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DECEMBER 2001 From the Area Director

Connecticut Report By Steve Smith

Richmond, VA - It is hard to believe that four long years have managed to slip by and this will be the last contribution to the NE Area Newsletter I will be making as your NEAD. If you will recall from the last newsletter, this was an election year in the Area and I decided not to seek a third term. Unfortunately, an election never happened since all of the individuals whose names were submitted as potential nominees, declined. All except one, that is—former NEAD, Mike Aldea. Therefore, by default, Mike will be assuming the AD duties for this next term. Mike is no stranger to this position, having served in this capacity for several previous terms. We offer him our congratulations and trust you will provide your support as he charts the course for the Area in the years that follow. I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has been supportive in our efforts over these past four years. It’s been a hoot and I have enjoyed meeting and making new friends at the various events I have attended. I trust I will see all of you again down the road at some future COG event. I especially want to thank all of the AAD’s in the Area. You guyz have been the absolute best in making this one of the most active Areas in COG. Your efforts have certainly paid off. Thank you! We’ve thrown a lot of pictures in this issue from rides I attended in 2001. Enjoy!


From the New Northeast Area Director By Mike Aldea

Naugatuck, CT - What is wrong with this picture? It’s the first weekend of December, the temperature is abnormally warm and sunny, and my insurance just suspended for a 3-month lay-up. My wife said that I needed to spend more time around the house anyway. The riding downtime makes me look forward to wintertime motorcycle activities, like shopping for new accessories and gadgets. Which reminds me to remind you that the CW International Motorcycle Show in New York City is very early this year, happening December 28-30 at the Javits Center. In addition to that, those of you in the Connecticut area can check out the New England Motorcycle Expo January 5-6 at the Connecticut Expo Center in Hartford. While you are reading this, mark your calendars for the Spring Fling 2002 northeast regional rally, on the schedule for May 17-19, 2002. This year the rally will be based at the Interlaken Inn Resort in Lakeville, CT. Those who attended the 2000 rally know it is an exceptionally nice place, located in the beautiful northwest Connecticut countryside, offering wonderful accommodations. We have reserved the same patio area for our Saturday night steak & chicken banquet. Please get the registration forms in to me as soon as you can so we can plan the banquet and raffle accordingly. We have to supply a head count to the hotel a few days before, so the rally registration deadline is May 10, 2002. If you are planning on (Connecticut Rpt - Continued on page 2)

Hawthorne, NJ - I got a very disturbing phone call the other day from Carl Metler. He was calling to tell me that I was the new NEAD ..... by default! It seems that no one in the NE Area volunteered to fill Guy Young's vacancy. L I find it very worrisome that the approximately 600 regular members in the NE, not to mention all the associate members who are also eligible, couldn't produce two or three people willing to help keep things running smoothly. COG is a member run organization and is only as good as the members who volunteer time and efforts to make it successful. I want to thank Guy for the outstanding job he has done as our Area Director for the past four years. I marvel at the fact that he was able to handle the position so smoothly while also being the COG Technical Director. I'm sure that the T.D position must consume much more time than A. D. Guy recruited and organized a great bunch of AAD's who I hope will support me in a similar fashion. I will be looking for members to fill a couple of AAD vacancies during the next few months. I hope I will be as successful in finding good people as Guy has been. I am also looking for input from members on way to get more members involved in COG rides and rallies. If you have a local ride you enjoy anywhere in the NE area, please share it with the rest of the membership. The NYC metro area has never (New NEAD - Continued on page 3)

Northeast Area News Publisher: Guy B. Young II Editor: Michael Aldea Submissions are accepted from any member of COG. The preferred method is via e-mail so the editor won’t have to do a lot of typing, but any type of legible written submission will be gladly accepted. The Northeast Area News is compiled on a small desk in New Jersey by an ocassionally over worked staff of one. This paper is circulated among the members of Concours Owners Group, a not for profit organization dedicated to the enjoyment of a large, very powerful motorcycle. Many of the opinions stated in this publication may make no sense to those sound of mind and may just be conveniently ignored. If you use any of the information in this rag to incur damage to yourself, your motor or any innocent or not so innocent bystanders it is you own were warned!

