15 minute read


Fawn Weaver made it her mission to bring both the history and talent of this African American distiller to life.


Anthony T. Kirby is the Fashion & Lifestyle Editor for CODE M Magazine and has spent over 30 years in the menswear industry. He lives in Philadelphia, PA where he is the Creative Director for FINICKEY, an online men's haberdashery brand. (https:// finickey.us) I’m saying “Uncle,” not giving into defeat here, nor wrestling you down to get something from you. I’m telling you to say “Uncle,” as in Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, which has become the fastest growing and best-selling premium whiskey brand on the market to date. It currently has sold nearly 1.5 million bottles.

This is an impressive feat for an African American-owned distillery. I would also go on to say an historic achievement when you think about all the major whiskey brands here in the US. I’ve known all the typical brands stocked on the shelves of my local wine and spirit store: Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark, Booker’s, and, of course, Jack Daniels. What made me come to write this story was the foundation of how Uncle Nearest came into existence. I just discovered the brand a couple of years ago in an article in The New York Times, titled “Jack Daniel’s Embraces a Hidden Ingredient: Help from a Slave.” It was a slave who helped create one of the world’s best known whiskey brands. Nathan “Nearest” Green was a Tennessee slave who taught a teenager, Jack Daniel, distilling techniques. Jack went on to develop the Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey brand. Mr. Green was considered the first African American master distiller.

So many of African American discoveries have been erased from history. Slave owners often took credit or outright stole the slaves’ patents or achievements that have shaped the American industry. The success of Uncle Nearest didn’t get lost, though, due to the extensive work of Mrs. Fawn Weaver, an African American real estate investor and best-selling author. She made it her mission to bring both the history and talent of this African American distiller to life.

Ms. Weaver relocated to Tennessee to discover archival information on the working relationship between Green and Daniel. Through her research, Ms. Weaver brought her findings to the attention of Brown-Forman, owners of the Jack Daniels brand to recognize that Nathan “Nearest” Green was its first African American master distiller and Jack Daniel is listed as its second master distiller.

In 2017, Mrs. Weaver went on to partner up with a Nashville whiskey maker to bring her brand Uncle Nearest 1856. At that time, she was the only African American woman to oversee a major spirits brand. Again, another historic feat in a white, male-dominated industry. Through its Nearest Green Foundation, it’s keeping the story alive, telling the history of Nathan Nearest Green as the first African American distiller. The 50th anniversary edition of the book Jack Daniel’s Legacy is now available with proceeds going to the Nearest Green Foundation for the purpose of building the Memorial Park and the Legacy Scholarship Fund. The company has also developed the Uncle Nearest Venture Fund, which has earmarked $50 million to support the growth and start-up of other minority-owned spirit brands. The brand has won over 150 awards, including the No. 1 Whiskey from Tennessee for the third year in a row from Cigar & Spirits Magazine and Best American Whiskey. I can see why. My choice is the Uncle Nearest 1884 Small-Batch Whiskey (93proof) with its smooth and sweet taste and a slight hint of maple. I take mine neat. If you’re looking for a compelling backstory, dedicated blending and a top-notch finished product, then you’re in for a true delight with this Tennessee line of whiskeys. Experience the history and savor the flavor of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey. ●

The Uncle Nearest label is one of the fasted-growing brands in America today.


Millions of Americans are quitting their jobs and choosing to run their home-grown businesses full-time. Understand the tax implications of turning your side hustle into a real job.

By Sunny Adams, CPA, and A’Shira Nelson, CPA

It used to be that the term “side hustle” had a slightly shady meaning to it — but not in this day and age. Since the onset of the pandemic, many people have been struggling to survive and the concept of the “side hustle” has become mainstream. The side hustle has become the new “pivot.” People are launching amazing secondary businesses to augment their current income flow or if they have no income stream. Many side hustles don’t require an office or employees, just an Internet presence. Search the Internet and you’ll find anything and everything is being marketed.

There are plenty of good reasons to start a side hustle. Extra money can help build savings, pay off debt or go towards a goal, such as buying a house, taking a big trip, paying for school, or shoring up retirement plans. Making money in a way that doesn’t feel like “work” can help avoid burnout and be truly rewarding. Plus, with social media, side hustles may have a readily available platform. While side hustles bring many rewards, turning it into a real business can bring even more. A person’s side hustle can simply be a hobby, or the goal may be to turn it into a fulltime business and lifestyle. Before launching a side hustle, there are a few considerations to take into account, such as: When is the best time to legitimize a side hustle and what legalities do I need to address? Regardless of whether a person has been operating a side hustle for years, or has just started making money, they must report income earned on their tax return even from hobbies.

