NE2012 Issue3

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2012 - Issue #3 - Summer

COGnitions Random thoughts and ramblings from your Area Director How big is COG? The question comes up a few times a year, and this is as good a time as any to toss out a few numbers. In total, our area has 580 members and 109 associates. Overall, COG has 1911 members and 271 associates. The COG web site is probably how most new members find out about the club, followed by member and dealer referrals. If you see another Concours owner on the road, be sure to talk up the club and point them to the web site. During Spring Fling weekend we tried something different with regard to promoting the club. COG was graciously provided a table and booth space in a prominent location at the Twisted Throttle 10th Anniversary Open House. This was a great opportunity to hang out the COG banner, and speak with people about the club. We even managed to sign up a few new members that day. Many thanks to the Habels, Mulloys, and Felices for setting up and staffing the booth. Speaking of Spring Fling Rally… many thanks and congrats to Brian and Andrea Felice for hosting their first and incredibly successful COG event. I had a great time as one of the ride leaders for the Independence Ride for Big W BBQ. Thanks to Terry & Bob for planning their parts of the activity, and to everyone who participated. Thanks to Pat & Bill for taking photos and sharing them on the forum. I snagged one of Bill’s parking lot scenes to share here. It was impressive to see how far some of our members traveled to get to this activity. Kathy B. ad Jon G came from upstate NY, while Chris S came from eastern Long Island. Several weeks ago it was announced that the 2013 COG National will be in Idaho Falls, ID. Ken Ford dropped a very subtle statement that the 2014 National will be a special event celebrating COG’s 25th Anniversary. A location is nearly locked in and it will be a joint venture between 2 areas. More details to come in a future issue. Ride safe,

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photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

New Members

First things first, a warm welcome to our newest NE area COG members!

Otterburn Park PQ Alain Charland #10164 Villanova PA Robert Belasco #10165 Walsall Tim Winfield #10166 Reading PA Matthew Dennis #10168 Salem VA Mark Beddingfield #10173 Laurel MD Mark Davies #10174 Sykesville MD Mark Tapscott #10177 Holmdel NJ John Frezados #10179 Granville NY Edward Van Gelder #10184 Brimfield MA Paul Medeiros #10198 Jordan NY Michael Finnigan #10201 Marlton NJ E. James Anderson #10202 Sturbridge MA John Mills #10205 Mattituck NY Chris Smith #10211 Grimsby ON Peter Fedyczko #10213 Framingham MA Scot Chin #10214

S. Dartmouth MA Greg Bowl #10215 Catskills NY Jeanne Stack #10217 Warwick NY Jave McCaskill #10219 Wakefield RI James Duffy #10221 Ormstown PQ Danny Levesque #10238 Corning NY Jeffrey Heverly #10240 Wellsville PA Cam McGinnis #10247 Ashburn VA Gerald Amacker #10256 Stafford Springs CT Theodore Kolosky #10257 Charleston WV Paul Nadas #10261 Bloomingburg NY Anton Stayduhar #10278 Warren NJ Scott Alexander #10288 Washington DC Mel Henry #10291 Owen Sound ON Allan Ramsay 10296 Poughkeepsie NY Dennis Santiago 10304 Oxford MA Mark Lundstrom 10306

Milestones The 15th North-South get together took place in June! Ride report on page 7.


is published 5-6 times a year for Northeast Area members of the Concours Owners Group. Submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Email: Snailmail: 821717 Sideroad 1, RR3 Chatsworth, ON, N0H 1G0, Canada Many of the opinions stated in this publication may make no sense to those sound of mind and may just be conveniently ignored. If you use any of the information in this rag to incur damage to yourself, your motor or any innocent or not so innocent bystanders it is you own were warned! © 2012 Concours Owners Group


Editor’s Corner This could be your space!

