Cock No.7 #3 The Death Issue

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Cock No. 7 Issue 3 - WEB VERSION Just realised you have missed out on the interactive fun and the hidden gems our Zine Pack has to offer? Not to worry! Perhaps you might still be able to grab hold of one from our friend’s at Weaponized - The Cock No. 7 Quarterly Zine Pack comes with: • The fanzine - hand made and bound and uniquely designed that cannot be completely translated into a digital format • Cock No.7 badge • Limited edition art print • The supplement - a piece of art in itself • Other additional things we fancy throwing into the pack Make sure you don’t miss out next time by coming along to our next launch night or get one now from Weaponized before it is too late - limited stock at their store!

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************HGW XX/7 - SECOND DIVISION INITIAL REPORT ****************** SUBJECT: The Cock No.7 Death Box DATE: ??/??/???? AGENT: Elle Siomedam The mysterious box, now termed the Cock No.7 box, was discovered in a pensioner -Audrey Day’s attic in Winchester . Upon opening the box and discoverin g a vast collection of, in her neighbour ’s words, “obscenitie s”, she had a heart attack and died. Second Division was called in, in the hopes of discoverin g the secrets of Death. This report summarizes our initial findings. The box contains a diverse collection of documents, notes, literature , strange newspaper clippings, artefacts and images. Upon further investigat ion, it revealed that they belonged to a London based group named Cock No.7. We believe this group was made up of lost souls trying to find balance in their lives. They believed that in order to deal with life, you have to come close to death. The contents ranged from warped opinions to weird truth/lies to fantastica l ideas. We found works by artists that were related to Death and a range of different researches on the subject also. The names of artists and other people mentioned were noted and First Division is already on their way to pay them a visit as this report is being written. From further analysis of the contents, I believe members of the group even managed to reach to a certain realm where certain objects were obtained. These include a letter from the Dead, a token for a boat ride in the Underworld and a handbook by an artist named Celyn Cooke, whom we believe to be a Death Mystic (name also noted and on First Division’s Wanted List). First Division’s attempt to find the Cock No.7 group failed (see report code: C-hUNTOO7) . There are no clues to why the box appeared in Day’s home and her connection to the group. At present, not much is known of the group but by going through the collected samples enclosed here (see APPENDIX D), we could get an idea of what they discovered . I can conclude that this group, like us, were trying to reach Death’s secrets and from various records might have even met Death and from then on vanished. Magic and voodoo were clearly at play here, which led to my deduction that this could also be the cause of their disappeara nce. Case filed as ON-GOING status. Further reports and analysis to follow. ***************************REPORT


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List o f cont ents: t A u t o erotic Supe

t C o c k



t I D o n ’t Beli eve In Dying t L o v e L t A r t


by Ang el Ito t A N T A GONY Jose M acabra t D e a t h - O

t E r o t

ur Lif elo


ng Obs ess

& Deat h


- The Ph otogra ng Dea phy of th Marc t S e x C hamber Death Myster t W i l d y Part Woman : Bátho III r y Erzs t A r t ébet by Ang el Ito t F lesh and bones by Bet tArt b tina F y Bett ung ina Fu ng t D e a t h XIII /Scream ing Bl tFeat oody M ured A urder! rtist: F acundo tFly M T orrens e To Th e Moon t D e a t h / Th e Part y Neve tTop K r Stop illing s Game/L ast Wi t F u c k ll Bunny t F i l m & Musi c To Di e For / tCock Necron No.7 Co omicon mics / Death tHorr M orscop ask e / Dis g race J tIn th ones e Fade - Deat h News tArma geddon Ready? t F a c i



Cock News ??????, ??????? ??, ????

