2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
COGnitions Random thoughts and ramblings from your Area Director “Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here. Here comes the sun, here comes the sun…” Raise you hand if you think our newsletter editor, Neil Baldwin, was snowed in up north in Canada and ended up with a lot of time on his hands. Whatever the case, he sure put in a tremendous effort to freshen up our newsletter and I think he did a fantastic job. Neil is looking for feedback.. Please check out his “Editor’s Corner.” The latest news on the National Rally is that online registration opened March 1 and the mail-in forms will be provided in the next Concourier. See the back page for info. Presently there are over 30 people registered, and nearly twice that who made already room reservations at Mount Snow. This rally is in our backyard, and hosted by the COG Northeast Area. It would be wonderful to get a big showing from the northeast members. Thanks much to the folks who have already volunteered to help out at the rally. If you want to get be part of the on site rally team , we still need additional support. Contact me or Kevin Martin to get your name on the list. We will be contacting the volunteers as the rally comes closer to discuss assignments. May 19-22 is the Spring Fling regional rally in Wellsboro, PA. We usually get a great turn out. Don’t worry, the snow should all be gone by then. Go ahead and book your room and register for the rally so Jason does not totally freak out. I received a surprise phone call the other day. Retired Metro New York AAD Jim Clark called to let me know that he and his lovely wife Tina will be up north visiting family, and they plan on attending the Spring Fling to see many of their COG friends. Your choices for Northeast Area activities keeps growing thanks to members like you and our AAD staff. Just check out the snapshot of upcoming events on the calendar of events. A complete listing exists in the online Calendar of Events. The calendar system is very powerful to find and view activities in the Northeast and other areas. Most you can sign up for online, and get reminders and important updates from the event host. Go to the club web site to see for yourself. Enough from me. Let’s go riding. See you in Wellsboro.
photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS
New Members
First things first, a warm welcome to our newest NE area COG members!
Lunenburg MA - Don Root #9376 Hopkinton MA - Stewart Hanna #9380 Quincy MA - Robert Dwork #9381 New Milford CT - Chuck Smolka #9394 White Hall MD - Brett Friedel #9396 London ON - Bernd Rentke #9405 Poquoson VA - David Tressler #9415 Carlsbad Springs ON - Paul Cormier #9416 Concord NH - Gary Ruppert #9420 Fredericksburg VA - Michael Osmon #9422 Leamington ON - William Buschman #9429
Orange CT - Neil Nepiarsky #9432 Woodbridge VA - Robert Arbo #9435 New Windsor NY - Brian Butler #9436 St Lazare PQ - Jeffrey Britton #9437 Stoughton MA - Steven Packard #9440 Mount Wolf PA - Wesley Dunn #9445
Notice Board A Northeast Area Tradition continues
Spring Fling Wellsboro PA May 19-22
RID E E SCHEDUL ge 5 Starts on pa
is published 5-6 times a year for Northeast Area members of the Concours Owners Group. Submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Email: cog@peacockforest.ca Snailmail: 821717 Sideroad 1, RR3 Chatsworth, ON, N0H 1G0, Canada Many of the opinions stated in this publication may make no sense to those sound of mind and may just be conveniently ignored. If you use any of the information in this rag to incur damage to yourself, your motor or any innocent or not so innocent bystanders it is you own fault...you were warned! ©2011 Concours Owners Group
Located in north central PA, along the famous Rt 6 corridor, the rally area is abundant with museums, wineries, great roads and terrific scenery. Register and book early. Rooms at Penn Wells Lodge held until May 5th only. Camping also available nearby. Rally fee $35 (non members $45) includes banquet, prizes & more… register by April 1 for early bird discount. Complete details on www.cog-online.org or contact Jason Kaplitz 814-535-8669.
