From the Area Director By Steve Smith Winter 2003
Another year – and what a year it was. Among the nearly 65 activities posted to the 2003 COG Northeast schedule we had a few regional rallies, a few weekend events, some days rides, wrenching sessions and a whole lot a fun.
NE Area Election Update - The nomination period for the position of Northeast Area Director closed on November 15. On November 16, I received the following communication from the COG Executive Director... “since there was only one nomination who accepted, we have decided not to go to the expense of a formal election and to declare Steve [Smith] the winner.” I am very happy to stay on and I’ll spare you from any speech.
Ride & Rally Reports - Each issue we must decide what will be published in the newsletter and what will be submitted to the Concourier - we try not to let anything go unpublished. Articles that seem to deserve national attention will go to Concourier. Some may be held for the next newsletter issue - it all depends on available space. This issue was an exceptionally difficult as there were a number of terrific submissions.
Northeast Area News
Fall Foliage Rally - Terry & Scott pulled off another great one, with attendance near 80 people. If you have never been to a rally hosted by these gents you are missing out. Keeping it simple and fun is their key. Terrific upstate NY roads, good food and wonderful company. The highlight of the banquet was when special rally guests Brian Rathjen & Shira Kamil (publishers of Backroads Magazine) presented the boys with look alike military action figures. I thought I saw a tear well up in Terry’s eye. I guess you had to be there. Look for the Terry’s full story in the near future.
NE Webmaster Wanted - Rick Miller, the Northeast webmaster of the past 6+ years recently decided to step down. I would like to thank him for all his efforts over the years; it was a pleasure to work with him on the redesign of the Northeast web pages. I will miss the email salvos with his sometimes misunderstood, “cut to the chase” wit. I am now in search of another volunteer to fill the webmaster void (who said “large void?”). The time requirement is minimal, but I won’t stop you from putting in as much extra effort in as you like. The NE leadership staff mostly provides information and content. I will continue to help out and share the web workload. Candidates for this position should have, and know how to use, Macromedia Dreamweaver. Having broadband ISP is not a requirement, but it is a big help to have the bandwidth when publishing the web pages & photo galleries. Please contact me if you are interested or have questions regarding this position. Flood City National Rally - Nearly twenty of us converged in Johnstown, PA for the Scouting Party that our illustrious National Rallymaster, Jason Kaplitz, convened over (the only one in shorts below). Local tourist sites were visited, potential routes were explored, and local food & drink were sampled. We checked out the Holiday Inn host facility to determine how to best use the meeting space, and we visited the brand new convention center that we will use for our banquet. Jason planned out the weekend and we all had a great time… exactly at 6:23pm Saturday according to the itinerary Jason left for us at hotel check-in. Things seem to be progressing smoothly towards the rally dates. Be sure to read over the rally A group of the FloodCity Scouting Party doing the after ride ritual update later in this issue. Where did you go? - Bounced emails and Newsletters marked “Return to Sender”… yup I get ‘em. The ability to be able to communicate with our membership is important. This is really difficult to do if we do not have your correct information on file. If you move, change your phone or email, please be sure to let us know. There are still nearly 50 Northeast members who have a bad email address listed with COG membership. I think that many others may have email, but never listed it with us.
Organize an Activity - Now is the time to consider organizing a COG activity for 2004. The AADs have been busy and you can see the fruits of their labor in this issue’s ride schedule. It would be nice to see more local activities - many of you have said so. While we Inside this issue: would like to, it is impossible for the AADs and myself to organize all the Northeast events. We need more members Flood City National Update, Contact Info 2 to help organize these events. Just think what the choices COG Contest 2004 3 would be like if each of the 580+ Northeast Area members Northeast Ride Schedule, Maryland/Southern PA Ride 4-5 organized one event. You probably have a favorite ride or restaurant. Instead of going by yourself, pick a date and CT Report, CT Wrench Session 6 time and put it on the ride schedule. You may get a few Mid Atlantic Report, Ride to Mr. B’s, Rally Referees Needed 7 members to tag along. See the article regarding the CT Wrench session. When the guys first decided to do it they Spring Fling 2004
New Members, Mid-Atlantic Fall Foliage Ride
(Continued on page 8)
Flood City National Update by Jason Kaplitz Although we have enough room space secured, it will not be held to the last moment. Book your room early - you can always cancel or reassign it to another member. We are hoping to book the entire Holiday Inn so we have the run of the hotel. Russell Fleming, the on-site registration coordinator, is now looking for volunteers to help at the rally registration table Tuesday (7/13) through Saturday (7/17), as well as assistance Monday evening to get the registration area set up. Contact Russell directly by phone: 410-374-9687 or email: There are still two open positions that require coordinators: Door Prize and On-site Merchandise Sales. Please contact me if you would like to take on one of these tasks or help out on any committee listed below. Jason Kaplitz Flood City National Rallymaster phone: 814-535-8669 or email: Here is the current list of rally committees and coordinators: On-Site Merchandise Sales: open Door Prizes: open Pre-registration: Mike Flynn On-site registration: Russell Fleming Tech Sessions: Guy Young Woman Events: Missy Lippy & Rosanne Schmidt ERC: Tim Mueller Bike Show: Harold Bookman White Water Rafting: Doug Grosjean Fallingwater & Kentuck Knob Tours: Scott Ruffner Biker Movies: Elvin Rivera & Mike Flynn Poker Run: Tom Strike Webmaster: Steve Smith
Northeast Area Officers Area Director Steven Smith Naugatuck, CT 203-720-7575 Webmaster open position
Editors Louis Caplan 703-978-9844
Assistant Area Directors New Hampshire Tony Shelver Moultonborough, NH 603.520.0324 Massachusetts Kevin Martin Dracut, MA 978-459-6275 Connecticut
Flood City National ERC Registration How Are Your Riding Skills? The 2004 COG National Rally Committee is now accepting registrations for the two MSF Experienced Rider Courses (ERC) being offered at the Flood City National. ERC dates are Wednesday, July 14 and Friday, July 16, @ 9:00am. Each course may have up to 12 riders. These courses are being offered to rally participants free of cost by the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program. They will be conducting the all-new ERC curriculum. In order to give everyone an equal chance to participate, we will hold a drawing to select 24 participants at random. We will select some "wait-list" alternates as well, in case any of the first 24 can not attend. You may register for the ERC drawing by email or postal mail. Send your contact info, including your name, address, phone, e-mail, AND preferred course date to: Tim Mueller 417 Sunaire Terrace Cincinnati, OH 45238 Or you may send an e-mail to: (Please make "ERC" the subject line.) One registration per person, please. The drawing will be conducted closer to the rally date, probably 4-6 weeks before. Additional info will be posted on the rally website, Concourier and area newsletters.