C ock No. 7




Fuck Bunny caught on camera

Barbican show a resounding success!



ock No.7 fanzine is now available for sale on our friend Foolish People’s Weaponized website (www.weaponized. net). We are really happy to be included in their selection of experimental publications that seeks new ways to experience stories and myth. It is highly recommended to check out their publications. Also watch out for Foolish People’s immersive art events this year - it might change your life!

he Cock No.7 cult aka Coalition of Creative Knowledge seemingly took over the Barbican Lates event, held on 17th December, with a pop up medicine shop. The public were blessed by our 7 commandements, drawings and holier than holy objects and astounded by our performances which includes Jose Macabra’s Sounding Monk with special guests (bottom right), A Creative Birth by Les Buruxu (top left), Trans-formation by Hermes Pittakos and Jairo Yanes as our Inspired Drag Queen Virgin Mary.

Barbican Show 17/12/2010 Photos by Francisco Gomez de Villaboa

Saturday Night is COCK Night!


ock No. 7 is proud to announce their monthly night at Vogue Fabrics. Watch this place for all the crazy carnage.


ur horny gutter mouthed furry friend is soon to have his own series on COCK TV with a sexy theme song by Attack of the Fits. You have been warned!

and finally


tudies show you can’t have too much cock! So be Friends with the Cock and have every issue delivered to you on your doorstep. For more info email:

New disease reported to take thousands down en thousand people are affected daily by the Missing Door Syndrome (MDS), reported T a representative from the Department of Health

today. Sufferers of MDS are unable to locate doorways, due to the excessive production of the whoremoan –SENDEDNIMWORAN, and therefore experience extreme difficulties in getting anywhere in life. Most sufferers remain in one place, usually their homes. Due to their inability to reach anywhere, they tend to die due to starvation, if not cared for by a carer. This new disease is terrifying. We are still in shock that so many people were suffering in silence before and most were unable to get out of their homes to get help.” says a GP in Farringdon. Chemical treatment with the drug - 3YE-Driht, produced by drug company Phi-zor, is reported to be effective and will become available as of 2012. In the meantime, it is important to watch out for others in case they have fallen victim of this disease.

Exit is not the answer


emonstration by protest group Seceaf was held today at the WTF cemetery. Protesters were protesting against death, saying it is unproductive and that “exit is not the answer”. It was alleged that the group insist upon practicing the art of everlasting living, which involves hiding a skeleton, the symbol for death, in the closet.

• Stuff t



Cock News ??????, ??????? ??, ????


ick thugs who cut a cat in half before In a statement released today, the 30-year-old said: ‘Words have no meaning.’My beautiful wife, my best friend, my rock has been taken from me and The German-owned supplier will put up electricity tariffs by 9 per cent and gas by 3 per cent – They were undercover investigators engaged in a £4,000 initiative by a group of cash-strapped local organisations to check that pubs were serving

By WhatDailyMailHasToSay alcohol responsibly. at suggestions that the Government has abandoned Her parents released the photo to try and persuade ministers available to all children. Their daughter did not have any underlying health problems and hope of slashing the £7billion bonus pot to be muddy brown tide gathered strength. At flooded intersections people paddled surfboards through floodwaters, while boats ferried evacuees to dry ground.



ight; and now thou art about thee face to face before spotless intellect is like breathing is about now come for thee to seek the Path [in reality]. sky, and the naked cloudless sky, and the naked, spotless intellect is like unto a transparent vacuum without circumference or vacuum without circumference thou art about to experience in its Reality in the Bardo state, wherein all things are like the void and cloudless cease. Thy guru hath set thee face now thou art about to experience in its Reality in the Bardo state, wherein all things are like the void and cloudless



s of the voidness of nothingness, but as being the intellect itself, unobstructed, shining, thrilling, and 0 nobly-born [so-andso], listen. Light of Pure Reality void, not formed into anything is the very Reality, the All-Good. to be regarded as of the voidness unobstructed, shining, thrilling Buddha. Thine own consciousness intellect, shining and blissful Dharma-Kaya state of Perfect and inseparable from the Great Body of Radiance Immutable Light-Buddha voidness of thine own own consciousness art experiencing the Radiance of the Clear in real nature characteristics or colour, naturally void which is now voidness, yet not but as being the intellect itself very consciousness, the Allgood and looking upon it as being thine divine mind of the Buddha.

