“In just three weeks I lost ten pounds!” Recently I lost quite a bit of weight, but like most people I hit a plateau. I increased my physical activity and carefully watched what I ate but couldn't lose those last Ten + pounds. I had been taking Lipotropics and Thermogenics for many years with little or no success. Then I started taking your Coenzyme-A and Body Image products. In just three weeks I lost ten pounds! I couldn't believe it! What I was struggling for months to achieve was accomplished in just three short weeks! If anyone out there is struggling with their weight I strongly recommend these products. Now all my friends want to buy some too. — S. Bouche', Seattle, WA
“Without the supplements I doubt if I would be writing this.” Just a note to update you on the effects of your products. I just completed an angiogram and complete checkup of my heart. The test showed all 4 of my bypasses were, after almost 9 years, perfectly clear of any buildup whatsoever. This is almost unheard of and quite a surprise to my cardiologist. My ejection fraction has increased from 15% to 23-25%. I attribute all of this to the combination of prescribed drugs and your products. Without the supplements I doubt if I would be writing this. If I don't take Coenzyme-A, my energy level tails off to near zero and the Body Image improves my breathing considerably. I just did very well on a pulmonary test. I was almost normal for my age. The only serious setback that I have had was, after a change in a cardiac medication, my defibrillator went off, shocking me 40 times in 2 hours. I spent 4 days in ICU until they straightened my meds out. This had nothing to do with my supplements, except that they helped me be strong enough to endure it. Once again, thank you for your products and please continue manufacturing them. I am sure there are many folks depending on you for these wonderful supplements. Thank you. — R. McCormick, Benton City, WA
COENZYME-A “I truly believe that Coenzyme-A saved my life.” I began taking Coenzyme-A in 2003 as a supplement. I am diabetic and was looking for something that would help my diabetic condition. In 2004 I shattered my foot. I was confined to a wheel chair for 14 months. During that time I had four surgeries and many medications.
In May 2005 I was rushed to the hospital. The number of medications I had been taking caused my kidneys to shut down. I was confined to the hospital for a week. They said I would needed kidney dialysis. I was taken off some of the medications and felt better. They released me from the hospital without giving me dialysis and told me to stay in the wheel chair. I did not take Coenzyme-A while in the hospital, but when I returned home I began taking it and saw great improvement by Christmas. In January 2006 I was out of the wheelchair and was considered healed and ready to be back to work. I never had to go on dialysis nor did I stay in the wheel chair as the doctors said I would. I am on half the medication I was on a year ago and I believe that it is due to the Coenzyme-A supplements. — R. Brooks, Seattle, WA
“Several of my doctors have gone as far as saying that I am now their biggest success in the long term treatment of HIV.” I was diagnosed as HIV positive 15 years ago, but I do not have full-blown AIDS. I do not know when I became infected. My initial treatment consisted of a traditional HIV (DRUG) cocktail as well as hyperbaric oxygen treatments. As part of an HIV treatment, the main task of hyperbarics is to help the body rid itself of toxins, which are a result of the HIV (DRUG) cocktails. This allows much better tolerance of the cocktails' many side effects. It's been discovered that, over a long period of time, the (DRUG) cocktails eventually make HIV patients just as ill as the disease does. One day, the clinic where I went for my hyperbaric treatments closed without warning. The closest clinics to me were either booked months in advance or several hundred miles away. Without this treatment. I soon felt the cumulative side effects of the drugs that I was taking. I became desperate, to the point of considering buying a hyperbarics tank of my own. As I searched for the possibility of less expensive substitutes, I learned about Coenzyme-A nutraceutical supplement. The benefits of Coenzyme-A have been many: my energy level has increased, my T-cell count went from the mid-400's to 980, and all of the other side effects have been reduced dramatically. I feel Coenzyme-A has been a major help for my condition. My T-cell count of 980 represents a lower-end full-load immune system. My doctors have never seen this happen before. With HIV, T-cells drop but then go up again after a (DRUG) cocktail regimen is administered. Because the body becomes used to the cocktail, T-cells begin to slowly drop
