March 1, 2013 Courier Issue

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C SINCE 1967 VOL. 48, NO. 20


$4 tuition increase approved by Board for fall semester JORDIN GIGNAC NEWS EDITOR

The Board of Trustees approved the $4 tuition increase at the board meeting last Thursday, Feb. 21. According to Associate Vice President of Academic Planning Joe Collins, the big reason for raising the tuition was to contribute to the raises that all of the college’s would be receiving this year. Since the Board approved the increase in pay by 3.15 percent, according to union negotiations, the college had to the approval. Collins said that the lowest amount the college could raise tuition was three percent since the most they could get from taxpayers was an increase of four percent. All increases added to $3.5 million for all See TUITION, Page 3



Student injures knee, looks to COD for bill


A female student was at 8:30 a.m. when she slipped and fell. The student was helped up by two women and brought to a nearby bench. The student said she was in a lot of pain before police arrived on scene. dent if she needed to see a paramedic, but the student denied since she was feeling better. The student told police that she wasn’t sure why she had fallen but that she landed on her She said that her might have been the cause but also stated that she did not trip or slip on anything. See POLICE, Page 2



RECRUITS The Courier follows SLEA as they get closer to graduating JORDIN GIGNAC NEWS EDITOR

The Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA) prepares recruits from all over Illinois for jobs as a full time police training program. These recruits have been in the SLEA program for Jan. 7.



Photos by Jordin Gignac

Two Suburban Law Enforcement Academy recruits arresting their instructor who is pretending to break the law.

learned proper ways to learn other topics including defensive tactics. According to SLEA Class Supervisor Bob Lee, the recruits have come from grounds before deciding

even including a former chemist. SLEA student and reForrest studied criminal justice in college and then before deciding to become

“It’s a good experience because they throw a lot of real life situations at us so when we do go out on the streets, we’re well prepared for pretty much anything that could happen,” Forrest said.

Some requirements for the academy include completing at least 480 hours of training before being fully employed. Lessons range from See SLEA, Page 3

New biomedical degree helps students secure jobs with hands on training JORDIN GIGNAC NEWS EDITOR

A new engineering degree has been implemented into the college’s curriculum and has already helped some students become hired once graduated. The Biomedical Engineering Technology degree helps students cal machines in hospitals and gives them hands-on training. this a while ago, it’s just that now was the right time and opportunity,” Electronics Technology

Professor and Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Degree Branislav The degree started out years ago because there was a growing trend in nicians. “Some students got hired at local hospitals and that was when I

degree approved on Dec. 4 in 2012 and since then, regional hospitals have See TECH, Page 2




RepoRts POLICE, from Page 1

dent how she felt after she fell and the student said she was light headed but is okay now. The student then said that her knee has hurt in the past but she was never diagnosed with a cause. The student was picked up by her mother and taken to LaGrange Hospital to get treatment on her knee. Police observed the ground where she had fallen and saw nothing that she could have slipped on or tripped by, but her shoes had worn tread on them. The student returned to campus and went to the dispatch window with crutches and an immobilizing knee brace on at 3 p.m. The student said she went to the hospital and knee and the doctor said she might have chipped a bone but was unsure because the swelling was too great. She then said that the hospital staff told her that COD has to pay for her medical bills since the injury happened on campus. Police at the dispatch window told the student write a statement about what happened when she fell. “I slipped from water most likely that was from the snow, there were no like there usually are in

TUITION, from Page 1

been calling about the degree program. “This would give them more skills to work in the hospital environment with technology,” Rosul said. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show career opportunities in the medgrow by nearly 30 percent by 2016. Students going into the an average yearly salary of $44,000 once hired. this degree program are Biomedical Technician, Biomedical Engineer, Medical Lab Technician, Emergency Medical Technician and Medical Records Technician. For students looking to start classes at the college for the degree should take Electronics 1100, 1141 and 1101 as prerequisites in order to take the other 22 courses for the degree.

bad weather situations,” the student said. “Since I was feeling better I denied the paramedics to come to the scene.” Police forwarded the report and the statement to COD Risk Management Coordinator Phil Gieschen. There has been no further information on the report or the student.


INCIDENT A student was sitting inside his parked car as another student pulled their car into the parking 19 at 12:30 p.m. When the student got out of his car, he hit the door, which caused a dent about two inches around and paint to fall off. The student who hit the received minimal damage to their door, which caused paint to chip. The student sitting in his car got out and took pictures of the other phone number, insurance card and the damage done to both cars. The student then called police to make a report on

the incident. There is no further information from campus police.


down the isle and struck the Saturn as it backed There has been no further information on the report.