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Brad May Wallingford, CT 203-269-9042
NY Hudson Valley Mike Flynn Bedford Hills, NY 914-244-3537 Pennsylvania - Western Eric Crookston North Huntingdon, PA 724-864-1972 DelMarVa & Philly burbs (PA/NJ) Bob Chappell Claymont, DE 302-791-0582 Maryland Russell Fleming Hampstead, MD 410-374-9687 Mid-Atlantic States Patrick Sprague Luray, VA 540-743-4874 (home) 540- 743-5132 (work) 540-743-3229 (fax) Northeast Ontario, Canada Patty Smith-Verspoor Gloucester, ONT 613-830-4497
Metro NY/NJ Jim Clark Valley Stream, NY 516-872-3694
Submissions may be edited to best fit available space. If you Newsletter Staff: would like to have your Steven Smith; Louis Caplan material returned, please The Northeast Area News is a include a SASE. publication for Northeast Area Please send submissions to: members of the Concours Steven Smith Owners Group. Submissions 39 Alison Ave are welcomed and members Naugatuck, CT 06770-3566 are encouraged to share information about a wide variety of topics on motorcycling. The preferred Many of the opinions stated in this method is via e-mail, so the publication may make no sense to those editor doesn’t have to do a lot sound of mind and may just be conveniently ignored. If you use any of of typing, but any type of the information in this rag to incur legible submission will be damage to yourself, your motor or any gladly accepted. Digital images innocent or not so innocent bystanders it are welcome, but please do not is you own were warned! embed them in the document. Copyright 2003 Š Concours Owners Group
Northeast Area News
COG Contest 2004 - by Michael Flynn, Contest Director & NEAAD-Hudson Valley NY Hello members of COG. I would like to thank all the contestants of the first ever COG riding contest. I’ve had fun running it, and from the comments I’ve received the players had fun too. The purpose of the contest was to get us out riding, not that we need any help in that area. I saw it as more of a way to get us headed to areas we might not usually go. A funny thing happened along the way though. Aside from those wanting to win, many began a quest to get all their home state’s counties, or all the National Parks in their area. I ended up really enjoying the pictures of the different areas you riders went to, and especially liked the historical markers. I learned much about our country and it’s history. I am hard at work adding up the totals for this year’s contestants, and will have them all done shortly. Because of printing deadlines, the announcement of the winner will be in the next Concourier. I have come up with several ideas for the next edition of the contest. I hope that the second edition of the contest proves as much fun as the first, and hopefully a little easier on the players. I have tried to come up with a contest that rewards all. Not everyone has the time, stamina, or desire to do Iron Butt rides for long away bonnie, while others don’t want to be fenced in. With all that out of the way, I now present to you, the COGlective… Meet The Veeps! In this year’s contest, the players must head out and hunt down that most useless of governmental position, the Vice President. The number 2 man gets relegated to the second year of the contest. We don’t want him to feel out of place. This tribute to those not quite so high achievers will have the contestants first find out who the hell these stand-ins are, then tracking them down. Here now are the rules, because we have to have them. 1) The entry fee for this year’s contest is $10.00 (payable to COG); 2) All contestants must be a member (or Associate member) of COG; 3) All contestants must collect 20 Official Locations. OFFICIAL LOCATIONS:
BONUS LOCATIONS - 10 points each: 1) Any street, library, school, or governmental building (or military base) bearing the VP’s LAST name only, or FULL name (Arthur Ave is acceptable for Chester A Arthur, Arthur Ashe Rd isn’t; Chester A Arthur Elementary is acceptable); 2) Your bike with unique police vehicles (no Crown Vic’s, Malibu’s, Explorer and similar SUVs, or bicycles, etc.), sports cars with official police or DARE markings and lights, motorcycles, Hummers, ATVs, Jeeps (not Cherokees), aircraft, tank or armored vehicle, command centers, etc. One unique vehicle type per department. 3) Your bike with a pink flamingo or lawn jockey on different properties. COG Bonus 25 points—Attending a COG event/ride (have the host sign off on a piece of paper or claim form; hosting the ride? Have an attendee sign off on yours) 50 points—Attending the COG National (have the Rally Master or Contest Director sign off on your sheet. Bonus extra 25 points for getting both to sign off). Each photo (regular or digital) must be of your bike and the rally rag. This year’s rally rag will be a red piece of cloth (bandana, shirt, towel, etc.). If you can’t get your bike in the picture, the rally rag must be visible in the picture. As proof of an Official Location, you may use a city sign, post office, municipal building (state not needed). If in doubt, snap the picture and plead your case. Better to have a picture to explain than no picture at all. The contest runs from April 1, 2004 through October 31, 2004. All contest submissions must be received or postmarked by 11/15/04. Electronic submissions are acceptable (email or CD). Contact with any questions.