Meat Love: the alleged photo



car crash on Mexico’s Highway 1 has killed a young British couple, H Erlim, aged 26, and K Roberts, aged 27. The victims were on their holiday travelling to La Paz, when a car driving at high speed in the wrong direction collided with their vehicle. “The driver was going very fast in the wrong direction and it looked like his brakes failed” one witness of the accident told local media. With the lack of shoulders, guard rails and deficient road signs, Highway 1, the road from Tijuana to Cabo San Lucas is considered to be extremely dangerous.

• Newsflash •


oday a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. -BHicks

Weatherman’s Timely Demise Tom, the world’s oldest weatherman and the oldest human on earth has died. Thank you Tom for your lies. And so it goes...

RollercoASTER Devastation Mass panic, caused by a broken down rollercoaster, drove people to suicide. Government advised citizens to close their eyes and hold on tightly to their seats.

These two pages is the letter found in handmade envelope attached on the grey area on the page a

These two pages is the letter found in handmade envelope attached on the grey area on the page a

above that comes with the ZINE PACK - see first and last pages for info to obtain the ZINE PACK

above that comes with the ZINE PACK - see first and last pages for info to obtain the ZINE PACK

Last Will and Testament by Angel Ito

Death and the Maiden by Angel Ito

Eroticism and Death The Photography of Marc Blackie

“Eroticism relates to a knowledge of evil and the inevitability of death. It is not simply an expression of joyful passion.�

- Hans Bellmer

Prisoner of Purgatory by Angel Ito

Flesh and Bones Fineliner pen on paper by Bettina Fung

Flesh and Bones Fineliner pen on paper by Bettina Fung


- Tarot Card of the Issue

he Death card, number 13, which when drawn logically conjures up the notion that death is imminent. Having also dramatic representations in many films, where actual physical deaths do occur, it is naturally a frightening card that people would consider as negative and rather not see. However this card seems to represent more than just the end and in a way it is really quite liberating. Facing the image of a skeleton on the card, sometimes as a grim reaper holding a scythe, the notion of death is obvious – it is the Death card after all. However taking a closer look from another perspective, the skeleton hints at renewal. It represents the stripping away of things - material and/ or psychological that we no longer need, stripping down to the core or to the bare foundation of ourselves, from which we start again and hence signalling regeneration and most of all Transformation. The Death card is really about Change and Transformation. Change, like Death, is something that we can be certain of. Nothing last forever and remains the same; we are in a constant flux of change. Death here could represent a conclusion to a current situation and like a doorway opens up to a new perception that leads to a new lease of life, where the world, as we know it, will be annihilated as we undergo a monumental Change. This in fact is a Transition, in which we move from one phase to the next. A white rose is normally present on the card. The Rose, the lotus flower for the West, symbolises the unfolding wisdom, where upon unwrapping its layers reveals the heart, in which lies profound beauty. In alchemy, it is the spirit that grows within each of us. The rose here is white signalling purity, clarity and the promise of new beginnings. Just like a blank white canvas, from here we begin (again). It can also convey the notion of impermanence, a reminder that we can only appreciate things when we know that there is loss.


ink on paper by bettina Fung

Death means time for Change. When viewing it in a more cyclical manner, where to everything there is a season, then this card brings the message that Winter comes so there can be a Spring. • BF

Screaming bloody murder!

Birds are reincarnated old men with Tourette Syndrome. Their true mission - is to scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at day break to warn us all of the Truth....but sadly we don’t speak bird. K Cobain

Me-Old man ink on paper

by bettina fung

Your kiss of death gives me a lease of life Ink on paper (Installment 2 from the “Between the gaps of reason� Series) By Bettina Fung

Fly me toA Tibetan the Moon Sky Burial Pictures and words by Lucy Calder


sky burials took place in Litang, which is a Tibetan area of Sichuan in China. The town is one of the highest in the world, at an altitude of about 4000m, so the air is very thin and the light is sharp and bright. The cairn in the background of some of the photos [ next page 2nd image top left] is an ovoo, used to worship the mountains and sky.