Neil Baldwin #5762 At the end of the year, I will be giving up editor responsibilities after my 4th season doing the newsletter so we’re looking for someone to take over the reigns. How about you? As I put together this issue I made detailed notes on each step along the way so it’s pretty much a “turn-key” operation, complete with a newsletter template for Microsoft Publisher. Of course, if you had a burning

desire to unleash your creative talents and roll out something new, or just make some minor tweaks, that is welcome too. But, in either case, everything you need is all set up for you so it’s really just a matter of gathering content, doing some editing & layout five times from March to December. Being a newsletter editor is a great way to connect with a wide range of members across the NE, to feel more linked in with your club, and to make a small contribution to COG which is, remember, a volunteer-run organization. Contact me:

2012 - Issue #3 - summer

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Around the NORTHEAST

News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page). PA southeast +NJ south Jim Ansbro #8443 For the Philadelphia and South Jersey area, a ride is being formulated to travel through Delaware, a lunch stop in Maryland at the C&D canal, catching a ferry to Cape May in New Jersey for an overnight stop. Continued after breakfast through South Jersey back up to North Philadelphia area. We now have an offer for a boat ride at the Chesapeake & Delaware (C&D) canal by on of our members, a very kind offer indeed! Hopefully in the beginning of October, if all goes well. Finally our backroads are mostly open since last years storms, though not all. But we are going forward anyway with the Bucks County Covered Bridges Run on Sept 2nd. We will be traveling on Bucks County back roads, crossing nine covered bridges, and starting off the ride with a stop at Bowman's Tower, a monument for General George Washington and his army. A mid-tour lunch break will be at an old country store / luncheon, followed by a run along the Delaware river toward our next destination. Ride sheets with each covered bridges history will be provided! So, please join us on a back roads journey, and a step back in history. On a side note, I was lucky enough to be able to attend the National at Eureka Springs in Arkansas this past month, along with a few Northeast members. What a blast! I thought that the Dragon's tail was a bit nasty, not after the 77 miles on the Pig Trail! Anyone that rode that beast will attest to that! I do miss that area, not just the roads, but the people there. They really made the week special. And our staff that ran the Rally were the best!A rally that I'll remember for quite some time in detail.

2012 - Issue #3 - summer

PA west Joe Cyprych #4665 Well, we’re all pretty much into the swing of riding season and I hope you are all enjoying it as much as we are. We have already attended a couple weekend rides and it was great to see some fellow COGgers there. Check out the schedule in the newsletter or on our home page and you will find that there is a bunch of rides and rallies still to come and I hope everyone can make an effort to get out and attend a event. Remember, this is an all volunteer club so get out and support these folks and COG. With that, as always, if you need any more info on a ride or if you have your own ride idea and want to make it happen please contact me or Steve and we will help you. Looking forward to seeing you all soon somewhere.

Ontario east Ked Fader #8534 The season is now underway, and started off by driving the point home to always be prepared for the unexpected. In the first ride of the year being the Ride for Dad out of Kingston, I got a few friends together to make a fun day of it. It started off with all in high spirits and weather was good as we headed out of town. Arriving in Kingston at the starting point for the ride, it was fantastic to see 750+ bikes lined up and ready to raise funds for this great cause. Then about an hour into the ride the mood of the day quickly changed. We were all traveling across a very scenic twisty road when a bike went down this was followed by a second bike. The second rider was in full gear so he picked himself up and seemed more upset about his bike the then anything else. But the women on the first bike who was only wearing a riding jacket sustained more severe injuries. Fellow COGger Richard Beaudoin and I performed first aid on this rider until handing over to EMS. When I say be ready for the unexpected, there are things you should always carry with you and an event like this drives the point home real fast. I had

carried a shock blanket with me for 18 years and never needed it, till now. We only had a small amount of first aid equipment available, so we had to use what we could. The end result of this was ok, but it sure tells you to be ready for the next time better than this time, because you never know when it will be. So the next day I headed out and purchased a first aid kit that contained all the items that we now know we should carry. But this time I purchased 2 shock blankets because there is a good chance you will have more than one victim. The other point is wear your gear—pavement is very unforgiving. So now I am much more prepared. Go forward three weeks. I got a group of friends together for a Sunday afternoon ride, just at the end of the day we stopped at an intersection at a busy highway. While waiting for traffic to clear, a large truck that had not been paying attention rear ended a car that was turning in front of us. Having all the required items in my top box including a cell phone took the worrying part out of the equation. But after the event was over, it again brought a few things to mind. Always plan for a fast exit route just in case you have to get out of the way fast... people really do not put all into their driving that they should, and having the right of way will not matter at that point. So anyway just thought I would share this with everyone, and remember be safe out there.