Email: 50 points - any city, town, village, or county bearing the last name of Web page: a VP. Mailing address is: Michael Flynn 25 points - any city, town, village, or county bearing the last name of PO Box 58 a President (must have the VP in order to gain the Prez bonus points, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 i.e. Clinton requires Gore) You must have a different location for each termed VP and Prez. If a VP served 2 different presidents, you Feel free to make up your own form/sheet. Include one form for each need 2 different towns. If a VP served multiple terms under the same bonus - make as many copies as you need. president, he can be used only once. A bonus location can only be used once in the contest. MEET THE VEEP’S - Contest Registration Form
MEET THE VEEP’S - Claim Form
VP / Location
President /Location Email
Phone COG #
Official Bike Make/Model
Return form and check payable ($10.00) to COG to: Michael Flynn PO Box 58 Mamaroneck, NY 10543
COG Event (name/host) 25 pts COG National 50 pts 10 point Bonus Locations: VP Street___________ VP Library/School________
VP Building________
PD vehicle___________ Lawn Jockey/Pink Flamingo__________ Mail Claims to: Michael Flynn, PO Box 58, Mamaroneck, NY 10543
WI NT E R 2 0 0 3
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Spring FlingRide RallySchedule 2004 by Tony Shelver, AAD—NH Northeast - view the NE most current event info at Kawasaki booth early to find out group lunch plans. Wear a COG shirt or hat to be spotted. S. Central Ontario Get-Together, Milton ON Contact Steve Smith 203-720-7575 or Monthly: Gather at Bumpers in Milton on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm just to DC - CW International Motorcycle Show meet, exchange factual anecdotes, plan rides, etc. From 401 S. on 25 through Milton to where 1/10/2004 - Washington Convention Center 25 jigs left; keep going straight (Martin St.) Non-COG event until you come to a T (Main St.) turn right. Hope to see you there. Contact Pat Sprague: Bumpers is on the right about a block up. From 540-743-5132 or QEW or Hwy 5, take 25 north (aka Bronte) to Milton. Contact Dave Clancy 905-389-7681 or VA Breakfast and Ride, Port Royal, VA 1/11/2004 - We’ll meet at Horne’s Restaurant at Port Royal, VA at 9:00am at the intersection of CT Wednesday Night Ride In, Cromwell RT 301 and RT17. Jim Sparkman has some Monthly: Gather for dinner and conversation on interesting back roads planned for us to ride the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. before arriving at another place serving great, Great way to meet and renew old friendships. hot food! In the event of snow/sleet, this ride Meet at the Cromwell Diner. I-91, exit 21 will be held on the 1/18. Contact: Jim Sparkman (RT372), about 1/4 mile west on the left. 540-775-5864 or Brad May: 203.269.9042 or PA Chili n' Cheese Tech Session, Hanover CT Meet, Greet n Ride, Southbury, CT 1/24/2004 - Former Marylanders now Monthly beginning 3/21/2004: Meet at Dunkin Pennsyltuckians, Mike and Roseanne Schmidt Donuts between 9:00am-10:00am on the 3rd once again host the famous Chili n' Cheese gig Sunday of each month at 9:00am. Riders in their garage at the rear of their home at 438 present will decide where they want to ride. South Franklin Street in Hanover, PA. Mike I-84, exit 15 (RT6/67), go north to light at first will also host a tech session if there is any shopping plaza and take a left, then another interest. Please bring parts or fluids you will immediate left into shopping plaza. Look for need. Mike will provide garage space, tools and Dunkin Donuts. (Look carefully, zoning laws a lift, and our own COG Technical Editor, Guy don’t allow usual bright signage) Brad May Young will be on hand. Things get started at 203-269-9042 or 9:00am. Chili and grilled cheese sandwiches will be served around Noon for those mainly Calendar of Event interested in eating. If you want your valves adjusted, please make arrangements to bring VA/NC "Around the Sound" Williamsburg your bike the night before, or truck it to the 12/13/2003-12/14/2003 - Gather at the Capitol Schmidt's on Saturday morning. Get your bike Pancake & Waffle House, 800 Capitol Landing ready for the riding season and enjoy great food Rd, Williamsburg. 757-564-1238 for breakfast and COG camaraderie. It has to be warmer this year. Directions to Mike's garage: From the at 8am on Saturday. We’ll depart at 9am to catch the Jamestown-Scotland ferry at 9:30am. North, East or West: From the center square in Hanover (where PA routes 94, 116 and 194 It runs every 30 min. From the south side of the river we’ll ride intersect), go south on PA 94 (Baltimore St.) through 2 traffic lights and make a right when mostly back roads to Kill Devil Hills, NC for the 100th anniversary celebration of the Wright you get to Mt. Royal Ave. Turn right at the first alley. The garage is on the left. From the South: brother's first flight. Cost is $10.00 per day. Go north on MD route 30 into PA. After It is about 215 miles to Kill Devil Hills from the passing through 4 traffic lights, make a left ferry landing. Those who want will ride down when you get to Mt. Royal Ave. Turn right at to Buxton, NC to camp at the Cape Woods the first alley. The garage is on the left. For Campground 252-995-5850. Sites are $27.30 those who are directionally challenged and rely per night, two tents on one site. Hurricane on GPS, the coordinates are: N 39° 47.64' Isabel did much damage in this area. Depending W 76° 58.66'. Please RSVP to the Schmidt’s on road conditions and ferry service we will so they can plan enough food. 717-637-2663 or ride the ferry to Swann Quarter, or back track to Manteo and west through NC to VA and home over mostly some pretty back roads. I’ll be VA Breakfast and ride, Gordonsville, VA camping at Jamestown Beach Campsites 2/15/2004 - Meet at the Innwood Restaurant at 757-229-7609 which is very close to the ferry 9:30am. The restaurant is on RT 15 just north of landing on the Jamestown side for any who the traffic circle in Gordonsville. A ride will wish to join me there on 12/13, Friday night. follow, weather permitting. Alternate date if Contact: Patrick Sprague; bad weather will be 2/22/04. Contact Patrick 540-743-4874 Sprague: or 540-743-5132 NYC - CW International Motorcycle Show
Monthly Events
1/3/2004 - Javits Convention Center. Non-COG MD Chicken Corn Soup Gig, Westminster event Meet at the 2/21/2004 - John and Missy Lippy will host a Page 4
hearty cold weather feed at there home at 227 East Green Street in Westminster, MD. We’ll meet at John and Missy’s at Noon and the ride will be getting there and home. Please RSVP a week before so the Lippy’s can plan food. 410-871-3285 or VA Sadie Hawkins Sunday Social and Lunch 2/29/2004 - You get an extra day for your COG membership this year so I've planned a chance for COG members, families & friends to gather for a great luncheon at a neat and historic place. Meet 11:30am at Michie Tavern, 683 Thomas Jefferson Hwy (RT 53), Charlottesville, VA. Take the RT20 south exit off I-64. Space has been reserved for us with group rates. Bring the bike or family chariot, loose that cabin fever and get to know COG a little better. Contact Patrick Sprague: or 540-743-5132 MD “Crabcakes Ride”, Grasonville 3/20/2004 - 3/21/2004 - Meet at Holly's Restaurant located east of the Bay Bridge on the service road on the north side of RT 50 (exit 43B heading east; exit 43A heading west). Meet for breakfast 9:00am-9:30am. We will depart Holly’s around 10:30am and ride through MD and DE. Saturday night we’ll camp at the Sandy Hill Family Campground at 5752 Sandy Hill Road, Quantico, MD 410-873-2471. There may also be a ferry boat or two open for the Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning ride. , We'll leave the campground Sunday about 9:00am and find a place to grab breakfast. Afterwards ride around for a few hours with plans to end up around 1:00pm at the Suicide Bridge Restaurant in Secretary, MD for... Crabcakes. After a great lunch we’ll head for the barn. Contact: Pat Sprague: 540-743-4874 or Russell Fleming: 410-374-9687 VA Bridges of Madison County Ride 4/18/2004 - Meet for breakfast at 9:00am in Waynesboro, VA at Lynn's Pancake and Steak House, 2120 West Main Street (Rt. 250; west side of town). You may come for coffee, but the many different pancakes will tempt you. After breakfast, we'll ride some pretty back roads surrounding the Blue Ridge mountains, ending up in Sperryville, VA at a NEW restaurant or at Cooter’s if he’s still open for some barbecue and maybe bluegrass music. Pat Sprague 540-743-5132 Spring Fling Regional Rally 5/13/2004 - 5/16/2004 - The 6th annual Spring Fling is back and headed for the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Rally HQ: Eagle Mountain House, Jackson, NH. The rally web page is or the registration form for complete details. Contact: Tony Shelver 603-520-0324 (Continued on page 5) N O R T H E A S T A R E A NE W S
(Continued from page 4)
VA "Lost Ride", Meadows of Dan, VA 5/14/2004 - 5/16/2004 - Gather at Willville Motorcycle Campground Friday evening or meet at the Blue Ridge Restaurant at Meadows of Dan at 9:00am Saturday. John Hinton has some interesting riding and destination planned. This should be much fun in an area known for great roads. The weather will be better this year. Hard roof lodging is available at the Blue Ridge Motel on RT58 at Meadows of Dan at 540-952-2244. The motel is about one half mile from Willville and we’ll have breakfast there Saturday morning at 8:30am. Contact John Hinton 540-997-5207 MD North Meets South 7 6/18/2004 - 6/20/2004 - Gathering at the Fleming’s house. More information to follow. Contact Russell Fleming 410-374-9687
Flood City National Rally, Johnstown, PA 7/13/2004 - 7/17/2004 Registration forms should be in the Concourier and on the rally web site around the time you read this. or call Jason Kaplitz 814-535-8669 WV Dog Days Ride, Boyer 8/13/04 - 8/14/04: Leave the heat and join other Coggers at the Boyer Motel and Campground at 2,693 feet where the weather is cooler and the roads are great. Excellent restaurant, campground, and a motel all at one location. Call the Boyer Motel for reservations at (304)
456-4667. Plenty of deer in this pretty area— watch for them! Pat Sprague 540-743-5132 NH Jeff Adam's 45th Parallel Lunch 8/21/2004 A repeat by popular request... Dine from the widest menu in the Great North Woods, only yards South of the 45th parallel, exactly halfway between the Equator & the North Pole! Take a souvenir photo by the historic marker! Dine on goose, smell the spruce, see the moose! We are meeting at the Spa Restaurant in West Stewartston, RT 3: just yards from the 45th parallel. The food is good, plentiful (to excess) and cheap: right up the COG alley. Please RSVP Jeff Adams or Tony Shelver 603.520.0324 GA Run with the Wolf Rally, Suches 9/9/04 - 9/12/04: A perennial favorite. Great roads, great destination (TWO), great food, great COG companions. Hosted by the SE Area, folks ride from Ontario, Florida, the mid-west and all points in between to enjoy this rally. Meet at Afton Mountain, Route 250 at the entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway on Thursday at 8am sharp. It’s about 420 twisty miles to our first night stop at Blue Ridge Motorcycle Campground where we will spend the night and have breakfast Friday morning before riding some of the best motorcycle roads in the US before arriving at TWO. No reservations are required for camping,
but lodging may be reserved at BRMC 828-235-8350 and at TWO 706-747-5151. Contact Pat Sprague 540-743-5132 VA "The General's Scouts", New Market 9/24/2004 Awright all you enlistees, draftees, and overnight officers who can read and rite. Join up and serve your COGdom (Blue or Gray), and help scout out some roads, attractions, and historical points to be featured in “The General’s Ride”, a Civil War theme rally to be held one year from now in New Market, VA. We muster men and materiel at The Southern Kitchen Restaurant on South Route 11 in New Market, VA at 9am Saturday morning. Camping is available at OWO both Friday and Saturday nights. Uncle COG wants YOU! Pat Sprague 540-743-5132
Out for a chilly ride during Fall Rally in Lake George, NY
Maryland / Southern Pennsylvania Ride by Russell Fleming - AAD-MD/Southern PA The October ride of the MD/south central PA COG group was a very beautiful day for a motorcycle ride and the ride was well attended. The leaves were very pretty with the golds, yellows and browns. In attendance were Russell Fleming, John Lippy and Luke Yox, Paul Gebhardt, Paul Farinholt, Herman Tessman, Steve Brown, Bill Allen, Bill Mowery, David LeBrun, Kristin Ward, Jay Shaffer, Dave & Dawn Fridrici, Al General, Tony Borum, Greg Puterbaugh, Bruce Harbin, Richard Datko, Tom Darchicant, Joe Boddiford and Roy Lyford-Pike. The group met at Cozy’s restaurant in Thurmont, Maryland. When planning this ride I had forgotten about Fall Foliage Days. When Dave and Dawn arrived Dawn remarked that they got a 2 for 1 deal with a craft show downtown. “Where is the nearest UPS so that we can go shopping and send everything home?” With a little bit of persuasion Dawn was talked out of going shopping. Everybody’s tummy was full then we left for a ride that Tony Bourm laid out. We handed out the route sheets and explained certain things to everybody. It was nice to see everybody break up into smaller groups instead of everybody waiting for someone to lead. I was in the last group to leave. The ride was a history lesson. We were on Harpers Ferry road near the Kennedy farm where John Brown made his headquarters for a planned revolution to free the slaves. We then followed in General Lee’s footsteps on his way to Antietam. When we arrived in Sharpsburg we saw the southern end of the Antietam Battlefield and also the western end of the battlefield. We took a rest stop at the WI NT E R 2 0 0 3
intersection of Taylor’s Landing Road and Tommytown Road, which is in the middle of nowhere, so others could see the C&O canal, which runs along the Potomac River. Taking off our helmets we thought we heard a Concours approaching then we look up and saw about a dozen more coming. The group suddenly became one big group because the other groups had made wrong turns and eventually everybody caught up to each other. Approaching Williamsport, the group found a nice surprise. There was a road closure that wasn’t there the night before. With a little bit of head scratching we got back on track on Bedford Road and Route 40. We were able to see one of the Mennonite farming areas in Pennsylvania at Welsh Run. There was a beautiful red fox running in the field on Route 995. When I pointed at him, the fox laid down so nobody else could see him. We took a rest stop at South Mountain store so people could get a snack or go to the bathroom. Making our way to Gettysburg we took a mini tour of the battlefield. Arriving at Lincoln Diner we had some fine food. There were stories being told about what everybody saw on the ride, but the funniest one told was about the dog that saw my bike in the first part of the ride. The dog came chasing around the house and was running full force at the motorcycles. He forgot about the well casing sticking out of the ground in the front yard. He ran into the well casing and stopped dead in his tracks, falling over like he was dead. We don’t know if the dog killed himself or not. Thank you Tony for a very nice ride.
