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Thousands of MT), Years 2010 2021
4 Projection and Forecast of Cargo Throughput
This new section is the result of the collaboration of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) that shared the most relevant criteria in order to project and forecast maritime statistics,as shown in their annual publication titled Review of Maritime Transport (RMT). The additionof this information in the Statistical Summary will contribute to support global maritime statistical efforts since the homologation of processes and criteria represent a key element in the facilitation of foreign trade.
Graph No.31 shows maritime cargo volumes according to cargo-handling typeobserved in foreign trade traffic in the Central American region during the 2010 –2019 period and a projection for 2020, but notconsidering the effect caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and it also includes a forecast for 2021.
Chart 31 Central American Isthmus: Central American Port System Tonnage by Type of Cargo, (Thousands of MT), Years 2010-2021
100,000.00 80,000.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 0.00
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
2021* * Containerized 26,713 28,838 29,472 30,470 30,446 31,089 32,581 34,623 36,496 35,872 37,066 38,300 Liquid Bulk 20,234 19,959 19,712 21,165 22,046 25,321 26,077 26,508 25,165 26,890 27,754 28,645 Dry Bulk 11,349 13,662 14,738 16,913 19,884 19,849 19,085 19,842 20,567 22,359 24,108 25,995 General Cargo 2,985. 3,215. 4,928. 3,844. 3,633. 3,717. 4,549. 3,992. 3,926. 3,994. 4,125. 4,261. Others 1,410. 1,753. 1,833. 1,597. 1,687. 1,830. 1,634. 1,672. 434.67 365.72 314.79 270.96 Ro-Ro 314.15 207.98 252.06 190.33 341.80 201.65 197.50 177.17 188.02 207.57 198.23 189.31
Source: Central American Ports and Panama Maritime Authority Guatemala: http://www.banguat.gob.gt/estaeco/ceie/mensualnr_xls.asp?kanio=2017&kfin=0&ktipo=CG El Salvador: http://www.bcr.gob.sv/bcrsite/?cat=1012&lang=es Honduras: https://see.bch.hn/SICE/ConsultaSACAjustado.aspx Nicaragua: http://www.sec.sieca.int Costa Rica: http://sistemas.inec.cr/SICCE_Hacienda/SICCE_Hacienda/ Panamá: http://www.contraloria.gob.pa/inec/ComercioExterior/ Note: 2020*: Projected 2021**: Forecasted