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C Not so silent library OURIER L>IM>F;>K +1% +)*+ G>P P>;LBM> <HFBG@ LHHG

SINCE 1967 VOL. 48, NO. 5

Sports Chaps win big at home against North Dakota State Science, Page 13

Reconstruction on the SRC library sparks interest, noise from public JORDIN GIGNAC NEWS EDITOR

The library located in the SRC made loud noises the past week as construction began late this year. Students around campus are really excited to see what the reconstructed library will look like and what it will have for stu-­ dents to use as resources. “Improved technology ZRXOG EH FRRO Âľ Ă€UVW \HDU student David Meneses said. Another student added that the renovated library would help better the student body’s ability to learn. “[The new library will] occupy students to en-­ hance their learning expe-­ ULHQFH Âľ Ă€UVW \HDU VWXGHQW Andres Serritella said. Renovations to the library will include new and upgraded technology throughout the building, improved study areas for students working in groups or by themselves, a redesigned reference desk, service desks and added WKLUG Ă RRU HQWUDQFHV IURP the south side of the SRC as well as doors leading to the Academic Computing Center. A process called Educa-­ WLRQ 6SHFLĂ€FDWLRQV KHOSHG develop an idea of what the library would look like. “A team of people worked WR GHĂ€QH ZKDW SURJUDPV and services we would be offering in the library and

Renderings provided by the Library Resource Center

TOP LEFT: Artist rendering of library entrance and circulation desk provides new, open spaces. MHI KB@AM3 Ma^ [en^ikbgm h_ ma^ l^\hg] Ăœhhk _hk ma^ k^\hglmkn\mbhg h_ ma^ eb[kZkr' ;HMMHF E>?M3 :kmblm k^g]^kbg` h_ ma^ mabk] Ăœhhk eb[kZkr Z\\^ll nmbebsbg` fhk^ pbg]hpl Zg] gZmnkZe eb`am' ;HMMHF KB@AM3 Ma^ [en^ikbgm h_ ma^ mabk] Ăœhhk _hk ma^ k^\hglmkn\mbhg h_ ma^ eb[kZkr' WKHQ GHYHORSHG VSHFLĂ€FD-­ tions for each room or area to support these,â€? Dean of Learning Recourses Lisa Stock said. Stock also said faculty that worked in the library were asked to design what

they would want their areas of the library to look like that they worked in. Stock said the Dean, As-­ sociate Dean and herself put up a forum on a public site for the public, staff and students to respond

Fall enrollment up College boasts 1.4 percent increase for Fall semester JORDIN GIGNAC NEWS EDITOR

Tenth day enrollment was discussed and the 1.4 percent increase was celebrated at the board meeting Sept. 20. Associate Vice Presi-­ dent of Enrollment Man-­ agement, Earl Dowling, made a presentation showing the increasing numbers of students who enrolled this fall. Dowling said that many VSHFLĂ€F JURXSV RI VWX-­

dents were increased in the enrollment percent-­ ages, especially incoming high school students, reverse transfer stu-­ dents and veterans. Although there were many other groups of students that increased the college’s enrollment numbers, it is starting to focus more on grabbing the attention of the 19-­ 24 year olds enrolling. “Part of our vision is to be this district’s choice for [education],â€? Dowling said. Dowling explained that he noticed parents approv-­ LQJ RI WKH FROOHJH DV D Ă€UVW choice for their students to

attend from the district. “This fall we had so many positives from par-­ ents [because] they saw &2' DV D Ă€UVW UDWH RS-­ tion,â€? Dowling said. “Get-­ ting general education out of the way was a must.â€? Dowling said that the college is seeing good signs from enrollment in all areas and that in-­ cludes the decreases from part-­time enrollments. Dowling also sees more students making COD feel more like a four-­year college be-­ cause of the increase of full-­time students. See FTE, Page 3

to. “We received input from surveys, staff forums and questions we posted to students on a public wall about what they’d like to see in the library,� Stock said.

The library’s reconstruc-­ tion spending came from the referendum budget of $168 million and will cost a total of $33.4 million to complete. The project is expected to be completed in June of 2013.

Campus Central celebrates anniversary JORDIN GIGNAC NEWS EDITOR

Holding back his purple tie with his right hand and grasping a spatula in the other, President Robert Breuder cuts WKH Ă€UVW SLHFH RI FDNH WR FHOHEUDWH WKH Ă€UVW ELUWK-­ day of Campus Central. After sharing a few words with the students and staff who attended this impromptu get-­to-­ gether, joking about how there’s more attention on the cake than himself, KH FXW WKH Ă€UVW SLHFH WR inaugurate the event and then was headed off.

Students congregated after to enjoy the cake provided by Sodexo as ZHOO DV UHĂ HFW RQ WKH area and the effect it has had on the college. “It seems like it’s a very great place to unite the FRPPXWHUV Âľ Ă€UVW \HDU student Matt Ploke said. Although Ploke hasn’t been able to enjoy Cam-­ pus Central for the past year he said he’d feel at home sitting with fellow students and VR GRHV Ă€UVW \HDU VWX-­ dent Fatima Rashid. “[Campus Central] is a See CAKE, Page 3


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HIT AND RUN At 1:09 p.m. Unit 2 ad-­ vised that her vehicle had been struck in parking lot Fawell D. Unit 2 stated that at 1 p.m. Unit 2 advised that at that point she observed that her vehicle had been struck. There were scratches on the rear bumper’s driver’s side that appeared to be fresh. The driver’s side rear taillight was broken and pieces lying on the asphalt. There also ap-­ peared to be white paint transfer. No further info has been found on driver of unit 1.



INCIDENT Student was in class and got out of her seat to get something when she tripped over her backpack and blacked out. Victim said she did not hit her head. She did not seek medical attention.