MD John Hamilton #9279 The coming summer months are always a busy riding time for our region, and MD has a lot we can do this summer. We already had the Meet-andGreet at the Crabby pig, which was well attended and will become a yearly or possibly twice-yearly event. As is usually with events held in the tri-state area (MD, WV, PA, with VA thrown in for good measure) attendance crossed state boundaries and even drew guests from the ZX14 world. continued on next page...


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS ...MD report, continued Some likely suspects attended….

Hey! Who let the ZX14 guy with the full beard in this luncheon? Events plenty close enough for us to attend are Cook Forest on July 13-15, Dog Days August 9-11, a Sport Touring Camaraderie Ride (2nd of the season) put on by PA on August 19th (ride to have breakfast), Memories of Dan 7-9 September, Canaan 28-30 September, and others in October and November. Here in our own MD, we have the National Road 3-day which leaves from the AC&T / Exxon on the Dual Highway in the parking lot behind the station, in sight of Twigg Cycles. 27-29 July, with attendance at the American Mountain Theater on 27 July, a trip into Luray Cavern on 28 July, and a fun ride back to Hagerstown on the 29th. Contact me for information if you need it. On September 15th, I will be riding to Mr. B’s BBQ at their new location, and this is on the calendar as well. I plan to be there around 11am or a bit later, and promise not to eat all the BBQ. As always, if you have an idea for a ride or event, lets talk about it and see if we can get it scheduled. It was great to see a couple MD members at the 2012 National in Arkansas!

WANTED: READ OR ALIVE NE Newsletter Editor: Turnkey operation Connect with COGgers Great Pay One of the above is false; see page 2 for more details.



Metro NY/NJ Terry Faherty #792 Wow! time for another newsletter...boy time sure does fly! Since attending the Spring Fling in Delaware (once again, great job by Brian and Andrea!) I spent Americade week at my getaway headquarters (aka Scott Sorger's Queensbury digs). The weather was pretty dodgy all week and with the ongoing economic shenanigans turnout seemed lighter than usual. We still got in two nice day rides in between the showers and had plenty of time to hit the Tourexpo and do some snooping. Had to leave earlier than normal since Scotty was heading to Arkansas for the National. I was unable to make it myself, but I heard it was a great time, with an excellent turnout and great riding. Following the July 1st BBQ ride to Big W's, my next planned excursion will be the Dog Days Down and Dirty in West Virginia. I'm registered and have a roomie so ready to roll. I'm planning on an early departure Thursday. Anyone interested in tagging along feel free to call, e-mail or pm me on the forum. As of now I'm planning to attend the Fall rally in Pennsylvania if finances allow (ain't that always the problem!). Have a great summer and see you out there!

VT, NH, ME, MA Grey & Tracey Habel #7010/7010a Here we are in the midst of a busy riding season in our area. The end of April marked our Annual Tech Session in Monson MA with a record-breaking attendance of over 50 people! We had great weather and many people were able to get work done in the garage to get their bikes ready for the riding season ahead. The following weekend was our camping weekend in CT at Black Rock State campground. Camping were: Ben and Abbe Otunu, Karl Schenkel, Brian Courchesne, Tom Kerrigan, and Pat and Sher Mulloy. Stan Baker and Coop stayed at a local motel but joined us for dinner at the campground. During the ride on Saturday

