MAP: Looking at space to study mental spaces

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lack of training in the transcription or analysis

Gestural data are neglected/overlooked by vast majority of linguists and psychologolists or CS/CL.

bimodal lg production, not only written or spoken

Real spoken language production in context is always a multimodal process, performed by a gesturing body embedded in a physical setting. Lakoff and Johnson Our conceptual and linguistic structures could not be as they are if they were not based in human bodily experience of the world.

Lakoff and Gallese Fauconnier and Turner Taub 2001

Gesture can represent iconically spatial relations, motion, paths, shape and size


Gesture analysis is crucial input to mental spaces theory and to CL in general.


Gesture varies crosslinguistically and crossculturally.

pointing is universal

BASIC WORK in the field: Kendon and McNeill gestures should be understood as grounded blends of Real Space of other mental spaces

Gesture, viewpoint and deixis other subjective viewpoint phenomena correlate with physical perspective and access to a scene.

Co-speech gesture as a crucial data source in CL EVE SWEETSER (BERKELEY GESTURE PROJECT)



Speakers of all languages gesture as they produce linguistic discourse, constantly. Co-linguitic gesture is neurally co-processed with language, in tight language-specific neural routines. Strokes are co-timed with the verb in English and with the object in Chinese!

epistemic speech act

Sizemore and Sweetser

gesture and speech are co-produced as a single neural package and a specific pattern of neural packaging is shared by a given language community

Kita 2003

interaction regulation gesture (213)

Language and gesture show systematic use of the same metaphoric systems.

gesture beyond the speaker's personal gesture space happens specifically when the speaker is regulating the conversational exchange;

discourse space structure is equally striking;)


Cienki 1998 systematic metaphor gestural structures may occur separately from linguistic metaphor usage, as well as accompany-ing such usage

Mental Spaces theory is how to approach gesture analysis

levels of communicative interaction

metalinguistic Gesture thus not only functions at the same multiple levels of communicative meaning as speech, but spatial divisions in the gesturer's Real Space are relevant to functional levels of communication. Physical spaces once more stand for different Mental Spaces. (important for CL)

McNeill 1992

Gesture track of co-production routine is lees monitored than the linguistic track! Speakers gesture even when not in the physical presence of a viewing intelocutor

Gesture and levels of content GESTURE AS A BACK DOOR TO COGNITION

Goodwin 2000 gives excellent examples of how flexible the connections can be between actual objects pointed to, and intented meaning

When two neural routines are closely correlated in performance, activating one of them will help activation of the other. Goldin-Meadow 2003 hearers make use of speakers' gestural information the head nod or "just right" gesture does not need lg at all but can substitute for words if necessary

nunez and sweetser 2006: Aymara! EMBLEMS or quotable gestures (conventional gestures)

thera are always formed in the same way Calbris 1990 and Kendon 1990, 2004)

like speech, gesture can be transcribed more or less finely; but the standard approximation is that transcribers... (207) TRANSCRIPTION

iconic mappings between the body and represeted content also include: (208)

Gesture, iconicity and levels of abstraction

spatial gesture bibliography (208) Gesture representations of abstract concepts are iconic and metaphoric

Co-speech gesture as a crucial data source in CL EVE SWEETSER (BERKELEY GESTURE PROJECT).mmap - 2010-05-30 - Mindjet

Parill and Sweetser 2004

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