NE2016 Issue 2

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2016 - Issue #2

COGnitions Random thoughts and ramblings from your Area Director Yesterday I attended the 10th annual Massachusetts Tech Day. Thanks to the Mulloys for their hospitality and the Habels and the entire Tech Crew for a smooth running operation. I enjoyed being able to speak with members, and answer club related questions. Feel free to reach out to me any time by email or phone, or catch me at Spring Fling Rally later this month. Welcome to the newest club members (see list next page) If you see someone new near you, consider looking them up in the online member list and introduce yourself or invite them for a ride. Contact me if assistance is needed to look up a member’s contact information. While on the subject of new members, here is a quick glance at current COG Northeast membership:. There are 602 members; 187 Associate Members; and 430 Forum Subscribers. I am very pleased to welcome Claude Doucet (#9011) as Assistant Area Director (AAD) for Atlantic Canada. One of his desired goals is to create opportunities for members in his region to get together for rides and social activities. He will also be looking for ways to reach out to other Concours riders who are not club members. This month the NE staff says “so-long” as two NE staffers step down from the AAD position. Russell Fleming announce a while back that he was stepping down April 15 from the AAD Maryland position. He begins an extended road trip soon, and I wish him a safe journey. Tim Steele contacted me a few weeks ago and expressed the need to step down from the AAD-VA/WV position due to increased work travel. My sincere gratitude to you guys for your efforts. These two positions plus others are vacant and in need of member volunteers. Please contact me if interested. On the national level of COG… Some members do not realize that there is a monthly board of directors Skype conference call. Members are welcome to attend to listen or address the board by request. Financial reports should be included in the Concourier, but copies of these and board meeting minutes are available to members. The club is seeking to fill vacant national officer positions: Marketing Officer and Industry Liaison. Ken Ford’s column in the Spring Concourier describe the roles and duties. If you desire additional info on any of this, contact me or Executive Director Ken Ford. Last newsletter I mentioned that I chair the COG Membership Review Committee. The primary function is determine member satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and make recommendations for positive change to the club’s directors & officers. An online satisfaction survey kicked off the week of April 18. The survey went out to approximately 1800 members with valid email address and runs to mid to late May. Over 750 have responded already which meets the minimum sample size required to be effective, however it would be awesome if we could get responses from more. The survey company will help us analyze the results, and once the data is interpreted

Photo photo courtesy courtesy BobBob Barbanti Barbanti #7134 #7134

ule on Event Sched lots Page 6 with of Spring & ng Summer ridi info!

(Continued on page 2)

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

New Members

First things first, a warm welcome to our Newest NE area COG members!

Henryville PA Michael Sukna #12244 Lowell MA Stephen Daigle #12259 Orillia ON Christopher Lusty #12265 Hampden MA Chris Rauch #12269 York PA Mark Tyler #12273 Orillia ON Allen Macpherson #12276 Dillwyn VA Paul Steinbacher #12279 Dillwyn VA Delores Steinbacher #12279A Marlborough MA Steven Peck #12281 Marlborough MA Benjamin Peck #12281A Fabius NY Gary Hodge #12284 Carthage NY Dave Fetterly #12289

Whitby ON Erich Knoop #12290 Northbridge MA Alex Zorrilla #12293 DeKalb Junction NY Steve Gilbert #12302 Liverpool NY Alan McKeen #12309



COG Northeast Seeking Newsletter Editor Do you have and know how to use Microsoft Publisher (even a little)? Do you have some good ideas for improving this newsletter? Here is your chance! A member is needed to twist the throttle on the newsletter and take it for a spin over the next great set of roads. As a member of the Northeast Staff, it’s a fun way to stay in the loop on club activities and keep in touch with the AADs and members. If you would like to help publish the newsletter for a while, please contact me for more info. There’s plenty of resources to get you up to speed. We only publish 5 issues per year, and since we already have a pretty nice layout template the bulk of the work is already done. Along with basic compilation and editing each of the sections, the Editor will send reminders to staff for each issue deadline.—contact Steve Smith 203.720.7575 or

COG Northeast Seeking AADs Looking for a easy way to get involved with the direction of the club? Have ideas to improve member participation in your region? COG Northeast is always seeking Assistant Area Directors (AAD) to fill the needs in any town, state, or region that needs more activity. One, two, or more can work together in any locale. All that is needed is to have the desire and motivation to want to help COG be better; to host a few activities each year; and help and encourage other members to participate & host activities. I am specifically seeking members to fill AAD roles for NY (western, eastern), CT, RI, PA (western, north central), Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. - contact Steve Smith 203.720.7575 or

(COGnitions—Continued from page 1)