Driver of unit 1 states backing out of parking spot when he struck unit 2. Unit 2 states he stopped when struck by unit 1.

INCIDENT Unit 2 was parked in the

far south side in parking lot 3E around 1 p.m. Unit 2’s vehicle was “head inâ€? the parking spot facing west and parked inside the yellow lines. Unit 2 returned to ve-­ hicle at approximately 2:10 p.m. and reported to police that there was damage to Unit 2’s vehicle on right side with a keyed

scratch all the way across her passenger door. Unit 1 was never found.


HIT AND RUN Unit 2 parked his ve-­ hicle at approx.. 3:50 p.m. and left parking lot

approx. 9 p.m. Upon returning home, he noticed a note under the driver’s side wind-­ shield wiper stating “the license plate of the car that door-­dinged you is...â€? He then noticed damage to the right side rear fend-­ er well. Police located driver of Unit 1 and inspected the vehicle and there was no damage done on unit 1’s car.


ACCIDENT Both drivers did not see one another and stated they both were backing out of their parking spac-­ es. Unit 1 has damage to right rear bumper and unit 2 also has damage to right rear bumper.


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Driver of unit 1 advised that she was attempting to park when she subse-­ quently struck unit 2, a parked vehicle. Unit 2 sustained dam-­ age to its rear passenger side door. A few scratches and some white paint transfer were visible. No injuries were report-­ ed.

ACCIDENT Driver of unit 1 stated that he was attempting to park when he struck unit 2, a parked vehicle. Unit 2 sustained dam-­ age to its front bumper on the passenger side. The corner of the bumper was dented in. Unit 1 had scratches on its front bumper. No injuries were report-­ ed.

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COMPLETE YOUR iahmh [r GZmaZg <Zfi

President Breuder cutting the cake for students on <Zfinl <^gmkZe l Ûklm Zggbo^klZkr'



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“If you go downstairs in student activities and did not know where you were, [you would prob-­ ably think that you] are in the middle of a stu-­ dent union at a four year school,â€? Dowling said. Dowling said the college will continue to keep the numbers increasing for en-­ rollment by strengthening their abilities to comfort the college’s students and incoming students as well. “We’ll continue to build on our strength and when you set foot on campus, this feels like college,â€? Dowling said. “When you drive onto campus, you are not greeted only by asphalt and bricks, and that feels good to people.â€? Dowling said that as consumers, people want good quality from everyday services. “People will pay more for quality. Pe-­ riod,â€? Dowling said.

For more than 125 years, National Louis University (NLU) has been preparing adult students for professional and personal success. NLU offers:

FTE, from Page 1


place where you can sit that isn’t as quiet as the library,â€? Rashid said. Rashid added that she liked Campus Central more than the library because she can talk and not feel out of place. “You can’t get kicked out of here like you can in the library,â€? Rashid said. First year student Sar-­ ah Rashid agreed with her and said it’s not just a place with couches, it’s a place for students. “We meet new peo-­ ple here all the time,â€? Sarah Rashid said. Not only can students meet other students easily at Campus Cen-­ tral, but students have easy access to all service desks that incoming freshman would need. Second year student Ricardo Franco suggested Campus Central creates another place where stu-­

dents can hang out that LV ODUJH HQRXJK WR Ă€OO DW least half of the 30,000 commuting students. “Expanding Campus Central or making anoth-­ HU RQH ZRXOG EH HIĂ€FLHQW because this place does Ă€OO XS IDVW Âľ )UDQFR VDLG After the cake was gone, students sat around Campus Central with a lingering idea that this is a place for students. “[At Campus Central, there are] people and all different kinds of people,â€? Ploke said.

CAKE, from Page 1


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COURIER POLICY The Courier is published every Friday when classes are in session during the Fall and Spring Semes-­ WHU H[FHSW IRU WKH Ă€UVW and last Friday of each Semester and the week of and the week after Spring Break as a public forum with content chosen by student editors. One copy free, additional copies available on request. Views expressed in editorials represent opin-­ ions of the majority of the Editorial Board, made up of all the Courier editors. The Courier does not knowingly accept adver-­ tisement that discriminate on the basis of sex, creed, religion, color, handi-­ capped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws. The Courier encourages all students, faculty, staff, administrators and com-­ munity members to voice their opinions on all the topics concerning them both in and out of school. Writers can express their views in a letter to Letters to the Editor. All correspondence and letters for publication must be typed and signed with the author’s day-­ time phone number. The editor-­in-­chief may withhold the author’s name on request. Deliver all correspondence to BIC 3401 between regular RIĂ€FH KRXUV RU PDLO WR WKH Courier, College of DuP-­ age, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, ILL. 60137. Letters also may be sent by e-­mail. The subject heading to the message must read “Letter to the (GLWRU Âľ 7KH ZULWHU¡V Ă€UVW and last names, street address, city, state and complete phone number with area code must be included for identity ver-­ LĂ€FDWLRQ E\ WKH &RXULHU Deadline for letters meant for publication is noon Tuesday. E-­mails can be sent to editor@cod.edu Letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel. All letters represent the views of their author.

