NE2016 Issue 3

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2016 - Issue #3

COGnitions Random thoughts and ramblings from your Area Director Welcome to the newest club members in the NE Area (see list next page). If you see someone new near you, consider contacting them to introduce yourself or invite them for a ride. New member contact info can be looked up in the online Members List or you can contact your AAD or me for assistance. Here is a quick glance at current COG Northeast membership stats: 585 members; 187 Associate Members; and 453 Forum Subscribers. A notable addition to the Industry Members here in the northeast in the past few weeks is Eric Trow / Stayin’Safe Advanced Rider Training, and they are now offering a 10% discount to COG members Since the last newsletter we’ve there have been a number of Northeast leadership team staff changes. I would like to acknowledge the three NE AADs who have decided to step down from the position due to life changes. Russell Fleming was AAD 2002-2008, and again 20142016. He has retired from work and decided to travel a bit ending up in Alaska before heading home. Tim Steele was AAD 2014-2016, and increased work travel and time away from is refocusing his time priorities. Roger Mercer was AAD 2013-2016 and between his full time job and spinning up his new motorcycle repair shop (rAt Cycles, Bay Shore, NY) he also is currently time deprived, but he said he may be back as AAD when the new business is established. In the same period we’ve added 5 new members to the NE Team... George Griffith (#6377) has been appointed AAD-Central PA. He will be trying to build up more member participation in the region. He helped with Spring Fling Rally check-in and organized the private opening visit to the Eagles Mere Auto & Air Museums. George has organize a meet & greet at his river front camp lots near Williamsport in August—check it out. Steve Cerutti (#6763) has been appointed AAD-(East) Hudson Valley NY. Steve has been promising for years that he might consider the AAD position when he retires. Well, that day has come and he now lives in an pretty decent riding area on the eastern side of the Hudson River Valley along the Massachusetts border. He has already hosted his first meet & greet. Greg Puterbaugh (#6163) said that Russell “twisted his arm” to have a go at taking over as AAD in south central Pennsylvania and Maryland. Greg has hosted a ride of two the past few years and he is enthusiastic to keep activity momentum going in his region. Steven Rutter (#9715) is the most recent addition and will be joining Greg as AAD for south central Pennsylvania and Maryland. Steve’s job keeps him quite busy on weekends to do the job solo, but he is willing to help as much as possible. In addition, he will be helping Greg work the online calendar and member communications.

ule on Event Sched lots Page 9 with nd of Summer a nfo! Fall riding i Photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134

Maryann Geiser (#4627A) has joined the staff and appointed as AAD-Newsletter Editor. This is most appreciated as I’ve been filling in since the beginning of the year. Maryann and I worked together on this issue to ease the learning curve, and she will take full control of the reigns next issue. Please be kind and get your submissions to her on time. Please be sure to congratulate these new staff members and offer your support to help make your regions better for all members. Until next time—Ride Safe

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Benton PA Watertown MA Cortlandt Manor NY First things first, a warm Midlothian VA welcome to our Newest NE Area COG members! Fredericksburg VA Lanark ON Lanark ON Westford MA Acushnet MA Kingston ON Dieppe NB Horseheads NY Oquossoc ME

New Members

Jim Gingrich #12316 Jay Pelletier #12318 Daniel Soler #12320 Jeff Robinson #12322 George Kreamer #12323 Rob Eady #12325 Scott Ivers #12325A Dave Rosette #12339 Scott Cerce #12344 Jamie Napier #12349 Suzanne Payne #12352 Michael Kartychak #12355 Michael Grey #12356

Bradfordwoods, PA La Prairie PQ Mohnton PA St-Hilaire NB Locust Valley NY Nottingham NH Dundalk MD West Caldwell, NJ London, ON Northport, ME Irwin, PA Plaistow NH

Anthony Muhlenkamp #12358 Ken Van Barneveld #12359 Michael Brent #12368 Pierre Martin #12370 Matt Ladinsky #12371 Keith Pothier #12373 Memet & Sadra #12377/A Scott Corbyon #12379 Dan Arsenault #12387 Kevin Littlefield #12390 Stayin’ Safe / Eric Trow #12392 Stephen Nichols #12394


