Mechanical & Industrial Engineering - Computing & Information Technology

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Matthew L. Bolton, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

… Step 23 … DisplayedValue = Incorrect PrescribedDelay = Correct ChangeDelay = Done Count = 1 …

Environmental Conditions

Mission Goals

Human Actions

Human Task Behavior


Interface State

DisplayedValue ≠ PrescribedDose DisplayedValue ≠ Change DisplayedValue = PrescribedDose Dose PrescribedDose

System Model


Press Left

Press Right

Problem Statement and Motivation

Proof or counterexample:


Human Mission

Normative Task Behavior Model

InterfaceState = SetDelay

Set Delay

• • •

Breakdowns in complex systems often occur as a result of system elements interacting in unanticipated ways DisplayedValue ≠ PrescribedDelay• Unanticipated normative and erroneous human-system interactions DisplayedValue ≠ Change DisplayedValue = Accept PrescribedDelay Delay PrescribedDelay are often associated with these failures • Formal verification analyses (like those supported by model checking) or_seq ord allow analysts to prove whether or not a model of a system satisfies Change Select Press Clear Digit Next Enter safety properties ord ord xor • Human factors engineers have models capable of representing Verification Press Press Press Press Model Up Report Left Right Clear normative human task behavior and erroneous acts Checker • This work is focused on synthesizing these technologies into novel tools capable of predicting when normative and erroneous human behavior can Erroneous Behavior contribute to system failure ord


Generator and Translator


Technical Approach • • •

InterfaceState ≠ SetDelay

Normative human behavior is represented using a task modeling notation A translator automatically converts this into formal modeling notation As part of this translation, erroneous human behavior can be generated in the formal representation of the human behavior model The formal human behavior model is integrated with a larger formal system model that includes human mission goals, device behavior, and the operational environment A specification asserts desirable properties about the operation of the system using a temporal logic A model checker is used to prove whether or not the system model adheres to the specification The model checker produces a verification report that contains a confirmation or a counterexample (counter proof)

Key Achievements and Future Goals Key Achievements: • A novel, formal, task analytic modeling notation • A task-model-to-formal-model translator • Two novel methods for generating erroneous human behavior • A counterexample visualization tool • Successful application of the method to the design of aircraft checklist procedures, an automobile cruise control system, and a patient controlled analgesia pump Future Goals • Improve method scalability • Model human-human interaction and communication error • Integrate method with other analysis approaches

P. Pat Banerjee, Cristian J. Luciano, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Primary Grant Support: NIH

Problem Statement and Motivation •

Ultrasound has been the main technique for clinic palpation and procedural guidance, even after the invention of CT/MRI technology.

Identification of different anatomical regions is crucial to successfully carry out surgical procedures using real-time ultrasound imaging. It has been proposed and well studied, but it has not been extensively explored and implemented.

The computer generated ultrasonic application of the real-time visualization and haptic rendering is able to train the surgeons and residents to properly place the medical instrumental with considerable cost reduction and obtain greater performance outcomes.

Key Achievements and Future Goals

Technical Approach •

Volume models obtained from DICOM data set are used for anatomical structure identification and visualization

The performance of the simulation has been benchmarked and demonstrated qualified for the real time use.

2-Dimensional raw images are clipped according to the placement of transducer during the palpation.

The application has been applied to the multi-discipline training category as a curriculum in the commercialized simulator.

Computer generated ultrasound image can illustrate the percutaneous veins and arteries and reflect the deformation under the pressing force.

The quality of the ultrasound image is to be improved, while the volume deformation in 3-Dimensional space is to be probed.

Haptic rendering on different types of interaction between the instruments and the percutaneous structures as well as the skin surface.

Suresh K. Aggarwal, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Primary Grant Support: NASA, NSF, Argonne National Laboratory

Y, mm

Problem Statement and Motivation 40

Application of the advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods using detailed chemistry and transport models


Simulation of flame structure, extinction and fire suppression

Multi-scale modeling of combustion and two-phase phenomena

Extensive use of computer graphics and animation









X, mm -3 -1

Heat-release, kJm s *10-3 1 5 10 15 20 50 75

Key Achievements and Future Goals

Technical Approach (See flame images above.) The image on the left shows a comparison of simulated and measured triple flames that are important in practical combustion systems, while the five images on the right depict a simulated flame propagating downward in a combustible mixture.

“A Numerical Investigation of Particle Deposition on a Square Cylinder Placed in a Channel Flow," Aerosol Sci. Technol. 34: 340, 2001.

“On Extension of Heat Line and Mass Line Concepts to Reacting Flows Through Use of Conserved Scalars," J. Heat Transfer 124: 791, 2002.

“A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Droplet Evaporation," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46: 3179, 2003.

“Gravity, Radiation and Coflow Effects on Partially Premixed Flames,” Physics of Fluids 16: 2963, 2004.

Professor Sabri Cetinkunt, Mechanical and Indusrial Engineering Primary Grant Support: Caterpillar, NSF, Motorola

Problem Statement and Motivation •

The world needs more affordable, reliable, energy efficient, environmentally friendly construction and agricultural equipment. Energy efficiency improvements can help overcome poverty in developing world.

Embedded computer control and information technology applications in construction and agricultural equipment: closed loop controls, GPS, autonomous vehicles.