EDITORIAL Bring your issues to us Help us, help you. It’s a delicate ecosys-­ tem. The college wouldn’t be here without the students, and the stu-­ dents wouldn’t be here without the college, but it goes beyond that. Faculty has a voice through the College of DuPage Faculty Associ-­ ation, as well as much more contact with admin-­ istration than the average commuting student to voice their opinions, con-­ cerns and questions, but faculty, administration and community feedback are all welcome as well. That’s why the Courier is here. As the student newspaper, we do our best to cover campus events, QHZV DQG IXQFWLRQV WR Ă€QG out the answers to the questions you have but we can’t do it by ourselves. Students and faculty have come up to nu-­ merous editors to either

praise or question the paper, and the feedback helps, but it isn’t enough. When asked if they want to write a letter to the editor, or even be quoted in the newspaper, the answer we hear most often is ‘no’. The lack of participation, including other groups, campus activities and events has previously been dis-­ cussed, but this is moving into a different realm. As seven part-­time stu-­ dent employees of the col-­ lege, we work as the staff to get the information out into the public, but we can’t cover everything that happens on the 273 acres that may involve part of the 27,034 full and part time students that the college caters to. That’s where you come in; let us know what’s going on and what inter-­ ests you. Did the tobacco ban or construction affect

you at all? Did the BIC South stairs opening allow you to get to class earlier than before? Instead of complaining to your friend about how much it sucks to have the ban, while sneaking a cigarette between classes, come up to BIC 3401 and talk to an editor about it. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR RIĂ€FH hours, we also have e-­mails and phones, but Facebook and Twitter can also be utilized to contact us, as well as the web-­ VLWH ZKHQ LW LV Ă€QDOL]HG Student involvement lets us not only know what is going on, but how it affects the school and student population as a whole. It will also allow us, the Courier staff, to get a better hold on what is important to the student population. All of our contact in-­ formation is available, and during most stan-­

dard business hours there will be at least RQH SHUVRQ LQ WKH RIĂ€FH to talk to who can pass the information on to wherever it needs to go. $V WKLV LV RXU Ă€IWK LVVXH of the year, there has been a lone letter to the HGLWRU LQ WKH Ă€UVW LVVXH and nothing since. The opinion section is just that; opinions. It gives the students, fac-­ ulty and community a public forum to discuss topics and share concerns or comments, and if it isn’t being utilized prop-­ erly, it is being wasted. Whether it’s more coverage on new campus policies or the best plac-­ es to study or relax on campus, let us know. As Jason Gann said on the FX hit show ‘Wilfred’, “Everything is connect-­ ed to everything.â€?

CourierStaff Editor in Chief Nathan Camp 942-2683 editor@cod.edu

A&E Courtney Clark 942-2660 arts@cod.edu

Graphics Grieta Danosa 942-3113 graphics@cod.edu


Jordin Gignac 942-2153 news@cod.edu

Sports Austin Slott 942-3066 sports@cod.edu

Advertising Christina Payton 942-3379 paytonc359@cod.edu

Features Rosalie DeAstis 942-2713 features@cod.edu

Photography London Summers 942-2531 photo@cod.edu

Adviser Eric Hahn 942-4269 hahne148@cod.edu

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OPINION Want your voice heard? The Courier accepts letters to the editor from students, staff, faculty and com-­ munity members. Letters are due by noon on the Tuesday prior to publication. Letters must include the author’s name, occupation (student, staff or communi-­ W\ PHPEHU GD\WLPH SKRQH QXPEHU DQG VWUHHW DGGUHVV IRU LGHQWLW\ YHULĂ€FDWLRQ /HWWHUV FDQ EH GURSSHG RII DW WKH &RXULHU RIĂ€FH GXULQJ UHJXODU EXVLQHVV KRXUV RU H PDLOHG WR HGLWRU#FRG HGX /HWWHUV DUH VXEMHFW WR HGLWLQJ IRU JUDPPDU VW\OH ODQJXDJH OHQJWK DQG OLEHO $OO OHWWHUV UHSUHVHQW WKH YLHZV RI WKHLU DXWKRU




ImportantEmails Board of Trustees

Chairman: David Carlin carlind@cod.edu Vice Chairman: Erin Birt birte@cod.edu Secretary: Allison O’Donnell bot-­odonnella@cod.edu Dianne McGuire bot-­mcguire@cod.edu Nancy Svoboda bot-­svobodan@cod.edu Joseph Wozniak wozniakj@cod.edu Student Trustee: Olivia Martin bot-­martino@cod.edu

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Student Leadership Council

Adviser: Steph Quirk quirks@cod.edu

President: Hank Gordon SLC.Hank@cod.edu Vice-­President: Tim Ziman SLC.Timothy@cod.edu Coordinator of Outreach: Jenna Holakovsky SLC.Jenna@cod.edu Adviser: Chuck Steele steelec@cod.edu

Prairie Light Review

Phi Theta Kappa

Facilities Master Plan Director: John Wandolowski wandol@cod.edu

Alter Ego Productions

Adviser: Linda Elaine elaine@cod.edu

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Adviser: Shannon Hernandez hernan@cod.edu



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FEATURES A Look into Studying Abroad A world of oppurtunites awaits as students travel to explore and earn college credit ROSALIE DEASTIS FEATURES EDITOR

From wine tasting in the Burgundy region of France, to kayak-­ ing in the Halong Bay of Vietnam – studying abroad offers a huge variety of opportunities to travel, learn, and experience the world and its many cultures. With a GPA require-­ ment depending on the program you choose and being at least 18 years old, almost any student can earn college credit in another state or country. “Studying abroad let’s students gain a differ-­ ent perspective about a certain interest they have or a career they’re going to,â€? commented COD Program Coor-­ dinator, Sue Kerby. A student can choose to participate in any of the three distinct kinds of studying abroad. Community members and graduates can reach out to COD if they have an interest in studying abroad as well. You don’t have to necessarily be


In the Spring semester of 2008, students took a trip to Egypt as one of the study abroad programs available through the college. currently in college. One being short-­term trips, is great for stu-­ dents who don’t wish to travel for many months. The visits are usually 3 weeks or less, and students can focus on a particular culture and subject such as French cuisine, or the history of Russia. Stu-­ dents can earn college credits in these inter-­

