April 26, 2013 Courier Archive Issue

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C SINCE 1967 VOL. 48, NO. 26

ourier APRIL 26, 2013 • WWW.CODCOURIER.ORG



Student abstract photographer feature



Part time faculty member’s daughter recovers from cancer due to donated bone marrow

Oscar nominated director visits COD PAGE 10


Every four minutes, someone is diagnosed with a type of blood cancer. Last semester, COD English instructor Suzanne Wielgos

Healthy habits becoming a trend PAGE 5

when her 19-year-old daughter, Sarah Wielgos, was unexpectedly diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia. “We had no warning signs at all,” Wielgos said. “Initially Sarah was told she simply had a bad case of strep throat, but when it didn’t clear up, the doctors ran blood tests worst possible news.” Within 36 hours, Sarah went from being a typical college stulife with chemotherapy treatments and their painful side effects. During this time, doctors told the family that Sarah would need a bone marrow transplant for survival. “I really couldn’t believe it when I was told I had leukemia. Three times already, I had grown out my hair and donated it to Locks of Love for wigs for cancer patients. I had even joined the bone marrow registry myself last spring

when I participated in a Relay for Life event. It was such a shock, because I have always been healthy,” Sarah said. While Sarah was shocked that her healthy ways still lead to cancer, her mother said she learned a lot through the process. “And that caused me to learn a lot, quickly, about bone marrow donation,” Wielgos said. “While Sarah was going through rounds of chemo, her siblings were tested to see if they might be a match. If not, doctors told us, they would begin a search on

the bone marrow registry.” As Sarah’s treatments progressed, and weeks turned into months, they met the families of many patients who needed transplants, as well. “When I was receiving early rounds of chemo, I remember meeting an adorable little girl who also had leukemia, and also needed a bone marrow transplant. Doctors were searching and searching for a bone marrow match, but I’m not sure if they ever found one,” Sarah said. “That just broke my heart. If

Photo courtesy of Susan Wielgos

Sarah, a 20-year-old college student and daughter of English prof. Susan Wielgos, recovering from leukemia. I can inspire even a handful of COD students to register with Be the Match, they might just be the ones to save a little

girl like her.” Be the Match is a website where people can regSee SAVE, Page 3


COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013


Get to know

Math Professor

Autumn Von Flotow


Family: Fiancé: Pet: Favorites: Color: Hobby: Place: Music: Loves coffee



Future goals:



A new math professor has joined the full time faculty staff from Portland, Oregon this year and said she will push her students to not only pass her class, but have success and challenge themselves along the way. “I respect my colleagues and trust they are doing a fantastic job, but as far as my style goes, I will push and challenge my students while also providing the resources they need to be successful,” Math Professor

Autumn Von Flotow said. Flotow lived in Portland for most of her life and said that “to an extent” the comedy show, “Portlandia” on Comedy Central, is somewhat accurate in portraying how the people are over there. While in Portland, Flotow went to college at the University of Oregon and got her Bachelors degree in Mathematics and Physics and later got her Masters in 2010. After graduating, she became a barista at a small coffee shop called City

Coffee in Portland while looking for a career in her degree. Flotow said that once she did a handful of informational interviews, she stumbled upon a community college professor that sparked her interest in teaching. “It struck a cord in me and I decided that it’s something I could get passionate about,” Flotow said. Flotow’s passion for math is evident and she said it’s like another language. “I like that its kind of a beautiful sophisticated language, I like the problem solving and I really love showing that I can really improve [students’] math skills,” Flotow said. According to Flotow, applying to COD was instantly top priority. “When I was looking for positions, COD was always ranked in the top for community colleges,” Flotow said. Before coming to COD, Flotow also taught math at a private university, University of Portland, in 2010. When Flotow isn’t at COD, she likes to be creative by painting, making jewelry and dancing. “I did some ballroom competitions [in high school],” Flotow said. “I came in second once.” Flotow said that she is happy at COD and is excited to settle into the suburbs in Illinois while helping students succeed in their math courses. “I do really love my job and I am always trying to help my students,” Flotow said. “I know math teachers always get a bad rep for being mean but we are always rooting for the student to succeed.” Flotow teaches developmental math, pre calculus and calculus at the college and hopes to join the faculty bicyclists group for commuting to campus.