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Connecticut Area Report - by Brad May - NE AAD - CT The weather gods have finalized the 2003 riding season for us in Connecticut. As cold and snow threaten to descend upon us I have installed the trickle chargers and put my bikes to rest for the winter months. Perhaps I will be lucky enough to get a few mid-winter rides in before spring. The 2003 riding season was nothing short of miraculous for me. Many people were skeptical about my being able to ride even a limited amount, let alone the 22,000+ miles I rode this season. In the last year and a half I underwent three major back surgeries and had carpel tunnel surgery done on both wrists. I told my surgeon in October that he had to have me on the bike for Spring Fling. He made good on his word and my first long ride of the season was to Delaware Water Gap, PA. That was the first of many wonderful COG events that Linda and myself attended during 2003.
anticipation to seeing many of you at the NY motorcycle show and next year’s COG events including our usuals: Spring Fling, National, and Fall Rally. I have begun to post the 2004 Connecticut COG rides to the schedule. I hope to add a possible camping weekend and a ride that would include a behind the scenes tour of Gillette Castle in Haddam, CT. It has been an interesting year as my first serving as your CT AAD. I really believe next year has the makings of even more enchanting and exciting rides. Please look at the web site for updated information on upcoming rides and events. In closing, I am grateful for the opportunity to have ridden with so many different people during the year. It would be difficult for me to remember and name everyone but I hope we all have the chance to do it again in 2004.
I am sorry to see this season end, but look forward with great
Eastern CT Wrench Day - by Alan Beck 11/1/03 - It all began innocently enough. A couple of us were posting questions on the COG forum about our various mechanical chores. When we noticed how close to each other we lived, arranging a “tech day” seemed natural. David Muir graciously volunteered to host, as he lives in an easily reached place. Also, Dave was planning a valve adjustment, which meant that he could not move his bike. At this point, we were anticipating a small gathering of probably only Dave, Jeff Lipps, and myself for a day of valve adjusting and carburetor synchronizing. We decided, with some trepidation, that The first Saturday of November would be convenient, even though we all had unpleasant mental pictures of riding through sleet and snow to get there and back. We had had our first snow a few days before. Perhaps we could add the installation of ice studs and snow chains to our maintenance list! Fortunately, the capricious New England weather gave us a pleasant surprise with temps in the 70’s on the appointed day. The happy result was a huge turnout for the tech day, and Dave (or more likely his wife) generously hosted the riders that morning with welcome coffee and doughnuts, and provided a picnic lunch in the afternoon. There were at least a dozen Connie pilots there before noon, many having traveled from as far away as Boston and Rhode Island. The distance award definitely goes to Bill Cheung who rode up from central New Jersey just to meet other Concours riders and check things out. Initially, nobody was in a great hurry to break out the wrenches. We were all quite content to chat, get to know each other, and check out the bikes. It’s funny how people will ride any distance to look at a collection of bikes that are virtually identical to their own. Now that is either true love, or some sort of mental disorder (the distinction escapes me). After a pleasant time of meeting and greeting, it was time to get to work. Dave fearlessly (at least he looked that way) began to open up his motor for the needed valve adjustment. He had purchased a new torque wrench and valve adjust tool for the occasion. His philosophy of purchasing a new tool each time he begins a project seems like a good one. The rest of us stood by and watched, lending a hand when applicable, making wise comments when not. Meanwhile Marvin, a Page 6
rider from Glastonbury, installed a fork brace and discovered the trick of reversing his air scoops. Bob Drinkwater from Massachusetts showed off his driving lights, which he had mounted under the headlight, and the rest of us discussed our various mods and gear. Around this time, Steve Smith the North East Area Director turned up with his sidekick Brad May (or was it the other way around?). Brad and his merry band had stopped briefly en route to Provincetown, MA. Steve stuck around for much of the day, giving helpful advice to many of us COG neophytes, particularly about the upcoming rally in Johnstown. Jeff Lipps had to spend the morning at work, but we were expecting his arrival later in the day. He was the only one of us with a carb synchronizer, and several of us were itching to have that job done. He finally arrived with the valuable Morgan Carbtune, and wasted no time in demonstrating how it was done. He showed us how to sort out the intestinal jumble of hoses under the tank and hook up the device. What was most impressive was how he was able to sync the carbs using only the gas that remained in the float bowls, even with incompetents like me slowly fumbling about. The bike seems much smoother now for his efforts, and I think I’ve even gained a couple of mpg’s. Jeff then repeated the procedure on some other Connies, discovering a leaky petcock on one. Although it made for a rather volatile mess in Dave’s garage, it is definitely better to discover a fuel leak in this way rather than on the highway at 2:00 a.m. on a Sunday! As most of us began taking our leave later that afternoon, Dave was in the final steps of his valve adjustment. He probably would have done it quicker without a dozen guys standing around distracting him. All of us who attended had a great time, got some needed maintenance done, and learned something about the care of our steeds. More importantly, we enjoyed the pleasure and camaraderie of meeting fellow Connie riders. For some, it was nice to see in person those whom we knew only from internet forums. For others, this was the first COG event that they had ever attended, and it was a truly wonderful way to introduce themselves to the world of COG. I look forward to similar events in the future. Kudos to Dave Muir for hosting such a successful event. N O R T H E A S T A R E A NE W S
Mid-Atlantic Area Report - a great year done gone by! by Pat Sprague AAD-Mid-Atlantic Already twelve moons have passed since I started in the role of your Mid-Atlantic assistant area director. It has been a fast and busy year for me, with a little bit of worry and a whole lot of fun. Thanks again to Clyde Watson, former AAD, for helping me to make the change smoothly. I also want to thank everyone who has participated in COG activities during the past year. In our area it was a long, cold, wet winter with the wet part extending right through the summer; mowing grass every four days does not equal great riding weather, yet many of you attended rides. I know that some of you bought rain gear and electric riding clothing in the past year. That shows a personal commitment to riding and your participation with COG shows a personal commitment to the group. Thank you. Some of you have been encouraging and instrumental in getting your coworkers and friends to become new COG members. This is how we grow. Thanks! And a couple folks have made suggestions for future rides; some of these will happen in the next year beginning with the December 2003 ride. I appreciate your ideas.