QDWLRQDO Ă€HOG VWXGLHV Language intensive studying, which are faculty led and take place over summer breaks, are usually DURXQG Ă€YH ZHHNV ORQJ Lastly, there are semester long opportu-­ nities a student can get involved with. Direc-­ tors/coordinators in the 6WXG\ $EURDG RIĂ€FH KHOS students to plan a trip

through another col-­ lege that does. Students still earn credit at COD if they travel through another school. Semester long studying offers a full academic load as far as the courses taken. Students can take all kinds of classes from Ă€OP WR SV\FKRORJ\ WR international business and liberal arts class-­ es. Students can also

take classes in the lan-­ guage of their location, while taking classes in English as well. Costs depend on the program you choose to be a part of. One of the low-­end opportunities offered is a trip to Canada that costs less than $1,000. But in general, most programs coast around $3,000 -­ $5,000. A semester long of studying abroad can cost up to $15,000. Most costs include air fare, meals, hous-­ ing, and other events such as museums and physical activities. There are many VFKRODUVKLSV Ă€QDQ-­ cial aid, and payment plans that people can take advantage of. ´2XU RIĂ€FH OLNHV WR make sure there are even opportunities available for students who may not be able to afford studying abroad,â€? said Maren McKellin, Co-­ ordinator of Field and Experiential learning/ studying abroad.

Early 2013 trips and events overview ROSALIE DEASTIS


This year has many adven-­ tures in store for students who plan on studying abroad and for those who want to participate in Ă€HOG DQG H[SHULHQWLDO OHDUQLQJ Whether you want to stay local or travel to the other side of the world, there are end-­ less opportunities available. There are all kinds of up-­ coming events and trips, which make it easy for a stu-­ GHQW WR Ă€QG RQH WKDW EHVW suits his/her interests. For those who are into the arts and entertainment, there are a handful of events that can be considered. “Experiencing Movie Mag-­ icâ€? is classes from Jan. 14 to March 6 and Feb. 4 to April 29 at the college that lets students participate in post-­ show discussions and video exercises to learn all about

WKH HOHPHQWV RI Ă€OP PDNLQJ Screen writing and spe-­ cial effects will also be ex-­ SORUHG 7KHUH ZLOO EH D Ă€HOG study to a historic Chica-­ go movie house as well. From May 28 to June 29 next year, students who wish to enhance or learn about the language of Spanish can travel to Costa Rica. Here they will take part in intensive language classes, and visit many beautiful landmarks such as the Arenal Volcano and La Paz Waterfall Gardens. If you’re going into culinary arts, you can get on a plane to France May 12 to 18 where you can participate in classes and visits with winemakers. There will also be explo-­ rations to a chocolate shop, markets, and restaurants specializing in regional delica-­ cies all while living in a 19th century French country house.

There are also so many trips involving outdoor adventures for those who are studying environmental skills, outdoor living skills, natural history, DQG RWKHU VSHFLĂ€F DFWLYLWLHV such as hiking or canoeing. One being a backpacking weekend in Southern Indi-­ ana, students can acquire many outdoor skills at the Hoosier National Forest as they camp out together. These are all just a few exam-­ ples of the kinds of trips offered. There is surely something for everyone when it comes to making the decision to study abroad or to get in-­ YROYHG ZLWK Ă€HOG VWXGLHV while earning college credit. For brochures and more information on require-­ ments, deadlines, costs, and fees, stop in the Study $EURDG RIĂ€FH DW %,&


Russia was one of the most memorable trips of this year. Above is a photo of one of the historic castles. 2013 will have travels to India, France, Costa Rica, and many more.

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Decision 2012: Students register to vote ROSALIE DEASTIS ?>:MNK>L >=BMHK

DAWN Voter Advo-­ cates is DuPage County’s largest voter registra-­ tion organization. Members meet monthly and are committed to vot-­ er education and ensuring every eligible citizen is registered to vote. They have registered thousands of voters, including stu-­ dents and young America. This past Tuesday was National Voter Registra-­ tion Day, and to celebrate that, DAWN worked with the college’s Stu-­ dent Leadership Council to come to the college and empower students to get informed with the voting process by hold-­ ing a table where stu-­ dents, staff, faculty, and visitors can register. Anyone was able to walk up to the table and register as long as they are a citizen and have WZR IRUPV RI LGHQWLĂ€FD-­ tion proving they will be at least 18 by Nov. 6. According to National-­ VoterRegistrationDay. org, six million Amer-­

Lmn]^gml lahp^] fn\a ^gmanlbZlf _hk mabl ^e^\mbhg Zl ma^r k^`blm^k^] mh ohm^ makhn`a =:PG' icans did not vote in 2008 because they did not know how to register and they missed their registration deadlines. On Tuesday, volun-­ teers, celebrities, and organizations (such as DAWN) “hit the streetsâ€? of the U.S. to register voters and create a wide-­ spread awareness. ´:H GHĂ€QLWHO\ QRWLFHG


so much enthusiasm from students this year,â€? com-­ mented Diane Kalousek, a DAWN volunteer who helped run the table. “There was a whole new batch of people who want-­ ed to vote and we were happy to see so many interested students.â€? The voting process is also surprisingly easy, according to DAWN.

As long you show your SURRI RI LGHQWLĂ€FDWLRQ when you register and you didn’t register online, you don’t have to bring DQ\ IRUPV RI LGHQWLĂ€FD-­ tion on Election Day. When the time comes to actually vote, there are touch screen devic-­ es that are very user friendly, along with the option to use paper/op-­


'Fear of Fish' Cook-­ ing Class Saturday, September 29, 2012 10:00 AM -­ 1:00 PM. Cost: $85. Waterleaf Restaurant (630) 942-­6881. Register to Vote October 1 – 5, 2012 10:00 AM -­ 2:00 PM. BIC-­SRC Upper Walkway.


