2014 summer edition: where to hang out | what to watch | how to stay busy + owning the grill
ADULT DEGREE PROGRAM 2 // // Summer 2014
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We offer more than 80 undergraduate majors and programs of study, adult accelerated degree completion programs and 25 graduate programs.
Our most popular transfer majors include aviation, criminal/ social justice, education, nursing, healthcare leadership, and business.
inally. The summer solstice has come, which also means you are halfway through summer school. High-five! Whether you’re studying hard (or hardly) and spending your mornings on campus, or enjoying a nice break before the chaos of fall semester hits, do take some time to check out the World Cup - even if you profess that soccer is somewhat of a snooze fest. Shockingly, as the FIFA tournament heads into its third week the United States has done well enough to position themselves in the knockout round. With the number one team in the world already eliminated (Spain), it feels like maybe, just maybe, Team USA has a shot at advancing further than many critics deemed their skill level. They need all of our energy! Definitely tune in this week. Speaking of soccer, I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to spend as much time outside as possible. We got quite a range of ideas for you pepperedthroughout this issue. From rockclimbing to reading at the beach to going to a festival in downtown Chicago, there’s so much to do during these 100 days of summer.
We seek to develop strong, capable graduates who build successful careers.
Throw a backyard barbecue with your crew or help mom and dad at the grill for dinner. We’ve got all the details on how to make it easy-peasy for you. Check out our foolproof guide to the grill in the center section. I made these recipes with a bunch of dudes that I guarantee know way less about cooking then you do. Their success is serious proof that you in fact, can be a grill master this summer. Have fun guys, see you in the fall...And at Lollapalooza!
Until then, soak it up! Caroline Koch Managing Editor
College of DuPage transfer credit is pre-approved through existing agreements between Lewis University and the College of DuPage.
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Summer 2014 // // 3
POLICY The Courier is published every Wednesday when classes are in session during the fall and spring semester, except for the first and last Wednesday of each semester and the week of and the week after spring Break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available upon request. Views expressed in the Courier represent opinions of majority of the staff. The Courier does not knowingly accept advertisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a “Letter to the Editor”. All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s contact information and full name. Deliver all correspondence to BIC 3401 between regular office hours or mail to the Courier, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137. Letters also may be sent by e-mail. The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the Editor.” The writer’s first and last names, major (if student) or occupation title, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity verification by the Courier. Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon on Fridays. E-mails can be sent to editor@ Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of the author, not the editorial board.
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4 // // Summer 2014
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HAVE AN OPINION? Write a letter to the editor and get it published! Email letters to: by Friday
Quinn talks education at commencement Illinois governor addresses grads, faculty and families JOASH MENCIAS // NEWS EDITOR
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn addresses students, faculty and families at College of DuPage’s 47th commencement on May 16, 2014. Quinn is the first Illinois governor originally from college district 502.
Speaking in extemporaneous fashion, touched on Illinois’ passage of gay marGov. Pat Quinn stressed the value of ed- riage, diversity in DuPage County and carucation in a speech delivered at College of ing for veterans. DuPage’s 47th commencement. Quinn ended his speech, saying “love is Quinn, the first Illinois governor from patient and love is kind,” citing the Bible. district 502, told graduates and their famiQuinn is facing a re-election battle in lies and faculty that education is a “commu- November. nity mission.” Quinn left the college immediately after “Education is a key part of our democ- his speech. After the speech, COD Presiracy,” Quinn said. “We must have lifelong dent Robert Breuder announced the college education.” has appealed for $20 Quinn said he was million to be appropri“inspired and im- “Education is a key part of ated from state capital pressed” by the grad- our democracy.” development funds. The uates’ dedication to money would be added learning. He thanked on top of $30 million -Gov. Pat Quinn in COD funds to aid faculty members for their “ability to impart in the construction of a knowledge” and trustees for their public new teaching facility on campus. service. After the ceremony, Breuder told The Quinn also touted COD’s 3+1 programs Courier he wished Quinn stayed to hear as “creative” and “innovative.” the announcement, but said the governor is Quinn emphasized the need for educa- aware of the proposal. tional spending in the state budget, includBreuder also remarked on Quinn’s ading allocating funds for collegiate scholar- dress to the college. ships. “I thought he did a great job,” Breuder “By the end of [May], we must pass a said. “He has every good intention and bebudget that truly invests in education,” lieves in the strength of this state.” Quinn said. Among other subjects, the governor
COD aims to reach FTE enrollment record for fall JOASH MENCIAS // NEWS EDITOR College of DuPage has set a goal to reach the record for full-time enrollment this fall. The current high is 17,677 students. In his weekly newsletter, COD President Robert Breuder said it would be “great fun” to achieve the goal in the upcoming term. Breuder also encouraged college employees to help reach the record by sharing positive points about the school to others. “Through your enthusiasm and pride in College of DuPage, you could completely alter someone’s attitude about attending our college,” Breuder wrote. Last fall, full-time equivalent enrollment reached 16,565 students, an increase of 7.6 percent from 2012.