Concours Owners Groupsm

NORTHEAST AREA NEWS is published 5 times a year for the Concours Owners Group and distributed to Northeast Area members. It is archived in the club’s online member library at It is also available Submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Email: Snail Mail: COG NE Newsletter c/o Steve Smith 39 Alison Ave Naugatuck CT 06770 © 1989-2016 Concours Owners Groupsm


and presented to the officers, and recommendations identified, the final information will be presented to the membership. There are a couple of recurring member comments that come up every so often. It usually takes the form of “There are not enough [local] activities near me...” and “How come it’s only select people hosting events...” Here is my opinion… COG is a volunteer, grass-roots, member run club. Presently the volunteers at the "top" (i.e. club officers & AADs) and other members who put themselves out there to create activities for all of us account for around 5-10% of total membership. This doesn't even satisfy the well-known “80-20 Rule” (80% of activities organized by 20% of members). The level of activity at the local, regional, and area level is directly proportional to the enthusiasm and support the local members are willing to give. Many members like and want to attend activities. What is needed is more members to be raise their hands saying "I'll do that" instead of pointing fingers saying "nobody's doing that." Those who would raise their hand should contact me to discuss easy, fun options to get more involved. Until next time. Ride safe,

2016 - Issue #2

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Around the NORTHEAST News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page) NY/NJ Metro Area Terry Faherty #792 Hello again folks! It's official, the season has truly begun in earnest. By the time you read this the Monson, Mass. tech day will be in the books and before you know it we'll be heading to Pennsylvania for the Spring Fling. So far rally wise, it looks to be a good year for me, so I hope to see friends both new and old out on the road. Next is a long weekend up in Lake George for Americade where weather permitting I'd like to try and get a COG ride together on Thursday or Friday. Keep your eyes on the forum and calendar if you are planning on attending. Really looking forward to the National, too. Looks like some seriously fine pavement awaits us and the venue is conducive to some good times! July 4th will be right around the corner when we get back and I'm sure we'll be making our annual pilgrimage to Big W's BBQ either that weekend or the next. I'll be leading my usual ride from my Dunkin Donuts HQ. Let's hope the weather doesn't scare off everyone this year. Free weekends have been few and far between for yours truly lately and the late cold snap put a damper on any planning. I hope to rectify that with another swing through northern NJ and the Catskills with a lunch stop on Rt 97 at a decent BBQ place. (Do you see a trend here with me?!?). A little birdie told me a Fall Rally is in the works somewhere in New England so stay tuned! See you on the road!

Central NJ Nick Palumbo # 11073 Hey gang! Nick P. reporting for duty! I'm relatively new to the C10 and to COG but I'm looking forward to being the AAD for Central NJ. I will tell you

2016 - Issue #2

more about myself and my introduction to COGdom in more detail in the future and especially as i get more acquainted with the website. In a nutshell, if you were to put a belt around NJ, I grew up on the shore side and now live on the river side. I've been on two-wheels for about 20 years, usually on something that was broken that i would fix, or at least try to fix, and I am always looking to do motorcyle rides, gatherings, or wrenching with like-minded individuals. Two years ago I started a Facebook group as a type of garage therapy for my father. He has been too ill to ride but well enough to teach, and with his guidance (and tools) along with the wealth of info and resource through COG, I was able restore a '95 C10 after a deer strike totaled it. All the positive online experiences with COG, the "ATGATT" attitude, the "come camp on my property" attitude, the camaraderie, led me to inquire about volunteering and well, here we are. I am more active on the Facebook pages currently, but I will be revving up my forum attendance and event planning in 2016. I hope to organize several rides, tech sessions and meet-ups, and this season am I looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible.

[Area Director note: Russell “retired” from the AAD-MD position effective April 15. He will continue to host a few activities as a member. However, we need a volunteer to replace Russell]

VA/WV Tim Steele #8904 We had a Meet & Greet in January at Horne’s in Port Royal. Two members and four visitors showed up. Saw a little snow on the way home. We have Meet & Greets planned monthly and hope many of you can join. Please check the calendar for information. [Area Director note: This is Tim’s winter report. Since last newsletter, Tim was forced to step away from the AAD-VA/WV position, and I am seeking replacement volunteer(s) Please contact Steve Smith if interested]

Cheers! ~Nick P.

Maryland/South Central PA Russell Fleming #599 Come April I will be stepping down as your AAD for Maryland and South Central PA. We are in desperate need of a replacement. With Martha passing away back In July it is time for Russell to take some time for himself. Don't worry, the North & South event will be at my house as long as I have fun hosting it, so make plans for June 3-5 and come and help with the fun. My brother and I will be leaving on June 15 to go to the COG National in Georgia. From there we are heading cross country as part of our journey to Alaska and back. We should be gone about 3 months. See you at the Spring Fling or one of the rides that I am hosting.

Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, PEI) Claude Doucet #9011 Happy spring from Atlantic Canada! It's official, I've taken the plunge and accepted to be the AAD for Atlantic Canada. I was thinking about this for some time now but it took Rich Beaudoin to encourage me and push me in the right direction. I’m still ramping up but I'm starting to organize events and making contacts within the region. My first official event will be May 7 - Ride to the Bike Blessing in Truro Nova Scotia. It will be a nice way to kick off the season and meet fellow Concours owners. (Continued on page 4)

Russell W Fleming Retired AAD MA & South Central PA


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS MA, ME, NH, VT Greg & Tracey Habel #7010/7010A

(Around the Northeast - Continued from page 3)

It's going to be an uphill battle in my region since member numbers are quite low but I’ve already received some positive enquiries from COG members, forum members and the public. The Spring Fling in PA is coming fast and I am really looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. Obviously riding some great roads in the area and visiting interesting sites are a must.

Thank you to all for making the lunch a great success. Upcoming Ontario East Events

I was really hoping to also attend the National but it won’t happen this year. I’m excited to see where it’s going to be next year so I can begin planning.

May 28th Lunch meet 12 noon, The Lanark Landing, 79 George St, Lanark, ON. Take your favourite roads and join us for lunch.

Thanks to Steve Smith for his guidance so far and for our great team in the North East.

June 25th Ride the Adirondacks. Meet in Cornwall Ontario, Depart time 8:30, Tim Hortons 1233 Brookdale Ave. Come enjoy the smell of pines on a scenic Adirondack ride.

~Claude ON (Eastern) Richard Beaudoin #9318 Hello all of the Northeast area—As I put a few words together today I’m still seeing snow flurries in the next weeks forecast. At least there are a few days of nice weather now to test out the winter’s maintenance, especially the brake rebuild and new rotors. It sure is nice to have things feeling like new again. Anticipation for the spring Fling in Williamsport is high and Val and I are looking forward to meeting some new friends. I finally have my shift schedule for the season and can look at putting together some rides. Also, how about the new look to the website. Have you been on the COG site lately? Excellent work by those involved, well done. There have been some changes and you have a chance to have some input so fill out the COG survey that was sent out to make a difference. In February we had a lunch meet at Red Dot Café in Osgoode with a great turnout. I finally got to meet some people I’ve communicated with and put faces to names. I’m hoping we’re moving in the right direction in building our area’s interest and participation with ideas from everyone.


As always I want to stress that the members make this club strong. Your Ideas and input keep things fresh and interesting. Bring a new ride or a different eatery to the group. Photos of a scenic place and ride for the newsletter are needed. If you would like to offer something to the group please drop me a line so we can make it happen. Safe riding ~Rich and Val

ON (Greater Toronto Area) Dave Perkins #5932 As mentioned in my meeting recaps, Peter Jackson has rescheduled his Tech Session to Saturday May 7. Full details and directions to his place in Trenton/Quinte-West have been posted to the COG Northeast Calendar. Start time will be 9AM with the promise of a good cuppa coffee. A BBQ lunch will happen about noon-ish. Please register through the calendar or preferable by contacting Peter directly as he'll want an accurate estimate for food, soft drinks and supplies. We look forward to seeing you all there. ~Dave

I’m embarrassed to say as of this writing I haven’t been out on a ride this year. It seems that family and house priorities somehow snuck into my riding days. But, that’s ok since I know it’s just temporary. When I put my 99 on the battery tender last winter, I knew that someday soon in the spring I would get that urge which overrides almost all other priorities (like weeding). Thank goodness for the Tech Day on April 30th which will require me to show up on my bike per usual. Oh how I love that first ride; the fresh air, balance, leaning, and oh power when I flick my wrist! In February we had to cancel the Potluck lunch and Educational/Safety video due to yours truly coming down with the flu. We’re looking at rescheduling that sometime later in the year. In March we held our first Meet & Greet at Lowells Restaurant in Mendon, MA to which we were happy to see familiar friends and 3 new friends/COG members show up (Stan and Joyce Ennis, and their friend Steve Calise) This year’s Tech Session and Part Swap at the Mulloy’s house on Saturday April 30th in Monson, MA was another great COG moment that showed how much members love to help each other out. With about 47 people in attendance (and Angel the Tech Session mascot), there were many different projects taken on this year like: highway pegs, wiring block, accessory lights, TPMS battery replacements, tire change(s), brakes, fluids, fuel sending unit change, to name just a few! Both a continental breakfast and a full lunch buffet were served along with prizes donated to various COG members and newcomers. Attendees were blessed with a sunny day in the mid 60’s for excellent wrenching indoors/out as well as riding home. Thanks again to Pat & Sher Mulloy for opening their lovely home, to Brian and Andrea Felice for all their help, in addition to (Continued on page 5)

2016 - Issue #2

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Around the Northeast - Continued from page 4)

all the people who helped make the day a success. On Saturday May 7th, Coop is leading a ride up to Whitehorse Gear in NH. So far I’ve only been able to escape that store without purchase one time; so very tempting with all those gadgets and gear to try on. May 28th, Saturday Kevin has a ride into the Berkshires; always a treat to ride in that area of MA. We’re both going to the Spring Fling in May but taking an extra leisurely day to get there instead of our typical rush, rush. Hope to see you there. Both Tracey and I are excited to be helping out Kevin Martin with some of the minor details of the September 2016 Fall Rally in Maine. We visited Acadia for the first time last year and soon found out what we were missing – absolute beautiful area, friendly people, and the Lobster pounds (I’m getting hungry for fresh steamed lobster dipped in butter just writing about it). Look for information in this newsletter. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something, please email us at . Please be sure to register on-line at on the N.E. events calendar at , if you plan to attend an event. This will help us to make reservations for lunch and plan accordingly to keep the ride group size at a safe number. Until next time, please cherish everyone you meet, and those you haven’t yet. Life is too short.

