NE2008 Issue6

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Cognitions: Random thoughts from the Northeast Area Director - By Steven Smith #3184 Issue 6, 2008

For many of us in the COG Northeast Area is it time to begin suffering from PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome). The last ride I took was a week or so before Thanksgiving. Another COGger and myself went to the grand opening of a friend’s motorsports & adventure store in New Britain, CT. It was a miserable day for a ride due to on and off heavy rain, but the temps were in the low 50’s. When we arrived there were several other bikes parked at the shop and lined up in front, almost saluting the grand opening banner hung above. After that day the temperature took a dramatic plunge into the teens and twenties, signaling that winter is coming. After a black ice experience several years ago, I live the better to be safe than sorry mantra. Having never visited Acadia National Park, I was really hoping to make it to the fall rally. Unfortunately, other things needed tending to and I had to bail out on the trip. It seems several other of my regular riding crew who were suppose to go, were also unable to go. Thanks to other friends who did make it to the rally, it seems we were represented at the rally in spirit and cardboard. From what I have read in the reports and the forum postings, this rally was another home run. It was the second very successful rally Tony Shelver has organized for COG, and we thank him for his contribution. If Tony can do it with the travel demands of his job, then why not you? Sorry to beat the same drum, but… COG needs your help! After you read Kurt Nordstroms’s article “COG - It’s just not for olde timers anymore” that is in this issue please ask yourself, “How can I help?” Organizing additional club activities is one way. We can never have too many activities on the calendar of events. Start simple… A social gathering at a restaurant or member’s home, or maybe a day ride with lunch stop. Greg Habel recently wrote a great Concourier article on his first experience in organizing a day ride. It is not difficult and there are many people you can reach out to for tips and guidance. One of the most important tips I can give anyone is to plan something that you would do anyway and don’t take it personal or get frustrated if attendance is low. Have one or two friends lined up to go and any others that show up will just icing on the cake. What else can you do to help COG? Evaluate your talents! I suspect that there are many members out there with different skills, talents, and abilities that can benefit COG and fellow members. There is immediate need to find members to take on two very important positions when it comes to communications with our membership - newsletter editor and web editor. This newsletter is a vital element of communications to members. Every member gets one by your choice of either email or postal mail. The newsletter editor works with the Area Director to compile articles from other Northeast Area staff and member, edit the newsletter and have it mailed. You will need to be moderately proficient with Microsoft Publisher. Louis Caplan, our outgoing editor wrote up a short description of the editors duties that you will find n the next page. With the introduction of, the new COG web site and online membership services (COGMOS), the requirement to be a web programmer to do web updates has gone away. Knowing a little HTML is a plus, but is not required. There is an online web page editor built into COGMOS system that the web editor will use to update the Northeast Area pages. If you are organized, computer savvy, decent with a word processor, and have a broadband Internet connection, one of these volunteer positions may be a perfect opportunity for you. Contact me directly if you would like more information or would like to volunteer for either of these important COG NE positions. What else is coming up? By now you have received a letter from COG Executive Director (ED), Guy Young, explaining that he will not be seeking a third term and the process the Executive Board will use to recruit and elect a replacement. Please give this letter due consideration. Also, 2009 will be an election year for the Northeast Area Director position. The call for nominations will be be announced in the newsletter sometime near the end of next summer. At the end of next year I will have completed a fourth two-year term as your Area Director. I enjoy doing this, but still wonder if it is time for new some new blood? COG article deadlines: The deadline for the next Northeast Area News is January 30. Spring Concourier Issue submission deadline is March 1. I wish each of you a joyous holiday season. Have a happy and healthy New Year. Until next time, ride safe.


Newsletter Editor Needed - by Louis Caplan Wanted/Needed: New person, or team of people, to compile, edit, and distribute the NorthEast Area Newsletter. What's involved: Every 2 months, query the AAD's for news to put in the newsletter. After receiving articles, edit as needed (takes maybe 5-10 minutes per article). Then do some layout work (currently designed in MS Publisher) and photo processing. Finally, send the newsletter out, which is the easiest part of the whole process as it is done by an automated service via internet. There is no stuffing of envelopes or licking of stamps. We'll work with you for an issue or two until you are on your feet. Current editor is no longer a COG member, so position really should be replaced soon. Please contact Steve Smith (nead @ for more information or to express interest. Thanks!!

Northeast Area Staff Area Director Steven Smith, #3184 203-720-7575 nead @ Newsletter Editor Looking for help! Web Staff Looking for help!

Assistant Area Directors Massachusetts (VT, NH, ME) Kevin Martin, #145 Dracut, MA 978-459-6275 cog145 @ Connecticut (RI) Norm & Lorie Walton, #7011 Cromwell, CT 860-836-5162 ctaad @ Metro NY/NJ Terry Faherty, #792 Staten Island, NY 718-227-2099 tmcefah @ NY Hudson Valley Mike Flynn, #4493 Bedford Hills, NY 914-239-3721 Keltwolf @

Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh (Western PA) Joe Cyprych, #4665 McDonald, PA 724-796-1401 cyprych @ DelMarVa & Philly burbs (PA/NJ) Bob Chappell, #1283 Claymont, DE 302-791-0582 cog1283 @ Maryland/Southern PA Russell Fleming, #599 Hampstead, MD 410-374-9687 Fleming @ Virginia/West Virginia Kurt & Sue Nordstrom, #6049/A Spotsylvania, VA 540-582-9414 Ironhorsefun @ Greater Toronto, Canada Dave Clancy, #5452 Hamilton, Ontario 905-389-7681 davecla2 @ Eastern Ontario, Canada Ranald MacDonald, #2349 Greely, Ontario 613-821-1206 macdonrg @