Now hiring. Join College of DuPage’s student newspaper, The Courier. Number of full-time students
Now hiring editors, reporters, photographers and more.
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Data source: Illinois Community College Board Summer 2014 // // 5
CLUB OPENINGS Prairie Light Review Editor-in-Chief, marketing Contact: The Courier Editorial, reporting Contact: or visit BIC 3401 Interfaith Student Alliance Event/outreach officer, graphic design officer, social media officer Contact: Entrepreneurship Club President, vice president, social media officer Contact:
FREE SUMMER FUN FOR THE UNDER 21 Millennium Art Festival May 30 – June 1 Artwork, food, live music Lake Street at Michigan Ave.
Tattoo Expo June 20 – June 22 300 tattoo artists; music contests Navy Pier
Windy City Pet Expo July 19 Odeum Expo Center, Villa Park Vendors, adoptions, demos
Taco Festival (Festival del Taco) May 30 – June 1 Tacos from local restaurants, music, crafts Kostner and 27th St., Chicago
Chicago Summerfest June 28 – June 29 20 hours of live music, barbecue and artisan booths Clark Street at Armitage
The Magnificent Mile Shopping Festival Aug. 21 – Sept. 1 Michigan Avenue, Chicago Fashion, music, culinary events
Steak Week June 9 – June 15 Side by side tastings Harry Caray’s Italian Steakhouse, Lombard
Chicago Pride Parade June 29 200 floats, decorated vehicles, performers and marching bands N. Broadway, Chicago
Air and Water Show Aug. 16 – 17 Waterfront near North Avenue Beach
Father’s Day Classic Car Show June 15 Over 100 vintage, antique and classic automobiles Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook
Naperville Rib Fest July 3 – 6 421 W. MARTIN AVENUE Food, music, fireworks
Navy Pier Fireworks Every Wed. 9:30 p.m. and Sat. 10:15 p.m. May 24 – Aug. 30 600 E. Grand Ave
Managing the summer work/fun balance ROSALIE DEASTIS // FEATURES EDITOR
Model UN Marketing positions Contact: Chemistry Bonding Club Secretary, communications specialist Contact:
Asia Club President, vice president, secretary, communications specialist Contact:
6 // // Summer 2014
I’ve been working up to 30 hours a week since I was a junior in high school. Summer 2011 was my first summer working, and almost full-time. I remember waking up early everyday to do my hair and makeup for work while my friends rolled out of bed, threw on their bikinis and jumped in the pool. One night at a family dinner, I told my dad, “I feel like I’m missing out on summer. None of my friends work as much as I do, if at all.” He goes, “You’re not afraid of hard work. And you’re earning your own money while they still have to ask their parents for $20 to get through the day. You don’t have to do that anymore. I’m so proud of you.” Ever since that night, I could honestly say summer work was not as dreadful. It definitely sucks sometimes when you can’t attend spontaneous outings to North Avenue Beach or Six Flags. But because of that, I always end up making the most out of the days I’m off work,
resulting in a very productive summer. There’s way more upsides to working your ass off over the summer than downsides. It’s likely you’ll be able to go grab a whole new outfit for one party you’re looking forward to; you can purchase tickets to any festival you want to go to. But best of all, you won’t end up rotting on your couch for seven hours after waking up at 1 p.m. every day. It’s very much possible to maintain a fun social life in the summer while working. A lot of gatherings aren’t really even bumpin’ until late at night when you’re off work. Most jobs will let you request off some days for special things you want to do, as long as you tell them enough in advance. It’s a matter of organizing your time in an effective way. You probably get your schedule a week or two in advance where it’s possible to plan fun stuff with your friends. This way, you won’t have to deal with the inconvenience of impromptu trips as often. There are also little things you can
do just to make days spent at work at little more enjoyable. Eat lunch outside. Take your breaks outside. If you’re lucky enough that your job is close to your house, bike it or walk it. Soak up some vitamin D to boost your mood to help you get through the shift. You might have some friends like I do who are going to constantly give you crap for working all summer and not spending as much time with them as they want you to. Well guess what, I’d rather be loaded and independent than a broke 20-something that has to go to mommy and daddy for gas money. Success isn’t for the lazy. Also, I don’t know about you, but waking up to the sun shining and warm air is enough for me to just be in a good mood regardless of having to work or not. I know it’s super cliché to say, “attitude is everything,” but it really is. Summer work can be as miserable as you make it, or as tolerable as you make it.