Editor’s Corner
Requests, random observations, and the occasional rant. Neil Baldwin #5762 Having been editor of this prestigious publication for 1½ years now, I thought it was time to freshen up the look a bit so let me know what you like and what you don’t and I’ll continue to fine tune it. Like any newsletter editor, I am always grateful for content so if you
have an idea or an opinion send it to me so I can produce a publication for and about our NE area members. Up where I spend much of my time near Owen Sound, Ontario (didn’t ya know… there’s a Canadian element to your newsletter!), there is still a foot of snow on the ground but I am filled with hope that the little rodents in Punxsutawney PA and Wiarton ON (just a stone’s throw from me) were correct in forecasting an early spring so I’m dusting off my copy of Proficient Motorcycling for its annual pre-season read. Contact me: cog@peacockforest.ca
2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS
Around the NORTHEAST
News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page). CT - Norm & Lorie Walton #7011/a Well, 18 brave people broke out of the cabin to have some great wood fired pizza on Saturday Feb 26th. There was a lot of talk about the long winter and the hope that spring will soon break through. Many people talked about the upcoming Spring Fling in PA and the National in VT. Brian and Andrea Felice rode their C-14 in from RI. It was good to see a bike on the road after this past winter season, reminds us riding is just around the corner. I want to start planning for the upcoming season and will be more available to host some rides this season. As always and suggestion's of places to go or great routes to ride is always welcome. Please feel free to email me and we can work on some events for the year or start a thread on the forum at cog-online.org. Looking forward to seeing you all on the road this season !!!
Metro NY/NJ—Terry Faherty #792 Well folks it looks like spring is right around the corner and I hope everyone is getting ready for the new riding season. I know I am! Looking forward to the Spring Fling to get the season off to a good start. Wellsboro is a great place for a rally and I hope to see some of you there. Things are starting to gel with the National, with lots of folks coming forward to volunteer and give a hand. I've written a column for new members to help them fell more at home at our rallies, and this year we will be having a specific new member meeting at the National to encourage newer folks to join the fun and come back for more. I've
2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
already posted it on the forum but for those who still shun the web it will also be included in this newsletter and forwarded to the Concourier. Once my trusty steed has been made ready I hope to start attending some weekend rides and perhaps getting one or two started myself. Let's hope the family schedule cooperates. Now some news on the rally front. As of now Scott Sorger and I are still trying to nail down a date for the Fall rally in Lake George. Unfortunately every weekend we pick in Sept seems to have SOMETHING going on. Right now we might have to settle for the weekend of the Warrensburg Garage Sale if we want to keep it in Sept and not move to the middle of Oct. As long as we stay away from Route 9 when riding, things should be okay. Stay tuned for more info. That’s all for now. Let's get the rides ready for a new season and I'll see you on the road!
Western PA - Joe Cyprych #4665 By the time you’re reading this most of us can finally start seeing our grass again, and the dreaded white stuff will soon be gone so now’s the time to start planning your riding season. The spring fling in Wellsboro will probably be the first up on most of our lists and I hope to see some of you there. Check out the ride schedule because there are already a bunch of rides listed including our Cook Forest ride which I can promise the weather will be better this year than last (you had to be there LOL). We will continue to hold weekly Sunday meet & greet and rides but with a twist: if you’re planning on attending, contact me beforehand so I can meet you there... no more waiting to see if someone will show, we could have been out riding. I will continue to send out emails to the folks I have on my local email group updating you on rides or riding info. If you want to be added on to the group let me know. We are looking forward to another great riding season, hooking up
with our old friends and making some new ones, so make this year the year to come on out and meet up with some of the gang! As always if you have a ride idea or destination let myself or Steve know and we will help you make it happen.
