DVF l oves R OXY DV F ’ S b o l d p r i n t s m e e t R ox y ’ s s i g n at u r e s w i m s i l h o u e t t e s i n a c o l l e c t i o n t h at i s b o t h p l ay f u l a n d e m p o w e r i n g . F r o m s w i m w e a r a n d beach cover-ups, to board shorts, rash guards a n d b e a c h b a g s , t h e p i e c e s r e f l e c t DVF ’ s l o v e o f b e a c h c u lt u r e a n d n at u r e a s w e l l a s R o x y ’ s a c t i v e a n d t r a i l b l a z i n g s p i r i t. A c e l e b r at i o n o f n at u r a l b e a u t y, da r i n g a n d c o n f i d e n c e , t h e c o l l a b o r at i o n i s a l l a b o u t e n c o u r a g i n g w o m e n t o g o f o r i t a n d r i d e t h e wav e .
ride on Top: 70s Halter, Hex Dot Sea Salt, Bottom: 70s Lowrider Tie Side, Hex Dot Sea Salt,
Suit Up Top: 70s Halter, Hex Dot Sea Salt, Bottom: 70s Lowrider Tie Side, Hex Dot Sea Salt,
In the Cut Monokini, Large Beach Garden Neon Peach
F lo w e r Power Top: Crossover Tri, Small Beach Garden Turquoise, Bottom: Neo Surf, True Black,
A ll-a- B oard Top: Crossover Tri, Small Beach Garden Turquoise, Bottom: Binded Surfer, Small Beach Garden Turquoise,
Zip It Top: Beach Love Vest, Turquoise, Bottom: Brazilian String, Roxy Maze True Black,
In Short Top: Roxy Garden Rashguard, Sea Blue, Shorts: Neo Surf, True Black,
Lady Lu c k Top: Crossover Tri, Clover Print Sunshine, Bottom: Binded Surfer, Clover Print Sunshine,
T i e- B r e a k e r Top: Knotted Bandeau, Clover Neon Peach, $54.00, Bottom: Paneled Side Tie, Clover Neon Peach, $46.00
Da i s y C h a i n Top: Knotted Bandeau, Sea Daisy Gray, Bottom: Paneled Side Tie, Sea Daisy Gray,
G e t Lo w Bottom: 70s Lowrider Tie Side, Clover Flamingo,
A- M A Z E- IN G Top: Tiki Tri, Roxy Maze True Black, Bottom: Brazilian String, Roxy Maze True Black,
U n d e r C ov e r Top: 70s Halter, Camo True Black, Over: Hooded Dress, Hex Dot White,
G e t Lo s t Shorts: Free Fall, Roxy Maze Black,
Ta n k G i r l Racerback, Sea Blue,
C o n n ec t t h e D ot s Top: Tiki Tri, Hex Dot Sunshine, Bottom: Brazilian String, Hex Dot Sunshine,
Top: Tiki Tri, Roxy Maze True Black Bottom: Brazilian String, Roxy Maze True Black
Top: Tiki Tri, Small Beach Garden, Multi, Bottom: Brazilian String, Small beach garden, Multi.
Top: Tiki Tri, Leaf, Neon Peach, Bottom: Brazilian String, Leaf, Neon Peach
Top: Tiki Tri, Hex Dot Sunshine, Bottom: Brazilian String, Hex Dot Sunshine
Top: Knotted Bandeau, Sea Daisy Gray, Bottom: Paneled Side Tie, Sea Daisy Gray
Top: Knotted Bandeau, Hopscotch Multi, Bottom: Paneled Side Tie, Hopscotch Multi
Top: Knotted Bandeau, Clover Neon Peach, Bottom: Paneled Side Tie, Clover Neon Peach
Top: Crossover Tri, Small Beach Garden Turquoise, Bottom: Binded Surfer, Small Beach Garden Turquoise
Top: Crossover Tri, Clover Print Sunshine, Bottom: Binded Surfer, Clover Print Sunshine
Top: 70s Halter, Camo True Black, Bottom: 70’s lowrider tie side, Camo, True Black
Top: 70s Halter, Hex Dot Sea Salt, Bottom: 70s Lowrider Tie Side, Hex Dot Sea Salt
Top: 70’s halter, clover, flamingo, Bottom: 70s Lowrider Tie Side, Clover Flamingo
Top: 70’s halter Small beach gardenturquoise, Bottom: 70’s lowrider Tie Side, small beach garden
Monokini: Large Beach Garden Neon Peach
Shorts: Beach Garden. Small beach garden-turquoise
Shorts: Beach Garden. Small beach garden-multi
Shorts: Free Fall, Roxy Maze Black
Shorts: Neo Surf, True Black
Top: Racerback, Sea Blue
Top: Roxy Garden Rashguard, Sea Blue
Over: Hooded Dress, Hex Dot White
Top: Beach Love Vest, Turquoise
Bag: DVF Tote. True Black
Front: DVF Bikini Bag, True Black Back: DVF Bikini Bag, Neon Peach
COntact press Roxy
COFFINONCAKE - Lauren TAverner Brown lauren@coffinoncake.com 0203 609 5313