NE2010 Issue6

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Cognitions: Issue 6, 2010

Random thoughts from the Northeast Area Director

by Steven Smith #3184

Since it is getting a bit too cold to ride, this is a really good time to begin looking forward and planning for next riding season. To the credit of our members, the Northeast Area always has a large selection of event activities. I’d like to think that all of us want to see this tradition continue, and to do this COG needs your help. Organizing a ride or other activity is very easy to do. It all begins with an idea, and selecting the meeting date, time and location. Early postings of activities to the event calendar [online and printed] provide all members adequate planning time to attend. Get involved with COG activity planning. If you have a local ride you enjoy, please share it with the rest of the membership. You do not have to be an AAD to organize an activity. Being involved as an activity organizer or club leader can make you feel like you really belong and make membership in COG much more enjoyable. I encourage everyone to get more involved and get to know your fellow members. If you have an idea for any type of activity please contact me or your local AAD, and we will help get you started. I am always looking for input from members on ways to get more members involved in hosting and participating in COG rides and rallies. COG is only as good as we all make it! Let's keep making it great. Kurt & Sue Nordstrom previously announced their plan to retire as AADs at the end of this year. I remember speaking with Kurt at the 2007 national when he expressed interest in the AAD position and he joined the NE Staff soon after. The Nordstroms wrapped up their 3 years of service with a bang as the hosts of the NE fall regional rally in Natural Bridge, VA. On behalf of COG NE I want to thank Kurt & Sue for a job well done. I am happy to report that Jim Miller of Inwood, WV previously volunteered to take over as the AAD for VA/WV, and is ready to take over in January. I look forward to working with Jim and I ask the members to support him. Help! We need member support to fill vacant AAD positions, create additional positions, or organizing activities as I previously mentioned. AADs/Activity organizers are needed for Western New York and Eastern Pennsylvania to mention a few. I would be happy to see other regions in the NE Area have an AAD to cover a region, state, city, etc. As AAD you decide how much time and effort to put in. All I ask is that you organize a minimum of one activity per year. If you are interested, please contact me so we can chat about your ideas to improve member activity. There are a few activities already on our 2011 calendar of events. Coming up in the next few months… The International Motorcycle Show is coming to DC and New York in January. If you plan to attend, see the rides schedule in this issue to find the COG promo code good for $4 off online ticket purchase. In February Steve Cerutti has organized a mid-winter track day and Norm Walton has organized a gathering at Verona pizza where area members can get together to discuss plans for next year. Russell Fleming will be hosting his typical events, including the Crab Cakes Ride in March. Here are the rallies that are presently locked in for 2011:

Spring: Spring Fling Rally in Wellsboro, PA, May 19-22 Complete details are now posted in the online Calendar of Events. The motels are taking reservations and online rally registration is now open. Take advantage of early bird registration and save $5 if registered by 4/1/2011. Summer: “Green Mountain” National Rally, West Dover, VT, Aug 8-12 Complete details are now posted in the online Calendar of Events and there will be a rally update in the next Concourier magazine. Mount Snow is taking room reservations now. We anticipate online rally registration to open up in early 2011. Fall: to be determined, but tentative in Lake George, NY

Many of you are already familiar with and have visited, the COG Member Online Services (COGMOS) web site. Over 80% of members are now using the online system to manage their contact information, renew membership, find rides and activities to attend, register for rallies, purchase COG gear, explore the tech pages, wander through the COG library, and much more. All payment transactions are safely handled through secure web pages. This service is included with your membership. If you are one of the few still doing things the old fashion way using the mailin membership renewal form, it is easy to switch over to email notification and online renewal. Just send me or the membership director an email with your name, email address, and what you want your Username to be. A temporary password will be assigned and you will get a reply when the account is activated. If you already have an active COGMOS account, please take a moment to go to the “My Info” section from the Member Area Menu and verify that your current information is entered. If your Alias field is blank you will need to fill in this field. The Alias is what is displayed as your “handle” in your posts in the new forum. By the way - the recent update to the forum software has been received well by members and more people are beginning to use it. To get to the new forum, use your web browser to go to or click on the New Forum link on the top of the COG home page. Using the forum is a great way to stay in contact with other members, get answers to questions, find out about impromptu rides, or look for someone to ride with. You login to the forum with the same login information (Username and Password) as you use to access your personal account on COGMOS, the main web site. Happy Holidays… I wish you and your family enjoy a great holiday season and hope you find just a little time to reflect on the friendship and camaraderie of which COG is all about. I am looking forward to see you at one of our 2011 events. Ride Safe,