once more after a while. Once the drop in T-cells becomes drastic, a scheduled interruption of the (DRUG) cocktail therapy is prescribed. This allows the cocktail to work to its full effect once it's resumed. I have been on my present (DRUG) cocktail for about 5 years and I do not show any of the long-term problems that are typically associated with HIV drug treatments. This lack of long-term side effects has almost never been seen. My doctors felt hyperbarics helped me tolerate my drug treatment. And now, it is evident that Coenzyme-A has actually accomplished much more than hyperbarics ever did. Several of the doctors that treat me have gone as far as saying that I am now their (biggest success in the long term treatment of HIV). — T. Good, Elkridge, MD
“I am writing this as a testimonial for the unbelievable results your Coenzyme-A has had in helping me regain my body strength and generally improved health.” My colon was removed almost 12 years ago and I have struggled ever since to learn how best to handle the resulting problems. I am a nutritionist professionally so I am doubly grateful for the outcome after all these years of struggle. I am 78 years old, facing the expected reduction in body soundness and less strength for daily demands so you can understand why I am so thankful for having discovered your excellent product and all its possibilities. I have recommended Coenzyme-A to as many of my friends as I could reach and feel sad for those who turned away with the usual skepticism one encounters in this field of alternative medicine. Again my thanks and appreciation to you as a company seemingly so dedicated to helping people stay healthy. — V. Spinney, Polson, MT
“After battling M.S. progression, I would lie awake in bed for hours unable to sleep (despite sleeping through class); ataxia crippled my coordination to walk, write with a pen, or type assignments.” I ran, jogged, during the autumn of my first year in law school and developed a symptom, double vision, both incurable and constant. Diagnosed on October 5, 1989, the Multiple Sclerosis I carry has traveled my system, completely. In the following three academic years I
experienced perpetual bouts of disturbed vision, fatigue, weakness, bowl & bladder disfunction, insomnia, depression, and ataxia. At that time, medications provided little reprieve; I took Amitriptyline for emotional incontinence, Amantadine for fatigue, Prozac for depression, and Dibenzyline for urinary hesitancy. Drugs couldn't stop the symptoms; however, they did provide a small sample of relief. I did take, every six months my final two years, the IV steroid medication, Methylprednisolone. This provided enough recovery to permit my successful completion of school. However, visual exacerbations, typically, took three weeks to remit; fatigue came with the rigorous graduate school schedule and let up only with vacations, at which time I would sleep, nap, and rest the full day; my inability to walk to school (half mile) made for evidence of weakness beyond the functional; my bowl/bladder releases at the most public and inappropriate moments inhibited my professional pursuits; after battling disease progression a full day, I would typically lie, awake, in bed for hours unable to sleep (despite sleeping through reading assignments and class); the ataxia crippled my coordination to walk (I started using a cane), and write with a pen, or type assignments. I graduated one month late of three years and committed myself to living with MS and staying out of a wheel chair. I came West November of 1992 and saw Dr. James Bowen, Neurologist, at the University of Washington; he monitored my non-medicinal approach to a stable recovery. I have since curbed my drug intake to Amitriptyline, Melatonin, and Betaseron. Dr. Nick Skouras introduced me to the natural supplements, which included: B-100 caps, C-1000 caps, Super Cal-Mag, Omega Twin flax seed oil cut with borage oil, Valerian East Indian Root, Mega-GLA 300 Borage Oil, the Green Multi-Vitamin, and Coenzyme-A. The last and most recent dietary supplement, Coenzyme-A, was introduced by Dr. Nick Skouras ten months ago. I take one 900-mg. capsule three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. It provides a strength to walk strong and long; I recently walked around Green Lake (2.8 miles); the muscular aches so evident in law school or lying in bed, have diminished to an arbitrary and dull reminder; my sleep has for the first time settled into a nocturnal bliss; and, my stamina currently hosts the forty hour work week. Today I use no devices to walk. I wake mornings at 5:30 a.m. and work from 7 to 4. I started a non-dairy, non red meat, non-wheat, and Zone diet using soy milk, fish, chicken, bran flakes, rice, tofu, and Green tea or espresso. — S. Couch, Seattle, WA
“Since taking Coenzyme-A, I have a renewed energy and a more positive attitude toward the business problems I face.” I have been using Coenzyme-A, "The Master Coenzyme" for three weeks now and I still feel great. I feel like this is way I am supposed to feel. But I haven't been feeling like my full
