NE2018 Issue 1

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2018 - Issue #1

COGnitions: Ramblings from the Northeast Area Director First I want to shamelessly plug the “End of Winter Meet & Greet” coming up very soon on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 at Tavern 1757 in Seymour, CT. Last year we had a dozen people attend, and presently there are at least that many are registered to attend. If registration gets to 15 or more attendees, I will reach into my bag ‘o goodies a door prize. If registration gets to 25 I will arrange for a crudités platter or other appetizer for folks to nosh on as they arrive and mingle. Steve Smith #3184 I’m excited the NE Spring Tech Session returns after a hiatus. This is as much a social gathering as it is tech day. Also, Spring Fling registration is underway. Please register online soon so we have an accurate head count. See Jason’s update in this issue. Terry Faherty & I have selected June 30 as the date of the annual pilgrimage to Big W BBQ with a rain date the following Saturday. The Habels have locked in the 2018 Fall Rally. See their report in this issue. The COG Area Director term is 2-years, with area elections staggered to maintain some cohesion of the Board of Directors. My term was ending DEC 31. As you saw in the emails and newsletter, the COG Northeast Area had an election cycle begin late 2017. It seems at least one crazy person nominated me. After the nomination period was closed there was only one person nominated, and by club Constitution and Bylaws when this happens a member vote is not required, and the nominee is elected by default. I am happy to be able to continue to represent the Northeast Area as Area Director for the 2018-2020 term. There will be some Northeast staff changes coming this year. Richard Beaudoin, #9318, has been the AAD for eastern Ontario since 2013. Recently he notified me of his resignation. Rich has worked hard building membership and activity in his region, and he feels it is time to take a break. The other AAD for the eastern Ontario region, Derek Pugh, will continue and take over the reins. This is a large geographic region and it would be terrific if another member in this region is interested to be a co-AAD with Derek. Please contact me to discuss. Sadly, Ben and Abbe Otuno, will also be resigning as AAD for the western NY Hudson Valley region in October 2018. They are stepping down due to increased assignments from USA Cycling to officiate bicycle races throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Ben mentioned that he and Abbe hope to be able to put together a few Meet & Greets and RTEs in-between cycling events before the end of October. Ben hopes that by remaining in the position at least until the end of October will provide time to solicit a replacement. If you live in this region and wish to get more involved in the organization of club activities, get on board early and take advantage of learning the ropes from Ben. Of course I am there to provide whatever support is needed as well. Members should continue to encourage others to join, and explain that COG is more than online, social media community. Extol the benefits of the club and invite them to our activities and events where they can get a first hand COG experience of the camaraderie. photo courtesy Bob Barbanti #7134

The 2018 COG NE Event Calendar is beginning to fill in nicely. I would like to see more member support to assist the staff and bring more local flavor activities onto the schedule by organizing activities. Any member can host/organize a ride, meet & greet, etc. The NE Staff and I are here to assist you – just give us a shout to help get you rolling. Riding season will be here before you know it. The earlier activities are planned and put on the calendar, the more time to get the word out and generate interest.

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

New Members First things first, a warm welcome to our Newest NE Area COG members!

Steve Cataldo Jeff Waltrich

12718 Danvers, MA 12720 Jamison, PA


One common concern I have heard from members over the years is… “there are no activities near me.” Here is your opportunity to help alleviate this concern while having a ton of fun at the same time. Become part of the COG Northeast Team. This is an appointed and volunteer position to help facilitate or assist others facilitate Northeast Area club activities such as meet & greets, rides, cook-outs, tech session, or just about any other idea. Share the effort in your region with another member as co-AAD. If you have ideas to make your region more active for the COG community, let me and the rest of our staff help you get those ideas into practice. Our leadership team has immediate openings in Ontario, Connecticut, New York (wester, central and Hudson Valley), as well as Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. The goal is getting more activity reaching northeast members, and to meet this I will consider adding staff to cover any region or city. Contact me to make your pitch, get more information, or share your ideas. Thanks. Steve Smith 203 720 7575