~Tracey & Greg

2016 Annual Monson MA Tech Day Activity hosts: Tracy Habel, Sherry Mulloy, Greg Habel

Activity host Pat Mulloy

Lunch in Mulloy’s backyard

An awesome turn-out

2016 - Issue #2


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS


Time listed is START time. Visit for updates. (NH) Sat 7 May 8:30 AM WhiteHorse Gear Day Trip A day ride up to WhiteHorse Gear, 107 East Conway Road, Conway, NH, hosted by Coop. Meet at "Mobil On The Run� station on Route 133 (at junction w/ Route I-495) in Tewksbury at 8:30am. We will be doing a break in Rochester, NH and should be in Conway somewhere around noon. GREG HABEL, 508-444-2235 H, 508-377-8028 M,

(NS) Sat 7 May 9:00 AM Atlantic Canada-Ride to Bike Blessing 2016 Ride to the Annual Bike Blessing in Truro, NS. A good way to kick off the Season. This event is Rain or Shine. We'll Meet at Tim Hortons in Enfield NS next to the Irving Big Stop, kick stands up at 9:30am. We'll take old Hwy 2 to Victoria Park in Truro NS. For anyone that wants to meet us in Truro, look for the group of Concours riders. Make sure to arrive early at Victoria Park, the ceremony starts around noon. The event can bring upwards of 2000 Motorcyclists. There are some food vendors available on site for a quick bite. Following the ceremony, there is a short parade of bikes throughout Truro if you chose to do so. CLAUDE DOUCET, 902252-5062,

(ON) Sat 7 May 9:00 AM Greater Toronto Area Tech Session Peter Jackson is hosting a Tech Session at his place in Trenton. Sign up or contact Peter directly as he needs a headcount for food. Peter has a spacious garage where we can at least stay dry if the weather gets nasty!! Start time is 9:00 am; arrive early & enjoy a coffee & snack before we get going! Lunch break for all around noon-ish, simple BBQ pub style fare. Soft drinks will be laid on. Anything else is BYO. End time around 5pm or so, no really set schedule but we'll try to accommodate everyone's to-do list. Peter has successfully installed his Shoodaben torque cams adjusted the valve on his bike. This was to be the focal point of the original tech session but, that said, valve adjustments are on the agenda. You will need to let your bike cool for at least two hours before doing the adjustment. In the meantime you can remove the tank and Tupperware in preparation. Oil changes, brake & clutch fluid changes, carb sync, compression checks, routine spring maintenance, farkling, etc., can be


accommodated. There will be no disposal fees necessary as he has access to same at no cost. Carb sync tools, compression tester and vacuum brake bleeder will be available. BYO supplies i.e. oil & filter, coolant, DOT 4 brake fluid, spark plugs, 80/90W gear oil, brake pads, etc. Peter doesn't own a tire machine or balancing equipment; however, there are methods to do this without these items. He suggested it be added to the mix so that if anyone wanted to do that kind of work to bring some tools to do so & do a tutorial for those interested. Anything else you may think of please advise. We are wide open to any suggestions and ideas and will try to accommodate you and have the required equipment available. Peter has pretty much any tools that may be required for all work other than the tire tools. But if in doubt ask Peter or bring your own. PETER JACKSON, DAVE PERKINS, 416.691.2191,

and sightseeing. The rally hotel is in a great downtown location within walking distance to many restaurants. It takes minutes to be into great riding. Rally Headquarters: Genetti Hotel & Suites ( 200 West Fourth St., Williamsport, PA 17701, 570-326-6600. A limited block of rooms will be held until 4/19/16 at a special rate of $79.95+tax. Included is a full hot breakfast, free WiFi, free secured parking. Hotel has an on-site restaurant and lounge. Visit COG web site for details. Camping: See additional details online. Rally Fee: $60 per person. Discounted fee of $45/person for COG members, their immediate family or significant other. Save an additional $5 by registering before 4/1/16. Fee covers the Friday group dinner, door prizes, and other rally expenses. Refund Policy: Prior to 5/1/16, fee paid minus $5/person. No refund after 5/1/16. IMPORTANT NOTE: The group dinner will be on Friday evening at the hotel. Complete info on web site.