PLEASE HELP!!! COG Northeast Seeking AADs

Looking for a fun and easy way to get involved with the direction of the club? Have ideas to improve member participation in your region? COG Northeast is always seeking Assistant Area Directors (AAD) to fill the needs in any town, state, or region that needs more activity. One, two, or more can work together in any locale. All that is needed is to have the desire and motivation to want to help COG be better; to host a few activities each year; and help and encourage other members to participate & host activities. There is immediate need to bring more activity to western & central NY, CT, RI, western PA, VA, and WV. - contact Steve Smith 203.720.7575 or

Concours Owners Groupsm

NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Published 5 times a year for the Concours Owners Group and distributed to Northeast Area members. Past newsletters are archived in the club’s online member library at Also available at: Written (most formats except Works) & photo (most formats) submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Please send to: Email: Snail Mail: COG NE Newsletter c/o Maryann Geiser 139 Kennedy Rd Tewksbury MA 01876 © 1989-2016 Concours Owners Groupsm


Editor’s Corner Maryann Geiser #4627A

When I saw that the Northeast Area needed a new newsletter editor, I decided to step up to fill the role. I’ve been a COG member for 15 years and wanted to give back to an organization that has allowed me to meet a lot of likeminded, open and friendly folks. As a member of COG, I’ve gone to lots of Meet & Greets, taken organized rides on beautiful (and sometimes not so beautiful) roads, gone to numerous regional rallies and three national rallies (West Dover, Vermont, Johnson City, Tennessee and, most recently Helen, Georgia). We had a terrific time around Helen , enjoying the wonderful food,

scenery and winding roads. The riding in that area is beautiful, challenging and sometimes scary as some tar snakes in the corners gave me a few heart-stopping moments. The SE region did a wonderful job of organizing this rally. I especially liked the Fest Hall adjacent to rally central that held one of the nightly social gatherings and the banquet. I would go back to the area again, even if just for the German food.

2016 - Issue #3

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Around the NORTHEAST News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page) Maryland/South Central PA Greg Puterbaugh #6163 The North & South Get Together, #19, was held once again at Russell Fleming's place in Manchester, Md., this time on the first weekend in June. Russell has retired as our AAD so that he can disappear this summer (perhaps to Alaska?), but has left the door open for possibly hosting future N & S's. While attracting over two dozen friends and motorcyclists, Russell paid homage to three departed N & S fixtures with the picture, printed in frosting, on the cake that served as dessert for the Saturday dinner. Pictured on the cake were Trish Byer, Rose Koehler, and Martha Fleming. Trish, who was in attendance along with her sister and her two handsome and well-behaved lads, lost her husband, Jerry to illness a couple years ago. Rose left us several years ago. And Martha, Russell's lovely bride and former co-hostess of this and many, many other events, passed away last summer.

Despite an ugly weather forecast, Saturday turned out to be a pretty decent riding day. The adventure bikes far outnumbered the Connies and were led by Paul Anderson on a dual sport

2016 - Issue #3

ride, from which all returned wearing forest debris, unbloodied, and still able to walk without a limp. The three Concours riders were all seen riding clean bikes with nary a speck of deer poop on any of them. As always, the food was very good and plentiful, as was the company and the discourse.

old ones and had great rides. Leaving Sunday was soggy for the first few hours but it cleared up just in time so that I could enjoy the Hawks Nest in New York. I made my way back home through route 97 then the back roads of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and home.

Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, PEI) Claude Doucet #9011 I kicked off my riding season with my first COG event as an AAD for Atlantic Canada. My event was a ride to the Bike Blessing in Truro Nova Scotia. I was pleasantly surprised when Darcy and Eugene showed up at Enfield. I was even more surprised to find out that Eugene rode in from PEI to meet up with us since it was an overcast morning and not the warmest, but he rode several hours. We had a nice ride to Truro where we met up with fellow member Andy at the Bike Blessing. The weather turned out to be great, we enjoyed the event and went our separate ways. Later in May, I attended the Spring Fling Rally in Williamsport PA. The weather mostly cooperated, the event was great with a great central location. I met some new friends, caught up with

My second COG event at the end of June in Masstown NS was a disaster since nobody showed. The timing wasn't the best since Atlanticade bike rally was in Moncton NB at the same time. But oddly enough it worked out since I ended riding to Moncton where we had an impromptu COG minimeeting where I met Andy and new member Suzanne. The weather that weekend was spectacular. The following day, I met up with fellow AAD Christian Dupuis from Montreal which was just starting his vacation in the Maritimes. Christian and I rode back to Nova Scotia and had a great time.

