Winning with Pinterest

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Winning with Pinterest: tips & tricks guide

Cognition is an inbound marketing agency that gives you all the tools you need to develop a marketing approach for your business you will love. Attract – Lead generation that works while you can’t Nurture – Build trust with your prospects Convert – Turn those leads into customers Repeat – Get your customers coming back for more

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What is in marketing bound ? Inbound


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Search marketing

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Targeted keywords, web optimisation, keyword rich content.


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Integrate your CRM for opportunity management and closed loop marketing.

Content marketing

eBooks, whitepapers, mindmaps, infographics, share your expertise.


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As more and more brands are piling into Pinterest, it’s important to build a B2B marketing strategy for Pinterest that works well with your business and fits the type of products and services that you offer. Here are some helpful social media strategy tips and tricks on how you can use Pinterest to gain optimal B2B marketing success.

1 Build a powerful Pinterest profile Create a concise and keyword filled description of your company. This description is key because it shows up in search results when someone searches for your page. In addition, you need to choose a company image that’s consistent with what

you use in your company’s other social media profiles. The profile section also allows you to link Pinterest with other social media like Facebook and Twitter enabling you to maximise your cross channel efforts.

2 Generate captivating content People should be able to tell what your board is about at a glance. Plus, you’ll get more followers and generate more web traffic if you’re funny, creative or unique in some way. So go ahead and include that charming photo of your old office building and old products if you’re feeling nostalgic for example. Or perhaps post eBooks, infographics and videos to really enhance your B2B presence.

3 Create conference boards Start a pinboard of tradeshows and other major events your company participates in and include photos of various activities including exhibitions, banners, speakers and anything related to the event to pique users’ interest.

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4 Pin your videos By using a ‘Pin It’ bookmark on YouTube, you can pin your videos to any of your boards. If your business has a YouTube channel, this is a great way to leverage it.


5 Host a pin chat Utilise the social media eco-system by blending Twitter with Pinterest to host an online chat event in which attendees tweet links and pins featuring blogs, sites, pictures and videos. It provides a unique opportunity to augment Twitter chats and build community around a theme or topic related to your business or industry.


Use your Pinterest board to support your blog Pinterest provides valuable real estate to maintain viewership to your company blog. For every new company announcement or news you are posting on your blog, put a pin on Pinterest where you include the title of the post, the link to the blog post and a related photo. Most importantly, include a call-to-action button that prompts your readers to take the next step in further engaging with your business.

Craft killer client testimonials and stories Remember that people love seeing people and especially ones that act as ambassadors to your brand. So pinning pictures of your clients and pasting their testimonial in the pin’s description provides social proof about how awesome your company is. Similarly you can create visually engaging stories through powerful images of your customers engaging with your product or service. Even better, develop an entire board dedicated to customers and if they have a Pinterest account you can link them directly to the pin description.

By utilising these social marketing suggestions into your Pinterest B2B marketing strategy, you’ll be able to better promote your presence via this powerful platform.



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