NORTHEAST STAFF Area Director Steven Smith, #3184 203-720-7575 nead @ Newsletter Editor Neil Baldwin, #5762 905-875-8607 Web Editor Wayne Geiser, #8542 Tewksbury, MA, 978-851-2710 Wayne @

Assistant Area Directors: Massachusetts (VT, NH, ME) Kevin Martin, #145 Dracut, MA, 978-459-6275 cog145 @ Connecticut (RI) Norm & Lorie Walton, #7011 Cromwell, CT, 860-836-5162 ctaad @ Metro NY/NJ Terry Faherty, #792 Staten Island, NY, 718-227-2099 tmcefah @ NY Hudson Valley south Mike Flynn, #4493 Bedford Hills, NY, 914-239-3721 Keltwolf @ NY Hudson Valley north Bob Barbanti, #7134 Wallkill, NY, 845-895-1130 ny.neaad @ Western NY Help needed—please inquire!! Pittsburgh (Western PA) Joe Cyprych, #4665 McDonald, PA, 724-796-1401 cyprych @ DelMarVa & Philly burbs Bob Chappell, #1283 Claymont, DE, 302-791-0582 cog1283 @ Maryland/Southern PA Help needed—please inquire!! Virginia/West Virginia Kurt & Sue Nordstrom, #6049/A Spotsylvania, VA, 540-582-9414 ironhorsefun @ Jim Miller, # Inwood, WV, 304-885-4488 millerized @ Greater Toronto, Canada Dave Clancy, #5452 Hamilton, ON, 905-389-7681 davecla2 @ Eastern Ontario, Canada Ken Fader, #8534 Brockville, ON, 613-865-7995 Page 2

What’s up in Metro NY/NJ by Terry Faherty #792 Greetings from the NYC Metro area! Can it really be December already?!? Seems the seasons just seem to fly by. First let me wish everyone out there a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza, Happy New Year and any other celebration I missed! As most of us in the northeast put our steeds away for the long winter's nap, let's use this time to remember all the good times we've had this season, be it at rallies, meet and greets, etc. Keep in mind those who are serving overseas and pray for their safe return. My nephew graduates from college Army ROTC this year and will be joining his fellow countrymen in this ongoing conflict. It definitely brings it more to mind, personally. The Javitz Show is right around the corner and due to a less than stellar reaction to a pre-paid group dinner I'll be winging it again. We'll meet by the Connie between 2:30 and 3 pm, get a headcount and head to Blue Smoke for some BBQ ( at 116 E 27 St. If you like REAL bbq you'll love this place! Its definitely not within walking distance so we'll split up and cab it. I'll call ahead with the count to try to minimize the wait but it's a popular place. I'm sure we'll find something to do while we wait...did I mention the extensive beer menu? It's within easy reach of the subway to head back to Grand Central and links to Penn Station. I'm not really in the market for anything this year but it's always fun to look at the latest eye candy. Hope to meet some of you there. Next year looks to be a good one in the Northeast. Jason's running another Wellsboro shindig, the national is our baby, and Scott Sorger and I will be running another Lake George Rally in the fall. So much to few vacation days! Start scheduling now! Have a great holiday season folks! I'll toss back a nog or two for ya!

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Coggers by Dave Clancy #5452 Thanks to everyone who attends our 2nd Tuesday of the month meet and greet(s) at the Mohawk Inn, jct of 401 and Guelph line. I really enjoy meeting and talking to motorcyclists like you. These meeting will continue all year in 2011 as well as December 14, 2010. Our COG area will have a booth at the Motorcycle Supershow, International Centre near Pearson Airport. This is billed as the largest motorcycle show in North America. I still need a few more volunteers to man the booth. Please contact me 905389-7689 or at the December meeting. It's your chance to get discounted tickets and meet interesting folks. If we can get a Concours (any vintage) it can help get us noticed. Let me know if you can let us use your bike.

