HH Programme Feb 2013

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art, dance, music, events, therapies, workshops

feb 2013

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e Welcom Welcome to the Feb edition of the Hamilton House programme. We’ve been doing some constructive thinking over the last couple of months and are pleased to say we’ve developed an updated version of our listings section. Inside is a more comprehensive ‘weekly classes’ listings page, and more indepth events, workshops and exhibitions pages. We’ve also integrated the Bristol Bike Project workshops so everything is in one quick reference section. (Check the back Contact pages!) Our top pics of the month are a one year Integrative Personal and Spiritual Development course offered by experienced practitioner Lynn Hunt (p8) and UK Bushido Self Defence run by Harriet (p9). We also take a look back over the last 10 months cover artwork (p2). As always for more information scan the q-codes, or visit the web addresses listed at the bottom of each page. amazing cover art by bethan buss www.boodleboutique.com

Surf www.hamiltonhouse.org Call for info on 0117 924 9599 Email info@coexistuk.org Visit Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3QY (reception is open 9am - 9pm Mon to Fri & 9am - 5pm on Sat) Join us on Facebook and Twitter @ CoexistCIC

Scan this to join our mailing list


news It’s time to harp on about the fabulous artwork we use on the front covers of our programme. Throughout 2013 The Canteen will be showcasing exhibitions by the artist of the month so come on down, grab yourself a delicious seasonal soup and contemplate the wondeful creations on the exhibition wall. Here’s a look back on some of the finest front cover art in the city... July 2012


wo rks hop s th era pi es

eve illustration by Yeyo Riancho www.yeyoriancho.blogspot.co.uk

Illustration by Jim Bob Isaac www.jimbobisaac.com

Events Workshops

art, music, events, therapies, workshops

Nov 2012

Oct 2012

art, dance, music, events, therapies, workshops

Jan 2013

art music



Music Therapies Art

art, music, events, therapies, workshops

Sept 2012

art music events therapies workshops


Illustration designbybyKatherine Christianson www.drawninbristol.co.uk/katy-christianson


Alex Lucas lucas-antics.com

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take me hom e


hamiltonhouse.org HH Programme Aug interactive.indd 1

take me ho


Illustration by Katherine Christianson www.drawninbristol.co.uk/katy-christianson

30/07/2012 11:07:16

HH Programme Oct.indd 1

Illustration by Ben Buckley broccolidesign.tk

hamiltonhouse.org HH Programme Nov.indd 1


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Take Ple ase e On


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HH Programme Jan 2013.indd 1

13/12/2012 15:40:46

quick menu tip Thai Red Curry by Jenny Stir fry some onions in sunflower oil, add some tasty Theo’s Curry Paste and let it all caramelize gently. In the meantime peel and slice some fresh galangal and add it to the pan together with coconut milk, water, salt and a few kaffir lime leaves. While this is simmering parboil some roughly chopped veg: butternut squash, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Fry some soy sauce marinated tofu until crisp, then add a little lime juice to the curry before mixing all the veg and tofu in. Simmer until the broccoli and cauliflower are tender (2-3 mins). The best rice to go with it is Jasmine, and it works a treat if you mix both white and brown together. Coriander and fresh chilli are a nice addition too. Coexist support workspaces for over 200 creative practitioners, artists, designers, social enterprises and small businesses. We also provide community space for people to create, interact, learn, move and play. If you’re interested in volunteering and contributing to the overall development of Coexist, email: reception@coexistuk.org to organise an interview.

We are Bristol’s most comprehensive community bike project, focused on repairing and relocating unwanted bicycles. We aim to help people from all walks of life get out on two wheels and for it to be an inclusive and empowering experience in the process.

We sell a variety of reconditioned, second hand bikes at affordable prices. We also sell a range of secondhand and new parts.



07983 417231

We offer professional and affordable servicing and repairs by a qualified Cytech Level 2 mechanic. Drop in for a free quotation.





If you want to get to grips with how your bike works and be able to do repairs yourself, then this is for you. Run Saturdays, no prior experience needed.

HIRE A BIKE We have a selection of good city bikes, a tandem and bicycle trailer available for hire.