(ON) Tue 10 May 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet

If registering by mail, download form or contact host. JASON KAPLITZ 814.615.9138

2nd Tuesday each month at Mohawk Inn, 9230 Guelph Lane, Campbellville, ON, just North of 401. All welcome, friends, wives, girl/boy friends. Many hungry people arrive earlier to get their dinner - road house food, salad, wings, burgers, fish & chips, etc. A mainly social function to meet other riders, shoot the breeze, plan rides. DAVE PERKINS, 416.691.2191 H,

(NY) Sat 14 May 8:30 AM New Sweden 450 Tour Non-COG event. Join us for a 450 mile two day road tour by the New Sweden BMW Club traversing some of the best roads in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. You decide your own pace. Ride starts at CycleGear in Cherry-Hill, NJ and ends at P.J. Whelihans, also in Cherry Hill, NJ. BEN & ABBE OTUNU, 845-423-0373,

(ON) Mon 16 May 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet 3rd Monday EVERY MONTH at Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Road East. All welcome, members or not - friends, wives, girl/boy friends. Arrive early to kick tires and tell lies in the parking lot (weather permitting). Menu is good pub grub. A social function to meet other riders, discuss tech issues, shoot the breeze, and plan rides. DAVE PERKINS, 416.691.2191 H,

(PA) Thu-Sun 19-22 May 5:00 PM NE Spring Fling 2016 Rally Williamsport PA Looks like we will break 100 attendees this year. Host town of Williamsport is located in north central PA, a day ride or less for many Northeast members, and offers great riding

(MD) Fri-Sun 28 May 12:00 PM Berkshire Ride Placeholder for ride TBD. Contact GREG HABEL, 508-444-2235 H, 508-377-8028 M,

(MD) Fri-Sun 3-5 June 4:00 PM North & South 19 Get Together Hosted by Russell Fleming at his home: 2610 Old Fort Schoolhouse RD, Hampstead MD 21074. Set up your tent in the backyard for Friday and Saturday night camping or find a nearby motel. Please give Russ a call so he can plan how much food to fix. Friday June 3 for camping, come and setup your tent and have a cookout in the evening. There is plenty of tent space in the backyard. Saturday June 4 Breakfast, Ride and Cookout Breakfast will be held in the driveway. Serving Bacon and Eggs, Juice and Coffee. Starting at 8:00 am then you can leave at your free will on one of many routes that could take you in PA, VA, WV and MD of 260 miles or 1 of 2 short routes of 100 miles or a DUAL Sport Ride. Around 6:00 pm will be the evening cookout. Sunday June 5 Breakfast will be held one more time in the driveway. Starting 8:00 am with a guided ride there after. Lodging in WESTMINSTER MD... Boston Inn 533 Baltimore Blvd Westminster MD 1-800-634-0846 Days Inn 25 South Cranberry Rd Westminster MD (Continued on page 7)

2016 - Issue #2

RIDE & EVENT SCHEDULE (Continued from page 6)

800.329.7466 Best Western 451 WMC Drive Westminster MD 1-800-528-1234 Direction Directions from Westminster to the Fleming's: Route 140 to Route 27 North 6 miles, Right on Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. Fleming's is 1 mile on left at top of hill. Lodging in HANOVER PA Super 8 40 Wetzel St Hanover, PA 1-800800-8000 Clearview Motor Inn 901 Carlisle St Hanover, PA 717-637-3701 Directions from Hanover to the Fleming's: Take PA 94 south into MD where it becomes MD 30. Continue to Manchester. Turn right at MD 27 (Sheetz store on left) 2.4 miles. Then a left onto Old Fort Schoolhouse Rd. Fleming's is 1 mile on left at top of hill. RUSSELL W FLEMING 443-375-1215

(ON) Tue 14 June 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (see 10 May info) (VA) Wed 15 June 6:00 PM “No-Host” Meet & Greet Dinner This will be a “No-Host” Dinner at Clementine's. Nice little restaurant in Harrisonburg. No host, nothing organized.

(NH) Sat 18 June 12:00 PM New Hampshire Ride Details still TBD. Check online calendar for updates. GREG HABEL, 508-444-2235 H, 508-377-8028 M,

(ON) Mon 20 June 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (see 16 May info) (NY) Sat 2 July 11:30 AM Big W BBQ Meet n Greet This is the annual COG NE pilgrimage to go for a ride and enjoy great BBQ. We will converge on Big W BBQ for some great eats. Big W BBQ opens at 12:00 PM, but some folks get there a little early to meet & greet. As usual, there will probably be some impromptu rides to Big W BBQ planned from the Metro NY area and Connecticut. There will be a post started on the forum in late spring to discuss the ride meet times and locations. STEVE SMITH, 203.720.7575, or TERRY FAHERTY, 718.227.2099,

