OURstory... Coco Kitten was established in 2008 with a dedication and desire to have â&#x20AC;&#x153;All Things Beautifulâ&#x20AC;? showcased in the one place. Being shopaholics ourselves, and having a love for fashion, we believe there is a gap in the market for high quality beautiful bags at UHDVRQDEOH SULFHV ,W LV LQ RUGHU WR Ă&#x20AC;OO WKLV JDS WKDW &RFR .LWWHQ H[LVWV Beginning online, Coco Kitten grew to become a successful online business with a strong web presence. We frequently have well known fashion blogs and fashionistas talking and blogging about us, which has lead to a loyal and dedicated following. Due to our rapid growth and demand, we saw the opportunity to share our success and release a wholesale collection made to order for retailers today. We ensure that each design from our collection is of the highest quality, using the Ă&#x20AC;QHVW EXWWHU\ OHDWKHUV VW\OLVK KDUGZDUH DQG LPPDFXODWH GHWDLOLQJ :H EHOLHYH WKDW OX[XU\ VKRXOG EH DFFHVVLEOH WR HYHU\ ZRPDQ At Coco Kitten, we strive to deliver great prices with an even greater value product, so that you can have the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;designerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; look without burning a hole in your pocket. Coco Kitten endeavors to inspire you with a range of timeless, statement and trend SLHFHV WKDW ZLOO FRPSOHWH DQ\ RXWĂ&#x20AC;W <RX ZLOO IHHO FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW ZLWK WKH NQRZOHGJH WKDW each piece has been designed to consciously embody the simplicity, class and effortless style of the Coco Kitten woman.
From top left to right: Fi Bag, Helen Bag, Sienna Bag, Kelly Clutch, Bec Bag
From top left to right: Mia Bag, Kate Bag, Amy Clutch, Giselle Bag, Marissa Clutch
From top left to right: Chloe Bag, Liv Bag, Mandy Clutch, Sadie Bag
From top left to right: /H[L %DJ +D\OH\ %DJ 9LF &OXWFK .HOVH\ &OXWFK