Concours Owners Groupsm

NORTHEAST AREA NEWS Published 5 times a year for the Concours Owners Group and distributed to Northeast Area members. Past newsletters are archived in the club’s online member library at Also available at: Written (most formats except Works) & photo (most formats) submissions are welcomed and members are encouraged to share their COG experiences. Please send to: Email: Snail Mail: COG NE Newsletter c/o Maryann Geiser 139 Kennedy Rd Tewksbury MA 01876 © 1989-2018 Concours Owners Groupsm


Editor’s Corner Spring is coming, I promise. As the winter winds down and we are given tantalizing tastes of nicer weather, I imagine motorcyclists as caged tigers, pacing at the fence, waiting for that sunny day, or particular reading on the thermometer, or for their ride to be released from winter storage so they can get some time behind the windscreen and free the sluggishness of winter. Be patient; it will arrive. And when it does, be careful and be aware. You know the drill - watch for hazards on the road surface like sand, salt and pot holes, and watch for drivers who have forgotten that motorcycles exist and are entitled to share the road. I am happy to see so many events on the calendar for the Spring and Summer,

with more still in the planning stages. Make it a goal this year to attend at least one COG event. Our members work hard to think of ideas, find time on their calendars to place an activity and then Maryann Geiser #4627A execute the plan. Show your support to the group and all those who run events by attending. This is a great group of folks and I’m glad to be part of this community.

2018 - Issue #1

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Around the NORTHEAST News from your Assistant Area Directors (complete list of AADs on back page)

Metro NY, NJ Greeting all! Spring is rapidly approaching so let's start getting our trusty steeds ready for the season and Terry Faherty #792 making those plans. There are some nice gatherings right around the corner to start the year off right even if the weather precludes riding. I'm planning on attending the End of Winter Social in Connecticut again this year. It's a great way to start the season and catch up with some fellow COGlodytes. There's some fine goings on in Massachusetts too thanks to the Habelloys so make it a point to stop in if you can. The Texas national is a bit too far for me so I'll be attending Americade for the week instead. Expect a day ride to be announced on the forum and website, probably my newest route combining the twisty delights through the Adirondacks. Let's hope ole Staten Island Chuck was right and Punxatawny Phil was wrong and an early Spring is in our future! On a personal note, I lost one of my oldest friends recently. It's a reminder to never take anything for granted; make every day count. Do your best to make this world a little better than you found it. Keep the shiny side up and see you out there! Terry

2018 - Issue #1

South Central PA/MD Winter is on it's way out, Spring is on the horizon. And if all that snow out there is causing some doubts, just check your calendar. The folks at the Greg Puterbaugh Sherwood Motel #6163 seem reasonably sure that the white stuff will be gone from Wellsboro by mid-May in time for the Spring Fling, so here's hoping many of you can make the trip. A good time was had by all at Jack and Deb's Big Chill, a very nice January social event. Several COG members attended the Timonium MD Motorcycle Show to check out what's new, as well as ogle the many vintage bikes on display. But the riding season is coming. The Crabcake ride to Northeast, MD goes off March 18th,and there are several rides planned for April. See the website calendar details. So get those bikes in shape for a troublefree ten months of sport touring. But in the meantime, keep your parka handy. Greg

MA, ME, NH, VT During this winter season we have seen a few encouraging glimpses of warmer weather; to Greg & Tracey Habel which we #7010/7010A are grateful. I am planning on doing a valve adjustment and replacing my coolant hoses in early March on my 99 Connie. Winter has given us a break from riding which opened up some time to plan events for the season. As of this writing, there are rides/events planned for each month (and then some) fromFebruary