VA/WV - Jim Miller #6425 I’m millerized, AKA Jim Miller. I’ve started taking over the WV/VA AAD duties for Kurt Nordstrom. We’ll be completing the transition sometime over the next few months. Since I’m a china shop bull kinda guy, it’s best for COG that I don’t jump in all at once. Getting our feet wet, herding cats and all that. A bit about myself: 45yrs older than when I started in 1965, 160lbs heavier and a whole lot prettier. 12yr Army veteran, held various jobs from electrician to engineering, aircraft mechanic to communication electronics, facility maintenance and management to pushing a broom. Hobbies include shooting sports, motorcycles, chasing sunsets and jousting windmills. Never caught a sunset, but I have been kicked by a few farmers over the years. Most of the snow is melted here in WV, and the ice is almost gone. It’s almost time to start cleaning out the stink bugs, start checking pressures and changing fluids before it’s time to push that starter button. We’re all guilty of wanting to get out there before we’re 100% ready, but take an hour or 2 to think about and look at your ride before you toss on a helmet and gloves. The butt you save may be your own. So, we’ll be revving up the ride calendar here in a few weeks, start what looks to be a wonderful and even filled riding season. From the IMS in DC back in January, to the BRR…..in November, there’s no excuse not to roll another 4 or 5 digits over on your odometer this year. Crab Cakes ride in 2 short weekends and things just get busier from there. We’re hosting lots of stuff this year folks, so gas it up, check the mirrors and we’ll see you out there.
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS NY Hudson Valley Northwest Bob Barbanti #7134 Winter has been long and spring is almost here (finally)! So what has been going on and what does the future hold for my area? The riding season ended shortly after the last newsletter but I managed to get in one last trip, a four day outing down to Virginia where Jim Sparkman and I took a nice riding loop around the state. It was a great time and I want to thank Jim for taking the time to be my tour guide! But the down side of the trip was torrential rains and winds going down to Virginia. Then cold and snow on the way back to New York (and my Gerbing blew a fuse when plugging in on the way back!). So after 325 miles in the cold, plus a 10 mile white knuckle ride in the snow. I decided that it was truly time to end the season. Good thing too since I don't think it was above freezing very often since then! Moving on, the December 11th, meet & greet turned out very nice. We wound up having eight people show, though nobody rode what with the snow last and colder temps. The big surprise was Ben Otunu coming. You’re probably aware that Ben had a pretty bad accident on his bike a few weeks ago, when a truck lost control in front of him. Ben looked great and I was so very happy to see him so soon. Accompanying Ben were his wife Abbe and their daughter Caden. Mike Aldea continued his perfect attendance record for the meet & greets, by showing up yet again but this time Vicki came with him. Although true to form for Mike, he was late! My wife Cindy, and our daughter Carly decided to accompany me in hosting the event so it really turned into a nice little COG family lunch. January 8th was a small meet & greet, just Mike Aldea, Sue and Steve Cerutti and I, but it still gave us a time to talk about future events. There was no February meet & greet, because of the Annual Mid-Winter Track Day. This has become an annual event that Steve and Sue Cerutti have been hosting. Unfortunately it had to be cancelled a week be-
fore due to a private party. But the after race lunch was turned into a meet & greet at the Blazer pub. Upcoming events listed on the calendar (so far) will be as follows: Monthly meet & greet on both March 12th and April 23. They will take place at the usual Gateway diner in Newburgh, NY (But I may start moving it around once the riding season gets more under way). On May 14th, we will have a ride named: "Springtime at Kundlas Ride to Eat"... Mike Aldea and I did one of these last September. We all had a great day of riding and eating some very tasty BBQ. So we will do it again. Mike is taking the lead on this ride, that will have a starting point just over the NY/NJ border, at 9:00 AM at the McDonald's, 150 Rt-17 South, Mahwah, NJ. Kickstands up at 9:30 AM. This will obviously be a totally different route than the last ride, since the meeting place is about 25 miles south of the September ride. It's looking like the spring is shaping up to be a very busy riding season for me. As of this point. I have two meet & greets and the Kundlas ride already planned. It looks like I may be taking a trip back down to the Great Smokey Mountain area again in early April! I'm planning on making the April 30th, Spring Tech Session, as well as the spring fling! Needless to say, I'm excited. So check your bikes over well. Get a little stretching on the old mussels, and practice your riding safety. Now lets get back to riding!!!!
ON (GTA) - Dave Clancy #5452 Our South Central Ontario (GTA) area again had a booth in the Toronto Motorcycle show January 7-9. Richard stored and brought the stand and the banner. Dave Perkins brought the chairs as well as set up and clean up at the end. Greg supplied his bike as well as crewed the booth (rode it there but had to truck it home with Dave Perkins help loading it). The crew: Dave Perkins, Jim Scannell, Lloyd Mather, Brian Jordan, Paul Marshall, Dave Clancy, Don Mitton, Dave
Gingerich, Robert Riccio, Greg Coleman, Richard DeJong, Livio Persi, John DeVos, yours truly. You guys make it happen – thanks for your support.