(Continued on page 4)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Around the Northeast - Continued from page 3)

NY/NJ Metro Area Terry Faherty #792 Hello again fellow NE COGers! Well the national has come and gone and what a great time it was. Great roads and good folks in a beautiful setting. Kudos to the SE area and all the volunteers, they did a hell of a job! I broke the ride down into two days which was a bit tedious due to the slab involved. We left a day earlier coming home so we could enjoy the Blue Ridge for a bit. Even though we hit some fog and showers nearing Waynesboro it was still a good day. The extra stop also shortened our last day so we beat the summer beach traffic over the Outerbridge Crossing and got to my house at a reasonable hour. It was one great week of riding! Unfortunately due to family constraints I'll be on a bit of a rally break until the Fall and the Maine rally. I'm really looking forward to this one because it's my first time staying there and seeing the sights. I'm going to try to schedule a possible meet and greet here on the old Isle of Staten and see if there are any takers and keep your eyes on the forum for a north Jersey ride. Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you out there!

ON (Greater Toronto Area) Dave Perkins #5932 Greeting to all from the southern neck of the Great White North. We were blessed with an early and generally mild spring here in the GTA. June was spectacular with temps in the mid to high 60’s F and no troublesome rain. It was a great way to start our longer than you may think riding season. Peter Jackson’s Tech Session in early May went off without a hitch; the weather cooperated and no one was left stranded! Pete has a well-lit two car+ garage which accommodated 5 bikes


with room to spare. 17 showed up on 15 C10s, a sole C14 and one minivan. (In some locales this many bikes could attract interest from the police!) Activities ran from fluid replacements, and belly pan mods (ala Bergmann for future oil changes), valve adjustments, carb syncs, final drive spline lubrication and an upper fairing replacement. Folks pitched in to help and to observe. Anton Wallenberg made a plastic welder running on propane for heat and an air pump to direct the heat. Slick as heck. He did some fairing repairs that an expert welder would be proud of. I think he’ll be kept busy over the winter. Peter and his wife Deb laid on a great lunch of burgs and dogs and salads. Response was positive from the attendees and all had a great time and hopefully learned something new. Each year we get a bit smarter - no one was kept waiting too long this time but for next time we’ll poll the attendees for what they want done and set up schedules and teams to assist. Spring Fling was May 19-22, the Canadian long weekend, in Williamsport, PA. I attended with Peter Fedyczko and Oliver & Eric Knoop from the GTA. It was about 500 kms from the GTA. There is excellent riding in northern PA and southern NY so we had numerous route options and alternative choices to the slab to get down there and back. The rally was well organized and well attended like always. For those who could not attend PA44 & 144 are not to be missed!! Pete Bokkers organized a day ride on Sunday, June 12. Eight riders started from the Mohawk Inn, our monthly meeting place, and headed up the Niagara Escarpment for two two-hour loops on excellent, semi-challenging roads with light traffic. This raised the old question of having our summer meetings on the weekend with a ride at the beginning or the end. We WILL get our act together on this, right guys?!?! Anyway, thanks to Pete for pulling this together. On that note our monthly meet and

greets remain popular with new faces appearing each month. If you are planning a trip to the Toronto area try to time it with one of our monthly meetings and come out to join us; you will be more than welcome! To sort of quote George Bernard Shaw we are two great nations divided by a common language! Aug 6 will be the 2nd Annual Ride For Marika under the auspices of the Ride For The Breath Of Life for Cystic Fibrosis Canada. Though not a COG event it will be posted to the NE calendar with a link to the CF web page for info and, we hope, registration. Marika is the niece of the aforementioned Anton Wallenberg; she succumbed to CF in 2015. The ride will be the preface to and send-off for a week-long ride Anton is taking to Atlantic Canada with his granddaughter Tania. Good luck you two!!