Key Achievements and Future Goals

Technical Approach •

Developed a new steer-by-wire EH system (for wheel loaders)

Developed a new closed center EH hydraulic implement control system

Developed semi-active joystick controls

Developed payload monitoring systems

Closed loop control for graders, site planning with GPS

Three US patents awarded (fourth filed)

12+ former graduate students employed by CAT

Ahmed A. Shabana, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Primary Grant Support: Federal Railroad Administration (USA)

Problem Statement and Motivation •

Develop new methodologies and computer algorithms for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of detailed multi-body railroad vehicle models.

The computer algorithms developed can be used to accurately predict the wheel/rail interaction, derailment, stability and dynamic and vibration characteristics of high speed railroad vehicle models.

Develop accurate small and large deformation capabilities in order to be able to study car body flexibility and pantograph/ catenary systems.

Key Achievements and Future Goals

Technical Approach •

Methods of nonlinear mechanics are used to formulate the equations of motion of general multi-body systems; examples of which are complex railroad vehicles.

Fully nonlinear computational algorithms were developed and their use in the analysis of complex railroad vehicle systems was demonstrated.

Small and large deformation finite element formulations are used to develop the equations of motion of the flexible bodies.

The results obtained using the new nonlinear algorithms were validated by comparison with measured data as well as the results obtained using other codes.

Numerical methods are used to solve the resulting system of differential and algebraic equations.

Computer graphics and animation are used for the visualization purpose.

Advanced large deformation problems such as pantograph/catenary systems have been successfully and accurately solved for the first time.

The tools developed at UIC are currently being used by federal laboratories and railroad industry.

Investigator: Stefano Galiasso (Energy Resources Center) Primary Grant Support: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)

Problem Statement and Motivation • • • •

Technical Approach •

ERC supports the Illinois State Energy Office at the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in multiple ways: • Program analysis and planning • Market Potential Studies • Outreach and Education (market transformation) • Program Implementation (Boiler Tune-Up, Green Nozzle direct install)

Illinois is one of the forefront States in Energy Efficiency The State has set aggressive Energy reduction targets to be achieved every year New technologies are constantly introduced in the market, changing the landscape and requiring constant adaptation The State Energy Office is managing the Public and Low Income sectors, and faces challenges in meeting the targets

Key Achievements and Future Goals Achievements: • Over 2.5 Million Therms/year saved and independently evaluated over 2 years of program administration • IL Public Sector and Low Income market potential study • Filed 3-year plan to ICC Future goals: Introduce new programs and help Illinois achieve higher savings

Investigators: Jennifer Klemundt, Dragan Nikolovski (Energy Resources Center ) Prime Grant Support: Illinois Department of Central Management Services

Problem Statement and Motivation •

• •

• •

Key Achievements and Future Goals

Technical Approach • • •

The ERC utilizes proven data management tools and technologies coupled with in-house expertise to provide quality data management service The ERC developed a series of billing, modeling, and analytical tools to store, audit, analyze and summarize supplier’s and utilities’ billing data The ERC has developed a variety of analytical and reporting tools that generate periodic as well as ad-hoc reports for CMS Energy Manager and CMS fiscal office The ERC has designed, developed and implemented a comprehensive billing data repository consisting of consumption and cost data for all state facilities, as well as billing data from participating public utilities.

Since the deregulation of natural gas and electricity markets in Illinois, the Department of Central Management Services implemented a single-buyer market-oriented bulk procurement program for energy commodities and services State of the art data analysis tools and expertise are needed to support decision management and long term strategy development CMS needs a strategic partner to provide data management and analysis for state’s large energy portfolio, as well as in-house data management and analysis tools easily accessible by CMS stakeholders The ERC was selected to manage, monitor and audit deregulated commodity billing data for participating state facilities The ERC was selected to design and develop centralized utility billing data repository for all state facilities.

• • • •

The ERC has been providing billing data management and reporting service to CMS for over 15 years The ERC has designed, developed and implemented the State of Illinois Utility Database Management System (SUDMS), a comprehensive utility billing data repository for all state facilities The ERC has been maintaining SUDMS for 4 years The ERC has assisted CMS in the expansion of Natural Gas Bulk Procurement program to incorporate facilities from Ameren territory The ERC has responded to CMS RFP regarding the continuation and expansion of billing auditing and reporting services.

Investigators: Graeme Miller, Henry Kurth (Energy Resources Center) Primary Grant Support: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)

Problem Statement and Motivation • Due to the recent events over the past decade with natural disasters severely disrupting energy infrastructure the state of Illinois thought it prudent to create and maintain and energy assurance plan. • The ERC works with state officials to gather data on how to prevent future energy supply disruptions and to minimize future outages.

Technical Approach • The ERC is responsible for the implementation of the project. This includes development and maintenance of the geospatial database, monitoring energy supply and potential disruptions and working with state officials during energy emergencies. • Through ArcGIS, Python and other programming skills the ERC is able to follow weather patterns, real time energy pricing, and grid constraint and their effect on current disruptions and potential interruptions to the state energy network.

Key Achievements and Future Goals • Prepare annual update to the State of Illinois Energy Assurance Plan • Update and maintain the geospatial database of state energy assets • Maintain Supply Disruption Tracking Process Plan • Monitor potential disruption in Illinois energy supply and pricing • Map potential sites of micro-grids that would strengthen the overall electric grid and create a more reliable network.

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