We had Concours owners and people interested in owning one stop by. Sadly, some wanted to see a C14 but could not find one at the show – Kawasaki and dealers take note! It was great to meet interesting fellow motorcyclists, see the show with 50% off tickets and collect a few emails for my local list. The show draws folks from a wide area and we handed out cards and flyers with cogonline web address, so hopefully some of them will join COG. Our regular 2nd Tuesday of the month meet and greet (see the NE schedule of events) is continuing. Plans to attend COG events like the Spring Fling and National will be starting to form, so come out. If you have ideas for local events/rides we like to hear them and can help out. Everyone is welcome, members or not, friends, wives, Connie owners or not.
NH/VT/MA/ME—Kevin Martin #145 Hi gang, hope everyone’s surviving the winter OK. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for Spring after all this record breaking snow we’ve been getting this winter. We got a temporary break and a real teaser last week after getting a couple of days with temperatures in the 50’s and yes even 60’s on one day. What a let down however after hearing we’re getting more snow next week and back to frigid tempera-
2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS tures. Not to worry though, I’ve seen signs that Spring is right around the corner because I’ve been watching deer grazing on my back lawn recently and even took a picture of the signs of spring. Enjoy!
Well, since we are all thinking about warm weather and the upcoming riding season, hope you are all making plans to attend our Vermont National in August this year. By now you should have received a notice that registration for the National is open and hopefully many of you have already made your reservations at the Mount Snow Resort. The National Team has been working hard during the off season to finish off the final touches and details for this week long event and I hope you all won’t be disappointed. I’ve received contact from several of the area members offering to help out during the event and the offers are very much appreciated. The National team is still looking at where we’ll need help and coordinating teams to hopefully make the event check-in’s and other volunteer activities seamless for everyone, including the volunteers. This is a very exciting time and opportunity for us to be able to host a COG National for the very first time here in New England so I’m hoping for an excellent turn out. You’ll be hearing more about the National over the next few months so stay tuned. Well let’s talk about some local plans for the 2011 season. I’m getting a bit of a late start, but I’m planning to host my annual winter social again back at the Lowell Brewery Exchange. The social is planned for Saturday, April 3rd, from 5 - 8 pm. Full details including how to access directions to the Exchange are
2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
posted in the COGMOS calendar or on masscog.org. If you’re interested in joining us, please register online so that I’ll have an idea on how many tables to reserve. I consider this my official kick off of Northern New England COG for the season, so I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone again. In April, I’m hoping to be able to host my first official club ride. The ride is planned for Saturday, April 16th riding up into Maine to visit Nubble Light House and have lunch at the Lobster Cove restaurant on Rte 1A in York overlooking the beautiful rocky coast of Maine. I’ll be finalizing the route and details on this ride over the next few weeks. Next up, Mass Spring Tech Session. Pat and Sherry Mulloy and Greg and Tracy Hable will be hosting another COG tech session again this year at Pat & Sherry’s house in Monson MA. They’ve reserved Saturday, April 30th for this annual event so mark your calendars and plan for a fun time in Monson. Full details are posted on the COGMOS calendar. I’ll be leading a group ride down to Monson from Bickford’s restaurant in Acton MA so contact me if you’re interested in riding with me or post a note in the online registration. Finally, don’t forget about making plans for this year’s Spring Fling. Jason Kaplitz will be hosting the Spring Fling back in Wellsboro this year. Jason puts on a great venue for his rallies so I’d expect the same for this one as well. For those of you who have visited Wellsboro on previous events, you know that this is a great area to ride, and if planned out properly, riding to Wellsboro from the New England area, especially via the Catskills is a great trip. The Spring Fling is scheduled for May 19 – 23, so mark your calendars. That’s just a sample of what’s being planned for this year in Northern New England. Think sun and warmth and get ready to go riding. Looking forward to seeing everyone again on the road.