MA, ME, NH, VT Greg & Tracey Habel #7010/7010A It feels really good to have spent the last couple of months getting some riding in with COG and Tracey. I look back a few years before Tracey got her Can Am Spyder and wondered if she was going to stay in the sport but since 2012 after she purchased it, she has greatly increased her riding confidence and pleasure. It’s really a different ballgame when riders move from that place of uncertainty to pure joy. Sometimes I will glance back after I exit a corner and see her barreling through and leaning hard; only to bring a smile to my face. Kevin Martin hosted the White Mountains ride in June which had a great group of 9 people. We rode up to the Notch on nice roads, then had a delicious meal at Matty B’s before heading home. Tracey and I had a Bag Lunch Meet n Greet at the observation tower of Quabbin Reservoir in MA followed by a (Continued on page 5)

2016 - Issue #3

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS NY (East Hudson Valley NY) Steve Cerutti #6763

(Continued from page 4)

2 hour ride around the reservoir with a final stop to cool down at Howards Drive-in. I nicknamed one of the nice side twisty roads “Tail and butt nut of the chipmunk” which entailed (no pun intended) some nice elevation and curvy roads followed by a pickup on a rail-bed surprising me at a crossing which caused me to get on the brakes hard. Scared the crap out of me. Sign up prior to the ride was 8 people but we amassed 13 after lunch. Great to meet new folks Bill & Rhonda Simoneau and their friend (sorry forgot your name), and Ben Joiner. The fall rally at Northeast Harbor Maine near Acadia (Thursday Sept 22nd – Sunday Sept 25th) is quickly approaching and coming together nicely thanks to the planning efforts of Kevin Martin. The hotel is just a 20 minute scenic ride from Bar Harbor. Tracey noted that this is Acadia’s 100th anniversary and also the 8th annual Acadia Night Sky festival during our stay. On August 1st the hotel will release 20 rooms to the public and the COG early bird registration discount will expire; thus increasing registration by $5. So far only 16 people have signed up and we are encouraging

2016 - Issue #3

people to get right to it pronto to take advantage of the savings and guaranteed rooms. Tracey’s parent’s just came back from a 5 week RV camping trip in Acadia and reiterated just how beautiful that area is. The people are laid back, the food is delicious, lighthouses are stunning, and the roads will be crowd free. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something, please email us at Please be sure to register on-line at on the N.E. events calendar at , if you plan to attend an event. This will help us to make reservations for lunch and plan accordingly to keep the ride group size at a safe number. Until next time, please cherish everyone you meet, greet them with curiosity and kindness. Life is too short.

At the Spring Fling Rally in Williamsport, PA – and after much badgering (just kidding) from the NE AD Steve Smith - I decided to volunteer as an Assistant Area Director (AAD) for the COG Northeast Region (Eastern Hudson Valley). I live in the East Central part of New York, which borders the Massachusetts state line. Having recently moved here from Putnam County, NY, and having to deal with pressing family matters, I have not had as much time as I’d like to explore the rides, routes, and roads in the area. However, from what I’ve seen so far, there is great riding in any direction, with the Berkshires of Massachusetts and southern Vermont just a proverbial stone’s throw away, not to mention the inimitable beauty that is the Hudson Valley. On June 26th we had a fairly informal low-pressure meet and greet at a quaint little local eatery, The Hillsdale House, in Hillsdale, NY. We had about ten people arrive from various areas, including new Coggers Paul and Linda Narotski (COG# 12062). Welcome aboard, Narotski’s! I was impressed with the turnout, since we were competing for attention with the COG National Rally, which at that point had just ended. After a tasty lunch, I had to return home rather quickly, but I did get to kick tires in the parking lot for a bit. It was nice to see the family Mitchell, Dana Zinick, Fred Whitaker, and of course AD Steve Smith with friend Bill in tow. I hope everyone had a great day taking “the long way home.” We couldn’t have asked for a better day weather-wise. If anybody in the area has ideas about routes or meeting places, be sure to let me know (, and I’ll do what I can to involve them in our future local COG activities. Thanks for a successful inaugural Meet & Greet, and I hope to have many more.