we followed routes prepared by Ben and Karl (thanks guys!). Bob Barbanti joined us at the campground entrance prior to the ride. Our delicious lunch stop at Rhodes North Tavern was arranged by Ben and Abbe. For all camping trips going forward we concluded that Abbe’s weather dance is a must since the weather was near perfect! Thanks again to our partners Pat and Sher Mulloy for helping pull it together. June started out with a cozy weekend getaway for 6 in the Berkshires. Greg & I were joined by Lyle & Lu Cooper and new members Paul & Lori Medeiros for their first COG event. It was a great time and we found good riding including up to Mt Greylock and lunch in Bennington, VT. We enjoyed spending time getting to know our new friends Paul & Linda along with their C10 and Can Am Spyder. Near the end of June we were off to Mount Wachusett for a Meet & Greet with a clear 50 mile view to Boston and a bag lunch picnic before a ride around the Athol and Royalston area. Coming up in July Kevin Martin is hosting a Pioneer Valley ride including The Mohawk Trail, 8A, 116, 112. Our monthly Meet & Greet on July 28th will be held in Springfield VT at the 56 Main St. restaurant (COG Vermonters come on out!). In August we have another ride hosted by Kevin, up to Newport NH with a lunch stop at the Fabulous 50’s Carhop, and on August 18th we will host a Meet & Greet in Scarborough ME at Spurwink’s Country Kitchen. Don’t miss Lyle Cooper’s (Coop) overnighter with a stop at White Horse Gear on September 8th, reserve now while the hotel still has room! September rounds out with a Meet and Greet on the 22nd hosted by Coop and Tom Kerrigan, followed by a no-frills BYOF camping weekend back at Otter River Campground the 28th thru the 30th. We would also like to take a moment to thank Brian & Andrea Felice for all of their hard work and planning they put in organizing this year’s NE Spring Fling in Westerly RI! It was a good time; good food; great friends and great roads not far from home that we didn’t know about. You guys ROCK!

2012 - Issue #3 - summer

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Don’t forget about the ride contest. We will announce the winner at the end of the season at the November Social. Wayne Geiser has been working hard to keep his lead and currently has 9 out of 20 locations under his belt. There is still plenty of time get into the contest. Check out the 2012 MA/ME/NH/VT

ride contest and rules posted on the forum: .

and plan accordingly to keep the ride group size at a safe number.

Check out the calendar regularly for additional events and rides scheduled for the season. Please be sure to register on-line at on the N.E. events calendar, if you plan to attend an event. This will help us to make reservations for lunch

If you have an idea for a ride or are interested in hosting an event, please contact us and we will be glad to help you put it all together! Here are some pictures from our past events (Tech Session group on page 6):





r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2012 - Issue #3 - summer

Enjoying the view from Mt.Greylock, the Berkshires CT Camping Weekend Dinner Mt.Wachusett Bag Lunch MA Tech Session garage view Mt.Wachusett Summit MA Tech Session group shot (next page)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Ontario GTA Dave Clancy #5452 The weather had turned really nice, Patricia and I had just returned from the Spring Fling in Rhode Island and there was an email from Pete waiting. He had saved the route that Doug Hall (Jordi) and Brian Jordan had laid out a few seasons ago for our S.central ONGTA area. So I posted it on the site N.E. calendar for June 3, on the forum and sent it out to my local email list. That generated requests for the route in my email. Folks, it’s that easy – if you know a ½ day, full day, ride to breakfast or…. I’m happy to put the word out, so there are times when it’s hard to listen to “there’s no rides around here”. OK, I’ll get off the soap box now. So the weather forecast showed cold cloudy rainy windy but the event was posted. While adhering to ATGATT in

VT, NH, ME, MA Event Pics, continued from pervious page


my Hamilton driveway, I could see some blue sky and even sunshine. When I got to the start point in Fergus, an hour ride from home, the clouds were low and dark, the roads wet and a brief shower occurred enroute but, there were motorcycles in the parking lot! The seven riders who assembled were Brian Jordan, Dave Perkins, Greg Coleman, Pete Bokkers, Jason Douglas, Jeff Stowe and me. 100% chance of rain? No matter, we decided to go anyway. It was windy, all the power generating windmills were turning – I thought ‘we need a way to store that power for a quiet day, viz. a gigantic copper top battery’. The rain fell steadily as we went through Flesherton. The last time I went through the Beaver Valley on a sunny fall day, the view was stunning on this grey Sunday in the rain, not so much. The rain stopped as we followed the great roads past the apple orchards and ‘scenic caves’ into Collingwood. My

GPS (couldn’t have been my wits) seemed slow, I missed a couple roads forcing U-turns. Yes, it was the GPS, my story and I’m sticking to it. Guess what – at lunch in Collingwood it was unanimous, it was fun and we were glad we did the ride (and we reserve the right to gloat over those who wimped out due to the weather forecast). The route was even better to the end point at Primrose, Jctn of hwy 10 & 89. Someone pointed out we would be very close to Creemore, the site of a microbrewery so the route was altered on the fly. Gee, who would’ve predicted our group would do something like that? The sun shone and the cashier acted as photographer for a picture. At the Super Burger in Primrose we said our good byes to find our own way to our various cities. Many thanks to the participants for providing great company on this ride and turning a dreary Sunday into a fond memory.