Time listed is START time. See www.cog-online.org for updates. (NY) SAT 12 March 11AM Newburgh Meet & Greet Join us for a lunch meet and greet on (usually) 2nd SAT of each month at the Gateway diner in Newburgh NY. It's a chance to meet some of the COG family and friends. We’ll be having lunch with the possibility of a short ride afterwards. I picked a fairly new diner on 300 in the Town of Newburgh, within seconds from exit 17 on I-87 or exit 7S of I-84, located adjacent to the Hampton Inn on RT 300. BOB BARBANTI 845-895-1130 (H) 845.206.7406 (M) ny.neaad@yahoo.com
(MD) SAT-SUN 19-20 March 9AM Crab Cakes Ride Meet at Holly's Restaurant, located east of the Bay Bridge on the svc rd on the N side of RT 50 at exit 43B, heading E (exit 43A if you’re heading west). Directions & map at www.hollsrest.com. Meet for breakfast at 9AM and depart around 10am. Ride the east shore of MD & DE. Ride to end at Elk Neck State Park in North East MD where we’ll camp for the night. Camp allows 2 tents/site. Share with a COG friend and reserve by calling 1.888.432.2267 or reservations.dnr.state.md.us and ask for camp site #230 to #240 area which is close to bath house. I’ve made reservation at Woody’s Crab House in North East MD for dinner at 6:30p for crab cakes, located at 29 South Main St. If you can’t make ride and want to join us for the evening let me know so I can put your name on dinner list. SUN morning breakfast reservations at Pier 1 Restaurant for 8.30a, located at 1 North Main St, North East MD. RUSSELL W FLEMING 410.374.9687 fleming@qis.net
(MA) SUN 3 April 5PM COG Winter Social Join us for some off season socializing and fun at the Lowell Brewery Exchange on 201 Cabot St in Lowell, 2nd floor of the Mill Building, offering a large seating area with bar, big screen TVs, billiard tables, and gaming area. If anybody’s interested, Sunday night is free pool night. Cost is $10/ person which will include all-you-can-eat appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks. (Alcohol can be ordered separately from the bar.) Any money left over it will be carried over to the next social event. CONTINUES ON PAGE 6
Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Brewery Exchange opens for business on SUN at 4 PM, the COG Social starts any time after 5PM. Directions: www.thebreweryexchange.com KEVIN MARTIN 978.459.6275 cog145@verizon.net
and to discuss requirements for tools & supplies to accommodate your particular service need. Even if you don’t need service, stop by anyway to meet fellow Coggers. Lunch provided so bring your appetites! GREG HABEL habels65@verizon.net 508.473.2257
(MD) 10 April 8:30AM KAWASAKI C14 Riders & Friends Ride
(VA) SUN 1 May 8:30AM Spout-Touring Camaraderie Ride #1
Meet for breakfast at the Golden Corral on Rt 355 S of Rt 70 at: 5621 Spectrum Drive, Frederick MD 21703-8301 [GPS: N 3922.935 E77-24.037] 8:30AM breakfast route sheets will be handed out for a 170 mile self-guided ride that will end at Flying J in Winchester VA. The ride will take you on some of the finest motorcycle riding roads in the area. Come out and show your support for Sport Touring at it’s finest. You will ride in MD & VA. If you would like a copy of the ride in GPS format beforehand contact RUSSELL FLEMING 410.374.9687 fleming@qis.net.