Basically, what happened was the bodies were brought up to the charnel ground in sacks in the back of a relative’s car. While I was there two sacks were dumped out a few hundred metres from each other and the dead naked bodies were tipped onto the ground without any ceremony, all bound up. This was when we three foreigners backed away. One guy I was with had to go down to where the cars were parked at this point because it was too much! The body was untied and then attached at the neck to a post with a red ribbon. A man with a big knife made cuts all over it - neck, stomach, thighs,

between the fingers and toes etc. Plus he cut off the soles of the feet and the top of the head. This was hard to watch so I didn’t concentrate too hard! There were hundreds of vultures hopping around and they were so eager to feed they had to be kept back by men waving sticks [3rd image in the background]scary, because they’re big birds, with sharp beaks and talons. I was glad the body was an older male, not a female or a child. The body further away from us was much younger, but there were fewer relatives around it. When the man finished making his cuts, all the people stood back at once and the vultures immediately swarmed in to feed. They cleaned the flesh off the bones in less than five minutes and then hopped around fighting over smaller body parts. This was when the the rogyapa (body-breaker) got down to work, smashing up the skeleton with the back of an axe. It was hard work and he had a sheet of polythene wrapped around him to keep him clean. He mixed tsampa (barley flour) with the bone meal and various helpers threw the mixture to the birds. This process took a long time and most of the relatives sat around talking and smoking. The rogyapa didn’t mind us taking photos and he laughed and joked with us. Apparently there is no gravity or sadness at this type of burial because the Tibetans believe that the soul will find it easier to move to the next stage if surrounded by light-heartedness. After a while, the relatives were more interested in my friend’s roll-ups than in the body breaker. At the very end the brain was mixed with tsampa and thrown to the birds - they leave the greatest delicacy until last. I found it hard to see a body being cut up, but once there was only a skeleton left it was much easier to deal with. It all felt incredibly natural and much more preferable to being laid fully dressed into a box and buried under the ground. The Chinese government tolerate the practice but they think it’s barbaric. Not many Chinese tourists visit Litang as yet but the entire Tibetan culture is under threat by the relentless Chinese expansion. A large influx of western tourists wouldn’t help either, but at the moment Litang is still remote enough to cope with visitors.

Left photo: The rogyapa (body-breaker) smashes up the bones and grinds them with tsampa (barley flour) so the birds will eat them

COCK No.7 COMICS ock__ C e th f o y r to The S

Life + Death


By rens Facundo Tor

by Facundo Torrens

by A. Ito + BF

Has been classified for safe viewing on the internet of lies

A cock no.7 production Starring in alphabetical order Angel Ito

…… Funeral Director/ Bunny Lover

Ash Dutch

…… Embalmer/ Gonzo-Obituarist

Asun Valero (La Otra Cara)

…… Mortician/ Beautician

Bettina Fung …… Crematorium Operator/ Squid HunteR Celyn Cooke

…… Funeral Attendant/ 50’s Homemaker

Or ayzen

…… Undertaker/ Private Detective


thanks to the following funeral participants: amarpal biring Antagony -Jose MaCabra Facundo Torrens Francisco Gomez de Villaboa Lucy Calder Marc Blackie

Cock No. 7 Issue 3 - WEB VERSION Just realised you have missed out on the interactive fun and the hidden gems our Zine Pack has to offer? Not to worry! Perhaps you might still be able to grab hold of one from our friend’s at Weaponized - The Cock No. 7 Quarterly Zine Pack comes with: • The fanzine - hand made and bound and uniquely designed that cannot be completely translated into a digital format • Cock No.7 badge • Limited edition art print • The supplement - a piece of art in itself • Other additional things we fancy throwing into the pack Make sure you don’t miss out next time by coming along to our next launch night or get one now from Weaponized before it is too late - limited stock at their store!

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