Baptist Magazine March 2014

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INSIDE: ‘The Power of Jesus’ Blood’ Mission News: ‘Connect’ suggestions Introducing Nadia Easter program & Seder Meal

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Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:




When the calendar reminds us that Easter is just around the corner I get this sense of loss, ‘where did I lose the first quarter of the year?’. I imagine that all of us feel in some way dictated to by a society out of control, being driven by a need to produce and consume, we can get caught up in the’ TRAP-pings’ of Easter, yet this is so opposite to the life that Christ has called us to live:

CONTENTS: Bapchat 2 Rev. Chris Robson The power of the Blood of Jesus … 3 Chin Church Mission … 4 Chan Khi Teng Connect Suggestion … 5 Ray Budge Introducing … 6 Nadia Abraham Mission Focus … 7 Val Beverley Membantu … 8 Natalie Ryan Essentials … 9 SimonLiu and David Hau … 9 Women’s Connect Group Barbie Amos … 10 Saturday Outreach Max Hartley … 11 Easter Services times … 12 The Seder Meal …10

Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth. No one can serve two masters. If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does life consist of possessions. Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in yourselves….for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. See Matthew 5:44, 6:19, 24, 7:1; Mark 2:17, 8:34; Luke 12:15; John 6:53-68

Having just completed the Essentials training with the team who have put their hand up to do pastoral care it is obvious that we are blessed in this church to have such a broad range of gifted people who want to love the Church as He has loved the Church. The Elders and I are encouraged by Nadia Abraham’s acceptance of the coordinating role. It is also obvious that the heart of this Church is to look beyond the doors of our building to those outside of the faith and it is so encouraging to read in this edition of the adventures and stories from our members who are engaging with the world as He is. At this time of the year we are all reminded of the commitment of Christ and recognise that if we want to be like Him it takes ALL we are to follow him. The Seder meal, to be held on Thursday 17th is a time for us to recall the history of the saints that have gone before us. It is also an opportunity to recognise the power of the blood of Christ both to save us and to bind us together as a community. It is a great honour for Lisa and I to be the ‘father and mother’ at this meal. Last time we did this we finished the ceremony with the expression “Leshanah haba’ah bee-rushalayim — Next year in Jerusalem.” .. and the following year we actually were.

Pastor Chis Robson Page 2

Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



The Power of Jesus’ Blood 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

It remits sins (Matt. 26:28). It bears witness in the earth along with the Spirit and the water (1 John 5:8, KJV). It causes us to dwell in Christ and He in us (John 6:56). It is the means by which Jesus purchased the church (Acts 20:28). It is the means by which Jesus becomes our atonement through faith (Rom. 3:25). It justifies us and saves us from wrath (Rom. 5:9). It redeems us (Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; Rev. 5:9). It brings those who were far away from God near to Him (Eph. 2:13). It grants us the forgiveness of sins (Col. 1:14). It brings peace and reconciliation to God (Col. 1:20). It has obtained eternal redemption for us (Heb. 9:12). It cleanses our conscience from dead works to serve the living God (Heb. 9:14). It is the means by which we enter the most holy place with boldness (Heb. 10:19). It speaks a better word than the blood of Abel (Heb. 12:24, NIV). It sanctifies us (Heb. 13:12). It makes us complete for every good work (Heb. 13:20-21, NKJV). It cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7). It gives life to those who consume it (John 6:53). It is the means by which Jesus washes us (Rev. 1:5; 7:14). It is the means by which we overcome the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:11).

Summary: Thank God for the “precious” blood of Christ . . . the “sprinkled” blood of Christ . . . the blood of “the new covenant” . . . the blood of “the eternal covenant” (1 Pet. 1:19; Heb. 12:24; Luke 22:20; Heb. 13:20).

