NE2017 Issue 5

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2017 - Issue #5

COGnitions Ramblings from the Northeast Area Director Let’s kick this off as I normally do by presenting the Northeast Area membership numbers: 419 members, 81 associate members, and 423 forum subscribers. I feel the club’s membership numbers partially reflects the slump in the motorcycle industry. Be that as it may, I see a membership growth opportunity if more forum subscribers became paid, supporting members of the club. Please continue to encourage others to join, and explain that COG is more than an online, social media community. All members can be club ambassadors

Steve Smith #3184

The 2018 COG NE Event Calendar is beginning to fill in. We need more local member support to assist the staff to organize and bring more local flavor activities onto the schedule. Any member can host/organize a ride, meet & greet, or other activity. The NE Staff and I are here to assist you – just give us a shout to help get you rolling. With winter is approaching this is a good opportunity to plan a winter or spring social gathering or an activity for next riding season. The earlier activities are planned and put on the calendar, the more time to get the word out and generate interest. As promised in my last column, due to positive feedback I have scheduled another “End of Winter Meet & Greet” at Tavern 1757 in Seymour, CT. The date is March 3, 2018. Complete details are posted in the online calendar. I’m excited that the NE Spring Tech Session returns after a year hiatus. This is as much a social gathering, as it is a learning tech day. The 2018 COG Northeast Spring Fling announcement from Jason along with registration information is in this issue. Online registration is open. Terry Faherty & I have selected June 30 as the date of the annual pilgrimage to Big W BBQ with a rain date for the following Saturday. The 2018 Fall Rally will be in Lincoln, NH and details will be coming out in the spring. Reflecting on the 2017 COG NE happenings I am reminded once again what a great staff and membership we have, and this consistently leads to fun, awesome activities, as well as the tremendous effort of our newsletter and web editor. The NE Area is great because of these people and make my job as Area Director much easier. I cannot thank the NE Staff and members who host activities enough for their contributions in making this a better club for us all. THANK YOU!

photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134

Spring Fling details and on registration Page 8

This is an election year for the Northeast Area Director. COG Membership recently emailed all members to begin the process and requested nominations. Please review the email and respond as requested. I have indicated to the club secretary that I will accept if nominated. This should not stop others from being nominated and run for the position if they so desire. Until next time, ride safe and… Think Spring!

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

New Members

First things first, a warm welcome to our Newest NE Area COG members!

Josiah Leet Stephen Fox Ron Washburn Rosemary Washburn David Watson Brian Richmond David Skelton Ivan Rovinsky Howard Weiss

12687 12693 12695 12695A 12697 12702 12708 12710 12714

Philadelphia, PA East Providence, RI Allentown, PA Allentown, PA Madison, CT Thunder Bay, ON Wilbraham, MA Congers, NY Columbia, MD


One common concern I have heard from members over the years is… “there are no activities near me.” Here is your opportunity to help alleviate this concern while having a ton of fun at the same time. Become part of the COG Northeast Team. This is an appointed and volunteer position to help facilitate or assist others facilitate Northeast Area club activities such as meet & greets, rides, cook-outs, tech session, or just about any other idea. Share the effort in your region with another member as co-AAD. If you have ideas to make your region more active for the COG community, let me and the rest of our staff help you get those ideas into practice. To open up possibilities of getting more activity reaching more northeast members I am likely to add AADs to any state, region, city, or town. While not an inclusive or exclusive list… here are a few example of regions I feel can use a motivated person to help develop more club awareness and camaraderie…. Western, Central, and upstate NY; Connecticut; Western PA; WV; VA. Contact me to make your pitch, get more information, or share your ideas. Steve Smith 203 720 7575

Concours Owners Groupsm

NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Published 5 times a year for the Concours Owners Group and distributed to Northeast Area members. Past newsletters are archived in the club’s online member library at Also available at: Written (most formats except Works) & photo (most formats) submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Please send to: Email: Snail Mail: COG NE Newsletter c/o Maryann Geiser 139 Kennedy Rd Tewksbury MA 01876 © 1989-2017 Concours Owners Groupsm