We also offer a regular Women’s Night, Bike Kitchen and Volunteers Evening where our fully equipped workshop is open to the public.

Open Mon to Fri 9am - 5.30pm.

DONATE YOUR UNWANTED BICYCLE! Have you got a bike collecting dust in your shed? Then why not bring it along to the project where we will find it a good home?

The Bristol Bike Project is Bike a registered Community Interest Company 07579755 The Bristol Project is a registered Community Interest Company 07578755.

The CanTeen




12:00-3:00 PM 5:00-9:00 pm

80 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3QY

12:00-3:00 PM 5:00-10:00 PM




BANDS & DJS FROM 9:30-1:00 AM



Artist of the Month

Bethan Buss Canteen Gallery Supported by Coexist

the Canteen Gallery will now host the monthly programme artist. All round Good!

To Book a Table

Call: 01179232017 or Email: bookings@canteenbristol.co.uk www.canteenbristol.co.uk T:@inthecanteen FB:thecanteenbristol

February February Music Music @@

The The CanTeen CanTeen


Fri Fri11

Moonshot MoonshotOne Oneof ofBristol’s Bristol’slongest longestestablished establishedska skaoutfits outfitswith witha afine fineevocation evocationof ofthe the classic classicStudio Studio11sound. sound.

Sat Sat22 Sun Sun33

Babilondon Babilondon

Reflecting Reflectinga amix mixof ofEuropean Europeancultures culturesamongst amongstits itseight eightmembers membersthis this London-based London-basedreggae reggaecollective collectivehas hasa arocking rockingdub dubstyle. style.

Hodmadoddery HodmadodderyBeguiling Beguilingduo duoof offirst firstgeneration generationfolk-hippies folk-hippiesplaying playingacoustic acoustic guitars guitarswith withhighly highlyskilled skilledfingers, fingers,singing singingtraditional traditionaland andcontemporary contemporarysongs songs

Mon Mon44 Tues Tues55

Canteen CanteenJazz JazzSession Session

AnAnopen openjazz jazzjam jamsession sessionfor forseasoned seasonedplayers playerstotojoin join the thehouse housetrio trioand andothers othersininexploring exploringclassic classicjazz jazz& &latin latintunes. tunes.

Richard Richard Hughes HughesPlaying Playingthe thetuba, tuba,the theaccordion accordionand andeven eventhe thescissors scissorsRichard Richard Hughes’ Hughes’work workhas hasundertones undertonesof ofcircus, circus,jazz jazzand andstrange strangeforest forestclearings clearingsatatmidnight. midnight.

Wed Wed66

Thur Thur77

Bartoune Bartoune

Spinning Spinningoff offfrom fromthe theirrepressible irrepressibleZen ZenHussies Hussiesthis thislot lotbuild builda auniquely uniquely jaunty jauntyswing swingsound soundaround aroundBlending Blendingoriginality originalitywith witha afine finesense senseof ofmusical musicalheritage. heritage.

Greg Greg Cordez Cordez Quintet QuintetAnAnastounding astoundingcrucible crucibleof ofmodern modernjazz jazz

talent talentgathered gatheredround rounda agreat greatdouble doublebass bassplayer playerand andcomposer, composer,asasGreg GregCordez Cordez enlists enliststhe theall-star all-starline-up line-upof ofJake JakeMcMurchie McMurchie(sax), (sax),Nick NickMalcolm Malcolm(trumpet), (trumpet),Jim Jim Blomfield Blomfield(piano) (piano)and andMark MarkWhitlam Whitlam(drums) (drums)ininbringing bringinghis hisexcellent excellenttunes tunesand and arrangements arrangementsto tolife. life.

Fri Fri88

Sat Sat99

Electrolysis Electrolysis

Thought Thoughtscience sciencewas wasfor foreggheads? eggheads?Maybe Maybeso, so,asasThe TheEgg Eggmainman mainmanMaff Maff applies applieshis hisbeat beatmachinery machinerydrumming drummingto toElectrolysis. Electrolysis.