A 1999 Mercury Villager was stopped at Prairie Drive and Fawell Boulevard when a 2008 Mitsubishi struck it from behind on Feb. 19. The Mercury had damand the student said that the Mitsubishi was at fault. When the student driving the Mitsubishi happened, he said that he was stopped behind the Mercury when it moved forward and then backed into the Mitsubishi. When police checked the their car, it was much less than the Mercury. There has been no further information on this report.


ACCIDENT A 2004 Saturn Ion was parked in College 6C and backed out of the stall into a 1999 Honda Accord. The Honda was driving


LOST ITEM A female student lost in Seattle, Washington on Jan. 29. The student said she looked everywhere for them but was sure they The student said while keys. The student told police report in order to get a replacement set of keys. There is no further information on the report.

LOST ITEM A student was in a dance class in the OCC

room 165 on Feb. 21 at 2:15 p.m. when she forgot her purse. The student left her purse on the back of a chair outside the classroom upon leaving the OCC. She said she had $150 cash and credit cards inside her $400 Louis Vuitton wallet and Channel purse. The student did not remember that she left her purse in the OCC until around 2:35 p.m. and had returning. Police saw that there were no cameras in the hallway where the theft happened so they searched garbage cans around the area with negative results. Police told maintenance to keep an eye out for the purse when on duty. There is no further information on the report.

For more photos from news stories, visit the


COURIER • MARCH 1, 2013 TUITION, from Page 1

employees with a majority coming from taxpayers. “It’s not unusual for community colleges to be raising their tuition right now,” Collins said. The college has continued to have a tuition increase for more than thirteen years and since 2009, it has increased tuition by approximately $12. “The reason is that the expenses for running a college continue to go up,” Collins said. “[And] one big driver is employee’s salaries.” The college has more than 1,300 adjunct faculty members and that’s not nearly as close to the number of full time faculty. we’d have to give no raises or we’d have to lay people off or we would have to not do things like upgrading our buildings and facilities,” Collins said. According to Collins, if

Photos by Jordin Gignac

President Brueder and David Carlin listening to a speech during the board meeting. the college followed the path of schools like Elgin Community College, and how they didn’t raise tuition until a few years later, student’s would expect a huge spike in tuition increase instead of a gradual hike. “What you could do is you could not raise tuition for two or three years and then have a really big raise, but I think what

that does is it unfairly impacts the students that happen to be there when you have the tuition increase,” Collins said. “So if you did a small raise like four dollars every year then it kind of spreads it out.” The $4 tuition increase will take affect during the start of fall semester 2013.

SLEA, from Page 1

niques to defense tactics “… so it’s a combination of class room and practicalities,” Lee said. The recruits are expected to complete their training towards the end training beginning the second week of March at a range in Joliet as the last part of the program. At the end of their semester, the recruits will take a state mandated test before they graduate the academy on March 29.

Photos by Jordin Gignac

SLEA students practicing proper defense tactics by

Earn Your Bachelor’s Degree

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DDP provides on campus specialists at COD to help you: Earn your associate and bachelor’s degrees in four years, at a fraction of the cost of many universities Guarantee your acceptance to GSU Lock in your GSU tuition rate for four years in your second semester at COD Compete for one of 50 GSU Promise and 13 DDP Honors Scholarships Compete your bachelor’s degree in nursing through the 3+1 BSN program for COD nursing students Complete your bachelor’s degree at GSU in University Park or the Naperville Education Center Contact Jan Ulner, your Transfer Specialist at COD, at 630.428.3375 or




EDITORIAL COURIER POLICY The Courier is published every Friday when classes are in session during the Fall and Spring Semesand last Friday of each Semester and the week of and the week after Spring Break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available on request. Views expressed in editorials represent opinions of the majority of the Editorial Board, made up of all the Courier editors. The Courier does not knowingly accept advertisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a letter to Letters to the Editor. All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s daytime phone number. The editor-in-chief may withhold the author’s name on request. Deliver all correspondence to BIC 3401 between regular

Memes help boost college participation

Following the success and popularity of memes in the past few years, Student Leadership Council has been working to embrace the now almost conventional method of sharing information. Memes and other forms of viral promotion have been tested out around campus before, but not with the same tenacity and perseverance that has come of late. Last semester, it was not uncommon to see scattered pop culture references with an image on that all too familiar split piece background indicating an event or

