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INTRODUCTION The document We Share Identity, Mission, Message, and Beliefs was introduced to the church in 2009 by this statement :

This document is the result of a collaborative effort among representatives of the worldwide church and church leaders. The Expanded World Church Leadership Council, various World Church leaders, teams, and many other individuals have contributed to its contents.

We expect this paper will play a major role in guiding the church in the years ahead. It provides a foundation on which we will build classes, sermons, ministry models, resources, small-group

activities, and worship experiences that speak to those we serve. It provides common threads to use to weave unique expressions of the vision and mission of Community of Christ throughout the world.

Please reflect on this material prayerfully, take time to incorporate or “enflesh” it in your life as a disciple and leader more and more. Then, using your giftedness and experience, create ways to help seekers, disciples, and congregations find meaning and hope through the vision, mission, message, and beliefs presented here.

This document is not a new program to roll out with great fanfare! It is salt and leaven to use to enrich our mission and witness as we continue our faith journey into the future.

The fourth edition of Sharing in Community of Christ: Exploring Identity, Mission, Message, and Beliefs includes five life-changing, church-changing, and world- changing Mission Initiatives. Use it for reference, study, and reflection as you grow in discipleship and live Christ’s mission.

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