to September thanks to Kevin Martin, Lyle Cooper (Coop), and Wayne and Maryann Geiser for helping fill the calendar. Here’s a rundown of some upcoming events. Please sign up on to help us with a head-count. Saturday, February 24th we have the Start of Year Social lunch at the Horseshoe Pub. This is open to the public (as all our events are) and we have the honor of having members from the New England Riders group joining us. Plans are to share events from both our club and their group. Saturday, March 3rd Wayne is organizing a trip to the Factory Five ( morning tour which according to their website says: “Factory Five Racing was founded in 1995. Over the years we have grown from a start-up business in a small garage to become the world’s largest manufacturer of "build-it-yourself" component car kits. We employ a fulltime crew of about 40 people, and are located in Wareham, Massachusetts (about an hour south of Boston). We make our products right here in the USA, in the heart of New England where American manufacturing was born. “ Lunch to follow. Saturday, March 31st is our first of the season “Meet n Greet” lunch at the American BBQ in eastern MA in Rowley, MA. This is part of our effort to change some meeting locations in hopes of attracting more people that live in this area. Saturday, April 21st Meet n Greet at Lowells Restaurant in Mendon, MA for lunch with a ride to the Vanilla Bean Café in Pomfret, CT in the afternoon. Any CT COG members want to join us? Saturday, April 28th NE Spring Tech Session and Gear/Part Swap in Monson, MA. This continues to be a very popular (upwards of 50 attendees) so please sign up ( and reserve your spot (see COG Forum) for doing work on your bike. Please note, this is all about learning skills to service your own bike, not a free service event. Our experienced, patient, and often entertaining “staff” will be happy to give you a hand. (Continued on page 4)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Around the Northeast - Continued from page 3)

The Fall Rally – Twistin’ through the Notch Deux will bring us back to Lincoln, NH to the lovely Woodward’s resort, from September 6th – 9th. This is a great area for riding and there are lots of sites to take in as well so check out the calendar for all the details and make your reservations early to guarantee your spot. Look for a bigger announcement in the next newsletter. There’s lots more events on the calendar. Take some time to peruse the many offerings. Please give us a hand and host a ride or event. We will guide you through the easy process of putting it together and will announce your event on the calendar/forum/Facebook for you. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to host something, please email us at Please be sure to register on-line at on the N.E. events calendar at , if you plan to attend an event. This will help us to make reservations for lunch and plan accordingly to keep the ride group size at a safe number. Greg & Tracey

Greater Toronto As I write I’m slathering away in sunny (finally) Barbados, escaping, I hope, the last of the winter nasty in the GTA. I want to put a contract on one Dave Perkins #5932 groundhog in Pennsylvania and two in Canada for their earlier predictions! The Toronto International Motorcycle Super Show, held on the first full weekend of January, is our main activity over the winter. For at least the 20th consecutive year COG GTA had a booth in show. The venue is a huge complex near Toronto (Pearson) Airport just


northeast of the city called the International Centre, consisting of six major halls covering 500,000 square feet. The show uses five of those halls and about 80+% of the available space. Space is provided free to service clubs, i.e. the Red, White and Blue Knights, and clubs such as ours. Kawasaki is the only manufacturer present, the others opting for a show in late February in downtown Toronto. The booth was a success again this year, well staffed with old timers and newbie’s alike to offer information on the Connie and COG. My thanks goes out to all of the staff for their help, to Richard de Jong for setting up the booth and to Martin Schulz for supplying his beautiful 2002 Connie for display. (Sadly, Canadian Kawasaki was unable to source a C14 for us from a local dealer, but a good sign, actually!) In my estimation the show attendance was down this year, I figure by about 5-10%. Blame the weather (really cold) and a downturn in the sport in general and sport-touring in particular. Tastes are changing to adventure-style bikes for some and to cruisers for some unknown reason. Insurance is also a killer in the GTA in general, scaring off potential new, young riders who are essential for the health and growth of our sport. Nonetheless, interest in Connies new and old is still high. We had 32 people provide their contact info; I have contacted all of them and about a third have replied. I’ll follow-up with the others upon my return to Toronto. I hope a good number will join COG. John McClean, of our GTA East group in Oshawa, has done a noble act for the group and a charity we support. He has donated his ’86 Connie plus a bunch of spares and farkles to the group. The bike will be offered intact for starters, but if no takers it will be parted out and sold along with the spares and accessories. All proceeds will go to Cystic Fibrosis Canada, a charity the East group has taken to heart for very personal reasons. Thanks, John, for this wonderful gesture. We are hoping for a great sale and a stripped Connie!! Date is to be determined and posted to the calendar.