Editor’s Corner Wayne and I took our first trip to the International Motorcycle Show at the Javits Center in New York. It’s amazing to be in a huge hall filled with different brands and models of motorcycles, all kinds of gear, and motorcycle enthusiasts. I swung my leg over a bunch of bikes but didn’t find anything I liked substantially better than my current ride, which made my bank account happy. It was nice to dream, though, and have the opportunity to do comparisons in one place. The trip to New York was just as much fun as the show. We hopped on a bus trip planned by another motorcycle group in our area. So, while I knew the bus would be filled with bike-friendly folk, it was a bus full of (mostly) strangers. And, even though I only knew two other people on

the bus, we had a great time meeting new friends and talking about everything from great roads and epic trips to bitcoin. Having motorcycles in common made it easy to strike up conversation and Maryann Geiser #4627A find common ground. The 2018 calendar is starting to fill up with events. If you haven’t come out to a COG event yet, make it a goal this year to give it a try. We’re pretty friendly folk and since we all have motorcycles in common, we’ll all have something to talk about.

2017 - Issue #5

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Around the NORTHEAST News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page)

Metro NY, NJ Well folks here we are, another year winding to a close. The Javits show gathering was light this year with just seven of us heading to Tir Na Terry Faherty #792 Nog for some tasty vittles and beverages. The show itself was slightly smaller this year, Ducati and Triumph were no shows, and the vendors seemed a bit thinner than past years. Still had some fun checking out the latest and greatest from those who were in attendance. For some reason Yamaha has decided to retire the FZ designation and will switch to MT to match Europe, guess we lost the coin toss there. Kawasaki had their new super sport

tourer, the H2R, on display. It's an impressive looking beast and way powerful (too powerful?) but rest easy COG nation our club's raison d'etre isn't going anywhere according to the reps on hand. I myself was turning an appraising eye on the Ninja 1000 again. I really like the FZ-10...DOH!! MT-10 but the fuel range just doesn't get it for the way I ride short of adding an auxiliary gas can! LOL. But since my daughter is looking at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan next year any such ideas are strictly in the pipedream category. Next season is already shaping up pretty well with another stop in Wellsboro in the Spring to kick things off. It's a Jason rally so you know it'll be a good one! Since the national is out of striking distance I'll be heading up north for a week at Americade, expect at least one attempt at a day ride if the fickle Adirondack weather cooperates. I'll be keeping Steve Smith's End of Winter social in mind too. Went up with the wife last year and had a nice time and food was great. Perhaps I'll try to arrange another winter gathering in Manhattan in February as a meet and greet, stay tuned! I want to wish everyone a healthy and enjoyable

holiday season. Just remember Spring will be here soon! Terry

South Central PA/MD As the holidays rapidly approach, I reflect back on the past riding season, and hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Now, as the snow falls, it is time to do the maintenance on the bikes that will keep Greg Puterbaugh #6163 them rolling trouble -free throughout 2018. Tires, brakes, valve adjustments, and anything else that could have you standing on the side of the road with your thumb in the air trying to hitch a lift. Looking ahead, there is the Big Chill on Jan. 28th, hosted by Jack Frederick and spouse Deb Bahn at their home in York, Pa.- always a good time. Then in February, there is a meet, greet, and eat at J&P's in Hampstead, MD on the 18th. The D.C. and Timonium motorcycle shows happen in February as well, and are both worth while. By March, we'll be riding again, wearing out those new tires. Until then, get out there and wear out some snow shovels. Greg

(Continued on page 4)

2017 - Issue #5


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Around the Northeast - Continued from page 3)

Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, PEI) Well, in less than a week it will officially be winter. This fall has been quite good weather wise but I haven't organized any rides for quite some time. I stored my bike November 12, a bit early this Claude Doucet #9011 year but once I see salt on the road I don't look back. If the stars align next year, I plan on buying a used street and trail bike to do a bit of trail riding and for those beautiful winter days that show up out of nowhere.