Western NY J.R. Healy, #6591 Hamburg, NY 716-648-6729 Dafonman52 @

COG - It’s just not for olde timers anymore - by Kurt Norstrom AAD VA/WV Your Area Director needs you, and so do the COG masses & faithful in your region. I am writing this to the masses in Western Maryland and Pennsylvania, but it applies to any area, region, city, or town. As the saying goes, “If the shoe fits, wear it.” If you haven’t noticed lately (maybe your head has been in the sand), Steve Smith, our hard working Northeast Area Director (AD) for the has been begging and pleading for someone to step up to the plate and take over Russell Fleming’s job as Assistant Area Director (AAD) starting in the new year. Russell Fleming has done a fine job over the years as AAD of Western MD and PA. The efforts of Russell and others like him within the COG organization were the main reasons why my wife and I joined COG in the first place. We have since volunteered to be the co-AAD’s for VA and WV to help give something back to the club. Did we know what we were getting into before we started as AADs… No Way! Has it been a learning experience? Yes! We found that this volunteer job is easier than raising kids. It takes less than an hour a week on average, and I know many waste at least that much time a week surfing the Internet. Is there any writing involved? Yes! Do you have to be a wordsmith? No, just keep it short, simple and to the point. What about planning rides? Look at it this way; every one of us has planned a ride and/or route sometime in our life. Hell, I don’t even pre-ride them anymore, which sometimes can make it an adventure… just read my October/November highlights in this issue. So would someone please get off your tush and volunteer. Your soon to be retired AAD Russell Fleming has already volunteered to do two events next year. You can piggyback some of the events in the VA/WV region, and before you know it the northeast event calendar year will be full. I do not want to speak out of turn, but I (and my wife Sue) will assist anyone through his or her first year, and I am sure Steve will be there to help you. Russell Fleming and Pat Sprague assisted Sue and I through the bumps in the road, and Steve was always there to keep me straight…or at least attempt to. OK, I’ll step off of my soapbox and you can go back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Connecticut Report - by Norm & Lorie Walton, #7011 Northeast Area News The Northeast Area News is a bi-monthly publication for Northeast Area members of the Concours Owners Group. Submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences.

of legible submission will be gladly accepted. High resolution digital images are welcome, but please do not embed them in the document. Submissions may be edited to best fit available space. If you would like to have your material returned, please include a SASE.

Well, we have had a pretty active and safe year in the CT area for COG. Now mother nature has sadly brought the season to an end with some snow right after the “End of Season Dinner” on Dec 6th. In attendance were Steve Smith, John Purdy, Dave Dutton, Gerry and Cherry Barnett, Mike, Mary and Ali Cullinan, Michelle and Sherman Baumann, David and Harriett Muir, Lorie and myself. Our dinner at Effie’s Place in West Hartford was quite enjoyable.

Many of the opinions stated in this publication may make no sense to those sound of mind and may just be conveniently ignored. If you use any of the information in this rag to incur damage to yourself, your motor or any innocent or not so innocent bystanders it is you own were warned!

Lorie and I are already looking forward to next season and hope to have some exciting rides for next year. We are always open to suggestions for a route or great destinations for the up coming season. Lorie and I are looking forward to attending the 2009 COG National In North Carolina in June. Watch your email and check the calendar at for up coming events. All CT members should be getting emails from my ctaad @ address, if you have not been receiving emails please send me your address at the above. We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday and New Year's.

Please send submissions to:

Steven Smith 39 Alison Ave Naugatuck, CT 06770-3566 nead @ The preferred method is via e-mail, so the editor doesn’t have to do a lot of typing, but any type Page 2

Copyright 2008 © Concours Owners Group


VA/WV Report - by Kurt & Sue Nordstrom (AAD), #6049/A Time flies when you’re having fun and the weather is nice… for the most part. October brought us the Fall Foliage Ride in Meadows of Dan, VA at the Willville Motorcycle Campground. Sue and I had intentions on attending this event, but mechanical failures kept us at home. I would like to give a special thanks to COGgers Dusty Shilling for putting together five routes for the faithful to choose from and Rich “MOB” Riczinger for meeting Sue and I @ Kings Dominion to transfer information, route sheets, etc. By not attending this event it makes it difficult to write about, so the next best thing is to quote some of the attendees from the official COG web site forum at: Jason “GSJay” Kaplitz said “Yea, I agree another fine weekend at Willville. Friday was a bit crappy, but the rest of the weekend made up for it. Great riding on Saturday.” Rich “MOB” Riczinger chimed in with “Thanks to Dusty for pullin’ this ‘un together. Had a bunch of great riding in the 3 days…” Former member Jim “Millerized” Miller wrote, “Great company once again; looking forward to a cooler and drier weekend at Brrr. ” The month of November brought us the Brrrrr Ride at the KOA in Natural Bridge, VA. The weather couldn’t have been better with 76 degrees on Friday. Sue was attempting to get the KOA to open the pool back up. When I arrived, Jim Miller was there with a large pot of homemade soup cooking. Jim graduated from VA/WV official farkle master to head chef. That was some good stuff, and “no” I do not want to know what was in that pot. The KOA owner claimed there were critters missing from the campsites… the soup? This was the fifth consecutive year that the the Brrrr Ride was held at this KOA; the owners were very happy to see our smiling faces and treated us to loads of dry, split firewood and a little gift for everyone. I worry about return events becoming stale, so to avoid this, I became “one” with my GPS and plotted out a new route. There was a light sprinkle Friday evening while COGgers were around the campfire, but with enough adult beverage no one cared. Saturday morning we met at the Pink Cadillac Restaurant for vittles and hot java. We handed out route sheets and the faithful left in droves for the 116-mile ride (236 total miles) to the Swinging Bridge Restaurant in Paint Bank, VA for lunch. About 15 miles in to the ride, Route 770 turned to fine gravel and proceeded to go up the side of the mountain. Soon the road turned to larger gravel, then bigger gravel, bigger rocks, switchbacks, dog legs, etc. Some thought they made a wrong turn and went back down the side of the mountain, but they didn’t; this was the route. Others had so much fun on their sport-touring machines with a full tank of fuel that they made the trip four times, right Tom? On the other hand, my dear wife Sue (we are not divorced yet) got stuck on a few big rocks in one of the switchbacks. Special thanks to Bobby and Tony for getting her through the tuff stuff; she is still cussing me for plotting this route. For those who care, Route 770 according to VDOT is an “all weather highway.” I have never seen a highway before that was only handle bar width wide. After this ride all should note that the C-10, C-14, R-6 and FJR can make great Adventure Touring vehicles. I just proved to everyone that they don’t need a dual sport in their your $$$ and just ride. While the first 30 miles might have been challenging for some, the remainder of the route was full of sweepers, switchbacks, rolling hills, an occasional deer, one black bear that I know of and a mountain or two that led us through some gorgeous countryside. Lunch at the Swinging Bridge was delicious. For those that didn’t have the Pumpkin Roll for desert, I highly recommend it.