We’ll have our annual Tech Day sometime in May or June (the date will be posted to the calendar.) Last year’s was a lot of fun as we introduced about 10 owners to the fine art of C10 valve adjustment. Host Pete Jackson led the tutorials, taking a lot of the mystery out of the process. We might consider doing a C14 this year if it arrives with all of the Tupperware removed. And a set of shims. And the necessary tools. Maybe next year.... Finally and on a sad note, an acquaintance of mine, Bernie Gueldenstubbe, passed away in early January. I only met him a few times but he was well known and liked by the guys I usually ride with. There is a good and strong connection, however. Bernie rode a mint, candy red ‘92 ST1100. He sold it to my friend and former COGger Jim Lemke in 2002. That left Jim's old bike, an ‘86 C10, up for grabs so I bought it the following summer, supplanting my venerable ’81 Suzuki. I’ve been a Connie owner and COG member ever since. I’m now on my third C10, a mint 2006. So I have Bernie to thank, however tangentially, for the part he played in my step up to sport touring and the last 15 years of my motorcycling history, and for meeting all of you great folks! Thanks and Godspeed, Bernie! I'll be back to reality in two weeks. Mean spirited groundhogs notwithstanding spring is nigh and with it bike prep for the year ahead. Take it easy on those first rides. Wet sand mixed with road salt is like ballbearings in Teflon. Ride Safe! Dave

Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, PEI) This has been one of the weirdest winters that I recall. I seriously considered putting the battery back in my C14 this week Claude Doucet #9011 (Continued on page 5)

2018 - Issue #1

Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 4)

and go for a spin. Other than snow banks, we have had no snow on the ground at all for the last few weeks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm OK not having snow but I know all too well that this is just a tease and we will pay for it dearly somewhere down the road. We'll, the usual Moncton Motorcycle show that was suppose to be held in February has been cancelled. I wasn't totally surprised since last year I had noticed a decline in the size and quality of the show. Not a good indicator of the motorcycle scene in Atlantic Canada. March 2-4 is the Halifax Motorcycle and Powersport show; it's now the only motorcycle show in Atlantic Canada so my expectations are high. I had considered setting up a booth at the show to promote COG ,but I was surprised at the cost and how many hoops to jump through to make it happen. Come join me March 3rd for a bite and shop talk after the show. Check the calendar for all the details. Saturday May 5th is the yearly Bike Blessing in Truro, NS. It's on the calendar, too, so join me for a fun ride and event. Also don't forget about the Spring Fling in Wellsboro, PA May 17-20. I'm still undecided if I can attend, but for those who are lucky enough, it will surely be a great time. Take care Claude

Eastern Ontario

winter and will need installing, I can’t wait. Farkles and maintenance for the bike are great but we as riders need to remember we have been out of the saddle for months and will be rusty come that first ride. In years past I have a traditional ride that started out on slower roads with only slight curves. After several Km’s the speed and curves increased gradually. When I felt comfortable I turned north of the city and hit the highways. It was a perfect season start. By the time I got home I was feeling very comfortable riding but knew I was still rusty. Do what works for you at your own speed! Remember to watch out for the remaining sand/salt on the roads and especially on those corners. Spring pot holes also need to be watched for… they seem to get bigger and bigger every winter! We had a well-attended winter social at the Red Dot Café in Metcalf Ontario in early February. Much talk of the upcoming riding season and how we are surviving PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) and our extra cold winter! It’s been hard to even think about riding when we have had so many -40c (with wind chill) days in a row. In June I to ride again to Trenton to meet up with our Southern Ontario COG family at their Tech day, all are welcome. If you have an idea for a ride or meet up please suggest it, I would be glad to help. Hope to see you all out on our great roads of Eastern Ontario; I’ll be sure to wave!

Can you feel it? Spring is in the Derek air… well… its getting closer. Lots of snow and ice are still here but it has started to melt bit by bit. Time to start planning your spring maintenance Derek Pugh #11636 and farkling! I was able to get some maintenance done last fall but new farkles have arrived over the

2018 - Issue #1

Northeast PA Greetings from the North East PA Area. Today we held our first meet and greet of the season. Unfortunately due to rain yesterday and freezing temps overnight we were not able to George Griffith #6377 ride. But, we had a great breakfast at the Country Cupboard Inn in Lewisburg PA. This is a great restaurant and gift shop all combined. Only four of us today, but some of our group live some distance, and we're not able to attend.