potential for many years, since I had children and all the hard working years of being Mom and working too. About a year ago I took up the hardest project I have ever undertaken, I started up a new company, a wholesale baking business, specializing in a highly nutritious and delicious laborintensive product. I did this single-handedly without partners or financial backers. It has been really hard work. Since taking Coenzyme-A, I have a renewed energy and a more positive attitude toward the business problems I face. I have completely stopped buying latte's, I seem to have extra pocket money when I'm not throwing out $2.00 or more several times a day just to be mentally functional or be able to drive safely. I have always wanted to quit drinking coffee, as I know it is bad for the health, but have never been able to. Now I am stopping or cutting back my coffee habit without really trying to. I just don't need it anymore. Sometimes I make a cup in the morning from habit or as a morning ritual, but I really don't need to drink it and I sometimes just drink half of the cup. I used to drink 2 or 3 cups before I left the house to jump-start my brain in the morning. Coffee is no longer a big deal in my life anymore. This is really cool. Coenzyme-A makes me feel stronger when I exercise too, my muscle tone is improving faster from fewer workouts. I have more spring in my step and I feel like doing more of everything, from housework, to social activities. — J. Shozen, Seattle, WA
“After taking your product, my depression seemed to subside and I no longer felt anxious. I have also noticed my blood pressure is normal…” I would like to tell you how much your Coenzyme-A product has done for me. The past few years have been the most difficult ones in my life. I was under a lot of stress and felt very depressed. I recently separated from my husband which added to my depression. Along with this, I care for my aging parents, which is a major responsibility. During the past few years two of my sisters passed away. Their loss greatly affected me. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure which I believe was due to all the stress. I have been on Lotensin to maintain a normal blood pressure. After taking your product for a few weeks, I could begin to feel a difference. My depression seemed to subside. My mind felt clear and I no longer felt anxious. I have also noticed my blood pressure is normal without taking the Lotensin. I have decided to stop taking it with the consent of my physician. I have taken numerous supplements but have never found one as effective as yours. I truly believe this is the miracle supplement. — C. Stokes
“I was able to sleep through the night and I had more energy throughout the day”
Thank you for introducing me to Coenzyme A. I am perimenopausal, and have suffered with insomnia and low energy for almost a year. I have tried numerous natural remedies with no relief. However, within several days of taking Coenzyme A, I was able to sleep through the night and I had more energy throughout the day. This held true throughout the month. I am grateful, delighted and relieved to have tried this product. Thanks for your good service! — B. Hill
“Being an Olympic caliber athlete for the Women's National Rowing Team and a World Champion, I have found each of these products to be an important part of my success.” I have been a regular user of Coenzyme-A, Body Image and Healthy Joint Image products for nearly a year. Being an Olympic caliber athlete for the Women's National Rowing Team and a World Champion, I have found each of these products to be an important part of my success. In the fall of 1997 I began training for the summer Olympic Games in Sydney. Unfortunately, the volume of training and increased muscle mass created a perfect recipe for rib stress fracture in the spring of 1998. This is a common injury for rowers due to the amount of stress we create through our trunk area. What I soon realized after rehab is that some injuries never REALLY disappear. This continued to be a problem area for me until July of 1999. After having taken Coenzyme-A and Healthy Joint Image products consistently for about 6 months, I noticed a dramatic increase in the stability of my shoulder and rib area. All of the connective tissue that had previously given me so much trouble was more elastic and "moisturized," which I could actually feel! Keep in mind I train 3 times each day, so I just wonder what this could do for a typical athlete who exercises 3-5 times each week for health purposes! An interesting part of my competition as a world-class athlete is that at competition I have to weigh in at 125.6 lbs (57kg), 15 lbs less than my natural body weight of 140-lbs/12% body fat. The Body Image and Coenzyme-A products along with a balanced diet have helped create a safe stable foundation in which I can lose weight effectively (fat NOT muscle) and recover from workouts faster as I lean down. Again, I can only imagine how this will help me when I return to teaching and exercising 4-5 times each week, when my body is in a more balanced environment!