as the tide in March, we’ll get “Lost” with John Hinton in May, and the Fleming’s will again host the North meets South get together in June. Jason Kaplitz will be Rallymaster for the COG National in Johnstown, PA: register now, this will be a great National. A new ride and location is on for August. In September, come to New Market, VA to Scout for the Generals. This will be a pre rally scouting ride weekend for The General’s Ride, a Civil War theme rally to be held in September 2005. Please check out the ride schedule and I think you’ll find something of interest. Also, always remember that where two or three day rides are scheduled anyone can certainly ride for part of the weekend if your schedule precludes the whole ride. Anyone interested in sponsoring (dry, warm, lighted work area) a tech session, please let me know and we’ll schedule it if there’s interest... there usually is, and this can be a productive use of winter’s shorter riding time.
As always, I am open to *any* suggestions for a ride, be it roads, a charity event, a tech session, a new restaurant, campground, January kicks off with Jim Sparkman leading a ride over some of his museum, show, etc. Getting together and riding is what COG is all favourite back roads. The Cycle World show has been moved to about so please send me your ideas. Any idea is welcome. Wishing Washington, DC and earlier, in January. I’ve added a social event on you a Christmas season of Peace and a New Year of good health and th February 29 so bring the spouse, SO, or kids. Crabcakes are as sure safe travels, I hope to see you at a COG event in 2004.
Ride to Mr. B’s by Pat Sprague AAD-Mid-Atlantic lower leg, ribs, vertebrae (not From the mid-Atlantic area some 10 or 11 riders gathered at Horne’s spinal column), Restaurant in Port Royal, VA for breakfast. Present were Jim teeth and road Sparkman, Steve Merino, Bob Held, Paul Gerhardt, Mike Nasca, rash. Scott is not a Dan Wright, Pete Long, George Dennis, Scott Brame and myself. It COG member; it was a pretty 100 mile ride for me to Horne’s with a forecast for a was suggested to nice day. me that he was After the suggested ride route sheets were passed out we headed not using the ride West on route 17. At route sheet and about 30 miles into was trying to keep the ride Scott Brame up with a group of Hopewell, VA up front. Many Barbeque smiles... crossed the center thanks again to all line on his Honda who helped to stabilize Scott and direct traffic. You made a huge Magna and collided difference in his outcome. with a pickup truck. Most riders having lost their appetites for riding (and barbecue) took Scott’s motorcycle their steeds home. Four of us made it to Mr. B’s restaurant, which ride ended and his was closed for vacation. Russell Fleming and Bobby Winters had helicopter ride brought a good sized group from Maryland; Russell also had a “plan began. Very luckily, B” restaurant lined up about five miles away on route 50. The the truck driver barbecue was good there, also. swerved a bit to Newest member, Sharry Sprague & Bob Dombrowe Addendum: 20 September 2003—Sharry and I received a very nice avoid Scott or it note of thanks from Scott who was mending well and back at work. would likely have been killed. Scott suffered a fractured pelvis, Sunday 17 August 2003
Help Wanted - Rally Referees Needed by Henry Cooper, COG Insurance Communications Officer If you’ve wanted to help at a COG rally, but didn’t want a large commitment, here’s the perfect opportunity. COG is looking for a volunteers to help with our 2004 (and beyond) AMA sanctioned rallies. Each rally needs a referee; a person who can help with the sanctioning related aspects of a rally. The primary responsibilities: 1) help get all rally attendees to sign the insurance waiver; 2) complete an incident report in the event of an accident; 3) have fun.
Your help is only needed during the rally and should only take a few minutes each day. Once the rally is over, your job as the referee is done. It’s a small but vital role and you’ll become an integral part of this world-class organization. For more information on how you can help, please contact Henry Cooper 925-658-6406 or contact your local AD. Don’t wait - act now! The workshops begin soon. Workshops are held in conjunction with region sanction meetings. According to the AMA you can just show up at the closest location. Thanks in advance, ride safe.