After filling our bellies with many plates of great food ( all u can eat ) we got down to talking some COG business. Our next meet and greet and ride, weather permitting will be to Oley, PA for the vintage bike swap meet April 27th and 28th, but with the 27th being a Friday we will go Saturday the 28th. Details will be coming on the calendar, so mark the date. I am planning on having my Brats, Burgers and Beans event again this year at my river lot in Williamsport PA at a date to be determined. So that's about all from this neck of the woods, so if you are fortunate to be able to ride this early in the season, please ride safe. George


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

RIDE & EVENT SCHEDULE Time listed is START time. Visit for updates and more details. (MA) Sat February 24 11:30AM-2:00PM Start of the Year Social Get together with other members and the AADs to talk about planned events for 2018. Horseshoe Pub, 29 South St., Hudson, MA. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677 (DC) Sat February 24, 2:30-7:00PM Washington D.C. Motorcycle Show The Progressive International Motorcycle show features top industry manufacturers and the opportunity to view all the new models. Visit for details and to purchase tickets. Meet by the Concours in the Kawasaki booth at 2:30 and decide on a lunch destination. STEVEN SMITH H 203-720-7575 (CT) Sat March 3, 12:00 - 4:00 PM End of Winter Meet & Greet Lunch Due to popular demand, this event is being repeated. Meet a the Tavern 1757, 13 Roosevelt Dr., Seymour, CT for lunch, beverages and chatting. STEVEN SMITH H 203-720-7575 (MA) Sat March 3, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Factory Five Tour This is a combined event with COG and NER. Factory Five is the world’s largest manufacturer of component car kits. Join us at their factory at 9 Tow Rd., Wareham, MA for a tour of the facilities and find out how they design and manufacture these beauties. We’ll likely gather somewhere after for lunch. WAYNE GEISER H 978.851.2701 C 978.407.2619 (NS) Sat March 3, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Halifax Motorcycle and Powersport Meet N Greet Meet up after the show at Canadiana Restaurant, 15 Lakelands Blvd., Halifax, NS to have a bite to eat and talk about the show. Show information is here: CLAUDE DOUCET H 902.401.6821 (ON) Tue March 13, 6:30 PM South Central Ont. Meet & Greet 2nd Tuesday each month at Mohawk Inn, 9230 Guelph Lane, Campbellville, ON, just North of 401. All welcome. Many hungry people arrive earlier to get their dinner. A mainly

2018 - Issue #1

social function to meet other riders, shoot the breeze, plan rides. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 C 416.606.1683 (MD) Sun March18, 9:30 AM Crabcake Ride to Woody’s Crab House Meet at the Royal Farm Store, 1818 Baltimore Pike, Westminster, MD. Kick stands up at 10:00 AM for the ride to Woody’s. Be prepared to contend with some excellent seafood. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324 (ON) Mon March 19, 6:30 PM GTA East - Meet & Greet 3rd Monday EVERY MONTH at Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. East, Oshawa, ON. All welcome. Arrive early to kick tires and tell lies in the parking lot (weather permitting). A social function to meet other riders, discuss tech issues, shoot the breeze, and plan rides. DAVE PERKINS H 416.691.2191 C 416.606.1683

will end at Schaffer’s Canal House, 200 Bank St., Chesapeake City, MD. Route provided on request. CHUCK LANDIS M 717.324.8484 (MA/CT) Sat April 21, 11:30 AM Meet and Greet At Lowell’s Restaurant Join us for a meet and greet lunch in Mendon, MA at Lowells Restaurant, 75 Cape Rd, Mendon, MA. After lunch we will go on a ride to the Vanilla Bean in Pomfret, CT. GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 C 508.745.6677 (PA) Sun April 22, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Russell and Greg’s Favorite Backyard Roads Meet for breakfast at Dutch Country Restaurant, 946 Baltimore St., Hanover, PA, then tour some fine local roads ending at the Woodfire Kitchen in Hereford, MD for lunch. GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324