Pictured from left to right: Sherri Kiklas, Angie Cummins, Sara DenBesten & Molly Brock
Nick and Don, your support and expertise in my development has been critical to my past success. Thank you for your hard work in developing these incredibly helpful products and sponsoring me in my pursuit for the Olympic Games. Sincerely, Angie Cummins
I am writing to commend you on the development of Coenyzme-A. I am the father of a seven year old girl with autism and a full-time researcher of that disease. A large part of the disease of autism has to do with toxicity and the inability to detoxify naturally. Acetyl Coenzyme-A deficiency in autism has already been established by Megson et al. and others. Though current treatments with DMSA (as with most pharmaceuticals, further toxic reactions may occur) and alpha lipoic acid are showing positive results in heavy metal detoxification, none of which to my knowledge could begin to compare with the results I have seen using Coenzyme-A and alpha lipoic acid, Coenzyme-A can also remove many other toxins, such as pesticides and dioxin, through natural cellular detoxification. Cellular integrity is essential to any attempts to regain homeostasis. Sir, if you should post this communication, would you include my name and address, as I would like to hear from other parents concerning this matter? Thank you for your efforts. Yours truly, Roger Welsh
I am 69 years old and have recently undergone hormone treatment, chemotherapy and a very extensive internal cleansing program because I have cancer. After that I began using Coenzyme-A Technologies' Coenzyme-A product to help rebuild my depleted internal resources. Within one week of using Coenzyme-A I noticed my energy level was much higher and my depression had lifted. Because I feel so much better now, I am a lot nicer to people than when I felt sick and depressed. — E. Johnson, Seattle, WA
“After taking the daily recommended dosage for only three days, I could feel the difference. I became more energetic and goal oriented; daily chores became doable.” My best friend recently died of cancer following almost seven months of biweekly chemotherapy treatments. I felt a great loss; it was very distressing! During the following month, I found it increasingly difficult to get anything accomplished due to fatigue and lack of initiative. Food preparation and consumption became haphazard, getting out of bed became a chore; household and yard maintenance just didn't get done on a rational schedule. Depression is an insidious illness! I didn't recognize what was wrong. Fortunately, I got lucky; I undertook the cure before I realized that I needed to treat the illness. I am one of the first to benefit from the availability of the new nutritional product: Coenzyme-A. After taking the daily recommended dosage for only three days, I could feel the difference. I became more energetic and goal oriented; daily chores became doable. Continuing the same usage of Coenzyme-A has made life even more enjoyable. I know now that I had been suffering the effects of stress and depression. I had known that Coenzyme-A was being developed. My health care adviser is one of the founders of a new company called Coenzyme-A Technologies Inc. (the manufacturer of Coenzyme-A). I had planned to start taking it as soon as it became available; I'm certainly glad I did! At age 74 it's been nice to find a supplement that boosts one's energy level and enthusiasm. Hopefully my experience will be of benefit to others. — W. Richter, Issaquah, Washington
“I have been on the Healthy Joint Image and Coenzyme-A products for six weeks now. I feel more energetic and I am working more hours in my business.” I am a 43-year-old man with a history of back problems. I injured my back when I was 19 and as a result I've had five surgeries. My back problems have been on going through much of my life. About four years ago I had my last surgery and a year later I still had problems with it. My surgeon recommended that I start a health and exercise program. I contacted a friend who is a personal trainer and started a nutrition and exercise program. My trainer helped straighten my back with proper exercise techniques and a number of health supplements. Even though that made a big deference in my every day life, I would still experience painful back attacks that would disable me for weeks at a time, when I would overexert myself. This would also make me feel stressed and depressed. About two months ago I found out about the Image products from Coenzyme-A Technologies and I decided to try them. I started taking the Healthy Joint Image for my back and the Coenzyme-A for the stress related symptoms from dealing with the pain and not being able to run my business. I have been on the Healthy Joint Image and Coenzyme-A products for six weeks now. I feel more energetic and I am working more hours in my business. If I had put this much demand on my back in the past I know I would be bed ridden by now. The quality of my every day life has also greatly improved. — G. T. Vasilios, Everett, WA
“I noticed an improvement in my appearance and mood.” Thanks so much for turning me on to Coenzyme-A and Healthy Joint Image. I started using them as supplemental therapy for my joint problems stemming from old athletic injuries. To my surprise, the first thing I noticed (totally unanticipated), was a very marked improvement in my personal appearance. Also, there was a noticeable improvement in my mood and I felt better each week. For years, I could not drag myself into gym often enough to progress in my strength program. In 4 months now, after starting Coenzyme-A, I have gone from 15 x 115 incline bench to 15 x 180 lbs.! And I lost 10 lbs. body fat at the same time! I can't say enough about Coenzyme-A and Healthy Joint Image to reflect my enthusiasm for these products except that I hope a lot more people find out about them. Thanks again! Long life, good health and great strength! — C. Ahernius