“The life is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11) Page 3

Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



Coffs Harbour Chin Christian Fellowship

Report from our Coffs Harbour Chin mission work Coffs Harbour Chin mission work started in November 2011 but after the Chin State church changed their name from Z.B.C to C.B.C, it caused a lot of confusion and change. In September 2011, we sent U Myo Kyaw and his wife to the southern Chin state, Paletwah area and Jyiwah village. Then in November 2012, we enquired for U Khai Za Naw to go to Bible college for Kaw (Burmese area). This year, we are hoping to send one more person but we can't find anybody who is willing to do so. Why are we sending these people to the southern Chin state, Paletwah area Jyiwah village you ask? Well, the answer to that is because people from those places who were already believers of Christ, are becoming Buddhists. The ruler of their country is bribing them into Buddhism by providing their needs and wants (food, clothing, money... etc etc). People are forgetting our native language and/or their mother- tongue. They're slowly losing our culture, traditions and most importantly, our main belief.

We're not doing this for our use but for C.B.C's benefit.

In Febuary 2014, we have built a small church for at least 20 people so they can worship and praise God whenever they want. And we've built a simple building for the peoples' that we've sent. From our work, we've made a committee and once every year we do what we can to help them. With our work and with the help of C.B.C, we have had a successful time with sending out our missionaries. We haven't managed to get some photos yet but we've requested for them so they'll come round later and look forward to seeing them on our Church mission payer wall. In 2015, (if we can), we're trying to get one or two people to go into the field of our missionary place and work.


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Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



Chan Khi Teng


Connect Group Suggestion: There seems that there was a time when Baptists didn’t dance and it was evil to go to the movies and while the movies have come to us, in the form of television, we need to be vigilant with what we watch, hear and learn from. A reminder of the need for us to have a critical voice, that is not framed only in the negative came in the form of an article from Christianity Today (online) that I read recently: “Too often, Christians are in knee-jerk reaction mode when it comes to popular culture. If the world made it, we are against it, and can provide the list to tell you why. This is especially true with Hollywood. While there may be much to critique about Tinsel Town, it is more fair (and more Christian) to put the movie in context and to acknowledge its positive characteristics— before we launch a broadside attack. Several movies this year have pushed the envelope to new lows. For example, The Wolf of Wall Street set a new record for "F" word usage, according to Slate – used 544 times! In contrast, it is a significant development when a major Hollywood studio like Paramount makes a film about a story from the Bible. Let me illustrate. I recently went to see the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. There were only three trailers played during the preview to the movie: Son of God, Heaven is for Real, and Noah. Whatever one thinks about the theology of these films or their artistic merit, it is a welcome trend to see three faith-based films featured at the box-office. Hollywood is trying, the theaters are trying, and for that we should be glad” ..

Ed Stetzer Feb 28 2014

There has been said in the news about our local hero, Russell Crowe’s portrayal of Noah, some of it valid and some probably not so valid. Have you thought that it might be a good idea to perhaps take your home group to view a movie like this, or at least take the opportunity to go with a small group of fellow Christians who can critically analyse the costuming, the historicity, the acting and the authenticity of the character in regard to Biblical theology. What a great opportunity we have to draw other people into such a conversation and find that it moves on to a discussion about sin. For example, in Noah, the movie “Noah, Methuselah, and the heroic characters of this movie all affirm God as the Creator and just Judge. In a scene that backs up the doctrine of total depravity, Noah says there is evil in his wife and his sons, even though they will be on the ark. What is more revealing, after seeing an image of himself in a corrupt city, he comes to realize and admit his own sinfulness” Ed Stetzer

Maybe books are your thing!! I am sure that we can take the opportunity to invite Winston to share with us a review of that great book “Heaven is for real” which has also just been turned into a movie. We have some great tools that God has given us this year in regard to sharing why our faith is justifiable. While the community is going to watch these ‘hollywood’ versions of how God works to draw us to Himself, we have the opportunity to share a faith that can be communicated within the context of the culture we live in.