(ON) TUE 12 April 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up 2nd TUE each month Mohawk Inn, Campbellville, Guelph Ln, just N of 401. All welcome, friends, wives, girl/boy friend. Many hungry people arrive earlier to their dinner - road house food, salad, wings, burgers, fish & chips etc. A mainly social function to meet other riders, shoot the breeze, plan rides. DAVE CLANCY 905.389.7681 davecla2@sympatico.ca
(PA) SAT 16 April 9:30AM Delaware River Run We will travel N on NJ Rt 29, thru small towns and tree lined roads, following river & canal to Phillipsburg NJ. Crossing over the Delaware into Easton, with a stop at Larry Holmes Sports Pub for lunch. Last time, we were visited by the "Easton Assassin" himself! Meet 9:30AM at the park & ride. From NJ- I-95 S to the 1st exit (New Hope exit) in PA over the Scudder Falls Bridge. At light, right, on right. From PA- I-95 N to last exit in PA (Yardley / New Hope exit), Left at bottom of ramp, 1st light right, on right. (Raindate Apr 17) JIM ANSBRO 215.805.0909 jtansbro@hotmail.com
Organized by members of COG and other sport-touring clubs (FJR, BMW, WMMA, VStrom). Meet for breakfast at the Country Market Restaurant, Flying J Truck Stop (I-81 exit 323) 1530 Rest Church Road, Winchester VA [GPS: N 39-15.22 W 7806.13]. Five rides to choose from between 150 to 200 miles. One of them will be a mix of paved and unpaved. All rides self-guided and end back at the Flying J Truck Stop. For lodging info contact one of us. RUSSELL W FLEMING 410.374.9687 fleming@qis.net
(ON) TUE 10 May 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 12 April.
(NJ) SAT 14 May 9AM Springtime at Kundlas Ride to Eat Meet at the McDonald's, 150 Rt 17 S, Mahwah NJ. Kickstands up at 9:30AM. MIKE ALDEA 973.238.1107 MikeAldea48@yahoo.com
(PA) THU-SUN 19-22 May 9AM COG NE Spring Fling see inside front page for details
(MA) FRI-SUN 27-29 May 1PM Camping Weekend & Ride Join hosts Greg & Tracey Habel, and Pat & Sher Mulloy for a memorable spring camping weekend in north-central MA on the NH border at Otter River State Forest. On SAT we’ll have a day ride, lunch at a family restaurant followed by cookout & campfire back at the camp. Tenting not your thing? Try a yurt (a canvas cabin), complete with bunk beds, tables, chairs, water, and electric. Just bring linens & utensils. Nearby hotels are also available. GREG HABEL habels65@verizon.net 508.473.2257
(NY) SAT 23 April 11AM Newburgh Meet & Greet
(ON) TUE 14 June 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up
Same details as 12 March.
Same details as 12 April.
(MA) SAT 30 April 9AM Spring Tech Session
(PA) FRI-SUN 17-19 June 4PM Pepper Run Camp & Ride
Join hosts Pat & Sher Mulloy plus co-hosts Greg & Tracey Habel for another spring tech session at the Mulloy’s in Monson MA. Spring Tech Sessions tend to be very popular with area members so if you’re interested in servicing your bike, contact Greg or Pat in advance to reserve a spot,
We have beautiful roads here in Central PA. Arrive anytime after 4:00 pm and stay at my Hunting Club, located in Loganton PA, just off I-80 at exit 185. No dirt roads to the Club. Sleeping accom for 20 people & unlimited tenting. Bring your own bedding. Bath & cooking facilities at the Club. SAT
breakfast at the Club around 9:00AM after which both short trips & long trips available plus a Dual Sport Ride for anyone interested in dirt rides. Dinner at the Club 6:30PM then bonfire to relax and talk about the day’s activities. If you prefer motel, contact me for list. Please reg in advance so we have enough food. DUANE SHAFFER 570.726.4676 (H) 570.295.5229 (M) dkshaff@kcnet.org
(MD) FRI-SUN 24-26 June 4PM North & South Get-Together #14 Come FRI to setup your tent and have a cookout in the evening. Plenty of tent space in the backyard. SAT breakfast will be held in the driveway, serving bacon & eggs, juice, coffee then starting at 8AM leave at your free will on one of many routes that could take you in PA, VA, WV and MD of 260 miles or 1 of 2 short routes of 100 miles or a Dual Sport Ride. Around 6:30PM, evening cookout. SUN breakfast, once more in the driveway followed by guided ride starting from 8AM. From Westminster: Rt 140 to Rt 27 N 6 miles, right on Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. Fleming's is 1 mile on left at top of hill. From Hanover: PA 94 S into MD where it becomes MD 30. Cont to Manchester. Turn right at MD 27 (Sheetz store on left) 2.4 miles. Then a left onto Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. Fleming's is 1 mile on left at top of hill. Contact me if you plan on coming (or for nearby lodging info) so I know how much food to fix. RUSSELL FLEMING fleming@qis.net 410.374.9687