“Within 3 days of starting to use Healthy Joint Image, I felt noticeably and significantly better.” I am 52 years old and I was born with a horrible spine. My medical doctor says that my spine is in the bottom 1% for people in my age group. Within 3 days of starting to use your Healthy Joint Image product I felt noticeably and significantly better. My spine, in particular, was giving me less discomfort. Also, for the past 10 years I have had chemical imbalances that have required either light doses of anti-depressants or a normal dose (220 mg) of St. John's Wort. Within 3 weeks of using Coenzyme-A "The Master Enzyme", I was able to reduce my intake of St. John's Wort by 75%. I am also using your Healthy Cholesterol Image product, which seems to allow me to be about 3 or 4 pounds lighter than otherwise. — J. Kaleas, Seattle, WA
“The combination of Coenzyme-A and Body Image are allowing me to have the strength and physique I desire with much less effort.” I've been lifting weights for 7 years and it is now a life long activity. At one time I was working out 4-5 times a week for 2-2 ½ hours a session. I looked the best of my life. Now, as a business owner, I can no longer devote that much time to the gym, but I don't want to lose my strength and defined muscles. I follow a fairly strict eating regiment but would often crave the foods I felt would be detrimental to my physique. I have been taking Coenzyme-A and Body Image for 5 months and I am ecstatic with the results. I started Coenzyme-A and Body Image just as I was starting a European vacation. For two weeks I ate very rich and fatty foods (much of the trip was in Vienna, which is renown for its pastries) and my only exercise was walking. I had concerns that there would be much lost ground to be made up in the gym when I returned. To my surprise and delight I actually lost 4 pounds and remained lean. My regular schedule allows me only 3 days a week at the gym for sessions of 1-1 ½ hours. However, I'm still able to lift considerable weight for my size and continue to have nicely defined muscles. Best of all I rarely have cravings for overly fatty or sweet foods and in
general I need to eat less. When I do indulge myself with treats, there are no apparent ill effects. I've taken supplements before with varying degrees of success. The combination of the Coenzyme-A and Body Image supplements are allowing me to have the strength and physique I desire with much less effort. They also give me the energy to engage in strenuous actives such as rock climbing and mountain biking, and the option to enjoy previously forbidden foods yet remain lean. I'm 42 years old, 5'5'', 118 pounds with low body fat and plenty of muscles and stamina, I couldn't be more pleased with your products. — L. Young, Seattle, Washington
“My metabolism was improving, giving me more energy for longer periods of time ... my hormonal levels were balanced, I was getting the maximum benefit from my workouts and my joints are fully functional with no pain.” I am 52 years old and insist on living a very active life. As a police officer working patrol, I need to stay alert and in good shape. The schedule for patrol officers is four 9 hour days on then 2 days off. My day starts at 2:00 AM since my shift is from 3:30 AM to 12:30 PM. On 2 days, I work an off duty patrol job for 6 1/2 additional hours. I exercise for at least 1 hour 6 (sometimes 7) days each week plus keep up a house and a yard. I need energy and a healthy mind and body in order to accomplish my goals. As the aging process began to take its toll, I found it more difficult to keep up my schedule. On some days I would force myself to do my workout, but my energy level was low and I could tell that I was not getting the results that I wanted. I was just going through the motions, but with little benefits. From 20 years of Martial Arts, I had developed arthritis in the joints of my hands, wrists and fingers and was often in pain. Two degenerating lumbar discs and one cervical disc were also slowing me down. Since I was a young adult I have had problems with irregularity and those were increasing. My energy level was not what I needed it to be. Menopause was also causing some problems. For many, the answer would be prescription medication, slowing down, quick fix remedies such as pain pills and the numerous quick energy products and "weight loss without exercise" products that are flooding the market. I refuse to go that route! Slowing down is out of the question; I do not trust prescription chemicals; pain is your body's way of telling you something needs to be fixed, not masked; anything worthwhile takes time; and weight loss without exercise is ridiculous. For me, the best way to treat pain is to exercise, kicking in the
endorphins, the body's natural pain relievers and getting the blood flowing to the damaged areas, the body's natural healer. Dr. Nick Skouras introduced me to the Coenzyme-A products seven months ago. I started out with the Coenzyme-A, Healthy Joint Image and the Body Image products. After about a month, I realized that my problems were clearing up! I was extremely pleased because gradual improvements are the kind that last. This meant that my body was going through positive changes. My metabolism was improving, giving me more energy for longer periods of time, making me regular and processing the food I was eating so that I got the maximum benefit from the nutrients. My hormonal levels were balanced, I was getting the maximum benefit from my workouts and my joints are fully functional with no pain. I have also noticed improvements in my ability to retain and recall information. My body is much more tolerant of the cold weather, which has never happened before! Colds and flu have gone through the squad I am in, but I have not come down with anything. I had reached a plateau in my weight lifting, unable to increase my weights, but now I have been able to increase the weights in the last few months! I have never been one to push products publicly just because they work for me, but this is different. For several years I have been teaching Self Defense and Defense Awareness to groups and individuals because it is important to me that people learn to empower themselves and not become victims. The Coenzyme-A products can also empower people so that they do not become victims of the stressful, poor diet and no exercise lifestyle that so many live today. This is why I want to share my experience with the products.
— D. Trigsted, Seattle, WA