Saturday night we went back to the Pink Cadillac for dinner and then another campfire at Nordstrom’s land yacht. The festivities didn’t break up until the wee hours of the morning. Sunday morning brought thoughts of Buckwheats in Blue Ridge, VA; this crowd loves their buckwheat pancakes. The majority left the KOA around 8:00am for the 100-mile ride for breakfast. The 22 that attended this event had so much fun that we were booking cabins and campsites for next year before we left. Which brings me to this... scheduled events for 2009 mid-Atlantic region riding season. Here is a taste... JAN: IMS @ the DC Convention Center; Northern Neck Breakfast & Lunch Ride; MAR: Crab Cakes Ride; APR: Wrench Fest; MAY: Spring Fling Rally; JUN: North/South; JUL 11, Ride to Mr. B’s; AUG: Dog Days Campout; SEP: Down in the Holler Camp and Ride; SEP: Fall Rally; OCT: Fall Foliage Ride; NOV: Brrrr Ride. As always, check the official online COG Calendar of Events at to stay abreast of all future happenings. Till the next time… ride safe.

Greater Toronto Report - by Dave Clancy, #5452 You will see from the Event Schedule that the Greater Toronto Area group continues to meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month – even all winter. January 2-3-4, 2009 is the International Motorcycle SUPERSHOW at the International Centre in Toronto. This is one of the longest running shows in Canada, now in its 34th year and draws one of the largest motorcycle audiences in North America. As a reminder, Greater Toronto Area members will be hosting a COG booth at the show. Be sure to stop by to say hi. Please contact me if you can volunteer to help. 905.389.7681 or

Western PA Report - by Joe Cyprych, #4665 Hello fellow coggers. Well we’re in the middle of winter now and I am already suffering from pms ( parked motorcycle syndrome ). Even if we get a nice day here and there, it’s pretty iffy to navigate a 150 foot of snow covered gravel driveway; down maybe, but coming back up, well that’s another story. Anyhow hats off to anyone else who has access to get out. If anyone wants to get together during the winter to attend the Cycle show in Cleveland or dinner etc., give me a call or mail and I will try to put something together. I am working on putting some dates together for a few weekenders next year and am going to continue with the Sunday meet greet and rides. I also had a little computer Joe & Michele’s new ride problem ( ask Steve about my computer skills) and somehow lost half of my email addresses for our local cog group listing. If you were on it and want to continue to receive emails about our local happenings, ride reminders, etc., shoot me your address and I will add you on. Or if anyone else wants to be added on contact me with your address. Well, enough rambling on here, Michele and myself would like to wish every one a Merry Christmas and hope you all have a great New Years. Take care, Joe/Michele

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MD/S. Central PA Report- by Russ Fleming, #599

Metro NY Report - by Terry Faherty #792

What’s been happening in Maryland and South Central PA? October we had the Cross Keys ride with about 15 riders and two long distance riders, Brian Jordon and Robert Ricco, came from Ontario, Canada. Everyone enjoyed the buffet breakfast and the 150-mile ride on secondary twist and turn roads ending in Gettysburg at Lincoln Diner. The November Butterburg Inn Desert Ride was my last official ride as COG AAD. We met at Baughers Restaurant for brunch. 17 motorcycles were at the ride, which did not include many COG members. There were 4 C-10, 2 C-14, 2 BMW, 1 WEE Strom, 2 Harley’s, 2 FJR’s and others. I supplied a route sheet; two people took their own route and the rest waited for me to take off - nothing new! Common courtesy for cruisers and others that have ridden with me for a long time is to let the newer riders up front so that they can enjoy the ride at a brisker pace if they are comfortable with that. We had a treat when we got to Butterburg Inn; Ed Abbott, a BMW rider, was surprised with a birthday cake from his family. All had fun. “Goodbyes” and “see you next time” was exchanged.

Well, my first official day ride as AAD is in the books. Although turnout wasn't stellar, a good ride was had by those who made it. The weather was uncooperative on my main date, Saturday, October 25th, but the rain date the following Saturday provided some excellent fall riding weather. I arrived at the Cracker Barrel off I-80 in Mt Arlington, NJ, at about 7:15am and was greeted by six, yes six, tour buses in the lot. Note to self: never use the Cracker Barrel as a meeting place on a Saturday morning! The crowd was moving well though so I wasn't too worried.