Pittsburgh (Western PA) Greetings by Joe Cyprych #4665 Hello fellow coggers! Well, by the time you read this most of us are probably looking out the window at the dreaded white stuff that causes us to resort to just staring at our bikes in the garage, maybe even sitting on them and making motorcycle noises. Yeah, I know, winter has just started. Anyhow, now is the time to start thinking about next season. We’re planning a date for our now yearly Cook Forest weekender and we’re going to continue our Sunday meet, greet & rides. I am also going to plan a Canaan Valley weekender in late September or early October. We did one this year and it was nicely attended for a spur-of-the-moment get together. With that, let me remind you that if you have a ride idea, destination etc, let myself or Steve know and we will help you make it happen. We’re always looking for a fresh idea or place to visit. As you probably already know the Spring Rally will be held in Wellsboro next year so we have that to look forward to... Jason always puts together a great event and I hope to see you all there. We are at the end of another great year of riding and events and I want to thank you all who attended them. Michele and I would like to wish you all a merry christmas and we hope you all have great new year coming. Think spring!

Hudson Valley northwest News By Bob Barbanti #7143 It was a pretty active fall for my little piece of COG land. I was lucky enough to be involved with six different COG events since the last newsletter, so I will cover them in the order of occurrence. Our Color in the Catskills ride took place October 2nd. It started out and ended at the Pilot Travel Center in Newburgh, NY. It was a calm 120 mile ride to Hunter Mountain, NY. BMW was having a rally at Hunter. So that gave us a nice destination. The colors were not quite at their peak but there was plenty of autumn beauty to be seen. We had six people on the ride: Abbey and Ben Otunu, Jack NG, and myself from NY; Brian Felice from RI; Mike Aldea from NJ. Some of the roads had plenty of challenges from two days of very heavy rains. Flooding had left debris and dirt in the road. Some were closed all together, which meant detours. But (Continued, including pictures, on page 7)


Happenings from Virginia & West Virginia by Kurt & Sue Nordstrum #6049+6049A Well, your fellow COG members in the southern hemisphere of the Northeast have been busy for the last few months. First we hosted the NE COG Fall Rally in October at the Natural Bridge Hotel and Conference Center in Natural Bridge, Virginia. While attendance was “light” a good time was had by all. We had members from as far north as Canada and Maine in attendance as well as participants from as far south as Florida. Hard top and dual sport routes were given out to each member for their enjoyment along with a rally package. The rally package included information about interesting sights, local and state maps and specific information about the area. The ever present gathering of the Cogger’s in the parking lot with their beverage of choice was happening every evening. The Saturday evening banquet was a huge success, if you left hungry it was your own fault. I would like to give special thanks to my wife Sue for really being the organizer of the event and Roadrunner Magazine, James Miller of Millerized, LLC, and Jason Kaplitz for supplying door prizes for the event. The fine Waterford Crystal beer glasses that were supplied by Jason were a big hit. Door prizes were given to the furthest traveled, lowest COG number, the newest member and a random drawing from a hat for the rest of the door prizes. I’m happy to report there were no slips, trips, falls or spills over the course of the event and everyone arrived back home without any incidents. November brought us the Brrr Ride at the Natural Bridge KOA in Natural Bridge Virginia. The Brrr Ride was started by Guy Young 13 years ago with just one other Cogger in attendance. It has grown in attendance every year; probably because of the excellent roads and the balmy weather (lately) we have been experiencing. This year we set a record attendance of 36 Cogger’s and 6 ADV Riders from the Richmond, Virginia area. What started out as a weekend event, Friday night till Sunday morning, has graduated to: arrive on Thursday and leave Sunday and/or Monday, weather dependant. Two hard top and two dual sport route sheets were handed out, GPS files were available for down loading and the masses took off in different directions. There were smiling faces and dirty bikes returning from the dual sport routes and stories of beautiful vistas, full bellies and trinkets from the different gift shops on the hard top routes. While there were no slips, trips, falls or spills over the course of the event for the Cogger’s there was one amphibious KLR that was piloted by one of the ADV Riders. Its funny how an R6 can cross a spring fed trout stream but a KLR couldn’t make it, let’s just say the KLR and its aluminum panniers looked more like a fishing bobber in the stream. Not to worry though, the 19 year old pilot of the KLR was not hurt. His pride was dented, he did get a tad bit wet, his helmet looked more like a gold fish bowl with a head installed rather than fish……..hopefully learned from his adventure, the video did make the rounds at the campfire. The Brrr Ride culminates Saturday evening with a dinner at the Pink Cadillac Restaurant. Later everyone gathers with many tall tales to tell, over an adult beverage or three at the roaring campfire. The KOA owners and the staff always treat us as VIP’s and this year was no different. The KOA treated us to all the firewood we could burn and a 10 year anniversary sheet cake for desert (the 1st three years was on the BRP) on Saturday evening. I believe a great time was had by all that attended. Now at this point in time in the newsletter I normally throw out some teasers about what is happening over the next few months. Well this time I’m going to change up a bit, you see Sue and I are stepping down from the ranks of AAD’s at the end of December. It is time for us to experience a different chapter in our lives. Plus our parents are aging and are requiring us to give them more attention; which really cuts into our riding time. At this time I should really thank all the people that helped make our jobs easy and some not so easy. You know the type, the Upper Management types that remind you there are rules that must be followed; hey Steve (just joking) Steve you’re great and an asset to COG. To be honest if I wrote down everyone that assisted Sue and I over the past three years my contribution to this newsletter would just have a list of names and not two short stories about the past two months activities. I am serious; all Sue and I had to do was ask and help soon followed. With that being said; it is with great pleasure that I introduce James Miller of Millerized, LLC as the next Assistant Area Director of Virginia and West Virginia. I am sure Jim has many adventures in the works as every time he volunteered to host a function for Sue and I……well it was an adventure in which we still talk about years later. It is also a time to give thanks during this holiday season, just remember there are others less fortunate and we should do what we can to assist where we can. Sue and I would like to wish you and your family Happy Holidays……we hope to see you on a winding road in the near future. See pages 3 & 4 for pictures from Fall Rally and Brr Ride Ed Note: This is Kurt & Sue’s last column for the newsletter as they step down at the end of the year. I want to say a word of thanks for their consistent contributions during the year and a half I have been editor… it’s often a struggle getting content and I could always count on them for news of VA and WV as well as ride report and so on. Kurt & Sue, have fun, ride safe, and come visit us in Canada anytime :-)