(PA) Sun 10 July 11:00 AM Creekside Grill'n Ride, York PA Mark this date on your calendar. Enjoy a cookout at Jack & Deb's place (50 Walden Court, York, PA ) followed by a ride. We hope the weather will more cooperative than it was for this year's Big Chill. Directions from the intersection of Route 30 & Roosevelt Ave. in the west end of York: travel North on

2016 - Issue #2

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Roosevelt Ave. Turn Right at first traffic signal onto Greenbriar Rd. After approximately 3 miles, turn Right onto Westwind Lane. Take first Left onto Walden Court to driveway at end of cul-de-sac. Plenty of parking on site. Please RSVP. JACK FREDERICK or DEB BAHN 717.764.9091,

(ON) Tue 12 July 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (see 10 May info) (MA) Sat 16 July 12:00 PM Bag Lunch Meet & Greet Quabbin Ride Meet us at the Quabbin Hill Tower at the Quabbin Reservoir. Bring a bag lunch as we enjoy the view. We will head over to the visitor center and then a ride to follow. Bring a friend! The afternoon ride will be a short 1 hour ride around the Quabbin to Gilbertville where you can enjoy a treat at the Rose32 Bread Cafe. Link to ride route can be found in the online calendar page. GREG HABEL, 508-444-2235 H, 508-377-8028 M,

(ON) Mon 18 July 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (see 16 May info) (MA) Sat 23 July 12:00 PM Vermont Ride Placeholder to TBD Vermont Ride. Look for updates on the online calendar or in the next newsletter. GREG HABEL, 508-444-2235 H, 508-377-8028 M,

(VA) Thu-Sun 28-31 July May 5:00 PM NE Dog Days Rally 2016 Staunton VA Dog Days are back, this year in Staunton VA. This is the perfect launching pad for some of the best riding anywhere. The Blue Ridge Parkway is 17 miles from the hotel and several GREAT routes into WV start or are very close to Staunton. There are many local wineries and breweries for after hours. It is only a 3 block walk to the restored downtown area where there are many choices for food and beverages. We will have a Pizza & Wing Party Saturday Night at the motel. Bring a friend and your swimsuit as the motel has a great pool! Rally Headquarters: Howard Johnson Express, 268 N. Central Ave. Staunton, Va. 24401 540.886.5330. A limited block of rooms will be held until 6/30/2016 at a reduced price - book early. Nightly room rate is $61.00+tax. Included with your hotel stay is a continental breakfast, off street parking and a large outdoor pool. You must call the Motel direct to book your room. Make your own camping arrangements. There is a local KOA 9 miles away from the hotel, that will gladly accommodate those who would rather camp.484 Walnut Hills Road Staunton, VA 540.337.3920 http:// Details posted online and registration is open. JASON KAPLITZ 814.615.9138

(ON) Tue 9 August 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (see 10 May info) (ON) Mon 15 August 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (see 16 May info) (NC/VA) Thu-Sun 18-21 August 6 PM Crossing the Lines II Join us for some of the best riding in the world! Getting together with Southeast members to enjoy the area around the NC/ VA state line. Great location with MANY destinations in different directions. We found some awesome back roads last year. The Back of the Dragon outside Marion VA is one hour away. Boone NC is one hour away - getting is the fun and most of the roads around Boone are great riding. Mountain City TN is 1 hour away and Hwy 421 is there. The BRP is 15 miles away. Camp at the New River Campground or there are small hotels in both directions. One is 6 miles away in Sparta NC, the other 4.9 miles North in Independence VA Campground: The campground has cabins, apartments, room for your RV and plenty of tents. The phone number is 336-372-8793. DAVE SCOTT 704.975.3987

(VA) Sat 24 September 8:00 AM Meet & Greet - Blues Festival This may be a no-host Meet & Greet. Breakfast at Weasie's which is well known in the area. Great breakfast that will keep you full for the long ride. Attendees can discuss a possible ride after. Great riding in several directions. In addition—8/24 is the Waynesboro Chili Blues & Brews festival. Starts at 2:30 PM, providing good eats and beverages. The Quality Inn provides cheap, clean rooms and is close enough to be an easy walk to the festival.

(ME) Thu 22-25 September DOWNEAST Maine Fall Rally Northeast Harbor, Maine See information in this newsletter. KEVIN MARTIN, 978-459-6275 GREG HABEL, 508-444-2235 H, 508-377-8028 M,

(MD) Sun 9 October 9:00 AM KAWASAKI C14 RIDERS and Friend’s RIDE 9:00 AM breakfast buffet at the Union Bridge Fire Hall. 150-mile self-guided ride that will end at Shippensburg PA. RUSSELL


Upcoming COG NE Rallies SPRING FLING Rally May 19-22, 2016 Williamsport, Pennsylvania

“DOG DAYS” Rally July 28-31, 2016 Staunton, Virginia

DOWNEAST Maine Fall Rally September 22-25 Northeast Harbor, Maine

The Genetti Hotel in downtown Williamsport is convenient to NE members and beyond. Lot’s of great riding… Wellsboro, the PA Grand Canyon, or Corning NY and its wine region are just a short ride away. Registration is on track to break 100. That’s sufficient numbers to have fun yet keep the event intimate and relaxed. Visit the local tourism web site and check out some of the local eateries. There is some great looking food available in town and I’m looking forward to doing a little Food Exploration! Visit the rally page on the event calendar for links.