Wormfood WormfoodPresents Presents--Sashi Sashi&&The TheWild WildBeans Beans

Here’s Here’sa abig bigsound soundand anda abig bigpersonality personalityfronting frontingit.it.The The11-strong 11-strongWild WildBeans Beans offer swooning, stabbing horn lines, fulsome backing vocals and offer swooning, stabbing horn lines, fulsome backing vocals anda aclever clever amalgamation amalgamationof ofsoul souland andska skathat’s that’snot notafraid afraidof ofinstrumentalising instrumentalisingitself itselfand and even evenswinging swingingititfrom fromtime timeto totime. time.But Butit’s it’ssinger singerSashi SashiWild’s Wild’sassured assuredand and soulful soulfulvocals vocalsthat thatgives givestheir theiroriginal originalmusic musicheart, heart,a apowerful powerfulperformer performerwith with the theconfidence confidenceto tosing singititstraight, straight,no nochaser. chaser. Sun Sun10 10

Mon Mon11 11 Tues12 Tues12

Eyebrow Eyebrow

Great Greatand andgroovy groovyambient ambientjazz jazzloop loopduo. duo.Eyebrow Eyebrowisisa avery verycool coolproject projectthat that brings bringstogether togetherGet GetThe TheBlessing Blessingtrumpeter trumpeterPete PeteJudge Judgewith withLimbo Limbodrummer drummerPaul PaulWigens Wigensand and a awhole wholelot lotof ofcleverness clevernesswith withloop loopstations. stations.

Lady LadyNade NadeFt. Ft.Howard Howard&&Clack Clack

There’s There’salways alwaysplenty plentyof oftalent talenton ondisplay display when whenthe thesumptuous-voiced sumptuous-voicedLady LadyNade Nadegets getsher herfriends friendsround roundtotoplay. play.

Schmoozenbergs SchmoozenbergsDon’t Don’tknow knowwhere wherethey theygot gotthe thename namefrom frombut butthey theygot gotthe the music musicfrom fromthose thosegypsy gypsycampfires campfiresand andParis Pariscafes. cafes.

Wed Wed13 13

Jez JezHellard Hellard

Writes Writessings sings& &plays playsa afine fineguitar. guitar.He’s He’sa abrilliant brilliantharmonica harmonicaplayer playertoo, too, musically musicallymultilingual multilingualand andfearless fearlesshe’s he’salways alwaysearcatching. earcatching.

Thur 14

Fri 15

Sat 16


Ambient soundscapes framing quirky samples and clicky-clacky interjections, spatial vocals sliding in and out.

Duval Project

Picking up from his much-missed Backyard project, trumpeter Gary Alesbrook brews awesomely funky original jazz with this rocking 5-piece supergroup that also includes Ruth Hammond (sax), Pete Josef (keys/vocals) and the Saffron Monkey rhythm powerhouse of Richie Blake (bass) and Danny Cox (drums).

The Drop Comparatively new band mining pure reggae sweetness from a timeless vault, with honey-voiced singer Dandelion riding faultless Sly’n’Robbie dropbeats into an endlessly sunny horizon. Growling and prowling horns and keyboards mind their manners in new songs that celebrate of the economy of proper dub sounds from the day.

Sun 17

Mon 18 Tues 19

Wed 20 Thur 21 Fri 22

Sat 23


Ace violinist and Balkaneer Fiona Barrow selects a choice ensemble of acoustic musicians to join her for an unpredictable voyage into the wider realms of improvisation,

Canteen Jazz Session

An open jazz jam session for seasoned players to join the house trio and others in exploring classic jazz & latin tunes.


Rolling African rhythms meet lazy jazz guitar and bass to make a soulful setting for Niyi’s socially aware lyrics, declaimed in a manner somewhere between Fela Kuti and Gil Scott Heron.


Featuring Ghanaian Master Drummer, Ben Baddoo, and a host of funky groovers, Baajo create deeply textured music somewhere between Afro-Beat, Highlife and Funk.

Hot Feet

This Cotswoldian foursome include a part time goathearder & dry stone waller but its their impressive blend of folk blues tales that we are really loving at the moment!

Roots Prescription

Dub-dredging live reggae from the Dub From Atlantic stable. A set of classic dub versions, and there’s always the chance of guest musicians adding to the fun.