Enough of the doom and gloom, I'm looking forward to the bike shows coming up in a few months. I love seeing the new bikes and it's always a sign that spring is around the corner. There is the Atlantic Motorcycle and ATV show in Moncton February 9 to 11 and the Motorcycle and Powersport Atlantic in Halifax March 2 to 4. I'm planning on attending both events like I did last year since both shows have their own flavour and are quite different. I don't have any big events planned in my area this year but hopefully there will be multiple small ones. If anyone has any ideas, bring them forward and we'll try to make them happen. Happy Holidays to all! Claude

Last ride of the year to the local coffee shop on November 11th. Overall, it's been a tough year for membership in Atlantic Canada. About 30% have not renewed their membership; members went from 10 to 7. It's a bit hard to take but I knew that I would have my work cut out for me. It's a large area with a low density of members so it makes it hard to organize events. I don't know if the internal problems lately have anything to do with it but it seems some people have forgotten what this group is suppose to be about.


MA, ME, NH, VT Boy, it’s hard to believe that the riding season is at its end and that Boris (my 2012 Can Am Spyder) is Greg & Tracey Habel all tucked #7010/7010A in for the winter at my father-in-law’s house. This year had lots of scheduling challenges and some obligations for us which kept our calendars busy and our riding way too infrequent. We vow to try our best to not let it happen again in 2018. Greg & I are already putting together events and a Rally for next year. On the calendar so far is the Start of Year social which will be held at the Horseshoe Pub in Hudson MA on Saturday February 24th for lunch. If you have any ideas or wish list items for next year send them over, we would love to hear from you! We will also be having the ever popular NE Tech Session, along with the Gear & Part Swap which will be held in Monson, MA again on Saturday April 28th, hosted by Pat & Sherry Mulloy. Thanks guys for offering to host again, you guys rock!! If you want to do any work on your bike or get your ride some new tires for next season, sign up on the calendar and follow the instructions posted. Space is limited. We are also in the planning stages for several rides/ events such as a trip to the USS Nautilus, a day at the Flat Track races and possibly a camping weekend. The Fall Rally – Twistin’ through the Notch Deux will bring us back to Lincoln, NH, to the lovely Woodward’s resort, from September 6th – 9th. This is a great area for riding and there are lots of sites to take in as well so check out the calendar for all the details and make your reservations early to guarantee your spot. Please give us a hand and host a ride or event. We will guide you through the easy process of putting it together and will announce your event on the (Continued on page 5)

2017- Issue #5

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS calendar/forum/Facebook for you. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something, please email us at . Please be sure to register on-line at on the N.E. events calendar at , if you plan to attend an event. This will help us to make reservations for lunch and plan accordingly to keep the ride group size at a safe number. Here’s hoping for a mild, short winter here in the Northeast. Happy Holidays to you and your families! Greg & Tracey

Eastern Ontario Eastern Ontario riding season was officially closed yesterday with the 17cm (6 3/4”) snowfall and minus double digit (Celsius) temps. I had already parked my bike to get a head start on spring maintenance and mods…with Derek Pugh #11636 the bulk done the cover went on while the snow was falling yesterday. Being my first full year retired I didn’t quite hit my 15,000 km goal but got very close…. 14,200km. This may not be high mileage for some of you but for many years 5,000 was a rarely met goal; work, family and a smaller bike prevented more. I had no big rides this year, just many afternoons of exploring my new home area, eastern Ontario, with great friends. The picture to the right is on a ride Rich Beaudoin (the other Eastern Ontario AAD) and I did in September through the Highlands of eastern Ontario, specifically the Calabogie Boogie route. Check out for many more to explore. Rich and I hope to have a few meet and greet over the winter and encourage members new and old to join us. Riders of eastern Ontario feel free to offer your

2017 - Issue #5

ideas, let’s work together to have a great 2018. Rich and I want to want to wish you all a happy holidays and a safe winter! Derek