(MA) Sat April 28, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM NE Spring Tech Session and Gear/Part (MA) Sat March 31, 12:00 Noon Swap Meet and Greet at American BBQ Join hosts Pat, Sherry and Angel Mulloy at Join us for an early season Meet and Greet their home at 507 Old Wales Rd., Monson, for some BBQ lunch at The American BBQ, 5 MA, for the return of their annual tech sesRailroad Ave., Rowley, MA. The restaurant is sion. This session is very popular, so please at the corner of Route 1A and Railroad Ave. contact Greg or Pat in advance to reserve a GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 spot and to discuss requirements for tools C 508.745.6677 and supplies. Guests and on-lookers are welcome to join for lunch and conversation. (PA) Sun April 1, 9:00 - 11:00 AM GREG HABEL H 508.444.2235 Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride C 508.745.6677 Meet for breakfast and see thousands of PAT MULLOY motorcycles. Meet at the Cloister Post 429 fot he American Legion, 300 Cocalico St, (MA/NH) Sat, May 5, 8:00 AM Ephrata, PA. Come any time you like, but the Petey’s Seafood Lunch Ride COG schedule our event from 9:00 AM to Meet at Comets Diner. 22 Westford Rd., approximately 11:00 AM. We park towards Tyngsboro MA for breakfast then join me for the back top of the lot by the loading dock a ride out to the coast for lunch at Petey’s STEVEN RUTTER H 717.361.1189 Seafood Restaurant. Breakfast at 8 AM. Kickstands up at 9:00 AM. The route to PeC 717.468.0608 tey’s is about 65 miles on back roads, we should arrive just before Noon for lunch (MD) Sun April 8, 8:30AM - 2:00PM when they open. Kawasaki C14 Riders and Friend’s Ride KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 Meet for breakfast at the Union Bridge Fire Hall, 18 W. Locust St., Union Bridge, MD. Route sheets will be handed out for a 140 (NS) Sat, May 5, 9:30 AM mile self-guided ride that ends in Misty Ride to Bike Blessing eadows Farm. This ride takes you on some Ride to the Annual Bike Blessing at Victoria of the finest motorcycle riding roads in the Park, 29 Park Rd., Truro, NS. We'll Meet at area. Come out and show your support for Tim Hortons, 6739 Highway 2, Enfield, NS sport touring at its finest. next to the Irving Big Stop. Kickstands up at GREG PUTERBAUGH H 717.632.3324 9:30am. We'll take old Hwy 2 to Victoria Park in Truro NS. For anyone that wants to meet RUSSELL FLEMING H 443.375.1215 us in Truro, look for the group of Concours riders. Please arrive early at Victoria Park, the ceremony starts around noon. (PA/MD) Sat April 14, 8:30AM CLAUDE DOUCET H 902.401.6821 Forget Your Taxes Ride The ride leaves from the Sheetz at 1158 River Rd, Marietta, PA at 9:00 AM. The ride (Continued on page 7)


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS (Continued from page 6)

(PA) Sun May 6, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (See April 1st for details) (PA) Thu-Sun May 17-20 North East Area Spring Fling Rally Wellsboro has proven to be a great location for a NE Regional rally. Its central location is just a day ride or less for many members and offers great riding and sightseeing. The host town of Wellsboro is located in north central PA, along the famous Rte 6 corridor, not far from New York State's Finger Lake Region. It is well known for the old fashion gas street lights. The rally area is abundant with museums, wineries, terrific scenery, and of course... great roads. The group dinner will be in the Mary Wells Room at the historic Penn Wells Hotel. JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 C 814.615.9138 STEVEN SMITH H 203.720.7575