Dog Days Rally is back and in Staunton VA, which is a perfect launching pad for some excellent riding. The Blue Ridge Parkway is 17 miles from the hotel and there are several GREAT routes into WV. A short 3 block walk and you are in the restored downtown area where there are many choices for food and beverage. We will have a Pizza & Wing Party Saturday night at the motel. Bring a friend and bring your swimsuit as the motel has a great pool!

COG Northeast has locked in an agreement for a September Fall Rally on Mt. Desert Island, home of Bar Harbor on the northeast coast, and Northeast Harbor at the southern corner of the island. Don’t try to figure it out, this is Maine. If you ask for directions in Maine, the locals will just tell you; You-can’t-get-there-fromhere!

We’ve lined up a great menu for the Friday group banquet dinner and there will be a cash bar will be available. There’s time to register; call the Genetti Hotel (570.326.6600) first to check availability & book because our room block was released April 19. The discount price before the release date was $79.00+tax per night including a full hot breakfast. Sample ride routes and GPS files, and more event details are posted in the online event calendar page. Walk-ins will be accepted up to the maximum capacity of the room, however we ask everyone to register online so that we have an accurate head count and can have the hotel catering plan accordingly for everyone to have a great time. Rally web page: COGSpringFling2016

Rally Headquarters: Howard Johnson Express, 268 N. Central Ave. Staunton, VA 24401 540.886.5330 A limited block of rooms will be held until 6/30/2016 at a reduced price - book early. Nightly room rate is $61.00+tax with a continental breakfast included. (call motel direct to book room) Camping: Make your own camping arrangements. There is a local KOA 9 miles away from the hotel, that will gladly accommodate those of us who would rather camp. 540-337-3920 Rally Fee: $35 per person. COG Member discounted fee: $25 per person for COG members, their immediate family or significant other. Everyone can save $5 with Early-bird registration before 6/15/2016. Save time & postage; register online through rally web page. Rally fee covers Saturday group Pizza/Wing Party at Motel, door prizes, and other rally expenses. Wristbands may be used and required to be worn to identify registered and checked-in attendees. Refund Policy: Prior to 6/1/16, fee paid minus $5/person. No refund after 6/1/16. Riding: Sample self-guided ride routes download available from rally web page Events Note: Pizza & Wing Party at the motel Saturday evening. (Continued on page 9)


The host hotel will be the Kimball Terrace Inn, located in Northeast Harbor, about a 20 minute ride from Bar Harbor, unless you decide to ride through Acadia National Park on your way to Bar Harbor. The Park Loop road is a very scenic ride with several pull offs for ocean views and other attractions, including the access road to Cadillac Mountain and summit, a must see, and don’t forget to bring a camera and binoculars if you have some. The Kimball Terrace Inn has reserved a block of 60 rooms for COG Members until August 1st, with 40 rooms being held until September 1st at the negotiated group rate. After 9/1 all rooms will be released to the general public, so if you’re interested in attending this event, you should book your rooms as early as possible. We’ve also allocated 15 rooms as shared accommodations up to 4 people per room at no additional charge for people who are looking to reduce lodging costs by sharing accommodations with friends. Visit COG-online for hotel reservation information. Be sure to mention COG for the discount. To register for the rally, go to, log in, select the September Calendar, then find the Down-east Main Fall Rally [ME] listed on September 22nd and click on it. Once in the event, click on the Registration button. Register before August 1st to save $5. Not (Continued on page 9)

2016 - Issue #2

Upcoming COG NE Rallies (cont) (“DOG DAYS” Rally—Continued from page 8)

Rally web page: Rally Questions: Jason Kaplitz 814.615.9138 or cog62 @ If registering by mail, contact Steve Smith for a mail-in registration form.

(DOWN EAST FALL RALLY—Continued from page 8)