Courier, College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137. Letters also may be sent by e-mail. The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the and last names, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity verDeadline for letters meant for publication is noon Tuesday. E-mails can be sent to Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of their author.

promotion on campus, but this group has taken it to the next level. While there is often a tension between supporters of viral promotion and those against their use, it is hard to argue with results. The college recently hosted their own version of the Harlem Shake dance that has entranced most of the country but the college’s version featured clubs and organizations dressing up for their cause as well as a full audience around the atrium that was quite receptive to the event. Students lined up

spectate and participate in the festivities that were beneath them as hundreds of students danced the Chappy the Chaparral mascot led routine. As the Courier has noted in the past, student involvement needs to be on the rise and the solution might have been tips the whole time on the world wide web. New position elections for SLC at the end of January brought in a new outreach coordinator, Gretchen Dormer, as well as her new ideas for improved

marketing and working with new methods. As of late, only a few events and meetings have cers, but Student Trustee Olivia Martin feels the best is still to come with the devotion to projects and marketing that has since been displayed. Getting students more involved in service projects and campus events is no easy task, but SLC looks to move bravely forward. While you may not browse memebase or reddit for hours, one does not simply ignore memes as a marketing tool on campus in this day and age.

CourierStaff Editor in Chief Nathan Camp 942-2683

A&E Caroline Koch 942-2660

Graphics Courtney Clark 942-3113


Jordin Gignac 942-2153

Sports Austin Slott 942-3066

Advertising Christina Payton 942-3379

Features Rosalie DeAstis 942-2713

Photography London Summers 942-2531

Adviser Eric Hahn 942-4269




What’s on your mind? ...Write a letter to the editor EDITOR@COD.EDU

Important Emails Board of Trustees

Chairman: David Carlin Vice Chairman: Erin Birt Secretary: Allison O’Donnell Dianne McGuire Nancy Svoboda Joseph Wozniak Student Trustee: Olivia Martin

Student Leadership Council President: Hank Gordon Vice-President:

Coordinator of Outreach: Adviser: Chuck Steele


Public Safety NAPERVILLE, IL

Chief of Police: Joe Mullin Deputy Chief: Ray Snisko

Admissions Coordinator

Julie Marlatt

Counseling and Advising

McAninch Arts Center


Be central.


over 55 majors academic scholarships and need-based grants an excellent location for internships and jobs a smooth transfer of credit NCAA Division III athletics exciting study abroad opportunities great support for COD students

NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE WILL AT COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ON: March 6, 2013, 9:30-12:30 March 12, 2013, 9:30-12:30

March 21, 2013, 9:30-12:30 April 3, 2013, 9:30-12:30

To learn more about North Central College, visit

Director: Stephen Cummins


Director: Paul Zakowski

Facilities Master Plan Director: John Wandolowski

Alter Ego Productions

Adviser: Steph Quirk

Prairie Light Review

Adviser: Linda Elaine




Inspiring Students to make a Difference ROSALIE DEASTIS FEATURES EDITOR

An environmental organization that was established by Chad Pregracke in 1998, Living Lands and Waters is a river cleanup organization where volunteers spend up to nine months a year on a barge, where they host not only cleanups, but workshops and other conservation efforts as well. Pregracke visited the college this past Tuesday to talk about his mission to inspire and motivate students to make a difference in their communities. The Mississippi River was literally Pregracke’s backyard growing up near East Moline, IL. He enjoyed spending his childhood in the river, “I never realized how lucky I was to grow up around the river,” commented Pregracke. When he was 15, he started spending his summer breaks as a commercial shell diver

to save up for college. It was during this time when he learned how terrible the rivers were, with toxic accumulation of trash along their banks. At 17, Pregracke started trying to get his voice heard by making calls

to government agencies to explain the problem to them. After years of trying to bring attention to the issue and watching it get worse, he decided to he was going to clean up the river if no one else would.