2012 - Issue #3 - summer

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

RIDE REPORT North South 15

By Dave Clancy #5452 The N.S. event appeared on the cog-online calendar and an invitation to attend appeared in my email inbox. Russell and Martha Fleming decided to host it again this year even though Martha suffered a brain hemorrhage since North South 14 and has been undertaking therapy. The fact that her progress has exceeded her doctors’ prediction shows that she and Russell are determined fighters and she was able to visit the 15th rally at her home to say ‘hi’ to us. Ride routes were provided for many excellent motorcycle roads in the area – long and short paved roads and unpaved trails for the dirt lovers. Friday and Saturday evening BBQ meals were provided. Breakfast was provided Saturday and Sunday morning. The Flemings opened their home to attendees and folks were welcome to camp on their property. Some attendees live locally and there are also nearby motels. Trevor left us with both trepidation and envy while showing us his bike equipped for a ride to South America and perhaps elsewhere in the world. Pat Sprague showed us how dentists can live troll like in garden sheds. We were told stories from the U.S. Navy, but where on a submarine can one ride a motorcycle? Children in attendance who were too young to ride enjoyed the camping. The adults??? enjoyed their after ride beverages which they had left on ice in Russell’s coolers. Thank you to my Cannuck traveling companions, to the others who attended and especially to Russell and Martha for hosting this event during a difficult time for them. You all created a wonderful weekend for me and proved again “join for the bike, stay for the people”.

2012 - Issue #3 - summer


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS


Time listed is START time. Visit for updates. (ON) TUE 10 July 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up 2nd TUE each month Mohawk Inn, Campbellville, Guelph Ln, just N of 401. All welcome, friends, wives, girl/boy friend. Many hungry people arrive earlier to their dinner - road house food, salad, wings, burgers, fish & chips etc. A mainly social function to meet other riders, shoot the breeze, plan rides. DAVE CLANCY 905.389.7681

(PA) FRI-SUN 13-15 July 10AM Cook Forest Camp&Ride This has turned into an annual event with a great turnout every year. This campground is very nice place and motorcycle friendly. The Cook Forest area is a awesome place for riding, with great roads, awesome scenery and plenty of attractions to visit. For you dual-sporters, they have a awesome trail system in the forest to explore, or just kick back and relax around the campfire. They are holding a area for us so when calling for a reservation mention you are with COG. Two tents per site so share if you like. They also have a cabin and sleeping rooms for rent for those who prefer that. Hope to see everyone there. JOE CYPRYCH 724.796.1401H

(MD) Sat 14 Jul 8:15PM Sport Touring Camaraderie Moonlight Ride Come out and ride a self guided ride of 85 miles that is marked by reflective tape on sign post through Carroll County, Frederick County Maryland, and PA. Ride starts at Parking Lot of Miller’s Food Market in Manchester MD at the intersection of Routes 27 & 30. Ride ends at JT Motorsports in Frederick MD with refreshments around 11:30 pm. RUSSELL FLEMING 410.374.9687.

(MA) Sun 15 July 8:30AM Pioneer Valley Ride Come for a ride which will include some of the best motorcycling roads in western MA, including The Mohawk Trail, 8A, 116, 112, and a number of unmarked county roads. This year we will be stopping off at Shelburne Falls to visit the Bridge of Flowers and have lunch at one of three locations in town. Meet at Bickfords Restaurant, 526 N. Main St (Rt 12) Leominster MA. Ride leaves at 8:30 am. If anyone wants to ride to


Leominster with me, give me a call to make arrangements to meet for the ride down to Leominster. KEVIN MARTIN 978.459.6275

(VA) SUN 22 July 8AM Breakfast & Ride Meet at Inwood Restaurant on Rt. 15, just N of the roundabout in Gordonsville VA, at 8 AM. Ride will follow. We'll hope for blue skies and clean roads. PAT SPRAGUE 540.743.4874