2014 COMMENCEMENT Friday, May 16 | PE Center
CONGRATS to the graduates of the new school of thought!
Summer 2014 // // 7
Perfect Burger by Bobby Flay Courtesy of Food Network 1 1/2 pounds ground chuck (80 percent lean) or ground turkey Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 1/2 tablespoons Canola oil 4 slices cheese (optional) 4 hamburger buns, split; toasted, if desired
Burgers and fries are a predictable pair that share major real estate on summer party plates everywhere. But what happens when those magic fried potato sticks find their way between the buns is a total game changer. Impress your buds with some backyard culinary wizardry this summer by throwing a barbecue they will not soon forget, with a little help from us - people that know as little about cooking as you do.
Toasted Burger Buns Divide the meat into 4 equal portions (about 6 ounces each). Form each portion loosely into a 3/4-inch-thick burger and make a deep depression in the center with your thumb. Season both sides of each burger with salt and pepper.
IF USING A GRILL PAN: Heat a grill pan over high heat on top of the stove. Cook the burgers as for a grill, above. IF USING A SAUTE PAN OR GRIDDLE (PREFERABLY CAST IRON): Heat the oil in the pan or griddle over high heat until the oil begins to shimmer. Cook the burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the first side, about 3 minutes for beef and 5 minutes for turkey. Flip over the burgers. Cook beef burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the second side, 4 minutes for medium rare (3 minutes if topping with cheese) or until cooked to desired degree of doneness. Cook turkey burgers until cooked throughout, about 5 minutes on the second side.
Quick-Marinated Cherry Tomato Salad Recipe courtesy of Ree Drummond
1 pint red grape tomatoes 1 pint yellow grape tomatoes 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1/4 cup olive oil 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley 1 heaping tablespoon jarred pesto 1/4 teaspoon sugar 1 clove garlic, pressed Salt and fresh ground black pepper 1 head iceberg lettuce, cut into chunks
We dare you to...
THE MEAT OF THE MATTER Many Americans don’t know exactly what portion of the cow their dinner comes from. A good reason to familiarize with the animal is to help you master the cook-time. Different cuts of beef require different internal temperatures and cooking methods. One thing does remain constant while grilling up burgers and steaks though: how to tell if it’s done. 8 // // Summer 2014
IF USING A GRILL: Heat a gas grill to high or heat coals in a charcoal grill until they glow bright orange and ash over. Brush the burgers with the oil. Grill the burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the first side, about 3 minutes for beef and 5 minutes for turkey. Flip over the burgers. Cook beef burgers until golden brown and slightly charred on the second side, 4 minutes for medium rare (3 minutes if topping with cheese; see step 3) or until cooked to desired degree of doneness. Cook turkey burgers until cooked throughout, about 5 minutes on the second side.
Right: Cook times for a burger thickness of about 1 in. Flip meat halfway through allotted time.
Once you know how to grill up a piece of meat to the perfect temperature, you become the instant best friend of everyone.