No experience is required; the AMA will teach you everything you need to know in a short workshop, and the training is good for two years. The commitment is minuscule, but the rewards are huge. COG Connected to the internet? You can view the list of meetings: only sanctions a few rallies each year per area (2-3 in the northeast). WI NT E R 2 0 0 3
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Spring Fling Rally 2004 - Tony Shelver - NE AAD- NH For the 2004 Spring Fling we’re headed to Jackson, NH, which is in the heart of the White Mountain ski area, at the head of the Mount Washington Valley. The area is home to great motorcycling roads, lots of shops, restaurants, resorts, inns and natural attractions. Jackson itself is well located for sight seeing and carving corners. The base of Mt Washington (highest mountain in the northeast, and site of the highest wind speed ever recorded) is a 15-minute ride from the hotel, and you can easily cover 6 or 7 of the famous White Mountain notches and passes in an afternoon. The rally will run from Thursday, May 13 to Sunday, May 16. The rally headquarters will be the Eagle Mountain House (, one of the original White Mountain grand resorts, founded in 1879, and totally rebuilt in 1916. The hotel is on the National Register of Historic Places, and is the second hotel in New Hampshire to be awarded membership in the Historic Hotels of America. Facilities include an onsite restaurant and bar, swimming pool, 9-hole golf course and a large veranda overlooking the mountains and parking area for the usual Spring Fling socializing. The hotel has a typical northern New England ambience, and I have no qualms in rating it as ‘significant-other friendly’ as it has received my wife’s seal of approval. We have arranged for a $69 per night room rate. This is the rate that will be available when reserving your room. If you wish to upgrade to the meal and room 2 or 3-day package, you will need to do this when registering at the hotel. There will be the usual Saturday evening banquet included in the rally fee, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Carriage House at the rally hotel. See the registration form for more details.
It appears that more COGgers will be bringing their families to the ’04 Fling than usual, based on the hotel and available area attractions. Let me know if there are any special requests, as I may be able to negotiate group rates or discounts. Some group or family activities could include:
Mt. Washington COG Railroad trip.
Ladies Spa outing: I have a few choices here, including Loon Mountain and the Mountain View Grand Resort in Whitefield. Let me know, as I’m sure my wife (Annet) will enjoy organizing the trip (and reviewing the potential venues).
Shopping trip: I am getting vouchers for some of the 100+ local factory outlets and other stores. These will be available at the rally desk or included in your registration packet. The shopping is especially great for outdoor gear, but there are a lot of other shops as well.
Kids’ day out (6 Gun City, et al): I can find out what of the many attractions are open, if there is any interest.
Skiing Tuckermans Ravine: just in case it snows and folks can't ride…
Golf: EMH has a 9-hole golf course, which may be open depending on the weather.
Hiking, canoeing, and rafting: It’s all here and available. You don’t need to drive more than 20 minutes to get to some great hiking trails and nature walks, or to go canoeing or rafting for the day (bring your wetsuit…).
Rally Sponsor: The Whitehorse Press is hosting a rally icebreaker at their warehouse on Friday, May 14 between 4:30-7:00pm. They will provide (non-adult) drinks and snacks, and the warehouse, which • contains a wide variety of motorcycle publications and other articles, will be open for browsing. Our very own COGger and press • employee, Jeff Adams, will be present. Obviously, the Spring Fling is all about the riding. There are a number of rides under development including:
ATV riding: I may be able to organize ATV rentals, let me know if interested. Scenic tours: This can include both the natural beauty of the area, as well as such divers attraction as the Mt. Washington Hotel, the village of Stark (claimed to be the most photographed village green and church in America), the Mt. Washington Observatory, the Lakes Region to the south, and Moose Alley up in Pittsburgh.
Covered bridges of New Hampshire and Maine.
Best of North and Central New Hampshire, which could also be Some links of interest: billed as the ‘Mountains and Lakes of New Hampshire’. • shops, business, hotels, restaurants in the area: Best of western Maine, which will include the Rangeley / Stratton area, as well as the White Mountains of Maine.
The Jackson website:
Additional details will be posted during the coming months on the official website: From this page you can link to Tony Shelver’s website that may contain more up to date information.
White Mountain scenic ride.
‘Spot the moose' : I prefer to remain as far away from them as possible. For those who want to get up early and try find the critters, this one is for you…
Mt. Washington Auto Road.
The 'Dirty Dozen' adventure ride: I've done most of these on the See the Rally Registration form on the next page. Please contact me Connie, but they are more suited for a DP bike. if you need additional information. Roll-your-own. I maintain a list of the best roads in the area, and you can use this to plan a route.
(Area Director - Continued from page 1)
never expected that over a dozen members would RSVP & show up. Besides day events, simple overnight and weekend activities are possible too. Of course, we also would welcome anyone to be a rally organizer. Like Terry & Scott say - if they can do it, anyone can. We have some information that can give you ideas and help get you going. Contact Page 8
me or your AAD if you would like to learn how to begin organizing an activity.
out the Northeast Area web pages and click on Newletter.
e-News - Rising costs, including postage
Until next time, ride safe.
and copying services, will be driving us more and more to electronic delivery of the newsletters. You can elect not to receive this newsletter solely via the internet, with a email notification of a new issue ready. Check
C o n c o u r s
O w n e r s
G r o u p
P r e s e n t s t h e N o r t h e a s t A r e a 6 th Annual
Spring Fling Rally
“Spring in the Mountains” May 13 – 16, 2004 The Spring Fling is back and we are headed for the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The rally headquarters will be the Eagle Mountain House ( in Jackson, NH. A limited block of rooms has been set aside and will be held until 04/14/2004, so book your room early. The discounted room rate will be $69 per night, and there are multi-day / meal packages available. Call the hotel directly for reservations: 1-800-966-5779 (be sure to mention Concours Owners Group). For those of you who prefer to camp, there are campgrounds close to the rally HQ, such as the Glen Ellis Campground in Glen, NH (603-383-4567)
Riding: Thursday afternoon rides will be impromptu, decided by those present. Sample route sheets will be provided and are planned as self-guided rides for Friday and Saturday. Events: The Saturday banquet will be held in the Carriage House at Eagle Mountain, at 6:30 p.m. and a cash bar will be offered. Whitehorse
Press will host an icebreaker on Friday from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at their warehouse. They are located at 107 East Conway Rd. in Center Conway. From the junction of Rts.302 and 16 in North Conway, go two miles east on 302, then turn north on the East Conway Rd. for a few hundred yards.
