Issue 3
-----------------THE SECOND ISSUE
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Programming in Physics
Quantam Computing
Programming in Physics Programming is a versatile tool. It is not only used for entertainment and recreation, but for school and education as well. This naturally brings upon the question on what’s to happen to academia? People that are involved in academia are known for the large sums of knowledge that they possess and the abstract ways they discover solutions. But we should perceive that a computer is capable of completing these tasks as well. A computer can be used for calculations in mathematics and physics as well as predicting the movement of cells and atoms. This article will discuss how programming is used and if programs make scientists obsolete. There are many different programming languages that are used for a range of different reasons. There is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and many others that are used for websites. There are programs such as Python, C++, and Java for A.I. and modeling. Furthermore, there is even Latex and Overleaf used for research papers. The computer languages that can be used are numerous. But scientists normally use only a handful of programming languages (mainly Python, C++, and LateX); they use them for models, research papers, and artificial intelligence.
C++: Video games are mainly made in C++ and c#. In the past, it took years to make a mediocre game, but now it can take mere months. One of the reasons why this is, is because C++ is used to stimulate physics. For example, Unity, Unreal engine, and Godot are all game engines that have roots in C++. Furthermore, C++ is also used to simulate physics in a lab. Though it isn’t as commonly used in the scientific field, Python can be used for commercial use.
Python: Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is used for web and internet development, education, apps, and business applications. Python is an excellent choice for doing computational physics.It can also be used for numeric and scientific computing. There are different libraries to suit both scientific, mathematical, and analytical needs: There is SciPy for collections of packages for mathematics, science, and engineering, Pandas for data analysis and modeling, and IPython for visualisation.
LateX: Latex is a text editor that is used for scientific papers. LateX may seem like a glorified version of Google Docs, but it is useful for scientific papers that need to include equations. It is also useful for getting a specific format that is considered standard in the scientific community.
Physics is considered one of the hardest subjects there are. It takes mathematics, abstract thinking, creativity, and determination to do physics. It is a hard job for even the smartest of people. Although computers may not be able to do abstract thinking, they can greatly contribute to physics, as they are much better than humans at mathematics. For example, they can perform algebra, trigonometry, calculus, linear algebra, and geometry. This then raises the question, why are there still human physicists? They should have all been replaced by computer scientists. Actually, physicists are computer scientists. Programming is a necessary mechanism used in science. Instead of being replaced by computers, physicists are using programming as a convenient tool. In fact, physicists and mathematicians were the ones who developed computers. Charles Babbage and Alan Turing are physicists and mathematicians that worked on the first computers. Charles Babbage created the Analytical Machine. This is the oldest machine that resembles a computer. It was able to do mathematics automatically at lightning speed. Alan Turing created the first Artificial Intelligence and electronic computer. The electronic computer was programmable, unlike the Analytical Machine which had to be changed physically. They contributed significantly to the fields of science, mathematics, programming, and our daily lives.
But why not make the programming autonomous? Why not have a self writing lateX, or python selfreplicating A.I, or a C++ program that simulates the human brain? In theory with new advancements with quantum computing, robotic scientists this could be a possible future. If robots gained the ability of creativity and deep analysis, robots would completely take over both the intellectual and physical sectors. If this happens, the terminator will become a reality. Let’s just hope that this isn’t possible. Scientists are not only deep thinkers, curious people, and hard workers, they are programmers. In fact computers were originally meant to help scientists make better calculations. With the evolution of programs, the use it has in science has also evolved. C++, Python, and Latex are the languages mostly used by scientists. Programming may evolve so much that it may completely replace their creators. Hopefully, this outcome does not happen and we continue to use it as a mechanism and not a scientist.
QUANTUM COMPUTING Quantum computing, considered one of the most advanced computing systems available in today’s society, is one of the more riveting new techniques of programming. IBM, Microsoft, Intel, and even Google have tried their hands on quantum computing. Quantum computing can not only lead to tighter internet security and protection from hackers, but also ensure faster computing, and can help assemble machines that may possess artificial super-intelligence. There have been a plethora of discussions on the manifold ways in which quantum computing can metamorphose the world. But the ultimate question is what exactly is quantum computing? Quantum computers are advanced computation devices. Made of a variety of materials with various techniques of programming, these devices have a multitude of uses and benefits. Quantum computing uses quantum mechanics, a relatively newer branch of physics, and possesses the capability to do advanced computations and solve complex problems that a normal computer would not be able to do. However, since the wiring is so delicate, it will not be a replacement for the quotidian home computers and smartphones . They can only be used either in a lab or in a setting with highly skilled IT professionals. Quantum computers may not
be as popular or user-friendly as the regular personal computers, yet they will affect our day to day lives significantly. They will tackle traffic, amplify artificial intelligence techniques, strengthen online security, and have a consequential positive effect on drug synthesis and weather forecasting. All these advancements will make our lives much easier. Artificial intelligence can help humanity make advancements in technology and science, allowing us to simulate many real life procedures; and improved online security will be useful in the fight against the rising amounts of hackers and infiltrations; drug development and improved traffic will lead to less deaths, and improved weather forecasting will help people become more prepared for climatic tumults. Quantum computing will truly make humanity prosper. But how do quantum computers work? Quantum computing is basically applied quantum mechanics. It uses the theories and discoveries that quantum mechanics has made, to advance computing. Normal computers use the traditional binary system of 1’s and 0’s, but quantum computers use the probability of a state. There could be an infinite number of probabilities which means that quantum computers could hold much more data than a regular computer or IoT device and can compute many more things more smoothly and with less buffer time. The quantum computer finds the probability of a state by using something called a ‘qubit’.