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

COG Northeast Industry Member Highlight The holidays are coming up fast. If you’re looking for some last minute or “after the holiday” motorcycle related gift purchases for yourself, significant other, or a friend, please take a look at the product offerings from the four COG Industry Members who are also Northeast Area members and consider supporting them. Of course, there are several other COG Industry Members that reside outside the Northeast, but hey, this is the NE Area Newsletter. All are listed on the inside of the latest Concourier magazine, or use this shortcut to view the list on the COG web site:

Gixerhp Switchback Lights John Hayes - Nashua, NH 603-320-1482 A very cool turn signal upgrade for the Concours 14 using Switchback bulbs. The kit is 100% plug and play and will transform your front turn signals into white running lights/amber turn signals, and the rear turn signals into brake lights/ amber turn signals. John does not have a web page. Find him on the forum as Gixerhp, at a NE rally, or better yet give him a call.

HVMP Susan Cerutti - Putnam Valley, NY P: 845-528-0534 Extremely high-quality stainless steel heavy handlebar end weights specially designed to reduce vibrations. These things work great. All parts designed and made locally in the Hudson Valley. Available for C10, C14 and many other motorcycles. Recently featured in national magazines and online by Moto Mouth Moshe.

Ivan's Performance Products Ivan Rovinsky - Congers, NY 845-268-1212 Ivan may be the club’s newest industry member, but he’s a world renowned motorcycle tuner with over 40 years professional experience. He has been featured in national magazines. He now offers a Concours 14 ECU flash to improve “streetability” & performance, as well as sales of performance exhaust products. ECU Flashes for many other motorcycles are available too. See web site for details and call if you have questions.

Rocketman Z-Me Vests John Purdy - Naugatuck, CT 203-233-9873 Custom, 100% American-made hi-viz riding vests in any size. The vest is designed by a rider for riders. Available with custom COG graphics as an option or create your own. The Z-Me Vest was recently featured by Moto Mouth Moshe in his online Motorcycle Holiday Gift Guide 2017. Call for information, assistance in sizing, or creating a custom graphic.


2017 - Issue #5

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Event Reports BRRR Ride

fun, just doesn’t do the ride any justice. Where can you ride roads that with a blip of the throttle you can catch some air? RT 915, South Valley Road is nothing but interesting turns and sweepers. RT 26 is nothing but legendary. Sipe Mill Road was an interesting mix of tar

A tad more than a dozen motorcyclists met in Natural Bridge, VA for the annual Brrr Ride over the second weekend in November. Most came in Thursday, the 9th, after a sloppy wet ride, but the clouds blew away for the rest of the rally, giving us lots of welcome sunshine. However, the temperatures lived up to the name of the

The crew from My Favorite Roads snakes on the first section, and on the second section, for one rider, it was dog-gone surprising. There are not enough adjectives to describe it, so let’s just say it was the best riding of all time! Greg will be doing it again next year, so don’t miss out. Steve Rutter affair, making us grateful for heated gear. Former COG E. D. and Brrr Ride founder, Guy Young, had planned to attend but had to cancel at the last minute, so Russell Fleming came up with the idea that we should ride to Richmond to see Guy. Russell led a group of six on a nice ride east to Guy’s house where he got his KLR out and led the pack to a local Italian restaurant where we were able to pasta time with fine food and great company. Most folks stayed at the KOA and dined at the nearby Pink Cadillac Restaurant, which seems to have recovered it’s “good eatery” gene. A surprise attendee was Richard Beaudoin, the Eastern Ontario AAD, who rode in solo from the North on his C-14. Greg Puterbaugh

Second Annual My Favorite Roads Ride Greg Puterbaugh held his 2nd Annual “My Favorite Roads” Ride on October 22nd. Greg knows roads!!! After a meet-up at the Golden Corral in Hagerstown MD, we embarked to Bradford County PA, ending up in Fulton County at the extremely popular Milky Way Restaurant. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect with temps starting out in the 50’s and quickly warming to the 70’s under brilliant fall sunshine. To say the roads and brisk pace were

