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Lafayette County
Lafayette County Cattlemen finished off May is Beef Month with 1/4 lb. all beef hot dogs for 600 Lafayette County fifth graders at Law Enforcement Day in the Higginsville City Park, and by handing out 1,200 beef sticks at I-70 Speedway to race fans entering the track on May 20. Every firehouse in Lafayette County also received beef sticks in honor of Firefighter Appreciation Day.
The Missouri Cattlemen’s PAC Steak Fry was well attended by LCCA members. The county’s grill was taken to the fairgrounds, and several members grilled steaks, while others helped with decorating, meal prep, and serving. The wine basket donated to the silent auction was well received. Many Lafayette County 4-H and FFA members took part in the All-Breeds Junior Show, and Michael, Martin, and Miles Dieckmann had entries in the Replacement Heifer Show & Sale.
Plans for the Scholarship Auction and Prime Rib dinner were finalized at the June 14 board meeting held at the MU Extension Office in Higginsville. The event will be held Thursday, July 20, at the Concordia Community Center. A prime rib dinner served by Randy Hinck of Plowboys at Marshall, will be followed by the auction to support Lafayette County Cattlemen scholarships. Everyone is welcome to attend and should RSVP to lafcocattlemens@gmail.com.