(MA) Sat June 30, 7:30 AM Bridge of Flowers Ride Join us for a visit out to the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne MA. This ride will start from a new breakfast place called The River City Diner, 68 Airport Rd, Fitchburg, MA. Meet for breakfast at 7:30 AM, ride leaves at 8:30AM out Rte 2 West to Wendell Depot then through Shutesbury, Leverette Town, Deerfield and parts west to the North Adams hair pin turn. After the hair pin turn, we’ll head East on Rte 2 to the Shelborne Bridge of Flowers and lunch. After lunch, the ride will end at the Townsend Creamery for a treat. KEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 (NY) Sat June 30 11:30 AM Big W BBQ Meet and Greet This is the annual COG NE pilgrimage to go for a ride and enjoy great BBQ. We will converge on Big W BBQ, 1475 Route 22, Wingdale, NY for some great eats. Keep in mind they open at 12:00 PM, but some folks get there a little early to meet & greet. STEVEN SMITH H 203-720-7575

on self-guided rides OR hang around Creekside. Last year’s ride was great. An evening cookout will be at 5:00. Overnight camping is available including outdoor shower & port-a-john facilities. Sunday will begin with breakfast served at 8:30, followed again by self-guided rides. Contact Jack for registration. JACK FREDERICK H 717.764.9091 C 717.361.1189 (VA) Fri - Sun, August 3 - 5 Dog Days Weekend, 2018 Staunton is the perfect launching pad for some of the best riding anywhere. The Blue Ridge Parkway is 17 miles from the hotel and several GREAT routes into WV start or are very close. There are local wineries and breweries for after hours. It is only a 3 block walk to the restored downtown area where there are many choices for food and beverages. Staunton is a great location to bring a non-riding spouse or partner! JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 C 814.615.9138

(MA) Sat August 4, 10:30 AM Ride to Submarine Nautilus We will leave Lowell’s Restaurant, 75 Cape TERRY FAHERTY H 718.227.2099 Rd., Mendon, MA at 10:30 AM and ride to the Vanilla Bean in Pomfret, CT for lunch. After . (PA) Fri -Sun June 8 -10, 12:00 PM lunch we will ride to the U.S.S. Nautilus Sub(PA/MD) Sat June 30, 9:30 AM 16th Annual BMW Rider Campout marine and Museum at One Crystal Lake Rd., Shady Maple Smorgasbord RTE A campout for all riders, sponsored by BMW Groton, CT. Parking and Entry to the Museum Meet at 9:30 AM (kickstands up at 10 AM) at Riders. The event takes place at Pioneer Park the back-parking lot Sheetz, 3281 Main St., are free. Campground, 273 Trent Rd., Somerset, PA. Manchester, MD (at the intersection of MD Rte LYLE COOPER H 508.923.9711 $50 registration includes 2 nights camping, 3 C 508.361.3451 30 and MD Rte 27.) The ride is 95 miles long meals, door prizes and self-guided route info. and takes about 3 ½ hours. The ride will take Contact Jason for registration and more deyou through some of Russell Fleming’s hidden (PA) Sun August 5, 9:00 - 11:00 AM tails. Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride back roads through PA Amish Country. JASON KAPLITZ H 814.615.9138 (See April 1st for details) RUSSELL FLEMMING H 443-375-1215 (VT) Sat August 11, 7: 15 AM (MA) Sat June 9, 7:30AM Vermont Sports Ride (PA) Sun July 1, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Quabbin Reservoir Ride Meet at Cliff’s Diner, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride Meet at Cliff’s Diner, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), Townsend MA for breakfast around 7:15 AM, (See April 1st for details) Townsend, MA for breakfast at 7:30 AM and then join us for a Vermont Sports Ride up USjoin a Group Ride out to the Quabbin Reser5 to Bethel VT, stopping for lunch at the Creek (NH) Sat July 7, 8:30 AM voir stopping for lunch at Antonio’s Pizza, 31 House Diner on Rte 107 in Bethel VT. After Newport Day Ride Federal Street (Rt-9), Belchertown, MA. Ride Join me for a ride up to Newport NH and lunch lunch we’ll ride down Rte 100 into Ludlow and leaves Cliff’s at 8:30am, please gas up before at the Fabulous 50’s Car Hop Drive-In. The south through Grafton picking up Rte 9 East in breakfast. Car Hop is an old fashioned out-door drive-in BrattleKEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 restaurant located on Sunappe Street in New- boro. Ride ends back port NH. Ride leaves from Cliff’s Restaurant, 268 Main St. (Rte 119), Townsend, MA at 8:30 in Town(TX) Mon-Thu June 11-14, 2018 send, MA. AM. pPease gas up before the ride. Ride will Three Sisters National Rally KEVIN end at the Tyngsboro Mobil-On-The-Run, The COG South Central Area folks, led by MARTIN H Westward Rd., easy access to Rtes 3 and South Central Area Director Craig Green and 495. Rally Master Fred Boothe, are pleased to inKEVIN MARTIN H 978.459.6275 vite all y’all to come on down to the Texas Hill Country for the 2018 Concours Owners Group “The Three Sisters” National Rally in Kerrville, (PA/MD) Sat - Sun July 14 - 15, 11:30 AM Texas. Please check the web site at http:// Creekside Grill ‘n Ride for all the By popular demand, the Creekside Grill 'n details Ride is again going to be a 2-day event with 978.459.6275 overnight camping. Arrive at 11:30 on Saturday with lunch served at noon. Spend the day (PA) Sun June 3, 9:00 - 11:00 AM Ephrata Bikers Breakfast and Ride (See April 1st for details)