Beginning January 1, 2009 I am no longer AAD for Maryland and South Central PA. There was word going around that if nobody were found to take my place then Russell would stay - NICE TRY! This is good bye but not totally out of the picture. I am not digging a hole. I promised Guy Young that I would still do the Crab Cake ride and Martha and I will still have the North/South at our house. Everybody is invited to come to the two Sport Touring Rides that I have planned for 2009. For any rides in this area check the COG schedule and web site to see what is available and when I put a ride together.

They joined us just in time to order up our respective cholesterol infusions. Unfortunately the kitchen was still recovering from the bus assault, and food was not forthcoming until almost 9. So much for our early departure! Two more bikes rolled in as we ate, carrying Rob Goldman and Adam Reed, after choosing the IHOP across the highway as breakfast central. Last note to self: use the IHOP for future rides! We downed our meals and got ready to roll.

Here’s a big thank you for everybody who helped with laying out rides and any other help you gave me. The late Herman Tessman for the crab cake ride. Dave Laburn for the airplane museum ride. Tony Borum for the Over The River and Through The Woods Ride and the Lincoln Diner ride. Jay Schaffer for some of the Shrewsbury rides. Greg Puterbaugh for a good old ride anytime. Dusty Shilling for writing about different rides that have been in the Concourier. Many thanks to my good buddy and cohort Bobby Winters for helping lay out and checking my rides to make sure that everything went smoothly. Thanks to those that opened their home for non-riding socials over the years. John and Missy Lippy hosting the chicken corn soup ride for 6 years; Jay and Kristen Schaffer hosting Chili & Cheese for 2 years. Dave and Dawn Fridirici for hosting Chili & Cheese for 2 years. Mike and Roseanne Schmidt for hosting the Chili and Cheese every year before moving to Florida. Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anyone for his or her help while I was AAD. The biggest THANK YOU goes to my wife for all the behind the scene work she has done for me, and just being able to put up with me when I took off for some of the rides without her. Here is a short BIO of things I have done before and during my AAD tenure: OCT 1990: Russell and Martha joined COG. Two or three years just rode other people’s rides. 1994 helped Guy Young with a ride in the area. 1996: helped Guy at Blackwater Falls Rally and hosted a Thurmont ride. 1997: helped Rick Shirk get rides started in MD and PA. 1998 Russell and Martha hosted first North/South ride at our house. 2000: helped out with National at Natural Bridge by doing on-site registration. 2003: became AAD MD and Southern PA. 2004: helped with Johnstown National Rally by doing on-site registration. 2005: Co-hosted Spring Fling in Wellsboro and handled sign in, on-site registration and games to raise money (about $400) for the local fire company. Helped Pat Sprague with Generals Rally in New Market VA doing on-site registration and sign-up. Used Pat’s sidecar to raise about $100 for library. 2006: came up with the saying “ I’m here to ride” because I needed 18,600 miles to turned over 200,000 miles on my 95 Concours that I still ride, even though I have a C-14 and split my riding time between the 2 motorcycles. 2007: helped with National at Canaan Valley WV doing on-site registration.

I only had four definite confirmations with three possibles, so it a matter of how many surprise guests would show. Mike Aldea arrived about 7:45 while I was on line buying a disposable camera. Second note to self: pack the digital THE NIGHT BEFORE! We waited until about 8:15 am before grabbing a table for some chow. I had planned on a 9am departure and time was getting tight. Next in was Chris Emmet, one of my Americade buddies accompanied by a friend, Pat.

We pulled out of the lot and after a quick run down I-80 we exited onto CR-521 and headed north on some tasty back roads. Along the way we did a flyby of Backroads Central, our illustrious members/magazine editors supreme Brian Rathjen and Shira Kamil's home base. They were out getting ready for their own ride, so we gave them a quick honk and a wave. We took a gas/bathroom break in Port Jervis, where we lost Pat due to family commitments. We continued out of Port Jervis via the storied Hawk's Nest. It's a nice road but way short. As a veteran of Deals Gap and the Appalachian Gap, it’s not a really big deal, but the view is spectacular. We looped up through the Catskills via CR-31 and CR-32, eventually taking SR-55 back down to SR-97 and back to Hawk's Nest, where we took the obligatory photo stop. The colors were pretty much at peak so Mother Nature gave us a nice show. Unfortunately, some squid on an R1 thought he'd join in by wheelying past us not once but three times. No wonder the local police are usually all over this road! Gee, we were SO impressed... NOT!!!! I would have loved to see what kind of chicken strips he was sporting. After our break we headed to Arlene and Tom's Restaurant in Port Jervis for more health food. We were met by Jerry Gowen, who had to wait for a delivery, but decided to ride up and meet us for lunch. After sampling the "world famous Meaneyburger", and receiving a coupon for a free angiogram, we said our farewells and headed off on our separate ways. I ended up taking the scenic route via High Point and headed back to I-80 and home. All in all, it was a great day, and although chilly in the morning it warmed up quite nicely later. Hopefully future attendance will improve, but it's all good! Smaller groups make for less stress. Our next COG event on yours truly's plate is the IMS @ Javits with our usual gathering at Virgil's BBQ in Times Square, on Saturday. We meet by the Connie at about 2:30-3pm to grab cabs and head over. Till then, enjoy the holidays!