A new look for the Northeast area newsletter... Have you got ideas for what kinds of things our newsletter should (or should not!) cover? What have you enjoyed? What have you found lacking? Now is the time to let me know…

Cheers, Neil discussion forums with over 300 active discussions on tech, accessories, riding gear, safety, and much more. event calendar vendors online COG swag store renew membership online!

Northeast Area NEWS is a bi-monthly publication for Northeast Area members of the Concours Owners Group. Submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Please send submissions to: Or email for postal mail instructions. Submissions may be edited to fit space. Many of the opinions stated in this publication may make no sense to those sound of mind and may just be conveniently ignored. If you use any of the information in this rag to incur damage to yourself, your motor or any innocent or not so innocent bystanders it is you own were warned! ©2010 Concours Owners Group

ISSUE 6, 2010

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Fall Rally at Natural Bridge Pics courtesy of Kurt & Sue Nordstrum #6049+6049A

View from top ‘o the mount Buffet line… if you left hungry, it was your own fault!

Natural Bridge Hotel Participants starting to arrive

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Brrr Ride Pics courtesy of Kurt & Sue Nordstrum #6049+6049A

Those are the two original Brrr Ride members (Russell Fleming on the left and Guy Young on the right) from 13 yrs ago with the owner of the KOA (Ron - yellow shirt).