Josephin Salewski, 24, is currently a student at COD, but is also a Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) scholar. She has been here since August and is taking Spanish, French, and psychology classes. The CBYX program was created to strengthen ties between Germany and the United States through citizen diplomacy. The program was founded in celebration of the 300th year anGerman immigration to the United States. Salewski grew up in the capital of Germany, Ber-

lin with her mother and father, where her mother is an elementary school teacher. Before deciding to apply for the program, Salewski had earned her Associates Degree as a multi-lingual assistant. “I’ve always wanted to travel to America to study and see what it has to offer,” commented the exchange student. 1,300 German students applied this year and only 75 were chosen to participate. The application process starts over a year in advance and requires many tests and essays. The program kicks off with a four-day introduction in New York, then students are all sent to the state that was cho-

sen for them. Salewski took an eight-hour train ride to arrive here where she met the host mother she would be living with in Carol Stream. CBYX requires scholars to work part-time and engage in a full load of classes only work full-time the second semester. Salewski is working part-time the COD Learning Commons and is looking for another part-time job. Salewski’s journey has been full of new experiences such as celebrating a handful of American holidays.

Story continued on next page

He founded Living Lands and Waters when he was 23 and it has grown to have had over 60,000 volunteers so far. The organization has received global attention and is sponsored by companies like Pep-

si and Coca-cola. “My mission is not only about the river, it’s sion through volunteering,” said Pregracke. “If you see a problem, think about what you can do about it.”


“I only knew what I saw in American movies. They turned out to be even better than the movies,” said Salews-

end of July this year, but before

and Christmas in the U.S. As for New Years, Salews-

all around America with friends to

three weeks for free time where the scholars don’t have to work or study.


back in Germany for New Years


that here,” she mentioned.


at -

Salewski having fun in Chicago in the Willis Tower Skydeck. She enjoys experiencing all of what the city has at the college.

Recommended Reading “A Cold and Lonely Place”

By Sara J. Henry (Crown Publishers, $24) Reviewed by Rose McAllister Croke

Freelance writer Troy Chance is taking photos of the Saranac Lake Winter built of frozen blocks cut from the local lake. Suddenly, the ice-cutting machine abruptly stops, and a hushed silence falls over the working crew. Encased in the ice is the shadowy outline of a body -- a local man known to the small group that is gathered. Despite no evidence of foul play, the media descends on the Lake Placid, mates, who casually dated the victim, immediately becomes a prime suspect and the subject of small-town gossip. Troy is assigned by her editor to write an in-depth feature on Tobin Winslow and his mysterious death. Was it more than a tipsy late-night stroll across a lake, on ice too thin, in weather too brutally cold? Soon, it is revealed that Tobin was the privileged son of a wealthy Connecticut family, who moved to this remote Adirondack village to escape a family tragedy that had haunted him in town to learn more about her know whom to trust or believe. Through her investigation, she ultimately uncovers a story that threatens to shatter the tranquility of the mountain town. She must decide which family secrets should be exposed, which truths should remain hidden, and how far her own loyalty and professional ambition can reach. “A Cold and Lonely Place” provides a strong cast of female characters, each of whom has her own reasons and agenda for taking up residence in a small town during an unforgiving and ical whodunit, but there are enough want to curl up with a cup of tea or hot chocolate and lose yourself for a spell. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.




Science Clubs plan a panel discussion with professionals The Chemistry Bonding Club, Pre-Physician Assistant Club, and Future Pharmacists Club will hold a Health Care Professionals Panel Discussion Tuesday, March 12th from 4-5 pm in SSC3245. Professional physicians, dental hygienists, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, physician assistants, and pharmacists will be there to discuss what their daily lives consist of, how their positions connect with other medical specialties,


the skills needed for their occupations, and what they enjoy most about their careers. Students interested in a health care related career are encouraged to attend to take the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about these constantly evolving careers. Many professionals that are going to be there have over 20 years “It will also be a great opportunity for students to clear up any of the mis-

conceptions they have about a certain career,” commented Chemistry Bonding Club Advisor, Professor Lubna Haque. “We will continue to do this every year if it is successful.” Contact


Mexican Chicken Bake Sunny Mexico -- where the warm blue sky is never ending and the “spiciness” of the food can be as “hot” or as “mild” as you want it to be. For us wimps who love the peños,” reach for the mild salsa.