Classical computers use the definite position of a physical state to carry out logical operators. The classical computer then holds it in a binary digit(bit), which is the smallest unit of measurement for computer data. Bits can be defined as a boolean value with 1 being true, and 0 being false. Quantum computers use the quantum state of an object and store it in a quantum bit(or qubit). A quantum bit is a value that can hold 1s’, 0’s, and the quantum superposition of 1 and 2. This means that an exponentially larger amount of data can be stored by the quantum computers. Qubits are used for parts of the quantum computer, especially the Quantum Processing Unit(QPU). There are also other parts of a quantum computer that are important for its function such as: D-Wave enclosure, dilution refrigerator to keep the temperature of the quantum computer low, microprocessors to store more information, and photons/lasers to help computer parts communicate with each other. Although quantum computing may seem like a simple concept, quantum computing demands exuberant skills and thereby, can lead to an array of opportunities for society.
Still, there is a long road to quantum computing. It will likely take decades to integrate quantum computers with commercial workplace technology. In the meantime, there is a quantum computing cloud service called Quantum Experience, a part of the cloud service offered by IBM, a company that is known for their advanced computing and IoT devices. They helped create the first computers and even helped with computations during the lunar Apollo Missions over the decades. At present, they are working on quantum computing and have created an open-source quantum computing service that people can access from the cloud to make computations that a quantum computer can easily do. Microsoft, another company that has historically been important to the creation of the computer, has made an open-source computer programming language that can be used to program quantum computers. The language Q# permits us to “Write and test quantum
algorithms to explore superposition, entanglement, and other quantum operations. The Q# libraries enable you to run complex quantum operations without having to design lowlevel operation sequences.� This is stated on the official Microsoft Website. Anybody can harness the power of quantum computing with adequate knowledge and skill development. Classical computers use the definite position of a physical state to carry out logical operators. The classical computer then holds it in a binary digit(bit), which is the smallest unit of measurement for computer data. Bits can be defined as a boolean value with 1 being true, and 0 being false. Quantum computers use the quantum state of an object and store it in a quantum bit(or qubit). A quantum bit is a value that can hold 1s’, 0’s, and the quantum superposition of 1 and 2. This means that an exponentially larger amount of data can be stored by the quantum computers. Qubits are used for parts of the quantum computer, especially the Quantum Processing Unit(QPU). There are also other parts of a quantum computer that are important for its function such as: D-Wave enclosure, dilution refrigerator to keep the temperature of the quantum computer low, microprocessors to store more information, and photons/lasers to help computer parts communicate with each other. Although quantum computing may seem like a simple concept, quantum computing demands exuberant skills and thereby, can lead to an array of opportunities for society.
Quantum computing will lead to advancements in the commercial sector, technology sector, and science sector.After analysis, we infer that due to the delicate composition and assembling of electronic parts that make up quantum computers, there can be much faster and more accurate computations. It may seem that only the most intelligent and experienced programmers can use quantum computers and use the techniques of quantum computing.However, this is only partially true! With hard work and grit, anybody can use quantum computers. With the help of resources online from Coursera, IBM and Microsoft, even you can become a quantum programmer!
How Finance affects College Students and How You can Avoid it
How Finance Affects College Students & How You Can Avoid it One of the main issues that College students have to face is college debts. Some students just don't go to college to avoid their debts. For the people who have a deal with debts, these are some of the problems you might face. For example, it interferes with financial freedom, affects living conditions, lowers their credit score, and lastly make makes them less likely to get a job. Due to all the stress they have because of their debts. These are not the only problems. Studies have shown that people who have debts are more likely to have depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and mental illness. However, these are some ways you can deal with debts. First, there is usually always financial aid and financial wellness programs. Some other choices are scholarships and grants, tuition installment plans, and part-time jobs to save up money.
INTERNSHIPS Stuck on choosing your career path? Fear not, because internships are here to help! Internships offer insight on career fields and often are partnered with mentorship programs.
They foster the skill set you need for the real world and provide guidance for you to transition from school to the real world.
Most importantly, internships are the pipeline to a full-time offer post grad! Securing an internship is a tedious process but a worthwhile experience.
Internships may seem intimidating, but we’re here to guide you towards how to prepare for one. College internships mainly target juniors and seniors, since internship programs do feed into full-time offers. As a freshman or sophomore you can build your resume through case competitions, company leadership programs, or school organizations. To increase your chances of securing an internship, make sure to tailor your resume as close as possible to the job description. Several large companies use an Application Tracker System (ATS) to scan for those keywords. Networking can dramatically increase your chances of securing an internship. People are more likely to hire people they know. Search up your interviewer on LinkedIn and connect with a personalized invite to introduce yourself before the interview. Doing so establishes your passion and excitement for the role. Schedule a coffee chat with an alumni that works for your company you seek a position for. After you get your foot-in-the-door, it will get easier. As an intern, you are not required to know the in’s and out’s of the company, but rather display the aptitude to learn. No one expects you to have advanced technical skills, but you are expected to learn as you progress further throughout the duration of the internship. In order to make the most out of your internship experience, make sure to show plenty of interest and create strong relationships with your mentors and co-workers. The bottomline is to be prepared to learn, show determination, and connect with your colleagues!
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Thank you for reading Issue III!