2017 - Issue #5

(Continued on page 10)


COG Northeast Area Spring Fling Rally May 17 - 20, 2018 Wellsboro, PA It’s been a long 7 years, but we’re finally heading back to Wellsboro. Its central location in north central PA along the famous Route 6 corridor is just a day ride or less. The area is abundant with museums, wineries, terrific scenery, and great roads. See you there. Lodging: A limited block of rooms at each motel will be held until 4/17/2018 – book early. You must call the facility direct to book, mention the Concours Owners Group. Rally Check-in will most likely be at the Sherwood Motel. Sherwood Motel: 2 Main St, 800.626.5802 or 570.724.3424. ( All rooms are in the $85-$92 range depending on number of people and beds. Call for specifics. Includes free WiFi, Coffee, Donuts. Penn Wells Lodge, 4 Main St, 800.545.2446 or 570.724.2111 ( Economy 2 Doubles $89.95. Standard 2 Queens $124.95 (includes some rooms in the new tower and some rooms with balconies) All rooms are non-smoking and include hot and cold American breakfast (which we estimate to be around a $10 value per person), use of the pool and fitness center, free WiFi. Canyon Motel: 18 East Ave, 570.724.1681. ( Rooms $65-$95 range depending on number of people and beds. Call for specifics. Indoor Pool, WiFi. Only 2 blocks from Sherwood & Penn Wells Lodge. Stony Fork Creek Campground (no saved block): 658 Stony Fork Creek Road, Wellsboro, PA, 570.724.3096 A full service camping resort located just a few miles outside of town. Call direct to make your own arrangements. Rally Fee: $46 per person for non-members. $36 per person for COG members or associates. Save time & postage – register online. Banquet dinner seating limited – register early to guarantee a seat. Registration will cut off when maximum is reached. Rally fee covers Saturday dinner, door prizes, and other rally expenses. Wristbands will be used to identify registered attendees. Refund Policy: Prior to 5/1/18 refund will be fee paid minus $5. No refund after 5/1/18. Riding: Sample self-guided ride routes download available from rally web page. Events: The Saturday group dinner buffet will be at the Mary Wells Room of the Penn Wells Hotel just down the block. Dinner seating time will be 6:30 PM. Questions? Jason Kaplitz 814.615.9138 or cog62 @ Rally web page: can be found on the Northeast Area online Calendar of Events at: If registering by mail: complete & mail form below with rally fee payable to “Concours Owners Group” to: Steven Smith – Spring Rally, 39 Alison Ave., Naugatuck, CT 06770-3566

2018 Spring Fling Rally Registration Form (Please PRINT Clearly) Name: (One person per form) ___________________________________________ AMA # _____________ COG #___________ Street: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State/Province: ________________ Zip Code: _______________ Phone: (______)_____-____________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________ Country: _________ I will be a: rider

/ passenger / guest

Emergency Contact Information:

Motorcycle model: _________________________ License tag # __________________ Name:

Phone No.:

________________________________________________________ (______)______-___________ Relationship:____________________

Please read and sign the following Concours Owners Group Release: I understand that the Concours Owners Group (COG) cannot assume responsibility for my personal safety in this event. I choose to participate in this event voluntarily, based on my own assessment of my abilities, the routes conditions and facilities, and therefore assume all risks. I release and hold harmless COG, its officers, agents and members from any and all injury and/or loss to my person or property that may result from my participation in this event. I further certify that my vehicle and I are in compliance with all applicable license, insurance and financial responsibility laws applicable to my participation in this event. All participants under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian sign the following additional release. As the parent or guardian of the above participant, and being informed or familiar with the risks normally associated with motorcycle events, I hereby consent to his or her participation in this event, and accept and adopt all the representations and assumptions of risk set forth in the foregoing release.

