getting the house sold, and helping an investor find Investment real estate in Pueblo. We share our learning and our philosophies here because we want to improve the quality of investment in Pueblo Colorado market to build stronger communities. Ultimately, we’re all investing in the same places, so it makes sense to do it right.

Finding Investment Real Estate Pueblo Colorado There are a few core principles that are important to understanding if you want to get the best investment property deals and find Investment real estate in Pueblo.    

Direct Mail Facebook Groups Other Real Estate Professionals Driving For Dollars

Finding Real Estate Deals In Pueblo- Direct Mail Sometimes there is a negative stigma around direct mail especially from the people who are mostly just doing all of thier marketing online. But direct mail still works. One of the very first things you have to do in order to make direct mail work for you is you have to work on targeting a specific subset of people. Such as people in foreclosure, behind on taxes, people with city liens or judgments against them, for like weeds or trash, people not in foreclosure but are late on thier mortgage, vacant houses, fire damaged houses or absentee owners( basically people who own a house in Pueblo but who live in another city or even another state. Once you have this target or “list” of people you basically go through a direct mail company such as Print Genie. We happen to like using Print Genie because of their customer service in reference to orders, as well as the big variety of mail pieces that they offer their customers. But there are others we just don’t have any experience using them so we cant recommend them. Postcards- This is basically your cheapest option. The cost of each mail piece will differ a good amount depening on on the amount of pieces you send. Up to 500 pieces will cost roughly .49 per piece but if you do more the price goes down as well. Letters- Letters in my opinion tend to convert a little bit better just because the person your sending the letter to has to actually open it. Think of letters like the basic yellow letter or a professional letter. Price for these will usually start around $1 per piece and gradually go down depending on the amount that you send each campaign.

Finding Off market Real Estate Deals- Facebook Groups Finding Investment real estate through facebook groups has really become popular over the years because so many real estate investors are finding off market real estate deals on these groups.

The investment community in Pueblo Colorado is much smaller than most people think. These groups are comprised of newbies or people who want to learn real estate investing, seasoned rehabbers and flippers, landlords, private lenders, and people in the construction trade. In order to find these real estate investor groups in your city or state just search on facebook for “real estate investment groups my city, my state” and just see what you find. Some areas have multiple pages and some areas really dont have that much. If your area doesnt have one maybe you can consider starting one : ) Depending on what your strategy is you can make a post when you get approved for the group. Something as simple as ” cash buyer looking for x, y, z in these areas” wholesalers feel free to add me to your buyers list. Whatever you are wanting to do just let people know about it. That is really half the battle of the facebook group tactic. Just let people know what you are looking for and wholesalers or agents will reach out to you.

Finding Off Market Real Estate-Other Local Real Estate Professionals When it comes to other investors or other professionals in real estate in your area, its hard to not view some of these people especially other wholesalers, or cash buyers as your competition. You have to start living in an “abundant mindset” and stop thinking that if they are getting deals that is somehow taking away from you and that is simply not true. Networking with other investors can be a goldmine simply because not every investor has the financial resources to take on every house that comes his or her way, but some deals to not land in thier “buy box”. They could not like the house they were offered because of the amount of work needed, the area, or a bunch of different reasons. If you let other real estate professionals know what you are looking to do (buy and hold, fix and flip, wholesale, etc) they could potentially pass these deals on to you and vice versa when you are in their situation.

Finding Off Market Real Estate Pueblo- Driving For $$$ Driving for $$$ is basically how I got started. Its super easy and its really fun and exciting as well. So you basically go around and look for houses that are boarded up. Mailbox overflowing, boards over the windows and doors, “condemned sign” from the city or other notices from the city like liens for trash or weeds. Once you compile a list of houses what you need to do is look them up on the pueblo county assessor website. Find out who owns the property and either google them and find a phone number or try finding a mail address where they live and reach out saying you want to buy the house! Most will not call but some will. Be ready and prepared to make an appealing offer and then your in the game!

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