Area Director Guy B. Young II 5919 Fieldstone Rd. Richmond, VA 23234-4015 804-745-1439 (Res,) 804-359-6500 (Bus.) e-mail: FAX: 804-359-6659

Northeast Area News (New Address)

Michael Aldea 100 Rock Road, Apt 82 Hawthorne, NJ 07506-1566 973-238-1107 e-mail:


(Connecticut Rpt - Continued from page 1)

staying at the Interlaken, I urge you to make your room reservations early, as our block of rooms will be on hold only until March 15, 2002. I have compiled a list of nearby camping, motels and B&Bs. The registration is in this newsletter or you can download a copy from the rally web page. Call or email me if you need this information, or check the rally web site as I plan to put this and other information there in the near future. As for other rides and such for 2002 . . . The monthly Marcus Dairy meet and greets seemed to work well this year and we will do them again next year. I will pick one Sunday for the months March through November, and will try to make my best guess to try to avoid the Super Sundays. In addition, Mike Flynn has graciously volunteered to put together a few rides, and they will be added to the schedule as soon as the dates are firm. Another possibility is a COG ERC day. If there is enough interest I may be able to have an Experienced Rider Course for COG members and friends to be offered sometime in the spring at the Naugatuck Valley College training site in Waterbury, CT. Those wanting to participate should contact me with their mailing address so we can send registration information to you if there are enough participants to run the class. Be sure to look for the dates of all these rides in the next newsletter. If you would like to see more COG activity in this area I desperately need your help. Do you have a favorite destination or ride? Maybe someone else will like it too! Drop me an email or give me a call and I will help you make it a reality. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated and you have all winter to plan it. What you need to do ASAP is to just pick a date, start location and time and wecan get it on the schedule in the newsletter and Concourier by the spring. (Connecticut Rpt - Continued on page 4)

Massachusetts AAD Stepping Down I am sorry to report that Dave Pawlikowski has found it necessary to step down as the AAD for the Massachusetts region. In a recent e-mail note, Dave indicated that he felt he wasn’t able to put the time into the position it deserved (I can relate to that) since taking on additional responsibilities with the Sports Riders of New England (SRNE). I appreciate the time and energy Dave has extended in his capacity as AAD and wish him well in his future endeavors. Many thanks to all that he has done!! Dave’s departure leaves an obvious void in the Massachusetts region. If you feel you would like to take on this most important role, please contact your new AD, Mike Aldea.

Mid-Atlantic Report By Clyde Watson I had hoped to get this information out to everyone via a hard copy (paper) newsletter, but I’m afraid time got the better of me again. Since some of the following information is time sensitive (December’s ride below), and since a NE Area newsletter is in the works, I decided to do the next best thing and send this out through email. First things first. As everyone already knows, our current NE Area Director, Guy Young has announced he is stepping down at the end of this year. I feel comfortable speaking on behalf of everyone when I thank Guy for all of his hard work as NEAD these past four years. Our club in general, and the NE area in particular, has been very fortunate to have his efforts and guidance. He has worked incredibly hard for all of us and COG is a better organization for his efforts. A few other special MA Area thanks are also in order for efforts above (Mid-Atlantic - Continued on page 3)

(Mid-Atlantic - Continued from page 2)

and beyond this past year. Pat and Sharry Sprague of Luray, VA hosted two excellent events at their private OWO campground. Martha and Russell Fleming hosted our annual North / South weekend extravaganza at their home in Hampstead, MD. Tom Aldstadt hosted the Summit Point ride in August, and although it was not very well attended due in large part to my own failings, his efforts are greatly appreciated. Bob Chappell organized COG’s, “Chunk Yer Punkins” ride in Delaware, an event I have yet to make but will sometime in the near future. Thanks to everyone who stepped up to the plate this year and thanks to all of you who attended the rides. It was a great riding year and I look forward to seeing many of you on the 2002 rides. Finally, I had originally decided to step down from the Mid-Atlantic Assistant Area Director position at the end of 2001. However, I have reconsidered and will do this one more year. But 2002 will be my fifth and final year as AAD. It’s time for some new blood and some fresh ideas. If anyone is interested in assuming the AAD position for 2003, please let me know. If you are interested, it would be helpful for us to work together some this year, especially toward the end of 2002 when it comes time to set up the 2003 ride schedule. The job itself requires some work but is fun and it provides a lot of satisfaction. You get to meet a lot of motorcycle minded folks and it sort of forces you to get out and ride. “Honest honey, I have to go on the ride. I’d much rather stay here and cut the grass but the guys are counting on me.” Let me know if you are interested. Thanks. In closing, I want to mention that I already know I will miss several of the 2002 rides. If things work out as planned I will miss the May and June rides. My son, who will graduate from Georgia Tech on May 4, and I plan to take a five-week crosscountry bike trip. It’s something we (Mid-Atlantic - Continued on page 4)