(PA) FRI-SUN 8-10 July 10AM Cook Forest Weekender An annual event, this is a great area to ride & relax in. Fantastic roads and plenty of attractions to explore. The Kinzu Dam, Zippo Lighter Museum, Cook Forest Park and wineries are just a few the many attractions in the area. This is a great area to hold a ride in and it has always been well attended. Campground is first class and very motorcycle friendly. Two tents/site or they also have sleeping rooms & a cabin for rent. Reserve early because they go fast. Contact campground for more info. They will be holding an area for us so mention you’re with COG. Come on out and join the gang for a great weekend. I promise you the weather will be better this year (it couldn’t ever be worse than it was last year - LOL) Kalyumet campground 8630 Miola Rd Lucinda PA 16235 814.744.9622 camp@kalyumet.com JOE CYPRYCH cyprych@windstream.net 724.796.1401
(ON) TUE 12 July 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 12 April. CONTINUES ON PAGE 7
2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
(VT) MON-FRI 8-12 August 8AM NATIONAL Rally See back page for details.
(ON) TUE 9 August 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 12 April.
(PA) SUN 21 Aug - 9AM Sport Touring Camaraderie Ride #2 Hosted by members of COG and other sporttour clubs. All welcome. Meet for breakfast 9AM at Iron Skillet restaurant, Petro Truck Stop, 1201 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle PA [GPS: N 40-13.903 W 077-08.551].Six rides to choose from, 140 - 200 miles each, one mixed paved & unpaved. All rides self-guided and end at Middlesex Diner in Carlisle PA. Contact me for lodging info. RUSSELL FLEMING fleming@qis.net 410.374.9687
On Riding Your Own Ride By Neil Baldwin #5762 We’ve all heard it said: ride your own ride. It is about riding within your bounds and not being swayed into making poor decisions by riding beyond your abilities. Sometimes this might happen in the context of a group ride, like when you are surrounded by riders of seemingly higher ability you want to keep up and not look inept by comparison. Or sometimes you may go beyond yourself by trying to be something you are not. Once at a gas station, for some reason I can’t now fathom I was in some kind of a tough-guy biker persona mode and that was one of just a few times I almost dropped the damn thing! Beyond just motorcycling, ride your own ride might be a good life philosophy too. It’s about being authentic to your true self. In riding, and in life, it is a good thing to stretch yourself because it expands your abilities and your scope. But that stretch should be undertaken gradually and with caution because the further you go over the line the prospect of a wipeout lurks ever closer, and when it happens (whether it is riding or life in general) it will undoubtedly be a painful lesson.
2011 - Issue #1 - early spring
MEMBER COLUMN Helpful Advice from fellow NE Area Coggers Everything You Always Wanted To Know About a COG Rally But Were Afraid To Ask! By Terry Faherty #792
So you’re a heading to your first COG rally! It can seem be a bit daunting, especially if you’ve not yet attended any other COG events. It was proposed that at this year’s National we introduce a “New Members Meeting” to help folks settle in and get accustomed to the COG family. The idea was met with enthusiasm, myself and others stepping forward to help out, so here’s a quick preview. The most important thing to remember as a newcomer is to be friendly and don’t be shy. I know some folks aren’t as outgoing as others, but don’t hesitate to introduce yourself. COG traditionally embraces parking lot tire kicking and bench racing. Take advantage of this and make the rounds. If you see some folks chatting step right up and introduce yourself. You’ll find that as a whole we’re a welcoming bunch. Remember, we all have something in common, that’s why we’re here, right? The first “official” contact you’ll make at a rally is checking in at the registration desk. This is where the rally team will verify your status and have you sign your waivers. Legally this is super important and ensures that we are covered by the AMA liability insurance policies. This is where you’ll find rally schedules and