See you around… Here to RIDE. Russell W Fleming Page 4


Northern New England - by Kevin Martin, #145 Thanksgiving has quickly come and gone and I hope everybody had a great holiday. Whether you’re ready for it or not, Christmas is just around the corner. For many of us in New England, this period signals a closure of the riding season as typical morning temperatures are below freezing and afternoon temperatures are cold enough to chill even the hardiest of bikers without heated gear necessary to extend the season a little longer than normal. Soon the white stuff will be falling, and along with it comes the sand and salt. That’s my cue to put Connie down for its long winter nap, but I keep it registered and ready to ride all winter. You never know when there’ll be an unseasonably warm day and an opportunity to take one more ride. I’m still very cautious about winter riding mostly due to sand on the road. I’m careful not to ride on wet, salty roads cause salt is very corrosive to aluminum. I stay strictly on dry, main roads. In spite of the negatives, mid winter riding can be enjoyable if only to satisfy that itch we all get during the off season. There’s been a lot of activity in Northern New England this fall, starting with a post Labor Day ride through the NH Lakes Region across the Kancamagus Highway and into the White Mountains National Forest. After that I hosted the Merrimack Valley Ride, which found us winding our way into Southern New Hampshire and stopping at Joey’s Diner for lunch. This is one I’ll remember for a while. I didn’t really expect more than a couple of riders, but we ended up with eleven at the breakfast meet. We had several set backs during the day, starting with multiple traffic delays due to a pedestrian road race scheduled at the same time we rode through town. Once we got through that traffic jam I thought we were in the clear until a traffic cop stopped us for another 15 minutes to allow the runners down the street along side of us. Finally on our way again, we were riding casually through the next town. At some point I looked in my rear view mirror only to find that nobody was behind me. They were all there when I stopped and checked, or so I thought. I pulled over to wait, then quickly realized that something must have happened. I turned around and rode back the short distance to the last intersection to see all of the bikes parked along side the road. One of the riders told me that when he came to the stop sign, he lost his footing and dropped his bike. No problem, he had picked up his bike and was ready to go by the time I got back there. Why was everyone else still off their bikes and standing in the street on the other side of the intersection blocking traffic? I parked my bike on the roadside and someone said there was a motorcycle accident up the road that happened the same time we were going through the intersection. I thought, “what a coincidence” and lucky there was a group of bikers in the area to stop and help the guy out. When I walked up the street to see what was going on I realized that the crashed biker was one of our own riders who was last in line. Luckily there were no other vehicles involved in the accident. I believe that he had a fresh pair of tires put on the day before, and the combination of new tires and lost concentration got the best of him and caused him to loose control and high side off the bike. Not the most graceful way to approach a stop sign, but hey, we’ve all been there. I can think of some really dumb things I’ve done on my motorcycle over the years that I wish I could take back. Anyway, a broken collar bone resulted in a trip to the hospital… Bummer. Both rider and Concours should be as good as new for the ‘09 riding season. We did finally make it to lunch. Somehow we lost half of the group along the way, but later rejoined at the lunch stop parking lot. Believe me this was not one of my better rides. Not only was this the first accident on one of my rides, I also managed to have two riders go down independently on the same ride at the same location! I S S U E 6 , 2 0 08

The Northeast Fall Rally in October was held in Northeast Harbor, ME, just a short ride outside of Acadia National Park. Thanks to Tony Shelver for organizing this event. I’ve been to Acadia and Bar Harbor a couple of times but never had the opportunity to do any extensive riding. Even though I had just returned from staying in Bar Harbor with my wife two weeks before, I didn’t hesitate to go back and explore the area by motorcycle. Except for rain on the Thursday ride up, the weather was good and seasonably brisk for down east Maine. Just fine for riding some great coastal roads, including the Acadia Park Loop and Cadillac Mountain. I even lead a group up to Lubec Maine and the Quoddy Lighthouse, the eastern most point in the USA. It was our first rally in Acadia, and hopefully not our last. Most of the riding I’ve done in Maine over the years has been inland and I haven’t been very fond of the quality of roads on any of my past rides up there, however coastal Maine was a pleasant surprise. The State of Maine is spending a lot of money fixing roads up in the Bar Harbor area and many of the roads were either recently resurfaced or in process of being resurfaced. This made for a much more enjoyable weekend of riding. Off season in Acadia provided many miles of open roads to twist the throttle and work the curves without being slowed down by traffic, something we wouldn’t have been able to do during the summer tourist season. I also managed to sneak in an impromptu ride to the Quabbin Reservoir in central Mass. Being unscheduled I only expected one or two other riders to join me. To my surprise we had 10 bikes leaving the breakfast stop for that ride. Since most of the guys had never been to the Quabbin before, I took them to the State Police Station at the entrance of the Windsor Dam to visit the museum to learn all about how the reservoir was made back in the 30’s. If you’re ever in the Belchertown area, stop in to visit the dam and the museum; it’s real interesting. We later rode up to the summit to climb the tower to view the entire reservoir. What an impressive view from the top of the tower. This is a must see and a very popular stop off point for bikers all season long. I apologize that I was unable to coordinate my usual Fall Social to close out the riding season. I haven’t discounted it completely. The Lowell Brewery was closed for renovation and I haven’t had time to check to see if they could still accommodate our group, and locating another location is not as easy as it sounds. If I can pull something together before the Holidays, I’ll send out an email and post information online. I hope to have a preliminary 2009 ride schedule in the next newsletter. We can expect Pat Mulloy and Greg Habel to host another spring tech session at Pat’s house in Monson, MA. This’ll be Greg & Pat’s 3rd, and it’s a great time even if you only kick tires and meet other members. As in the past, if any members are interested in hosting a ride or event next year, just let me know and I’ll work with you to coordinate it. The best way to keep COG successful is through member involvement. We’ve found that some of the best rides are those planned by members using familiar roads, restaurants, and attractions. Greg Habel did earlier this year when he hosted a ride to the Vanilla Bean and Excalibur Power Sports. There’s a limited number of rides I have up my sleeve, so if you’re looking for something different, make some suggestions or plan out a ride yourself, the gang will love you for it and I will too. That’s about it for now. Keep an eye out for information on my annual winter social typically held in March, and for those of you who continue to ride right through the winter season, stay warm and ride safe. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all. Page 5