The only thing you need more than an open flame to cook over at a barbecue this summer is this seasoning salt...And we don’t even put it on the steaks! Add a massive smokey, savory punch to your salads and veggies with a spice mixture made for steaks. It keeps a consistent flavor profile running through your meal that pairs so well together your guests will insist you couldn’t have thought of. Trust us, this will be the best $2.18 you spend all summer.
Halve the tomatoes and add them to a large zipper bag with the sliced red onion. Add the olive oil, balsamic, parsley, pesto, sugar, garlic and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Seal the bag, getting all the air out. Place into the fridge until ready for dinner. Place the iceberg lettuce in a large bowl and pour on the tomatoes. Toss and serve! (The dressing from the tomatoes becomes the salad dressing.)
YOUR SECRET WEAPON Summer 2014 // // 9
SUMMER CONCERTS 29 JUNE Bone Thugs-N-Harmony House of Blues
4+5 JULY
Dave Matthews Band Charter One Pavillion
The Double Door
11 JULY Say Anything
Concord Music Hall
18 JULY Billy Joel
Wrigley Field
3 AUGUST Matt and Kim The Vic Theater
3 AUGUST Kendrick Lamar
The Aragon Ballroom
29 AUGUST Colbie Caillat
The McAninch Arts Center 10 // // Summer 2014
Most of you guys are doing summer wrong. It sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. We all start off doing summer justice. As kids, our curiosities about the world are satisfied through endless adventures, no matter how small. The summer represents freedom from the classroom, a time of the year when we can roam, explore, and learn. As we get older jobs and responsibilities sap some of this freedom, but that doesn’t mean the adventures should stop. While the suburbs of Chicago aren’t the most adventurous place in the world, there are still plenty of options for the would-be adventurer.
Jump Out of a Plane
Paddle a Boat
Climb Some Rocks
This is the McAdventure. Everyone wants to sky-dive, everyone respects a skydiver. Going for a tandem skydive requires no skills and very little preparation. All that is required is a willingness to jump out of a plane, and a lengthy waiver. Skydiving, like many extreme sports, is polarizing. Some people find it idiotic and crazy, but its security as a bucket list item reveals a sort of fascination with the idea of tempting fate. There are a few commercial skydiving companies in the area which, for a few hundred dollars, will set up your jump for you. All you have to do is fall. Keep an eye on Groupon for discounts, as they tend to show up in the first few months of summer.
This is an awesome option for those with access to it. The sport of kayaking is blowing up, and with that comes even more accessibility. There are places in the St. Charles and Geneva area where you can rent a kayak for an afternoon, plop it in the Fox River, and come out a few miles downstream. Many forest preserves in the area, like Blackwell, also rent kayaks by the day. Kayaking is an awesome way to spend an afternoon. It is exceptionally peaceful, but intense at the same time. Slow sections are easy and laid-back, whereas quicker sections require focus. Staying stable isn’t as difficult as one might think, with the larger beginner boats keeping themselves upright with ease. (Try stand-up paddle boarding too! It’s just like surfing, without the waves.)
Rock climbing is a passion of mine, and I strongly believe everyone should try it at least once. Getting 50 feet in the air with nothing but rock beneath you and sky above, is an incredibly exhilarating experience. Once the adrenaline wears off, you’re left with an incredibly fun time. While there aren’t tons of places to go around here, small boulders can be found anywhere and played on. If you wanna make the push into the bigger walls, local gyms often run clinics teaching basic skills, and run outdoor trips with experienced guides. This summer, try not to just rest and relax. Push yourself to learn something new about the world. Get outside and find an adventure.
Hit the Beach with these Books
Sunblock: check. Towel and sunglasses: check and check. When getting all geared up for a day at the beach, don’t forget to grab a book. Even if you aren’t the reading type, something about the warm sand, the hot sun, and the quiet roar of water shifting back and forth makes a reader out of anyone. But what to choose? The most important thing about choosing a book for the beach is that it is something you actually want to read. Save the character-building literary slogs for some other time. This list includes some of my favorite beach reads, as well as books I’m looking forward to this year. Hopefully it will give you some ideas.