Ray Budge Page 5

Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:




Nadia Abraham

My name is Nadia Abraham; I was born in Alexandria, Egypt, migrated to Australia with my parents in 1987. In the 70s and 80s Egypt was still safe and politically stable, so I had a great childhood over there with my parents and sisters. Migration for me was a complex experience where the emotional roller-coaster swang between deep grief and great excitement; from missing everything I grow up with to wanting to learn everything about my new home. For me, then, learning English was number one on my list so I went to TAFE to study English, I then had a few jobs. After that I went to University, and with a great deal of hard work I got myself a degree in Computer Science. Throughout my life, especially in difficult times, I sought help. I was very blessed to meet a few very helpful and highly skilled counsellors along the way. In 2004, I decided to change career so I started a Post Grad Diploma in counselling and Psychotherapy. Ever since, I’ve been counselling with people in all kinds of life situations. For me Counselling is not a job, it is a calling; It is ministry; it’s being in a partnership with God to create healing and wholeness. I’ve been a Christian all my life. I was very blessed to grow up in a Christian family and church has always been my second home from a very young age. When I was a little girl, back in Alexandria, my parents started a ‘what looked like’ kids church in our house; that project went on and expanded to becoming the local church which is still there now with over 2000 members. Throughout 2009 and 2010 I had a strong sense of a calling to go out and help people in severe need specially children, so (…long story…) I travelled overseas on missionary trips ; ended up in an orphanage on the border between Thailand and Burma where I stayed for 6 months. Although I am very grateful to God for everything he blessed me with, life hasn’t been easy. There have been difficulties that challenged me and tested me and yet strengthened me and my walk with God. I call it the growing pains. I believe trials are very much part of life on earth. Holding onto God was mainly what got me through, and receiving God’s love and support through his people was almost like a life support to me. To me this is Pastoral Care in practice: To meet people where they are at; in their needs and difficult times. I see Pastoral Care evident all through Christ’s ministry. He was willing to walk all the way to Jacobs well to minister to the Samaritan woman, just as he was willing to visit upon Zacchaeus’s house for his salvation. The book of Ephesians is all about pastoral care, about caring for our families, children, widows and others in need. And now, as I have received it is time to give back as a way of acknowledging God’s love and mercy to me.

Freely ye have received; freely give.(Matthew 10:8)

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Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



Mission Focus: Val Beverley Bangladesh is a country of teeming millions that has previously been known as East Bengal and East Pakistan. With an area of less than that of Victoria it was home to over sixty (60) million people in 1963. It is now the overcrowded home of more than one hundred and sixty (160) million people. In 1947 at the partition from India tribal groups in the areas designated for the new borders were divided with half falling into India and half into the then East Pakistan. Among those tribes was the Garo tribe in the north of the country. The Australian Baptist Missionary Society with whom I worked for many years had commenced work in the area and the centenary of the Garo Baptist Convention was celebrated in 1990. As proof of God’s power to change lives these people have been transformed from feared and hated slash and burn headhunters into God fearing farmers. A handful of the very aged may call themselves Animist but the whole area has been Christianised by Baptist, Roman Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist and Anglican. They are now third and fourth generation Christians with the spiritual needs that go with that situation. I worked with the Garo Baptist Convention from mid 1972 until unavailability of a work visa forced me to return home in 1990. I worked in their clinic, with family planning, the Bible Training Institute and with women and children and lived with them through all their stages of life. I now attend weddings and dedications of children of the babies that I delivered while working in the clinic. Since 1991 God has graciously opened the way for me to return on a tourist visa many times. This visa does not permit work either paid or voluntary so I spend my time doing what isn’t considered work and that is sharing in the ministry mostly of the local church. The church has grown numerically but continues to need encouragement and teaching and basically that is what I am about. Most days of the week I have a meeting to share at and these include prayer meetings in homes, prayer and Bible study with the leaders and staff at the head office which is in Birisiri and regular women’s meetings. I also attend the Convention’s annual meetings, have the privilege of leading the Bible studies at the women’s Bible Camp and take part in the Easter celebrations. Easter is celebrated with a week of twice daily meetings - church in the morning - homes in the evening. Thursday evening with the Lord’s Supper is the best attended of all services and is a beautiful, meaningful time when hundreds gather at our local church. Good Friday, Easter Sunday and sometime through the week I have opportunity to share God’s word and challenge and encourage these brothers and sisters in Christ. Easter celebrations conclude with a ‘love feast’ prepared and shared by the folk in different parts of the village. My grateful thanks to you my church family for your overwhelmingly generous support which means that up until now I have been able to return each year and not only encourage the church spiritually but use your gifts to help the poor in a practical way. My thanks and praise to God for good health and an open door to continue going until He decides to close it. I am currently here till the end of April. Politically, at the moment Bangladesh is in turmoil so please pray that the leaders will put aside their own selfish agendas and think of the welfare of the country and the millions of innocent poor. Elections have happened but it can be unstable. Again many thanks to you my church family.

