11 minute read


Steve Harvey


Compiled by Bilal S. Akram

“Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” - Ovid “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan “Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don’t mind the failure but I can’t imagine that I’d forgive myself if I didn’t try.”

- Nikki Giovanni

“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work and persistence.”

- Colin Powell

“We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, selfdiscipline and effort.” - Jesse Owens “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” - Dale Carnegie “The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.” - Criss Jami Children have a lesson adults should learn, to not be ashamed of failing, but to get up and try again. Most of us adults are so afraid, so cautious, so 'safe,' and therefore so shrinking and rigid and afraid that it is why so many humans fail. Most middle-aged adults have resigned themselves to failure.” - Malcolm X

“Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” - Gena Showalter

Galations 6:9 – 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

f you are an 70’s baby then you came up in the best times of Cleveland. The flats was the destination for fun and city was starting to take shape as a great place to visit. For anyone looking for the next party, all they had to do was find Greg Cameron, and the rest was history. Cameron stumbled into becoming a party host after realizing he could make a few bucks and party with all of his friends at the same time. The University School graduate returned home from Bucknell University in 1984 after playing college football and found his calling. Cameron, along with some friends, decided to have a party to test the waters and found his niche. “Someone handed us a flyer to a party and we figured we would give it a try.” Cameron said. “We rented a ball room,

Itold some of our friends, and got lucky because people came out to support us.” That support was over 800 people coming to a party that was planned in one week, with no radio or online advertising. (the internet hadn’t been invented yet). From that one event Cameron knew he was on to something. His knack for knowing when to throw a party helped him become on of the most-known party organizers in Cleveland history. Greg Cameron parties were the events that you had to attend it you wanted to apart of the in crowd. Cameron parties attracted some of the top athletes around the city and stars from across the country. “We kinda got lucky because we didn’t realize how big our events were going to get until we saw the interest in everyone who came out to support us. After we found success we


Nobody throws a better party than Cleveland legend Greg Cameron. This fall, Cameron is back with events planned all fall.

by Anthony Kirby


Anthony T. Kirby is the Lifestyle Editor for CODE M Magazine and has spent over 30 years in the menswear industry. He lives in Philadelphia, PA where he is the Creative Director for FINICKEY, an online men's haberdashery brand. (https://finickey.us)

made sure people had a good time if they came out.” Cameron said.

And come out they did. For the next decade Greg Camereon parties got bigger and bigger and attracted celebrities from around the county who felt like they had to be present if Cameron was having an event. “Lucky for me, some of my friends are pretty cool people, and they helped me along the way. I could not have done this by myself.” Cameron said.

Lynn Tolliver, the radio DJ was one of them. Tolliver would mention Cameron anytime he was hosting an event. Kym Whitley is another friend/celebrity who championed Cameron’s event. “Kim and I created a partnership where we would throw afterparties for her events that she did with other comedians. That partnership allowed for us to grow our event the right way, and allow everyone to have a fun at the same time.” Cameron said. Cameron moved to destination parties over the last ten years and offers travel events to select individuals who like to attend gatherings centered around major events. “We offer those who want to travel in groups a chance to do so without the hassle of booking something on their own.” Cameron continued, “We booked an event last year for one of the Browns away games and had a great turnout.” Today Cameron has come full circle as he hosts, along with some friends, two events over the next few months. The first is the Cookout Karake Party, at Camp Forbes on September 2nd.

On October 8th Cameron hosts the Soul In The CLE concert headlined by Ms. Conya Doss. He is back people, and we are ready to party like its 1999 all over again. ●



Greg Cameron and friends at the 2021 100 Black Men gala.


AIt’s natural for men to notice a gradual decrease in sex drive (libido) as they age. The degree of this decline varies. But in 2022, men are working out, taking pills, and doing whatever it takes to keep their bedroom t some time, all men experience a slight reduction in performance after fifty. As men age, they produce less testosterone, experience reduced physical activity, and are impacted by the side effects of the medications they take to maintain their health. But in 2022, fifty is the new thirty and men are skills as erect as possible. (Pun intended) doing everything in their power to maintain their sexual libido and continue to enjoy as much sex as possible. Men by Brad Bowling are visual creatures who love the beauty of a woman. So,

it’s only natural that a man would want to make sure he can still act on his desires, continue to please his lover, and continue to thrive in the bedroom.