College Reps at COD Wednesday, October 3, 2012 9:00 AM -­ 12:00 PM. BIC-­SRC Upper Walkway. Your Life. Your Mon-­ ey. Right Now. Thursday, October 4, 2012 10:00 AM -­ 1:05 PM. SSC 2201. Presentation by pub-­ lisher Todd Romer. Advising Session-­Phys-­ ical Therapy As-­ sistant (PTA) Thursday, October 4, 2012 4:00 PM -­ 5:30 PM. Health and Scienc-­ es Center, Room 2126. Call Don Schmidt (630) 942-­4076. Free.

Be central.


over 55 majors academic scholarships and need-based grants an excellent location for internships and jobs a smooth transfer of credit NCAA Division III athletics exciting study abroad opportunities great support for COD students

NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE WILL AT COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ON: October 2, 2012, 9:30-12:30 October 10, 2012, 9:30-12:30

ti-­scan voting machines. Oct. 22 through Nov. 3 is an early voting period for people who can’t vote on Nov. 6 due to work schedules or other priorities. “I think it’s important young people vote be-­ cause we should have a voice in our futures,â€? said 19-­year-­old Alice Giedrojt.


5K Sign-­Up Day Today 10 AM – 4 PM, Student Services Center Atrium.

October 17, 2012, 9:30 -12:30 October 23, 2012, 9:30 -12:30

To learn more about North Central College, visit northcentralcollege.edu.



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The Culinary and Hospi-­ tality Center displays the architecture and design that went into the build-­ ing to all of its patrons. Water’s Edge Hotel, Water Leaf Restaurant, and Wheat CafĂŠ, all of which are fairly new additions to the campus, H[HPSOLI\ WKH Ă€QH GLQ-­ ing and accommodations available on campus. The Wheat CafĂŠ, having been open for one year, is an American style cuisine restaurant that features a more relaxed and casual vibe than the Water Leaf Restaurant, which can EH FRQVLGHUHG Ă€QH GLQLQJ The restaurant is reser-­ vation only, but walk-­ins are accepted, pending on remaining available space. This is partly due to space constraints. Also the restaurant only operates when a class is in session. James Mulyk, the Faculty advisor of the restaurant says that cafĂŠ is capable of seating “60, which we are always striving to hit, because the more guests we bring in the better the learning ex-­ perience for the students.â€? The restaurant also features an exterior patio, which has a capacity of around 24 guests. The cafÊ’s time slots for reser-­ vations are; Wednesdays 6:45, 7:00, and 7:15 p.m. and also on Thursday and Friday times to set res-­ ervations are for 11:15, 11:30, and 11:45 when classes are in session. 7KH Ă€YH FRXUVH GLQQHUV are priced at $22, while the four course lunch-­ es are priced at $15. The entire restaurant is run by students who are WDNLQJ VSHFLĂ€F FXOLQDU\ courses. The students who operate the Wheat CafĂŠ are doing so as an actual class with educational SXUSRVH WR WKHLU Ă€HOG Therefore all the mon-­ ey and tips collected are put directly back into the restaurant to fund its upkeep such as new addi-­ tions to the menu and dĂŠ-­ cor items. For reservations visit the Wheat Cafe web-­ site or call (630)-­942-­2284.

Inside the college’s eatery


TOP: The Wheat Cafe in full effect with full student staff seen holding around 20-25 guests. Half its seating capacity

MIDDLE RIGHT: James Mulyk, Staff Advisor and Culinary teacher, goes over new items on the menu with his students one last time.

BOTTOM LEFT: Student BOTTOM RIGHT: Wednesservice trainee, Shanon DZgZd% k^\hk]l a^k mZ[e^ l day night culinary students prepare the restaurant for order. the incoming guests.

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COMICS <HNKB>K L>IM>F;>K +1% +)*+


King Features Weekly Service King Features Weekly Service Weekly Service September 24, 2012

King Features September 24,24, 2012 September 2012


September 24, 2012

King Features Weekly Service

September 24, 2012

—13— —16— —13—

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WDCB Making Waves

WDCB Public Radio, 90.9 FM will move from the OCC building to the SRC in January COURTNEY CLARK


WDCB Public Ra-­ dio, 90.9 FM, current-­ ly housed in the OCC building is moving to a new facility in the 65& EHJLQQLQJ WKH Ă€UVW week of January. It will be located on the lower level of the SRC, past the book-­ store, and across the hall from the new fash-­ ion department area. The move will result in two new production facilities instead of the one they have now. They will also be converting from a hybrid digital analog environment to an all-­digital environment. Scott Wager, the sta-­ tion manager, says this change will be “more conducive to the kind of work they are doingâ€? and that the current equip-­ ment has lasted well beyond the predicted life. “(We have been) in-­ volved in the planning process for at least seven years or so, but it gained momentum in the last few years,â€? Wager said. The technical core will remain in the OCC for a while until the new space is ready for use and the staff has been trained to use the new system, including its 30 community volunteers. The move will include transporting their very large collection of com-­ pact discs and vinyl records. Wager says they started building the vinyl library in 1975 and have been constantly building and adding to it. They maintain vinyl records because many of these recordings never make it into compact disc form and a database is used to keep track of everything. There is also an Inter-­ net-­based sports channel called “Chaparral Sports Channelâ€? that is student run. Wager says the “staff will be very enthu-­ siastic about it; it’s a very exciting period for us.â€? He is “looking forward to the integration of our