WHEN Spring semester








COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013 SAVE, from Page 1

ister to become marrow donators and according to Wielgos, the registry is especially in need to people of different ethnicities. “No cancer patient should have to wait and hope and wait some more just because of his or her race or ethnic background,” Wielgos said. for people of all backgrounds to join the registry; anyone between the ages of 18 to 44 years old is needed.” The process of registering is simple. Students can go to www.bethematch.org and send for a free kit, which contains a cheek swab and a postpaid return envelope. The organization stays in touch with registrants either online or by phone to maintain contact over the years, in case they ever need to reach them. Wielgos emphasized that if someone is selected as a match for a patient, the process of donation has changed over the years. “I learned that many times, the patient needs stem cells from the donor, rather than actual bone marrow from the hip bones. In fact, my other daughter donated her stem cells to Sarah through a process that is similar to being hooked up to an IV. For an average-sized donor, the process is perhaps a little uncomfortable, but not terribly painful or frightening.” Wielgos’ daughter received her bone marrow transplant on February 4, which is now considered Sarah’s second birthday. She is still recovering from the process and is participating in additional studies in hopes of remaining cancer-free. A nursing major before the cancer diagnosis, Sarah is now planning to become an oncology nurse. “I’ll never be able to thank my sister Mary she made by giving me her stem cells,” Sarah said. “She literally saved my life. But there are others who don’t have siblings who are a match. For them, the bone marrow registry can mean a chance at life.” The two are grateful that the Chicago area has so many outstanding medical facilities with cutting-edge technology for treating patients with blood cancers. “If we can raise awareness of the need for COD students, and all people ages 18 to 44, to join the registry, we might be able to really make a difference in the world,” Wielgos said. “My story is living proof.”

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COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013








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COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013


EDITORIAL & OPINION Courier letters policy The Courier is published every Friday when classes are in session during the Fall and Spring Semesand last Friday of each Semester and the week of and the week after Spring Break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available on request. Views expressed in editorials represent opinions of the majority of the Editorial Board, made up of all the Courier editors. Writers can express their views in a letter to Letters to the Editor. All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s daytime phone number.

#Legday #carbday #fatamerica

Can fitness fads do squat for obesity?


s you’re pushing your grocery cart down the aisle, phrases like “Now 50% less fat!” or “Now made with whole grain!” scream at you. Last time you were shopping for new clothes, did you notice that many stores, like Wet Seal and Forever 21 have started to sell “active wear” when they never did before? When you’re scrolling through your Instagram, you’ve probably come across many pictures of your friends with new Nike’s on or their “healthy” meal combinations. Maybe you’ve seen the countless Twitter accounts

tivate healthy lifestyles, such as @BeFitMotivation or @HealthyTips. How about celebrities like Snooki who lost 40 pounds in 6 months, or Jennifer Hudsun who lost 80 pounds because of a deal with Weight Watchers? It’s safe to say that social media has showed us going on a health kick is currently the “cool” thing to do. But is this common New Year’s resolution actually sticking around for good? Although some may

“leg day”, we feel that it’s do our society some good. What’s wrong with following a trend that will mind? Unlike the ombre hair color trend, and those god-awful Sperry shoes, we really hope this health infatuation lasts. It seems that today’s society may be leaning towards even more of a monkey-see-monkey-do lifestyle, so maybe we’ll see a change in obesity rates thanks to this one. According to Northwestern University Center for Healthcare Equity, “Obesity is com-

suddenly everyone has a

foremost public health crisis in Chicago.” An article published in 2011 stated that over the past 15 years, Illinois has seen its obesity rate increase 80 percent, which is relatively in line with the vast majority of the rest of the country. we’re noticing on our newsfeeds hasn’t gotten around enough yet, but considering our addictions to social media, it will. But are people recportance of health or are they just following a fad? — Courier staff

last names, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for idenCourier. Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon Tuesday. E-mails can be sent to editor@cod.edu.


Books and literature still vital in high-tech era Dear Editor, Here is another opinion for your opinion’s column.

month. Both of these occasions are very important in today’s world of Kindles and online newspapers. I am 22 years of age and might just be of the last generation who was taught cursive and penmen ship in grade school. Books were friends to me growing up. I loved going to my local library and getting

to pick out whatever I wanted. I normally got lost in books about World War II at a very young age ( yes, I was that weird 8-year-old who loved history) but a library never judged. A library provided a safe haven for young adventures in mind and spirit. Libraries also provide a place for kids to come after school and enjoy many free programs and book clubs. Literacy in early years is of the utmost important, especially from ages 6 months to 3 years. I hate to think that toddlers are

being handed I-pads, instead of a good old-fashioned book. No matter how many books you can download on a Kindle, it will never take the place of an actual book for me. Technology takes over most of our daily lives. Why let it take over the power of the written word? Libraries and poetry are of a dying art and libraries are close behind. Look what happened to Barnes & Noble. So today, slow down a little and get lost in your favorite

electronic device and go support your local Library or go to a local poetry reading. Go back in time with a childhood classic by introducing it to a child in your life. Return to your middle school up version of Nancy Drew. If we let books die out, what will be next? — Anna Bernstein, Second-semester student and dancer


COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013


Former student at the college, 23 year-old Britney Pieta has published a children’s book called The Gift of Mr. Pookie. A heartwarming love story of two monkeys, Pieta says this book was written thanks to her vivid imagination as a child. “My sister and I loved to play with stuffed animals as kids,” said Pieta. “I like to think of myself as Walt Disney with the way he gave human characteristics to inanimate objects.” This is the book Pieta has written. She has been working on The Gift of Mr. Pookie since 2008. The story and the title was inspired by her mother, who gave her a monkey stuffed animal two years before she passed away. There is one line in the

story that is particularly special to Pieta. The sentence, “He wiped away my tears,” represents how the stuffed animal helped Pieta and her sister, Kristin, stay strong after losing their parent. “The events in the book are not only from my imagination, they by experiences in my life,” explained Pieta. “I also incorporated a lot of the things I’ve always wanted to do.” She also feels strongly about the three main messages she hopes children learn from this story. would be how it’s not the quantity of what you have that’s important, it’s the quality. Secondly, the best gifts come in small packages; and thirdly, enjoy the small things in life.” The children’s book is about 30 pages long and

is illustrated by 27 year old Rasa Craig, whom Pieta met while attending mass at Willow Springs Community Church in Willow Springs, Illinois. Craig is a professional painter and artist. Pieta was born and raised in Glen Ellyn and she is a triplet with her sisters Kristin and Jamie. As a child she loved to write songs and letters to her loved ones. While taking journalism and English classes COD, she was Features Editor of the Courier Student Newspaper during the spring semester of the 2011-2012 school year. Soon after she went on to receive her Consumer Marketing Degree from the college. This past March she earned her ing Specialist from Business Training Institute. In fall of 2013 she will be taking online classes at Walden University and hopes to pursue a career as a counselor. “I would love to start my own online counseling business,” she said.

Pieta’s faith and spirituality are very important to her and she hopes to tie that in with counseling people in the future, like possibly becoming a spiritual counselor. In her spare time, Pieta enjoys gardening and participating in research studies on mental health, and she is also a member of the DuPage Writing Group. She currently has a few projects underway, one tic, fantasy novel of two people in a telepathic romance and how they use

their gift to help others. When asked what advice she would give to aspiring authors at COD she said, “don’t let anyone look down on you because you’re young.” “You can’t write for everyone but you can write for someone.” Pieta’s book is available online for purchase at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Book Walker. She will be having her at Bundles of Books and Gifts bookstore in downtown Glen Ellyn from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

MODEL UNITED NATIONS COD’s Model United Nations is aimed at advancing the understanding of the United Nations and contemporary international issues. The club has been around for about 30 years now at the college and its main focus is a conference during the fall and spring semesters called the Southern Regional Model UN. Model UN’s president, 21 yearold business student Haroon Atcha, is committed to helping his members prepare for these conferences. “I love guiding and raising people up the conference level,” commented Atcha, who spends about 20-30 hours a week as president promoting the club, organizing, and preparing for club activities. In the past Model UN has volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity, raising over $2,500 by just standing outside of groFEATURES EDITOR

cery markets promoting their club, March 13 they held a cultural show where they featured belly dancers, martial arts performances (see photo to the right), and a silent auction. Businesses like Qdoba and Potbelly’s help sponsor the event. Model UN meets twice a week and next year they are planning to hold a conference for high schools at the college, similar to the ones they attend every year. “We will be working all summer on this,” said Atcha, who came up with the idea. At COD’s Club Award Ceremony on April 16, Model UN won best multicultural/diversity program. “I’m very proud of my club,” commented Atcha. “I enjoy leading by example ing ways to motivate them.”


COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

European Professional Day focuses on international communication The European Studies Committee will be sponsoring a European Professional Day tomorrow, April 27, at the college. “Faces of Europe; Languages and Identities” is also being co-sponsored by the Brussels based European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). The event’s main focus is the European identity concept and the use of language. The fact that there are more than 200 other languages spoken othlanguages can make communicating a challenge for Europeans. “It is important to promote multilingualism in order to create a more socially stable and prosperous Europe, based on intercultural dialogue,” said Dr. Roberto Pennazzato, the president EUNIC on the topic of European identity. Topics discussed in

this day-long conference include how Europeans communicate with each other, what is a European cultural identity, and how it is translated through the use of language. There will be a number of key note speakers such as Lance R. Askildson from the Nanovic Institute for European studies, Csanad Siklos from the Center for European Studies, and many others. The morning session starts at 8:30 AM where a complimentary continental breakfast will be served. Anyone is welcome to attend. The afternoon breakout sessions are meant for foreign language teachers in French, Spanish, German, and Italian as cation program, required by the Illinois Department of Education. The event will be in SRC 2000 and will end at 4 PM. For more information call (630) 942-2356.

