CNZ picks / B I T E S A N D D E L I G H T S
iHowler Hotdogs are rolling out thei igluten free mini hotdog to accompanyi ithe regular size – popular for platters,i ias a snack option and for kids’ parties!i iYum! howlerhotdogs.co.nzi
iSmooshed Wholefood Ballsi icontain just a handful of naturali iingredients, no dded sugar and arei iminimally processed. tasti.co.nzi iOh, hello gorgeous gluten freei imuesli slice! This delicious creationi ifeatures Healtheries Gluten Freei iBerry De-Light Cereal and is perfecti ifor a quick breakfast on the go or ai ifilling snack. healtheries.co.nzi
Bakels 'Gold Label' range is scrumptious, moist and full of flavour. It makes preparing gluten-free cupcakes, cakes or muffins as easy as one two three. nzbakels.co.nz
iHave fresh bread anytime withi iThe Alternative Bread Company specialityi ibread mix range. Crossed Grain logoi iaccredited, dairy, soy, nut and egg free.i ialternativebread.co.nzi
34 | Autumn 2020 Coeliac Link
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iCup convenience for a tasty snack or meal ini ian instant! High in wholegrains, Yoodles browni irice noodle cups are gluten free, and containi ino artificial colours, no artificial flavours, noi ipreservatives and no added MSG. Available ini ichicken and beef flavours. acton.co.nzi
Wahiki coconut ice cream comes in a new boysenberry flavour – the perfect topping for a winter dessert! wahiki.co.nzi
Made lovingly by hand this delicious Twocan gluten free peanut butter is made from double ground slow roasted peanuts (including the skins for additional fibre and goodness). twocanfoods.comi
Check out the newi Free FromiGluten bite-sizedi crackers – they’re superi crunchy and full of flavour.i A great lunchbox option,i also suitable for vegan diets!i icountdown.co.nzi