Fight Club | Chuck Palahniuk
Love In the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Marquez
You’ve probably seen the movie. If you hated it, don’t read this book. If you liked it, this book is perfect for you. Life is great when it’s simple. The story follows a man who, discontent with his life, starts attending an underground fight club as a radical form of therapy. It takes a turn for the surreal, in a twist which will absolutely blow your mind, provided you haven’t had it ruined by a friend. The movie actually follows the book pretty closely, so you might not be in for much of a surprise, but the world Palahniuk creates on the page is so full and interesting that it is absolutely worth a read. It is also incredibly short, as are many of Palahniuk’s books, making them perfect for the beach. Quick readers can get through one in just a few hours, including swimming breaks.
You’ve probably seen the movie. If you hated it, don’t read this book. If you liked it, this book is perfect for you. Life is great when it’s simple. The story follows a man who, discontent with his life, starts attending an underground fight club as a radical form of therapy. It takes a turn for the surreal, in a twist which will absolutely blow your mind, provided you haven’t had it ruined by a friend. The movie actually follows the book pretty closely, so you might not be in for much of a surprise, but the world Palahniuk creates on the page is so full and interesting that it is absolutely worth a read. It is also incredibly short, as are many of Palahniuk’s books, making them perfect for the beach. Quick readers can get through one in just a few hours, including swimming breaks.
Ready Player | Ernest Cline
Mr. Mercedes | Stephen King
Soft sci-fi at its best. Ready Player One is the story of Wade Watts, an overweight orphan who spends his time in the online world, Oasis. Through his avatar, Parzival, he explores the Oasis, looking for clues left behind by the world’s late creator on a virtual treasure hunt. Sound nerdy? It is. The whole book is a big tribute to nerd culture. Every other sentence is a reference to Dungeons and Dragons or Joust, a big romp through 1980s nerd culture. It is also intensely entertaining, with an engaging story that makes MMOs cool again. Eyes tired? This one has the added bonus of being a great audiobook as well. Wil Wheaton, nerd icon, lends his voice to the story, and keeps it entertaining.
If you’re one of the many taking summer classes, you’re in for some missed out trips to Six Flags, pool parties and beach outings. No fear though, here are some tips to stay motivated.
This book hasn’t even come out yet, but it will no doubt make a good beach read. Stephen King tells excellent stories, and it’s easy to get lost in them on a warm afternoon. This particular offering has something to do with a killer running people over with a Mercedes, and the race to stop him before he, quoting one synopsis, “strikes again.” Classic, popcorn page-turning goodness.
MAINTAIN A HEALTHY SLEEP SCHEDULE It’s summer, we’re going to want to get home when the birds are chirping every night. For the eight weeks of your classes though, your body will thank you for going to bed at a decent time. It will be easier to get to class and focus, making your studies run more smoothly. YOU ARE NOT ALONE Your teachers are not thrilled to be stuck in a classroom on beautiful, hot days either. While you’re there, take it seriously and be attentive. Keep in mind you’re all there for a specific goal that benefits your future.
STAY AWAY FROM BAD INFLUENCE You might have some friends that are going to attempt to convince you to miss classes to hang out with them. “C’mon it’s too nice out, bro!” Nuh-uh. Don’t waste your time and money taking summer courses if you’re not going to take them seriously. Put in the work, put in the time, and the eight weeks will be over before you know it. You’ll feel good that you put in the effort, earned a good grade and got some credits out of the way.
Summer 2014 // // 11
Soccer and Statistics: World Cup Happenings Nate Silver, the whizkid statistician that brought the world ‘moneyball’ baseball performance algorithms and famously predicted the Obama administration win in 2008, hit the data trail last month to map out a 2014 World Cup winner. The University of Chicago graduate combines the ESPN Soccer Power Index (SPI) — a system that combines gameand player-based ratings to estimate a team’s overall skill level — to calculate odds of each country’s performance during the two stages of the World Cup. Probabilities are based on 10,000 simulations and are updated at the end of each match on Silver’s blog, How does your favorite measure up?
World Cup Part Two - Knockout Stage The second stage of the World Cup consists of four single-elimination games. The table below shows each team’s SPI score, its chance of reaching each round of the knockout stage and its chance of winning the World Cup; a check-mark in the first column indicates a team already set to head into the first stage of competition.
Data graphic courtesy of
12 // // Summer 2014
A Dream Within a Dream
Like Him
Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow: You are not wrong who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sandç How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep—while I weep! O God! can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream?