Ride Reports By Guy Young Fall Foliage Ride One of the most popular rides in the Mid-Atlantic Region is the annual Fall Foliage Ride that is held in October. Tradition has it that these rides start in the Luray, VA area, and this year was no exception. A goodly number of the group usually assemble the night before and stay in a nearby campground so they won’t have much distance to travel Sunday morning to get to the ride. This year was a little different since the ride was being held on Saturday. Local members, Pat and Sharry Sprague, opened their One Wheel Only Campground (OWO) for the hearty souls who wished to brave the chilly nights (low 30’s) and sleep out under the stars. Approximately 18 people took advantage of the Sprague’s hospitality and made a tent their ‘Dome Sweet Home’ for the weekend.

Fall Foliage Ride - Tent City at OWO

Since this seemed to be THE Fall Foliage ride this year, we managed to assemble a group from all over the Area, including a strong contingent of riders that came down from Canada. All toll, approximately 30 people collected at the Southern Kitchen Restaurant in New Market for a hearty breakfast on Saturday morning. After pigging out on a fare of true Southern cookin’, Pat led us on a wonderful 250 mile ride (300 for some) that saw us traveling over a variety of roads and terrain that covered the western part of the state and on over into West Virginia. Altho’ somewhat muted by the lack of rain in the area,

(New NEAD - Continued from page 1)

had a lot of COG activity and I'd like to see that change. I hope I will have seen a lot of those local members at the NYC motorcycle show the end of December. May be we can brainstorm at lunch/ dinner after the show on how to increase local COG activity. In January for those local NY metro members suffering from PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome) may I suggest a non-COG activity. Spend your Saturday nights in January attending the indoor flat track races at the Thunderdrome in Middletown, NY. The racing is fast and furious with everything from 6 years old amateurs to AMA Grand National Champion Chris Carr twisting the throttle. I expect to be there every Saturday night in January enjoying the action. I will be the fellow in the red beret standing in the far corner next to the Team Vito - F. W. Speers Yamaha display. Practice starts at 5:30 PM. If you come bring ear plugs and dress warmly! The temperature doesn't get much above 55-60 degrees inside. The Thunderdrome is located at the Orange County Fairgrounds, at the junction of OC96/Carpenter Ave. & Wisner Ave., Middletown, NY. Someone told me once that being A.D is a thankless job. But I found that not to be true. Being involved as NEAD made me feel like I really belonged and made my membership in COG much more enjoyable. I encourage you all to get more actively involved - to get to know your fellow members. They are some of the best people you could ever hope to meet and if you just sit home and read your Concourier you are missing out on the real benefit of being a COG member. COG is only as good as we all make it! Let's keep making it great.

Mike COG # 528

(Ride Reports - Continued on page 4)


Northeast Area Contact List Assistant Area Directors Bob Chappell - DE, Phila & burbs (PA/NJ), Md Eastern Shore 320-A Castle Avenue Claymont, DE 19703-3206 302-791-0582 e-mail: Jim Clark - NY, Northern NJ 153 Central Ave. Lynbrook, NY 11563 516-596-0582 e-mail: Roger R. Daigle - Ontario Canada 3500 Bruce Street Cornwall, ONT K6K-1N3 613-932-3657 e-mail: Glen D. Liucci - Western NY 755 Wiler Rd, Hilton, NY 14468 716-964-5723 e-mail:

Karl Maskos - Atlantic Canada 22 Cannon Rd. Quispamsis, NB E2E 3T9 CAN 506-847-4411 e-mail: Brian J. Riley - NH 388 Piscassic Rd Newfields, NH 03856 603-772-5954 e-mail: Rick G. Shirk - Penn. 131 E. Locust Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 717-766-0316 (Res.) 717-795-7155 (Bus.) e-mail:

Clyde Watson - Mid-Atlantic States 8504 Katy Reid Court Chesterfield, VA 23832 804-675-0513 (Res.) 804-755-5325 (Bus.) e-mail: (Ride Reports - Continued from page 3)

the colors of the leaves presented their best as we made our way over hill and dale.

Patty Smith-Verspoor - Ontario 1445 St. Joseph Blvd. Gloucester, ONT K1C-7K9 613-830-4497 e-mail:

(Connecticut Rpt - Continued from page 2)

(Mid-Atlantic - Continued from page 3)

Someone mentioned to me that it might be nice to get together over the winter at a restaurant or sometime. Contact me somehow if you are interested and send along your ideas or suggestions for a location. I know that there is usually a group that goes out for lunch from the motorcycle show in NYC. I am looking forward to seeing the regulars and some new faces as well.

have talked about for years and God willing and the creek don’t rise, we may finally get to do it. I will also more than likely miss the August ride because this same son is getting married on August 10 in Roswell, GA. And if all of the above takes place as planned, I will have nearly exhausted my annual allotment of vacation and may not be able to make the September ride to the Run With The Wolf Rally.


Steven M. Smith - Conn. 39 Alison Ave. Naugatuck, CT 06770 203-720-7575 e-mail:

Fall Foliage Ride - Breakfast at the Southern Kitchen Restaurant

The ride ended that evening back at the Sprague’s for a chili cookout, and we enjoyed each other’s company as we huddled around a nice roaring fire in the fire pit. Simply put, it don’t get no better than this!!

Clyde Brrr Ride This is probably my most favorite of all the rides held in the (Mid-Atlantic) region. Humbly speaking, I founded this one on a whim six or so years ago with only one other rider (Pat Sprague) showing up on a very cold Saturday morning. That one managed to cover the true meaning of ‘Brrr’ with weather whose temperature dipped below 30, and a snow squall that blew through the area on

Spring Fling 2001 - Stratton Mountain


Crab Cakes V - Chatter by the Bay

(Ride Reports - Continued on page 7)

2002 Mid-Atlantic Region Ride Schedule January 20 – Fredericksburg, VA – Breakfast gettogether - Meet at Bob Evans Restaurant in Fredericksburg between 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Bobs is just off of I95 on Rt.3 east. Turn left onto the service road at the first traffic light. A ride will follow, weather permitting. January 26 - Chili and Grilled Cheese get-together Roseanne and Mike Schmidt will host this, now annual, event at the COG Maryland clubhouse, AKA - Russell and Martha Fleming's garage (2610 Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd) in Hampstead, MD, from noon 'til 4:00 p.m. PLEASE call, or email Mike to let him know if you are coming so he'll have enough Tums on hand. Contact: Mike Schmidt, 410-374-5195 or February 17 – Gordonsville, VA – Breakfast gettogether – Meet for breakfast at the Innwood Restaurant in Gordonsville between 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. The Innwood Restaurant is on Rt. 15 just north of the traffic circle in Gordonsville. A ride will follow, weather permitting. March 23,24 – Crab Cakes VI – Annapolis, MD – Thought we’d try something a little different here this year. We’ll start out the same as usual. Meet for breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant on Rt. 50 near the Bay Bridge between 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Denny’s is on Rt. 50 east – Exit 29B. This is the next to last exit just before you cross the Bay Bridge going east. Once off Rt. 50, turn right on East College Parkway which becomes the service road running parallel to and north of Rt. 50. After breakfast we’ll cross the Bay Bridge, meander around Maryland’s Eastern Shore ending the day at Delaware’s Seashore State Park on Rt.1 at Rehoboth Bay. We’ll set up camp there for the night. This early in the year reservations will not be necessary. Additional information (maps, directions, fees, etc.) about the Campground facilities at Seashore State Park can be found at www.destateparks. com/dssp/dssp.asp. We’ll play it by ear for dinner on Saturday (anyone got any ideas?). Sunday after breakfast, again at a yet to be determined location, we’ll ride around for a few hours with plans to end up in Secretary, MD for a 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. lunch at the Suicide Bridge Restaurant. And as we all know by now, their menu prominently features CRAB CAKES. From there, we’ll head for home. Even if you’re not interested in camping, please feel free to join us for any parts of the ride either day. April 21 – Waynesboro, VA – Breakfast get-together – We’ll meet for breakfast at Lynn’s Pancake and Steak House in Waynesboro between 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Lynn’s is located at 2120 West Main Street (Rt.250) on the west side of town just a few miles off of I 64. After breakfast, we’ll take in some mountain scenery on a route that is yet to be determined. May 17,18,19 – Luray, VA – Weekend camp and ride – Pat and Sharry Sprague have offered to serve up breakfast Saturday morning prior to a ride over to Helvetia,