Fall Rally 2008—Northeast Harbor, ME - story & photos by Mike Benham, #6309 A group of about forty COG members thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the October 16-18 Fall Rally in Northeast Harbor, ME. We all salute Tony Shelver for an excellent job in organizing this event. The timing was perfect, with fall colors at peak and the crowds much diminished from the just prior Columbus Day weekend. which always strains Acadia National COG group at waterfront, Lubec, ME Park. There were several riders from Ontario with a long, late season, two day ride to arrive at the rally. Everyone riding in for a Thursday arrival encountered some wet to very wet riding. The comforts of rally headquarters at the Kimball Terrace Inn were much appreciated after a day, or days, seated on a wet saddle. For many Acadia's Park Loop Road, with the stunning ride up 1,530 ft. Cadillac Mountain, was the perfect start of riding while at this rally. We felt fortunate that so much of Mt. Desert Island was set aside for all to enjoy. Acadia National Park has been described as the “Crown Jewel” of the U.S. National Park System. Acadia is dominated by twenty six coastal mountains, rounded and sculpted for eons by continental ice sheets. The beauty of Acadia is subtle and will be sure to draw many of us back again and again in coming years. Some riders toured the Blue Hill Peninsula, to the immediate west of Mt. Desert Island, and as far Jordon Pond and The Bubbles, Acadia N.P south as the Deer Isles and the town of Stonington. The roads, in general, were in much poorer shape on the Blue Hill Peninsula, with cavernous pavement frost cracks hungrily eager to devour a Connie's front wheel, or the whole bike, of an unwary rider. The Schoodic Peninsula section of Acadia, some sixty land miles downeast of Mt. Desert Island, was visited by many. The Schoodic Loop ride, with the exposed pink granite, just off your right hand grip, in constant clash with the relentless sea, was a must ride for many rally goers. A side trip east to the lobster fishing village of Corea was a worthwhile diversion before leaving the peninsula. The long day ride many riders took went way downeast to Lubec and the West Quoddy Head Light, the easternmost point in the continental USA. The Maine Scenic Byway. ME 182, through the Donnell Pond Public Reserved Land and right along Tunk Lake was also a highlight for many of the riders. Blueberry barrens along US Route 1 were very colorful, with leaves having turned a deep fall red. Maine Route 191 was at its curvaceous best as past the U.S. Naval Radio Station and then Cutler Harbor, with its busy lobster fishing fleet,. Cobscook Bay was very clear on the Saturday ride. It was hard to West Quoddy Head Light imagine that Eastport, which could be seen north of the bay's mouth at Lubec, would require over forty miles of riding around Cobscook Bay to get there by land. The view, from West Quoddy Head Light, across the Page 6

Grand Manan Channel to New Brunswick's Grand Manan Island was delightfully clear on the Saturday ride Some riders ventured further inland in Maine and some just enjoyed all that they could see on Mt. Desert Island while in the area. Just north of Porcupine Islands from Cadillac Mtn, Acadia N.P. Northeast Harbor, Sargent Drive hugs the eastern side of Somes Sound, a fjord that tried to bisect Mt. Desert Island. The ride of the western half of the island from Somesville through Southwest Harbor. on ME 102, and then around the Seawall section of Acadia on ME 102A to Bass Harbor was an Bass Harbor, ME essential ride for some. The Bass Harbor Head Light required some hard rock hiking to observe, but was well worth it even in riding boots. The Light clings to the rocky cliffs which plunge to the ocean below. The far western side of Mt. Desert Island on ME 102 and Indian Point Road is a pretty ride in fall, with ample curves to suit most. The Main Sail Restaurant, at the Kimball Terrace Inn, put on an excellent dinner buffet on the Saturday evening of the rally. Good food and Chris Lawrence enjoying Park Loop Road, Acadia N.P. conversation capped off the evening. All too soon rally goers were off to pack and prepare for the long ride home in the morning. Thanks go out to all that worked to make this rally happen. Many of the rally goers felt a return to Acadia for another future rally would be most anticipated and appreciated.

Fall Rallygoers at Kimball Terrace Inn after Saturday Banquet N O R T H E A S T A R E A NE W S

