3 minute read
Worship Resources
10 September 2023
Ordinary Time (Proper 18)
Romans 13:8-14 Love Your Neighbor
Additional Scriptures
Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 149; Matthew 18:15-20; Mosiah 11:16, 152-156
Welcome Gathering Hymn
CCS 1 OR “All Creatures of Our God and King”
“When In Our Music God Is Glorified”
CCS 98 Encourage participants to sing in a language other than their own. OR “Louez le Seigneur!/Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord!”
CCS 106 Sing several times. See the Performance Note suggestion at the bottom of the page.
Call to Worship Responsive Reading
This reading does not have to be printed or projected. Instruct the congregation to repeat the phrase, “Praise the Lord!” whenever the reader pauses and raises a hand or another signal.
Leader: Sing to the Lord a new song, let Israel (or use the name of your town) be glad in its Maker; let us, the children of Zion, rejoice in our King!
All: Praise the Lord!
Leader: Let us praise the Lord with dancing and the music of tambourine and lyre.
All: Praise the Lord!
Leader: Let the faithful exult in glory, let us sing for joy!
All: Praise the Lord!
-Psalm 149:1-6, adapted
Hymn of Praise
“Praise the Lord Together Singing”
CCS 52
CCS 642 Sing in a 2, 3, or 4-part round if possible OR “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!”
Prayer for Peace
Light the Peace Candle.
Scripture Reading
Alma taught that everyone should love their neighbors as themselves; that there should be no contention among them.
King Mosiah sent a proclamation throughout the land that there should be equality among all; that they should not let pride or haughtiness disturb their peace; that everyone should esteem their neighbor, laboring with their own hands for their support; doing the things that abound in the grace of God.
And there began to be peace in the land…
- Mosiah 11:16, 152-156a, adapted
Dear Heavenly Parent, Soften our hearts as we listen each day. Give us the guidance to follow your ways. Help our love grow with each new soul we meet. Heal us with grace so we can bring peace. In your living name, Amen.
-Dawn Adams, used with permission
For additional ideas: Find this day’s Prayer for Peace service on the church’s website at www.CofChrist.org
Focus Moment: Walking the Neighborhood
For information visit https://www.emporiacofchrist.org/70craigblog/spiritual-practiceof-neighborhood-walking OR the Pastors and Leaders Field Guide. You are welcome to change words to make this practice fit the people in your group. If you are in person, and everyone is able, you could take this practice outside. Otherwise, encourage people to use their imaginations.
Walking the Neighborhood is a simple practice, usually done outside, in your neighborhood, in small groups, as a way to discern what God might be calling you to do there. Today, we will take a few minutes to quietly walk our neighborhoods with God.
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. Imagine it is a beautiful day as you stand outside your home. Look to the left and the right and notice the houses there. Start walking, whichever way you want to go. If you know your neighbors, smile and greet them. If you don’t know your neighbors, smile and greet them, too. Throw a stick for a dog. Smile at the kids. Wave at the people sitting on their front porch. As you are walking, ask God to bless this community that is your neighborhood. Walk back home, noticing any difference you feel about your neighborhood. Did you hear God’s whisper or nudge as you walked? Turn to another and share your experience.
Scripture Reading
Romans 13:8-14
Hymn of Reflection
“Peace of Jesus”
CCS 318 OR “Take the Path of the Disciple”
CCS 336
CCS 558 OR “Who Is My Mother, Who Is My Brother?”
Based on Romans 13:8-14
Disciples’ Generous Response Statement
The church’s mission statement states that, “We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.” One way we do that is by promoting Christ-centered communities of justice and peacefulness. Loving our neighbors is a commitment to valuing the worth of each person and generously meeting their needs.
During this time of a Disciples’ Generous Response, we focus on aligning our heart with God’s heart. Our offerings are more than meeting budgets or funding mission. We can tangibly express our gratitude to God through our offerings, who is the giver of all.
As we share our mission tithes either by placing money in the plates or through eTithing, use this time to thank God for the many gifts received in life. Our hearts grow aligned with God’s when we gratefully receive and faithfully respond by living Christ’s mission.
Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes
For additional ideas, see Disciples’ Generous Response Tools at CofChrist.org/spiritualpractices-generosity/.
Hymn of Neighbors
CCS 339 OR “Help Us Accept Each Other”
“In Christ There Is No East or West”
CCS 333 OR “Somos el cuerpo de Cristo/We Are the Body of Christ”
Closing Prayer
CCS 337