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Local Events & Clubs

Charity Tea Dances at Ettington Community Centre, Rogers Lane, Ettington. CV37 6SX. (A422 & 5 miles south of SOA). Monthly on Wednesdays from 2.30pm playing CD music for Ballroom, Latin, easy Sequence etc. £5pp at door (incl. Tea/coffee & biscuits) and large free carpark! Details: Alan/Vivian 01789 204989. Email: ilov2getherdancing@ hotmail.com Next dance is on Wednesday February 8th 2023. The Friendship Project for Children We recruit volunteers to take out local children in need of support for friendship and fun. We are looking for volunteers to take out the young people, as well as sponsorship, donations, and kind individuals to promote us via leaflet delivering or following us on social media @friendshipproj. For more details: https:// friendshipproject.co.uk/about/how-you-can-help/ for call Heather, Area Co-ordinator 07922 400945.

Dene Valley u3a: On the 2nd Tuesday of every month we host a presentation on a topic of general interest starting at 2.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Wellesbourne. All welcome to attend. Non members £2 which includes refreshments.


Wellesbourne WI meets every month on the second Wednesday, except August, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm in Wellesbourne Village Hall, School Road, CV359NH. New members and visitors very welcome. Find us on Facebook, WellesbourneWomensInstitute, or contact Alison on Secretary.wellesbournewi@gmail.com or 01789 565222 for further information.

Norton Lindsey WI meets every second Wednesday monthly from 7:30pm to 9:30pm in Norton Lindsey Village Hall, Wolverton Road, CV35 8JL. New members very welcome. Contact:- secretary@nlwi.org.uk for more info. The South Warwickshire Prostate Cancer Support Group is for those whose lives are affected by cancer of the Prostate; the men, their partners and their families. For further information please contact Doug Badger on email at badgersett@live.co.uk or tel. 01789 488422 or text on 07784 545513 for more detailed information or check our website www. southwarwickshire pcsg.org.uk

Tai chi classes, Tuesday 11.30am & Thursday 9.30am in Warwick, Wednesday 1pm in Ettington, Friday 8.15am & 9.30am in Stratford. Please contact me for details: Debbie 07773 318830 debbie@swantaichi.co.uk www.swantaichi.co.uk Call

Single Boots We are a Midlands based walking club for single people. We organise weekend day walks; Summer evening walks; weekend trips away in cottages, B&B’s and camping; social activities. Please visit our website: www.singleboots.co.uk

Scottish Country Dancing will run till St. Andrews day at the end of November, on Tuesday nights at 8.p.m. at Rosebird Community Hall. Shipston Rd. Stratford We are a friendly group who will help you learn. Soft shoes, please. Moira. 01789550339.

Line Dance Sessions for beginners and improvers held at Clifford Chambers on Thursday afternoons during Warwickshire school terms only. Please contact Glenda on 01789 264335 for further information.

The Heart of England Woodturning Club meets at Foundation House, Masons Road, CV37 9NB on the second Friday of each month at 7.00PM with doors open at 6.15PM. All abilities welcome, including beginners, for professional and member demonstrations, turning related chat and the exchange of techniques, ideas, skills and experiences. Small visitors fee or join up as a member. www.heartofenglandwoodturners.weebly.com/ and contact gilesdugmore@aol.com for more details.

Keep Fit Fitness & Pilates Classes in Alcester. Fin Fit Studio New Pilates & Fitness Classes in Alcester. Keep Fit 60+ - Tuesday 10.30am (Alcester Scout Centre - £5) Pilates - Tuesday 5pm & 6.30pm (Alcester Grammar School£7) Body Toning - Thursday 6.30pm (Alcester Town Hall - £6). Jana Finson, 07783 906939, jana@finfitstudio.com, www.finfitstudio.com

Krystle Jayne’s Dance Academy. Ballet, tap & street classes at Studley village hall. Suitable for 2.5-8 years. FREE trial offered. Krystle Smith, 07791852891, krystlejaynedance@gmail.com, www. krystlejaynedanceacademy.co.uk

Free Courses for Mental Health and Resilience. These free workshops are for: Males managing stress and overwhelm, Small Businesses & employees, Working Mums. For more information or to book a workshop or place, please contact the training team on the below details: Training@ springfieldmind.org.uk, Telephone: 01789 298615


Holistic m:

Belinda is an Ollie Coach & Specialist in Emotional Wellbeing and Emotional Resilience Coaching.

She has over 25 year experience working with Families helping children and young people with their emotions or challenging behaviours. Working with children and their parents Belinda helps them learn about their emotions and behaviour, and how to manage them, building resilience and emotional wellbeing in children, teens and adults.

Do you spend time Worrying about your child? Is Parenting is a constant Challenge or a Battle? Do you feel Alone or that everyone else is doing better? Are you Fraught with Conflicts or debates with your partner or other family members about how to parent? You want to do the best for your child but you're not sure how! You may wish that there was a safe space to explore parenting where you had more support, information or understanding?

Well there is! At Last!!

There is nothing wrong with YOU or your child! Why not enrol for one of Belinda's Parenting Workshops or Support Sessions to see what YOU could learn!

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