1/2 cup salsa (mild, medium, hot or extra-hot) 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce Sugar substitute to equal 1 tablespoon, suitable for baking 3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese 1 cup coarsely crushed baked nacho chips 1 1/2 cups diced cooked chicken breast 1 (15-ounce) can cut green beans, rinsed and drained 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray an 8-by-8-inch baking dish with 2. In a medium saucepan, combine salsa, tomato sauce and sugar substitute. Stir in Cheddar cheese. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes or until cheese melts, stirring often. 3. Evenly arrange half of chips in prepared baking dish. Layer chicken and green beans over chips. Pour hot salsa mixture evenly over beans. Evenly sprinkle remaining chips over top. 4. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and place baking dish on a wire rack and let set for 5 minutes. Makes 4 servings. Each serving equals: 262 calories, 6 g fat, 26 g protein, 26 g carb., Exchanges: 3 Meat, 2 Vegetable, 1 Starch/Carb. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.



Arts&EntErtainmEnt DO THE HARLEM SHAKE It was almost a year ago that American DJ, Baauer, made a track and threw it up online;

When a student dressed as Captain America gave the word, the crowd began their version of the Harlem Shake dance; no coordination required. (Above)

Spectators watch Chappy get down with Spongebob and of course, that guy (top); when asked if she had ever heard of the Harlem Shake, one professor wondered if it had something to do with “that Harlem basketball team“ (above).

College Theater presents: Spoon River Anthology CAROLINE KOCH


College Theatre is just about ready to open the original student adaptation of Spoon River Anthology by Michael Moon, directed by Connie Canaday Howard (Director of Theater). A collection of poems from Edgar Lee Masters’ 1915 book of poetry, Spoon River Anthology paints a picture of life in a small, midwest town through a series of vignettes. Secrets once locked away by the longgone residents of Spoon River will be revealed through various stories told from beyond the grave.

For tickets, call the McAninch Arts Center box during the week, or outside mances. Group rate tickets are available depending on size. The show runs Mar. performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday is 8 p.m., while Sunday’s In addition to the 8 p.m. performance on Mar. 8, a post-show discussion with the cast, crew and director will be open to all.

Manager of Student Life, Chuck Steele gives loose direction to the captivated masses ready to turn on their talent for the cameras (upper left); even if not to participate in the video, stuAtrium to catch a glimpse of just what exactly was going on (above); somebody spent some good time on that french toast-man costume we are impressed! (left) book page for the release of





March & April album release dates you need to know now

We are seeking...

March 19


Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience (RCA)


students to WELCOME new students to campus at

(Knowledge bomb: Justin Timberlake & Jay-Z are coming to play Chicago at Soldier Field on July 22; tickets went on sale Thursday, Feb. 28)

March 26

The Strokes - Comedown Machine (RCA) - #willpower (Interscope) Lil Wayne - I Am Not A Human Being 2

(Young Money, Cash Money)

April 2

Alkaline Trio - My Shame Is True (Epitaph)

April 9

Paramore - Paramore (Fueled By Ramen) ing. This expe

rience opene d the door to

imagined hav


April 16

Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll (Island)

April 23

Kid Cudi - Indicud (Universal)

Search “Courier Staff“ on Spotify for a playlist featuring these artists

with new students!

A little hype for some of the most anticipated industry releases of the year!

Complete your degree. • Choose from 40 undergraduate majors • Experience a smooth transfer of credit • Learn about transfer scholarships • Compete in NCAA Division III athletics Financial aid and payment options available.

Ashley Hueber, Assistant Director of Transfer Admission, will be on campus Tuesday, March 5, 2013, from 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Learn more at

Office of Admission and Financial Aid 347 S. Gladstone Ave. | Aurora, IL 60506 630-844-5533 |







Coldfront on campus


Tuesday February 26 classes were canceled due to severe snowstorms, which was predicted to bring 4-6” of snow. Snowfall is expected to continue until Wednesday of the following week. In lieu of the holiday season, a friendly snowman was all smiles despite frigid temperatures



ATTEND A TRANSFER INFORMATION SESSION March 20 • Tour at 5 PM, presentation at 6 PM • Lake Shore Campus Visit for more information. Transfer scholarships available.