(PA) FRI-SUN 27-29 July 8AM National Road Ride Assemble at 8AM behind the AC&T/Exxon gas station, Hagerstown PA at intersection of Dual Highway (40) and Edgewood Drive and arrive Elkins WV 4-5 PM Friday evening. Saturday, ride the mountain train (one of them, usually a 4 hour trip) and then a short 2-3 hour ride to Luray VA. Tour of cavern in evening. Sunday, ride down out of the mountains on VA 211 to Sperryville VA and a break to mingle with all the bikers doing the same thing after riding 211 then hop on 340 or US81 and head north to home, while my group will head a little south and pick up Blue Ridge Parkway and ride it north until it becomes 340. Home around 4PM Sunday. First night at the Elkins Motor Lodge, Elkins WV. Second night at the Quality Inn, New Market VA. Get motel reservations asap— these are prime summer vacation spots. Ride waiver required. Complete details on event calendar. JOHN HAMILTON 301.733.5387H 301.393.8221W 240.291.8603M

(VT) SAT 28 July 11AM Lower VT Meet & Greet Join us for lunch in Springfield VT at Fifty Six Main Street Restaurant followed by an afternoon ride. Bring a friend. We'll stop at the Underground Telescope Museum for pictures as part of the MA/ME/NH/VT Rodeside America 4 state contest. Details & links on web site. GREG HABEL 508.444.2235H 508.856.7609W 508.873

(NH) SAT 4 August 8:30AM Newport Day Ride I thought it would be fun to go back to the Car Hop Drive-In after visiting last year for the first time. The Fabulous 50’s Car Hop is an old fashioned out door drive-in restaurant located in Newport NH. This is a fun place to stop for lunch and the riding up to Newport is great. We’ll meet at Cliff’s Café in Townsend MA for breakfast then leave at 8:30 to ride up to Newport. KEVIN MARTIN 978.459.6275

(WV) THU-SUN 9-12 August Dog Days Down & Dirty See back page.

(ON) Tue 14 August 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 10 July.

(ME) SAT 18 August 11AM Lunch Meet & Greet Please join us for lunch at Spurwink Country Kitchen, 150 Spurwink Rd, in Scarborough, ME. Ride to follow. Bring a friend. GREG HABEL 508.444.2235H 508.856.7609W 508.873

(PA) SUN 19 August 9AM Sport Touring Camaraderie Ride 2 All makes and brands welcome. Meet for Breakfast at 9 am at the Iron Skillet at the PETRO truck stop in Carlisle PA. There will be 9 rides to choose from 150 to 240 miles long, on paved & unpaved roads, all ending at the Middlesex Diner in Carlisle PA. List of rides on web site. GREG PUTERBAUGH 717.632.3324H RUSSELL FLEMING 410.374.9687

(PA) Sun 2 September 10AM Bucks County Covered Bridge Ride We will be traveling on Bucks County back roads, crossing nine covered bridges, and starting off the ride with a stop at Bowman's Tower, a monument for General George Washington and his army. A mid-tour lunch break will be at an old country store / luncheon, followed by a run along the Delaware river towards our next destination. Ride sheets with each covered bridges history will be provided! So, please join us on a back roads journey, and a step back in history. JIM ANSBRO 215.860.4175H 215.805.0909M

(VA) FRI-SUN 7-9 September 6PM Crookedest 32 in VA It has been a long time since COG has visited Willville Motorcycle Camp! After a good night’s rest Friday evening and a hearty breakfast Saturday morning we will head south down the BRP into NC then northwest back into VA toward Tazewell on Rt.16, “the crookedest 32 miles” in the state! After lunch in Tazewell, northeast through Burkes Garden, where the men and the boys separate on the way back to Willville Motorcycle Camp. The men will take the road less traveled (dirt/gravel/fire road), while the boys will stay on the asphalt and surf their way back to camp. Willville needs 30 days notice for the head count. KURT NORDSTROM 540.582.9414

2012 - Issue #3 - summer

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (NH) SAT-SUN 8-9 September 12:30PM Whitehorse Gear Ride & Unrally