Val. STOP PRESS: 26/3/14 Had a tummy bug last week from which we have recovered but we are a little tired. I also have a sore shoulder from a fall I had so another prayer point. … my home arrival date is 28 th April (From …. the Table)

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Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



Bali Mission Trip: Lauri Ryan Ever since I began middle school I have had a dream in my heart to travel to third world countries and work to make a difference. This dream became a reality for me on the 13th of November 2013 when I, along with 22 other students embarked on an eye-opening and life changing mission trip to Bali, Indonesia. I used to hear people talk about the poverty they had seen and as I would listen, my heart would cry over the injustice of this world but I don’t think I ever really realised how upsetting it truly is until I had experienced it in person. We were fortunate enough on this trip to be able to do quite a bit of travelling throughout Bali. This meant that we were able to go to 3 orphanages: Blimbing Sari (an orphanage mainly housing primary aged children), Malaya (mainly housing teenagers) and Singaraja orphanage. We spent our first week at Blimbing Sari orphanage which is located in a Christian village that has a very interesting history. We spent the mornings painting, fixing up walls and moving some dirt. The afternoons were filled with fun games of soccer and volleyball with the kids or hanging out and seeing what the children wanted to do. At night we presented our prepared night program which consisted of a range of music, fun games, testimonies and a drama skit to convey our message of God’s love. While we stayed at Blimbing Sari we went and spent 2 days at the Malaya orphanage where we repainted their entire dining area and fixed up the girls bathroom area. The girls had the awesome opportunity to stay the night at Malaya orphanage and share the dorms with the girls. The girls were so excited to have us stay and it was awesome to see how in such short time we were able to become good friends. On the second and last day we spent at Malaya orphanage God blessed us with the amazing opportunity to bless staff and teenagers with a complete set of new clothes. This was a massive deal for them because other than their one set of school clothes they own this was the only other set of clothes they most likely will have for the next year. A few of them cried and all of them smile. It was such an emotional event but it was AMAZING to be a part of it and see the looks on their faces. So after the first week we travelled up to Singaraja having a morning of snorkelling at a nearby island on the way. At Singaraja orphanage we presented our night program which many of the children enjoyed. While there we were given the opportunity to participate in their afternoon classes. These are classes they do after school at the orphanage to learn and build their skills. After visiting Singaraja it was time to make our way down the scary road down the middle of Bali to begin our departure home. We arrived in Denpasar a couple of days before our departure date. During our last few days in Bali we visited our sister school “Harapan School”. This was yet again another major cultural difference. I was aware that school in Indonesia started at 6am and finished around lunchtime but it shocked me the amount of children who attended this school. Throughout our two weeks in Bali we had the opportunity to attend two church services. The first was a service spoken in complete Indonesian however the second we attended in Denpasar where they had an English speaking church. It was so awesome to see how different the church services are but how we all love and worship the same God just in our own culturally unique ways. Our Bali mission trip was filled with many opportunities and blessings. God blessed us by keeping us safe and fairly healthy and letting us experience this amazing different culture. It was awesome to become like brothers and sisters to our friends at the orphanage and I loved the opportunity to help further expand Gods kingdom here on earth. Thank you to God, the leaders, my fellow mission trip buddies and all those who prayed for me while I was away, all of you contributed to this amazing and unforgettable experience! Gods continuous blessing