Participant Parent or Signature: ______________________________________


Guardian (if applicable) ___________________________________

2017 - Issue #5

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS


(MA) Sat February 24 11:30AM-2:00PM Start of the Year Social Get together with other members and the AADs to talk about planned events for 2018. Horseshoe Pub, 29 South St., Hudson, MA. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677

of the finest motorcycle riding roads in the area. Come out and show your support for sport touring at its finest. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324

(ON) Fri - Sun January 5-7 Toronto International Motorcycle Super Show For the 17th consecutive year, COG will have a booth at this show. International Centre, 6900 Airport Rd., Toronto. See http:// for details. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 C 416.606.1683

(DC) Sat February 24, 2:30-7:00PM Washington D.C. Motorcycle Show The Progressive International Motorcycle show features top industry manufacturers and the opportunity to view all the new models. Visit for details and to purchase tickets. There is no host for this and we hope some folks will choose to meet by the Concours in the Kawasaki booth and decide on a lunch destination.

(ON) Tue January 9, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet 2nd Tuesday each month at Mohawk Inn, 9230 Guelph Lane, Campbellville, ON, just North of 401. All welcome. Many hungry people arrive earlier to get their dinner. A mainly social function to meet other riders, shoot the breeze, plan rides. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 C 416.606.1683

(CT) Sat March 3, 12:00 - 4:00 PM End of Winter Meet & Greet Lunch Due to popular demand, this event is being repeated. Meet at Tavern 1757, 13 Roosevelt Dr, Seymour, CT for lunch, beverages and chatting. Please register online or RSVP so we have approx headcount. STEVEN SMITH H203-720-7575

(MA) Sat April 28, 9:00 AM- - 4:00 PM NE Spring Tech Session and Gear/Part Swap Join hosts Pat, Sherry and Angel Mulloy at their home at 507 Old Wales Rd., Monson, MA, for the return of their annual tech session. This session is very popular, so please contact Greg or Pat in advance to reserve a spot and to discuss requirements for tools and supplies. Guests and on-lookers are welcome to join for lunch and conversation. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677 PAT MULLOY

Time listed is START time. Visit for updates and more details.

(ON) Mon January 15, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet 3rd Monday EVERY MONTH at Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd East, Oshawa, ON. All welcome. Arrive early to kick tires and tell lies in the parking lot (weather permitting). A social function to meet other riders, discuss tech issues, shoot the breeze, and plan rides. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 C 416.606.1683

(ON) Tue March 13, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (See January 9th for details)

(PA) Sun January 28, 12:00 noon 6:00 PM 4th Annual BIG Chill Meet & Greet Jack and Deb will graciously share their warm wood stove and great food at their home at 50 Walden Court. York, PA. This is a not-to-be-missed event. JACK FREDERICK H 717.764.9091 C 717-361-1189

(ON) Tue February 13, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet (See January 9th for details) (MD) Sun February 18 1:00-4:00 PM Meet, Greet & Eat @ J&P’s Enjoy good Italian food and great company at Illiano’s Restaurant, 903 S. Main St., Hampstead, MD. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324 (ON) Mon February 19, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (See January 15th for details)

2017 - Issue #5

(MD) Sun March 18, 9:30 AM Crabcake Ride to Woody’s Crab House Meet at the Royal Farm Store, 1818 Baltimore Pike, Westminster, MD. Kick stands up at 10:00 AM for the ride to Woody’s. Be prepared to contend with some excellent seafood. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324 (ON) Mon March 19, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet (See January 15th for details) (PA) Sun April 1, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride Meet for breakfast and see thousands of motorcycles. Meet at the Cloister Post 429 fot he American Legion, 300 Cocalico St, Ephrata, PA. Come any time you like, but the COG schedule our event from 9:00 AM to approximately 11:00 AM. We park towards the back top of the lot by the loading dock STEVEN RUTTER H 717.361.1189 C 717.468.0608 (MD) Sun April 8, 8:30AM - 2:00PM Kawasaki C14 Riders and Friend’s Ride Meet for breakfast at the Union Bridge Fire Hall, 18 W. Locust St., Union Bridge, MD. Route sheets will be handed out for a 140 mile self-guided ride that ends in Misty eadows Farm. This ride takes you on some RUSSELL FLEMING H 443.375.1215

