4 minute read

Worship Resources

5 November 2023

Ordinary Time (Proper 26)

Matthew 23:1-12/23:1-9 IV

Humble Yourself

Additional Scriptures

Joshua 3:7-11; Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Doctrine and Covenants 163:4a


In addition to Communion emblems, create a worship center with building blocks. You can use children’s construction blocks. Place the table in an area towards the front where the congregation can see but does not obstruct your Communion emblems. Scatter the blocks on the top of the table.

Recruit a volunteer (preferably an older youth) to build with the blocks and review the “building” plans found in the Focus Moment.

Call to Worship Responsive Reading

Leader: O give thanks to the Lord!

Response: For God is good!

Leader: God redeems those who are in trouble!

Response: For God is good!

Leader: God is a beacon for those lost in the desert!

Response: For God is good!

Leader: God is the source of life for the hungry and thirsty!

Response: For God is good!

Leader: God is there when we reach our potential and when we fall short!

Response: For God is good!

Leader: We thank God for the steadfast love and wonders of life!

ALL: For God is good!

-Psalm 107:1-9, adapted

Hymns of Praise

“Now Sing to Our God” CCS 108 OR “O God beyond All Praising” CCS 90 OR “Oh, Sing to the Lord”/Cantad al Señor CCS 88 Encourage participants to sing in a language other than their own.



Scripture Reading

Matthew 23:1-12

Theme in Song

“Humble Yourself” sing at least twice CCS 211 Ask children and youth to lead motions that mirror this text. Add percussion, if possible.


Based on Matthew 23:1-12

Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.

Prayer God,

Thank you for waiting for us, for meeting us here again. Each day you call for us to step outside of our habits of compartmentalization to remember the boundless love, the beautiful mystery, the perfect fluidity that exists in a Spirit-led life. Today, we are trying again.

We know that you love us, but we confess our hesitancy to truly believe that unconditional grace is possible in a world that expects so much of us. When we feel heavy, cumbersome loads being placed on our shoulders, weighted down in expectations, may we feel the gentle hand of the Spirit reach down and alleviate them.

Help us to remember that joy and hope are not rewards for peace work – they are central to the work. May we see those who toil in silence and hear those who give voice to their struggles. Having been liberated ourselves, encourage us to act quickly to alleviate their heavy loads of frustration and suffering.

In this holy space, may we move closer to understanding that because you are enough, I am enough, and we are enough.

In the name of Jesus, the Peaceful One and Seeker of Justice. Amen.

- Emma Gray Pitt

Hymn for Peace

“We Are People of God’s Peace”

CCS 306 OR “God of the Future” CCS 360 OR “My Savior Said That I Should Be” CCS 589

For additional ideas: Find this day’s Prayer for Peace service on the church’s website at www.CofChrist.org.

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Focus Moment: “Humbling Yourself”

Go to the worship center with the “building blocks” and remind participants of the worship theme, “Humble Yourself. ” Invite the volunteer to begin building a tower while you talk

Humility is not about pride but honoring and recognizing God in all that we do and in all that we are. The way of Christ is not about status, but about building up all people. It’s reaching out in compassion and love. Stop to observe the building progress - a strong structure (not too high) When we focus on loving God and all people, other things will fall into place.

Have the builder go higher and higher until the tower falls However, when we put ourselves as the main focus we may fall. Even if we fall and feel like we are in pieces, Jesus still invites us

Leave the fallen blocks and start a second (strong) structure. Whether we are in a time of strength or a time of fracture and struggle, we are welcome at the Communion table. In humility, we approach this important sacrament. The blocks of life come together to build something new and beautiful, or, on occasion, the blocks of life fall and remind us of our need to return to God. In whatever place we find ourselves today, we are encouraged to humble ourselves and join in the sacred feast with Jesus as the host.

Hymn of Healing

“Healer of Our Every Ill”

CCS 547 OR “God, Whose Grace Redeems Our Story”

CCS 526

CCS 570 OR “Is There One Who Feels Unworthy?”

Invitation to Communion

All are welcome at Christ’s table. The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is a sacrament in which we remember the life, death, resurrection, and continuing presence of Jesus Christ. In Community of Christ, we also experience Communion as an opportunity to renew our baptismal covenant and to be formed as disciples who live Christ’s mission. Others may have different or added understandings within their faith traditions. We invite all who participate in the Lord’s Supper to do so in the love and peace of Jesus Christ.

Communion Scripture Reading: Luke 22:7-39

Communion Talk

Hymn of Preparation

“Restore in Us, O God” CCS 219 OR “Eat This Bread” sing several times CCS 528 OR “O Lord, How Can It Be” CCS 529

Blessing and Serving of Bread and Wine

Disciples’ Generous Response Statement

Today we continue our focus on the Generosity Cycle, a period set aside to recognize the grace of God and to discover a deeper joy in discipleship through intentional whole-life stewardship. Just as Jesus’s ministry emphasizes taking care of the poor, we too respond to those suffering in poverty. On Communion Sundays, we focus especially on oblation ministries for those in need. This is directly associated with Community of Christ’s Mission Initiative, Abolish Poverty, End Needless Suffering.

Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 163:4a


Share a testimony describing the important of oblation ministries within your life, or your local group, or around the world.

We take so much for granted. Now is our opportunity to realize the many ways we are blessed every day and the chance we have to share those blessings. Let’s discover together.

Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

For additional ideas, see Disciples’ Generous Response tools at www.CofChrist.org/disciples-generous-response-tools

Congregational Sung Response

“Oh, How Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit” CCS 378 OR “Come and Bring Light” select stanzas most applicable to your group CCS 287 OR “O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace” CCS 316


Sending Forth

Never forget that you are loved - every building block part of you. Even when you fall, God will lift you up. Discover the blessings of life not just for you, but in the way God works through you, your neighbors, this faith community, and in all creation! Keep creating! God will lift you up!

Recessional Hymn to be sung excitedly as participants exit the sanctuary

“Humble Yourself” CCS 211

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