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Event Reports Creekside Grill ‘n Ride—Steve Rutter NEAAD Jack and Deb did a great job hosting the Creekside Grill ‘n Ride on July 10th. This made for a great time! Imagine a shady pavilion with a cool breeze overlooking a creek, with all the food you can ever eat. It was an amazing place to spend a nice afternoon. In attendance besides Jack and Deb were Chuck Landis, Steve Rutter, Elaine Rutter, Bodo Wolters, Mary Bischoff, John Lippy, Rob Bandy, and Dave Fridirici. After the meet and eats, Steve led Bodo/Mary, John, and Rob on a 60 mile group ride down to the Conewingo Dam in Maryland. Rob peeled off due a commitment. I don’t think we were stopped more than 5 seconds at any given time on that entire ride. It just flowed. I enjoyed hearing comments like I never knew that road existed, and wow. We rode Knights View Road, Long Level Road past the Susquehanna marinas, the twisty Indian steps, and Flintville Road into Conewingo. The eagles did not disappoint, and in addition there were Herron, Cranes, and too many creepy Vultures to count. Thanks again Jack and Deb!


2016 - Issue #3

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Event Reports (continued from page 6)

Independence Meet & Greet @ Big W BBQ—Steve Smith NEAD This was the 6th annual Big W BBQ Meet & Greet. It all began in 2010 when Terry Faherty, Bob Barbanti & I thought what better way to kick off the Independence Day celebration that to go for a ride and enjoy great BBQ. What started out as organized three prong rides (like the three corner hat of the revolutionary war period) that began in NYC, Newburgh, and CT and converge on Big W’s Roadside BBQ in the region deep-rooted with revolutionary war history has become an annual meet & greet activity during a weekend around July 4. This year I set up an impromptu ride via COG forum posts that met & departed from Waterbury, CT. The plan was to meet riders there and pick up a few others en route. As it turned out we had some longish distance travelers meet at the start point for a ride. Bill & Rhonda Simoneau came south from Hancock, New Hampshire for the weekend. Fais Petro rode north from Knoxville, Tennessee to visit his girlfriend Ewa in Staten Island NY. Matt Ladinsky rode from Long Island NY. We were ready for the 2 hour planned ride through portions of northwest Connecticut and eastern New York. Once out of the city we began following the Naugatuck River north to Thomaston (named after the well known clockmaker Seth Thomas who had a factory there) and onward to the Litchfield green where we were to meet the first of two other riders. Having a later departure time than planned, we missed our rendezvous at the green. From there we rode northwest by vineyards and farmland and crossed the Housatonic River in West Cornwall over one the two remaining covered bridges in Connecticut that allow vehicles. Heading south along the river we crossed the Housatonic River again at Bull’s Bridge on the only other covered bridge in the state we could ride across. We twisted through some back roads crossing into New York and then past more farm land before arriving at Big W BBQ. We arrived shortly after noon and a number of riders were already gathered there, including the ones we missed along the way. Overall, there was a respectable sized crowd of just under 20 attendees. Other riders came from Long Island and upstate NY, and Connecticut. After indulging on some mighty fine BBQ we parted ways. I lead a group back to the start point, but most riders peeled off along the way to head back to their respective destinations. I’m already looking forward to next year.