unit knitted into the fabric of the institutionâ€? VLQFH WKHLU RIĂ€FHV ZLOO now be located on the main campus area. Although primarily a jazz station, Wager said “when people hear we’re jazz, there’s some preconceptions but we have a lot going on here.â€? For example, Monday night is Celtic music night and Tuesday night includes a folk music program. They are also starting a program called “Sounds of Brazilâ€? next Wednesday at 7pm. A lot of the time they even have guest per-­ formers on the show. Wager said that often the performers are from around here because “we believe in localism as far as our product base is concerned.â€? They have three chan-­ nels which are controlled in one server room. One of these additional chan-­ nels includes a Spanish public radio operation. They also attend Chi-­ cago Jazz Festival, Blues Festival, and Hyde Park Music Festival in addi-­ tion to having one show a month at the Jazz showcase in Chicago. They have been on the air since 1977 and have listenership around the world.including Japan, the Nether-­ lands and Germany. On their 36th year on air, Wager says the “audience continues to grow, (we’ve) seen a lot of change over the years.â€? They now stream mu-­ sic on the internet and have a mobile applica-­ tion available for people to listen on the go. COD is also the only community college in the state with a radio station like this and it is the only station that offers full jazz content in the Chicago land area. Wager says the existence RI WKH VWDWLRQ ´IXOĂ€OOV WKH dream of the people who founded this institution.â€?

Photo by London Summers

Analog/digital hybrid equipment will be the way of the past as the new facilities will become an all digital environment, creatling less clutter.

Photo by London Summers

A radio show host works in the studio. WDCB has 30 community volunteers help out with programs.

Photo by London Summers

Shelves full of vinyl records are stored on campus because many of the albums \Zg m [^ _hng] hg Zgr hma^k f^]bnf'


<HNKB>K L>IM>F;>K +1% +)*+

Art at west campus Art teachers and students talk transition from the MAC to the K and OCC Buildings COURTNEY CLARK


The McAninch Arts Center will soon be going under construc-­ tion until Spring 2014, which means many teachers and students have to travel to the K Building on the West side of campus. The K Building is very old and cramped com-­ pared to the newer and bigger MAC building. 0DUD %DNHU D Ă€QH DUWV professor said, “The K EXLOGLQJ LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ challenging, the class-­ rooms are smaller and not ideal for running studio classes. However, the faculty and students have been making the best of the situation.â€? There are many stu-­ dents dreading the long, cold walks from the K Building to the BIC in winter. Sam Ragusin, a graph-­ ic design student says, “The atmosphere (in the K building) doesn’t inspire me at all. It’s

Photo by London Summers

Students draw in an OCC classroom where classes from the Arts Center have been fho^]' Lhf^ lZr maZm ma^ g^p ^gobkhgf^gm blg m Zl \hg]n\bo^ mh e^Zkgbg` bg ma^ F:<' very drab and kind of gross. There’s no color throughout. It’s boring.� She also said it feels very secluded from the rest of campus. “It’s really small and there are only a few rooms with computers. There was much more

open space in the MAC. I don’t get to interact with other art students.â€? Baker teaches class-­ es in three different buildings on opposite sides of campus and said it “makes for chal-­ lenging to and from class commutes. My

bike has become a huge help in getting me from point A to B on time.â€? 7KHUH DUH EHQHĂ€WV WR using an older space compared to new ones. Baker saidâ€? The upside is we don’t have to worry about keeping the space pristine, as the build-­

ings will be going out of use after our stay. “ Kathleen Kamal, an art professor still in the MAC says it’s “a bit lonely-­we miss the energy of the rest of the department.â€? The music faculty is “certain that the recent and unexpected dismiss-­ al of critical Technical Theater staff in the MAC/ College Performing Arts area (shortly after the move itself) will negative-­ ly impact our students’ ability to expect the highest in profession-­ al standards when it comes to the backstage operations of College Theater and Music pro-­ ductions of all type.â€? Yet they are also stay-­ ing positive. “That being said, we have seen an LQĂ X[ RI \HW DQRWKHU group of enthusiastic mu-­ sicians and scholars, and look forward to another year – in what has been over 40 years of excep-­ tional performance and scholarly work – of mu-­ sic offerings within the


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Chaps tame wildcats M^Zf k^[hng]l _khf mhn`a khZ] ehll% l\hk^l l^o^g mhn\a]hpgl bg [ehphnm ob\mhkr AUSTIN SLOTT


The Chaparral football team put on a dominating performance in Satur-­ day’s 49-­21 win against the North Dakota State Science Wildcats. The Chaps were coming off of an ugly loss to then two ranked Iowa Western, 65-­21, and were eager to erase the game from their memories. “You play the number two team in the country and make some mistakes early, it ends up like that,â€? Head Coach Gary Thomas said. According to Thomas, the team’s game plan for North Dakota was to out-­ play them defensively and in special teams and to run the ball on offense. For the most part, the team was able to stick to this game plan, but still made the adjustments when necessary. The Chaps wasted no time building momentum, as linebacker Michael Lafenhagen blocked the Wildcats’ punt on their Ă€UVW GULYH Fired up by the big play on special teams, the Chaps marched down the Ă€HOG WR VFRUH RQ UXQQLQJ back Tyreis Thomas’s sev-­ en yard touchdown run and never looked back. After rushing touch-­ downs by running backs

Knggbg` [Z\d Mrk^bl MahfZl ch`l bgmh ma^ ^g]shg^ Zl a^ knla^l _hk ma^ m^Zf l Ă›klm mhn\a]hpg' Jamar Kirksey and An-­ thony Messina and a 59 yard touchdown reception by wide receiver Johnny Holton, the Chaps had a 28-­0 lead midway through the second quarter. The Wildcats answered with a touchdown pass of their own but it was ev-­ ident that the game was becoming a blowout. The frustration seemed to be getting to the Wild-­ cats as they began com-­ mitting avoidable delay of game penalties and were clearly out of sync.