Lauri Ryan Page 8

Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



The Essentials: Some highlights from the ESSENTIALS course held over 8 weeks in February and March: “I feel Essentials has empowered me to be a greater help to others.” L.S. “A showcasing of the skills available in our church family” R.B. “I really enjoyed the course. It was beneficial in highlighting the various aspects of Pastoral Care.” D.S. “So impressed and appreciative …. It really helped me personally.” A.C. “Very relevant to my needs.” S.P. Trainers will be working with the Burmese members of the congregation to deliver the same training through April.

Message from Simon: A Year 5 boy called Senming had an accident on the way to the shop to buy snacks. He stepped in the ditch and fell on a rock with his head. Immediately his head was covered with blood, his friend carried him back to the orphanage and our director took him to the hospital. There were 3 deep cuts on his head. The doctor shaved the hair and gave him many stitches. Senming stayed in the hospital for 4 days, the first 2 days he vomited after every meals, after that he became better. The doctor did a CT scan on Senming's head and found no internal damage, so he came back after 4 days. Every day in the hospital, our teachers and students were there to take care of him and pray for him. After Senming came back to the orphanage, he gave me a letter to pass it to his best friend to say thank you for his help. He was very grateful with other people's help. Senming recovered quickly, he can eat normally, sleep well, go to school every day and he joined our singing group after 2 days. He is now 90% recovered and his gauze was removed. Thank God for protecting him and healing him. This accident cost our orphanage 3000 yuan (about 550 AUD). In order to avoid any future accident, we have decided to sell snacks to the kids in the orphanage, so that they don't need to go out and buy. I will be in charge of this, and on the first day open, I have sold to 30 kids. I guess there will be more in the future.

Can you imagine allowing the kids to cut your hair, what about kids who actually study at night!! Remember, you can keep in contact with Simon via his email: or check out the videos …. they are funny and encouraging

Bali Trip: David Hau During the Bali trip I had learned one thing from the children of the orphanage centre as I saw all the children sing before having a meal and after meal. That was so impressive and amazed me because I have never known this in my life. It taught me the importance of thanks giving to the Lord always, and I realized how God has been so good to me even I never sang before meal or after a meal. I am encouraging my young brother and sister every day not to forget that God is the one who provides and that we have to give our thanks to God every day from the morning to the evening.

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Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



Why Join a Connect Group? Would you like to be part of a close knit group of disciples? Do you want to learn more of the Lord and His ways/His word? Are you interested in reaching out to others with Christs’ love? Maybe you’re searching for a place to share your gifts, grow your faith, make friends, to teach as well as learn? Do you love to pray with & for others & worship Jesus? Are you feeling a little out of things, not connecting with the wider church body? Perhaps you are just interested in what this Christian life is all about? Our church has lots of Connect Groups and there is bound to be one which suits your time, your yearning, your preference, your culture, your heart. Below is a snapshot of one group, not suitable for everyone, but there IS one that will be for you, so check the list in the bulletin and consider joining one! When I felt the Holy Spirit’s prompting to begin a group for women again, I kept hearing Him say: “ I want this group to really get to know how much I love them, each one, individually. Study John (the beloved’s) gospel, he knew he was loved by Me and I desire all my children to know and grow in the knowledge of that love.” I was excited! I know the basis of my life stems from this knowledge—Christ in me, the hope of glory! Though I sin miserably at times; He still loves me, I know I am very, very small; yet He is massively big. The Holy Uncreated God who breathed out stars and calls each one by name, that One, that Jesus, loves me!!! It’s a revelation that has gotten me through life these past 31 years of knowing Him. Don't get me wrong, even though I am a student of the heart of God, I am still in preschool. The depths, the heights, the lengths, the fullness of His love is something I will be learning for all eternity, as will all who are called by His name. And so, we open the word and learn together, we pray for one another, we worship Jesus in whose name we gather and we get to know one another and His heart as we share our lives. We have been in John’s gospel all year, and are up to Chapter 8—it will take a couple more years most likely to finish it. That’s fine with us, there is no rush as we enjoy so much richness and revelation and at times are caught up in prayer, worship, or a special need in the group, and we don't stick to our plan. Holy Spirit is our leader and we want Him to lead us. We are having a short break over summer & commencing again on Wednesday 5th February. Anyone interested in joining us, feel free to call me,