Northeast Activity Schedule - view the online Event Calendar at: (VA) Northern Neck Breakfast & Lunch Ride 01/24/09 - Port Royal, VA. We will meet at the (ON) S. Central Ontario Get-Together Horne’s Restaurant at the intersection of Routes Meet at 6:30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month 301 & 17 at 9:00 AM for breakfast. Jim Sparkman at the Mohawk Inn in Guelph. Join us for dinner has some interesting back roads planned for us to and socializing. All Welcome. Located on the ride before arriving at another destination serving northwest corner of Hwy 401 at Guelph Line, exit some great hot food. In the event of sleet or snow 312, next to the Mohawk Raceway & Slots this ride will be cancelled. Any questions please Entertainment Facility. 9230 Guelph Line, contact Jim Sparkman: 540.775.5864 or Campbellville, Ontario. 905.854.2277 or Kurt & Sue Nordstrom: ( Contact: Dave Clancy, or 540.582.9414 or 905.389.7681. (MD) Crab Cakes Ride (PA) Meet Greet and Ride Sundays 03/21/09-03/22/09 – We will meet at Holly's Restaurant. Holly's is located east of the Bay Meet Sundays at 10:00 am at Kings Restaurant Bridge on the service road on the north side of Rt. located in Imperial, PA, located right off the 50 at exit 43B, heading east (exit 43A if you’re Imperial exit of routes 22 & 30. We will decide a heading west). Directions and a map are available ride or destination with whoever attends, or I will at We plan to meet for have a route ready if we need it. Rides will begin the 1st week in April until the 1st week in Nov. If breakfast at 9:00 am and will depart the restaurant you have a ride idea, or need any additional info or around 10 am and ride the eastern shore of Maryland and Delaware. The ride will end at Elk directions contact Joe Cyprych 724.796.1401 or Neck State Park in North East Maryland where we Hope to see you there. will camp for the night. Campsites allow 2 tents per site. Hookup with a COG friend and make Calendar of Events Snapshot reservations by calling 1.888.432.2267 or online (VA) Holiday Lunch at the Beach at: and ask for camp 12/13/08 - For some awesome seafood, join Kurt & site #230 to #240 area which is close to the bath Sue for lunch at the Dockside Restaurant, 1787 house. I have made reservation at Woody’s Crab Castlewood Drive, Colonial Beach, VA, House in North East MD for dinner at 6:30 pm for 804.224.8726, crab cakes. Woody’s is located at 29 South Main From wherever you are, make your own route and Street if you cannot make the ride and want to join plan to arrive between 11:30 and 12. The restaurant us for the evening please let me know so I can put is at the southernmost point of Colonial Beach, your name on the list for dinner. Sunday morning adjacent to the Colonial Beach Yacht Center & we have reservations at Pier 1 Restaurant for Marina. Visit Dockside's website for more breakfast at 8.30 am. Which is located at 1 North information as well as a look at their menu. Kurt & Main Street, North East MD. For more information Sue Nordstrom or contact: Russell W Fleming retired AAD MD/PA, 540.582.9414 or 410.374.9687; Kurt & Sue Nordstrom: or (DC) Washington, DC Motorcycle Show 540.582.9414; or Ken Quesenberry: 01/10/09 - Cycle World International Motorcycle or 302.234.0737. Show. ( Buy tickets online and save $4 (promo code “necog”) For those (VA) Wrench Fest, Luray, VA April - date to be determined. Back by popular joining us Saturday, we'll meet at the Kawasaki demand, Pat Sprague will hold a wrench/tech booth at 11:30am and leave at 11:45 for a short session at his residence in Luray, VA More details walk to lunch. Wear your COG get-up and we'll coming. Contact: Kurt & Sue Nordstrom: see you there! On another important note, Sharon Tessman (Herman's widow) would very much like or 540.582.9414 to host a coffee and goodies get together for COG (RI) Twisted Throttle Open House in conjunction with the DC Show, Saturday at 8 05/23/09 – COG Industry Member Twisted AM, at her home at 4731 N. 11th Street, Arlington, Throttle has invited us to join them at their VA, 703.528.6491. Folks can leave their bikes/cars Memorial Day Weekend Open House event for at her house, walk two blocks, and take the metro free food, door prizes, & discounts on great stuff at subway to within two blocks of the convention their in Peacedale, RI Headquarters. The festivities hall, return the same way. Contact: Kurt & Sue run 11:30am-4:30pm. The showroom & warehouse Nordstrom at or are located in Building 1 in the north side of the 540.582.9414 Palisades Mill Complex at 1080 Kingstown Road (NY) NYC Motorcycle Show (Route 108) in Peace Dale, Rhode Island. The 01/17/09 - Cycle World International Motorcycle entrance to the complex is across the street from Baud Construction on Route 108 just south of Show. ( Not a COG Sweetcakes Bakery. Phone: 401.284.4200 GPS event but is listed for your information. Purchase Coordinates: 41.451735 N, 71.496877 W tickets online and save $4 (promo code “necog”) For those attending on Saturday, JAN 17, we'll meet at the Concours 14 in the Kawasaki booth at (NC) COG National Rally 2:30PM, then get head to Virgil’s BBQ, 152 W 44th St. Contact Terry 06/08/09-06/11/09 – Fontana Dam Resort (Fontana Dam, NC) is the host venue. Complete details in Faherty or 718-227-2099