ISSUE 6, 2010

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Tech Report How are those ABS brakes on that C14 ? by Kevin Martin COG #145 I’ve noticed that the number of Concours 1400’s is gradually increasing across my local membership since I bought my 2009 C14 ABS last year. On almost every ride last year and occasionally this year someone asks me what I think about the ABS brakes. I don’t get questioned as much lately especially now that there are 2010 C14’s showing up at the ride events. People seem to be more interested in the 2010 traction control, heated grips, economy fuel mapping capabilities, and heat management changes, than the ABS features. How things change. Anyway, my general response regarding the ABS braking feature is “I don’t know, I’ve never needed it , but figured if I was going to cash out for a new bike I might as well get the ABS model in case I ever did need it” The week after my Acadia ride I was doing an errand locally up in southern NH and on my way back home coming down Bridge Street in Pelham NH, while following a panel van doing the posted speed limit of 45 mph, the van signaled for a right hand turn. There was a good car length or more between me and the van, so I moved toward the center of road as he started to make his turn and gradually accelerated to continue on. There were no cars behind me and I noticed two motorcyclists down the street heading north with a long line of cars behind them. Without warning, a woman in a mini van shot out in front of me from the side street on the right that the panel van was turning onto, she was blocked from my vision by the panel van taking the right hand turn. My speed was slightly reduced to about 40 mph by this time, and I instinctively grabbed the front brake with the two fingers I always have on the front brake lever. I recall the ABS braking system slightly pulsating through the front lever as I squeezed even harder. I also felt the ABS pulsating through the rear brake pedal as I hammered the rear brake in an effort to avoid a collision. By this time the front and rear tires were obviously at their full skid potential and I was convinced that impact was imminent as I quickly approached the driver’s side door of the blue mini van slowly turning in front of me. This unfortunate situation reminds me of a similar situation closer to home three years earlier when a pick up truck was turning right and it blocked my view of a left turning car on the same side street just as I was accelerating past the pickup truck as it was still making the turn – bad decision. In this situation, I was able to stop just a few feet in front of the turning car, but the rear tire of my 2004 C10 locked up and skidded sideways just enough to make me loose control of the bike and dump it on its right side. I slid about 3 feet just shy of impact and watched the driver continue to make the turn and ride off slowly while I was laying on the ground. Two guys in a pickup truck behind me saw the whole thing and got out to help me lift my bike back up. I only damaged my pride in that situation as my “04 was protected with Murphs tip over bars that worked extremely well and I had on my Aerostich suit to protect my hide. The lesson I learned that day was make sure that if there is a car turning left they see you before you proceed down the road. Now back to Saturday afternoon, September 25th. I was convinced that I was going to broadside the mini van as I was quickly running out of road, but to my surprise the ABS system stopped me very quickly, straight, and true, just about a foot before impact. No skidding, no lost control, no off balance stop. After coming to a complete stop and watching her turn in front of me, I noticed that she wasn’t even looking in my direction. She appeared to be more concerned with beating the two bikes and line of cars coming northbound than what was coming down the southbound lane, specifically me. I suppose she never saw me at all after being screened by the panel van focusing her attention in the other direction, and obviously never made that second look back in my direction before pulling out into traffic. After all another look in my direction might have prevented her from making the turn before the next line of traffic approached. As I sat on my C14 ABS in the middle of the road with both feet firmly planted wondering how I didn’t hit her, the two bikes coming the other way pulled up along side of me and yelled out “great stop, how’d you do that”? I just stared back at them, then fumbled around for 1st gear and pulled away still in amazement. Thinking back, reflecting and re-living that brief event over and over in my mind, I know I screwed up by not being observant enough for the possibility for a car turning left in front of me. The signs were all there, I just wasn’t recognizing the dangerous situation unfolding in front of me. The good news is that I was able to ride away unscathed and hopefully learned from this experience. I’m sure there are people reading this saying to themselves I could have stopped just like that without the need of ABS, hey I did it three years ago on my C10, albeit somewhat ungracefully. However, I’m convinced that if it wasn’t for the ABS braking feature on my C14, I would not have been able to stop in time and would have broadsided that mini van without question. I’m even more amazed at how straight and true the bike behaved during that panic stop situation. It stopped almost as if it were on rails. So the next time someone asks me if I think ABS is worth the additional money, my response will be much different. For me, based on this experience, and my previous experience on my non-ABS C10, I’ll never ride a non-ABS bike again. It only takes one time, and last month was my time to test this feature out unintentionally, and it worked exactly as advertised and better than I had ever expected. I love my 2009 Concours 1400 ABS, I only hope I don’t have to test the ABS braking out again, but if I do, I’m glad it will be there for me.

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(Hudson Valley NW news, continued from page 2) all turned out well. I would like to thank Ben Otunu for taking lead in planning and leading the route to Hunter. He did a great job! Once at Hunter we met up with quite a few other COG members. The BMW rally had a large turn out with lots of food, music and some vendors as well. It was a good time! It was my turn to lead the ride back to the Pilot, which was another 70+ miles. Putting the ride at a little over 200 miles overall. I think everyone had a great time! Our monthly second Saturday on the month Meet & Greet in Newburgh, NY was October 9th. In attendance: Andrea and Brian Felice, who rode the farthest from RI. Second farthest was Bruce Jansen from Waterford, CT. Riding in from New Jersey was Richard Pfluger and Mike Aldea. Then there was us New Yorkers. Riding down from Saratoga, was Kathy and Blaise Brojakowski, who just joined COG that weekend, so a big welcome to the COG family! Jonathan Gould was also there and of course myself.