2016 - Issue #3


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Upcoming COG NE Rallies DOWNEAST Maine Fall Rally September 22-25 Northeast Harbor, Maine COG Northeast has locked in an agreement for a September Fall Rally on Mt. Desert Island, home of Bar Harbor on the northeast coast, and Northeast Harbor at the southern corner of the island. Don’t try to figure it out, this is Maine. If you ask for directions in Maine, the locals will just tell you; You-can’t-get-there-from-here! The host hotel will be the Kimball Terrace Inn, located in Northeast Harbor, about a 20 minute ride from Bar Harbor, unless you decide to ride through Acadia National Park on your way to Bar Harbor. The Park Loop road is a very scenic ride with several pull offs for ocean views and other attractions, including the access road to Cadillac Mountain and summit, a must see, and don’t forget to bring a camera and binoculars if you have some. The Kimball Terrace Inn has reserved a block of 60 rooms for COG Members until August 1st, with 40 rooms being held until September 1st at the negotiated group rate. After 9/1 all rooms will be released to the general public, so if you’re interested in attending this event, you should book your rooms as early as possible. We’ve also allocated 15 rooms as shared accommodations up to 4 people per room at no additional charge for people who are looking to reduce lodging costs by sharing accommodations with friends. Visit COG-online for hotel reservation information. Be sure to mention COG for the discount. To register for the rally, go to, log in, select the September Calendar, then find the Down-east Main Fall Rally [ME] listed on September 22nd and click on it. Once in the event, click on the Registration button. Register before August 1st to save $5. Not comfortable registering online? Email and Greg or Tracey will send you the paper version; same prices apply. New for 2016 is the Tan Turtle Restaurant and Tavern, located on the same property as the Kimball Terrace Inn. The Tan Turtle will be hosting our traditional rally group dinner Saturday evening, 9/24, which will be buffet style, anticipated to be a full featured BBQ buffet with spare ribs, pulled pork, and other BBQ treats. Your Rally Hosts are also planning a Welcome Social and a Newbie orientation at the Tan Turtle, Thursday evening, 9/22. In addition, the Tan Turtle will also be open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. According to their website, they also offer dinner cruises which leave from the Northeast Harbor Marina in the rear of the hotel, a short walk to the marina docks. How convenient is that. During the Fall Rally, everyone should visit Bar Harbor which offers lots of great shops and places to eat. If you’re an early riser, take a ride up to Cadillac Mountain summit, the highest elevation on the east coast, and be the first person in the US to see the sun rise. There is also a free Shuttle Bus service from Northeast Harbor to Bar Harbor and other island locations. Acadia National Park extends beyond Mt. Desert Island. Across Frenchman’s Bay is Winter Harbor another scenic Acadia park attraction. I’ll have GPS routes available for the Park Loop Road on Mt. Desert Island, and Winter Harbor, plus routes for an all day ride to Lubec at the Canadian border, and the eastern most point in the continental US, called West Quoddy Point and Lighthouse. Only in Maine will you find the eastern most point in the US called West Quoddy Point…..go figure. Finally the lodging arrangements. The Kimball Terrace Inn is offering discounted room rates as follows. Yes these are discounted rates for Acadia & Bar Harbor area, check rates online and you’ll see what normal tourist pay to visit this area. Harbor View Rooms $148 per night; Forest View Rooms - $135 per night; (a 9% Maine lodging tax applies to all rooms) Start planning now……see you in the Fall! Kevin Martin, COG145

Ride/Rally Participant Etiquette At our rides, rallies and other activities COG members look out for each other. It is typical for members to look out for each. If a rider goes missing during a group ride or does not show back up at a meet point or back to rally central there is concern and worry. Others may go out to search, call family, or report the missing rider to the police. As Jerry Gowen would say, “no man left behind.” Please do not be “that person” and allow the activity hosts and other member enjoy their weekend without worry. If you choose to leave a ride, rally or other activity, or will be significantly delayed returning please be sure someone knows. During a ride, let another rider know to inform the leader. At rallies let the host know, or call the motel and leave a message for the host with the front desk. Thank you for your continued participation and consideration.


2016 - Issue #3

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS


Time listed is START time. Visit for updates. (VA) Thu 28-31 July 6:00 PM Dog Days Weekend Staunton Dog Days are back, this year in Staunton VA at the Howard Johnson Express (268 N. Central Ave. Staunton, Va. 24401 540.886.5330). This is the perfect launching pad for some of the best riding anywhere. The Blue Ridge Parkway is 17 miles from the hotel and several GREAT routes into WV start or are very close to Staunton. There are many local wineries and breweries for after hours. It is only a 3 block walk to the restored downtown area where there are many choices for food and beverages. Bring a friend and bring your swimsuit as the Motel has a great pool! This is a "down & dirty" no-frills weekend activity. JASON KAPLITZ, 814-615-9138 H, 814-6159138 M,

(CT) Sat 6 August 10:30 AM Litchfield Hills Ride & Cook-Out Join Lisa and I for this social Ride to Meet & Eat. Mark your calendar for a short ride through Litchfield County. Bring your suit for a refreshing post-ride dip in the pool followed by burgers & dogs on the grill. The ride will be about 50 miles, 1.5—2 hours, including stops. It starts off Rt-8 in Thomaston at the Xtra Mart Exxon, at the junction of Rt-6 and Rt-109, 196 Pine Hill Rd (Rt-6), 41.657454, -73.087258. at 10:30 AM . You can just ride to Norfolk for the eats and gathering if you prefer (please PM, email direct or call for directions.) Shoot for 12:30 PM. Lisa will be home welcoming guests. GREG MITCHELL, 860-542-5596 H,

(CT) Sat 6 August 9:00 AM (ON)Ride For The Breath Of Life-Durham Region

555 Rossland Road East. All welcome. Arrive early to kick tires and tell lies in the parking lot (weather permitting). A social function to meet other riders, discuss tech issues, shoot the breeze, and plan rides. DAVE PERKINS, 416.691.2191 H,

(NC/VA) Thu-Sun 18-21 August 6 PM Crossing the Lines II Getting together with Southeast members to enjoy the area around the NC/VA state line. Great location with MANY destinations in different directions. We found some awesome back roads. The Back of the Dragon outside Marion VA is one hour away.