Why not benefit from the various tax advantages awarded to business owners?

When a business becomes incorporated, it often comes with a perceived permanency and reputability to customers and investors. This can also make it easier to raise capital when needed. Here are some important steps to take if you’re considering a side hustle startup. Choose a Business Structure

Ready to get official? Forming a legal business entity is generally a good idea for any business, big or small. “One of the biggest reasons to form a legal entity is liability protection,” says Sunny Adams, CPA with Apple Growth Partners.

“Separating liabilities is definitely one of the biggest advantages,” agreed A’Shira Nelson, CPA at Apple Growth Partners. “Forming a legal business entity can also simplify taxes, allows hiring of employees rather than contractors when the time comes, and helps with credibility and branding, to name a few of the other benefits.”

In addition to the legal benefits of securing a formal company name, entrepreneurs can then begin to capitalize on critical components, but not as much paperwork, such as securing a website domain, establishing social media profiles, and designing a logo. There are several types of business structures, and each comes with their own advantages and disadvantages. The most common examples that would apply to a side hustle or small business are Limited Liability Corporations (LLC) and S Corporations. The pros and cons of each, along with the business type and structure should be considered when selecting the one that will deliver the right balance of legal protection and benefits.

Register the Business Location and business structure determine how a business needs to be registered. In most cases, it’s as simple as registering the business name with the state and local government. Skipping this step could mean missing out on legal and tax benefits.

Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Once the business has a legal name and has been officially formed as an LLC or S Corporation, the business owner will need to apply for an employer identification number (EIN). The prior two steps need to be completed first to avoid any need to re-file, as the IRS will ask for the business formation date

and the legal business name as approved by the state. It’s recommended, and often required, to have an EIN when opening a business bank account, hiring employees, or to build business credit. Using an EIN instead of a personal social security number with clients and vendors also reduces identity theft and personal liability risks. Apply for Licenses, Permits, and Insurance Most businesses need a combination of licenses and permits from federal and state agencies. Fees and requirements are dependent on business type, activities, location, and government laws. Once registered, business owners should begin exploring insurance components with a certified agent. In some instances, hobbies-turned-businesses may require insurance to perform the service. Open A Business Bank Account Once a business is ready to begin accepting and spending money, it’s time to open a business bank account. As mentioned earlier, a federal EIN will be necessary for this step. Utilizing a business bank account provides additional personal liability protection and helps a business remain legally compliant. A business bank account also offers an additional sense of professionalism since customers will be able to make payments to the business rather than the individual business owner.

An important added benefit is establishing a credit history for the business, which can be used in case of emergency, to build inventory, or for large equipment purchases. Registering a company can be one of the best ways you can expand your business and help ensure its success. Not only is liability limited, but lower tax rates mean that the owner can focus on turning the business into the lucrative venture that they want it to be. Launching and sustaining a side hustle takes time and effort and may also require some investment and outside expertise. “We understand the complexity of launching a business, and how overwhelming it can feel,” says Adams. “Helping minority entrepreneurs overcome these hurdles and become success stories is what inspired the creation of

Protecting your side hustle’s income is one of the most important things you can do in 2022.

our IMPACT team,” Nelson commented. “We can help take your side hustle to an established business without the headache. If you’re unsure how to turn your side hustle into a registered business on the path for growth, contact our IMPACT team today to discuss how we can help.” So, consider your current situation and what you’d like for your future, the dreams you’d like realized, the legacy you’d like to put in place for your family. Perhaps today is a good day to step through a new door of opportunity! ●

What happens when you find your purpose and work everyday to live in your why? If you are Shontel Brown, you run congress and win in a special election, becoming one of the youngest people in Northeast Ohio to do so


Brad Bowling is the President of CODE Media Group, LLC. Bowling has his BA in mass media communication and an MBA in marketing. He contributes articles to the magazine continuing his love for writing.