Chicken Shed Zeppelin Stairway to henhouse, maybe? Actually

this lot play hell-for-leather bluegrass with moonshine on its breath and a sparkle in its eye. Classic chiming banjo and mandolin, swooping fiddle and barn shaking bass and drums add up to a flailing acoustic hootenanny. Yee har.

Sun 24 Mon 25

shhhh... secret line up... Glow Globes The Glow Globes duo holds your attention with a wry and quirky music

and sweet harmony singing in a mix of swing, country, chanson and all kinds of stylish genres

Tues 26

Two Man Ting The rich flavours of Sierra Leone conjured up as Jah-Man Aggrey’s voice and djembe weave around the jangling guitar loops of Jon Lewis.

Wed 27

Dan Messore Trio Slipping easily through spacious jazz compositions, swinging breezily through a standard or unearthing the ghosts of American Primitive acoustic moods.

Thur 28

Jimmy Goodrich

Canada’s loss was Bristol’s gain when this singer/songwriter pitched his tent among us and became part of our music world.

Design by www.danchernett.com

Events, Workshops & Exhibitions this month’s events, workshops & exhibitions: Soulful Singing Sun 24th Feb 2 -4pm, £6-£15

African, sacred, uplifting and fun group harmony singing for all with live djembe drumming accompaniment. A wonderful sound, incredible energy and a magical atmosphere. More info: email mahasukha@soulfulsinging.co.uk for booking details

Weekly Psychodrama Group

Every Wednesday 6:30pm - 8:30pm Psychodrama is a form of group psychotherapy which uses creative action. The aim is to bring maximum spontaneity and creativity, both individually and as a group, to understanding and solving the challenges in our lives. More info: spontaneityandchange.co.uk | info@spontaneityandchange.co.uk | 07814717399

You Rock Music Academy

Tuesdays 7-8pm (starts 26th Feb) £5 per week Make 2013 a musical year with YouRock Academy’s 6 week Beginner Guitar course. Learn something fun, new and rewarding. Hire2Buy guitar scheme available. More info: yourockacademy.co.uk | 0117 915 4535

Mindfullness Course Thur 10am - 12pm & 6pm - 8pm. Starts 21st Feb (8 wks) £150. (limited concessions available on daytime courses only) Mindfulness is so effective at reducing stress, enhancing balance and calmness of mind, and reducing anxiety.

More info: start@beingmindful.me | beingmindful.me

Balanced View Bristol - Education in the Nature of Mind Open Meetings, every Sunday 11.30am-12.30pm Balanced View is the foundation for human empowerment and for vast social change in which benefit, prosperity, generosity, life satisfaction and flourishing are recognized as the birthright of all human beings More info: balancedview.org | bristolbv@gmail.com

an exhibition by Dean Mann, Samuel Sultana, Alex Singleton

22nd - 29th Feb, (Opens 22nd feb) FREE Mon - Fri 9am - 9pm & Sat 9am - 5pm We have increasingly drawn our attention to the gallery space as a context of experience. We aim to create a multisensory experience, which the viewer may partake in, to create an extra-ordinary atmosphere out of the context of the every day. It is an opportunity for people to enter and experience an alternative.


Amidst the bustling creative energy of Hamilton House lies an oasis for healing, relaxation and rejuvenation. Wellbeing is a community of therapists offering a wide range of treatments.

Holistic Massage

Reiki Meditation Acupuncture Homeopathy Bengali Massage


Reflexology Aromatherapy Sports Massage

Shiatsu Hypnotherapy For more information on individual therapies and their availability please check our website below:

Integrative Personal and Spiritual Development

Starts 9th March, one year foundation course (7 weekends) For the individual looking to broaden their knowledge of the self in a safe loving supportive way. This course will help to develop an understanding of the energy centers (Chakras) as well as learning to recognise blocks held within the 7 energy field layers (Aura). Specific reading and exercises between classes will provide the backdrop to each weekend which will cover one centre / layer at a time. Practical and theoretical tools will be given to help discover the benefits of energy healing. More info: lynnhunt@me.com| 07778932516


0117 924 9599

Dance Music Arts Collective (DMAC UK) Is more than just a Dance Company. We represent a network of skilled dancers, musicians and performers as well as therapeutic practitioners. What brings us together is a passion for our craft and all the benefits it offers, and a desire to share our passion and skills with our local community and beyond. Our vision is that DMAC UK will become an inclusive centre of excellence bringing movement and performance based art forms from across the globe into the heart of Bristol.