Restaurants: Eagle Mountain has an onsite restaurant and pub. There are a lot of restaurants in Jackson (1 mile) and the nearby towns of Intervale and N. Conway. Rally Headquarters: Eagle Mountain House, Carter Notch Road, Jackson, NH 03846 Phone: 1-800-966-5779 Driving Directions to Eagle Mountain House: From the Rte 16 / 302 junction in Glen, travel 2 miles to Jackson Village Rte 16A. Turn right and follow through the Red Covered Bridge and into Jackson village bearing left at the fork in the road. After crossing over the stone bridge, turn right onto Carter Notch Road (see little white church on left) and follow up the hill 3/4 mile to Eagle Mountain House on left.
Rally Fee: $35 (US $) per person for COG members, their immediate family or significant other; $40 each for Non-COG members and their guests; plus an additional $5.00 for all registrations received after 4/30/03. Full refund issued before 4/30/03; refund less $5 after 4/30/03; no refund after 5/13/03. We cannot guarantee a banquet meal for registrations received after 5/14/03. Send lower portion of the Registration Form with rally fee payable to “Concours Owners Group” to: Tony Shelver – Spring Fling P.O. Box 1137 Moultonboro, NH 03254
Questions / Comments / Suggestions? Tony Shelver: 603.520.0324 Rally web page:
This event will be
Rally Registration Form (Please PRINT Clearly) Name: (One person per form) ____________________________________________ AMA # _____________ COG #___________ Street: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: (______)_____-____________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Country: _______________ Emergency Contact Information:
Name:________________________________________________________ Phone No.: (______)______-___________ Relationship:____________________ Motorcycle model: _____________________ License tag # _____________
Please read and sign the following Concours Owners Group Release: I understand that the Concours Owners Group (COG) cannot assume responsibility for my personal safety in this event. I choose to participate in this event voluntarily, based on my own assessment of my abilities, the routes conditions and facilities, and therefore assume all risks. I release and hold harmless COG, its officers, agents and members from any and all injury and/or loss to my person or property that may result from my participation in this event. I further certify that my vehicle and I are in compliance with all applicable license, insurance and financial responsibility laws applicable to my participation in this event. All participants under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian sign the following additional release. As the parent or guardian of the above participant, and being informed or familiar with the risks normally associated with motorcycle events, I hereby consent to his or her participation in this event, and accept and adopt all the representations and assumptions of risk set forth in the foregoing release.
Participant Parent or Signature: ______________________________________ Guardian (if applicable) ___________________________________ WI NT E R 2 0 0 3
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Our Newest Northeast Area Members John & Patricia Dubroski, #6060 Honey Brook, PA
Jeffrey Lipps, #5616 (xfer from SE) North Stonington, CT
Richard & Jo-Ann Santarsiero, #6003 Gerry Barnett, #6037 Manchester, CT Buffalo, NY
Rich Little, #5991 New York, NY
Joseph Boddiford III, #6008 Forest Hill, MD
David Collins, #6039 King George, VA
Barry Pinnell, #6062 Osgoode, ON Canada
Robert Hamilton, #5992 Waverley, NS
Siegfried Wevering, #6024 Portland, ME
Kurt & Susan Nordstrom, #6049 Spotsylvania, VA
David Ludwig, #6067 Corbyville, ON Canada
Sean Balsamello, #5993 Ridge, NY
Locust Creek Outfitters c/o Tim Aldrighetti, #6026 Bethel, VT David Samuels, #6029 Suffield, CT
Backroads Motorcycle Tour Magazine Michael Salic, #6070 Brampton, ON Canada c/o Brian Rathjen, #6050 Newton, NJ Mary Kay Inc. c/o Sharry Sprague, #6074 Bradley & Wendy Holland, #6051 Luray, VA Essex, ON Canada
Richard Lalancette, #6033 Rutland, VT
Craig & Lynn Scott, #6054 Guelph, ON Canada
Timothy Mesesan, #5996 Harmony, PA William Armstrong, #5997 Renfrew, ON Canada
Brian & Stacy Allen, #6077 Queensbury, NY
Mid-Atlantic Fall Foliage Ride by Pat Sprague AAD-Mid-Atlantic One Wheel Only, Rileyville, VA 17-19 Oct 2003 - Always fun for Sharry and I to plan and host, we were very happy to have some forty COG members and friends to attend the event. A forecast for light rain on Friday evening came true but also abated by 11 PM as predicted. With influenza making the rounds here and elsewhere, some five Coggers were unable to attend; we missed you and hope you’re 100% well by now. A few days before the 17th I received an email from Jay Shaffer (COG #5626) asking for an accomplice, err… helper, in pulling off a surprise marriage proposal to his girlfriend, Kristin Ward, and he wanted to make this proposal at a scenic place during Saturday’s ride! Kristin knew this would be coming; they had decided that she would wear her grandmother’s diamond ring - but thought it was sometime “in the future.” When on Jay & Kristin bended knee at the Germany Valley overlook on route 33 Jay framed that “forevermore” question, she jumped into his lap. Thanks to Bruce Harbin who served as ring bearer - he kept it a secret. In fact, Kristin was about the only person who didn’t know the proposal was in the day’s agenda. Russell Fleming had thoughtfully brought Jay’s tent, a queen sized air mattress, and a ton of other stuff in his trailer. Jay and Kristin didn’t stay long around the campfire that night. The ride on Saturday was split into a North and a South route, both arriving in Moorefield, WV for lunch, and continuing the loop back to OWO. I believe this worked out better with smaller groups riding in different directions. One lone rider (not a COG member) who left late for the ride neglected to advise anyone he would be late in
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The OWO outback
returning - as in after 9pm. With most riders back by 5pm and darkness at 6:30, we were concerned. Doing your own thing is fine and encouraged, but if you ride with a group, Please always let another person know when to expect you back. That way we won’t worry, and we won’t worry the State police and hospital emergency rooms, which have plenty of other real worries. Imagining a fellow rider off in a ditch with hypothermia setting in or an opossum gnawing on him ain’t pretty. We were all glad for his safe if late return and a few bottles of Merlot were broken out.
John, Bobby, and Paul
This year was perhaps Sharry’s best chili ever; I had two bowls myself. It was great to see everybody and glad that all had a safe ride.
Brian Jordan and Jordie