lunch rides are sure a bonus though. Just for information, I hold these meet & greets in Newburgh, NY at 11AM, on the second Saturday of the month. Next, on November 20th, was the Meanie Burger Ride. We had 5 riders show up for this ride. Steve Smith rode out from Connecticut. Alex Benoit, Ben Otunu, Steve Cerutti and myself, were all from lower NY. It was a cold morning, but warmed up to about 50 degrees and sunny. We had a nice enjoyable ride on the back roads from Newburgh to Port Jervis. Then an enjoyable lunch with tasty Meany Burgers at Arlene & Toms Restaurant in Port Jervis, NY. After lunch, we separated into two groups and headed different directions for the rest of the day.

at Mystic Pizza

The last event to report on was the (CT) Chester- Hadlyme ferry to Mystic Pizza ride on Novemeber 28th. This was another co-led ride that started in two different locations. They met and converged as one ride to the end destination. Brian Felice was to lead a group from Johnston, RI to Middletown, CT, for the meet up. I was to lead a group from Danbury to Middletown, for the meet up. Brian and Andrea FeThe food and facilities were, once again, very good. After our exlice(RI), along with Bruce Jansen(CT), rode in from Johnston. I wound tended meal, we had a tire kicking session in the parking lot. It was an up riding in alone from Danbury. All participants lived east of there. absolutely beautiful day for riding. I do know that some of the riders So I wound up being a group of one! paid a visit to Orange County Choppers, which is just around the corWe met up at a Dunkin' Donuts in Middletown. I met Bill Billig (CT) ner from the Gateway Diner! Hopefully everyone had a great time, and Bill Knight (CT). Bill K. could not go on the ride but came to meet followed by a great ride home! and spend the time he could with us. The Johnston group arrived On November 6th, it was the End of season Bash in Cromwell, CT. shortly after us. We had four motorcycles with five riders continuing Again Norm and Lorie Walton did a great job as hosts for our little on the ride. We rode towards Mystic on mostly back roads. It turned gathering. My wife, daughter and I attended and had a great time. I out to be a beautiful day for this ride. Anytime I can ride my motorcywon't go into specifics of that event since I'm sure Norm and Lorie cle onto a ferry as part of the ride, is always memorable. The Chesterwill probably tell us about it. But thank you to all who made another Hadlyme ferry, crossing the Connecticut River, was no exception. A memorable End of season Bash happen by attending! beautiful day, a ferry ride, with a nice view of Gillette Castle. The November Meet & Greet, again in Newburgh, NY, was a beautiful We arrived at Mystic Pizza (yes where the movie was filmed) around day, around 60 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. It was cold in the 12:30PM as planned. We were met there by Gary Thorstenson (CT). morning, but we still managed to get 11 riders plus my daughter and Also meeting us was Bruce's better half, Necia Stevens (CT). Mystic wife. We’ll start with the New Yorker's first this time: Tom Taylor gets Pizza seemed to have all the tourist hype. There seemed to be plenty our long distance award this month riding in from Bolton Landing, of other people taking photo's in front of the sign, as well as in the NY! Blaise and Kathy Brojakoski returned and brought Blaise's brother restaurant. We wound up having seven people for a great lunch. That John Brojakoski as well. Jonathan Gould, Harrison Losey, my wife really was pretty good considering that it would be December in two Cindy, daughter Carly, as well as myself round out the New Yorkers. days! We all disbanded and went our own way home from Mystic. I Bill Billig rode in from Connecticut. Then comes our New Jersey want to congratulate Brian on planning and leading his first COG ride. bunch. This month we had three riders from the Garden State show I think it went pretty well. up. Chris Franceschini (New Brunswick, NJ) who had a pretty good I plan on continuing with the second Saturday of the month, Meet & ride himself and deserves a mention. Marc Hering, and finally, Mike Greets in Newburgh, NY. That is as long as there's some participation. Aldea again showed up late, But again showed up! Mike has had a perfect attendance for the actual meet & greets this year in Newburgh. As always, check the calendar of events for any up coming events. Things do come at short notice some times. Especially this time of Well done Mike! year! Since it was beautiful out, most of us went on rides after lunch. It was In closing and since this is the last news letter of the year. I would like a great ride and day for me. I had a good lunch, company and still managed a ride well over 100 miles! I have told people that I will con- to wish everybody a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new tinue to hold these monthly meet & greets, as long as people show up. year! If that means people showing up in the cages during the winter, so be it! These meet & greets are about people getting together. The after