March Madness AUSTIN SLOTT


The Chaparral men’s basketball team will advance to the next round in the Region IV Tournament after defeating the Harper Hawks 7969 Wednesday night. round of the tournament and the winner would adThe Chaps were no stranger to Harper this season. It was the fourth time the Chaps had faced off against the Hawks, going 2-1 in the previous three contests. Defending Harper’s shooters was one of the keys to the Chaparral game plan and the Chaps were determined to play stout defense. “We basically just stuck to the coaches’ plan, not shooting the ball early and contain their shooters, “ Chaparral guard Dion Duffy said. “That was really big once we took them out

of the game it was just all on our defense.” The team certainly met some lights-out shooting from the Harper offense; especially from Hawks guard John Lorenz. Lorenz went on hot streaks in the second half where he seemingly could not miss a three-point shot. But the Chaps were not fazed and were equally relentless in their offensive attack. Second half lead changes were numerous and neither squad was able to take control of the game. Every time one team gained momentum with a big shot or fast break points off of a turnover, the other would answer right back with a score of its own. The game continued this way until the Chaps were It began with Duffy scoring three the hard way and giving the Chaps a 64-61 lead with just

Photos by London Summers

Chaps guard Mark Penczak followed up Duffy’s score with a clutch three-pointer. From that point on, the Chaps just built upon their lead.

ten point win and will keep their season alive for the next round of tournament play. Duffy shared his -

expired, the Chaparrals came out with the

round tournament victory. “It was a very big win we’ve got a few sopho-

mores on the team so we didn’t want their season to end early,” Duffy said. This is the type of mindset that is fueling the Chaps throughout the tournament as well as the notion that anything can



8:35 The back and forth scoring between the teams continues as guard Denzel Washington scores inside.

3:55 Guard Mark Penzcak drills a

three-pointer to increase the Chaparral momentum and lead.

4:57 Guard Dion Duffy drives the

lane and makes a tough lay-up with the foul.


season as the clock expires and the Chaps come out as the victors.

0:48 Guard John Johnson ices the

game for the Chaps with some free throws with time winding down.



Upcoming Sports Schedule FEBRUARY Sat., 9 at Rock Valley Wed., 13 at Harper Sat., 16 at Triton Wed., 20 MADISON Sat., 23 JOLIET Wed., 27 Region IV Tournament vs. Harper

L 63-88 W 81-73 L 55-79 W 65-62 L 68-62 W 79-69

MARCH Sat., 2 Region IV Tournament Semi-final at Harper vs. Joliet Sun., 3 Region IV Tournament Championship

3:00pm 12:00pm

FEBRUARY Sat., 2 MILWAUKEE TECH Wed., 6 at Wright Sat., 9 at Rock Valley Wed., 13 at Harper Sat., 16 at Triton Wed., 20 MADISON Sat., 23 JOLIET

W 76-39 W 72-30 L 64-90 W 69-33 cancelled W 83-66 W 60-41

MARCH Sat., 2 Region IV Tournament Semi-final at Harper vs. Joliet Sun., 3 Region IV Tournament Championship

Major in Education at Elmhurst You’ll find the complete package. We offer you a personal, powerful academic program designed specifically for tomorrow’s teachers—at one of the best liberal arts colleges in the Midwest. You’ll work face to face with the exceptional professors in our Department of Education. You’ll gain outstanding practical and clinical experience—along with the depth and breadth of a liberal education. And on your first day on the job, you’ll be ready to serve as an inspired member of an indispensable profession.

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Get real. Through our acclaimed Satellite Network, you’ll enjoy a home base for field experiences at one of our network schools throughout the Chicago area. Our education curriculum culminates with a term devoted to full-time classroom teaching. You’ll receive complete support from your professors and professional mentors during your important term as a student teacher. Go far. You’ll find Elmhurst alumni teaching at great schools across the United States and around the world. Many alumni hold leadership positions in the profession. And with more than 1,700 graduates teaching in Illinois public schools, Elmhurst ranks number one in teacher placement among the Associated Colleges of Illinois.

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Majors in Education • Early Childhood Education • Elementary Education • Music Education • Secondary Education • Special Education For students 24 and up. Many education majors are adult learners who come to class already well equipped with skills, knowledge, and experience. Elmhurst gives credit where credit is due. You can earn up to 32 semester hours for significant learning beyond the classroom. And you’ll work with an academic advisor to plan the most efficient way to earn your degree. Adult students may qualify for transfer scholarships of up to $18,000 per year; Phi Theta Kappa members may be eligible for an additional $2,000.