WV. The Hutte Restaurant in Helvetia alone, where we’ll no doubt have way too much lunch, is worth the trip. Their homemade peach cobbler takes three days to make and is truly unbelievable. Camping at the Sprague’s OWO is available both Friday and Saturday nights. Additional details will follow as we work them out. To get to Pat and Sharry’s house from Luray, ride north on Rt. 340 about 5 miles. When you see Springfield Elementary School on the left, go about ½ mile further and turn left on Rt. 661 (Cavalier Rd.). Kelly’s Point grocery is at the corner. Rt. 661 becomes a good gravel road. Ride 8/10 mile and turn right on Beylor’s Ferry Rd. Go about 4/10 mile and their house is the third driveway on the left (#421 Beylor’s Ferry Rd.). Turn left at the “Wheelie” and allow the dogs to sniff you. Please call Pat and Sharry about a month ahead of time at (540) 743-4874 so they can get a head count. June 14, 15, 16 - North Meets South VI – Hampstead, MD – Martha and Russell Fleming are at it again. This annual event will follow a tried and true format that includes free tent space in the Fleming’s back yard, breakfast in the driveway Saturday morning prior to a self guided tour of some excellent area roads, and a Saturday evening cookout at the Fleming’s starting around 6:00 p.m. Directions from Hanover, PA to the Fleming’s: take PA 94 south into MD where it becomes MD 30. Continue to Manchester. Turn right at MD 27 (Sheetz store on left) and go 2.4 miles. Then turn left on Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. The Fleming’s house is one mile on the left. If you do not want to camp, try one of the hotels listed below in nearby Hanover, PA. Hampton Inn, 309 Wilson St., Hanover, PA – (800) 426-7866 or (717) 633-1117 Super 8, 40 Wetzel St., Hanover, PA – (800) 800-8000 or (717) 630-8888 Clearview Motor Inn, 901 Carlisle St., Hanover, PA – (717) 6373701 Circle Plaza Motel, 1016 Baltimore St. Hanover, PA – (717) 632-7110

July 20, 21 – Meadows of Dan – Blue Ridge Parkway (Milepost 177) – We’ll meet for breakfast at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning, July 21 at the Mabry Mill Restaurant at milepost 176.2 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. After breakfast we’ll head in a generally northerly direction taking in some of the BRP and a few of the many byways that cross the Parkway. We’ll stop for a late lunch somewhere along the way (Waynesboro maybe) before heading for the barn. Mabry Mill is about two miles from a new motorcycle campground called Willville (www.willvillebikecamp. com) that is on Rt. 58 about a mile west of the BRP exit at milepost 177.7. I plan to spend Saturday night at Willville. I was by there for a quick look see this past May and it’s a very nice looking place. Check out their website. It’s pretty impressive. (Mid-Atlantic Schedule - Continued on page 6)


(Mid-Atlantic Schedule - Continued from page 5)

