1 minute read
MusicalumniQ&A '
from 2023 Winter Courier
by Coe College
How did Co,e pr,epar,e you 'to succ,e,edIn 'this posl'tlon?
Coe provides wonderful connections to area teachers and classrooms which allowed me to get great observation and teaching experience! The Coe music faculty work to ensure that music education students are receiving enriching content. both in and outside of the classroom. My methods courses and private lessons were designed with a strong curriculum in order to help prepare me for leadership in my own classroom.
In your opinion, wha't'.s the b,est part abou't Coe's mu.sic educa'tlon program·?
To me the best part about Coe's music education program is the content exposure. As a music education student I was able to learn about and feel confident in my knowledge of general vocal and instrumental music across all grade levels. The professors also helped foster my interests and encouraged me on my career path.