(MA) Fri-Sun 28-30 September 1PM No-frills Camping Weekend

(PA) Thu-Sun 25-28 October Fall Foliage Rally

Shop in peace and comfort and then spend the rest of Saturday and Sunday morning riding the area roads. Riders from Southern MA, RI, CT can meet at the Rest Area on Route 24 North (just north of I-495 in Bridgewater). Ride will leave from there at 7:30AM. We will stop at the Mobil “On the Run” on Route 133 @ I-495 in North Tewksbury departing at 9:00AM along some favorite back roads through NH and stopping somewhere around Rochester, NH (location TBD) for a break. From there we will continue on to Whitehorse Gear in Conway NH arriving about 12:30PM. Yankee Clipper Inn in North Conway is holding 10 rooms for us until June 1. Since this will be the weekend after Labor Day we should have a lot less traffic to contend with than usual. GREG HABEL 508.444.2235H 508.856.7609W 508.873

Fall camping in north central MA on the NH border at the Otter River State Forest. On Saturday we’ll have a day ride, lunch at a family restaurant followed by a campfire back at the campground. No frills means you are responsible for your own meals etc. Tenting not your thing? Try one of the yurts (a canvas cabin) at the campground complete with bunk beds, tables, chairs, water, and electric. Just bring your own linens and utensils. Tracey and I plan on reserving site # 52 for our site. There is also a ride-only option if you don’t want to overnight. Further details on Hope to see you there! GREG HABEL 508.444.2235H 508.856.7609W 508.873.1042M

See back page for details

(ON) Tue 11 September 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 10 July.

(VA) Sat 15 September 11AM Barbecue at Mr. B's Ride to Mr. B's Barbecue at his new location near Berryville (up the road a ways from the old White Post shack) and eat barbecue for lunch. I'll be there around 11AM trying not to eat all the barbecue. JOHN HAMILTON 301.733.5387H 301.393.8221W 240.291.8603M

(MA) Sat 22 September 11:30AM MA Meet and Greet Tom Kerrigan and Lyle Cooper will co-host a Meet’n’greet at the Good Days Restaurant, 99 S. Main Street, West Bridgewater, MA 02379 (508-584-0077). We will have lunch and then do a ride of approximately 100 miles. LYLE COOPER 508.613.2047H 508.361.3451M

(WV) Fri-Sun September 28-30 COG in Canaan We will be heading to Canaan Valley again to enjoy some of the best roads & scenery in the northeast. Those who have been here know what I am talking about; those who have not, you need to come and experience it! We got a great rate this year and rooms will still be 59.00 a night single/double. The block of rooms are under COG so mention it when booking. Rooms went fast last year so book early. Come on out and meet the gang for some great riding and evening tire kicking. Canaan is always a great time. Hope to see you all there. If you need any more info feel free to contact me. JOE CYPRYCH 724.796.1401H

2012 - Issue #3 - summer

(MA) Sun 7 October 11:30AM Meet’n’Greet at Bub’s BBQ Join us for lunch at Bub's BBQ in Sunderland MA followed by an afternoon ride to Yankee Candle to get our picture in front of King Candle as part of the MA/ME/NH/VT ride contest. Bring a friend! Due to the popularity of rides i am looking for volunteers to lead a second group of riders and 1 sweep per each group. GREG HABEL 508.444.2235H 508.856.7609W 508.873.1042M

(ON) Tue 9 October 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up

(VA) Fri-Sun 9-12 November 5PM Brrrr Ride This ride and camp was started by Guy Young several years ago and has become a perennial favourite. We will once again gather at the Natural Bridge KOA just off I81 and RT 11 to camp on Friday and Saturday nights. For those not wanting to camp, the KOA has cabins available with heaters (sort of) that will keep the chill off. There are a few hotels and motels in the area for those that require hard top shelter. Saturday Morning Breakfast: meet 8:00 AM at the Pink Cadillac Restaurant, located on RT 11 a mile north of the KOA entrance. The ride route will take us on some awesome roads with a lunch stop, and then back to the camp for dinner and COG camaraderie. Hopefully there will not be a fire ban in VA and we will be able to have a nice campfire this year. KURT NORDSTROM 540.582.9414

(ON) Tue 13 November 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 10 July.

(ON) Tue 11 December 7PM South Central Ontario Meet-Up Same details as 10 July.

Same details as 10 July.

