Windsor Wonderland - Lookbook

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OURstory... Coco Kitten was established in 2008 with a dedication and desire to have “All Things Beautifulâ€? showcased in the one place. Being shopaholics ourselves, and having a love for fashion, we believe there is a gap in the market for high quality beautiful bags at UHDVRQDEOH SULFHV ,W LV LQ RUGHU WR Ă€OO WKLV JDS WKDW &RFR .LWWHQ H[LVWV Beginning online, Coco Kitten grew to become a successful online business with a strong web presence. We frequently have well known fashion blogs and fashionistas talking and blogging about us, which has lead to a loyal and dedicated following. Due to our rapid growth and demand, we saw the opportunity to share our success and release a wholesale collection made to order for retailers today. We ensure that each design from our collection is of the highest quality, using the Ă€QHVW EXWWHU\ OHDWKHUV VW\OLVK KDUGZDUH DQG LPPDFXODWH GHWDLOLQJ :H EHOLHYH WKDW OX[XU\ VKRXOG EH DFFHVVLEOH WR HYHU\ ZRPDQ At Coco Kitten, we strive to deliver great prices with an even greater value product, so that you can have the ‘designer’ look without burning a hole in your pocket. Coco Kitten endeavors to inspire you with a range of timeless, statement and trend SLHFHV WKDW ZLOO FRPSOHWH DQ\ RXWĂ€W <RX ZLOO IHHO FRQĂ€GHQW ZLWK WKH NQRZOHGJH WKDW each piece has been designed to consciously embody the simplicity, class and effortless style of the Coco Kitten woman.

From top left to right: Fi Bag, Helen Bag, Sienna Bag, Kelly Clutch, Bec Bag

From top left to right: Mia Bag, Kate Bag, Amy Clutch, Giselle Bag, Marissa Clutch

From top left to right: Chloe Bag, Liv Bag, Mandy Clutch, Sadie Bag

From top left to right: /H[L %DJ +D\OH\ %DJ 9LF &OXWFK .HOVH\ &OXWFK

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