Here are some of the latest tips men are using to maintain their sexual prowess in the bedroom.


Men after fifty must have a mental attraction to the person they want to sleep with. The days of wanting sex with anyone who will have it are over. Men fifty and over are drawn to women with whom they want to spend time, have great conversations, and provide mental stimulation. This means that they aren’t negative, don’t cause stress in their relationship, and are calm spirits who create a peaceful environment. Men after fifty have had enough sex with women to the point that they also want to be able to enjoy themselves outside the bedroom. Mental foreplay can be enjoying a relaxing walk, going to a live event, or traveling to a special location to spend time together. Men after fifty are not interested in arguing or spirited competition with their lovers. They want to provide peace and have peace brought to them. Once men find a woman who mentally attracts them, it’s easier to create physical attraction. That physical attraction leads to a more meaningful sexual experience and often leads to better sexual performance for both parties.


Having sex frequently — and enjoying it — puts older men at higher risk for heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems. For older men, however, good sex may lower the risk of hypertension. That’s according to the first large-scale study of how sex affects heart health in later life.

Exercising on a regular basis for men over fifty reduces the risk

The Cleveland Art Museum offers amazing views of art and entertainment.

of heart attacks or stroke. Exercise also helps increase endurance when having sex. It helps strengthen the body from injuries that might occur during sex. As men age, they begin to develop problems with lower back pain, knee issues, and fatigue. Exercise helps reduce or eliminate some of those problems. Sexual pleasure might be reduced with a weak muscular frame and can lead to other health issues.

Exercise also helps with reducing the need to take medications that come with age. The side effects of medications for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and high blood pressure could impact sexual performance. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps men avoid a lower libido due to the side effects of medication.


For men over fifty, sex starts outside the bedroom. Because they desire a mental connection, mental foreplay is paramount when creating the desire for sex. “I like to send flowers and little notes throughout the day to let her know that I appreciate her,” Thomas from Dayton said. “In return, she makes sure I have everything I need for my day. We really work to let each other know we love each other.” Mental foreplay does not require expensive gifts or travel. It can be as simple as creating a peaceful environment or encouraging a stimulating conversation, which allows a deeper mental stimulation to take place for the couple. This often leads to more meaningful sexual interactions between the couple and better sex.


Often, when one partner is frustrated with the amount of sex they are or are not getting, they’ll not speak up and say anything about it. This frustration leads to other kinds of dissatisfaction. The problem snowballs until the couple either breaks up or is at a point where one person cheats. It is best to always communicate one’s needs with the other. Communication can reduce the amount of frustration one is experiencing and allow the couple to have a healthy dialogue about issues. When expectations are set, they also can be met. Tamika from Columbus said, “I need to have a talk with my husband because we seemed to have hit a rut in the bedroom. After we talked, I realized that he was upset, too. We both had no clue how we got to the point where we weren’t having sex. But we talked, fixed it, and now we’re back to normal.”


Couples who have been together for a long time might begin to experience boredom in the bedroom. New positions can spice up the sex between couples who need a new reason to be together. Men who are older might not be able to do some of the positions they once enjoyed. Work with your lover to find new positions that are fresh and create just as much pleasure as the old positions. Sex toys are always an option for those that need to go further to create a better sexual experience. Couples should visit adult stores that specialize in creating a better sexual experience and see the available options.


For men who have a reduced erection or who suffer from ED (Erectile Disorder), there are trusty options available to help them get and maintain an erection. Affectionally called the ‘Blue Pill,” men have numerous options to choose from if seeking a medical option to aid in sexual performance in the bedroom.

There are also devices that can help men get and maintain erections. Penis rings can be used to keep the blood from leaving the penis during sex. There are different sizes than can be placed at different positions that are adjustable for comfort.

There is no shortage of options and actions that men can take to enjoy more sex in the bedroom. One of the best parts about being an adult is the ability to have as much sex as possible. Use some of the options available to you, find a great partner, and as always, practice safe sex. ●


We all have experienced defining moments in our lives where something happens to change our course of direction. What we learn from those moments can shape who we are forever. by Leslie Logan

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