It reached the point where coaches on the sideline had to yell out the time on the play clock in order to urge the of-­ fense to hike the ball. ,W ZDV D Ă€UVW KDOI WR IRU-­ get for the Wildcats, but one to build upon for the Chaps. The Wildcats struck quickly in the second half, taking a 65 yard end around to the house and bringing the lead down to two touchdowns. But the Chaps made sure that North Dakota’s

hopes for a comeback were short lived. Johnny Holton returned the en-­ suing kickoff for a touch-­ down to make the score 35-­14. With the second half in full swing and a com-­ fortable lead, the Chaps’ defense stepped to close the game out. They forced three straight drives by North Dakota to end with turn-­ over on downs, becoming more pumped up with each stop. The Chaps offense

Pb]^ k^\^bo^k Fb\aZ^e MahfZl ihp^kl makhn`a Z Pbe]\Zm ]^_^g]^k _hk ma^ mhn\a]hpg Zm LZmnk]Zr l -2&+* ob\mhkr'

Photo by Nathan Camp

continued their success on WKH JURXQG RQ WKHLU Ă€UVW drive of the fourth quar-­ ter, capping it off with another touchdown run by Kirksey. The three headed mon-­ ster of Messina, Kirksey and Thomas combined for over 200 yards rushing and four touchdowns. “Our running backs really ran hard today and they gave us good oppor-­ tunities,â€? Thomas said. Quarterback Patrick Ivy threw 13 passes on

see FOOTBALL IZ`^ *.

Photo by London Summers


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Fall 2012 Sports Schedule FOOTBALL

AUGUST Sat., 25 ERIE (NY) SEPTEMBER Sun., 2 at Wisconsin-Whitewater JV Sat., 8 IOWA CENTRAL Sat., 15 at Iowa Western Sat., 22 NORTH DAKOTA SCIENCE Sat., 29 at Ellsworth (IA) OCTOBER Sun., 7 at Marian University JV (IN) Sat., 20 at Arkansas Baptist NOVEMBER Sun., 4 AIR FORCE ACADEMY JV


W 30-0 W 21-0 W 35-28 L 65-21 W 49-21 1:00pm 1:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm

E=F K KG;;=J AUGUST Sat., 25 at Triton Thu., 30 at Morton Sun., 2 at South Suburban SEPTEMBER Sat., 8 2012 Loggers Invitational @ Lincoln Land vs Owens (OH) Sun., 9 2012 Loggers Invitational @ Lincoln Land vs Illinois Central Sun., 16 vs Southwestern Illinois @ University of IllinoisSpringfield Fri., 21 at Prairie State Sat., 29 at Oakton OCTOBER Thu., 4 KISHWAUKEE Sat., 6 at Moraine Valley Mon., 15 LAKE COUNTY Thu., 18 ELGIN Sat., 20 Region IV Play-in Round 1 @ tba Mon., 22 Region IV Play-in Round 2

W 4-0 L 0-3 L 2-5 L 0-1 L 0-4 W 3-2 4:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 12:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 12:00pm 3:00pm


SEPTEMBER Fri., 14 Illinois Intercollegiate Championships @ Weibring Golf Course Normal, Illinois Sat., 22 Gil Dodds Invitational @ St. James Farm Warrenville, Illinois Fri., 28 College of DuPage Invitational OCTOBER Sat., 13 Sky Hawk Invitational @ Sauk Valley CC Dixon, Illinois Fri., 19 North Central - Cardinal Open @ St. James Farm Warrenville, Illinois Sat., 27 Region IV Championship @ Sauk Valley CC Dixon, Illinois NOVEMBER Sat., 10 NJCAA Division I Nationals @ Rend Lake CC Ina, Illinois


AUGUST at Moraine Valley 4:15pm Fri., 31 SEPTEMBER Wed., 5 at McHenry Fri., 7 ELGIN 10:00pm Mon., 10 WAUBONSEE Thu., 13 ROCK VALLEY Fri., 14- COD/USTA 4:00pm Sun., 16 TOURNAMENT Mon., 17 at North Central JV Wed., 19 at Oakton ILLINOIS VALLEY 10:30am Fri., 21 Wed., 26 SAUK VALLEY Thu., 27 at Lake County 4:30pm Fri., 28- COD/USTA Sun., 30 TOURNAMENT OCTOBER Region IV Tournament 11:00am Thu., 4Sat., 6 at Moraine Valley TBA


AUGUST Fri., 24 Highland “36� Park Hills G C Sat., 25 N4C Conference Meet #1 Elliot G C SEPTEMBER Fri., 7 Duane Chanay Invitational Byron Hills G C Sat., 8 N4C Conference Meet #2 Blackstone G C Tue., 11 St. Francis Fall Invitational Wedgewood G C Fri., 14- Illinois Valley Classic Sat., 15 Senica Oak Ridge G C Fri., 21 Skyhawk Classic Emerald Hills G C Sat., 22 N4C Conference Meet #3 Bridges G C Fri., 28 Prairie View Classic Prairie View G C Sat., 29 N4C Conference Meet #4 Cantigny G C OCTOBER Thu., 4Region IV Tournament Sat., 6 Prairie View G C

8:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 12:00pm 10:00am 12:00pm 8:00am 1:00pm 11:00am 1:30pm 12:30pm 11:00am


AUGUST Fri., 24 at Waubonsee Wed., 29 at Triton SEPTEMBER Sat., 1 JACKSON (MI) Tue., 4 MORTON Mon., 10 at Prairie State Wed., 12 at Joliet Sun., 16 vs. Southwestern Illinois @ Univesity of IllinoisSpringfield Wed., 19 HARPER Fri., 21 TRITON Sat., 22 ROCHESTER (MN) OCTOBER Mon., 1 at Oakton Wed., 3 at MATC-Milwaukee Fri., 5 JOLIET Mon., 8 SOUTH SUBURBAN Wed., 10 at Harper Fri., 12 LAKE COUNTY Mon., 15 DALEY Wed., 17 TRINITY INTERNATIONAL JV Fri., 19 ELGIN Tue., 23 REGION IV PLAYOFF PLAYOFF Sat., 27 REGION IV CHAMPIONSHIP NOVEMBER Thu., 8NJCAA NATIONALS Sun., 11 @ Tompkins Cortland CC Dryden, NY