August 17 – Weyers Cave, VA – MSF Rider Training Course – Through the generous efforts of COG member extraordinaire, Pat Sprague, we have lined up a Motorcycle Safety Foundation rider-training course at the Blue Ride Community College at Weyers Cave, VA. The class will be limited to twelve (12) people only and will be signed up on a first come first served basis. I will keep a waiting list of all requests in case we have some folks back out, and I will take certain bribes. Tentative times are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and the costs for the class should be in the $35 to $50 range. As soon as details are available, I’ll forward them along. Pat and Sharry Sprague have also offered use if their private campground (OWO) to anyone who’s interested. See the May ride for directions to the Sprague’s. September (Dates TBD) – Suches, GA – COG Run With The Wolf Rally –Originally I had planned to do the AMA Superbike races at VIR this month but their schedule shifted the race that was held in September this year to August in 2002. So, north Georgia here we come, and if you have never made this trek to the Wolf rally, you really ought to do yourself a favor and go. This is one heck of a to do. We’ll meet at the gas station at the entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway near Waynesboro, VA, spend two days riding down to Suches where we will spend a couple of nights at their TWO Motorcycle Resort ( before heading back home. Dates and details will be made available when we have them. October 18, 19, 20 – Fall Foliage Ride – Luray, VA – Pat and Sharry Sprague will host a weekend camp and ride at their home in Luray. Additional information will be sent out later in the year when we get all the details worked out. Mark your calendar now. This’ll be a good one. See the May ride for directions to the Sprague’s.

2001 North-South

2001 North-South

November 16, 17 – Brrr Ride – Natural Bridge, VA – We’re making a slight change here this year, It seems we’re getting a bit soft in our old age and some folks have requested that we hold this annual event in a campground that has hot showers. Everyone had good things to say about the Natural Bridge KOA ( where/va/46114.htm) during the 2000 COG National so I picked it instead of our usual meeting place at Otter Creek for our home base. For those who just want to come for the day ride, we plan to meet for breakfast on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. in Buena Vista at a little Portuguese Restaurant whose name and address I’ll have to send out later. I can’t seem to find it just now. We’ll spend the day riding the area roads and end up back at the KOA at the end of the day. December 15 – Williamsburg, VA – Breakfast gettogether - We’ll meet for breakfast at Friendly’s Restaurant in Williamsburg, which is located at 1735 Richmond Road (Rt. 60). A ride will follow weather permitting.


TWO Bound - Taking a break on the Cherohala Skyway

(Ride Reports - Continued from page 4)

Saturday night. Over the years, the number of participants has grown from that meager 2, to approximately 30 this time around. Assembling at the Otter Creek Campground on the Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP), the hearty ones (some would

Brrr Ride - Headin’ Out say foolish) actually pitch their tents at the campground for two rousing nights of hooliganism and chicanery. You have to experience it to understand. After breakfast at the Otter Creek Restaurant Saturday morning, I led the group on an approximate 200 mile loop, initially heading south down the BRP, then west off the mountain towards parts unknown. We assembled for a lunch stop at the Country Café Restaurant just south of Hot Springs, VA on Rte. 220. The final leg took us east on Rte. 39 through Goshen Pass, one of the most beautiful spots in this area – IMHO, of course. The road ain’t that bad either, with a little bit of everything thrown in to keep every-

one happy and on their toes. The final run turned into a spirited one up over the mountain on Rte. 501, a 7 mile jaunt that was only momentarily interrupted by one lone car who immediately pulled over to let us go by. The trip concluded back at the Otter Creek Restaurant with a wonderful meal.

restaurant, while others headed down off the mountain to Buena Vista in search of grub. For me, it was the end of another enjoyable weekend that will be stashed away in my memory as being a good one. Miscellaneous Pix From 2001

Brrr Ride - Contemplating Life at Goshen Pass The continued dry weather had the Forest Service on a high state of alert and a state-wide ban on open fires. Bummer! No campfires allowed. Being the resourceful bunch that we are, local rider, John Hinton,

Brrr Ride - Takin’ a break at Goshen Pass

Fall Foliage - Kraig Neidigh’s Best Bin Laden Impression

Helvetia Ride (OWO) Yeah, we didn’t trust him either!

had his SO, Debi, bring a kerosene heater with her when she joined us for dinner that night. That meager amount of flame became our ‘campfire’ for the evening back at the campground. Unfortunately, even 20,000 Btu isn’t really a match for Mother Nature.