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Schedule cont. FEBRUARY Mon., 11 Sat., 16 Sun., 17 MARCH Fri., 1 Sat., 2 Sun., 3 Wed., 6 Sat., 9 Sun., 10 Wed., 13 Sun., 17 Wed., 20 Thu., 21 Fri., 22 Sat., 23 Sun., 24 Tue., 26 Wed., 27 Thu., 28 Sat., 30 APRIL Thu., 4 Sat., 6 Wed., 10 Thu., 11 Fri., 12 Sat., 13 Sun., 14 Tue., 16 Wed., 17 Sat., 20


BASEBALL Kirkwood (IA) at Minneapolis, MN at Johnson County (KS) at Johnson County (KS)

L 0-9, L 1-10 L 0-6 L 0-2, L 1-5

John A. Logan at Marion, IL Illinois Central at Marion, IL South Suburban at Marion, IL at Heartland at Spoon River at Spoon River at Robert Morris at Lincoln Land JUDSON ROBERT MORRIS at Aurora MORAINE VALLEY at Milwaukee Tech at North Central at McHenry AURORA TRITON

11:00am 2:00pm 11:00am 3:00pm 1:00pm 12:00pm 5:00pm 12:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 1:00pm 12:00pm

ELGIN at Rock Valley at Oakton at Harper at Prairie State HARPER MILWAUKEE TECH (WI) at Kankakee at Olive-Harvey at Joliet

2:00pm 12:00pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 2:30 pm 12:00 pm 12:00pm 3:00 pm 2:00 pm 12:00 pm

MARCH from Page 13 happen in the postseason. After a disappointing regular season campaign in which the Chaps team ended up with the gion 4 Championship.

woes are temporarily forgotten as the team’s focus is shifted towards their next matchup. The games get even big ger for the Chaps as they advance in the tourna ment; they will face num ber one seeded Joliet Sat

Transfer to Lewis University We offer more than 80 undergraduate majors and programs of study, adult accelerated degree completion programs and 25 graduate programs. We seek to develop strong, capable graduates who build successful careers. We have more than 6,500 total students including international students from more than 20 countries. Our most popular transfer majors include aviation, criminal/social justice, education, nursing, healthcare leadership, and business.

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Romeoville, Chicago, Hickory Hills, Oak Brook, Shorewood, Tinley Park



The Learning Commons is a comprehensive center that provides learning assistance to all College of DuPage students. Visit us on the web at

Photo by London Summers

Learn more about our programs on-site:


(815) 836-5250


Guard Dion Duffy battles for a rebound.

COLLEGE OF DUPAGE STUDENTS Transfer credit is pre-approved through existing agreements between Lewis University and the College of DuPage

Drop-in and appointment-based assistance in: s -ATH s 2EADING s 3PEECH s 7RITING s 4UTORING SERVICES FOR MANY #/$ COURSES Course Connections: s Flexible Learning courses s $EVELOPMENTAL -ATH AND %NGLISH courses s /NLINE #LASSROOM AND (YBRID COURSE SUPPORT New location: 3TUDENT 2ESOURCE #ENTER 32# 2OOM



College of DuPage

College Music Mid-Semester Concerts

Excellent Math and Science

TUTORING For Individuals and Small Groups 20+ Yrs Experience

All performances are held at College of DuPage, Turner Conference Center, SRC Room 2000 unless noted

Most Math through Calculus • 11 Minute Drive from COD

Rebekah Haworth (630) 886-6341

Student Music Concert

Tuesday, March 5, 7:30 p.m., $4 Join us as the college music ensembles present an evening of mixed repertoire performances.


DuPage Community Concert Band

Director: Terry Redford Tuesday, March 12, 7:30 p.m., $4 Location: Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church 149 W. Brush Hill Rd., Elmhurst

NEED HELP WITH A COURSE? Online tutors are available.

Faculty Recital

Visit, then select “Ask a Peer Tutor.”

Wednesday, March 13, 7:30 p.m., $4 Each semester our esteemed faculty step outside the classroom displaying their own performance excellence.

DuPage Community Jazz Ensemble


Director: Tom Tallman Sunday, March 17, 3 p.m., $4

Chamber Orchestra

Director: Dan Pasquale D’Andrea Monday, March 18, 5 p.m., free

7 days in PRINT + ONLINE Access






Tickets: (630) 942-4000 or


Vote for

Ed Agustin & Frank Flores,Jr. Recommended by

COD Faculty

District 502 — College of DuPage


• Make academic quality the top priority at COD

• Ensure financial oversight and budgeting priorities • Improve community relations

On April 9,VOTE for Ed Agustin and Frank Flores, Jr.! For more information on the candidates and issues, please visit

4. 1931

Paid for by FriendsforEducation502 PAC • friendsforeducation502 District 502 — College of DuPage Postcard printed by union labor in the IEA Print Shop




(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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