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COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

A LITTLE PERSPECTIVE: Three COD educators share why Boston Bombing is relevant to campus ERIC HAHN


Courier Advisor; Chicago Tribune editor/designer

College of DuPage English professor

well as the men themselves. My job as a teacher is to

age of this event is getting your facts right. Don’t go with what you assume is right. Verify, verify, verify;

What makes this relevant to you, as the advisor of the Courier? The fact that the students are interested in it; as an advisor, my job is to guide but also to make sure the staff does what they want – writes about what they want. The biggest point stressed by the media’s cover-

wrong. This is something that every student can learn from. The beauty of the internet is that you have a lot of voices, but a lot of them are crazy. All media have to keep the other media in check. For example, although it is meant to be funny, it’s important when Daily Show calls out Fox and CNN for reporting the wrong thing. The Boston Bombing also proved the importance of being a multi-media consumer. Checking and rechecking all the different mediums of news and social media is crucial to formulating a story now; you don’t want to be the writer that gets it wrong. It’s crucial to think critically.

What makes this relevant to you as professor on campus? To start, the attention to detail. A buckle on a backpack; a white hat. The details of the event became paramount in was the details that ended up capturing our attention as

better communicators, particularly on the written level. Communicating effectively includes paying close attention to what is necessary and important; details can make all the difference. Something I challenge my students to be in and out of the classroom is observant. In one of my lectures, I have students leave the room and sit somewhere on campus to observe the setting and its contents. I ask them to write about the scene; to take the time to see things they normally wouldn’t. Most of my students see it as an eye opening experience and the writing handed in from the exercise is typically some of the best writing I receive all semester. Students are receptive to the universality of a current event like this. It ignites substantial conversation that everyone can relate to in some way.


Courier Advisor; Mother of three



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What makes this relevant to you, both on campus and at home? I have to say I was glued to the screen. As far as working with students here at the college, I was thinking about how it would be to be on lockdown, like Boston University was. I have a friend whose daughter is a freshman there and I cannot imagine the feelings she must have felt worried for her safety. If it happened here, I would do whatever I could to protect my students. I remember hearing from one report that the suspects learned how to put the bombs together via the internet, which reminded me that we are connected to so much information that can be used for good or bad.

If there is something I would want the students to take away from this event, it would be to be vigilant and aware of those around you and your surroundings. Question everything. We can’t assume tragedies aren’t going to happen here.

Hey! How do you feel about the event in Boston? Write to us:



COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013


Abstract & landscape photography by Nicole Axtolis


There are many photography majors on campus, but 19-year-old Nicole Axtolis takes being a photography major to the next level by staying away from Photoshop and focusing on what’s only seen through the lens. “I lose myself behind the camera,” Axtolis said. While pointing to the photo of a foggy forest (Top middle), Axtolis said that she lost track of time because the scenery was so captivating. “This picture was taken during the fog and I was really mad that day so I went out onto the prairie path for two hours in the cold and lost track of time, it was so nice,” Axtolis said. Axtolis has been involved with photography since she was an eighth grader testing out her mother’s Canon. “My mom commented on how steady my hand was with the camera and how that’s actually kind of lucky,” Axtolis said. Axtolis’ uncle is a photography professor at Kentucky University and has always encouraged her to become the photographer that she was meant to be. “He kind of sparked my interest,” Axtolis said. “I met with one of his professors down there when I was at his wedding reception and she actually to said ‘oh your uncle compliments you all the time

and he never gives compliments to anyone.’” Axtolis was very humble and said that he could have just said that because she is his niece but said, “it was something that made me keep going with it.” When high school came, Axtolis was the only Freshman admitted into Sophomore photography classes at Naperville Central then continued on to win a “Gold Key” for her water droplet photo (top right). She later was sent to nationals in New York for the Scholastic’s Art and Writing Award competition. Along with winning awards for her photos, Axtolis has worked as a photography assistant for taking photos with Santa and knew portrait weren’t for her. “You didn’t have the chance to set up each shot uniquely or creatively,” Axtolis said. “Something I knew I Now that Axtolis is at COD, she is looking forward to someday GB of images that she has on her laptop. “The hardest thing is where to start,” Axtolis said. Axtolis hopes to make her name known in the photography world while keeping her grades up and completing her Associates to move on to bigger and better opportunities in Arizona, one of her favorite places (Bottom photo of Superstition Mountain).


COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013




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COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

Arts&EntErtainmEnt An evening with Kirby Dick

Director of Academy Award nominated documentary, The Invisible War CAROLINE KOCH




With no knowledge of the -


Outrage This Film Is Not Yet Rated -













Invisible War

to Invisible War




Invisible War,

Is Not Yet Rated


This Film -


COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

WAR (cont’d from pg. 10) needs to be questioned. “I go around to colleges with some to take a loot at assault on their campus.” While some administrations try to prevent people from speaking out, this director is all about planting seeds: “be the one to start the discussion.” I asked then, if this

that the sky is the limit. I am more than happy to have had the opportunity and touch base with such a strong industry voice.

Go to


is more of a journalistic mission. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he looked over his glasses at me with a smile. He said the bottom line is that he


there are too many people who want to classify ‘journalist,’ ‘advocate’ and things. Dick said, they are not: “if you’re going to try gory, you’re going to end up censoring yourself... don’t let invisible parameters pin you down. Be as ambitious as you can be. Take risk, you have to. Go too far and let the audience tell you to pull it back.” As a fellow storyteller and advocate, it is always reassuring to hear people that are successful

Want to see the

PBS, Mon. May 13

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COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

Stealing victories AUSTIN SLOTT

It has been quite an unpredictable season for the Chaparral women’s softball team. After yet another one of their games was postponed due to rain, the team sits in the hallway of the OCC building having a post-workout discussion. Sitting casually amongst the team is head coach Ryan Connell. Just standing in that hallway for a few minutes will give one the perfect picture of Connell as a coach. His demeanor is laid-back and friendly as he chats and jokes with his players. One can tell that the players respond well to Connell’s relaxed persona and it is certainly “Our goal is to do what COD softball does

which is to go out and pretty much dominate games,” Connell said. The Lady Chaps are 22-13 on the season and are ranked fourth in the most recent National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) poll. Despite a recent slip-up against tough conference opponent Rock Valley, the Chaps were one of the hottest teams in the country with a 12game winning streak. Now with the season coming to a close and the regional tournament fast approaching, Connell and the Chaps plan on continuing to take care of business. “I’m really proud of the girls the way they’re keeping it together this year with all the adversity they’re having to face,” Connell said. The adversity Connell referred to was the numerous games can-

celled because of poor weather conditions and having to work out in practicing on off days. These kinds of challenges could rattle a team, but their play has not seemed to be too affected by it. It probably also helps having a coach who keeps a cool head. As far as his coaching is concerned, Connell likes to have his players steal bases. A LOT. “We get on base and put a lot of pressure on the defense by having our girls moving as much as possible,” Connell explained. To put it into perspective, the Lady Chaps are second in the nation amongst Division III NJCAA teams in stealing bases with 115. They only trail Gloucester Community College by one for the league




COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

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STEAL lead and Gloucester has played 18 more games than the Chaps have. A couple of the players who have not only accounted for the Chaps’ success but who, in Connell’s eyes, have demonstrated team leadership are shortstop/ pitcher Karen Caithamer and out“Karen’s unstoppable… she’s the catalyst on the team,” Connell


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who’s helping out with pitching and she leads the team with a 9-2 record.” “People are stepping up and doing things that we need to do to make sure we’re still winning.” After winning one out of two against South Suburban on Wednesday, yet another game that was scheduled to be at home but moved to the tions, Connell is just one win away from 200. However, the coach is not one to get a big head about the landmark victory. “It’s cool, 200 wins in six years is pretty good. We have such great


COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

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COURIER • APRIL 26, 2013

STEAL from previous page players here at COD that it makes it so easy to coach,� Connell said. “But I’m more worried about the prodThe regional tournament will be held at Madison Community College May 2-3. The Lady Chaps will be the second seed with Rock Valley moving up to the the Chaps three times in one day last Monday. One can bet that Connell will have his team again in the tournament. “Rock Valley is a very good team, they’re really strong and we’d have to play very well to beat them,� Connell said. to be crowned regional champions, they will move onto the D-III National tournament, something the Chaps have done 16 “We’ve had an excellent that are just putting it all out there,� Connell said. a program, there isn’t another junior college program that has been that consistent throughout.�


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