Brrr Ride - Luv’n that Kerosun (fire ban in effect)

The weekend activities concluded Sunday morning as we all said our good-byes. Some of us enjoyed a hearty breakfast at the campground

North-South The Fleming’s house guests for the weekend


C o n c o u r s

O w n e r s

G r o u p

Spring Fling

Northeast Area Regional Rally May 17th – 19th, 2002

The Spring Fling is coming back to the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains and once again we will headquarter the rally at the Interlaken Inn ( in Lakeville, CT. This country resort in the northwest corner of Connecticut is an excellent location for a rally as it offers first class accommodations, great food and the rally area is very scenic and has many terrific roads and lots of interesting things to see. We have already begun to search out some pearls of pavement to tickle your twisties. For you early arrivers, there will be a Friday ride leaving the hotel a little after noon. The Saturday ride is self-guided and there will be a choice of sample routes and we will provide Connecticut Motorcycle maps for those feeling more adventurous. When you arrive, check the posted schedule for rally check-in times and updates. A limited number of rooms has been set-aside and will only be held until 3/15/02 as another event is going on there and the discounted room rate is $89/night. The hotel always seems to fill up so book your room early by calling the Interlaken Inn directly at 800-222-2909 or 860-435-9878 (be sure to mention Concours Owners Group). For those of you who prefer to camp two possibilities you can look into are: Taconic State Park – Rudd Pond, Rt. 22, Millerton, NY, 800-456CAMP, 7-miles away or Lone Oaks Campground, Rt. 44, East Canaan, CT, 800-422-2267, 13-miles away. Rally Fee: $30.00 (US $) per person, payable to “Concours Owners Group” - Registration deadline 05/10/2001 - We will make every effort to accommodate all rally attendees at the banquet, but those who do not register by the deadline cannot be guaranteed a meal)

Send lower portion of the Registration Form with rally fee to: Questions / Comments / Suggestions? Steve Smith: 203-720-7575 or email: John Purdy: 203-720-2286

Steven Smith – Spring Fling 39 Alison Ave. Naugatuck, CT 06770 This event will be

Rally updates will be posted at the rally web page: Rally Headquarters:Interlaken Inn, 74 Interlaken Road (Rt. 112), Lakeville, CT 06039 Driving Directions to Interlaken Inn: From Albany Area: I-87 (NYS Thruway) east on Berkshire Extension, I-90 Exit B2, south on Taconic State Pkwy, east Rt. 23, south Rt. 41, west Rt. 112 west. From Boston Area: Mass. Turnpike to Exit 2, west on Rt. 102, south Rt. 7, west Rt. 44, south Rt. 41, west Rt. 112. From NY/NJ Area: Thruway north to I-287 east to I-684 north. Go to end of I-684 to Rt. 22 north to Millerton, NY. Right onto Rt. 44 east to Rt. 112 east. Alternate from NY/NJ: I-287 East across the Tappan Zee Bridge to Saw Mill River Parkway north to Taconic Parkway north to Rt. 44 east to Rt. 112 east.

Rally Registration Form (one per person) Name: (One person per form) ____________________________________________ AMA # _____________ COG #___________ Street: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: (_____)_____-____________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Country: ________________ Emergency Contact Information:

Name: Phone No.: Relationship:

________________________________________________ (______)_____-___________________________________ ________________________________________________

Please read and sign the following Concours Owners Group Release: I understand that the Concours Owners Group (COG) cannot assume responsibility for my personal safety in this event. I choose to participate in this event voluntarily, based on my own assessment of my abilities, the routes conditions and facilities, and therefore assume all risks. I release and hold harmless COG, its officers, agents and members from any and all injury and/or loss to my person or property that may result from my participation in this event. I further certify that my vehicle and I are in compliance with all applicable license, insurance and financial responsibility laws applicable to my participation in this event. All participants under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian sign the following additional release. As the parent or guardian of the above participant, and being informed or familiar with the risks normally associated with motorcycle events, I hereby consent to his or her participation in this event, and accept and adopt all the representations and assumptions of risk set forth in the foregoing release.

Participant Signature: ______________________________________

Parent or Guardian (if applicable) ___________________________________

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