I’m almost forty and just understanding my father doesn’t like me. At thirteen I quit basketball, the next year refused to hunt, I knew he was disappointed, but never thought he didn’t have to like me to love me. No girls. Never learned to drive a stick. Chose the kitchen and mom while he went to the woods with friends who had sons like he wanted. He tried fishing—a rod and reel under the tree one Christmas. Years I tried talking deeper, acting tougher when we were together. Last summer I went with him to buy a tractor. In case he needs help, Mom said. He didn’t look at me as he and the sales guy tied the wheels to the trailer, perfect boy-scout knots. Why do I sometimes wish I could be a man who cares about cars and football, who carries a pocketknife and needs it? It was January when he screamed: I’m not a student, don’t talk down to me! I yelled: You’re not smart enough to be one! I learned to fight like his father, like him, like men: the meanest guy wins, don’t ever apologize.
Prairie Spring Willa Cather
Evening and the flat land, Rich and sombre and always silent; The miles of fresh-plowed soil, Heavy and black, full of strength and harshness; The growing wheat, the growing weeds, The toiling horses, the tired men; The long empty roads, Sullen fires of sunset, fading, The eternal, unresponsive sky. Against all this, Youth, Flaming like the wild roses, Singing like the larks over the plowed fields, Flashing like a star out of the twilight; Youth with its insupportable sweetness, Its fierce necessity, Its sharp desire, Singing and singing, Out of the lips of silence, Out of the earthy dusk.
Aaron Smith
Poems courtesy of King Features Syndicate
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Summer 2014 // // 13
The Sparrow
Borderline Mambo
Here’s a common sparrow, a bit of a schnorrer come to celebrate my 88th at Whole Foods at 10th and Alton in Miami Beach, a block away from where my mother lived for 27 years, the wrong end of Miami Beach then but now the center; though she can hardly stay for the party she is so busy with the cheese which disentangled from the bread and one would kiss her but she is partial to the bread and has to fly away so she can eat in secrecy which is a good enough gift compared to the knowledge that I was common too and if I eat from china I would just as soon eat from paper—or plastic—the difference between the sparrow and me is I need a solid plate of some sort—even a leaf—a noble spine and green in all directions and the smell of the mother tree everywhere but I am slow now.
As if the lid stayed put on the marmalade. As if you could get the last sip of champagne out of the bottom of the fluted glass. As if we weren’t all dying, as if we all weren’t going to die some time, as if we knew for certain when, or how. As if the baseball scores made sense to the toddler. As if the dance steps mattered, or there’s a point where they don’t. For instance wheelchair. Heart flutter. Oxygen bottle mounted on the septuagenarian’s back at the state ballroom competitions—that’s Manny, still pumping the mambo with his delicious slip of an instructor, hip hip hooray. Mambo, for instance, if done right, gives you a chance to rest: one beat in four. One chance in four, one chance in ten, a hundred, as if we could understand what that means. Hooray. Keep pumping. As if you could keep the lid on a secret once the symptoms start to make sense. A second instance, a respite. A third. Always that hope. If we could just scrape that last little bit out, if only it wouldn’t bottom out before they can decode the message sent to the cells. Of course it matters when, even though (because?) we live in mystery. For instance Beauty. Love. Honor. As if we didn’t like secrets. Point where it hurts. Of course we’ll tell.
Gerald Stern
Rita Dove
Poems courtesy of King Features Syndicate
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PART TIME WORK The Stand in Downtown Glen Ellyn is looking to fill both Line Cook and Cashier positions for weekday evenings and weekends. Positions can be flexible to your schedule. Please apply in person at 542 Crescent Blvd in Glen Ellyn directly next door to the Glen Theater.
14 // // Summer 2014
WE’RE HIRING THE COURIER will soon be hiring students to join our team for the 2014-15 school year! Email your interest to Christina at, inquire within, or fill out an application online at Hourly and freelance positions available.
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Now hiring. IJoin College of DuPage’s student newspaper,
The Courier. Now hiring editors, reporters, photographers and more.
Apply now: Questions? Visit BIC 3401 or email
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16 // // Summer 2014
ADULT DEGREE PROGRAM 2 // // Summer 2014