Barbie Amos

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“God’s Love” Connect Group for Women (0403925334)

Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:



Saturday Outreach Report: Max Hartley 2013 has passed and we can think back on a very successful time of ministry which culminated in a Christmas luncheon with 90 people in attendance. Everyone enjoyed a great day with much thanks to all who helped and contributed from the church, some financially and others who helped in person assisting with everything from carving up meat to the plating up of Christmas pudding. Thanks to business donations from Coles, Woolworths (both in town and from the Plaza), Big W, Tutti-Frutti who gave us a great box of fruit and vegetables, the Ex Services Club who donated a large ham, Baker’s Delight and the Donut place at the Plaza (who provide us bread and donuts EVERY WEEK) … everyone was more than satisfied. Pastors Chris and Ray, Tracy and Jan all shared and several people were ministered to, including two people who made a commitment. Again, thanks to everyone!! It is a highlight for everyone involved. For those who are not aware of this outreach/ministry, each week we go down to Rotary Park to fellowship with visitors and regulars from a diverse range of backgrounds. We go to share love and encouragement without prejudice or a judgmental attitude. We share a song and minister in prayer to anyone who presents with a need and everyone is provided with food (sausage, bacon, eg, donuts a roll and of course a tea or coffee. The cost has been negligible but the reception has been great. For those that have doubts about the worth of the ministry, consider the parable of the prodigal son, the adulteress caught in sin or the passage in Matthew 25: 31-46 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ NIV 40

I take this opportunity to make a special mention of regular helpers, Val Beverley, Margaret Coombs, Jim Nolan (a retired building contractor), Ray Webb (Loaves and Fishes), Michael Thompson (Presbyterian Church, Jan Beavis, Tracy and Peter and others. If you at all interested to come and support us in this ministry in any way, we would love to hear from you. Please take time to ask us how God has blessed up in sharing in the way and spend a bit of time with the team. We have a lot of fun and as the regulars will testify “ It IS worth it all”

Max Hartley

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Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:




SEDeR Meal: Our church has been sharing in this event for a number of years and everyone is welcome to share with us this year in a great evening of preparation for Easter. At the Seder, every person should see himself as if he were going out of Egypt. The Seder service begins with the recitation of kiddush, drinking the four cups and eating the matzah, we learn the meaning of Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, matzah, Maggid and a child is chosen to ask the time-honored question: “Mah nishtanah ha-lailah hazeh mikol ha-leilot? Why is this night different from all other nights?” Why only matzah? Why the dipping? Why the bitter herbs? And the answer includes a brief review of history, a description of the suffering imposed upon the Israelites, a listing of the plagues visited on the Egyptians, and an enumeration of the miracles performed by the Almighty for the redemption of His people. We then share in the Berach and yes, you will notice the photo from one of the tables last year involved grapes,

Hallel and finally Nirtzah we then say “Leshanah haba’ah beerushalayim — Next year in Jerusalem.”

SEDeR Meal : Thursday 17th April 2014 7pm (come prepared for a meal) At Coffs Harbour Baptist Church Reservations apply: 0266523352 As numbers are needed to cater.

A YOUNG PERSON ? Young people: 12 – 18 years of age are welcome to attend every Friday night !! Meet others and develop your personal and social skills. Have fun and make a new friend. Page 12

Coffs Harbour Baptist Church:

BAPCHAT EASTER ‘14 If you are interested, please call David Stone on 0405011241

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