(PA) Sun May 6, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (See April 1st for details) (PA) Thu-Sun May 17-20 North East Area Spring Fling Rally Wellsboro has proven to be a great location for a NE Regional rally. Its central location is just a day ride or less for many members and offers great riding and sightseeing. The host town of Wellsboro is located in north central PA, along the famous Route 6 corridor, not far from New York State's Finger Lake Region. It is well known for the old fashion gas street lights. The rally area is abundant with museums, wineries, terrific scenery, and of course... great roads. The group dinner will be in the Mary Wells Room at the historic Penn Wells Hotel. More details on hotels, camping and routes will be available on line and closer to the rally date. JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 C 814.615.9138 STEVEN SMITH H 203.720.7575

(TX) Mon-Thu June 11-14, 2018 Three Sisters National Rally The COG South Central Area folks, led by South Central Area Director Craig Green and Rally Master Fred Boothe, are pleased to invite all y’all to come on down to the Texas Hill Country for the 2018 Concours Owners Group “The Three Sisters” National Rally in Kerrville, Texas. Please check the web site at for all the details (NH) Thu-Sun September 6-9, 2018 Twistin’ Through the Notch NE Fall Rally Save the date for fantastic riding in and around Lincoln, NH. Check the COG web site for all the details in the upcoming months. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 7)

Kawasaki C14 Riders and Friends Ride Russell Fleming has deep motorcycle roots, and his Kawasaki Friends and riders events always has a great turnout. The event was originally scheduled for Sunday October 8th. The short term weather was looking fantastic, that was until the actual weather decided to postpone the event. Russell chose to reschedule for Saturday October 28th, and the weather this time around was perfect. While we missed out on the famous Sunday traditional breakfast at the Union Bridge Fire Hall, the new venue at the Buttersburg Inn was an awesome place for the meet-up. The ride was advertised to

be on the FINEST roads, and delivered. The weather was a crisp in the mid-40’s but warmed up nicely into the mid-60’s. Since it was a Saturday, more than a few riders rode part of the route, and split off for various obligations. It was great to see everyone, and the breakfast chatter had everyone lingering longer than usual before the ride. Steve Rutter

photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145

Area Director

Naugatuck CT


Greg/Tracey Habel #7010 OPEN Bob Chappell #1283 Greg Puterbaugh #6163 Steven Rutter #9715 George Griffith #6377 OPEN Jim Ansbro #8443 Ben/Abbe Otunu #8594 Steve Cerutti #6763 OPEN Stephen Strock #10396 Terry Faherty #792 OPEN Dave Perkins #5932 Derek Pugh #11636 Richard Beaudoin #9318 Christian Dupuis #10098 Claude Doucet #9011

AAD MA/VT/NH/ME AAD CT/RI AAD DelMarVa AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD Northeast PA AAD VA/WV AAD Southeast PA/Philly AAD W Hudson Valley NY AAD E Hudson Valley NY AAD Long Island NY AAD Central NY AAD Metro NY/NJ AAD Central NJ AAD Greater Toronto AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Greater Montreal AAD Atlantic Canada

Hopedale MA


Claymont DE Hanover PA Elizabethtown PA Benton PA

302-791-0582 717-632-3324 717-361-1189 r 570-925-5010

Newtown PA Ellenville NY Copake Falls NY

215-805-0909 845-423-0373 914-953-4154

Syracuse NY Staten Island NY

315-492-6032 718-227-2099

Toronto ON Ottawa ON Cardinal ON Sainte-Martine PQ Middle Sackville NS

416-691-2191 613-222-9554 613-657-3294 450-427-0182 902-252-5062

Wayne Geiser #4627 Maryann Geiser #4627A

NE Webmaster NE Newsletter Editor

Tewksbury MA Tewksbury MA

978-851-2710 978-851-2710



Steven Smith #3184

2017 - Issue #5

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