(WV) Fri-Sat 19-20 October 7PM Bridge Day, Fayetteville WV Bridge day is one of the largest single day events in WV: Come and watch some of the 400 crazy people whom parachute off the bridge! It’s a great carnival atmosphere with many vendors and lots of interesting sites to see. When you’ve had enough jumping you just happen to be in a great area to ride! The Midland Trail, Scenic Route 150 and WV Rt. 39 are all nearby. We will be staying at the Four Season Lodge in Richwood, WV; a great 40 minute ride from the event. A block of rooms is being held for the 19th & 20th, under COG at $59.95 plus tax 2 people. JASON KAPLITZ 814.535.8669H 814.659.6865M

WANTED: READ OR ALIVE NE Newsletter Editor: Turnkey operation Connect with COGgers Great Pay One of the above is false; see page 2 for more details.


Jim Ansbro with the Concours contingent of the Motorcycle Support Team for the 40th American Cancer Society Bikeathon.


CT, RI Norm Walton #7011 860-836-5162

Northcentral PA Duane Shaffer #9189 570-726-4676

VA/WV Pat Sprague #1887 540-743-5132

Web Editor Wayne Geiser #4627 978-851-2710

Metro NY/NJ Terry Faherty #792 718-227-2099

South East PA+NJ south Jim Ansbro #8443 215-805-0909

ON (GTA) Dave Clancy #5452 905-389-7681

NY (Hudson Valley NW) Bob Barbanti #7134 845-895-1130

DE, east MD Bob Chappell #1283 302-791-0582

ON (eastern) Ken Fader #8534 613-865-7995

PA (western) Joe Cyprych #4665 724-796-1401

MD John Hamilton #9279 301.733.5387

Vacant: NY: west/SE/central Canada: Maritimes your town?

Newsletter Editor Neil Baldwin #5762 519-794-0129 Assistant Area Directors: (AADs) VT, NH, ME, MA Greg & Tracey Habel #7010



Area Director (AD) Steve Smith #3184 203-720-7575

“Dog Days Down & Dirty” Marlinton, WV August 9-12 COG escapes the dog days of summer in the cooler temps of the West Virginia Mountains, returning to the Marlinton Motor Inn. Participants will be on their own for all meals. Minimal rally fee required. Come to the heart of Pocahontas County, in the middle of some of the finest riding you'll ever find! We look forward to see you in the Mountain State this summer. HQ: Marlinton Motor Inn, 800.354.0821;304.799.4711, The motel setting may be rustic, but the accommodations are anything but! Recently renovated, offering in room amenities and comfortable beds! Call the motel direct to book - Don't delay, our block will only be held until July! Be sure to mention COG. Camping: nearby Watoga State Park, 1-800-CALL-WVA, 304.799.4087, Riding: Self-guided riding. Routes provided for dual sport and asphalt surfers. Pocahontas County tourism board website lists several ride routes plus area info. Registration: Register on or contact Steve Smith for form via SnailMail. Questions: Jason Kaplitz: 814.535.8669 Joe Cyprych: 724.796.1401 Patrick Sprague: 540.743.4874



photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145

“Fall Foliage Rally” Matamoras, PA October 25-28 Let’s wrap up the riding season with a “Spook-tacular Fall Rally.” The Tri-State Area provides great routes in any direction and easy accessibility from I-84. Please join your fellow Cogger’s for what promises to be a fantastic fall finale. Lodging: Rally HQ is Best Western Inn @ Hunt’s Landing, 570-491-2400 Room reservation includes a full complimentary breakfast. No charges applied until check out. Mention COG to get rooms in our block. Registration: $55 per person. COG Member discounted fee: $45 per person for COG members, immediate family or significant other. Deduct $5 before 8/31/12. Save time & postage – register at through Calendar of events or contact Steve Smith for form via SnailMail. Registration ends 10/15/12.Walk-ins additional $5. Rally fee covers Saturday dinner, door prizes, and other rally expenses. Wristbands may be used to identify registered attendees. Events: There will be a Saturday evening banquet dinner in the hotel restaurant. Riding: Sample self-guided ride routes download available from online member library or from link at event listing in the COG calendar of events. Questions: (general/rally) David Fridirici 484-553-1665 / (riding/GPS) Jerry Gowen 732-238-9189 / (registration) Steven Smith 203.720.7575 /

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