Boone NC is one hour away and most of the roads around Boone are great riding. Mountain City TN is 1 hour away and Hwy 421 is there. The BRP is 15 miles away. Camp at the New River Campground or there are small hotels in both directions. One is 6 miles away in Sparta NC, the other 4.9 miles North in Independence VA Campground: The campground has cabins, apartments, room for your RV and plenty of tents. Call 336372-8793.DAVE SCOTT 704.975.3987

(MA) Sat 20 August 8:30AM Berkshire Ride Join Kevin Martin for a ride out through the Berkshire’s for lunch and a ride. We’ll be meeting in the morning at two separate locations, or just meet for lunch. Meet for Breakfast at the Michael’s Bridge Restaurant (56 Main Street Lancaster MA.) around 7:30 am. Ride leaves at 8:30am. We’ll stop again at the Greenfield McDonalds off the rotary before our lunch stop at the Freight Yard Pub in North Adams, MA. After lunch I’ll be heading south, stopping at the Wagon Wheel Country Drive-In for refreshments. The ride ends at the Dunking Donuts in Townsend MA on Rt-119. KEVIN MARTIN, 978-459-6275 H,

Arendtsville Rd., Biglerville, PA) for breakfast, then go for a ride on some of the area's many fine roads ending at the Misty Meadow Farm Creamery on Misty Meadow Rd. in Smithsburg, MD for a sweet afternoon snack. GREG PUTERBAUGH , 717-632-3324 H,

(VA) Sat 24 September 8:00 AM No Host Meet & Greet - Blues Festival This will most likely be a No--host Meet & Greet. Wear your COG logo’d gear to stand out. Breakfast at Weasie's Kitchen, 130 E Broad St, Waynesboro, VA. Weasie’s is well known in the area and you’ll get a great breakfast that will keep you full for the long ride. Attendees can discuss a possible ride after. In addition—8/24 is the Waynesboro Chili Blues & Brews festival. Starts at 2:30 PM, providing good eats and beverages. The Quality Inn provides cheap, clean rooms and is close enough to be an easy walk to the festival.

(ME) Thu 22-25 September DOWNEAST Maine Fall Rally Northeast Harbor, Maine Join host Kevin Martin, and assistants Greg and Tracey Habel at one of our nations natural treasures on Mount Desert Island, home of Acadia National Park.Book your rooms. Registration is open. See detailed information in this newsletter. KEVIN MARTIN, 978-4596275 H,

(MD) Sun 9 October 9:00 AM KAWASAKI C14 RIDERS and Friend’s RIDE 9:00 AM breakfast buffet at the Union Bridge Fire Hall, 18 West Locust Street Union Bridge MD 21791 GPS N39-34.056 W77-10.799. Route sheets will be handed out for a 150-mile self-guided ride that will end at Shippensburg PA. RUSS FLEMING 443-375-1215

(ON) Tue 11 October 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (see 9 August info)

(PA) Sat 20 August 12:00 PM Susquehanna River BBB Meet & Greet

(ON) Mon 17 October 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (see 15 August info)

2nd Tuesday each month at Mohawk Inn, 9230 Guelph Lane, Campbellville, ON, just North of 401. All welcome. Many hungry people arrive earlier to get their dinner. A mainly social function to meet other riders, shoot the breeze, plan rides. DAVE PERKINS, 416.691.2191 H,

Please join me for the first central PA meet & greet at my river lot in Williamsport, PA (654 Big Run Road). I will provide burgers, brats, and beans. I have planned some boat rides, kayak and canoe rides and just general tire kicking. There is a possibility of a short mountain ride (about 50 miles with a little dirt) for those who would like to take a ride around the area. (Donations accepted to help cover food costs.) PLEASE register or let me know you are attending ASAP as I will be supplying the food and beverages. GEORGE GRIFFITH, 570-925-5010 H, 570-651-2919 M,