Repeating Events

I S S U E 6 , 2 0 08

the Concourier and online at Contact John Carver or 706.621.7833 (MD) North & South 12 Get-Together 06/26/09-06/28/09 - Location: Martha & Russell Fleming's House, 2610 Old Fort Schoolhouse RD, Hampstead MD 21074. Friday June 26 for camping, come and setup your tent and have a cookout in the evening. Camping in the back yard at the Fleming's on Friday and Saturday night. Please give me a call if you plan on coming so that I know how much food to fix. Saturday June 27 Breakfast, Ride and Cookout. Breakfast will be held in the driveway. Serving Bacon and Eggs, Juice and Coffee. Starting at 8:00 am then you can leave at your free will on one of many route that could take you in PA, VA, WV and MD of 260 miles or 1 of 2 short routes of 100 miles or a DUAL Sport Ride that Jay Schaffer has laid out and end back here for a cookout that will start about 6:30 pm. Sunday June 28 Breakfast will be held one more time in the driveway. Starting 8:00 am with a guided ride there after. Lodging in Westminster, MD: Boston Inn, 533 Baltimore Blvd 800.634.0846; Days Inn, 25 South Cranberry Rd, 800.329.7466; Best Western, 451 WMC Drive, 800.528.1234. Lodging in Hanover, PA: Hampton Inn, 800.426.7866; Super 8, 40 Wetzel St, 800.800.8000; Clearview Motor Inn, 901 Carlisle St, 717.637.3701. Directions From Westminster to the Fleming's: Route 140 to Route 27 North 6 miles, Right on Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. Fleming's is 1 mile on left at top of hill. Directions from Hanover to the Fleming's: Take PA 94 south into MD where it becomes MD 30. Continue to Manchester. Turn right at MD 27 (Sheetz store on left) 2.4 miles. Then a left onto Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. Fleming's is 1 mile on left at top of hill. Please give me a call if you plan on coming so that I know how much food to fix. Contact Russell Fleming or 410.374.9687 (VA) Mr. B’s BBQ 07/11/09 - Ride to eat, eat to ride, repeat! Plan your own route, enter it in your GPS and don’t be late for some of the best BBQ in the state of VA. Join your fellow VA & WV Coggers for lunch ride to Mr. B’s BBQ. Plan on meeting around noon at Mr. B’s BBQ on Route 340 in White Post, VA. Mr. B’s BBQ is located next to the Post Office in White Post on Route 340. Contact: Kurt & Sue Nordstrom: or 540.582.9414 (WV) Dog Days Weekend, Arbovale, WV 08/07/09-08/09/09 - Held at the Boyer Station Motel, Restaurant and Campground, ( located near the confluence of Routes 28 & 92. The motel has about 20 rooms (definitely not the Hilton) and the campground has water and electric hookups, picnic tables at each site, hot showers with private dressing rooms, flush toilets (with privacy), sewer hookups for those with a land yacht, dump station, playground and more. Grocery stores and gas nearby. Boyer Station is located in beautiful (Continued on page 8) Page 7

Welcome to Our Newest Northeast Area Members (since the last newsletter) Louis Allen, #8504 Bedminster, NJ

Ken Fader & Jeannie Harper, #8534/8534a Brockville, ON, Canada

Craig Malloy, #8516 Chesapeake,VA

Christopher Baker,#8538 Bristow, VA

Eric Fowler, #8519 Fairfax,VA

David Geyer, #8542 Merrimack, NH

Terry Horsley, #8524 Jamestown, RI

Russell Mead, #8550 Manheim, PA

Sandy & Charlene Meyers, #8527/8527a Salem, NJ

Ron Eastwood, #8553 Bridgeport, CT

Ricky Lathem, #8532 Shady Side,MD

Livio Persi, #8555 Newmarket, ON Canada

has a restaurant with pretty good food and reasonable prices, and most meals (except when we’re on the road) will be here. The closest town is about 10 miles away and meal options are a bit limited. There is also a very nice campground in the park. Non-electric sites are about $12/night. The ones with water and electric are between $1520/night. Call to make reservations for the lodge or campground : 276.865.4413 or 800.982.5122 (or (VA) Down in the Holler Camp and Ride by fax 276.865.4028). If 9/18/09-9/21/09 - Breaks Interstate Park is a full you have any questions, contact Clyde Watson service state park that sits on the boundary between or 804.771.3876 Virginia and Kentucky. It’s in a remote area, but (daytime) 804 -921-5896 (cell) has some excellent motorcycle roads, limited (PA) Northeast Fall Rally, Wellsboro traffic, and lots of great scenery. Since it’s such a long haul for most of the mid-Atlantic area, Friday 09/24/09-09/27/09 - Wellsboro, PA has proven to and Monday are travel days and no organized rides be a great location for past NE Regional rallies and we decided to try it in the fall this time. It's central are planned for either day. Ride routes will be provided for Saturday and Sunday. There is a lodge location is an easy day ride for many members and on premises with very reasonable rates (about $70, offers great riding and sightseeing at an affordable price. The host town of Wellsboro is located in double occupancy). The lodge has only 80 rooms north central PA, along the famous RT 6 corridor, in 6 buildings. I strongly recommend you make not far from New York State's Finger Lake Region, reservations early in the year. No rooms are and is abundant with museums, wineries, terrific blocked for us and it is first come, first served. And again, there are only 80 rooms. I will try to get scenery, and great roads. Complete details coming. Contact Jason Kaplitz, or a room in the building that houses units 111-134. 814.535.8669. The view out back is spectacular. The lodge also (Event Calendar - Continued from page 7)

Pocahontas County surrounded by the Monongahela National Forest. Majestic mountains, scenic vistas, beautiful forests, and nary a straight road offer an unlimited variety of ways to spend an unforgettable three days with your fellow Coggers. Any questions or comments please contact Jason Kaplitz: or 814.535.8669

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(VA) Fall Foliage Ride 10/16/09-10/18/09, location TBD. Contact Kurt & Sue Nordstrom: or 540.582.9414 (VA) Brrrr Ride 11/13/09-11/15/09 - Started by Guy Young several years ago, this one has become a perennial favorite. We’ll gather at the Natural Bridge KOA just off I-81 and RT 11 to camp on Friday and Saturday nights. For those not wanting to camp the KOA has cabins available with heaters (sort of) that will keep the chill off. To make reservations with the KOA please call 540.291.2770. There are hotels and motels in the area for those that require hard top shelter Budget Inn: 540.291.2896, Relax Inn: 540.291.2143. Saturday morning we’ll meet for breakfast at 8:00 AM at the Pink Cadillac Restaurant (RT 11), just a mile north of the entrance of the KOA. The route will take us over some awesome roads with lunch, then back to the camp for dinner and COG camaraderie. Hopefully there will not be a fire ban and will have a nice campfire this year. Contact Kurt or Sue Nordstrom: or 540.582.9414.


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