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L 0-4 W 6-0 L 0-3 T 3-3 W 4-3 W 3-2 L 0-6 L 2-3 W 7-0 W 1-0 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 3:00pm 12:00pm TBA

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Lady Chaps shut out opponents in consecutive games AUSTIN SLOTT


The Chaparral women’s soccer team held opponents scoreless in back to back games this weekend. In Friday’s rout of the Triton Trojans, the Lady Chaps scored seven goals and simply outper-­ formed the shorthanded Triton team. “Triton had 10 players, they didn’t show up with a full squad,â€? Head Coach William Fajkus explained. “The girls showed some enthu-­ siasm and I think we bounced back a little bit from Wednes-­ day.â€? 7KH &KDSV VFRUHG Ă€YH JRDOV LQ WKH Ă€UVW KDOI LQFOXGLQJ D EUHDN-­ DZD\ VKRW E\ 0LGĂ€HOGHU 0DUOHQH

Iahmh [r GZmaZg <Zfi

Fb]Ă›^e]^k FZke^g^ G^oZk^s l\hk^l Z `hZe [^_hk^ aZe_ bg ma^bk 0&) pbg' Nevarez right before the end of the half. “It was a tight game, we were all playing well,â€? Nevarez said. “It was a little slippery because

of the rain but we managed to pass and get the good job done.� But they weren’t done yet, Striker Inga Tebbe added two more goals to the lead in the

second half. Just as impressive as the offen-­ sive surge was the clean sheet by goalkeeper Raquel Salinas. “We’re like the Blackhawks, we’re looking for the hot goalie and hopefully we can make a run with her,â€? Fajkus said. Their second game in as many days was against the Rochester Yellowjackets . Unlike Friday’s game, in which the Chaps scored goal after goal, Saturday’s game remained score-­ less for nearly the entire two halves. Just when it seemed to be go-­ ing to over time, Tebbe scored a last minute goal to win the game for the Chaps, 1-­0. The Lady Chaps will hit the road next to play at Oakton, Monday Oct. 1.

FOOTBALL _khf iZ`^ *,

ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but my mom told me to stick with gourmet. She thinks whatever I do is gourmet, but i don't think either of us knows what it means. so let's stick with tasty!

Established in Charleston, IL in 1983 to add to students GPA and general dating ability.


All of my tasty sub sandwiches are a full 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! And if it matters to you, we slice everything fresh everyday in this store, right here where you can see it. (No mystery meat here!)



Real applewood smoked ham and provolone cheese garnished with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.


Medium rare choice roast beef, topped with yummy mayo, lettuce, and tomato.


Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, then topped with alfalfa sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, and tomato. (My tuna rocks!)

Corporate Headquarters Champaign, IL



Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce

slim slim slim slim slim slim

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ham & cheese Roast Beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone


Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ÂŽ


Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.

Fresh sliced turkey breast, topped with lettuce, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and mayo. (The original) The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)


Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, alfalfa sprouts, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only . . . . . . . . . . . peace dude!)


Bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (The only better BLT is mama's BLT)

TW YM NL J // NSF š8 Q

21 attempts for 118 yards and a touchdown. Coach Thomas believes this game was an important step up for the Ivy. “Patrick managed the game pretty well today, it was a huge step forward for him,â€? Thomas said. Despite the win, Thomas high-­ lighted the mistakes that the team made during the game and emphasized the importance of minimizing these. “We didn’t play fundamen-­ tally sound in a lot of different areas‌ we have to cut these mistakes out,â€? Thomas said. The team is now back to being nationally ranked in the Nation-­ al Junior College Athletic Asso-­ ciation (NJCAA) poll, coming in at number 16. The Chaps will become road warriors for their next three games, playing each of their next three opponents away from home, starting with Ellsworth on Saturday Sept. 29. Coach Thomas was asked if the multiple road games will have any effect on the team. “We’ll see, I’m not going to gauge our road experience on the Iowa Western game,â€? Thomas said. “I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself; we have to take it game by game.â€?



DELIVERY ORDERS will include a delivery charge per item.


Giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle Extra load of meat Extra cheese or extra avocado spread Hot Peppers

freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, Dijon mustard, oil & vinegar, and oregano.

My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade french bread!

#7 GOURMET SMOKED HAM CLUB A full 1/4 pound of real applewood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, & real mayo!


Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Real genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (You hav'ta order hot peppers, just ask!)


A full 1/4 pound of fresh sliced medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, applewood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)


Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (It's the real deal, and it ain't even California.)

#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUBÂŽ Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is world class!)


sides Soda Pop

GIANT club sandwiches

THE J.J. GARGANTUANÂŽ This sandwich was invented by Jimmy John's brother Huey. It's huge enough to feed the hungriest of all humans! Tons of genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato, & our homemade Italian dressing.

Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. An American classic, certainly not invented by J.J. but definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection!


The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Fresh housemade tuna salad, provolone, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, & tomato.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)


Real applewood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo, what could be better!


Knggbg` [Z\d :gmahgr F^llbgZ cnd^l hnm Z Pbe]\Zm ebg^[Z\d^k'

"YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!" ÂŽ Š 1 9 8 5 , 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 3 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 7 , 2 0 0 8 J I M M Y J O H N ’ S F R A N C H I S E , L L C A L L R I G H T S R E S E RV E D . We R e s e r ve T h e R i g h t To M a k e A n y M e n u Ch a n g e s .

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