3 minute read
from 2023 Summer Courier
by Coe College
According to survey results, 15% of respondents indicated they owned a business. The new, additional alumni business directory will catalog businesses and not only let you support Coe entrepreneurial efforts, but help you find new recommendations and even score a discount or two!
Sharing Your Life Updates

News about your classmates is one of the staples of the Courier — just take a look at page 35. However, sometimes life can happen at a breakneck pace. What if you don’t want to wait until the next Courier issue comes out? Class News on Coe Connect will consolidate submissions from you and your classmates to share life updates more immediately, so you can stay in-the-know on others’ accomplishments and lives.
Hearing About Your Affinities
When asked what they want to hear and keep up-todate about at Coe, alumni ranked a dozen options of what is most important to them. A few choices rose to the top for survey respondents: their class, their past faculty/staff and their departments and majors. These elements about the Coe experience are personal with close ties for alumni over the years. Spaces are dedicated areas for alumni to connect over affinity and shared interests.
By activating your Coe Connect profile, you have the opportunity to access a Kohawk-only platform — no additional accounts need to be created. This one-stop shop for interaction allows you to converse with fellow alumni about shared interests, while valuing your privacy as a user.
A:1.e•a onge• wait :he 5£-cond :ime a•ound ½'? got co'":acted n January o.::2023 tha: 'lie had oeeri matc"ed. F:1s:forward to Marc'" C:h Y..C'ge: a ca to dri,.·eto At a..:a, Georg a mrrediate y Ramsey sta:,ed home w :h g•a.,dparents wh '? :he dads ·Ma::hew ard lu-:e) :ra.,el;:;,d o~·ernig'": to ti€ t"'ere t"'I: me .::orth-=-bir:h of t""e·r second son, -heodo·e ~omas on ,.._,arc:i8! we·,.-e hacl a wo...,deri=J :1Nomon:hs i;:etti"g to -.now the dyna~ cs o.::the Lo\''°'good q..1a•te: and as o.: ,.._,ay16:"', Tt'-eodo·e benmt? fort?·;e• ours wit" a zoom hear ng w :h :ht? egal tea'Ti n Georgia! Ramsey O',@S be ng-a o g o•o:fier arid Teddy (as y.·e ca T ..eodore) s ge::1ng doted ar,d lo•,ed on .::ro'Tit ...e rest of ..s. Tno2-•am·ry res des n Cedar Rap ds. where Lu~.e us:= '"lished "is frst ):ea· as :he Assistant Pro.::essor of C'1o•a M ..s c Educa:ion at n s a rf'a ma:er Cce Co ege! Matt he~ works as :he pr n c:ioa 's adT.i'1is:ra: \ as.sis:art at Roose·.-e,: ~1iddle Schoo a"d as a .azzercise nstructor. Ramseyv.-orks any aud e'lce :ha: w1 ist~'"I a ...d Teddy is alo"'g for:h~ ride at :h s po r: :).
Location Ceda• R.ap·ds, IA, USA
Is Published Yes
These groups will be built throughout the process of alumni being added to Coe Connect, which allows Spaces to continue to be responsive to alumni interests and what matters to you. More information will be shared through Coe Connect as Spaces evolve and grow, so be sure to check the platform regularly to see the newest and greatest.
We’ve taken the best parts of the old alumni website and made them better than ever. Giving to Coe is an integral part of the alumni experience, and Coe Connect provides an enhanced user experience to continue to process your investments safely and securely.

You will also still be able to register for your favorite events, including alumni get-togethers and Homecoming each year. This easier process will allow you as guests to receive real-time updates, see other attendees and encourage others to join you.
Getting Started
Can’t wait to check out everything on the new site? Neither can the Advancement Office, and they are excited to launch you into your Kohawk connections this July! Look for your invitation to join the site through the email address you have shared with Coe or a mailed postcard. We can’t wait to connect with you through this improved, streamlined digital experience for alumni.
Class of 1973 50th Reunion
0 Class of 1973 Verification
@ Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
This space was created to connect 1973 Coe alumni before the 50th Class Reunion on Saturday, September 23! We will share updates about omecoming weekend ac ivities, keep you in the loop about reunion festivities & take you back o 1973 with fun pictures from your time at Coe!

# All posts
# General # Homecoming
# Reunion
# Reunion Giving