ISSUE 6, 2010

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Welcome to Our Newest Northeast Area Members! (since the last newsletter) Landenberg PA - Gregg Diener #9311 Landing NJ - Chriss Horstman #9313 Cardinal ON - Richard Beaudoin #9318 Elverson PA - James & Rachel Robinson #9320/a Queensbury NY - Brian & Jeanne Nichols #9321/a Cedar Grove NJ - Joe Vragolic #9324 Collegeville PA - Wade Marshall #9328

Middle Grove NY - Blaise & Kathy Brojakowski #9331/a Alexandria VA - Edward Fetterolf #9347 Sykesville MD - David Kiffer #9355 Warren NJ - Richie Reed #9352 Whiting NJ - George Schleck #9354 Great Meadows NJ - Laurance Corby #9359 Jersey City NJ - Anthony Mills #9370

Northeast Activity Schedule - View the most up to date info on the online Event Calendar at: Recurring Events (ON) S. Central Ontario Get-Together. Monthly Dinner Gathering: Meet at 6:30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Mohawk Inn, located on the northwest corner of Hwy. 401 at Guelph Line, Exit 312, next to the Mohawk Raceway & Slots. 9230 Guelph Line, Campbellville. ( 905-854-2277 Join us for dinner and socializing. All Welcome. Dave Clancy, or 905-389-7681. (PA) Meet Greet and Ride Sundays. Meet Sundays at 10:00 am at Kings Restaurant located in Imperial, PA, located right off the Imperial exit of routes 22 & 30. We’ll decide a ride or destination with whoever attends, or I will have a route ready if we need it. Rides begin the 1st week in April until the 1st week in Nov. If you have a ride idea, or need info or directions contact Joe Cyprych 724.796.1401 or Hope to see you there.

Calendar of Events (DC) Washington, DC Motorcycle Show 01/15/11 - Cycle World International Motorcycle Show. ( Not a COG event but is listed for your information. Purchase tickets online and save $ (use promo code “COG2011”). For those attending on Saturday, we'll meet at the Kawasaki booth at 11:30 and leave at Page 8

11:45 for a short walk to the Capitol City Brewery for lunch. Wear your COG get-up and we'll see you there! Contact: Jim Miller at or 304-885-4488. (NY) NYC Motorcycle Show 01/22/11 - Cycle World International Motorcycle Show. ( Not a COG event but is listed for your information. Purchase tickets online and save $. (use promo code “COG2011”). For those attending on Saturday, we'll meet at the Concours 14 in the Kawasaki booth at 2:30PM, then get head to a local eatery. Contact Terry Faherty or 718-227-2099 (CT) Verona Pizza Meet and Greet Dinner 2/26/2011 - Let's meet at 4:00pm for some great wood fired, brick oven pizza. Verona was voted Southington's #1 pizza. While we are together it will be a good time to discuss the upcoming season. Any recommendations for places to visit or things to do would be greatly appreciated. Maybe some of you will help out by planning a ride or other activity. We hope many of you can make it! Verona Pizza, 2211 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike, Marion, CT 06444, 860.621.1924 Contact Norm Walton or 860.836.5162

Mid-Winter Track Day It’s that time of year again. Time for the Mid-Winter COG track day. No… Not that kind of track day. It’s the 4-wheeled go-kart variety at Grand Prix New York. Join us as we zip around 1 of 2 quarter mile indoor road courses here in the NY Lower Hudson Valley. Race against last year’s champion AAD Bob “Lightning” Barbanti. This has been great fun the last two years we’ve done it, and only expect it to get better as we get more and more COG members to dominate the track. Meet Saturday February 12, 2011 (arrive by 10:30am) at Grand Prix New York (, 333 North Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, NY, 914.241.3131. Use their helmet or bring your own DOT approved, full face helmet. We typically do 4 races, with short breaks in between. Expect to spend at least $25 per race plus lunch. Sometimes there are unannounced specials on the day of the race that may save you a few dollars. Lunch will follow at The Blazer Pub ( 440 New York 22, North Salem (Purdys), NY All are welcome. If you intend to go or have any questions contact Steve Cerutti, COG #6463 at:

Check the Event Calendar for complete and up to date activity listing. NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

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