comfortable registering online? Email and Greg or Tracey will send you the paper version; same prices apply. New for 2016 is the Tan Turtle Restaurant and Tavern, located on the same property as the Kimball Terrace Inn. The Tan Turtle will be hosting our traditional rally group dinner Saturday evening, 9/24, which will be buffet style, anticipated to be a full featured BBQ buffet with spare ribs, pulled pork, and other BBQ treats. Your Rally Hosts are also planning a Welcome Social and a Newbie orientation at the Tan Turtle, Thursday evening, 9/22. In addition, the Tan Turtle will also be open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. According to their website, they also offer dinner cruises which leave from the Northeast Harbor Marina in the rear of the hotel, a short walk to the marina docks. How convenient is that. During the Fall Rally, everyone should visit Bar Harbor which offers lots of great shops and places to eat. If you’re an early riser, take a ride up to Cadillac Mountain summit, the highest elevation on the east coast, and be the first person in the US to see the sun rise. There is also a free Shuttle Bus service from Northeast Harbor to Bar Harbor and other island locations. Acadia National Park extends beyond Mt. Desert Island. Across Frenchman’s Bay is Winter Harbor another scenic Acadia park attraction. I’ll have GPS routes available for the Park Loop Road on Mt. Desert Island, and Winter Harbor, plus routes for an all day ride to Lubec at the Canadian border, and the eastern most point in the continental US, called West Quoddy Point and Lighthouse. Only in Maine will you find the eastern most point in the US called West Quoddy Point…..go figure. Finally the lodging arrangements. The Kimball Terrace Inn is offering discounted room rates as follows. Yes these are discounted rates for Acadia & Bar Harbor area, check rates online and you’ll see what normal tourist pay to visit this area. Harbor View Rooms - $148 per night; Forest View Rooms - $135 per night; (a 9% Maine lodging tax applies to all rooms) Start planning now……see you in the Fall! Kevin Martin, COG145

COG NATIONAL RALLY 2016—June 20-24, 2016—Helen GA There is still time to register. To much information to list here. Visit the rally web page for all the details:

Ride/Rally Participant Etiquette At our rides, rallies and other activities COG members look out for each other. It is typical for members to look out for each. If a rider goes missing during a group ride or does not show back up at a meet point or back to rally central there is concern and worry. Others may go out to search, call family, or report the missing rider to the police. As Jerry Gowen would say, “no man left behind.” Please do not be “that person” and allow the activity hosts and other member enjoy their weekend without worry. If you choose to leave a ride, rally or other activity, or will be significantly delayed returning please be sure someone knows. During a ride, let another rider know to inform the leader. At rallies let the host know, or call the motel and leave a message for the host with the front desk. Thank you for your continued participation and consideration.

2016 - Issue #2


Area Director (AD) Steve Smith #3184 203-720-7575 Wayne Geiser #4627 978-851-2710

Newsletter Editor Position Open CT, RI Position Open NY (Western) Position Open PA (North Central) Position Open PA (Western) Position Open Maryland Position Open VA/WV Position Open

Greg & Tracey Habel #7010 508-444-2235

Metro NY/NJ Terry Faherty #792 718-227-2099

NY (Long Island) Roger Mercer #8867 631-226-2853

NY (Hudson Valley NW) Ben & Abbe Otunu #8594 845-423-0373

NY (Central) Stephen Strock #10396 315-308-0108

PA (SE) & NJ South Jim Ansbro #8443 215-805-0909

Central NJ

Atlantic Canada

Nick Palumbo #11073 732-925-3215

Claude Doucet #9011 902-252-5062

Delaware Bob Chappell #1283 302-791-0582

ON (Greater Toronto Area) Dave Perkins #5932 416-691-2191

ON (Eastern) Ken Fader #8534 613-865-7995 Richard Beaudoin #9318 613-657-3294

QC (Montréal)


Web Editor

Assistant Area Directors: (AADs) VT, NH, ME, MA

Christian Dupuis #10098 450-427-0182

Attention Newsletter ‘Hard Copy’ Mail Subscribers! The U.S. Postal Service recently raised their rates (again) We take a big hit on international mail to Canada. We still have many NE members signed up to receive mailed hard copies. It would be helpful if you are able to receive and view your Newsletter online instead of by mail. Please sign up for electronic delivery and help save our budgets for ride events! Its easy to sign up! Here’s how: 1.

Go to, Select the ‘Member Area’ tab


Log in with your username and password


Select the ‘My Info’ tab


In the top section, ‘General Information’, next to ‘Area Newsletter By: ’uncheck the ‘Hard Copy’ box and check the ‘Email’ box.


From ‘Actions’ menu, select ‘Save’


You’re done! Thanks for helping! photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145

Reminder: Keep Taking (and Sharing) those Photographs! We all like to reflect on past COG Northeast activities by looking at photos. 1.

Bring your camera… Try to remember to take your camera with you whenever you go on a ride or event. Many people use their phone as their camera. If that’s you, you probably have your camera anyway.


Take a picture … or two or three. You don’t have to be the photojournalist taking hundreds of pictures every time the wheels stop turning, but one or two won’t hurt. As is often found on many forums “Pictures or it didn’t happen!”


Share them… Include them in a post on the forum thread about the activity you’ve attended. Don’t be afraid to start a new thread in the unlikely event that one was not already going prior. If you already use a photo hosting site, use the direct link from the individual photo or the photo album in your message. Alternatively, you can use the “Media” portion of the forum (see the top banner on the forum web page) to upload your photos.


Send good ones to the Concourier and Newsletter editors with a caption or short article. Maybe it will get included.


2016 - Issue #2

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