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Color therapy (or chromotherapy) is an alternative remedy that uses color and light to treat physical or mental health by balancing the body's energy centers, also known as chakras. This concept dates back to ancient Egyptians who used sun-activated solarium rooms constructed with colored glass for therapeutic purposes.


David has been ghostwriting books for well-known people since 1995. He is also the author of Married Men Coming Out: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming the Man You Were Born to Be.

One of the great joys of life for most of us is our ability to see the world in technicolor — the human eye is able to distinguish approximately 3 million colors. With that capability, we use color to make a statement, create a mood, establish hierarchy, differentiate teams, denote levels of accomplishment, designate your tribe, rally the troops, and even warn off or attract someone. Colors are even instrumental in helping promote healing. Before we go any further, let’s define the word “healing” because it actually includes different types and levels of personal health. First, healing is individual to each person, meaning no two people will heal in the same manner via the same methods. Secondly, healing is relative in that what is healing for one person may not be healing for another person. Third, healing involves not just our physical bodies, but also our mental and emotional beings. Finally, and this is the hardest one to accept, healing never really ends, especially emotionally. Just when you think you’ve healed or resolved an issue, you’ll be served another challenge concerning that issue. It’s like peeling an onion — there is always another layer to address. Each layer we resolve takes us more deeply into the core of that issue and ourselves. Color can help with that. Just as we have seven chakras, energy centers in our bodies, we also have colors associated with those chakras.

• Base chakra – red = protection, grounding, survival, nourishment from the earth, trust • Sacral – orange = emotions, creativity, sexuality

• Navel/Solar plexus – yellow = mental activity, intellect personal power, willpower, wisdom • Heart – green = love, relationships, integration, compassion • Throat – blue/turquoise = truth, creativity, communication • Third eye – deep indigo = intuition, inner wisdom, awareness • Crown – purple-white/white = universal connection, spirituality, consciousness Did you know that for businessmen and politicians to come across as powerful and confident that they’re advised to wear a navy-blue jacket, white shirt, and bright red tie? Not only does it convey power and confidence, it also, at least in America, says that you’re patriotic.

Ever notice that many spiritual leaders wear white? They do because it denotes oneness with the universal power, as well as purity. Buddhist monks wear orange because it represents fire, which to them is the symbol of truth. Judges wear black robes to signify that justice is blind. So, we use color to convey a position or concept. But colors also evoke emotional responses. We use red and purple to convey love on St. Valentine’s Day. We wear black to convey mourning or resistance to social conventions, bright colors to show that we’re happy, excited, creative, or feeling our oats. Some people wear green to attract money, others wear dull colors because they’re feeling somber, listless, depressed, suppressed, or bored with life.

When it comes to healing, colors are associated with specific energetic properties and they can be worn, you can surround yourself with a specific color, soak in a tub of colored water, wear colored glasses, be bathed in a specific-colored light associated with your issue or ailment, or just visualize yourself filled with and surrounded by a certain color. As an example, it’s believed that wearing red can address issues of high blood pressure, paralysis, exhaustion, and rheumatism. Working with the color red is said to be like giving yourself an energy boost. There’s a reason why we’re attracted to certain colors. Generally, it’s because of how those colors make us feel. Depending on our mood, our agendas, circumstances or needs, we’ll most likely choose to wear colors that are in alignment with how we’re feeling or how we want to be perceived by others. Vice versa, you’ll decide not to wear certain colors for the same reasons.

A significant component of healing is based on what you’re consistently thinking and what you’re feeling. Just wearing a specific color is not going to address the core of your issue unless you are confronting the underlying emotions, as well as the behaviors and habits associated with the issue. And, as was said earlier, healing is ongoing as you peel away the layers and discover more about yourself. However you use color and for what purposes, focus on how the color makes you feel and what you’d like other people to know about you. Being able to live and move through our world feeling good about yourself is paramount — and how you feel about yourself will radiate out into the world around you. That’s also a significant aspect of healing. Choose to be the light, love, peace, and joy you want to see in the world. Let color uplift not only you, but all those with whom you come into contact. Amending the Skittles commercial, “Be the rainbow.”●

Life has definitely thrown us a curveball. Discovering a new method to create a healthy balance is paramount during a time when we all feel a little off. Crystals offer a different way to get back to being centered.


The healing power of Crystals is growing in the alternative medicine world. Whether they work for you or not depends on how you use them, how you understand them, and if you allow them to work for you.

By Brad Bowling

If there ever was a time to discover new methods for creating a better outcome for yourself, the time is now. With all that is going on in the world, people are searching for new ways to create drastic changes in their life. Alternative medicines are providing exciting and creative ways to reconnect with your inner spirit and create the balance you need for a better life. Crystals might be for you if you seek such a change. Whether they are displayed on tables, placed in water bottles or worn on the body, crystals are growing in popularity as a healing provider. Believers say the colorful shards of mineral deposits can sharply improve and change your life and they lack negative side effects. Crystals have so many uses for people. Whether you have them in your home, wear them on your person or use them for a singular purpose, they can work for you. Amethyst, for example, is thought to eliminate addiction and improve intuition. Clear quartz, on the other hand, is believed to boost self-love and enhance immunity. Let’s be clear, there is no scientific evidence that crystals can accomplish any of the claimed results. Though there are detractors who argue against using rocks to create viable solutions, the gemstone industry pulls in approximately $23 billion annually. Still, the overwhelming response people can have from interacting with crystals is powerful enough to research and try using them if you feel like you need an alternative to taking medication. Achieving a better outcome or a better way forward is always the goal for anyone. The power of crystals is hard to ignore when you speak to the people who use them. “I carry my crystals in a small bag everywhere I go, and they protect me from toxic people,” Brian, from Chicago, explained. “I know for a fact that my crystals have helped me create a healthier lifestyle for myself and they protect my spirit from negative things,” Brian concluded. Brian is not alone. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who have turned to alternative medications to find and improve inner balance, joy, peace, and many other mental and emotional qualities in their life. There are hundreds of crystals that offer different types of healing, uplifting, awakening, enhancing, energizing, and calming properties. Crystals can also promote the flow of positive energy and help rid the mind and body of negative energy. Here are several crystals to consider.


This clear crystal is considered a “master healer.” It’s said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. It’s also said to aid in concentration and with memory. Physically, clear crystals claim to help stimulate the immune system and balance your entire body. This crystal is often paired with others like rose quartz to aid and enhance their abilities.


Just as the color may suggest, this pink stone is all about love. It’s said to help restore trust and harmony in all kinds of relationships while improving their close connections. It’s also claimed to help provide comfort and calm during times of grief. It isn’t all about other people, though. Rose quartz is said to also encourage love, respect, trust, and self-worth within one’s own being — something we could all use currently.


This smooth crystal is known as the “supreme nurturer.” It’s said to empower the spirit and support you through times of stress by preparing you to fully “show up.” It’s claimed to protect you from and absorb negative vibes while promoting courage, quick thinking, and confidence. These are traits that are extra helpful when tackling important issues — which is exactly what this gemstone may be good for.


An intensely protective stone, obsidian is said to help form a shield around you against physical and emotional negativity. It’s also said to help get rid of emotional blockages and promote qualities of strength, clarity, and compassion and aiding you to find your true sense of self. For your physical body, it may aid in digestion and detoxification while potentially helping reduce pain and cramps. There is no guarantee that using a crystal will work for you. Again, everyone has their own experiences when using crystals. But the overwhelming response from those that use crystals means that it is worth a closer look if you need an alternative.

The use of Crystals have increased over 60% in the last 18 months.

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