We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.
Resources for 2021 reunion and family camp are now available at The theme, “Let Peace Dwell Here,” focuses on exploring nonviolence through viewpoints and topics. In response to the 2019 World Conference action, these materials continue the conversation in preparation for the 2023 World Conference. Reunion leaders are invited to adapt the lessons and worship experiences as needed.
Editors in Chief The First Presidency Stephen M. Veazey K. Scott Murphy Stassi D. Cramm Jenn Killpack..............Director of Communications Emma Gray Pitt...................................Design, Editorial Elaine Garrison...................................................Editorial Jeff Piedimonte............................Design, Production Amy Rich.........................................Design, Production
WORLDWIDE MISSION TITHES UPDATE Your generosity makes a difference. Thank you for supporting local and worldwide mission tithes. The 2021 goal range for Worldwide Mission Tithes is $11.7 to $12.7 million. Worldwide Mission Tithes reported through April 30, 2021 were around $3.4 million. This is slightly below the goal range of $3.6 to $3.9 million. This may be due to reporting lag. Contribution reporting in Shelby appeared to be behind as of April 30, 2021. At this time last year, contributor numbers were approximately 5,200, but current reports show data for only 3,500 contributors.
$3.4 million Editorial: Subscription Services: Customer Service:
Goal Range
$3.6 - $3.9 million through April 30, 2021
Goal Range
$11.7 - $12.7 million through December 31, 2021
International Headquarters (816) 833-1000 (Canadian GST Registration No.: R129888665) Publication Agreement No. 40032830 (ISSN 1541-6143) The HERALD is the denominational magazine of Community of Christ, with headquarters in Independence, Missouri. It is published bimonthly by the church publishing division, Herald Publishing House, 1001 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050, USA. Materials are official only when they report a formal decision by a legislative or administrative council and are so marked. Individual subscription price is $32. International shipping costs will vary. Congregational group rates available. Preferred Periodicals postage paid at Independence and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Herald, 1001 W. Walnut St., Independence, MO 64050. (In Canada: Station A, P.O. Box 54, Windsor, Ont. N9A 6JF.) Electronic subscriptions are $20. Copyright © 2020 by Herald Publishing House. All rights reserved. Reproduction by permission only.
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INDIA RECEIVES MORE THAN $100,000 USD IN OBLATION AID Oblation Aid from the Worldwide Mission Budget is being used to assist families during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and was sent the first week in June, according to Steve Graffeo, counselor to the presiding bishop. A total of $102,700 USD was sent to the seven mission centers the church has across Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and South India. These funds will assist 4,232 families with masks, soap, and other supplies as well as rice and other cooking items. The funds also will assist in transportation costs for distribution to the villages. Please pray for church members and other residents of India during this devastating time.