other information available, which might include maps, route sheets, and tourist information. Take advantage of rally staff and make sure to ask them any questions you might have. We usually provide name tags for those who are pre-registered, which is a great help to newer members. I will add my forum handle to it, a great way to actually put a face on folks you’ve met online. Please don’t hesitate to wear it. Probably the biggest hurdle for newcomers is blending into riding groups. All rides are officially “self guided” due to liability concerns. If you’re a lone wolf type, that might not be a big deal. But, if you prefer to ride with others or are just starting out with your motorcycling adventures, finding a group you’re comfortable with can be a bit daunting. We have all types of riders; sport riders, SPORT-tourers, sportTOURERS, not to mention just plain tourers. Don’t hesitate to tell rally staff, or any member for that matter, what type of riding you prefer. They might be able to point you in the right direction and find other riders you may be comfortable with. At recent nationals we have used a message board for members looking to form groups for certain rides. The most important thing to remember is to ride your own ride. If the pace isn’t to your taste, don’t ride out of your comfort zone and take unnecessary risks. That’s why I can’t stress enough how important it is to have your own route sheet. This way there’s no pressure to ride above your head to stay with a group. Thanks to GPS technology and the internet, you can usually download the routes directly to your unit…always a handy backstop. Always remember, safety is priority one. Know your limits and stay safe. As to alcohol, we’re all adults here. Just be aware that COG recommends that the adult beverages be saved for after ride parking lot shenanigans after our steeds are back in the barn. Traditionally, one of the most enjoyable parts of any rally is the banquet. It’s probably the best way to get acquainted with your fellow COGgers. Good eats, tasty beverages, and good company make for good times. There’s also a chance to win some swag too, as door prizes are traditionally raffled off afterwards. A recent addition has been an evening social at the start of the rally. Another excellent chance to mingle and introduce oneself. That about covers the basics for your first COG experience. I hope it helps you to have an enjoyable first experience with us. Just remember that COG is an all volunteer organization. All these folks you see are volunteers. They all take time out of their busy lives to make these events happen. Without volunteers, nothing happens…no rallies, no rides, no forum, no website. So when you get comfortable, GET INVOLVED. The club is what WE make it! See you in Vermont!
Assistant Area Directors: (AADs) VT, NH, ME Kevin Martin #145 978-459-6275 cog145@verizon.net Metro NY/NJ Terry Faherty #792 718-227-2099 tmcefah@aol.com NY (Hudson Valley SE) Mike Flynn #4493 914-239-3721 keltwolf@optonline.net NY (Hudson Valley NW) Bob Barbanti #7134 845-895-1130 ny.neaad@yahoo.com
PA (western) Joe Cyprych #4665 724-796-1401 cyprych@windstream.net DE, east MD, NJ, Philly burbs Bob Chappell #1283 302-791-0582 cog1283@comcast.net VA, WV Jim Miller #6425 304-885-4488 millerized@millerized.com CT, RI Norm & Lorie Walton #7011/a 860-836-5162 ctaad@live.com
ON (GTA) Dave Clancy #5452 905-389-7681 davecla2@sympatico.ca ON (eastern) Ken Fader #8534 613-865-7995 kensc14@gmail.com Vacant (please help!): • NY (western) • NY (central) • PA (eastern) • PA (southern) • MD • Maritimes (Canada)
Area Director (AD) Steve Smith #3184 203-720-7575 nead@cog-online.org Web Editor Wayne Geiser #8542 978-851-2710 wayne@ mypowercouple.com Newsletter Editor Neil Baldwin #5762 519-794-0129 cog@peacockforest.ca
Northeast Area to host COG National Rally! August 8-12, 2011 Mt Snow, West Dover VT - Grand Summit Hotel The riding radius from rally central will allow you to ride in 7 states and Canada. The rally will span Monday through Friday, allowing travel time on both weekends. Several lodging options are being offered, with some very affordable options. The discounted room rates will be extended on both weekends for those who wish to stay a bit longer. Registration opens March 1st. Early-bird rate up to June 1st. Registration & complete details on www.cog-online.org or contact Jason Kaplitz 814-535-8669. photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145