When we are kids, we all spire to do something great when we grow up. We all think about how wonderful it would be to have careers in things that we think about and covet. The truth is, very few of us can say that we are doing exactly what we intended when we were teenagers. Somehow life’s decisions impact who we are and who we thought we would become. But for Shontel Brown, the newly elected congressperson for the 11th district, is doing exactly what she envisioned 20 years ago. “Its funny because in high school I was actually voted

the class vice-president.” Brown commented. “So, I have been doing politics for a while.” Brown said.

The fresh-faced Brown brings a new energy to the Northeast Ohio political landscape. When Brown walks into a room, she brightens the spirit of anyone standing in her presence. In a world of cynical people Brown is the warmth that we all need right now. Cleveland has always enjoyed seasoned politicians to serve its interests, but now we get new blood, new energy, and innovative ideas from Brown about what our future can look like. For her first one hundred days in office Brown has some ideas.

“For me, it is bringing people together to make sure that we capitalize on the once in a generation investment in the billions of dollars to reverse course on issues that have really plagued the Black community. The removal of lead pipes, and creating high speed internet access for every-

one, those are the things that I am excited about and hope to bring to the voters of Northeast Ohio.” Brown said.

Brown understands that her position is of belonging to the National Black Caucus also helps her with the challenges that Blacks face across America.

2022 is going to be an interesting year for Black people. The pandemic is a new way of life. Cre-

“I have constant reminders in my nieces and friends that help me when I need to remember where I came from, that there are people in my life, and I can turn to for laughter, hugs and prayers.”

ating income has never been more challenging and working as one unit might never happen again. In the 1940 thru out the 1960 Black people fought for a common cause. The Black man still could provide for his family with one job, and the Black family was still considered to be the center of the Black community. Today that way of life is long gone and what we think we need from our politicians is difficult to describe. So, Brown has her hands full as she decides to problems to address. Luckily for her constituents, Brown makes decisions fast. “On my second day in office I was able to cast a historic vote to move the bipartisan infrastructure bill forward and I am excited to continue to do things just like that.” Brown commented. “I also want to make sure that we locally get our hands on those dollars and its changes our economic landscape.” Brown said. What is so special about Brown is that she sees the world from a youthful lens. She brings nothing but her pure-hearted fondness for doing what’s right to the job. As voters we can only wonder how long that viewpoint can be maintained in modern day politics.

Democrats are retiring or choosing not to run in record numbers in 2022. So far over seventeen members of congress said that they plan to return to being private citizens or the plan to run for other offices. This could impact the mid-term elections and find democrats fighting for control in November. Brown understands the challenges ahead and knows that all things democrats are currently under attack. She is going to have to deal with the questionable line redistricting in the State of Ohio and the numerous legal fights in courts right now over voting rights. “Its important that the federal government get involved because we have seen of the 40 plus states that there are over 400 bills on the table, across the country, which are very much attacking our voting rights.” Brown said. “It is making access to voting harder instead of easier for those that need to vote the most.” Brown finished.

The House has already addressed the issue and now it sits before the Senate to impact all the proposed bills that might change how American vote in the up coming election.

Brown enters national politics in a time where divisiveness is the norm, working across the isle is gone, and the average American is tone death when it comes to thinking Washington can have influence anymore. With all of that on the table how can anyone expect Brown to maintain such a hopeful outlook on life and her job. We have seen what politics does to those after serving. President Barak Obama went into office with black hair, full of ideas about how he was going to make the world a better place. And while his presidency will go down as one of the best in

Shontel Brown went to John Adams High School in Cleveland, Ohio.

American history, when he ended his term eight years later, we saw a grey and battered president who became more realistic about what he could do rather than the dreamer that was the first Black president of the United States.

If Brown is going to protect herself from the hard dealings of politics, she will need a solid foundation to keep her centered.

“I have a wonderful family around me. They keep me grounded and happy that I am just a person, from Cleveland, who is lucky enough to serve.” Brown continued. “I have constant reminders in my nieces and friends that help me when I need to remember where I came from, that there are people in my life, and I can turn to for laughter, hugs and prayers.” Brown finished. Along with what Brown for the ride is “Team Telli” her childhood friends that maintain constant contact with her. Finally, Brown has a deep routed relationship with her church and God and gives him all the glory for where she is today. All we can hope for is a better 2022 then what we experienced over the last two years. For the people of Northeast Ohio, we can say that we have someone looking out for us in Washington, and here at home as well. ●

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