(ON) Mon 15 August 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (Oshawa, ON)

(PA) Sun 28 August 9:00 AM Left Right Up Down Meet, Greet, and Eat

3rd Monday EVERY MONTH at Tartan Tavern,

Meet at the Apple Bin Grill and Bakery (674

Not a COG event. We are using the calendar to get the word out. This is a day ride in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada. See the web page below for details and to register.DAVE PERKINS, 416.691.2191 H,

(ON) Tue 9 August 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (Campbellville, ON)

2016 - Issue #3

(ON) Tue 8 November 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (see 12 July info)

(ON) Mon 14 Novermber 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (see 18 July info)

(ON) Tue 13 December 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet (see 12 July info)

(ON) Mon 19 December 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (see 18 July info)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Attention Newsletter ‘Hard Copy’ Mail Subscribers! The U.S. Postal Service recently raised their rates (again) We take a big hit on international mail to Canada. We still have many NE members signed up to receive mailed hard copies. It would be helpful if you are able to receive and view your Newsletter online instead of by mail. Please sign up for electronic delivery and help save our budgets for ride events! Its easy to sign up! Here’s how: 1.

Go to, Select the ‘Member Area’ tab


Log in with your username and password


Select the ‘My Info’ tab


In the top section, ‘General Information’, next to ‘Area Newsletter By: ’uncheck the ‘Hard Copy’ box and check the ‘Email’ box.


From ‘Actions’ menu, select ‘Save’


You’re done! Thanks for helping!

Reminder: Keep Taking (and Sharing) those Photographs! We all like to reflect on past COG Northeast activities by looking at photos. 1.

Bring your camera… Try to remember to take your camera with you whenever you go on a ride or event. Many people use their phone as their camera. If that’s you, you probably have your camera anyway.


Take a picture… or two or three. You don’t have to be the photojournalist taking hundreds of pictures every time the wheels stop turning, but one or two won’t hurt. As is often found on many forums “Pictures or it didn’t happen!”


Share them… Include them in a post on the forum thread about the activity you’ve attended. Don’t be afraid to start a new thread in the unlikely event that one was not already going prior. If you already use a photo hosting site, use the direct link from the individual photo or the photo album in your message. Alternatively, you can use the “Media” portion of the forum (see the top banner on the forum web page) to upload your photos.


Send good ones to the Concourier and Newsletter editors with a caption or short article. Maybe it will get included.

photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145

Area Director

Naugatuck CT


Greg/Tracey Habel #7010 OPEN Bob Chappell #1283 Greg Puterbaugh #6163 Steven Rutter George Griffith #6377 OPEN Jim Ansbro #8443 Ben/Abbe Otunu #8594 Steve Cerutti #6763 OPEN Stephen Strock #10396 Terry Faherty #792 Nick Palumbo #11073 Dave Perkins #5932 Ken Fader #8534 Richard Beaudoin #9318 Christian Dupuis #10098 Claude Doucet #9011

AAD MA/VT/NH/ME AAD CT/RI AAD DelMarVa AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD Northeast PA AAD VA/WV AAD Southeast PA/Philly AAD W Hudson Valley NY AAD E Hudson Valley NY AAD Long Island NY AAD Central NY AAD Metro NY/NJ AAD Central NJ AAD Greater Toronto AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Greater Montreal AAD Atlantic Canada

Hopedale MA


Claymont DE Hanover PA Elizabethtown PA Benton PA

302-791-0582 717-632-3324 717-361-1189 570-925-5010

Newtown PA Ellenville NY Copake Falls NY

215-805-0909 845-423-0373 914-953-4154

Syracuse NY Staten Island NY Ewing NJ Toronto ON Brockville ON Cardinal ON Sainte-Martine PQ Middle Sackville NS

315-492-6032 718-227-2099 732-925-3215 416-691-2191 613-865-7995 613-657-3294 450-427-0182 902-252-5062

Wayne Geiser #4627 Maryann Geiser #4627A

NE Webmaster NE Newsletter Editor

Tewksbury, MA Tewksbury, MA

978-851-2710 978-851-2710



Steven Smith #3184

2016 - Issue #3

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