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We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.
Editors in Chief
THE FIRST PRESIDENCY Stephen M. Veazey K. Scott Murphy Stassi D. Cramm
EDITORIAL Elaine Garrison Greg Clark
DESIGN, PRODUCTION Jeff Piedimonte Amy Rich Emma Pitt
CONTACT Editorial: Herald@CofChrist.org Subscription Services: subscriptions@HeraldHouse.org Customer Service: sales@HeraldHouse.org International Headquarters: (816) 833-1000
CofChrist.org HeraldHouse.org
(Canadian GST Registration No.: R129888665) Publication Agreement No. 40032830 (ISSN 1541-6143)
The HERALD is the denominational magazine of Community of
Christ, with headquarters in Independence, Missouri. It is published bimonthly by the church publishing division, Herald Publishing House, 1001 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050, USA. Materials are official only when they report a formal decision by a legislative or administrative council and are so marked. Individual USA subscriptions are $32.
Subscriptions in other countries are more. Electronic subscriptions are $20. Congregational group rates available. Preferred Periodicals postage paid at Independence and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Herald, 1001 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050. (In Canada: Station A, P.O. Box 54, Windsor, Ont. N9A 6JF.) SPRING CLASS ENROLLMENT OPENS
The next round of online classes from the Center for Innovation in Ministry and Mission will include the first Christian Ministry Certificate course (similar to previous MEADS courses). To enroll, visit www.graceland.edu/cimm. Spaces are limited.
According to David Lloyd, CIMM director, the spring A session will include: • Introduction to Pastor Ministry: Eight weeks, January 9–March 4, $25. • Ministry of the Disciple: Eight weeks, January 9–March 4, $25.
Christian Ministry Certificate Course
• Introduction to Christian Theology: Dr. David N. Anderson, January 9–March 4. This is a mix of online and one live session per week, $100.
CIMM offers noncredit continuing-education units that focus on priesthood development, leadership development, and theological education. These CEUs do not lead to a degree.
Do you feel called to deepen your knowledge and practice in spiritual formation, discernment, companioning, and leadership?
Applications for the third cohort of the Spiritual Formation and Companioning Program opened in January. The application deadline is June 1, and the program will begin in the fall of 2023. The program is partnering with the Center for Innovation in Ministry and Mission (Community of Christ Seminary) to offer a two-year hybrid formation experience online with one week each year in person at the Temple in Independence, Missouri, USA.
Participants who complete the program will receive a certificate in Spiritual Companioning and Leadership. For more information, or to apply, visit www.graceland.edu/cimm or contact Katie HarmonMcLaughlin at khmclaughlin@CofChrist.org.

New possibilities are emerging. We live between what was and what will be. ...The Holy Spirit breathes anew into our lives, the church, and creation. God’s aim is a new creation in us, among us, and around us! And nothing is more important than discerning what God is up to and our role in it. —Stephen M. Veazey, “Boldly Venture”