UK Bushido Self Defence

Simple self defence techniques designed predominantly for women but suitable for anyone over the age of 18.

Featured Class

Learn useful techniques that do not rely on previous martial art experience or strength. The class wil cover how you could protect yourse in common situations where you ma feel vulnerable as well as any scenari that concern you.

Contact: Harriet Email: hc12591@my.bristol.ac.uk Phone: 07706548573 www.facebook.com/groups/374217572673160/


weekly Workshops & Classes A timetable of the regular classes within Hamilton House: sun Contact Improvisation Dance 5.30-8.30pm


astanga yoga 1-2pm womens bike night 6-9pm Beginners African Dance 6.30-8pm Colombian Drumming 7-8pm Capoeira 8.15–10.15pm Astanga Yoga 8.15-9.45pm


Hatha Yoga 12-1pm learn to meditate effectively 1-2pm Intermediate African Dance 6.30-8pm Zumba 6.30-7.30pm Ukulele & guitar workshop 7-8pm Hatha Yoga 7-8.30pm Tribal Fusion Belly Dance 8.15-10.30pm 5 Rhythms Dance 7.45-9.45pm


ll elf ay ios




fix-a-bike 10am-5pm Beginners Capoeria 10.30am-12pm Lunchbox Choir 11.30am-1pm self defence 4.30-5.30pm free flow yoga 5.45-6.45pm Drumming 6-8pm Beginners Tango 6.30-8pm psychodrama group 6.30-8.30pm Salsa 8-10pm Pilates 12-1pm Kid’s Capoeira 4.30-5.30 bristol health choir 5.45-7.45pm Ballates 6-7pm Ballet 7-8pm bike kitchen 7.30-10.30pm Capoeira 8.15-10.15 after school bikes Five Rhythms Dance

3.30-6.30pm 8-10pm

sat Kazimba 10.30-12

Nia Dance 12.30-1-30pm hip hop 7-8pm


For more info click the q-code or check the website below:

Space for Hire Hamilton House has a variety of creative, educational, event, exhibition, meeting & studio spaces to hire throughout the year, for more information see below:


A fully equipped events space for theatre productions, music performance and all other inspiring events. Theatre drapes, lighting and PA available on request. To start planning your event email: bookings@coexistuk.org


Four floors packed with a wide range of affordable studio / office spaces. Prices start from £55 PCM and include electricity & wi-fi. 24/7 access is available. For more info email: space@coexistuk.org


Providing flexible, affordable desk space on a temporary or long-term basis. A central location, inspiring view and networking opportunities. Space available from £10 per day - rates include wi-fi & tea! Facilities include printer, kitchen & communal mailbox service. For more info email: hotdesking@coexistuk.org


A large and airy exhibition / gallery space with an expansive front terrace. We welcome fine art, photography, sculpture, groups, charities and installations. Invigilated Mon to Sat. For more info email: exhibitions@coexistuk.org


From quick meetings to catered conferences Hamilton House can accommodate all your requirements. Central location, competitive prices and friendly staff. For more info email: bookings@coexistuk.org


Fully functioning newly renovated community kitchen available for hire with a full gas range, oven and fridge. Ideal for catering, cooking lessons and start-up businesses. For more info email: bookings@coexistuk.org


Four beautiful purpose built treatment rooms to suit a wide range of therapists. If you’re a practicing therapist looking to rent a room we’d love to hear from you, please contact: wellbeing@coexistuk.org

Dance Studios

Two large purpose built professional dance studios with integrated sound system. Studio two also includes floor to ceiling mirrors and a sprung floor. If you’re interested in booking this space email: bookings@coexistuk.org

Coexist is a registered community interest company 6671870 Printed on FSC certified paper made from sustainable sources, using vegetable inks.


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