2018 - Issue #1


Concours Owners Group NORTHEAST AREA NEWS

Event Reports Big Chill Meet and Greet It was rainy and foggy for the 2018 version of the Big Chill M&G hosted by Deb and Jack Frederick, but the place was warm and the food was awesome. Rain is so much better than blizzards, and of course the weather didn’t stop a Cogger from riding to the event, and we won’t deduct merit points based on the fact that it was on a Yamaha FJR. The meet and greet for the 20 attendees was just what the doctor ordered to clear away the midwinter non-riding season blues. Much of the conversation centered around bikes in a pieces, farkles, and upcoming events. As one person put it, “Nice party! Jack and Deb know how to do it right.” Steve Rutter

2018 N.E. Spring Fling Wellsboro, PA May 17 - 20, 2018 The Fling returns to Wellsboro after a 10 year hiatus! Always a favorite of COG and many other motorcycle groups. Wellsboro’s North Central PA location makes it a great destination for motorcyclist, offering great riding and a beautiful in-town setting. If you’ve not been to Wellsboro before, or it’s been awhile, I recommend these two websites to help you plan your trip: and Since this event was announced additional rooms have become available at the Penn Wells Lodge. Full lodging details can be found on the calendar page at the event’s website (NE Spring Fling 18). Rooms are limited and our block will be released April 17th. You can also find route suggestions and downloadable GPS files in the Member Area Library. I look forward to seeing many old friends and making new ones. BOOK THOSE ROOMS! Jason Kaplitz

photo courtesy Kevin Martin #145

Area Director

Naugatuck CT


Greg/Tracey Habel #7010 OPEN Bob Chappell #1283 Greg Puterbaugh #6163 Steven Rutter #9715 George Griffith #6377 OPEN Jim Ansbro #8443 Ben/Abbe Otunu #8594 Steve Cerutti #6763 OPEN Stephen Strock #10396 Terry Faherty #792 OPEN Dave Perkins #5932 Derek Pugh #11636 OPEN Christian Dupuis #10098 Claude Doucet #9011

AAD MA/VT/NH/ME AAD CT/RI AAD DelMarVa AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD S. Central PA/MD AAD Northeast PA AAD VA/WV AAD Southeast PA/Philly AAD W Hudson Valley NY AAD E Hudson Valley NY AAD Long Island NY AAD Central NY AAD Metro NY/NJ AAD Central NJ AAD Greater Toronto AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Eastern Ontario AAD Greater Montreal AAD Atlantic Canada

Hopedale MA


Claymont DE Hanover PA Elizabethtown PA Benton PA

302-791-0582 717-632-3324 717-361-1189 r 570-925-5010

Newtown PA Ellenville NY Copake Falls NY

215-805-0909 845-423-0373 914-953-4154

Syracuse NY Staten Island NY

315-492-6032 718-227-2099

Toronto ON Ottawa ON

416-691-2191 613-222-9554

Sainte-Martine PQ 450-427-0182 Middle Sackville NS 902-252-5062

Wayne Geiser #4627 Maryann Geiser #4627A

NE Webmaster NE Newsletter Editor

Tewksbury MA Tewksbury MA


978-851-2710 978-851-2710


Steven Smith #3184

2018 - Issue #1

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